Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Health Improvement Scotland are currently updating their Pressure Ulcer change package and measurement plan which was developed as part of the improvement programme from 2017, Reducing Pressure Ulcer in Care Homes. 

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Consultation on depriving and restricting liberty for children and young people position paper

We have developed a draft position paper for secure accommodation services, care homes for children and young people and school care accommodation services. We recognise that services are treading a delicate balance between taking necessary action to keep children and young people safe, whilst not unnecessarily restricting liberty. The draft paper aims to set out our attitude, expectation, and actions around the restriction and deprivation of liberty. This includes circumstances where children and young people may be deprived of their liberty, where their liberty is restricted, or where this is a risk through environmental design and/or care practices.

We’d be grateful to receive your feedback and comments on the draft paper. Visit our consultation platform to submit your views.

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Joint review of diversion from prosecution

A Joint Review of Diversion from Prosecution, published today, assesses the operation and impact of diversion from prosecution in Scotland.

The review, carried out jointly by HM Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland (IPS), HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS); the Care Inspectorate (CI) and HM Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland (HMIPS), looked at how the practice of diversion worked from a policing, prosecution and justice social work perspective and explored barriers to its more effective use. The report identifies a number of areas for improvement and has made 34 recommendations for the agencies involved and the Scottish Government.

You can read the review here. 

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Technology good practice guide

People in Scotland who experience care are increasingly relying on digital connectivity and technology to support their wellbeing and daily activities. We have published a technology good practice guide to:  

  • highlight good practice that supports good outcomes
  • help care services, their staff and Care Inspectorate staff to achieve positive experiences ofdigital technology to support care
  • support care providers to better understand and offer good quality digital engagement.

We are also hosting a webinar for all services on Tuesday 21 March 2023 from 14:00-15:30 via Microsoft Teams to formally launch the guidance and discuss how it can be used to support good practice. Participants will hear from three services about how they use technology to enhance people’s wellbeing. The SSSC will also share the digital skills resources they have for care staff. There will be opportunities to ask questions and interact with the speakers throughout the session.

You can register for this webinar here

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Joint inspection of adult support and protection in the city of Edinburgh partnership

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in the City of Edinburgh has found some strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported. 

However, inspectors also identified substantial areas for improvement. 

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