The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS), Shared Care Scotland, Coalition of Carers in Scotland and the Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project (MECOPP) have published a report ‘Rest assured? A study of unpaid carers’ experiences of short breaks’.
This involved a Scotland-wide survey, focus groups and interviews.
The report explored, from the carers’ perspective, the benefits of short breaks (provided by formal services and family and friends), good practice in planning and provision, and areas for improvement.
The report of this research completes a two-part project that was undertaken to improve overall knowledge and understanding of short breaks provision in Scotland 'It's about time: An overview of short break planning and provision in Scotland' (Shared Care Scotland/Reid Howie) which was published in 2010.
The full report and executive summary are available on the IRISS website.