We are developing new ways of inspecting the quality of care and support, to help support improved services for people experiencing care.
In July 2018, we began introducing new frameworks for inspection and self-evaluation. We are developing new frameworks across the range of services which we regulate. You can find the published frameworks here, and more detail about how we use frameworks on inspection here.
We are now testing the draft frameworks in inspections for care at home, housing support and combined care at home/housing support services and we would like your feedback. We have developed one framework for care at home and supported living models of service, and another for stand-alone housing support services. These frameworks have been developed in consultation with providers, people who experience care, umbrella bodies and membership organisations. We have held a number of events across the country to look at what is important to people using these services and to ensure that we are developing quality illustrations that reflect good practice, legislation and the range of support provided. They are designed for use in self-evaluation, inspection, and improvement support, and draw heavily on the new Health and Social Care Standards. The frameworks use a series of key questions and quality indicators to help prompt reflection on the quality of care provided. They provide illustrations of what we believe constitutes ‘very good’ and ’weak’ care and support in relation to each quality indicator. The quality frameworks also provide information about how we gather evidence on an inspection and include links to relevant improvement resources.
Download a copy of our quality framework for support services (care at home, including supporting living models of support) here.
Download a copy of our draft quality framework for housing support and offender accommodation services here.
Once you have looked at the draft quality framework please let us know your views by completing our survey here by Friday 31 January 2020.