
We are committed to consulting with all our stakeholders about our work.  We value your thoughts and welcome any comments that you have. 

Sign up to our consultation platform to stay up to date with all our open consultations. 

Open consultations

Help us improve our equality outcomes

We are currently consulting on our equality outcomes for 2025-2029 under the Public Sector Equality Duty. Your feedback plays a vital role in shaping our equality outcomes and improving social care and social work services in Scotland. Take part in this consulation here.

Closed consultations

Shared inspection framework for ELC services including childminding and school-aged childcare

The Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland are working together to progress the development of a shared inspection framework. We would like to thank all those who took time out of their very busy schedules to complete the consultation and provide valuable feedback to support the ongoing development of the shared inspection framework. We are working to address the feedback and issues raised in the consultation as we move forward in developing the shared framework. We remain committed to delivering a shared framework for the sector in September 2024.

Depriving and restricting liberty for children and young people in care home, school care and secure accommodation services

We would like to thank everyone who responded to the above consultation. We recognise that services are treading a delicate balance between taking necessary action to keep children and young people safe, whilst not unnecessarily restricting liberty.  Our new position paper aims to set out our attitude, expectation, and actions around the restriction and deprivation of liberty in care home, school care and secure accommodation services.  This includes circumstances where children and young people may be deprived of their liberty, where their liberty is restricted, or where this is a risk through environmental design and/or care practices. You can see the paper here.

Staffing method framework

We would like to thank everyone who responded to the above consultation. We will review this feedback and issue a repsonse shortly.

Mainstream Boarding Schools and School Hostels Design Guide

We would like to thank everyone who responded to the above consultation. We will review this feedback and issue a repsonse shortly.

Review of our Technology and Digital Opportunities Guide

We would like to thank everyone who responded to the above consultation between March 21 and April 11 2021. You can review the feedback from this consultation here.

Corporate Plan 2022-25

We would like to thank everyone who responded to the above consultation between October 26 and November  28 2021. We will review this feedback and issue a repsonse shortly. 

Draft policy position in relation to registration, and variation of existing conditions, for services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autistic adults where support is linked to accommodation

We would like to thank everyone who responded to the above consultation between November 8 and December 5 2021. You can review the feedback from this consultation here.

Care Homes for Adults – The Design Guide and Care Homes for Children and Young People – The Design Guide

We would like to thank everyone who responded to the above consultation between 21 June and 19 July 2021. You can review the feedback from this consultation, and our response to the feedback below:


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Recruitment banner volunteering blank

Become a young inspection volunteer

We inspect care and social work services to make sure they are high quality and meet the needs of people who use them.  We believe we can make care better by working with people who have personal experience of care.

Our involvement and equalities charter outlines how we involve people who use care services and informal carers in our work.

If you have personal experience of using a service or you have cared for someone close who has used a service, there are many ways you can get involved with us.  You do not have to have any qualifications. You must be aged between 18-27 to apply. 

Training dates 

We are holding training on the followiung dates: 

Week 1:

  • Tuesday 13 August
  • Wednesday 14 August
  • Thursday 15 August

Week 2:

  • Wednesday 21 August
  • Thursday 22 August

Applicants must be available to attend all training dates. 

How to apply

You can apply to become a young inspection volunteer by completing our application form:

  • online (Microsoft Forms)
  • by printing a paper copy (PDF) and posting it to Participation and Equalities Team, Compass House, 11 Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD1 4NY
  • or we can support you to submit an application. 

For more information you can download our information leaflet.

Hear what some of our young inspection volunteers said below.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a young inspection volunteer, need help to complete the application form or would like us to post you an application form - please email Julie Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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About us

The Care Inspectorate is a scrutiny body which supports improvement. That means we look at the quality of care in Scotland to ensure it meets high standards. Where we find that improvement is needed, we support services to make positive changes.

Our vision is that everyone experiences safe, high-quality care that meets their needs, rights and choices.

Our 600 staff work across Scotland, specialising in health and social care, early learning and childcare, social work, children’s services, and community justice.

Find an office near you.

Meet our Board and our senior leadership team.

We inspect individual care services

We register more than 11,000 registered care services in Scotland and our inspectors visit every one. Higher-risk services are inspected more often. Our inspectors talk to people using the service, staff and managers. We want to make sure that people experience high-quality care, and that care services are making a positive impact on people’s lives, based on their needs, rights and choices.

We give care services grades when we inspect them, and look at key areas like care and support, physical environment, quality of staffing, and quality of management and leadership. Each area of each care service is assessed on a scale from 1 to 6, where 1 in unsatisfactory and 6 is excellent. After every inspection, we publish an inspection report showing our findings, which is helpful if you are using service or thinking of doing so.

We inspect how care is provided across areas

We work with other scrutiny and improvement bodies to look at how local authorities, community planning partnerships and health and social care partnerships are delivering a range of services in their communities across Scotland. These inspections look at how well services are working together to support positive experiences and outcomes for people. This helps partnerships understand what is working well, and what needs to improve. You can read our joint inspection reports here.

Supporting improvement and driving up standards

Our job is not just to inspect care, but help the quality improve where needed. This means we work with services and support them, offering advice, guidance and sharing good practice to help care reach the highest standards. You can find lots of advice for care professionals on our dedicated website, The Hub.

We want everyone to experience high-quality care that meets their individual needs. Scotland’s Health and Social Care Standards describe what people should expect from care. The Standards are what we refer to when we are assessing how well care is performing.

What if things are not good enough?

If we find that care isn’t good enough, we take action. We can make recommendations for improvement and issue requirements for change and check these have happened. If a care service doesn’t improve, we can carry out enforcement action including, as a last resort, closing it down subject to the decision of a sheriff.

If you think a care service isn’t good enough you can share your concern or make a complaint to us. Find out more about concerns and complaints here.

The Scottish Regulators’ Strategic Code of Practice

The Care Inspectorate is required by the Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 to follow the Scottish Regulators’ Strategic Code. The Code is issued by the Scottish Ministers and sets out the approaches we should take in dealing with those we regulate. We comply with the requirements of the Code in all that we do, ensuring that we always prioritise the safety, health and wellbeing of vulnerable people over commercial or business interests. 

Care services in Scotland must be registered with the Care Inspectorate and a broad range of the individuals who work in those services must be registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).  You can find more information about the SSSC on their website


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Our staff

Our workforce is highly skilled and experienced in all aspects of social care.  Over 600 staff work across Scotland, inspecting thousands of services. 

Our inspectors work in specialist national teams that allow best practice to be shared across the country.  We also want to make sure that the people inspecting care services have frontline experience in the same sector.

We believe that people in Scotland should experience a better quality of life as a result of accessible, excellent services that are designed and delivered to reflect their individual needs and promote their rights.

Our values are:  

1. Person-centered: we will put people at the heart of everything we do

2. Fairness: we will act fairly, be transparent and treat people equally

3. Respect: we will be respectful in all that we do

4. Integrity: we will be impartial and act to improve care for the people of Scotland

5. Efficiency: we will provide the best possible quality and public value from our work

6. Equality: we will promote and advance equality, diversity and inclusion in all our work and interactions

Our 11 offices are based throughout the country from the Borders right up to the Shetlands Isles. Find an office near you.

It is important to remember that all Care Inspectorate staff carry identification and you should ask to see this.  If you are not sure of the person who has called or visited you, you should call us on 0345 600 9527 to confirm their identity.

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