Our draft quality framework for early learning and childcare services is now available, you can access it here http://bit.ly/DraftQualityFramework-ELC.

We would like to invite you to comment on the draft quality framework, please complete this short survey by Friday 6 December 2019: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ZBBFGZY.

We have developed this framework for all services across the early learning and childcare sector including nurseries, playgroups, family centres, childminders and out-of-school care. We are consulting online and holding consultation events across the country. We want to ensure the framework reflects issues relevant to the sector and important areas of practice that will support high-quality play and learning experiences for all children.

This Early Learning and Childcare Framework sets out the elements that will help us answer key questions about the difference the quality of the service provided makes to children’s outcomes and experiences.  The primary purpose of a quality framework is to support services to evaluate their own performance. This framework is then used by our inspectors to provide independent assurance about the quality of care and learning. By setting out what we expect to see in high-quality early learning and childcare provision, we can also help support improvement. Using a framework in this way develops a shared understanding of what constitutes good care, learning and support. It also supports openness and transparency in the inspection process.

The framework is intended for all service types and for children from babies to those attending care settings such as nurseries, family centres, childminders, play groups and out- of-school care settings. 

Here is a reminder of the consultation events we are running.

Please contact Jane McIntosh at Jane.McIntosh@careinspectorate.gov.scot to request a place at any of the following events, indicating your preference for morning or afternoon. 

  • Tuesday 12 November 2019 at the Doubletree by Hilton Glasgow Central,36 Cambridge Street, Glasgow,G2 3HN. 
  • Wednesday 13 November 2019 at the Doubletree by Hilton Aberdeen City Hotel, Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen, AB24 5EF. 
  • Tuesday 19 November 2019 at the Best Western Plus Inverness Lochardil House Hotel, Stratherrick Road, Inverness, IV2 4LF. 
  • Wednesday 27 November 2019 at Tynecastle Park, Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 2NL.
  • The event on Tuesday 3 December at Kirkwall Hotel, Harbour Street, Kirkwall, Orkney has been cancelled and will be rescheduled to January 2020.

We're also holding two additional events for childminding services. Dates to follow.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to welcoming you to one of the events.