You can download factsheets about the UK National Prevention Mechanism and read their recently published Annual Report for 2013/14
The National Prevention Mechanism (NPM) is made up of 20 independent bodies with powers to inspect regularly all places of detention in the UK. The Care Inspectorate is a member of the NPM with responsibility for inspecting secure accommodation services for children and young people across Scotland.
The Care Inspectorate has a statutory responsibility for the inspection of criminal justice social work services under the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010. We are also responsible for the inspection of offender accommodation services and secure accommodation for children and young people, along with other social care facilities where people may be deprived of their liberty.
Secure accommodation services provide secure living, care and education to children and young people who may present a danger to themselves or others. Children and young people are placed in secure accommodation through either the children’s hearing system or courts. The children and young people who are admitted, whether for welfare or offending reasons, are among the most vulnerable and challenging in Scotland. There are five registered secure care accommodation services in Scotland and we inspect these on a minimum base frequency of twice per year.
NPM Factsheet - Introducing the UK NPM
NPM Factsheet - The first five years of the UK NPMNPM Factsheet - The first five years of the UK NPM