This page shows details of all currently registered services.
Case Number | Service Name | Service Type | Date of Registration | Address 1 | Address 2 | Address 3 | Address 4 | City | Postcode | Telephone No | Fax No | Manager Name | Manager Email | Manager Telephone No | Provider ID | Provider | Service Status |
CS2014331377 | 'School's Out' - Bargarran | Day care of children | 13-07-2015 | Bargarran Primary School | Barrhill Road | Erskine | PA8 6BX | 03003 001 447 | Scott Paterson | | SP2014012362 | School's Out Centres Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014331378 | 'School's Out' - Barsail | Day care of children | 13-07-2015 | Barsail Primary School | Park Moor | Erskine | PA8 7HL | 07876 701 467 | Maureen McCallum | | SP2014012362 | School's Out Centres Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003008902 | (Torridon Education Group's) Little Learners | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 23a King Street | Lossiemouth | IV31 6PZ | 01343 813 342 | Lauren Hayward | | SP2003001914 | Torridon Education Group Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018368783 | 10 Ramsay Gardens | Care Home Service | 06-11-2019 | Leslie | Glenrothes | KY6 3NG | 03451 555 555 | Paige Barclay | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000319 | 12 Carronhall | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 12 Carronhall | Stonehaven | AB39 2QF | 01569 767 207 | Kirsty Clarke | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014132 | 122 Ashton Road | Care homes for children and young people | 06-12-2002 | 122 Ashton Road | Inverness | IV2 3UX | 01463 716 580 | David Harrison | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2020000023 | 123 Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2003001248 | 137 Arkleston Road | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 137 Arkleston Road | Paisley | PA3 4TH | 01416 185 090 | Lillian Gallacher | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000242 | 153 Victoria Street | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 7BJ | 01224 775 232 | Sharon Francis | | SP2003000018 | Archway (Respite Care & Housing) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000314 | 16 Auchmore Road | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Ellon | Ellon | AB41 9QG | 01358 723 138 | Toni Smith | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013322518 | 16 Barlink Road | Support services - care at home | 02-04-2014 | 16 Barlink Road | Elgin | IV30 6HL | 01343 548 622 | Kate McClue | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2012306398 | 16 Barlink Road, Elgin | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-10-2012 | 16 Barlink Road | Elgin | IV30 6HL | 01343 548 622 | Katherine McClue | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2004067409 | 16+ Glasgow | Housing support service | 07-03-2005 | Dundas Business Centre | Rooms G14-19 | 38/40 New City Road | Glasgow | G4 9JT | 01413 328 580 | Margaretann McGahan | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||
CS2003006824 | 17 Park Road | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 17 Park Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3EL | 03451 555 555 477071 | Elizabeth Scott | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2013319086 | 17 Westerton Crescent | Housing support service | 02-09-2013 | 17 Westerton Crescent | Aberdeen | AB16 7NS | 01224 698 158 | Scott MacLeod | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2013319503 | 17 Westerton Crescent | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-09-2013 | 17 Westerton Crescent | Aberdeen | AB16 7NS | 01224 698 198 | Scott MacLeod | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2003000278 | 18 West Park | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Inverbervie | Montrose | DD10 0TT | 01561 361 525 | Caroline Gibson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2016346874 | 1st Choice Resource Group Ltd | 03-10-2017 | 5 Appin Lane | Edinburgh | EH14 1JL | 01313 431 953 | Ottilia Chingosho | | SP2016012709 | 1st Choice Resource Group Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000384 | 1st Class Care Central Ltd | Support Service | 10-10-2024 | Unit 3, Eliburn Office Park | Appleton Parkway | Livingston | EH54 6GR | 01506 41698 | Michael Fallon | | SP2023001539 | 1st Class Care Central Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013320342 | 1st Class Care Solutions Limited | Support services - care at home | 17-03-2014 | Unit 3 Eliburn Office Park | Appleton Parkway | Livingston | EH54 6TN | 01506 412 698 | Michael Fallon | Michael.Fallon@1stclasscare.couk | SP2013012158 | 1st Class Care Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017353802 | 1st Focus Homecare | Support services - care at home | 22-06-2017 | Unit 26 | Castlebrae Business Centre | Peffer Place | Edinburgh | EH16 4BB | 01315 107 878 | Scott Falconer | | SP2017012856 | 1st Focus Homecare | Active | |||
CS2015340105 | 1st Homecare Dumfries | Housing support service | 14-09-2015 | Unit 20 | Heathhall Business Centre | Heathhall | Dumfries | DG1 3PH | 01387 245 400 | Ellen Ewart | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015337190 | 1st Homecare Dumfries | Support services - care at home | 14-09-2015 | Unit 20 | Heathhall Business Centre | Heathhall | Dumfries | DG1 3PH | 01387 245 400 | Ellen Ewart | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2006118500 | 1st Homecare Falkirk | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-04-2006 | Unit 6b | Callander Business Park | Callander Road | Falkirk | FK1 1XR | 01324 633 377 | Diane Gallagher | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018370056 | 1st Homecare Glenrothes | 05-03-2019 | Unit 6b, The Courtyard | Callander Business Park | Callander Road | Falkirk (Falkirk) | FK1 1XR | 01324633377 | Diane Gallagher | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019378229 | 1st Homecare Glenrothes | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-09-2020 | Unit 6b, The Courtyard | Callander Business Park | Callander Road | Falkirk (Falkirk) | FK1 1XR | 01324633377 | Diane Gallagher | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015337198 | 1st Homecare Irvine | Support services - care at home | 16-09-2015 | Sovereign House | Academy Street | Irvine | KA12 8RL | 01294 277 165 | Jane Louden | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015340104 | 1st Homecare Irvine | Housing support service | 16-09-2015 | Sovereign House | Academy Street | Irvine | KA12 8RL | 01294 277 165 | Jane Louden | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019378230 | 1st Homecare Ltd - Falkirk | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-09-2020 | Office Unit 6b | The Courtyard | Callander Business Park, Callander Road | Falkirk | FK1 1XR | 01324 633 377 | Diane Gallagher | | SP2005007703 | 1st Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003000327 | 2 Carolines Crescent | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 2 Carolines Crescent | Ellon | AB41 8BN | 01358 723 813 | Toni Smith | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000273 | 2 Park Vale | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Longside | Peterhead | AB42 4XW | 01779 821 845 | Petra Zuzakova | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2011303448 | 2 The Steading | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 09-12-2011 | 2 The Steading | Humbie Farm | Kirknewton | EH27 8DS | 01506 885 423 | Heather Russell | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2003001265 | 20 Barochan Road | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Barochan Road | Johnstone | PA5 8FE | 01416 185 080 | karen turnbull | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000210 | 24/7 Elite Healthcare LTD | Support Service | 21-06-2024 | Room 9 | Atrium Business Centre | North Caldeen Road | Coatbridge | ML5 4EF | 07868257998 | Jesca Masiyazi | | SP2023001450 | 24/7 ELITE HEALTHCARE LTD | Active | |||
CS2023000336 | 24hr Dynamic Care Ltd | Support Service | 10-10-2023 | 24 Dalskeith Crescent | Paisley | PA3 1AJ | 07859805380 | Loveness Sita | | SP2023000218 | 24hr Dynamic Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000337 | 24hr Dynamic Care Ltd | Nurse Agency | 10-10-2023 | 24 Dalskeith Crescent | Paisley | PA3 1AJ | 07859805380 | Loveness Sita | | SP2023000219 | 24hr Dynamic Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013316915 | 28 Cunningham Place | Care homes for children and young people | 09-01-2014 | 28 Cunningham Place | AYR | KA7 3HZ | 01292 287 691 | Ruth Doggart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2013322971 | 3 Bears - Cambuslang | Day care of children | 26-03-2014 | 2 Wellshot Drive | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8BP | 01416 412 811 | Najam us Sahar | | SP2013012230 | 3 Bears Nursery Cambuslang Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016346900 | 3 Bears @ Brownside | Day care of children | 05-01-2017 | 3 Brownside Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8NL | 01416 411 353 | Daniela Sheppard | | SP2013012230 | 3 Bears Nursery Cambuslang Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013323083 | 3 Bears @ The Hawthorns | Day care of children | 26-03-2014 | 2 Hawthorn Walk | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7AQ | 01415 690 130 | Amy Davidson | | SP2013012230 | 3 Bears Nursery Cambuslang Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006118768 | 3 Bears Nursery - Renfrew | Day care of children | 19-05-2006 | 87 Paisley Road | Renfrew | PA4 8LH | 01415 610 028 | Fiona Lynch / Kirsty Scott | | SP2006008256 | 3 Bears Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012307106 | 3 Bridges Care Home | Care homes for older people | 06-06-2012 | 108 Carmunnock Road | Glasgow | G44 4UN | 01416 326 417 | Kayleigh McTaggart | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000245 | 31 Two Mile Cross | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Kaimhill | Aberdeen | AB10 7DL | 01224 208 428 | Mary Dick | | SP2003000018 | Archway (Respite Care & Housing) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000323 | 33 Malcolms Mount | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 33 Malcolms Mount | Stonehaven | AB39 2SR | 01569 764 856 | Kirsty Clarke | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007161558 | 34 and 36 Hazel Avenue | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 12-11-2007 | 34 & 36 Hazel Avenue | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5EB | 01592 269 399 | Heather Cleave | | SP2003001548 | Respite Fife | Active | |||||
CS2018371531 | 35 Brediland Road | 12-02-2019 | 35 Brediland road | Linwood | Linwood | PA3 3RA | 01416 185 960 | Michael Rowan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000124 | 360 Staffing | Nurse Agency | 15-04-2024 | 20-23 Woodside Place | Glasgow | G3 7QL | 0132 434 5187 | Ololade Giwa | | SP2023000264 | 360 Staffing Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017360996 | 365 Care | 12-09-2018 | 15 Bowfield Way | Howwood | Johnstone | PA9 1BF | 01419809360 | Kirsty Mayhews | | SP2017013001 | 365 Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017360995 | 365 Care Limited | 12-09-2018 | 15 Bowfield Way | Howwood | Johnstone | PA9 1BF | 07399565529 | kirsty Mayhews | | SP2017013001 | 365 Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013316737 | 38 Hardthorn Road | Care homes for children and young people | 21-10-2013 | 38 Hardthorn Road | Dumfries | DG2 9JQ | 01387 274 046 | Craig Hailstones | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000248 | 38RRC | Housing Support Service | 09-08-2023 | 38 Restalrig Circus | Edinburgh | EH7 6HP | 0131 538 0262 | Nicola Brown | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2023000249 | 38RRC | Support Service | 09-08-2023 | 38 Restalrig Circus | Edinburgh | EH7 6HP | 0131 538 0262 | Nicola Brown | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003000176 | 40 Ellon Road | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB23 8BX | 01224 703 273 | Andrew Virasami | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2023000244 | 40RRC | Support Service | 09-08-2023 | 40 Restalrig Circus | Edinburgh | EH7 6HP | 0131 476 4949 | Ed Barclay | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2023000243 | 40RRC | Housing Support Service | 09-08-2023 | 40 Restalrig Circus | Edinburgh | EH7 6HP | 0131 476 4949 | Edward Barclay | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003016390 | 5 Slains Crescent | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 5 Slains Crescent | Ellon | AB41 9GZ | 01358 721 467 | Mary Robertson | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010922 | 54 Oxgangs Avenue | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 54 Oxgangs Avenue | Edinburgh | EH13 9JP | 01316 649 997 | Charmaine Edwards | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000270 | 6 School Park | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Strichen | Fraserburgh | AB43 6RZ | 01771 637 979 | Petra Zuzakova | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2003000244 | 71 Westburn Road | Care homes for adults | 01-04-2002 | 71 Westburn Road | Aberdeen | AB25 2SH | 01224 625 595 | Sekayi Kanyangara | | SP2003000018 | Archway (Respite Care & Housing) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003006869 | 78 Broad Street | Short breaks and respite services | 01-04-2002 | 78 Broad Street | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8JA | 01383 602 380 | George Alexander | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000404 | 82 Main Street | Care Home Service | 28-10-2024 | 82 Main Street | Symington | Biggar | ML12 6LJ | 0141 404 6756 | Craig Johnstone | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003000277 | 9 Riverside Drive | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 9 Riverside Drive | Stonehaven | AB39 2GP | 01569 765 016 | Caroline Gibson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2009234623 | A & S Childcare | Childminding | 26-02-2010 | Beith | Anne Moncrieff | | SP2009976262 | Anne Moncrieff & Sybil Kennedy trading as A & S Ch Anne Moncrieff & Sybil Kennedy trading as A & S Ch | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000474 | A&C Care and Support Services | Support Service | 20-12-2024 | 100 West George Street | Glasgow | G2 1PJ | 03334567876 | Esther Olojugba | | SP2014012295 | Allied & Clinical Recruitments Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000473 | A&C Care and Support Services | Housing Support Service | 20-12-2024 | 100 West George Street | Glasgow | G2 1PJ | 07850963394 | ESTHER OLOJUGBA | | SP2014012295 | Allied & Clinical Recruitments Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014326218 | A.S.I.S.T. | Housing support service | 17-07-2014 | Park Lane house | 47 Broad street, Bridgeton | Suite 314 - 315 | Glasgow | G40 2QR | 01414 236 777 | Graham Buchanan | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||
CS2014332353 | A1 Care & Professional Services (Nursing and Care Agency) | Nurse agencies | 29-09-2015 | 9 Teal Place | Dunfermline | KY11 8GB | 01383 731 213 | Bryan Chitemere | | SP2014012372 | Bryan Chitemere trading as A1 Care & Professional Services | Active | |||||
CS2010251496 | A24 Group Limited trading as Ambition 24 Hours. The Nursing Services of the UK. The British Nursing Association (BNA). Mayfair Specialist Nursing | Nurse agencies | 09-03-2011 | 92-96 Lind Road | Sutton | SM1 4PL | 08718 733 309 | Sally Anne Page | | SP2010010980 | A24 Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016351694 | Aaron House Care Home | 04-01-2018 | Beeslack House | Edinburgh Road | Penicuik | EH26 0QF | 01968 677095 | Stephen Van Putten | | SP2016012815 | Aurem Care (Aaron House) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008168763 | Abacus childminding | Childminding | 24-09-2008 | Coatbridge | Lesley Ann Murdoch | | SP2008968236 | Murdoch, Lesley Ann Murdoch, Lesley Ann | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001690 | Abacus Pre-school Nursery - King Street | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 416 King Street | Aberdeen | AB24 3BR | 01224 626 863 | Nicole Milne | | SP2003003399 | Abacus Pre-School Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003016272 | Abacus Pre-school Nursery - Rosemount | Day care of children | 07-06-2002 | 2a View Terrace | Rosemount | Aberdeen | AB25 2RR | 01224 646 200 | Renay Simpson | | SP2003003399 | Abacus Pre-School Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2005111262 | Abbey Care Services | Support services - care at home | 14-03-2006 | 9 Ogilvys Close | Kirriemuir | DD8 4EX | 01575 570 838 | Jodi-lee Winstanley | | SP2006008253 | Abbey Care Services | Active | |||||
CS2017356769 | Abbey Court Care Home | Care homes for older people | 27-04-2018 | 34 Abbeygreen Street | Easterhouse | Glasgow | G34 0JH | 01414 041 238 | Brian Murray | | SP2017012859 | ScotsCare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013317506 | Abbey Court Very Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 13-09-2013 | Sutherland Drive | Mintlaw | Peterhead | AB42 5GZ | 01771 676 660 | Tracy Ellington | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2013317595 | Abbey Court Very Sheltered Housing | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-09-2013 | Sutherland Drive | Mintlaw | Peterhead | AB42 5GZ | 01771 676 660 | Tracy Ellington | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001163 | Abbey Croft | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Young Persons Residential Unit | Pennyburn Road | Kilwinning | KA13 6LF | 01294 553 159 | John Galloway | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010806 | Abbey Gardens Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Lincluden Road | Dumfries | DG2 0QB | 01387 255 322 | Debbie Dykes | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011304384 | Abbey House Residential Care Home | Care homes for older people | 28-08-2012 | Kinnordy | Kirriemuir | DD8 4LS | 01575 574 181 | Jodi-Lee Winstanley | | SP2011983079 | Jillian Faloon | Active | |||||
CS2003041409 | Abbey Lodge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 05-06-2003 | Mossneuk Road | Westwood Hill | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8GQ | 01355 266 622 | Salve Lonto Rull | | SP2004004066 | Abbey Healthcare Homes (East Kilbride) Limited | Active | |||
CS2008186651 | Abbey Nursery | Day care of children | 24-11-2008 | 4 Thomas Street | Paisley | PA1 2RE | 0141848 5700 | Nicole Carberry | | SP2008010093 | RAM 204 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009232874 | Abbey Nursery Houston | Day care of children | 02-11-2009 | South Street | Houston | PA6 7ET | 01505 612 369 | Katie Blair | | SP2009010598 | Children's Hour Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016034 | Abbey Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Claremont Crescent | Kilwinning | KA13 7HD | 01294 552 251 | Lauren Smith | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000221 | Abbey View Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 26-06-2024 | Abbey View Campus | Hayshead Road | Arbroath | DD11 5FE | 01241 464652 | Emma Rollo | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2016347332 | Abbeycare (UK) | 29-07-2016 | Erskine Mains | Meadows Drive | Erskine | PA8 7ED | 01417 373 200 | Douglas McFarlane | | SP2016012724 | Abbeycare (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017358108 | Abbeydale Court Care Centre | 19-12-2017 | 138 Strathaven Road | Hamilton | ML3 7TN | 01698 536 200 | Grace Sloan | | SP2017012945 | Abbey Healthcare (Hamilton) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003008460 | Abbeyfield Ballachulish (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Park Road | Ballachulish | PH49 4JS | 01855 812 950 | Louise Duffy | | SP2003001694 | Abbeyfield Ballachulish Society Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017686 | Abbeyfield Ballachulish (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Park Road | Ballachulish | PH49 4JS | 01855 812 950 | Louise Duffy | | SP2003001694 | Abbeyfield Ballachulish Society Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004061289 | Abbeyfield Breadalbane Society Limited | Housing support service | 08-10-2004 | Eskdale | Taybridge Road | Aberfeldy | PH15 2BH | 01887 820 606 | Claire Ramsay | | SP2004005857 | Abbeyfield Breadalbane Society | Active | ||||
CS2019378248 | Abbeyfield Care At Home | Support Service | 31-03-2020 | 17 Allan Park | Stirling | FK8 2QG | 01786 478 772 | Victoria Ferguson | | SP2004006382 | Abbeyfield Stirling Society | Active | |||||
CS2004072003 | Abbeyfield Dunfermline Society Ltd Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 01-09-2004 | Room 7 | Seath House | 5 Transy Place | Dunfermline | KY12 7QN | 01383 432 893 | Sharon Webster | | SP2004004063 | Abbeyfield Dunfermline Society Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061600 | Abbeyfield Helensburgh | Housing support service | 06-08-2004 | Barclay-Smith House | 54 West King Street | Helensburgh | G84 8ED | 01436 674 998 | Sue Perks | | SP2004006002 | Abbeyfield Helensburgh Society | Active | ||||
CS2003001140 | Abbeyfield House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Kilwinning Road | Irvine | KA12 8RR | 01294 279 019 | Emma Irvine | | SP2005007525 | abbeyfield irvine and district society | Active | |||||
CS2003007083 | Abbeyfield House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 55 Meldrum Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5HY | 01592 205 491 | Heather Bethune | | SP2005007526 | Abbeyfield Kirkcaldy Society Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008171397 | Abbeyfield Kirkcaldy Society | Support services - not care at home | 15-12-2008 | Abbey Cottage | 1 Bennochy Park | Hendry Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5JH | 01592 205 979 | Heather Bethune | | SP2005007526 | Abbeyfield Kirkcaldy Society Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007167823 | Abbeyfield Lodge | Care homes for children and young people | 17-07-2008 | 95 Saltoun Place | Fraserburgh | AB43 9RY | 01346 515 647 | Lesley Carle | | SP2007009514 | Abbeyfield Lodge | Active | |||||
CS2003001376 | Abbeyfield Rutherglen Society Limited | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 78 Stonelaw Drive | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3NZ | 01416479178 | Kirsten Ferguson | | SP2004006270 | Abbeyfield Rutherglen Society Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017353450 | Abbeyfield Stewartry (Support & Care) | 05-04-2017 | Bothwell House | 72 St. Andrew Street | Castle Douglas | DG7 1EN | 01556 502 271 | Ann Denise Pickthall | | SP2003002528 | Abbeyfield Stewartry Society Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003051796 | Abbeyfield Stewartry Society Ltd | Housing support service | 17-09-2004 | Bothwell House | 72 St Andrews Street | Castle Douglas | DG7 1EN | 01556 502 271 | Ann Denise Pickthall | | SP2003002528 | Abbeyfield Stewartry Society Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004067088 | Abbeyfield Stirling Society Ltd | Housing support service | 05-01-2005 | 17 Allan Park | Stirling | FK8 2QG | 01786 478 772 | Victoria Ferguson | | SP2004006382 | Abbeyfield Stirling Society | Active | |||||
CS2004066246 | Abbeyfield Strathaven & District Society Ltd | Housing support service | 01-11-2004 | Abbeyfield House | 1 - 3 Station Road | Strathaven | ML10 6BE | 01357 522190 | Sharon Baxter | | SP2004005750 | Abbeyfield Strathaven & District Society Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017360075 | Abbeyfield Strathaven & District Society Ltd | 27-04-2018 | Abbeyfield House | 1-3 Station Road | Strathaven | ML10 6BE | 01357 522 190 | Sharon Baxter | | SP2004005750 | Abbeyfield Strathaven & District Society Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017010 | Abbeyhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Abbey Street | Edinburgh | EH7 5SJ | 01316 613 054 | Moira Robertson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003054842 | Abbeymill Childcare Ltd | Day care of children | 07-07-2004 | Abbeymill Business Centre | Studio 910 | Mile End, 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | +441415844206 | Meg Batley | | SP2004004085 | Abbeymill Childcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003013732 | Abbeyside Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Institution Road | Elgin | IV30 1QX | 01343 549 468 | Claire England | | SP2003002308 | Abbeyside Nursing Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003010347 | Abbeyvale (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 16 Duff Avenue | Elgin | IV30 1QS | 01343 547 350 | Rhian Evans | | SP2003002308 | Abbeyside Nursing Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006917 | Abbeyview Kids Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Abbeyview Community Hub | Duncan Crescent | Dunfermline | KY11 4BZ | Tracey Ewan | | SP2003001564 | Abbeyview Kids Club Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009228622 | Abbie Childminding | Childminding | 27-05-2010 | Arbroath | Lisa Robertson | | SP2009974405 | Lisa Robertson trading as Abbie Childminding Lisa Robertson trading as Abbie Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000889 | Abbie Resource Base | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | New Abbie | Scottish Autism | 31 Ardencraig Place | Glasgow | G45 9US | Tracy Lafferty | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | ||||
CS2010248946 | Abbotsford Care, Cowdenbeath | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2011 | Chambers Court | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9QP | 01383 610 606 | Mandy Ross | | SP2010010867 | ABBOTSFORD CARE LTD | Active | |||||
CS2012311915 | Abbotsford Care, Dunfermline | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2013 | Headwell House | Headwell Avenue | Dunfermline | KY12 0JY | 01383 733 163 | Tricia Simpson | | SP2010010867 | ABBOTSFORD CARE LTD | Active | ||||
CS2010248948 | Abbotsford Care, East Wemyss | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2011 | Hendrie Lane | East Wemyss | Kirkcaldy | KY1 4NZ | 01592 715 181 | Janice Fraser | | SP2010010867 | ABBOTSFORD CARE LTD | Active | ||||
CS2010248949 | Abbotsford Care, Glenrothes | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2011 | Strathburn Drive | Glenrothes | KY7 4UQ | 01592 631 333 | SAMUEL BOYD | | SP2010010867 | ABBOTSFORD CARE LTD | Active | |||||
CS2010248943 | Abbotsford Care, Methil | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2011 | Laird Avenue | Methil | Leven | KY8 4NZ | 01333 425 946 | Ben Vale | | SP2010010867 | ABBOTSFORD CARE LTD | Active | ||||
CS2010248944 | Abbotsford Care, Newburgh | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2011 | Gardens Road | Newburgh | Cupar | KY14 6BZ | 01337 841 184 | ANGELA PENMAN | | SP2010010867 | ABBOTSFORD CARE LTD | Active | ||||
CS2003000786 | Abbotsford House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 41 Drymen Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 2RL | 01419 429 636 | Susan Leung | | SP2003000208 | Morrison Community Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010248 | Abbotsford Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 98 Eglinton Road | Ardrossan | KA22 8NN | 01294 602 915 | Louise Pettigrew | | SP2005007570 | Woodbay Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015578 | Abbotsgrange Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moray Place | Grangemouth | FK3 9DL | 01324 501170 | Christine Clark | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014400 | Abbotswell Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Faulds Gate | Kincorth | Aberdeen | AB12 5QX | 01224 872 714 | Emma Douglas | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2014325522 | ABC Childminding | Childminding | 16-02-2015 | South Queensferry | Laura Buckley | | SP2014985876 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365121 | ABC Craigsfarm OOSC | 26-06-2018 | East Barn | Craigs Farm Campus | Maree Walk | LIVINGSTON | EH54 5BP | 01506413500 | Jacqueline Steel | | SP2015012498 | ABC Private Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010080 | ABC Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 12 Rose Terrace | Perth | PH1 5HA | 01738 623 291 | Donna Gibson | | SP2010011116 | ABC Children's Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020000024 | ABC Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2024000094 | ABC Nursery Above and Beyond Childcare | Day Care of Children | 22-03-2024 | The Bungalow | Dunkeld Road | Aberfeldy | PH15 2AQ | 01887822657 | Nicole Wilson | | SP2023000438 | ABC Nursery Above and Beyond Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015337645 | ABC Private Nursery Limited | Day care of children | 03-08-2015 | 1 Beveridge Square | Almondvale | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 01506 413 500 | Donna Fisher | | SP2015012498 | ABC Private Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004073434 | ABC Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-09-2004 | 5 Plover Lane | Greenock | PA16 7NX | 01475 729 415 | William Dalgleish | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2004059351 | ABC Supported Living | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 5 Plover Lane | Greenock | PA16 7NX | 01475 729 415 | William Dalgleish | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2003039395 | ABC Tots Ltd | Day care of children | 28-07-2004 | 64 West Main Street | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3QA | 01501 732 444 | Fiona Keenan | | SP2004923462 | ABC Tots Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000149 | ABChildminding | Childminding | 07-05-2024 | Tranent | | SP2023001477 | Annwen Bridgland | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016302 | Aberchirder School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Aberchirder Primary School | Smith Crescent | Aberchirder | Huntly | AB54 7TW | 01466 780 241 | Claire Carre | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2019378604 | Abercorn House Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | 184-192 Low Waters Road | Hamilton | ML3 7QH | 01698 423 342 | Rowena Alfero's | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000402 | Abercorn St Blue Triangle | Housing Support Service | 29-11-2023 | 1/5 | 17 Abercorn Street | Paisley | PA3 4AA | 0141 483 8860 | Sarah-Louise McQuilter | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010272911 | Abercrombie, Helen | Childminding | 19-06-2012 | Glasgow | Helen Abercrombie | | SP2010979883 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004068564 | Aberdeen City | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 01224 280005 | Chris Dobosz | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004073049 | Aberdeen City | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-09-2004 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 01224 280 005 | Chris Dobosz | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016348298 | Aberdeen City & Shire Housing Support | 02-03-2017 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Thainstone Business Centre | Inverurie | AB51 5TB | 01467 670 264 | Michelle Rice | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2016348300 | Aberdeen City & Shire Support Service | 02-03-2017 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Thainstone Business Centre | Inverurie | AB51 5TB | 01467 670 264 | Michelle Rice | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2004083769 | Aberdeen City Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 19-12-2005 | Quarry Centre | Cummings Park Crescent | Aberdeen | AB16 7AS | 01224 694 554 | Angela Maitland | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004083766 | Aberdeen City Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 19-12-2005 | Quarry Centre | Cummings Park Crescent | Aberdeen | AB16 7AS | 01224 694 554 | Angela Maitland | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377648 | Aberdeen City Council Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 26-08-2020 | Quarry Centre | Cummings Park Crescent | Aberdeen | AB16 7AS | 01224 694 554 | Angela Maitland | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2015343853 | Aberdeen City Council Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 08-07-2016 | Marischal College | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 523 263 | Rachel Harrison | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2006139503 | Aberdeen City Council Supported Lodging Scheme | Adult placement services | 20-12-2007 | Quarry Centre | Cummings Park Crescent | Aberdeen | AB16 7AS | 01224 694 554 | Angela Maitland | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2005113855 | Aberdeen City Music School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Halls of Residence | Riverview Drive | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 7NF | 01224 214 130 | Jacqueline Edwards | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2004069101 | Aberdeen Foyer - Supported Accommodation | Housing support service | 05-08-2004 | Aberdeen Foyer | Marywell Centre | Marywell Street | Aberdeen | AB11 6JF | 01224 212924 | Heather Tate | | SP2004006434 | Aberdeen Foyer | Active | |||
CS2024000080 | Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project | Day Care of Children | 13-03-2024 | Aberdeen Lads Club | Dill Road | ABERDEEN | AB24 2XL | 01224492672 | Angela Johnston | | SP2019013376 | Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2019377125 | Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project - Little Learners | Day Care of Children | 21-02-2020 | Tillydrone Community Campus | Hayton Road | Aberdeen | AB24 2UY | 01224 489 544 | Angela Johnston | | SP2019013376 | Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003010413 | Aberdeen Nursing Agency | Nurse agencies | 01-04-2002 | 35 Albert Street | Aberdeen | AB25 1XU | 01224 542 542 | Solmaz Rose | | SP2003002340 | UK Private Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019377821 | Aberdeen Outreach Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 28-07-2020 | 45-49 Holburn Street | Aberdeen | AB10 6BR | 01224 575 196 | Laura Bissett | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003016374 | Aberdeen School for the Deaf | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sunnybank School | Sunnybank Road | Aberdeen | AB24 3NJ | 01224 261 722 | Samantha Muldoon | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2004084094 | Aberdeenshire Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 21-12-2005 | Aberdeenshire Council | Buchan House | St. Peter Street | Peterhead | AB42 1QF | 01467 532 800 | Carol Reilly | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2018370741 | Aberdeenshire Council - Central Care at Home Service | 04-04-2019 | Inverurie Hospital | Upperboat Road | Room H & SCP1 | Inverurie | AB51 3UL | 01467 536 402 | Tracey Loakes | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004083982 | Aberdeenshire Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 20-12-2005 | Gordon House | Blackhall Road | Inverurie | AB51 3WA | 01467 539 305 | Elaine Dickson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2018370744 | Aberdeenshire Council - South Care at Home Service | 04-04-2019 | Health and Social Care Partnership | 25 Gordon Street | Huntly | AB54 8AL | 03456 081 208 | Ashley Finnie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000269 | Aberdeenshire Council Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 21-08-2023 | Gordon House | Blackhall Road | Inverurie | AB51 3WA | 01467 532700 | Sara Youngson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004086313 | Aberdeenshire Day Services - Older People | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Inverurie Day Centre | Port Road | Inverurie | AB51 3SP | 07876 391 525 | Gillian McDonald | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073365 | Aberdeenshire North | Housing support service | 24-11-2004 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Susan Bracken | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||||
CS2004073366 | Aberdeenshire North | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-11-2004 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Susan Bracken | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||||
CS2018370743 | Aberdeenshire Responders for Care at Home Service (ARCH) | 04-04-2019 | Aberdeenshire Council | Woodhill House | Westburn Road | Aberdeen | AB16 5GB | 03456 081 208 | Elaine Walters | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073050 | Aberdeenshire South | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-08-2004 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Hazel Karpinski | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004072164 | Aberdeenshire South | Housing support service | 13-08-2004 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Hazel Karpinski | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008191132 | Aberdeenshire Supported Living Project | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-03-2009 | Seafield House | 37 Castle Street | Banff | AB45 1FQ | 01261 813 429 | Steven Mitchell | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008191129 | Aberdeenshire Supported Living Project | Housing support service | 05-03-2009 | Seafield House | 37 Castle Street | Banff | AB45 1FQ | 01261 813 443 | Steven Mitchell | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2009199012 | Aberdeenshire Supported Lodgings Service | Adult placement services | 07-09-2010 | Aberdeenshire Council | Wyness Hall | Jackson Street | Inverurie | AB51 3QB | 01467 532727 | Laura Mulgrew | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000385 | Aberdonia Care Limited | Support Service | 14-11-2023 | Navigator House | 3rd floor - room 377 | Waterloo Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5DE | 07857251724 | Aleksandra Seneczko | | SP2023000447 | Aberdonia Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2008171304 | Aberdour Out of School Club | Day care of children | 21-04-2008 | Aberdour Primary School | Hawkcraig Road | Aberdour | Burntisland | KY3 0UP | 07850 950 509 | Marta Zukowska | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017074 | Aberdour Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hawkcraig Road | Aberdour | Burntisland | KY3 0UP | 01383 602 442 | Louise Helen Wood | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000372 | Aberfeldy & Alyth Community Care | Support Service | 24-12-2021 | Laurel Bank | Taybridge Terrace | ABERFELDY | PH15 2BS | 07966801995 | Jemma Dobson | | SP2021000238 | Aberfeldy Community Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004062241 | Aberfoyle Childcare Services | Childminding | 24-02-2005 | Dundee | Janette Brown | | SP2010011264 | Janette Elizabeth Brown trading as Aberfoyle Child Janette Elizabeth Brown trading as Aberfoyle Child | Active | ||||||||
CS2003043668 | Aberfoyle Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochard Road | Aberfoyle | Stirling | FK8 3SZ | 01877 382 636 | Claire Gilchrist | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2011305693 | Aberfoyle Too Dunsinane | Day care of children | 29-10-2012 | Block 1a | Dunsinane Industrial Estate | Dundee | DD2 3QN | 01382 819 929 | Ellis Brown | | SP2012011972 | Ellis Investments Dundee Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016349531 | Aberlady Out of School Club | Day care of children | 15-11-2016 | Aberlady Primary School | Moor Road | Aberlady | Longniddry | EH32 0RQ | Daisy Elder | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | ||||
CS2003015829 | Aberlady Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moor Road | Aberlady | Prestonpans | EH32 0RQ | 01875 870 232 | Natasha O'Connor | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000250 | Aberlea House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 54 St. Swithin Street | Aberdeen | AB10 6XJ | 01224 208 327 | Eddie McKenzie | | SP2003000020 | Seabank House Committee | Active | |||||
CS2016347370 | Aberlemno Pre School | Day care of children | 12-08-2016 | Aberlemno Primary School | Aberlemno | Forfar | DD8 3PE | 01307 494 250 | Cirst Rajcoomar | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2020381616 | Aberlour and Craigellachie Pre School Nursery (SCIO) | Day care of children | 05-03-2021 | Aberlour Primary School | Mary Avenue | Aberlour | AB38 9PN | 01340 871 255 | Cathy Lyon | | SP2020013606 | Aberlour and Craigellachie Pre School Nursery a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2010271772 | Aberlour Family Support Centre | Day care of children | 20-09-2010 | 26/32 Dunkeld Place | Langlees | Falkirk | FK2 7UD | 01324 638 080 | Mary Page | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2010272271 | Aberlour Fostering | Fostering services | 20-09-2010 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Kintail House | Forthside Way | Stirling | FK8 1QZ | 01786 437330 | Nicola Fearon | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||
CS2019373127 | Aberlour Fostering Continuing Care Service | 09-05-2019 | West Bridge Mill | Bridge Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1TE | 01592 591 500 | Nicola Fearon | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2010272608 | Aberlour Options (residential) - Fife | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 11 Lorimer Gardens | Dunfermline | KY12 0BF | 01383 724 834 | Julie Thomson | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2010272078 | Aberlour Options - Aberdeen | Support services - care at home | 20-09-2010 | 10 Hopetoun Court | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9QS | 01224 714 210 | Sarah Calder | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2010272082 | Aberlour Options - Aberdeen | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 10 Hopetoun Court | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9QS | 01224 714 210 | Sarah Calder | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2010272216 | Aberlour Options - Ayrshire | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 49 Ardfin Road | Prestwick | KA9 2LE | 01292 671 971 | John O'Donnell | John.O' | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2010272212 | Aberlour Options - Ayrshire | Day care of children | 20-09-2010 | Arran Conference and Office | Mosshill Industrial Estate | Ayr | KA6 6BE | 07772 226 641 | Olivia Shields | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2010272787 | Aberlour Options - Borders | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 4 St Cuthberts Drive | St. Boswells | Melrose | TD6 0DF | 01835 823 337 | Kimberley Inglis | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2017361764 | Aberlour Options - Borders Outreach | 09-05-2018 | Scottish Borders Council | Paton Street | Galashiels | TD1 3AS | 01896 754 003 | Kimberley Inglis | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2010272194 | Aberlour Options - Dundee | Support services - care at home | 20-09-2010 | 1 Court House Square | Top Floor | Dundee | DD1 1NH | 01382 250 840 | Grant Cowper | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2010272721 | Aberlour Options - Fife | Support services - care at home | 20-09-2010 | 105 Wilmington Drive | Glenrothes | KY7 6UU | 01592 744 636 | Karen Fotheringham | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2010272335 | Aberlour Options - Fife | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 105 Wilmington Drive | GLENROTHES | KY7 6UU | Karen Fotheringham | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2010272328 | Aberlour Options - Fife | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 14 Lochwood Park | Kingseat | Dunfermline | KY12 0UX | 01383 721 758 | Karen Fotheringham | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2010272793 | Aberlour Options - Lothian | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 5 Bankfoot | Prestonpans | EH32 9SG | 01875 819 523 | Lorna Gunn | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2016349288 | Aberlour Options - Lothian Community Connections | Support Services - not care at home | 03-10-2017 | Prestonpans | Lorna Gunn | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||||||
CS2010272062 | Aberlour Options - Moray | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 6 Alba Place | Bishopmill | Elgin Moray | IV30 4JN | 01343 542 301 | Sheena Main | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2017357875 | Aberlour Options - Moray Community Connections | 18-09-2017 | 6 Alba Place | Bishopmill | Elgin | IV30 4JN | 01343 542 301 | Sheena Main | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2003016011 | Aberlour Primary Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mary Avenue | Aberlour | AB38 9PN | 01340 871 255 | Carol Newlands | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2010272052 | Aberlour Sycamore Service | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 6 Bellyeoman Road | Dunfermline | KY12 0AD | 01383 733 320 | Kerry Watson | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2010272726 | Aberlour Sycamore Service | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 44 Whyteman's Brae | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2LE | 01592 592 124 | Simone Gillespie | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2010272700 | Aberlour Sycamore Service | Care homes for children and young people | 20-09-2010 | 4A Orchard Drive | Glenrothes | KY7 5RG | Kim Sibbald | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2012308613 | Aberlour Sycamore Services - Frankfield House | Care homes for children and young people | 28-09-2012 | 22 Carlyle Road | 22 Carlyle Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1DB | 01592 649 940 | Ann Craft | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2017354213 | Aberlour Sycamore Services - Lochan Cottage | 30-03-2017 | Lochyside | Fort William | PH33 7NX | 01397 313 120 | Zuzana Mandakova | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2017354214 | Aberlour Sycamore Services - Orinsay House | 30-03-2017 | 10 Resaurie | Inverness | IV2 7NH | 01463 360 170 | Tracey Chalmers | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2012311049 | Aberness Care Ltd (Agency) | Nurse agencies | 25-01-2013 | 39 Dee Street | Aberdeen | AB11 6DY | 01224 593 232 | Dawn Smith | | SP2012011913 | Aberness Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012313090 | Aberness Care Ltd (Support) | Support services - care at home | 25-01-2013 | Pavillion 3 | Kingseat Business Park | Kingseat Avenue, Newmachar | Aberdeenshire | AB21 0AZ | 01651 869 360 | Lauren MacLeod | | SP2012011913 | Aberness Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000151 | Aberness Recruitment | Support services - care at home | 14-06-2022 | Highland Rail House Second Floor Station Square | Inverness | IV1 1LE | 01463719030 | Angela Jane MacDonald | | SP2015012453 | Aberness Recruitment Agency Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015335938 | Aberness Recruitment Agency | Nurse agencies | 04-06-2015 | Highland Rail House | Second Floor | Station Square | Inverness | IV1 1LE | 01463 719 030 | Dawn Smith | | SP2015012453 | Aberness Recruitment Agency Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003038035 | Abernethy Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 13-11-2003 | Abernethy Primary School | 78 Main Street | Abernethy | Perth | PH2 9LA | 01738 472 676 | Fiona Whittet | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2004074207 | Abernethy Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 15-09-2005 | Abernethy Primary School | Nethybridge | PH25 3ED | 01479 821 274 | Christopher Scrase | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014284 | Abernethy, Carol | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Carol Abernethy | | SP2003908753 | Carol Abernethy | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379263 | Abernethyn Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 19-02-2021 | Abernethyn Road | Crindeldyke | Newmains | Wishaw | ML2 9NB | 01236 812 540 | Sarah Jane Garcia | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2022000239 | Abigail Murphy Childminding | Childminding | 15-08-2022 | Arbroath | | SP2022000163 | Abigail Murphy | Active | |||||||||
CS2004071696 | Ability Care | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-06-2004 | Suite 1.2 | Covault | 1 Macdowall Street | Paisley | PA3 2NB | 01418 896 111 | Heather Laurie | | SP2004006346 | Audrey Gilroy trading as Ability Care | Active | |||
CS2003016358 | Ability Centre Support Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Ability Centre Support Services | Livingston North Partnership Centre | Carmondean Centre Road | LIVINGSTON | EH54 8PT | Jorden Smith | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004066423 | Ability Scotland Ltd Trading as Ability Care Services | Housing support service | 18-06-2004 | Ability Care Services | Suite 1.2 | Covault, 1 Macdowall Street | Paisley | PA3 2NB | 01418 896 111 | Heather Laurie | | SP2004006346 | Audrey Gilroy trading as Ability Care | Active | |||
CS2017354749 | Able Care @ Home | 05-09-2017 | 10 Mearns Street | Aberdeen | AB11 5AT | 01224 634 864 | Emma Cameron | | SP2015012558 | Absolute Recruitment (UK) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2004080631 | Aboyne After School Club | Day care of children | 12-08-2004 | Deeside Community Education Centre | Bridgeview Road | Aboyne | AB34 5JN | 07703 174 932 | Marianne Carroll | | SP2004005229 | Aboyne After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003016303 | Aboyne Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Aboyne Primary School | Morven Place | Aboyne | AB34 5JN | 01339 886 638 | Heather Ellington | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377184 | Abriachan Forest School | Day Care of Children | 22-01-2020 | Abriachan Forest Trust | Abriachan | Inverness | IV3 8LD | 01463 861 236 | Shirley-Anne Stevenson | | SP2019013377 | Abriachan Forest Trust | Active | ||||
CS2010254117 | Abronhill Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 11-08-2010 | Medlar Road | Abronhill | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 3AJ | 01236794870 | Jane Stocks | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2017354532 | AC Childminding | Childminding | 25-07-2017 | Grangemouth | Angela Brown | SP2017988845 | Angela Cunningham | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015103 | ACAD Close Support Service | Care homes for children and young people | 20-01-2003 | Torrs Complex | Torrs Farm | Castle Douglas | Dumfries | DG7 1NF | 01387 269 435 | Lauren Naughton | | SP2003003432 | Applied Care & Development Limited | Active | |||
CS2005101942 | ACAD Long Term Care Home Service | Care homes for children and young people | 24-02-2006 | Cushathill Cottage | Eaglesfield | DG11 3JT | 01387 760 260 | Lauren Naughton | | SP2003003432 | Applied Care & Development Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017357054 | Acadability | Support services - not care at home | 03-02-2020 | Acadability Limited | 160 Bank Street | ALEXANDRIA | G83 0UP | 01389 757 701 | Faisal Khan | | SP2017012934 | Acadability Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014325633 | Academy House Services | Support services - not care at home | 02-02-2015 | Unit 1000 | Academy Business Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 190 226 | Amanda McLachlan | | SP2014012294 | Academy House Limited | Active | |||
CS2013316541 | ACC Learning Disability Integrated Care Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-09-2013 | Len Ironside Centre | Mastrick Drive | ABERDEEN | AB16 6UE | 01224 812 900 | Sue Bosbury | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2013316540 | ACC Learning Disability Integrated Care Services | Housing support service | 25-09-2013 | Len Ironside Centre | Mastrick Drive | ABERDEEN | AB16 6UE | 01224 812 900 | Sue Bosbury | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000381 | Accelerate Support and Care LTD | Support Service | 13-11-2023 | Pure Offices | Sugar Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 07833403021 | Keiron Mellotte | | SP2023000250 | Accelerate Support and Care LTD | Active | |||
CS2004084443 | Accommodation with Care and Housing Support (Fife) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-01-2005 | Fife Council | Fife House | North Street | GLENROTHES | KY7 5LT | 03451 55 00 00 | Christine Wilson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2004084435 | Accommodation with Care and Housing Support (Fife) | Housing support service | 11-01-2005 | Fife Council | Fife House | North Street | GLENROTHES | KY7 5LT | 03451 000 000- | Christine Wilson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2023000094 | ACCORD@Home (hospice at home service) | Support Service | 06-04-2023 | Accord Hospice | 7 Morton Avenue | Paisley | PA2 7BW | 01415812000 | Brian Hunter | | SP2023000069 | ACCORD Hospice | Active | ||||
CS2003011682 | ACE | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Annan Community Centre | St. John's Road | Annan | DG12 6AP | 01461 205 953 | Rebecca Dutton | | SP2003002739 | Annan Community Education Project Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2012311910 | ACE Place Nursery & Out of School Care - Rodger Drive | Day care of children | 15-03-2013 | Overtoun Court | 65 Rodger Drive | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3QB | 01416 470 934 | Ashleigh Anderson | | SP2009010560 | Ace Place Childcare Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000034 | ACE Place Nursery - Riverside | Day care of children | 01-02-2022 | 1 Lanark Road | CARLUKE | ML8 4HD | 01555 770225 | Sharon Jamieson | | SP2022000020 | ACE Place Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000035 | ACE Place OSC - Riverside | Day care of children | 01-02-2022 | South Lanarkshire Leisure | 135 Carnwath Road | Carluke | ML8 4DP | 01555 770225 | Sharon Jamieson | | SP2022000020 | ACE Place Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012307176 | Ach-an-Eas (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | 21 Island Bank Road | Inverness | IV3 5NX | 01463 710 890 | Janet Alexander | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2005093680 | ACHA Sheltered Housing Service | Housing support service | 11-04-2005 | Menzies House | Glenshellach Business Park | Oban | PA34 4RY | 01546 605 805 | Katie Martin | | SP2011011514 | Argyll Community Housing Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003013551 | Acharacle Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Acharacle Primary School | Acharacle | PH36 4JU | 01397 708 404 | Lyndsay Bradley | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2005091229 | Achievement Bute Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home | 28-06-2005 | The Winter Garden | Victoria Street, | Rothesay | ISLE OF BUTE | PA20 0AH | 01700 505 558 | Bernadette McMillan | | SP2005007269 | Achievement Bute | Active | |||
CS2013314960 | Achiltibuie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 10-12-2013 | Achiltibuie Primary School | Achiltibuie | Ullapool | IV26 2YG | 01854 622 267 | William Stephen | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2007142322 | Achnamara | Care homes for children and young people | 30-07-2007 | Nelson Road | Saltcoats | KA21 5RF | 01294 607 023 | John Anderson McIntyre | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000164 | Achu's Childminding | Childminding | 21-05-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000135 | Aswini Ramprasad | Active | |||||||||
CS2019377416 | Acorn Childcare | Child Minding | 21-02-2020 | Keith | Charlene Tasker | | SP2019990844 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018363762 | Acorn Day Nursery | Day Care of Children | 26-09-2019 | The Steadings | Kinaldy Farm | St. Andrews | KY16 8NA | 01334475698 | Scott Mcclymont | | SP2018013053 | Acorn Day Nursery (St. Andrews) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003005834 | Acorn Park Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Beresford House | 6 Claremont Terrace | Glasgow | G3 7XR | 01413 322 461 | Silvia Makridou | | SP2003001245 | Mary & Vari McDonald | Active | ||||
CS2023000225 | Acoup Domiciliary Care Agency | Support Service | 25-07-2023 | 30-32 Bridge Road | Colinton | Edinburgh | EH13 0LQ | 07717611986 | Marie-Claire More | | SP2023000145 | Acoup Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016350189 | Acre Wood Nurseries Ltd | 17-01-2017 | Seafield Cottage | Seafield Moor Road | Bilston | Roslin | EH25 9RQ | 01314 452 841 | Kathleen Crawford | | SP2016012778 | Acre Wood Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007145539 | Acredale House | Support services - care at home | 31-08-2007 | 9 Mid Street | Bathgate | EH48 1PS | 01506 634 288 | Julie Birse | | SP2003003892 | Acredale House | Active | |||||
CS2006138523 | Acredyke Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-05-2007 | 305 Standburn Road | Glasgow | G21 3RH | 01415 572 068 | Craig Robertson | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005384 | Acrewood Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 35 Colquhoun Street | Stirling | FK7 7PX | +441786462621 | Kirsty Robertson | | SP2003001121 | Acrewood Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003008802 | Action for Children - 50 Land Street | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 50 Land Street | Buckie | AB56 1QS | 01542 839 068 | Mike Imlach | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2003008803 | Action for Children - 6 Rowan Lea | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Linkwood | Elgin | IV30 6FP | 01343 569 006 | Mike Imlach | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2019377718 | Action for Children - Adult Placement Continuing Care | Adult Placement Service | 20-01-2020 | 17 Newton Place | GLASGOW | G3 7PY | 0141 222 1770 | Jan Strain | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2019377737 | Action for Children - Adult Placement Continuing Care Gael Og | Adult Placement Service | 20-01-2020 | First Floor | Highland Rail House | Station Square | Inverness | IV1 1LE | 01463 717 227 | Jan Strain | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||
CS2014333318 | Action for Children - Clifton Road | Care homes for children and young people | 30-01-2015 | 311 Clifton Road | Aberdeen | AB24 4HN | 01224 486 339 | Debbie Brown | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2003014401 | Action for Children - Edinburgh | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Gilmerton Project | 408 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7JH | 01316 721 702 | Thomas cullimore | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2004082471 | Action for Children - Foster Care | Fostering services | 02-12-2005 | 17 Newton Place | GLASGOW | G3 7PY | 0141 2221770 | Jan Strain | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2008177053 | Action for Children - Gael Og Fostering | Fostering services | 20-05-2008 | First Floor | Highland Rail House | Station Square | Inverness | IV1 1LE | 01463 717 227 | Jan Strain | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||
CS2004079156 | Action for Children - GENR8 | Housing support service | 22-11-2004 | Westwood Business Centre | 69 Aberdargie Road | Easterhouse | Glasgow | G34 9HJ | 01417 716 161 | Tommy Moore | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||
CS2007144549 | Action for Children - Gilmerton Road Outreach Services | Support services - not care at home | 14-11-2008 | 408 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7JH | 01316 721 702 | Lynn Wilson | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2003009713 | Action for Children - Hillcrest | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 41 Goathill Road | Stornoway | HS1 2NX | 01851 700 099 | Valerie Russell | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2003039794 | Action for Children - ISSC | Care homes for children and young people | 24-06-2004 | 63 - 65 Whitletts Road | Ayr | KA8 0JD | 01292 288 940 | Carrie Baird | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2003000782 | Action for Children - Lisalanna | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Lisalanna East Ayrshire Family Support Project | Lugar Street | Millbank | Cumnock | KA18 1AB | 01290 426 880 | Richard Truesdale | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||
CS2004079172 | Action for Children - New Horizons | Housing support service | 19-11-2004 | 2 Florabank Road | Haddington | EH41 3LJ | 01620 829 807 | Robert Inglis | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2003001293 | Action for Children - Respite Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Loom Walk | Kilbarchan | Johnstone | PA10 2JP | 01505 702 000 | Jacquie Flood | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2005110586 | Action for Children - Silverton Short Breaks | Care homes for children and young people | 21-03-2006 | Larch Grove | Silvertonhill | Hamilton | ML3 7NF | 01698 424 102 | Linda McCammon | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2007164443 | Action for Children - Stoneside Project | Care homes for children and young people | 31-03-2008 | Action For Children | 18 Stoneside Drive | Glasgow | G43 1JF | 01416 324 052 | Nicola Toner | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2003011489 | Action for Children - Tayavalla | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 54 Brown Street | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4QF | 01324 633 772 | Stacey Lawrence | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2019377978 | Action for Children Housing Support for Edinburgh, East and Midlothian | Housing Support Service | 20-05-2020 | Unit 18 | 11 Harewood Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4NT | 01620 829 593 | Jacqueline Macaulay | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2019377979 | Action for Children Housing Support for Edinburgh, East and Midlothian | Support Service | 20-05-2020 | Unit 18 | 11 Harewood Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4NT | 01316 604 656 | Jacqueline Macaulay | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2015334883 | Action for Children Therapeutic Activity Clubs - Edinburgh and Lothians | Day care of children | 25-03-2015 | SPACE | Unit 18 | 11 Harewood Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6NT | 01316 594 712 | Muhammad Kashif Jawaid Khan | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||
CS2004062420 | Action in Mind | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | 19 Dean Crescent | Riverside | Stirling | FK8 1UR | 01786 451 203 | Irene Hamilton | | SP2004006094 | Action in Mind | Active | ||||
CS2015339085 | Active Healthcare Services | Housing support service | 17-11-2015 | 12 Almondvale South | Beveridge Square | Livingston | EH54 6NB | 01506239320 | Jonathan Kelly | | SP2015012511 | Active Healthcare Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015338859 | Active Healthcare Services | Support services - care at home | 17-11-2015 | 12 Almondvale South | Livingston | EH54 6NB | 01506 239 320 | Jonathan Kelly | | SP2015012511 | Active Healthcare Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015339086 | Active Nursing Agency | Nurse agencies | 17-11-2015 | 19 Grampian Court | Beveridge Square | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 01506 239 320 | Sarudzai Mutebuka | | SP2015012511 | Active Healthcare Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007147586 | Adam, Jacqueline | Childminding | 14-06-2007 | Troon | Jacqueline Adam | SP2007964681 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003001274 | Adams House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Auchenlodment Road | Elderslie | Johnstone | PA5 9NX | 01505 337 322 | Elizabeth Rea | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2003012667 | Adams, Marysia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkliston | Marysia Adams | SP2003906389 | Adams, Mrs Marysia Adams, Mrs Marysia | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015063 | Addie, Joanna | Childminding | 09-12-2002 | Musselburgh | Joanna Addie | | SP2003909415 | Joanna Addie | Active | ||||||||
CS2008176035 | Addiewell Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 21-10-2008 | Addiewell Primary School | Church Street | Addiewell | West Calder | EH55 8PG | 01501 762 794 | Eileen Brown | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2014331481 | Addlesee, Emily | Childminding | 23-01-2015 | Inverurie | Emily Addlesee | | SP2014986351 | Emily Addlesee | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000149 | Adele's Childminding | Child Minding | 29-05-2023 | Ellon | | SP2023000098 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003014845 | Adelphi Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 Waddell Court | Glasgow | G5 0QA | 01414 291 474 | Karen O'Hara | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003008467 | Aden House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 5 Annfield Road | Inverness | IV2 3HX | 01463 234 667 | PAMELA CRAIG - MACKIE | | SP2005007555 | Malcolm McKinlay | Active | |||||
CS2018367644 | Adigo Care | 12-11-2018 | Adigo House | 28 Longridge Road | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0DE | +447828919354 | Gary Andrew Whyte | | SP2018013138 | Adigo Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000422 | Adigo Care | Housing Support Service | 07-11-2024 | Adigo House | 28 Longridge Road | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0DE | 07828919354 | Gary Whyte | | SP2018013138 | Adigo Limited | Active | |||
CS2024000436 | Adigo Care | Housing Support Service | 25-11-2024 | Adigo Care, MediaCorp House. | 2 Caird Park | Hamilton | ML3 0EU | 07828919354 | Gary Whyte | | SP2018013138 | Adigo Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000435 | Adigo Care | Support Service | 25-11-2024 | Adigo Ltd, MediaCorp House | 2 Caird Park | Hamilton | ML3 0EU | 07828919354 | Gary Whyte | | SP2018013138 | Adigo Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004085883 | Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 07-11-2005 | 16 Church Street | Dumbarton | G82 1QL | 01389776414 | Allyson Pender | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2005095788 | Adoption Service - Stornoway | Adoption agencies | 14-11-2005 | Social Work Department | Sandwick Road | Stornoway | HS1 2BW | 01851 822 749 | Fiona Miller | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2013317801 | Adroit Care and Support Services Limited | Support services - care at home | 16-10-2013 | John Smith Business Centre | 1 Begg Road | Office 44 | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6HD | 07504 687 292 | Erin Blyth | | SP2013012082 | Adroit Care and Support Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000189 | Adult Placement - Supported Care | Adult placement services | 19-07-2022 | 7 Luna Place | Gateway West | Dundee Technology Park | Dundee | DD2 1XF | 01382561279 | Gillian Merrett | | SP2003001613 | Carolina House Trust | Active | |||
CS2020000004 | Adult Placement Service 1 | Adult Placement Service | 26-10-2020 | Service Address street 1 | Service address line 2 | Service address line 3 | Service town | SV4 1WE | 01323123123 | Manager Forename Manager surname | | SP2020000004 | Adult Placement Org 1 | Active | |||
CS2004084450 | Adult Services, Resources - Housing Support and Care At Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-01-2005 | Fife Council | Fife House | North Street | GLENROTHES | KY7 5LT | 03451 55 00 00 | John Humphries | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2004084447 | Adult Services, Resources - Housing Support and Care At Home Service | Housing support service | 05-01-2005 | Fife Council | Fife House | North Street | GLENROTHES | KY7 5LT | 03451 55 00 00 | John Humphries | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2004064313 | Adventure begins... | Childminding | 29-11-2004 | Duns | Paula Preston | | SP2004919526 | Paula Preston | Active | ||||||||
CS2018365034 | Adventure Glen Childcare | 19-06-2018 | GLASGOW | Kayleigh McIntosh-Lowrie | | SP2018989738 | Kayleigh McIntosh-Lowrie | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380013 | Affinity Trust - Aberdeen | Housing Support Service | 16-09-2020 | 87A Urquhart Road | Aberdeen | AB24 5ND | 01224 039 264 | William Blackley | | SP2011011384 | Affinity Trust | Active | |||||
CS2020379946 | Affinity Trust - Aberdeen | Support Service | 16-09-2020 | 87A Urquhart Road | Aberdeen | AB24 5ND | 01224 039 264 | William Blackley | | SP2011011384 | Affinity Trust | Active | |||||
CS2011290081 | Affinity Trust - Argyll & Bute | Housing support service | 05-09-2011 | 1st Floor, Glenshellach House | 7e Glengallan Road | Oban | PA34 4HG | 01631 571 311 | Thomas Ritchie | | SP2011011384 | Affinity Trust | Active | ||||
CS2011290083 | Affinity Trust - Argyll & Bute | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-09-2011 | 1st Floor, Glenshellach House | 7e Glengallan Road | Oban | PA34 4HG | 01631 571 311 | Thomas Ritchie | | SP2011011384 | Affinity Trust | Active | ||||
CS2011280326 | Affinity Trust Scotland West Services | Housing support service | 05-09-2011 | Affinity Trust | 44-46 Bank Street | Irvine | KA8 8HH | 01294446600 | Tom Ritchie | | SP2011011384 | Affinity Trust | Active | ||||
CS2011290075 | Affinity Trust Scotland West Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-09-2011 | Affinity Trust | 44-46 Bank Street | Irvine | KA12 0LP | 01294446600 | Thomas Ritchie | | SP2011011384 | Affinity Trust | Active | ||||
CS2024000198 | After 3 Osc | Day care of children | 14-06-2024 | Croftfoot Primary School | 265 Croftpark Avenue | Glasgow | G44 5NT | 07429362879 | Daynor Muldoon | | SP2003001343 | Sweeney, Monica | Active | ||||
CS2022000242 | After the Bell OSC | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2022 | Toryglen School | 6 Drumreoch Place | Glasgow | G42 0ER | 07543109108 | Arfar Shoaib | | SP2022000165 | Daynor Muldoon | Active | ||||
CS2016346426 | Afton Anderson Childminding | Childminding | 04-11-2016 | Lanark | Afton Anderson | | SP2016987942 | Afton Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2009193085 | Afzal, Naseem Akhtar | Childminding | 17-07-2009 | Glasgow | Naseem Akhtar Afzal | | SP2009972693 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000042 | Aga Chilminding | Childminding | 23-02-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000033 | Agnieszka Matysiak | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000802 | Age Concern Eastwood Dementia Project | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | The Stables - No. 3 Cottage | Eastwood Park | Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 7JS | 01416 210 133 | Fiona Thomson | | SP2003000156 | Age Concern Eastwood Dementia Project | Active | |||
CS2003000516 | Ahmed, Runi | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Runi Ahmed | | SP2003900042 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016350 | Aileymill Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Aileymill Primary School | Norfolk Road | Greenock | PA16 0JG | 01475 715 996 | Greg McGowan | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000322 | Ailsa - My life Edinburgh | Support Service | 02-10-2023 | Floor 3 | Sugar Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 01312023235 | Lori Watson | | SP2004006718 | Ailsa Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000450 | Ailsa - My life Edinburgh | Housing Support Service | 06-12-2024 | Floor 3 | Sugar Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 07710563217 | Lori Watson | | SP2004006718 | Ailsa Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004079450 | Ailsa Care Services West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-11-2004 | Falkirk Business Hub | 45 Vicar Street | Unit 1/12 | Falkirk | FK1 1LL | 01324 230 111 | Demi Barnes | | SP2004006718 | Ailsa Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2016349810 | Ailsa Craig | 06-11-2017 | 101 Brand Street | Cessnock | Glasgow | G51 1DJ | 01414 271 668 | DonnaMarie Newman | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015383 | Ailsa Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Loaning | Motherwell | ML1 3NQ | 01698522701 | Susan Tobasnick | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2012313838 | Ailsa Lodge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2014 | 21 Erskine Ferry Road | Bishopton | PA7 5PP | 01418 124 994 | Pauline Perratt | | SP2012011987 | McKenzie Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019378035 | Aimee Helps Childminder | Child Minding | 10-03-2020 | Broxburn | Aimee Helps | | SP2019990946 | Aimee Helps | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000105 | Aimee's Wee Monkeys | Child Minding | 16-06-2021 | WISHAW | | SP2021000067 | Aimee Reynolds | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000031 | Ainsley Kyle's Childminding Service | Childminding | 28-01-2025 | Kilmarnock | | SP2024000904 | Ainsley Kyle | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366847 | Ainsley McCrimmond Childminding Services | 11-09-2018 | Glasgow | Ainsley McCrimmond | | SP2018989902 | Ainsley McCrimmond | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010250 | Ainslie Manor Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Stranraer Road | Girvan | KA26 0HW | 01465 715 023 | Nichola Gillilan | | SP2007009415 | Cumloden Nursing Homes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007142084 | Ainsworth, Christine | Childminding | 26-06-2007 | Penicuik | Christine Ainsworth | | SP2007963069 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307180 | Airdferry Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | 12 Aitemore Road | Dornie | Kyle | IV40 8FD | 01599 555 313 | Neil Ingall | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2004071307 | Airdrie Home Support Service | Housing support service | 27-08-2004 | Airdrie Social Work Locality | 92 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AW | 0300 555 0408 | Jennifer McGonnagle | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004071313 | Airdrie Home Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-08-2004 | Airdrie Social Work Locality | 92 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AW | 07523236075 | Jennifer McGonnagle | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001206 | Airdrie Locality | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 92 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AW | 01236 856 000 | Gail Lennon | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001308 | Airlie House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 5 Victoria Park | Ayr | KA7 2TR | 01292 262 744 | Margaret Lorimer | | SP2003000262 | Ayr Baptist Homes | Active | |||||
CS2003015777 | Airlie Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Airlie Primary School | Airlie | Kirriemuir | DD8 5NP | 01575 526 149 | Paul Kinney | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015554 | Airth Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Elphinstone Crescent | Airth | Falkirk | FK2 8JX | 01324 831 265 | Sharon Ritchie | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2006128186 | Airthrey Care | Care homes for older people | 28-09-2006 | Paul Drive | Airth | Falkirk | FK2 8LA | 01324 831 572 | Michelle Ruiz-Beltran | | SP2003002718 | Airthrey Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003014410 | Airyhall Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Airyhall Primary School | Countesswells Road | Aberdeen | AB15 8AD | 01224 498 050 | Donna Polson | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2009194457 | Airyhall Out of School Club | Day care of children | 20-08-2009 | Countesswells Road | Aberdeen | AB15 8AD | 07525 855 355 | Angela Harkins | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2021000260 | Aiste Gvildyte | Child Minding | 21-09-2021 | HELENSBURGH | | SP2021000157 | Aiste Gvildyte | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006775 | Aitchison, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Linda Aitchison | | SP2003903998 | Linda Aitchison | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007026 | Aitchison, Yvonne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Lochgelly | Yvonne Aitchison | | SP2003904066 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016125 | Aith Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Aith Junior High School | Aith | Shetland | ZE2 9NB | 01595 807 400 | Michael Spence | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2004081315 | Aitken, Alison | Childminding | 17-08-2006 | Larbert | Alison Aitken | | SP2004940548 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010271372 | Aitken, Dorothy | Childminding | 14-01-2011 | Dunfermline | Dorothy Aitken | | SP2010979391 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004070810 | Aitken, Karen Christina | Childminding | 10-11-2004 | Bathgate | Karen Christina Aitken | SP2003906719 | Aitken, Mrs Karen Christina Aitken, Mrs Karen Christina | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316288 | Alana's Childminding | Childminding | 15-07-2013 | Annan | Alana McNaughton | | SP2013984737 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000086 | Alanis Lamont Childcare | Childminding | 24-02-2025 | Stranraer | | SP2024000577 | Alanis Lamont | Active | |||||||||
CS2003044410 | Alanmart Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 22-12-2003 | 6B Muirhead Road | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 4HZ | 01324 563 314 | Marion Fivey | | SP2004004228 | Alanmart Day Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005087489 | Alastrean House | Care homes for older people | 29-03-2005 | Tarland | Aboyne | AB34 4TA | 01339 881 235 | Teresa Kasza | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000247 | Albert Street | Support Service | 09-08-2023 | 64b Albert Street | Edinburgh | EH7 5LJ | 0131 538 5279 | Sharon Morrison | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2023000235 | Albert Street | Housing Support Service | 08-08-2023 | 64b Albert Street | Edinburgh | EH7 5LJ | 0131 538 5279 | Sharon Morrison | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2015341240 | Albyn School After School Club | 17-12-2015 | 17-23 Queens Road | Aberdeen | AB15 4PB | 01224 322 408 | Nathan Davies | | SP2003003562 | Albyn School Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003016175 | Albyn School Nurseries | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 17-23 Queens Road | Aberdeen | AB15 4PB | 01224 322 408 | Elizabeth (Zibby) Brown | | SP2003003562 | Albyn School Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003054200 | Alcohol & Drugs Support South West Scotland | Housing support service | 22-02-2005 | 225 King Street | Castle Douglas | DG7 1DT | 01556 503 550 | Angela Roberts | | SP2004004454 | Alcohol and Drugs Support South West Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2016346966 | Alcohol and Drugs Action Recovery Services | Support services - not care at home | 24-11-2016 | 7 Hadden Street | Aberdeen | AB11 6NU | 01224 577120 | Irene Sykes | | SP2016012708 | Alcohol and Drugs Action | Active | |||||
CS2019377372 | Alcura Clinical Home Care Services | Nurse Agency | 05-02-2020 | Alcura house | Caswell road | Brackmills | northampton | nn4 7pu | 07887056181 | Kara Richards | | SP2019013388 | Alcura UK Limited | Active | |||
CS2020379050 | Alderwood House | Care Home Service | 18-02-2021 | 2 Gooseholm Road | Dumbarton | G82 2AY | 01389 717740 | Laura McNicol | | SP2020013476 | Alderwood House Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015712 | Alehousewells School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Alehousewells School | Bremner Way | Kemnay | Inverurie | AB51 5FW | 01467536910 | Michelle Morrison | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000159 | Alexander House Care Home | Care Home Service | 05-06-2023 | Main Street | Crossgates | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8DF | 01383 518 080 | Kelly Mulholland | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015408 | Alexander Peden Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Main Street | Harthill | Shotts | ML7 5TU | 01501 826 709 | Sandra Campbell | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000346 | Alexander Scott's Hospital Eventide Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Gladstone Road | Huntly | AB54 8BD | 01466 792 147 | KATIE WILLIAMS | | SP2003000035 | Alexander Scott Hospital Eventide Home | Active | |||||
CS2005093059 | Alexander, Adel | Childminding | 14-08-2006 | Turriff | Adel Alexander | | SP2005944858 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003907 | Alexander, Brenda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Brenda Alexander | | SP2003902107 | Brenda Alexander | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014009 | Alexander, Kathleen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alloa | Kathleen Alexander | | SP2003908226 | Kathleen Alexander | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377135 | Alexis Donnelly Childminding Service | Childminding | 12-05-2020 | Glasgow | Alexis Donnelly | | SP2019990805 | Alexis Donnelly | Active | ||||||||
CS2008168603 | Alford Pre-School | Day care of children | 29-04-2008 | Howe Trinity Church Hall | 110 Main Street | Alford | AB33 8AD | 01975 563 505 | Jacqueline Rae | | SP2003000473 | Alford Pre-School | Active | ||||
CS2003015703 | Alford Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Greystone Road | Alford | AB33 8TY | 01975 562 395 | Lisa Wilkinson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2020380006 | Ali Baba's Childminding | Child Minding | 07-07-2020 | Motherwell | Alison Hughes | | SP2020991232 | Alison Hughes | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000317 | Ali Bali Bees Early Education and Childcare | Child Minding | 12-08-2024 | Dundee | | SP2024000362 | Alison Howett | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309503 | Ali's Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-11-2012 | Edinburgh | Alison McMurray | | SP2012983735 | Alison McMurray | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000231 | Alice's Childminding Service | Childminding | 02-08-2023 | Dunblane | | SP2023000150 | Alice Ullathorne | Active | |||||||||
CS2019377093 | Alice's Cottage | Child Minding | 04-12-2019 | Dingwall | Alice Hannan | | SP2019990799 | Alice Hannan | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000038 | Alisan Care Ltd | Support Service | 06-02-2024 | Unit 4A | 85 Neilston Road | Paisley | PA2 6ES | 07776112689 | Susan Chitura | | SP2023000352 | Alisan Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000398 | Alison Chandler - Childminder | Child Minding | 24-11-2023 | Isle of Islay | | SP2023000338 | Alison Chandler | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000465 | Alison House | Care homes for children and young people | 17-12-2024 | 21 Calder Gardens | Edinburgh | EH11 4LA | 0131 672 1110 | Ann Quinn | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000340 | Alison MacInnes Registered Childminding | Childminding | 05-11-2022 | Ardgay | | SP2022000224 | Alison MacInnes | Active | |||||||||
CS2017359850 | Alison Nicoll Childminding | 28-11-2017 | Kirriemuir | Alison Nicoll | | SP2017989332 | Alison Nicoll | Active | |||||||||
CS2012311197 | Alison's Childminding | Childminding | 09-10-2012 | Dunfermline | Alison Gilchrist | | SP2012984001 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378432 | Alissa's Childminding | Child Minding | 30-03-2020 | St. Andrews | Alissa Orr | | SP2019990998 | Alissa Orr | Active | ||||||||
CS2018368069 | All Care Services Ltd Homecare and Housing Support | 17-01-2019 | 2 Grampian Court | Beveridge Square | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 01506239191 | Juliet Madyira | | SP2018013149 | All Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020379943 | All Care Services Ltd: Homecare and Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 13-01-2021 | 2 Grampian Court | Beveridge Square | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 07770 357 659 | Juliet Madyira | | SP2018013149 | All Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000223 | All for You Services | Support services - care at home | 26-08-2021 | Fairways Business Park | 8 Deer Park | Livingston | EH54 8AF | 01506 343010 | Dawn D'Aeth | | SP2021000132 | All for You Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018363986 | All New Beginnings Ltd | 03-07-2018 | Clyde House | 105 Bothwell Road | HAMILTON | ML3 0DW | 01555 668 580 | Rebecca Park | | SP2018013061 | All New Beginnings Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000301 | Allachburn | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 5 Low Road | Tarland | Aboyne | AB34 5GW | 01339 267 762 | Ann Milne | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015614 | Allan's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 64 Baker Street | Stirling | FK8 1DB | 01786 473 453 | Lindsey Howland | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2008175928 | Allan, Brenda | Childminding | 20-01-2009 | Largs | Brenda Allan | | SP2008969826 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012314005 | Allan, Fiona | Childminding | 28-05-2013 | Aberdeen | Fiona Allan | | SP2012984384 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353617 | Allan, Jean | Childminding | 07-04-2017 | Airdrie | Jean Allan | SP2017988746 | Jean Allan | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300757 | Allan, Leigh | Childminding | 09-02-2012 | Ellon | Leigh Allan | | SP2011982818 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014329406 | Allan, Leigh | Childminding | 28-10-2014 | Kelty | Leigh Allan | | SP2014986192 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010271085 | Allan, Rhona | Childminding | 27-01-2011 | Darvel | Rhona Allan | | SP2010979296 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002135 | Allan, Vicki | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ellon | Vicki Allan | | SP2003900757 | Vicki Allan | Active | ||||||||
CS2019378605 | Allanbank Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | Allanbank | Bankend Road | DUMFRIES | DG1 4AN | 01387 216 600 | Sandra McNay | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000312 | Allandale House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 9-11 Balmoor Terrace | Peterhead | AB42 1EQ | 01779 473 153 | Sarah Wright | | SP2003000030 | Carers Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004057808 | Allander Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 20-01-2004 | Allander Leisure Centre | Milngavie Road | Bearsden | G61 3DF | 01417 773 017 | Catherine Davison | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015384 | Allanton Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dura Road | Allanton | Shotts | ML7 5AB | 01501 826 703 | Elspeth McCoull | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003053437 | Allardice, Debra | Childminding | 28-06-2004 | Dundee | Debra Allardice | | SP2004938571 | Debra Allardice | Active | ||||||||
CS2019373947 | Allarton | Housing support service | 30-09-2019 | 19 Broomhill Gate | Glasgow | G11 7NU | 01413 391 383 | Derek McCabe | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2019373949 | Allarton | Support services - care at home | 30-09-2019 | 19 Broomhill Gate | Glasgow | G11 7NU | 01413 391 383 | Derek McCabe | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2024000411 | AllCare HomeCare | Support Service | 30-10-2024 | 20 Tern Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8GA | 07490948640 | Nothando Senda-Ndaba | | SP2019013318 | Rhema Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019375312 | Allcare Providers | Nurse Agency | 22-01-2020 | 20 Tern Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8GA | 07765 287 238 | Northando Senda Ndaba | | SP2019013318 | Rhema Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000413 | Allcare365 | Support Service | 31-10-2024 | 8-10 Silk Street | Paisley | PA1 1HG | 07394471441 | Cassandra Mamvuto | | SP2023000380 | Allcare365 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008180512 | Alldridge, Louise | Childminding | 27-04-2009 | Kilmarnock | Louise Alldridge | | SP2008970681 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365532 | Allied & Clinical Recruitments | 04-09-2018 | 100 West George Steet | Glasgow | G2 1PJ | 03334567876 | Esther Olojugba | | SP2014012295 | Allied & Clinical Recruitments Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2018371999 | Allied Health-Services Isle of Bute | 21-12-2018 | 9 King Street | Rothesay | PA20 0DE | 01475 733 444 | Janice MacDonald | | SP2018013250 | Care Quality Services Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2020380030 | Allinvale House | Care Home Service | 31-07-2020 | Sword Street | Airdrie | ML6 0BU | 01355 239 609 | George McConnell | | SP2018013216 | Love @ Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000080 | Allison Hassan | Childminding | 28-03-2022 | Kilmarnock | | SP2022000055 | Allison Hassan | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005138 | Alloway After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Life Long Learning Suite | Alloway Primary School | 16 Doonholm Road, Alloway | Ayr | KA7 4QQ | 07857 115 911 | Melissa Orsi | | SP2003001090 | Alloway After School Club Committee | Active | |||
CS2022000179 | Alloway Childcare | Child Minding | 06-07-2022 | Glasgow | | SP2022000128 | Sandra Harrington | Active | |||||||||
CS2008173997 | Alloway Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 30-06-2008 | Doonholm Road | Alloway | Ayr | KA7 4QQ | 01292 612 490 | Fiona Meney | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2005109544 | Allsorts Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 22-05-2006 | Duns Primary School | Langtongate | Duns | TD11 3QG | 07436797945 | Claire Purves | | SP2005007864 | Allsorts Childcare Centre Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003008589 | Allsorts, Dornoch After School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dornoch Primary School & Dornoch Academy | Evelix Road | Dornoch | IV25 3HR | 07900 247 454 | Carla Gallon | | SP2003001779 | Dornoch Allsorts After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2013317304 | Alltogether Care Services Ltd | Housing support service | 25-02-2014 | Spectrum House East Wing | 1a North Avenue | Clydebank Business Park | Clydebank | G81 2DR | 01419 529 883 | Laureen Kelly | | SP2013012068 | Alltogether Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013317305 | Alltogether Care Services Ltd | Support services - care at home | 25-02-2014 | Spectrum House East Wing | 1a North Avenue | Clydebank Business Park | Clydebank | G81 2DR | 01419 529 883 | Laureen Kelly | | SP2013012068 | Alltogether Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008177658 | Alltots Nursery | Day care of children | 09-01-2009 | Holy Cross Church | 64 Cowdenhill Road | Knightswood | Glasgow | G13 2HE | 01419 590 085 | Angela Gill | | SP2008009831 | Alltots Ltd | Active | |||
CS2005111354 | Alma McFadyen | Care homes for older people | 02-02-2006 | Mill Street | Dalbeattie | DG5 4HE | 01556 610 539 | Leanna Mitchell | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017353323 | Almond Blossom Care | Support services - care at home | 13-07-2017 | 112 Grantron Road | Edinburgh | EH5 3RE | 01315 641 671 | Nkechi Okoro | | SP2017012850 | Almond Blossom Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019372786 | Almond Blossom Care | Housing Support Service | 12-06-2019 | 112 Grantron Road | Edinburgh | EH5 3RE | 01315 641 671 | Nkechi Okoro | | SP2017012850 | Almond Blossom Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020379123 | Almond Court Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 15 Drumchapel Place | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 6DN | 01419 446 889 | Jamie-Leigh Kidd | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014323811 | Almond Park Nursery | Day care of children | 23-07-2014 | 10-12 Macbeth Moir Road | Musselburgh | EH21 8JE | +441316654136 | Danielle Ross | | SP2014012251 | The Almond Park Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000382 | Almond Tree Childminding Services | Child Minding | 13-11-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000248 | Omwanghe Ojekhekpen | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000315 | Almond Valley Care Home | Care Home Service | 12-08-2024 | 1 Almondside | Livingston | EH54 6QU | 07871729615 | Maggie Allison | | SP2023001188 | Morrison Community Care (Livingston) Propco Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020379131 | Almond View Care Home | Care Home Service | 26-08-2020 | 5 Drumchapel Place | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 6DN | 01419 448 893 | Michelle Carr | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011288883 | Almost Home Childcare | Childminding | 11-08-2011 | Airdrie | Heather Paterson | | SP2011982448 | Heather Paterson trading as Almost Home Childcare Heather Paterson trading as Almost Home Childcare | Active | ||||||||
CS2003020297 | Alphabet Yard | Day care of children | 03-11-2003 | Boat Vennel | 20 New Bridge Street | South Harbour Street | Ayr | KA7 1JX | 01292 260 444 | Elaine Buchanan | | SP2003003629 | Elaine Buchanan | Active | |||
CS2010249498 | Alt- Na- Craig House | Care homes for older people | 05-04-2010 | 215 Lyle Road | Greenock | PA16 7XT | 01475731308 | Sharon Horler | | SP2010010977 | Alt Na Craig LTD | Active | |||||
CS2013322988 | Alternatives WD CDS | Support services - not care at home | 31-12-2014 | 1/3 Quay Street | Dumbarton | G82 1LG | 01389 734 500 | Donald McGilveray | | SP2004004467 | Alternatives West Dunbartonshire CDS, a company limited by guarantee | Active | |||||
CS2003054982 | Alternatives West Dunbartonshire Community Drug Services Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | 51 Jean Armour Drive | Clydebank | G81 2EX | 01389 734 500 | Donnie McGilvery | | SP2004004467 | Alternatives West Dunbartonshire CDS, a company limited by guarantee | Active | |||||
CS2012309152 | Altogether Travel | Support services - not care at home | 12-06-2013 | 77 Renfrew Street | Glasgow | G2 3BZ | 01414 061 821 | Stephen Chalmers | | SP2012011839 | Altogether Travel Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2019372596 | Alva Childminding Service | 21-05-2019 | Alva | Sierra Sison | | SP2019990340 | Sierra Sison | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015584 | Alva ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Alva Primary School | Brook Street | Alva | FK12 5AN | 01259 760 987 | Lynda Mcdonald | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003345 | Alva Play Pals Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brook Street | Alva Primary School | Brook Street | Alva | FK12 5AN | 07903 009 962 | Claire Russell | | SP2003000682 | Alva Play Pals Out Of School Care Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2016347762 | Alyson MacIver Childminding | Childminding | 22-08-2016 | Isle of Lewis | Alyson MacIver | | SP2016988102 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010086 | Alyth Out of School Care Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Alyth Primary School | Albert Street | Alyth | Blairgowrie | PH11 8AX | 07718 573 511 | Claire Gordon | | SP2003002143 | Alyth Out Of School Care Group | Active | |||
CS2003017330 | Alyth Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Albert Street | Alyth | Blairgowrie | PH11 8AX | 01250 871 370 | Connie Letford | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2005087731 | Alzheimer Scotland - Croftspar Place Service | Housing support service | 04-07-2005 | 8 Croftspar Place | Springboig | Glasgow | G32 0JD | 01417 743 690 | Sharon Higgins | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | ||||
CS2007159263 | Alzheimer Scotland - Croftspar Place Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-08-2007 | 8 Croftspar Place | Springboig | Glasgow | G32 0JD | 01417 743 690 | Sharon Higgins | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2004078884 | Alzheimer Scotland - Dumfries & Galloway | Support Services - not care at home | 14-12-2004 | 8 Gordon Street | Dumfries | DG1 1EG | 01387 261 303 | Lynn Janssen | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003017820 | Alzheimer Scotland - Dundee | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 9 Morgan Street | Dundee | DD4 6QE | 01382 210 200 | Caroline Mitchell-Wemyss | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003015555 | Alzheimer Scotland - Falkirk Services | Support service - care at home and not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 35 Johnston Avenue | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 4JZ | 01324 559 480 | Julie Anne Moore | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | ||||
CS2004070697 | Alzheimer Scotland - Fife Service | Support Services - not care at home | 13-07-2004 | Hill Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1AH | 01592 204 541 | Caroline Mitchell-Wemyss | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003000945 | Alzheimer Scotland - Glasgow Service | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 11 Bridgeton Cross | Glasgow | G40 1BN | 01414 183 948 | Fay Godfrey | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003001009 | Alzheimer Scotland - Glasgow Younger Persons Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 11 Bridgeton Cross | Glasgow | G40 1BN | 01414 296 428 | Fay Godfrey | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003001087 | Alzheimer Scotland - Inverclyde Project | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 1 Nicol Street | Greenock | PA16 7EN | 01475 261 100 | Mario Fabiani | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003016389 | Alzheimer Scotland - Miller Street Dementia Resource Centre | Support services - care at home | 03-12-2002 | 6-8 Miller Street | Clydebank | G81 1UQ | 01414 105 306 | Alison MacNair | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003034582 | Alzheimer Scotland - North Ayrshire Day Care Services | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 38 Parkhouse Road | Ardrossan | KA22 8AN | 01294 469 955 | Angela McCluskey | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003034648 | Alzheimer Scotland - Renfrewshire Services | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 32 Riccartsbar Avenue | Paisley | PA2 6BG | 01418 871 289 | Vivian Nixon | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | |||||
CS2003008501 | Alzheimer Scotland - Ross-shire Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Resource Centre | Victoria Road | Tain | IV19 1AU | 01862 894 276 | Sarah Fraser | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | ||||
CS2004073089 | Alzheimer Scotland Edinburgh, Mid & East Lothian | Support services - care at home | 13-07-2004 | Alzheimer Scotland | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 0131 551 9350 | Lisa Moodie | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | ||||
CS2023000270 | Am Bruach | Care Home Service | 21-08-2023 | Falkland House School Perth | Fairmount Terrace | Perth | PH2 7AR | 07513807838 | Adrian Clifford | | SP2008009724 | House of Falkland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014332213 | Amanda Connell (Childminding) | Childminding | 20-11-2014 | Troon | Amanda Connell | | SP2014986549 | Amanda Connell | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000042 | Amanda Gillies Childminding | Childminding | 05-02-2025 | Killin | | SP2024000804 | Amanda Gillies | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000130 | Amanda McCaffrey | Child Minding | 30-05-2022 | Helensburgh | | SP2022000092 | Amanda McCaffrey | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338067 | Amanda McMenamin Childminding Service | Childminding | 18-08-2015 | Bonnybridge | Amanda McMenamin | | SP2015987020 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309336 | Amanda's Childminding | Childminding | 20-08-2012 | Edinburgh | Amanda Paterson | | SP2012983703 | Amanda Paterson | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000106 | Amanda's Childminding | Child Minding | 13-04-2023 | Newton Stewart | | SP2023000073 | Amanda Fairhurst | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375697 | Amanda's Mini Monkeys | Child Minding | 15-08-2019 | Livingston | Amanda Arnott | | SP2019990610 | Amanda Arnott | Active | ||||||||
CS2015341718 | Amanda's Wee Pandas | Childminding | 19-11-2015 | BATHGATE | Amanda Hartill | | SP2015987451 | Amanda Hartill | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000350 | Amare Healthcare Solutions | Support Service | 11-09-2024 | 5 Sisman Place | Larbert | FK5 4XJ | 07780112378 | Cleopatra Moyo | | SP2024000046 | Amare Healthcare Solutions limited | Active | |||||
CS2018365454 | Amaris Care Ltd | 18-04-2019 | Regus | Westpoint | 4 Redheughs Rigg | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 07915907433 | Lilian Fungayi Mauluka | | SP2018013091 | Amaris Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013315492 | Amazing Grace Childcare | Childminding | 28-10-2013 | Glasgow | Adenike Aje | | SP2013984586 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016365 | Amber Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Camphill Schools | Murtle House | Aberdeen | AB15 9EP | 01224 865 893 | Helen Willey | | SP2003000021 | Camphill Rudolf Steiner Schools Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018369470 | Amber Love Childminding Services | 09-05-2019 | Galston | Amber Love | SP2018990103 | Amber Love | Active | ||||||||||
CS2019376330 | Amie's Childminding | Child Minding | 12-09-2019 | Linlithgow | Amie Bogle | | SP2019990675 | Amie Bogle | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000030 | AMP Childminding | Child Minding | 27-01-2022 | Helensburgh | | SP2022000017 | Ann Page | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000097 | Amy Jackson Childminding | Child Minding | 06-04-2023 | Kilmarnock | | SP2023000070 | Amy Jackson | Active | |||||||||
CS2021382979 | Amy MacFarlane Childminding Service | Childminding | 11-03-2021 | Falkirk | Amy MacFarlane | | SP2021991546 | Amy MacFarlane | Active | ||||||||
CS2014326385 | Amy Wilson Childminding | Childminding | 19-08-2014 | Dunfermline | Amy Wilson | | SP2014985971 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358560 | Amy's Childcare Service | 15-09-2017 | Brechin | Amy Dougan | | SP2017989213 | Amy Dougan | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000255 | Amy's Childminding | Childminding | 22-07-2024 | Peterhead | | SP2024000435 | Amy Dignan | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000152 | Amy's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 30-05-2023 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000101 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2022000196 | Amy's Little Dreamers | Childminding | 25-07-2022 | Newton Stewart | | SP2022000140 | Amy McGaw | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000114 | Amys Little Angels | Child Minding | 09-04-2024 | Macduff | | SP2023001558 | Amy Morrison | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307181 | An Acarsaid (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Liveras Park | Broadford | Isle of Skye | IV49 9AW | 01471 822 670 | margaret Mackinnon | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2011303451 | An Carina Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 09-12-2011 | Ennis Park | Polbeth | West Calder | EH55 8TP | 01506 873 872 | Fay Rodger | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2017361590 | ana care@home | 29-05-2018 | 35 Albert Street | Aberdeen | AB25 1XU | 01224 542 542 | Solmaz Rose | | SP2003002340 | UK Private Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2008177877 | Anam Cara | Care homes for older people | 14-04-2009 | Anam Cara | 21 Montgomery Court | Kilbirnie | KA25 7JE | Clare Mills | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001244 | Anchor Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 51-53 Stock Street | Paisley | PA2 6NG | 01416 186 536 | Lorraine McLatchie | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004061871 | Anchor House | Housing support service | 03-11-2004 | 49 Crieff Road | Perth | PH1 2RP | 07916 292 690 | Derek Given | | SP2004006041 | Anchor House | Active | |||||
CS2017358816 | Anchor Nursing and Social Care Limited | Nurse agencies | 04-06-2018 | Unit 17b | Dunfermline Business Centre | Izatt Avenue | Dunfermline | KY11 3BZ | 01383 840 441 | Busisiwe Patricia Ndlovu | | SP2017012955 | Anchor Nursing and Social Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2019376594 | And the little one said | Child Minding | 11-11-2019 | Perth | Leonie Purdie | | SP2019990704 | Leoni Purdie | Active | ||||||||
CS2004085988 | Anderida Adolescent Care | Care homes for children and young people | 05-05-2005 | 2 Woodlands | Kindeace | Invergordon | IV18 0LL | 01862 842 713 | Emma Parslow | | SP2003003251 | Anderida Adolescent Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012307528 | Anderson Childminding | Childminding | 02-07-2012 | Leven | Norma Anderson | | SP2012983415 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002694 | Anderson, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Ann Anderson | | SP2003901185 | Ann Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012674 | Anderson, Audrey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Audrey Anderson | | SP2003906396 | Audrey Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317129 | Anderson, Carol | Childminding | 16-08-2013 | Helensburgh | Carol Anderson | | SP2013984860 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008180120 | Anderson, Elaine | Childminding | 01-09-2009 | Strathaven | Elaine Anderson | | SP2008970622 | Elaine Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2009216705 | Anderson, Emma | Childminding | 09-10-2009 | Edinburgh | Emma Anderson | | SP2009974071 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009229645 | Anderson, Judith | Childminding | 07-05-2010 | Peterhead | Judith Anderson | | SP2009974677 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011227 | Anderson, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bo'ness | Julie Anderson | | SP2003905537 | Julie Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2013319484 | Anderson, Kathryn | Childminding | 16-10-2013 | Stirling | Kathryn Anderson | | SP2013985192 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358282 | Anderson, Kimberley | 22-08-2017 | Perth | Kimberley Anderson | | SP2017989194 | Kimberley Anderson | Active | |||||||||
CS2005091912 | Anderson, Leigh Anne | Childminding | 14-10-2005 | Grangemouth | Leigh-Anne Anderson | | SP2005944614 | Anderson, Leigh Anne Anderson, Leigh Anne | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010043 | Anderson, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Linda Anderson | | SP2003905448 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005103075 | Anderson, Margaret | Childminding | 13-09-2005 | Kirkwall | Margaret Anderson | SP2005949816 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003008835 | Anderson, Pamela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Elgin | Pamela Anderson | | SP2003904844 | Pamela Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004458 | Anderson, Sandra | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bellshill | Sandra Anderson | | SP2003902509 | Sandra Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2004062554 | Anderson, Yvonne | Childminding | 14-03-2005 | Glenrothes | Yvonne Anderson | | SP2004918638 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015779 | Andover Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Andover Primary School | 50a Drumachlie Park | Brechin | DD9 7BU | 01356 237207 | Jane Waddell | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2013322050 | Andrena's Childminding | Childminding | 04-02-2014 | Irvine | Andrena Lennox | | SP2013985494 | Andrena Lennox | Active | ||||||||
CS2018365058 | Andrew B Cameron ELCC | Day Care of Children | 30-05-2019 | Broomhill Drive | Dumbarton | G82 3HQ | 01389 773 910 | Lynne Caldow | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013850 | Andrew, Antonia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Tain | Antonia Andrew | | SP2003907499 | Antonia Andrews | Active | ||||||||
CS2014323431 | Andrews, Deborah | Childminding | 24-04-2014 | Glasgow | Deborah Andrews | | SP2014985635 | Deborah Andrews | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003574 | Andrews, Eleanor | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Eleanor Andrews | | SP2003901863 | Eleanor Andrews | Active | ||||||||
CS2013318215 | Angel Care Services (Scotland) Limited | Support Services - not care at home | 27-01-2014 | 29 King Street | Greenock | PA15 1NL | 07963 937 889 | Margaret Wallace | | SP2013012092 | Angel Care Service (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000087 | Angel Faces | Child Minding | 18-03-2024 | Inverness | | SP2023000409 | Bethany Jack | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342609 | Angel's Little Angels | Childminding | 07-03-2016 | Bathgate | Angela Gibson | | SP2015987554 | Angela Gibson | Active | ||||||||
CS2018364207 | Angela Bray Childminding | Childminding | 05-12-2018 | Dumfries | Angela Bray | | SP2018989666 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012029 | Angela Elizabeth Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The School House | Bonnington Road | Wilkieston | Kirknewton | EH27 8BD | 01313 331 949 | Carol Ann Campbell | | SP2003002926 | A.E.N. Limited | Active | |||
CS2021000218 | Angela McCormick Childminder | Child Minding | 24-08-2021 | Larkhall | | SP2021000129 | Angela McCormick | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307626 | Angela McKinlay - Childminder | Childminding | 04-07-2012 | Livingston | Angela McKinlay | SP2012983429 | Angela McKinlay | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315047 | Angela Merrick Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-06-2013 | Dunfermline | Angela Merrick | | SP2013984506 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018370583 | Angela Shields Childminding Services | 05-04-2019 | Glasgow | Angela Shields | | SP2018990198 | Angela Shields | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000214 | Angela Watson Childminding Services | Childminding | 24-06-2024 | Cumnock | | SP2024000089 | Angela Watson | Active | |||||||||
CS2016345829 | Angela Wilson Childminding | 21-06-2016 | Glasgow | Angela Wilson | | SP2016987866 | Angela Wilson | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381003 | Angela's Childminding | Childminding | 24-11-2020 | Beauly | Angela Blake | | SP2020991354 | Angela Blake | Active | ||||||||
CS2015339351 | Angela's Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-09-2015 | Glasgow | Angela Quigley | | SP2015987184 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003663 | Angelini, Carol | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Carol Angelini | | SP2003901935 | Carol Angelini | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000136 | Angels Home Care | Housing Support Service | 24-04-2024 | 8 Landsdowne Gardens | Hamilton | ML3 7DH | 01698 429024 | Tracy Fleming | | SP2015012622 | Angels Home Care Lanarkshire Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015342773 | Angels Home Care Lanarkshire Ltd | 10-02-2016 | 8 Landsdowne Gardens | Hamilton | ML3 7DH | 01698 429 024 | Tracy Fleming | | SP2015012622 | Angels Home Care Lanarkshire Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2012306458 | Angie Browne's Childminding Service | Childminding | 16-05-2012 | GLASGOW | Angela Browne | | SP2012983260 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012312782 | Angie's Childminding | Childminding | 15-02-2013 | Kilmarnock | Angela Keen | | SP2012984213 | Angela Keen | Active | ||||||||
CS2013315720 | Angie's Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-05-2013 | Blairgowrie | Angela Margaret Souter | | SP2013984631 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007152271 | Angie's Little Angels | Childminding | 08-01-2008 | Wishaw | Angela Mitchell | | SP2007965252 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014324004 | Angie's Little Angels | Childminding | 22-07-2014 | Leven | Angie Williamson | | SP2014985705 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006115638 | Angus Council - Young People Housing Support | Housing support service | 08-06-2006 | 28A Millgate Loan | Arbroath | DD11 1PG | 01241 465 115 | Alison Hendry | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2004076793 | Angus Council Accommodation with Support Service (Mental Health) | Housing support service | 03-02-2005 | Cliffview Court | Cliffburn Terrace | Arbroath | DD11 5ED | 01241 437 829 | Deborah Cargill | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2014324984 | Angus Council Accommodation with Support Service (Mental Health) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-12-2014 | Cliffview Court | Cliffburn Terrace | Arbroath | DD11 5ED | 01241 437 829 | Deborah Cargill | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2004080860 | Angus Council Adoption Services | Adoption agencies | 02-11-2005 | Bruce House | Wellgate | Arbroath | DD11 3TS | 01241 465699 | Maria-Christina Smith | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000245 | Angus Council Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 12-07-2024 | Angus Council | Bruce House | Wellgate | Arbroath | DD11 3TP | 01241464646 | Marino Mazzoleni | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2005105109 | Angus Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 03-11-2005 | Family Placement Team | Bruce House | Wellgate | Arbroath | DD11 3TS | 01241 435 078 | Catherine Richardson | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2004076772 | Angus Council Homeless Support Service | Housing support service | 09-11-2004 | Bruce House | Wellgate | Arbroath | DD11 3TS | 01241 438 079 | Drew Gillespie | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2004079355 | Angus Health & Social Care Enablement & Response Team | Support services - care at home | 17-01-2006 | Kinloch Care Centre | Kinloch Street | Carnoustie | DD7 7EN | 01241 803 535 | Tracey Abbot-Gray | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2017355594 | Angus Homecare Services | 24-11-2017 | 35 West High Street | Forfar | DD8 1BE | 01307 465142 | Claire Nicol | | SP2017012909 | Angus Homecare Services Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000002 | Angus Learning Disabilities | Housing Support Service | 04-01-2024 | Voluntary Action Angus | 5-7 The Cross | Forfar | DD8 1BX | 01307 466113 | Audrey Mitchell | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2024000001 | Angus Learning Disabilities | Support Service | 04-01-2024 | Voluntary Action Angus | 5-7 The Cross | Forfar | DD8 1BX | 01307 466113 | Audrey Mitchell | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003002744 | Angus Special Playscheme - Coastal | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath Academy | Glenisla | Arbroath | DD11 5JD | 01241 439742 | Tracy Maxwell | | SP2003000546 | Angus Special Playscheme | Active | ||||
CS2005089505 | Angus Special Playscheme - Youth Scheme | Day care of children | 03-05-2005 | Arbroath High School | Keptie Road | Arbroath | DD11 3BN | 01241 439742 | Tracy Maxwell | | SP2003000546 | Angus Special Playscheme | Active | ||||
CS2003002746 | Angus Special Playscheme 121 | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath Academy | Glenisla Drive | Arbroath | DD11 5JD | 01241 439742 | Tracy Maxwell | | SP2003000546 | Angus Special Playscheme | Active | ||||
