The Care Inspectorate has a duty to work towards equality. Putting people at the heart of everything we do and meeting people with fairness and respect are values which underpin all our work.
We are reviewing our approach to equality by developing new policies and outcomes and we want your views about how we develop these.
We would appreciate it if you would complete this short consultation by Friday 6 March 2015.
You can access the consultation here
In April 2013 we published "Towards Equality" and "Equality Outcomes 2013-2017". These documents set out our approach to meeting the Public Sector Equality Duty. Since that time there have been a number of changes across the organisation, including our organisational structure and "Corporate Plan". We are also currently reviewing our inspection methodologies.
The results of this consultation will be used to inform our new Equality Outcomes. The results and our response will be published within our "Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report".
If you want to discuss the consultation further or our approach to equality, please contact Linda McKenna, Equalities and Engagement Adviser on 01698 897859 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.