Our vision in our Corporate Plan 2019-22 is clear. We want world-class social care, social work and early learning and childcare in Scotland, where every person, in every community, experiences the best care and support, tailored to their rights, needs and wishes.
We have considered a number of key drivers in the development of our strategic plan.
Understanding these drivers, and what they mean for our future workforce requirements, has informed our work to identify the main priorities for this plan. The key drivers identified are outlined in the sections below.
- Care Inspectorate Corporate Plan 2019-22
- Our new business model
- Enhanced collaboration and strategic partnerships
- Flexible, creative and collaborative workforce models
- Pace of change
- A confident, competent workforce
- Our values
- Defining the Care Inspectorate as an employer of choice
- Our workforce profile
- Employee survey
We are at the forefront of providing public assurance on the quality of care while supporting innovation and improvement across integrated health and social care, social work, early learning and childcare and community justice.
Our values drive everything we do, keeping us passionate and focused on person-centred care and our contribution to world-class care. Working together in an energetic and values driven way helps us to achieve our core purpose. We have five key values that we practice and demonstrate, these are:
- person-centred: we will put people at the heart of everything we do
- fairness: we will act fairly, be transparent and treat people equally
- respect: we will be respectful in all that we do
- integrity: we will be impartial and act to improve care for the people of Scotland
- efficiency: we will provide the best possible quality and public value from our work.
To download the document or see our delivery acton plan for 2019-2022 click here.