Invitation to Living Well: Expert Seminar on Social Care.
The Living Well project is designed to bring together key partners, stakeholders and people living with HIV to discuss key issues facing older people living with HIV, and design creative solutions to meet the needs of people as they age with HIV, to ensure they live and age well.
When: Friday 1st November, 13:00 – 17:00
Where: 18 York Place, Edinburgh or Live Webcast
This Expert Seminar will look at how we can create Stigma-free Social Care services for people living with HIV as they age. The National AIDS Trust (NAT) and the Care Inspectorate, who will launch their “Indicators of Good Practice for People Living with HIV in Social Care, will also be in attendance.
We’d be delighted if you could join us in Edinburgh for this event, although spaces are limited so please register soon. You may wish to share this among your networks, or on social media. There will also be a live stream so you can join us from wherever you are in Scotland to take part.
You can register for either option on our website here.
If you’re already registered, just treat this email as a reminder. If you can no longer attend, please let us know so that we can offer your place to someone else.
This event is supported by Gilead Sciences Ltd who provided funding as part of the HIV Age Positively Programme, and from The Corra Foundation's Henry Duncan Grant. Neither funder has had any input in to the content and/or presentations that will be used in this meeting.