We have updated our guidance Nappy changing for early learning and childcare settings (excluding childminders). We know young children benefit from warm, sensitive and responsive interactions throughout their day. This includes their basic care needs such as nappy changing. We have further strengthened our understanding of the importance of infection prevention and control for children following the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent E.coli outbreaks across Scotland.
This updated guidance will help settings ensure they have appropriate facilities and equipment that provide young children with a suitable, safe, clean environment that promotes privacy and dignity.
This guidance sets out the minimum requirements for nappy changing. The Care Inspectorate will use this guidance to support positive outcomes for children when registering a setting or varying conditions of registration.
When we are in your setting undertaking scrutiny work, we may identify that improvements are needed to nappy changing facilities. To support positive outcomes for children, we will highlight areas for improvements or requirements to help you implement this best practice guidance.
We hope this updated guidance helps us all to support the safety and wellbeing of practitioners and children.