CS2004063225 | Angus Women's Aid | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Arbroath | Jasprit Jandoo | | SP2004005847 | Angus Women's Aid Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2016346124 | Angusfield Care Home | 07-03-2018 | 226 Queens Road | Aberdeen | AB15 8DN | 01224 208 580 | Robert M Fenwick | | SP2018013102 | Whitefield Nursing Home Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2024000338 | Anitas Dawn | Care Home Service | 30-08-2024 | 25 Belmont Drive | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8HB | 07944780499 | Samantha Richardson | | SP2023000695 | Byker Bairns Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015236 | Ankerville Baby Unit | Day care of children | 01-05-2003 | 30 St. Andrews Road | Tain | IV19 1HB | 01862 894 222 | Fiona MacRae | | SP2011011518 | Ankerville Baby Unit Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019378569 | Ankerville House Nursery | Day Care of Children | 10-04-2020 | Ankerville Street | Tain | IV19 1BH | 01862 894 076 | Fiona MacRae | | SP2011011519 | Ankerville Nursery (Alness) Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2006121484 | Ankerville Nursery - Alness Ltd | Day care of children | 19-10-2007 | 6 Riverside Drive | Alness | IV17 0XS | 01349 886 520 | Sarah Cameron | | SP2011011519 | Ankerville Nursery (Alness) Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2014329397 | Ann Inspired Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 12-11-2014 | Hillhead Cottage | Skene | Westhill | AB32 6SL | 01224 518560 | Sarah Milne | | SP2014012341 | Ann Inspired Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018367867 | Ann Turnbull Childminder | 31-08-2018 | Jedburgh | Ann Turnbull | | SP2018989992 | Ann Turnbull | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379428 | Anna McGregor Childminding | Child Minding | 27-05-2020 | Falkirk | Anna McGregor | | SP2020991167 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016304 | Anna Ritchie School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Anna Ritchie School | Grange Gardens | Peterhead | AB42 2AP | 01779 403 670 | Sharon Ferguson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003010868 | Annan Activity & Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 15 Ednam Street | Annan | DG12 6EF | 01461 204 576 | Alison Voss | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2012308063 | Annan Court | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2012 | Watchhall | Annan | DG12 6QP | 01461 203 040 | Sharon Morrow | | SP2012011825 | Annan Court Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016141 | Annbank Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 39 Annbank Road | Mossblown | Ayr | KA6 5DZ | 01292 612 493 | Karen Butchart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000019 | Anne Douglas Childminding | Child Minding | 18-01-2022 | Ullapool | | SP2022000009 | Anne Douglas | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315079 | Anne Heaney Childminding Service | Childminding | 28-01-2014 | Ayr | Anne Heaney | | SP2013984511 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000115 | Anne Hope House | Housing Support Service | 10-05-2022 | Edinburgh | Sheila Gregson | | SP2004006608 | Bethany Christian Trust | Active | ||||||||
CS2016346322 | Anne's Childminding Service | Childminding | 04-07-2016 | Glasgow | Anne McCrossan | SP2016987928 | Anne McCrossan | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010350 | Annesley House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Annesley Grove | Torphins | Banchory | AB31 4HL | 01339 882 297 | Anamaria Irina Gusa | | SP2003002310 | Cubanhall Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011300632 | Annfield House | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 58 Annfield Gardens | Stirling | FK8 2BJ | 01786 451 122 | Denise Fowler | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016025 | Annick Primary School and Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bensley Rise | Irvine | KA11 1BQ | 01294 211 654 | Victoria McGregor | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2009230636 | Annie's Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 10-05-2010 | Main Street | Ruthwell | Dumfries | DG1 4NN | 01387 760 260 | Sam Graham | | SP2003003432 | Applied Care & Development Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016351922 | Annie's Kids Childminding | 20-01-2017 | Wishaw | Anne Sutherland | SP2016988588 | Anne Sutherland | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003042128 | Anstruther Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 22-09-2003 | Anstruther Primary | St. Andrews Road | Anstruther | KY10 3JS | 01334 659 447 | Sharon Easton | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2006129509 | Answer House - Support Service | Support Services - not care at home | 03-10-2006 | Answer House | Reveston Lane | Croftmalloch Road, Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 8HJ | 01501 749 974 | Anne McConville | | SP2004004430 | Answer Project | Active | |||
CS2015337644 | Anthea's Childminding Service | Childminding | 10-07-2015 | Newport on Tay | Anthea Davie | | SP2015986969 | Anthea Davie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012502 | Anthony, Alaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Alaine Anthony | | SP2003906226 | Alaine Anthony | Active | ||||||||
CS2010271999 | Antiquary House | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | Westway | Arbroath | DD11 2BW | 01241 434 969 | Sarah Donely | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000362 | Antonine all stars | Support services - not care at home | 01-11-2023 | Antonine Court Ltd | 30 Dunkenny Road | Glasgow | G15 8LH | 01419446393 | | SP2005007682 | Antonine Court Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005102929 | Antonine Court | Support services - not care at home | 10-04-2006 | 30 Dunkenny Road | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 8LH | 01419 446 393 | Louise Lawson | | SP2005007682 | Antonine Court Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012310887 | Antonine House | Care homes for older people | 07-06-2013 | 16 Roman Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 2SL | 01419 316 080 | June McIntosh | | SP2010010916 | Antonine Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003043612 | Antonine Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broomhill Road | Bonnybridge | FK4 2AT | 01324 503140 | Jacqueline McLaughlin | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2005096120 | Apna project | Support services - care at home | 11-04-2006 | Barnardos | Unit 10000 | Academy Park, Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 239 225 | Mamta Kanabar | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||
CS2017359563 | Apodi Healthcare Limited | Nurse Agency | 30-07-2019 | One St Peters Road | Maidenhead | SL6 7QU | 01628 500 895 | Joy Barrett | | SP2017012972 | Apodi Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011303593 | Appin Nursery & Creche | Day care of children | 21-09-2012 | 6 Halbeath Road | Dunfermline | KY12 7QX | 01383 249 053 | Kellyann Lindsay | | SP2011011725 | Appin Nursery & Creche Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011282021 | Apple Tree Nursery | Day care of children | 11-11-2011 | 46 Balhousie Street | Perth | PH1 5HW | 01738 561 083 | Laura Geekie | | SP2011011481 | Apple Tree Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2021000162 | Apple Tree Nursery | Day Care of Children | 15-07-2021 | Apple Tree Nursery | 10 Mackinlay Street, Rothesay | ISLE OF BUTE | PA20 0AY | 01700505074 | Lesley-Anne Roberts | | SP2021000097 | Apple Tree Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013320861 | Applebays Afterschool | Day care of children | 05-08-2014 | St. Cyprians Scottish Episcopal Church | Beech Road | Lenzie | Glasgow | G66 4HN | 07795 292 960 | Ailsa MacDonald Valentine | | SP2013012175 | Applebays Afterschool Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000325 | Applebays Afterschool Liff Ltd | Day Care of Children | 25-10-2022 | Longforgan Primary School | 66 Main Street | Longforgan | Dundee | DD2 5EU | Louise McHugh | SP2013012175 | Applebays Afterschool Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019377628 | Applebays Afterschool Torrance | Day Care of Children | 19-11-2019 | Torrance Primary School | West Road | Glasgow | G64 4DE | 07795 292 960 | Ailsa Valentine MacDonald | | SP2013012175 | Applebays Afterschool Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010474 | Applecross Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Levernholm | By Hurlet | Glasgow | G53 7TG | 01418 811 507 | John Murray | | SP2003002367 | Applecross Nursing Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017165 | Applecross Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Applecross Primary School Nursery | Applecross | Strathcarron | IV54 8LU | 01520 744 325 | Thomas O'Halloran | thomas.o' | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000207 | Approach Healthcare Limited | Support Service | 20-06-2024 | Barrowfield Community Centre | 67 Yate Street | Glasgow | G31 4AQ | +447964425078 | Ann Nwankwo | | SP2023000486 | Approach Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000070 | April Moore Childminding | Childminding | 18-03-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000047 | April Moore | Active | |||||||||
CS2018368787 | Arach House | 21-05-2019 | Blairninich | Fodderty | Strathpeffer | IV14 9AD | 01349 781 822 | Hazel Riach | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2006136878 | ARBD Southside Response | Housing support service | 24-05-2007 | 2/2 | 23 Tormusk Road | Glasgow | G45 0BH | 0141 634 5171 | Lyndsey-Ann Naismith | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2006136882 | ARBD Southside Response | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-05-2007 | SAMH | Flat 2/1 | 47 Hoddam Avenue | Glasgow | G45 0EY | 01416 347 046 | Lyndsey-Ann Naismith | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2005102377 | Arberglen Care Home | Care homes for older people | 14-10-2005 | 9 Udston Road | Hamilton | ML3 9HT | 01698 824 441 | Letitia Morris | | SP2005007653 | Acre Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016845 | Arbirlot Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arbirlot Primary School | Arbirlot | Arbroath | DD11 2PZ | 01241 465 368 | Kerry Walker | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2009194088 | Arbor Green Nursery | Day care of children | 17-12-2009 | 22 Arboretum Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 1HP | 01313 432 345 | Angela Dickson | | SP2008010008 | Arbor Green Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006140361 | Arboretum Outreach | Housing support service | 29-01-2007 | 11 Granton Square | Edinburgh | EH5 1HX | 01315 517 260 | Rona MacLeod | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||||
CS2011305194 | Arboretum Outreach | Support services - care at home | 12-07-2013 | 11 Granton Square | Edinburgh | EH5 1HX | 01315 517 260 | Steven Smith | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||||
CS2018366833 | Arcadia@EasterBush | 20-08-2018 | 39 Easter Bush | Roslin | EH25 9RE | 01316 508 856 | Doreen McMillan | | SP2018013124 | UOE Accommodation Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2018368538 | Arcadia@Kings Buildings | 20-12-2018 | Max Born Crescent | Kings Buildings | Edinburgh | EH9 3BF | 01316517249 | Vivi Koumati | VIVI.KOUMATI@ED.AC.UK | SP2018013124 | UOE Accommodation Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003012973 | Archibald, Aileen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dalkeith | Aileen Archibald | SP2003906692 | Alieen Archibald | Active | |||||||||
CS2007143305 | Archview Lodge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 05-02-2007 | Newmills Road | Dalkeith | EH22 2AH | 01316 630 646 | Sarah Thomson | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018371685 | Archway Supported Living Services | 30-04-2019 | Admin Office | 71 Westburn Road | Aberdeen | AB25 2SH | 01224 643327 | Sarah Mouncher | | SP2003000018 | Archway (Respite Care & Housing) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018371686 | Archway Supported Living Services | 30-04-2019 | Admin Office | 71 Westburn Road | Aberdeen | AB25 2SH | 01224 643327 | Sarah Mouncher | | SP2003000018 | Archway (Respite Care & Housing) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016035 | Ardeer Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clark Crescent | Stevenston | KA20 3LZ | 01294 469 785 | Anne Cowie | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015202 | Ardencraig Care Home | Care homes for older people | 03-12-2002 | 15 Ardencraig Place | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9US | 01416 344 243 | Helen Nairn | | SP2003002348 | Thistle Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004059227 | Ardenlee | Care homes for older people | 02-07-2004 | Bullwood Road | Dunoon | PA23 7QJ | 01369 704 561 | Annemarie McNaught | | SP2003002621 | TC Carehome Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017166 | Ardersier Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ardsersier Primary School | Cameron Drive | Ardersier | Inverness | IV2 7SW | 01667 461 348 | Hayley Forbes | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003014233 | Ardfenaig Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Tarbert Road | Ardrishaig | PA30 8EP | 01546 603 368 | Nan Anderson | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013552 | Ardgour Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ardgour Primary School | Ardgour | Fort William | PH33 7AB | 01855 841 347 | Andrew Kent | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2015343199 | Ardlaghan | Care homes for children and young people | 04-04-2016 | Bridgecastle | Bathgate | EH48 3DP | 01501 734 359 | Nicola Sinclair | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003042566 | Ardler Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 17-07-2003 | Turnbery Avenue | Dundee | DD2 3TP | 01382 436 533 | Louise Reid | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2014325883 | Ardnahein Care | Care homes for older people | 31-12-2014 | 10 Glenmorag Avenue | Dunoon | PA23 7LG | 01369 703 371 | Grace Middleton | | SP2014012301 | Ardnahein Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017116 | Ardnahoe Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 18 Ardnahoe Place | Glasgow | G42 0DQ | 01416 478 934 | Mary Houston | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2015338311 | Ardrishaig Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 06-10-2015 | Ardrishaig Primary School | Glengilp Road | Ardrishaig | Lochgilphead | PA30 8HF | 01546 603 695 | Louise Paterson | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003009706 | Ardseileach | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Macdonald Road | Stornoway | HS1 2YT | 01851 822 752 | Emma Macleod | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2003015751 | Arduthie School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arduthie School | Arduthie Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2DP | 01569 690 515 | Paul Gray | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2016344652 | Ardvreck Nursery | 05-09-2017 | Ardvreck School | Gwydyr Road | Crieff | PH7 4EX | 01764 653 112 | Alison Kinge | | SP2003003589 | Ardvreck School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006115069 | Ardvreck School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Gwydyr Road | Crieff | PH7 4EX | 01764 653 112 | Alison Kinge | | SP2003003589 | Ardvreck School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009208 | Argus Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Argus Centre | Goslawdales | Selkirk | TD7 4EP | 07309 721 787 | roslyn mundell | | SP2005007582 | Argus Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2004078558 | Argyle Bridge Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 04-05-2005 | Argyle Villa | 45 Bridge Street | Tranent | EH33 1AH | 01875 615 953 | Leanne Imrie | | SP2004935274 | Helen Robertson | Active | ||||
CS2018367875 | Argyle Bridge Children's Nursery - Haddington Road | 18-10-2018 | 8 Haddington Road | Tranent | EH33 1HW | 01875 616 629 | Jacqueline Robertson | | SP2018013145 | Argyle Bridge Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2004082322 | Argyll and Bute Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 07-12-2005 | Social Work Service Centre | Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4HY | 01631 572 925 | Lucy Anne Bonete | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2019373803 | Argyll and Bute Council Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 04-06-2019 | Social Work Services Centre | Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4HY | 01369 707 302 | Lorraine Prentice | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2004082341 | Argyll and Bute Council Fostering Services | Fostering services | 07-12-2005 | Social Work Service Centre | Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4HY | 01546 605 517 | Lorraine Prentice | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2020378675 | Argyll and Bute Women's Aid SCIO | Housing Support Service | 22-05-2020 | Dunoon | Frances Previdi | | SP2020013454 | Argyll and Bute Women's Aid a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||||
CS2005090291 | Argyll Homecare Ltd | Housing support service | 22-06-2005 | The Attic | Manse Brae | Lochgilphead | PA31 8RA | 01546 600 333 | Cameron McGregor | | SP2005007263 | Argyll Homecare Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2005090290 | Argyll Homecare Ltd - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-06-2005 | The Attic | Manse Brae | Lochgilphead | PA31 8RA | 01546 600 333 | Cameron McGregor | | SP2005007263 | Argyll Homecare Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2007164138 | Argyll House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 29-05-2008 | 69 North Hamilton Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 2QJ | 0131 341 4100 | Jennifer Campbell | | SP2005007720 | Mansfield Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003003071 | Argyll Street Childminders | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Lochgilphead | Gillian Voinot | | SP2003901469 | Jean Michel & Gillian Valentine Voinot a Partnersh Jean Michel & Gillian Valentine Voinot a Partnersh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014622 | Arinagour Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arinagour Primary School | Arinagour | Isle of Coll | PA78 6TA | 01879 230 376 | Sharon Burt | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017167 | Arisaig Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arisaig Primary School | Arisaig | PH39 4NH | 01687 450 282 | Pamela Watt | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2018364373 | Arisaig Services | 28-09-2018 | St Philip's School | 10 Main Street | Plains | Airdrie | ML6 7JE | 01236 765 407 | Lesley Smillie | | SP2018013069 | Arisaig Unit | Active | ||||
CS2015342711 | Ark Borders | 16-02-2016 | 2a Towerdykeside | HAWICK | TD9 9EA | 01450 370548 | Rhona Graham | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2015340672 | Ark Borders | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-02-2016 | Ark Housing | 2 Towerdykeside | HAWICK | TD9 9EA | 01450 370548 | Rhona Graham | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004068093 | Ark Childcare Ltd | Day care of children | 25-10-2004 | Woodside Steading | Mosstowie | Elgin | IV30 8UW | 01343 551 664 | Ayla Gordon | | SP2004937981 | Ark Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073934 | Ark Edinburgh | Housing support service | 20-07-2004 | 10a Hoseason Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 7HQ | 01313 392 505 | Aysha-Liahona Campbell | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012307152 | Ark Edinburgh | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-09-2012 | 10a Hoseason Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 7HQ | 01313 392 505 | Aysha-Liahona Campbell | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004073958 | Ark Fife East | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-07-2004 | Rymonth House | 7 Glebe Road | St. Andrews | KY16 8BL | 01383 841 719 | Lisa Grant | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073957 | Ark Fife East | Housing support service | 20-07-2004 | Rymonth House | 7 Glebe Road | St. Andrews | KY16 8BL | 01334 477 967 | Lisa Grant | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014334466 | Ark Fife West | Housing support service | 14-05-2015 | Unit 12 | 93 Main Street | Lochgelly | KY5 9AF | 07510923325 | Heather Docherty | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014332226 | Ark Fife West | Support services - care at home | 14-05-2015 | Unit 12 | 93 Main Street | Lochgelly | KY5 9AF | 07510923325 | Heather Docherty | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073952 | Ark Forth Valley | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-07-2004 | Lime Tree House | Castle Street | Alloa | FK10 1EX | 01259 404 125 | Rebecca Muir | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073951 | Ark Forth Valley | Housing support service | 20-07-2004 | Lime Tree House | Castle Street | Alloa | FK10 1EX | 01259 404 125 | Rebecca Muir | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003011479 | ARK Grangemouth Care Home | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 49 Roxburgh Street | Grangemouth | FK3 9AL | 01324 483174 | Audrey Ford | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004073974 | Ark Lothians | Housing support service | 20-07-2004 | Ark Housing Association Serenity | 14b Haddington Road | Tranent | EH33 1HW | 01875 615 029 | Elizabeth McCahill | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073975 | Ark Lothians | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-07-2004 | Ark Housing Association Serenity | 14b Haddington Road | Tranent | EH33 1HW | 01875 615 029 | Elizabeth McCahill | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014334024 | Ark Moray | Housing support service | 14-05-2015 | 16 Wellside Court | Forres | IV36 1NT | 01309 675 763 | Aimee McIntosh | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014332228 | Ark Moray | Support services - care at home | 14-05-2015 | 16 Wellside Court | Forres | IV36 1NT | 01309 675 763 | Aimee McIntosh | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009228706 | ARK Out of School Care | Day care of children | 14-10-2009 | Rutherglen Baptist Community Church | 72 Greenhill Road | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 2SS | 01415 691 060 | Katie Paterson | | SP2009010439 | ARK Out of School Care | Active | |||
CS2004073963 | Ark Tayside | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-07-2004 | Ark Housing Association | The Hall | Lower Mill Street | BLAIRGOWRIE | PH10 6AQ | 07860848751 | Gayna Cameron | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073962 | Ark Tayside | Housing support service | 20-07-2004 | Ark Housing Association | The Hall | Lower Mill Street | BLAIRGOWRIE | PH10 6AQ | 07860848751 | Gayna Cameron | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013316340 | Ark Western Isles | Housing support service | 09-10-2013 | 61 Westview Terrace | Stornoway | HS1 2LD | 01851 705 753 | Catherine Macleod | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013316519 | Ark Western Isles | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-10-2013 | 61 Westview Terrace | Stornoway | HS1 2LD | 01851 705 753 | Catherine Macleod | | SP2003002578 | Ark Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000114 | Arlene Milne Childminding | Child Minding | 23-06-2021 | DENNY | | SP2021000071 | Arlene Milne | Active | |||||||||
CS2018368510 | Arlene's Childcare | 21-01-2019 | Motherwell | Arlene Reid | | SP2018990045 | Arlene Reid | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017485 | Armadale Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Academy Street | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3JD | 01501 730 282 | Julie Ross | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2010272981 | Armstrong, Emily | Childminding | 30-08-2011 | Banff | Emily Armstrong | | SP2010979916 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006826 | Arndean | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 61 Aberdour Road | Dunfermline | KY11 4RB | 03451 555 555 | Miguel Allen | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003039474 | Arngask Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 19-12-2003 | Arngask Primary School | Main Street | Glenfarg | Perth | PH2 9NT | 01738 476 000 | Suzanne Miller | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2007166934 | Arnhall Nursery | Day care of children | 14-03-2008 | Garden Cottages | Keir Estate | Dunblane | FK15 9NU | 01786 822 391 | Norma McFarlane | | SP2006008293 | Pear Tree Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007151087 | Arniston Playgroup - Gorebridge | Day care of children | 07-04-2008 | Stobhill Primary School | 1 Bonnybank Road | Gorebridge | EH23 4DT | 07544 386 845 | Cassie Brennan | | SP2003003058 | The Committee of Arniston Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2025000100 | Arniston Way Supported Living Accommodation | Housing Support Service | 03-03-2025 | 36 Arniston Way | Paisley | PA3 4BZ | 07397079962 | Olamide Adekanmbi | | SP2023000114 | Double Crown Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003012593 | Arnold, Lorraine & Norman | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Lorraine Arnold | | SP2003906315 | Arnold, Mrs Lorraine & Mr Norman Arnold, Mrs Lorraine & Mr Norman | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000072 | Arnothill | Care Home Service | 26-05-2021 | 35 Arnothill Gardens | Falkirk | FK1 5BQ | 01324 357787 | Christopher Lynn | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015336723 | Arnott, Laura | Childminding | 01-07-2015 | Aberdeen | Laura Arnott | SP2015986850 | Laura Arnott | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015599 | Arnprior Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Schoolhouse | Arnprior | STIRLING | FK8 3HA | 01786 870 729 | Yvonne Gibb | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014850 | Arnwood Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Castleton Campus | 72 Dougrie Road | Glasgow | G45 9NW | 01416 342 809 | Theresa Marie Donnelly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2013321517 | Around the Clock Childminding | Childminding | 17-01-2014 | Dumfries | Melissa Thomas | | SP2013985431 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011286377 | Around the World Day Care | Day care of children | 30-04-2012 | 125 McDonald Road | Edinburgh | EH7 4NW | 01315 569 302 | Gillian Milhouse | | SP2003002845 | Saheliya | Active | |||||
CS2024000044 | Arran Action Care Ltd | Support Service | 07-02-2024 | Unit 1 | Llewellyn | Lamlash | Isle of Arran | KA27 8JN | 07958770376 | Joan Baldwin | | SP2023000462 | Arran Action Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018368484 | Arran House Care Home | Care Home Service | 01-11-2019 | St. Leonards | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 2LA | 01698737020 | Lyndsay Warnock | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2019378502 | Arran View Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | 82 Burns Avenue | Saltcoats | KA21 6EU | 01294 468 019 | Kerry McGhee | | SP2012011938 | Enhance Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011289559 | Arran View Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 20-09-2011 | Arran View Support Service @ Suzi's Space | Arrol Park Resource Centre | Doonfoot Road | AYR | KA7 4DW | 01292 616142 | Callum Nicholson | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2012314383 | Arran Villa | Care homes for children and young people | 17-07-2015 | 6 Mackerston Place | Largs | KA30 8BY | 01418 890 044 | Natalie Connell | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | |||||
CS2003000168 | Arrdeir | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Arrdeir House | Oakdale Terrace | Aberdeen | AB15 7PJ | 01224 358 555 | Scott Macleod | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | ||||
CS2003014623 | Arrochar Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arrochar Primary School | Tarbet | Arrochar | Alexandria | G83 7DG | 01301 702 261 | Lynn Wells | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2005104124 | Arthur, Lorna | Childminding | 31-10-2005 | Lochgelly | Lorna Arthur | | SP2005950348 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014611 | Arthurlie Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Auchenback Hub | Auburn Drive | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 2EU | 01415 707 500 | Brian Kiernan | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003008818 | Artiquins | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Cedarwood | 20 Edgar Road | Elgin | IV30 6YQ | Shirley Ramage | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2006118363 | ASA International | Nurse agencies | 04-01-2007 | 159 Bath Street | Glasgow | G2 4SQ | 01412 214 166 | Gary Burns | | SP2006008270 | ASA International Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018371513 | ASA Medical Solutions Limited | 18-03-2019 | 620 Milton Keynes Business Centre | Foxhunter Drive | Milton Keynes | MK14 6GD | 01908 915 195 | David Lockett | | SP2018013232 | ASA Medical Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012306114 | ASC - Outreach Services | Housing support service | 04-09-2012 | The Bungalows | Balhousie Care Home | Coupar Angus | Blairgowrie | PH13 9FB | 01738 254 254 | Samantha Brown | | SP2005007542 | Advanced Specialist Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2012308854 | ASC - Outreach Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-09-2012 | The Bungalows | Balhousie Care Home | Coupar Angus | Blairgowrie | PH13 9FB | 01738 254 254 | Samantha Brown | | SP2005007542 | Advanced Specialist Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2011298007 | ASC Orchard Court and Dalguise | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 07-10-2011 | Balbeggie | Perth | PH2 6AT | 01821 585 012 | Samantha Brown | | SP2005007542 | Advanced Specialist Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003009758 | ASC The Grange | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Balbeggie | Perth | PH2 6AT | 01821650591 | Samantha Brown | | SP2005007542 | Advanced Specialist Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019372999 | ASeales Childcare | 09-05-2019 | Penicuik | Anastasia Seales | | SP2019990361 | Anastasia Seales | Active | |||||||||
CS2008175789 | Ash | Support services - care at home | 06-06-2008 | 490 Gorgie Road | Edinburgh | EH11 3AF | 0131 5517260 | Rona MacLeod | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||||
CS2004066655 | Ashdene Court | Care homes for older people | 26-07-2004 | Ferntower Road | Crieff | PH7 3AL | 01764 652 174 | Rone Parsons | | SP2003002107 | Ashdene Management Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009744 | Ashdene House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Strathearn Terrace | CRIEFF | PH7 3DT | 01764 653 585 | Rone Parsons | | SP2003002107 | Ashdene Management Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006117001 | Asher, Caroline | Childminding | 17-08-2006 | Edinburgh | Caroline Asher | | SP2006957550 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010251041 | Ashfield Healthcare | Nurse agencies | 27-05-2011 | Ashfield House | Resolution Road | Ashby-de-la-Zouch | LE65 1HW | 08708 501 234 | Kate Kelly | | SP2010010966 | Ashfield Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000787 | Ashfield House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 21 Glasgow Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1AQ | 01417 762 216 | David Edgar | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012306467 | Ashgill Care Home | Care homes for older people | 30-04-2013 | 33 Liddesdale Square | Milton | Glasgow | G22 7BU | 01417 623 200 | Alison Ewing | | SP2012011783 | Ashgill Care Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012313839 | Ashgrove Care Home | Care homes for older people | 04-02-2014 | 229 Alexandra Parade | Kirn | Dunoon | PA23 8HD | 01369 700 640 | Jacqui Boyce | | SP2012011987 | McKenzie Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2025000103 | Ashlea Court Care Home | Care Home Service | 03-03-2025 | Ashgillhead Road | Shawsburn | Larkhall | ML9 3AE | 01698 887011 | Jacqui Caldwell | | SP2023000399 | Priory CC136 Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012310159 | Ashlea House | Care homes for older people | 03-10-2012 | Bracklinn Road | Callander | FK17 8EH | 01877 330 325 | Gungah Bhandari | | SP2012011882 | Mauricare Ascot Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000090 | Ashleigh Graham Childminding Services | Child Minding | 04-04-2023 | Elgin | | SP2023000065 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2021000009 | Ashleigh's Childminding Services | Care Home Service | 07-04-2021 | GLASGOW | | SP2021000007 | Ashleigh Ogilvie | Active | |||||||||
CS2013322994 | Ashley Cherrie's Childminding Service | Childminding | 15-04-2014 | Ayr | Ashley Cherrie | | SP2013985587 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010612 | Ashley Court Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 33 Craighouse Terrace | Edinburgh | EH10 5LH | 01314 472 345 | Carol Morrison | | SP2003002451 | Randolph Hill Nursing Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003047228 | Ashley House | Care homes for older people | 16-09-2003 | 18 Perth Road | Milnathort | Kinross | KY13 9XU | 01577 864 438 | Ashley Hume | | SP2003002108 | Jane Allan trading as Ashley House | Active | ||||
CS2015334815 | Ashley House Residential Home - Care Home | Care homes for older people | 17-09-2015 | 4 King's Gate | Aberdeen | AB15 4EJ | 01224 636 382 | Derek Rettie | | SP2015012424 | Retcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021382808 | Ashley Matthews Childminding Services | Childminding | 18-02-2021 | Strathaven | Ashley Matthews | | SP2021991539 | Ashley Matthews | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2003014404 | Ashley Road School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ashley Road Primary School | 45 Ashley Road | Aberdeen | AB10 6RU | 01224 588 732 | Paul Rae | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2018369176 | Ashley Stuart Childminding | 24-12-2018 | Bathgate | Ashley Stuart | | SP2018990082 | Ashley Stuart | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000379 | Ashley Todd - home from home childminding | Child Minding | 02-10-2024 | Livingston | | SP2024000536 | Ashley Todd | Active | |||||||||
CS2017359539 | Ashley Walker Childcare | 30-11-2017 | Inverurie | Ashley Walker | | SP2017989311 | Ashley Walker | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000095 | Ashley's Childminding Services | Childminding | 11-06-2021 | Dunfermline | | SP2021000059 | Ashley Fisher | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379425 | Ashley's Happy House Childminding | Child Minding | 12-08-2020 | Bathgate | Ashley Gilmour | | SP2020991166 | Ashley Gilmour | Active | ||||||||
CS2018371796 | Ashton Grange | 08-05-2019 | 9 Hamilton Road | Glasgow | G32 9QD | 01417632482 | Alison Simpson | | SP2018013243 | Keane Premier Healthcare Glasgow Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2013315493 | Ashton View Homeless Persons' Unit | Housing support service | 02-09-2013 | 28 Ashton View | Westcliff | Dumbarton | G82 5DS | 01389 737 215 | Sarah Weed | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004057455 | ASIST | Support services - not care at home | 16-01-2004 | 2 Tom-a-Mhoid Road | Dunoon | PA23 7HP | 01369 707 350 | Heather A Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2012308479 | AskLynn 4 Childminding | Childminding | 26-07-2012 | Peterhead | Lynn Turner | | SP2012983586 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014324452 | ASN Holiday Club | Day care of children | 10-07-2014 | Clickimin Leisure Centre | Lochside | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0PJ | 01595 743 922 | Stephanie Bain | | SP2014012267 | Ability Shetland | Active | |||
CS2018366487 | Aspire Central Support Services | 20-12-2018 | Flexspace Bellshill Industrial Estate | Belgrave Street | Bellshill | ML4 3NP | 01698 211 123 | Gail McKinnon | | SP2004004485 | Aspire Housing & Personal Development Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018366486 | Aspire Central Support Services | 20-12-2018 | Unit 16 | Coatbridge Business Centre | 204 Main Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3RB | 07824486745 | Michelle Reilly | | SP2004004485 | Aspire Housing & Personal Development Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004056481 | Aspire West Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 06-07-2004 | 705 Duke Street | Glasgow | G31 1NW | 07825560507 | Una Munro | | SP2004004485 | Aspire Housing & Personal Development Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004082126 | Aspire West Support Services Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-09-2004 | Unit 16 | Coatbridge Business Centre | 204 Main Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3RB | 07785616838 | Michelle Reilly | | SP2004004485 | Aspire Housing & Personal Development Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011299805 | Aspris 'Gatehouse' | School care accommodation | 05-12-2011 | Gatehouse of Caprington | Caprington Estate | Kilmarnock | KA2 9AA | 01563 544 059 | Gayle Potgieter | | SP2010011131 | Aspris Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015340457 | Aspris - Balgray Cottage | School care accommodation | 08-10-2015 | Balgray Cottage | Balgray Road | Kilbirnie | KA25 6LU | 01505 682 895 | Kirstine Bridgewater | | SP2010011131 | Aspris Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019373084 | Aspris - Clonmacate | School Care Accommodation Service | 23-09-2019 | Dalmellington Road | Ayr | KA6 6PW | 01292 287 460 | Karen Sloss | | SP2010011131 | Aspris Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018369573 | Aspris - Croekwood | 25-01-2019 | Carlung Estate | West Kilbride | KA23 9QE | 01294 823 292 | Hollie McDermott | | SP2010011131 | Aspris Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2013318904 | Aspris - Dovecote Hall Cottage | School care accommodation | 13-09-2013 | Doura (Lochlibo Road) | Irvine | KA11 2AS | 01294 850 147 | Lauren Campbell | | SP2010011131 | Aspris Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017354771 | Aspris - Waterside | School care accommodation | 15-05-2017 | Woodend | Dalry Road | Kilwinning | KA13 6PJ | 01294 554 002 | Emma O'Donnell | | SP2010011131 | Aspris Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016348976 | Aspris - Woodend Farm | School care accommodation | 19-09-2016 | Dyke Farm | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5PN | 01563 830 092 | angela dustor | | SP2010011131 | Aspris Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000047 | Assertive Community Transition Service | Housing Support Service | 28-02-2023 | 99 St. Olaf Street | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0ES | 01595 808160 | Elaine Laurenson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000048 | Assertive Community Transition Service | Support Service | 28-02-2023 | 99 St. Olaf Street | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0ES | 01595 808160 | Elaine Laurenson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2005103093 | ASSIST | Housing support service | 31-10-2005 | Grampian Housing Association | 74 Huntly Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1TD | 01224 202 934 | Rachel Byiers | | SP2005007698 | Grampian Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018371056 | Assist Care and Support | Support Service | 10-06-2019 | Unit 10 | Waverley Industrial Estate | Waverley Street | Bathgate | EH48 4JA | 01506 630 207 | Beauty Ncube | | SP2018013221 | Assist Care & Support Ltd | Active | |||
CS2016346581 | Assisted Services Fife Ltd | Support services - care at home | 13-12-2016 | 1 Pentland House | Pentland Park | Saltire Centre | Glenrothes | KY62AH | 01592775261 | Williamina Burnett | | SP2016987961 | Williamina Burnett trading as Assisted Services | Active | |||
CS2011298805 | Astley House | Care homes for older people | 08-08-2011 | 14/16 Dirleton Avenue | North Berwick | EH39 4BG | 01620 892 037 | kirsty steele | | SP2011011628 | Astley House Nursing Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005098750 | Atha Mhor Close Support | Care homes for children and young people | 30-03-2006 | Atha Mhor | Strone Road | Newtonmore | PH20 1BA | 01540 673 863 | James Alexander | | SP2003003432 | Applied Care & Development Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015825 | Athelstaneford Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Athelstaneford | North Berwick | EH39 5BE | 01620 880 241 | Brian Moody | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010827 | Atkinson Road Respite | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 4 & 6 Atkinson Road | Dumfries | DG2 7DH | 01387 252 513 | Anita Hannah | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2022000105 | Atlantic View Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-04-2022 | Atlantic View Care Home | Yeomanry Place | Ayr | KA7 1LD | 01292 439118 | Michelle Sommervillle | | SP2022000071 | Atlantic View care Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008181811 | Atrih, Mounira | Childminding | 25-08-2011 | Dundee | Mounira Atrih | | SP2008970936 | Mounira Atrih | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002488 | Auchenblae Pre-school Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Village Hall | Monboddo Street | Mearns | Laurencekirk | AB30 1XQ | 07817 505 657 | Amy Whittet | | SP2003000371 | Auchenblae Pre-school Group | Active | |||
CS2006140128 | Auchenblae School Nursery | Day care of children | 05-02-2007 | Auchenblae | Fordoun | Laurencekirk | AB30 1WQ | 01561 400 665 | Donna McRobbie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014751 | Auchenlodment Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Auchenlodment Primary School | Aspen Place | Johnstone | PA5 9QQ | 03003 000 145 | Denise Newlove | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003655 | Auchinairn After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Unit 2 | 173 Auchinairn Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 1NG | 07584 514 181 | Gwen McLaren | | SP2003000738 | Auchinairn After School Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003014678 | Auchinairn Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Beech Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 1NE | 01419 552 289 | Michelle Durham | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015341973 | Auchinbee Nursery and Out of School Care | Day care of children | 18-05-2016 | Auchinbee Farm Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 0ET | 01236 737 444 | Christina Saville | | SP2015012600 | Auchinbee Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000761 | Auchinleck Community and Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 28 Well Road | Auchinleck | Cumnock | KA18 2LA | 01290 428 460 | Connie Sykes | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015809 | Auchinleck Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalsalloch Road | Auchinleck | Cumnock | KA18 2BU | 01290 421 260 | Lee McPhail | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2005105599 | Auchinloch Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 15-12-2005 | Fourth Avenue | Auchinloch | Glasgow | G66 5DU | 01236 794 824 | Paul McKeever | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015270 | Auchinraith Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Victoria Street | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0BF | 01698 823 286 | Juliette McCulloch | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008192910 | Auchlochan Homecare | Support services - care at home | 05-01-2009 | New Trows Road | Lesmahagow | Lanark | ML11 0JS | 01555 893 592 | Karen MacLellan | | SP2008010194 | MHA Auchlochan | Active | ||||
CS2021000179 | Auchlone Nature Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 02-08-2021 | Auchlone Lodge | Abercairney Estate | Crieff | PH7 3QZ | 01764 683656 | Mona Morrow | | SP2021000107 | Living Classrooms C.I.C. | Active | ||||
CS2003014725 | Auchnacraig ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Faifley Road | Faifley | Clydebank | G81 5BQ | 01389 804 446 | Anne Rocks | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002535 | Auchnagatt & District Pre-School Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arnage School Ellon | Auchnagatt | Aberdeenshire | AB41 8UX | 07914 667 691 | Cristina Gray | | SP2003000412 | Auchnagatt & District Pre-school Centre | Active | ||||
CS2021000272 | Auchtercrag Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Commercial Road | Ellon | AB41 9BD | 01358 720031 | Julie-Anne Thomson | | SP2021000169 | Auchtercrag Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016305 | Auchterellon School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Auchterellon Primary School | Millwood Road | Ellon | AB41 9FA | 01358 281 095 | Michelle Greaves | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016070 | Auchtergaven Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Prieston Road | Bankfoot | Perth | PH1 4DE | 01738 459 510 | Catharine Findlay | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376242 | Auchterhouse Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-08-2019 | Auchterhouse Primary School | Auchterhouse | Dundee | DD3 0QS | 01382 346 173 | Laura Cowper | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002536 | Auchterless Pre-school Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Auchterless Village Hall | Kirkton of Auchterless | Auchterless | Turriff | AB53 8BG | 01888 511 066 | Kirsteen Wing | | SP2003000413 | Auchterless Pre-school Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2007153219 | Auchtermairnie Care Home | Care homes for older people | 23-07-2007 | Star Road | By Kennoway | Leven | KY8 5SF | 01333 352 560 | Fiona King | | SP2007009107 | Fairfield Care Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007160823 | Auchtermuchty Out of School Club | Day care of children | 19-12-2007 | Auchtermuchty Primary School | Back Dykes | Auchtermuchty | Cupar | KY14 7AB | 07515 189 430 | Kirsten Lycett | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003015909 | Auchtermuchty Primary School Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blinkbonny | Backdykes | Auchtermuchty | Cupar | KY14 7AB | 01334 659 448 | Claire Allan | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017168 | Auchtertyre Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Old School | Balmacara | Kyle | IV40 8EG | 01599 566 209 | Alison MacLennan | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2016345148 | Audrey Keith Childminding | 21-04-2016 | Cowdenbeath | Audrey Keith | | SP2016987792 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003002567 | Auld Kirk Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Church Hall | Barrasgate Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9HH | 01346 517352 | Clare Michie | | SP2003000442 | Auld Kirk Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2024000327 | Auld Kirk Nursery | Day Care of Children | 15-08-2024 | 134 Cross Arthurlie Street | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1EY | 01412587869 | Lorna Gordon | | SP2023000474 | Levern Management Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017169 | Auldearn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Auldearn Primary School | Manse Road | Auldearn | Nairn | IV12 5SX | 01667 452 118 | Kirsteen Hotchkiss | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2024000279 | Aunt's Care | Child Minding | 31-07-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023001310 | Fardowsa Ibrahim | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000019 | Auntie Jo's Childminding | Child Minding | 20-04-2021 | LONGNIDDRY | | SP2021000013 | Joanne Breckenridge | Active | |||||||||
CS2016345391 | Aunty Lou's Childminding | Childminding | 29-06-2016 | Turriff | Louise Marler-Paterson | | SP2016987816 | Louise Marler-Paterson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009090 | Aurrida House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Papdale Loan | Kirkwall | KW15 1JR | 01856 876 160 | Sally Flett | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000184 | Austin Resources (Healthcare) Limited t/a Top Workforce Recruitment | Nurse agencies | 05-06-2024 | 126 West Regent Street | Glasgow | G2 2RQ | 01162557711 | Augustine Nzeakor | | SP2023000387 | Austin Resources (Healthcare) Limited t/a Top Workforce Recruitment | Active | |||||
CS2018369265 | Austrupa, Anete | 02-11-2018 | Westhill | Anete Austrupa | | SP2018990087 | Anete Austrupa | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001829 | Autism & Neurodiversity North Scotland - Aberdeen Playscheme | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 37/41 Carnie Drive | Aberdeen | AB25 3AN | 01224 277 900 | Shona Howie | | SP2003000368 | Autism & Neurodiversity North Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2007156253 | Autism and Neurodiversity North Scotland - Outreach | Support Services - care at home | 20-10-2010 | 33/35 Carnie Drive | Aberdeen | AB25 3AN | 01224 277 900 | Shona Howie | | SP2003000368 | Autism & Neurodiversity North Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2010250769 | Autism Initiatives UK | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-04-2010 | 53 Clayton Road | Bridge of Earn | Perth | PH2 9HE | 01738 813 599 | John Ferguson | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | ||||
CS2009233458 | Autism Initiatives UK | Housing support service | 26-04-2010 | 53 Clayton Road | Bridge of Earn | Perth | PH2 9HE | 01738 813 599 | John Ferguson | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | ||||
CS2003046736 | Autism Outreach Service | Support Services - care at home | 03-05-2004 | 45 North Lindsay Street | Enterprise House | Dundee | DD1 1PW | 01382 226 769 | Andrew Rafferty | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | ||||
CS2003011034 | Autism Resource Centre, Musselburgh | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 21b North High Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6JA | 08453 009 270 | John Henry Bruce | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2017361994 | Avenue Care Services - Edinburgh | 30-07-2018 | Thain House | 226 Queensferry Road | Edinburgh | EH4 2BP | 01315 162 216 | Julie Gunn | | SP2018013172 | Avenue Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018368297 | Avenue Care Services - Fife | 09-10-2018 | 20 Dickson Street | Dunfermline | KY12 7SN | 01383 326 401 | Lesley Ross | | SP2018013172 | Avenue Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2017362277 | Avenue Care Services - Perth/Dundee | 09-08-2018 | Unit 1 | Mullion House | Maidenplain Place, Aberuthven | Auchterarder | PH3 1EL | 01764 663 644 | Claire Louise Gill | | SP2018013172 | Avenue Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000046 | Avenue Care Services Falkirk | Support Service | 07-02-2024 | Avenue Care Services | Mullion House | Maiden Plain Place | Aberuthven | PH3 1EL | 01324430575 | Jacqui Miller | | SP2018013172 | Avenue Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000163 | Avert | Offender Accommodation Service | 06-06-2023 | Sacro | Unit G10 | Festival Business Centre, 150 Brand Street | GLASGOW | G51 1DH | 01412481763 | Sarah Newman | | SP2003002608 | Sacro | Active | |||
CS2018364867 | Avicenna Care | 16-10-2018 | Office 11 | Flexspace | Mitchelston Drive | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3NB | 01592 647 725 | Hanin Hasan | | SP2018013078 | Avicenna Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017358208 | Aviemore Early Learning and Childcare Service | Day care of children | 11-08-2017 | Aviemore Primary School | Muirton | Aviemore | PH22 1SF | 01479 813 120 | Chenelle McMaster | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017171 | Avoch Primary Early Learning and Child Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Avoch Primary School | Station Road | AVOCH | IV9 8PS | 01381 620 369 | Lynsey Third | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2011301120 | Avonbridge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 50 Old Avon Road | Hamilton | ML3 7BT | 01698 283 366 | Joanne Donnelly | | SP2011011695 | Larchwood Care Homes (North) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015556 | Avonbridge Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Avonbridge | Falkirk | FK1 2NG | 01324 861 247 | Lynn Mulvay | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000456 | Avondale Care Home | Care Home Service | 10-12-2024 | Avondale Nursing Home | Cornelia Street | Motherwell | ML1 3RY | 01698252357 | Christopher Cullion | | SP2024000604 | Maven Healthcare (Avondale) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020379025 | Avondale Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 05-02-2021 | Avondale Early Learning and Childcare | Kirkland Park Avenue | Strathaven | ML10 6DY | 01357 522 451 | Rose Anne Hailes | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015339598 | Avonhaugh Nursing Home | 06-10-2016 | 97 Lawrie Street | Stonehouse | ML9 3LN | 01698 792 430 | Fiona Thomson | | SP2015012546 | Shandon Loch Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2015336732 | Avril Morrice Childminding | Childminding | 10-08-2015 | Kilmarnock | Avril Morrice | | SP2015986852 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000110 | Axis Healthcare Ltd | Support Service | 06-03-2025 | Regus | 20-23 Woodside Place | Glasgow | G3 7QL | 07585926002 | Patience Mupfudza | | SP2023000329 | Axis Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020381964 | Ayr Care Ltd t/a Home Instead Ayrshire & Kilmarnock | Support services - care at home | 11-03-2021 | 1 Wellington Square | Ayr | KA7 1EN | 01292435855 | Cathleen Yuile | | SP2020013616 | Ayr Care Ltd t/a Home Instead Senior Care | Active | |||||
CS2020378944 | Ayr Grammar Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 22-03-2021 | Fort Street | Ayr | KA7 1HX | 01292 612 162 | Paula Murphy | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019378601 | Ayr Housing Aid Centre SCIO | Housing support service | 01-10-2020 | 7 York Street | Ayr | KA8 8AN | 01292 288111 | Suzanne Slavin | | SP2019013442 | Ayr Housing Aid Centre SCIO | Active | |||||
CS2019374793 | Ayrshire Care Solutions | 24-04-2019 | 166 Main Street | Auchinleck | Cumnock | KA18 2AS | 01290425854 | Mary McInnes | | SP2019013304 | Ayrshire Care Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019374794 | Ayrshire Care Solutions | 24-04-2019 | 27 McClymont Court | Cumnock | Ayrshire | KA18 1TH | 01290 425 854 | Christine McGarrie | | SP2019013304 | Ayrshire Care Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011304856 | Ayrshire Childrens Services | Support services - care at home | 16-08-2012 | 4 Park Road | Ardrossan | KA22 8JR | 01294588123 | leyann Henderson | | SP2011011739 | Ayrshire Childrens Services CIC | Active | |||||
CS2015342265 | B.A.S.I.C. and Corner House Nursery | 22-02-2016 | 13 East King Street | Helensburgh | G84 7QQ | 01436 679 666 | Laraine Cullen | | SP2015012609 | BASIC, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||
CS2020000014 | BA Daycare | Day Care of Children | 26-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000014 | Example Ltd | Active | |||
CS2020000017 | BA Daycare | Day Care of Children | 26-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000016 | Example Ltd | Active | |||
CS2019373070 | Baal-Perazim Care Services Ltd | Housing Support Service | 03-07-2019 | 130 Pitt Street | Edinburgh | EH6 4DD | 01312 616 870 | Elsie Phiri | | SP2019013268 | Baal-Perazim Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019373072 | Baal-Perazim Care Services Ltd | Support Service | 03-07-2019 | 130 Pitt Street Edinburgh | Edinburgh | EH6 4DD | 01312 616 870 | Elsie Phiri | | SP2019013268 | Baal-Perazim Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014330797 | Babadays | Childminding | 21-11-2014 | Livingston | Chloe Dagnall | | SP2014986289 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007142180 | Babes in the wood | Day care of children | 14-08-2009 | 1 Queens Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2HQ | 01569 760 123 | Nicola McKillop | | SP2005955428 | Rebecca McCarron | Active | |||||
CS2003012049 | Baby Rainbow Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 68 Gilmore Place | Edinburgh | EH3 9NX | 01312 298 742 | Rachel CARLYLE | | SP2003002945 | Baby Rainbow Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2009233837 | Bachlaw Intensive Support Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 13-11-2009 | Upper Seaview | Cornhill | Banff | AB45 2HJ | 01466 771 395 | John McLeay and Kirsty Hepburn Hamish Watt McLeay | | SP2009010631 | Bachlaw Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017172 | Badcaul Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Badcaul Primary School | Badcaul | Dundonnell | Garve | IV23 2QY | 01854 633 265 | Mhairi MacDonald | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | |||
CS2003038725 | Badden Farm Nursery | Day care of children | 09-06-2003 | Badden Farm | Lochgilphead | PA31 8SF | 01546 600 072 | Jennifer Campbell | | SP2003003480 | Badden Farm Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2018365826 | Badenscoth House | 28-06-2018 | Badenscoth House | Rothienorman | Inverurie | AB51 8XR | 01651 821 408 | Judith Munro | | SP2017013004 | Judith Mary Munro, Bruce John Munro & Emily Barbara Munro a partnership | Active | |||||
CS2017361348 | Badenscoth House | 28-06-2018 | Badenscoth House | Rothienorman | Inverurie | AB51 8XR | 01651 821 408 | Sheila Marr | | SP2017013004 | Judith Mary Munro, Bruce John Munro & Emily Barbara Munro a partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003010200 | Bagatelle | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 47 Eldon Street | Greenock | PA16 7RA | 01475 729 424 | Alison Shaw | | SP2003002221 | Greenock Medical Aid Society | Active | |||||
CS2006124859 | Baig, Nazneen | Childminding | 08-02-2007 | GLASGOW | Nazneen Baig | | SP2006959721 | Nazneen Baig | Active | ||||||||
CS2010270192 | Baig, Sanaa | Childminding | 18-07-2011 | Glasgow | Sanaa Baig | | SP2010979035 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011299411 | Bailey-Regnaut, Helene | Childminding | 19-12-2011 | Linlithgow | Helene Bailey-Regnaut | | SP2011982704 | Helene Bailey-Regnaut | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012328 | Baillie, Helen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Linlithgow | Helen Baillie | | SP2003906053 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000213 | Baillieston Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-08-2022 | Baillieston Care Home | 3 Station Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 7XZ | 01414137050 | Moira Roberts | | SP2016012834 | Clyde Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2004081741 | Baillieston Community Care Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-11-2004 | Parkhead School House | 135 Westmuir Street | Glasgow | G31 5EX | 01417 716 478 | Lorna Harrison | | SP2003003514 | Baillieston Community Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003055886 | Baillieston Community Care Ltd | Housing support service | 09-11-2004 | Parkhead School House | 135 Westmuir Street | Glasgow | G31 5EX | 01417 716 478 | Lorna Harrison | | SP2003003514 | Baillieston Community Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015560 | Bainsford Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Waverley Street | Bainsford | Falkirk | FK2 7NW | 01324 508530 | Susanne McCafferty | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016810 | Baird Memorial Primary School Early Years Support Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 Avonhead Road | Condorrat | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4RA | 01236 632 096 | Lindsay-May McLean | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008190195 | Baird, Dawn | Childminding | 28-04-2009 | Penicuik | Dawn Baird | | SP2008972333 | Dawn Baird | Active | ||||||||
CS2018363902 | Bairns Community Mobile Creche | 21-06-2018 | PO Box 21756 | Park Street | Falkirk | FK1 9FZ | 07392 407 946 | Lorraine Shaw | | SP2017012996 | Bairns Community Mobile Creche | Active | |||||
CS2003016085 | Balbeggie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Balbeggie | Perth | PH2 6EZ | 01738 454 490 | Vicky Donaldson | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2016349809 | Balcarres | 12-10-2017 | 64 Albany Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1NW | 01382 739 441 | Mimi Popa | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007142878 | Balclutha Court Care Home | Care homes for older people | 29-01-2007 | 48 Forsyth Street | Greenock | PA16 8DY | 01475 729 000 | Alison Dickson | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015972 | Balcurvie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Balcurvie Road | Windygates | Leven | KY8 5DY | 01334 659 449 | Tracey McDougall | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003746 | Baldernock Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Baldernock Primary School | Fluchter Road | Balmore, Torrance | Glasgow | G64 4AS | 01419 552 343 | Laura Burns | | SP2003000758 | Baldernock Playgroup Committee | Active | |||
CS2003006919 | Baldridgeburn Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Baldridgeburn Community Centre | Baldridgeburn | Dunfermline | KY12 9EH | 07515 189455 | Fiona Erskine | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300848 | Balfarg Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Kilmichael Road | Balfarg | Glenrothes | KY7 6NL | 01592 620 258 | Kyle Keith | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015601 | Balfron Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moor Road | Balfron | Glasgow | G63 0PD | 01360 440 027 | Angus Black | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015782 | Balgay Hill Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Glenagnes Road | Dundee | DD2 2AB | 01382 435 345 | Caroline Fenwick | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2016347318 | Balgillo Nursery - Langlea Place | Day care of children | 17-10-2016 | 15 Langlea Place | Barnhill | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3RP | 01382 774 144 | Kimberly Lee | | SP2013012127 | Balgillo Nurseries Dundee Limited | Active | |||
CS2007165865 | Balgillo Nursery School | Day care of children | 15-07-2008 | 56 Torridon Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3HB | 01382 737 115 | Pamela Gall | | SP2008010016 | Pamela Gall trading as Balgillo Nursery School | Active | ||||
CS2010271729 | Balgillo Nursery Too | Day care of children | 04-04-2011 | C/o St Marys Church Halls | St. Marys Church | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1AJ | 01382 778 566 | Pamela Gall | | SP2008010016 | Pamela Gall trading as Balgillo Nursery School | Active | |||
CS2013319251 | Balgillo Nursery, Ardler Village | Day care of children | 14-11-2014 | Turnberry Avenue | Dundee | DD2 3TP | 01382 489 886 | Kim Lee | | SP2013012127 | Balgillo Nurseries Dundee Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017011 | Balgreen Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 175 Balgreen Road | Edinburgh | EH11 3AT | 01313 371 454 | Cheryl Lee | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307953 | Balhousie Brookfield | Care homes for older people | 04-07-2012 | 37 Maule Street | Carnoustie | DD7 6AB | 01241 853 855 | Tina Harris | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010273694 | Balhousie Clement Park | Care homes for older people | 30-11-2010 | 4 Clement Park Place | Dundee | DD2 3JN | 01382 610 960 | Cheryl Roy | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010274577 | Balhousie Coupar Angus | Care homes for older people | 11-04-2011 | Station Road | Coupar Angus | Blairgowrie | PH13 9AL | 01828 424 930 | Kirsty Stevens | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010272004 | Balhousie Dalnaglar | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | Comrie Road | Crieff | PH7 4BJ | 01764 655 231 | Nicole Bradgate | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010272017 | Balhousie Luncarty Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | Scarth Road | Luncarty | Perth | PH1 3HE | 01738 828 163 | Louise Anderson | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017358876 | Balhousie Pitlochry Care Home | 08-09-2017 | Bobbin Mill | Burnside Road | Pitlochry | PH16 5BP | 07881 822 238 | Andrew Stephen Jackson | | SP2005007542 | Advanced Specialist Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017358878 | Balhousie Rumbling Bridge | 07-11-2017 | Crook of Devon | Kinross | KY13 0PX | 01577 840 478 | Morag Shea | | SP2005007542 | Advanced Specialist Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2010272073 | Balhousie Ruthven Towers | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | Abbey Road | Auchterarder | PH3 1DN | 01764 664 192 | Judith Meaden | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012308787 | Balhousie St Ronans | Care homes for older people | 02-10-2012 | 1 Dalkeith Road | Dundee | DD4 6JU | 01382 676 014 | Cheryl Roy | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014679 | Baljaffray Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grampian Way | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4RA | 0141 955 2243 | Lesley Rodden | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014326934 | Balkenny Childminding | Childminding | 22-07-2014 | Maybole | Yvonne Kyle | | SP2014986008 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003054869 | Ball, Susan | Childminding | 30-06-2004 | Thurso | Susan Ball | | SP2005948326 | Susan Ball | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017173 | Ballachulish Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ballachulish Primary School | Ballachulish | PH49 4JQ | 01855 811 373 | Mary Evans | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016136 | Ballantrae Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ballantrae Primary School | 6 The Vennel | Ballantrae | KA26 0NH | 01465 716 803 | Yvonne Templeton | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073930 | Ballantrae Rural Initiative Care in the Community Ltd | Support services - care at home | 30-08-2004 | 12 Main Street | Ballantrae | Girvan | KA26 0NB | 01465 831 380 | Cassandra Carson-Leslie | | SP2004004419 | Ballantrae Rural Initiative Care in the Community Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003003955 | Ballantyne, Elise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elise Ballantyne | | SP2003902148 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016306 | Ballater School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ballater School | Monaltrie Crescent | Ballater | AB35 5RN | 01339 267715 | Julie Polson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015271 | Ballerup Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o St Vincents Primary School | Tinto Way, Greenhills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9DG | 01355 236 737 | Dyan Spence | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003008471 | Ballifeary House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 14 Ness Walk | Inverness | IV3 5SQ | +441463234679 | Sarah Jennings | | SP2003002102 | Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2016346342 | Balloch ELCC | 14-02-2018 | Balloch Campus | Carrochan Road | Balloch | Alexandria | G83 8FA | 01389 773 969 | Janice Rankin | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017174 | Balloch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Culloden Road | Balloch | Inverness | IV2 7HQ | 01463 790287 | Gillian Rodgers | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015749 | Ballogie Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ballogie Estate | Ballogie | Tarland | Aboyne | AB34 5DP | 013392 67760 | Julie Henry | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2011300849 | Ballumbie Court | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Ballumbie Road | Dundee | DD4 0PD | 01382 730 913 | Cari Hendry | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015797 | Ballumbie Early Years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ballumbie Primary and Early Years | 70 Lothian Crescent | Dundee | DD4 0HU | 01382 438 644 | Morag Wilson | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003020018 | Balmalloch Nursery Class | Day care of children | 11-08-2004 | Balmalloch Primary School | Kingsway | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 9UJ | 01236 632 058 | Ruth McCarthy | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003000265 | Balmedie House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Balmedie | Aberdeen | AB23 8XU | 01358 742 244 | Emma Balingbing | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2007164964 | Balmedie School Nursery | Day care of children | 21-02-2008 | Forsyth Road | Balmedie | Aberdeen | AB23 8YN | 01358 281 105 | Michelle Smith | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015879 | Balmerino Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Road | Gauldry | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8RP | 01334 659 450 | Katie Mitchell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000108 | Balmoral By Northcare | Care Home Service | 29-04-2022 | 512 Kilmarnock Road | Glasgow | G43 2BP | 01416484111 | Abbie Whitecross | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000063 | Balmoral Children's Services | Support Service | 11-02-2025 | Heritage House | Ladykirk Business Park | 11 Skye Road | Prestwick | KA9 2TA | 01902625070 | Craig McClue | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000258 | Balmoral Dundee | Housing support service | 22-08-2022 | Suite 3A | Delta House | Gemini Crescent | Dundee | DD2 1SW | 01337 827730 | Vicki Butchart | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000257 | Balmoral Dundee | Support services - care at home | 22-08-2022 | Suite 3A | Delta House | Gemini Crescent | Dundee | DD2 1SW | 01337 828887 | Vicki Butchart | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003000932 | Balmoral Gate | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Flat 0/3 | 14 Raploch Avenue | Glasgow | G14 9FF | 01419 590 672 | Sharon Barclay | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005113372 | Balmoral Health and Social Care | Support services - care at home | 27-06-2006 | Office 8-12 | Grangemouth Enterprise Centre | Falkirk Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8XA | 01324 474 895 | Jillian Brown | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2020379230 | Balmoral Health and Social Care East Dunbarton | Support Service | 02-07-2020 | Campbell House | Suite 3 | 126 Drymen Road, Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 3RB | 01419 423 580 | Lisa Gay | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000062 | Balmoral Homecare - Ayr | Support Service | 11-02-2025 | Heritage House | Ladykirk Business Park | 11 Skye Road, Shawfarm Industrial Estate | Prestwick | KA9 2TA | 01902625070 | Gemma McCutcheon | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000065 | Balmoral Homecare - Ayr | Housing Support Service | 11-02-2025 | Heritage House | Ladykirk Business Park | 11 Skye Road, Shawfarm Industrial Estate | Prestwick | KA9 2TA | 01902625070 | Gemma McCutcheon | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000066 | Balmoral Homecare - Castle Douglas | Housing Support Service | 11-02-2025 | Atticus House | 239/245 King Street | Castle Douglas | DG7 1DT | 01902625070 | Kara Jamieson | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2025000064 | Balmoral Homecare - Castle Douglas | Support Service | 11-02-2025 | Atticus House | 239/245 King Street | Castle Douglas | DG7 1DT | 01902625070 | Kara Jamieson | | SP2005007958 | Balmoral Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017361 | Balmoral Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Balmoral Avenue | Galashiels | TD1 1JJ | 01896 753 400 | Nichola McCall | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000750 | Balmoral Road Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 9 Balmoral Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1HL | 01563 523 079 | Marilyn Bennett | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001059 | Balmore Children's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 27 Eriboll Crescent | Glasgow | G22 6NG | 01412 760 554 | Karen McCulloch | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2004065649 | Balmullo Out of School Club | Day care of children | 27-10-2004 | Balmullo Primary School | Hayston Park | Balmullo | St. Andrews | KY16 0DH | 07850 213 165 | Amanda Scott | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2004076685 | Balmullo Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hayston Park | Balmullo | St. Andrews | KY16 0DH | 01334 659 451 | Anna Coggins | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2016349811 | Balnacarron | 17-10-2017 | 116 Hepburn Gardens | St. Andrews | KY16 9LT | 01334 474 221 | Olga Jankovska | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2014332915 | Balquhidder House | Care homes for older people | 07-07-2015 | 1 Charleston Way | Alexandria | G83 0TD | 01389 488 777 | Isobel Stuart | | SP2014012387 | Balquhidder Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000838 | Balshagray House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 42/44 Balshagray Drive | Broomhill | Glasgow | G11 7DA | 01413 395 130 | Adele Wilson | | SP2004005393 | Enable, Glasgow Branch | Active | ||||
CS2003016119 | Baltasound Junior High School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Baltasound Junior High School | Baltasound | Unst | Shetland | ZE2 9DY | 01595 807 020 | Ashley Spence | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2022000399 | Baltic Street Adventure Nursery | Day care of children | 22-12-2022 | 421 Baltic Street | GLASGOW | G40 3EU | 0141 554 4077 | Robert Kennedy | | SP2022000264 | Baltic Street Adventure Playground a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2021000174 | Baluniefield Nursery | Day Care of Children | 28-07-2021 | Balmerino Road | Douglas | Dundee | DD4 8RN | 01382 438244 | Kathleen Calder | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000107 | Bambinos Childcare Services | Child Minding | 17-06-2021 | ANSTRUTHER | | SP2021000068 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2021000338 | Banana Moon Day Nursery Aberdeen International | Day care of children | 25-11-2021 | Aker Solutions Building, Aberdeen International Business Park | Ground Floor Building 3 | Dyce Drive | Dyce | AB21 0BH | 01224 478988 | Melanie Shearer | | SP2015012452 | Cygnus Enterprises Limited | Active | |||
CS2019376506 | Banana Moon Day Nursery Bridge of Don | Day care of children | 03-08-2020 | Whitestripes Road | Aberdeen | AB22 8AW | 01224 824 851 | Terry Wiseman | | SP2015012452 | Cygnus Enterprises Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015335902 | Banana Moon Day Nursery Dyce | Day care of children | 29-09-2015 | 16-19 Dyce Shopping Centre | Riverview Drive | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 7LW | 01224 478 988 | Amanda Penny | | SP2015012452 | Cygnus Enterprises Limited | Active | |||
CS2018364923 | Banana Moon Day Nursery Westhill | 27-09-2018 | 6B Peregrine Road | Westhill | AB32 6JL | 07973 900 900 | Yasmin Gauld | | SP2015012452 | Cygnus Enterprises Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2024000425 | Banana Moon Denmore | Day care of children | 12-11-2024 | The Parkway | Woodside Road | Bridge Of Don Industrial Estate | Aberdeen | AB23 8EF | 01224478988 | Lyndsay Fleming | | SP2015012452 | Cygnus Enterprises Limited | Active | |||
CS2003016420 | Banavie Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Banavie Primary Nursery School | Tomonie | Banavie | Fort William | PH33 7LX | 01397 772 402 | Colette MacLean | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2011285649 | Banbury Cross Nursery | Day care of children | 31-08-2011 | Strathbathie | Hareburn Road | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB23 8AR | 01224 702 300 | Lisa Murray | | SP2011011516 | Banbury Cross Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003043741 | Banchory ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Alloa Road | Tullibody | Alloa | FK10 2TF | 01259 722 606 | Gemma Kennedy | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000287 | Banchory Out of School Club | Day Care of Children | 02-08-2024 | Hill of Banchory Family Resource Centre | Hill of Banchory | Firbrae | Banchory | AB31 5ZT | 07874869334 | Diane Forbes | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003016308 | Banchory Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Banchory Primary School | Arbeadie Road | Banchory | AB31 4EH | 01330 823 368 | Jacqueline O'Donovan | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010321 | Bandrum Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Bandrum Nursing Home | Saline | DUNFERMLINE | KY12 9HR | 01383 851030 | Simon Glen | | SP2003002299 | Bandrum Nursing Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014166 | Banff Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Colleonard Road | Banff | AB45 1DZ | 01261 815 550 | Anne Cowie | | SP2004006637 | Banff Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000288 | Banff Day Opportunities | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Colleonard Road | Banff | AB45 1DZ | 01261 455 823 | Mike Hogan | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016309 | Banff Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Banff Primary School | Academy Drive | Banff | AB45 1BL | 01261 455 758 | Kirsty Smith | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010779 | Bankfoot House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Beechgrove | Moffat | DG10 9RS | 01683220073 | Kirsty McVittie | | SP2003002525 | Bankfoot House (Moffat) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014328456 | Bankhead After School Care Service | Day care of children | 10-03-2015 | Bankhead Primary School | 66 Caldwell Avenue | Glasgow | G13 3AS | 07305 469 195 | Jacqueline Ross | | SP2014012333 | Jacqueline Ross trading as Bankhead After School Service | Active | ||||
CS2003015272 | Bankhead Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bankhead Primary School | Bankhead Road | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 2BQ | 01416 476 967 | Gerry Hamill | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008192920 | Bankhouse | Care homes for older people | 05-01-2009 | 62-64 Abbey Green | Lesmahagow | Lanark | ML11 0EF | 01555 894 875 | Paula Bartlett | | SP2008010194 | MHA Auchlochan | Active | ||||
CS2023000429 | Bankier Bairns | Child Minding | 19-12-2023 | Bonnybridge | | SP2023000251 | Emma Ramsay | Active | |||||||||
CS2003043619 | Bankier Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 02-04-2002 | Bankier Road | Banknock | Bonnybridge | FK4 1TF | 01324 840 206 | Sarah Ritchie | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2009199043 | Banks, Angela | Childminding | 27-07-2009 | Irvine | Angela Banks | | SP2009973853 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007744 | Banks, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Margaret Banks | | SP2003904663 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016144 | Bankton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bankton Primary School | Kenilworth Rise | Dedridge | Livingston | EH54 6JL | 01506 413 001 | Yvonne Ferguson | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2020379133 | Bankview Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | Kilsyth Road | Bonnybridge | FK4 1TD | 01324 841 090 | Julie E Merrick | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020379242 | Bankview Health & Wellbeing Centre | Support Service | 26-08-2020 | Kilsyth Road | Bonnybridge | FK4 1TD | 01324 841 831 | Julie E Merrick | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003043669 | Bannockburn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Quakerfield | Bannockburn | Stirling | FK7 8JA | 01786 813 274 | Hayley Cleland | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2005110091 | Bantaskin Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 30-03-2006 | Bantaskin Primary School | Bantaskin Road | Falkirk | FK1 5HT | 01324 508500 | Andrew Blaikie | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000397 | Baobab Ubuntu Care Service | Support services - care at home | 21-12-2022 | 5/6 Appin Street | Edinburgh | EH14 1PN | 0131 443 3665 | Phum Ngwenya | | SP2022000262 | Baobab Ubuntu Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016132 | Barassie Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burnfoot Avenue | Troon | KA10 6RQ | 01292 690 072 | Julie Fleming | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000152 | Barassie hub - Schools Out | Day care of children | 10-05-2024 | Barassie Primary School | Burnfoot Avenue | Troon | KA10 6RQ | 07546270665 | Clair Douglas | | SP2004006909 | Schools Out in Troon | Active | ||||
CS2003009122 | Barbara Dawson | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkwall | Barbara Dawson | | SP2003905022 | Barbara Dawson | Active | ||||||||
CS2015336756 | Barbara's Childminding Service | Childminding | 15-07-2015 | Inverness | Barbara Mitchell | | SP2015986856 | Barbara Mitchell | Active | ||||||||
CS2004069189 | Barber, Jacqueline | Childminding | 04-10-2004 | Glasgow | Jacqueline Barber | | SP2004930375 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013450 | Barbour, Barbara | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | North Berwick | Barbara Barbour | | SP2003906971 | Barbara Barbour | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007125 | Barclay, Heather | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Leven | Heather Barclay | | SP2003904130 | Heather Barclay | Active | ||||||||
CS2011281087 | Barclay, Lanie | Childminding | 28-09-2011 | Dundee | Lanie Barclay | | SP2011981527 | Lanie Barclay | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000095 | Barclay-Smith Home Support Service | Support Service | 28-02-2025 | Abbeyfield Helensburgh Society | 54 West King Street | Helensburgh | G84 8ED | 01436 674998 | Susan Perks | | SP2004006002 | Abbeyfield Helensburgh Society | Active | ||||
CS2003006362 | Bardykes Farm Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bardykes Farm | Bardykes Road | Blantyre | G72 9UJ | 01698 822 212 | catriona Peters | | SP2003001443 | Bardykes Farm Nursery School | Active | ||||
CS2003001370 | Bardykes Road | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Short Term Unit | Bardykes Road | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9UJ | 01698 828 108 | Mark Timmons | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003006449 | Barker, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Karen Barker | | SP2003903787 | Karen Barker | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014852 | Barlanark Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 343 Hallhill Road | Glasgow | G33 4RY | 01417 731 022 | Kirsten Stirling | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005716 | Barlanark Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Barlanark Community Education Centre | 33 Burnmouth Road | Barlanark | Glasgow | G33 4RZ | 01417 717 690 | Karen Shannon | | SP2003001202 | Barlanark Out Of School Care | Active | |||
CS2011300644 | Barleystone | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Westquarter Avenue | Westquarter | Falkirk | FK2 9RY | 01324 717 400 | Victoria Cameron | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005102686 | Barlochan House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2005 | Palnackie | Castle Douglas | DG7 1PF | 01556 600 287 | Eileen Devlin | | SP2005007671 | Barlochan House Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019374061 | Barnardo's Caern - Pentland Way | Care Home Service | 21-10-2019 | 30 pentlandway | penicuik | EH26 8BD | 01968 664 792 | Ronnie McLintock | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2010270669 | Barnardo's Caern in the community service | Support Services - not care at home | 24-03-2011 | Caern House | 5 Gogarmuir Road | Edinburgh | EH12 9BZ | 0131 339 8840 | Lynne Melville | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2007145138 | Barnardo's Caern Project | Care homes for children and young people | 23-05-2007 | Caern House | Gogarbank | Edinburgh | EH12 9BZ | 0131 339 8840 | Andrew Todd | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003053415 | Barnardo's Dundee Childsitting Service | Childcare agencies | 25-06-2004 | 3 Fleuchar Street | Dundee | DD2 2LQ | 01382 640 309 | Morna Grant | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2019375605 | Barnardo's Fostering Service Edinburgh Continuing Care | Adult Placement Service | 28-06-2019 | 111 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH14 1ED | 01314 467 000 | gillian collins | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2019375597 | Barnardo's Fostering Service Glasgow Continuing Care | Adult Placement Service | 28-06-2019 | Academy Park | Building 10000 | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 07718969241 | Alyson McCallum | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||
CS2019375596 | Barnardo's Fostering Service North Continuing Care | Adult Placement Service | 28-06-2019 | 20 Carden Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1UQ | 01224 624 090 | Fiona Hogg | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003014487 | Barnardo's Holiday Playscheme (Dudhope) | Day care of children | 28-06-2002 | Barnardos | 3 Fleuchar Street | DUNDEE | DD2 2LQ | 01382 640309 | Morna Grant | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2011280534 | Barnardo's PACe | Support services - not care at home | 13-11-2012 | 91 Mitchell Street | Glasgow | G1 3LN | 01412 432 393 | Sarah Gallacher | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2005095655 | Barnardo's Scotland Adoption Services | Adoption agencies | 21-12-2005 | Academy Park | Building 10000 | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 194 700 | Moyra Maclean | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||
CS2005096418 | Barnardo's Scotland Fostering (Edinburgh) | Fostering services | 02-12-2005 | 111 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH14 1ED | 01314 467 000 | Ying Zhang | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004082106 | Barnardo's Scotland Fostering - Glasgow | Fostering services | 02-12-2005 | Academy Park | Building 10000 | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 194 700 | Alyson McCallum | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||
CS2005095645 | Barnardo's Scotland Fostering North | Fostering services | 30-11-2005 | 20 Carden Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1UQ | 01224 624 090 | Fiona Hogg | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2017354062 | Barnardo's Thrive | Support services - not care at home | 11-01-2018 | 9 Terrace Road | Greenock | PA15 1DJ | 01475 728 493 | Yvonne Coyle | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004079664 | Barnes, Tessa | Childminding | 30-03-2005 | Perth | Tessa Barnes | SP2004939503 | Tessa Barnes | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002702 | Barnes, Veronica | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirriemuir | Veronica Barnes | | SP2003901193 | Veronica Barnes | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006671 | Barnett, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Linda Barnett | | SP2003903927 | Linda Barnett | Active | ||||||||
CS2014331202 | Barnhill After School Care Club (SCIO) | Day care of children | 19-03-2015 | Barnhill Primary School | Falkland Crescent | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3SQ | 07454 644 004 | Karen Greene | | SP2014012361 | Barnhill After School Care Club SCIO | Active | |||
CS2003016931 | Barnhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Falkland Crescent | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3SQ | 01382 436 993 | Angela Bruce | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017389 | Barr Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Changue Road | Barr | Girvan | KA26 9TT | 01465 716 804 | Eilidh McBean | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006475 | Barr, Yvonne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Yvonne Barr | | SP2003903802 | Yvonne Barr | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009719 | Barra Day Centre | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Barra Day Centre | Castlebay | Isle of Barra | HS9 5XD | 01871 890 700 | MAIRI MARGARET CAMPBELL | MAIRICAMPBELL@CNE-SIAR.GOV.UK | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2011299938 | Barrachnie Nursery | Day care of children | 30-03-2012 | 19a Barrachnie Road | Garrowhill | Glasgow | G69 6HB | 01417 718 331 | Mhairi Wallace | | SP2011982764 | Barrachnie Childrens Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003055740 | Barrhead Housing Association Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 10-12-2004 | 111 Main Street | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1SD | 0141 8814622 | Kim Quinn | | SP2004004480 | Barrhead Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016137 | Barrhill Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8 Main Street | Barrhill | Girvan | KA26 0PP | 01465 716 805 | Paula Murphy | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011298648 | Barrie, Claire | Childminding | 12-12-2011 | Huntly | Claire Barrie | | SP2011982600 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001164 | Barrington House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 67 Wilson Street | Beith | KA15 2BE | 01505 500 042 | Linda Thomson | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000095 | Barrogil House Care Home | Care Home Service | 06-04-2023 | Cluny | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6QS | 01592 720386 | Iwona Sobczak | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003011697 | Barron, Joanne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcudbright | Joanne Barron | | SP2003905796 | Joanne Barron | Active | ||||||||
CS2013315032 | Barrowman, Jennifer | Childminding | 11-07-2013 | Aberdeen | Jennifer Barrowman | | SP2010977908 | Jennifer Barrowman | Active | ||||||||
CS2010269574 | Bartkowiak, Izabela | Childminding | 19-03-2012 | NEWTON STEWART | Izabela Bartkowiak | | SP2010978878 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380565 | Basi, Meggan | Childminding | 01-10-2020 | Stirling | Meggan Basi | | SP2020991306 | Meggan Basi | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000249 | BASK | Day care of children | 17-08-2022 | Wemyss Bay Primary School | Ardgowan Road | Wemyss Bay | PA18 6AT | 07891052280 | Carmen Dow | | SP2020013600 | Andrew McEwing | Inactive | ||||
CS2020381521 | BASK Childcare LTD | Day care of children | 22-10-2020 | St. Columba's Junior School | Knockbuckle Road | Kilmacolm | PA13 4EQ | 07984 149 544 | Carmen Dow | | SP2020013600 | Andrew McEwing | Active | ||||
CS2023000001 | BASK Port Glasgow | Day care of children | 04-01-2023 | Newark Primary School | Bridgend Avenue | Port Glasgow | PA14 5SU | 01505 874876 | Carmen Dow | | SP2020013600 | Andrew McEwing | Active | ||||
CS2006131765 | Bathgate Early Years Service | Day care of children | 22-08-2006 | Whitburn Road | Bathgate | EH48 2RD | 01506 776 234 | Margaret Johns | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017486 | Bathgate West Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 63 Millburn Road | Bathgate | EH48 2AF | 01506 652 004 | Margaret Johns | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2012313402 | Battery Park Nursery | Day care of children | 16-08-2013 | Battery Park Pavilion | Eldon Street | Greenock | PA16 7QG | 01475 710 361 | Elaine Sinclair | | SP2012011974 | Battery Park Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003006196 | Battlefield ASC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Battlefield Primary School | 44 Carmichael Place | Glasgow | G42 9SY | 07725 840 822 | Kathleen Carberry | | SP2003001381 | Battlefield ASC Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003043384 | Baxter, Carol Anne | Childminding | 26-05-2004 | Dunfermline | Carol Anne Baxter | | SP2004937649 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002704 | Baxter, Diann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Forfar | Diann Baxter | | SP2003901195 | Diann Baxter | Active | ||||||||
CS2015336117 | Baxter, Karen | Childminding | 28-07-2015 | Aberdeen | Karen Baxter | | SP2015986768 | Karen Baxter | Active | ||||||||
CS2017360828 | Bayview Care Home | 17-05-2018 | Prospect Terrace | Cruden Bay | Peterhead | AB42 0HP | 01779 812 900 | Gillian Hall | | SP2017012997 | Bayview Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012307182 | Bayview House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Olrig Street | Thurso | KW14 7JZ | 01847 892 314 | Linsday Morrison | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012307191 | Bayview House (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Olrig Street | Thurso | KW14 7JZ | 01847 892 314 | Lindsay Morrison | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003000897 | Beacon House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 20 Langness Road | Cranhill | Glasgow | G33 3NT | 01417 747 209 | Lauren McKenzie | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2003015506 | Bealach House Day Centre | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Old Wood Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 7AE | 01417 715 655 | David James Reilly | | SP2003003514 | Baillieston Community Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010248436 | Beancross Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 19-08-2010 | Kenilworth Street | Grangemouth | FK3 8QS | 01324 508 720 | Andrew Watson | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000343 | Beannachar | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | South Deeside Road | Banchory Devenick | Aberdeen | AB12 5YL | 01224869250 | Carole Chambers | | SP2003000033 | Beannachar Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017593 | Beannachar | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Banchory Devenick | South Deeside Road | Aberdeen | AB12 5YL | 01224 869250 | Carole Chambers | | SP2003000033 | Beannachar Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015899 | Beanstalk Family Nurture Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fergus Place | Dunfermline | KY11 4PZ | 01383 602 458 | Diane Ballard | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2018369589 | Bear's Bairn's | 01-11-2018 | Helensburgh | Jonti Farden | | SP2018990112 | Jonti Etchells | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2020378957 | Bearehill Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 24 Castle Street | Brechin | DD9 6JU | 01356 626 167 | Celia Findlay | | SP2020013468 | Bearehill Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012313206 | Bearsden Before and After School Service | Day care of children | 24-03-2014 | Bearsden Ski Club | Stockiemuir Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 3RS | 07867 455 061 | Ann Rushforth | | SP2011011689 | ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2021000077 | Bearsden Early Years Centre | Day Care of Children | 01-06-2021 | 166 Drymen Road | Bearsden | East Dunbartonshire | G61 3RJ | 01419552254 | Catriona Smith | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003809 | Bearsden Primary After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1st Bearsden BB Hall | New Kirk Road | Bearsden | G61 3RG | 01419 420 047 | Kerry Ann Kelly | | SP2003000766 | Bearsden Primary After School Club Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003044552 | Beatlie Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | 33 Grange Road | Livingston | EH54 5BT | Debbie Green | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||||
CS2016349474 | Beattie, Jane | 18-10-2016 | Glasgow | Jane Beattie | | SP2016988304 | Jane Beattie | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004104 | Beattie, Jeanette | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmacolm | Jeanette Beattie | | SP2003902254 | Jeanette Beattie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015462 | Beattock Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Beattock Primary School | Craigielands Park | Beattock | Moffat | DG10 9RB | 01683 300 363 | Jill Murray | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2003013525 | Beauly Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Beauly Primary School | Croyard Road | Beauly | IV4 7DJ | 01463 782 576 | Tracey Fraser-Lee | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2016348327 | Becca's Childminding | Childminding | 02-09-2016 | Isle of Benbecula | Rebecca Smith | | SP2016988174 | Rebecca Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002706 | Beckett, Sandra | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Carnoustie | Sandra Beckett | | SP2003901197 | Sandra Beckett | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000045 | Bee Happy Childminding(Broombank) | Child Minding | 05-05-2021 | NAIRN | | SP2021000026 | Alison Mclaughlin-Smith | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001245 | Beech Avenue Childrens Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 1-3 Beech Avenue | Hunterhill | Paisley | PA2 6XN | 01418 897 375 | Susan Hay | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000266 | Beech House Nursery | Day Care of Children | 26-07-2024 | Beech House Nursery | 34 Balnagask Road | Aberdeen | AB11 8HR | 01224 871411 | Philippa Allan | | SP2024000235 | Bright Stars Nursery Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018369765 | Beech Manor Care Home | 20-12-2018 | Golf Course Road | Blairgowrie | PH10 6LJ | 01250 877 980 | Kerrie Ewan | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2005108192 | Beechgrove Care Home | Care homes for older people | 22-02-2006 | Carstairs Road | Caldwellside | Lanark | ML11 7SR | 01555 660 331 | Victorita Elena Paraschiv | | SP2005007826 | Beechgrove CH Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003001296 | Beechmount | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 14 Ulundi Road | Johnstone | PA5 8TE | 01505 320 274 | Fiona Willock | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018368335 | Beechmount | 17-04-2019 | Beechmount | 14 Ulundi Road | Johnstone | PA5 8TE | 01505 320 274 | Fiona Willock | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018368334 | Beechmount | 17-04-2019 | 14 Ulundi Road | Johnstone | PA5 8TE | 01505 320 274 | Fiona Willock | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2020379128 | Beechwood Care Home | Care Home Service | 09-07-2020 | 20 Bridge Street | Wishaw | ML2 7QX | 01698 374 698 | Catherine Togneri | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003008466 | Beechwood House | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 01-04-2002 | 69/71 Old Perth Rd | Inverness | IV2 3JH | 01463 711 335 | Caroline Robertson | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2019373511 | Beechwood House Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-09-2019 | 34 Dundonald Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 1RX | 01563 573 555 | Margaret Rodger | | SP2019013266 | Childcare Scotland Properties Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008186359 | Beechwood Nursery School | Day care of children | 26-03-2009 | 48 Newhills Road | Glasgow | G33 4HH | 01417 733 653 | Gillian Horne | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2013318118 | Beechwood Park | Care homes for older people | 30-08-2013 | 136 Main Street | New Sauchie | Alloa | FK10 3JX | 01259 720 355 | Anthony Ryan | | SP2013012090 | ARIA HEALTHCARE GROUP LTD | Active | ||||
CS2019377540 | Beelieve Health and Wellbeing Services | Support Service | 26-06-2020 | MERLIN BUSINESS CENTRE, SUITE 1/4 | 20 MOSSLAND ROAD | HILLINGTON | GLASGOW | G52 4XZ | 07379 797 925 | Caroline Cochrane | | SP2019013398 | Beelieve Health and Wellbeing Services LLP | Active | |||
CS2009228296 | Begg, Pauline | Childminding | 01-12-2009 | Livingston | Pauline Begg | | SP2009974288 | Pauline Dunn | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000311 | Beith Hive Childcare Ltd | Day Care of Children | 19-09-2023 | Beith Primary School | Glebe Road | Beith | KA15 1EZ | 01505 227440 | Jane Burns | | SP2023000200 | Beith Hive Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017301 | Beith Primary School Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glebe Road | Beith | KA15 1EZ | 01505 502 363 | Fiona Dunlop | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000083 | Bekah Allen Childminding | Child Minding | 22-03-2023 | Elgin | | SP2023000061 | Rebekah Allen | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010613 | Belgrave Lodge Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 45 Belgrave Road | Edinburgh | EH12 6NG | 01313 349 400 | Shona Scott | | SP2003002440 | Dixon Sangster Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2005111873 | Belhaven Hill School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Belhaven Hill | Dunbar | EH42 1NN | 01368 862 785 | Oliver Langton | | SP2005007927 | Belhaven Hill School | Active | |||||
CS2011303194 | Belhaven House | Care homes for older people | 01-12-2011 | 3 Craigend Road | Troon | KA10 6ER | 01292 844920 | Karen McIntosh | | SP2005007720 | Mansfield Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014853 | Belhaven Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 54 Kelvinside Avenue | Glasgow | G20 6PY | 01419 463 169 | Diane Legge | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2016348682 | Belinda McKenna Childminding | Childminding | 04-10-2016 | Motherwell | Belinda McKenna | | SP2016988224 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016115 | Bell's Brae Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gilbertson Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0QJ | 01595 743 720 | Frances Tait | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001845 | Bell, Harriet | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Banchory | Harriet Bell | | SP2003900467 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007162639 | Bell, Kathleen | Childminding | 09-04-2008 | Livingston | Kathleen Bell | | SP2007967064 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000522 | Bell, Lorrain | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Lorrain Bell | | SP2003900048 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007738 | Bell, Marie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Marie Bell | | SP2003904658 | Marie Bell | Active | ||||||||
CS2014324948 | Bell, Sharon | Childminding | 06-06-2014 | Kilmarnock | Sharon Bell | | SP2014985809 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013752 | Bell, Yvonne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumfries | Yvonne Bell | | SP2003907345 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000263 | Belleaire House | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Belleaire House | 29 Newark Street | GREENOCK | PA16 7UN | 01475 784607 | Tracy Docherty | | SP2021000160 | Belleaire Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008169339 | Belleville Lodge Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 12-03-2008 | 5 Blacket Avenue | Edinburgh | EH9 1RT | 0131 341 4110 | Michelle Wade | | SP2005007720 | Mansfield Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003010254 | Bellevue Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 15 Racecourse Road | Ayr | KA7 2DQ | 01292 610 766 | Myra Sime | | SP2003002257 | Bellevue Nursing Home | Active | |||||
CS2003003487 | Bellfield Before & After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Whatrigg Primary School | Bellfield | Kilmarnock | KA1 3SZ | 01563 572 238 | Marion McFarlane | | SP2003000715 | Bellfield After School Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018367283 | Bellfield Centre | 23-11-2018 | Stirling Health and Care Village | Livilands | Stirling | FK8 2AU | 01786 444 852 | Martin Shiels | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000024 | Bellfield Childcare Services | Child Minding | 18-01-2024 | Inverness | | SP2023000360 | Brionaidh Finlayson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000267 | Bellfield Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Dee Street | Banchory | AB31 5XH | 01330 822 692 | Caroline Ewen | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2006125211 | Bellrock Nursery School | Day care of children | 18-08-2006 | 17 Skerryvore Road | Cranhill | Glasgow | G33 3LA | 01417 748 036 | Sonya Morrison | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003041854 | Bellsbank Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bellsbank Primary School | Early Learning and Childcare Facility | Craiglea Cresent, Bellsbank | Dalmellington | KA6 7UA | 01292 551195 | Fiona Greig | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003003355 | Bellsbank Project Creche | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bellsbank Primary School | Early Childhood and Community Facility | Craiglea Crescent, Bellsbank | Dalmellington | KA6 7UA | 01292 550 631 | Kirsty Ramage | | SP2003000688 | Bellsbank Project Committee | Active | |||
CS2003015346 | Bellshill Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 91 Deans Street | Bellshill | ML4 1PD | 01698 522 707 | Michelle Torley | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004071279 | Bellshill Home Support Service | Housing support service | 30-07-2004 | Dalziel Building | 4th Floor | 7 Scott Street | Motherwell | ML1 1PN | 01698 346 666 | Debbie Coll | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004071282 | Bellshill Home Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2004 | Dalziel Building | 4th Floor | 7 Scott Street | Motherwell | ML1 1PN | 01698 346 666 | Vicki McAleavy | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001210 | Bellshill Locality | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Sir John Mann Centre | 1 Farmgate Square | Bellshill | ML4 2AE | 01698 403 520 | Marion Sankus | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2016346434 | Bellsmyre ELCC | Day care of children | 19-08-2016 | Howatshaws Road | Bellsmyre | Dumbarton | G82 3DR | 01389 773 919 | Lorna Toner | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003047937 | Bellsquarry Nursery Class | Day care of children | 08-03-2004 | Bellsquarry Primary School | 52 Calder Road | Bellsquarry | Livingston | EH54 9AD | 01506 410 777 | Nicola Baird | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2019375217 | Bellview Cottage | Care Home Service | 20-08-2019 | 29 Russell Street | Lochgelly | KY5 9DD | 01592 323358 | Jadwiga Klamut | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013322180 | Bellwood Nursery | Day care of children | 31-01-2014 | 35 Bell Quadrant | Carfin | Motherwell | ML1 4GR | 01698 230 455 | Lynn McCafferty | | SP2003000911 | Amcol Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016423 | Bellyeoman Out of School Club | Day care of children | 02-04-2002 | Bellyeoman Primary School | Robertson Road | Dunfermline | KY12 0XP | 07515 189 433 | Martin Tyrrell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015901 | Bellyeoman Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 149 Robertson Road | Dunfermline | KY12 0XP | 01383 602 443 | Lyndsay Strang | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003045190 | Belmont Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 22-12-2003 | Fairhurst Road | Stranraer | DG9 7QL | 01776 889 696 | Anita Smith | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017001 | Belmont House School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sandringham Avenue | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5DU | 01416 392 922 | Margaret Peck | | SP2003003579 | Belmont House School Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015463 | Belmont Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Belmont Primary School | Galloway Avenue | Stranraer | DG9 7BH | 01776 702 952 | Karen Newell | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2008179974 | Ben View Community Bathing Service | Support services - care at home | 14-10-2010 | Strathleven Place | Dumbarton | G82 1BA | 01389 733 030 | Alison McCurley | | SP2008009903 | Ben View Resource Centre | Active | |||||
CS2003017190 | Ben Wyvis Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ben Wyvis Primary School | Leanaig Road | Conon Bridge | Dingwall | IV7 8BE | 01349 860 940 | Catriona McDowall | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003040355 | Benarty Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 25-06-2003 | Benarty Primary School | 67-69 Lochleven Road | Lochore | Lochgelly | KY5 8DA | 01592 583 412 | Lynn Dyas | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2022000401 | Benarty View Care Home | Care homes for older people | 23-12-2022 | Four Seasons Health Care | Benarty View Nursing Home | 17 Rowan Lea | Kelty | KY4 0FY | 01383 440240 | Karen Bell | | SP2022000265 | Four Seasons Beechcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2003010713 | Benholm Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 76 Glamis Road | Forfar | DD8 1DS | 01307 706430 | Carol Everett | SP2007009152 | Tamaris (RAM) Limited (Cumbernauld) | Active | ||||||
CS2015334704 | Bennachie View | Care homes for older people | 14-07-2015 | Bennachie View | Balhalgardy Rise | Inverurie | AB51 5DF | 01467 537 100 | Jacqueline Duncan | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2010279481 | Bennett, Anne-Marie | Childminding | 05-07-2011 | Glasgow | Anne-Marie Bennett | | SP2010980996 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007635 | Bennett, Eileen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Eileen Bennett | | SP2004919255 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008168697 | Bennett, Rosie | Childminding | 25-09-2008 | North Berwick | Rosie Bennett | | SP2008968214 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000104 | Bennochy Lodge Care Home | Care Home Service | 31-03-2024 | 31a Bennochy Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5QY | 01592642000 | Reena Anil | | SP2022000076 | Rossa Home Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007162394 | Benore Care Home | Care homes for older people | 12-03-2008 | Lochleven Road | Ballingry | Lochgelly | KY5 8HU | 01592 862 130 | Jo-Ann Lindsay | | SP2003002722 | Avondale Care (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000743 | Benrig Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Baird Place | New Farm Loch | Kilmarnock | KA3 7RL | 01563 536 191 | Shona Gilbert | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000067 | Bentleys Homecare | Support Service | 11-02-2025 | Flat B | Windsor Court | 53 Church Street, Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1EU | 07930325770 | Gesina Tait | | SP2024000020 | Bentleys Home Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003010728 | Benvie Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 38 Benvie Road | Dundee | DD2 2PE | 01382 646 910 | Sheryl Cruickshanks | | SP2007009141 | Duncare Limited t/a Benvie Care Home | Active | |||||
CS2003014946 | Benview Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 100 Bilsland Avenue | Ben View Campus | Glasgow | G20 9NY | 01419 464 740 | Josephine Wood | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2009228609 | Berelands House Care Home Service | Care homes for older people | 24-02-2010 | 1 Boydfield Court | Prestwick | KA9 2JL | 01292 677 760 | Teresa Mangonon | | SP2011011570 | Amore (Prestwick) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013321438 | Bernadette Murdoch | Childminding | 21-01-2014 | Hamilton | Bernadette Mary Murdoch | | SP2013985423 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015336775 | Bernadette's Childminding Service | Childminding | 29-06-2015 | KIRKCALDY | Bernadette Giff | | SP2015986859 | Bernadette Giff | Active | ||||||||
CS2003045042 | Berry, Karen | Childminding | 12-05-2004 | Paisley | Karen Berry | | SP2004924927 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000243 | Berryden Mills | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 36 - 39 Berryden Mills | Aberdeen | AB25 3TE | 01224 659 740 | Nicolle Wiseman | | SP2003000018 | Archway (Respite Care & Housing) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015404 | Berryhill Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hillcrest Avenue | Craigneuk | Wishaw | ML2 7RB | 01698 274 969 | Carrie Nicol | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015337888 | Berryknowe Service | 20-01-2016 | 1 Backrogerton Crescent | Auchinleck | KA18 2EU | 01290 423 382 | Jon Edward Gavienas | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2015337886 | Berryknowe Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-01-2016 | 1 Backrogerton Crescent | Auchinleck | KA18 2EU | 01290 423 382 | Jon Edward Gavienas | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000324 | Bervie Kids Club | Day Care of Children | 14-08-2024 | Bervie School | Church Street | Inverbervie, Montrose | DD10 0RU | 07875575515 | Dawn Young | | SP2024000190 | Bervie Kids Club (SCIO) | Active | ||||
CS2003016310 | Bervie School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bervie School | Church Street | Inverbervie | Montrose | DD10 0RU | 01561400685 | Angela Cathro | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2021000031 | Bespoke Care Services Ltd | Support Service | 26-04-2021 | Regus | 2 Parklands Way | Holytown | Motherwell | ML1 4WR | 07435898688 | Marie Walker | | SP2021000021 | Bespoke Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017353798 | Bespoke Clinical Care | 01-03-2017 | Suite 1.8 Waverley House | Hamilton Business Park | Hamilton | ML3 0AS | 01698 374 362 | Mary McDonald | | SP2016012812 | Bespoke Clinical Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000141 | Bespoke Support | Support services - care at home | 06-06-2022 | Bespoke Support | 4 Whitesands | DUMFRIES | DG1 2RR | 01387203037 | | SP2022000100 | Kelly Kerr | Active | |||||
CS2024000260 | Beth Curtis Childminding | Childminding | 23-07-2024 | Ayr | | SP2024000234 | Bethany Curtis | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2004071981 | Bethany Christian Trust - Kharis Court | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | 24 Race Road | Bathgate | EH48 2AP | 01506 634 395 | Paul Bradley | | SP2004006608 | Bethany Christian Trust | Active | |||||
CS2004071982 | Bethany Christian Trust Bethany House | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | 12 Couper Street | Edinburgh | EH6 6HH | 01315 618 911 | Laura McNamee | | SP2004006608 | Bethany Christian Trust | Active | |||||
CS2004071983 | Bethany Christian Trust Centre | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | 6 Casselbank Street | Edinburgh | EH6 5HA | 07747 024 120 | David Biddulph | | SP2004006608 | Bethany Christian Trust | Active | |||||
CS2004082129 | Bethany Christian Trust Housing Support Fife | Housing support service | 08-12-2004 | 213 Wellesley Road | Methil | Leven | KY8 3BN | 01333 305 367 | John Stevens | | SP2004006608 | Bethany Christian Trust | Active | ||||
CS2004071985 | Bethany Christian Trust Supported Housing - Dumfries | Housing support service | 02-12-2004 | 36 Whitesands | Dumfries | DG1 2RS | 01387 259 400 | Craig Neilson | | SP2004006608 | Bethany Christian Trust | Active | |||||
CS2014328053 | Bethesda Care Home | Care homes for older people | 12-11-2014 | Springfield Road | Stornoway | HS1 2PS | 01851 706 222 | Carol Somerville | | SP2014012329 | Bethesda Care Home and Hospice, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003007082 | Beveridge, Diane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Diane Beveridge | | SP2003904094 | Diane Beveridge | Active | ||||||||
CS2012310590 | Beveridge, Julie | Childminding | 04-03-2013 | Lochgelly | Julie Beveridge | | SP2012983887 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003514 | Beveridge, Morag | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Newmilns | Morag Beveridge | | SP2003901808 | Morag Beveridge | Active | ||||||||
