Here is the ‘Foundations for Bairns’ Hoose (Scottish Barnahus)’ report, published to coincide with the Bairns’ Hoose (Scottish Barnahus) Standards symposium which is taking place today. We have developed this report jointly with our partners in Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Scottish Government.
The aim of the report is to highlight examples of current practice and models, particular areas of excellence and new research evidence and literature. This will inform the Standards Development Group which was set up in 2019 to shape and develop Barnahus (Bairns’ Hoose) standards for Scotland. The Barnahus model provides a safe, homely and therapeutic setting where children can give evidence and receive ongoing support. The model puts the rights of children first, limits the number of times they have to recount their experience to different professionals and provides all services under one roof, away from the hospital, police station and court. In Europe Barnahus is imagined as a house with four rooms, representing child protection, justice, health and recovery, and we have also used this to structure this report and the symposium.
Having been suspended during the pandemic, the Barnahus standards development project will recommence in October 2021 following today’s symposium. The foundations outlined in this report will inform a refreshed Standards Development Group, both in the evidence and in the policy which underpins the standards. We will strengthen our participation structures and ensure that we continue to be flexible, creative and to listen to the voices of children and their families and carers. It is our vision that children and their families and carers who access Bairns’ Hoose are safe, supported and listened to wherever they live.