GGC invite you to a Dysphagia Masterclass with Care Home Dieticians & Chef George

Greater Glasgow & Clyde (GGC) invite chefs, cooks, nutrition champions, care home managers and Inspectors of care services to attend nutrition events that will focus on dysphagia management.

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NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are celebrating World Continence Week

NHS Greater Glasgow And Clyde are hosting world café events to discuss and debate key issues around supporting bladder and bowel health.

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The Sharing Intelligence for Health & Care Group Inaugural report

Healthcare Improvement Scotland have published "The Sharing Intelligence for Health & Care Group Inaugural report".

The group's aim is to provide a forum to identify potential or actual risks to the quality of health and social care and, initiate further action, where needed, in response to these risks and promote co-ordination of activity between the partner organisations. 

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National Care Standards Review - Update Bulletin (June 2016)

The latest Update bulletin on the progress towards the development of new National Care Standards has been published: 

More information can also be found at

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Dog Days – A Dementia Dog Project

The Physiotherapy Department are holding an event at Ailsa Hospital to introduce the Dementia Dog Project - Dog Days.  This will include aafternoon of demonstrations, relaxation and fun.

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