The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has launched a consultation on the draft Standard for Foster Care and accompanying guidance. The consultation aims to gather the views of everyone involved in providing and supporting foster care services in Scotland.

The Standard for Foster Care will support the crucial and often life changing service foster carers provide for Scotland’s children and young people. It will provide a national accredited approach to training and development that will provide the opportunity for: 

  • more joint working between fostering
  • agencies - less duplication of training - improved access to learning and
  • support - learning that foster carers can take
  • with them to other agencies or careers.

The consultation explains how the SSSC will introduce a new framework of learning and development opportunities for foster carers and asks questions to help us implement the new

The consultation closes on 15 August 2016.As well as the online consultation we are running workshops for foster carers and others involved in foster care during the consultation period.

To complete the consultation and find out more about the Standard for Foster Care visit the SSSC website.

If you have any queries on the consultation or the workshops please contact David Purdie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.