Childcare Choices logo CMYK 300dpiA new website has been launched, which provides information on the new and existing Government childcare offers: The website has been especially designed for parents as a quick and simple way of seeing which schemes could provide support for their families.

Tax-Free Childcare is one of the new Childcare Choices offers. This will be introduced on 28 April and gradually rolled out over 2017, with parents of children under two invited to enter the scheme first, through the government’s new digital childcare service.

The website also includes the Childcare Calculator for parents to compare the government’s childcare offers and check what works best for their families.

And, through the site, parents can pre-register for email alerts that will notify them when they can apply for Tax-Free Childcare.

Childcare providers need to sign up in order to receive Tax-Free Childcare payments from parents. Letters are being sent to all registered childcare providers who have yet to sign up to remind them there is still time to do so.