Care Inspectorate publishes childcare statistics 2010

The Care Inspectorate today published “Childcare Statistics 2010” which presents new statistics on the provision and use of day care of children and childminding services registered with the Care Inspectorate as at 31 December 2010.

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Role of pharmacists to be reviewed

The role of pharmacists, such as in the care of residents in care homes, is to be reviewed.

The review of NHS Pharmaceutical Care of Patients in the Community will be carried out by Dr Hamish Wilson, a respected figure in primary and community healthcare, with support from Professor Nicholas Barber, a world leader in the field of pharmacy practice based at the School of Pharmacy, University of London.

Click here for more information.

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Voluntary recall of a type of Flu Vaccine called Preflucel

Most Flu vaccines supplied to care homes come from bulk stocks held within the GP Practice.

Baxter Healthcare Ltd has begun a voluntary recall of all batches of the influenza vaccine, Preflucel®.

This a precautionary measure taken because of a higher than expected frequency of reports of adverse reactions following use of this vaccine.

This vaccine should no longer be used and all stocks should be returned to the GP or Pharmacy who supplied them.

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Joint inspection of services to protect children and young people in Perth & Kinross Council

We have published our joint inspection report on the protection of children and young people in the Perth & Kinross council area.

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Guidance strengthened on handling allegations against school staff in Scotland

The Learning Directorate at Scottish Government have revised the current guidance on handling allegations against school staff in Scotland, currently contained in the Safe and Well Handbook (2005). This is in order to strengthen it with regard to the issues of confidentiality and unwanted publicity during investigations into allegations made against members of staff in schools.

Following consultation with stakeholders, they have now agreed a revised guidance note. This guidance note should now replace the existing guidance on allegations against staff contained in the A-Z section of the Safe and Well Handbook and sit alongside local authorities' locally agreed procedures for the investigation of allegations made against members of school staff.

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