We have just published our good practice resource ‘Supporting better oral care in care homes’, which we have developed with the programme leads for Caring for Smiles and Open Wide oral health programmes.
People living in care homes are at a greater risk of oral health problems and related conditions because of high levels of dependency, co-existing medical conditions, effects of their medication, physical disabilities and dementia or other cognitive impairments.
This joint resource gives an overview of what quality care looks like in oral care for adults. It outlines good practice for care services and staff to measure themselves against and support them to improve. This new resource offers a wealth of good practice guidance, hints and tips, and useful links to guidance documents. It will also form part of our scrutiny toolbox for inspectors.
The resource is available to download here.
The below video is an introduction to the resource from Dr Leigh Deas, Caring for Smiles programme manager.
We will also be hosting a webinar in October to promote the resource and to help support staff use it in their day to day practice. The webinar will also give attendees the opportunity to find out more about Caring for Smiles and the newer oral health improvement programme, Open Wide, which supports adults with additional care needs who need help with daily oral care, including those residents in care homes.
Further information about the webinar will be published in the next few weeks.