Health Protection Scotland have advised incidences of Norovirus are unusually high for this time of year.
Notification of infectious outbreaks to the Care Inspectorate during the week beginning 23 April 2012 are also high with many reports from care homes suggestive of Norovirus.
Prompt action can reduce potential spread to other service users, visitors and staff and advice to Care Homes is:
1. Follow the guidance in the Health Protection Scotland document 'General information and infection prevention and control precautions to prepare for and manage norovirus in care homes'
2. Put control measures in place as soon as possible to reduce potential spread. Remember to keep people using services and their visitors, friends and family informed. Make sure everyone knows where to wash their hands on entering and leaving the care home.
3. Notify the local Health Protection Team (Public Health) and the Care Inspectorate immediately.
4. Keep a note of what worked well and what could have been done better, so that lessons can be learnt and feedback given to all concerned.
Please remember that this virus can affect children and staff in childcare settings too.