CS2016346931 | Beyond Limits (Dumfries & Galloway) | 07-11-2016 | 19 Queen Street | Lochmaben | Lockerbie | DG11 1PP | 01576 207347 | Lea Graham | | SP2016012711 | Beyond Limits (Plymouth) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016347291 | Beyond Limits Dumfries & Galloway | 07-11-2016 | 19 Queen Street | Lochmaben | Lockerbie | DG11 1PP | 01576 207347 | Lea Graham | | SP2016012711 | Beyond Limits (Plymouth) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017362347 | BHK Childminding | 08-02-2018 | Glasgow | Natalie Mackin | | SP2017989535 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2022000008 | Bianca Childminding | Child Minding | 13-01-2022 | Buckie | | SP2022000004 | Bianca Creaser | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306440 | Bield at Home - Linlithgow | Support services - care at home | 29-10-2012 | Westport Resource Centre | 1 St Ninians Road | Linlithgow | EH49 7BY | 07917962645 | Sharon Tomany | | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | ||||
CS2019376399 | Big Bird Nursery | Day Care of Children | 29-11-2019 | 12 Manse Road | Whitburn | EH47 0DH | 01501 744 550 | Lisa Scott | | SP2017012925 | Mini Rainbows (Murrayfield) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010102 | Big Country Children's Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crieff Hydro Hotel | Ferntower Road | Crieff | PH7 3LQ | +441764651727 | Levi Angus | | SP2003002156 | Crieff Hydro Childrens Club | Active | ||||
CS2022000248 | Big Voices @ Anderston OOSC | Day care of children | 17-08-2022 | Anderston Primary School | 3 Port Street | Glasgow | G3 8HY | 07999027073 | Nicola Gracey | | SP2022000167 | Big Voices Childcare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000246 | Big Voices @ Garnetbank OOSC | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2022 | Garnetbank Primary School | 231 Renfrew Street | Glasgow | G3 6TX | 07761752264 | Laura Hopkins | | SP2022000167 | Big Voices Childcare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000272 | Big Voices @ St Patrick's OOSC | Day Care of Children | 24-08-2023 | St. Patricks Primary School | 10 Perth Street | Glasgow | G3 8UQ | 07707226609 | Nicola Gracey | | SP2022000167 | Big Voices Childcare Services Ltd | Inactive | ||||
CS2022000260 | Big Voices Mobile Creche | Day care of children | 24-08-2022 | 272 Bath Street | Glasgow | G2 4JR | 07590474896 | Laura Tierney | | SP2022000167 | Big Voices Childcare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015339685 | Biggar Little Ones - Registered Childminding Service | Childminding | 01-09-2015 | Biggar | Elaine McCorrison | | SP2015987215 | Elaine McCorrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015273 | Biggar Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Biggar Primary School | John's Loan | Biggar | ML12 6ZJ | 01899 221 177 | Heather Graham | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014334188 | Bilham, Angela | Childminding | 03-03-2015 | Irvine | Angela Bilham | | SP2014986597 | Angela Bilham | Active | ||||||||
CS2016349344 | Bilston Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 17-08-2016 | Bilston Primary School | Park Avenue | Bilston | Roslin | EH25 9SD | 01314 449 021 | Sheryl Wallace | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||
CS2012309339 | Binnie Street Children's Centre | Day care of children | 16-08-2012 | 26 Binnie Street | Gourock | PA19 1JS | 01475 715 502 | Ruth Wyllie | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2004063513 | Binnington, Neil | Childminding | 25-06-2004 | Kirkcaldy | Neil Binnington | | SP2004919230 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007773 | Binnington, Tracey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcaldy | Tracey Binnington | | SP2003904690 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000229 | Bionical Health Ltd | Nurse Agency | 01-08-2024 | The Piazza, Mercia Marina, | Findern Lane | Willington | DE65 6DW | (0) 1283 753 220 | Gemma Tyrrell | | SP2023001434 | Bionical Health Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019378607 | Birch House Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | 9-12 Brighton Court | Brighton Place | Peterculter | AB14 0UG | 01224 734 400 | Patricia Hutchison | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003008791 | Birchview Respite Unit | Short breaks and respite services | 01-04-2002 | 16 Maisondieu Road | Elgin | IV30 1RX | 01343 542 906 | Ashley Aitken | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2019378313 | Birchwood | Care Home Service | 20-02-2020 | Camaghael | Fort William | PH33 7NF | 01397 702224 | Andrew Carter | | SP2013012183 | Reflexion Care Group Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010543 | Birchwood Highland Recovery Centre | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Muirfield Lane | Inverness | IV2 4AX | 01463 716 600 | Mark Skillin | | SP2003001717 | Centred(Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010430 | Birdston | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Birdston Road | Milton of Campsie | Glasgow | G66 8BY | 01417 763 355 | Pauline McCrae | | SP2003002346 | Pacific Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000789 | Birdston Day Care Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Birdston Road | Milton of Campsie | Glasgow | G66 8BY | 01417 766 595 | Teresa Anderson | | SP2003002346 | Pacific Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006118226 | Birkett, Sharon | Childminding | 24-08-2006 | Arbroath | Sharon Birkett | | SP2006958736 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016846 | Birkhill Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Birkhill Primary School | Dronley Road | Birkhill | Dundee | DD2 5QD | Caroline MacDiarmid | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2015339246 | Birnie, Mandy | Childminding | 09-09-2015 | Elgin | Mandy Birnie | SP2015987172 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012312036 | Birnie, Sharon | Childminding | 28-01-2013 | Elgin | Sharon Birnie | | SP2012011947 | Sharon Birnie | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000066 | Birralee Childcare | Child Minding | 22-02-2024 | Dunbar | | SP2023001456 | Fiona Matheson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009808 | Birrell, Heather | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Heather Birrell | | SP2003905214 | Birrell Heather | Active | ||||||||
CS2004085774 | Birthlink | Adoption agencies | 19-09-2005 | 21 Castle Street | Edinburgh | EH2 3DN | 0131 225 6441 | Sally Lynch | | SP2004007141 | Birthlink | Active | |||||
CS2006132444 | Bishop, Helen | Childminding | 29-09-2006 | Bathgate | Helen Bishop | | SP2006960795 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015343384 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care - Balmuildy Primary | Day care of children | 12-05-2016 | Balmuildy Primary School | Stirling Drive | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 3AJ | 01413 700 927 | Garry Stewart | | SP2007009103 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007152512 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care - Meadowburn Primary | Day care of children | 04-09-2007 | Meadowburn Primary School | Lendale Lane | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 3LL | 01413 700 927 | Garry Stewart | | SP2007009103 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017358863 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care - St Helen's PS | 27-09-2017 | St Helen's Primary School | Wester Cleddens Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 1EH | 01413 700 927 | Garry Stewart | | SP2007009103 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007152528 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care - Thomas Muir Primary | Day care of children | 05-09-2007 | Thomas Muir Primary School | Kirriemuir Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 1DL | 07958 695 228 | Garry Stewart | | SP2007009103 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007152519 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care Wester Cleddens Primary and St. Matthew's Primary | Day care of children | 05-09-2007 | Wester Cleddens Primary School | Wester Cleddens Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 2NQ | 01413 700 927 | Garry Stewart | | SP2007009103 | Bishopbriggs Out of School Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003003641 | Bishopbriggs Village Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bishopbriggs Community Church | 21 Park Avenue | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 2SN | 0141 739 9777 | Ashley McKay | | SP2003000735 | Bishopbriggs Village Nursery Committee | Active | |||
CS2003008938 | Bishopmill Pre-school Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Morriston Road | Bishopmill | Elgin | IV30 4DY | 01343 543 903 | Kelly Woollett | | SP2003001914 | Torridon Education Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014334183 | Bishopton After Care Service | Day care of children | 22-06-2015 | Bishopton Primary School | Old Greenock Road | Bishopton | PA7 5BE | 07921 787 889 | Gayle Watt & Shona Carse | | SP2014012411 | WACA Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018368316 | Bishopton Out of School Care - Cornerstone | 12-09-2018 | Cornerstone Church | 8 Greenock Road | Bishopton | PA7 5JN | 07921 787 889 | Gayle Watt & Shona Carse | | SP2014012411 | WACA Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016345618 | Bizzyberry Nursery | Day care of children | 09-08-2016 | Market Road | Biggar | ML12 6FX | 01899 221 649 | Gillian Haynes | | SP2016012675 | Bizzyberry Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2017355136 | Black Isle Childminder - Karen | 22-08-2017 | Dingwall | Karen Donnelly | | SP2017988914 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2009195153 | Black, Alison | Childminding | 05-10-2009 | Dalkeith | Alison Black | | SP2009973294 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006134546 | Black, Lynn | Childminding | 13-11-2007 | Alloa | Lynn Black | | SP2006961310 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006133629 | Black, Nicola | Childminding | 15-12-2006 | Selkirk | Nicola Black | | SP2006961087 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003455 | Black, Sheila | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Sheila Black | | SP2003901760 | Sheila Black | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009809 | Black, Shona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kinross | Shona Black | | SP2003905215 | Shona Black | Active | ||||||||
CS2013315837 | Black, Susan | Childminding | 03-07-2013 | Falkirk | Susan Black | | SP2013984659 | Susan Black | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010615 | Blackfaulds House Nursing Home Ltd | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Westfield Road | Avonbridge | Falkirk | FK1 2JZ | 01324 861 406 | Charlotte Campbell | | SP2003002442 | Blackfaulds House Nursing Home Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009229790 | Blackhall Nursery | Day care of children | 28-01-2010 | Ravelston Park Pavilion | Craigcrook Road | Edinburgh | EH4 3RU | 01313 328 296 | Gillian Santageli | | SP2009010477 | Blackhall Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003011852 | Blackhall Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Columbas Church | Columbas Road | Edinburgh | EH4 3QU | 07999 514 809 | Charlotte Smart | | SP2007008904 | Blackhall Playgroup Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003016030 | Blacklands Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | David's Crescent | Kilwinning | KA13 6JJ | 01294 552 626 | Susan Lauder | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019375280 | Blacklaw Out of School Care | Day Care of Children | 23-09-2019 | Blacklaw Primary School | Glen Arroch | St Leonard's, East kilbride | Glasgow | G74 2BP | 07950 154 228 | Rachel Field | | SP2019013316 | Blacklaw Out of School Care a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2003017487 | Blackridge Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blackridge Primary School | Main Street | Blackridge | Bathgate | EH48 3RJ | 01501 751 223 | Claire McGoldrick | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2003000865 | Blackwood Care - Belses Gardens Care Home | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | Margaret Blackwood Housing Association | 1 Belses Gardens | Cardonald | Glasgow | G52 2DY | 01418 836 680 | Lisa Channing | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||
CS2003000232 | Blackwood Care - Raeden Court Care Home | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 16 Raeden Court | Midstocket Road | Aberdeen | AB15 5PF | 01224 326 331 | Debbie Maitland | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | ||||
CS2004068843 | Blackwood Care - St. Leonard's Court | Housing support service | 26-08-2004 | 2 St Leonards Court | Ayr | KA7 2PN | 0131 317 7227 | Helen Kiltie | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||||
CS2004077165 | Blackwood Care - St. Leonard's Court - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-08-2004 | 2 St Leonards Court | Ayr | KA7 2PN | 01292 619 749 | Helen Kiltie | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||||
CS2016344470 | Blackwood Care Edinburgh West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-08-2016 | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 01313 170 144 | Andrew Magee | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||||
CS2016344472 | Blackwood Care Edinburgh West | 31-08-2016 | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 01313 170 144 | Andrew Magee | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | ||||||
CS2004077186 | Blackwood Forth Valley Care and Support Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-08-2004 | 42 Broom Court | Stirling | fk7 7un | 01313177227 | Flora Hay | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||||
CS2004077187 | Blackwood Forth Valley Care and Support Services | Housing support service | 26-08-2004 | 42 Broom Court | St. Ninians | STIRLING | FK7 7UN | 01313177227 | Flora Hay | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | ||||
CS2019377604 | Blackwood Manor | School Care Accommodation Service | 02-04-2020 | 139 Southfield Road | Kirkmuirhill | Lanark | ML11 9PL | 01555 860418 | Ashley Dorrian | | SP2018013069 | Arisaig Unit | Active | ||||
CS2004068907 | Blackwood North East Care and Support Services | Housing support service | 26-08-2004 | 23 Raeden Court | Aberdeen | AB15 5PF | 01224 326 331 | Debbie Maitland | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||||
CS2004077166 | Blackwood North East Care and Support Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-08-2004 | 23 Raeden Court | Aberdeen | AB15 5PF | 01224 326 331 | Debbie Maitland | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||||
CS2003015274 | Blackwood Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carlisle Road | Blackwood | Lanark | ML11 9AT | 01555 892 438 | Christine McMillan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000294 | Blackwood Supported Living Services | Housing Support Service | 28-09-2022 | Blackwood | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 01313177227 | HELEN KILTIE | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | ||||
CS2017359370 | Blainslie Childminding Services | 08-11-2017 | Galashiels | Jenny Erwin | | SP2017989298 | Jenny Erwin | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016082 | Blair Atholl Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Adamnan Road | Bridge of Tilt | Pitlochry | PH18 5TB | 01887 822 491 | Dawn Hunter | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2004072717 | Blair House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2004 | Blair House | 81 Blair Road | Coatbridge | ML5 2EW | 01236 423 784 | Julie McDonald | | SP2003000241 | Blair House Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003040754 | Blair Kids Club | Day care of children | 01-09-2003 | Newhill Primary School | Blairgowrie Community Campus | Elm Drive | Blairgowrie | PH10 6UZ | 01250 871 961 | Emma Kirk | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2003006764 | Blair, Lesley-Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lesley-Ann Blair | | SP2003903989 | Lesley-Ann Blair | Active | ||||||||
CS2006136439 | Blair, Lorna | Childminding | 28-08-2007 | Cupar | Lorna Blair | | SP2006961739 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014331925 | Blairbeth Road | Care homes for children and young people | 05-11-2014 | 27 Blairbeth Road | Burnside | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4JF | 01416 347 276 | Margaret Campbell | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003005824 | Blairdardie Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blairdardie Primary | 50 Kearn Avenue | Blairdardie | Glasgow | G15 6HL | 01419 525 100 | Sharlene Davis | | SP2003001241 | The Committee Blairdardie Out of School Service | Active | |||
CS2003009734 | Blairgowrie Day Opportunities | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Jessie Street | Blairgowrie | PH10 6BT | 01250 871 919 | Mark Stratton | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015905 | Blairhall Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rintoul Avenue | Blairhall | Dunfermline | KY12 9HG | 01383 602 444 | Nicola Bow | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016340 | Blairmore Early Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Blairmore Road | Greenock | PA15 3JS | 01475 715 995 | Helen Lesley O'Hagan | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000424 | Blairvadach Residential Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | The Bungalow | Shandon | Helensburgh | G84 8NN | 01436 820 279 | Paul Orr | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004332 | Blakely, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Irvine | Julie Blakely | | SP2003902423 | Julie Blakely | Active | ||||||||
CS2008178534 | Blane Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 17-08-2009 | Blane Cottage | Kirkoswald Road | Maidens | KA26 9NF | 01655 272 051 | Grant Forsyth | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000400 | Blane Valley Childminding | Childminding | 18-10-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000061 | Lauren Stott | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300477 | Blanefield Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-11-2011 | 105 Glasgow Road | Blanefield | Glasgow | G63 9AL | 01360 771 011 | Pauline Dougan | | SP2011011677 | Blanefield Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000384 | Blantyre Intermediate Care | Support services - care at home | 15-12-2022 | 90 Park Lane | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9AS | 01698 793454 | Marjie McBride | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000383 | Blantyre Intermediate Care | Housing support service | 15-12-2022 | 90 Park Lane | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9AS | 01698 793454 | Marjie McBride | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300645 | Blar Buidhe Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Blar Buidhe | Simon's Road | Stornoway | HS1 2UT | 01851 706 067 | Donald McIntosh | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018369759 | Bleep 360 Limited | Nurse agencies | 02-04-2019 | Bleep 360, Floor 5 | The Relay Building | 114 Whitechapel High Street | London | E1 7PT | 02033 760 360 | Daniel Robinson | | SP2018013186 | Bleep 360 Limited | Active | |||
CS2006140016 | Blenham House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 24-11-2006 | 3 Sighthill Court | Edinburgh | EH11 4EU | 01314 589 820 | Amanda Rodgers | | SP2003002451 | Randolph Hill Nursing Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019377664 | Bliss Care Solutions Ltd | Support Service | 09-03-2020 | Bliss Care Solutions | 11 Grove Street | Edinburgh | EH3 8AF | 07821 155 794 | Bekezela Shoniwa | | SP2019013403 | Bliss Care Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019377663 | Bliss Care Solutions Ltd | Housing Support Service | 09-03-2020 | Bliss Care Solutions | 11 Grove Street | Edinburgh | EH3 8AF | 0131 229 1577 | Bekezela Shoniwa | | SP2019013403 | Bliss Care Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000343 | Blissful Homecare Ltd t/a Percurra East Dunbartonshire | Support Service | 12-10-2023 | Unit F | Cloberfield Business Centre | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 7LN | 01414284450 | Siriya Anwar | | SP2023000225 | Blissful Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000351 | Blooming Bairns Childminding | Child Minding | 11-09-2024 | Dalbeattie | | SP2024000296 | Shaunagh Rennie | Active | |||||||||
CS2015343437 | Blossom Buddies Childminding | Childminding | 15-02-2016 | Dumfries | Lorna Kippen | SP2015987639 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003012071 | Blossom Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 15 b/c Bath Street | Edinburgh | EH15 1EZ | 01316 572 233 | Claire Wanless | | SP2003002966 | Joan Finlayson trading as Blossom Day Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2024000155 | Blossom Homecare | Support Service | 14-05-2024 | Innovation Centre, Aberdeen Energy and Innovation Park | Exploration Drive | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB23 8GX | 01224930124 | Paula Chalmers | | SP2023000269 | Amiable People Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018371331 | Blossom House | Care homes for children and young people | 17-04-2019 | The Fields | Stewarton Road | Kilmaurs | Kilmarnock | KA3 2NH | 01563 591 761 | Helen Campagna | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000426 | Blossom Tree Children's Nursery - Fairmilehead | Day Care of Children | 15-12-2023 | 2 Oxgangs Road | Edinburgh | EH10 7AU | 0131 445 1566 | Sarah Livingstone | | SP2021000230 | Blossom Tree Children's Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000362 | Blossom Tree Children's Nursery Limited | Day care of children | 17-12-2021 | 2 Newtoft Street | Edinburgh | EH17 8RE | 01316644944 | GEMMA NELSON | | SP2021000230 | Blossom Tree Children's Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000208 | Blossoming Daisies Childminding Services | Childminding | 21-06-2024 | Dundee | | SP2024000171 | Shannon Kenneth | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000249 | Blucare Limited | Support Service | 16-07-2024 | 7 West Fairbrae Crescent | Edinburgh | EH11 3SX | 07947393209 | Christine Odubanjo | | SP2023000265 | BluCare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019378278 | Blue Bird Childminding Service | Child Minding | 21-08-2020 | Glasgow | Bouchra Ghalem | | SP2019990988 | Bouchra Ghalem | Active | ||||||||
CS2004058808 | Blue Central Resource Base | Support services - not care at home | 03-02-2004 | Unit 1 | Pitreavie Drive | Blue Central Business Park | Dunfermline | KY11 8US | 08453 009 273 | Janice Jack | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2021000275 | Blue Kangaroo Happy Nursery Ltd | Day Care of Children | 23-09-2021 | 34 Meikle Road | GLASGOW | G53 5JD | 0141 883 3585 | Tracey Hamilton | | SP2021000172 | Blue Kangaroo Happy Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018369363 | Blue Star St. Andrews | 13-02-2019 | Slotline House | Largo Road | St Andrews | KY16 8NJ | 07967 025 121 | David Rundle | | SP2018013177 | Blue Star St. Andrews Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004079132 | Blue Triangle Oban Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 01-11-2004 | Albany Street | Oban | PA34 4AG | 01631 565 575 | Lisa MacDonald | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017355295 | Bluebell Cottage | 09-03-2018 | 49A Torphin Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0PQ | 01316 292 177 | Tobias Emonts-Holley | | SP2003002619 | Tiphereth Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2010237767 | Bluebird Care (Dunbartonshire) | Housing support service | 29-03-2010 | 2 Hillfoot Court | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 2QR | 01419 421 530 | Patricia Hughes | | SP2008010012 | Caledonian Care Consultants Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008183616 | Bluebird Care (Dunbartonshire) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-11-2008 | 2 Hillfoot Court | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 2QR | 01419 421 530 | Jeannie Elizabeth Joss | | SP2008010012 | Caledonian Care Consultants Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011282331 | Bluebird Care (East and Midlothian) | Housing support service | 02-08-2011 | 8B Newhailes Business Park | Newhailes Road | Musselburgh | EH21 6RH | 01316606610 | Laura MacLeod | | SP2011011501 | J & K Lambert Ltd Trading as Bluebird Care East & Mid Lothian | Active | ||||
CS2011282332 | Bluebird Care (East and Midlothian) - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-08-2011 | 8B Newhailes Business Park | Newhailes Road | Musselburgh | EH21 6RH | 01316606610 | Laura MacLeod | | SP2011011501 | J & K Lambert Ltd Trading as Bluebird Care East & Mid Lothian | Active | ||||
CS2008173228 | Bluebird Care (Glasgow South) | Support services - care at home | 04-09-2008 | 2 Stewart Drive | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7EZ | 01416 380 167 | Annemarie Frew | | SP2008009694 | Care Glasgow Ltd t/a Bluebird Care | Active | ||||
CS2012306827 | Bluebird Care (South Lanarkshire) | Support services - care at home | 30-04-2012 | The Building Design Centre | 125 Muir Street | Hamilton | ML3 6BJ | 01698 200 191 | Dorothy McKeon | | SP2012011790 | BJMCA Ltd t/as Bluebird Care | Active | ||||
CS2023000435 | Bluebird Care Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire | Support Service | 22-12-2023 | Navigator House | First Floor | 77 Waterloo Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5DE | 07944476806 | Alicia Laurie | | SP2023000365 | S.A Chopra Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000121 | Bluebird Care Ayrshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-05-2022 | Prestwick Business Centre | Ladykirk Busines Park | 9 Skye Road | PRESTWICK | KA9 2TA | 01292 435810 | Annemarie Frew | | SP2022000083 | CAYR Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000122 | Bluebird Care Ayrshire | Housing support service | 17-05-2022 | Prestwick Business Centre | Ladykirk Business Park | 9 Skye Road | Prestwick | KA9 2TA | 01292 435810 | Annemarie Frew | | SP2022000083 | CAYR Limited | Active | |||
CS2008172332 | Bluebird Care Edinburgh | Support services - care at home | 19-05-2008 | 75a Peffer Place | Craigmillar | Edinburgh | EH16 4BB | 01312 585 005 | Geraldine O'Reilly | | SP2008009670 | J & J Perry Limited Trading as Bluebird Care Edinburgh | Active | ||||
CS2022000060 | Bluebird Care Inverclyde & Renfrewshire | Support Service | 04-03-2022 | Studio 2007 Mile End Mill | Abbey Mill Business Centre | 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418990066 | Lena Macdonald | | SP2022000040 | Bhart Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003016323 | Bluebird Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | St. Joseph's School | Wren Road | Greenock | PA16 7NH | 01475 715 722 | Claire McIntyre | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2003007547 | Blyth, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Leven | Fiona Blyth | | SP2003904506 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012409 | Blyth, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Penicuik | Karen Blyth | | SP2003906134 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010271173 | Bo'ness Care Home | Care homes for older people | 07-10-2010 | 11 Bridgeness Lane | Bo'ness | EH51 9LQ | 01506 829 801 | Jodie Clark | | SP2010011082 | Atlantis Medicare ( Bridgeness) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003048021 | Bo'ness Public Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stewart Avenue | Bo'ness | EH51 9NL | 01506 778 300 | Jackie Sihota | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2013316870 | Bo-Peep Daycare | Childminding | 26-07-2013 | St. Andrews | Jane Graves | SP2013984822 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003000217 | Bob Cooney Court | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 22 Bob Cooney Court | Aberdeen | AB25 3SP | 01224 256 000 | Michelle Robertson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2004064076 | Bob McTaggart House | Housing support service | 31-03-2005 | 109 Dunblane Street | Glasgow | G4 0HJ | 01413 321 299 | Esther Scott | | SP2003000185 | Talbot Association Limited | Active | |||||
CS2022000224 | Boclair Care Home | Care Home Service | 09-08-2022 | Switchback Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1QN | 01628662888 | Karlynn Wheelan | | SP2022000156 | Boclair Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015723 | Boddam School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 13 Russell Street | Boddam | Peterhead | AB42 3NG | 01779 403 675 | Camelia Higgins | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300995 | Bodys, Gillian | Childminding | 06-12-2011 | Cumnock | Gillian Bodys | | SP2011982854 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356210 | Boghall Nursery Class | 25-08-2017 | Boghall Primary School | Elizabeth Drive | Boghall | Bathgate | EH48 1JB | 01506 283 222 | Katy Leamy | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2009198862 | Bogton Farmhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 28-09-2009 | Common Thread | Torrance | Glasgow | G64 4EG | 01360 622 335 | Deborah McDowall | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004068808 | Bole, Fiona | Childminding | 22-03-2006 | Dundee | Fiona Bole | | SP2004930171 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003051455 | Bolton, Kerry | Childminding | 18-05-2004 | Buckie | Kerry Bolton | | SP2004938413 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315404 | Bon Accord Care - Balnagask House | Care homes for older people | 01-08-2013 | North Balnagask Road | Aberdeen | AB11 8LQ | 01224 871 158 | Zoe Pirie | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013315410 | Bon Accord Care - Care at Home - 1 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-08-2013 | Marischal College | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 570 400 | Seonaid MacDonald | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013315408 | Bon Accord Care - Care at Home - 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-08-2013 | Marischal College, | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 053 333 | Lee Mair | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014329164 | Bon Accord Care - Care at Home - 3 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2014 | Marischal College | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 053 333 | Tamsin Mitchell | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014329149 | Bon Accord Care - Clashieknowe | Care homes for older people | 07-08-2015 | Scotstown Road | Aberdeen | AB23 8NA | 01224 821 463 | Shirley Cassie | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013315405 | Bon Accord Care - Fergus House | Care homes for older people | 01-08-2013 | Fergus Place | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 7DE | 01224 724 147 | Jemma Critchley | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013315409 | Bon Accord Care - Housing Support - 1 | Housing support service | 01-08-2013 | Marischal College | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 053 333 | Seonaid MacDonald | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013315406 | Bon Accord Care - Housing Support - 2 | Housing support service | 01-08-2013 | Marischal College | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 053 333 | Lee Mair | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014329162 | Bon Accord Care - Housing Support - 3 | Housing support service | 02-10-2014 | Marischal College | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 053 333 | Tamsin Mitchell | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017359559 | Bon Accord Care - Kingswells Care Home | 30-01-2018 | Kingswood Drive | Kingswells | Aberdeen | AB15 8TB | 01224 749 106 | Kathleen Cruickshank | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013315765 | Bon Accord Care - Kingswood Court Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-08-2013 | Invercauld Road | Mastrick | Aberdeen | AB16 5RX | 01224 695 481 | Tamsin Mitchell | | SP2013012020 | Bon Accord Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000102 | Bonaly Forest Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 12-04-2023 | Bonaly Scout Centre | 71 Bonaly Road | EDINBURGH | EH30 9RA | 01312002000 | Donna Begg | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017012 | Bonaly Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bonaly Primary School | 57 Bonaly Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0FJ | 01314 417 211 | Kirstie Miller | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017175 | Bonar Bridge Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bonar Bridge Primary School | Bonar Bridge | Ardgay | IV24 3AP | 01863 766 221 | Graham Still | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015517 | Bonchester Bridge Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 03-02-2003 | Bonchester Bridge | Hawick | TD9 8JQ | 01450 860 241 | Debra Redpath | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011289463 | Bond, Lorraine | Childminding | 05-12-2011 | Aberdeen | Lorraine Bond | | SP2011982458 | Lorraine Bond | Active | ||||||||
CS2007159964 | Bonnar, Elaine | Childminding | 10-03-2008 | Greenock | Elaine Bonnar | | SP2006960878 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000350 | BonnieView House | Care Home Service | 23-11-2022 | 81A Sheephousehill | Fauldhouse | Bathgate | EH47 9EG | 07305073394 | Lian Mitchell | | SP2013012111 | Horizons Residential Care Limited | Inactive | ||||
CS2015339281 | Bonnington House Nursery | 31-05-2016 | Bonnington House | 159 Newhaven Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4QA | 01315 554 140 | Claire Greney | | SP2015012543 | Bonnington House Nursery School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015338078 | Bonny Kinder | Childminding | 09-10-2015 | Glasgow | Ruth Johnston | | SP2015012507 | Ruth Johnston and Amy Johnston a partnership tradi Ruth Johnston and Amy Johnston a partnership tradi | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000424 | Bonny Kinder | Childminding | 10-11-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000445 | Ruth Johnston | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014855 | Bonnybroom Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 233 Petershill Drive | Glasgow | G21 4QJ | 01415 572 550 | Clair McLauchlan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2017361116 | Bonnyholm Gardens Care Home | 10-09-2018 | 40 Bonnyholm Avenue | Glasgow | G53 5RL | 01414 731 770 | Angela Linning | | SP2008010034 | JSL Care Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003043621 | Bonnypark Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wellpark Terrace | Bonnybridge | FK4 1LR | 01324 503 162 | Chelsey Johnson | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011999 | Bonnyrigg Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bonnyrigg Primary School | 1 Cockpen Road | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3HR | 0131 663 7181 | Claire Walker | | SP2003002903 | Bonnyrigg Community Childcare Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2007149983 | Bonnyrigg Playgroup | Day care of children | 18-05-2007 | Waverley Pavilion | Waverley Park | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3BU | 01316 635 832 | Anne Klein-Woolthuis | | SP2003002779 | Bonnyrigg Church Playgroup Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003016001 | Bonnyrigg Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Cockpen Road | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3HR | 01312 714 570 | John Dagger | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000348 | Bonnyton House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Beechwood Avenue | Ellon | AB41 9DH | 01358 723 427 | Laura Winton | | SP2003000036 | Mr & Mrs K Winton a Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003017594 | Bonnyton House | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Beechwood Avenue | Ellon | AB41 9BH | 01358 723 427 | Laura Winton | | SP2003000036 | Mr & Mrs K Winton a Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003045155 | Bonnyton House - Busby | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Bonnyton House | Oliphant Crescent | Busby | Glasgow | G76 8PU | 01415 774 845 | Derek McIlwraith | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016157 | Bonnytoun Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 141 Springfield Road | Linlithgow | EH49 7SN | 01506 284 753 | Nicola Hocknull | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2013321881 | Border Women's Aid Ltd | Housing support service | 23-05-2014 | Hawick | Carol Hush | | SP2013012204 | Border Women's Aid Ltd a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||||||
CS2011286019 | Borders Services | Housing support service | 25-03-2011 | Autism Initiatives | Unit B | First Floor, 54 Ladhope Vale | Galashiels | TD1 1BT | 01896 755 820 | Emer Harkin | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||
CS2011286021 | Borders Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-03-2011 | Autism Initiatives | Unit B | First Floor, 54 Ladhope Vale | Galashiels | TD1 1BT | 01896 755 820 | Emer Harkin | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||
CS2003015608 | Borestone Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New Park Road | St. Ninian's | Stirling | FK7 0QA | 01786 237 984 | Linda Dawson | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016847 | Borrowfield Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newhame Road | Montrose | DD10 9EZ | 01674 907 505 | Lesley Milloy | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000259 | Borrowstoun ELC Centre | Day Care of Children | 21-09-2021 | Borrowstoun ELC Centre | Gauze Road | BO'NESS | EH51 9UE | 01506 778240 | Fiona Grant | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2006115915 | Borthwick, Alison | Childminding | 14-08-2006 | Falkirk | Alison Borthwick | | SP2006956739 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365959 | Bothwell Castle Care Home | 01-11-2018 | 35 Bothwell Road | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 7HA | 01698 622 299 | Elizabeth Brown | | SP2018013104 | Bothwell Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006506 | Bothwell Montessori Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 53 Main Street | Bothwell | Glasgow | G71 8ER | 01698 850 000 | Angela McGarva | | SP2003001484 | Nicola Hay trading as Bothwell Montessori Nursery School | Active | ||||
CS2003002494 | Bourtree Pre-school | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bourtree Hall | Berrymuir Road | Portlethen | Aberdeen | AB12 4UF | 01224 782 472 | June Thomson | | SP2003000375 | Bourtree Pre-school | Active | |||
CS2003008548 | Bower Busy Bees ELC (Early Learning Centre) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Stables | Bower Community Centre | Bower | Wick | KW1 4TT | 01955 661 269 | Eleanor Graham | | SP2003001744 | Bower Busy Bees ELC | Active | |||
CS2003007101 | Bowey, Sarah | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcaldy | Sarah Bowey | | SP2003904107 | Sarah Bowey | Active | ||||||||
CS2003043625 | Bowhouse Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Tinto Drive | Grangemouth | FK3 0DZ | 01324 508 710 | Laura Swan | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003003505 | Bowie, Lesley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stewarton | Lesley Bowie | | SP2003901802 | Lesley Bowie | Active | ||||||||
CS2005101014 | Bowie, Morag | Childminding | 09-01-2006 | Glasgow | Morag Bowie | | SP2006955758 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007372 | Bowman, Carolyn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Anstruther | Carolyn Bowman | SP2003904354 | Carolyn Bowman | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014627 | Bowmore Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bowmore Primary School | Flora Street | Bowmore | Isle of Islay | PA43 7JX | 01496 810 522 | Maureen MacDonald | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003007366 | Boyd - Thorpe, Donna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cupar | Donna Boyd-Thorpe | | SP2003904348 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005289 | Boyd, Carol Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Carol Ann Boyd | | SP2003903093 | Boyd, Carol Ann Boyd, Carol Ann | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004784 | Boyd, Lorraine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lorraine Boyd | | SP2003902731 | Lorraine Boyd | Active | ||||||||
CS2006118971 | Boyd, Michelle | Childminding | 13-04-2007 | Motherwell | Michelle Boyd | | SP2006959116 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004292 | Boyd, Pauline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ardrossan | Pauline Boyd | | SP2003902392 | Pauline Boyd | Active | ||||||||
CS2006126900 | Boyd, Sandra | Childminding | 11-12-2006 | Greenock | Sandra Boyd | SP2006959993 | Sandra Boyd | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013076 | Boyle, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Armadale | Elaine Boyle | | SP2003906795 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012527 | Boyle, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bonnyrigg | Fiona Boyle | | SP2003906251 | Fiona Boyle | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003727 | BPC Karemore Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Baljaffray Primary School | Grampian Way | Bearsden | GLASGOW | G61 4RA | Martin Berry | | SP2003000747 | Karemore Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007143437 | Bracken, Hannah | Childminding | 04-09-2012 | Dollar | Hannah Bracken | | SP2007963570 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016064 | Braco Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Braco Primary School Nursery | Feddal Road | Braco | Dunblane | FK15 9QD | 01764 661 420 | Craig Torrens | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2003005290 | Bradley, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunblane | Jacqueline Bradley | SP2003903094 | Jacqueline Bradley | Active | |||||||||
CS2004076252 | Bradshaw Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 07-04-2005 | 22 Bradshaw Street | Saltcoats | KA21 5HR | 01294 471 576 | Lauren Weir | | SP2003000856 | Bradshaw Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012310968 | Bradshaw, Claire | Childminding | 14-02-2014 | Selkirk | Claire Bradshaw | | SP2012983950 | Claire Bradshaw | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008850 | Bradshaw, Hilary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Elgin | Hilary Bradshaw | | SP2003904849 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006139839 | Brady, Annemarie | Childminding | 04-08-2009 | Gourock | Annemarie Brady | | SP2006962510 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004029 | Brady, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Linda Brady | | SP2003902204 | Linda Brady | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000417 | Brae | Care homes for children and young people | 04-11-2024 | Aiket Road | Dunlop | Kilmarnock | KA3 4BP | 01560 327323 | Nicola Keegan | | SP2024000230 | Ar Cúram (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016128 | Brae High School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brae High School | Brae | Shetland | ZE2 9QJ | 01595 745 600 | Karis Morton | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2011303830 | Braeburn Court | Housing support service | 04-05-2012 | Braeburn Court | St. Margaret's Hope | Orkney | KW17 2RR | 01856 831 501 | Angela Heyes | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2011304795 | Braeburn Court | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-05-2012 | Braeburn Court | St. Margaret's Hope | Orkney | KW17 2RR | 01856 831 501 | Dominic Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2008176891 | Braeburn Home | Care homes for older people | 18-06-2008 | 35 Inverleith Terrace | Edinburgh | EH3 5NU | 01313 321 481 | Shona Macdonald | | SP2008009800 | Braeburn Home | Active | |||||
CS2021000042 | Braefoot Young Peoples Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 04-05-2021 | 6 Raith Grove | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5NQ | 03451555555 446934 | Tarzan Bhebhe | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379252 | Braehead Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 02-12-2020 | Linhope Farm House | Hawick | TD9 0LW | william Devlin | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003017390 | Braehead Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 15A Gould Street | Ayr | KA8 9PJ | 01292 612 713 | Robert McPherson | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014406 | Braehead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Braehead Way | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8RR | 01224 702 330 | Paula Baxter | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015609 | Braehead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Springfield Road | Stirling | FK7 7RG | 01786 462 770 | Loraine Dollard | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014738 | Braehead PS ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Braehead Primary School | Meadow Road | Dumbarton | G82 2BL | 01389 762 175 | Tracy Cameron | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000384 | Braehill Lodge | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 2 Balmachie Road | Carnoustie | DD7 7SR | 01241 852 534 | Lynsey Jones | | SP2003000045 | Braehill Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015750 | Braemar School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Braemar | Ballater | AB35 5ZS | 01339 741 250 | Julie Polson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017361022 | Braemount Nursing Home | 19-12-2017 | 21 Donaldswood Road | Paisley | PA2 8EA | 01418 841 260 | Sharon Miller | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2007144993 | Braid Health and Wellbeing Ltd | Support services - not care at home | 24-09-2007 | Braid House | Labrador Avenue | Howden | Livingston | EH54 6BU | 01506 430 615 | lynda mcarthur | | SP2007008948 | Braid Health and Wellbeing Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003012229 | Braid, Pamela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Roslin | Pamela Braid | | SP2003905954 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003848 | Braidbar After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Braidbar Primary School | Kyle Drive | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6ES | 07449 332 491 | Caroline Norwood | | SP2003000773 | Braidbar After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2012309211 | Braidbar Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 13-08-2012 | Braidbar Primary School | Kyle Drive | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6ES | 01415 707 020 | Gillian Friel | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005105163 | Braidburn School | Day care of children | 02-12-2005 | 107 Oxgangs Road North | Oxgangs | Edinburgh | EH14 1ED | 01313 122 320 | Tracey Morrison | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000331 | Brambling Bairns Childminding | Child Minding | 05-10-2023 | Dunfermline | | SP2023000214 | Emma-Jane Stewart | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310744 | Brandsmill Farm Childcare Services | Childminding | 10-04-2013 | Dunbar | Angela Balharrie | | SP2012011893 | Angela Balharrie trading as Brandsmill Farm Childc Angela Balharrie trading as Brandsmill Farm Childc | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016078 | Breadalbane Academy | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crieff Road | Aberfeldy | PH15 2DU | 01887 822 300 | Lynne Lambert | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2013322068 | Brechin, Lorri | Childminding | 19-08-2014 | Aberdeen | Lorri Brechin | | SP2013985498 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007165038 | Breen, Ashley | Childminding | 13-07-2009 | Dundee | Ashley Breen | AJBREEN@BTINTERNET.COM | SP2007967512 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006698 | Breingan, Audrey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Audrey Breingan | | SP2003903952 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000176 | Bremner Court | Housing Support Service | 11-06-2023 | Sinclair Avenue | Stornoway | Isle of Lewis | HS1 2AP | 01851 600501 | Angela Gallagher | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2023000175 | Bremner Court | Support Service | 11-06-2023 | Sinclair Avenue | Stornoway | Isle of Lewis | HS1 2AP | 01851 600501 | Angela Gallagher | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2003006091 | Bremner, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jacqueline Bremner | BREMNERJ1@SKY.COM | SP2003903583 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005095821 | Bremner, Michelle | Childminding | 02-05-2005 | Edinburgh | Michelle Bremner | SP2005946889 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2006121750 | Bridge of Allan Out of School Care | Day care of children | 20-09-2006 | Bridge of Allan Primary School | Pullar Avenue | Bridge of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4SY | 01786834596 | Carrie Brennan | | SP2004004615 | Lecropt Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003015602 | Bridge of Allan Primary | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pullar Avenue | Bridge of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4SY | 01786 832 050 | Fiona Buchanan | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2018368333 | Bridge of Don Out of School Care Ltd. Braehead Breakfast and After School Club | 05-10-2018 | Braehead Primary School | Braehead Way | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8RR | 07748 634 153 | Christopher Malcolm | | SP2018013157 | Bridge of Don Out of School Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003010092 | Bridge of Earn Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Institute | Station Road | Bridge of Earn | Perth | PH2 9EA | 01738 718 156 | Hayleigh Robertson | | SP2003002148 | Bridge of Earn Nursery | Active | |||
CS2020380109 | Bridge of Weir Care Home | Care homes for older people | 16-11-2020 | 11 Kilmacolm Road | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3PF | 01505 851 850 | Claire McLuckie | | SP2020013532 | Bridge of Weir Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010275685 | Bridge of Weir Childcare | Childminding | 09-03-2011 | Bridge of Weir | Denise McGinlay | | SP2010011281 | Denise and Gordon McGinlay a partnership trading a Denise and Gordon McGinlay a partnership trading a | Active | ||||||||
CS2006128459 | Bridge of Weir Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 13-10-2006 | Bridge of Weir Primary School | Warlock Road | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3QB | 0300 300 0195 | Susan Bell | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010712 | Bridge View House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 55 Magdalen Yard Road | Dundee | DD1 4LQ | 01382 566 802 | James Etchels | | SP2005007567 | Tayside Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003013577 | Bridgend Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bridgend Primary School | Ardross Road | Alness | IV17 0QA | 01349 882 285 | Victoria McCarthy | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017488 | Bridgend Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bridgend Primary School | Auldhill Road | Bridgend | Linlithgow | EH49 6NZ | 01506 280 000 | Ian Harvey | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2004069141 | Bridges Pre-school Nursery - Arnhall | Day care of children | 01-11-2004 | 1 Prospect Place | Arnhall Business Park | Westhill | AB32 6SY | 01224 744 741 | Michelle Thomson | | SP2003000323 | Bridges Pre-school Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006116082 | Bridges Pre-school Nursery - Silverburn | Day care of children | 01-09-2006 | Silverburn Lodge | Claymore Drive | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB23 8GD | 01224 826 508 | Samantha Ross | | SP2006008473 | The Bridges Partnership LLP | Active | |||
CS2003014815 | Bridgeton Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 106/108 Orr Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QF | 01415 543 719 | Agnes Mackie | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003054032 | Bridgewater Housing Association Ltd | Housing support service | 29-09-2004 | India of Inchinnan | Inchinnan | PA4 9LH | 01418 122 237 | Kirsty Sweenie | | SP2004004449 | Bridgewater Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008169826 | Briery Park | Care homes for older people | 26-01-2009 | New Street | Thornhill | DG3 5NJ | 01848 332 000 | Gemma Gray | | SP2008968599 | Abee-Mayu Gunputh | Active | |||||
CS2016346544 | Bright Adventure | Childminding | 18-07-2016 | Glasgow | Magdalena Kacica | | SP2016987956 | Magdalena Kacica | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380968 | Bright Bee's Childminding | Childminding | 29-10-2020 | EDINBURGH | Bianca Brammer | | SP2020991351 | Bianca Brammer | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006070 | Bright Beginnings | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 Bolivar Terrace | Mount Florida | Glasgow | G42 9AS | 01416 366 900 | Lee Perry | | SP2003001339 | Susan Boyce | Active | ||||
CS2024000045 | Bright Beginnings Childminding | Child Minding | 07-02-2024 | Musselburgh | | SP2023000627 | Eilidh Walter | Active | |||||||||
CS2019374797 | Bright Beginnings Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 02-03-2020 | Muir Drive | Irvine | KA12 0NR | 07977 557 626 | Hayley McGeachie | | SP2019990518 | Hayley McGeachie | Active | |||||
CS2025000089 | Bright Care (Aberdeenshire) | Support Service | 25-02-2025 | 35 Albyn Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1YN | 01224029745 | Lee Mill | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2025000090 | Bright Care (Aberdeenshire) | Housing Support Service | 25-02-2025 | 35 Albyn Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1YN | 01224029745 | Lee Mill | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017359302 | Bright Care (Borders) | 08-11-2017 | 32 Market Square | Melrose | TD6 9PP | 01896 829 420 | Sonia Common | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2017359303 | Bright Care (Borders) | 08-11-2017 | 32 Market Square | Melrose | TD6 9PP | 01896 829 420 | Sonia Common | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2010249701 | Bright Care (Edinburgh) | Housing support service | 11-10-2010 | The Old Clubhouse | Unit 7 | 106 Biggar Road | Edinburgh | EH10 7DU | 01313 444 670 | Cheryl Scott | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2009232912 | Bright Care (Edinburgh) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-10-2010 | The Old Clubhouse | Unit 7 | 106 Biggar Road | Edinburgh | EH10 7DU | 01313 444 670 | Cheryl Scott | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2015338280 | Bright Care (Glasgow) | 02-11-2016 | 9 Marine Crescent | Festival Park | Glasgow | G51 1HD | 01412 490 650 | Anne Douglas | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015338282 | Bright Care (Glasgow) | 02-11-2016 | 9 Marine Crescent | Festival Park | Glasgow | G51 1HD | 01412 490 650 | Anne Douglas | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014333337 | Bright Care (Perthshire & Angus) | Support services - care at home | 08-05-2015 | Balmoral Suite | Royal British House | Leonard Street | Perth | PH2 8HA | 01738 479 656 | Sandra Brennan | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2014333332 | Bright Care (Perthshire & Angus) | Housing support service | 08-05-2015 | Balmoral Suite | Royal British House | Leonard Street | Perth | PH2 8HA | 01738 479 656 | Sandra Brennan | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2016347845 | Bright Care (Stirling) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-12-2016 | The Mill | Station Road | Bridge of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4JS | 01786 439 321 | Natalie Collins | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2016347848 | Bright Care (Stirling) | 06-12-2016 | The Mill | Station Road | Bridge of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4JS | 01786 439 321 | Natalie Collins | | SP2009010602 | Bright Care at Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015343374 | Bright Horizons @ 24 St. Swithin Street | Day care of children | 11-03-2016 | 24 St Swithin Street | Aberdeen | AB10 6XD | 01224 531658 | Helen Stevenson | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005110269 | Bright Horizons Annandale Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 08-09-2005 | 37 Annandale Street Lane | Edinburgh | EH7 4LS | 0131 6038406 | Kate Hubbert | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017355533 | Bright Horizons Bishopbriggs Early Learning and Childcare | 20-10-2017 | South Crosshill Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 2NN | 0141 4711660 | Lesley Bennett | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000304 | Bright Horizons Day Care Centre | Day care of children | 27-10-2021 | Leuchars Station | Leuchars | St Andrews | KY16 0JX | 01334838439 | Kelly Wall | | SP2021000187 | Bright Horizons Day Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2015343380 | Bright Horizons Early Learning and Childcare 44 St. Swithin | Day care of children | 11-03-2016 | 44 St Swithin Street | Aberdeen | AB10 6XJ | 01224 531659 | Vicky Bowman | / vicky.bowman@brig | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017353772 | Bright Horizons Hamilton Early Learning and Childcare | 20-10-2017 | Hamilton International Business Park | Hillhouse Road | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0FD | 01698 534223 | Sharon Smith | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003012115 | Bright Horizons Livingston Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 3 Bankton Square | Murieston | Livingston | EH54 9EY | 01506 536991 | Joanne Laidlaw | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005110275 | Bright Horizons Morton Mains Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 08-09-2005 | Morton Mains Farm House | 37 Winton Loan | Off Frogston Road West | Edinburgh | EH10 7AW | 0131 6038407 | Karin Duguid | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017355536 | Bright Horizons Renfrew Early Learning and Childcare | 20-10-2017 | David Lloyd Leisure Club | Arkleston Road | Renfrew | PA4 0RA | 0141 4651874 | Jaclyn Addison | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005097917 | Bright Horizons@Gogarburn | Day care of children | 04-08-2005 | RBS Gogarburn Nursery | 175 Glasgow Road | Edinburgh | EH12 9BH | 0131 6038420 | Damaris Medina Santana | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004056921 | Bright Sparks | Day care of children | 05-04-2004 | 58 Saughton Crescent | Corstorphine | Edinburgh | EH12 5SP | 01313 131 280 | Hannah Fowler | SP2004004489 | Edinburgh Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000169 | Bright Sparks Childminding Service | Child Minding | 07-06-2023 | Hamilton | | SP2023000110 | Claire McFadden | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335199 | Bright Sparks Nursery | Day care of children | 12-02-2016 | 65 Telford Road | Edinburgh | EH4 2AX | 01313 153 214 | Lindsay Hutton | | SP2004004489 | Edinburgh Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010249011 | Bright Stars | Childminding | 22-12-2010 | Cowdenbeath | Gayle Cook | | SP2010978044 | Gayle Cook Trading as Bright Stars Gayle Cook Trading as Bright Stars | Active | ||||||||
CS2018370148 | Bright Stars | 14-12-2018 | Lossiemouth | Leanne Jess | | SP2018990168 | Leanne Jess | Active | |||||||||
CS2013314961 | Bright Starts | Day care of children | 31-05-2013 | 147 Henderson Street | Bridge of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4RJ | 01786 474 712 | Kirsty Young | | SP2012011982 | Bright Starts Nursery (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010275303 | Bright Starts Blantyre | Day care of children | 21-03-2011 | 266 Glasgow Road | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0YH | 01698 823 456 | Heather Doyle | | SP2010011256 | Yousaf Investments Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012313788 | Bright Starts Day Nursery | Day care of children | 31-05-2013 | 55 Beath View | Touch | Dunfermline | KY11 4UF | 01383 624 409 | Rhonda Houston | | SP2012011982 | Bright Starts Nursery (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010275624 | Bright Starts Glasgow | Day care of children | 29-05-2013 | 47 Glentanar Road | Balmore Industrial Estate | Glasgow | G22 7XS | 0141 573 0554 | Carrie Lloyd | | SP2010011273 | Balmore Kindergarten Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010239163 | Bright Starts Nursery | Day care of children | 09-08-2010 | Katrine House | Barnsford Court | 6 South Street, Inchinnan Business Park, Inchinnan | Renfrew | PA4 9RJ | 0141 8127625 | Laura Grattan | | SP2010010850 | Apple Blossom Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018370264 | Bright Starts Nursery | Day Care of Children | 11-12-2019 | MacDonald House | 4a Whitefriars Crescent | Perth | PH2 0PA | 01738 248 230 | Steven White | | SP2018013201 | Bright Starts Nursery (Perth) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010272909 | Bright Starts Nursery Greenock | Day care of children | 03-03-2011 | Riverside Business Park | 21 Pottery Street | Greenock | PA15 2UZ | 01475648586 | Diane Munro | | SP2010011161 | Enchanted Forest Nursery (Greenock) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010238287 | Bright Starts Nursery Thornliebank | Day care of children | 16-04-2010 | 8 Spiersbridge Way | Spiersbridge Business Park | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 8NG | 01412374300 | Michelle Rose | | SP2010010955 | Enchanted Forest Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000100 | BrightKidz Daycare | Child Minding | 20-04-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000068 | Taibat Gbadamosi | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012024 | Brighton Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 9c Bellfield Lane | Edinburgh | EH15 2BL | 01313 088 589 | Kelly Grassick | | SP2003002923 | The Brighton Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015340835 | Brigid's Childminding Service | Childminding | 25-11-2015 | Dunfermline | Brigid Dalby | | SP2015987323 | Brigid Dalby | Active | ||||||||
CS2015339566 | Brimmond Out of School Club | Day care of children | 28-10-2015 | Brimmond Primary School | Netherills Place | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9DF | 07525855541 | Emma Hardingham | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003014414 | Brimmond School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brimmond Primary School | Netherhills Place | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9DF | 01224719930 | Jill Cooper | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2004061796 | Brinklow, Fiona | Childminding | 23-07-2004 | Perth | Fiona Brinklow | | SP2004917844 | Fiona Brinklow | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000205 | Briony Shrieve Childminding | Childminding | 19-06-2024 | Banchory | | SP2024000045 | Briony Shrieve | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000878 | Brisbane Supported Accommodation Project | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Brisbane House | 165 Hamilton Road | Mount Vernon | Glasgow | G32 9QT | 01417 640 651 | Rachael Leghorn | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2003004293 | Brisbane, Helena | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stevenston | Helena Brisbane | | SP2003902393 | Helena Brisbane | Active | ||||||||
CS2011289229 | Brisbane, Jillian | Childminding | 28-09-2011 | Kelty | Jillian Brisbane | | SP2011982451 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016352722 | British Nannies | 06-09-2017 | Communication House | Victoria Avenue | Camberley | GU15 3HX | 02380 011 213 | Freya Smith | | SP2016012829 | Shifting Paradigms Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013321345 | British Red Cross Support at Home | Housing support service | 08-09-2014 | Ground Floor Unit B | Gemini Crescent | Dundee | DD2 1SW | 01382 293 200 | Gemma Meek | | SP2003000222 | The British Red Cross Society, a body incorporated by Royal Charter, known as British Red Cross | Active | ||||
CS2013321346 | British Red Cross Support at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-09-2014 | Ground Floor Unit B | Gemini Crescent | Dundee | DD2 1SW | 01382 293 200 | Gemma Meek | | SP2003000222 | The British Red Cross Society, a body incorporated by Royal Charter, known as British Red Cross | Active | ||||
CS2004076940 | British Red Cross- Support at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-09-2004 | S C V O Building | Fairways House | Fairways Business Park | Inverness | IV2 6AA | 01463 796 620 | Abby Simpson | | SP2003000222 | The British Red Cross Society, a body incorporated by Royal Charter, known as British Red Cross | Active | |||
CS2004073103 | British Red Cross- Support at Home | Housing support service | 28-08-2004 | SCVO Building | Fairways House, Slackbuie Avenue | Fairways Business Park | Inverness | IV2 6AA | 01463 796 620 | Abby Simpson | | SP2003000222 | The British Red Cross Society, a body incorporated by Royal Charter, known as British Red Cross | Active | |||
CS2003017178 | Broadford School English Medium Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broadford Primary School | Broadford | Isle of Skye | IV49 9AQ | 01471 822 453 | Stephen Atkins | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013613 | Broadford School Gaelic Medium Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broadford Primary | Broadford | Isle of Skye | IV49 9AQ | 01471 822 453 | Stephen Atkins | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003007511 | Brockie, Gillian | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Gillian Brockie | | SP2003904477 | Gillian Brockie | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000253 | Brodick Primary Early Years Class | Day care of children | 19-08-2022 | Brodick Primary School | Brodick | Isle of Arran | KA12 8EE | 01770302367 | Allison Conner | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007145954 | Brodie, Stephanie | Childminding | 26-06-2007 | Dunfermline | Stephanie Brodie | | SP2006962575 | Stephanie Brodie | Active | ||||||||
CS2005099262 | Brogan, Pauline | Childminding | 04-12-2006 | Glasgow | Pauline Brogan | | SP2005948138 | Pauline Brogan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005568 | Brookland Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Duntocher Road | Dalmuir | Clydebank | G81 3LP | 01419 527 686 | Lynne Crossan | | SP2003001759 | Childcare Direct Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003011559 | Broom Court Care Home | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 42 Broom Court | St. Ninians | Stirling | FK7 7UN | 0131 317 7227 | Flora Hay | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | ||||
CS2003003852 | Broom Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broom Church Hall | Old Mearns Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5HN | 07984 556 544 | Michelle Quigley | | SP2003000775 | Broom Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003001070 | Broomfield Crescent Residential Children's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 14 Broomfield Crescent | Balornock | Glasgow | G21 3HA | 01412 768 477 | JAMES BOOTH | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2015343321 | Broomhill Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-09-2016 | 7 Bellman's Road | Penicuik | EH26 0AB | 01968 678 109 | Diane Allan | | SP2015012554 | Broomhill Day Centre Penicuik | Active | |||||
CS2011301600 | Broomhill Out of School Care Association | Day care of children | 01-02-2012 | Broomhill Primary School | 57 Edgehill Road | Glasgow | G11 7HZ | 07815 007 657 | Susan Brown | | SP2011011703 | Broomhill Out of School Care Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014333782 | Broomhill Out of School Club | Day care of children | 30-06-2015 | Broomhill Primary School | Gray Street | Aberdeen | AB10 6JF | 01224 315 487 | Jan Watt | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013322544 | Broomhill Park | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-02-2014 | 195 Broomhill Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7LN | 01224 716 980 | Carolyn Slessor | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2013322577 | Broomhill Park | Housing support service | 05-02-2014 | Broomhill Park | 195 Broomhill Road | ABERDEEN | AB10 7LN | 01224 716 980 | Carolyn Slessor | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | ||||
CS2003014413 | Broomhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broomhill Primary School | Gray Street | Aberdeen | AB10 6JF | 01224 315 487 | Dawn Reid | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014995 | Broomhouse Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 21-01-2003 | 39 Saughton Road | Edinburgh | EH11 3RQ | 01314 433 783 | Tamar Huxford | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379269 | Broomlands Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 10-11-2020 | Broomlands Road | Carbrain | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 2PT | 01236 632196 | Kelly-Anne Rew | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016108 | Broomlands Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ednam Road | Kelso | TD5 7SW | 01573 227 452 | Adam Lindsay | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014857 | Broomloan Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Govan Campus | 635 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2AQ | 01414 400 942 | Shona Pourvatan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017179 | Brora Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brora Primary School | Johnstone Place | Brora | KW9 6PF | 01408 621 441 | Mairi Scott | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2008192059 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) - Campus of Care | Housing support service | 10-02-2009 | Triest House | Bridge Street | Galashiels | TD1 1SW | 01896 661 200 | Nicola Allan | | SP2008010095 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2008192061 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) - Campus of Care - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-02-2009 | Triest House | Bridge Street | Galashiels | TD1 1SW | 01896 661 200 | Nicola Allan | | SP2008010095 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2008186665 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) - Care Home Service | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 23-01-2009 | Garden Villa | Gattonside | Melrose | TD6 9NW | 01896 823 616 | Steven Gray | | SP2008010095 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2008192028 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) - Supported Living Community of Care | Housing support service | 16-03-2009 | Triest House | Bridge Street | Galashiels | TD1 1SW | 01896 661 200 | Michelle Devlin | | SP2008010095 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2008192033 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) - Supported Living Community of Care - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-03-2009 | Triest House | Bridge Street | Galashiels | TD1 1SW | 01896 661 200 | Michelle Devlin | | SP2008010095 | Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2003009223 | Brotherstone, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Peebles | Linda Brotherstone | | SP2003908007 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013326 | Broughton After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broughton Primary School | 132 Broughton Road | Edinburgh | EH7 4LD | 01315 569 117 | Araceli Zaira Aciar Lovey | | SP2003003104 | Broughton ASC | Active | ||||
CS2003017014 | Broughton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 132 Broughton Road | Edinburgh | EH7 4LD | 01315 567 028 | Maria Gowans | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2019376504 | Broughton Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 21-10-2019 | Broughton Primary School | Broughton | Biggar | ML12 6HQ | 01899 830 224 | Carn Peaston | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2015336102 | Broughty Babies | Childminding | 22-06-2015 | Dundee | Louise Fiddes | | SP2015986766 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003466 | Brown, Alice & John | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Alice Brown | | SP2003901771 | Brown, Alice & John Brown, Alice & John | Active | ||||||||
CS2007157430 | Brown, Elaine | Childminding | 29-07-2011 | Blairgowrie | Elaine Brown | | SP2007966024 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005611 | Brown, Fay | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumbarton | Fay Brown | | SP2003903347 | Fay & Andrew Brown Fay & Andrew Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2003020216 | Brown, Glenda | Childminding | 23-09-2003 | Inverurie | Glenda Brown | | SP2003907114 | Glenda Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005774 | Brown, Janet | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Janet Brown | | SP2003903427 | Janet Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013109 | Brown, Joanne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Joanne Brown | | SP2003906828 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003037974 | Brown, Judith | Childminding | 02-09-2002 | Ayr | Judith Brown | | SP2003909718 | Judith Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2008170266 | Brown, Lynn | Childminding | 16-10-2008 | Dundee | Lynn Brown | | SP2008968747 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010755 | Brown, Marney | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Sanquhar | Marney Brown | | SP2003905497 | Marney Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2012314219 | Brown, Michelle | Childminding | 29-05-2013 | Arbroath | Michelle Brown | | SP2012984408 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003700 | Brown, Pamela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Pamela Brown | | SP2003901959 | Pamela Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007619 | Brown-Hicks, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Jacqueline Brown-Hicks | | SP2003904570 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011979 | Broxburn Family Centre's Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broxburn Family And Community Development Centre | 1-3 Henderson Place | Broxburn | EH52 6EY | 01506 857 158 | Nathan MacGillivray | | SP2003002894 | Family and Community Development West Lothian | Active | ||||
CS2003010618 | Broxburn Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Lumsden Court | Broxburn | EH52 5LX | 01506 857 793 | christine walsh | | SP2003002444 | Broxburn Nursing Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003013396 | Broxburn Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathbrock Partnership Centre | Community Area | 189a West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LH | 07734385989 | Tamarra McKie | | SP2003003164 | Management Committee Of Broxburn Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003017489 | Broxburn Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Off West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5RP | 01506 852 018 | Lisa Davies | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2008168451 | Bruach House | Care homes for older people | 31-03-2008 | 35 Seabank Road | Nairn | IV12 4EU | 01667 455 988 | Carol Clark | | SP2003907686 | Carolton Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004063621 | Bruce Nursery | Day care of children | 01-07-2004 | 65 Osborne Place | Aberdeen | AB25 2BX | 01224 646 836 | Donna Kaup | | SP2004006192 | Nurseries Direct Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003002719 | Bruce, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Elaine Bruce | | SP2003901210 | Elaine Bruce | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002002 | Bruce, Mandy | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Turriff | Mandy Bruce | | SP2003900624 | Mandy Bruce | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011484 | Brucefield | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 50 A Park Drive | Bannockburn | Stirling | FK7 0EH | 01786 812 386 | Pauline Stewart | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014717 | Brucehill ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ardoch Crescent | Brucehill | Dumbarton | G82 4EN | 01389 762 840 | Sindy Nicol | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017015 | Brunstane Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 106 Magdalene Drive | Edinburgh | EH15 3BE | 01316 694 498 | Christopher McMillan | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011952 | Bruntsfield Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bruntsfield Primary School | 12 Montpelier | Edinburgh | EH10 4NA | 01312 281 526 | Sarah Alexander | | SP2003002879 | The Committee of Bruntsfield Community Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2013318354 | Bryson, Lori | Childminding | 02-10-2013 | Glenrothes | Lori Bryson | | SP2013985046 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017180 | Bualnaluib Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Aultbea | Achnasheen | IV22 2JH | 01445 731 254 | Louise Taylor | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2011281799 | Bubble's Babies | Childminding | 20-12-2012 | Darvel | Kathleen McLeod | | SP2011981776 | Kathleen McLeod | Active | ||||||||
CS2003047709 | Buccleuch Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 19-12-2003 | Bright Street | Hawick | TD9 0JF | 01450 373 984 | Katie Sanderson | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000296 | Buchan Day Opportunities | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Buchan Day Opportunities | Robertson Road Resource Centre | Robertson Road | FRASERBURGH | AB43 9BF | Kim Green | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006721 | Buchan, Iris | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Iris Buchan | CS2003006721 | SP2003903968 | Iris Buchan | Active | ||||||||
CS2012309573 | Buchan, Morag | Childminding | 05-09-2012 | Peterhead | Morag Buchan | | SP2003900626 | Morag Buchan | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325381 | Buchanan House | Care homes for children and young people | 23-12-2014 | Upper Steelend | Dunfermline | KY12 9LP | 01383 852 726 | Marie Ferguson | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020378653 | Buchanan House Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 5 Grampian Way | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4SP | 01419 430 821 | Kathleen Glasgow | | SP2020013451 | Buchanan House Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000938 | Buchanan Lodge | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 01-04-2002 | 2 Fernhilll Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G73 4BF | 01416 343 536 | Gwen Heenan | | SP2003000185 | Talbot Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020378654 | Buchanan Lodge Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 1 Grampian Way | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4SP | 01419 315 050 | Margaret Carroll | | SP2020013452 | Buchanan Lodge Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020379189 | Buchanan Nursery | Day Care of Children | 27-08-2020 | 3 Grampian Way | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4SP | 01415 700 133 | Julie Harvey | | SP2020013484 | Buchanan Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011303430 | Buchanan Park Nursery | Day care of children | 13-09-2012 | Pavilion 6, Buchanan Court | Cumbernauld Road | Stepps | Glasgow | G33 6HZ | 01417 797 755 | Angela Carson and Kirstie Lynch | | SP2011011719 | Buchanan Park Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2004063632 | Buchanan Street Residential Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 03-02-2005 | 33 BUCHANAN STREET | 33 Buchanan Street | COATBRIDGE | ML5 1BA | 01236 638 984 | Robert G Marshall | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009609 | Buchanan, Angela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Isle of Lewis | Angela Buchanan | | SP2003905135 | Angela Buchanan | Active | ||||||||
CS2009232709 | Buchanan, Cornelia | Childminding | 07-05-2010 | Glasgow | Cornelia Buchanan | | SP2009975560 | Cornelia Buchanan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015718 | Buchanhaven School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hope Street | Peterhead | AB42 1HD | 01779 403 665 | Shelley Forman | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014858 | Buchlyvie Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Aberdalgie Road | Easterhouse | Glasgow | G34 9HX | 01417 712 999 | Michelle McLernon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017076 | Buckhaven Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | College Street | Buckhaven | Leven | KY8 1JZ | 01592 583 413 | Garry Blyth | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010255 | Buckreddan Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Irvine Road | Kilwinning | KA13 7PF | 01294 542 700 | Theresa Fitzsimmons | | SP2003002258 | Buckreddan Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003015835 | Buckstone Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 79 Buckstone Loan East | Edinburgh | EH10 6UY | 01314 454 545 | Caroline Ashbrook | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2017358770 | Buddies Care Service | 06-09-2017 | 4 First Coast | Laide | Achnasheen | IV22 2NE | 01445 731 489 | Diane Calvert | | SP2017989245 | Diane Calvert | Active | |||||
CS2003005812 | Buddies Clubs and Services | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 190 Southbrae Drive | Glasgow | G13 1TX | 01414 340 201 | Julie Cowan | | SP2003001235 | Buddies Clubs and Services (Glasgow West) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009235699 | Buddies Clubs and Services (Nursery) | Day care of children | 25-03-2011 | 190 Southbrae Drive | Glasgow | G13 1TX | 01414 340 201 | Julie Cowan | | SP2003001235 | Buddies Clubs and Services (Glasgow West) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005092052 | Buddies Clubs and Services (Outreach) | Support services - care at home | 10-08-2005 | Southbrae Centre | 190 Southbrae Drive | Glasgow | G13 1TX | 01414 340 201 | Julie Cowan | | SP2003001235 | Buddies Clubs and Services (Glasgow West) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003005726 | Buddies Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Matty Carwood Centre | 2 Hallhill Road | Glasgow | G32 0LL | 01417 743 311 | Karen Dunn | SP2003001207 | Buddies Management Committee | Active | |||||
CS2006130369 | Budhill Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 29-08-2006 | 11b Threestonehill Avenue | Glasgow | G32 0LX | 01412 769 650 | Bernadette Kenna | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014817 | Budhill Family Learning C E C | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Education Centre | Hallhill Road | Glasgow | G32 0PR | 01417 744 722 | Sara Dalbeck | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003039949 | Building Blocks Dunfermline Nursery | Day care of children | 05-12-2003 | 1 Innova Way | Rosyth Europarc | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2US | 01383 419 319 | Nicole Beveridge | | SP2004007004 | Building Blocks Flexible Child Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2004063490 | Bumble Bees Childminding | Childminding | 10-05-2006 | Dundee | Leigh Gibson | | SP2004935738 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006945 | Bumble Beez Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Eastwood House | 10 Transy Place | Dunfermline | KY12 7QN | 01383 626 385 | Beverley Kane | | SP2003001575 | Bumble Beez Children's Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2021382911 | Bumbles Childminding | Childminding | 03-03-2021 | Motherwell | Nicola Young | | SP2021991541 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014331912 | Bumbly Bees | Childminding | 19-12-2014 | Dundee | Alison McDermott | | SP2014986383 | Alison McDermott | Active | ||||||||
CS2007144861 | Bun-sgoil Ghaidhlig Inbhir Nis | Day care of children | 04-09-2007 | Bunsgoil Ghaidhlig Inbhir Nis | Inverness | IV2 6BA | 01463 725 980 | Michelle Nicholson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017265 | Bun-sgoil Shleite | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bun-sgoil Shleite (Sleat Primary) | Kilmore | Sleat | Isle of Skye | IV44 8RR | 01471 844 326 | Kenneth Nicolson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003014629 | Bunessan Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bunessan Primary School | Bunessan | Isle of Mull | PA67 6DG | 01681 700 283 | Richard Gawthrope | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000009 | Bungalow Bairns | Childminding | 09-01-2025 | Maybole | | SP2024000762 | Stacey Gardner | Active | |||||||||
CS2003020185 | Bunton, Annmarie | Childminding | 27-10-2003 | Glasgow | Anne Marie Bunton | | SP2003909427 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008171924 | Burgess, Hilary | Childminding | 07-05-2009 | Glasgow | Hilary Burgess | | SP2008969102 | Hilary Burgess | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013341 | Burgh After School Care Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burgh Primary School | Kilwinning Street | Musselburgh | EH21 7EE | 07999144197 | Lisa Donoghue | | SP2003003117 | Burgh After School Care Club | Active | ||||
CS2003014370 | Burgh Out of School Club | Day care of children | 06-01-2003 | Burgh Primary School | Gala Park | Galashiels | TD1 1EZ | 07724859041 | Leah Imray | | SP2003003344 | Burgh Out of School Club Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003017362 | Burgh Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gala Park Road | Galashiels | TD1 1EZ | 01896 752 761 | Kirsty Hadden | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016987 | Burgh Primary School Nursery - Musselburgh | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burgh Primary School Nursery | Kilwinning Street | Musselburgh | EH21 7EE | 01316 653 407 | Jon Doyle | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016020 | Burghead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grant Street | Burghead | Elgin | IV30 5UQ | 07966299844 | Anita McGillivray | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377885 | Burlington Care Home | Care Home Service | 14-02-2020 | 3 Stepps Road | Glasgow | G33 3NH | 01417 747 880 | Lorraine Foster | | SP2005007863 | Guthrie Court Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Healthcare Group | Active | |||||
CS2017355811 | Burnbank Out of School Care | Day care of children | 21-07-2017 | 2 Donaldson Street | Burnbank | Hamilton | ML3 0NS | 01698 477 498 | Fiona Fleming | | SP2017012912 | Childcare in the Community a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003011554 | Burnbrae | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Burnbrae Road | Falkirk | FK1 5SD | 01324 501 850 | Samantha Sheldon-Brown | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014818 | Burnbrae Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cleeves Campus | Househillmuir Road | Glasgow | G53 6NL | 01418 810 923 | Janis Maguire | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2016347147 | Burnbrae Out of School Care | Day care of children | 17-08-2016 | Burnbrae Primary School | 144 Burnbrae Road | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3GB | 01316 637 181 | Donna Simpson | | SP2003002903 | Bonnyrigg Community Childcare Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2003016398 | Burnbrae Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burnbrae Early Years | Chesters Court | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3PS | 01312 714 605 | Linda Clarkson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010477 | Burnfield | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 32 Burnfield Road | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 7PZ | 01416 384 806 | Sandra Falconer | | SP2003002370 | Newark Care | Active | ||||
CS2017354626 | Burnfoot Care Home | 21-06-2018 | Ayr Road | Patna | KA6 7JW | 01292 531 658 | Donna Van Heddegem | | SP2014012273 | West Coast Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2004073607 | Burnfoot Coach House | Care homes for older people | 31-08-2004 | Ecclefechan | Lockerbie | DG11 3LG | 01576 300 661 | Krista Gibson | | SP2003002327 | Mead Medical Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016113 | Burnfoot Community School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kenilworth Avenue | Hawick | TD9 8EQ | 01450 373 043 | Catriona Stewart | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003051731 | Burngrange Care Home | Care homes for older people | 12-02-2004 | Burngrange Park | West Calder | EH55 8ET | 01506 872 346 | Rosemary Logan | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2006118018 | Burnie | Support services - not care at home | 01-08-2006 | 28 Highfield Road | Buckie | AB56 1BE | 01542 832 272 | Caroline Robertson | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2008192359 | Burnlea | Care homes for older people | 18-01-2010 | Burnlea Road | Largs | KA30 8BX | 01475 672 903 | Eileen Welch | | SP2005007570 | Woodbay Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011280369 | Burns Bairns Under 5's Group | Day care of children | 02-03-2011 | 2 The Cross | Mauchline | KA5 5DA | 07752 072 111 | Kim Malone | | SP2011011388 | Mauchline Burns Bairns Under 5's Group | Active | |||||
CS2003034607 | Burns Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 73 Burns Crescent | Girdle Toll | Irvine | KA11 1AS | 01294 218 663 | Louise Andrews | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007155815 | Burns, Fiona | Childminding | 23-10-2007 | Kilbirnie | Fiona Burns | | SP2007965745 | Fiona Burns | Active | ||||||||
CS2009235988 | Burns, Michelle | Childminding | 20-05-2010 | Irvine | Michelle | | SP2009976696 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007159991 | Burns, Nicola | Childminding | 24-10-2007 | Kilwinning | Nicola Burns | | SP2007966564 | Nicola Burns | Active | ||||||||
CS2014326117 | Burnside Care Home | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2014 | Borrowmuirhills | Laurencekirk | AB30 1HW | 01561 377 400 | Sharon Melville | | SP2014012299 | SCCL Operations Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003001426 | Burnside Children's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 13 Davidson Road | Jamestown | Alexandria | G83 8AY | 01389 753 910 | Ryan McFarlane | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000052 | Burnside Cottage | Care Home Service | 12-05-2021 | Burnside Cottage | High Street | Freuchie | CUPAR | KY15 7EZ | 07713088546 | Ryan Smart | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2019373510 | Burnside House Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-09-2019 | 24 Kilwinning Road | Irvine | KA12 8RU | 01294 313 180 | Mhairi Reid | | SP2019013266 | Childcare Scotland Properties Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007158903 | Burnside Mill | Housing support service | 10-12-2007 | Milnes East Wynd | Dundee | DD1 5BA | 01382 203 278 | Morag McGrattan | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2007157105 | Burnside Pre-School Class | Day care of children | 27-02-2008 | Burnside Primary School | Thomas Street | Carnoustie | DD7 7JZ | 01241 803 472 | Anthony Jordan | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2013321308 | Burntisland Out of School Service | Day care of children | 07-04-2015 | Toll Centre | East Toll Park | Kirkcaldy Road | Burntisland | KY3 9HA | 07702801132 | Anne Laidlaw | | SP2013012190 | Burntisland Out of School Service a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2003007684 | Burntisland Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Toll Centre | Kirkcaldy Road | Burntisland | KY3 9HA | 01592 872 854 | Rebecca McColm | | SP2003001676 | Burntisland Playgroup Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003017077 | Burntisland Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burntisland Primary School | Cowdenbeath Road | Burntisland | KY3 0LJ | 01592 583 414 | Louise Gordon | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2019375020 | Burr, Susan | Child Minding | 04-07-2019 | Edinburgh | Susan Burr | | SP2019990541 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009589 | Burra Early Years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Old School | Hamnavoe | Burra | Shetland | ZE2 9LA | 01595 859 451 | Mhairi Garnier | | SP2003002059 | Burra Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2014325610 | Burray Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 15-08-2014 | Burray Primary School | Burray | Orkney | KW17 2SS | 01856 731 208 | Catherine MacKenzie | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2013316290 | Burt, Lisa | Childminding | 27-08-2013 | Edinburgh | Lisa Burt | | SP2013984738 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011212 | Burt, Tracy | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Grangemouth | Tracy Diane Burt | | SP2003905522 | Tracy Burt | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000034 | Burton Lodge | Care Home Service | 30-01-2024 | 1 Burton Cottage | Ayr | KA7 4JL | 0141 370 9112 | Jerry Crombie | | SP2018013237 | Clearview Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015834 | Busby Primary School and Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Busby Primary School | Church Road | Busby | Glasgow | G76 8EB | 01415 707 040 | Gillian McRobb | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000187 | Bushcraft Bairns | Day Care of Children | 19-06-2023 | Comrie Croft | Crieff | PH7 4JZ | 07763358443 | | SP2023000118 | Active | |||||||
CS2003014752 | Bushes Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bushes Primary School | Grampian Avenue | Paisley | PA2 8DW | 03003 000 149 | Craig McCrorie | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011305310 | Busy B's | Childminding | 04-04-2012 | Westhill | Brenda Anderson | | SP2011983151 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009194406 | Busy Bee's Childcare | Day care of children | 21-12-2009 | Craigellachie Village Hall | Craigellachie | Aberlour | AB38 9SW | Gemma Clark | | SP2009010241 | Dawn-Marie Clark | Active | |||||
CS2022000256 | Busy Bees | Childminding | 22-08-2022 | Orkney | | SP2022000173 | Kasia Moloney | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011940 | Busy Bees - Edinburgh Park | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Lochside Place | Edinburgh | EH12 9DF | 01313 391 245 | Sharlene Cran | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005113740 | Busy Bees @ Ayr | Day care of children | 09-02-2006 | Dalmellington Road | Coylton | Ayr | KA6 6PE | 01292 268 452 | Alison Noble | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015075 | Busy Bees @ Castle View | Day care of children | 26-06-2002 | 1 Castle View | Dunfermline | KY11 8PF | 01383 626 262 | Jennifer wright | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006707 | Busy Bees @ East Kilbride | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lymekilns Road | Stewartfield | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 4RR | 01355 260 665 | Danielle McGinley | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2003007520 | Busy Bees @ Glenrothes | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cos Lane | Glenrothes | KY7 4AH | 01592 750 501 | Clair Anderson | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003044254 | Busy Bees @ Halbeath | Day care of children | 15-09-2003 | Carnegie College | Halbeath | Dunfermline | KY11 8JH | 01383 844 640 | Laura Mutter | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003006067 | Busy Bees @ Heritage House | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 328 Albert Drive | Pollokshields | Glasgow | G41 5DZ | 01414 203 445 | Donna MacDonald | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004064367 | Busy Bees @ Kelvin | Day care of children | 18-10-2004 | West of Scotland Science Park | Block 9 | Kelvin Campus | Glasgow | G20 0SP | 01419 451 900 | Arlene Morrison | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2003011936 | Busy Bees @ Livingston Village | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Quarrywood Court | Livingston | EH54 6AX | 01506 460 785 | Jennifer MacMillan | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014366 | Busy Bees @ Melrose | Day care of children | 05-11-2002 | Huntlyburn Road | Melrose | TD6 9BX | 01896 820 400 | Sara Farquaharson | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011942 | Busy Bees @ Newhaven | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | David Lloyd Leisure Centre | Newhaven | Edinburgh | EH6 4LX | 01314 674 647 | Megan Benge | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003011941 | Busy Bees @ Port Hamilton | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Block A | 69 Morrison Street | Edinburgh | EH3 8BU | 01312 281 221 | Shannon Kane | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Inactive | ||||
CS2017354650 | Busy Bees at Dean Terrace | Day care of children | 08-06-2017 | 12 Dean Terrace | Edinburgh | EH4 1ND | 01313 325 920 | Louise Gillespie | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019372912 | Busy Bees at Dundee West | 29-03-2019 | Thomas Wise Place | Dundee | DD2 1UB | 01382 641 577 | Susan Gorman | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2019372911 | Busy Bees at Edinburgh Broughton | 29-03-2019 | 127 Broughton Road | Edinburgh | EH7 4JH | 01315 575 675 | Laura Melles | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2017354651 | Busy Bees at Forres Street | Day care of children | 08-06-2017 | 4 Forres Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6BJ | 01543 678 593 | Claire Rae | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006468 | Busy Bees at Glasgow Oakwood | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 7 Lochbrae Drive | Burnside | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 5QL | 0141 631 3331 | Emma Smith | | SP2003003297 | Oakwood Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||
CS2020380339 | Busy Bees at Inverurie | Day care of children | 29-01-2021 | Burghmuir Place | Inverurie | AB51 4FW | 01467 623 240 | Gemma Beckwith | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2015339700 | Busy Bees at Newbyres | Day care of children | 25-05-2016 | Newbyres Hall | 5 Hunterfield Road | Gorebridge | EH23 4TP | 01875 898 060 | Marie Arthur | | SP2015012549 | Newbyres Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015342710 | Busy Bees Care Limited | Nurse agencies | 30-08-2016 | Suite 23 | Bonnington Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 01315 162 538 | Enebie Moyo | | SP2015012620 | Busy Bees Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2023000033 | Busy Bees Childminding | Childminding | 10-02-2023 | Innerleithen | SP2023000025 | Nadine Patterson | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000432 | Busy Bees Glasgow Lenzie | Day care of children | 21-11-2024 | Stoneyetts Drive | Woodilee Village | Lenzie | G66 3EW | 07764205005 | Nicole Smith | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000351 | Busy Bees Healthcare | Support services - care at home | 24-11-2022 | Suite 23 | Bonnington Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 0131 5162538 | Enebie Moyo | | SP2015012620 | Busy Bees Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003004232 | Busy Bees Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | James Moffat Centre | 187 Glasgow Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8JY | 01294 470 892 | Jillian Wigton | | SP2003000861 | Busy Bees | Active | ||||
CS2019376642 | Busy Bees Nursery | Day Care of Children | 19-09-2019 | The Coach House | Pitkellony | Drummond Estate, Muthill | Crieff | PH5 2AL | 01764 681 281 | Donna MackIntosh | | SP2019013349 | Busy Bees Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003039291 | Busy Bees Nursery (Stranraer) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cluarran | London Road | Stranraer | DG9 8BF | 01776707021 | Brogan Whyte | | SP2004004149 | Susan Boland | Active | ||||
CS2003008562 | Busy Bees@ Inverness | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stratherrick Road | Inverness | IV2 4JY | 01463 223 314 | Megan Lobar | | SP2003002870 | Busy Bees Nurseries (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2025000013 | Busy Little Learners Childminding | Childminding | 14-01-2025 | Aberdeen | gemmawyness@hotmail.fom | SP2024000754 | Gemma Wyness | Active | |||||||||
CS2008191225 | Busy Lizzie | Childminding | 15-03-2010 | Glasgow | Elizabeth Dodds | | SP2008972466 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014330870 | Busy Lizzies Buzzy Bees | Childminding | 14-11-2014 | Airdrie | Elizabeth Cummings | | SP2014986295 | Elizabeth Cummings | Active | ||||||||
CS2019372681 | Bute House Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-02-2020 | Barrhill Terrace | Cumnock | KA18 1PT | 01290426311 | Megan Nohar | | SP2019013259 | Harveys Healthcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014327322 | Buttercup House | Care homes for children and young people | 04-07-2014 | 55 St Mary's Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 2EH | 01417 727 552 | Amanda Mann | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2009206059 | Butterflies Childcare | Childminding | 12-08-2009 | SOUTH QUEENSFERRY | Nicola Rennie | SP2009973867 | Nicola Rennie | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325871 | Butterflies Childcare Service | Childminding | 28-11-2014 | Ellon | Maryanne Leask | | SP2005943087 | Maryanne Leask | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2024000071 | Butterflies Childminding | Child Minding | 01-03-2024 | Pitlochry | | SP2023000280 | Agnes Kiss | Active | |||||||||
CS2010251360 | Butterflies Nursery School | Day care of children | 27-08-2010 | 56 William Fitzgerald Way | Dundee | DD4 9FB | 01382 508 846 | Laura McKellican | | SP2010978495 | Stacey Myles trading as Butterflies Nursery School | Active | |||||
CS2015335918 | Butterflies Nursery School - Kingsway East | Day care of children | 15-06-2015 | Mid Craigie Parish Church | Longtown Terrace | Dundee | DD4 8JP | 01382 698 140 | Paige Bryson | | SP2013985513 | Teri Devine | Active | ||||
CS2015341171 | Butterfly Nursery Scotland | Day care of children | 24-02-2016 | 34 Kilmuir Road | Arden | Glasgow | G46 8BQ | 01416 388 597 | Wendy Carrigan | | SP2015012581 | Butterfly Nursery Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003051472 | Butterfly Personnel Ltd. | Childcare agencies | 08-04-2004 | 80 Brunstane Road | Joppa | Edinburgh | EH15 2QR | 01316 575 407 | Eddy Tulloch | | SP2003003865 | Butterfly Personnel Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2008174312 | Buttons & Bows Nursery | Day care of children | 01-10-2008 | 15 Crookston Drive | Crookston | Glasgow | G52 3LZ | 01418 832 521 | Amanda Hughes | | SP2008969505 | Buttons & Bows Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2018370637 | Buttons and Bows | 05-04-2019 | 3/5 Raglan Street | Dundee | DD4 6NT | 01382 453 656 | Nicola Martin | | SP2018013210 | Buttons & Bows Dundee Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003015661 | Bynoe, Karen | Childminding | 21-02-2003 | Kilmacolm | Karen Bynoe | | SP2003910153 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325856 | Byrne, Nicola | Childminding | 27-10-2014 | Glasgow | Nicola Byrne | | SP2014985923 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000158 | C and S Recruitment Agency Nursing and Care Services | Nurse agencies | 17-06-2022 | 2/3 | 48 West George Street | Glasgow | G2 1BP | 01412660382 | Chioma Ofoegbu | | SP2022000113 | C & S Recruitment Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004070943 | C-Change Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | Suite 2a Melisa House | Brand Place | Ibrox | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01414 272 946 | Lynn Watson | | SP2004006578 | C-Change Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004070912 | C-Change Scotland | Housing support service | 07-10-2004 | Suite 2a Melisa House | Brand Place | Ibrox | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01414 272 946 | Lynn Watson | | SP2004006578 | C-Change Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004083245 | C.E.C. Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 12-12-2005 | The City Of Edinburgh Council Children, Education & Justice | Drum Brae Library | 81 Drum Brae Drive | Edinburgh | EH4 7FE | 01312 004 000 | Neil Bruce | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2004083255 | C.E.C. Fostering Service | Fostering services | 12-12-2005 | The City Of Edinburgh Council Children, Education & Justice | Drum Brae Library | 81 Drum Brae Drive | Edinburgh | EH4 7FE | 01312 004 000 | Neil Bruce | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2010274253 | C.O.J.A.C. Adult Care Services | Support services - not care at home | 17-09-2012 | COJAC Centre | 146 Castlemilk Drive | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9UB | 01416 341 002 | Marjorie Kerr | | SP2003001351 | Caring Operations Joint Action Council an association | Active | |||
CS2009215744 | Caalcare Limited | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-05-2009 | Rose Lodge | 57 Seafield Road | Dundee | DD1 4NA | 01382 224 060 | Katie Davidson | | SP2007009435 | Caalcare Care and Support Services | Active | ||||
CS2008167990 | Caalcare Limited | Housing support service | 20-05-2009 | Rose Lodge | 57 Seafield Road | Dundee | DD1 4NA | 01382 224 060 | Katie Davidson | | SP2007009435 | Caalcare Care and Support Services | Active | ||||
CS2008180097 | Cabbage Patch Nursery | Day care of children | 26-09-2008 | 4a Netherton Road | Wishaw | ML2 0EQ | 01698 355 715 | Ashlea Lambert | | SP2008009795 | Collin Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003005921 | Cadder Out Of School Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cadder Primary School | 60 Herma Street | Glasgow | G23 5AR | 01419 466 569 | Emma Bruce | | SP2003001280 | The Committee Cadder Out Of School Service | Active | ||||
CS2024000212 | Caddiecare | Support Service | 22-06-2024 | 106 Garthdee Drive | Aberdeen | AB10 7HX | 07897533088 | Khaddy Jatou Komma Umweni | | SP2023000442 | Caddiecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010291 | Caddon Healthcare Limited | Nurse agencies | 01-04-2002 | 5 Station Yard | Clovenfords | Galashiels | TD1 3LT | 01896 820 333 | Val Lacon | | SP2003002282 | Caddon Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003041615 | Cadzow Nursery School | Day care of children | 10-10-2003 | 4B Auchingramont Road | Hamilton | ML3 6JS | 01698 423 333 | Leanne Kelly | | SP2004004179 | Bill Hyslop | Active | |||||
CS2019377188 | Caird View Nursery | Day care of children | 04-11-2019 | Ambleside Avenue | Strathmartin | Dundee | DD3 0AD | 01382 434 982 | Fiona Ferrier | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2012312459 | Cairdean House | Care homes for older people | 05-04-2013 | 185 Redford Road | Colinton | Edinburgh | EH13 9PN | 01314 412 758 | Angela Burns | | SP2003002341 | Care UK Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006118166 | Cairellot Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 30-05-2006 | Greenock Road | Bishopton | PA7 5AW | 01505 864 008 | Rosemary Elliot | | SP2003001014 | Cairellot Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011281796 | Cairllum Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 04-01-2012 | Highfield Business Centre | Cunningham House | St Quivox | KA6 5HQ | 01292 286 408 | Sharon Barton | | SP2011011591 | Cairllum Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003036696 | Cairndow Community Childcare | Day care of children | 31-03-2005 | The Fyne Den | Clachan | Cairndow | PA26 8BL | 01499 320 429 | Lisa MacIntyre | | SP2004004112 | Cairndow Community Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003009237 | Cairney, Carole | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Galashiels | Carole Cairney | | SP2003908018 | Mrs Carole Cairney | Active | ||||||||
CS2009193386 | Cairneyhill Out of School Club | Day care of children | 02-07-2009 | Cairneyhill Primary School | Northbank Road | Cairneyhill | Dunfermline | KY12 8RN | 07515 189 436 | Julie Clarke | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017078 | Cairneyhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Northbank Road | Cairneyhill | Dunfermline | KY12 8RN | 01383 602 445 | Fiona Hall | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2019375788 | Cairngorm Early Learning & Childcare | Day Care of Children | 14-08-2019 | The Coach House | Inverdruie Coach House | Inverdruie | Aviemore | PH22 1QH | 01479 811 050 | Abigail Dempster | | SP2019990622 | Rodgers, Beth | Active | |||
CS2011300646 | Cairnie Lodge | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Forfar Road | Arbroath | DD11 3RA | 01241 431 118 | Janette Matias | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014091 | Cairns Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 08-07-2002 | Kilmarnock | Laura Campbell | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015277 | Cairns Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ivybank Avenue | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8SQ | 01416 412 218 | Helen Gillan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2018365769 | Cairns, Leann | 18-07-2018 | Lossiemouth | Leann Cairns | | SP2018989802 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2010247623 | Caithness & Sutherland Women's Aid | Housing support service | 22-03-2010 | Thurso | Gillian Hossack | | SP2005007651 | Caithness & Sutherland Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2016347514 | Caithness Care @ Home Service | Support services - care at home | 30-08-2016 | Pulteney House | North Murchiston Street | Wick | KW1 5HL | 01955 604 486 | Lesley Martin | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2014333593 | Cala | Care homes for children and young people | 10-11-2015 | 10 - 12 Cumming Circle | Elgin | IV30 6JX | 01343 550 990 | Donna McDonald | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000232 | CALA Ardross ELC | Day care of children | 12-08-2022 | Ardross Community Hall | Ardross | Alness | IV17 0XW | 07849144528 | Lucy Barron | | SP2010011106 | CALA Direct Management Services | Active | ||||
CS2021000159 | CALA Beechwood ELC: Inverness College UHI | Day Care of Children | 14-07-2021 | CALA Beechwood ELC | 1 Inverness Campus | INVERNESS | IV2 5NA | 07831735169 | Karina Pawszok | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | ||||
CS2022000319 | CALA Croy School Aged Childcare | Day Care of Children | 19-10-2022 | Croy Primary School | Dalcross Road | Croy | INVERNESS | IV2 5PG | 01463 222569 | Lucy Barron | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | |||
CS2022000234 | CALA Fortrose ELC | Day care of children | 12-08-2022 | Fortrose Pre School | Black Isle Leisure Centre | Deans Road | Fortrose | IV10 8TJ | 07831735169 | Sophie Lumsden | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | |||
CS2024000213 | Caladh Ùr Childminding | Child Minding | 24-06-2024 | Dunoon | | SP2023001437 | Alexis Ritchie | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348411 | Calaiswood Out of School Club | Day care of children | 29-08-2016 | Duloch Schools & Community Campus | Calaiswood School | Nightingale Place | Dunfermline | KY11 8LW | 07515 189 475 | Yvonne Nellies | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2008168221 | Calaiswood School Nursery | Day care of children | 20-02-2009 | Duloch Schools and Community Campus | Nightingale Place | Dunfermline | KY11 8LW | 01383 602 481 | Laura Spence | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003457 | Calder, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Jacqueline Calder | | SP2003901762 | Jacqueline Calder | Active | ||||||||
CS2007153521 | Calder, Tina | Childminding | 17-10-2007 | Tranent | Tina Calder | | SP2007965395 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006131518 | Calderbank Nursery | Day care of children | 30-03-2007 | 16 Laurieknowe | Dumfries | DG2 7AJ | 01387 248 861 | Kirsty Bell | | SP2006008491 | Emma Henderson trading as Calderbank Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2015336180 | Calderbank Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 18-05-2016 | Main Street | Calderbank | Airdrie | ML6 9SG | 01236 632 084 | Elizabeth McAlonan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016813 | Calderbridge Primary School and Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Coltness Road | Coltness | Wishaw | ML2 7EY | 01698 274 918 | Diana Osborne | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014860 | Caldercuilt Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 101 Invershiel Road | Summerston | Glasgow | G23 5JG | 01419 467 450 | Gail McFadzean Palmarini | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000098 | Calderglen Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 19-04-2022 | 220 Wester Hailes Road | Edinburgh | EH11 4NG | 01314535754 | Vicki Paterson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2016351239 | Calderglen House | 28-02-2017 | 1 Calderglen Road | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9UG | 01698 823 624 | Catriona Donnelly | | SP2016012807 | RAM 225 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006131789 | Calderside Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 15-08-2006 | Boswell Drive | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0BL | 01698 829 188 | Donna Tyczynski | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379260 | Calderview Family Learning Centre | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | 17 Centre Street | Chapelhall | Airdrie | ML6 8TX | 01236 632219 | Catherine Kerr | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2009228421 | Calderwood After School & Holiday Club | Day care of children | 20-10-2009 | Calderwood Primary School | Buchanan Drive | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3PQ | 07818 498 904 | Vetinia Gorman | | SP2009010420 | I CARE.COM LTD, a Private Limited Company | Active | |||
