A reminder from the Care Inspectorate for services to submit their annual return before 15 February
Each year, we ask services to complete an annual return questionnaire. This tells us about the structure and operation of services and helps us to plan, inform and carry out inspections. The questionnaire also gives valuable insight into the overall state of care in Scotland, which we share with other organisations, such as the Scottish Government and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).
Annual returns opened online at eforms.careinspectorate.com on 4 January and are closing soon, on 15 February.
Our website careinspectorate.com has important information about the annual returns and answers to frequently asked questions under ‘Annual returns’ in the ‘Professionals’ section. If an answer to a question can’t be found there, services can call the Care Inspectorate’s contact centre on 0345 600 9527.
If a service was registered on or after 1 October 2018, they should try to complete an annual return this year. Although it’s not mandatory for these services, any information supplied will be used by us and the organisations we share information with. The information they put in will automatically appear in the next annual return and they will only need to enter any information that has changed.
Please note that inactive services must submit an annual return.
Services can log into their Care Inspectorate eForms account from any computer connected to the internet. If they need help accessing their annual return, they can call the Care Inspectorate’s contact centre on 0345 600 9527.