The Care Inspectorate has signed up to support the Scottish Care Leavers Covenant. The Covenant calls on all corporate parents and others with an interest in Scotland’s care leavers

• to endorse the principles of the Covenant.
• to commit to working for real change in the lives of care experienced young people.
• to improve their support, opportunities and outcomes.

Karen and covenant master fileKaren Reid, Chief Executive, said 

"I welcome the opportunity to support and endorse the Scottish Care Leavers Covenant and Agenda for Change, and its principles and actions.

“Improving outcomes for looked after young people and care leavers is a collective responsibility and the Care Inspectorate is committed to working in partnership to support Scotland’s corporate parents to ensure that our looked after children, young people and care leavers benefit from the highest quality of care.

“We are committed to supporting the consistent implementation of good practice, working alongside providers and practitioners to drive continued improvement of care, to raise standards and expectations and to make Scotland the best place for children to thrive and grow up. The Scottish Care Leavers Covenant offers a clear and engaging framework to bring consistent to practice for young people transitioning from care and for their continued support into adulthood."

You can find out more about the Scottish Care Leavers Covenanet at