CS2003015830 | Calderwood Lodge Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Waterfoot Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5GP | 01415 707 060 | Jacqueline Dunn | dunnj@calderwoodlodge.e-ren | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000255 | Calderwood Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 15-09-2021 | 1 Nethershiel Road | East Calder | Livingston | EH53 0GU | 01506 280059 | Sarah Burton | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2014331596 | Cale House | Housing support service | 21-11-2014 | Millburn Road | Inverness | IV2 3PX | 01463 718 616 | Emanuela Todea | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2010250664 | Caledonia Care Home | Care homes for older people | 27-09-2010 | 7 Sidney Street | Saltcoats | KA21 5DB | 01294 469 045 | Mairi Ritchie | | SP2010010960 | H & H Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003047946 | Caledonia Healthcare Limited | Nurse agencies | 17-03-2004 | Suite 5.2, 5th Floor, Ingram House | 227 Ingram Street | Glasgow | G1 1DA | 01412 488 585 | Margaret Alexander | | SP2004004347 | Caledonia Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012308789 | Caledonia Housing Support Services | Housing support service | 22-03-2013 | Suite 4, Saltire House | Whitefriars Crescent | Perth | PH2 0PA | 01738 441088 | Sandra Robertson | | SP2012011850 | Caledonia Housing Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016036 | Caledonia Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Campbell Avenue | Saltcoats | KA21 5AF | 01294 472 092 | Lorna Moran | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016353182 | Caledonia Social Care (West) | 04-04-2017 | Caledonia Social Care Ltd | Unit 4 | 59 Charles Street | Glasgow | G21 2PR | 03300 537 130 | Stuart Robertson | | SP2016012833 | Caledonia Social Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011300795 | Caledonian Court Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Victoria Road | Larbert | Falkirk | FK5 4NA | 01324 556 322 | James Louden | | SP2003002341 | Care UK Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019373517 | Caledonian Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-09-2019 | 64 Milton Street | Glasgow | G4 0BE | 01413 327 654 | Allyson Boyle | | SP2019013266 | Childcare Scotland Properties Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015337333 | Caley Home Care | Support services - care at home | 19-11-2015 | 38 Merchiston Avenue | Edinburgh | EH10 4NZ | 01316 230 163 | Lynda Rogers | | SP2015012490 | Caley Home Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019373125 | Caley's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 19-06-2019 | Buckie | Caley Shepherd | | SP2019990378 | Caley Shepherd | Active | ||||||||
CS2010239066 | Calico House Care Home | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 30-12-2010 | Calico House | 2 Whitefield Lodge | Service Street | Lennoxtown | G66 7JW | 01360 319 010 | David James Reilly | | SP2004007047 | Extended Personal Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003043627 | California Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | California | Falkirk | FK1 2BW | 01324 506 740 | Belinda Tomasik | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000171 | Call - In Homecare - Edinburgh South | Support Service | 29-06-2022 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Sugar Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 01316567310 | Rachel Shepard | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000410 | Call - In Homecare Glasgow | Support Service | 07-12-2023 | Room 14 The Adelphi Centre | 12 Commercial Road | Glasgow | G5 0PQ | 01414 180 606 | Caroline Ryan | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000412 | Call - In Homecare Glasgow | Housing Support Service | 07-12-2023 | Room 14 The Adelphi Centre | 12 Commercial Road | Glasgow | G5 0PQ | 01414 180 606 | Caroline Ryan | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000172 | Call - In Homecare Midlothian | Support Service | 29-06-2022 | EH20 Business Centre | Suite 207, 6 Dryden Road, | LOANHEAD, | Edinburgh. | EH20 9LZ | 01314481051 | Kimberley Watson | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000093 | Call - In Homecare West of Scotland | Housing Support Service | 27-02-2025 | Unit 6 Beardmore Business Centre | Beardmore Street | Dalmuir | Clydebank | G81 4HA | 01316567310 | Amanda Shearon | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2020379928 | Call -In Homecare West Lothian. | Support Service | 11-01-2021 | EH20 BUSINESS CENTRE | EH20 BUSINESS CENTRE SUITE 207 | 6 DRYDEN ROAD | LOANHEAD | EH20 9LZ | 01314481051 | Kimberley Watson | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004084651 | Call In Homecare Ltd - Edinburgh North | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-12-2004 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Sugar Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 01316 567 310 | Veronica Haining | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000325 | Call-In Homecare - North Lanarkshire | Support Service | 02-10-2023 | 2c Napier Place | Wardpark North | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 0LL | 01555 771185 | Eilidh Raper | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000326 | Call-In Homecare - South Lanarkshire | Support Service | 02-10-2023 | 2c Napier Place | Wardpark North | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 0LL | 01555 771185 | Eilidh Raper | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000323 | Call-In Homecare Inverclyde | Support Service | 02-10-2023 | G1, Norval Place | Moss Road | Kilmacolm | PA13 4AQ | 01505 874069 | Lesley Agnew | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379906 | Call-In Homecare Ltd (Dundee) | Support Service | 11-01-2021 | Affinity Business Centre | Harrison Road | Dundee | DD2 3SN | 07738 733 066 | Lindsay Weir | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014329160 | Call-In Homecare Ltd - East Lothian | Support services - care at home | 04-03-2015 | EH20 Business Centre. | 6 Dryden Road, | Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Loanhead, | Edinburgh. | EH20 9LZ | 01314481051 | Kimberlely Watson | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000324 | Call-In Homecare West of Scotland | Support Service | 02-10-2023 | Unit 6 | Beardmore Business Centre | Beardmore Street | Dalmuir | G81 4HA | 0141 886 3100 | Amanda Shearon | | SP2004007104 | Call-In Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003053379 | Callaghan, Dorothy | Childminding | 21-02-2005 | Coatbridge | Dorothy Callaghan | | SP2004938564 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003046729 | Callaghan, Evelyn | Childminding | 14-06-2004 | Peebles | Evelyn Callaghan | | SP2004935981 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007155504 | Callaghan, Sharon | Childminding | 26-09-2007 | Kilmarnock | Sharon Callaghan | | SP2007965710 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015597 | Callander Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | McLaren High School | Mollands Road | Callander | FK17 8JH | 01877 331 576 | Tanya Starkey | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2020378747 | Calside Nursery | Day Care of Children | 13-08-2020 | Calside Primary | Calside Road | Dumfries | DG1 4HB | 01387 263 594 | Fiona Douglas | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2005099728 | Calton House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 39 Howdenhall Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6PG | 01316 648 488 | Lauren Knight | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2004078161 | Caltongate & Peffer Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-08-2004 | 20 Calton Road | Edinburgh | EH8 8DL | 0131 201 2946 | Antonia Myles | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004056010 | Caltongate & Peffer Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Service | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 20 Calton Road | Edinburgh | EH8 8DL | 0131 201 2946 | Antonia Myles | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003015603 | Cambusbarron Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Thomson Place | Cambusbarron | Stirling | FK7 9PE | 01786 472 809 | Mark Hill | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2019374995 | Cambusbarron Village Nursery | Day Care of Children | 19-08-2019 | Cambusbarron Community Centre | St. Ninian's Road | Cambusbarron | Stirling | FK7 9NU | 01786 430 497 | Jane Bain | | SP2019013310 | Cambusbarron Village Nursery CIC | Active | |||
CS2003006458 | Cambuslang Childcare Project | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Hut | Ivybank Avenue | Halfway, Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8SQ | 01416 416 791 | Joan Meechan | | SP2003001474 | Cambuslang Childcare Project | Active | |||
CS2011285763 | Cambuslang Out Of School Care Project | Day care of children | 02-10-2012 | 14 Vicars Walk | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8JS | 01416 410 911 | Mhairi- Denise Henderson | | SP2011011521 | Cambuslang Out Of School Care Project | Active | ||||
CS2009216972 | Cambusnethan Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-08-2009 | 53 Branchal Road | Cambusnethan | Wishaw | ML2 8PD | 01698 522 717 | Nicola Dignall | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2005113322 | Cambusnethan Residential Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 16-06-2006 | 239 Cambusnethan Street | Cambusnethan | Wishaw | ML2 8PW | 01698 403 737 | linda smith | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016425 | Camdean Out of School Club | Day care of children | 04-07-2002 | Camdean Primary School | Kings Road | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2RY | 07515 189 435 | Sara Hoefling | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017079 | Camdean Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | King's Road | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2RY | 01383 602 446 | Rosalind Frame | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011325 | Camelon Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Nailer Road | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4DA | 01324 501 800 | Laura-ann McKenzie | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008463 | Cameron House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Culduthel Road | Inverness | IV2 4YG | 01463 243 241 | Lisa MacKenzie | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003010619 | Cameron Park Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 70 Peffermill Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5LP | 01316 672 032 | Sheila Normand | | SP2003002445 | Sheila and Campbell Normand, a partnership trading as Cameron Park Nursing Home | Active | |||||
CS2013319684 | Cameron, Colette | Childminding | 29-11-2013 | Glasgow | Colette Cameron | | SP2013985215 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309892 | Cameron, Gail | Childminding | 26-09-2012 | Glasgow | Gail Cameron | SP2003900001 | Gail Cameron | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365417 | Cameron, Margaret | 11-05-2018 | Coatbridge | Margaret Cameron | | SP2018989774 | Margaret Cameron | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000073 | Camilla Care Home. | Care Home Service | 14-03-2023 | Auchtertool | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5XW | 01592 780 590 | Louise Brookhouse | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019378608 | Camilla House Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | 19 Grange Terrace | Edinburgh | EH9 2LF | 01316 621 114 | Michelle McGinley | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000099 | Cammo Forest Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 11-04-2023 | Cammo Estate | 61A Cammo Road | Edinburgh | EH4 8AP | 07704 021 251 | Louise Caldwell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001090 | Campbell Snowdon House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Abbeyfield Strathgryffe Society | Campbell Snowden House | Quarrier's Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3SX | 01505 614 350 | James Melville | | SP2003000215 | Abbeyfield Strathgryffe Society Limited | Active | |||
CS2003002170 | Campbell, Aileen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverurie | Aileen Campbell | | SP2003900792 | Aileen Campbell | Active | ||||||||
CS2005106022 | Campbell, Annie | Childminding | 28-02-2006 | Motherwell | Annie Campbell | | SP2005952194 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015676 | Campbell, Christina | Childminding | 28-02-2003 | North Berwick | Christina Campbell | | SP2003910209 | Christina Bernard | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008093 | Campbell, Irene | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ardgay | Irene May Campbell | | SP2003907820 | Irene Campbell | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007092 | Campbell, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Karen Campbell | | SP2003904100 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005097531 | Campbell, Mairghreadh | Childminding | 08-11-2005 | Isle of Arran | Mairghreadh Campbell | | SP2005947454 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007160245 | Campbell, Morag | Childminding | 03-03-2008 | Motherwell | Morag Campbell | | SP2007966604 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009236560 | Campbell, Myra | Childminding | 18-03-2010 | Dalkeith | Myra Campbell | | SP2009976831 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011304934 | Campbell, Sharon | Childminding | 16-05-2012 | Edinburgh | Sharon Campbell | | SP2011983115 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007149215 | Campbell, Shona | Childminding | 13-09-2007 | Portree | Shona Campbell | | SP2007964854 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375940 | Campbeltown Aqualibrium Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 15-08-2019 | Aqualibrium | Campbeltown | PA28 6EG | 01586 552 397 | Fiona Armour | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014631 | Campbeltown Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ralston Road | Campbeltown | PA28 6LE | 01586 552 397 | Fiona Armour | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000036 | Camperdown Nursery | Day Care of Children | 15-02-2023 | Camperdown Nursery | 159a High Street | PRESTONPANS | EH32 9AY | 01875813313 | Stephanie Veitch | | SP2023000028 | Camperdown Childrens Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016932 | Camperdown Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Buttars Street | Dundee | DD2 4PQ | 01382 436 647 | Laura Harris | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011474 | Camphill Blair Drummond | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Blair Drummond House | Cuthil Brae | Stirling | FK9 4UT | 01786 841 573 | Susan Campbell | | SP2003002681 | Camphill (Blair Drummond) Trust Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009234006 | Camphill Blair Drummond Day Service | Support Services - not care at home | 02-12-2009 | Blair Drummond House | Cuthil Brae | Stirling | FK9 4UT | 01786 841 573 | Susan Campbell | | SP2003002681 | Camphill (Blair Drummond) Trust Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009235158 | Camphill School Aberdeen Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 11-08-2010 | Camphill Rudolf Steiner School | Murtle House | Bieldside | Aberdeen | AB15 9EP | 01224 867 935 | Mr Alexander Busch | | SP2003000021 | Camphill Rudolf Steiner Schools Limited | Active | |||
CS2009196657 | Camphill School and Care Home Services Aberdeen | Care homes for children and young people | 11-08-2010 | Camphill Rudolf Steiner School | Murtle House | Bieldside | Aberdeen | AB15 9EP | 01224 867 935 | Mr Alexander Busch | SP2003000021 | Camphill Rudolf Steiner Schools Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003011998 | Campie After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 3 Stoneyhill Farm Road | Musselburgh | EH21 6QS | 01316 651 748 | Melanie Brown | | SP2003002902 | Campie After School Club | Active | |||||
CS2003016981 | Campie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 3 Stoneyhill Farm Road | Musselburgh | EH21 6QS | 01316 652 045 | Debbie Mercer | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2015337137 | Campsie Leisure | Childminding | 01-10-2015 | Glasgow | Angela Johnston | | SP2015986902 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010436 | Campsie View | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Canal Street | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1QY | 01417 778 880 | Nicola Brown | | SP2007009144 | Four Seasons Health Care (Scotland) Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Health Care Group | Active | ||||
CS2015343243 | Campsie View | 05-02-2016 | 1 Colzium View | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 0ED | 01236 824 003 | John Borland | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020379947 | Can-Do | Day care of children | 05-10-2020 | Community Centre | 8 Law Road | North Berwick | EH39 4PN | 01620 893 823 | Kirsty Milne | | SP2020013522 | Can-Do a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2022000245 | Canaan Lane Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2022 | Canaan Lane Primary School | 35 Canaan Lane | Edinburgh | EH10 4SG | 01312002000 | Karen Richmond | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2007155611 | Canal View Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 20-08-2007 | 4 Hailesland Place | Edinburgh | EH14 2SL | 01314 423 894 | Susan Leach | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377092 | Canberra Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 17-03-2020 | Canberra Primary School | Belmont Drive | East Kilbride | G75 8HD | 01355 224 362 | Anglea Heasman | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004071777 | Canisbay Rainbow Nursery | Day care of children | 13-08-2004 | Canisbay Primary School | Canisbay | Wick | KW1 4YH | 01955 611 337 | Rhona Moodie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001160 | Canmore | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Redstone Avenue | Kilwinning | KA13 7JQ | 01294 557 776 | Brian McCann | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2007142850 | Canmore Lodge Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | 161 Robertson Road | Dunfermline | KY12 0BL | 01383 622 374 | Kimberley Laird | KIMBERLEY.LAIRD@BARCHESTER.COM | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014327480 | Canmore Out of School Club | Day care of children | 25-05-2015 | Canmore Primary School | Evershed Drive | Dunfermline | KY11 8RF | 07515 189 471 | Fiona Erskine | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013526 | Cannich Bridge Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cannich | Beauly | IV4 7LN | 01456 415 304 | Maria Reynard | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2010238905 | Cannon, Bernadette | Childminding | 15-07-2010 | Kinross | Bernadette Cannon | | SP2010977582 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015464 | Canonbie Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Canonbie Primary School | Canonbie | DG14 0XA | 01387 371 336 | Claire Reynolds | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015923 | Canongate Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Maynard Road | St. Andrews | KY16 8RU | 01334 659 452 | Patricia Shafren | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2004076981 | Cantray Square Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-02-2005 | House 9. Cantray Square | Cantraybridge College | Croy | Inverness | IV2 5PP | 01667 493 500 | Miriam Hendry | | SP2003001718 | Cantraybridge | Active | |||
CS2004073116 | Cantray Square Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 23-02-2005 | House 9. Cantray Square | Cantraybridge College | Croy | Inverness | IV2 5PP | 01667 493 500 | Karen Peebles | | SP2003001718 | Cantraybridge | Active | |||
CS2003017183 | Caol Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenkingie Street | Caol | Fort William | PH33 7DP | 01397 703 366 | Sharon MacDonald | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011113 | Capability Scotland (Riccarton) | Support service - care at home and not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Mercury House | Heriot Watt Research Park | Riccarton | Edinburgh | EH14 4AP | 0131 347 1078 | Elizabeth Gold | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004076834 | Capability Scotland - Community Living and Family Support Services (Dundee) - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 18-08-2004 | Unit 10 | City Quay | Dundee | DD1 3JA | 01313 379 876 | Gillian Dunlop | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003055087 | Capability Scotland - Community Living Services South West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-08-2004 | Capability Scotland | Business First, West Avenue | Linwood Industrial Estate, | Linwood | PA2 9PG | 0141 465 7739 | Sheena MacLeod | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2003055085 | Capability Scotland - Community Living Services South West | Housing support service | 18-08-2004 | Business First | West Avenue | Linwood Industrial estate | Linwood | PA2 9PG | 0141 465 7739 | Sheena MacLeod | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2020379606 | Capability Scotland - Dumfries & Galloway | Support Service | 30-09-2020 | Compass House | Afton Drive | Summerhill | Dumfries | DG2 9ES | 07572 128 264 | Rebecca Queen | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2019377189 | Capability Scotland - Dundee Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 10-01-2020 | Unit 10, City Quay | Camperdown Street | Dundee | DD1 3JA | 01382 779 116 | Gillian Dunlop | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003055021 | Capability Scotland - Fife Services | Housing support service | 18-08-2004 | Unit 1 | Halbeath Business Park | Kingseat Road, Halbeath | Dunfermline | KY11 8RY | 01383 720 613 | Trisha Easton | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2003055023 | Capability Scotland - Fife Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-08-2004 | Unit 1 | Halbeath Business Park | Kingseat Road, Halbeath | Dunfermline | KY11 8RY | 01383 720 613 | Trisha Easton | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2003055019 | Capability Scotland - North Lanarkshire Services | Support services - care at home | 18-08-2004 | Suite 3.3 & 3.12 | Dalziel Building | 7 Scott Street | Motherwell | ML1 1PN | 01698372003 | Elaine Wilson | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2019378557 | Capability Scotland - Perth Services | Housing Support Service | 27-05-2020 | Upper Springland | Isla Road | Perth | PH2 7HQ | 01738 632 995 | Christine Thomas | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2019378319 | Capability Scotland - Perth Services | Support Service | 27-05-2020 | Upper Springland | Isla Road | Perth | PH2 7HQ | 01738 632 995 | Christine Thomas | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003017824 | Capability Scotland Dundee | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Unit 10 City Quay | Camperdown Street | Dundee | DD1 3JA | 01382 737 238 | Gillian Dunlop | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003011114 | Capability Scotland Edinburgh | Support service - care at home and not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Units 9-15 SPACE | 11 Harewood Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4NT | 01316 611 212 | Toni Taylor | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2024000271 | Capability Scotland Holiday Hub | Day Care of Children | 30-07-2024 | Kaimes Special School | 140 Lasswade Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6RT | 07739195692 | Lauren Stewart | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2022000300 | Capernaum Healthcare Ltd | Support services - care at home | 04-10-2022 | 6 West Pilton Brae | Edinburgh | EH4 4BH | 07950391369 | EMELDA JACKFAMA | | SP2022000202 | Capernaum Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000252 | Capshard Out of School Club | Day Care of Children | 10-08-2023 | Capshard School | Barry Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6JD | 07515289728 | Emma Rowe | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015932 | Capshard Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Barry Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6JD | 01592 583 415 | Gillian Mann | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000428 | Car1ng24 | Nurse agencies | 14-11-2024 | Old Balgowan | Keig | Alford | Aberdeenshire | AB33 8BT | 07936517090 | Janet Decourt | | SP2024000128 | Car1ng24 Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003011120 | Carberry House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Carberry House | Carberry Estate | Musselburgh | EH21 8PY | 01316 652 882 | Rochelle Scott | | SP2003002609 | Carberry House Care Home, a partnership | Active | ||||
CS2003015184 | Carberry, Joanne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Joanne Carberry | | SP2003909629 | Joanne Carberry | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015108 | Carberry, Pauline | Childminding | 14-01-2003 | Alloa | Pauline Carberry | | SP2003908277 | Pauline Carberry | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000900 | Carbeth House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 15 Sunnylaw Place | Glasgow | G22 6DX | 01413 365 174 | Marie Kelly | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||||
CS2003017184 | Carbost Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carbost Primary School | Carbost | Isle of Skye | IV47 8SR | 01478 640 237 | Samantha Muir | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015417 | Carbrain Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Millcroft Road | Carbrain | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 2LD | 01236 794 834 | Kirsty Lowe | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003017080 | Cardenden Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carden Castle Avenue | Cardenden | Lochgelly | KY5 0EW | 01592 583 416 | Lesley Brady | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000358 | Cardonald Afterschool Care | Day care of children | 30-10-2023 | Cardonald Primary School | 1 Angus Oval | Glasgow | G52 3HD | 07469929327 | lorraine Hillhouse | | SP2020013505 | Fun After 3 Club Ltd, a Company Limited by Guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2022000212 | Cardonald Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-08-2022 | Cardonald Care Home | 663 Mosspark Drive | Cardonald | Glasgow | G52 3AR | 01418834131 | Gareth Jenks | | SP2016012834 | Clyde Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2010249860 | Cardonald Private Nursery | Day care of children | 29-07-2010 | 1113a Mosspark Drive | Cardonald | Glasgow | G52 3BU | 01418 820 202 | Margaret McGuire | | SP2008009795 | Collin Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003040540 | Cardowan and Stepps Out of School Club | Day care of children | 28-10-2003 | Stepps Cultural Centre | 10 Blenheim Avenue | Stepps | Glasgow | G33 6FH | 07941 624 869 | Suzanne Divens | | SP2005007450 | Cardowan and Stepps Out of School Club | Active | |||
CS2019375695 | Cardross Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 15-08-2019 | Kirkton Road | Cardross | G82 5PN | 01389 841 433 | Kelly Girling | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2004078041 | Care & Support at Home | Housing support service | 26-11-2004 | Hillend Centre | 2 East Crawford Street | Greenock | PA15 2BT | 01475 715 946 | Alana Scullion | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2004078042 | Care & Support at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-11-2004 | Hillend Centre | 2 East Crawford Street | Greenock | PA15 2BT | 01475 715 946 | Alana Scullion | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2004071636 | Care & Support Services, Dumfries & Galloway Council | Housing support service | 24-08-2004 | Cargen Tower | Garroch Business Park | Garroch Loaning | Dumfries | DG2 8PN | 01387 271 100 | Ross McGaw | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2004071628 | Care & Support Services, Dumfries & Galloway Council | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-08-2004 | Cargen Tower | Garroch Business Park | Garroch Loaning | Dumfries | DG2 8PN | 01387 271 100 | Ross McGaw | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2004069054 | Care and Support Service (South) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-08-2004 | Lifestyles EK | 1 Liddell Grove | The Murray | East Kilbride | G75 9AD | 01555 664 419 | Ann Marie McNaul | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069053 | Care and Support Service (South) | Housing support service | 27-08-2004 | 1st Floor | Regent House | 9 High Patrick Street | Hamilton | ML3 7ES | 03300945602 | Ann Marie McNaul | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2024000177 | Care at home | Support Service | 30-05-2024 | Quas Healthcare Ltd | Unit 11 | Badentoy Business Centre, Badentoy Crescent, Badentoy Industrial Estate, Portlethen | Aberdeen | AB12 4YD | 03330909440 | Patricia Forbes | | SP2023000361 | Quas Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2019377297 | Care at Home and Enablement Service Badenoch and Strathspey | Support Service | 11-12-2019 | Badenoch & Strathspey Community Hospital | Cairnview Road | Aviemore | PH22 1AJ | 01479 813 405 | Margaret Air | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2019377300 | Care at Home and Enablement Service East Ross | Support Service | 11-12-2019 | County Community Hospital | Saltburn Road | Invergordon | IV18 OJR | 01349 855 681 | Nicola Mackay | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2012307268 | Care at Home and Enablement Service Inverness | Support services - care at home | 30-03-2012 | Care at Home Service | Alder House | Cradlehall Business Park | Inverness | IV2 5GH | 01463 706 777 | Kirsty Sheerin | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||
CS2019377299 | Care at Home and Enablement Service Mid Ross | Support Service | 11-12-2019 | Ross Lodge | Ross Memorial Hospital | Ferry Road | Dingwall | IV15 9QS | 01349 860 462 | Emma MacArthur | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||
CS2019377296 | Care at Home and Enablement Service Nairn | Support Service | 11-12-2019 | Nairn Town and County Hospital | Cawdor Road | Nairn | IV12 5EE | 01667 422 702 | Louise Henderson | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2011286189 | Care at Home City Wide | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-01-2012 | Jack Martin Way | Claverhouse East | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 438 300 | Morven Ross-Bain | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011286187 | Care at Home City Wide | Housing support service | 10-01-2012 | Jack Martin Way | Claverhouse East | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 438 940 | Morven Ross-Bain | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077157 | Care at Home Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-09-2004 | Orkney Islands Council | Council Offices | School Place | Kirkwall | KW15 1NY | 01856 888 390 | Gail Harvey | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2004077124 | Care at Home Services | Housing support service | 07-09-2004 | Orkney Islands Council | Council Offices | School Place | Kirkwall | KW15 1NY | 01856 888 390 | Erin Johnston | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2020000019 | Care by Kate | Child Minding | 26-11-2020 | Anytown | | SP2020000017 | Kate Gallows | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381006 | Care Choices | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-10-2020 | 32 Scotstown Road | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB23 8HG | 03003 030 903 | Emma Linton | | SP2003000015 | Aberdeen Cyrenians Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2020380907 | Care Choices | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-10-2020 | 32 Scotstown Road | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB23 8HG | 03003 030 903 | Emma Linton | | SP2003000015 | Aberdeen Cyrenians Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2024000393 | Care Crew | Support Service | 16-10-2024 | Hillview Cottage | Blackhills Farm | Rattray | Blairgowrie | PH10 7HD | 01250874534 | | SP2024000263 | HELEN MCDONALD | Active | ||||
CS2023000203 | Care Crew Scotland | Nurse Agency | 03-07-2023 | 44 Drum Brae Drive | Edinburgh | EH4 7DS | 07904430130 | Angel Meria Chacko | | SP2023000128 | Care Crew Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016352406 | Care for you Scotland | 23-12-2016 | Studio 206 Embroidery Mill Building | Abbey Mill Business Centre | Paisley | PA1 1TJ | 07798761797 | Claire McCallum | | SP2016012766 | Care for you Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000165 | Care Me Ltd | Support Service | 06-06-2023 | 142a Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4NX | 07838494040 | Yasir Abbas | | SP2023000108 | Care Me Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000280 | Care Partners Health Care | Support Service | 30-09-2021 | 25 Trondheim Parkway West | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 4FD | 07488419489 | Karen Nyamadzawo | | SP2021000177 | Care Partners Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018371988 | Care Quality Services Limited - Dundee | 21-12-2018 | Unit 3 | Kingfisher House | West Pitkerro Industrial Estate | Dundee | DD5 3UB | 01382 201 015 | Iris Clark | | SP2018013250 | Care Quality Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018371990 | Care Quality Services Limited - Dundee | 21-12-2018 | Unit 3 | Kingfisher House | West Pitkerro Industrial Estate | Dundee | DD5 3UB | 01382 201 015 | Iris Clark | | SP2018013250 | Care Quality Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018371996 | Care Quality Services Limited - Moray | 21-12-2018 | 4 Moycroft Industrial Estate | Elgin | IV30 1XZ | 01343 550 074 | Tanya Barr | | SP2018013250 | Care Quality Services Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2018371995 | Care Quality Services Limited - Moray | 21-12-2018 | 4 Moycroft Industrial Estate | Elgin | IV30 1XZ | 01343 550 074 | Tanya Barr | | SP2018013250 | Care Quality Services Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2005113303 | Care Services (Perth) Limited | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-01-2006 | 8 Atholl Crescent | Perth | PH1 5NG | 01738 629 612 | Susan Thomson | | SP2005007955 | Care Services (Perth) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005113289 | Care Services (Perth) Limited | Housing support service | 13-01-2006 | 8 Atholl Cresent | Perth | PH1 5NG | 01738 629 612 | Susan Thomson | | SP2005007955 | Care Services (Perth) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015343504 | Care Solutions | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-04-2016 | 13 - 15 Lewis Street | Stranraer | DG9 7AB | 01698 427722 | Victoria Parker | | SP2015012635 | Care Solutions Homecare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015343505 | Care Solutions Central Scotland | 01-04-2016 | Brandon House Business Centre | Unit 5, Brandon Street | Hamilton, South Lanarkshire | ML3 6DA | 01698 427722 | Victoria Parker | | SP2015012635 | Care Solutions Homecare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000157 | Care Solutions Homecare South of Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-05-2024 | Care Solutions | 13 Lewis Street | STRANRAER | DG9 7AB | 01776702328 | Sharon Malone | | SP2015012635 | Care Solutions Homecare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000158 | Care Solutions Homecare South of Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-05-2024 | Care Solutions | 13 Lewis Street | Stranraer | DG9 7AB | 01776 702328 | Sharon Malone | | SP2015012635 | Care Solutions Homecare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000391 | Care Teams (North) | Housing Support Service | 15-10-2024 | Care Teams (North) | 122 Giles Street | Edinburgh | EH6 6BZ | 03330040120 | Donoven Matambo | | SP2024000028 | Care Teams (North) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000390 | Care Teams (North) | Support Service | 15-10-2024 | 122 Giles Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 6BZ | 03330040120 | Donoven Matambo | | SP2024000028 | Care Teams (North) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011299794 | Care Visions - Blackburn House | Care homes for children and young people | 08-12-2011 | Blackburn House | St Annes | Lockerbie | DG11 1HG | 01576 470 815 | Colin Steedman | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020379434 | Care Visions - Brax Farmhouse | Care Home Service | 21-08-2020 | Brax Farmhouse | Woodville | Arbroath | DD11 2QP | 01786 477 810 | Gillian Garrett | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004084808 | Care Visions - Burnside Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 29-04-2005 | Burnside Farm | Arnprior | Stirling | FK8 3HA | 01786 871 272 | Iain Swan | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009230689 | Care Visions - Cowdenlaws Farm | Care homes for children and young people | 22-12-2009 | Standing Stane Road | Dysart | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2YT | 01592 654 717 | Ross Buchanan | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004070448 | Care Visions - Craigbrock Farm House | Care homes for children and young people | 19-08-2004 | Blanefield | Glasgow | G63 9AJ | 01360 771 991 | Karen Miller | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011299375 | Care Visions - Drummerchin | Care homes for children and young people | 09-01-2012 | Drummerchin | Woodstone Road | Kippen | Stirling | FK8 3EZ | 01786 870 396 | Nicola Heron | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||
CS2006121902 | Care Visions - Duchray | Care homes for children and young people | 19-07-2006 | Kersebonny Road | Stirling | FK8 3AB | 01786 479 577 | Michelle Tait | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009235809 | Care Visions - Glenlee | Care homes for children and young people | 08-10-2010 | 86 Copland Road | Govan | Glasgow | G51 2RR | 07964123013 | Georgina Faulkner | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007152089 | Care Visions - High Kilroy | Care homes for children and young people | 05-09-2007 | High Kilroy Farm | Auldgirth | Dumfries | DG2 0JZ | 01387 740 267 | Jeanette Wicks | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005109836 | Care Visions - Ibert Farmhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 20-12-2005 | Ibert House | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9PY | 01360 551 700 | Nicki McLaughlin | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003036768 | Care Visions - Lettre Farmhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 11-08-2003 | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9LE | 01360 551 243 | Joanne Barratt | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008180906 | Care Visions - Lower Canglour | Care homes for children and young people | 16-09-2008 | Lower Canglour | Stirling | FK7 9QP | 01786 816 387 | Christine MacEachen | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013318906 | Care Visions - Newton | Care homes for children and young people | 13-11-2013 | Newton of Lathrisk Farmhouse | Freuchie | Cupar | Fife | KY15 7JH | 01337 857 456 | Lee Robson | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||
CS2012306761 | Care Visions - Niddry Mains | Care homes for children and young people | 05-10-2012 | Hopetoun Estate | Winchburgh | Broxburn | EH52 6QR | 01506 891 640 | Melanie Sweeney | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016345854 | Care Visions - Phantassie Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 04-07-2016 | Phantassie Cottage | Standing Stane Road | East Wemyss | Kirkcaldy | KY1 4TQ | 01592 653 425 | Fiona Glancy | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||
CS2003019811 | Care Visions - Riggheads | Care homes for children and young people | 22-06-2004 | Riggheads | Johnstonebridge | Lockerbie | DG11 1ET | 01576 470 695 | Colin Steedman | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018369681 | Care Visions - Strathbrock | Care homes for children and young people | 05-12-2018 | 207 West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LJ | 01506 853 099 | Hazel Keith | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016349466 | Care Visions - The Knowe | Care homes for children and young people | 15-11-2016 | The Knowe | Middlebank | Nemphlar Road, Nemphlar | Lanark | ML11 9JD | 01555 666 244 | Jasmine Weir | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||
CS2023000373 | Care Visions - The Old Manse | Care homes for children and young people | 06-11-2023 | 12 Abercorn Road | Winchburgh | Broxburn | EH52 6GB | 01786 477 810 | Carmen Mair | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010272284 | Care Visions - Waterstone Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 06-02-2012 | Ecclesmachan | Broxburn | EH52 6NE | 01506 830 819 | Suzanne Watt | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007156847 | Care Visions - Waterstone Farm | Care homes for children and young people | 14-09-2007 | Waterstone Farm | Ecclesmachan | Broxburn | EH52 6NE | 01506 830 800 | Margaret Adams | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008174545 | Care Visions - Westerhill Farmhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 21-07-2009 | Westerhill Farmhouse | Westerhill Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 1UN | Gillian McIntosh | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013321889 | Care Visions - Westfield Farm House | Care homes for children and young people | 24-03-2014 | Inverkeilor | Montrose | DD11 4RT | 01241 828 445 | Gillian Garrett | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005087507 | Care Visions - Westside | Care homes for children and young people | 29-04-2005 | Westside Farmhouse | Avonbridge | Falkirk | FK1 2JP | 01324 860 157 | Sharon Ivanova | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015337949 | Care Visions - Whitehope Farmhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 09-12-2015 | Whitehope Farmhouse | Yarrow | Selkirk | TD7 5LA | 01750 822 36 | Lesley Punter | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017353435 | Care Visions - Windyknowe | Care homes for children and young people | 21-03-2017 | Windyknowe | Station Road | Lennoxtown | Glasgow | G66 7JH | 01360 312 809 | Donna McGowan | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||
CS2013321888 | Care Visions - Woodville House | Care homes for children and young people | 05-09-2014 | Abercorn Road | Woodend | Broxburn | EH52 6QD | 01313 311 396 | Kellie Donaldson | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010274118 | Care Visions Quhytewoollen | Care homes for children and young people | 29-11-2010 | Corrie Road | Lockerbie | DG11 2NE | 01576 203 671 | Vanessa Gaskell | | SP2003002569 | Care Visions Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018370582 | Care1 Professional Services Ltd | 13-02-2019 | Pavilion 3, Candymill Lane | Bothwell Bridge Business Park | Hamilton | Glasgow | ML3 0FD | 01698 515000 | Ruth Tegede | | SP2016012749 | Care1 Professional Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000414 | Care1 Professional Services LTD | Housing Support Service | 31-10-2024 | Pavilion 3, Candymill Lane | Bothwell Bridge Business Park | Hamilton | Glasgow | ML3 0FD | 01698 515000 | Ruth Tegede | | SP2016012749 | Care1 Professional Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2019375325 | Care4Life Services | 03-05-2019 | 1/2 Ravenswood | Shore Road | Cove | HELENSBURGH | G84 0LR | 01436 842111 | Laura Glover | | SP2019013262 | Care4Life Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019372865 | Care4Life Services | 03-05-2019 | 5 Tom-A-Mhoid | Rosneath | Helensburgh | G84 0RE | 07495 033 101 | Laura Glover | | SP2019013262 | Care4Life Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017361474 | Care4U 247 Ltd | Support services - care at home | 30-04-2018 | 23 Roseburn Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 5NG | 01312 379 613 | Daniel Mushayi | | SP2017013009 | Care4U 247 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019377205 | Care4U 247 Ltd | Housing Support Service | 22-11-2019 | 23 Roseburn Terrace | 23 Roseburn Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 5NG | 01312 379 613 | Daniel Mushayi | | SP2017013009 | Care4U 247 Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013318376 | Carebears Childrens Nursery | Day care of children | 06-12-2013 | 55 Liberton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH16 6JT | 01316 721 911 | Vicky Currie | | SP2013012096 | Carebears Childrens Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019377939 | Carebears Childrens Nursery | Day Care of Children | 31-01-2020 | 126 Lasswade Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6QY | 01312 812 644 | Vicky Currie | SP2013012096 | Carebears Childrens Nursery Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2024000339 | CARECIRCLE SC LTD | Support Service | 02-09-2024 | Ground And 2nd Floor Antonine Hub | Callendar Boulevard | Falkirk | FK1 1XE | 07742172166 | Juelyin Joseph | | SP2023000296 | CARECIRCLE SC LTD | Active | ||||
CS2021000340 | Career Locum Group Ltd | Nurse Agency | 26-11-2021 | The Hatrack | 144 St. Vincent Street | Glasgow | G2 5LQ | 01224 984 605 | Lorraine Kilpatrick | | SP2021000215 | Career Locum Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019377036 | Careforth Ltd t/a Home Instead | Support Service | 15-04-2020 | Pavilion 1 | Castlecraig Business Park | Players Road | Stirling | FK7 7SH | 01786 232 799 | Yvette Cuthbertson | | SP2019013372 | Careforth Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004063857 | Careline Home Support | Housing support service | 06-08-2004 | 7 Nithsdale Road | Strathbungo | Glasgow | G41 2AL | 01414 234 689 | Arleen Paterson | | SP2004004446 | Mr James Imrie and Mrs Carol Imrie, a partnership trading as Careline Home Support | Active | ||||
CS2004076261 | Careline Home Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-08-2004 | 7 Nithsdale Road | Strathbungo | Glasgow | G41 2AL | 01414 234 689 | Arleen Paterson | | SP2004004446 | Mr James Imrie and Mrs Carol Imrie, a partnership trading as Careline Home Support | Active | ||||
CS2021000119 | CARENORTH LTD t/a Home Instead | Support Service | 24-06-2021 | Home Instead | 5 Atholl Place | PERTH | PH1 5NE | 07462871148 | Craig Millar | | SP2021000075 | CARENORTH LTD | Active | ||||
CS2019376938 | Careoligy Elderly Daycare | Support Service | 31-01-2020 | Hayfield Clinic | Dunnikier Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5AD | 01592 210 212 | Megan McArthur | | SP2019013366 | Careoligy Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006138765 | CarePlus | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-06-2008 | 19 Gallowgate | Rothesay | Isle of Bute | PA20 0HR | 01700 502 650 | Nicola Collier | | SP2006008670 | Ian Culley Trading as CarePlus | Active | ||||
CS2006138764 | CarePlus | Housing support service | 18-06-2008 | 19 Gallowgate | Rothesay | Isle of Bute | PA20 0HR | 01700 502 650 | Nicola Collier | | SP2006008670 | Ian Culley Trading as CarePlus | Active | ||||
CS2011281036 | CarePlus Scotland Ltd - Home care services | Support services - care at home | 26-10-2011 | 14 Pentland House | Pentland Park | Glenrothes | KY6 2AH | 01592 747 527 | Laura Rearie | | SP2011011420 | CarePlus (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000025 | Carepro | Nurse Agency | 19-01-2024 | Neptune House | 8-11 Clements Court | Clements Lane | Ilford | IG1 2QZ | 0208 518 0377 | jude madu | | SP2023000374 | Carepro Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000377 | Careright Personnel Ltd | Support Service | 27-09-2024 | 272 Bath Street | Glasgow | G2 4JR | 0141 3740671 | Angeline Gutsa | | SP2023001149 | Careright Personnel Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000106 | Careround24 | Housing Support Service | 04-03-2025 | Clyde Offices | 2/3 | 48 West George Street | Glasgow | G2 1BP | 01412125150 | Shushma Aryal | | SP2024000383 | CareRound24 Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000105 | CareRound24 Ltd | Support Service | 04-03-2025 | Clyde Offices | 2/3 | 48 West George Street | Glasgow | G2 1BP | 01412125150 | Shushma Aryal | | SP2024000383 | CareRound24 Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004076349 | Carers Direct Ltd | Support services - care at home | 25-08-2004 | 31 James Street | Helensburgh | G84 8AS | 01436 671 389 | Joanna Jamieson | | SP2004004444 | Carers Direct Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013320865 | Carescot Limited t/a Home Instead | Support services - care at home | 19-02-2014 | 17 Stewart Street | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 6BW | 01419 428 684 | Megan Doris | | SP2013012176 | Carescot Limited T/A Home Instead | Active | ||||
CS2021000111 | CareStaff at Home | Support Service | 23-06-2021 | 139 St Vincent Street | GLASGOW | G2 5JF | 03300240822 | Stuart Morton | | SP2023000209 | Care Staff Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000110 | CareStaff at home | Housing Support Service | 23-06-2021 | 139 St Vincent Street | GLASGOW | G2 5jf | 03300240822 | Stuart Morton | | SP2023000209 | Care Staff Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017361397 | Carevisions Adult Placement Service | 30-08-2018 | Unit 9, Ramsay House | Callendar Business Park | Callendar Road | Falkirk | FK1 1XR | 01324464200 | Martin Cullen | | SP2010011158 | Carevisions Fostering Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004080447 | Carevisions Fostering | Fostering services | 12-06-2006 | Unit 9, Ramsay House | The Courtyard, Callendar Business Park | Callendar Road | Falkirk | FK1 1XR | 01324464200 | Sarah McEnhill | | SP2010011158 | Carevisions Fostering Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003015465 | Cargenbridge Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cargenbridge Primary School | Waterside Road | Cargenbridge | Dumfries | DG2 8LL | 01387 273 550 | Rebecca Little | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2003016185 | Cargilfield Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Gamekeepers Road | Edinburgh | EH4 6HU | 01313 362 207 | Emma Buchanan | | SP2003003571 | Cargilfield School | Active | |||||
CS2006117936 | Cargilfield School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | 45 Gamekeeper's Road | Edinburgh | EH4 6HU | 01313 362 207 | Andrew Taylor | | SP2003003571 | Cargilfield School | Active | |||||
CS2009231901 | Cargill, Holly | Childminding | 12-05-2010 | Glasgow | Holly Cargill | | SP2009975308 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000204 | Caring Grace Limited | Support Service | 03-07-2023 | Unit 13 | Ladyburn Business Centre | Pottery Street | Greenock | PA15 2UH | 01413700628 | Anna Mapanda | | SP2023000129 | Caring Grace Limited | Active | |||
CS2025000048 | Caring Hearts - Renfrewshire | Housing Support Service | 06-02-2025 | 301D Embroidery Mill Building | Abbey Mill Business Centre | Paisley | PA1 1TJ | 01418405504 | Petra Chiwanza | | SP2013012051 | Caring Hearts Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000054 | Caring Hearts Central Scotland | Support Service | 06-02-2025 | Alloa Business Centre | 67 Whinns Road | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01786 845714 | Catrina Agnew | | SP2013012051 | Caring Hearts Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000055 | Caring Hearts Central Scotland | Housing Support Service | 06-02-2025 | Alloa Business Centre | 67 Whinns Road | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01786 845714 | Catrina Agnew | | SP2013012051 | Caring Hearts Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000052 | Caring Hearts East Dunbartonshire | Housing Support Service | 06-02-2025 | Suite 10 Milngavie Enterprise Centre | Ellangowan Court | Milngavie | G62 8PH | 01412609991 | Gloria Majecha | | SP2013012051 | Caring Hearts Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000053 | Caring Hearts East Dunbartonshire | Support Service | 06-02-2025 | Suite 10 Milngavie Enterprise Centre | Ellangowan Court | Milngavie | G62 8PH | 0141 260 9991 | Gloria Majecha | | SP2013012051 | Caring Hearts Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013316709 | Caring Hearts Renfrewshire | Support services - care at home | 06-03-2014 | 301d Embroidery Mill Building | Abbey Mill Business Centre | Paisley | PA1 1TJ | 01418 405 504 | Petra Chiwanza | | SP2013012051 | Caring Hearts Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007155288 | Caring in Craigmillar | Support services - care at home | 18-09-2007 | 63 Niddrie Mains Terrace | Edinburgh | EH16 4NX | 01315 106 930 | Kellie Mercer | | SP2007009165 | Caring in Craigmillar | Active | |||||
CS2022000354 | Caring Spirit Group | Support services - care at home | 28-11-2022 | 29a King Street | BATHGATE | EH48 1AZ | +447861753627 | TEMITOPE GEORGE | | SP2022000236 | Caring Spirit Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019377102 | Carleith Primary School ELCC | Day care of children | 16-02-2021 | Carleith Primary School | Stark Avenue | Clydebank | Glasgow | G81 6EF | 01389 875 632 | John McDonald | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015960 | Carleton Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bighty Road | Woodside | Glenrothes | KY7 5AS | 01592 583 478 | Wendy Anthony | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015961 | Carleton Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carleton Primary School | Happer Crescent | Glenrothes | KY7 5DN | 07850 950 501 | Cathy Hammond | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2007149789 | Carli's Kindergarten Ltd | Day care of children | 16-05-2008 | 2a Meadows Drive | Erskine | PA8 7ED | 01418 126 803 | Susan Palmer | | SP2007009038 | Carli's Kindergarten Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021383142 | Carli's Kindergarten Ltd | Day care of children | 19-03-2021 | 33 Napier Street | Linwood | Paisley | PA3 3AJ | 01505 805 228 | Fiona Darkin | | SP2007009038 | Carli's Kindergarten Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006132801 | Carlibar Communication Centre - Playscheme | Day care of children | 08-08-2006 | Carlibar Primary School | Carlibar Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1BD | 01415 774 100 | Siobhan McColgan | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2006131164 | Carlibar Nursery and PSADU | Day care of children | 08-08-2006 | Carlibar Primary School | Carlibar Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1BD | 01415 774 100 | Ian Gillies | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2010269963 | Carlin, Deborah | Childminding | 25-08-2011 | Strathaven | Deborah Carlin | | SP2010978983 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004085816 | Carlin, Janette | Childminding | 18-07-2005 | Glasgow | Janette Carlin | | SP2004942908 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000288 | Carlingwark House | Care Home Service | 08-10-2021 | Carlingwark Street | CASTLE DOUGLAS | DG7 1TH | 01556 505060 | sharon Dodds | | SP2006008483 | Park Homes (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016848 | Carlogie Early Learning and Child Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Caesar Avenue | Carnoustie | DD7 6DS | 01241 465 379 | Helen Haigh | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002833 | Carlogie Fun Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carlogie Primary School | Caesar Avenue | Carnoustie | DD7 6DS | 07907 846 277 | Louise Low | | SP2003000553 | Carlogie Fun Club | Active | ||||
CS2003000952 | Carlton Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 1-7 Coburg Street | Glasgow | G5 9JF | 01412 763 200 | Karen McGilp | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000264 | Carluke Dignity Care | Housing Support Service | 15-08-2023 | 24 Whiteshaw Drive | Carluke | ML8 5UR | 07474 653228 | Stephanie Mudege | | SP2023000167 | Carluke Dignity Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000263 | Carluke Dignity Care | Support Service | 15-08-2023 | 24 Whiteshaw Drive | Carluke | ML8 5UR | 07474 653228 | Stephanie Mudege | | SP2023000167 | Carluke Dignity Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015278 | Carluke Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Belstane Road | Carluke | ML8 4BG | 01555771621 | Heather McAuley | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003053854 | Carman Care | Housing support service | 15-12-2004 | 170 Main Street | Renton | Dumbarton | G82 4PE | 01389 753 442 | Nichola Bacon | | SP2004004439 | Carman Care | Active | ||||
CS2013322906 | Carman Care | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-02-2015 | 170 Main Street | Renton | Dumbarton | G82 4PE | 01389 753 442 | Susan Gunn | | SP2004004439 | Carman Care | Active | ||||
CS2023000421 | Carmichael House | Care Home Service | 13-12-2023 | 10 Dudhope Terrace | Dundee | DD3 6HG | 01382 223337 | Linzi Knox | | SP2023000434 | Carmichael House (Dundee) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014902 | Carmichael Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Battlefield Primary School | 44 Carmichael Place | Glasgow | G42 9SY | 01416 495 668 | Julie Shields | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017490 | Carmondean Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Knightsridge Road West | Livingston | EH54 8PX | 01506 437 339 | Gillian Millar | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003043637 | Carmuirs Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Carmuirs Street | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4PZ | 01324 508 580 | Fiona Young | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2007157563 | Carmunnock ASC | Day care of children | 07-09-2007 | 158 Waterside Road | Carmunnock | Glasgow | G76 9AJ | 07490 169 169 | Rachel Hutton | | SP2003001343 | Sweeney, Monica | Active | ||||
CS2003006109 | Carmunnock Pre School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Castlemilk Hall | 106 Waterside Road | Carmunnock | Glasgow | G76 9AJ | 01416 444 890 | Catherine Lynch | | SP2003001349 | Carmunnock Pre School Nursery Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2003014796 | Carmyle Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carmyle Primary School | Hillcrest Road | Carmyle | Glasgow | G32 8AG | 01416 420 048 | Arlene Henderson | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2014331543 | Carmyllie Pre School Class | Day care of children | 23-12-2014 | Carmyllie School | Redford | Arbroath | DD11 2RD | 01241 465 387 | Kerry Walker | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300125 | Carnbroe Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 40 Paddock Street | Coatbridge | ML5 4PG | 01236 421 893 | Lyndsey Dick | | SP2011011670 | Alpha Care Management Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011298632 | Carnegie Out of School Club | Day care of children | 22-08-2011 | Carnegie Primary School | Pittsburgh Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8SS | 07515 189 508 | Kelly Francis | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2011285808 | Carnegie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 18-08-2011 | Carnegie Primary School | Pittsburgh Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8SS | 01383 602 460 | Julie Journeaux | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379180 | Carnoustie Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 07-07-2020 | Pitskelly Park | Carnoustie | DD7 7BF | 01241 467400 | Paula Anderson | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003006203 | Carnwadric After School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o St Vincent's Primary | 40 Crebar Street | Carnwadric | Glasgow | G46 8EQ | 07834 451 535 | Claire McBride | | SP2003001386 | The Management Committee of Carnwadric After School Service | Active | |||
CS2003015280 | Carnwath Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | White Craw Court | Carnwath | Lanark | ML11 8GZ | 01555 840 263 | Jennifer Bradford | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014324739 | Carol Ann Wood | Childminding | 17-10-2014 | Glasgow | Carol Ann Wood | | SP2014985784 | Wood, Carol Ann Wood, Carol Ann | Active | ||||||||
CS2012313968 | Carol Gillies Childminder | Childminding | 02-05-2013 | Glasgow | Carol Ann Gillies | | SP2012984380 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008173245 | Carol Murray & Maureen McCaffer | Childminding | 24-07-2008 | Glasgow | Carol Murray | | SP2008969316 | Carol Murray & Maureen McCaffer, a Partnership Carol Murray & Maureen McCaffer, a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379399 | Carol Rowan Childminding Service | Childminding | 01-09-2020 | Ayr | Carol Rowan | SP2020991157 | Carol Rowan | Active | |||||||||
CS2017357553 | Carol Weir Childcare Services | Childminding | 31-07-2017 | Irvine | Carol Weir | | SP2017989128 | Carol Weir | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000335 | Carol's Childminding | Child Minding | 22-08-2024 | Motherwell | | SP2024000011 | Carol Strain | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358188 | Carol's Childminding Service | 03-10-2017 | Falkirk | Carol Christie | | SP2017989189 | Carol Christie | Active | |||||||||
CS2006114335 | Carole Irons | Childminding | 19-05-2006 | Stranraer | Carole-Ann Turner | | SP2006955631 | Carole-Ann Irons | Active | ||||||||
CS2015342008 | Carole's Kiddies | Childminding | 12-01-2016 | Erskine | Carole McLachlan | | SP2015987482 | Carole McLachlan | Active | ||||||||
CS2004084075 | Carolina House Trust - Fostering | Fostering services | 08-12-2005 | 7 Luna Place | Gateway West | Dundee Technology Park | Dundee | DD2 1XF | 01382 561 279 | Sara Lovelock | | SP2003001613 | Carolina House Trust | Active | |||
CS2019377518 | Carolina House Trust Adult Placement Continuing Care | Adult Placement Service | 28-01-2020 | 7 Luna Place | Gateway West | Dundee Technology Park | Dundee | DD2 1XF | 01382 561 279 | Sara Lovelock | | SP2003001613 | Carolina House Trust | Active | |||
CS2011299786 | Caroline Corrigall Childminding | Childminding | 31-10-2011 | Orkney | Caroline Corrigall | | SP2011982739 | Caroline Corrigall | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000074 | Caroline Whelan Childminding | Child Minding | 04-03-2024 | Coatbridge | | SP2023000506 | Caroline Whelan | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337684 | Caroline's | Childminding | 23-07-2015 | Bathgate | Caroline Godden | | SP2015012500 | Caroline Godden & Douglas Godden a Partnership trading as Caroline's | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017003 | Carolside Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carolside Primary School | Ashfield Road | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7TX | 01415 707 100 | Bryan McLachlan | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004081848 | Carolton Care | Care homes for older people | 29-03-2005 | 53 Seabank Road | Nairn | IV12 4EY | 01667 455 213 | Caroline Clark | | SP2003907686 | Carolton Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003041325 | Carousel Child Care | Day care of children | 29-04-2004 | 8 Merchiston Road | Bainsford | Falkirk | FK2 7JP | 01324 630 101 | Nicola Divers | | SP2003003255 | Tracie Nelson trading as Carousel Child Care | Active | ||||
CS2003005583 | Carousel Nurseries (Alexandria) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broomley House | 26 Luss Road | Alexandria | G83 0RH | 01389 750 628 | Michelle Burns | | SP2003001161 | Carousel Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003005600 | Carousel Nurseries (Dumbarton) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenfield House | 69 Glasgow Road | Dumbarton | G82 1RE | 01389 732 636 | Erin McNamara-King | | SP2003001161 | Carousel Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000228 | Carr Gomm Argyll & Bute Homecare | Support Service | 27-08-2021 | 72 High Street | Rothesay | ISLE OF BUTE | PA20 9BB | 01700501888 | Fiona Lawrence | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | ||||
CS2011298803 | Carr Gomm Argyll & Bute Housing Service | Housing support service | 17-01-2012 | 16 Soroba Road | OBAN | PA34 4HU | 01631 563375 | Susan Colin-Lane | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||||
CS2011298798 | Carr Gomm Argyll & Bute Responder | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-01-2012 | Carr Gomm | British Red Cross Hall | Lochgilphead | PA31 8JS | 01546 603072 | Fiona Lawrence | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | ||||
CS2012306141 | Carr Gomm North | Support services - care at home | 07-09-2012 | Carr Gomm | 2 Queensgate Arcade | Queensgate | INVERNESS | IV1 1PQ | 01463 242 112 | Leanne Wells | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||
CS2006124410 | Carr Gomm Support Services 1 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-06-2006 | Carr Gomm | Suite 3 | Fairfield, 1048 Govan Road | GLASGOW | G51 4XS | 0141 4457490 | Kevin O'Donnell | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||
CS2006116474 | Carr Gomm Support Services 1 | Housing support service | 02-06-2006 | Suite 3 | Fairfield Building | 1048 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 4XS | 01414 457 490 | Kevin O'Donnell | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||
CS2004075293 | Carr Gomm Support Services 3 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-07-2004 | 17-18 London Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5AT | 01314 481 865 | Keith Milligan | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | ||||||
CS2004075297 | Carr Gomm Support Services 3 | Housing support service | 26-07-2004 | 17-18 London Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5AT | 01316 566 270 | Keith Milligan | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||||
CS2004075282 | Carr Gomm Support Services 4 | Housing support service | 26-07-2004 | 2 Hope Street | Falkirk | FK1 5AT | 01324 618 600 | Gillian Weir | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||||
CS2004075290 | Carr Gomm Support Services 4 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-07-2004 | 2 Hope Street | Falkirk | FK1 5AT | 01324 610 748 | Gillian Weir | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||||
CS2004075301 | Carr Gomm Support Services 5 | Housing support service | 26-07-2004 | 17 - 18 London Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5AT | 01316 566 270 | Mandy Hay | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||||
CS2004075303 | Carr Gomm Support Services 5 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-07-2004 | 17- 18 London Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5AT | 01316 566 274 | Mandy Hay | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||||
CS2020378748 | Carr Gomm Support Services 6 | Housing Support Service | 17-06-2020 | Office B | Maritime House | 26 East Dock Street | Dundee | DD1 3EA | 07866702788 | Ekaterina Todorova | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||
CS2020378749 | Carr Gomm Support Services 6 | Support Service | 17-06-2020 | Office B | Maritime House | 26 East Dock Street | Dundee | DD1 3EA | 07866702788 | Ekaterina Todorova | | SP2003002607 | Carr Gomm | Active | |||
CS2014326492 | Carr, Wendy | Childminding | 21-07-2014 | Kilmarnock | Wendy Carr | | SP2014985983 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014632 | Carradale Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carradale Primary School | Carradale | Campbeltown | PA28 6SD | 01583 431 244 | Richard Long | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2020381520 | Carraig View | Care homes for children and young people | 27-01-2021 | Old Greenock Road | Port Glasgow | PA14 6TE | 01360 440 244 | Gillian Readhead | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003017185 | Carrbridge Primary | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Road | Carrbridge | PH23 3AF | 01479 841 812 | Clare Lake | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003004889 | Carriagehill Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 5 Carriagehill Drive | Paisley | PA2 6JG | 01418 899 722 | Jayne Murphy | | SP2003001028 | Heather Murphy T/A Carriagehill Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003043988 | Carriagehill Nursery Green Road | Day care of children | 31-03-2003 | 12/14 Green Road | Paisley | PA2 9AB | 01418 485 900 | Fiona Brown | SP2003001028 | Heather Murphy T/A Carriagehill Nursery | Active | ||||||
CS2014323804 | Carrick Home Services Ltd | Support services - care at home | 20-08-2014 | Holyrood Business Park | 146 Duddingston Road West | Edinburgh | EH16 4AP | 01316 613 502 | Andrea Ramsey | | SP2014012250 | Carrick Home Services (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018368228 | Carrick House Nursing Home | 12-04-2019 | 33-35 Carrick Road | 01292 262862 | Ayr | KA7 2RD | 01292 262 862 | Allison Fitzsimmons | | SP2018013153 | Carrick Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015836 | Carrick Knowe Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lampacre Road | Edinburgh | EH12 7HU | 01313 344 505 | Catriona Iley | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2007145644 | Carrick Nursery | Day care of children | 02-10-2008 | Carrick Nursery | 119 Hamilton Road | Glasgow | G32 9QW | Ailie Venart | | SP2007964433 | Valerie Zecchino trading as Carrick Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2024000161 | Carrickstone Care Home | Care Home Service | 17-05-2024 | 1 Ratho Drive | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 0GA | 01236453480 | Barbara McGoran | | SP2024000167 | Glengall Care Group Carrickstone Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000251 | Carrie On Childminding | Childminding | 18-08-2022 | Edinburgh | | SP2022000171 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000292 | Carrie's Childcare | Child Minding | 04-09-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000183 | Caroline Mansfield | Active | |||||||||
CS2004081762 | Carroll, Wendy | Childminding | 16-05-2005 | Glasgow | Wendy Carroll | | SP2004940799 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000416 | Carron Homecare Limited | Support Service | 01-11-2024 | 16 Dundee Place | Falkirk | FK2 7SA | 07737305760 | Zodwa Furusa | | SP2024000106 | Carron Homecare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006141329 | Carron Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 03-09-2007 | Alloa Road | Carron | Falkirk | FK2 8EJ | 01324 503 450 | Lorna Wooler | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011589 | Carrondale Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Beaumont Drive | Carron | Falkirk | FK2 8SN | 01324 551 788 | Tracy Gallacher | | SP2003002722 | Avondale Care (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003043639 | Carronshore Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Kincardine Road | Carronshore | Falkirk | FK2 8AE | 01324 503 480 | LAURA JARVIE | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2009233691 | Carson, Joan | Childminding | 16-02-2010 | Inverness | Joan Carson | | SP2009975886 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006373 | Carson, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Hamilton | Linda Carson | | SP2003903747 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015281 | Carstairs Junction Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Coronation Street | Carstairs Junction | Lanark | ML11 8QY | 01555 870 301 | Jill Armour | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2018371684 | Carston House | 15-05-2019 | Carston House | Drongan | Ayr | KA6 6NQ | 01414 337 684 | Jerry Crombie | | SP2018013237 | Clearview Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018370839 | Carswell Care | Support Service | 22-10-2019 | Gleneagles Station | Auchterarder | Perthshire | PH3 1JN | 07894 075 783 | Julie Carswell | | SP2018013167 | Carswellcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015338505 | Cart Mill Family Centre | Day care of children | 14-08-2015 | Newford Grove | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 8QZ | 0141 570 7560 | Angela Kerr | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001857 | Carter, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Jacqueline Carter | | SP2003900479 | Jacqueline Carter | Active | ||||||||
CS2004073160 | Carter, Karon | Childminding | 07-02-2005 | Peterhead | Karon Carter | | SP2004932221 | Karon Carter | Active | ||||||||
CS2004086243 | Cartvale Care Home | Care homes for older people | 11-01-2005 | 94/102 Clarkston Road | Cathcart | Glasgow | G44 3DH | 01416 370 577 | Jean Dunlop | | SP2004007156 | Cartvale Care LLP | Active | ||||
CS2017360965 | Casa da Jaci | 29-08-2018 | Glasgow | Jaciara Alves De Oliveira | | SP2017989419 | Alves De Oliveira, Jaciara Alves De Oliveira, Jaciara | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006339 | Casa Dei Bambini Montessori Pre-School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hamilton Old Parish Church Halls | Strathmore Road | Hamilton | ML3 6AQ | 01698 284 310 | Kathleen Kennedy | | SP2003001436 | Kathleen Kennedy | Active | ||||
CS2020381410 | Casa Feliz | Child Minding | 08-02-2021 | Edinburgh | Cristina Fernandez Sanchez | | SP2020991404 | Fernandez Sanchez, Cristina Fernandez Sanchez, Cristina | Active | ||||||||
CS2017362892 | Casa Montessori | Day Care of Children | 11-07-2019 | 75 Viewforth | Edinburgh | EH10 4LL | 01314 664 413 | Rosita Niknafs Foster | | SP2013012156 | Montessori Methods Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004072375 | Caskieberran Out of School Club | Day care of children | 02-07-2004 | Caskieberran Primary School | Ravenswood Drive | Glenrothes | KY6 2NZ | 01592 758 308 | Catherine Hammond | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015952 | Caskieberran Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ravenswood Drive | Glenrothes | KY6 2NZ | 01592 583 418 | Elaine Smith | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000353 | Cassidy's Kids | Childminding | 10-12-2021 | FALKIRK | maria cassidy | | SP2021000224 | Maria Cassidy & Geraldine Lawrence trading as Cassidy's Kids | Active | ||||||||
CS2006139828 | Cassidy, Angela | Childminding | 16-02-2007 | Edinburgh | Angela Cassidy | | SP2006962509 | Angela Cassidy | Active | ||||||||
CS2005086412 | Cassidy, Carol Ann | Childminding | 29-08-2005 | Paisley | Carol Ann Cassidy | | SP2005943355 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325875 | Cassidy, Pauline | Childminding | 19-08-2014 | Aberdeen | Pauline Cassidy | | SP2014985927 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012308178 | Cassiltoun Stables Nursery | Day care of children | 28-02-2013 | Castlemilk Stables | 59 Machrie Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 0AZ | 01416 315 235 | Hazel Kelly | | SP2012011830 | Cassiltoun Stables Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2011299604 | Castillo, Colleen | Childminding | 30-01-2012 | Aberdeen | Colleen Castillo | | SP2011981223 | Colleen Castillo | Active | ||||||||
CS2013322100 | Castle Care (Scotland) Ltd | Housing support service | 02-05-2014 | 1a Millburn Road | Inverness | IV2 3PX | 01463 544 001 | Laura Shand | | SP2013012212 | Castle Care (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013322101 | Castle Care (Scotland) Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-05-2014 | 8 Inshes Holdings | Wester Inshes | Inverness | IV2 5BG | 01463 544 001 | Laura Shand | | SP2013012212 | Castle Care (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016353002 | Castle Care - Angus | 28-09-2017 | 10a New Road | Forfar | DD8 2AE | 01307 461 165 | Marlene Smith | | SP2013012212 | Castle Care (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2016352751 | Castle Care - Angus | 28-09-2017 | 10a New Road | Forfar | DD8 2AE | 01307 461 165 | MARLENE SMITH | | SP2013012212 | Castle Care (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2023000320 | Castle Care 24/7 | Support Service | 01-10-2023 | 13B Kingsknowe Park | EDINBURGH | EH14 2JQ | 01314421655 | Lana Herkes | | SP2023000208 | Castle Care 24/7 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000321 | Castle Care 24/7 | Housing Support Service | 01-10-2023 | 13B Kingsknowe Park | EDINBURGH | EH14 2JQ | 01314421655 | Deborah Keswa | | SP2023000208 | Castle Care 24/7 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017861 | Castle Crags | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 157 Duddingston Road West | Edinburgh | EH16 4UY | 01312 004 160 | Vhari Boyness | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010954 | Castle Crags (Short Breaks) | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 157 Duddingston Road West | Edinburgh | EH16 4UY | 01312 004 191 | Vhari Boyness | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010869 | Castle Douglas Activity & Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Castle Douglas ARC | Carlingwark | Castle Douglas | Castle Douglas | DG7 1TH | 01556 504 019 | Dawn Devanney | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2004078735 | Castle Douglas Community Support Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-09-2004 | Primary Care Centre | 1 Gardenhill Road | Castle Douglas | DG7 3EE | 07793 313 031 | Jayne Wallace | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2004070938 | Castle Douglas Community Support Services | Housing support service | 16-09-2004 | Primary Care Centre | 1 Gardenhill Road | Castle Douglas | DG7 3EE | 07793 313 031 | Philip McCann | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015467 | Castle Douglas Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castle Douglas Primary School | Jenny's Loaning | Castle Douglas | DG7 1JA | 01556 502 071 | Rachel Gowans | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000418 | Castle Lodge | Care Home Service | 13-12-2023 | Castle Lodge Care Home | Kirkburn | Inverbervie | Montrose | DD10 0RS | 01561 361206 | Sarah-Ann Craig | | SP2023000433 | Castle Lodge (Inverbervie) Limited | Active | |||
CS2003001388 | Castle Street Care Home, Living Ambitions Limited | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 16 Castle Street | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 1DY | 01416 470 493 | Gerry Aitken | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011300851 | Castle View Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 200 Castlegreen Street | Dumbarton | G82 1JU | 01389 764 700 | Cheryl Rocks | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005106314 | Castlebay Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 02-11-2005 | Castlebay Children's Centre | Castlebay | Isle of Barra | HS9 5XL | 01871 810 983 | Kerry Anne MacNeil | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2004071963 | Castlebrae Retirement plus service | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | 14 Castlebrae Glebe | Craigmillar | Edinburgh | EH16 4BD | 01316 610 033 | Jim Heron | | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | ||||
CS2015338979 | Castlebrae Retirement Plus Service | 13-04-2016 | 14 Castlebrae Glebe | Craigmillar | Edinburgh | EH16 4BD | 01316 610 033 | Sharon Tomany | | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | |||||
CS2003015282 | Castlefield Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 25 Lickprivick Road | Greenhills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9DH | 01355 247 236 | Abigail Hilley | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2018363849 | Castlegate Childcare | 18-07-2018 | Old Squash Court Building | Castle Avenue | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 7HJ | 01698 810 081 | Tracy Pollock | | SP2018013058 | JT Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019375390 | Castlegate Nursery & Out of School Club Limited | Day Care of Children | 18-12-2019 | Castlegate | Spylaw Road | Kelso | TD5 8DN | 01573 226 554 | Margaret Valentine | | SP2019013319 | Castlegate Nursery & Out of School Club Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000141 | Castlegreen | Care Home Service | 22-05-2023 | Castlegreen Care Home | 160 Greendykes Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4ES | 0131 6578 320 | Shona McGregor | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2019375425 | Castlehill Care Home | Care Home Service | 20-12-2019 | Caulfield Road North | Cradlehall | Inverness | IV2 5GH | 01463247050 | Anne Gardner | | SP2019013321 | Simply Inverness Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000288 | Castlehill Childcare | Child Minding | 02-08-2024 | Port Glasgow | | SP2024000016 | Amanda Naylor | Active | |||||||||
CS2004070937 | Castlehill Housing Support Services | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 4 Carden Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1UT | 01224 625 822 | Susan Pirie | | SP2004006411 | Castlehill Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014681 | Castlehill Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castlehill Primary School | Rosslyn Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4DL | 01419 552 216 | Mandy Thompson | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2022000386 | Castlehill Out of School Club | Day care of children | 16-12-2022 | Castlehill Primary School | Ceres Road | Cupar | KY15 5JT | 07894 802124 | Kirsten Lycett | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000453 | Castlelaw Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 09-12-2024 | 4 Woodfield Park | Bilston | Roslin | EH25 9SZ | 07967846139 | David Coutts | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2003014819 | Castlemilk Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8 Barlia Street | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 0NT | 01416 311 834 | Karen McEwan (formally Henderson) | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2007151471 | Castlemilk Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 29-08-2007 | c/o Miller Primary School | 20 Ardencraig Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 0HS | 01416 342 007 | Stephanie Glen | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2003016029 | Castlepark Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carron Place | Castlepark | Irvine | KA12 9LQ | 01294 278 335 | Jennifer McLaughlin | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020381941 | Castleton Childcare | Childminding | 18-02-2021 | Auchterarder | Emma Neary | | SP2020991479 | Emma Neary | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017186 | Castletown Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castletown Primary School | Castletown | Thurso | KW14 8UA | 01847 821 256 | Rhona Moodie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003041956 | Castleview Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 19-07-2004 | Castleview Primary School | 2d Greendykes Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DP | 01316 616 429 | Katie Maxwell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2005091490 | Castleview School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 07-04-2005 | Raploch Community Campus | Drip Road | Stirling | FK8 1SD | 01786 272 326 | Jacqueline Robinson | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017897 | CAT (Community Access Team) | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Midlothian Council | Fairfield House | 8 Lothian Road | Dalkeith | EH22 3AA | Gary Copland | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2014324773 | Cat's Childminding Service | Childminding | 10-06-2014 | Glasgow | Cathleen Hughes | | SP2014985787 | Cathleen Hughes | Active | ||||||||
CS2004074211 | Catalina Care Home | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 23-11-2004 | Teaninich | Alness Point | Alness | IV17 0UY | 01349 883 132 | Glenn Millar | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010274138 | Catch Scotland Ltd | Housing support service | 10-03-2011 | North Mains Farm | Houston | PA6 7BE | 07504 036598 | Joe Bryers | | SP2010011199 | Catch Scotland ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011281995 | Catch Scotland Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-03-2011 | North Mains Farm | Houston | PA6 7BE | 07958 539 762 | Joe Bryers | | SP2010011199 | Catch Scotland ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015340419 | Caterpillars & Butterflies Child Care | Childminding | 10-11-2015 | Galashiels | Susan Gibb | | SP2015987279 | Susan Gibb | Active | ||||||||
CS2003038216 | CATH Accommodation Projects | Housing support service | 09-11-2004 | 188 - 190 High Street | Perth | PH1 5PA | 01738 580 188 | Alisa Artiukh | | SP2004004131 | Churches Action for the Homeless | Active | |||||
CS2019376882 | Cathay Nursing Home | Care Home Service | 11-11-2020 | St Leonard's Road | Forres | IV36 2RE | 01309 675 500 | Deena Jacobs | | SP2019013365 | Wallace Management Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018364181 | Catherine Middleton Childminding | 17-05-2018 | Glasgow | Catherine Middleton | | SP2018989664 | Catherine Middleton | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000148 | Catherine Ralston Childminding | Childminding | 09-06-2022 | South Queensferry | | SP2022000107 | Catherine Ralston | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356176 | Catherine's Childminding | 29-08-2017 | Inverness | Catherine Delacy | | SP2017989021 | Catherine Delacy | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015283 | Cathkin Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Community Nursery | Langlea Road | Whitlawburn, Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8ES | 01416 433 484 | Vicki McKee | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2011300794 | Cathkin House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 147 Glasgow Road | Nerston | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 4PA | 01355 234 070 | Jauneesha Sujeewon | | SP2003002341 | Care UK Limited | Active | |||
CS2003015284 | Cathkin Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burnside Road | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4AA | 01416 344 569 | Noreen Black | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2010237701 | Cathro, Caroline | Childminding | 02-06-2010 | Arbroath | Caroline Cathro | | SP2010977157 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014333260 | Cathy Marsh Childminding | Childminding | 26-06-2015 | PERTH | Cathy Marsh | | SP2014986512 | Cathy Marsh | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2011300649 | Catmoor House | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Birch Crescent | Scone | Perth | PH2 6LD | 01738 552 360 | Claire Innes | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015813 | Catrine Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newton Street | Catrine | Mauchline | KA5 6RY | 01290 551 233 | Judith Govans | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017358650 | Catriona's Childminding | Childminding | 06-11-2017 | Livingston | Catriona Murie | | SP2017989228 | Catriona Murie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017187 | Cauldeen Primary School Acorn Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cauldeen Primary School | MacKay Road | Inverness | IV2 4HZ | 01463 235 905 | Allison Howie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011205 | Cauvin House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 76 Willowbrae Road | Edinburgh | EH8 7HA | 01316 613 590 | Leslie Dible | | SP2003002647 | Dean and Cauvin Young People's Trust | Active | |||||
CS2007156804 | Cawdor Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 07-08-2007 | Cawdor Primary School | Cawdor | Nairn | IV12 5XZ | 01667 402 460 | James Cook | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000367 | Caz's Kiddies In The Country | Day care of children | 02-11-2023 | Elwyn | Athelstaneford | North Berwick | EH39 5BE | 01620 880220 | Sarah Falconi | | SP2023000241 | Caz's Kiddies Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010271044 | Caz's Kidz | Childminding | 14-06-2012 | Falkirk | Caroline Hamilton | | SP2010979284 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000207 | CC Homecare Ltd | Support Service | 05-07-2023 | 22 Thorny Crook Crescent | Dalkeith | EH22 2RJ | 07380 105538 | Catherine Hogarth | | SP2023000132 | Visiting Angels Edinburgh | Active | |||||
CS2020380759 | CCJ Childminding Service | Childminding | 11-09-2020 | Glasgow | Colette Linn | | SP2020991332 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2018370650 | CEC Adult Placement (Continuing Care) | 28-02-2019 | The City Of Edinburgh Council Children, Education & Justice | Drum Brae Library | 81 Drum Brae Drive | Edinburgh | EH4 7FE | 01312 004 000 | Neil Bruce | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003730 | Cedar After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scout Hall (Glasgow 12th and Lenzie 1st) | Millersneuk Road | Lenzie | Glasgow | G66 5JD | 01417763292 | Siobhan Martin | | SP2004004236 | Cedar Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2024000293 | Cedar House | Care Home Service | 02-08-2024 | 19 Cedar Road | Ayr | KA7 3PF | 07946604415 | Kara Doolin | | SP2023000149 | The Community Connections Education & Wellbeing Group Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003003665 | Cedar Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cedar Drive | Lenzie | Glasgow | G66 4RD | 01417 753 967 | Siobhan Martin | | SP2004004236 | Cedar Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003008817 | Cedarwood Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 20 Edgar Road | Elgin | IV30 6YQ | 01343 542 023 | Shirley Ramage | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2007159999 | Cee Cee's Childcare | Childminding | 24-12-2007 | Renfrew | Claire Crawford | | SP2007966568 | Claire Crawford | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000051 | Cegron Care Ltd | Support Service | 12-02-2024 | Hilton Convention Centre | 13 Smithfield Road | Aberdeen | AB24 4NR | +44 7473 566138 | IHUAKU CHIDIEBERE ONYEKWERE | | SP2023000401 | Cegron Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000269 | Centenary House Care Home | Care Home Service | 29-07-2024 | 128 Dundyvan Road | Coatbridge | ML5 1DE | 01236441114 | Susan Gibson | | SP2023000457 | Divine Care Homes (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003013528 | Central (English) Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Central Primary School | Kenneth Street | Inverness | IV3 5DW | 01463 233 906 | Ailsa Fraser | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016294 | Central Fife Community Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | St Clair Centre | Bank Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3DT | 01592 583 338 | Paula Birks | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003044511 | Central Leith After School Provision at Leith Primary | Day care of children | 19-08-2003 | Leith Primary School | St. Andrews Place | Edinburgh | EH6 7EG | 07967 674 627 | Marina Quoiani | | SP2003003095 | Central Leith After School Provision | Active | ||||
CS2003005717 | Centre Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mount Vernon Community Hall | Kenmuir Avenue | Mount Vernon | Glasgow | G32 9LE | 07490642001 | Elaine Greenshields | | SP2003001203 | Centre Playgroup Management | Active | |||
CS2013317495 | Centred Care at Home Service Inverness | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2013 | Centred Care at Home | 59 Tomnahurich Street | INVERNESS | IV3 5DT | 01463 241 009 | June Jeffrey | | SP2003001717 | Centred(Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073101 | Centred Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 22-02-2005 | Unit 38 | Eastgate Shopping Centre | Inverness | IV2 3PP | 01463 241 009 | June Jeffrey | | SP2003001717 | Centred(Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009234912 | CERA - Argyll & Bute | Housing support service | 08-02-2010 | Unit 5 & 6 | Oakfield Place | Sandbank | Dunoon | PA23 8PA | 03333 218 840 | Anne Borland | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2009234919 | CERA - Argyll & Bute | Support services - care at home | 08-02-2010 | Unit 5 & 6 | Oakfield Place | Sandbank | Dunoon | PA23 8PA | 03333 218 840 | Anne Borland | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2016351143 | CERA - Ayrshire | 05-12-2016 | Skye House | 15 Skye Road | Prestwick | KA9 2TA | 01292 502225 | Claire Swaine | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016350584 | CERA - Ayrshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-12-2016 | Skye House | 15 Skye Road | Prestwick | KA9 2TA | 01292 502225 | Claire Swaine | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010250105 | CERA - Central Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-08-2010 | Suite 16, Arca Business Centre | Caldeen House | South Caldeen Road | Coatbridge | ML5 4EG | 01236 368 009 | Diane Hague | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2010250092 | CERA - Central Scotland | Housing support service | 04-08-2010 | Suite 16, Arca Business Centre | Caldeen House | South Caldeen Road | Coatbridge | ML5 4EG | 01236 368 009 | Diane Hague | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2014334276 | CERA - Complex Care | Support services - care at home | 08-04-2015 | Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450426 | Janette Kaylor | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010250122 | CERA - East Kilbride | Housing support service | 05-08-2010 | Units 5/6 Glenburn Court | Glenburn Road | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 5BA | 01355 274071 | Lynsey Young | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2010250137 | CERA - East Kilbride | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-08-2010 | Units 5/6 Glenburn Court | Glenburn Road | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 5BA | 01355 274071 | Lynsey Young | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2019374566 | CERA - Forth Valley | Support Service | 05-09-2019 | Limetree House | North Castle Street | Alloa | FK10 1EX | 01259 768 600 | Susan McCormack | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019374567 | CERA - Forth Valley | Housing Support Service | 05-09-2019 | Limetree House | North Castle Street | Alloa | FK10 1EX | 01259 793 175 | Susan McCormack | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017358641 | CERA - Lothians | 15-02-2018 | 34 Whitecraig Road | Whitecraig | Musselburgh | EH21 8NE | 01620 614085 | Carole Rutherford | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017358663 | CERA - Lothians | 15-02-2018 | 34 Whitecraig Road | Whitecraig | Musselburgh | EH21 8NE | 01620 614085 | Carole Rutherford | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018367672 | CERA - Midlothian | 08-01-2019 | 34 Whitecraig Road | Whitecraig | Musselburgh | EH21 8NE | 0131 374 5414 | Carole Rutherford | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018367671 | CERA - Midlothian | 08-01-2019 | 34 Whitecraig Road | Whitecraig | Musselburgh | EH21 8NE | 0131 374 5414 | Carole Rutherford | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014334280 | CERA - Nurse Agency | Nurse agencies | 08-04-2015 | 47C & D , Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450 426 | Elizabeth MacDonald | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017361935 | CERA - Perth & Kinross & Fife | 16-02-2018 | Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450 426 | Janette Kaylor | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017361937 | CERA - Perth & Kinross & Fife | 16-02-2018 | Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450 426 | Janette Kaylor | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017361942 | Cera Care - Dumfries and Galloway | 15-02-2018 | Unit 7 | Holmpark Industrial Estate | Minnigaff | Newton Stewart | DG8 6AW | 01671 407209 | Fiona Lyons | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017361941 | Cera Care - Dumfries and Galloway | 15-02-2018 | Unit 7 | Holmpark Industrial Estate | Minnigaff | Newton Stewart | DG8 6AW | 01671407209 | Fiona Lyons | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010253684 | Cera Care - Grampian | Housing support service | 30-06-2010 | 5 The Square | Ellon | AB41 9JB | 01358 747257 | Nicola Keenan | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010253967 | Cera Care - Grampian | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-06-2010 | 5 The Square | Ellon | Bridge of Don | Ellon | AB41 9JB | 01358 747257 | Nicola Keenan | | SP2009010680 | CERA Care Operations (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2003015915 | Ceres Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Andrews Road | Ceres | Cupar | KY15 5NJ | 01334 659 454 | Fiona Hynes | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000357 | CGL Forth Valley Recovery Service | Housing Support Service | 14-12-2021 | Change Grow Live | Lime Tree House | North Castle Street | Alloa | FK10 1EX | 08081962188 | Norma Howarth | | SP2021000208 | Change, Grow, Live | Active | |||
CS2004079134 | Chalmers Court | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 36 Charlotte Street | Ayr | KA7 1EA | 01292 284 821 | Allan Fraser | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000113 | Chalmers House | Care Home Service | 09-04-2024 | 2-4 Ferniehill Street | Edinburgh | EH17 7BB | 0131 672 1108 | Sam Ross | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001299 | Chalmers Road | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 26 Chalmers Road | Ayr | KA7 2RQ | 01292 288 242 | Greig Stevenson | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2011305030 | Chalmers, Elaine | Childminding | 13-03-2012 | Coatbridge | Elaine Chalmers | | SP2011983126 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010254746 | Chalmers, Karen | Childminding | 04-10-2010 | Renfrew | Karen Chalmers | | SP2010978829 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009230862 | Chalmers, Susan | Childminding | 20-01-2010 | Dunfermline | Susan Chalmers | | SP2009975031 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003010621 | Chamberlain Road Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 7/9 Chamberlain Road | Edinburgh | EH10 4DJ | 01314 472 849 | Liliana Bahna | | SP2003002448 | Elder Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000329 | Change Grow Live Edinburgh Services | Housing Support Service | 15-11-2021 | CGL EMORS | 62 Broughton St | Edinburgh | EH1 3SA | 01315575273 | Robert Dylan | | SP2021000208 | Change, Grow, Live | Active | ||||
CS2021000334 | Change Grow Live West Lothian Services | Housing Support Service | 23-11-2021 | Bathgate Business Centre | Emporium Building | 6 Whitburn Road | BATHGATE | EH48 1HH | 01506 657992 | Robert Dylan | | SP2021000208 | Change, Grow, Live | Active | |||
CS2003017363 | Channelkirk Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Oxton | Lauder | TD2 6PT | 01578 750 242 | Charlotte Shortel | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300682 | Chapel Level Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 34 Broom Gardens | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6YZ | 01592 644 443 | Susan Connell | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013315196 | Chapelcroft Childminding | Childminding | 19-06-2013 | Stirling | Suzanne Scott | | SP2013984529 | Suzanne Scott | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015420 | Chapelgreen Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mill Road | Queenzieburn | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 9EF | 01236 794 836 | Siobhan McLeod | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2009194973 | Chaplet Avenue Children's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 09-10-2009 | 81 Chaplet Avenue | Knightswood | Glasgow | G13 3XW | 01412 764 099 | Amanda Sneddon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000136 | Chapter One Childcare Dalkeith | Day Care of Children | 30-06-2021 | The Country Park Nursery | Dalkeith Country Park | Dalkeith | EH22 2NA | 0131 663 8325 | Michelle Nicholson | | SP2021000080 | Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000133 | Chapter One Childcare Dalkeith TreeTops | Day Care of Children | 30-06-2021 | The Country Park Nursery | Dalkeith Country Park | Dalkeith | EH22 2NA | 0131 663 8325 | Vicki Olsen | | SP2021000080 | Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000134 | Chapter One Childcare Kirk Brae | Day Care of Children | 30-06-2021 | 50 Kirk Brae | Edinburgh | EH16 6HT | 0131 664 3031 | Laura Findlay | | SP2021000080 | Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000135 | Chapter One Childcare Shawfair | Day Care of Children | 30-06-2021 | Shawfair House | Campend Farm | Old Dalkeith Road | Dalkeith | EH22 1RS | 0131 654 0186 | Rebecca Jones | | SP2021000080 | Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited | Active | |||
CS2018369002 | Charlene Hogg Childminding Services | 10-04-2019 | Irvine | Charlene Hogg | | SP2018990072 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2019377088 | Charlene's Happy Hearts Childcare | Child Minding | 27-01-2020 | Cowdenbeath | Charlene Buchanan | | SP2019990797 | Charlene Buchanan | Active | ||||||||
CS2012310877 | Charles Brownlie House | Housing support service | 01-10-2012 | Charles Brownlie House | 22 Portwell | Hamilton | ML3 6BH | 01698 281 922 | Margaret Bryce | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003002835 | Charleston Pre School Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Charleston Village Hall | Charleston | Glamis | Forfar | DD8 1UG | 01307 840 429 | Kayleigh Buist | | SP2003000555 | Committee of Charleston Pre School Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003014418 | Charleston School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Charleston Road | Cove | Aberdeen | AB12 3FH | 01224 249 349 | Anna Cartlidge | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000150 | Charmander Childminding | Child Minding | 29-05-2023 | Livingston | | SP2023000099 | Eniko Koroknai | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000292 | Charnwood Lodge | Care Home Service | 08-10-2021 | 8 - 18 Annan Road | DUMFRIES | DG1 3AD | 01387 270350 | Tracy Ross | | SP2006008483 | Park Homes (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004076752 | CHAS at Home | Support services - care at home | 01-01-2005 | Canal Court | 42 Craiglockhart Avenue | Edinburgh | EH14 1LT | 01314 441 900 | Laura Swift | | SP2003002501 | Children's Hospice Association Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003006341 | Chatelherault Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Avon Mill Cottage | (over Old Avon Bridge) | Old Avon Road | Hamilton | ML3 7UH | 01698 283 027 | Sally Miller | | SP2003001437 | Chatelherault Nursery School Limited | Active | |||
CS2003015285 | Chatelherault Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Silvertonhill Avenue | Hamilton | ML3 7NT | 01698 282 929 | Lesley Winters-McCann | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003009824 | Chatila, Valerie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Valerie Chatila | | SP2003905231 | Valerie Chatila | Active | ||||||||
CS2005098748 | Chatterbox Childcare Ltd | Day care of children | 09-01-2007 | Wallace Primary School | Greenhill Crescent | Elderslie | Johnstone | PA5 9AW | 01505 322 818 | Jill Gallacher | | SP2007008804 | Chatterbox Childcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2019378090 | Chatterbox Childminding | Child Minding | 05-03-2020 | Port Glasgow | Vivian Gail Hendry | | SP2019990957 | Hendry, Vivian Gail Hendry, Vivian Gail | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338718 | Cheeky Cherubs | Childminding | 18-08-2015 | Callander | Flora Nisbet | | SP2015987093 | Flora Nisbet | Active | ||||||||
CS2015337359 | Cheeky Cherubs | Childminding | 15-02-2016 | Bathgate | Laura Mitchell | SP2015986932 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2004061769 | Cheeky Cherubs Childminding | Childminding | 29-04-2005 | Glasgow | Gail Wilson | | SP2004917793 | Gail Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2015336394 | Cheeky Cherubs Childminding | Childminding | 13-07-2015 | Buckie | Iona Shewan | | SP2015986802 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315637 | Cheeky Chops Childminding | Childminding | 20-06-2013 | Wishaw | Bernadette McCollum | | SP2013984610 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015083 | Cheeky Monkeys | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alloa | Lorraine Macleod | | SP2003909442 | Lorraine MacLeod trading as Cheeky Monkeys Lorraine MacLeod trading as Cheeky Monkeys | Active | ||||||||
CS2008180295 | Cheeky Monkeys | Day care of children | 07-10-2008 | Abbey Road | Auchterarder | PH3 1DN | 01764 664 500 | Ashley Craik | | SP2008010131 | Ashley Craik trading as Cheeky Monkeys | Active | |||||
CS2016348122 | Cheeky Monkeys | Day care of children | 03-10-2016 | Wilton Primary School | Wellfield Road | Hawick | TD9 7EN | 07541 591 586 | Lynn Ramage | | SP2016012738 | Cheeky Monkeys a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2020381174 | Cheeky Monkeys @ Drumlanrig | Day care of children | 19-10-2020 | Drumlanrig Primary School | Back Shelter | The Loan | Hawick | TD9 0AU | 07739 523 397 | Lynn Ramage | | SP2016012738 | Cheeky Monkeys a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2010249036 | Cheeky Monkeys Childminding | Childminding | 20-02-2012 | Ardrossan | Amanda McKnight | | SP2010978049 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015339596 | Cheeky Treasures | Childminding | 01-09-2015 | Glasgow | Yasmeen Malik | | SP2015987206 | Yasmeen Malik | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000253 | Chele B Childminding | Child Minding | 10-08-2023 | Kippen | | SP2023000159 | Michele Basi | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000089 | Chelle's Childminding | Child Minding | 08-06-2021 | GOREBRIDGE | | SP2021000053 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2025000033 | Chelsea's Creative Cubs | Childminding | 30-01-2025 | Elgin | | SP2023000613 | Chelsea McCallion | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004978 | Cherrie Children Daycare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cherrie Centre | 3/5 Birch Place | Moorpark | Renfrew | PA4 8FD | 01418 866 388 | Evelyn Pitches | | SP2003001049 | Moorpark Community Association Cherrie Children's Day-care | Active | |||
CS2010269713 | Cherrie, Marion | Childminding | 19-08-2010 | Motherwell | Marion Cherrie | | SP2010978894 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017354453 | Cherry Blossom Childcare | Childminding | 19-04-2017 | Galston | Amanda Gilchrist | | SP2017988840 | Amanda Gilchrist | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000003 | Cherry Blossom Children's Residential Home Ltd | Care Home Service | 31-03-2021 | Ardennan | Stuartfield | PETERHEAD | AB42 5HR | 07398064928 | Jasmin Anderson | | SP2021000002 | Cherry Blossom Children's Residential Home Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010270080 | Cherry Blossom Nursery School | Day care of children | 31-01-2011 | 33 Seafield Road | Dundee | DD1 4NR | 01382 526 258 | Laura Dunn | | SP2003000113 | Daisies Kindergarten Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017838 | Cherry Road Resource Centre | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 8 Cherry Road | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3ED | 01315 615 402 | Liz Davidson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2017356526 | Cherry Tree (AMT) Ltd | Day care of children | 26-07-2017 | East Beancross Farm | Polmont | Falkirk | FK2 0XS | 01324 716 900 | Cheryl Joslin | | SP2017012927 | Cherry Tree (AMT) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014331463 | Cherry Tree Childcare | Childminding | 27-02-2015 | Whitburn | Claire Wotherspoon | | SP2014986346 | Claire Ferguson | Active | ||||||||
CS2014324953 | Cherry Tree Childminding Service | Childminding | 26-06-2014 | Glasgow | Jayne Richardson | SP2014012282 | Jayne Richardson & Abigail Richardson a partnershi Jayne Richardson & Abigail Richardson a partnershi | Active | |||||||||
CS2009194187 | Cherry Tree Court | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 12-03-2009 | Westcoats Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8AB | 01416 420 021 | Louise Lennox | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014328 | Cherry Tree Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Harthall | Ayr | KA8 0PD | 01292 612 037 | Susan Cole | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000093 | Cherry Tree Nursery | Day Care of Children | 04-04-2023 | 2 Lainshaw Drive | Glasgow | G45 9QP | 01416341055 | Christine Williamson | | SP2023000068 | Cherrytree Glasgow Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006129718 | Cherry Tree Pre School Nursery | Day care of children | 07-08-2006 | Woodburn House | Woodburn Road | Blackburn Business Park, Blackburn | Aberdeen | AB21 0RX | 01224 790 044 | Alison Newlands | | SP2006008458 | Cherry Tree Pre School Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003016952 | Cherry Trees Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Barony Campus | Auchinleck Road | Cumnock | KA18 1FQ | 01290 427 299 | Claire Jones | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020000018 | Cherrybank Care Home | Care Home Service | 26-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000005 | Example Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011303264 | Cherrytree Childminding Service | Childminding | 24-09-2012 | Edinburgh | Cherry Rogers | | SP2009976148 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020000029 | Cherrytree Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2008178015 | Cherrytrees - Hawick | Day care of children | 15-07-2008 | 5 Noble Place | Hawick | TD9 9QF | 01450 378 051 | Moray Irving | | SP2003001989 | Cherrytrees Childrens Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003009249 | Cherrytrees Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cherrytrees House | Dingleton Road | Melrose | TD6 9QS | 01896 820 123 | Marie Green | | SP2003001989 | Cherrytrees Childrens Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004069338 | Cherrytrees Children's Nursery - Dunbar | Day care of children | 19-07-2004 | 3 Abbey Road | Dunbar | EH42 1JP | 01368 860 555 | Kerry Andrews | | SP2003001989 | Cherrytrees Childrens Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007145956 | Cherrytrees Nursery | Day care of children | 03-05-2007 | 1a and 1c Duddingston Park | Portobello | Edinburgh | EH15 1JN | 01316 690 405 | Karen Abela | | SP2003001989 | Cherrytrees Childrens Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018363753 | Cheryl's Childminding | 28-03-2018 | Airdrie | Cheryl Clarke | | SP2018989619 | Cheryl Clarke | Active | |||||||||
CS2009216845 | Cheshire House | Housing support service | 22-04-2010 | Ness Walk | Inverness | IV3 5NE | 01463 713 377 | Kerry Vigurs | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003008524 | Cheshire House (Care Home) | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | Ness Walk | Inverness | IV3 5NE | 01463 713 377 | Kerry Vigurs | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003017730 | Cheshire House (Support Service) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-04-2002 | Ness Walk | Inverness | IV3 5NE | 01463 713 377 | Kerry Vigurs | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2015336182 | Cheshire House Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 15-10-2015 | Cheshire House | Ness Walk | Inverness | IV3 5NE | 01463 713 377 | Kerry Vigurs | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2008181931 | Cheshire, Francisca | Childminding | 09-12-2008 | Glasgow | Francisca Cheshire | | SP2008970955 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010457 | Chester Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 40 Lambhill Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1AU | 01414 279 967 | Sian Hankin | | SP2003002359 | Oakminster Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017123 | Chesters Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 10 Bankglen Road | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 7LG | 01419 441 831 | Tracey Ann Smith | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011204 | Chestnut Wynd for Young People | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 26 Chestnut Wynd | Edinburgh | EH5 1SJ | 01315543784 | Lee Thomson | | SP2003002647 | Dean and Cauvin Young People's Trust | Active | |||||
CS2023000396 | Chiara's Childminding | Child Minding | 23-11-2023 | Stirling | | SP2023000294 | Chiara Third | Active | |||||||||
CS2012313829 | Chickadee's Childcare | Childminding | 03-07-2013 | Kirkliston | Stacy McConnachie | | SP2012984361 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315465 | Childcare 4 U | Childminding | 30-05-2013 | Stirling | Annmarie Duncan | | SP2013984575 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014408 | Childcare Connections - Craigour | Day care of children | 06-01-2003 | Moredun Park Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7HL | 01316 660 495 | Deborah Smith | | SP2003002864 | Childcare Connections Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003040939 | Childcare Connections - Gilmerton Playcare | Day care of children | 20-08-2003 | Moredun Dykes Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8NQ | 07752397055 | Danielle Pringle | | SP2003002864 | Childcare Connections Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011927 | Childcare Connections - St John Vianney | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ivanhoe Crescent | Edinburgh | EH16 6AU | 01316 641 742 | Nicole Ellis | | SP2003002864 | Childcare Connections Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011926 | Childcare Connections Ltd - Gracemount | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gracemount Primary School | 45 Gracemount House Drive | Edinburgh | EH16 6FD | 07715635470 | Sheona Sweeting | | SP2003002864 | Childcare Connections Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017355822 | Childcare in the Community Mobile Creche | Day care of children | 21-07-2017 | Whitehill Neighbourhood Centre | 9 Hunter Road | Whitehill | Hamilton | ML3 0LH | 07534 506 250 | Catherine Anderson | | SP2017012912 | Childcare in the Community a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2024000004 | Childminder- Outdoor kids | Child Minding | 05-01-2024 | Auchterarder | | SP2023000389 | Maria Malaterre | Active | |||||||||
CS2013318700 | Childminding as a Host | Childminding | 19-01-2015 | Edinburgh | Lorraine Forbes | | SP2013985089 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000041 | Childminding at the Dysons | Childminding | 21-02-2023 | Muir of Ord | | SP2023000032 | Natalie Dyson | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000405 | Childminding By Ashley | Child Minding | 04-12-2023 | Stirling | | SP2023000283 | Ashley Dormer | Active | |||||||||
CS2020000013 | Childminding by Claire | Child Minding | 26-11-2020 | Anytown | | SP2020000013 | Claire Peters | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320610 | Childminding by Gillian | Childminding | 09-04-2014 | Motherwell | Gillian Carson | | SP2013985317 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307516 | Childminding By Kerry | Childminding | 03-07-2012 | Stonehaven | Kerry Brechenser | | SP2012983407 | Kerry Brechenser | Active | ||||||||
CS2017362386 | Childminding by Lynn | 27-03-2018 | Glasgow | Lynn Mclauchlan | | SP2017989537 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020379419 | Childminding by Sam | Child Minding | 13-05-2020 | LIVINGSTON | Samantha Henderson | | SP2020991162 | Samantha Henderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000151 | Childminding Care | Child Minding | 30-05-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000100 | Sharmin Sultana | Active | |||||||||
CS2018370109 | Childminding Service - Emily Hutchison | 30-11-2018 | Burntisland | Emily Hutchison | | SP2018990166 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000043 | Childminding with Amy | Childminding | 23-02-2023 | Buckie | | SP2023000034 | Amy Simmers | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000242 | Childminding with Jade | Child Minding | 09-08-2023 | Falkirk | | SP2023000156 | Jade McKnight | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381412 | Childminding with Rachael | Childminding | 23-11-2020 | Winchburgh | Rachael Somerville | | SP2020991405 | Rachael Somerville | Active | ||||||||
CS2019375027 | Childminding with Rebecca | Child Minding | 23-07-2019 | Aberlour | Rebecca Wight | | SP2019990542 | Rebecca Wight | Active | ||||||||
