On 23 March we launched our new digital portal for registered care services. A key aspect of theportalwas changing the method of applying to request a change to the details of the provideror service. This was previously undertaken within our eForms system.
We hold a register of all care services details. To ensure the register is as accurate as possible, the ability to apply to request changes are an important feature of our new digital portal. A full list of what you can apply to change is available in appendix A below.
Since launch, we have received feedback that the process could be improved to deliver a better ‘user’ experience. Currently, providers or care service managers, have to complete all pages in the form fully, with accurate information.
We have realised this has caused some difficulties for people applying to request changes and has proved a challenge if you don’t have the up-to-date information to hand. This is being requested as our systems at the point of transfer did not have full accurate data that was current in our older systems. By asking you to complete these sections we are making sure we are updating the data held at every opportunity. If a field is blankon the form this means we do not have easy access to that information from our previous systems or on the portal and we need you to update your record with the correct information please.
If possible, please update the blank sections. We have identified the mandatory fields that we you need to complete. If your information has been entered, please update the records if it is not correct. We will ensure we populate this wherever possible.
There is the ability to update some information using the ‘self-service’ function which does not require approval by the Care Inspectorate. This functionality remains the same and will not change. A list of ‘self-service’ functions is available in appendix B below.
Based on your feedback, on Friday 23 April we will make changes to improve how you can apply to request a change of details. Registered users will be able to make changes within sections of the form with you selecting the section you want to request a change.Guidance will be available on launch of the changes.
You will be able to select the relevant section of the form if you are requesting a change to the provider details such as:
details of the principal contact
an update to the relevant individual providing the service.
a change to service details such as the FTE staff
you want to request an update to the manager or a change of manager.
This will ensure you provide only the details relevant to the change you are requesting simplifying applying to change your details.
We will continue to make further changes to the forms to improve your experience of requesting changes particularly around the details requested in the form. This will focus on updating the sections of the provider details and change of manager sections of the form that will improve your experience of the form further.
Appendix A - Amend manager, provider or service details
The table below lists the changes that can be requested in the ‘Amend manager, Provider or Service details form. Once submitted, the changes will be reviewed by your inspector who may contact you for more information before the details are updated.
Change |
Section |
Page |
Manager details (including change of manager) |
Manager details |
Change of a manager |
People living on the premises |
Service details |
Other people living at the premises |
Provider address |
Provider details |
Details of a provider |
Provider name |
Provider details |
Details of a provider |
Relevant individuals / change of board or committee members |
Provider details |
Details of relevant individuals |
Service address (non-premises based service only) *premises based services should apply to vary conditions |
Service details |
Service name and contact details |
Service name |
Service details |
Service name and contact details |
Appendix B - Amend contact details or staffing information
Change |
Page name |
Invoicing contact details |
Invoicing contact details |
Principal office address (Organisation only) |
Details of provider |
Principal person for correspondence (Organisation only) |
Principal person for correspondence |
Provider email address |
Details of provider |
Provider telephone number |
Details of provider |
Service email address |
Service name and contact details |
Service telephone number |
Service name and contact details |
Whole-time equivalent (WTE) number of staff |
Staffing |