The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 received Royal Assent in June2019.
The legislation makes provision for the development of a workforce tool or guidance and resources to support safe and effective staffing in care homes. We have responsibility to lead on this work through the Safe Staffing project.
The Act brings into legislation guiding principles for those who commission and deliver health and care, which explicitly states that staffing is to provide safe and high-quality services and to ensure the best health care or care outcomes for people experiencing care. While this is the main purpose, health and care services should promote an efficient, effective and multidisciplinary approach which is open with and supportive of staff.
The Act places a statutory duty on care service providers to ensure that, at all times, suitably qualified and competent individuals are working in such numbers as are appropriate for the health, wellbeing and safety of people using the service, and the provision of high-quality care. Providers are also required to ensure staff are appropriately trained for the work they perform.
Our Safe Staffing Project Team will be facilitating three online engagement events for providers, managers and staff working in care homes for older people in Scotland. We are particularly keen for staff who have a role in making decisions about staffing in their care home to attend one of these sessions. All care homes for older people will be sent an email invite to register for one of the events.
The purpose of the events is to:
- raise awareness of the Health and Care (Staffing)(Scotland) Act 2019
- hear about the safe staffing project and wider programme of work
- provide an opportunity to hear your views and experiences to help inform the work of the project.
Save the date for our webinars
10 March |
2pm- 4pm |
16 March |
12-2pm |
19 March |
10am -12 |
Prior to these events we will be sending out a survey to hear more about your views and experiences related to staffing in your service.
Contact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.