Grandholm Care Home

AN Aberdeen care home has been told it must improve the care it provides to residents, following an unannounced inspection by Scotland’s social care watchdog.  

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Help to improve social landlord services.

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has set up a National Panel to hear about service users’ priorities and views. The National Panel is open to anyone who uses social landlord services - the SHR is keen that the Panel membership represents all parts of the community, and provides an accurate picture of service users’ experiences and views.

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Campaign to help older residents keep active.

A THOUSAND care homes in Scotland are being asked to join a campaign to support physical activity for older residents. 

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Care Inspectorate welcomes new Board members

Scotland's social care watchdog, the Care Inspectorate, has today welcomed the appointment of three new members to its board.

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Thornwood Out Of School Service.

SCOTLAND’S social care watchdog has demanded urgent changes at a Glasgow out of school care service.

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