We are consulting on the latest draft of our staffing method framework for care homes for adults and invite you to take part in our survey.
This survey available to complete until Sunday 1 October.
As part of our Safe Staffing programme, the Scottish Government commissioned us to consult with a range of stakeholders and services about a staffing method for use in care homes for adults. This is to prepare services for the enactment of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 from 1 April 2024.
Since 2022, we have been developing a staffing method framework for care homes for adults, including testing an initial draft with 15 care homes. We have carried out extensive consultation at each stage of the development and included:
- online consultations and discussions with our staff
- consultations with partners and key stakeholders
- online consultation of the fourth draft.
At each stage the feedback and comments received throughout the development has been vital to inform each draft of the framework.
We want to know what you think about our latest draft of the framework and if you think staff and managers in care homes for adults across Scotland should use this.
You can read the latest draft on The Hub and complete the survey using the link below.
We also encourage you to share the framework and survey with colleagues and partners.
You can also access the survey on our consultation website, where you can login to see all our consultations across the Care Inspectorate and receive regular updates about the consultations you have taken part in. Sign up to our consultation platform here.