CS2020381471 | Childminding with Sarah | Childminding | 19-01-2021 | Inverurie | Sarah West | | SP2020991412 | Sarah West | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000426 | Childminding With Simone | Childminding | 13-11-2024 | Peterhead | | SP2024000581 | Simone Anderson | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000264 | Childminding with Yvette | Childminding | 25-07-2024 | Annan | | SP2023001293 | Yvette Bell | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379439 | Children and Young Peoples Care Service | Care homes for children and young people | 22-01-2021 | 43-45 Canaan Lane | Edinburgh | EH10 4SG | 01314 463 119 | Glenn Watson | | SP2003002572 | Royal Blind Asylum and School Trading as Sight Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2021000139 | Children and Young Peoples Residential Services (Stura) | Care homes for children and young people | 01-07-2021 | 1 Stura | Gott | Tingwall | SHETLAND | ZE2 9FJ | 01595 745484 | Alison Leith | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2015339682 | Children First | Childminding | 22-01-2016 | Glasgow | Augustine Tasinda | | SP2015987214 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008188098 | Children's Hour Nursery | Day care of children | 24-12-2008 | 31-33 Glasgow Road | Hardgate | Clydebank | G81 5PJ | 01389 800 329 | Coleen Elliott | | SP2009010598 | Children's Hour Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003009603 | Children's Residential Services (23 Grodians) | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 23 Grodians | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0WT | 01595 745 305 | Suzanne Manson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000129 | Children's Services Respite Provision | Support Service | 19-04-2024 | St Lennans | 22-24 Point Street | Stornoway | HS1 2XF | 07785292514 | Jennifer McWhirter | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2020379614 | Childrens Home Childminding Service | Child Minding | 28-07-2020 | Glasgow | Filareti Oikonomidou | | SP2020991189 | Filareti Oikonomidou | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307981 | Childsplay Childrens Nursery Limited | Day care of children | 12-11-2012 | 8 Falcon Road | Edinburgh | EH10 4AH | 01314 470 077 | Lucja Krajewska | | SP2012011821 | Childsplay Childrens Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003002836 | Chimes Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | East & Old Parish Church | East High Street | Forfar | DD8 2EG | 07985 370 066 | Leona Dryburgh | | SP2003000556 | Chimes Playgroup Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003017365 | Chirnside Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Chirnside | Duns | TD11 3XH | 01890 818 274 | Kerry Collins | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||||
CS2008180986 | Chisholm, Linda | Childminding | 07-10-2008 | Irvine | Linda Chisholm | | SP2008970769 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004085534 | Chisholm, Pamela | Childminding | 05-05-2005 | Inverness | Pamela Chisholm | | SP2003908273 | Pamela Chisholm | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000343 | Chloe Chalmers | Childminding | 09-11-2022 | Dundee | | SP2022000227 | Chloe Chalmers | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000326 | Chloe Pilkington | Childminding | 26-10-2022 | ABERDEEN | | SP2022000217 | Chloe Pilkington | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000052 | Chloe's Childcare | Child Minding | 12-02-2024 | Dundee | | SP2023000258 | Chloe Ford | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000315 | Chloe's Childminding Services | Child Minding | 25-09-2023 | Lanark | | SP2023000204 | Chloe Campbell | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2012307354 | Christ the King Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 17-08-2012 | Melrose Avenue | Holytown | Motherwell | ML1 4SG | 01698 274 965 | Marie Tierney | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011289829 | Christiansen, Gillian | Childminding | 29-09-2011 | Glasgow | Gillian Christiansen | | SP2011982474 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000352 | Christie Park PS ELCC | Day Care of Children | 25-10-2023 | Christie Park School | Middleton Street | Alexandria | G83 0DF | 01389773972 | Margaret MacLeod | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379421 | Christie, Gwen | Child Minding | 27-07-2020 | Aberdeen | Gwen Christie | | SP2020991164 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009828 | Christie, Lesley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Lesley Christie | | SP2003905235 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001661 | Christie, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Linda Christie | | SP2003900414 | Linda Christie | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000190 | Christina Morris | Childminding | 10-06-2024 | Burntisland | | SP2023000745 | Christina Morris | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000201 | Christina Robertson | Childminding | 13-08-2021 | MONTROSE | | SP2021000120 | Christina Robertson | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000028 | Christina Shanahan Childcare | Childminding | 24-01-2024 | Forres | | SP2023000284 | Christina Shanahan | Active | |||||||||
CS2007167691 | Christina's Home Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-07-2008 | Legal House | 101 Gorbals Street | Glasgow | G5 9DW | 01414 237 775 | Anne Marie Cassidy | | SP2004006970 | Christina's Home Care Service | Active | ||||
CS2007167690 | Christina's Home Care Service | Housing support service | 07-07-2008 | Legal House | 101 Gorbals Street | Glasgow | G5 9DW | 01414 237 775 | Anne Marie Cassidy | | SP2004006970 | Christina's Home Care Service | Active | ||||
CS2024000209 | Christine Morrison | Childminding | 21-06-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000131 | Christine Morrison | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381656 | Christine Parker - Childminder | Child Minding | 12-01-2021 | Stonehaven | Christine Parker | | SP2020991440 | Christine Parker | Active | ||||||||
CS2016352641 | Christine Ross Childminding | 10-02-2017 | Lesmahagow | Christine Ross | | SP2016988657 | Christine Ross | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337937 | Christy's Childminding | Childminding | 03-02-2016 | Prestonpans | Christina McCabe | SP2015986996 | Christina McCabe | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000109 | Christys Creche | Child Minding | 03-04-2024 | Glenrothes | | SP2023001464 | Christy Dorans | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004002 | Chrystal, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jacqueline Chrystal | | SP2003902180 | Jacqueline Chrystal | Active | ||||||||
CS2008169989 | Chrystal, Laura | Childminding | 13-02-2009 | Montrose | Laura Aird | | SP2008968647 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000322 | ChrystalKay Healthcare Ltd | Support Service | 08-11-2021 | Regus | Westpoint | 4 Redheughs Rigg, Office 225 | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 07525394694 | BELINDA MATARUTSE | | SP2021000201 | CHRYSTALKAY HEALTHCARE LTD | Active | |||
CS2021000321 | ChrystalKay Healthcare Ltd | Housing Support Service | 08-11-2021 | Regus | Westpoint | 4 Redheughs Rigg, Office 225 | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 07525394694 | Belinda Matarutse | | SP2021000201 | CHRYSTALKAY HEALTHCARE LTD | Active | |||
CS2004069180 | City of Edinburgh Council - Leith Street and Castlecliff | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | City of Edinburgh Council - Leith Street and Castlecliff | Castlecliff | 25 Johnston Terrace | Edinburgh | EH1 2HN | 01315 297 363 | Nicholas Laidlaw | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2004069170 | City of Edinburgh Council Bingham and Randolph | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | 2 Randolph Crescent | Edinburgh | EH3 7TH | 01315 293 204 | Lesley Taylor | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2013323097 | City of Edinburgh Council Family and Household Support North East | Housing support service | 02-07-2014 | Business Centre 2.01 | East Neighbourhood Centre | 101 Niddrie Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DS | 01312 004 030 | Scott Watson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2004080886 | City of Edinburgh Council Family and Household Support North West | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | 8 West Pilton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 4DP | 01315 273 803 | Becky Cropper | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2004069178 | City of Edinburgh Council Family and Household Support South East | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | South East Neighbourhood and Library | 40 Captains Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 0131 529 5494 | David Brown | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069174 | City of Edinburgh Council Family and Household Support South West | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | City of Edinburgh Council | 10 Westside Plaza | Edinburgh | EH14 2ST | 01315 295 106 | Scott Watson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2006139878 | City of Edinburgh Council Shared Lives | Adult placement services | 15-10-2007 | Westfield House SWC | 5 Kirk Loan | Edinburgh | EH12 7HD | 07784 016133 | Katie Wanless | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2008180365 | CK Childcare | Day care of children | 14-08-2008 | Rashielea Primary School | North Barr | Rashielea | Erskine | PA8 6EX | 01418 126 803 | Jacqueline Collins | | SP2007009038 | Carli's Kindergarten Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000366 | CK Childcare | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2021 | Dargavel Primary School | Arrochar Drive | BISHOPTON | PA7 5HP | 01418126803 | Jacqueline Collins | | SP2007009038 | Carli's Kindergarten Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015580 | Clackmannan ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochies Road | Clackmannan | Alloa | FK10 4JS | 01259 217 486 | Gayle Penman | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007157022 | Clackmannanshire Council - Housing Support Team | Housing support service | 19-09-2007 | Clackmannanshire Council | Housing Support Team | Kilncraigs, Greenside Street | Alloa | FK10 1EB | 01259 226224 | Jacqueline Mackenzie | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004077980 | Clackmannanshire Reablement and Technology Enabled Care Service | Support services - care at home | 10-11-2004 | Ludgate Resource Centre | Mar Place | Alloa | FK10 2AD | 01259 226 833 | Louise Barker | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077976 | Clackmannanshire Reablement and Technology Enabled Care Service | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Ludgate Resource Centre | Mar Place | Alloa | FK10 2AD | 01259 226 833 | Louise Barker | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017362792 | Clackmannanshire Women's Aid | 25-07-2018 | Alloa | Margaret McDougall | | SP2017013033 | Clackmannanshire Women's Aid a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||||||
CS2018364568 | Clackmannanshire Women's Aid | 20-09-2018 | Alloa | Vivienne Fairweather | | SP2017013033 | Clackmannanshire Women's Aid a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000274 | Clacks Futures | Housing Support Service | 30-07-2024 | Barnardo's | Alloa Community Enterprise | The Whins | Alloa | FK10 3TA | 07784225575 | Jill Stephen | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||
CS2014326963 | Claire Bear Childcare | Childminding | 29-09-2014 | KIRKCALDY | Claire Herd | | SP2014986012 | Claire Jones | Active | ||||||||
CS2016347065 | Claire Bell Childminding | Childminding | 14-07-2016 | Glasgow | Claire Bell | | SP2016987996 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000071 | Claire Christie Childminding Services | Childminding | 12-02-2025 | Musselburgh | | SP2024000733 | Claire Christie | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000092 | Claire Chung Childminding | Child Minding | 08-04-2022 | South Queensferry | | SP2022000061 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2022000274 | Claire Doherty | Child Minding | 05-09-2022 | Glasgow | | SP2022000183 | Claire Doherty | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315191 | Claire Louise Stirton - Childminding | Childminding | 30-04-2013 | FORFAR | Claire Louise Stirton | | SP2013984525 | Claire Stirton | Active | ||||||||
CS2015337846 | Claire Mathieson Childminding | Childminding | 13-10-2015 | Glasgow | Claire Mathieson | | SP2015986984 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012312699 | Claire McDougall Childminder | Childminding | 19-02-2013 | Kirkliston | Claire McDougall | | SP2012984204 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340669 | Claire Melvin Childminding | 14-03-2016 | Dumbarton | Claire Melvin | | SP2015987309 | Claire Melvin | Active | |||||||||
CS2014327402 | Claire Munro Childminding | Childminding | 10-10-2014 | Aberdeen | Claire Munro | | SP2014986041 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356846 | Claire Sclater Childminding | 19-09-2017 | Penicuik | Claire Sclater | | SP2017989090 | Claire Sclater | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310379 | Claire Smith - Childminder | Childminding | 25-10-2012 | Kirriemuir | Claire Smith | | SP2012983862 | Claire Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2017357815 | Claire Thomson Childminding | 24-08-2017 | Aberdeen | Claire Thomson | | SP2017989143 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2014332558 | Claire White Childminding | Childminding | 06-02-2015 | Ayr | Claire White | SP2014986449 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013322308 | Claire's Cherubs Childminding | Childminding | 04-02-2014 | Prestwick | Claire Still | | SP2013985528 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000400 | Claire's childminding | Child Minding | 28-11-2023 | Bonnybridge | | SP2023000285 | Claire Harvie | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000326 | Claire's Childminding | Child Minding | 14-08-2024 | Gorebridge | | SP2023001037 | Claire Hall | Active | |||||||||
CS2013318404 | Claire's Childminding Services | Childminding | 28-08-2013 | Aberdeen | Claire Robertson | clairerobertson14@hotmail.ccom | SP2013985072 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001667 | Claisse, Simone | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Simone Claisse | | SP2003900420 | Simone Claisse | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001385 | Clannalba | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Clannalba House | Edinburgh Road | Lamington | Biggar | ML12 6HP | 08453 009 272 | Jennifer Somerville | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2008184125 | Clare House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 22-06-2009 | 50 Doune Road | Dunblane | FK15 9HR | 01786 820 800 | Lukasz Obroslak | | SP2008010028 | Consensus Support Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017356052 | Clare McFarlane Childminding | Childminding | 13-06-2017 | Glasgow | Clare McFarlane | | SP2017989000 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018371537 | Clare O'Donnell Childminding | 24-01-2019 | Haddington | Clare O'Donnell | | SP2018990273 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2017358658 | Clare Paterson Childminding | 26-10-2017 | Musselburgh | Clare Paterson | | SP2017989230 | Clare Paterson | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000289 | Clare's childminding | Child Minding | 01-09-2023 | Campbeltown | | SP2023000180 | Clare McAulay | Active | |||||||||
CS2016349794 | Claremont Care Home | 10-10-2017 | 7 High Thornyflat Wynd | Whitletts | Ayr | KA8 0LS | 01292 260 960 | Catherine Potts | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015334 | Claremont House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 9 Newall Terrace | Dumfries | DG1 1LN | 01387 259 969 | Susan Clark | | SP2003003483 | Dumfries & Galloway Mental Health Association | Active | |||||
CS2003010622 | Claremont Park Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 6 Claremont Park | Leith Links | Edinburgh | EH6 7PH | 01315 546 868 | Kirsty Mclellan | | SP2003002447 | Claremont Park Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000265 | Clarence Court Care Home | Care homes for older people | 29-08-2022 | 234 Crow Road | Broomhill | Glasgow | G11 7PD | 01413391611 | Sharon Keogh | | SP2022000177 | Maven Healthcare (Ashnur) LLP | Active | ||||
CS2003005959 | Clarence House Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 112 - 114 Hotspur Street | Glasgow | G20 8LG | 01419 455 847 | Melanie Hind | | SP2003001292 | Shirley Hexley | Active | |||||
CS2003002013 | Clark, Angela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Peterhead | Angela Clark | | SP2003900635 | Angela Clark | Active | ||||||||
CS2008183662 | Clark, Deborah | Childminding | 22-01-2009 | Glasgow | Deborah Clark | | SP2008971349 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006069 | Clark, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elaine Clark | | SP2003903571 | Elaine Clark | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001860 | Clark, Helen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stonehaven | Helen Clark | | SP2003900482 | Helen Clark | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004588 | Clark, Isobel | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Airdrie | Isabel Clark | | SP2003902591 | Isobel Clarke | Active | ||||||||
CS2008173043 | Clark, Lee-Ann | Childminding | 23-09-2008 | Coatbridge | Lee-Ann Clark | SP2008969279 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003020072 | Clark, Lynne | Childminding | 21-08-2003 | Musselburgh | Lynne Clark | | SP2003910470 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003493 | Clark, Marion | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Marion Clark | | SP2003901792 | Marion Clark | Active | ||||||||
CS2015343859 | Clarke's Creative Club | Childminding | 11-03-2016 | Bonnyrigg | Sarah Clarke | | SP2015987675 | Sarah Clarke | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000125 | Clarkston After School Service (Eaglesham) | Day care of children | 28-06-2021 | 35 Strathaven Road | Eaglesham | GLASGOW | G76 0LF | 07710176810 | Laura Bentley | | SP2014012263 | Clarkston After School Service Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000408 | Clarkston After School Service (Giffnock) | Day Care of Children | 06-12-2023 | Glasgow Maccabi Youth Centre | May Terrace | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6LD | 07496894265 | Rachel King | | SP2014012263 | Clarkston After School Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2017360298 | Clarkston After School Service (Netherlee) | 13-12-2017 | Netherlee Parish Church | 130 Ormonde Avenue | Glasgow | G44 3SL | 07561 411 728 | Judith Wilkinson | | SP2014012263 | Clarkston After School Service Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017354277 | Clarkston After School Service (St. Clare's) | 16-08-2017 | St. Clare's Primary | Waterfoot Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5GU | 07738 245 943 | Julie Weir | | SP2014012263 | Clarkston After School Service Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014324238 | Clarkston After School Services | Day care of children | 14-07-2014 | Newford Grove | Clarkston | G76 8QZ | 07710618891 | Aimee Downie | | SP2014012263 | Clarkston After School Service Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014333443 | Clarkston House | Care homes for older people | 13-05-2015 | 57 Stamperland Hill | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 8AJ | 01416 333 030 | Jill King | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003003859 | Clarkston Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Williamwood Church | Seres Road | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7PG | 07906 954 441 | Mary McKendrick | | SP2003000781 | Clarkston Nursery | Active | |||
CS2009215814 | Clarkston Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 10-08-2009 | 2 Findhorn Place | Airdrie | ML6 7HE | 01236 794 805 | Yvonne Callander | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000266 | Clashfarquhar House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 23 Robert Street | Stonehaven | AB39 2DJ | 01569 762 438 | Tracy Bimpson | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003017575 | Clashfarquhar House | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 23 Robert Street | Stonehaven | AB39 2DJ | 01569 785 760 | Susan Hayward | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2016352076 | Claylands Nursery Limited | 01-03-2017 | Claylands Farms | Clayland Road | Newbridge | EH28 8LZ | 01313 334 701 | Chloe Hamilton | | SP2003003496 | Claylands Private Nursery Limited | Inactive | |||||
CS2003015802 | Claypotts Castle Primary School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 9 Balloch Place | Dundee | DD4 8TB | 01382 307 770 | Nicky Murray | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2010274459 | Clayton Care Limited | Support services - care at home | 02-02-2011 | 90 Giles Street | Edinburgh | EH6 6BZ | 01315 310 132 | Nathan Roat | | SP2010011215 | Clayton Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004076912 | Clearburn Club | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2004 | Prestonfield Neighbourhood Centre | 63 Prestonfield Avenue | Edinburgh | EH16 5EX | 0131 620 7222 | Lisa Redpath | | SP2004006813 | Prestonfield and District Neighbourhood Workers Project | Active | ||||
CS2003016980 | Cleddens Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirriemuir Road | Glasgow | G64 1DL | 01419 552 291 | Isabella Bott | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016344233 | Clelland, Susan | Childminding | 15-03-2016 | Shetland | Susan Clelland | | SP2016987713 | Susan Clelland | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000318 | Clementia Nursing Services | Nurse Agency | 28-09-2023 | 106 Westpoint | 4 Redheughs Rigg | South Gyle | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 01315639176 | Robert Krawczyk | | SP2023000207 | True Way Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003015936 | Clentry Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Keltyhill Road | Kelty | KY4 0LB | 01383 602 410 | Erin Aitchison | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2019373681 | Cleo Childminding | Child Minding | 30-05-2019 | Bo'ness | Cecile Recio | | SP2019990426 | Cecile Recio | Active | ||||||||
CS2008172586 | Clepie Kids Out of School Care Club | Day care of children | 08-07-2008 | Clepington Primary School | Eliza Street | Dundee | DD4 6TQ | 07482 670 007 | Michael Wilson | | SP2008009673 | The Clepie Kids Out of School Care Club | Active | ||||
CS2003015720 | Clerkhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clerkhill Primary School | Cairntrodlie | Peterhead | AB42 2AX | 01779 403 660 | Anita Buchan | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011856 | Clermiston After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clermiston Primary School | 18 Parkgrove Place | Edinburgh | EH4 7NP | 07814 053 522 | Nadia Korin | | SP2003002825 | Clermiston Asc Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003017017 | Clermiston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 18 Parkgrove Place | Edinburgh | EH4 7NP | 01313 363 361 | Gordon McIntyre | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300859 | Clever Clogs Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 10-08-2012 | 42 Black Road | Kelty | KY4 0BD | 01383 832 883 | Lynne Kinnersley | | SP2011011687 | Audrey Kinnersley & Alan Kinnersley a Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003005962 | Clever Clogs Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stobhill General Hospital | 133 Balornock Road | Glasgow | G21 3UW | 0141 558 5300 | Catherine Devlin | | SP2003001294 | Clever Clogs Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008172496 | Clews, Jennifer | Childminding | 16-07-2008 | Airdrie | Jennifer Clews | | SP2008969181 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016182 | Clifton Hall Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clifton Hall School | Newbridge | EH28 8LQ | 01313 331 359 | Julie Cockburn | | SP2003003569 | Clifton Hall School Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017354884 | Clinical 24 Limited | 29-09-2017 | 100 west regent street | Glasgow | G2 2QD | 0141 375 7898 | William King | | SP2017012889 | Clinical 24 Staffing Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2023000283 | Clinical 24 Staffing Ltd | Support Service | 29-08-2023 | 100 West Regent St | Glasgow | G2 2QD | 01413757898 | William King | | SP2017012889 | Clinical 24 Staffing Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000286 | Clinical 24 Staffing Ltd | Housing Support Service | 30-08-2023 | 100 West Regent St | Glasgow | G2 2QD | 0141 375 7898 | william king | | SP2017012889 | Clinical 24 Staffing Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010566 | Clinton House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Ayr Road | Shawsburn | Larkhall | ML9 3AD | 01698 883 043 | Andrea Yates | | SP2003002417 | Clinton House Strathclyde (Care Homes) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003014865 | Cloan Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Cloan Avenue | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 6DE | 01419 442 191 | Angela Fraser | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016967 | Clober Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirk Street | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 7PN | 01419 552 233 | Catriona Marshall | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010884 | Closeburn Centre | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Closeburn | Thornhill | DG3 5HP | 01848331352 | Julie McNairn | | SP2003002567 | High Trees Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015477 | Closeburn Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Closeburn Primary School | Closeburn | Thornhill | DG3 5HP | 01848 331 240 | Louise McCormick | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003048117 | Clovenfords Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clovenfords Primary School | Clovenfords | Galashiels | TD1 3LQ | 01896 662 755 | Alison Saxon | Alison | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017018 | Clovenstone Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 54 Clovenstone Park | Edinburgh | EH14 3EY | 01314 534 242 | Steven Jamieson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000286 | Clover Care Scotland Ltd | Support services - care at home | 21-09-2022 | Ugstonrigg Cottage | Haddington | EH41 3SU | 01620674154 | Tinashe Sibanda | | SP2022000192 | Clover Care Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014867 | Cloverbank Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 193 Moraine Avenue | Glasgow | G15 6LG | 01419 448 678 | Janice McIntyre | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2004073348 | Cloverfield Grove | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-08-2004 | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9PU | 01224 358 540 | Helen Imoisilli | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2004068563 | Cloverfield Grove | Housing support service | 17-08-2004 | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9PU | 01224 358 540 | Helen Imoisilli | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2021000098 | Cluaran Care | Support Service | 14-06-2021 | Springkerse Business Centre 37 | Springkerse Industrial Estate | Whitehouse Road | STIRLING | FK7 7SP | 01786 643133 | Kirsteen Porter | | SP2021000061 | Cluaran HCS Limited | Active | |||
CS2025000082 | Cluaran Care | Housing Support Service | 21-02-2025 | Cluaran H C S Ltd | Mulraney Springkerse Business Centre | 3 Whitehouse Road | Stirling | FK7 7SP | 01786643133 | Kirsteen Porter | | SP2021000061 | Cluaran HCS Limited | Active | |||
CS2003010623 | Cluny Lodge Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 10/16 Cluny Drive | Edinburgh | EH10 6DP | 01314 473 411 | Marcela Patriche | | SP2003002448 | Elder Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003003085 | Clyde Cottage Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pilot Street | Dunoon | PA23 8DB | 01369 705 926 | Claudia Montgomery | | SP2003000636 | Clyde Cottage Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003014633 | Clyde Cottage Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pilot Street | Dunoon | PA23 8DB | 01369 705 926 | Julie McPhee | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000324 | Clyde Court Care Home | Care Home Service | 25-10-2022 | South Avenue | Clydebank Business Park | Clydebank | G81 2RW | 01419511133 | Sharon Crawford | | SP2022000216 | Maven Healthcare (Clyde Court) LLP | Active | ||||
CS2003003261 | Clyde Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Shandon | Helensburgh | G84 8HX | 01436 821 698 | Gemma Peace | | SP2003000677 | Clyde Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016350780 | Clyde Valley Care Home | 16-03-2017 | Monteith House Road | Carstairs | Lanark | ML11 8QP | 01555 871 938 | William Russell | | SP2012011938 | Enhance Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018371827 | Clyde Valley House | 01-05-2019 | 39 Airdrie Road | Carluke | ML8 5EW | 01555 750 682 | Giovanna Pacitti | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | |||||||
CS2008186187 | Clyde Valley Kindergarten | Day care of children | 20-01-2009 | Stonebyres | Kirkfieldbank | Lanark | ML11 9UP | 01555 660 123 | Suzanne Dunn | | SP2009010231 | Clyde Valley Kindergarten Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020380346 | Clydebank Day Service and Opportunities | Support Service - care at home | 14-12-2020 | Queens Quay House | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 01389 603 850 | Suzanne O'Neill | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014719 | Clydebank ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 83 Barns Street | Clydebank | G81 1RD | 01419 521 333 | Samantha Sutherland | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004079125 | Clydebank Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 15 Alexander Street | Clydebank | G81 1SQ | 01419 522 122 | Maureen Eden | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004061766 | Clydebank Women's Aid - Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 29-07-2004 | Clydebank | Margaret McLaren | | SP2003003314 | Clydebank Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2016345171 | Clydesdale After School Care (Coatbridge) | Day care of children | 08-08-2016 | The Time Capsule | 100 Buchanan Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1DL | 07980 868 705 | Michelle Gallagher | | SP2004004140 | Clydesdale After School Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006140549 | Clydesdale After School Care (Wishaw) | Day care of children | 12-04-2007 | Wishaw Sports Centre | Alexander Street | Wishaw | ML2 0HQ | 01698 352 270 | Michelle Gallagher | | SP2004004140 | Clydesdale After School Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004081945 | Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell | Day care of children | 20-07-2005 | Braidhurst High School | Dalriada Crescent | MOTHERWELL | ML1 3XF | Michelle Gallagher | | SP2004004140 | Clydesdale After School Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004073584 | Clydesdale Homecare | Housing support service | 27-08-2004 | Council Offices | South Vennel | Lanark | ML11 7JT | 03031 231 008 | Elizabeth Mather | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073587 | Clydesdale Homecare | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-08-2004 | Council Offices | South Vennel | Clydesdale Local Office | Lanark | ML11 7JT | 03031 231 008 | Elizabeth Mather | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2007155963 | Clydeside Independent Living | Housing support service | 04-02-2008 | Unit 1 | Victoria House | St Andrews Street | Greenock | PA15 1HE | 01475 726 906 | William Dalgleish | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2007155965 | Clydeside Independent Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-02-2008 | Unit 1 | Victoria House | St Andrews Street | Greenock | PA15 1HE | 01475 726 906 | William Dalgleish | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2022000183 | CM Childcare | Child Minding | 12-07-2022 | Currie | SP2022000130 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2005097336 | CNES - Housing Support | Housing support service | 20-07-2005 | Housing Services Team | Development Department | Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Sandwick Road | Stornoway | HS1 2BW | 01851 822 821 | Lorraine Graham | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2022000369 | Cnoc Buidhe Childminding | Child Minding | 07-12-2022 | Ullapool | | SP2022000248 | Rachel Grant | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000248 | Coach House | Care Home Service | 10-09-2021 | Moore House School | 21 Edinburgh Road | BATHGATE | EH48 1EX | 01506652312 | Nicola Sinclair | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000306 | Coalburn House | Care Home Service | 10-10-2022 | 120 Bellfield Road | Coalburn | Lanark | ML11 0LD | 01414420087 | Lesley Gray | | SP2020013539 | Nurture One Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016820 | Coalburn Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Coalburn Road | Coalburn | Lanark | ML11 0LH | 01555 820 221 | Lorna Hyslop | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015585 | Coalsnaughton ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blackfaulds Street | Coalsnaughton | Tillicoultry | FK13 6JU | 01259 750 204 | Colleen Clark-burns | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000064 | Coast Care and Support Ltd | Support Service | 13-03-2023 | Suite 16, Fleming House | 5 Fleming Road | Livingston | EH54 7BN | 01506 243226 | Frankie Krawiec | | SP2023000049 | Coast Care and Support Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004071283 | Coatbridge Home Support Service | Housing support service | 30-07-2004 | Coatbridge Locality Support Service | 151 Buchanan Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1BA | 01236 622 100 | Kate McMorrow | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004071292 | Coatbridge Home Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2004 | 151 Buchanan Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1BA | 01236 622 100 | Kate McMorrow | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001200 | Coatbridge Locality | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Buchanan Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1BA | 01236 856 110 | Gordon McComish | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003009721 | Cobhair Bharraigh SCIO | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Cobhair Bharraigh Centre | Kentangaval | Castlebay | Isle of Barra | HS9 5XL | 01871 810 906 | Margaret Ann Beggs | | SP2004007018 | Cobhair Bharraigh SCIO | Active | |||
CS2003000298 | Coblehaugh Children's Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Coblehaugh Children's Unit | Port Elphinstone | Inverurie | AB51 3XD | 01467 621 233 | Wilma Stickle | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006125338 | Coburn, Karen | Childminding | 02-10-2006 | Strathpeffer | Karen Coburn | | SP2006959852 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014326137 | Cochrane Care Home | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2014 | 67 Quarrelton Road | Johnstone | PA5 8NH | 01505 327 888 | Kelly Spiers | | SP2014012299 | SCCL Operations Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000005 | Cochrane House | School Care Accommodation Service | 05-01-2024 | Kibble Education & Care Centre | Goudie Street | PAISLEY | G53 7AB | 0141 889 0044 | Gary Peebles | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2003013195 | Cochrane, Dawn Elizabeth Wilson | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Tranent | Dawn Elizabeth Wilson Cochrane | | SP2003906914 | Cochrane, Mrs Dawn Elizabeth Wilson Cochrane, Mrs Dawn Elizabeth Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2007146792 | Cochrane, Janet | Childminding | 18-08-2008 | Kilwinning | Janet Cochrane | | SP2004937078 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013097 | Cockburn, Heather | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Heather Cockburn | | SP2003906816 | Mrs Heather Scott Cockburn | Active | ||||||||
CS2015340684 | Cockburnspath Nursery | Day care of children | 14-10-2015 | Cockburnspath Primary School | Callander Place | Cockburnspath | TD13 5XY | 01368 830 333 | Rachel Foy | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015822 | Cockenzie Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Osborne Terrace | Cockenzie | Prestonpans | EH32 0BX | 01875 811 327 | Lynda Banks | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004078475 | Cockenzie Out of School Club | Day care of children | 06-01-2005 | Cockenzie After School Club, Cockenzie Primary School | Osbourne Terrace | Cockenzie | Prestonpans | EH32 0BX | 07539 692 995 | Nicola Lumsden | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | |||
CS2003012431 | Cockerell, Lynne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Lynne Cockerell | | SP2003906156 | Lynne Cockerell | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000206 | Cogent Healthcare | Housing Support Service | 29-07-2022 | 207 Mallace Avenue | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 2GE | 07748591864 | Memory Kutamahufa | | SP2022000147 | Cogent Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000207 | Cogent Healthcare | Support Service | 29-07-2022 | 207 Mallace Avenue | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 2GE | 07748591864 | Memory Sanyanga | | SP2022000147 | Cogent Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003006114 | Cojac Centre Playscheme | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 146 Castlemilk Drive | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9UB | 01416 341 002 | Marjorie Kerr | | SP2003001351 | Caring Operations Joint Action Council an association | Active | ||||
CS2003016104 | Coldingham Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Coldingham | Eyemouth | TD14 5NH | 01890 771 241 | Rachel Foy | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000217 | Coldside Nursery | Day Care of Children | 24-08-2021 | 12 Marryat Street | Dundee | DD3 8AN | 01382 432626 | Laura Fraser | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017366 | Coldstream Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Coldstream Primary School | Home Place | Coldstream | TD12 4DT | 01890 882 189 | Jane Paterson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000313 | Colette Melaugh Childminder | Child Minding | 09-08-2024 | Fochabers | | SP2024000162 | Colette Melaugh | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014635 | Colgrain Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Colgrain Primary School | Redgauntlet Road | Helensburgh | G84 7TZ | 01436 673 557 | Lesley Watt | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2020000001 | Colins Care | Care Home Service | 12-10-2020 | yrytrytr | rtyrtytry | rtyrty | yrtyrty | DG11NQ | 01234123123 | Manager Of Service | | SP2020000001 | Big Red barn | Active | |||
CS2016346125 | Colinton Care Home | 30-01-2018 | 69 Spylaw Road | Edinburgh | EH10 5BP | 01313 373 340 | Elizabeth Cass | | SP2018013102 | Whitefield Nursing Home Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003015872 | Colinton Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 3 Redford Place | Edinburgh | EH13 0AL | 01314 411 946 | Yvonne Moore | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2010237324 | Colinton Private Nursery | Day care of children | 29-10-2010 | 22 Dreghorn Loan | Colinton | Edinburgh | EH13 0DE | 01314 777 330 | Joanne Laidlaw | | SP2010010773 | Colinton Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003039585 | Colleonard Court | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 30-01-2003 | 2 & 4 Colleonard Court | Banff | AB45 1FP | 01261 815 761 | Gillian Dey | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||||
CS2015341401 | Collette's Childminding Service | Childminding | 12-01-2016 | Glasgow | Collette Owens | | SP2013984773 | Collette Owens | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008854 | Collie, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Elgin | Fiona Collie | | SP2003904853 | Fiona Collie | Active | ||||||||
CS2004079350 | Colligan, Fiona | Childminding | 03-03-2005 | Cupar | Fiona Colligan | | SP2004939287 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006137442 | Collisdene Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 02-11-2006 | 126/128 Glasgow Road | Strathaven | ML10 6NL | 01357 521 250 | Elizabeth Williamson | | SP2005007835 | Canterbury Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016849 | Colliston Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Colliston Primary School | Station Road | Colliston | Arbroath | DD11 3RR | 01241 465 390 | Siobhan Brown | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2015338501 | Collydean Out of School Club | Day care of children | 29-07-2015 | Collydean Primary School | Magnus Drive | Glenrothes | KY7 6TR | 07850 212641 | Cathy Hammond | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017085 | Collydean Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Collydean Primary School | Magnus Drive | Collydean | Glenrothes | KY7 6TR | 01592 583 421 | Tracy Westwater | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2011286392 | Colmonell Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 19-12-2011 | Colmonell Primary School | Main Street | Colmonell | Girvan | KA26 0RY | 01465 716 806 | Yvonne Templeton | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003014683 | Colquhoun Park Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Canniesburn Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1HD | 01419 552 258 | Claire Loney | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000008 | Coltsfoot Outdoors | Child Minding | 06-04-2021 | KIRKNEWTON | | SP2021000006 | Turid Engstrom | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011064 | Columcille | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Columcille Centre | 2 Newbattle Terrace | Edinburgh | EH10 4RT | 01314 477 404 | John Redwood | | SP2003002596 | Columcille Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015561 | Comely Park Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cow Wynd | Falkirk | FK1 1PZ | 01324 508 560 | Laura McLintock | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2019375687 | Comfy Kids Childcare | Child Minding | 05-03-2020 | Airdrie | Lorna Nimmo | | SP2008970422 | Lorna Nimmo | Active | ||||||||
CS2004065973 | Commercial Out of School Club | Day care of children | 06-04-2005 | Commercial Primary School | Woodmill Road | Dunfermline | KY11 4BB | 07515 189441 | Kelly Francis | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2004062530 | Committed to Ending Abuse (CEA) Ltd | Housing support service | 06-09-2004 | Falkirk | Debbie Jupp | | SP2004005383 | Falkirk & District Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2004071322 | Community Alarm Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2004 | Dalziel Building | 4th Floor | 7 Scott Street, Motherwell | Motherwell | ML1 1PN | 01236 622 400 | Clare Varghese | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004071319 | Community Alarm Service | Housing support service | 30-07-2004 | Dalziel Building | 4th Floor | 7 Scott Street, Motherwell | Lanarkshire | ML1 1PN | 01236 622400 | Clare Varghese | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005088402 | Community Care Choice | Housing support service | 06-06-2005 | 1st Floor | City Wall House | 32 Eastwood Avenue | Glasgow | G41 3NS | 01416 328 198 | Joeanne Hamilton | | SP2005007220 | Community Care Choice Ltd | Active | |||
CS2005089285 | Community Care Choice | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-06-2005 | 1st Floor | City Wall House | 32 Eastwood Avenue | Glasgow | G41 3NS | 01416 328 198 | Joeanne Hamilton | | SP2005007220 | Community Care Choice Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007144690 | Community Central Hall - Happy Days Nursery | Day care of children | 28-08-2007 | 304 Maryhill Road | Glasgow | G20 7YE | 01413 317 667 | Jacqueline Hancock | | SP2007008922 | Community Central Hall | Active | |||||
CS2007144691 | Community Central Hall - Safe Til Six | Day care of children | 28-08-2007 | 304 Maryhill Road | Glasgow | G20 7YE | 01413 317 669 | Emma Watson | | SP2007008922 | Community Central Hall | Active | |||||
CS2005093261 | Community Directions | Housing support service | 11-04-2005 | Flat 1/1 | 9 Green Street | Glasgow | G40 2HE | 01415 547 206 | Kirsty MacLean | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2005093256 | Community Directions | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-04-2005 | Flat 1/1 | 9 Green Street | Glasgow | G40 2HE | 01415 547 206 | Alison Brannan | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004073461 | Community Lifestyles - Glasgow | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | 100 Kerr Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QP | 0141 550 6500 | Robert Darroch | | SP2004006681 | Community Lifestyles Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004080321 | Community Lifestyles - Glasgow East | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | 100 Kerr Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QP | 01415 506 500 | Gary Murphy | | SP2004006681 | Community Lifestyles Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014327622 | Community Lifestyles - Glasgow South | Support services - care at home | 21-10-2014 | 100 Kerr Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QP | 01415 506 500 | Gail McKinnon | | SP2004006681 | Community Lifestyles Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015340526 | Community Lifestyles - Glasgow West | 22-01-2016 | 100 Kerr Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QP | 01415 506 500 | Tommy Paterson | | SP2004006681 | Community Lifestyles Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000808 | Community Pathways | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Robslee Drive | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 7BA | 0141 577 4535 | Catherine Fontana | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015338511 | Community Playgroups (Armadale) | Day care of children | 13-11-2015 | Armadale Community Centre | North Street | Armadale | EH48 3QB | 07951 377 199 | Louise Watson | | SP2012011983 | Community Playgroups SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2012313799 | Community Playgroups (Bathgate) | Day care of children | 11-04-2013 | Bathgate Partnership Centre | Lindsay House | South Bridge Street | Bathgate | EH48 1TS | 07985645871 | Liz Collins | | SP2012011983 | Community Playgroups SCIO | Active | |||
CS2015338834 | Community Playgroups (Crofthead Hickory House) | Day care of children | 13-11-2015 | Crofthead Centre | Templar Rise | Livingston | EH54 6DG | 07904 623 123 | Fiona Dellar | | SP2012011983 | Community Playgroups SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2014328729 | Community Playgroups (West Calder) | Day care of children | 13-05-2015 | West Calder Community Centre | Dickson Street | West Calder | EH55 8DZ | 07985 645 869 | Ilona GIll | | SP2012011983 | Community Playgroups SCIO | Inactive | ||||
CS2017360724 | Community Playgroups - (Fauldhouse) | 12-04-2018 | Fauldhouse Partnership Centre | Lanrigg Road | Fauldhouse | Bathgate | EH47 9JD | 07985 645 791 | Tieghan Anderson | | SP2012011983 | Community Playgroups SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2018369683 | Community Playgroups - Uphall | 12-03-2019 | Uphall Community Centre | Strathbrock Place | Uphall | Broxburn | EH52 6BN | 07939 252 519 | Stacey Feeney | | SP2012011983 | Community Playgroups SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2015337884 | Community Reablement and Support Team - West | 16-02-2016 | North West Kilmarnock Area Centre | Western Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1NQ | 01563 578 591 | Germaine Stevenson | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2015337883 | Community Reablement and Support Team - West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-02-2016 | North West Kilmarnock Area Centre | Western Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1NQ | 01563 578 591 | Germaine Stevenson | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015337881 | Community Reablement and Support Team North | 20-01-2016 | North West Kilmarnock Area Centre | Western Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1NQ | 01563 578 705 | David Bain | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2015337880 | Community Reablement and Support Team North | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-01-2016 | North West Kilmarnock Area Centre | Western Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1NQ | 01563 578 705 | Louise Walker | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2010271064 | Community Resource Team | Housing support service | 27-10-2010 | 34 Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4HY | 01631562725 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2010238918 | Community Resource Team | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-10-2010 | Soroba House Hotel | Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4AB | 01631562725 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077239 | Community Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-10-2004 | Pavilion 6a | Moorpark Court | 35 Dava Street, Govan | Glasgow | G51 2BQ | 01414 401 309 | Michelle Pearson | | SP2003000175 | Mainstay Trust Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2004077238 | Community Service | Housing support service | 29-03-2005 | Pavilion 6a, | Moorpark Court | 35 Dava Street, Govan | Glasgow | G51 2BQ | 01414 401 309 | Elaine Taylor | | SP2003000175 | Mainstay Trust Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2015340783 | Community Support | Housing support service | 02-12-2015 | 62 Summer Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1SD | 0300 303 0903 | Karen Alexander | | SP2003000015 | Aberdeen Cyrenians Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2019373073 | Community Support Network - Kintyre Network Centre | Day Care of Children | 14-08-2019 | Old Quay Head | Hazelburn Business Park | Campbeltown | PA28 6DB | 01586 559 020 | Joanne Russell | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2008171170 | Community Support Project | Support services - care at home | 31-03-2008 | Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership | Petershill Business Centre | 28 Adamswell Street | Glasgow | G21 4DD | 01412 764 710 | Marlyn McLeish | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2004079004 | Community Support Service - Elgin | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | Headquarters Annexe | High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BX | 01343 563 927 | Wendy Davidson | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073504 | Community Support Service - Elgin | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | Headquarters Annexe | High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BX | 01343 563 927 | Wendy Davidson | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2006115813 | Community Support Service - Glasgow & East Dunbartonshire | Housing support service | 19-04-2007 | Cornerstone | 62 Templeton Street | Doges Building, Fourth Floor | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01413 780 700 | Chris McLean | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2006115816 | Community Support Service - Glasgow and East Dunbartonshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-04-2007 | Cornerstone | 62 Templeton Street | Doges Building, Fourth Floor | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 378 0700 | Chris McLean | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2007161487 | Community Support Service, West Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-02-2008 | Salvation Army Community Hub | Craigton Road | Kilbirnie | KA25 6LJ | 01505 683 233 | Jamie Bradford | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | ||||
CS2004074999 | Community Support Service, West Scotland | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | Salvation Army Community Hub | Craigton Road | Kilbirnie | KA25 6LJ | 01505 683 233 | Jamie Bradford | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | ||||
CS2015339434 | Community Support Services | 08-02-2016 | Barrowfield Community Centre | 67 Yate Street | Glasgow | G31 4AQ | 01415 548 955 | Eileen Thomson | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||||
CS2018370580 | Community Support Services | 25-02-2019 | Barrowfield Community Centre | 67 Yate Street | Glasgow | G31 4AQ | 01415 548 955 | Eileen Thomson | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||||
CS2003011882 | Compass Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Deanpark Primary School | Main Street | Balerno | Edinburgh | EH14 7EQ | 01314 494 530 | Susan Livingstone | | SP2003002848 | Compass Playgroup Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2003054298 | Compcare | Support services - care at home | 18-08-2004 | 120 Dumbarton Road | Clydebank | West Dunbartonshire | G81 1UG | 0141 9431 018 | David Cameron | | SP2004004456 | Independent Lifestyle Limited trading as Compcare | Active | ||||
CS2024000075 | Comprehensive Care & Support Services | Support Service | 07-03-2024 | 28 Carden Mill Brae | Cardenden | Lochgelly | KY5 0BB | +447979202462 | Manners Edson | | SP2023000413 | Comprehensive Care & Support Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016092 | Comrie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Comrie | Crieff | PH6 2LZ | 01764 661 450 | Heather White | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003005162 | Conaghan, Lorna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Girvan | Lorna Conaghan | | SP2003902990 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000235 | Concept Homecare Ltd | Support services - care at home | 12-08-2022 | Office No: 13 | Merryfield Business Centre | Macmerry Industrial Estate, East Lothian | Tranent | EH33 1ET | 07747130617 | Mercy Mangwiro | | SP2022000160 | Concept Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003011225 | Condie, Kay | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Kay Condie | | SP2003905535 | Kay Condie | Active | ||||||||
CS2013321689 | Condie, Linda | Childminding | 13-02-2014 | Wishaw | Linda Condie | | SP2013985448 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003048472 | Condorrat Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 02-09-2004 | Morar Drive | Condorrat | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4LA | 01236 794 826 | Julie-Ann Price | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003047220 | Connect - Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Hansel Alliance, Hansel Village | Broad Meadows | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5PU | 01563 830 340 | Colin Kilbride | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Inactive | |||
CS2007146053 | Connect 2 Out of School Care (Carntyne) | Day care of children | 06-08-2007 | Carntyne Primary School | 39 Redford Street | Carntyne | Glasgow | G33 2HE | 01415 518 425 | Tammy Deakin | | SP2005007642 | Connect 2 Out of School Care Services | Active | |||
CS2007146051 | Connect 2 Out of School Care (Dalmarnock) | Day care of children | 06-08-2007 | Riverbank Primary School | 1 Sunnybank Street | Dalmarnock | Glasgow | G40 4RX | 01415 543 745 | Linda Liddell | | SP2005007642 | Connect 2 Out of School Care Services | Active | |||
CS2005101875 | Connect 2 Out of School Care (Haghill) | Day care of children | 12-10-2005 | Haghill Park Primary School | 415 Cumbernauld Road | Glasgow | G31 3LS | 01415 504 999 | Tammy Deakin | | SP2005007642 | Connect 2 Out of School Care Services | Active | ||||
CS2007146055 | Connect 2 Out of School Care (Riddrie) | Day care of children | 06-08-2007 | St.Thomas Primary School | 8 Smithycroft Road | Riddrie | Glasgow | G33 2QJ | 01417 706 266 | Linda Liddell | | SP2005007642 | Connect 2 Out of School Care Services | Active | |||
CS2019377291 | Connected Care Services Limited | Support Service | 25-02-2020 | Ore Valley Business Centre | 93 Main Street | Lochgelly | KY5 9AF | 01592 781 888 | Margaret Duncan | | SP2019013382 | Connected Care Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003004113 | Connell, Suzanne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Gourock | Suzanne Connell | | SP2003902264 | Suzanne Connell | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004661 | Connelly, Patricia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Patricia Connelly | | SP2003902639 | Patricia Connelly | Active | ||||||||
CS2007160967 | Connie & Joanne Watt | Childminding | 27-11-2007 | Alva | Joanne Green | | SP2007966725 | Joanne Green & Connie Watt Joanne Green & Connie Watt | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007672 | Connolly, Diane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | DUNFERMLINE | Diane Connolly | | SP2003904609 | Diane Connolly | Active | ||||||||
CS2007144491 | Connolly, Isabel | Childminding | 03-08-2007 | Edinburgh | Isabel Connolly | | SP2007963909 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007142153 | Connor, Ann | Childminding | 28-05-2007 | Lanark | Ann Connor | | SP2007963094 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019377619 | Constance Care Ayrshire | Housing Support Service | 12-12-2019 | Upper Floor | Sandgate House | 43 Sandgate | Ayr | KA7 1DA | 01292 880 885 | Pauline Paton | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019377620 | Constance Care Ayrshire | Support Service | 12-12-2019 | Upper Floor | Sandgate House | 43 Sandgate | Ayr | KA7 1DA | 01292 880 885 | Pauline Paton | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019373614 | Constance Care Glenrothes | Support Service | 10-06-2019 | Unit 6 | Lomond Business Park | Baltimore Road | Glenrothes | KY6 2PJ | 01592 577 555 | Carol Conway | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2019373613 | Constance Care Glenrothes | Housing Support Service | 10-06-2019 | Unit 6 | Lomond Business Park | Baltimore Road | Glenrothes | KY6 2PJ | 01592 577 555 | Carol Conway | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2019373612 | Constance Care Livingston | Housing Support Service | 03-07-2019 | Caledonia House | Quarrywood Court | Livingston | EH54 6AX | 01506 420 930 | Shannon Murray | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019373611 | Constance Care Livingston | Support Service | 03-07-2019 | Caledonia House | Quarrywood Court | Livingston | EH54 6AX | 01506 420 930 | Shannon Murray | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019377618 | Constance Care North Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire | Support Service | 17-12-2019 | Constance Care | Unit 4/3a | Flemington Industrial Park, Craigneuk Street | MOTHERWELL | ML1 2NT | 01698674547 | Jacqueline Catherine Woods | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2019377617 | Constance Care North Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire | Housing Support Service | 17-12-2019 | Constance Care | Unit 4/3a | Flemington Industrial Park, Craigneuk Street | MOTHERWELL | ML1 2NT | 01698 674547 | Jacqueline Catherine Woods | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2018369578 | Constance Care South Lanarkshire | 17-01-2019 | Suite 2A, International House | Stanley Boulevard | Hamilton International Technology Park | High Blantyre | G72 0BN | 01698 823 052 | Christine McGill | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018369579 | Constance Care South Lanarkshire | 17-01-2019 | Unit 2A, International House | Stanley Boulevard | Hamilton International Technology Park | High Blantyre | G72 0BN | 01698 823 052 | Christine McGill | | SP2003002276 | Constance Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000112 | Continuing Care Adult Placement Service | Adult Placement Service | 23-06-2021 | Family Placement Team | Childrens Services | Hayfield House, Hayfield Lane, Lerwick | SHETLAND | ZE1 0QD | 01595 744000 | Elaine Guest | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2020379231 | Continuing Care Eilean Siar | Adult Placement Service | 07-07-2020 | 30 Bayhead | Stornoway | HS1 2DU | 01851 705 080 | Fiona Miller | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2024000234 | Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 04-07-2024 | South Lanarkshire Council | Civic Centre, Andrew Street | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1AB | 01355 806969 | Amy McKellar | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2019376651 | Continuity Care Scotland Ltd | Support Service | 31-01-2020 | Easter Dalmeny Steading | Unit 3 & 4 | Dalmeny | South Queensferry | EH30 9TS | 01313 191 441 | Janet Nightingale | | SP2019013350 | Continuity Care Scotland Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000401 | Continuity Healthcare Services Ltd | Support Service | 22-10-2024 | Regus | Woodside House | 20-23 Woodside Place | Glasgow | G3 7QL | 07960043261 | TAWANDA PARADZA | | SP2023000305 | Continuity Healthcare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015342597 | Contrast Care Limited | 07-04-2016 | 3 Mid Street | Beauly | IV4 7DP | 07388918983 | Angela Davidson | | SP2015012617 | Contrast Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2022000059 | Contrast Care Limited | Housing Support Service | 02-03-2022 | 3 Mid Street | Beauly | IV4 7DP | 07388918983 | Angela Davidson | | SP2015012617 | Contrast Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005092328 | Cook, Dianne | Childminding | 11-06-2007 | Glasgow | Dianne Cook | | SP2004914789 | Dianne Cook | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005223 | Cooper, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Troon | Elizabeth Cooper | | SP2003903039 | Elizabeth Cooper | Active | ||||||||
CS2005107748 | Coorie In Childminding | Childminding | 08-09-2006 | Alloa | Mairi Mack | | SP2005952153 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011631 | Copeland, Diane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Lockerbie | Diane Copeland | | SP2003905746 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000389 | Copper Pots Day Nursery | Day Care of Children | 19-12-2022 | Donview | 431 Clifton Road | Aberdeen | AB24 4EB | 01224 681276 | Klaudia Gorska | | SP2022000257 | Copper Pots Montessori Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000302 | Cora's Corner Childcare | Childminding | 05-10-2022 | Glasgow | | SP2022000204 | Sarah Hamilton | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009749 | Corbenic Camphill Community | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Drumour Lodge | Trochry | Dunkeld | PH8 0DY | 01350 723 206 | Andreas Palauschek | | SP2003002110 | Corbenic Camphill Community | Active | ||||
CS2003040223 | Corbenic Camphill Community | Support services - not care at home | 13-09-2004 | Drumour Lodge | Trochry | Dunkeld | PH8 0DY | 01350 723 206 | Andreas Palauschek | | SP2003002110 | Corbenic Camphill Community | Active | ||||
CS2012307209 | Corbett Centre | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Coronation Park | Inverness | IV3 8AD | 01463 729 282 | Gregor Robertson | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003003986 | Corbett, Claire | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Claire Corbett | | SP2003902168 | Claire Corbett | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001482 | Cormack, Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Anne Cormack | | SP2003900237 | Anne Cormack | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008967 | Cormack, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Elgin | Margaret Cormack | | SP2003904896 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017288 | Cornbank St. James' Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 34 Marchburn Drive | Penicuik | EH26 9HE | 01312 714 575 | Lynsey Stevenson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2010237320 | Cornerstone - Uphall Care Home | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 25-03-2011 | 132 Forrest Walk | Uphall | Broxburn | EH52 5PW | 01506 857 873 | Marrianna Nelson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2003051752 | Cornerstone Aberdeen East | Housing support service | 20-09-2004 | Centurion Court | North Esplanade West | Aberdeen | AB11 5QH | 01224 256 000 | Melissa Durbridge | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2004072996 | Cornerstone Aberdeen East | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-09-2004 | Cornerstone | 1st Floor | 4/5 Union Terrace | Aberdeen | AB10 1NJ | 01224 256 000 | Melissa Durbridge | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2015343180 | Cornerstone Aberdeen South | 12-04-2016 | Centurion Court | North Esplanade West | Aberdeen | AB11 5QH | 01224 256 000 | Melissa Durbridge | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2015343108 | Cornerstone Aberdeen South | 12-04-2016 | Cornerstone | 1st Floor | 4/5 Union Terrace | Aberdeen | AB10 1NJ | 01224 256 000 | Melissa Durbridge | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2014325265 | Cornerstone Baxter View | Housing support service | 17-10-2014 | 43 Garshake Road | Dumbarton | G82 3AE | 01389 743 220 | Paula Shields | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2014325264 | Cornerstone Baxter View | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-10-2014 | 43 Garshake Road | Dumbarton | G82 3AE | 01389 743 220 | Paula Shields | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2021000221 | Cornerstone Borders CS | Support Service | 25-08-2021 | Scottish Borders Cornerstone Connects Hub | 8 Melrose Road | Galashiels | TD1 2DU | 01896 801420 | Andrew Will | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2021000220 | Cornerstone Borders CS | Housing Support Service | 25-08-2021 | Scottish Borders Cornerstone Connects Hub | 8 Melrose Road | Galashiels | TD1 2DU | 01896 801420 | Andrew Will | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2024000194 | Cornerstone Buckie | Support Service | 13-06-2024 | 7 Commerce Street | Elgin | IV30 1BS | 01343 559337 | Colinne Higgins | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2024000238 | Cornerstone Buckie | Housing Support Service | 08-07-2024 | 7 Commerce Street | Elgin | IV30 1BS | 01343 544586 | Colinne Higgins | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2014323387 | Cornerstone Castlecraigs Court - Bessie Dunlop Court | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-04-2014 | Glasgow Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8EP | 01294 603 156 | Michele Dunn | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2013320780 | Cornerstone Castlecraigs Court - Bessie Dunlop Court | Housing support service | 09-04-2014 | Glasgow Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8EP | 01294 603 156 | Michele Dunn | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2013323074 | Cornerstone Connects Hub | Support services - not care at home | 27-03-2014 | Scottish Borders Cornerstone Connects Hub | Melrose Rd | Galashiels | TD1 2DU | 01896 801420 | Tracey Turnbull | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2004073003 | Cornerstone Dundee Housing Support and Care At Home | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Cornerstone | Dudhope Castle | Barrack Road | DUNDEE | DD3 6HF | 01382 220 238 | Pamela Duell | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2004073004 | Cornerstone Dundee Housing Support and Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-09-2004 | Cornerstone | Dudhope Castle | Barrack Road | DUNDEE | DD3 6HF | 01382 220 238 | Pamela Duell | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2021000336 | Cornerstone Dundee Supported Living | Housing Support Service | 23-11-2021 | Cornerstone | Dudhope Castle | Barrack Road | DUNDEE | DD3 6HF | 01382 220238 | Natacha Padgett | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2021000335 | Cornerstone Dundee Supported Living | Support Service | 23-11-2021 | Cornerstone | Duphope Castle | Barrack Road | Dundee | DD3 6HF | 01382 220238 | Natacha Padgett | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2024000374 | Cornerstone East Dunbartonshire Supported Living 2 | Housing Support Service | 26-09-2024 | 4th Floor, | Doge's, | Templeton on the Green, | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 378 0688 | Sarah Stewart | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2024000373 | Cornerstone East Dunbartonshire Supported Living 2 | Support Service | 26-09-2024 | 4th Floor, | Doge's, | Templeton on the Green, | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 378 0688 | Sarah Stewart | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2021000205 | Cornerstone Ellon | Housing Support Service | 17-08-2021 | Cornerstone Community Care | Arnha Lower | 70 Station Road | ELLON | AB41 9AY | 01358 723192 | Sarah Craib | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2021000204 | Cornerstone Ellon | Support Service | 17-08-2021 | Cornerstone Community Care | Arnha Lower | 70 Station Road | ELLON | AB41 9AY | 01358 723192 | Sarah Craib | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2009230239 | Cornerstone Fife | Housing support service | 12-01-2010 | Cornerstone | Unit 3 | Dewar House, Carnegie Campus, Enterprise Way | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 8PY | 01383 621651 | Claire Agnew | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2009234457 | Cornerstone Fife | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-01-2010 | Cornerstone | Unit 3 | Dewar House, Carnegie Campus, Enterprise Way | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 8PY | 01383 621651 | Claire Agnew | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2021000189 | Cornerstone Maud | Support Service | 06-08-2021 | Cornerstone | Berrybank | Deer Road | Maud | AB42 4EG | 01771 613627 | Sarah Craib | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2021000190 | Cornerstone Maud | Housing Support Service | 06-08-2021 | Berrybank | Deer Road | Maud | AB42 4EG | 01771 613627 | Sarah Craib | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2015343155 | Cornerstone New Deer | 12-04-2016 | The Cabin | Sherwood Place | New Deer | TURRIFF | AB53 6BA | 01771 643838 | Tracy Thomson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2015343110 | Cornerstone New Deer | 12-04-2016 | The Cabin | Sherwood Place | New Deer | TURRIFF | AB53 6BA | 01771 643838 | Tracy Thomson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2022000310 | Cornerstone NLCS Airdrie & Coatbridge | Housing Support Service | 10-10-2022 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Lorraine Cunningham | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2022000307 | Cornerstone NLCS Airdrie & Coatbridge | Support Service | 10-10-2022 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Lorraine Cunningham | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2022000309 | Cornerstone NLCS Cumbernauld | Support Service | 10-10-2022 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Margaret McHenry | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2022000308 | Cornerstone NLCS Cumbernauld | Housing Support Service | 10-10-2022 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Margaret McHenry | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2022000312 | Cornerstone NLCS Motherwell & Wishaw | Housing Support Service | 10-10-2022 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Veronica Gillooly | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2022000311 | Cornerstone NLCS Motherwell and Wishaw | Support Service | 10-10-2022 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Veronica Gillooly | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2004073001 | Cornerstone North Aberdeenshire Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-08-2004 | 28 Marischal Street | Peterhead | AB42 1HS | 01779 401 630 | Sarah Grady | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2004072999 | Cornerstone North Aberdeenshire Housing Support | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | 28 Marischal Street | Peterhead | AB42 1HS | 01779 401 630 | Sarah Grady | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2023000167 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire Supported Living 1 | Housing Support Service | 07-06-2023 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Dianne Doran | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2023000168 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire Supported Living 1 | Support Service | 07-06-2023 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire | 12-18 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236918800 | Dianne Doran | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2019373027 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire Supported Living 2 | Housing Support Service | 04-07-2019 | 12-18 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AH | 01236 918 800 | Robyn Broadley | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2019373028 | Cornerstone North Lanarkshire Supported Living 2 | Support Service | 04-07-2019 | 12-18 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AH | 01236 918 800 | Robyn Broadley | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2011298668 | Cornerstone Perth and Kinross Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-08-2012 | Unit 31a | Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450 411 | Claire Agnew | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2011298667 | Cornerstone Perth and Kinross Services | Housing support service | 07-08-2012 | Unit 31a | Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450 411 | Pamela Duell | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2014332763 | Cornerstone South Aberdeenshire Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 14-11-2014 | Angus Court | Berrymuir Road | Portlethen | ABERDEEN | AB12 4UF | 01224 782 271 | Caroline Gibson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2014328259 | Cornerstone South Aberdeenshire Housing Support | Housing support service | 14-11-2014 | Angus Court | Berrymuir Road | Portlethen | ABERDEEN | AB12 4UF | 01224 782 271 | Caroline Gibson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2003000220 | Cornerstone Stevenson Court | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 74 Stevenson Court | Leadside Road | Aberdeen | AB25 1GU | 01224 620 516 | Michelle Roberston | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2014325430 | Cornerstone Sunnybank | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 25-04-2014 | 17 Sunnybank Road | Aberdeen | AB24 3NJ | 01224 648 954 | Michelle Robertson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2010272110 | Cornerstone Uphall Service | Support services - not care at home | 10-08-2011 | 132 Forrest Walk | Uphall | Broxburn | EH52 5PW | 01506 857 873 | Marrianna Nelson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2024000042 | Cornerstone Waterfront | Support Service | 07-02-2024 | Rockville | Garelochhead | Helensburgh | G84 0EL | 01436 640047 | Eleanor Burling-Brown | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2024000043 | Cornerstone Waterfront | Housing Support Service | 07-02-2024 | Rockville | Garelochhead | Helensburgh | G84 0EL | 01436 640047 | Eleanor Burling-Brown | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2024000121 | Cornerstone West Dunbartonshire Community Support | Support Service | 15-04-2024 | Carman Centre | 175 Main Street | Renton | Dumbarton | G82 4PF | 01389750403 | Carol Masterton | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2024000132 | Cornerstone West Dunbartonshire Community Support | Housing Support Service | 22-04-2024 | Carman Centre | 175 Main Street | Renton | Dumbarton | G82 4PF | 01389750403 | Eleanor Burling-Brown | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2015341434 | Cornerstones Nursery | Day care of children | 28-07-2016 | Loon Brae House | Ashgrove Road | Rattray | Blairgowrie | PH10 7BS | 01250 876 165 | Ashley Donaldson | | SP2015012587 | Hartley and Gordon Nurseries Limited | Active | |||
CS2015337871 | Corney, Wilma | Childminding | 06-10-2015 | West Kilbride | Wilma Corney | | SP2015986988 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004075114 | Cornforth, Pamela | Childminding | 20-07-2005 | Livingston | Pamela Cornforth | | SP2004933189 | Pamela Cornfoth | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001780 | Cornhill Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cornhill Community Education Centre | Cornhill Drive | Cornhill | Aberdeen | AB16 5BL | 01224 493 302 | Mark Duguid | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003014419 | Cornhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cornhill Drive | Aberdeen | AB16 5BL | 01224 483 234 | Gillian Devlin | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015004 | Cornton Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 - 42 Lomond Crescent | Cornton | Stirling | FK9 5DN | 01786 237 910 | Samantha Smith | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376102 | Cornton Out of School Care | Day Care of Children | 14-08-2019 | Cornton Primary School | Stirling | FK9 5DZ | 07527096429 | Louise MacKay | | SP2019013335 | Cornton Out of School Care a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2021000290 | Cornwall Park | Care Home Service | 08-10-2021 | Auchendoon Road | NEWTON STEWART | DG8 6HD | 01671 404600 | Lisa Rudd | | SP2006008483 | Park Homes (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017362471 | Corporate Parenting Hub - Glasgow Road | 06-07-2018 | 84 Glasgow Road | Stirling | FK7 0PQ | 01786 237 949 | Kimberley McMahon | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||||
CS2010247634 | Corpus Christi Out of School Service | Day care of children | 10-08-2010 | Corpus Christie Primary School | 179 Pikeman Road | Glasgow | G13 3BH | +441419525100 | Sharlene Davis | | SP2003001241 | The Committee Blairdardie Out of School Service | Active | ||||
CS2003015362 | Corpus Christi Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crowwood Crescent | Calderbank | Airdrie | ML6 9TA | 01236 794 843 | Mary O'Brien | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003940 | Corr, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Ann Corr | | SP2003902135 | Ann Corr | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016042 | Corrie Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Corrie Primary School | Corrie | Isle of Arran | KA27 8JP | 01770 810 244 | Allison Conner | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2016348416 | Corrine McKeachie Childminding | Childminding | 05-09-2016 | Inverness | Corrine McKeachie | | SP2016988194 | Corrine McKeachie | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000116 | Corry Capers | Day Care of Children | 24-06-2021 | Growers' Hub | Pairc Nan Craobh | Broadford | IV49 9BA | 07939 655783 | Tracy Keenan | | SP2021000073 | Broadford and Strath Community Company | Active | ||||
CS2003016033 | Corsehill Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fergushill Road | Kilwinning | KA13 7GW | 01294 552 418 | Nicola Collins | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000369 | Corstorphine Childcare | Day care of children | 04-11-2023 | 99 Saughton Road North | Edinburgh | EH12 7JN | 07766576876 | Jelica Nikolic | | SP2023000243 | Corstorphine Childcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015343664 | Corstorphine Dementia Project Limited | Support services - without care at home | 14-07-2016 | c/o Carrick Knowe Church | 118-132 Saughton Road North | Edinburgh | EH12 7DR | 01314 787 784 | Eilidh Waugh | | SP2010011284 | Corstorphine Dementia Project Limited a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2023000104 | Corstorphine Hill Forest Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 12-04-2023 | Corstorphine Hill | 80a Clermiston Road | Edinburgh | EH12 6UR | 01312002000 | Louise Caldwell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015840 | Corstorphine Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Corstorphine High Street | Edinburgh | EH12 7SY | 01313 343 865 | Irene Whitford | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013377 | Corstorphine Village Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | High Street Hall | 2a Corstorphine High Street | Edinburgh | EH12 7ST | 07707 695 426 | Sarah Rose McEwan | | SP2003003149 | Committee Of Corstorphine Village Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003015774 | Cortachy Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cortachy Primary School | Cortachy | Kirriemuir | DD8 4LX | 01575 540 217 | Lynn Shellard | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2004075069 | Cosgrove Care - Home Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-08-2004 | Walton Community Care Centre | May Terrace | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6LD | 01416 502 500 | Elizabeth Grant | | SP2003002854 | Cosgrove Care | Active | |||
CS2003054090 | Cosgrove Care - Home Care Service | Housing support service | 12-08-2004 | Walton Community Care Centre | May Terrace | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6LD | 01416 202 500 | Michael Adamson | | SP2003002854 | Cosgrove Care | Active | |||
CS2003003956 | Cosgrove Care Playscheme | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Walton Community Care Centre | May Terrace | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6LD | 01416 202 500 | Elizabeth Grant | | SP2003002854 | Cosgrove Care | Active | |||
CS2021000345 | Cosgrove Care Supported Living | Support Service | 29-11-2021 | Walton Community Care Centre | May Terrace | Giffnock | GLASGOW | G46 6LD | 0141 620 2500 | Michael Adamson | | SP2003002854 | Cosgrove Care | Active | |||
CS2005088134 | Cosmic Coppers | Day care of children | 26-05-2005 | 1801-1807 Paisley Road West | Cardonald | Glasgow | G52 3SS | 01418915551 | Laura Jenkins | | SP2005007211 | Deborah Keenan and Ross Keenan, a Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2011289581 | Cosmic Coppers at Merrylee | Day care of children | 15-03-2012 | 127-135 Merrylee Road | Glasgow | G44 3DL | 01416373601 | Karen Topper | | SP2011011550 | Cosmic Coppers Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000156 | Cosmic Kids Childminding | Child Minding | 02-06-2023 | Mauchline | | SP2023000104 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003015112 | COSMOS After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cosmos Community Centre | Abbey Walk | St. Andrews | KY16 9LB | 01334 474 140 | Karen Ramage | | SP2003003435 | COSMOS After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2024000119 | Cosy Corner | Child Minding | 11-04-2024 | Ellon | | SP2023001491 | Iona West | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000303 | Cosy Corner Childminding | Child Minding | 13-09-2023 | Eyemouth | | SP2023000193 | Nichola Smith | Active | |||||||||
CS2013314940 | Cosy Cottage Nursery School | Day care of children | 02-09-2013 | 59 Northfield Broadway | Edinburgh | EH8 7RX | 01312 856 855 | Sarah O'Donnell | | SP2013984479 | Cosy Cottage Nursery School Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007154093 | Cothrom Og | Day care of children | 16-10-2007 | Cothrom Learning Centre | Ormiclate | South Uist | HS8 5SB | 01878 700 912 | Katherine MacDonald | SP2005007758 | Cothrom | Active | |||||
CS2012306216 | Cottage Care Services Ltd | Housing support service | 03-04-2012 | 23 Brougham Street | Greenock | PA16 8AB | 01475 648 393 | Karen Gallagher | | SP2012011776 | Cottage Care Services Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012306217 | Cottage Care Services Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-04-2012 | 23 Brougham Street | Greenock | PA16 8AB | 01475 648 393 | Karen Gallagher | | SP2012011776 | Cottage Care Services Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003004463 | Cotter, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Motherwell | Fiona Cotter | | SP2003902513 | Fiona McColl | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017191 | Coulhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Coullhill Nusrery | Coullhill Primary | Alness | IV17 0RD | Anna Mackay Meneely | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2010237191 | Coull, Flora | Childminding | 03-06-2010 | Peebles | Flora Coull | | SP2010976989 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005108937 | Coulter, Valerie | Childminding | 29-03-2006 | Maybole | Valerie Coulter | | SP2005952694 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009193868 | Coulthard, Pamela | Childminding | 27-05-2009 | Glasgow | Pamela Coulthard | | SP2009972896 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013316 | Countess After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Countess After School Club | Bleachingfield Centre | Countess Crescent | Dunbar | EH42 1DX | 01368 865 933 | Elaine Maxwell | | SP2003003094 | Committee of Countess After School Club | Active | |||
CS2023000267 | Countesswells ELC | Day Care of Children | 17-08-2023 | Countesswells School | Wisely Place | Aberdeen | AB15 8NF | 01224 764676 | Katie Stewart | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377787 | Countesswells Out of School Care | Day Care of Children | 21-02-2020 | Countesswells Primary School | Wisely Place | Aberdeen | AB15 8NF | Dorothy Burnett | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2019376142 | Country Bumpkins Childminding | Child Minding | 10-09-2019 | Strathaven | Margaret Maitland | | SP2019990656 | Margaret Maitland | Active | ||||||||
CS2017362744 | Country Bumpkins Childminding Services | 08-03-2018 | Crieff | Emma Duncan | | SP2017989563 | Emma Duncan | Active | |||||||||
CS2017354851 | Country Care Bears | Childminding | 23-05-2017 | Dundee | Gail Edgar | | SP2017988879 | Gail Edgar | Active | ||||||||
CS2018366174 | Country Kids | 24-01-2019 | Keith | Viktoria Simpson | | SP2018989845 | Viktoria Simpson | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306650 | Country Kids Childcare | Childminding | 26-03-2012 | Kinross | Laura Smith | | SP2012983296 | Laura Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377994 | Country Kids Childminding | Child Minding | 03-03-2020 | Lanark | Constance McIlroy | | SP2019990940 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010254581 | Country Kids Limited | Childminding | 24-01-2012 | Ellon | Deborah Hewison | | SP2005944602 | Country Kids Limited Country Kids Limited | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000270 | Countryside Kids Childminding | Child Minding | 31-08-2022 | Jedburgh | | SP2022000181 | Leigh Grieve | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001117 | Countryview | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Law View Road | Quarriers Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3FD | 01505 616 020 | Jenna cochrane | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2003016076 | Coupar Angus Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Coupar Angus | Blairgowrie | PH13 9AS | 01250 871 400 | Michelle Smith | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000161 | Courtney @ FAST Chapelhall | Day Care of Children | 14-07-2021 | Chapelhall & St. Aloysius Primary Joint Campus | 1 Honeywell Crescent | Chapelhall | AIRDRIE | ML6 8XW | 07933219804 | Caron Kumar | | SP2021000096 | Courtney McAteer | Active | |||
CS2022000043 | Courtney @ FAST Coatbridge | Day Care of Children | 14-02-2022 | St. Augustine's Community Hall | 12 Dundyvan Road | Coatbridge | ML5 1DQ | 07933219804 | | SP2021000096 | Courtney McAteer | Active | |||||
CS2021382845 | Courtney's Childminding | Childminding | 22-02-2021 | Newton Stewart | Courtney Brown | | SP2021991540 | Courtney Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2015334879 | Couthie House | Care homes for children and young people | 28-08-2015 | Gilmerton Road Support Services | 408 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7JH | 01316 721 702 | Paul Rennie | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2011285272 | Coutts, Tracie | Childminding | 14-07-2011 | Aberdeen | Tracie Coutts | | SP2011982043 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000109 | Cowal Care Services Ltd | Housing Support Service | 18-04-2023 | 27 Ferry Brae | Dunoon | PA23 7DJ | 01369707707 | JAMES SMITH | | SP2023000074 | Cowal Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000110 | Cowal Care Services Ltd | Support Service | 18-04-2023 | 27 Ferry Brae | Dunoon | PA23 7DJ | 01369 707707 | JAMES SMITH | | SP2023000074 | Cowal Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012314382 | Cowan Court Extra Care Housing | Housing support service | 16-09-2013 | 1 Pentland Way | Penicuik | EH26 8BF | 01968 664 141 | Margaret McGillivray | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2013318764 | Cowan Court Extra Care Housing | Support Services - care at home | 16-09-2013 | 1 Pentland Way | Penicuik | EH26 8BF | 01968 664 141 | Margaret McGillivray | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000098 | Cowan Grove Outreach Service | Support Service | 26-03-2024 | Hillcrest Housing | 5 Cowan Place | Dundee | DD4 6QL | 01382 711020 | Natalie Douglas | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2003003936 | Cowan, Jayne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jayne Cowan | | SP2003902131 | Jayne Cowan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014822 | Cowcaddens Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 12 Manresa Place | Glasgow | G4 9SZ | 01413 323 218 | Claire Tummon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2013318319 | Cowdenbeath | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-02-2014 | 10 Sawers Close | Fife | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8FB | 01383 512 548 | Morag Prince | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2013318217 | Cowdenbeath | Housing support service | 13-02-2014 | 10 Sawers Close | Fife | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8FB | 01383 512 548 | Morag Prince | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2003007735 | Cowdenbeath After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Maxwell Community Centre | 70 Stenhouse Street | COWDENBEATH | KY49DD | 07933652775 | Ashleigh Hodge | | SP2003001686 | Cowdenbeath After School Club Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003017086 | Cowdenbeath Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Broad Street | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8JP | 01383 602 449 | Murray Begg | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2011303086 | Cowdray Club | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | 1 - 5 Fonthill Road | Aberdeen | AB11 6UD | 01224 212 140 | Lynne Rennie | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011305574 | Cowe, Donna | Childminding | 20-08-2012 | East Linton | Donna Cowe | | SP2011983165 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013983 | Cowgate Under 5's | Day care of children | 26-08-2002 | Old Assembly Close | High Street | Edinburgh | EH1 1QX | 01312 257 251 | Farah Shafiq | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003043672 | Cowie Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Margaret's Primary School and Cowie Nursery | McSherry Court | Cowie | Stirling | FK7 7FE | 01786 237 954 | Vicki Porter | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2003001485 | Cowie, Joyce | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Peterculter | Joyce Cowie | SP2003900240 | Joyce Cowie | Active | |||||||||
CS2004075620 | Cox, Mary | Childminding | 14-03-2005 | Glasgow | Mary Cox | | SP2004929422 | Mary Cox | Active | ||||||||
CS2012310945 | Cox, Susan | Childminding | 14-11-2012 | Forfar | Susan Cox | | SP2012983940 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017354005 | Coyle Personnel Limited | 29-05-2018 | Coyle Personnel Ltd | Broadgate Tower | 20 Primrose Street | LONDON | EC2A 2ES | 020 4574 9348 | Sarah Sanford | | SP2017012862 | Coyle Personnel Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003005301 | Coyle, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Elizabeth Coyle | | SP2003903105 | Elizabeth Coyle | Active | ||||||||
CS2003035189 | Coylton Care Club | Day care of children | 12-02-2003 | Coylton Activity Centre | Hole Road | Coylton | Ayr | KA6 6JL | 01292 612 029 | June Main | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003017392 | Coylton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 4A Main Road | Coylton | Ayr | KA6 6JP | 01292 612 491 | Fiona Donnelly | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000392 | CPW Resourcing Ltd T/A Healthcare Professionals | Nurse Agency | 20-11-2023 | Unit 3a, | Thames Enterprise Centre | Princess Margaret Road | East Tilbury | RM18 8RH | 02078815607 | OLUWAKEMI DEBORAH OMOTOS | | SP2023000393 | CPW Resourcing Ltd T/A Healthcare Professionals | Active | |||
CS2014332754 | Cradle Plus | Childminding | 23-02-2015 | Kirkcaldy | Terry Brady | | SP2014012384 | Terry & Cindy Brady a partnership trading as Cradl Terry & Cindy Brady a partnership trading as Cradl | Active | ||||||||
CS2015336577 | Cradlehall Nursery | Day care of children | 01-07-2015 | 1 Cradlehall Court | Inverness | IV2 5WD | 01463 794 445 | Fiona Mackenzie | | SP2015012472 | Childcare Highland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017192 | Cradlehall Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cradlehall Park | Inverness | IV2 5DB | 01463 791 195 | Vivienne Goodall | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2013315702 | Craft, Margaret | Childminding | 16-05-2013 | Ellon | Margaret Craft | | SP2013012022 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010561 | Craig En Goyne | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Tak Ma Doon Road | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 0RS | 01236 822 139 | Audrey Johnstone | | SP2003002414 | Craig En Goyne Care Company Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006119326 | Craig, Claire | Childminding | 14-09-2006 | Glasgow | Claire Craig | | SP2006959154 | Claire Craig | Active | ||||||||
CS2006122120 | Craig, Elizabeth-Ann | Childminding | 16-10-2006 | Kilbirnie | Elizabeth Craig | | SP2006959415 | Elizabeth-Ann Craig | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003279 | Craig, Lisa | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alloa | Lisa Craig | | SP2003901623 | Craig Lisa | Active | ||||||||
CS2003020062 | Craig, Lynsey | Childminding | 23-09-2003 | Glasgow | Lynsey Craig | | SP2003910480 | Lynsey Craig | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005469 | Craig, Nicola | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Nicola Craig | | SP2003903229 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007141624 | Craig, Shona | Childminding | 16-05-2007 | Glasgow | Shona Craig | | SP2007962932 | Shona Craig | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009715 | Craigard Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Liniclate Education Centre | Liniclate | ISLE OF BENBECULA | HS7 5PJ | Muriel Macleod | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2003045975 | Craigard Nursery | Day care of children | 28-01-2004 | Craigard House | 2 Victoria Road | Dullatur | Cumbernauld | G68 0AW | 01236 739 684 | Joanna MacDonald | | SP2003000974 | Craigard Nursery | Active | |||
CS2017361006 | Craigbank Care Home | 19-12-2017 | 80 Saracen Street | Glasgow | G22 5AD | 01413 366 363 | Claribel Durairaj | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2019377710 | Craigbank ELC | Day Care of Children | 07-01-2020 | Newtonshaw | Sauchie | FK10 3EJ | 01259 452 307 | Siobhan Haldane | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014868 | Craigbank Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Craigbank Drive | Glasgow | G53 6RA | 01418 817 829 | Suzanne Marshall | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016198 | Craigclowan Preparatory School Pre School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh Road | Perth | PH2 8PS | 01738 230 555 | Jill Moffat | | SP2003003587 | Craigclowan Preparatory PreSchool | Active | |||||
CS2003001429 | Craigellachie Children's Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 16 Cochno Street | Whitecrook | Clydebank | G81 1QX | 01419 524 637 | Wilma Kennedy | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000822 | Craigend Gardens Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 72 Croftcroighn Road | Ruchazie | Glasgow | G33 3SE | 01417 745 700 | Steven McLellan | | SP2003000160 | Quarter Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018366146 | Craigend OSC | 11-09-2018 | St. Dominics Presbytery | 247 Mossvale Road | GLASGOW | G33 5QS | 07946 605 728 | Karen Cullen | | SP2018013111 | Karen Cullen | Active | |||||
CS2003015651 | Craigentinny Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craigentinny Early Learning and Childcare | 4A Loganlea Drive | Edinburgh | EH7 6LR | 01316 618 593 | Jane Donaldson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000011 | Craighall House | Care homes for older people | 17-01-2023 | Mansfield Care Administration | 99 Craighall Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RD | 01315516266 | Kathleen Dickman | | SP2023000006 | Fairview Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020378965 | Craighead Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | Norwood | Newport-On-Tay | DD6 8DW | 01382 543 455 | Jasmine Ali | | SP2020013470 | Craighead Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003003814 | Craighead Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craighead Community Education Centre | Craighead Road | Milton of Campsie | Glasgow | G66 8DL | 01360 312 276 | Nicola Fraser | | SP2003000767 | Craighead Childcare Centre Limited | Active | |||
CS2016344871 | Craighead Country Nursery School | Day care of children | 21-07-2016 | Craighead Farm | Mauchline | KA5 6EX | 01290 559217 | Elspeth Goldie | | SP2016012660 | Craighead Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014684 | Craighead Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craighead Primary School | Craighead Road | Milton of Campsie | Glasgow | G66 8DL | 01419 552 271 | Lynne Stewart | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2019377326 | Craighill Childcare | Child Minding | 28-07-2020 | ELGIN | Keith & Lynette Simpson | | SP2019013386 | Keith & Lynette Simpson, a Partnership Keith & Lynette Simpson, a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000044 | Craigie Care Home | Care Home Service | 24-02-2023 | Craigie Nursing Home | 27 Craigie Road | KILMARNOCK | KA1 4EF | 01563 542 839 | Margaret Wilson | | SP2023000035 | Craigie Carehome Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003000483 | Craigie Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Craigie Cottage | 25 Southampton Road | Dundee | DD4 7PN | 01382 436 563 | Mark MacAulay | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000123 | Craigie House Care Home | Care Home Service | 02-05-2023 | Main Street | Crossgates | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8DF | 01592 780 590 | Kelly Mulholland | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016084 | Craigie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craigie Primary School | 15 - 17 Abbot Street | Perth | PH2 0EE | 01738 472 300 | Hazel Freeland | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002740 | Craigie, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Carnoustie | Karen Craigie | | SP2003901231 | Karen Craigie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003041544 | Craigiebarn Owls Out of School Care Club | Day care of children | 17-10-2003 | c/o Craigiebarns Primary School | Brington Road | Dundee | DD4 7UH | 01382 458 366 | Stacey Doogan | | SP2004004902 | Craigiebarn Owls Out of School Care Club | Active | ||||
CS2003016934 | Craigiebarns Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brington Road | Dundee | DD4 7UH | 01382 438 840 | Karen Clarke | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000400 | Craigieknowes | Care homes for older people | 23-12-2022 | Carlton | Craigie Knowes Road | Perth | PH2 0DG | 01738 634 310 | Helen Jones | | SP2007009144 | Four Seasons Health Care (Scotland) Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Health Care Group | Active | ||||
CS2020379132 | Craigielea Care Home | Care Home Service | 09-07-2020 | French Street | Renfrew | PA4 8DG | 01418 863 365 | Mairi Ritchie | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003011990 | Craiglockhart After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craiglockhart Primary School | 90 Ashley Terrace | Edinburgh | EH11 1RG | 01313 379 214 | Alan Alcock | | SP2003002895 | Craiglockhart After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2004074831 | Craiglockhart Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 09-09-2004 | Ashley Terrace | Edinburgh | EH11 1RG | 01313 371 407 | Sonja Brown | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2020378931 | Craigmarloch Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-10-2020 | Kilmacolm Road | Port Glasgow | PA14 6PT | 01475 715 345 | George Walker | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2006122835 | Craigmile, Ashley | Childminding | 10-11-2006 | Dundee | Ashley Craigmile | SP2006959510 | Ashley Craigmile | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015640 | Craigmillar Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 Craigmillar Castle Gardens | Edinburgh | EH16 4BR | 01316 613 126 | Nicola Crerar | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015335 | Craigneuk Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 641 Glasgow Road | Craigneuk | Wishaw | ML2 7SR | 01698 522 709 | Rhona MacKinnon | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006118133 | Craignish Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 19-09-2006 | Craignish Primary School | Ardfern | Lochgilphead | PA31 8QN | 01852 500 652 | Donna Scholefield | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003053485 | Craigour Park Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Craigour Park Primary School | Moredun Park Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7HL | 01316 647 594 | Sally Ketchin | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015794 | Craigowl Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Laird Street | Dundee | DD3 9NY | 01382 307 680 | Gerry Munro | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017045 | Craigroyston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 7 Muirhouse Place West | Edinburgh | EH4 4PX | 01313 436 465 | Rebecca Favier | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2006116364 | Craigton Grove and Associated Housing | Housing support service | 15-12-2006 | 3 Craigton Grove | Peterculter | AB14 0SU | 01224 735 529 | Sheila Moffat | jenny, | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2010270571 | Craigton Grove and Associated Housing | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-10-2010 | 3 Craigton Grove | Peterculter | AB14 0SU | 01224 735 529 | Sheila Moffat | jenny, | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2003055151 | Craigton Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 12-05-2005 | Craigton Primary School | 9 Morven Street | Glasgow | G52 1AL | 01418 922 070 | Alexander Thom | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000298 | Craigy ASC | Day Care of Children | 05-08-2024 | Craigentinny Primary School | 4 Loganlea Drive | Edinburgh | EH7 6LR | 07544405993 | KATHERINE STONE | | SP2024000324 | Craigy ASC LTD | Active | ||||
CS2003001303 | Crail / Wilson Houses Small Group Living Services | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Hansel Alliance, Hansel Village | Broad Meadows | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5PU | 01563 831 463 | Julie Coyle | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | |||
CS2003015892 | Crail Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Backdykes | Crail | Anstruther | KY10 3UW | 01334 659 457 | Nicola Wallace | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2005110301 | Cramond Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 08-09-2005 | 26 Whitehouse Road | Cramond | Edinburgh | EH4 6NN | 0131 6038409 | Lorraine Mossie | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003011854 | Cramond Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cramond Kirk | Cramond Glebe Road | Edinburgh | EH4 6NS | 07707207486 | Gillian Ross | | SP2003002823 | Cramond Playgroup Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003015849 | Cramond Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cramond Crescent | Edinburgh | EH4 6PG | 01313 126 450 | Helen Donaldson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2017355470 | Cramond Residence | 02-10-2018 | 49 Cramond Road North | Edinburgh | EH4 6NG | 01313 361 064 | Ross Bijak | | SP2017012907 | Cramond Residence Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003010953 | Crane Services | Offender accommodation (with premises for service users) | 01-04-2002 | 24 Broughton Place | Edinburgh | EH1 3RT | 01315 569 969 | Jimmy McLatchie | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000037 | Cranford Care Home | Care Home Service | 03-02-2025 | Cranford House | Cranford Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7NJ | 01224209760 | Coleen Reid | | SP2024000245 | Renaissance Care (No 10) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020380583 | Cranhill Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-10-2020 | St Maria Goretti Primary School | 67 Skerryvore Road | Glasgow | G33 3LB | 07769040769 | Susan Smith | | SP2020013561 | Cranhill Out of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2013322289 | Cranley Nursery Buckstone | Day care of children | 06-12-2013 | 226 Braid Road | Edinburgh | EH10 6NZ | 0131 445 2227 | Amy Gavin | | SP2013012215 | Cranley Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015340044 | Cranley Nursery Lanark Road | Day care of children | 28-08-2015 | 438 Lanark Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0NJ | 01314 412 200 | Hannah Lyster | | SP2013012215 | Cranley Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009235415 | Crannoch Residential Child Care Resource | Care homes for children and young people | 17-05-2010 | Crannoch | 165 South Street | LOCHGELLY | KY5 9BG | 01592 784 088 | Ashley Johnstone | | SP2009976534 | Crannoch Residential Child Care Resource Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006125795 | Crannog Care Home | Care homes for older people | 18-12-2006 | 10 Bayfield Terrace | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 7EJ | 01419 404 320 | Natasha Ozbey | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2023000413 | Crannog Mara | Care Home Service | 08-12-2023 | 58 Bay Street | Fairlie | Largs | KA29 0AL | 07468539219 | Alexander Fraser | | SP2019013387 | Compass Child and Family Services a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2009216752 | Cranston Country Nursery | Day care of children | 08-10-2009 | Edgehead Road | Pathhead | EH37 5RG | 01875 321 370 | Tracey Stevens | | SP2009010374 | Cranston Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014870 | Cranstonhill Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 3 Little Street | Glasgow | G3 8DQ | 01412 484 899 | Kay Groves | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000285 | Crawford House | Care homes for children and young people | 06-10-2021 | 110 Carlisle Road | Crawford | BIGGAR | ML12 6TW | 01414420087 | Gail Ellis | | SP2020013539 | Nurture One Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003001053 | Crawford Street Young Person's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 31 Crawford Street | Hyndland | Glasgow | G11 6TT | 01412 766 890 | Katie McGurn | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2008181081 | Crawford, Bridget | Childminding | 24-02-2009 | Hamilton | Bridget Crawford | SP2008970786 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008168689 | Crawford, Catherine | Childminding | 07-07-2008 | Broxburn | Catherine Crawford | | SP2008968210 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003039215 | Crawford, Elaine | Childminding | 26-08-2003 | Kinross | Elaine Crawford | | SP2003909558 | Elaine Crawford | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006391 | Crawford, Janice | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Hamilton | Janice Crawford | | SP2003903753 | Janice Crawford | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016447 | Crawford, Tracey | Childminding | 10-06-2002 | Falkirk | Tracey Crawford | | SP2003910582 | Tracey Crawford | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000301 | Crawfurd Road Nursery & OSC | Day Care of Children | 11-09-2023 | Scout Association, Scout Hall | 19 Crawfurd Road | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4LD | 0141 631 4477 | Carolyne Foster | | SP2022000020 | ACE Place Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008173010 | Crazy Capers - Bushes | Day care of children | 24-06-2008 | Bushes Primary School | Grampian Avenue | Glenburn | Paisley | PA2 8DW | 01418 894 404 | Fiona Campbell | | SP2010011029 | Crazy Capers Limited | Active | |||
CS2010269728 | Crazy Capers - Langcraigs | Day care of children | 25-01-2011 | Glenburn Resource Centre | Donaldswood Road | Glenburn | Paisley | PA2 8EA | 01418 894 404 | Margaret McDonald | | SP2010011029 | Crazy Capers Limited | Active | |||
CS2013319689 | CRC Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 22-08-2014 | CRC Care Ltd | Fleming Suite, Gatehouse Building, Westway Business Park | 35 Porterfield Road | Renfrew | PA4 8DJ | 0141 251 0138 | Catherine Longwe | | SP2013012138 | CRC Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013316738 | Create Aberdeen | Support services - care at home | 27-11-2013 | Inchgarth Community Centre | Aboyne Place | Garthdee | Aberdeen | AB10 7DR | 01224 313 323 | Alexandra Constantinides | | SP2009010481 | Create Aberdeen | Active | |||
CS2019378096 | Creative Homecare | Support Service | 21-07-2020 | Strathcarron Hospice | Fankerton | Denny | FK6 5HJ | 01324 826 222 | David Hall | | SP2019013424 | Creative Home Care CIC | Active | ||||
CS2021000093 | Creative Minds Childminding | Childminding | 11-06-2021 | GALSTON | | SP2021000057 | Simon Denton | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005403 | Creche & Play Programmes | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Unit 12 | Back O'Hill Industrial Estate | Back O'Hill Road | Stirling | FK8 1SH | 01786 233 996 | Carolyn Forysth | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2007144611 | Cree, Tracey | Childminding | 31-08-2007 | DUNDEE | Tracey Cree | | SP2007963964 | Tracey Cree | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015478 | Creetown Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Creetown Primary School | Chain Road | Creetown | Newton Stewart | DG8 7JR | 01671 820 243 | Joanne White | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2022000165 | Creggan Bahn Court | Care Home Service | 22-06-2022 | 2 Seafield Road | Ayr | KA7 4AA | 01292 263 723 | Samantha Baxter-Hendren | | SP2018013105 | MMCG (2) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003012034 | Crewe Road Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 124 Crewe Road South | Edinburgh | EH4 2NY | 01313 328 392 | Lorraine Menzies | | SP2003002931 | Crewe Road Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003043676 | Crianlarich Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Old School House | Crianlarich | FK20 8QN | 01567 820 889 | Pete Waugh | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2003016093 | Crieff Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broich Road | Crieff | PH7 3SE | 01764 657 888 | Suz McKenzie | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003003731 | Crilley, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jacqueline Crilley | | SP2003901984 | Jacqueline Crilley | Active | ||||||||
CS2018371895 | Criminal Justice Tenancy Sustainment Service | 14-03-2019 | 3 Gairbraid Road | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 8YA | 01414 064 411 | Stephen Harkins | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2021000271 | Crimond Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Crimond Care Home | Crimond | Fraserburgh | AB43 8QJ | 01346532025 | Pauline Gerrie | | SP2021000168 | Crimond Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015729 | Crimond School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crimond Primary School | Logie Road | Crimond | Fraserburgh | AB43 8QL | 01346 415 865 | Kim Purcell | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008172862 | Croftbank House | Care homes for older people | 16-04-2008 | 98 Old Mill Road | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 7JB | 01698 814 466 | Gertina Engelbrecht | | SP2008009685 | Renaissance Care (No 7) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006135974 | Croftcroighn Nursery | Day care of children | 14-05-2007 | Avenue End Campus | 290 Mossvale Road | Glasgow | G33 5NY | 01417 743 760 | Elaine Jamieson | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2014325018 | Crofthead House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 20-05-2014 | Eastfield Road | Fauldhouse | Bathgate | EH47 9EF | 01501 770 402 | Marcia Stewart | | SP2014012283 | Croftwise Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016151 | Croftmalloch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Raeburn Crescent | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 8HQ | 01501 740 506 | Mark Wheelhouse | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2018368008 | Croll, Eleanor | 31-10-2018 | Auchterarder | Eleanor Croll | | SP2018990006 | Eleanor Croll | Active | |||||||||
CS2010278953 | Cromarty Daycare | Day care of children | 16-02-2011 | Cromarty Primary School | Cromarty | IV11 8RX | 07516737138 | Sophie Lumsden | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | |||||
CS2003015702 | Crombie School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hays Way | Westhill | AB32 6XZ | 01224 472905 | Diane Booth | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002751 | Crompton, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath | Susan Crompton | | SP2003901235 | Susan Crompton | Active | ||||||||
