We are introducing a new Scrutiny Assessment Tool (SAT) to replace our current risk assessment tool (RAD) and our Covid-19 SAT.
The SAT is a trigger tool to identify indicators of potential concerns in services.
The SAT was developed using feedback from staff, information from our enforcement review, intelligence and learning from the pandemic and the Hull early indicators of concern (which has been widely adopted by the health and social care sector). We have tested the SAT tools with inspectors from registrations, complaints and inspection teams across ELC, CYP and adult teams.
There are two new documents:
- The New Registration SAT is, as it says, for new registrations only. This will be completed by the registration inspector at the point of registration. The New Registration SAT will remain in place until the point of the first regulatory activity. At this point, the inspector will create and complete the regular SAT.
- the SAT (replacing the RAD and Covid-19 SAT)
Each service will have a rating of high, medium or low which will help planning and inspection teams make decisions about what scrutiny action needs to be taken and when. Inspectors will also use their professional judgement and other information they have about the service, to inform the SAT. Any changes to the assessed ratings by the inspector have to be agreed with the inspector’s team manager to ensure the change is appropriate.
As this is a new tool, you may find that the SAT rating for your service has changed from the RAD. This is to be expected as the questions and assessment has been updated to take account of learning and research on what the key areas are that impact on services and indicate risk
After 28 October inspectors will begin the process of moving over to using the SAT.
A number of service types have, for the past year been using the Covid-19 SAT which we adapted specifically to respond to the risks during the pandemic. This will be replaced with the new SAT.
When the new SAT is completed will depend on your individual service. The RAD will remain in place until the SAT has been completed.
Going forward there are certain circumstances which will prompt a review of the SAT:
- At point of registration
- When complaints are received and/ or upheld
- When relevant variations are completed
- After receipt of either a concerning notification or where the Care Inspectorate is not satisfied with the services response.
- After protection issues
- Where large scale investigations or enforcement are happening
- After an inspection
- If none of the above happen at least once per (except for Early learning and childcare services that will be updated in line with their next inspections).