The Scottish Government has today published its response to the consultation on the inspection of early learning and childcare (ELC) and school age childcare services in Scotland, alongside the full report of the analysis of the consultation findings.
You can access the full consultation response on the Scottish Government’s website, as well as the analysis report.
The consultation received a wide range of responses, including from local authorities, trade unions, ELC and school age childcare representative and membership bodies, academic organisations, service providers, practitioners, the Inspectorates, and parents/carers.
Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland commitment to a shared inspection framework
The Scottish Government’s response to the consultation includes a joint statement from the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland thanking those who took the time to give their valuable feedback.
We will pay careful consideration to those views as we recognise the importance of listening to and working with the sector.
78% of respondents supported the development of a shared inspection framework and the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland welcome the opportunity to collaboratively develop this.
We are in the early stages of developing the shared framework and are committed to doing so in partnership with each other and in consultation with the sector. The statement outlines how we will take this work forward.