CS2018371313 | Cronberry House | 10-04-2019 | Old School House | Muirkirk Road | Cronberry | Cumnock | KA18 3LP | 01290 424 555 | Marisa Hynds | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013318436 | Crookfur Family Centre | Day care of children | 13-08-2013 | 200 Ayr Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6DT | 01415 707 700 | Sheena McGuigan | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014324303 | Crookston Care Home | Care homes for older people | 24-09-2014 | Sanderson's Wynd | Tranent | EH33 1DA | 01875 444660 | Alexandra Pauline Skead | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2008179196 | Crookston Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 10-02-2009 | Crookston Castle Campus | Glenside Avenue | Glasgow | G53 5SD | 01418 836 094 | Patricia Monaghan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011298871 | Crosby House | Care homes for older people | 11-10-2011 | 1 May Baird Avenue | Aberdeen | AB25 3BD | 01224 358 584 | Craig Teasdale | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2020379182 | Cross Arthurlie Nursery Class | Day care of children | 04-03-2021 | Fern Drive | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1JF | 0141 570 7140 | Fiona MacDonald | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002019 | Cross, Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Peterhead | Anne Cross | | SP2003900641 | Anne Cross | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001068 | Crossbank Crescent RCU | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 28 Crossbank Crescent | Toryglen | Glasgow | G42 0NE | 01412 761 812 | Martin Bulloch | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2014326360 | Crossbasket Nursery School | Day care of children | 22-08-2014 | Stoneymeadow Road | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9UE | 01698 720 039 | Leann Janet Lavery | | SP2014012308 | Crossbasket Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014323392 | Crossford Out of School Club | Day care of children | 03-06-2014 | Crossford Primary School | Dean Drive | Crossford | Dunfermline | KY12 8PE | 07860 957 889 | Julie Clarke | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017087 | Crossford Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dean Drive | Crossford | Dunfermline | KY12 8PE | 01383 602 451 | Lorna Bernard | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300604 | Crossgate Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Meiklewood Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 2EL | 01563 523 311 | Katrina Thomson | | SP2011011680 | Shaftesbury Care Grp Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006117457 | Crossgates Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 02-03-2006 | Crossgates Primary School | Dunfermline Road | Crossgates | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8AR | 01383 510 993 | Calvyn Simpson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017088 | Crossgates Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 97 Dunfermline Road | Crossgates | Dunfermline | KY4 8AR | 01383 602 452 | Alison Green | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016134 | Crosshill Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carrick Drive | Crosshill | Maybole | Ayr | KA19 7RH | 01655 885 803 | Fiona Bruce | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001104 | Crosshill Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Crosshill Place | Port Glasgow | PA14 5UF | 01475 715634 | Eleanor Loughran | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016947 | Crosshouse Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Playingfield Road | Crosshouse | Kilmarnock | KA2 0JJ | 01563 554972 | Tina Gaitens | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015287 | Crosshouse Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Curlew Drive | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8ZY | 01355 245 300 | Isabelle Murray | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376883 | Crosslaw House Care Home | Care Home Service | 19-08-2020 | Home Street | Lanark | ML11 9AZ | 01555 664 445 | Sharon Maxwell | | SP2019013365 | Wallace Management Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017353430 | Crosslet Day Services | Support services - not care at home | 07-07-2017 | Argyll Avenue | Dumbarton | G82 3NS | 01389 603 800 | Arlene Mustarde | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016352864 | Crosslet House Care Home | 30-05-2017 | Argyll Avenue | Dumbarton | G82 3NS | 01389 603 800 | Elizabeth McInnes | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003011721 | Crossmichael & Parton Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenlochar Community Centre | Crossmichael | Castle Douglas | DG7 2NZ | +447599080987 | Stacey Morgan | | SP2003002750 | Crossmichael & Parton Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2024000062 | Crosspoint Care Agency Ltd | Support Service | 20-02-2024 | Suite 17 | Atrium Business Centre | North Caldeen Road | Coatbridge | ML5 4EF | 07932389466 | Rodney Mupedziswa | | SP2023000392 | Crosspoint Care Agency Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003000922 | CrossReach Abstinence Recovery Service | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 01-04-2002 | 21a Westland Drive | Jordanhill | Glasgow | G14 9NY | 0141 950 1772 | Catriona McCabe | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2016345742 | Crossreach Children's Services | Care homes for children and young people | 05-08-2016 | Finniescroft Farm | Chestnut Walk | Lennoxtown | Glasgow | G66 7NP | 01360 312 697 | Gillian Bridges | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2003012021 | Crossreach Counselling East Creche | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Simpson House | Church of Scotland | 52 Queen Street | Edinburgh | EH2 3NS | 0131 225 6028 | Dawn McMechan | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2004074029 | Crossroads (Dumfries & Lower Nithsdale) Care Attendant Scheme | Support services - care at home | 20-10-2004 | Lochvale House | Georgetown Road | Dumfries | DG1 4DF | 01387 248 686 | Elizabeth Blackley | | SP2004006372 | Crossroads Caring for Carers Dumfries & Lower Nithsdale | Active | ||||
CS2005086406 | Crossroads (Perth and Kinross) Care Attendant Scheme | Support services - care at home | 06-01-2005 | The Gateway | North Methven Street | Perth | PH1 5PP | 01738 639 460 | Gillian Renton | | SP2004005890 | Crossroads (Perth & Kinross) Care Attendant Scheme | Active | ||||
CS2004073986 | Crossroads (South Ayrshire) Care Attendant Scheme | Support services - care at home | 15-02-2005 | Biggart Hospital | Biggart Road | Prestwick | KA9 2HQ | 01292 671 331 | Anne Symington | | SP2005007534 | Crossroads (South Ayrshire) Care Attendant Scheme | Active | ||||
CS2005087104 | Crossroads Care - Skye & Lochalsh | Support services - care at home | 08-02-2005 | Kings House | The Green | Portree | IV51 9BS | 01478 612 399 | Jennifer Millington | | SP2005007188 | Crossroads Care - Skye & Lochalsh | Active | ||||
CS2004073845 | Crossroads Care and Support | Support services - care at home | 22-02-2005 | 26 South Main Street | Wigtown | Newton Stewart | DG8 9EH | 01988 402 003 | Carol Black | | SP2004006432 | Crossroads (Newton Stewart & Machars) Care Attendant Scheme | Active | ||||
CS2020380435 | Crossroads Care Harris | Support Service | 23-12-2020 | The Old Primary School | West Tarbert | Isle of Harris | HS3 3BG | 07305078815 | Marion Macdonald | | SP2020013550 | Crossroads Care Harris a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2004060561 | Crossroads Care Orkney | Support services - care at home | 11-03-2005 | Kirkwall Travel Centre | West Castle Street | Kirkwall | KW15 1GU | 01856 870 500 | Arlene Montgomery | | SP2004005928 | Crossroads Orkney | Active | ||||
CS2004073898 | Crossroads Caring for Carers Annandale & Eskdale | Support services - care at home | 07-12-2004 | Room 10 | 15 Ednam Street | Annan | DG12 6EF | 01461 204 240 | Michael Turner | | SP2004006491 | Crossroads (Annandale & Eskdale) Care Attendant Scheme | Active | ||||
CS2015341320 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Falkirk Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 08-10-2015 | Unit 3 | Melisa House | 3 Brand Place | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698539504 | Ashley Fraser | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | |||
CS2008179307 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Forth Valley Service | Support services - care at home | 05-09-2008 | Unit 3 | Melisa House | 3 Brand Place | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01412263793 | Ashley Fraser | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | |||
CS2014332294 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Aberdeenshire | Support services - care at home | 04-03-2015 | Saltoun Chambers | 19 Seaforth Street | Fraserburgh | AB43 9BD | 01346 510 280 | Margaret Stewart | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2009198902 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Blantyre/East Dunbarton | Housing support service | 14-04-2009 | Unit 3 | Melisa House | 3 Brand Place | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 539 504 | Ashley Fraser | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | |||
CS2014332291 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Blantyre/East Dunbarton | Support services - care at home | 04-03-2015 | Unit 3 | Melisa House | 3 Brand Place | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 539 504 | Ashley Fraser | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | |||
CS2014332297 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Dundee | Support services - care at home | 04-03-2015 | Unit I Tayside Software Centre | Gemini Crescent | Dundee | DD2 1TY | 01382 817 454 | Jennifer Blacklaws | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2014332298 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Lochaber | Support services - care at home | 04-03-2015 | Glenloy Street | Caol Shopping Centre | Caol | Fort William | PH33 7DR | 01397 701 020 | Melissa Donaldson | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | |||
CS2014332293 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Moray/Nairn | Support services - care at home | 04-03-2015 | Office 1 , 8 West Street | FOCHABERS | IV32 7DJ | 01343 544 575 | Melissa Donaldson | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2014332238 | Crossroads Caring Scotland - Stewartry/Mid and Upper Nithsdale | Support services - care at home | 04-03-2015 | Townhead | Sanquhar | DG4 6DA | 01659 500 05 | Samantha Frost | | SP2007008963 | Crossroads Caring Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004079063 | Crossroads Fife | Support services - care at home | 15-02-2005 | Buko Tower | Office 4 | Dalton Road | Glenrothes | KY6 2SS | 01592 610 540 | Tracy Young | | SP2004006625 | Crossroads Fife | Active | |||
CS2004080227 | Crossroads Lewis Ltd | Support services - care at home | 13-01-2005 | Unit 1 | 79b Seaforth Road | STORNOWAY | HS1 2SD | 01851 705 422 | Chrisell Macleod | | SP2004006985 | Crossroads Lewis Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004072719 | Crossroads North Argyll | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-07-2004 | North Argyll Carers Centre | Albany Street | Oban | PA34 4AL | 01631 562 277 | Joan Best | | SP2004004476 | Crossroads North Argyll Care Attendant Scheme | Active | ||||
CS2003015747 | Crossroads Nursery - Banchory | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crossroads of Durris | Banchory | AB31 6BX | 01330 700 423 | Elaine Ingram | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003008585 | Crown Corner Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crown Corner Club | Crown Church | 2 Midmills Road | INVERNESS | IV2 3NX | Fiona Green | | SP2003001775 | Crown Corner Club | Active | ||||
CS2003017195 | Crown Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crown Primary School | Kingsmills Road | Inverness | IV2 3JT | 01463 233879 | Miriam MacDonald | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017196 | Croy Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Croy Primary School | Dalcroy Road | Croy | Inverness | IV2 5PG | 01667 493 356 | Arlene Beattie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2019377662 | Cruden Kid Care | Child Minding | 20-02-2020 | Peterhead | Eilidh Phipps | | SP2019990887 | Eilidh Phipps | Active | ||||||||
CS2010279119 | Cruden, Lisa | Childminding | 15-03-2011 | Glasgow | Lisa Cruden | | SP2010980890 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000275 | Crudenlea | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 17 Cruden Terrace | Stonehaven | AB39 2LQ | 01569 765 512 | Caroline Gibson | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2003002546 | Crudie Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Old School House | Crudie | Turriff | AB53 5QD | 01888 551 326 | Ashley Whyte | | SP2003000423 | Crudie Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003012379 | Cruickshank, Barbara | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Barbara Cruickshank | | SP2003906104 | Cruikshank, Mrs Barbara Cruikshank, Mrs Barbara | Active | ||||||||
CS2012313298 | Cruickshank, Carol | Childminding | 19-03-2013 | Glasgow | Carol Cruickshank | | SP2012984284 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003052763 | Cruickshank, Donna | Childminding | 29-09-2004 | Ellon | Donna Cruickshank | | SP2004938486 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018369714 | Cruinneachadh Childcare | 01-11-2018 | Beauly | Trevor and Marieke White | | SP2018013185 | Cruinneachadh Childcare a Partnership Cruinneachadh Childcare a Partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007873 | Crush, Patricia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Patricia Crush | | SP2003907696 | Patricia Crush | Active | ||||||||
CS2017353556 | Crystal's Childcare | 31-08-2017 | Edinburgh | Crystal Mitchell | | SP2017988738 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003000252 | CSA Young Adult Residential Care | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Murtle House Murtle Estate Bieldside | Bieldside | ABERDEEN | AB15 9EP | 01224 86 7935 | Gillian Shuttleworth | SP2003000021 | Camphill Rudolf Steiner Schools Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016005 | Cuiken Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 150 Cuiken Terrace | Penicuik | EH26 0HE | 01312 714 580 | Kirsty MacPhie | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2016347251 | Cuilc Kids Childminding Service | Childminding | 12-07-2016 | Pitlochry | Agnieszka Pyka | | SP2016988022 | Agnieszka Pyka | Active | ||||||||
CS2010278889 | Culbokie Out of School Club | Day care of children | 17-02-2011 | Culbokie Primary School | Culbokie | Dingwall | IV7 8JH | 01463 703 033 | Alison Morrison Smith | | SP2010011111 | CALA Out of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2007145089 | Culbokie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 08-08-2007 | Culbokie Primary School | Culbokie | Dingwall | IV7 8JH | 01349 877 900 | Ishbel MacLeod | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2016352149 | Culduthel Care Home | 31-03-2017 | West Heather Road | Inverness | IV2 4WS | 01463 226804 | Denise Scott | | SP2016012822 | Culduthel Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003016378 | Cullen Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cullen Primary School | Old Church Road | Cullen | Buckie | AB56 4UZ | 01542 840 279 | Emma Gillings | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2015335578 | Culross Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-07-2015 | Culross Primary School | Low Causeway | Culross | Dunfermline | KY12 8HL | 07872 424 629 | Sara Hoefling | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003010375 | Culsh House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | New Deer | Turriff | AB53 6TR | 01771 644 469 | Alison Matthew | | SP2003002319 | Culsh House Care Home | Active | |||||
CS2003001777 | Culter Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Peterculter Primary School | 22 School Road | Peterculter | AB14 0RX | 01224 733 540 | Louise Cowie | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014421 | Culter School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 22 School Road | Peterculter | AB14 0RX | 01224 733 197 | Kerry Williams | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001774 | Cults Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cults Primary School | Earlswell Road | Aberdeen | AB15 9RG | 07880086115 | Jacqueline Ewing | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014422 | Cults Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cults Primary School | Earlswells Road | Cults | Aberdeen | AB15 9RG | 01224 869 221 | Lauren Stephen | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003016135 | Culzean Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Maybole Community Campus | Kirkoswald Road | Maybole | KA19 8BP | Fiona McDougall | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003004642 | Cumbernauld & Kilsyth Workplace Nursery & OSC - Seafar | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Muirfield | 1a South Muirhead Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1AX | 01236 728 810 | Esther Bradley | | SP2003000972 | Cumbernauld & Kilsyth Nursery and Out of School Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003001199 | Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Integrated Day Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Darroch Way | Seafar | Cumbernauld | G67 1QA | 01236 856 100 | Debbie Howie | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004627 | Cumbernauld Campus Nursery, New College Lanarkshire | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New College Lanarkshire | Tryst Road | Carbrain | Cumbernauld | G67 1HU | 01236 784560 | Denise Penn | | SP2003000959 | Board of Management New College Lanarkshire | Active | |||
CS2003010563 | Cumbernauld Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Abbotsford Road | Greenfaulds | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4BW | 01236 739 979 | Karen Hall | | SP2007009152 | Tamaris (RAM) Limited (Cumbernauld) | Active | |||
CS2004071298 | Cumbernauld Home Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2004 | Cumbernauld Social Work Locality | Bron Chambers, Bron Way | Cumbernauld, North Carbrain Road | Glasgow | G67 1DZ | 03005550408 | Janet Chisholm | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004071296 | Cumbernauld Home Support Service | Housing support service | 30-07-2004 | Cumbernauld Social Work Locality | Bron Chambers, Bron Way | Cumbernauld, North Carbrain Road | Glasgow | G67 1DZ | 0300 555 0408 | Janet Chisholm | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001196 | Cumbernauld Locality | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 152 McGregor Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1JN | 01236 856 170 | Nicola Barclay | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379267 | Cumbernauld Village Family Learning Centre | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | Glasgow Road | Cumbernauld Village | Cumbernauld | G67 2SA | 01236 632227 | Donna Fleming | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015515 | Cumbernauld YMCA - Chryston ASC (POMP) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Chryston Cultural Centre | Lindsaybeg Road | Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DL | 01236 721382 | ALEXANDRA ANN TIERNAN | | SP2003000977 | Cumbernauld YMCA-YWCA | Active | |||
CS2003003713 | Cumbernauld YMCA - Colquhoun Park OSC (POMP) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Colquhoun Park Primary School | Canniesburn Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1HD | 01236 721382 | Shaun Gangel | | SP2003000977 | Cumbernauld YMCA-YWCA | Active | |||
CS2003015519 | Cumbernauld YMCA - Condorrat ASC (POMP) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Condorrat Primary School | Morar Drive, Condorrat | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4JL | 01236 721382 | Eleanor Campbell | | SP2003000977 | Cumbernauld YMCA-YWCA | Active | |||
CS2003015516 | Cumbernauld YMCA - Holy Cross ASC (POMP) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Holy Cross Primary School | Constarry Road | Croy | Glasgow | G65 9JG | 01236 721 382 | Alexandra Tiernan | | SP2003000977 | Cumbernauld YMCA-YWCA | Active | |||
CS2003003658 | Cumbernauld YMCA - POMP Lenzie Meadow | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lenzie Meadow Primary School | Myrtle Avenue | Lenzie | Glasgow | G66 4HW | 01236 721382 | LOUISE DUNN | | SP2003000977 | Cumbernauld YMCA-YWCA | Active | |||
CS2006117188 | Cumbernauld YMCA Archibald Russell Centre (POMP) OSC | Day care of children | 15-05-2006 | Haypark Road | Denny | FK6 5JZ | 01236 721382 | Jamie Parks | | SP2003000977 | Cumbernauld YMCA-YWCA | Active | |||||
CS2003004688 | Cumbernauld YMCA- Kildrum Farm (POMP) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Afton Road | Kildrum | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 2DN | 01236 721382 | Eleanor Campbell | | SP2003000977 | Cumbernauld YMCA-YWCA | Active | |||
CS2010270797 | Cumbrae House | Care homes for older people | 15-12-2010 | 4-18 Burnbank Terrace | Glasgow | G20 6UQ | 01413 325 909 | Karen Mackie | | SP2003002359 | Oakminster Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012313121 | Cumbrae Lodge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 02-04-2013 | Castlepark Road | Irvine | KA12 8SZ | 01294 313 311 | Lee Gove | | SP2005007863 | Guthrie Court Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Healthcare Group | Active | |||||
CS2003017302 | Cumbrae Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cumbrae Primary School | Bute Terrace | Millport | Isle of Cumbrae | KA28 0BB | 01475 530 343 | Julie McAleese | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003010886 | Cumloden Manor Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Cumloden Road | Minnigaff | Newton Stewart | DG8 6AA | 01671 403 903 | Elizabeth McIlwraith | | SP2003002253 | Cumloden Manor Nursing Home Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003001313 | Cumnor Hall | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 18 Racecourse View | Ayr | KA7 2TY | 01292 266 450 | Morag Waring | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003011522 | Cunningham House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Cunningham House | Saltcoats Drive | Grangemouth | FK3 9JP | 01324 501 370 | Kerrie Masterson | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2014331599 | Cunningham House and Rankeillor Project | Housing support service | 28-11-2014 | 205 Cowgate | Edinburgh | EH1 1JH | 01312 254 795 | Graeme Wetherill | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2009196654 | Cunningham, Mhairi | Childminding | 13-10-2009 | Strathaven | Mhairi Cunningham | | SP2009973767 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004070872 | Cunningsburgh Early Years | Day care of children | 03-05-2005 | Cunningsburgh School | Cunningsburgh | Shetland | ZE2 9HB | 01595 807 250 | Melvyn Clark | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2018364892 | Cura | 30-01-2019 | 61 East Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5EE | 07916 307 409 | Andrea McGowan | | SP2018013079 | Blessing Grace Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2024000163 | Curam Health Solutions Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 21-05-2024 | 19 Nethershiel Crescent | East Calder | Livingston | EH53 0GL | 07988696241 | Tafadzwa Kangara | | SP2023000370 | Curam Health Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000134 | Curam Health Solutions Ltd | Support Service | 24-04-2024 | 19 Nethershiel Crescent | East Calder | Livingston | EH53 0GL | 07988696241 | Tafadzwa Kangara | | SP2023000370 | Curam Health Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000084 | Curious Kiddos | Child Minding | 15-03-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000717 | Rachel Swan | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000299 | Curious Little Learners | Child Minding | 18-10-2021 | Lockerbie | | SP2021000183 | Kaylie Falconer | Active | |||||||||
CS2015339577 | Curious Minds Education Centre | Day care of children | 01-06-2016 | 57 High Street | Elgin | IV30 1EE | 01343 200 080 | Heather Dean | | SP2015012545 | Curious Minds Education Centre Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008190390 | Curo Salus - Bridgend Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 09-04-2009 | Curo Salus Ltd - Bridgend Cottage | Montgreenan | Kilwinning | KA13 7RL | 01505703610 | Lynsey Purdie | | SP2004006972 | Curo Salus Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006128113 | Curo Salus - Garden Lodge Care Home Service | Care homes for children and young people | 16-07-2007 | Garden Lodge | 25 Main Road | Fairlie | Largs | KA29 0DL | 01475 568 886 | Donna Pastore | | SP2004006972 | Curo Salus Limited | Active | |||
CS2013319767 | Curo Salus - Laurel House | Care homes for children and young people | 16-01-2014 | North Road | Johnstone | PA5 8NE | 01505 707 754 | Paul Brady | | SP2004006972 | Curo Salus Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004079909 | Curo Salus - Northview House | Care homes for children and young people | 29-03-2005 | Northview House | 11 North Road | Johnstone | PA5 8NE | 01505 336 690 | Jennifer Hay | | SP2004006972 | Curo Salus Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012311363 | Curo Salus Carruthmuir | Care homes for children and young people | 07-12-2012 | Steppends Road | Bridge of Weir | PA10 2QA | 01505 612 495 | Angus Gault | | SP2004006972 | Curo Salus Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019376757 | Curo Salus Moniabrock Farm | Care Home Service | 17-10-2019 | Steppends Road | Kilbarchan | Johnstone | PA10 2QA | 01505 610 504 | Kelly Walker | | SP2004006972 | Curo Salus Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007153466 | Curran, Annette | Childminding | 12-11-2007 | Greenock | Annette Curran | | SP2004915828 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004616 | Curran, Lesley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Airdrie | Lesley Curran | | SP2003902616 | Lesley Curran | Active | ||||||||
CS2015340108 | Curran, Lynne | Childminding | 18-11-2015 | Livingston | Lynne Curran | | SP2015987254 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005887 | Currid, Kerry | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Kerry Currid | | SP2003903492 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008190468 | Currie Children's Day Nursery | Day care of children | 07-05-2009 | Riccarton House | 79 Riccarton Mains Road | Currie | Edinburgh | EH14 5NB | 07852 463 004 | Lisa Wilson/Hollie Ramage | | SP2003003496 | Claylands Private Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2007161157 | Currie Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 29-10-2007 | Currie Primary School | 59 Curriehill Road | Currie | Edinburgh | EH14 5PU | 0131 449 3359 | Sally Hourston | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2014330619 | Currie, Claire | Childminding | 12-12-2014 | Cupar | Claire Currie | | SP2014986280 | Claire Currie | Active | ||||||||
CS2009234213 | Currie, Gillian | Childminding | 08-02-2010 | Dunfermline | Gillian Currie | | SP2009976098 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007145666 | Currie, Kirsty | Childminding | 31-08-2007 | Bathgate | Kirsty Currie | | SP2007964442 | Kirsty Currie | Active | ||||||||
CS2008188574 | Currie, Kirsty | Childminding | 02-03-2009 | Glasgow | Kirsty Currie | | SP2008972164 | Kirsty Currie | Active | ||||||||
CS2014323774 | Currie, Laura | Childminding | 01-05-2014 | Ayr | Laura Jane Currie | | SP2014985678 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009233533 | Curry, Katharine | Childminding | 19-04-2010 | Inverurie | Katharine Curry | | SP2009975848 | Katharine Curry | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006329 | Cushley, Maureen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Maureen Cushley | | SP2003903716 | Maureen Cushley | Active | ||||||||
CS2009235867 | Cuthbertson, Jenna | Childminding | 19-10-2010 | Ayr | Jenna Cuthbertson | | SP2009976650 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355106 | Cyrenians Communities | 26-01-2018 | 107A Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4ET | 01315 553 707 | Nicole LeBlond - Rough | | SP2017012893 | Cyrenians a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||
CS2017355104 | Cyrenians Communities | 26-01-2018 | 107A Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4ET | 01315 553 707 | Nicole LeBlond | | SP2017012893 | Cyrenians a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||
CS2018369255 | D R C Locums Limited | Nurse agencies | 02-04-2019 | Partis House | Davy Avenue | Knowlhill | Milton Keynes | MK5 8HJ | 01908 545 933 | Andrea Bennett | | SP2018013175 | D R C Locums Limited | Active | |||
CS2017362827 | D.I.A.L. Network | 19-07-2018 | 9 Queens Terrace | Ayr | KA7 1DU | 01292 618 313 | James Frew | | SP2017013036 | Ardgowan Properties Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2017362825 | D.I.A.L. Network | 19-07-2018 | 9 Queens Terrace | Ayr | KA7 1DU | 01292 618 313 | James Frew | | SP2017013036 | Ardgowan Properties Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000166 | Daddy Daycare Davidson's Mains | Day care of children | 21-05-2024 | Holy Cross Church Hall | 36 Quality Street | Edinburgh | EH4 5BS | 01315168876 | Amy Totty | | SP2012984423 | Alan Balfour | Active | ||||
CS2018364193 | Daddy Daycare Flora Stevenson | 23-07-2018 | Bristo Baptist Church | 404 Buckingham Terrace | Edinburgh | EH4 3AP | 07597 974 823 | Amy Totty | | SP2012984423 | None None | Active | |||||
CS2024000058 | Daddy Daycare Frogston | Day Care of Children | 16-02-2024 | Frogston Primary School | 29 Achnacarry Street | Edinburgh | EH17 8GP | 01315168876 | Amie Collins | | SP2012984423 | Alan Balfour | Active | ||||
CS2023000086 | Daddy Daycare Newhaven | Day Care of Children | 29-03-2023 | 4-6 Newhaven Main Street | Edinburgh | EH6 4HY | 01315168876 | Catriona Fraser | | SP2012984423 | Alan Balfour | Active | |||||
CS2024000010 | Daddy Daycare Roseburn School | Day Care of Children | 08-01-2024 | Roseburn Primary School | 64 Roseburn Street | Edinburgh | EH12 5PL | 01315168876 | Nicole McArdle | | SP2012984423 | Alan Balfour | Active | ||||
CS2023000085 | Daddy Daycare Stockbridge School | Day Care of Children | 29-03-2023 | Stockbridge Primary School | 17 Hamilton Place | Edinburgh | EH3 5BA | 01315168876 | Amy Totty | | SP2012984423 | Alan Balfour | Active | ||||
CS2012307211 | Dail Mhor (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Strontian | Acharacle | PH36 4HZ | 01967 402 481 | Helen Maclean | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Inactive | |||||
CS2012307212 | Dail Mhor (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Acharacle | Claire Cameron | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2003017393 | Dailly Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 81 Main Street | Dailly | Girvan | KA26 9SB | 01465 716 807 | Louise Morrison | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004329 | Dailly, Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Irvine | Anne Dailly | | SP2003902422 | Anne Dailly | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000185 | Daisy Chain Nursery School Perth LTD | Day Care of Children | 04-08-2021 | 4 West Mains Avenue | Perth | PH1 1QZ | 01738718775 | Siobhan Davie | | SP2021000112 | Daisy Chain Nursery School Perth LTD | Active | |||||
CS2016345610 | Daisy Chains Childminding Service | Childminding | 04-07-2016 | Aberdeen | Nicola Davies | SP2016987838 | Nicola Davies | Active | |||||||||
CS2011298655 | Daisy Day Care | Day care of children | 06-01-2012 | 122 Dundyvan Road | Coatbridge | ML5 1DE | 01236 424 175 | Elaine Greenock | | SP2011011619 | Daisy Day Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018364727 | Daisy Dots Childminding | 13-09-2018 | Irvine | Katherine Barclay | | SP2018989711 | Katherine Barclay | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338375 | Daisy Sparkles Childminding | Childminding | 02-10-2015 | Edinburgh | Helen Kells | | SP2015987052 | Helen Kells | Active | ||||||||
CS2005103200 | Daisychain Nursery | Day care of children | 17-08-2005 | Seaview House | 102 Loughborough Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3DD | 01592 653 274 | Rozalynne Skipsey | | SP2003001667 | Daisychain Nursery Kirkcaldy Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006115091 | Daisychain Nursery | Day care of children | 01-03-2006 | 144 - 146 Commercial Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2NU | 01592 598 800 | Jill Paterson | | SP2003001667 | Daisychain Nursery Kirkcaldy Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007155419 | Dala | Care homes for children and young people | 20-06-2008 | Low Road | Hightae | Lockerbie | DG11 1JT | 01387 325 021 | Joseph Smith | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003010852 | Dalbeattie Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | COPLAND STREET | DALBEATTIE | DG5 4EX | 01556 288081 | Nicola McMurtrie | | SP2003002549 | Dalbeattie Playgroup | Active | |||||
CS2003015479 | Dalbeattie Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalbeattie Primary School | Dalbeattie Learning Campus | Craignair Road | Dalbeattie | DG5 4LU | 01556 613 130 | Elizabeth Duncan | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2012314346 | Daldorch House - Short Breaks Service | Care homes for children and young people | 04-03-2013 | Arran House One | Daldorch House School | Sorn Road, Catrine | Mauchline | KA5 6NA | 01290 551 666 | Caroline Clark | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | |||
CS2020380626 | Daldorch House Adult Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-01-2021 | Catrine Bank | Sorn Road | Catrine | Mauchline | KA5 6NA | 01290 551 666 | Margaret Kelly | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | |||
CS2020380640 | Daldorch House Adult Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-01-2021 | Catrine Bank | Sorn Road | Catrine | Mauchline | KA5 6NA | 01290 551 666 | Margaret Kelly | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | |||
CS2007145040 | Daldorch Outreach Service | Support services - not care at home | 22-06-2007 | Daldorch School | Catrine | Mauchline | KA5 6NA | 01290 551 666 | Caroline Clark | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | ||||
CS2025000049 | Dalgety Bay Care Home | Care Home Service | 06-02-2025 | 1 Harbour Way | Dalgety Bay | Dunfermline | KY11 9HH | 01383 339500 | Tabatha Jacome-Sturge | | SP2024000304 | Priory CC85 Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000195 | Dalgety Bay Out of School Club | Day care of children | 22-07-2022 | Dalgety Bay Primary School | St. Bridgets Brae | Dalgety Bay | Dunfermline | KY11 9LT | 07515189434 | Marta Zukowska | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017089 | Dalgety Bay Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Bridget's Brae | Dalgety Bay | Dunfermline | KY11 9LT | 01383 602 454 | Colleen Thomas | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2013319010 | Dalgety Sisters Childminding | Childminding | 17-01-2014 | Dunfermline | Sheila Robinson | | SP2013012116 | Dalgety Sisters Childminding a partnership Dalgety Sisters Childminding a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009752 | Dalginross House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Comrie | Crieff | PH6 2ED | 01764 670 861 | Linda Paterson | | SP2003002113 | Linda Paterson trading as Dalginross House | Active | |||||
CS2003014636 | Dalintober ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalintober Primary School | Dalaruan Street | Campbeltown | PA28 6HG | 01586 552 053 | Caroline Armour | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011924 | Dalkeith After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodburn Primary School | 5 Cousland Road | Dalkeith | EH22 2PS | 07950852098 | Sarah Walker | | SP2003002863 | Dalkeith After School Club Association Committee | Active | ||||
CS2021000354 | Dallifour | Care homes for children and young people | 10-12-2021 | Barclaven Road | Kilmacolm | PA13 4DQ | 0141 4046756 | Ruth Downs | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000125 | Dalmahoy Woodland Family First Nurseries Limited | Day Care of Children | 19-05-2022 | Haggs Road | Kirknewton | Edinburgh | EH27 8ED | 07471196829 | Hannah Rutherford | | SP2022000087 | Family First Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014637 | Dalmally Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalmally Primary School | Glenview | Dalmally | PA33 1BE | 01838 200 359 | Lynn Sinclair | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2004063172 | Dalmellington Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 01-07-2004 | 9 Waterside Street | Dalmellington | Ayr | KA6 7SW | 01292 550 555 | Rae Murphy | | SP2004006168 | Doon Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015817 | Dalmellington Primary and Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalmellington early childhood centre | Ayr Road | Dalmellington | KA6 7SJ | Fiona Greig | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015844 | Dalmeny Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carlowrie Crescent | Dalmeny | South Queensferry | EH30 9TZ | 01313 311 447 | Gail Midlemiss | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014721 | Dalmonach ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | First Avenue | Bonhill | Alexandria | G83 9AU | 01389 773 709 | Karen Sweeney | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014722 | Dalmuir ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castle Square | Dalmuir | Clydebank | G81 4HL | 01419 528 305 | Fiona Ferguson | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007150826 | Dalmuir Out of School Care Group | Day care of children | 16-04-2008 | Dalmuir CE Centre | Duntocher Road | Clydebank | G81 4RQ | 01419 514 499 | Elaine Kelly | | SP2004006161 | Dalmuir Park Housing Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010239299 | Dalmuir Park Housing Association Sheltered Housing Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-06-2011 | Beardmore House | 631 Dumbarton Road | Dalmuir | Clydebank | G81 4EU | 01419 522 447 | Arlene Dickson | SP2004006161 | Dalmuir Park Housing Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004063084 | Dalmuir Park Housing Association Sheltered Housing Service | Housing support service | 15-12-2004 | Beardmore House | 631 Dumbarton Road | Dalmuir | Clydebank | G81 4EU | 01419 522 447 | Arlene Dickson | | SP2004006161 | Dalmuir Park Housing Association Limited | Active | |||
CS2003017197 | Dalneigh Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Ninian's Drive | Inverness | IV3 5AU | 01463 232 636 | Rhona MacCormick | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001055 | Dalness Residential Children's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 18 Dalness Close | Glasgow | G32 7RH | 01412 763 918 | James McMahon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377100 | Dalreoch Primary School ELCC | Day care of children | 09-09-2020 | Kings Way | Dalreoch | Dumbarton | G82 5AZ | 01389 774599 | Jon Martin | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004074540 | Dalriada Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-02-2005 | 74 South Street | Bo'ness | EH51 9HA | 01506 826 644 | Stephanie McKigen | | SP2003002699 | Dalriada Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004085401 | Dalriada Care at Home Housing and Support | Housing support service | 24-02-2005 | 74 South Street | Bo'ness | EH51 9HA | 01506 826 644 | Stephanie McKigen | | SP2003002699 | Dalriada Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003044483 | Dalry Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sharon Street | Dalry | KA24 5DR | 01294 832 200 | Donna Riddell | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015480 | Dalry Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalry Primary School | Dalry | Castle Douglas | DG7 3UX | 01644 430 105 | Julie Moore | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004352 | Dalry Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalry Community Centre | St. Margaret's Avenue | Dalry | KA24 4BA | 07932 300 069 | Gillian Glachan | | SP2003000883 | The Committee of Dalry Out Of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2003017020 | Dalry Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalry Road | Edinburgh | EH11 2JB | 01313 376 086 | Elaine Honeyman | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015814 | Dalrymple Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hillview | Dalrymple | Ayr | KA6 6PZ | 01292 560 368 | Heather Sabantini | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001490 | Dalton, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Linda Dalton | | SP2003900245 | Linda Dalton | Active | ||||||||
CS2016347104 | Dalveen Farmhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 30-09-2016 | Durisdeer | Thornhill | DG3 5BP | 01416743267 | Ruth Monteith | | SP2016012716 | BDT CARE SOLUTIONS LTD | Active | |||||
CS2013317593 | Dalvenie Gardens Very Sheltered Housing and Resource Centre | Housing support service | 13-09-2013 | Raemoir Lane | Banchory | AB31 5QY | 01330 700 362 | Pauline Thom | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2013317594 | Dalvenie Gardens Very Sheltered Housing and Resource Centre | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-09-2013 | Raemoir Lane | Banchory | AB31 5QY | 01330 820 208 | Pauline Thom | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003009735 | Dalweem | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Taybridge Road | Aberfeldy | PH15 2BH | 01887 822 488 | Shona Jean Duffy | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2004063413 | Daly, Patricia | Childminding | 03-09-2004 | Glasgow | Patricia Daly | | SP2004934625 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016289 | Daly, Pauline | Childminding | 31-01-2003 | Glasgow | Pauline Daly | | SP2003910372 | Pauline Daly | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015237 | Danderhall After School Club | Day care of children | 20-01-2003 | Danderhall School | 59 Edmonstone Road | Danderhall | Dalkeith | EH22 1QL | 07522542587 | Marilyn Raeburn | | SP2003003477 | Danderhall After School Club | Active | |||
CS2018371000 | Danderhall Childminding | 08-02-2019 | Dalkeith | Alana Paterson | | SP2018990234 | Alana Paterson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011957 | Danderhall Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Danderhall Pavilion | 88 Edmonston Road | Danderhall | Dalkeith | EH22 1QU | 01316 541 031 | Samantha Kirkland | | SP2003002882 | Committee Of Danderhall Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003016396 | Danderhall Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 59 Edmonstone Road | Danderhall | Dalkeith | EH22 1QL | 01312 714 585 | Christopher Reid | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015698 | Danestone Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fairview Brae | Danestone | Aberdeen | AB22 8ZN | 01224 825 062 | Louisa Farquhar | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2019374503 | Danette Childminding | Child Minding | 29-07-2019 | Edinburgh | Simonetta Gonuh | | SP2019990499 | Simonetta Gonuh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000863 | Daniel House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 243 Nithsdale Road | Pollokshields | Glasgow | G41 5AQ | 01414 270 761 | Bernadette Ross | | SP2003000175 | Mainstay Trust Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2024000086 | Danielle Allan Child Care | Child Minding | 18-03-2024 | Penicuik | | SP2023000737 | Danielle Allan | Active | |||||||||
CS2018369617 | Danielle Bianchi Childminding | 14-11-2018 | Coatbridge | Danielle Bianchi | | SP2018990116 | Danielle Bianchi | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353456 | Danielle McCready Childminding | Childminding | 16-06-2017 | Gorebridge | Danielle McCready | | SP2017988727 | Danielle McCready | Active | ||||||||
CS2018370059 | Danluker Limited t/a Supply Care Solutions | 28-03-2019 | 602a Chigwell Rood | Woodford Bridge | IG8 8AA | 02085 061 111 | Pauline Chambers | | SP2018013195 | Danluker Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2024000430 | Danni's Daycare | Childminding | 18-11-2024 | Insch | | SP2024000238 | Danielle Campbell | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000183 | Darach Childcare | Child Minding | 03-08-2021 | Oban | Alice Hoon | | SP2021000111 | Darach Childcare | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000295 | Dargavel Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 15-10-2021 | 18 Aberlady Way | Bishopton | PA7 5HQ | 0300 300 1480 | Jacqueline Rankin | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2014333402 | Darling Angels Childminding Service | Childminding | 06-05-2015 | Glasgow | Samira Djebara | | SP2014986530 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016349791 | Darnley Court | 17-10-2017 | 787 Nitshill Road | Darnley | Glasgow | G53 7RR | 01418 760 144 | Lynsey Armstrong | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006201 | Darnley OSC - Darnley Community Education Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Darnley Community Education Centre | 10 Glen Livet Place | Darnley | Glasgow | G53 7LA | 07895 180 487 | Cheryl Reid | | SP2004004151 | Darnley After School Service Board of Directors | Active | |||
CS2003010565 | Darroch Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 17 Darroch Way | Seafar | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1PZ | 01236 726 902 | Maureen Duncan | | SP2003002416 | Darroch Nursing Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2003015807 | Darvel Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Campbell Street East | Darvel | KA17 0BP | 01560 320 785 | Lisa Rattray | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000834 | David Cargill House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 6/7 Great Western Terrace | Glasgow | G12 0UP | 01413 394 733 | Abderrahim Jebbari | | SP2003000009 | David Cargill House, Management Committee | Active | |||||
CS2003015288 | David Livingstone Memorial Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | David Livingstone Memorial Primary School | Morven Avenue | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9JY | 01698 823 680 | Linda Callender | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001340 | David Walker Gardens | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 12 McCallum Avenue | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3AL | 01416 474 781 | Debra Allison | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007157693 | Davidshill Farm | School care accommodation | 18-10-2007 | Davidshill Farm | Dalry | KA24 4JD | 01294 835 359 | Steven McEwan | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010901 | Davidson House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 266 Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH14 1DT | 0131 4412117 | Sabrina Campbell | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2003013312 | Davidson's Mains Out of School Care Provision | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Davidson's Mains Primary School | Corbiehill Road | Edinburgh | EH4 5DZ | 07957 823 314 | Jillian Owen | | SP2003003092 | North Edinburgh Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2003017021 | Davidson's Mains Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Corbiehill Road | Edinburgh | EH4 5DZ | 01313 361 184 | Leanne Hepburn | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2009195219 | Davidson, Carolyn | Childminding | 08-09-2009 | Jedburgh | Carolyn Davidson | | SP2009973320 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007156785 | Davidson, Celia | Childminding | 21-04-2008 | Elgin | Celia Davidson | | SP2007965938 | Celia Davidson | Active | ||||||||
CS2010271815 | Davidson, Irene | Childminding | 11-02-2011 | Kilwinning | Irene Davidson | SP2010979543 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012310002 | Davidson, Julie | Childminding | 19-09-2012 | Annan | Julie Davidson | | SP2012983798 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008171200 | Davidson, Kirsty | Childminding | 16-04-2009 | Dunfermline | Kirsty Davidson | | SP2008968988 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002192 | Davidson, Mandy | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ellon | Mandy Davidson | | SP2003900819 | Mandy Davidson | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2004058554 | Davidson, Nichola | Childminding | 23-11-2004 | Inverness | Nichola Davidson | | SP2005953513 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012859 | Davies, Audrey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Audrey Davies | | SP2003906578 | Audrey Davies | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317480 | Davies, Kim | Childminding | 27-08-2013 | Haddington | Kim Davies | | SP2013984919 | Kim Davies | Active | ||||||||
CS2006117511 | Davies, Tracey | Childminding | 09-08-2007 | Clydebank | Tracey Davies | | SP2005951301 | Tracey Davies | Active | ||||||||
CS2010249586 | Daviot Care Home | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 29-10-2010 | Daviot | Inverness | IV2 5XQ | 01463 773 118 | Helen Thom | | SP2010010915 | Daviot Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003005015 | Davis, Lesley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Lochwinnoch | Lesley Davis | | SP2003902884 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014324918 | Dawn Connah Childminding | Childminding | 20-06-2014 | Peterhead | Dawn Connah | | SP2014985801 | Dawn Connah | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000232 | Dawn Mitchell Childminding | Child Minding | 03-07-2024 | Ellon | | SP2023000636 | Dawn Mitchell | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306521 | Dawn's Childminding Service | Childminding | 24-04-2012 | Glasgow | Dawn Newall | | SP2012983270 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000407 | Dawns Daycare | Child Minding | 28-10-2024 | Wick | | SP2024000545 | Dawn Mcleod | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317598 | Dawson Court Very Sheltered Housing | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-09-2013 | Victoria Terrace | Turriff | AB53 4FP | 01888 530 865 | Annabel Anderson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2013317508 | Dawson Court Very Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 13-09-2013 | Victoria Terrace | Turriff | AB53 4FP | 01888 530 865 | Annabel Anderson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2018370649 | Dawson, Gillian | 21-11-2018 | Helensburgh | Gillian Dawson | | SP2018990203 | Gillian Dawson | Active | |||||||||
CS2013322238 | Day Opportunities - Adult Learning Disability Service | Support Services - care at home | 18-11-2014 | Bruce House | Wellgate | Arbroath | DD11 3TP | 01241 826 900 | Doug Fairweather | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001253 | Day Opportunities - Milldale | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Linwood Sports & Community Hub | Brediland Road | Linwood | Paisley | PA3 3RA | 0141 487 1025 | John Sheridan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003000749 | Day Opportunities South | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 116 Ayr Road | Cumnock | KA18 1EQ | 01290 424 446 | Eileen McBlain | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2008169066 | Day Support Services for Children/Young People | Support services - care at home | 29-10-2008 | 43 Middlesex Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 01414 290 294 | Annmarie Carson | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2024000355 | Day Webster Ltd | Nurse Agency | 13-09-2024 | Sterling House | Langston Road | Loughton | IG10 3TS | 02084986800 | Lynne Thomson | | SP2023000469 | Day Webster Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018367461 | Daytime Healthcare Recruitment Limited | 27-03-2019 | 8th Floor, 6 Mitre Passage | Greenwich Peninsula | London | SE10 0ER | 02036 408 899 | Daniel Olumese | | SP2018013135 | Daytime Healthcare Recruitment Limited | Active | |||||
CS2022000155 | DB Effusive Care Ltd | Housing Support Service | 15-06-2022 | Flat 2 | 12 West Pilton Green | Edinburgh | EH4 4HT | +447429525211 | Blessing Ashinze | | SP2022000110 | DB Effusive Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000153 | DB Effusive Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 14-06-2022 | Flat 2 | 12 West Pilton Green | Edinburgh | EH4 4HT | 01313271009 | Blessing Ebele Ashinze | | SP2022000110 | DB Effusive Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014327548 | DD's Childcare | Childminding | 18-11-2014 | Glasgow | Denise Lavery | SP2014986046 | Denise Lavery | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000410 | DDCare | Child Minding | 29-10-2024 | Stirling | | SP2023001470 | Dionne Shaw | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000339 | DDL Care Hub | Support Services - not care at home | 11-10-2023 | 3 Rowan Court | Cavalry Park | Peebles | EH45 9BU | 01721 546239 | Donna-Dee Lamb | | SP2023000221 | DDL Care Hub Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017362795 | DDL Care Services Ltd | 18-05-2018 | 3 Rowan Court | Cavalry Park | Peebles | EH45 9BU | 01721 724 930 | Donna-Dee Lamb | | SP2017013034 | DDL Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017362794 | DDL Care Services Ltd | 18-05-2018 | 3 Rowan Court | Cavalry Park | Peebles | EH45 9BU | 01721 724 930 | Donna-Dee Lamb | | SP2017013034 | DDL Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014327979 | De Paul House | Housing support service | 17-07-2014 | 27 Cruden Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 3RP | 01414 452 800 | Sarah Spence | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2014328198 | De Paul House | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-07-2014 | 27 Cruden Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 3RP | 01414 452 800 | Sarah Spence | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2004068811 | Deaf Action - Outreach Visiting Support Service | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | 7/2 Slateford Green | Edinburgh | EH14 1NE | 01314 426 924 | Alison Richards | | SP2003003633 | Deaf Action | Active | |||||
CS2008181608 | Deaf Action Support Service - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-09-2008 | 7/2 Slateford Green | Edinburgh | EH14 1NE | 01314 426 900 | Alison Richards | | SP2003003633 | Deaf Action | Active | |||||
CS2004056658 | Dean and Cauvin Community and Transition Team | Housing support service | 15-07-2004 | Edinburgh | Alison Mooney | | SP2003002647 | Dean and Cauvin Young People's Trust | Active | ||||||||
CS2003037072 | Dean Park Nursery | Day care of children | 04-09-2003 | 56 Beansburn | Kilmarnock | KA3 1RN | 01563 539 128 | Suzanne Hollywood | | SP2005007523 | Suzanne Hollywood trading as Dean Park Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003017022 | Dean Park Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Balerno | Edinburgh | EH14 7EQ | 01314 496 777 | Nicola Kurth | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003043640 | Deanburn Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hazeldean Avenue | Bo'ness | EH51 0NS | 01506 778 320 | Carol Fraser | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2004072379 | Deane, Kerry | Childminding | 25-03-2005 | Glasgow | Kerry Deane | | SP2004931794 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017361009 | Deanfield Care Home | 19-12-2017 | 40 Deanfield Quadrant | Penilee | Glasgow | G52 4ES | 01418 834 050 | Deepa Baldowa | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019378023 | Deanfield Care Home | Care Home Service | 20-12-2019 | Roadhead | Hawick | TD9 7HN | 01450 373 072 | Laura Taylor | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014872 | Deanpark Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 10 Deanston Drive | Shawlands | Glasgow | G41 3AE | 01416 498 949 | Sam Nisbet | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2007145114 | Deans House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 22-08-2008 | Deans House | Glen Road | Deans | Livingston | EH54 8DH | 01506 777 978 | Gillian Johnston | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2016351551 | Deans North Nursery | 10-08-2017 | c/o Deans Community High School | Eastwood Park | Deans | Livingston | EH54 8PS | 01506 284 726 | Jennifer Russell | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016167 | Deans Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Deans South | Deans | Livingston | EH54 8DB | 01506 411 208 | Elaine Butcher | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2019374768 | Deanston House | Care Home Service | 08-08-2019 | Deanston House | Deanston | Doune | FK16 6AD | 07786817406 | Leanne Fairburn | | SP2019013303 | Deanston House Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016349381 | Deanston House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 24-11-2016 | 36 Lefroy Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1LZ | 01236 449 920 | Pamela Morrison | | SP2012011938 | Enhance Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018371775 | Debbie & Douglas Laing Childminding | 06-03-2019 | Livingston | Debbie and Douglas Laing | | SP2018013240 | Debbie & Douglas Laing a Partnership Debbie & Douglas Laing a Partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348330 | Debbie Ann Barrett | Childminding | 11-11-2016 | South Queensferry | Debbie Barrett | | SP2016988175 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013319823 | Debbie Hughes Registered Childminder | Childminding | 07-11-2013 | Glasgow | Debbie Hughes | | SP2013985238 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014695 | Debbie Kerr | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Deborah Kerr | | SP2003909186 | Deborah Kerr | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380774 | Debbie Shannon Childminding | Childminding | 08-09-2020 | KILMARNOCK | Debbie Shannon | | SP2020991334 | Debbie Shannon | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380943 | Debbie's Busy Bees Childminding | Childminding | 28-10-2020 | Glasgow | Debbie McDougall | | SP2020991349 | Debbie McDougall | Active | ||||||||
CS2018371167 | Debbie's Childminding | 23-01-2019 | Prestwick | Debbie O'Pray | | SP2018990247 | Debbie O'Pray | Active | |||||||||
CS2014328475 | Debbie's Day Care | Childminding | 25-02-2015 | Dundee | Deborah McGuire | | SP2014986126 | Deborah McGuire | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000247 | Debbie's Daycare | Child Minding | 08-09-2021 | SHOTTS | | SP2021000150 | Deborah McManus | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013726 | Deborah Carver's Childminding Service | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Deborah Carver | | SP2003907280 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013713 | Dee View Court | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 28-04-2003 | Caiesdykes Road | Aberdeen | AB12 5JY | 01224 245 920 | Morag White | | SP2007967940 | Sue Ryder | Active | |||||
CS2013318602 | Deeside Care Home | Care homes for older people | 15-10-2013 | Cults Avenue | Cults | Aberdeen | AB15 9RZ | 01224 869 816 | Anna Hoffman | | SP2013012104 | Deeside Care LLP | Active | ||||
CS2003004472 | Delaney, Irene | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Motherwell | Irene Delaney | | SP2003902520 | Irene Delaney | Active | ||||||||
CS2016350596 | Delight Supported Living East Lothian | 20-12-2016 | 134 North High Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6AS | 0131 285 6795 | Claire Truesdale | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2016350594 | Delight Supported Living Edinburgh and East Lothian | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-12-2016 | 134 North High Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6AS | 0131 285 6795 | Claire Truesdale | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009236076 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-10-2010 | 11 Dalrymple Court | Industry Street | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3AA | 01417 766 598 | Aleesha Bradshaw | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | |||
CS2010272480 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Housing support service | 12-10-2010 | 11 Dalrymple Court | Townhead | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3AA | 01417 766 598 | Aleesha Bradshaw | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | |||
CS2016348705 | Delight Supported Living Ltd - Ayrshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 14-12-2016 | 153 High Street | Irvine | Irvine | KA12 8AD | 01294 442018 | Maureen Stewart | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016348707 | Delight Supported Living Ltd - Ayrshire | 14-12-2016 | 153 High Street | Irvine | KA12 8AD | 01294 442018 | Maureen Stewart | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000459 | Delight Supported Living Ltd - Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire | Support Service | 11-12-2024 | 72 Causeyside Street | Paisley | PA1 1YP | 0141 889 5133 | Natasha McNair | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000458 | Delight Supported Living Ltd - Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire | Housing Support Service | 11-12-2024 | 72 Causeyside Street | Paisley | PA1 1YP | 01418895133 | Natasha McNair | | SP2009010723 | Delight Supported Living Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005103561 | Demengeli, Anne | Childminding | 10-07-2006 | Edinburgh | Anne Demengeli | | SP2006960634 | Anne Demengeli | Active | ||||||||
CS2012306108 | Dementia Support Service | Support services - care at home | 14-06-2012 | Dementia Support Service | 97 Glasgow Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8ER | 01294 602 720 | Laura Hamilton | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017090 | Denbeath Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wall Street | Buckhaven | Leven | KY8 1JG | 01592 583 422 | Lindsey Manton | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2013317900 | Denend Nursery | Day care of children | 09-08-2013 | Denend Primary School | 4 School Lane | Cardenden | Lochgelly | KY5 0BS | 01592 583 423 | Joanne Hughes | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003009267 | Denholm Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Denholm Primary School | West End | Denholm | Hawick | TD9 8LZ | 01450 870 101 | Dawn Armstrong | | SP2003001995 | Denholm Playgroup Committee | Active | |||
CS2014332499 | Denise Gallagher Childminder | Childminding | 29-07-2015 | Larbert | Denise Gallagher | | SP2014986440 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307322 | Denise laurie | Childminding | 27-06-2012 | Glasgow | Denise Clark | | SP2012983383 | Denise Laurie | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325134 | Denise Park Childminder | Childminding | 27-06-2014 | Motherwell | Denise Park | | SP2014985830 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000118 | Denise's childminding | Child Minding | 10-04-2024 | Campbeltown | | SP2023000503 | Denise Reid | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002617 | Denman Pre-school | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Westdyke Leisure Centre | Westdyke Avenue | Westhill | AB32 6QX | 07727617627 | Louise Shine | | SP2003000488 | Denman Pre-school | Active | ||||
CS2003003282 | Dennehy, Lesley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alloa | Lesley Dennehy | | SP2003901626 | Dennehy Lesley | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013941 | Dennett, Shelagh | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dingwall | Shelagh Dennett | | SP2003907588 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005676 | Dennistoun After School Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre | 13 Whitevale Street | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 1QW | 01415 564 497 | Tracey Anne Maloney | | SP2003001185 | The Committee Dennistoun After School Service | Active | |||
CS2003014816 | Dennistoun Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 129 Roslea Drive | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 2RZ | 01415 540 803 | Fiona Bark | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006804 | Dennistoun, Barbara Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Barbara Anne Dennistoun | | SP2003904022 | Dennistoun, Barbara Anne Dennistoun, Barbara Anne | Active | ||||||||
CS2011298279 | Denny Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 09-11-2011 | Denny Primary School | 40 Duke Street | Denny | FK6 6NW | 01324 508 810 | Rachel Coull | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2006130058 | Denny, Suzanne | Childminding | 13-11-2008 | Glasgow | Suzanne Denny | | SP2006960370 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015791 | Dens Road Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 77 Dens Road | Dundee | DD3 7HY | 01382 436 368 | Anne McGregor | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015983 | Deshar Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Deshar Primary School | Deshar Road | Boat of Garten | PH24 3BU | 01479 831 226 | Christopher Scrase | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2017359919 | Desyree's Little Butterflies Childminding Service | 05-01-2018 | Bathgate | Desyree Smalley | | SP2017989334 | Desyree Smalley | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000143 | Deveron Way Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-05-2024 | Deveron Way Care Home | Deveron Way | Huntly | AB54 8TS | 01466 383145 | Angela Hayes | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011285623 | Devine, Victoria | Childminding | 28-02-2012 | Glasgow | Victoria Devine | | SP2011982140 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010270301 | Devonside | Care homes for children and young people | 01-11-2010 | Carmichael | Elizabeth Bowie | | SP2007009337 | A Wilderness Way Limited | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015341 | Devonview Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Devonview Street | Cairnhill | Airdrie | ML6 9DH | 01236 632 051 | Kelly Ann McCann | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000552 | Dewar, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Karen Dewar | SP2003900078 | Karen Dewar | Active | |||||||||
CS2003053382 | DGMHA East | Housing support service | 08-10-2004 | Cairnsmore House | Crichton Estate Bankend Road | Dumfries | DG1 4GW | +447845811456 | avril mckinnel | | SP2003003483 | Dumfries & Galloway Mental Health Association | Active | ||||
CS2004080681 | DGMHA East | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-10-2004 | Cairnsmore House | Crichton Estate Bankend Road | Dumfries | DG1 4GW | 01387272434 | avril mckinnel | | SP2003003483 | Dumfries & Galloway Mental Health Association | Active | ||||
CS2024000218 | DGMHA West | Housing Support Service | 25-06-2024 | Unit 2 | Thistle Business Park | Stranraer | DG9 7HJ | 01776702200 | AnnMarie Wither | | SP2003003483 | Dumfries & Galloway Mental Health Association | Active | ||||
CS2024000217 | DGMHA West | Support Service | 25-06-2024 | Unit 2 | Thistle Business Park | Stranraer | DG9 7HJ | 01776702200 | AnnMarie Wither | | SP2003003483 | Dumfries & Galloway Mental Health Association | Active | ||||
CS2019376547 | Di's Fun House | Child Minding | 10-12-2019 | Bo'ness | Diane Crowther | | SP2019990698 | Diane Crowther | Active | ||||||||
CS2014329739 | Diamond Care | Support services - care at home | 07-01-2015 | Riverside | Balmoral Road | Rattray | Blairgowrie | PH10 7AH | 01250 870 557 | Suzanne Coles | | SP2014986216 | Suzanne Coles trading as Diamond Care | Active | |||
CS2023000138 | Diamond Hearts Home Care Ltd | Support Service | 19-05-2023 | 36 | Portland Road | Hawkhead | Paisley | PA2 7GH | 07931769167 | Kenechukwu Ewuzie | | SP2023000091 | Diamond Hearts Home Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015340214 | Diamond Home Assist LLP | Support services - care at home | 05-07-2016 | Alba Centre | Alba Campus | Rosebank | Livingston | EH54 7EG | 01506417777 | Emma Hurry | | SP2015012559 | Diamond Home Assist LLP | Active | |||
CS2022000355 | Diane's childcare at home | Childminding | 29-11-2022 | Peterhead | | SP2022000237 | Diane Grant | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348867 | Diane's Childminding | Childminding | 17-10-2016 | Forres | Diane Bremner | | SP2016988239 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000918 | Dick Stewart Project | Offender accommodation (with premises for service users) | 01-04-2002 | 40 Circus Drive | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 2JE | 01415 540 277 | Kathleen Cairns | dickstewart@cros | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2003039432 | Dickson, Deborah | Childminding | 13-04-2004 | Edinburgh | Deborah Dickson | | SP2004937204 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008170900 | Dickson, Mary | Childminding | 24-06-2008 | Glasgow | Mary Dickson | | SP2008968924 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367944 | Dimples Day Play | 08-10-2018 | Dunfermline | Toni Seymour | | SP2018989999 | Toni Seymour | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013583 | Dingwall (English) Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dingwall Primary School, , Ross Avenue, , Dingwall, IV15 9UU | Ross Avenue | Dingwall | IV15 9UU | 01349 862 081 | Sara MacAskill | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2019373568 | Dingwall Ducklings | Day Care of Children | 01-08-2019 | Pefferside Park | Dingwall | IV15 9PW | 01349 865 698 | Cora Stewart | | SP2010011106 | CALA Direct Management Services | Active | |||||
CS2022000345 | Dionne Rogers Childcare | Childminding | 11-11-2022 | Dunfermline | | SP2022000229 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2004077334 | Direct Access Hostel | Housing support service | 31-03-2005 | Kingston Halls | 344 Paisley Road | Glasgow | G5 8RE | 01414 180 955 | Ann Montgomery | | SP2003000185 | Talbot Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019376721 | Direct Care Service | Housing Support Service | 21-01-2020 | 40 King street | Bathgate | EH48 1AX | 01506 243 222 | Sandra Kamanda | | SP2019013357 | Direct Care Service Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019376722 | Direct Care Service | Support Service | 21-01-2020 | 40 King Street | Bathgate | EH48 1AX | 01506 243 222 | Sandra Kamanda | | SP2019013357 | Direct Care Service Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019373523 | Direct Healthcare 24 Ltd | Nurse Agency | 04-06-2019 | Harmsworth House | 15 Bouverie Street | LONDON | EC4Y 8DP | 08448 404 404 | Benjamin Brown | | SP2019013277 | Direct Healthcare 24 Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000256 | Direct Healthcare T/A Direct Homecare | Support Service | 22-07-2024 | Direct Healthcare | 3/4 Turnberry House | 175 West George Street | Glasgow | G82 4NT | 07519628387 | Mary Dunn | | SP2019013277 | Direct Healthcare 24 Limited | Active | |||
CS2018368432 | Direct Medics Ltd | 11-12-2018 | Suite 103-104 | Baltic Chambers | 50 Wellington Street | Glasgow | G2 6HJ | 01414 284 410 | Lorraine Kilpatrick | | SP2018013158 | Direct Medics Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016346785 | Dirleton Playgroup | Day care of children | 19-07-2016 | Dirleton Kirk Hall | Manse Road | Dirleton | North Berwick | EH39 5EL | 01620 850 486 | Lorna Greenan | | SP2016012707 | Dirleton Playgroup a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2003001135 | Dirrans Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Dirrans Terrace | Kilwinning | KA13 7PH | 01294 552 771 | Nicola Rowan | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004069187 | Disability Family Support Service | Support services - care at home | 02-09-2004 | 29 Bingham Avenue | EDINBURGH | EH15 3HZ | 0131 669 7490 | Karen Japp | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2019372870 | Disability Holiday Playscheme Braidburn | 19-04-2019 | Baridburn School | 107 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH14 1ED | 01313 122 320 | Jean Cole | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001250 | Disability Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 74 Love Street | Paisley | PA3 2EA | 03003000370 | Irene McNeil | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2006118712 | Disability Resources Support Accommodation Service | Housing support service | 02-11-2006 | Glaitness Centre | 33 Queen Sonja Kloss | Kirkwall | KW15 1FJ | 01856 871 960 | Inga Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2006118047 | Disability Resources Support Accommodation Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-11-2006 | Glaitness Centre | 33 Queen Sonja Kloss | Kirkwall | KW15 1FJ | 01856 871 960 | Dominic Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000429 | Discovery Homecare Dundee Ltd | Support Service | 15-11-2024 | 6 Auchinblae Place | Dundee | DD3 9RS | 07779137991 | Karen Clarke | | SP2024000136 | Discovery Homecare Dundee Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000393 | Divine Care and Support Services (Scotland) Limited | Support Service | 20-11-2023 | UNIT 28 | BRANDON HOUSE BUSINESS CENTRE | 23 BRANDON STREET | HAMILTON | ML3 6DA | 01698694463 | Pius Adesina Badejo | | SP2023000444 | Divine Care and Support Service (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2020382069 | Divine Health & Social Care | Housing Support Service | 14-01-2021 | Blackrigg Farm | Lochmaben | Lockerbie | Dumfries | DG11 1RN | 07827 466 957 | Amanda Woods | | SP2020013579 | Divine Health & Social Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2020381133 | Divine Health & Social Care | Support Service | 14-01-2021 | Blackrigg Farm | Lochmaben | Lockerbie | Dumfries | DG11 1RN | 07827 466 957 | Amanda Woods | | SP2020013579 | Divine Health & Social Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003000836 | Dixon Centre And Community Care Project | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 656 Cathcart Road | Govanhill | Glasgow | G42 8AA | 01414 232 481 | Michelle McGuigan | | SP2003000164 | Dixon Community | Active | ||||
CS2024000233 | DKL Care Limited | Support Service | 03-07-2024 | 16 Morton Avenue | Paisley | PA2 7BW | 07840504361 | Phiri Mukuma | | SP2023000450 | Active | ||||||
CS2003007481 | Dobson, Amanda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Amanda Dobson | | SP2003904448 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378311 | Dochas House | Care homes for children and young people | 03-02-2021 | St Mary's Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 2EH | 01415861200 | Derek Lamb | | SP2019013431 | SMK Care Services, a Company Limited by Guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2010249605 | Docherty, Anne Marie | Childminding | 05-11-2010 | Glasgow | Anne Marie Docherty | | SP2010978170 | Ann Marie Docherty | Active | ||||||||
CS2007158986 | Docherty, Jillian Rose | Childminding | 08-04-2008 | Glasgow | Jillian Rose Docherty | | SP2007966320 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004078144 | Docherty, Theresa | Childminding | 21-11-2006 | Coatbridge | Theresa Docherty | | SP2004933326 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017200 | Dochgarroch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dochgarroch | Inverness | IV3 8JG | 01463 861240 | Louise Robertson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2006122530 | Dodds, Pauline | Childminding | 07-08-2006 | Edinburgh | Pauline Dodds | | SP2006959467 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007155783 | Doherty, Mary-Theresa | Childminding | 11-01-2008 | Dumbarton | Mary Theresa Doherty | | SP2007965741 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008175010 | Doig, Alice | Childminding | 11-11-2008 | Burntisland | Alice Doig | | SP2008969634 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006114865 | Dollar Academy | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Dollar Academy | Dollar | FK14 7DU | 01259 742 511 | Robin Pyper | | SP2006008024 | Dollar Academy | Active | |||||
CS2012310334 | Dollar Nursery School | Day care of children | 17-09-2012 | 4 McNabb Street | Dollar | FK14 7DJ | 01259 742 571 | Carolyn Riddle | | SP2012011889 | Dollar Nursery School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004068192 | Dollar Park Dementia Service | Housing support service | 05-01-2005 | Dollar Park Dementia Service | Camelon Road | Falkirk | FK1 5SQ | 01324 501 730 | margaret thom | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2004072412 | Dollar Park Dementia Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-01-2005 | Dollar Park Dementia Service | Camelon Road | Falkirk | FK1 5SQ | 01324 501 730 | Margaret Thom | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003286 | Donald, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alloa | Karen Donald | | SP2003901630 | Donald Karen | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007482 | Donald, Nicola | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Nicola Donald | | SP2003904449 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003038685 | Donaldson, Caron Marie | Childminding | 19-06-2003 | Glasgow | Caron Marie Donaldson | | SP2003910194 | Donaldson, Caron Marie Donaldson, Caron Marie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013284 | Donaldson, Collette and John | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Prestonpans | Collette Donaldson | | SP2003906924 | Collette Donaldson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006993 | Donaldson, Connie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Connie Donaldson | | SP2003904035 | Connie Donaldson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003729 | Donaldson, Gillian | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Gillian Donaldson | | SP2003901983 | Gillian Donaldson | Active | ||||||||
CS2004079485 | Donaldson, Margaret | Childminding | 04-04-2005 | Glenrothes | Margaret Donaldson | | SP2004936097 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013028 | Donaldson, Moira | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Moira Donaldson | | SP2003906747 | Moira Donaldson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001869 | Donaldson, Pauline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Montrose | Pauline Donaldson | | SP2003900491 | Pauline Donaldson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016424 | Donibristle Out of School Club | Day care of children | 27-05-2002 | Donibristle Primary School | Morlich Road | Dunfermline | KY11 9UE | 07515 189 445 | Marta Zukowska | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017091 | Donibristle Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Morlich Road | Dalgety Bay | Dunfermline | KY11 9UE | 01383 602 412 | Karyn Rennie | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2016350510 | Donna Long Childminding | Childminding | 06-12-2016 | Duns | Donna Long | | SP2016988414 | Donna Long | Active | ||||||||
CS2016345838 | Donna McEwing Childminding | Childminding | 06-07-2016 | Forfar | Donna McEwing | | SP2016987868 | Donna McEwing | Active | ||||||||
CS2018367514 | Donna Smith Childminding Services | 21-08-2018 | West Kilbride | Donna Smith | | SP2018989961 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2005090265 | Donna Thomline childminding service | Childminding | 01-07-2005 | Edinburgh | Donna Thomline | | SP2005944570 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017360101 | Donna's Childminding | 23-01-2018 | Livingston | Donna Ewing | | SP2017989351 | Donna Blyth | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367249 | Donna's Little Angels | 07-09-2018 | Larkhall | Donna Wade | | SP2018989935 | Donna Wade | Active | |||||||||
CS2008178761 | Donnelly, Jacqueline | Childminding | 06-04-2009 | Galston | Jacqueline Donnelly | | SP2008970306 | Jacqueline Donnelly | Active | ||||||||
CS2004069324 | Donovan, Rosemary | Childminding | 14-06-2005 | Dumfries | Rosemary Donovan | | SP2004937966 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009236900 | Doocot View Very Sheltered Housing | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-08-2010 | St. Combs Court | Banff | AB45 1GD | 01261 455 570 | Elaine Robb | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2009236899 | Doocot View Very Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 27-08-2010 | St. Combs Court | Banff | AB45 1GD | 01261 455 570 | Elaine Robb | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2013319773 | Doodlebugs Day Nursery (Aberuthven) | Day care of children | 16-10-2013 | Main Street | Aberuthven | Auchterarder | PH3 1HE | 01764 662 266 | Louise Lyon | | SP2013012143 | Doodlebugs Day Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013319774 | Doodlebugs Day Nursery (Bridge of Earn) | Day care of children | 16-10-2013 | Edinburgh Road | Bridge of Earn | Perth | PH2 9PP | 01738 813 870 | Jane Harris | | SP2013012143 | Doodlebugs Day Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017354634 | Doonbank House Care Home | 08-05-2018 | Ayr Road | Patna | KA6 7JW | 01292 531 907 | Gail McClure | | SP2014012273 | West Coast Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003005107 | Doonfoot After School Service Committee | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Doonfoot Primary School | Abbots Way | Doonfoot | Ayr | KA7 4HJ | 07808 869 237 | Lynn Stenson | | SP2003001085 | Doonfoot After School Service Committee | Active | |||
CS2003017394 | Doonfoot Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 29A Abott's Way | Ayr | KA7 4HJ | 01292 612 702 | Sarah Flint | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016384 | Doonvale Private Nursery School | Day care of children | 28-03-2003 | Doonholm Road | Alloway | Ayr | KA6 6BL | 01292 440 400 | Valerie Lang | | SP2003003640 | Doonvale Private Nursery School LLP | Active | ||||
CS2005089626 | Doran, Mary | Childminding | 03-05-2006 | Glasgow | Mary Doran | | SP2005945595 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017201 | Dornoch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dornoch Primary School | Evelix Road | Dornoch | IV25 3HR | 01862 812 901 | Jane Baines | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003005609 | Dorrian, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumbarton | Elizabeth Dorrian | | SP2003903346 | Elizabeth Dorrian | Active | ||||||||
CS2007144976 | Dorricott, Alison | Childminding | 20-09-2007 | Glasgow | Alison Dorricott | | SP2007964145 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367490 | Dorward House | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2018 | 24 Dorward Road | Montrose | DD10 8SB | 01674 673 871 | Deborah Philips | | SP2018013136 | Dorward House, Montrose | Active | |||||
CS2023000179 | Double Crown Healthcare Ltd (Home Care at Home) | Support Service | 13-06-2023 | Unit 3 | 4 Orr Square | Paisley | PA1 2DL | 07383826566 | Olamide Adekanmbi | | SP2023000114 | Double Crown Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017362434 | Dougall Court | 05-12-2017 | 12 - 14 Dougall Court | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5PU | 01316 604 557 | Diane Carson | | SP2007008824 | Thera (Scotland) | Active | |||||
CS2019378020 | Dougall, Christine | Child Minding | 11-02-2020 | Falkirk | Christine Dougall | | SP2019990898 | Christine Dougall | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004180 | Douglas Park Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Tennis Pavilion | Cathcart Road | Largs | KA30 8JB | 07971 523 702 | Lynsey Gray | | SP2003000852 | The Committee of Douglas Park Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003015289 | Douglas Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ayr Road | Douglas | Lanark | ML11 0QA | 01555 851 224 | Suzanne Hughes | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014781 | Douglas Street Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Douglas Street | Paisley | PA1 2PJ | 0300 300 1463 | Pamela McLachlan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300687 | Douglas View Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | William Street | Hamilton | ML3 9AX | 01698 459 099 | CHARLENE CURTIS | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009215735 | Douglas, Alison | Childminding | 09-11-2009 | Dunfermline | Alison Douglas | | SP2009973926 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012179 | Douglas, Alison J | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Alison J Douglas | | SP2003905905 | Douglas, Mrs Alison Douglas, Mrs Alison | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013761 | Douglas, Angela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumfries | Angela Douglas | | SP2003907364 | Angela Douglas | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006805 | Douglas, Lesley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lesley Douglas | | SP2003904023 | Lesley Douglas | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003792 | Douglas, Rosaleen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Rosaleen Douglas | | SP2003902028 | Rosaleen Douglas | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016058 | Dounby Community School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dounby Community School | Dounby | Orkney | KW17 2JA | 01856 771 234 | Leona Benston | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015592 | Doune Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castlehill | Doune | FK16 6BU | 01786 842 734 | Andrew Clark | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2003046430 | Doune Terrace Nursery | Day care of children | 22-04-2003 | 9c Doune Terrace | Edinburgh | EH3 6DY | 0131 225 3805 | Natalie HAINING | | SP2003002857 | Early Days Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020378967 | Dounemount Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | Gellymill Street | Macduff | AB45 3QL | 01261 832 262 | Amanda STOFKA | | SP2020013471 | Dounemount Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015787 | Downfield Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20 Haldane Crescent | Dundee | DD3 0JP | 01382 307 800 | Karen Emmett | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005130 | Downie, Marion | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Troon | Marion Downie | | SP2003902963 | Marion Downie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001872 | Doyle, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stonehaven | Elaine Doyle | | SP2003900494 | Elaine Doyle | Active | ||||||||
CS2006132934 | Dr Bell's Family Centre | Day care of children | 02-11-2006 | 15 Junction Place | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 5JA | 01315 530 100 | Megan Henry | | SP2006008529 | Dr Bell's Family Centre | Active | ||||
CS2006129676 | Drake, Karen | Childminding | 03-01-2007 | Livingston | Karen Drake | | SP2006960327 | Karen Drake | Active | ||||||||
CS2010278924 | Drakies Out of School Club | Day care of children | 17-02-2011 | Drakies Primary School | Drumossie Avenue | Inverness | IV2 3SG | 07876 542 621 | Alison Morrison-Smith | | SP2010011111 | CALA Out of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2008174597 | Drakies Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 13-08-2008 | Drakies Primary School | Drumossie Avenue | Inverness | IV2 3SG | 01463 236 032 | Scott Callander | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014483 | Draper, Teresa | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Teresa Draper | | SP2003908999 | Teresa Draper | Active | ||||||||
CS2011298684 | Dreams Daycare Limited | Day care of children | 24-08-2011 | Unit 1 | Insch Business Park | Insch | AB52 6TA | 01464 821 155 | Lillian Shanks | | SP2011011622 | Dreams Daycare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003011919 | Dreghorn Pre-School and Creche | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 25/27 Dreghorn Gardens | Edinburgh | EH13 9NW | 01314 415 974 | Helen Mullen | | SP2003002859 | Dreghorn Pre-School and Creche | Active | |||||
CS2003017303 | Dreghorn Primary School Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dundonald Road | Dreghorn | Irvine | KA11 4DD | 01294 211 018 | Hayley Dickson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003978 | Drennan, Jacqueline and Matthew | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jacqueline Drennan | | SP2003902162 | Jacqueline and Matthew Drennan Jacqueline and Matthew Drennan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009120 | Drever, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkwall | Ann Drever | | SP2003905020 | Ann Drever | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016948 | Drongan Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Millmannoch Avenue | Drongan | Ayr | KA6 7BY | 01292 591 521 | Sean Maddocks | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014332161 | Drumbank | Care homes for children and young people | 09-02-2015 | Drumbank House | 610 Old Dalkeith Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4SW | 01316 643 876 | Katherine Obika | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015742 | Drumblade School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Drumblade Primary School | Nursery Building | Drumblade | Huntly | AB54 6EQ | 01466 405968 | Lucy Taylor | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2006136518 | Drumchapel Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 17-07-2007 | Antonine Primary School | 4 Abbotshall Avenue | Glasgow | G15 8PR | 01419 448 530 | Catherine Cunningham | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014825 | Drumchapel Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Clares Campus | 15 Kilcloy Avenue | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 8RP | 01419 445 455 | Kathleen Connelly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2003010387 | Drumdarroch House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Mill Road | Insch | AB52 6JA | 01464 820 808 | Wendy Stephen | | SP2003000048 | Priority Care Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016195 | Drumduan School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Drumduan House | Clovenside Road | Forres | IV36 2RD | 01309 676 300 | Not named Not named | | SP2003003581 | Drumduan School Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020381172 | Drumfork Forest School and Out of School | Day care of children | 19-03-2021 | Churchill Square | Helensburgh | G84 9HL | 01436268120 | Kayleigh Dann | | SP2018013242 | Drumfork Family Centre Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018371781 | Drumfork Nursery and Family Centre | Day Care of Children | 21-08-2019 | Drumfork Community Centre | Churchill Square | Helensburgh | G84 9HL | 01436 268120 | Kayleigh Dann | | SP2018013242 | Drumfork Family Centre Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017367 | Drumlanrig St. Cuthbert's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Loan | Hawick | TD9 0AU | 01450 373 521 | Karen Scott | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014638 | Drumlemble Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Drumlemble Primary School | Drumlemble | Campbeltown | PA28 6PW | 01586 810 240 | Richard Long | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2009230714 | Drumlithie After School Help (D.A.S.H) | Day care of children | 04-02-2010 | Glenbervie Primary School | School Road | Drumlithie | Stonehaven | AB39 3YS | 07442152717 | Lisa McFarlane | | SP2009010511 | Drumlithie After School Help Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011300690 | Drummohr Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 47a Drummohr Gardens | Wallyford | Musselburgh | EH21 8BH | 01316 533 737 | Priscilla Musenga | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004078208 | Drummond Community High School Creche | Day care of children | 20-11-2006 | Drummond Community High School | 41 Bellevue Place | Edinburgh | EH7 4BS | 01315 562 651 | Maria Gowans | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003010630 | Drummond Grange Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 7 Kevock Road | Lasswade | EH18 1HT | 01316 542 881 | Alina Brehar | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000185 | Drummond Hall | Care homes for children and young people | 05-06-2024 | Drummond Hall Farm | Stanley | Perth | PH1 4PL | 01506 401700 | Bruce Laird | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003034640 | Drummond House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 317 South Road | Dundee | DD2 2RT | 01382 436 745 | Lynn Russell | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377045 | Drummond House | Care Home Service | 25-10-2019 | Millrigg Road | Wiston | ML12 6HT | 01899 800652 | Lynsey Ralston | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013315003 | Drummore Nursery Class | Day care of children | 12-08-2013 | Drummore Primary School | Shaw Lane | Drummore | Stranraer | DG9 9PY | 01776 840 235 | Nicola Hose | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2016348766 | Drumoak Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 03-10-2016 | James Gregory Road | Drumoak | Banchory | AB31 5DY | 01330 700 375 | Elaine Ingram | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006117431 | Dryden, Louise | Childminding | 29-08-2006 | Livingston | Louise Dryden | | SP2006957933 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010839 | Dryfemount Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 11 St. Bryde's Terrace | Lockerbie | DG11 2EJ | 01576 203 013 | Michelle Wood | | SP2003002537 | Horizon Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010927 | Drylaw House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 135 Easter Drylaw Drive | Edinburgh | EH4 2RX | 01313 320 381 | Stacy Malcolm | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2008180109 | Drylaw Rainbow Club Day Centre | Support services - care at home | 16-12-2009 | Drylaw Parish Church | Groathill Road North | Edinburgh | EH4 2RG | 01313 436 643 | Jackie Brown | | SP2007009026 | Drylaw Rainbow Club Day Centre | Active | ||||
CS2023000131 | Drymen Nursery | Day Care of Children | 16-05-2023 | Drymen Primary School | Old Gartmore Road | Drymen | Glasgow | G63 0DY | 01360 660578 | Patrick Robertson | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2003004063 | Duchal Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broomknowe Road | Kilmacolm | PA13 4JA | 01505 874358 | Victoria Gheur | | SP2003000821 | Duchal Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2005087749 | Duck, Linda | Childminding | 04-12-2006 | Aberdeen | Linda Duck | SP2005943206 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003017024 | Duddingston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Duddingston Road | Edinburgh | EH15 1SW | 01316 695 092 | Rachel Glover | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2004064634 | Dudhope Villa and Sister Properties | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | 1 St Mary Place, | Dundee | DD1 5RB | 01382 226 824 | Helen Couttie | | SP2004004668 | Dudhope Villa and Sister Properties | Active | |||||
CS2004080042 | Dudhope Villa and Sister Properties | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-11-2004 | 1 St Mary's Place | Dundee | DD1 5RB | 01382 226 824 | Helen Couttie | SP2004004668 | Dudhope Villa and Sister Properties | Active | ||||||
CS2005107713 | Dudley, Claire | Childminding | 27-09-2006 | Stirling | Claire Dudley | | SP2005952140 | claire dudley | Active | ||||||||
CS2004073119 | Duffy, Bethune | Childminding | 15-12-2004 | Glasgow | Bethune Duffy | | SP2004930875 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007159511 | Duffy, Gill | Childminding | 04-03-2008 | Glasgow | Gill Duffy | | SP2007966451 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006332 | Duffy, Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Mary Duffy | | SP2003903718 | Mary Duffy | Active | ||||||||
CS2012308497 | Duguid, Andrea | Childminding | 15-08-2012 | Turriff | Andrea Duguid | | SP2012983590 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005108050 | Duguid, Valerie | Childminding | 16-05-2006 | Macduff | Valerie Duguid | | SP2005952271 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007152252 | Duloch Out of School Club | Day care of children | 30-08-2007 | Duloch Primary School | Nightingale Place | Dunfermline | KY11 8LW | 07515 189447 | Martin Tyrrell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2007153451 | Duloch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 20-08-2007 | Duloch Primary School | Duloch Community Campus | Nightingale Place | Dunfermline | KY11 8LW | 01383 602 457 | Laura Spence | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003001435 | Dumbarton Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 3 Bruce Street | Dumbarton | G82 1HX | 01389 608 164 | Lynn O'Donnell | lynn.o' | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004064031 | Dumbarton District Women's Aid | Housing support service | 24-08-2004 | Alexandria | Janine Jardine | | SP2004006205 | Dumbarton District Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2021382515 | Dumbrock House | Care homes for children and young people | 20-01-2021 | Old Mugdock Road | Strathblane | Glasgow | G63 9ET | 01360 771 586 | David Metcalf | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2004080451 | Dumfries & Galloway Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 13-06-2005 | 122-124 Irish Street | Dumfries | DG1 2AW | 0303 333 000 | Leanne Young | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000286 | Dumfries & Galloway Housing First and Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 06-10-2021 | Turning Point | 22 Newall Terrace | DUMFRIES | DG1 1LW | 01387 247123 | Victoria Long | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004073368 | Dumfries & Galloway Services | Housing support service | 24-11-2004 | Ladyfield Villas | Flat 2B | Glencaple Road | Dumfries | DG1 4TG | 01387 267 915 | Rachel Fourie | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2004073369 | Dumfries & Galloway Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-11-2004 | Ladyfield Villas | Flat 2B | Glencaple Road | Dumfries | DG1 4TG | 01387 267 915 | Rachel Fourie | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2023000052 | Dumfries & Galloway Youth Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 02-03-2023 | Quarriers Dumfries & Galloway Youth Housing Support Service | Grierson House | Bankend Road | Dumfries | DG1 4ZE | 01387 249888 | Julia Cringean | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2003010866 | Dumfries Activity & Resource Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Burns Street | Dumfries | DG1 2PS | 01387 273 904 | Carron Alison | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2004084441 | Dumfries and Galloway Fostering Service | Fostering services | 13-06-2005 | 122-124 Irish Street | Dumfries | DG1 2PB | 0303 333 000 | Leanne Young | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2004082377 | Dumfries and Galloway Outreach Service | Housing support service | 15-12-2004 | 28 Munches Street | Dumfries | DG1 1ET | 01387 255072 | Emma Scott | | SP2003003760 | Change Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2004082190 | Dumfries Supported Living | Housing support service | 03-11-2004 | 15 Fraser Court | Mannering Avenue | Dumfries | DG2 0GZ | 01387 721 432 | Claire Agnew | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004082189 | Dumfries Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-11-2004 | 15 Fraser Court | Mannering Avenue | Dumfries | DG2 0GZ | 01387 721 432 | Claire Agnew | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010890 | Dumfries Toy Library | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Playworks | Children's Services Centre | 1 George Street | Dumfries | DG1 1EA | 01387 249 990 | Gillian Gibson | | SP2003002570 | Dumfries Toy Library | Active | |||
CS2003053359 | Dumfriesshire & Stewartry Women's Aid | Housing support service | 04-11-2004 | Dumfries | Julie Chisholm | | SP2004005374 | Dumfriesshire & Stewartry Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317441 | Dumgoyach | Care homes for children and young people | 04-10-2013 | Dumgoyach House | Duntreath Estate | Blanefield | Glasgow | G63 9AJ | 01360 770 115 | Stephen MacDonald | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | |||
CS2010238093 | Dunard After School Care | Day care of children | 15-08-2011 | 200 Queen Margaret Drive | Glasgow | G20 8NX | 07563 604 168 | Janice Reilly | | SP2003001275 | Maryhill Mobile Children's Services | Active | |||||
CS2003014797 | Dunard Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunard Primary School | 65 Dunard Street | Glasgow | G20 6RL | 01419 462 808 | Annemarie Connolly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2016345403 | Dunbar After-School Club | Day care of children | 23-06-2016 | Dunbar Primary School | Lammermuir Crescent | Dunbar | EH42 1DG | 07528 208 168 | Lindsay Baigrie | | SP2009976789 | Lindsay Baigrie | Active | ||||
CS2024000101 | Dunbar Day Centre SCIO | Support Services - not care at home | 28-03-2024 | Bakerscroft | Westgate | Dunbar | EH42 1JL | 01368862843 | Claire Ainslie | | SP2023000383 | Dunbar Day Centre SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2003015827 | Dunbar Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lammermuir Crescent | Dunbar | EH42 1DG | 01368 863 773 | Jacqui MacKinnon | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003008410 | Dunbar, Jane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Jane Dunbar | SP2003907989 | Jane Dunbar | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002027 | Dunbar, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Turriff | Linda Dunbar | | SP2003900649 | Linda Dunbar | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016089 | Dunbarney Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Bridge of Earn | Perth | PH2 9DY | 01738 476 343 | Louise Kelly | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2017361164 | Dunbeath Early Learning and Childcare Service | 20-08-2018 | Dunbeath Primary School | Dunbeath | KW6 6EY | 01593 731 286 | Denise Walsh | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003014641 | Dunbeg Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunbeg School | Etive Road | Dunbeg | OBAN | PA37 1QF | Marny McCulloch | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015331 | Dunbeth Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 80 Coats Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3NX | 01236 632 079 | Mary McAuley | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005369 | Dunblane Kids Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunblane Primary School | Doune Road | Dunblane | FK15 9AU | 01786 825 670 | Karen Fisher | | SP2003001110 | Dunblane Kids Club | Active | ||||
CS2003015598 | Dunblane Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Doune Road | Dunblane | FK15 9AU | 01786 822 351 | Lorraine Slabbert | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013535 | Duncan Forbes Primary ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Duncan Forbes Primary School | Keppoch Road | Culloden | Inverness | IV2 7NY | 01463 791 897 | Wendy MacKay | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003012218 | Duncan, Audrey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dalkeith | Audrey Duncan | | SP2003905944 | Audrey Duncan | Active | ||||||||
CS2007142420 | Duncan, Billinda | Childminding | 12-04-2007 | Denny | Billinda Duncan | | SP2007963180 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001874 | Duncan, Doreen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stonehaven | Doreen Duncan | | SP2003900496 | Doreen Duncan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003479 | Duncan, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Darvel | Elaine Duncan | | SP2003901783 | Elaine Duncan | Active | ||||||||
CS2016347122 | Duncan, Gail | Childminding | 30-09-2016 | Leven | Gail Duncan | SP2016988008 | Gail Duncan | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007134 | Duncan, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Wormit | Julie Duncan | | SP2003904139 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008192074 | Duncan-Kerr, Fiona | Childminding | 06-03-2009 | Peebles | Fiona Duncan-Kerr | | SP2008972555 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000451 | Dunclutha | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Dunclutha House | 1 Garden Lane | Dunoon | PA23 8GY | 01369 706 573 | Brian Docherty | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2011304632 | Duncraggan Care Home | Care homes for older people | 11-05-2012 | 73 Blairbeth Road | Burnside | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4JD | 01416 345 898 | Stacey Bicker | | SP2008010039 | Keane Premier Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003011564 | Dundas Resource/Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Oxgang Road | Grangemouth | FK3 9EF | 01324504311 | Hazel Brooks | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2004082550 | Dundee City Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 21-10-2005 | 5 City Square | Floor 2 | Dundee | DD1 3BA | 01382 43600 | Natalie Johnston | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004079349 | Dundee City Council - Dundee Community Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-11-2004 | Claverhouse Social Work Department | Jack Martin Way | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 436 352 | Monika Mill | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004081929 | Dundee City Council - Dundee Community Living | Housing support service | 26-11-2004 | Claverhouse Social Work Department | Jack Martin Way | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 07985817975 | Monika Mill | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2005097782 | Dundee City Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 21-10-2005 | 5 city square | Dundee | DD1 3BA | 01382 436 000 | Sandra Howden | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2011286180 | Dundee City Council - Homecare - Enablement & Support Citywide and Community Mental Health Older People Team | Housing support service | 10-01-2012 | Social Work Department | Jack Martin Way | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 307 595 | Alison Mead | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011286183 | Dundee City Council - Homecare - Enablement & Support Citywide and Community Mental Health Older People Team | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-01-2012 | Social Work Department | Jack Martin Way | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 307 592 | Alison Mead | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011286191 | Dundee City Council - Homecare - Social Care Response Service | Housing support service | 10-01-2012 | West District Housing Office | 3 Sinclair Street | Dundee | DD2 3DA | 01382 435 555 | Lisa Bowring | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011286193 | Dundee City Council - Homecare - Social Care Response Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-01-2012 | West District Housing Office | 3 Sinclair Street | Dundee | DD2 3DA | 01382 435 548 | Lisa Bowring | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2006118106 | Dundee City Council - Sheltered Housing Warden's Service | Housing support service | 03-04-2006 | West District Housing Office | 3 Sinclair Street | Dundee | DD2 3DA | 01382 307 357 | Lorna Sturrock | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2005108069 | Dundee City Council - Supported Living Team | Housing support service | 12-06-2006 | Claverhouse Social Work Department | Jack Martin Way | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 436 352 | Denise Black | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2006120984 | Dundee City Council - Supported Living Team | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-06-2006 | Claverhouse Social Work Department | Jack Martin Way | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 307 527 | Denise Black | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377882 | Dundee City Council Adult Placement - Continuing Care | Adult placement services | 06-01-2020 | Dudhope Castle | Dudhope Park | Barrack Road | Dundee | DD3 6HF | 01382 436 004 | Mark MacAulay | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||
CS2004079333 | Dundee City Council- Housing Support Team | Housing support service | 12-11-2004 | East District Housing Office | 169 Pitkerro Road | Dundee | DD4 8ES | 01382 307 357 | Lorna Sturrock | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2012309689 | Dundee Housing with Care | Support services - care at home | 03-12-2012 | Balgowan Court | 11 Balgowan Drive | Dundee | DD3 0HZ | 01382 828 160 | John McLean | j.mclean | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | ||||
CS2024000159 | Dundee Recovery Service | Housing Support Service | 16-05-2024 | The Roundhouse | Lothian Crescent | Dundee | DD4 0HU | 01382206888 | Bobbie Lawson | | SP2004004093 | We Are With You | Active | ||||
CS2013319874 | Dundee Specialist Mental Health Outreach Service | Housing support service | 13-03-2014 | 16b Fleming Gardens South | Dundee | DD3 7LR | 01382 826 938 | Lindsey McNab | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2013319959 | Dundee Specialist Mental Health Outreach Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-03-2014 | 16b Fleming Gardens South | Dundee | DD3 7LR | 01382 826 938 | Lindsey McNab | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2004076256 | Dundee Survival Group | Housing support service | 24-11-2004 | 100 Foundry Lane | Dundee | DD4 6AY | 01382 450 303 | Shirish Patel | | SP2004006773 | Dundee Survival Group Charitable Company Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004063227 | Dundee Women's Aid | Housing support service | 06-10-2004 | Dundee | Gillian Boland | | SP2004005876 | Dundee Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2014323360 | Dundee Youth Housing Service | Support services - care at home | 08-05-2015 | 40C Arthurstone Terrace | Dundee | DD4 6QT | 01382 450 052 | Louise Kelly | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2013322790 | Dundee Youth Housing Service | Housing support service | 08-05-2015 | 40 Arthurstone Terrace | Dundee | DD4 6QT | 01382 450 052 | Louise Kelly | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2003047869 | Dundonald Care Club | Day care of children | 22-12-2003 | Dundonald New Community School/Activity Centre | Dundonald Activity Centre | Castle Drive | Kilmarnock | KA2 9EP | 07772 944 225 | Jackie Stewart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003017395 | Dundonald Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castle Drive | Dundonald | Kilmarnock | KA2 9EP | 01292 690 075 | Fiona Paterson | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001314 | Dundonald House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Old Loans Road | Dundonald | Kilmarnock | KA2 9DB | 01563 851 430 | Anne Kerr | | SP2010010979 | Dundonald House Nursing Home Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015336900 | Duneaton | Care homes for children and young people | 17-07-2015 | Craighead Road | Abington | Biggar | ML12 6SQ | 01864 502 520 | Donna Calderhead | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007144114 | Dunedin Harbour Hostel | Housing support service | 20-02-2007 | 4 Parliament Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 6EB | 01316 245 800 | Kevin Brodie | | SP2004004483 | Wheatley Homes East | Active | ||||
CS2024000319 | Dunelm | Care Home Service | 13-08-2024 | 5 Earlston | Kilmarnock | KA2 9AD | 07939936255 | Martyn Kerr | | SP2022000146 | Imagine Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003043641 | Dunipace Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Thistle Avenue | Dunipace | Denny | FK6 6LS | 01324 508 820 | Stacey Collier-West | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016949 | Dunlop Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunlop Early Childhood Centre (The Bridge) | Lugton Road | Dunlop | Kilmarnock | KA3 4DL | 01560484098 | Laura Kelly | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004081175 | Dunlop, Patricia | Childminding | 07-02-2005 | Linlithgow | Patricia Dunlop | | SP2004940485 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007157082 | Dunlop, Sandra | Childminding | 18-09-2007 | Airdrie | Sandra Dunlop | | SP2007965983 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015943 | Dunmore Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkland Avenue | Ballingry | Lochgelly | KY5 8JS | 01592 583 693 | Lynn Dyas | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2013316989 | Dunmuir Park Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 29-11-2013 | Dunmuir Park | Dunmuir Road | Castle Douglas | DG7 1LQ | 01556 503 326 | Jennifer Wright | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2013316990 | Dunmuir Park Housing Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-11-2013 | Dunmuir Park | Dunmuir Road | Castle Douglas | DG7 1LQ | 01556 503 326 | Jennifer Wright | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2007147639 | Dunmuir Park Respite Unit | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 07-08-2008 | The Rowans | 11-12 Dunmuir Park | Castle Douglas | DG7 1LP | 01556 504 343 | Jennifer Wright | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2010238999 | Dunn Street, Duntocher - Respite Service | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 27-05-2010 | 10 Dunn Street | Duntocher | Clydebank | G81 6JE | 01389 878 403 | Lorraine Bell | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2003006940 | Dunnikier Park Pre School Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Capshard Primary School | Barry Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6JD | 01592 640 744 | Jasmine McKinney | | SP2003001571 | Dunnikier Playgroup Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003017092 | Dunnikier Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunnikier Primary School | Balsusney Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5LH | 01592 583 425 | Victoria Hood | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2015337428 | Dunning, Amanda | Childminding | 15-06-2015 | Irvine | Amanda Dunning | | SP2015986937 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015752 | Dunnottar School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Carronhill School | Mill O'Forest Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2GZ | 01569 690 508 | Deborah Henderson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003014642 | Dunoon Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunoon | Bridget Reid | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||||||
CS2006115758 | Dunoon School Hostel | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | 68 Hunter Street | Dunoon | PA23 8JR | 01369 703 744 | David Lyon | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016123 | Dunrossness Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunrossness Primary School | Dunrossness | Shetland | ZE2 9JG | 01595 745 440 | Louise Leslie | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000089 | Duns Community Nursery | Day Care of Children | 31-03-2023 | 53 Newtown Street | Duns | TD11 3AU | 07854920612 | Rachel Burnett | | SP2023000064 | Duns Community Childcare CIC | Active | |||||
CS2003016103 | Duns Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Duns Primary School | Langtongate | Duns | TD11 3AG | 01361 884 050 | Martin Wilson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010817 | Dunscore Pre-school Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunscore Pre School | The Old School | Dunscore | DUMFRIES | DG2 0SY | 01387 820 273 | Laura Mushet | | SP2003002530 | Dunscore Pre-school Centre | Active | |||
CS2008168395 | Duntarvie Pre School Assessment & Development Centre | Day care of children | 18-08-2008 | 70 Rockfield Road | Glasgow | G21 3DZ | 01415 585 483 | Catriona Ann Maclennan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015617 | Dunvegan - Stenhousemuir | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 03-02-2003 | 228 Main Street | Larbert | FK5 3JP | 01324 562 786 | Donna McKinlay | | SP2003000147 | Parkcare Homes No.2 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008184563 | Dunvegan Lodge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 07-01-2009 | 31 Howieshill Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8PN | 01416 414 171 | Gill Ewing | | SP2008010039 | Keane Premier Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009193751 | Dunvegan Lodge Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 16-01-2009 | 31 Howieshill Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8PN | 01416 414 171 | Gill Ewing | | SP2008010039 | Keane Premier Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017202 | Dunvegan Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dunvegan Primary School | Dunvegan | Isle of Skye | IV55 8GU | 01470 521 307 | Samantha Muir | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377766 | Durness Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 10-08-2020 | Durness Primary School | Durine | Durness | Lairg | IV27 4PN | 01971 511 237 | Katy Lee | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | |||
