We want to hear about how practitioners are helping children to learn and play in an active way.
We began developing the My Active World resource with the Scottish Government prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the resource is to inspire and motivate those who work with children to increase opportunities for children to be physically active across their day. We know that regular physical activity is good for everyone and that the early years are the best time to develop habits which will last right into adulthood. We want to encourage childcare settings to provide children with opportunities which will positively influence them to make active choices.
Active play is fun, inclusive and gives children choice. The benefits are wider than just increased physical activity – it also helps to improve children’s academic skills, confidence, builds resilience and motivates them to develop healthy lifestyles.
We are particularly keen to hear from providers who have increased children’s activity as a result of the changes in provision during this challenging time. By sharing experiences for children in ELC settings including childminding and school aged childcare this resource aims to encourage and inspire people working with young children to provide a wide variety of opportunities to learn and play in an active way both indoors and outdoors from the earliest age.
If you would like to share your experiences with us, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 31 July 2021