Following the recent Early Learning and Childcare Workforce Review, the Scottish Government asked the Care Inspectorate to lead a project to develop a framework for quality childminding in Scotland today.

This project recognises and values the unique form of childcare provided by professional childminders.

It aims to establish a learning and development pathway which will take a potential childminder from induction to career professional. By setting out a framework for quality childminding this will also serve as a tool for registered childminders to help develop their service, encourage reflective practice and enhance their own learning and development.

Childminders and potential childminders will be able to use this framework to evidence their commitment to providing a quality service for the children and families they care for.

The framework will set out quality statements which will be developed in partnership with childminders and use real life examples to demonstrate and celebrate the uniqueness of childminding as a professional childcare service.


The project lead, Tracey Joyce, is looking for childminders who would like to be involved in this project by advising, commenting or taking part in focus groups. The involvement of childminders in shaping this pathway will be key to its success. By telling us what potential childminders need to know you will help make this relevant and valuable.

If you would like to contribute, please contact who will be in touch about how you can be involved.

Look out for the short survey we will be sending out in the next few weeks.