Physical activity is absolutely key in maintaining good health and well being. Over the past year care homes across Scotland were given the Go For Gold Challenge to encourage care home residents and staff to be more physically active.
Many care homes took part and organised fantastic events where residents and staff took part not matter what age or what ability.
Here is the opportunity to take part in a different challenge called 5 x 50.
This challenge asks you to run, walk or cycle 5km a day for a week - you may think this is too difficult for residents and staff in a care home but think again!!
You could sign up for this challenge as a whole care home and add up the walking, running or cycling that each person in the care home does on a day. It may be residents can walk to the dinner table or the length of a corridor, whilst staff may cycle to work or run during their break - these distances can all be added together to try to hit the target of 5km a day.
This is a great opportunity to highlight again the importance of physical activity in the care sector - why don't you rise to the challenge and sign up today for 5x50 which starts on the 23rd of November 2012. You can use the link below to register your care home as part of the Care Inspectorate team or sign up your own individual team.
Let the challenge begin.