CS2003000299 | Durnhythe | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Durn Road | Portsoy | Banff | AB45 2QJ | 01261 455 828 | Amanda Lakin | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000062 | Duthie Park Outdoor Nursery | Day care of children | 05-03-2022 | Aberdeen City Council | Duthie Park | Polmuir Road | Aberdeen | AB11 7TH | 01224764509 | Karla Mennie | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003001776 | Dyce Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dyce Community Education Centre | Dyce Primary School | Gordon Terrace | Aberdeen | AB21 7BD | 07525855336 | Margaret-Ann Goffin | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003014424 | Dyce School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gordon Terrace | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 7BD | 01224 772 220 | Gillian Hewitt | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006272 | Dyer, Jean | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jean Dyer | | SP2003903684 | Jean Dyer | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000128 | Dynamicare Lothian (DCL) Ltd | Support Service | 18-04-2024 | 30 Glenbare Court | Bathgate | EH48 1DR | 07737546479 | Blessing Nwaokoro | | SP2023000388 | DynamiCare Lothian (DCL) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015885 | Dysart Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Normand Road | Dysart | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2XW | 01592 583 426 | Jacqueline Thompson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000146 | E Bee's Little Cherubs | Child Minding | 24-05-2023 | Larkhall | | SP2023000097 | Emma Brindley | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2024000197 | E.M. Childminding | Childminding | 13-06-2024 | Ayrshire | | SP2024000097 | Elaine Mills | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000460 | Eadar Glinn Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Drummore Road | Oban | PA34 4JL | 01631 563 219 | Angela Mackay | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2012312938 | Eadie, Emma Elizabeth | Childminding | 04-02-2013 | Perth | Emma Elizabeth Winton |, | SP2012984231 | Emma Eadie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012885 | Eadie, Grace | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Prestonpans | Grace Eadie | | SP2003906604 | Eadie, Ms Grace Eadie, Ms Grace | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010900 | Eagle Lodge | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 488/1 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH5 2DL | 01315 511 611 | Mari Clark | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2003015833 | Eaglesham Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathaven Road | Eaglesham | Glasgow | G76 0LF | 01415 707 160 | Clare Harper | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017355428 | Earlseat House | Care homes for children and young people | 08-08-2017 | Coaltown on Wemyss | Kirkcaldy | KY1 4TQ | 01738260126 | Kerry MacDonald | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020378969 | Earlsferry House Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | Williamsburgh | Elie | Leven | KY9 1BA | 01333 330 124 | Elaine Berry | | SP2020013472 | Earlsferry House Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016106 | Earlston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | High Street | Earlston | TD4 6JQ | 01896 848 851 | Kevin Wilson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011916 | Early Days Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 36 Palmerston Place | Edinburgh | EH12 5BJ | 0131 226 6184 | Nicola Monaghan | | SP2003002857 | Early Days Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019376559 | Early Learning Unit Hope Street | Day Care of Children | 18-09-2019 | Hope Street | Hamilton | ML3 6AF | 01698 281 228 | Deborah Anne Shaw | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2008177451 | Early Steps Nursery | Day care of children | 22-08-2008 | The Pyramids Business Park | Easter Inch | Bathgate | EH48 2EH | 01506 636 394 | Carol Armstrong | | SP2008009820 | Carol & Graham Armstrong a Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2018364459 | Earthtime's Forest School Nursery | 08-08-2018 | Duffus House Annexe | Duffus | Elgin | IV30 5QB | 01343 200 206 | Jen Wall | | SP2018013071 | Earthtime for All Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000300 | Easdale Healthcare | Support Service | 06-08-2024 | 117b Wilkie Drive | Motherwell | ML1 4YU | 07411988461 | Natasha Kujenga | | SP2023000588 | Easdale Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000299 | Easdale Healthcare | Housing Support Service | 06-08-2024 | 117b Wilkie Drive | Motherwell | ML1 4YU | 07411988461 | Natasha Kujenga | | SP2023000588 | Easdale Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014644 | Easdale Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Easdale Primary School | Easdale | Isle of Seil | Oban | PA34 4RF | 01852 300 243 | Judith Frost | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2008171000 | East Ayrshire Adult Placement | Adult placement services | 17-06-2008 | East Ayrshire Council | Ross Court | Titchfield Street | GALSTON | KA4 8DF | 07467688462 | Antonio Cocozza | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2018364194 | East Ayrshire Community Supports | 30-10-2018 | 12 Lister Street | Crosshouse | Kilmarnock | KA2 0BB | 01563 555 342 | Paul Beveridge | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2018364001 | East Ayrshire Community Supports | 30-10-2018 | 12 Lister Street | Crosshouse | Kilmarnock | KA2 0BB | 01563 555 342 | Paul Beveridge | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004084315 | East Ayrshire Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 12-10-2005 | Dept of Educational and Social Services | Children and Families | Civic Centre, John Dickie Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1HW | 01563 554 200 | Michelle Ramsay | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004082088 | East Ayrshire Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 12-10-2005 | Dept of Educational and Social Services | Children and Families | Johnnie Walker Bond, 15 Strand Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1HU | 01563 554 200 | David Clarke | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2011282271 | East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership Care at Home and Housing Support Service (South Locality) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-04-2011 | Department of Education and Social Care Services | Rothesay House | 1 Greenholm Road | Cumnock | KA18 1LH | 01290 427 830 | Marie Gavienas | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2011282270 | East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership Care at Home and Housing Support Service (South Locality) | Housing support service | 25-03-2011 | Department of Education and Social Care Services | Rothesay House | 1 Greenholm Road | Cumnock | KA18 1LH | 01290 427 830 | Marie Gavienas | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2011282268 | East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Care at Home and Housing Support Service (North Locality) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-04-2011 | The Johnnie Walker Bond | 15 Strand Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1HU | 01563 554 268 | Elizabeth Lacy | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011282263 | East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Care at Home and Housing Support Service (North Locality) | Housing support service | 20-04-2011 | The Johnnie Walker Bond | 15 Strand Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1HU | 01563 554 200 | Evelyn McGarrity | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012306850 | East Ayrshire Supported Carers Scheme | Adult placement services | 05-07-2012 | The Johnnie Walker Bond | 15 Strand Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1HU | 01563 554 200 | David Clarke | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008182226 | East Ayrshire Women's Aid | Housing support service | 08-02-2012 | Kilmarnock | Karen Gardner | | SP2012011800 | East Ayrshire Women's Aid Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2014333482 | East Beach Nursery | Day care of children | 09-06-2015 | 1 Queens Lane | Lossiemouth | IV31 6DR | 01343 810 091 | Lauren Hayward | | SP2003001914 | Torridon Education Group Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017492 | East Calder Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 9 Langton Road | East Calder | Livingston | EH53 0BL | 01506 280200 | Fiona Stewart | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2008181750 | East Central Scotland Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-08-2009 | Community Integrated Care | 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 0141 419 9401 | Audrey Crilly | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2008181744 | East Central Scotland Services | Housing support service | 11-08-2009 | Community Integrated Care | 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 0141 419 9401 | Audrey Crilly | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2007165016 | East Craigs Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-11-2007 | 51 Craigmount Brae | Edinburgh | EH12 8XD | 01312 012 938 | Antonia Myles | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003015841 | East Craigs Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 79 Craigmount Brae | Edinburgh | EH12 8XF | 01313 397 115 | Pamela Briggs | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2004073007 | East Dumbartonshire Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-10-2004 | Cornerstone Community Care | The Doges Studios | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01413780675 | Stephen Cuthew | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2004073005 | East Dumbartonshire Services | Housing support service | 01-10-2004 | Cornerstone Community Care | The Doges Studios | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01413780675 | Stephen Cuthew | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2006120943 | East Dunbartonshire Association for Mental Health | Support services - not care at home | 19-02-2008 | Suite 7 Enterprise House | Strathkelvin Place | Kirkintilloch | G66 1XQ | 01419553040 | David Scarry | | SP2005007474 | East Dunbartonshire Association for Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2019378105 | East Dunbartonshire Council - Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 31-01-2020 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Southbank House | Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1XQ | 01417 773 000 | Caroline Wright | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005087073 | East Dunbartonshire Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 21-12-2005 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Southbank House | Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1XQ | 01417 773 000 | MICHAEL RAYMOND Walsh | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005087079 | East Dunbartonshire Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 21-12-2005 | Southbank House | Strathkelvin Place | Kirkintilloch | G66 1QF | 01417 773 000 | Caroline Wright | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012308199 | East Dunbartonshire Council: Community Support Team | Support services - care at home | 17-01-2013 | Broomhill Industrial Estate | Kilsyth Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1TF | 01417 773 000 | Donna MacInnes | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004073417 | East Dunbartonshire Phase 1 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-10-2004 | Unit 5A | Chryston Valley Business Centre | Cloverhill Place, Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 01417 795 980 | Clare Power | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004059294 | East Dunbartonshire Phase 1 | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Unit 5A | Chryston Valley Business Centre | Cloverhill Place, Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 0141 779 5980 | Clare Power | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004059296 | East Dunbartonshire Phase 2 | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Unit 5 | Chryston Valley Business Centre | Cloverhill Place, Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 01417 795 980 | Grace Storrie | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004073414 | East Dunbartonshire Phase 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-10-2004 | Unit 5 | Chryston Valley Business Centre | Cloverhill Place, Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 01417 795 980 | Grace Storrie | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004073424 | East Dunbartonshire Phase 3 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-10-2004 | Chryston House | Unit 4, Cloverhill Business Park | Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 01417 795 980 | Anthony Rae | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2004059299 | East Dunbartonshire Phase 3 | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Chryston House | Unit 4, Cloverhill Business Park | Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 01417 795 980 | Tony Rae | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2017359299 | East Dunbartonshire Women's Aid SCIO Housing Support Service | 01-04-2018 | Glasgow | Mary Donnelly | | SP2017012970 | East Dunbartonshire Women's Aid a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||||||
CS2013318352 | East End School Nursery | Day care of children | 22-08-2013 | East End Primary School | Institution Road | Elgin | IV30 1RP | 01343 542 381 | Elaine Gordon | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2004086043 | East Fife Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-01-2005 | Bankhead Central | Glenrothes | Fife | KY7 6GH | 03451 551 503 | William McLaughlin | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016293 | East Fife Community Support Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Robert Gough Centre | Aithernie Road | Leven | KY8 4BU | 01334 659 357 | Paula Birks | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014754 | East Fulton Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | East Fulton Primary School | Gilmartin Road | Linwood | PA3 3SG | 03003 000 152 | Elaine Brown | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009275 | East Green Nursery and Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | RBS Buildings | High Street | Earlston | TD4 6BU | 01896848800 | Claire Mitchell | | SP2003001997 | East Green Nursery and Out of School Club Committee | Active | ||||
CS2010272692 | East Kilbride & District Dementia Carers' Group | Support services - not care at home | 22-03-2011 | 169 Pine Crescent | Greenhills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9HJ | 01355 244 123 | Brian Doig | | SP2010011344 | East Kilbride & District Dementia Carers' Group | Active | |||
CS2004073547 | East Kilbride Home Care Service | Housing support service | 27-08-2004 | Civic Centre | Andrew Street | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1AB | 07795090388 | Michelle McLellan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004073548 | East Kilbride Home Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-08-2004 | Civic Centre | Andrew Street | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1AB | 07795090388 | Michelle McLellan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003000426 | East King Street children's house | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 50 East King Street | Helensburgh | G84 7QR | 01436 670 385 | Laura-Jayne Callaghan | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2009236007 | East Linton After School Club | Day care of children | 10-03-2010 | East Linton Community Hall | 73 High Street | East Linton | EH40 3BQ | 07539692998 | Lee Dagger | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | ||||
CS2003016982 | East Linton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | East Linton | EH40 3AJ | 01620 860 216 | Gill Gardner | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379351 | East Lothian Adult Placement - Continuing Care | Adult Placement Service | 17-08-2020 | Family Placement Team | Randall House | Macmerry Business Park, Macmerry | Tranent | EH33 1RW | 01875 824 309 | Emma Clater | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2007156107 | East Lothian Autism Support Services | Housing support service | 02-12-2008 | 11 Granton Square | Edinburgh | EH5 1HX | 01315 517 260 | Nicola Perring | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||||
CS2008189928 | East Lothian Autism Support Services - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-12-2008 | 11 Granton Square | Edinburgh | EH5 1HX | 01315 517 260 | Nicola Perring | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||||
CS2024000463 | East Lothian Care Ltd | Support Service | 12-12-2024 | East Lothian Care (office 11) | Haddington House | 28 Sidegate | Haddington | EH41 4BU | 07359632388 | Carol Miller | | SP2023000580 | East Lothian Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004083308 | East Lothian Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 06-12-2005 | East Lothian Council | John Muir House | Brewery Park | Haddington | EH41 3HA | 01620 827 643 | Emma Clater | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2004083326 | East Lothian Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 06-12-2005 | East Lothian Council | John Muir House | Brewery Park | Haddington | EH41 3HA | 01620 827 613 | Emma Clater | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2004078142 | East Lothian Council - Homecare Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-08-2004 | East Lothian Community Hospital | Hospital Road | Haddington | EH41 3PF | 01620 642 805 | Rachael Parsons | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077870 | East Lothian Council - Homecare Services | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | East Lothian Community Hospital | Hospital Road | Haddington | EH41 3PF | 01875 618 960 | Rachael Parsons | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004062564 | East Lothian Council - Homeless Section | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | Brunton Hall | Ladywell Way | Musselburgh | EH21 6AF | 01620 827 827 | Nicola Sandford | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004062561 | East Lothian Council - Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | The Musselburgh Housing Office East Lothian Council | Brunton Hall | Ladywell Way | Musselburgh | EH21 6AF | 01316 532 534 | Elizabeth Ritchie | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2007160110 | East Lothian Council - Throughcare & Aftercare Team | Housing support service | 10-12-2007 | East Lothian Council | John Muir House | Brewery Park | Haddington | EH41 3HA | 01620 827 827 | Emma Clater | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2013321463 | East Lothian Services | Support services - care at home | 27-10-2014 | 168 High Street | Musselburgh | EH21 7DZ | 01316 655 818 | Libby Learmond | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2017358978 | East Lothian Services | 23-11-2017 | 168 High Street | Musselburgh | EH21 7DZ | 01316 655 818 | Libby Learmond | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||||
CS2003015292 | East Milton Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Vancouver Drive | Westwood | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8LG | 01355 222 346 | Lesley Callaghan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000329 | East Neuk Recovery Group Initiative/ENeRGI (SCIO) | Housing Support Service | 04-10-2023 | 32 East Street | St. Monans | Anstruther | KY10 2AT | 01333 730477 | Thomas Shelton | | SP2023000212 | East Neuk Recovery Group Initiative (ENeRGI) (SCIO) | Active | ||||
CS2016346438 | East Park - Community Residences Group 1 | Care homes for children and young people | 11-08-2016 | 1092 Maryhill Road | Glasgow | G20 9TD | 01419462050 | Karen Ferguson | | SP2003002355 | East Park School | Active | |||||
CS2023000257 | East Park Community Residences Group 2 | Care Home Service | 11-08-2023 | East Park | 1092 Maryhill Road | GLASGOW | G20 9TD | 01419462050 | Liam Feeney | | SP2003002355 | East Park School | Active | ||||
CS2003015604 | East Plean Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | East Plean Primary School | Main Street | Plean | Stirling | FK7 8BX | 01786 813 286 | Ruth Donnelly | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2003006033 | East Pollokshields Out of School Care (EPOSC) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 241 Albert Drive | Pollokshields | Glasgow | G41 2NA | 01414 221 007 | Angela Whyte | | SP2003001318 | East Pollokshields Out of School Care (EPOSC) Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003003951 | East Renfrewshire CHCP Holiday Programme and Inclusive Support Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Isobel Mair School | 58 Stewarton Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6NP | 01415 778 300 | Lynn Forrest | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004082369 | East Renfrewshire Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 22-12-2005 | Eastwood Health and Care Centre | Drumby Crescent | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7HN | 0141 451 0725 | Cheryl Mitchell | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005096979 | East Renfrewshire Council Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-07-2005 | Barrhead Health and Care Centre | 213 Main Street | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1SW | 01418 007 182 | Lucille Cochrane | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004082421 | East Renfrewshire Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 22-12-2005 | Eastwood Health and Care Centre | Drumby Crescent | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7HN | 01414 510 725 | Cheryl Mitchell | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2017357290 | East Renfrewshire Council HSPC Adult Placement Centre | 05-12-2017 | East Renfrewshire Council Offices | 211 Main Street | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1SY | 0141 451 0725 | Cheryl Mitchell | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012310841 | East Renfrewshire Dementia Services | Housing support service | 25-01-2013 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | 65a Main Street | Neilston | GLASGOW | G78 3NH | 0141 880 7170 | Louise Fee | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2012313461 | East Renfrewshire Dementia Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-01-2013 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | 65a Main Street | Neilston | GLASGOW | G78 3NH | 0141 880 7170 | Louise Fee | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2023000223 | East Welton | Care Home Service | 20-07-2023 | East Welton Farm | MAUCHLINE | KA5 6LH | 0141 488 2870 | Sheena Kay | | SP2021000181 | Phoenix Abbey Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015888 | East Wemyss Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Wynd | East Wemyss | Kirkcaldy | KY1 4RN | 01592 583 427 | Yvette O'Neil | yvette.o'nei | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2016349798 | Eastbank Nursing Home | 27-10-2017 | 98 Gartocher Road | Shettleston | Glasgow | G32 0HA | 01417 788 668 | Lee Binnie | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003043643 | Easter Carmuirs Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carmuirs Drive | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4JG | 01324 508 550 | Shelagh Todd | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379924 | Easter Inch Limited t/a T&T Healthcare Solutions | Housing Support Service | 18-08-2020 | Bathgate Business Centre | 6 Whitburn Road | Bathgate | EH48 1HH | 0333 772 0416 | Thembeka Hlabangana | | SP2016012805 | Easter Inch Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379938 | Easter Inch Limited t/a T&T Healthcare Solutions | Support Service | 18-08-2020 | Bathgate Business Centre, | 6 Whitburn Road | Bathgate | EH48 1HH | 03334 772 041 | Thembeka Hlabangana | | SP2016012805 | Easter Inch Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003000888 | Easterhill Project Supported Accommodation | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Flat 0/2 | 18 Easterhill Place | Tollcross | Glasgow | G32 8PB | 01417 632 072 | Rachael Leghorn | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2003015805 | Eastern Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Camperdown Street | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3AE | 01382 436 900 | Gordon Ferrier | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2014325907 | Eastern Primary Schools Out | Day care of children | 05-09-2014 | Eastern Primary School | Camperdown Street | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3AE | 07743 134 689 | Nicola Dall | | SP2014012302 | Eastern Primary Schools Out Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2003016156 | Eastertoun Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 13a Manse Avenue | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3HS | 01501 730 462 | Lynne Dare | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2008173782 | Eastfield Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-08-2008 | 23 Cairntoul Court | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 9JR | 689 | Lesley McPhee | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000346 | Eastfields | Care Home Service | 30-11-2021 | 1161 Springburn Road | Glasgow | G21 1UU | 01414046063 | Marie McConway | | SP2009010322 | The Disabilities Trust | Active | |||||
CS2024000310 | Easthouses Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2024 | Easthouses Road | Dalkeith | EH22 4EW | 01312713737 | Jamie Dougal | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2013316167 | Eastleigh Care Home | Care homes for older people | 15-07-2013 | 110 North Deeside Road | Peterculter | AB14 0QB | 01224 734 718 | Mandy Thomson | | SP2013012037 | Pepperwood Care (Management) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011683 | Eastriggs & Dornock Early Years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Nelson House | Melbourne Avenue | Eastriggs | Annan | DG12 6PP | 07776 078 400 | Pauline McGregor | | SP2003002740 | Eastriggs & Dornock Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003015481 | Eastriggs Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Eastriggs Primary School | Eastriggs | Annan | DG12 6PZ | 01461 403 01 | Susan Nelson | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000388 | Eastwood Court Care Home | Care Home Service | 14-10-2024 | 1 Eastwoodmains Road | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6QB | 01416383366 | Debbie Martin | | SP2024000004 | Maven Healthcare (Eastwood) LLP | Active | ||||
CS2003014876 | Eastwood Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 16 Bonnyrigg Drive | Glasgow | G43 1HW | 01416 329 773 | Angela McBride | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005307 | Eastwood, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Fiona Eastwood | | SP2003903111 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019377813 | Eben Care and Support Ltd | Support Service | 20-04-2020 | 20 Grampian Court | Beveridge Square | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 07485401708 | Etildreda Mucheke | | SP2019013410 | Eben Care and Support Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009193859 | Eccleson, Tracey | Childminding | 01-07-2009 | Airdrie | Tracey Eccleson | | SP2009972892 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003048736 | Echline Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Echline Primary School | Bo'ness Road | South Queensferry | EH30 9XJ | 01313 313 397 | Jude Moir | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015701 | Echt School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Echt School | Echt | Westhill | AB32 6UL | 01330 700 410 | Jane Everest | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016051 | Eday Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Eday Primary School | Eday | Orkney | KW17 2AA | 01857 622 227 | Rona Humphreys | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017203 | Edderton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Edderton Primary School | Edderton | Tain | IV19 1LF | 01862 821 260 | Lawrence Bews | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2022000194 | Eden Eagles Care Service | Support services - care at home | 22-07-2022 | 87 Edinburgh Park | 4-5 Lochside Way | Edinburgh | EH12 9DT | 0131 378 1308 | Antony Shumba | | SP2022000139 | Active | |||||
CS2003000305 | Edenholme | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Edenholme Crescent | Stonehaven | AB39 2FT | 01569 690 560 | Amanda Rennie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016107 | Edenside Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inch Road | Kelso | TD5 7JP | 01573 224 264 | Karen Dixon | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2007150147 | Edgar, Jane | Childminding | 03-10-2007 | Linlithgow | Jane Edgar | | SP2007964990 | Jane Edgar | Active | ||||||||
CS2016350092 | Edge Group Scotland Ltd | Support services - care at home | 22-12-2016 | Summers House | 5b Station Road | Eskmills | MUSSELBURGH | EH21 7PE | 0131 285 8930 | Samantha Roberts | | SP2016012777 | Edge Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||
CS2020379615 | Edinbairns | Child Minding | 24-06-2020 | Edinburgh | Samantha McKinley | | SP2020991190 | Samantha McKinley | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017204 | Edinbane Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Isle of Skye | Roisin Cameron | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2003010454 | Edinbarnet | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Cochno Road | Clydebank | G81 5QN | 01389 874 291 | Martine McGlinchey | | SP2003002356 | Edinbarnet Estates Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2022000137 | Edinburgh Care Limited trading as Lastminute Care & Nursing | Nurse Agency | 01-06-2022 | 213 Gorgie Road | EDINBURGH | EH11 1TU | 01312853700 | Angela Sabino | | SP2022000096 | Edinburgh Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000136 | Edinburgh Care Ltd trading as Lastminute Care and Nursing | Support Service | 01-06-2022 | Citibase Edinburgh | 1 St Colme Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6AA | 01312853700 | Angela Sabino | | SP2022000096 | Edinburgh Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018364903 | Edinburgh College - Waterfront Nursery | 26-02-2019 | Edinburgh College | Granton Campus | 350 West Granton Road | Edinburgh | EH5 1QE | 01312 978 800 | Catherine Buchanan | | SP2018013081 | The Board of Management of Edinburgh College, a body corporate | Active | ||||
CS2003016209 | Edinburgh Community Rehabilitation and Support Service | Support Services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 62 Longstone Street | Edinburgh | EH14 2DA | 01314 433 837 | Gillian Bonnar | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000262 | Edinburgh East Care Service | Support services - care at home | 25-08-2022 | Blackwood | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 0131 317 7227 | Thomas Scott | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | ||||
CS2022000261 | Edinburgh East Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 25-08-2022 | Blackwood | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 0131 317 7227 | Thomas Scott | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | ||||
CS2023000335 | Edinburgh Holiday Hub | Day Care of Children | 10-10-2023 | Rowanfield Special School | 67c Groathill Road North | Edinburgh | EH4 2SA | 0131 285 5207 | Paisley Deighton | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | ||||
CS2015343396 | Edinburgh Homecare T/A Meloosha Homecare Edinburgh | 07-11-2016 | West Point House | 69 North Gyle Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 8jy | 0131 541 2365 | Kim Anderson | | SP2015012633 | Edinburgh Homecare Ltd T/A Meloosha Homecare Edinburgh | Active | |||||
CS2022000387 | Edinburgh Homecare T/A Meloosha Homecare Edinburgh | Housing support service | 16-12-2022 | Citibase | Gyleview House | 3 Redheughs Rigg | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 0131 5412365 | Kim Anderson | | SP2015012633 | Edinburgh Homecare Ltd T/A Meloosha Homecare Edinburgh | Active | |||
CS2004071984 | Edinburgh Housing Support | Housing support service | 02-12-2004 | Edinburgh | Thomas Gilfillan | | SP2004006608 | Bethany Christian Trust | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000016 | Edinburgh Housing Support Team | Housing Support Service | 15-01-2025 | 101 High Riggs | Edinburgh | EH3 9RP | 01315498880 | Sarah Walsh | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2003055998 | Edinburgh Mental Health Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-08-2004 | 2/2 Easter Dalry Road | Edinburgh | EH11 2TR | 01312 012 940 | Scott Ferguson | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003055992 | Edinburgh Mental Health Service | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 2/2 Easter Dalry Road | Edinburgh | EH11 2TR | 01312 012 940 | Scott Ferguson | | SP2004005200 | with You | Active | |||||
CS2015341041 | Edinburgh Mental Health Service | 26-04-2016 | St Margarets House | Studios 3.01, 3.03 & 3.03A | 151 London Road | Edinburgh | EH7 6AE | 03303 030 302 | Euan Reid | | SP2004004684 | LinkLiving Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015341373 | Edinburgh Mental Health Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-04-2016 | St Margarets House | Studios 3.01, 3.03 & 3.03A | 151 London Road | Edinburgh | EH7 6AE | 03303 030 302 | Euan Reid | | SP2004004684 | LinkLiving Limited | Active | |||
CS2006121072 | Edinburgh Montessori Arts School | Day care of children | 06-09-2006 | Tower Mains Studio | Mill House | 18N Liberton Brae | Edinburgh | EH16 6AE | 01316 000 123 | Emma Rattigan | | SP2006008332 | Emma Rattigan | Active | |||
CS2019376917 | Edinburgh Pathway Service | Housing Support Service | 24-12-2019 | Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street | Edinburgh | EH3 9DS | 01313 440 825 | Paul Davis | | SP2003000169 | Simon Community Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003016178 | Edinburgh Steiner School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh Steiner School, | Spylaw Road | Edinburgh | EH10 5BR | 01313 373 410 | Alistair Pugh | | SP2003003565 | Edinburgh Steiner School | Active | ||||
CS2022000076 | Edinburgh Support Services & Healthcare Training Ltd | Support Service | 23-03-2022 | 15 Westburn Grove | Edinburgh | EH14 2RZ | 01314531308 | Kudzai Mukaro | | SP2022000051 | Edinburgh Support Services & Healthcare Training Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016213 | Edinburgh Support Services - Community Support | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 257 Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH14 1DW | 01314 417 162 | Pauline Livingston | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||||
CS2005090961 | Edinburgh Supported Living Services | Housing support service | 03-02-2005 | 11 Granton Square | Edinburgh | EH5 1HX | 01315 517 260 | Steven Smith | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||||
CS2005091171 | Edinburgh Supported Living Services - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-02-2005 | 11 Granton Square | Edinburgh | EH5 1HX | 01315 517 260 | Steven Smith | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | |||||
CS2004080956 | Edinburgh Women's Aid | Housing support service | 12-08-2004 | Edinburgh | Linda Rodgers | | SP2004005792 | Edinburgh Women's Aid Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2004061279 | Edinburgh Young Persons Service | Housing support service | 14-07-2004 | St Margarets House | Studios 3.01, 3.03 & 3.03A | 151 London Road | Edinburgh | EH7 6AE | 03303 030 124 | Agata Ciesla | | SP2004004684 | LinkLiving Limited | Active | |||
CS2003011214 | Edmiston, Louise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Grangemouth | Louise Edmiston | | SP2003905524 | Louise Edmiston | Active | ||||||||
CS2012308483 | Edmondson, Melanie | Childminding | 25-07-2012 | Melrose | Melanie Edmondson | | SP2003908046 | Melanie Edmondson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017368 | Ednam Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ednam | Kelso | TD5 7QJ | 01573 224 172 | Catriona Finn | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003009594 | Edward Thomason & Taing Support Services | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Seafield Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0WZ | 01595 745 775 | Anne Marie Smith | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003007265 | Edwards, Carol | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Leven | Carol Edwards | | SP2003904254 | Carol Edwards | Active | ||||||||
CS2006124159 | Edwards, Catherine | Childminding | 05-12-2007 | Glenrothes | Catherine Edwards | INFO@KATEYSTOTS.CO.UK | SP2006959628 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003052703 | Edwards, Gillian | Childminding | 13-04-2004 | Ellon | Gillian Edwards | | SP2004936742 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010272758 | Edwards, Lesley-Anne | Childminding | 25-03-2011 | Lossiemouth | Lesley-Anne Edwards | | SP2010979826 | Lesley-Anne Edwards | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012608 | Edwards, Penelope | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Penelope Edwards | | SP2003906330 | Edwards, Mrs Penelope Edwards, Mrs Penelope | Active | ||||||||
CS2006139302 | Edzell Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 11-01-2007 | St.James' Church | 57b Inverleith Row | Edinburgh | EH3 5PX | 07909 672 377 | Camille Alleyne | SP2006008686 | Edzell Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016850 | Edzell Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Edzell Primary School | High Street | Edzell | BRECHIN | DD9 7TA | 01356 237135 | Sheena Farquhar | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2022000168 | EHL Care Ltd t/a Home Instead East Fife | Support Service | 27-06-2022 | Units 1&2 Jubilee House | Pentland Park | Glenrothes | KY6 2AH | 01592804701 | Jane Fargie | | SP2022000120 | EHL Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019373651 | EHSAAS CARE | Support Service | 15-07-2019 | 12a Grampian Court | Dedridge | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 01506 204 260 | Priya Rasul | | SP2019013282 | EHSAAS CARE LTD | Active | ||||
CS2011288100 | Eidyn Care (Fife) Limited | Support services - care at home | 20-07-2011 | Ore Valley Business Centre | 93 Main Street | Lochgelly | EH4 6NA | 01592 382302 | E. Rebecca McLennan | | SP2011011574 | Eidyn Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016351640 | Eidyn Care Limited | 11-04-2017 | Granton Station | 1 Granton Station Square | Edinburgh | EH5 1FU | 01312 851 221 | E. Rebecca McLennan | | SP2011011574 | Eidyn Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017205 | Eigg Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Eigg Primary School | Isle of Eigg | PH42 4RL | 01687 482 424 | Kieran MacInnes | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000234 | Eildon Care and Support West | Support Service | 01-09-2021 | The Weaving Shed | Ettrick Mill | Dunsdale Road | Selkirk | TD7 5EB | 07918691620 | Agnes Bell | | SP2003001963 | Eildon Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000236 | Eildon Care and Support West | Housing Support Service | 01-09-2021 | The Weaving Shed | Ettrick Mill | Dunsdale Road | Selkirk | TD7 5EB | 07918691620 | Agnes Bell | | SP2003001963 | Eildon Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013317488 | Eildon House | Care homes for older people | 10-09-2013 | 23 Eildon Street | Edinburgh | EH3 5JU | 0131 341 4140 | Lorena Brown | | SP2013012074 | Eildon Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004056796 | Eildon Housing Association - Sheltered & Very Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | The Weaving Shed | Dunsdale Road | Selkirk | TD7 5EB | 03000200217 | Lauren Gregg | | SP2003001963 | Eildon Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004056798 | Eildon Housing Association - Station Avenue Outreach | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | 29/30 Station Avenue | Duns | TD11 3HW | 01361 889 138 | Andries Fourie | | SP2003001963 | Eildon Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004081135 | Eildon Housing Association - Station Avenue Outreach - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-09-2004 | 29/30 Station Avenue | Duns | TD11 3HW | 01361 889 138 | Andries Fourie | | SP2003001963 | Eildon Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012313843 | Eildon Limited Support Service - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 02-05-2013 | Eildon House | 28 Ardconnel Terrace | Inverness | IV2 3AE | 01463 711 588 | Corrina Cooper | SP2012011849 | Eildon Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012308692 | Eildon Ltd - Support Services | Housing support service | 04-10-2012 | Eildon House | 28 Ardconnel Terrace | Inverness | IV2 3AE | 01463 711 588 | Corrina Cooper | | SP2012011849 | Eildon Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000001 | Eilean Dubh | Care Home Service | 30-03-2021 | Ness Road | Fortrose | Fortrose | IV10 8SD | 01479 788000 | Alexis Le Neven | | SP2012011901 | Parklands Highland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020381764 | Eilean Dubh Home Care | Support services - care at home | 19-02-2021 | Glentire | Culbokie | IV7 8JH | 07830 374 515 | Michelle Scott | | SP2020013609 | R & B Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2025000001 | Eilean Dubh Support Services | Support Service | 03-01-2025 | Glentire | Culbokie | IV7 8JH | 07830 374515 | Michelle Scott | | SP2020013609 | R & B Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000126 | Eilidhs Childminding | Childminding | 11-05-2023 | Fortrose | | SP2023000084 | Eilidh MacEachran | Active | |||||||||
CS2011290138 | El Azzouzi | Childminding | 10-11-2011 | Edinburgh | Halima Sepiol | | SP2011982495 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005086493 | Elaina Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 27-05-2005 | 133 Old Manse Road | Netherton | Wishaw | ML2 0EW | 01698 357 461 | John Montgomery | | SP2005007160 | Elaina Care Home Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000366 | Elaine Campbell Childminding Service | Childminding | 05-12-2022 | Dunblane | | SP2022000246 | Elaine Campbell | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366834 | Elaine Hoolahan Registered Childminder | 29-11-2018 | Glasgow | Elaine Hoolahan | | SP2018989896 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015338829 | Elaine Macaulay Childminding | Childminding | 22-09-2015 | Livingston | Elaine Macaulay | | SP2015987116 | Elaine Macaulay | Active | ||||||||
CS2010274061 | Elaine Michie Childminding | Childminding | 02-11-2011 | Glasgow | Elaine Michie | | SP2010980210 | Elaine Michie | Active | ||||||||
CS2014324482 | Elaine Northorpe Childminder | Childminding | 27-08-2014 | Kilmarnock | Elaine Northorpe | | SP2014985765 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000281 | Elaine Parkhill Childminding | Childminding | 01-10-2021 | JOHNSTONE | | SP2021000178 | Elaine Parkhill | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000344 | Elaine's Amazing Spaces | Child Minding | 12-10-2023 | Dundee | | SP2023000226 | Elaine Bruce | Active | |||||||||
CS2018369684 | Elaine's Childminding | 10-12-2018 | Dumbarton | Elaine Grace | | SP2018990125 | Elaine Grace | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000305 | Elaine's childminding | Childminding | 07-10-2022 | Kilmarnock | | SP2022000206 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012306832 | Elaine's Childminding Services | Childminding | 03-04-2012 | Wishaw | Elaine Muir | | SP2012983327 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367058 | Elaine's Childminding Services | 08-08-2018 | Alexandria | Elaine Beveridge | | SP2018989914 | Elaine Beveridge | Active | |||||||||
CS2018364371 | ELB Care trading as Home Instead | 02-08-2018 | Mirren Court (Three) | 123 Renfrew Road | Paisley | PA3 4EA | 01412 808 210 | Joanne Ritchie | | SP2018013068 | ELB Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014323746 | ELC Under 3s | Day care of children | 01-08-2014 | 4c Hailesland Place | Edinburgh | EH14 2SL | 07483 111 131 | Alison Young | | SP2003002814 | Smilechildcare | Active | |||||
CS2004082819 | ELCAP Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-11-2004 | Woodbine Cottage | West Loan | Prestonpans | EH32 9WU | 01875 814 114 | Graeme Graeme Fitzsimmons | | SP2003002592 | ELCAP | Active | ||||
CS2004082814 | ELCAP Housing Support | Housing support service | 04-11-2004 | Woodbine Cottage | West Loan | Prestonpans | EH32 9WU | 01875814114 | Graeme Graeme Fitzsimmons | | SP2003002592 | ELCAP | Active | ||||
CS2003020300 | Elder, Karen | Childminding | 08-08-2003 | Alva | Karen Elder | | SP2003908957 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003048405 | Elder, Odele | Childminding | 12-09-2003 | Inverness | Odele Elder | | SP2003909930 | Odele Elder | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016026 | Elderbank Early Years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Kilda Bank | Broomlands | Irvine | KA11 1LA | 01294 218 632 | Jacqueline Robertson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017361010 | Elderslie Care Home | 20-12-2017 | 20 Fulbar Road | Paisley | PA2 9AP | 01418 892 040 | Richard Murray | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2004060920 | Elderslie Project | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 05-03-2004 | 14 Cherrywood Road | Elderslie | Johnstone | PA5 9EE | 01505 327 787 | Lorna Montgomery | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2021000350 | Elea's Little Sharks Childminding Service | Child Minding | 09-12-2021 | Dunfermline | | SP2021000221 | Eleanor O'Rourke | Active | |||||||||
CS2013318591 | Eleanor's Childminding Services | Childminding | 16-10-2013 | Glasgow | Eleanor Forbes | | SP2013985076 | Eleanor Cuthbertson | Active | ||||||||
CS2015343367 | Elgol Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-09-2016 | Elgol Primary School | Elgol | Isle of Skye | IV49 9BJ | 01471 866 234 | Iain Murray | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003016363 | Eliburn Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Jackson Place | Eliburn East | Livingston | EH54 6RH | 01506 774 300 | Lorraine Bolton | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000244 | Eliburn Explorers | Child Minding | 07-09-2021 | Livingston | | SP2021000147 | Debbie Magee | Active | |||||||||
CS2003044534 | Eliburn Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | 5 Jackson Place | Eliburn | Livingston | EH54 6RH | 01506 419 484 | Hazel Thurlow | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017114 | Elie Street Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 30 Havelock Street | Glasgow | G11 5JE | 01413 340 250 | Michelle Smith | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2011286110 | Elite Care at Home Ltd | Support services - care at home | 30-05-2011 | 56 High Street | Lockerbie | DG11 2AA | 01576203934 | Lauren Grieve | | SP2011011546 | Elite Care at Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016349731 | Eliz's Busy Bees | 02-06-2017 | Aberdeen | Elizabeth Howie | | SP2016988329 | Elizabeth Howie | Active | |||||||||
CS2015339125 | Elizabeth and Susan MacDonald Childminding | Childminding | 22-09-2015 | ALNESS | Elizabeth and Susan MacDonald | SP2015012537 | Elizabeth MacDonald and Susan MacDonald a Partners Elizabeth MacDonald and Susan MacDonald a Partners | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337946 | Elizabeth Cairns Childminding Service | Childminding | 31-08-2015 | Irvine | Elizabeth Cairns | | SP2015987000 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340920 | Elizabeth Ferrier Childminding Service | Childminding | 11-11-2015 | Glasgow | Elizabeth Ferrier | | SP2015987331 | Elizabeth Ferrier | Active | ||||||||
CS2017353546 | Elizabeth House Day Care Centre | 23-06-2017 | Boreland Road | Dysart | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2YG | 01592 653 324 | Veronica Nordensson | | SP2017012852 | Notwen House/ Carnegie Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017353797 | Elizabeth House Residential Care Home | 23-06-2017 | Boreland Road | Dysart | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2YG | 01592 653 324 | Veronica Nordensson | | SP2017012852 | Notwen House/ Carnegie Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015339920 | Elizabeth Orr Childminding | Childminding | 14-04-2016 | Paisley | Elizabeth Orr | | SP2015987238 | Elizabeth Orr | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000329 | Elle's ELC | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2024 | Unit 4 | Souterford Avenue | Inverurie business park | Inverurie | AB51 0ZJ | 07388343380 | Lorna McNelis | | SP2023000594 | Elle's ELC LTD | Active | |||
CS2013318501 | Ellen Mhor | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 03-09-2013 | 2-4 Ellen Street | Dundee | DD1 2QH | 01382 200 548 | Anthony Stewart | | SP2011011694 | Cygnet (OE) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010274431 | Ellis, Wilma-Ann | Childminding | 07-02-2011 | Stevenston | Wilma-Ann Ellis | | SP2010980325 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000290 | Ellon Day Opportunities | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 29 Station Road | Ellon | AB41 9AE | 01358 281 141 | Una Simpson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015451 | Ellon Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ellon Primary School Nursery | Modley Place | Ellon | AB41 9BB | 01358 281 090 | Laura Collinson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000320 | Ellon Respite Services | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 8 Gordon Grove | Ellon | AB41 9AS | 01358 729 464 | Mary Robertson | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018369825 | Elm Cottage Care Ltd | 19-04-2019 | 3 Goodall Place | Dechmont | Broxburn | EH52 6NY | 01506 811 656 | Tracy Taylor | | SP2018013189 | Elm Cottage Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009228597 | Elmbank House | Care homes for children and young people | 17-05-2010 | 11 Duke Street | Denny | FK6 6NR | 01324 822 077 | Laura Cherry | | SP2009010432 | FTS Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014878 | Elmcroft Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 Croftcroighn Road | Ruchazie | Glasgow | G33 3SE | 01417 749 311 | Cheryl Taylor | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014798 | Elmvale Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Elmvale Primary School | 712 Hawthorn Street | Glasgow | G22 6ED | 01415 585 238 | Grant Macleod | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003982 | Elmwood Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Elmwood Avenue | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6EH | 01416 399 554 | Carolann Robbie | | SP2003000808 | Elmwood Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014328266 | Elphinstone Enterprises | Childminding | 12-11-2014 | Aberdeen | Fiona Elphinstone | | SP2014986115 | Fiona Elphinstone | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016983 | Elphinstone Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Elphinstone | Tranent | EH33 2LX | 01875 610 358 | Steven McBride | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2010238302 | Elpis Centre | Housing support service | 06-05-2010 | 23 Mayfield Street | Ruchill | Glasgow | G20 9RQ | 01419 460 605 | Sharon McPhillips | | SP2003000165 | Elpis Trust | Active | ||||
CS2007167766 | Elrick School Nursery | Day care of children | 14-08-2008 | Elrick Nursery School | Rowan Drive | Westhill | AB32 6QB | 01224 741 900 | Julie Rebekah Farquhar | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003012069 | Elsie Inglis Nursery and Preschool | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Waverley Park | Abbeyhill | Edinburgh | EH8 8EW | 0131 6038402 | Karen Murray | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000305 | Elsie Inglis Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 28-10-2021 | Spring Gardens | EDINBURGH | EH8 8HT | 01313857504 | Sharon Patterson | | SP2021000188 | Holyrood Care (Edinburgh) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012306683 | Elysha Tagg Childminding Service | Childminding | 13-06-2012 | Troon | Elysha Tagg | | SP2012983301 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000165 | Ema's childminding services | Childminding | 21-05-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000268 | Elise-Marie Seng | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000088 | Ember Cottage | Care Home Service | 18-03-2024 | 1 Torr Avenue | Quarrier's Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3QZ | 01505367746 | Jonathan Geddes | | SP2021000128 | Todays Tomorrow Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000079 | Emergency Personnel | Nurse agencies | 28-03-2022 | 6th Floor | 7 Buchanan Street | Glasgow | G1 3HL | 0141 611 1999 | Jodi Hutton | | SP2022000054 | Emergency Personnel Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016350360 | Emily Fraser Childminding | Childminding | 30-11-2016 | Muir of Ord | Emily Fraser | | SP2016988396 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000443 | Emily Rooney Childminding | Childminding | 27-11-2024 | Inverness | | SP2024000437 | Emily Rooney | Active | |||||||||
CS2009231254 | Emma Blair | Childminding | 29-10-2010 | SALTCOATS | Emma Blair | | SP2009975137 | Emma Blair | Active | ||||||||
CS2015336545 | Emma Hobbin's Childminding | Childminding | 15-05-2015 | Lochgelly | Emma Hobbin | SP2015986832 | Emma Hobbin | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342696 | Emma Louise McClenaghan Childminder | Childminding | 11-03-2016 | bellshill | Emma Louise McClenaghan | | SP2015987564 | McClenaghan, Emma Louise McClenaghan, Emma Louise | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000110 | Emma Maclean | Child Minding | 03-04-2024 | Isle of Lewis | | SP2023000577 | Emma Maclean | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306772 | Emma Munro Childminding Service | Childminding | 10-04-2012 | HELENSBURGH | Emma Munro | | SP2012983318 | Emma Munro | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000362 | Emma Ross | Childminding | 01-12-2022 | Inverness | | SP2022000243 | Emma Ross | Active | |||||||||
CS2018368018 | Emma Telfer's Childminding Service | 16-10-2018 | Oban | Emma Telfer | | SP2018990007 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020381673 | Emma Williams Childminding | Childminding | 03-12-2020 | Fortrose | Emma Williams | | SP2020991448 | Emma Williams | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000317 | Emma's Angels | Child Minding | 28-09-2023 | Inverurie | | SP2023000206 | Emma-Ruth Liston | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000150 | Emma's Busy Bees | Childminding | 10-06-2022 | Kilmarnock | | SP2022000109 | Emma Stewart | Active | |||||||||
CS2017362573 | Emma's Childcare | 20-02-2018 | Doune | Emma Scott | | SP2017989551 | Emma Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341680 | Emma's Childminding | Childminding | 24-02-2016 | Loanhead | Emma Anson | | SP2015987440 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356998 | Emma's Childminding | Childminding | 04-09-2017 | Fortrose | Emma Cook | | SP2017989104 | Emma Cook | Active | ||||||||
CS2017360970 | Emma's Childminding | 07-12-2017 | Gullane | Emma Van der Vijver | | SP2017989421 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2018372195 | Emma's Childminding | Child Minding | 12-07-2019 | Glasgow | Emma Mullen | | SP2018990321 | Emma Mullen | Active | ||||||||
CS2019375630 | Emma's Childminding | Childminding | 05-08-2019 | Inverurie | Emma MacLeod | | SP2019990603 | Emma MacLeod | Active | ||||||||
CS2015340702 | Emma's Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-11-2015 | Inverness | Emma Davidson | | SP2015987314 | Emma Davidson | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000170 | Emma's Explorers Childminding Service | Child Minding | 28-06-2022 | Perth | | SP2022000122 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2005106415 | Emmaus Glasgow | Housing support service | 23-01-2006 | 101 Ellesmere Street | Glasgow | G22 5QT | 0141 353 3903 | Mhairi Gordon | | SP2005007395 | Emmaus Glasgow | Active | |||||
CS2018367446 | Empower | Support Service | 17-06-2019 | 37 Sunnybank Street | Dalmarnock | Glasgow | G40 4RX | 0141 406 9891 | Robert Speirs | | SP2004005409 | Unity Enterprise | Active | ||||
CS2011298687 | Empower Care Scotland Ltd. - Community Support | Support services - not care at home | 28-03-2012 | Unit 33 | Coatbridge Business Centre | 204 Main Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3RB | 01236897377 | tracy smith | | SP2003003624 | Partners in Play | Active | |||
CS2023000027 | Emzies Childminding | Childminding | 06-02-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000020 | Emma Steel | Active | |||||||||
CS2015336555 | Enable Glasgow Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home | 24-08-2015 | 42-44 Balshagray Drive | Glasgow | G11 7DA | 01413 395 130 | Adele Wilson | | SP2004005393 | Enable, Glasgow Branch | Active | |||||
CS2003053682 | Enable Glasgow Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 13-09-2004 | Balshagray House | 42 Balshagray Drive | Glasgow | G11 7DA | 01413 395 130 | Adele Wilson | | SP2004005393 | Enable, Glasgow Branch | Active | ||||
CS2004079756 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Ayrshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Unit 1 | Busby Business Centre | Tannock Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 4DN | 01563 546 460 | Lyndsay Warnock | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||
CS2004061936 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Ayrshire | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Unit 1 | Busby Business Centre | Tannock Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 4DN | 01563 546 460 | Lyndsay Warnock | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||
CS2003011011 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Dunlin Brae | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 36 Dunlin Brae | Ladywell | Livingston | EH54 6UA | 01506 414 488 | Theresa Thirgood | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004079757 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - East Renfrewshire Community Support Services | Support services - care at home | 05-11-2004 | ENABLE Scotland | Suite 3 Melissa House | 3 Brand Place | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 737 189 | Lisa Perratt | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||
CS2004061939 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - East Renfrewshire Community Support Services | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | ENABLE Scotland | Suite 3 Melissa House | 3 Brand Place | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 737 189 | Lisa Perratt | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||
CS2004079643 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Forth Valley | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-11-2004 | 1st Floor | Cameron House | Forthside Way | Stirling | FK8 1QZ | 01786 641 880 | Brian Glendinning | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||
CS2004061941 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Forth Valley | Housing support service | 10-11-2004 | 1st Floor | Cameron House | Forthside Way | Stirling | FK8 1QZ | 01786 641 880 | Brian Glendinning | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||
CS2004061937 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Glasgow | Housing support service | 04-11-2004 | Suite 3, Melissa House | Govan | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 737 189 | Mhairi Campbell | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004079760 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Glasgow | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Suite 3, Melissa House | Govan | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 737 189 | Mhairi Campbell | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004061940 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Lanarkshire Services | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Inspire House | 3 Renshaw Place | Euro Central | ML1 4UF | 01698 737000 | Andrew Anderson | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004079420 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Lanarkshire Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-11-2004 | Inspire House | 3 Renshaw Place | Euro Central | ML1 4UF | 01698 737000 | Andrew Anderson | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2003009108 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Old Scapa Road | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 11 Old Scapa Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1GU | 01856 871 634 | Andrew Anderson | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2006139478 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Perth Services | Housing support service | 01-02-2007 | Riverview House | Friarton Road | Perth | PH2 8DF | 01738 458090 | Michelle Rice | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2006119838 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Perth Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-05-2006 | Riverview House | Friarton Road | Perth | PH2 8DF | 01738 458090 | Michelle Rice | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2003011013 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Rosehill Place | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 56 Rosehill Place | Livingston | EH54 7DW | 01506 418 193 | Theresa Thirgood | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2003011010 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) - Rowan Street | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 130 Rowan Street | Blackburn | Bathgate | EH47 7EA | 01506 633 952 | Theresa Thirgood | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004061916 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) Edinburgh and West Lothian | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Birch House | Bankhead Crossway South | Edinburgh | EH11 4EP | 01314 533 186 | Kevin Fullerton | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004079759 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) Edinburgh and West Lothian | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Birch House | Bankhead Crossway South | Edinburgh | EH11 4EP | 01314 533 186 | Kevin Fullerton | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2015338819 | ENABLE Scotland - Fife Services | 13-05-2016 | Flexspace | 1 Begg Road | John smith Business Park | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6HD | 07552 277 404 | Glenn Ward | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2015338820 | ENABLE Scotland - Fife Services | 13-05-2016 | Flexspace | 1 Begg Road | John Smith Business Park | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6HD | 07552 277 404 | Glenn Ward | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004061920 | Enable Scotland East Argyll & Bute | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | 1 - 3 West Princes Street | Helensburgh | G84 8TF | 01436 679711 | Gemma Mitchell | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2004079761 | Enable Scotland East Argyll & Bute | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | 1 - 3 West Princes Street | Helensburgh | G84 8TF | 01436 679711 | Gemma Mitchell | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2014325660 | Enable Scotland West Argyll & Bute Support Service | Support services - care at home | 19-12-2014 | 50a Union Street | Lochgilphead | PA31 8JS | 01546 602 725 | Bernadette Johnston | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||||
CS2014325658 | Enable Scotland West Argyll and Bute Housing Support | Housing support service | 19-12-2014 | 50a Union Street | Lochgilphead | PA31 8JS | 01546 602 725 | Bernadette Johnston | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2004079638 | ENABLE Scotland: West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-11-2004 | Suite 3, Melissa House | Govan | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 737 189 | Pamela Foster | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2004061942 | ENABLE Scotland: West | Housing support service | 09-11-2004 | Suite 3, Melissa House | Govan | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01698 737 189 | Pamela Foster | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2023000399 | Enferm | Nurse Agency | 27-11-2023 | Enferm Medical Ltd | Unit 19 | Walker Avenue, Wolverton Mill | Milton Keynes | MK12 5TW | 01908 776270 | Beverley Pegg | | SP2023000402 | Enferm Medical | Active | |||
CS2008192701 | Engage - Glenlora | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 04-12-2009 | 217 Glenlora Drive | Priesthill | Glasgow | G53 6JS | 01418 815 432 | Evelyn Kelly | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2014334286 | Engage Support Services | Housing support service | 13-07-2015 | 75 Muirshiel Crescent | Glasgow | G53 6QU | 01418 814 402 | Sharon Corr | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2014334304 | Engage Support Services | Support services - care at home | 13-07-2015 | 75 Muirshiel Crescent | Glasgow | G53 6QU | 01418 814 402 | Sharon Corr | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2012306899 | English, Maria | Childminding | 15-05-2012 | Kilwinning | Maria English | SP2012983334 | Maria English | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338260 | Enhance Living Support Services | Support services - care at home | 03-11-2015 | 22 West Canal Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1PR | 03331888818 | Mari Clare Stewart | | SP2015012516 | Enhance Living Support Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016346359 | Enhance Support & Care | 18-07-2016 | Suite 1 | County Buildings | Rosetta Road | Peebles | EH45 8HD | 07726 435 201 | Lucinda Juett | | SP2016012695 | Enhance Support + Care LLP a limited liability partnership | Active | ||||
CS2024000455 | EPIC Education Early Learning Centre CIC | Day care of children | 10-12-2024 | Lighthouse Church Centre | 2a Carrick Road | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4LJ | 07966069397 | Claire Wallace | | SP2023001548 | EPIC Education Early Learning Centre CIC | Active | |||
CS2017359115 | Epitome Home Care Agency | 27-03-2018 | Office 207a | Citibase Gyleview House | 3 Redheughs Rigg | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 0131 338 6960 | Maureen Mwongirwe | | SP2017989279 | Maureen Mwongirwe | Active | ||||
CS2022000099 | Equity of Services for All | Support Service | 19-04-2022 | 18 Ladeside Drive | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 0JW | 07707050176 | | SP2022000067 | Diane Kirkhouse | Active | |||||
CS2003054024 | ERC - Homelessness Outreach Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 11-11-2004 | 211 Main Street | Barrhead | GLASGOW | G78 1SY | 0141 577 3543 | Julie Campbell | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009604 | Eric Gray@Seafield | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Seafield | Kantersted | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0WZ | 01595 745 560 | Connie Russell | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2015343771 | Erica Grove Childcare | Childminding | 15-03-2016 | Dunfermline | Kirsty Holder | | SP2015987663 | Kirsty Holder | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000038 | Erin Burns Childminding | Childminding | 03-02-2025 | Aberdeen | | SP2024000728 | Erin Burns | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000325 | Erin Johnstone Childminding | Child Minding | 14-08-2024 | Newton Stewart | | SP2023000735 | Erin Johnstone | Active | |||||||||
CS2019372864 | Erin Somerville Childminding | 25-04-2019 | Ayr | Erin Somerville | | SP2009976083 | Erin Somerville | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017332 | Errol Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Errol | Perth | PH2 7QB | 01738 459 777 | Graham Donnachie | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2014332202 | Erskine Community Nursery - Bargarran | Day care of children | 24-12-2014 | Bargarran Hut | Bargarran Square | Erskine | PA8 6BS | 07961 121 789 | Suzanne Barr | | SP2014012369 | Erskine Community Nursery, a SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2014332198 | Erskine Community Nursery - St Anne's | Day care of children | 24-12-2014 | St Anne's Primary School | Park Drive | Erskine | PA8 7AE | 07762 722 514 | Suzanne Barr | | SP2014012369 | Erskine Community Nursery, a SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2003010632 | Erskine Edinburgh Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 468 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7SA | 01316 722 558 | Alison Payne | | SP2003000260 | Erskine Veterans Charity | Active | |||||
CS2003010196 | Erskine Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Erskine Ferry Road | Bishopton | PA7 5PU | 0141 814 4733 | Lesley-Ann Wylie | | SP2003000260 | Erskine Veterans Charity | Active | |||||
CS2023000388 | Escape to the Story Ltd | Day Care of Children | 17-11-2023 | North Crookedstone Cottage | Limekilnburn Road | Hamilton | ML3 7XG | 07769705215 | Lisa Marie Innes | | SP2023000341 | Escape to the Story Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020381374 | Eskbank Childminding | Childminding | 15-12-2020 | Dalkeith | Deborah Newton | | SP2020991399 | Deborah Newton | Active | ||||||||
CS2008180855 | Eskmills Project | Housing support service | 17-04-2009 | The Gate Lodge | 27 Milton Road East | Edinburgh | EH15 2NL | 01314 544 319 | Graham Stewart | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2008191668 | Eskmills Project - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-04-2009 | The Gate Lodge | 27 Milton Road East | Edinburgh | EH15 2NL | 01314 544 319 | Graham Stewart | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003000839 | Esmond Street Advanced Support Service | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 61 Esmond Street | Glasgow | G3 8SL | 01413 527 990 | laura Higgins | | SP2004005393 | Enable, Glasgow Branch | Active | |||||
CS2003017044 | ESMS Junior School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Easter Ravelston | Ravelston | Edinburgh | EH4 3NT | 13134 757 77 | Alison Lydon | | SP2003003566 | The Merchant Company Education Board | Active | ||||
CS2003001721 | Esson, Caroline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Caroline Esson | | SP2003900447 | Caroline Esson | Active | ||||||||
CS2004082068 | Esteem Care Dumfries and Galloway Ltd | Support services - care at home | 28-10-2004 | 1 Gordon Street | DUMFRIES | DG1 1EG | 01387 406 401 | Amanda McGauchie | | SP2004006366 | Esteem Care Dumfries and Galloway Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020381669 | Esteem Care Dumfries and Galloway Ltd | Support Service | 04-02-2021 | Esteem Care Dumfries and Galloway Ltd | Burns House | Harbour Street | Stranraer | DG9 7RD | 01776 705 710 | Michelle Harvey | | SP2004006366 | Esteem Care Dumfries and Galloway Ltd | Active | |||
CS2019376878 | Etive House Care Home | Care Home Service | 11-11-2020 | Benderloch | Oban | PA37 1QW | 01631 720 278 | Georgina Taylor | | SP2019013363 | Etive House Care Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009233687 | Eva Burrows 1st Stop Accommodation Project | Housing support service | 14-01-2010 | Clyde Place | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7QU | 0141 643 9680 | Karen Good | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | ||||
CS2010273204 | Evans, Caitlin | Childminding | 09-11-2011 | Strathaven | Caitlin Evans | | SP2010979979 | Caitlin Evans | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000209 | Eve Coils Childminder | Childminding | 01-08-2022 | KEITH | | SP2022000150 | Eve Coils | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378083 | Eve's Childcare and Respite | Childminding | 11-12-2020 | Elgin | Yvonne Scott | | SP2019990955 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000270 | Evelyn's Little Honey's Childminding. | Child Minding | 29-07-2024 | Bathgate | | SP2023000721 | Evelyn Taylor | Active | |||||||||
CS2020000036 | Everglade Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2004073656 | Evergreen Home Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-07-2004 | 63 Nicolson Street | Greenock | PA15 1TJ | 01475 791 733 | Elizabeth Scott | | SP2008010161 | Evergreen Home Support | Active | |||||
CS2004062168 | Evergreen Home Support | Housing support service | 29-07-2004 | 63 Nicolson Street | Greenock | PA15 1TJ | 01475 791 733 | Elizabeth Scott | | SP2008010161 | Evergreen Home Support | Active | |||||
CS2015337343 | Evergreen Outdoor Nursery | Day care of children | 05-11-2015 | 35 Avenuepark Street | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 8TS | 01419 451 888 | Kirsty McAllister | | SP2003001275 | Maryhill Mobile Children's Services | Active | ||||
CS2003016059 | Evie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Evie Primary School | Evie | Orkney | KW17 2PE | 01856 751 237 | EmmaJane Rendall | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000276 | Evolve Primary Care Consultants | Nurse Agency | 25-08-2023 | Condie & Co | 10 Abbey Park Place | Dunfermline | KY12 7NZ | 07787377141 | Kris McLaughlin | | SP2023000174 | Evolve Primary Care Consultants Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013317723 | Ewelina Kowalska Childminding | Childminding | 03-10-2013 | Linlithgow | Ewelina Kowalska | | SP2013984963 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004078135 | Ewen, Isla | Childminding | 18-03-2005 | Newport-on-Tay | Isla Ewen | | SP2004935014 | Isla Ewen | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000050 | Excel Care Services | Housing Support Service | 12-05-2021 | Unit 4 Flexispace | 15 Pitreavive court, Pitreavie Business Park | Dunfermline | KY11 8UU | 07548835146 | Scotch Bakasa | | SP2021000027 | Excel Care PVT Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000047 | Excel Care Services | Support Service | 09-05-2021 | 2 Gib Grove | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 8DH | 00447737066038 | Scotch Bakasa | | SP2021000027 | Excel Care PVT Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000202 | Excel Central Care Ltd | Support Service | 27-07-2022 | 23 Enterprise House | Springkerse Business Park | Stirling | FK7 7UF | 01786 230 893 | Barbara McGeachie | | SP2022000144 | Mackcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018365630 | Excelsior Care Limited | 24-01-2019 | 10a Evans Business Centre | Mitchelson Drive | Mitchelson Industrial Estate | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3NB | 07889 459 110 | Jacqueline Lacey | | SP2018013095 | Excelsior Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014325015 | Executive Suites at 3 Bridges | Care homes for older people | 24-07-2014 | 108 Carmunock Road | Glasgow | G44 4UN | 01416 326 600 | KAYLEIGH MCTAGGART | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019375989 | Explorers Childminding | Child Minding | 14-10-2019 | Glasgow | Wilma McGowan | | SP2019990641 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004082498 | Extended Personal Care Limited | Support services - care at home | 25-11-2004 | Calico House | 2 Whitefield Lodge | Service Street | Lennoxtown | G66 7JW | 01360319010 | David Reilly | | SP2004007047 | Extended Personal Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2010237376 | Extended Personal Care Limited | Housing support service | 25-01-2011 | Calico House | 2 Whitefield Lodge | Service Street | Lennoxtown | G66 7JW | 01360 319 010 | David Reilly | | SP2004007047 | Extended Personal Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003017369 | Eyemouth Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Eyemouth Primary School | Coldingham Road | Eyemouth | TD14 5DE | 01890 750 692 | Ross Maunder | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2017353636 | Ezzi, Helen | Childminding | 31-03-2017 | Bathgate | Helen Ezzi | | SP2013985100 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020378694 | FAAB Childminding | Child Minding | 17-06-2020 | Glasgow | Bazgha Sultana | | SP2020991045 | Bazgha Sultana | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000194 | FAB OSC LTD | Day care of children | 10-08-2021 | Westwood Parish Church | Belmont Drive | East Kilbride | GLASGOW | G75 8HD | 07585228783 | Susan Taylor | | SP2021000117 | FAB OSC LTD | Active | |||
CS2010279638 | Fagan, Sharon | Childminding | 25-08-2011 | Glasgow | Sharon Fagan | | SP2010981045 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014324244 | Fair City Munchkins Day Nursery | Day care of children | 31-03-2015 | 41 Viewlands Terrace | Perth | PH1 1DA | 01738 634 106 | Karen Dow | | SP2014012264 | Fair City Munchkins Day Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004071589 | Fair Deal | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-07-2005 | 355a Tormusk Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 0HF | 01416 344 996 | Anne Marie Borthwick | | SP2004006487 | Fair Deal | Active | ||||
CS2004071123 | Fair Deal | Housing support service | 13-07-2005 | 355a Tormusk Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 0HF | 01416 344 996 | Anne Marie Borthwick | | SP2004006487 | Fair Deal | Active | ||||
CS2003015930 | Fair Isle Family Nurture Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fair Isle Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6EG | 01592 583 484 | Sharon Curran | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003045269 | Fair Isle Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-09-2004 | Fair Isle Primary School | Fair Isle Road | KIRKCALDY | KY2 6EG | 07850 950 506 | Emma Rowe | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016124 | Fair Isle Pre-School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fair Isle Primary School | Fair Isle | Shetland | ZE2 9JU | 01595 760 254 | Andrew Hunter | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000162 | Fairbairn House | Housing Support Service | 20-05-2024 | 7 | Fairbairn Street | Dundee | DD3 7JH | 01382 432585 | Stephen Walker | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010539 | Fairburn House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Urray | Muir of Ord | IV6 7UT | 01997 433 332 | Susan Davison | | SP2003002404 | Fairburn House Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000149 | Fairhill Rise | Support Service | 08-07-2021 | Fairhill Centre | Pishwanton Wood | HADDINGTON | EH41 4FH | 01620810931 | Sofie Rasmussen | | SP2021000092 | Seol Trust | Active | ||||
CS2006124775 | Fairknowe | Care homes for older people | 03-07-2006 | Fairknowe House | 3 Cargill Road | Maybole | KA19 8AF | 01655 882 308 | Sarah MacAskill | | SP2003002327 | Mead Medical Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003007993 | Fairley, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Nairn | Margaret Fairley | | SP2003907762 | Margaret Fairley | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016044 | Fairlie Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Fairlie Primary School | 1 Morton Way | Fairlie | Largs | KA29 0BW | 01475 568 441 | Pauline McGuire | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003003810 | Fairlie, Audrey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Audrey Fairlie | | SP2003902043 | Audrey Fairlie | Active | ||||||||
CS2011287415 | Fairport Care at Home Limited Trading as Home Instead Senior Care | Support services - care at home | 17-10-2011 | Unit 22 | Castlebrae Business Centre | Peffer Place | Edinburgh | EH16 4BB | 01313 000 599 | Allana Anderson | | SP2011011569 | Fairport Care at Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2007142892 | Fairview House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | Fairview Street | Danestone | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8ZP | 01224 820 203 | Mel Shearer | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011300705 | Fairview Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 9 Cowie Road | Bannockburn | Stirling | FK7 8JW | 01786 816 111 | Hannah McMorrin | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000167 | Fairview Professional Services Limited | Support Service | 22-05-2024 | 97 Kirkhill Road | Penicuik | EH26 8JF | 07939411146 | Joyline Nyakuridyisa | | SP2023000300 | Fairview Professional Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016066 | Fairview School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Oakbank Crescent | Perth | PH1 1DF | 01738 473 050 | Leigh Verdot | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000302 | Fairy Childminding | Child Minding | 06-08-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000543 | Danuta Matuszewska | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309500 | Fairy Dust Kids | Childminding | 11-09-2012 | LIVINGSTON | Claire MacGregor | | SP2012983733 | Claire MacGregor | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000306 | Faithlie | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 20 Lochpots Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9NH | 01346 417 343 | Claire Birnie | CLAIRE.BIRNIE@ABERDEENSHIRE.GOV.UK | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2005104508 | Falconer, Karen | Childminding | 28-02-2006 | Dundee | Karen Falconer | | SP2005950526 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003041646 | Falkirk Activity Scheme | Support services - not care at home | 23-03-2004 | Camelon Social Work Office | 108 Glasgow Road | Camelon | FK1 4HS | 01324 506 070 | Philomena Bain | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377152 | Falkirk Council - Care and Support at Home - Central Locality | Support Service | 21-10-2019 | Carronbank Business Park | Carronbank Crescent | Denny | FK6 6GA | 01324 504222 | Lana Ray | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377037 | Falkirk Council - Care and Support at Home - East Locality | Support Service | 21-10-2019 | Carronbank Business Park | Carronbank Crescent | Denny | FK6 6GA | 01324 504 287 | Julie McKinven | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2004080979 | Falkirk Council - Care and Support at Home - West Locality | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-11-2004 | Falkirk Council Social Work Services Headquarters | Carronbank House, | Carronbank Crescent | Denny | FK6 6GA | 01324 506 070 | Audrey Barclay | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2019377151 | Falkirk Council - Housing Support Service - Central Locality | Housing Support Service | 21-10-2019 | Carronbank Business Park | Carronbank Crescent | Denny | FK6 6GA | 01324 504 158 | Lana Ray | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377064 | Falkirk Council - Housing Support Service - East Locality | Housing Support Service | 21-10-2019 | Social Work Adult Services | Oxgang Road | Grangemouth | FK6 6GA | 01324 504 287 | Julie McKinven | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2004068173 | Falkirk Council - Housing Support Service - West Locality | Housing support service | 26-11-2004 | Falkirk Council | Carronbank House. Carronbank Crescent. | Denny | FK6 6GA | 01324 506 070 | Audrey Barclay | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2004086359 | Falkirk Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 23-11-2005 | Camelon Social Work Office | 108B Glasgow Road | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4HS | 01324 506 070 | Monique Ferrie | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2004086360 | Falkirk Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 30-11-2005 | Camelon Social Work Office | 108B Glasgow Road | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4HS | 01324 506 070 | Alma Cope | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2007143726 | Falkirk Council Housing with Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-03-2007 | Dorrator Court | Cottage Crescent | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4AY | 01324 670 223 | Gail MacNamara | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2007144736 | Falkirk Council Housing with Care Service | Housing support service | 28-03-2007 | Dorrator Court | Cottage Crescent | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4AY | 01324 670 223 | Lynn Adams | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2007144765 | Falkirk Council Mobile Emergency Care Service | Housing support service | 28-03-2007 | The Foundry | 4 Central Boulevard | Central Park | Larbert | FK5 4RU | 01324 506 520 | Lynn Adams | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2007143522 | Falkirk Council Mobile Emergency Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-03-2007 | 4 Central Boulevard | Central Park | Larbert | FK5 4RU | 01324 506 520 | Fiona Kurlus | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2008174055 | Falkland House School | School care accommodation | 02-05-2008 | Falkland Estate | Falkland | Cupar | KY15 7AE | 01337 857268 | Ben Gannon | | SP2008009724 | House of Falkland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000368 | Falkland House School Perth | School care accommodation | 05-12-2022 | Falkland House School Perth | Fairmount Terrace | Perth | PH2 7AR | 07442498301 | Alasdair Fearfull | | SP2008009724 | House of Falkland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016455 | Falkland Out of School Club | Day care of children | 18-04-2003 | Falkland Primary School | The Pleasance | Falkland | Cupar | KY15 7AW | 07515 189 450 | Kirsten Lycett | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003015918 | Falkland Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Falkland Primary School | Pleasance | Falkland | Cupar | KY15 7AW | 01334 659 415 | Laura Munro | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003016153 | Falla Hill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Harthill Road | Fauldhouse | Bathgate | EH47 9HS | 01501 772 579 | Martin McCusker | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015605 | Fallin Nursery & Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fallin Primary School | Lamont Crescent | Fallin | STIRLING | FK7 7EJ | Denise Wallace | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011499 | Falls Of Dochart Retirement Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Killin | FK21 8UW | 01567 820 237 | Amanda Hay | | SP2003002691 | Killin Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2024000412 | Families for Children Adult Placement Service | Adult Placement Service | 30-10-2024 | Ladywell Business Centre (Rear Entrance) | 94 Duke Street | Glasgow | G4 0UW | 0141 420 5555 | Mairead Fagan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2020380165 | Family Based Care Service - Continuing Care and Adult Placement Service | Adult placement services | 03-12-2020 | Family Based Care Service Strathbrock Partnership Centre | Strathbrock Partnership Centre | 189a West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LH | 01506 284 372 | Angela Ferguson | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2006138622 | Family Centre - Merkinch | Day care of children | 07-03-2007 | Family Centere - Inverness | Telford Road | Inverness | IV3 8HY | Jennifer MacDonald | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2004080727 | Family Circle Care Ltd - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-04-2005 | 22 Tower Street | Edinburgh | EH6 7BY | 01315 549 500 | Sonia McRorie-Smith | | SP2003002483 | Family Circle Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004083967 | Family Connections Team (Adoption Service) | Adoption agencies | 23-11-2005 | Kilncraigs | Greenside Street | Alloa | FK10 1EB | 01259 225 085 | Aileen Shillington | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000101 | Family Connections Team (Adult Placement Continuing Care) | Adult Placement Service | 16-06-2021 | Clackmannanshire Council | Kilncraigs | Greenside Street | ALLOA | FK10 1EB | 01259 225085 | Aileen Shillington | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004084406 | Family Connections Team (Fostering) | Fostering services | 23-11-2005 | Child Care Services | Kilncraigs | Greenside Street | Alloa | FK10 1EB | 01259 225 085 | Aileen Shillington | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005087402 | Family Focus Service (Aurrida House) | Childcare agencies | 25-04-2005 | Aurrida House | Papdale Loan | Kirkwall | KW15 1JR | 01856 876 160 | Sally Flett | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2016347819 | Family Friends | 28-02-2017 | 23 Lawers Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3TQ | 01382 535 888 | Jacqueline Harrison | | SP2016012734 | Family Friends, a partnership | Active | |||||
CS2015341549 | Family Tree Childcare | Day care of children | 17-05-2016 | 10c Broompark Road | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0DR | 01698 822 322 | Lisa McCormack | | SP2015012590 | Alrose Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000053 | FAREplay Nursery | Day Care of Children | 14-05-2021 | Fare | Banantyne House | 31 Drumlanrig Avenue | GLASGOW | G34 0JF | 0141 771 9151 | Lisa Drever | | SP2021000032 | FARE Scotland Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011298867 | Farmer, Heather | Childminding | 03-10-2011 | Kirkcaldy | Heather Farmer | | SP2011982636 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009194697 | Farmer, Lesley | Childminding | 19-06-2009 | Leven | Lesley Farmer | | SP2009973142 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008168182 | Farquhar, Yvonne | Childminding | 29-04-2008 | Lossiemouth | Yvonne Farquhar | | SP2008968061 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004061784 | Farr High Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Farr High Primary School | Bettyhill | Thurso | KW14 7SS | 01847 807 010 | Jane Mackintosh | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017207 | Farr Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Farr Primary School Nursery | Farr | Inverness | IV2 6XJ | 01808 521 246 | Kirsty Guthrie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003052372 | Fas Mor | Day care of children | 22-09-2004 | Bun-Sgoil Shleite | Ferrindonald | Teangue | ISLE OF SKYE | IV44 8RF | 01471844326 | Maria Russell | | SP2004936248 | Fas Mor | Active | |||
CS2003014827 | Fasque Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 9 Ladyloan Avenue | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 8LE | 01419 440 566 | Mary McGinley | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2015335100 | Fast @ Duntocher | Day care of children | 28-07-2015 | Duntocher Village Hall | Duntocher | Clydebank | G81 6DF | Emma O'Hanlon | | SP2006008353 | Reid, Rhonda | Active | |||||
CS2012311738 | Fast @ Gartcosh Out of School Care | Day care of children | 29-04-2013 | Gartcosh Community Centre | Lochend Road | Gartcosh | Glasgow | G69 8AB | 01236 874 861 | Charlotte McKinstry | | SP2006008353 | Reid, Rhonda | Active | |||
CS2016345178 | Fast @ Muirhead | Day care of children | 12-08-2016 | St. Barbara's Primary School | Elmira Road | Muirhead | Glasgow | G69 9EJ | 07824 884 601 | Cheryl Armstrong | | SP2006008353 | Reid, Rhonda | Active | |||
CS2021000165 | Fast@Auchinloch | Day Care of Children | 19-07-2021 | Auchinloch Community Centre | Langmuirhead Road | Auchinloch | GLASGOW | G66 5DL | 07824884601 | Nicola Grant | | SP2006008353 | Reid, Rhonda | Active | |||
CS2003017493 | Fauldhouse Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. John the Baptist Primary School | Lanrigg Avenue | Fauldhouse | Bathgate | EH47 9JR | 01501 770 782 | Angela Gardner | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2007159538 | Faulkner, Kirsteen | Childminding | 19-12-2007 | Inverness | Kirsteen Faulkner | | SP2007966462 | Kirsteen Faulkner | Active | ||||||||
CS2015339306 | Fay Howarth Childminding | Childminding | 14-10-2015 | Glasgow | Fay Howarth | SP2015987178 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2022000304 | FCSS Aberdeenshire Support Services | Support services - care at home | 07-10-2022 | Fintry Mains Nursery | Fintry Road | Dundee | DD4 9EZ | 01467 641000 | Tracey Duthie | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2022000149 | Feathers & Arrows | Childminding | 10-06-2022 | Aboyne | | SP2022000108 | Michelle Cole | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380360 | Fee's Childminding | Childminding | 30-09-2020 | Peterhead | Fiona McHattie | | SP2020991272 | Fiona McHattie | Active | ||||||||
CS2012312146 | Fees C.M. Service | Childminding | 28-03-2013 | Aberdeen | Fiona McDonald | | SP2012984125 | Fiona McDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2011301486 | Fenton Barns Nursery | Day care of children | 20-08-2012 | Fenton Barns | North Berwick | EH39 5BW | 01620 850 670 | Lauren Peacock | | SP2011011701 | Fenton Barns Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009234570 | Fenton, Rosalie | Childminding | 21-02-2011 | South Queensferry | Rosalie Fenton | | SP2009976245 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007336 | Fenton, Valerie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cupar | Valerie Fenton | | SP2003904318 | Valerie Fenton | Active | ||||||||
CS2019375119 | Fenwick Early Childhood Centre | Day Care of Children | 21-06-2019 | 1-3 Kirkton Road | Fenwick | KA3 7BU | 01560 600 403 | Jamie Houston | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004066824 | Ferguslie After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glencoats Primary School | Falcon Crescent | Paisley | PA3 1NS | Thomas Jones | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014782 | Ferguslie Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tannahill Centre | 76 Blackstoun Road | Paisley | PA3 1NT | 0300 300 1464 | Audrey Copland | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003477 | Ferguson, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Fiona Ferguson | | SP2003901781 | Fiona Ferguson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001500 | Ferguson, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Karen Ferguson | | SP2003900255 | Karen Ferguson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006739 | Ferguson, Veronica | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Veronica Ferguson | | SP2003903977 | Veronica Ferguson | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000006 | Fern Daycare | Child Minding | 11-01-2023 | Blairgowrie | | SP2023000003 | Heather-Jane Jackson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000300 | Fernbank Children's Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 55 King Street | Peterhead | AB42 1TA | 01779 476 304 | Gary Crawford | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000383 | Fernbrae Childminding | Child Minding | 09-10-2024 | Rutherglen | | SP2024000406 | Gillian Bedford | Active | |||||||||
CS2006124929 | Ferndale | Care homes for children and young people | 14-08-2006 | 1 Donald MacKinnon Avenue | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3ES | 01417 773 080 | Philip Maguire | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014327157 | Ferndale Outreach Service | 17-03-2016 | Ferndale Children's Services | 1 Donald McKinnon Avenue | Kirkintilloch | G66 3ES | 01417 773 080 | Kelly Ann Bramley | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2011298533 | Fernhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 27-10-2011 | Fernhill School | Fernbrae Avenue | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4SG | 01416 342 674 | Mary frances Gallacher | | SP2011011613 | Fernhill School Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003055332 | Fernie, Gillian | Childminding | 23-08-2004 | Dunfermline | Gillian Fernie | | SP2004936636 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005101024 | Fernielea Out of School Club | Day care of children | 23-06-2006 | Fernielea School | Stronsay Place | Aberdeen | AB15 6HD | 07757230051 | Clare Anderson | | SP2005007738 | Fernielea Out of School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003014425 | Fernielea School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stronsay Place | Aberdeen | AB15 6HD | 01224 318 533 | Lisa Walker | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000071 | Fernlea Care Home | Care Home Service | 14-03-2023 | 19 Wallsgreen Road | Cardenden | Lochgelly | KY5 0JF | 01592 721 649 | Craig Alderdice | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005097965 | Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 19-08-2005 | Marrister | Symbister | Whalsay | Shetland | ZE2 9AE | 01595 745 182 | Elaine Laurenson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2005097964 | Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 17-08-2005 | Marrister | Symbister | Whalsay | Shetland | ZE2 9AE | 01595 745 181 | Kate Wills | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2003002838 | Ferryden Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferryden Primary School | Craig Crescent | Ferryden | Montrose | DD10 9RF | 07592 771 075 | Emma Baxter | | SP2003000559 | Ferryden Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003016851 | Ferryden Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferryden Primary School | Craig Crescent | Ferryden | Montrose | DD10 9RF | 01674 907 511 | Laura Jones | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2003014727 | Ferryfield ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferryloan | Bank Street | Alexandria | G83 0NU | 01389 752 429 | Debbie Moore | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006951 | Ferryfield Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castlehill Community Centre | Castlehill | Cupar | KY15 4HA | 07756832969 | Ruth Callan | | SP2003001579 | Ferryfield Nursery & Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003001781 | Ferryhill Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferryhill Primary School | 31 Caledonian Place | Aberdeen | AB11 6TT | 07775 406 777 | Colleen Anderson | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013313 | Ferryhill Out Of School Provision | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferryhill Primary School | Groathill Road North | Edinburgh | EH4 2SQ | 07959 823 316 | Jillian Owen | | SP2003003092 | North Edinburgh Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2003017025 | Ferryhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferryhill Primary School | Groathill Road North | Edinburgh | EH4 2SQ | 01315 387 382 | Susan Dunn | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014426 | Ferryhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferryhill Primary School | Caledonian Place | Aberdeen | AB11 6TT | 01224 586 755 | Dawn Cameron | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010936 | Ferrylee | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 33 North Junction Street | Edinburgh | EH6 6HR | 01315 547 179 | Elaine Heeps | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015880 | Ferryport Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 50 William Street | Tayport | DD6 9HQ | 01334 659 495 | Victoria Tweed | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001828 | Fersands Family Centre Nursery & Creche | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodside Fountain Centre | Marquis Road | Aberdeen | AB24 2QY | 01224 524 950 | Susan Byun | | SP2003000367 | Fersands & Fountain Community Project | Active | ||||
CS2003014821 | Festival Park Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 62 Lorne Street | Glasgow | G51 1DP | 01414 272 301 | Amanda Kelly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2009234362 | Fetlar Nursery | Day care of children | 14-12-2009 | Fetlar Primary School | Fetlar | Shetland | ZE2 9DJ | 01595 807 072 | Paul Thomson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003016428 | Fettercairn Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fettercairn Primary School | Distillery Road | Laurencekirk | AB30 1YB | 01561 400 675 | Donna McRobbie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000225 | Fettes College | School Care Accommodation Service | 09-08-2022 | Carrington Road | Edinburgh | EH4 1QX | 0131322281 | Helen Harrison | | SP2022000157 | Fettes College Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008179811 | Fidra House | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2008 | 67a Dirleton Avenue | North Berwick | EH39 4QL | 01620 897 600 | David Livingstone | | SP2003002451 | Randolph Hill Nursing Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015052 | Fielding, Morag | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Morag Fielding | | SP2003909399 | Morag Fielding | Active | ||||||||
CS2017358588 | Fife and Tayside Support Services | 23-07-2018 | Levenmouth Community Enterprise Centre | Thomson House | Harbour View, Methil | Leven | KY8 3RF | 01333841304 | Susan Grant | | SP2003003760 | Change Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2014324635 | Fife Care at Home and Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 27-03-2014 | 11 Meikle Square | Dysart | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2XL | 01592 214 003 | Stuart Murray | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2014324919 | Fife Care at Home and Housing Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-03-2014 | 11 Meikle Square | Dysart | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2XL | 07891 690 497 | Stuart Murray | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2022000316 | Fife Care Limited | Support Service | 11-10-2022 | Unit 7, Thomson House | Leven Community Enterprise Centre | Harbour View Methil | Leven | KY8 3RW | 07497169111 | Dominic Curran | | SP2022000210 | Fife Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2004073438 | Fife Care Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-07-2004 | Unit 1 | Pitreavie Drive | Blue central Business Park | Dunfermline | KY11 8US | 08453 009 273 | Andrea McComiskie | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2005113995 | Fife Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 22-12-2005 | 2nd Floor West | Fife House | North Street | Glenrothes | KY7 5LT | 03451 555 555 | Euan Kelso | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2004084381 | Fife Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 22-12-2005 | 4th Floor North | Rothesay House | Glenrothes | KY7 5PQ | 03451 555 555 | Kelly Blaik | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2017358768 | Fife Day Care Services | 13-04-2018 | 64 Cedar Avenue | Lumphinans | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9FE | 01592 782 889 | Carol Reddington | | SP2017012953 | Fife Day Care Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004073353 | Fife Housing Support | Housing support service | 29-07-2004 | Unit 1 | Pitreavie Drive | Blue Central Business Park | Dunfermline | KY11 8US | 08453 009 273 | Andrea McComiskie | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2004073480 | Fife Intensive Rehabilitation and Substance Use Team (FIRST) Limited | Support services - not care at home | 23-01-2006 | 3 South Fergus Place | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1YA | 01592 585 960 | Jennifer April Adam | | SP2004006685 | 21/04/2003 | Active | |||||
CS2004061283 | Fife Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 14-07-2004 | West Bridge Mill | Bridge Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1TE | 03303 030 302 | Jacqueline Nugent | SP2004004684 | LinkLiving Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061282 | Fife Support Service | Housing support service | 14-07-2004 | West Bridge Mill | Bridge Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1TE | 01592 644 048 | Jacqueline Nugent | | SP2004004684 | LinkLiving Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000088 | Fife Support Service | Housing Support Service | 30-03-2023 | Turning Point Scotland | 1st Floor, | 12 Abbey Park Place, | Dunfermline | KY12 7PD | 07756880709 | Louise McCord | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004074973 | Fife Women's Aid Housing Support | Housing support service | 28-10-2004 | Glenrothes | Gill Birtley | | SP2010011241 | Fife Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2011300707 | Finavon Court - Forfar | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 5 Carseburn Road | Forfar | DD8 3HW | 01307 466 060 | Claire Cameron | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000096 | Finavon Court Care Home | Care Home Service | 06-04-2023 | Blair Avenue | Glenrothes | KY7 4UG | 01592 773 033 | Dawn Hunter | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004078272 | Findlay, Anne | Childminding | 10-03-2005 | Coatbridge | Anne Findlay | | SP2004933287 | Anne Findlay | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006714 | Findlay, Christine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Christine Findlay | SP2003903962 | Christine Findlay | Active | |||||||||
CS2014327479 | Findlay, Donna | Childminding | 22-07-2014 | Kirkwall | Donna Findlay | | SP2014986044 | Donna Findlay | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002770 | Findlay, Lorna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirriemuir | Lorna Findlay | | SP2003901254 | Lorna Findlay | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016016 | Findochty Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burnside Street | Findochty | Buckie | AB56 4QW | 01542 832 287 | Emma Gillings | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006591 | Finnan, Sheena | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Larkhall | Sheena Finnan | | SP2003903887 | Sheena Finnan | Active | ||||||||
CS2006134188 | Finnie, Karen | Childminding | 07-09-2007 | Erskine | Karen Finnie | | SP2006008559 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007163613 | Finningham, Karen | Childminding | 09-04-2008 | Glenrothes | Karen Finningham | | SP2007967241 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009231001 | Fintry and Friends Out of School Care | Day care of children | 18-09-2009 | Fintry Community School | 10 Findcastle Terrace | Dundee | DD4 9EL | 07902 281 944 | Susan Robertson | | SP2009010516 | Fintry and Friends Out of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2003016935 | Fintry Primary School Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 10 Findcastle Terrace | Fintry | Dundee | DD4 9EL | 01382 307 837 | Nicola Weryk | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015606 | Fintry Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Culcreuch Avenue | Fintry | Glasgow | G63 0YB | 01360 860 204 | Yvonne Gibb | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000344 | Fiona Cahoon - Childminder | Child Minding | 10-11-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000228 | Fiona Cahoon | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000200 | Fiona Cameron Childminding | Childminding | 17-06-2024 | Tillicoultry | | SP2024000073 | Fiona Cameron | Active | |||||||||
CS2009193130 | Fiona Dickson | Childminding | 19-06-2009 | Dunbar | Fiona Margaret Dickson | | SP2006962649 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013323098 | Fiona Ironside Childminding | Childminding | 27-05-2014 | Inverness | Fiona Ironside | | SP2013985598 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012314519 | Fiona Jack's Child Minding Service | Childminding | 10-09-2013 | Bathgate | Fiona Ann Jack | | SP2012984430 | Jack, Fiona Ann Jack, Fiona Ann | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000387 | Fiona Martin Childminding | Child Minding | 16-11-2023 | Glenrothes | | SP2023000257 | Fiona Martin | Active | |||||||||
CS2009235296 | Fiona McIntyre Child Minding | Childminding | 28-07-2010 | Stirling | Fiona McIntyre | | SP2009976497 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356154 | Fiona Munro Childminding Services | Childminding | 07-07-2017 | Westhill | Fiona Munro | | SP2017989015 | Fiona Munro | Active | ||||||||
CS2015337418 | Fiona Robin Childminding | Childminding | 23-07-2015 | Beith | Fiona Robin | | SP2015986933 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017354205 | Fiona Young Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-05-2017 | Edinburgh | Fiona Young | SP2017988808 | Fiona Young | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378052 | Fiona's Childcare Service | Child Minding | 09-03-2020 | Edinburgh | Fiona Priestley | | SP2019990951 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000126 | Fiona's Childminding | Childminding | 24-05-2022 | Carluke | | SP2022000088 | Fiona Harris | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325864 | Fiona's Childminding Service | Childminding | 07-07-2014 | Newport-on-Tay | Fiona Gowans | | SP2014985925 | Fiona Gowans | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000085 | Fionas Childminding | Child Minding | 30-03-2022 | Forres | | SP2022000056 | Fiona Macdonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000003 | Firrhill Housing Support and Care at Home Service | Support Service | 06-01-2022 | Firrhill Day Centre | 257 Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH14 1DW | 0131 441 7162 | Fiona Bellany | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000002 | Firrhill Housing Support and Care at Home Service | Housing Support Service | 06-01-2022 | Firrhill Day Centre | 257 Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH14 1DW | 0131 441 7162 | Fiona Bellany | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010947 | Firrhill Short Breaks Service | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 257B Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH14 1DW | 01314 415 117 | Ashleigh Chambers | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2018364517 | First 4 Kids SCIO Bantaskin | 15-05-2018 | Bantaskin Primary School | Mobile Classroom | Bantaskine Road | Falkirk | FK1 5HT | 07939100884 | Debborah Ronaldson | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2018364516 | First 4 Kids SCIO Bonnybridge | 15-05-2018 | Bonnybridge Community Education Centre | Bridge Street | Bonnybridge | FK4 1AA | 01324 473 325 | Debborah Ronaldson | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2018364515 | First 4 Kids SCIO Carron | 15-05-2018 | Carron Primary School | Alloa Road | Carron | Falkirk | FK2 8EJ | 07971 911 918 | Beverley Isdale | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2018364511 | First 4 Kids SCIO Ladeside | 15-05-2018 | Ladeside Primary School | Carronvale Road | Larbert | FK5 3LH | 07980 710 906 | Beverley Isdale | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2018364510 | First 4 Kids SCIO Maddiston | 15-05-2018 | Maddiston Primary School | Glendevon Drive | Maddiston | Falkirk | FK2 0GT | 01324 473325 | Margaret Gallagher | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2018364506 | First 4 Kids SCIO St. Bernadette's | 15-05-2018 | St. Bernadettes's Primary School | Edward Avenue | Stenhousemuir | Falkirk | FK5 4JW | 01324 473325 | Debborah Ronaldson | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2018364504 | First 4 Kids SCIO Stenhousemuir | 15-05-2018 | Stenhousemuir Primary School | Rae Street | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 4QP | 01324 473 325 | Beverley Isdale | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2018364501 | First 4 Kids SCIO Westquarter | 15-05-2018 | Westquarter Primary School | Westquarter Avenue | Westquarter | Falkirk | FK2 9RN | 01324 473 325 | Debborah Ronaldson | | SP2018013072 | First 4 Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2024000378 | First Adventures Nursery | Day Care of Children | 01-10-2024 | 53 High Street | Linlithgow | EH49 7ED | 01506844344 | Gillian Mustard | | SP2024000260 | First Adventures Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000436 | First Choice Healthcare Services | Support Service | 22-12-2023 | Flexspace Building | Studio 19 | 3 Whitehouse Road | Stirling | FK7 7SP | 07359210954 | Farai Edith Kahiya | | SP2023000416 | First Choice Healthcare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2006114810 | First Class Childcare | Day care of children | 14-09-2006 | 48 Aberdour Road | Burntisland | KY3 0EN | 01592 871 109 | Fiona Carson | | SP2006955917 | First Class Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005087375 | First Class Day Nursery | Day care of children | 02-05-2005 | 25 Windmill Street | Peterhead | AB42 1LH | 01779 474 156 | Rachel Willox | | SP2005007195 | First Class Day Nursery (Peterhead) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003004517 | First Class Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 28a Hallcraig St | Airdrie | ML6 6AH | 01236 760 249 | Jean McGrow | | SP2003000929 | Jean McGrow trading as First Class Day Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2015334855 | First Class Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 02-03-2015 | Cunningham Building | Macaulay Drive | Craigiebuckler | Aberdeen | AB15 8QW | 01224 470024 | Caroline Fenton | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2005112692 | First Class Nursery | Day care of children | 19-10-2006 | Former Community Hall | Kirk Lane | Livingston | EH54 7AY | 01506 411 112 | Katrina Davidson | | SP2005007942 | First Class Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003001782 | First Class Out Of School Scheme | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Loirston Annexe Community Centre | Cove Road | Cove Bay | Aberdeen | AB12 3NX | 07525854629 | Alison Harris | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2017356083 | First Friends Laurencekirk Ltd | Day care of children | 19-07-2017 | 57 High Street | Laurencekirk | AB30 1BH | 01561 377 447 | Carole Dunbar | | SP2017012917 | First Friends Laurencekirk Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009287 | First Nursery and After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kingsland Square | Peebles | EH45 8EZ | 01721 724 395 | Kimberley Milton | | SP2003002002 | First Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015293 | First Step Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Thornhill Road | Hillhouse | Hamilton | ML3 9PS | 01698 712 643 | Kirsty Hunter | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003042326 | First Step Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 37 Galt Avenue | Musselburgh | EH21 8HU | 01316 650 848 | Naghmana Sajjad | | SP2003003379 | First Step Community Project | Active | |||||
CS2003011443 | First Steps Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Allandale View | Glasgow Road | Longcroft | Bonnybridge | FK4 1QN | 01324 876 949 | Janine Bell | | SP2003002664 | First Steps Day Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003004265 | First Steps Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 216 Bank Street | Irvine | KA12 0YD | 01294 212 632 | Jenn Low | | SP2003000870 | First Steps (Nursery Schools) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010248991 | First Steps Nursery | Day care of children | 25-08-2011 | Heathhall | Dumfries | DG1 3NT | 01387 255 345 | Sarah Brown | | SP2009010275 | Chloe Cullen trading as First Steps Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2004065188 | First Steps Nursery - Nairn | Day care of children | 30-07-2004 | 20 High Street | Nairn | IV12 4AU | 07808 504 586 | Rosalin Murdoch | | SP2003001786 | First Steps Nursery - Nairn | Active | |||||
