A day care service in Uddingston must make urgent improvements in the care experienced by children, inspectors have said.

The Care Inspectorate has issued an improvement notice to Happy Days Out of School Care following an inspection which identified significant concerns. The inspection report will be published on the Care Inspectorate website in due course.

The improvement notice, which can be read here, outlines the areas which must improve.

The provider must demonstrate that the manager of the service has the skills, knowledge and expertise to manage the service effectively.

They must also ensure that the manager has undertaken identified training and that the impact of their training results in children being safe whilst being cared for in the service.

The welfare and safety of all children when escorted to the service must also be ensured.

There must be suitably recruited and competent individuals working within the care service to meet the safety, health and wellbeing needs of all children at all times.

Finally, the provider must ensure all children’s medication and health needs are considered and planned for.

A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: “We understand this is a difficult and distressing time for children who attend the service, their families and staff at the service. 

“However, our first priority is always the health and wellbeing of children. 

“We are in contact with and monitoring the service to follow up on the required improvements. 

"If we are not satisfied that sustained improvement has been made we will not hesitate to take further action. 

"Anyone with a concern about a service can contact us on 0345 600 9527."