CS2003012082 | First Steps Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | First Steps Playgroup | 5 Jackson Place | Eliburn | Livingston | EH54 6RH | Sharon Radbourne | | SP2003002976 | First Step Playgroup Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2023000254 | Firstcare Solutions Ltd | Support Service | 10-08-2023 | 15A East Bridge Street | Falkirk | FK1 1YD | 07958253707 | Miranda Mhaka | | SP2023000160 | Firstcare Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000255 | Firstcare Solutions Ltd | Housing Support Service | 10-08-2023 | 15A East Bridge Street | Falkirk | FK1 1YD | 07958253707 | Miranda Mhaka | | SP2023000160 | Firstcare Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016057 | Firth Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Firth Primary School | Finstown | Orkney | KW17 2ES | 01856 761 212 | Emma Jane Rendall | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004432 | Firtrees Nursery & Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Motherwell College | 1 Enterprise Way | Motherwell | ML1 2TX | 01698 232 285 | Lorna Glasgow | | SP2003000911 | Amcol Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010248424 | Fishbowl Nursery | Day care of children | 22-03-2011 | Sailors Rest Centre | 230 High Street | Methil | LEVEN | KY8 3EF | Lynn Deacon | | SP2010010872 | Fishbowl Nursery Parents Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003013467 | Fisher, Alison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Alison Fisher | SP2003906983 | Alison Fisher | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015743 | Fishermoss School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Berrymuir Road | Portlethen | Aberdeen | AB12 4UF | 01224 472 875 | Deborah Henderson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003039911 | Fisherton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 11-08-2003 | Ayr Road | Dunure | Ayr | KA7 4LQ | 01292 612 049 | Leeanne Campbell | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003005485 | Fitches, Sue | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Sue Fitches | | SP2003903245 | Suellen Fitches | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016286 | Fitzgerald Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 110 Lynedoch Street | Greenock | PA15 4AH | 01475 715 800 | Lorraine Harrison | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2010274640 | Fitzsimons, Rose | Childminding | 09-02-2011 | Glasgow | Rose Fitzsimons | | SP2010980381 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016352097 | Fiveways Day Centre | 21-06-2017 | 2-4 Caird Avenue | Dundee | DD3 8AW | 01382 825 624 | Michelle Bain | | SP2003003938 | Dundee Age Concern | Active | ||||||
CS2019376881 | Fleet Valley Care Home | Care Home Service | 19-08-2020 | 43 Fleet Street | Gatehouse of Fleet | DG7 2JT | 01557 814 449 | Sheila Kelly | | SP2019013364 | Fleet Valley Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012308067 | Fleets Villa | Care homes for children and young people | 02-08-2012 | Elphinstone | Tranent | EH33 2NE | 01875 610 005 | Barry Turnbull | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011281462 | Fleming, Julia | Childminding | 29-11-2011 | Lairg | Julia Fleming | | SP2011981649 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011285878 | Flemington Care Home | Care homes for older people | 22-03-2011 | Flemington Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8YF | 01416 439 600 | Margaret Smith | | SP2011011539 | Flemington Care Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009234413 | Flett, Helen | Childminding | 26-01-2010 | Orkney | Helen Flett | | SP2009976178 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376989 | Flexible Childcare Services (Aberdeenshire) - Banff | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | Banff Fanily Centre | Banff Primary School | Walker Avenue | Banff | AB45 1AQ | 01261 813 100 | Naomi Wood | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | |||
CS2019376990 | Flexible Childcare Services (Aberdeenshire) - Fraserburgh | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | Westfield School | Argyll Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9BL | 01467 064 100 | Naomi Wood | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2019376988 | Flexible Childcare Services (Aberdeenshire) - Huntly | Day care of children | 16-12-2020 | Stewarts Hall | 17 Gordon Street | Huntly | AB54 8AJ | 07789242525 | Tracey Duthie | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2019376997 | Flexible Childcare Services (Aberdeenshire) - Inverurie | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | Inverurie Community Campus | Jackson Street | Inverurie | AB51 3PX | 07557175392 | Amy Donald | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2019376994 | Flexible Childcare Services (Aberdeenshire) - Peterhead | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | Anna Ritchie School | Grange Gardens | Peterhead | AB42 2AP | 01467 641 000 | Naomi Wood | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2019376998 | Flexible Childcare Services (Aberdeenshire) - Stonehaven | Day Care of Children | 18-12-2019 | Carronhill School | Mill of Forest Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2GZ | 07789242525 | Amy Donald | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2019376995 | Flexible Childcare Services - Alford | Day Care of Children | 19-12-2019 | Alford Primary School | Alford Community Campus | Greystone Road | Alford | AB33 8TY | 07442 906104 | Heather Liebenberg | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | |||
CS2019376978 | Flexible Childcare Services - Dundee | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | Fintry Mains Nursery | Fintry Road | Fintry | Dundee | DD4 9EZ | 01382506629 | Megan Watt | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | |||
CS2019376993 | Flexible Childcare Services - Ellon | Day Care of Children | 19-12-2019 | Ellon Primary School | Modley Place | Ellon | AB41 9BB | 01467 641 000 | Naomi Wood | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2019376982 | Flexible Childcare Services - Hillside Breakfast and Out of School Club | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | Hillside Primary School | Newlands Drive | Portlethen | AB12 4LX | 07879857517 | Kelly Warrender | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2019376983 | Flexible Childcare Services - NESCOL | Day Care of Children | 18-12-2019 | Henderson Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9GA | 01346 511 617 | Kim Gairns | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | |||||
CS2019376992 | Flexible Childcare Services - Oldmeldrum | Day Care of Children | 19-12-2019 | Meldrum Academy | Colpy Road | Oldmeldrum | Inverurie | AB51 0NT | 07442 906104 | Amy Donald | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | |||
CS2019376987 | Flexible Childcare Services - Turriff | Day Care of Children | 18-12-2019 | Turriff Primary School | Meadowbank Road | Turriff | AB53 4WB | 01888 530 855 | Tracey Duthie | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Inactive | ||||
CS2020380422 | Flexible Childcare Services Keith | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2020 | Strathisla Children's Centre | Banff Road | Keith | AB55 5GS | 01542888312 | Eleanor Smith | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2022000029 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland (Cummings Park) | Day Care of Children | 26-01-2022 | Cummings Park Nursery | Cummings Park Crescent | ABERDEEN | AB16 7AS | 07502055023 | Amy Grant | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2022000006 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland (Tillydrone) | Day Care of Children | 11-01-2022 | Tillydrone Nursery | Gort Road | Aberdeen | AB24 2YS | 01224002445 | Kimberly Fyfe | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2022000186 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland - Kilmarnock | Day care of children | 15-07-2022 | Centrestage | 15 Elmbank Drive | Kilmarnock | KA1 3AE | 01563 593222 | Lindsey Scott | | SP2019013370 | Flexible Childcare Services Scotland SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2022000028 | Flexible Healthcare One Solutions Ltd | Nurse Agency | 26-01-2022 | Unit 31 | Coatbridge Business Centre | 204 Main Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3RB | 07853242091 | NARGIS NAWAZ | | SP2022000016 | Flexible Healthcare One Solutions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000057 | Flexible Healthcare One Solutions Ltd | Support Service | 16-02-2024 | Unit 31 | Coatbridge Business Centre | 204 Main Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3RB | 01236 898330 | Nargis Nawaz | | SP2022000016 | Flexible Healthcare One Solutions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017358682 | Flexible Homelessness Outreach Support Service - North West | 08-01-2018 | 1880-1882 Dumbarton Road | Glasgow | G14 0YA | 01414 340 518 | Lorraine Nesbitt | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||||
CS2014330598 | Flexible Respite | Support services - care at home | 12-10-2015 | 26 Craw Wood | Tweedbank | Galashiels | TD1 3SU | 01896 757 007 | Alison Patterson | | SP2014012350 | Flexible Respite Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003012008 | Flora Stevenson After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Flora Stevenson Primary School | 175 Comely Bank Road | Edinburgh | EH4 1BG | 01313328045 | Nicola Colston | | SP2003002910 | Flora Stevenson After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003017026 | Flora Stevenson Primary | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Comely Bank | Edinburgh | EH4 1BG | 01313 321 604 | Steven Eagleson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000129 | Flora's Childminding Service | Childminding | 27-05-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000091 | Flora Pollanen | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010903 | Florabank | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 18 Florabank Road | Haddington | EH41 3LR | 01620 823 259 | Denise Donaldson | | SP2003002574 | Florabank Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013318187 | Florence Court | Housing support service | 02-08-2013 | North Deeside Road | Cults | Aberdeen | AB15 9TD | 01224 868 146 | Anne McCarry | | SP2012011831 | YourLife Management Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013318184 | Florence Court | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-08-2013 | North Deeside Road | Cults | Aberdeen | AB15 9TD | 01224 868 146 | Anne McCarry | | SP2012011831 | YourLife Management Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010458 | Florence House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 70 Nimmo Drive | Govan | Glasgow | G51 3SG | 01414 450 422 | Nicholas McLean | | SP2003002359 | Oakminster Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019378529 | Florence Nurse Agency | Nurse Agency | 20-07-2020 | 150-152 | 1 West Regent Street | Glasgow | G2 1RW | 0141 264 2374 | Jennifer Fyvie | | SP2019013438 | Florence Staffing Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003046479 | Florence, Judy | Childminding | 26-01-2004 | Edinburgh | Judy Florence | | SP2004937892 | Judy Florence | Active | ||||||||
CS2011286375 | Flourish Home Support Services | Support services - care at home | 23-12-2011 | 78/79 | Alloa Business Centre | The Whins | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 07719 045 800 | Jaki McLean | | SP2011011552 | Flourish Home Support Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003038945 | Flowerbank Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | North Hamilton Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 2QJ | 01563 522 722 | Margaret Blades | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2018366328 | Flowerpots Childcare Ltd - Turriff | 02-11-2018 | Units 1 and 2 | Markethill Industrial Estate | Turriff | AB53 4QY | 01888 563 844 | Stacie Webster | | SP2009010588 | Flowerpots Childcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009232725 | Flowerpots Childcare Ltd. | Day care of children | 20-09-2010 | Pavilion 2 | Kingseat Business Park | Kingseat | Newmachar | AB21 0AZ | 01651 869 078 | Suzanne Falconer | | SP2009010588 | Flowerpots Childcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018367143 | Flowers & Pebbles Childminding | 31-08-2018 | Callander | Emma Stewart | | SP2018989925 | Emma Stewart | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000223 | Flutterbies | Childminding | 26-06-2024 | Lossiemouth | | SP2024000267 | Kristina Rayner | Active | |||||||||
CS2018372338 | Fly High Early Learning & Childcare | 08-04-2019 | 13-19 Main Street | Monkton | Prestwick | KA9 2RN | 01292 475 360 | Tracy Murdoch | | SP2018013255 | Fly High Early Learning & Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016345672 | Flying Colours Nursery, Cammo Meadows | 21-09-2016 | Flying Colours Nursery | 1a White Spruce Bow | Edinburgh | EH4 8FX | 01315742679 | Christine Ogilvie | | SP2016012677 | Flying Colours Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000971 | Focal Point Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 195e Drumry Road East | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 8NS | 01412 760 845 | Helen Cassidy | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2012310703 | Fochabers Nursery and Out of School | Day care of children | 21-08-2012 | The Annexe | Milnes Primary School | High Street | Fochabers | IV32 7EP | 01343 829 053 | Jessica Myers | | SP2003001940 | Garmouth & Kingston Pre-school Group | Active | |||
CS2007152586 | Fodderty House | Care homes for older people | 09-07-2008 | Fodderty | Dingwall | IV15 9UE | 01997 421 243 | Serena Fergusson | | SP2008009920 | Fodderty Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009288 | Fogo Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fogo Old School | Fogo | Duns | TD11 3RA | 01890 840 483 | Kim Thumwood | | SP2003002003 | Fogo Nursery Trustees | Active | ||||
CS2003004695 | Foley, Jeanne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jeanne Foley | | SP2003902663 | Jeanne Foley | Active | ||||||||
CS2013320787 | Forbes Children's Nursery Greenhill | Day care of children | 10-02-2014 | 7 Bruntsfield Terrace | Edinburgh | EH10 4EX | 01312 284 513 | Elisha McKenzie | | SP2013012171 | Forbes GR Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009232622 | Forbes Childrens Nursery Bruntsfield Place | Day care of children | 16-10-2009 | 46 Bruntsfield Place | Edinburgh | EH10 4HQ | 01312 291 970 | Lauren Gallagher | | SP2009010582 | Forbes BP Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003012065 | Forbes Childrens Nursery Claremont Park | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 12 Claremont Park | Edinburgh | EH6 7PJ | 01315 535 068 | Andrea Whyte | | SP2003002960 | Forbes CP Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003012052 | Forbes Children`s Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 5 Forbes Road | Edinburgh | EH10 4EF | 01312 295 511 | Sara Kelly | | SP2003002948 | Therese Duriez trading as Forbes Children's Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2010280151 | Forbes House | Care homes for older people | 27-09-2011 | 10 Forbes Drive | Ayr | KA8 9FG | 01292 270 750 | Robert Paul Collins | | SP2010011376 | Heathfield Care and Residential Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006133784 | Forbes, Fiona | Childminding | 01-05-2007 | Dundee | Fiona Forbes | | SP2006961130 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004084928 | Ford, Gillian | Childminding | 06-10-2005 | Glasgow | Gillian Ford | GILLIANFORD1@BTINTERNET.COM | SP2004942456 | Gillian Ford | Active | ||||||||
CS2007142950 | Fordmill Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | 53 Mill Street | Montrose | DD10 8NE | 01674 677 398 | Aileen Alberts | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003010931 | Fords Road Home for Older People | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 8 Fords Road | Edinburgh | EH11 3HP | 01314 433 731 | Anita Hawkes | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000494 | Forebank | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 26 Forebank Street | Dundee | DD1 2PB | 01382 206 161 | Caroline Penman | | SP2007009143 | Forebank Limited t/a Forebank Care Home | Active | |||||
CS2019378609 | Forefaulds Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | 33-39 Blackbraes Road | East Kilbride | G74 3JY | 01355 220 102 | Pauline Stevenson | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007161090 | Forehill After School Club Ltd | Day care of children | 22-10-2007 | C/o Forehill Primary School | Cessnock Place | Ayr | KA7 3JU | 07838 131 353 | Adele McCabe | | SP2007009320 | Forehill After School Club Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017396 | Forehill Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 24 Cessnock Place | Ayr | KA7 3JU | 01292 612 461 | David Watson | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014427 | Forehill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Jesmond Drive | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8UR | 01224 820 904 | Angela Fraser | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000278 | Forest Foxes Kindergarten | Day care of children | 13-09-2022 | Redhall View entrance to Colinton Dell | Edinburgh | EH12 2NA | 07941815151 | Ros Marshal | | SP2022000186 | Forest Foxes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000088 | Forest Friends | Child Minding | 31-03-2022 | GLENROTHES | | SP2022000059 | Karyn McKay | Active | |||||||||
CS2019373277 | Forest View | Care Home Service | 03-06-2019 | 19 Howgate Road | Roberton | Biggar | ML12 6RS | 01899 800 694 | Helen Kelly | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379468 | Forest View | School care accommodation | 26-11-2020 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Corsefield Road | Lochwinnoch | PA12 4JD | 01418 890 044 | Natalie Connell | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2024000069 | Foresters House | Care Home Service | 29-02-2024 | 317 South Road | Dundee | DD2 2RT | 01382 436747 | Avril Clark | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379181 | Forfar Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 17-12-2020 | Taylor Street | Forfar | DD8 3LB | 01307 494766 | Paula Anderson | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000219 | Forfar Out of School Club Limited | Day care of children | 03-08-2022 | Langlands Primary School | Taranty Road | Forfar | DD8 1JY | 07736800868 | Victoria Lemon | | SP2022000153 | Forfar Out of School Club Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015409 | Forgewood Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8 Kinloch Drive | Forgewood | Motherwell | ML1 3UH | 01698 274909 | Louise Tiffney | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000875 | Forrest House | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 311 Albert Drive | Glasgow | G41 5RP | 01414 230 395 | Charlene MacPhee | | SP2003000179 | Rotary Residential And Care Centres | Active | |||||
CS2008189964 | Forrest Street Residential Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 27-03-2009 | 30 Forrest Street | Airdrie | Airdrie | ML6 7AG | 01236 856 161 | Jimmy Brown | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001503 | Forrest, Irene | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Irene Forrest | SP2003900258 | Irene Forrest | Active | |||||||||
CS2008184154 | Forsyth ,Andria | Childminding | 15-12-2008 | Kirkcaldy | Andria Forsyth | | SP2008971463 | Andria Forsyth | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015652 | Fort Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 25 North Fort Street | Edinburgh | EH6 4HF | 01315 544 077 | Shona Quinn | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2005111539 | Fort Out of School Care Provision | Day care of children | 22-02-2006 | c/o Fort Early Years Centre | 25 North Fort Street | Edinburgh | EH6 4HF | 01313 328 001 | TBC TBC | | SP2003003092 | North Edinburgh Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2009229562 | Fort Street Residential Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 13-07-2009 | 103a Fort Street | Motherwell | ML1 3RQ | 01698 274 404 | Norma Lawrie | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2013318119 | Forth Bay | Care homes for older people | 30-08-2013 | Walker Street | Kincardine | FK10 4NT | 01259 730 001 | Fiona Day | | SP2013012090 | ARIA HEALTHCARE GROUP LTD | Active | |||||
CS2017359152 | Forth Craig | 01-09-2017 | 90 Hope Street | Inverkeithing | KY11 1LL | 01383416848 | Ferne Hallissey | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003015294 | Forth Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Forth | Lanark | ML11 8AE | 01555 811 205 | Elizabeth Steele | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000090 | Forth Valley Homecare Services (Scotia Care Ltd). | Support Service | 01-04-2022 | 15 Borrowmeadow Road | Springkerse Industrial Estate | Stirling | FK7 7UW | 01786 468850 | Louise Roberts | | SP2020013457 | Scotia Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011302958 | Forth View Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 14-12-2011 | 6 Sea Road | Methil | Leven | KY8 3DE | 01592 716 500 | Denise Fleming | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011300708 | Forthbank Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Drip Road | Kildean | Stirling | FK8 1RR | 01786 474 745 | Yvonne Graham | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014324305 | Forthill Out of School Club | Day care of children | 16-07-2014 | Forthill Primary School | Fintry Place | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3BE | 01382 731 314 | Nicola Dall | | SP2014012265 | Forthill Out of School Club SCIO | Active | |||
CS2003016936 | Forthill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fintry Place | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3BE | 01382 436 935 | Lorna Robertson | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000269 | Forthland Lodge Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Forthland Lodge Care Centre | 6 Alemoor Park | EDINBURGH | EH7 6US | 0131 5550601 | Wendy Forbes | | SP2021000166 | Forthlands Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003048328 | Forthview Out of School Provision | Day care of children | 19-01-2004 | Forthview Primary School | West Pilton Place | Edinburgh | EH4 4DF | 01313 328 424 | Elizabeth Hargreaves | | SP2003003092 | North Edinburgh Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2003046176 | Forthview Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Forthview Primary School | West Pilton Place | Edinburgh | EH4 4DF | 01313 322 468 | Sharon Mitchell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017130 | Fortrose Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 74 Peel Street | Glasgow | G11 5LR | 01413 391 808 | Alison Campbell | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003003060 | Fortune, Mandy | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Campbeltown | Mandy Fortune | | SP2003901460 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004070243 | Forward Steps Nursery | Day care of children | 23-03-2005 | 59 Northgate Road | Balornock | Glasgow | G21 3QT | 01415 588 815 | Senga Laurie | | SP2004006558 | Forward Steps Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2009234136 | Forward Vision | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 12-07-2010 | Royal Blind School | 43-45 Canaan Lane | Edinburgh | EH10 4SG | 0131 446 3183 | Susan Ralph | | SP2003002572 | Royal Blind Asylum and School Trading as Sight Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2019377682 | FossoPLAY Outdoor Nursery | Day Care of Children | 17-07-2020 | Fossoway Stables | Fossoway | Kinross | KY13 0UP | 07738 682 016 | Christopher McConnell | | SP2019990890 | Christopher McConnell | Active | ||||
CS2003016065 | Fossoway Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Drum | Kinross | KY13 0UL | 01577 867 340 | Paula Woods | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2004083526 | Foster Care Associates Scotland | Fostering services | 22-12-2005 | Pavilion 3 | Gateway Office Park | 7 Cambuslang Way | Glasgow | G32 8ND | 0141 646 1400 | Amanda Lindsay | | SP2004941314 | Core Assets Scotland Limited trading as Foster Care Associates Scotland | Active | |||
CS2018368668 | Foster Care Associates Scotland Adult Placement Service | 18-02-2019 | Pavillion 3 | Gateway Office Park | 7 Cambuslang Way | Glasgow | G32 8ND | 01416 461 400 | Amanda Lindsay | | SP2004941314 | Core Assets Scotland Limited trading as Foster Care Associates Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2005086428 | Foster Care Connect Limited | Fostering services | 30-12-2005 | 42 High Street | Galashiels | TD1 1SE | 01896 751 999 | EVELYN STUART BLACK | | SP2005007159 | Foster Care Connect Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020378673 | Foster Care Connect Limited | Adult Placement Service | 02-07-2020 | 42 High Street | Galashiels | TD1 1SE | 01896 751 999 | Evelyn Stuart Black | | SP2005007159 | Foster Care Connect Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019378597 | Fosterhill | Care Home Service | 05-08-2020 | Fosterhill | Moscow | Galston | KA4 8PJ | 01560 700 539 | Cheryl Gibb | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018367647 | Fostering and Continuing Care Adult Placement Service | 18-04-2019 | 2nd Floor West | Fife House | North Street | Glenrothes | KY7 5LT | 03451 555 555 | Laura Lowrie | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2012311047 | Fostering People Scotland Limited | Fostering services | 12-03-2013 | Unit F, Software Centre | Prospect Business Centre | Gemini Crescent, Dundee Technology Park | Dundee | DD2 1TY | 01382 787480 | Cassie Yeaman | | SP2012011912 | Fostering People Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000182 | Fostering People Scotland Limited | Adult Placement Service | 12-07-2022 | Unit F, Software Centre | Prospect Business Centre | Gemini Crescent, Dundee Technology Park | Dundee | DD2 1TY | 01382 787480 | Cassie Yeaman | | SP2012011912 | Fostering People Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2007145923 | Fostering Relations Ltd | Fostering services | 02-10-2007 | The Hub, 1st Floor | East Gateway | Beancross Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8WH | 01324 464 947 | Lynne Greig | | SP2007008983 | Fostering Relations Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017362489 | Fostering Relations Ltd - Adult Placement Service | 20-06-2018 | The Hub, 1st Floor | East Gateway | Beancroos Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8WH | 01324 464 947 | Lynne Greig | | SP2007008983 | Fostering Relations Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005095790 | Fostering Service - Stornoway | Fostering services | 21-12-2005 | Social Work Department | Sandwick Road | Stornoway | HS1 2BW | 01851 822 748 | Fiona Miller | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2004080743 | Fosterplus (Fostercare) Ltd | Fostering services | 23-12-2005 | Fosterplus Ltd | Unit 7 | 25 Colquhoun Avenue, Hillington Park | GLASGOW | G52 4BN | 0141 457 7127 | Christina Grundy Hoban | | SP2004940167 | Fosterplus (Fostercare) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017362339 | Fosterplus (Fostercare) Ltd Adult Placement Service | 10-07-2018 | Fosterplus Ltd | Unit 7 | 25 Colquhoun Avenue, Hillington Park | GLASGOW | G52 4BN | (0141 457 7127) | Christina Grundy Hoban | | SP2004940167 | Fosterplus (Fostercare) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003009128 | Fotheringhame, Edna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkwall | Edna Fotheringhame | | SP2003905028 | Edna Fotheringhame | Active | ||||||||
CS2004065020 | Foula Nursery 2-5 years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Shetland | Alison McCrory | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015940 | Foulford Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Leuchatsbeath Drive | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9SN | 01383 602 413 | Victoria Cobbett | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000434 | Foundations Matter | Fostering services | 22-11-2024 | G7 Menstrie Business Centre | Elmbank Mill | The Charrier | Menstrie | FK11 7BU | 0191 5656423 | Morag Ranson | | SP2023001449 | Cornerstone North East Adoption and Fostering Service | Active | |||
CS2003016101 | Fountainhall Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Old Stage Road | Fountainhall | Galashiels | TD1 2SY | 01578 760 247 | Susan Anderson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2007142905 | Four Hills Care Home | Care homes for older people | 29-01-2007 | 8 Hazlitt Street | Ruchill | Glasgow | G20 9NU | 01413 368 050 | Eleanor Wilson | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004062575 | Four Square (Scotland) - Follow up | Housing support service | 14-07-2004 | Four Square Hub | 67a Logie Green Road | Edinburgh | EH7 4HF | 01315577901 | Kelly Innes | | SP2004005793 | Four Square (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2018368359 | Four Square (Scotland) - Keymoves | Housing Support Service | 15-07-2019 | Edinburgh | Kelly Innes | | SP2004005793 | Four Square (Scotland) | Active | ||||||||
CS2004062574 | Four Square (Scotland) - Stopover | Housing support service | 14-07-2004 | 2 Cranston Street | EDINBURGH | EH8 8BE | 07887745604 | Kelly Innes | | SP2004005793 | Four Square (Scotland) | Active | |||||
CS2014334475 | Fox Covert Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 13-08-2015 | Clerwood Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 8PG | 01313 393 749 | Janie Jones | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2009193384 | Fox, Angela | Childminding | 28-07-2010 | Glasgow | Angela Fox | | SP2009972763 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003004905 | Foxbar Outreach Childcare Services | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Foxbar Community Building | Spey Avenue | Foxbar | Paisley | PA2 0PA | 01505 815 941 | Johann Carr | | SP2003001031 | Johann Carr trading as Foxbar Outreach Childcare Services | Active | |||
CS2008169073 | Foxhill Cottage | School care accommodation | 01-04-2008 | Stair | Mauchline | KA5 5HW | 01292 591 198 | Rachael Steele | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014783 | Foxlea Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Morar Drive | Paisley | PA2 9FA | 0300 300 1465 | Ashleigh Carson | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2005108224 | Foxley House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 22-12-2005 | 107 Hamilton Road | Mount Vernon | Glasgow | G32 9QN | 01417 631 017 | Mary Fox | | SP2005007828 | Foxcare Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003008526 | Fram House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | High Street | Beauly | IV4 7BT | 01463 783 977 | Mariusz Stefaniak | | SP2003001725 | Nansen Highland | Active | |||||
CS2007159027 | Frame, Lesley Ann | Childminding | 19-03-2008 | Wishaw | Lesley Ann Frame | | SP2007966324 | Frame, Lesley Ann Frame, Lesley Ann | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015792 | Frances Wright Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 28 Ann Street | Dundee | DD3 7DG | 01382 436 406 | Kathleen Calder | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2008185848 | Francis, Mairi | Childminding | 14-04-2009 | Fraserburgh | Mairi Francis | | SP2008971797 | Mairi Francis | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000213 | Fraser Elite | Housing Support Service | 10-07-2023 | Brambly Hedge | Milton Of Culloden | Inverness | IV2 7NU | 01463716796 | Julie Fraser | | SP2020013519 | Fraser Elite Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379919 | Fraser Elite | Support services - care at home | 02-09-2020 | Brambly Hedge | Milton of Culloden | Inverness | IV2 7NU | 01463 716 796 | Julie Fraser | | SP2020013519 | Fraser Elite Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000428 | Fraser Elite Ellon | Support Service | 18-12-2023 | 17 Market Street | Ellon | AB41 9JD | 01358511453 | Jason Kelbie | | SP2020013519 | Fraser Elite Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015336319 | Fraser Home Care | Support services - care at home | 02-11-2015 | Brambly Hedge | Milton of Culloden | Inverness | IV2 7NU | 01463 716 796 | Julie Fraser | | SP2015012463 | Fraser Home Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005101607 | Fraser, Alison | Childminding | 09-12-2005 | Inverness | Alison Fraser | | SP2005949052 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007970 | Fraser, Estelle | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Estelle Fraser | SP2003907754 | Estelle Fraser | Active | |||||||||
CS2008184101 | Fraser, Hazel | Childminding | 12-01-2009 | Muir of Ord | Hazel Fraser | | SP2008971454 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001505 | Fraser, Marie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Marie Fraser | | SP2003900260 | Marie Fraser | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000294 | Fraserburgh Day Opportunities | Support Services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Robertson Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9BF | 01346 515 292 | Kim Green | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015732 | Fraserburgh North School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fraserburgh North School | Finlayson Street | Fraserburgh | AB43 9JR | 01346 518 015 | Carol Downie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015734 | Fraserburgh South Park School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Philorth Avenue | Fraserburgh | AB43 9QB | 01346 415 850 | Vanessa Stephen | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2009235237 | Frattin, Tania | Childminding | 26-08-2010 | Paisley | Tania Frattin | SP2009976468 | Tania Frattin | Active | |||||||||
CS2013318350 | Freckleton, Julie | Childminding | 31-01-2014 | Kilbirnie | Julie Freckleton | | SP2013985043 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365774 | Free Range Kids | 19-06-2018 | Kinross | Sarah Fulke | | SP2018989805 | Sarah Fulke | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366195 | Fresenius Kabi Limited | 17-01-2019 | Cestrian Court | Eastgate Way | Manor Park | Runcorn | WA7 1NT | 01928 533 533 | Charlotte Boddie | | SP2018013114 | Fresenius Kabi Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015919 | Freuchie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lomond Road | Freuchie | Cupar | KY15 7HF | 01334 659 416 | Holly Kirkhope | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000242 | Friends For Life Healthcare Services Ltd | Support Service | 11-07-2024 | 38 Carlisle Road | Birkenshaw | Larkhall | ML9 2TP | 07810628641 | Thobekile Mutezo | | SP2023000601 | Friends For Life Healthcare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000316 | Friendship Rainbow | Day care of children | 02-11-2021 | Portlethen Academy | Portlethen Community Centre | Bruntland Road | Portlethen | AB12 4QL | 07848835925 | | SP2021000196 | Lauren Martin | Active | ||||
CS2003002867 | Friockheim & Kinnell Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Community Wing | Friockheim Primary School | Farnell Road | Arbroath | DD11 4XB | 01241 828 310 | Chelsea Macgregor | | SP2003000561 | Friockheim & Kinnell Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003016852 | Friockheim Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Friockheim Primary School | Friockheim | Arbroath | DD11 4XB | 01241 465 393 | Lorraine Robertson | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000203 | Frogston Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 17-08-2021 | Frogston Primary School | 29 Achnacarry Street | EDINBURGH | EH17 8GP | 0131 529 3738 | Lorraine Lawrie | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004071634 | Frontline Fife Homelessness Services | Housing support service | 25-01-2005 | 57-59 Viewforth Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3DJ | 01592 800 430 | Jackie McDermott | | SP2004006594 | Frontline Fife Homelessness Services | Active | |||||
CS2007156125 | Fulke, Deborah | Childminding | 15-10-2007 | Stirling | Deborah Fulke | | SP2007965818 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016349801 | Fullarton Care Home | 12-10-2017 | Ayr Road | Irvine | KA12 8DF | 01294 273 555 | Charlotte Beaumont | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003004487 | Fullwood Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 4 Hall Street | New Stevenston | Motherwell | ML1 4LX | 01698 832 868 | Amanda McGinn | | SP2003000911 | Amcol Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379542 | Fun After 3 Club | Day Care of Children | 28-07-2020 | c/o St Philomena's Primary School | 35 Robroyston Road | Glasgow | G33 1EA | 07469 929 327 | Lorraine Hillhouse | SP2020013505 | Fun After 3 Club Ltd, a Company Limited by Guarantee | Active | |||||
CS2022000174 | Fun and Grow Childminding Service | Child Minding | 29-06-2022 | GLASGOW | | SP2022000124 | Nadia Khan | Active | |||||||||
CS2018371692 | Fun First Children and Young People's Service - Tayside | Support Service | 01-08-2019 | Suite 4, Kirkton Enterprise Centre | Sir William Smith Road | Kirkton Industrial Estate | Arbroath | DD11 3RD | 07753720190 | Dee McMillan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Inactive | |||
CS2021000080 | Fun Little Education | Day Care of Children | 02-06-2021 | Fun Little Education | Beech House | Quarrywood Court | LIVINGSTON | EH54 6AX | 07729969989 | Paulina Raniszewska | | SP2021000049 | Fun Little Education | Active | |||
CS2010252629 | Fun Lodge Out of School Care | Day care of children | 28-02-2011 | Merrylea Parish Church | 78 Merrylee Road | Newlands | Glasgow | G43 2QZ | 07977 215 652 | Ross Taylor | | SP2010011327 | Fun Lodge Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2023000290 | Fun Time Childminding | Child Minding | 01-09-2023 | Inverness | | SP2023000181 | Claire Horsburgh | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356928 | FunFirst Children and Young People's Service | 25-10-2017 | STEVENSTON | Raymond Brennan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2018363588 | FunFirst Children and Young People's Service-East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire | 07-06-2018 | Ground Floor | 9 Cambuslang Road | Clydesmill Industrial Estate | Cambuslang | G32 8NB | 01415 800 060 | Louise Fee | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003002229 | Fyfe, Ilene | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Ilene Fyfe | | SP2003900866 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015738 | Fyvie School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fyvie Primary School | Main Street | Fyvie | Turriff | AB53 8RD | 01651 891 247 | Kirsty Wilson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2014324721 | G & J Care | Support services - care at home | 29-04-2015 | Buko Tower | Dalton Road | Glenrothes | KY6 2SS | 01592 747 952 | Julie Stevenson | | SP2014012275 | G & J Care Ltd a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2016349917 | G.M Childminding | Childminding | 31-10-2016 | Maybole | Gemma Milligan | | SP2016988355 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014331499 | G.O.L.D. Healthcare Solutions | Nurse agencies | 06-05-2015 | Lyle House | Fairways Business Park | Inverness | IV2 6AA | 01463 216 300 | Sharon Reid | | SP2014012363 | G.O.L.D. Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014324923 | G4 Minders | Childminding | 04-09-2014 | Glasgow | Harriet Bukola Bibilari | | SP2014985802 | Harriet Bibilari | Active | ||||||||
CS2016352748 | G81 Kids Club Ltd | 27-01-2017 | 50 North Elgin Street | Clydebank | G81 1BZ | 07483 835 155 | Nicole Wilson | | SP2016012832 | G81 Kids Club Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003011515 | Gaberston House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Allan Lodge | 1 Hillview Drive | Bridge Of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4BU | Eleanor Trivett | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2004079790 | Gaberston Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 22-10-2004 | 82 Whins Road | Alloa | FK10 3RE | 01259 722 402 | Eleanor Trivett | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2005113507 | Gaberston Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-10-2004 | 82 Whins Road | Alloa | FK10 3RE | 01698 464 020 | Eleanor Trivett | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2014330542 | Gail Glennie Childminding | Childminding | 14-11-2014 | Dunfermline | Gail Glennie | | SP2014986268 | Gail Glennie | Active | ||||||||
CS2018370119 | Gail Scott Childminding Service | 27-11-2018 | Glasgow | Gail Scott | | SP2018990167 | Gail Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367595 | Gainhill Farmhouse | 13-03-2019 | Gainhill Farm | Fenwick | Kilmarnock | KA3 6AP | 01560 600 657 | Lynsey Butler | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003013585 | Gairloch (English) Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gairloch Primary School | Auchtercairn | Gairloch | IV21 2BP | 01445 712 165 | Strav McDonagh | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013586 | Gairloch (Gaelic) Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gairloch Primary School | Auchtercairn | Gairloch | IV21 2BP | 01445 712 165 | Strav McDonagh | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000273 | Gala Green Childminding | Child Minding | 24-08-2023 | Dunbar | | SP2023000171 | Hannah Necic | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000297 | Gala Kids - Childminding Services | Child Minding | 07-09-2023 | Galashiels | | SP2023000188 | Sonia Benhamed | Active | |||||||||
CS2009195945 | Galahill House | Care homes for older people | 27-04-2009 | Barr Road | Galashiels | TD1 3HX | 01896 478800 | Jenny Hunter | | SP2005007720 | Mansfield Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003010293 | Galashiels Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Kirkbrae | Galashiels | TD1 1NJ | 01896 752 414 | Tracey Ann Hair | | SP2003002284 | Pryce & Co Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011280941 | Gallacher, Lesley | Childminding | 28-04-2011 | Paisley | Lesley Gallacher | | SP2011982446 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007155365 | Gallacher, Maxine | Childminding | 07-05-2008 | Coatbridge | Maxine Gallacher | | SP2007965689 | Maxine Gallacher | Active | ||||||||
CS2008169661 | Gallacher, Zara | Childminding | 03-07-2008 | Bathgate | Zara Gallacher | | SP2008968532 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009228873 | Gallagher, Gillian | Childminding | 05-10-2009 | Longniddry | Gillian Gallagher | | SP2010977092 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015886 | Gallatown Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rosslyn Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3AB | 01592 583 483 | Sharon Curran | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015251 | Galleon Centre - Turtles Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 99 Titchfield Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1QY | 01563 524 014 | Ciara Quinn | | SP2005007317 | Kilmarnock Leisure Centre Trust | Active | |||||
CS2003014757 | Gallowhill Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gallowhill Primary School | Netherhill Road | Paisley | PA3 4SF | 03003 000 154 | Sheila Hood | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016950 | Galston Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Western Road | Galston | KA4 8BG | 01563 820 360 | Dawn Waide | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2005090468 | Gamble, Caroline | Childminding | 09-08-2005 | Newton Stewart | Caroline Gamble | | SP2004935275 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008181251 | GAMH Community Support Services | Support services - care at home | 02-04-2009 | St. Andrews By The Green | 33 Turnbull Street | Glasgow | G1 5PR | 01415 525 592 | Margaret McKinlay | | SP2003003727 | Glasgow Association for Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2022000275 | Gaolach House | Care homes for children and young people | 12-09-2022 | Perth | Cloe Forrester | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2024000301 | Gap Homes Stirling | Housing Support Service | 06-08-2024 | 1 - 5 Brae Court | Shirra's Brae Road | Stirling | FK7 0AF | 01324632903 | Kevin Hattam | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003015243 | GAP Mobile Creche | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre | 6-8 Daisy Street | Room 14a | Glasgow | G42 8JL | Jacqueline Gray | | SP2003003422 | GAP Childcare Services | Active | ||||
CS2003015242 | GAP OSC - Daisy Street | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre | 6-8 Daisy Street | Glasgow | G42 8JL | 01414240448 | Jacqueline Gray | | SP2003003422 | GAP Childcare Services | Active | ||||
CS2017362702 | Garden Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 30-04-2018 | Inistrynich | Claddich | Dalmally | PA33 1BQ | 01838 200 874 | Tara Harding | | SP2013012183 | Reflexion Care Group Ltd | Inactive | ||||
CS2019378025 | Garden View | Care Home Service | 23-12-2019 | 92-96 Craw Wood | Tweedbank | Galashiels | TD1 3SU | 01896 753 300 | Brian Paterson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003049073 | Garden, Catherine | Childminding | 19-11-2004 | Leven | Catherine Garden | | SP2004936069 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007148153 | Gardenhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 30-11-2007 | Dalton | Lockerbie | DG11 1DU | 01387 840 197 | Stacy Taylor | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003002550 | Gardenstown Playschool | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bracoden Schoolhouse | Bracoden School | Gardenstown | Banff | AB45 3HA | 01261 851 917 | Pamela Hepburn | | SP2003000426 | Gardenstown Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003005778 | Gardner, Elizabeth Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elizabeth Gardner | | SP2003903430 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000016 | Garelochhead Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 22-01-2023 | Garelochead Primary School | Feorlin Way | Garelochhead | Helensburgh | G84 0DG | 01436810322 | Maria McArthur | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003016951 | Gargieston Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dundonald Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 1UG | 01563 533 067 | Emma Reeves | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005441 | Gargunnock Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gargunnock Community Centre | Leckie Road | Gargunnock | FK8 3BJ | 01786 860 287 | Rabia Aslam | | SP2003001140 | The Committee of Gargunnock Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2020378970 | Garioch Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | Commercial Road | Inverurie | AB51 3TX | 01467 620 202 | Karen Paul | | SP2020013473 | Garioch Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000006 | Garioch Childminding Service | Day Care of Children | 02-04-2021 | Inverurie | | SP2021000004 | Chloe Cheung | Active | |||||||||
CS2004071741 | Garioch Sports Centre Out of School Club | Day care of children | 06-12-2004 | Garioch Sports Centre | Strathburn Park | Burghmuir Drive | Inverurie | AB51 4GY | 01467 626 141 | Danielle Menzies | | SP2004006596 | Garioch Sports Centre | Active | |||
CS2003008940 | Garmouth & Kingston Pre-School Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Garmouth Village Hall & Parish Hall | Spey Street | Garmouth | Fochabers | IV32 7NJ | 01343 870 262 | Jessica Myers | | SP2003001940 | Garmouth & Kingston Pre-school Group | Active | |||
CS2007152265 | Garnock Community Campus | Day care of children | 14-09-2007 | Beith Road | Glengarnock | Beith | KA14 3BF | 01505 682 685 | Alan MacDougall | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379601 | Garnock Lodge | Care Home Service | 24-12-2020 | Boydstone Road | Lochwinnoch | PA12 4JT | 01418 890 044 | Melissa Isaac | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | |||||
CS2018364094 | Garscadden, Charlotte | 14-05-2018 | Lybster | Charlotte Garscadden | | SP2018989657 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003014686 | Gartconner Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gartconner Primary School | Gartshore Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3TH | 01419 552 323 | Lynne McGoldrick | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000118 | Gartloch Village Childminding | Child Minding | 25-04-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000078 | Megan Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015740 | Gartly School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gartly | Huntly | AB54 4QF | 01466 720 270 | Kathryn Douglas | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014729 | Gartocharn ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ross Loan | Gartocharn | Alexandria | G83 8NE | 01389 773 971 | Anne McKerry | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014385 | Garvald Edinburgh - Gorgie Road | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 454/1 Gorgie Road | Edinburgh | EH11 2RN | 01313 374 965 | Alison Aikman | | SP2003003348 | Garvald Edinburgh | Active | |||||
CS2014324298 | Garvald Edinburgh Mayfield House | Support services - not care at home | 24-11-2014 | McSence Business Park | 32 Sycamore Road | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5TA | 01315 412 306 | Swantje Siebke | | SP2003003348 | Garvald Edinburgh | Active | |||
CS2003009176 | Garvald Home Farm | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Dolphinton | West Linton | EH46 7HJ | 01968 682 238 | Elizabeth Nicolson | | SP2003001964 | Garvald Home Farm Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009177 | Garvald West Linton | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Garvald House | Dolphinton | West Linton | EH46 7HJ | 01968 682 211 | Jennifer Crichton | | SP2003001965 | Garvald West Linton Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003009178 | Garvald West Linton Day Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Garvald House | Dolphinton | West Linton | EH46 7HJ | 01968 682 211 | Colin Third | | SP2003001965 | Garvald West Linton Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016348904 | GATE | 07-10-2016 | Donaldson's School | Preston Road | Linlithgow | EH49 6HZ | 01506 841 900 | Alison French | | SP2003002649 | The Governors of the Donaldson Trust | Active | |||||
CS2017354207 | Gate House | 27-03-2018 | 21 Edinburgh Road | Bathgate | EH48 1EX | 01506 652 312 | Emma-May McGarry | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003015482 | Gatehouse Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gatehouse Primary School | Gatehouse of Fleet | Castle Douglas | DG7 2JX | 01557 814 262 | Nikki Smith | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379423 | Gateside Daycare | Child Minding | 27-07-2020 | Tain | Angie Ross | | SP2005944878 | Angie Ross | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017304 | Gateside Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Road | Gateside | Beith | KA15 2LF | 01505 502 776 | Catriona Logan | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073164 | Gateway | Housing support service | 26-08-2004 | David Whyte House | 57 Church Street | Inverness | IV1 1DR | 01463 718 693 | Sonya Kelbie | | SP2004006662 | Highland Homeless Trust | Active | ||||
CS2014332235 | Gateway | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-10-2014 | David Whyte House | 57 Church Street | Inverness | IV1 1DR | 01463 718 693 | Alex Gilchrist | SP2004006662 | Highland Homeless Trust | Active | |||||
CS2017361506 | Gateway Housing Support Service and Care at Home Service | 13-03-2018 | 57 Church Street | Inverness | IV1 1DR | 01463 718 693 | Alexandrina Gilchrist | | SP2004006662 | Highland Homeless Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2017361507 | Gateway Housing Support Service and Care at Home Service | 13-03-2018 | 57 Church Street | Inverness | IV1 1DR | 01463 718 693 | Esther Harding | | SP2004006662 | Highland Homeless Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2019378301 | Gateways Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-12-2020 | Stoneywood Care Services | 3 Stirling Street | Denny | FK6 6EL | 01324 824 015 | Jenny Beirne | | SP2008010065 | Stoneywood Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019378191 | Gateways Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-12-2020 | 40 Glasgow Road | Denny | FK6 5DJ | 01324 824 015 | Jenny Beirne | | SP2008010065 | Stoneywood Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000567 | Gaughan, Sheila | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Sheila Gaughan | | SP2003900093 | Sheila Gaughan | Active | ||||||||
CS2014330974 | Gauld, Kathleen | Childminding | 15-01-2015 | Inverurie | Kathleen Gauld | | SP2014986305 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009193827 | Gault, Wendy | Childminding | 18-03-2009 | Inverurie | Wendy Gault | | SP2009972881 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014730 | Gavinburn ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gavinburn Primary School | Dumbarton Road | Old Kilpatrick | Glasgow | G60 5NE | 01389 804 440 | Lorna Blackhurst | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2013315619 | GCC SWS Homelessness Emergency/Assessment Centre (1) | Housing support service | 22-10-2013 | The Chara Centre | 99 Mansion Street | Glasgow | G22 5LL | 01412 873 032 | Geraldine Lynch/Marion Miller | Marian.Miller @gl | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2013315620 | GCC SWS Homelessness Emergency/Assessment Centre (2) | Housing support service | 22-10-2013 | Elder Street Project | 55 Elder Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 3PX | 01412 766 193 | Marian Miller | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2013315621 | GCC SWS Homelessness Emergency/Assessment Centre (3) | Housing support service | 22-10-2013 | 60 Rodney Street | Possilpark | Glasgow | G4 9SF | 0141 274 1000 | Frank Martin | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004083023 | GCC SWS Hostels and Supported Accommodation Project | Housing support service | 19-05-2005 | The James McLean Project | 10 Oatfield Street | Glasgow | G21 4NT | 01412 740 725 | Gavin Spence | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011280835 | Geeza Break | Housing support service | 25-10-2011 | 1450 / 1456 Gallowgate | Parkhead | Glasgow | G31 4ST | 01415 732 900 | Gillian Middleton | | SP2011011413 | Geeza Break | Active | ||||
CS2017357910 | Geeza Break - Respite Service | 17-05-2018 | 1450/1456 Gallowgate | Parkhead | Glasgow | G31 4ST | 01415 732 900 | Gillian Middleton | | SP2011011413 | Geeza Break | Active | |||||
CS2018370601 | Geeza Break - Sitter Service | 05-02-2019 | 1450 / 1456 Gallowgate | Parkhead | Glasgow | G31 4ST | 01415 732 900 | Gillian Middleton | | SP2011011413 | Geeza Break | Active | |||||
CS2022000103 | Gemma Akel Childminding | Child Minding | 25-04-2022 | Dunfermline | | SP2022000069 | Gemma Akel | Active | |||||||||
CS2017361817 | Gemma Fitzpatrick Childminding Services | 29-01-2018 | Bathgate | Gemma Fitzpatrick | | SP2017989496 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015339770 | Gemma Lander Childminder Service | Childminding | 26-10-2015 | Elgin | Gemma Lander | | SP2015987228 | Gemma Lander | Active | ||||||||
CS2018370495 | Gemma Marshall | 12-02-2019 | Motherwell | Gemma Milne | | SP2018990190 | Gemma Marshall | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376516 | Gemma Reid Childminder | Child Minding | 06-12-2019 | Isle of Arran | Gemma Reid | | SP2019990695 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012313464 | Gemma Robertson | Childminding | 15-05-2013 | Arbroath | Gemma Robertson | | SP2012984302 | Gemma Robertson | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000040 | Gemma's Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-02-2022 | Broxburn | | SP2022000026 | Gemma McCorry | Active | |||||||||
CS2017362146 | Gemmell, Lucy | 01-05-2018 | Musselburgh | Lucy Gemmell | | SP2017989520 | Lucy Gemmell | Active | |||||||||
CS2008188241 | Gemmell, Mary-Anne | Childminding | 16-02-2009 | Irvine | Mary-Anne Gemmell | | SP2008972135 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000283 | Generic - Care at Home - Barra | Support Service | 05-10-2021 | ST BRENDAN'S CARE HOME | CASTLEBAY | ISLE OF BARRA | HS9 5XE | 01871 810465 | Mairi Campbell | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2009229965 | Generic - Care at Home - Lewis | Support services - care at home | 10-06-2009 | Social and Community Care | Comhairle nan Eilean Siar | Sandwick Road | Stornoway | HS1 2BW | 01851 822711 | Elaine McFarlane | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2004085758 | Generic - Care at Home - Uist and Harris | Support services - care at home | 23-02-2005 | Social and Community Care | Comhairle nan Eilean Siar | Balivanich | Isle of Benbecula | HS7 5LA | 01870 604 984 | Christina Macdonald | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2023000003 | Gentle Hands | Support Service | 06-01-2023 | Office 55, | John Smith Business Park, | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6HD | 07366614123 | Hamsa Hasan | | SP2023000001 | Gentle Hands Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012309860 | Geoffrey Leonard Childminder | Childminding | 05-10-2012 | Edinburgh | Geoffrey Leonard | | SP2012983776 | Geoffrey Leonard | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017027 | George Heriot's School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lauriston Place | Edinburgh | EH3 9EQ | 01312 297 263 | Alastair Morrison | | SP2007009285 | George Heriot's School | Active | |||||
CS2006129599 | George Street Project | Housing support service | 12-07-2006 | 587 George Street | Aberdeen | AB25 3XR | 01224 643 262 | Sonya Finlayson | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2009235139 | George Street Project | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-06-2010 | 587 George Street | Aberdeen | AB25 3XR | 01224 643 569 | Sonya Finlayson | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2003016179 | George Watson's College | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lower Primary Building | 67-71 Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH10 5EG | 01314 477 931 | George Salmond | | SP2003003566 | The Merchant Company Education Board | Active | ||||
CS2007148150 | George, Susan | Childminding | 17-10-2007 | Glasgow | Susan George | | SP2008969637 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015483 | Georgetown Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Georgetown Primary School | Gillbrae Road | Dumfries | DG1 4EJ | 01387 264 079 | Asia Daly | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2016350030 | Georgia Park Care Home | 18-01-2017 | Georgia Park Care Home | 151 Greenlees Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8YN | Shirley Curle | | SP2008010039 | Keane Premier Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003012701 | Geraghty, Jill | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Jill Geraghty | | SP2003906420 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014326751 | Geraldine Barr Childminding | Childminding | 12-08-2014 | West Kilbride | Geraldine Barr | | SP2014985994 | Geraldine Barr | Active | ||||||||
CS2011287122 | Gibas, Karen | Childminding | 27-07-2011 | BLAIRGOWRIE | Karen Gibas | | SP2011982415 | Karen Gibas | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003449 | Gibbons, Isabella | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Newmilns | Isabella Gibbons | | SP2003901754 | Isabella Gibbons And Janet Paton Isabella Gibbons And Janet Paton | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017286 | Gibshill Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2 Smillie Street | Greenock | PA15 2NH | 01475 715 707 | Janine Burns | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000254 | Gibson House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 19-08-2022 | Gibson House | Argyle Street | ST. ANDREWS | KY16 9BP | 01334 474665 | Angela O'Kane | | SP2022000172 | The Gibson House St Andrews SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2008177611 | Gibson Training and Care Limited | Housing support service | 30-06-2008 | Unit 12 & 14 Fife Renewable and Innovation Centre | Ajax Way | Methil | Leven | KY8 3RS | 01333 429 443 | Ingrid Roberts/Nicola Lindsay | | SP2008009798 | Gibson Training and Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2008183697 | Gibson Training and Care Limited - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-06-2008 | Unit 12 & 14 Fife Renewable and Innovation Centre | Ajax Way | Methil | Leven | KY8 3RS | 01333 429 443 | Nicola Lindsay | SP2008009798 | Gibson Training and Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014131 | Gibson, Donna | Childminding | 11-10-2002 | Burntisland | Donna Gibson | | SP2003908564 | Donna Gibson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011283 | Gibson, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Karen Gibson | | SP2003905593 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006132966 | Gibson, Louise | Childminding | 16-01-2007 | Hamilton | Louise Gibson | | SP2006960945 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015832 | Giffnock Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Giffnock Primary School | Academy Road | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6JL | 01415 707 180 | Rob Lawson | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2016350640 | Gigglebox Out of School Care | 20-01-2017 | Stanley Primary School | Stanley Road | ARDROSSAN | KA22 7DH | Debrah Devine | | SP2016012787 | Gigglebox Out of School Care Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000220 | Giggles and More Childcare Services | Childcare agencies | 25-06-2024 | 34 Burnside | Dechmont | Broxburn | EH52 6LQ | 07455664311 | Bridget Christie-Gutermann | | SP2024000193 | Giggles and More Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003014645 | Gigha Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gigha Primary School | Isle of Gigha | PA41 7AA | 01583 505 259 | Alexandra Vipurs | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2016350761 | Gilah's Childminding Services | Childminding | 08-11-2016 | Aberdeen | Gilah Cheesewright | | SP2016988462 | Gilah Cheesewright | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003896 | Gilbert, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Fiona Gilbert | | SP2003902099 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009093 | Gilbertson Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Gilbertson Day Centre | off Old Scapa Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1BB | 01856 872 122 | Inga Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014428 | Gilcomstoun School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gilcomstoun Primary School | Skene Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1PG | 01224 642 722 | Suzanne Carson | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2012313805 | Gilda's Childcare | Childminding | 01-08-2013 | Glasgow | Gilda Long | | SP2012984356 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005112250 | Gilfillan, Moira | Childminding | 28-02-2006 | Prestonpans | Moira Gilfillan | | SP2005954725 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016347509 | Gill Clark Childminding | Childminding | 11-08-2016 | Elgin | Gillian Clark | | SP2016988066 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000495 | Gillburn House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Gillburn House | Gillburn road | Dundee | DD3 0AB | 01382 436 580 | Neil Booth | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2009230039 | Gillespie, Marie | Childminding | 08-01-2010 | Glasgow | Marie Gillespie | | SP2009974767 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341665 | Gillian & John Adams Early Learning & Childcare | Childminding | 07-01-2016 | Dundee | Gillian Adams | | SP2015012597 | Gillian & John Adams | Active | ||||||||
CS2016350678 | Gillian Barr Childminder | Childminding | 07-12-2016 | Haddington | Gillian Barr | | SP2016988450 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017362445 | Gillian Birnie Childminding | 04-04-2018 | Ellon | Gillian Birnie | | SP2017989540 | Gillian Birnie | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348173 | Gillian Forrest Childminding | 26-01-2017 | Greenock | Gillian Forrest | SP2017988776 | Gillian Forrest | Active | ||||||||||
CS2014331132 | Gillian Harper Childminder | Childminding | 19-12-2014 | Inverness | Gillian Harper | | SP2014986323 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015343650 | Gillian McLaughlin Childminding | Childminding | 23-02-2016 | Glasgow | Gillian McLaughlin | SP2015987655 | Gillian McLaughlin | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351121 | Gillian McMillan Childminding Services | 06-02-2017 | Glasgow | Gillian McMillan | SP2016988513 | Gillian McMillan | Active | ||||||||||
CS2018363759 | Gillian Morell Childminding | 19-04-2018 | Ardrossan | Gillian Morell | | SP2018989621 | Gillian Morell | Active | |||||||||
CS2016350796 | Gillian Morton's Childminding Service | 30-01-2017 | Edinburgh | Gillian Morton | | SP2016988467 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2016350597 | Gillian Taskin Childminding Service | Childminding | 14-12-2016 | Dalkeith | Gillian Taskin | | SP2016988430 | Gillian Taskin | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000002 | Gillian's Childcare | Care Home Service | 31-03-2021 | COATBRIDGE | | SP2021000001 | Gillian McIndewar | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2017357592 | Gillian's Childminding | 28-11-2017 | Lochgelly | Gillian Watson | | SP2017989132 | Gillian Watson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003156 | Gillies, Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Oban | Anne Gillies | | SP2003901525 | Anne Gillies | Active | ||||||||
CS2019375913 | Gills Gems Childcare | Child Minding | 30-08-2019 | Bathgate | Gillian Bryce | | SP2019990633 | Gillian Bryce | Active | ||||||||
CS2007155979 | Gilluley, Jennifer | Childminding | 10-10-2007 | Kilwinning | Jennifer Gilluley | | SP2007965770 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317405 | Gillybean Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-04-2014 | Bathgate | Gillian Crossan | | SP2013984903 | Gillian Crossan | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000002 | GillzlittleGemz Childcare | Day care of children | 06-01-2023 | West Dunbartonshire Council Social Work | 4 Church Street | Alexandria | G83 0NP | 07551333630 | Gillian McPhee | | SP2015012473 | GillzlittleGemz Childcare Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2003010639 | Gilmerton | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 9 Moredunvale Road | Gilmerton | Edinburgh | EH17 7QU | 01316 723 337 | Victoria Mitrea | | SP2007009144 | Four Seasons Health Care (Scotland) Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Health Care Group | Active | ||||
CS2003015642 | Gilmerton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 66 Gilmerton Dykes Street | Edinburgh | EH17 8PL | 01316 641 202 | Susan Robertson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2013315264 | Gilmerton Neurological Care Centre | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 18-03-2014 | 9 Moredunvale Road | Moredun | Edinburgh | EH17 7QU | 01316 723 337 | Victoria Mitera | | SP2007009144 | Four Seasons Health Care (Scotland) Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Health Care Group | Active | ||||
CS2005110549 | Gilmour, Catherine | Childminding | 05-04-2006 | Bathgate | Catherine Gilmour | | SP2005953429 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011706 | Gilston, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Castle Douglas | Lynn Gilston | | SP2003905805 | Lynn Gilston | Active | ||||||||
CS2018372424 | Gilven House - Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 27-06-2019 | 22 Iona Park | Glenrothes | KY7 6NU | 01592 744 849 | Christine Westwater | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011822 | Gingerbread - Dalry | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalry Primary School | 4 Cathcart Place | Edinburgh | EH11 2JB | 07553195856 | Lucy MacDonald | | SP2003002804 | Gingerbread Edinburgh and Lothian Project Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003011995 | Gingerbread - Lorne | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lorne After School Club | Lorne Street Primary School | Lorne Street | Edinburgh | EH6 8QS | 07825925849 | Carolina Cacharro Hernandez | | SP2003002804 | Gingerbread Edinburgh and Lothian Project Limited | Active | |||
CS2003006289 | Gingerbread East End | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Out Of School Care | 128 Armadale Street | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 2TL | 01415 548 600 | Stephen McCulloch | | SP2003001419 | Gingerbread East End Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2003011833 | Gingerbread Tollcross ASC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tollcross Primary School | 117 Fountainbridge | Edinburgh | EH3 9QG | 07825925848 | Nicola MacKay | | SP2003002804 | Gingerbread Edinburgh and Lothian Project Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006131044 | Gingerbread-St Cuthbert's ASC | Day care of children | 16-01-2007 | 9 Hutchison Crossway | Edinburgh | EH14 1RP | 07825925850 | Natasha Bellington | | SP2003002804 | Gingerbread Edinburgh and Lothian Project Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017361629 | Gingersnaps Daycare | 26-02-2018 | Aberdeen | Nicola MacPherson | | SP2017989480 | Nicola MacPherson | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000354 | Giorgia's Childminding | Child Minding | 12-09-2024 | Helensburgh | | SP2024000424 | Giorgia Conwell | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000346 | Giraffe Childminding | Child Minding | 15-11-2022 | Newmilns | | SP2022000230 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003004330 | Girdle Toll Out of School Care (Annick) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Annick Primary School | Benslie Rise | Girdle Toll | Irvine | KA11 1BQ | 07790 604 796 | Gillian Slaven | | SP2003000879 | Girdle Toll Out Of School Care | Active | |||
CS2013315040 | Girdle Toll Out of School Care (Ardeer) | Day care of children | 26-07-2013 | Ardeer Neighbourhood Centre | Shore Road | Stevenston | KA20 3LA | 01294 211 654 | Gillian Slaven | | SP2003000879 | Girdle Toll Out Of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2003004353 | Girdle Toll Out of School Care (Lawthorn) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lawthorn Primary School | Lochlibo Road | Lawthorn | Irvine | KA11 2AY | 07855 611 954 | Gillian Slaven | | SP2003000879 | Girdle Toll Out Of School Care | Active | |||
CS2003017397 | Girvan Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wesley Road | Girvan | KA26 9DD | 01465 716 802 | Alison Milroy | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003049403 | Girvan Opportunities | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | The Carrick Opportunities Building | Henrietta Street | Girvan | KA26 9AL | 01465 712 730 | Callum Nicholson | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009094 | Glaitness Centre (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 33 Queen Sonja Kloss | Kirkwall | KW15 1FJ | 01856 871 960 | Inga Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016047 | Glaitness School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pickaquoy Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1RP | 01856 873648 | Catherine Smith | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015768 | Glamis Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glamis Primary School | Dundee Road | Glamis | Forfar | DD8 1RJ | 01307 494256 | Scott Gordon | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2007158967 | Glancey, Angela | Childminding | 05-02-2008 | Bellshill | Angela Bogle | | SP2007966316 | Angela Glancey | Active | ||||||||
CS2004072162 | Glasgow Area 1 | Housing support service | 24-11-2004 | Community Integrated Care | 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 0141 419 9401 | Anita Carvalho | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2004072163 | Glasgow Area 1 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-11-2004 | Community Integrated Care | 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 199 401 | Anita Carvalho | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2004073808 | Glasgow Area 2 | Housing support service | 24-11-2004 | Community Integrated Care | 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 199 401 | Richard Doyle | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2004073809 | Glasgow Area 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-11-2004 | Community Integrated Care | 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 199 401 | Richard Doyle | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2004074647 | Glasgow Association for Mental Health | Housing support service | 13-09-2004 | St. Andrews by The Green | 33 Turnbull Street | Glasgow | G1 5PR | 01415 525 592 | Margaret McKinlay | | SP2003003727 | Glasgow Association for Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004082457 | Glasgow City Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 21-12-2005 | Ladywell Business Centre | 94 Duke Street | Glasgow | G4 0UW | 0141 276 5555 | Joanne Bradley | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004082461 | Glasgow City Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 21-12-2005 | Ladywell Business Centre | 94 Duke Street | Glasgow | G4 0UW | 0141 276 5555 | Mairead Fagan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2018367708 | Glasgow City Council, Social Work Services, Home Care Service - North East | 01-10-2018 | 100 Borron Street | Glasgow | G4 9XE | 01413 539 000 | Yvonne Kelly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2018367707 | Glasgow City Council, Social Work Services, Home Care Service - North East | 01-10-2018 | 100 Borron Street | Glasgow | G4 9XE | 01413 539 000 | Yvonne Kelly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2018367673 | Glasgow City Council, Social Work Services, Home Care Service - North West | 01-10-2018 | 100 Borron Street | Glasgow | G4 9XE | 01413 539 000 | Yvonne Rice | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2018367675 | Glasgow City Council, Social Work Services, Home Care Service - North West | 01-10-2018 | 100 Borron Street | Glasgow | G4 9XE | 01413 539 000 | Yvonne Rice | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2018367706 | Glasgow City Council, Social Work Services, Home Care Service - South | 01-10-2018 | 100 Borron Street | Glasgow | G4 9XE | 01413 539 000 | Irene Johnston | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2018367699 | Glasgow City Council, Social Work Services, Home Care Service - South | 01-10-2018 | 100 Borron Street | Glasgow | G4 9XE | 01413 539 000 | Irene Johnston | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003006236 | Glasgow Clyde College | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 690 Mosspark Drive | Glasgow | G52 3AY | 01413576152 | Kimberley Scobbie | | SP2003001394 | Glasgow Clyde College | Active | |||||
CS2004070598 | Glasgow Connect | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-08-2004 | 252 Keppochhill Road | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01419 541 010 | Elizabeth Redpath | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2004070367 | Glasgow Connect | Housing support service | 21-08-2004 | 252 Keppochill Road | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01419 541 010 | Elizabeth Redpath | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2020379408 | Glasgow East Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-09-2020 | 1st Floor | Flat 2 | 69 Glamis Road | Glasgow | G31 4BQ | 01418 916 050 | Lisa Channing | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||
CS2004074349 | Glasgow East End Community Carers | Support services - care at home | 10-10-2005 | 26 Penston Road | Glasgow | G33 4AG | 01417 640 550 | Carol Stewart | | SP2004006714 | Glasgow East End Community Carers Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016352807 | Glasgow East End Community Carers | 20-03-2017 | 26 Penston Road | Glasgow | G33 4AG | 01417 640 550 | Carol Stewart | | SP2004006714 | Glasgow East End Community Carers Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2020379409 | Glasgow East Housing Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-09-2020 | 1st Floor | Flat 2 | 69 Glamis Road | Glasgow | G31 4BQ | 01418 916 050 | Lisa Channing | | SP2003000176 | Blackwood Homes and Care | Active | |||
CS2004061441 | Glasgow Flexible Housing Support Service South | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | 209 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 1HJ | 01414 194 520 | William McKay | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2006123591 | Glasgow Gaelic Out of School Care | Day care of children | 21-08-2006 | 147 Berkeley Street | Glasgow | G3 7HP | 01416 440 111 | Lindsay Smith | | SP2004004956 | Primary Playcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006123569 | Glasgow Gaelic School Nursery Sgoil Araich Sgoil Ghà idhlig | Day care of children | 18-08-2006 | 147 Berkeley Street | Glasgow | G3 7HP | 01412 768 500 | Nellie MacIntyre | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2016348145 | Glasgow Homecare Limited t/a Home Instead | 10-11-2016 | Home Instead S U R Group | Key House | 18 Seaward Place | Glasgow | G41 1HH | 01414 045 160 | Rod Lauder | | SP2016012741 | Glasgow Homecare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014331859 | Glasgow Housing First Support Service | Housing support service | 28-11-2014 | Laurieston Centre | 39 South Portland Street | Glasgow | G5 9JL | 01414 182 720 | Elizabeth Pugh | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | ||||
CS2004076511 | Glasgow Housing Support and Care at Home Service | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Foundation Project | 200 Stevenson Street | Glasgow | G40 2RW | 01415 544 122 | Alanna Louden | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2004076514 | Glasgow Housing Support and Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-09-2004 | Foundation Project | 200 Stevenson Street | Glasgow | G40 2RW | 01415 544 122 | Alanna Louden | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2016350870 | Glasgow Mental Health and Huntingtons Service | 23-06-2017 | The Circle 69-71 Aberdalgie Rd, G34 9HJ | EasterHouse | Glasgow | G34 9HJ | 0141 781 1496 | Lyndsy McGuigan | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004081914 | Glasgow Personalisation Service | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | 1/2 | 11 Orkney Street | Glasgow | G51 2BZ | 0141 530 1314 | Philip Coupe | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004081916 | Glasgow Personalisation Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | 1/2 | 11 Orkney Street | Glasgow | G51 2BZ | 01415 301 314 | Phil Coupe | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2021000303 | Glasgow Residential Stabilisation Service | Housing support service | 26-10-2021 | Turning Point Scotland | 112 Commerce Street | GLASGOW | G5 8DW | 01419480092 | Karen McAlaney | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004073020 | Glasgow Services | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Cornerstone | 4th Floor | Doges, Templeton on the Green | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 378 0700 | Susan Morrison | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2004073022 | Glasgow Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-09-2004 | Cornerstone | 4th Floor | Doges, Templeton on the Green | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01413 780 700 | Susan Morrison | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2003054036 | Glasgow Simon Community - Housing Support Branch | Housing support service | 06-04-2005 | 472 Ballater Street | Gorbals | Glasgow | G5 0QW | 01414 186 980 | Kaye McFall | | SP2003000169 | Simon Community Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004059281 | Glasgow SOLE | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Quarriers Regional Office | 252 Keppochhill Road | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01419 541 010 | Tracy Kelly | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2004073430 | Glasgow SOLE | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-10-2004 | Quarriers Regional Office | 252 Keppochhill Road | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01419 541 010 | Robert Speirs | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2023000171 | Glasgow South East Registration 1 | Housing Support Service | 08-06-2023 | Living Ambitions | Block 1 Unit B3 | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | GLASGOW | G40 1DA | 0141 3201904 | Grace Wright | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000172 | Glasgow South East Registration 1 | Support Service | 08-06-2023 | Living Ambitions | Block 1 Unit B3 | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 3201904 | Grace Wright | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000181 | Glasgow South East Registration 2 | Housing Support Service | 14-06-2023 | Living Ambitions | Block 1 Unit B3, Templeton Business Centre | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 3201904 | Sanchia Daly | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000180 | Glasgow South East Registration 2 | Support Service | 14-06-2023 | Living Ambitions | Block 1 Unit B3, Templeton Business Centre | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 3201904 | Sanchia Daly | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000185 | Glasgow South East Registration 4 | Support Service | 16-06-2023 | Living Ambitions | Block 1 Unit B3 Templeton Business Centre | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 3201904 | Allison Mclauchlan | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000186 | Glasgow South East Registration 4 | Housing Support Service | 16-06-2023 | Living Ambitions | Block 1 Unit B3 Templeton Business Centre | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 3201904 | Allison Mclauchlan | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004071962 | Glasgow Supported Living Project | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | Craighall Business Park | 7 Eagle Street | Glasgow | G4 9XA | 01412 707 268 | Margaret Dawson | | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | ||||
CS2004084660 | Glasgow Supported Living Project | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-01-2005 | Craighall Business Park | 7 Eagle Street | Glasgow | G4 9XA | 01412 707 268 | Margaret Dawson | | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | ||||
CS2019373513 | Glasgow University Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-09-2019 | 28 Hillhead Street | Glasgow | G12 8PZ | 01413 344 650 | Caroline McVeigh | | SP2019013266 | Childcare Scotland Properties Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008171837 | Glasgow Women's Aid Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 17-06-2008 | Glasgow | Lesley Munro | | SP2003001269 | Glasgow Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2019378236 | Glasgow Youth Service | Housing Support Service | 11-05-2020 | 75 Muirshiel Crescent | Glasgow | G53 6QU | 01418 814 402 | Sharon Corr | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2003015697 | Glashieburn School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Jesmond Drive | Bridge Of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8UR | 01224 704 476 | Laura McKenzie | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016313 | Glass School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glass School | Glass | Huntly | AB54 4YA | 01466 405 935 | Tracy Buckley | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017354628 | Glebe House Care Home | 21-06-2018 | Cumnock Road | Dalmellington | Ayr | KA6 7PS | 01292 551 289 | Shirley Johnston | | SP2014012273 | West Coast Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000706 | Glebelands Out Of School Care Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glebelands Primary School | Baffin Street | Dundee | DD4 6EZ | 07729 614 989 | Ryan Dignan | | SP2003000117 | Glebelands Out Of School Care Club | Active | ||||
CS2003016937 | Glebelands Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Baffin Street | Dundee | DD4 6EZ | 01382 438 854 | Michelle Macleod | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013640 | Gledfield Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gledfield Primary School | Church Street | Ardgay | IV24 3BN | 01863 766 580 | Ruth McCarthy | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2012307214 | Glen Centre | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | 17 Kinveachy Gardens | Aviemore | PH22 1RX | 01479 812 931 | Patricia Sime | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003011221 | Glen Ellrigg Childcare | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Elizabeth Carey | | SP2003905531 | Elizabeth Carey | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017005 | Glen Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodfarm Road | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 7JJ | 0141 570 7510 | Christine Bell | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003036328 | Glen, Lynn | Childminding | 23-07-2003 | Dumbarton | Lynn Glen | | SP2004006904 | Lynn Glen | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2009233966 | Glen, Michele | Childminding | 26-05-2010 | Glasgow | Michele Glen | | SP2009975999 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006118272 | Glenalmond College | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Glenalmond | Perth | PH1 3RY | 01738 842 143 | Mark Mortimer | | SP2006008263 | Glenalmond College | Active | |||||
CS2016344000 | Glenbervie Care Home | 08-12-2016 | Glenbervie Business Park | Bellsdyke Road | Larbert | FK5 4RB | 01324 461322 | Julie Grant | | SP2016012646 | Glenbervie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015337214 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Brightons | Day care of children | 18-08-2015 | Rough Haugh Farm | Sunnyside Road | Brightons | Falkirk | FK2 0RN | 01324 712 888 | Rachel Ramsay | | SP2013012234 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015337216 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Carrongrove | Day care of children | 26-10-2015 | Unit 4 | Carrongrove Road | Falkirk | FK2 8NZ | 01324 555 551 | Maureen Carson | | SP2013012234 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017357180 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Larbert | 27-11-2017 | Graham Avenue | Larbert | FK5 4PF | 01324 555 335 | Wendy Phillips | | SP2013012234 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003016321 | Glenbrae Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Kilmacolm Road | Greenock | PA15 3DE | 01475 714 987 | Craig Scott | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015328 | Glenburgh Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 73 High Street | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 1JY | 01416 478 914 | Ashley Rafferty | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014784 | Glenburn Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Colonsay Road | Glenburn | Paisley | PA2 8HH | 03003001466 | Fiona Myles | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015562 | Glenburn Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New Hallglen Road | Hallglen | Falkirk | FK1 2AF | 01324 629 410 | Nicola Mackison | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003039139 | Glenburnie Care Home | Care homes for older people | 20-03-2003 | Lower Scoonie | Leven | KY8 4SX | 01333 422 243 | Susanna Gormley | | SP2004006919 | Glenburnie Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017360139 | Glenburnie House | 20-12-2017 | Dalry Road | Kilwinning | KA13 6PJ | 01294 551 097 | Clair Kennedy | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2018368569 | Glencairn | 20-12-2018 | 8 Chalmers Crescent | Edinburgh | EH9 1TR | 01316 510 930 | Jozi Stables | | SP2018013160 | Renaissance Care (No 6) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003009754 | Glencairn House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 178 High Street | Auchterarder | PH3 1AD | 01764 662 568 | Susan Hewitt | | SP2005007541 | Mailler & Whitelaw Trust | Active | |||||
CS2003015396 | Glencairn Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glencairn Street | Motherwell | ML1 1TT | 07583122840 | Sarah Reilly | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017305 | Glencairn Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New Street | Stevenston | KA20 3HQ | 01294 464 376 | Lynda Rogerson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016351379 | Glencoats Lodge Nursery | 15-02-2017 | 29 Blackstoun Road | Paisley | PA3 1LU | 01418 487 600 | Emma Carlton | | SP2008009795 | Collin Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2013317140 | Glencoats Out of School Care | Day care of children | 03-07-2013 | Gallowill Community Centre | Netherhill Road | Paisley | PA3 4RF | 01418 481 904 | Joanne Blair | | SP2013984867 | Lorraine McGrath trading as Glencoats Out of Schoo | Active | ||||
CS2006130205 | Glencruitten Hostel | School care accommodation | 01-04-2006 | Dalintart Drive | Oban | PA34 4EF | 01631 562 895 | Susan Robison | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003007571 | Glendale Lodge | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 11 Forest Road | Townhill | Dunfermline | KY12 0ET | 01383 728 166 | Pauline Wilson | | SP2003001663 | Glendale Lodge | Active | ||||
CS2003017348 | Glendee Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glendee Road | Renfrew | PA4 0AD | 03003001467 | Gillian Kinnear | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003043647 | Glendevon Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glendevon Drive | Maddiston | Falkirk | FK2 0GT | 01324 506 752 | Lindsey Thompson | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016100 | Glendinning Terrace Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glendinning Terrace | Galashiels | TD1 2JW | 01896 753 104 | Nichola McCall | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003009255 | Glendinning, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Galashiels | Karen Glendinning | | SP2003908030 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009736 | Gleneagles Day Opportunities | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Gleneagles Road | Perth | PH2 0AW | 01738 472 345 | Celina Bell | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017212 | Glenelg Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenelg Primary School | Kyle | IV40 8LA | 01599 522 252 | Kate MacArthur | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001322 | Glenfairn House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 28 Racecourse Road | Ayr | KA7 2UX | 01292 610 770 | Kerry Doherty | | SP2003000269 | Glenfairn Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003010201 | Glenfield | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Bedford Street | Greenock | PA16 8PG | 01475 721 028 | Alison Shaw | | SP2003002221 | Greenock Medical Aid Society | Active | |||||
CS2003014785 | Glenfield Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Langcraigs Primary School | Glenfield Road | Paisley | PA2 8QE | 01416 183 620 | Laura Macleod | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379342 | Glengeith Farmhouse | Care Home Service | 27-04-2020 | Glengeith Farmhouse | Elvanfoot | Abington | ML12 6TF | 0141 674 3286 | Peter Summers | | SP2016012716 | BDT CARE SOLUTIONS LTD | Active | ||||
CS2003015376 | Glengowan Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Drumfin Avenue | Caldercruix | Airdrie | ML6 7QP | 01236 632 154 | Rhona Morrison | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377637 | Glengowan Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 08-10-2020 | Summerlee Road | Larkhall | ML9 2UH | 01698 882 208 | Graeme Murray | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005000 | Gleniffer Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Floors Street | Johnstone | PA5 8PD | 01505 342 053 | Danielle McKinnon | | SP2003001056 | Gleniffer Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003008821 | Glenisla Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Banff Road | Keith | AB55 5GT | 01542 882 925 | Brenda Harper | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004081246 | Glenlaw House | Care homes for children and young people | 25-05-2006 | 10 Hospital Street | Dundee | DD3 8DL | 01382 424 184 | Dawn McFawns | | SP2004006958 | NHS Tayside | Active | |||||
CS2003015295 | Glenlee Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Anderson Street | Burnbank | Hamilton | ML3 0QR | 01698 823 343 | Ashley Vaughan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008184419 | Glenlivet Gardens Care Home | Care homes for older people | 29-04-2009 | 30 Glenlivet Place | Darnley | Glasgow | G53 7LA | 01416 385 632 | Angela Essler | | SP2008010034 | JSL Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015486 | Glenluce Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenluce Primary School | Glenluce | Newton Stewart | DG8 0JE | 01581 300 351 | shona maginess | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000060 | Glenlyon | Care Home Service | 19-05-2021 | 32 Glenlyon Road | LEVEN | KY8 4AA | 07427162203 | Stacey Swan | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016079 | Glenlyon Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenlyon Primary School | Glenlyon | Aberfeldy | PH15 2PP | 01887 866 223 | Richard Brocklehurst | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016811 | Glenmanor Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenmanor Avenue | Moodiesburn | Glasgow | G69 0JA | 01236 632 056 | Sharon McIlroy | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006820 | Glenmar | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 34 Prestonhall Road | Glenrothes | KY7 5RL | 07884433554 | Lesley Houghton | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2018365961 | Glennie House | 04-12-2018 | William McComb Court | Auchinleck | Cumnock | KA18 2HH | 01290 794 411 | Jennifer Karimlar | | SP2018013105 | MMCG (2) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018365629 | Glenochar | 09-07-2018 | Glenochar | Elvanfoot | Biggar | ML12 6TH | 0141 674 3256 | Kim Cavanagh | | SP2016012716 | BDT CARE SOLUTIONS LTD | Active | |||||
CS2003015998 | Glenpark Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenpark Early Learning Centre | Madeira Street | Greenock | PA16 7XF | 01475 715 620 | Gaynor Wiggins | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2010272012 | Glens Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | 18 - 20 Church Street | Edzell | Brechin | DD9 7TQ | 01356 648 888 | Emma Shand | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017886 | Glenurquhart Centre (Support Service) | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 31 Coiltie Crescent | Drumnadrochit | Inverness | IV63 6TR | +441456459077 | Michelle Graham-Taylor | | SP2003001700 | GlenUrquhart Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2003008606 | Glenurquhart Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenurquhart High School | Pitkerrald Road | Drumnadrochit | Inverness | IV63 6XA | 01456 450 679 | Sian Tembo | | SP2003001792 | Glenurquhart Childcare Centre | Active | |||
CS2010252694 | Glenview Cottage Nursery | Day care of children | 21-09-2010 | 20 Ochil Street | Tullibody | Alloa | FK10 2PT | 01259 212 449 | Heather O'Hagan | | SP2010010990 | Glenview Development Partners Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016166 | Glenvue Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dedridge East | Livingston | EH54 6JQ | 01506 412 830 | Kathryn French | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017634 | Glenwood Day Care Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 160 Castlemilk Drive | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9UE | 01412 768 982 | Carolyn Fay Fox | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014614 | Glenwood Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rouken Glen Road | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6UG | 01415 707 520 | Lorraine Brown | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000197 | Global Healthcare 747 Ltd | Nurse Agency | 29-06-2023 | Technology house | 9 Newton Place | Glasgow | G3 7PR | 07936517090 | Janet Decourt | | SP2023000124 | UN1TY 2 LTD | Active | ||||
CS2007164062 | GMD Community Services | Housing support service | 23-08-2011 | Unit 50 Fountain Business Centre | Ellis Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3AA | 01236 426 892 | Karen Dunn | | SP2007009392 | GMD Community Services | Active | ||||
CS2011281803 | GMD Community Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-08-2011 | Unit 50 Fountain Business Centre | Ellis street | Coatbridge | ML5 3AA | 01236 426 892 | Karen Dunn | | SP2007009392 | GMD Community Services | Active | ||||
CS2003011431 | GO Kids Comely Park | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Comely Park Primary School | Cow Wynd | Falkirk | FK1 1PZ | 07762082764 | Stephanie McCairns | | SP2003002658 | Great Oaks Kids Club (G.O. Kids) | Active | ||||
CS2007151911 | Go Kids Kinnaird | Day care of children | 20-08-2007 | Kinnaird Primary School | McIntyre Avenue | Rae Street | Larbert | FK5 4TQ | 07902087229 | Stephanie McCairns | | SP2003002658 | Great Oaks Kids Club (G.O. Kids) | Active | |||
CS2003015501 | Go Kids St Margaret's | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Margarets Primary School | Salmon Inn Road | Polmont | Falkirk | FK2 0XF | 07751365335 | Stephanie McCairns | | SP2003002658 | Great Oaks Kids Club (G.O. Kids) | Active | |||
CS2003011352 | Go Kids Victoria | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Victoria Primary School | Middlefield Road | Falkirk | FK2 9DH | 07923655224 | Stephanie McCairns | | SP2003002658 | Great Oaks Kids Club (G.O. Kids) | Active | ||||
CS2018365825 | Go Ye Healthcare | 21-11-2018 | 609 Sentinel House | Peel Street | Eccles | Manchester | M30 0NJ | 01612 228 998 | Marivic Quiazon | SP2018013098 | Go Ye Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014332671 | Go2 Support Service | Support services - care at home | 19-03-2015 | 100 Morrin Street | Springburn | Glasgow | G21 1AW | 01415 587 575 | Ainsley Carmichael | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2004077396 | Godsman, Kate | Childminding | 11-02-2005 | Ellon | Kate Godsman | | SP2004934531 | Kate Godsman | Active | ||||||||
CS2016348195 | Gold Healthcare | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-11-2016 | Gold Healthcare Solutions | Pavilion 5 | Fairways Business Park | Inverness | IV26AA | 01463 216 300 | Louise Heddle | | SP2014012363 | G.O.L.D. Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2016348196 | Gold Healthcare | 24-11-2016 | Lyle House | Fairways Business Park | Inverness | IV2 6AA | 01463 216 300 | Louise Heddle | | SP2014012363 | G.O.L.D. Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013317206 | Gold Star Daycare | Childminding | 24-03-2014 | Hamilton | Zara-Jayne Hill | | SP2013984875 | Zara-Jayne Hill | Active | ||||||||
CS2010272113 | Goldie, Victoria | Childminding | 25-02-2011 | Cupar | Victoria Goldie | | SP2010979632 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306097 | Goldielea Care Home | Care homes for older people | 19-09-2012 | Dalbeattie Road | Dumfries | DG2 7PE | 01387 730 471 | Tanya Allan | | SP2012011762 | Goldielea Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017361011 | Golfhill Care Home | 20-12-2017 | 35 Hanson Street | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 2HG | 01415 502 662 | Angela Burns | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017213 | Golspie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Golspie Primary School | Back Road | Golspie | KW10 6RW | 01408 633 520 | Sarah Evans | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2012308171 | Good Shepherd Centre Bishopton | Secure accommodation service | 30-08-2013 | Good Shepherd Centre Secure Unit | Greenock Road | Bishopton | PA7 5PW | 01505 864 500 | Louise Morrison | | SP2012011829 | The Good Shepherd Centre Bishopton | Active | ||||
CS2020000012 | Goodfellow Childminding | Child Minding | 26-11-2020 | Anytown | | SP2020000012 | Linda Goodfellow | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017333 | Goodlyburn and City of Perth Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Goodlyburn Primary School | Crieff Road | Perth | PH1 2NT | 01738 454 230 | Laura Knoyle | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002632 | Gordon Park Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cricket Pavillion | Gordon Park | Ellon | AB41 9GN | 01358 722 234 | Maryanne Leask | | SP2003000498 | Gordon Park ELC | Active | ||||
CS2003048156 | Gordon Primary School Nursery - Gordon | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gordon Primary School | Gordon | TD3 6LW | 01573 410 245 | Charlotte Shortel | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015741 | Gordon Primary School Nursery - Huntly | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gordon Primary School | Castle Street | Huntly | AB54 4SE | 01466 405 910 | Tracey Henderson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003007698 | Gordon, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverkeithing | Ann Gordon | | SP2003904630 | Ann Gordon | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012595 | Gordon, Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Anne Gordon | SP2003906317 | Gordon, Ms Anne Gordon, Ms Anne | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310591 | Gordon, Janice | Childminding | 17-09-2012 | Aberlour | Janice Gordon | | SP2012983888 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005100552 | Gordon, Laura | Childminding | 04-11-2005 | Prestwick | Laura Gordon | | SP2005948600 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001744 | Gordon, Richard & Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Margaret Gordon | | SP2003900451 | Margaret and Richard Gordon, a partnership Margaret and Richard Gordon, a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2006117721 | Gordonstoun School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Gordonstoun Schools Ltd | Elgin | IV30 5RF | 01343 837 837 | Simon Cane-Hardy | | SP2006008231 | Gordonstoun Schools Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000454 | Gore Glen After School Care | Day care of children | 10-12-2024 | Whitehouse Way | Gorebridge | EH23 4FP | 07849 701048 | Megan Hall | | SP2015012614 | Gorebridge Out of School Care a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2016347684 | Gore Glen Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 17-08-2016 | Gore Glen Primary School | Whitehouse Way | Gorebridge | EH23 4FP | 01314 449 026 | Amy Milne | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013422 | Gorebridge Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gorebridge Beacon | 80b Hunterfield Road | Gorebridge | EH23 4TT | 01875 822 428 | Melissa Stewart | | SP2003003175 | Midlothian Sure Start | Active | ||||
CS2015342504 | Gorebridge Out of School Care | 22-02-2017 | Gorebridge Primary School | 2C Barleyknowe Lane | Gorebridge | EH23 4XA | 07849701048 | Megan Hall | | SP2015012614 | Gorebridge Out of School Care a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2007157189 | Gorebridge Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 28-01-2008 | 2c Barleyknowe Lane | Gorebridge | EH23 4XA | Stephanie Palmer | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||||
CS2006119645 | Gorman, Alison | Childminding | 05-10-2007 | Glasgow | Alison Gorman | | SP2006959178 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000447 | Gortanvogie Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Gortanvogie Road | Bowmore | Isle of Islay | PA43 7JB | 01496 810 338 | Diane McMillan | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2018367870 | Gosia Childminding Service | 17-10-2018 | Kirkcaldy | Malgorzata Marcinkiewicz | | SP2018989993 | Malgorzata Marcinkiewicz | Active | |||||||||
CS2008180744 | Goudie, Kerry | Childminding | 06-02-2009 | Renfrew | Kerry Goudie | | SP2008970719 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009235494 | Gough, Grace | Childminding | 06-10-2010 | Glasgow | Grace Gough | | SP2009976566 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014826 | Govan Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pirrie Park Campus | 337 Langlands Road | Glasgow | G51 4AW | 01414 451 817 | Catherine Leese | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000427 | Govanhill Nursery | Day Care of Children | 15-12-2023 | 335 Allison Street | Glasgow | G42 8HH | +447734348212 | Farah Moughal | | SP2023000449 | Govanhill Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005088590 | Gove, Susan | Childminding | 10-06-2005 | Elgin | Susan Gove | | SP2005944984 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011516 | Gowanlea | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 4 New Road | Bannockburn | Stirling | FK7 8LW | 01786 811460 | Fiona Whittaker | | SP2003002698 | Gowanlea | Active | ||||
CS2003017637 | Gowanlea Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 50 Holmhead | Kilbirnie | KA25 6BS | 01505 684 985 | Louise Andrews | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005897 | Gowanlea Private Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 37 - 41 Garscadden Road | Old Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 6UH | 01419 443 877 | Siobhan Gillies | | SP2003001263 | V.L. Kinder Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003004450 | Gower, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bellshill | Margaret Gower | | SP2003902504 | Margaret Gower | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379154 | Gowrie House Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 18-20 West Albert Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1DL | 01592 597 066 | Gwyneth Christie | | SP2020013482 | Gowrie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015339680 | Grace's Childminding | Childminding | 23-09-2015 | Broxburn | Grace McGhee | | SP2015987213 | Grace McGhee | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000766 | Graceland | Care homes for older people | 30-08-2002 | 1A Auchencar Drive | Altonhill | Kilmarnock | KA3 1PX | 01563 542 342 | Caroline Brodie | | SP2008010026 | Graceland Nursing Home Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015859 | Gracemount Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Gracemount House Drive | Edinburgh | EH16 6FD | 01316 642 331 | Lesley Boyd | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2014334266 | Gracie Drew Private Nursery | Day care of children | 21-05-2015 | 5 Robison Drive | Dumfries | DG2 7RR | 01387320280 | Lyndsey Luxton | | SP2014012413 | Rachael Boyle and Tamsin Beattie a Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2018365592 | Graham, Helen | 10-10-2018 | Kilmarnock | Helen Graham | | SP2018989783 | Helen Graham | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003842 | Graham, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Linda Graham | | SP2003902069 | Linda Graham | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011301 | Graham, Louise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Louise Graham | | SP2003905610 | Louise Graham | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2016347528 | Graham, Louise | Childminding | 25-08-2016 | Glasgow | Louise Graham | | SP2016988074 | Louise Graham | Active | ||||||||
CS2009196565 | Graham, Melanie | Childminding | 06-07-2009 | Saltcoats | Melanie Graham | | SP2009973743 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011281322 | Graham, Michelle | Childminding | 08-09-2011 | Johnstone | Michelle Graham | | SP2011981595 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003011555 | Grahamston House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Mandela Avenue | Bainsford | Falkirk | FK2 7BD | 01324 501 860 | Linda Alexander | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2015338032 | Grampian Advanced Practitioner Services Limited | Nurse agencies | 27-10-2015 | 32 Forteath Avenue | ELGIN | IV30 1TF | 07843 576 532 | Faye Sim | | SP2015012505 | Grampian Advanced Practitioner Services Limited | Inactive | |||||
CS2003051770 | Grampian Women's Aid | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | Aberdeen | Aileen Forbes | | SP2004005315 | Grampian Women's Aid Limited | Active | ||||||||
CS2005087031 | Granby Avenue | Care homes for children and young people | 28-02-2003 | 9 Granby Avenue | Livingston | EH54 6LB | 01506 798 334 | Robert Mollon | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003006600 | Grand-y-Care Academy | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hyndford Manor | 127 Hyndford Road | Lanark | ML11 9AU | 01555664643 | Pauleen Dawn Booth | | SP2003001507 | Grand-y-Care | Active | ||||
CS2020379125 | Grandholm Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-07-2020 | Grandholm Drive | Bridge of Don | AB22 8AE | 01224 708 712 | Valerie Buchan | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004076623 | Grange Care Home Ltd | Care homes for older people | 15-10-2004 | 4 Grange Terrace | Kilmarnock | KA1 2JR | 01563 524 877 | Margaret Wilson | | SP2004006800 | SC266175 | Active | |||||
CS2003009179 | Grange Hall | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Drygrange | Melrose | TD6 9DH | 01896 848 802 | Ania Maciaga | | SP2003001966 | Grange Hall (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016853 | Grange Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grange Road | Monifieth | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4LU | 01382 768 101 | Philippa Landsburgh | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2003002868 | Grange Pre-School Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grange Primary School | Grange Road | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4LU | 07704 121 162 | Demi Smart | | SP2003000562 | Grange Pre-School Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003043644 | Grange Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grange Loan | Bo'ness | EH51 9DX | 01506 778 340 | Rosalind Veneroni | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2004080545 | Grangemouth Carers Ltd | Housing support service | 27-10-2004 | 11 & 12 Willow House | Newhouse Business Park | Newhouse Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8LL | 01324 666 455 | Cheryl Williamson | | SP2004006750 | Grangemouth Carers Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004076633 | Grangemouth Carers Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-10-2004 | 11 & 12 Willow House | Newhouse Business Park | Newhouse Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8LL | 01324 666 455 | Cheryl Williamson | | SP2004006750 | Grangemouth Carers Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003000282 | Grangepark Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Meethill Road | Peterhead | AB42 2SW | 01779 403 746 | Jennifer Lauder | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000328 | Granny Smiths Day Nursery | Day Care of Children | 03-10-2023 | Granny Smiths Nursery | 22 Ayr Street | Troon | KA10 6EB | 01292316606 | Bethany Davidson | | SP2023000211 | Camison Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012307231 | Grant House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Castle Road East | Grantown-on-Spey | PH26 3HB | 01479 872 333 | Karen Thurgo | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003016391 | Grant, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Ann Grant | ANNGRANT1@BTINTERNET.COM | SP2003910465 | Ann Grant | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338751 | Grant, Anna | Childminding | 14-09-2015 | Glenrothes | Anna Grant | SP2015987099 | Anna Grant | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353830 | Grant, Isobel | Childminding | 18-04-2017 | Inverness | Isobel Grant | | SP2017988772 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004073879 | Grant, Karen | Childminding | 28-09-2004 | Inverness | Karen Grant | | SP2004918644 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316937 | Grant, Kirsty | Childminding | 24-07-2013 | Tranent | Kirsty Grant | | SP2013984838 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307346 | Grant, Lesley | Childminding | 29-06-2012 | Dundee | Lesley Grant | | SP2012983387 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005089525 | Grant, Pamela | Childminding | 13-06-2005 | Elgin | Pamela Grant | | SP2005945532 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010248188 | Grant, Sharon | Childminding | 09-08-2010 | Larbert | Sharon Grant | | SP2010977891 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007162570 | Grant, Vicki | Childminding | 03-09-2008 | Falkirk | Vicki Grant | | SP2007967054 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007160736 | Grantham, Leanne | Childminding | 18-02-2008 | Musselburgh | Leanne Grantham | | SP2007966687 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015253 | Granton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-10-2002 | 9a Pilton Drive North | Edinburgh | EH5 1NF | 01315 524 808 | Margo McCreight | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017028 | Granton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 19 Wardieburn Street West | Edinburgh | EH5 1EB | Lorraine Cusack | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003008608 | Grantown Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Black Park | Heathfield Road | Grantown-on-Spey | PH26 3HX | 01479 873 598 | Nicola Watkins | | SP2003001794 | Grantown Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003013509 | Grantown Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grantown Primary School | South Street | Grantown-on-Spey | PH26 3HZ | 01479 872 525 | Sara Riach | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2015336718 | Granward After School Club | Day care of children | 25-05-2015 | Wardie Residents Club | 125 Granton Road | Edinburgh | EH5 3NJ | 07974 842 406 | Suzanne McIntyre | | SP2015012475 | Granward After School Club LLP | Active | ||||
CS2015336500 | Grasshoppers Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 22-01-2016 | 30 Witchknowe Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 4LN | 01563 571 598 | Genna Lusk | | SP2014012286 | Z A Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003042193 | Grassom, Rhona | Childminding | 05-11-2003 | Glasgow | Rhona Grassom | | SP2004935714 | Rhona Grassom | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012499 | Gray, Heather and Gary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Heather Gray | | SP2003906223 | Gray, Heather & Gary Gray, Heather & Gary | Active | ||||||||
CS2011299844 | Great Beginnings Childminding | Childminding | 08-05-2012 | Dundee | Leanne Henderson | | SP2011982750 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320163 | Great Start Childcare Ltd | Day care of children | 23-12-2014 | 2 Colquhoun Road | Milton | Dumbarton | G82 2TH | 01389 765 551 | Tracey Davidson | | SP2013012154 | Great Start Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000306 | Great Western @ PL3 | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2024 | Bruntland Road | Portlethen | aberdeenshire | AB12 4QL | 01467 535686 | Emma McHardy | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013321313 | Great Western OOSC @Holburn West | Day care of children | 29-05-2014 | Holburn West Church | 9 Ashley Park Drive | Aberdeen | AB10 6RY | 01224 310 186 | Jan Watt | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016347911 | Great Western Out of School Club @ Ashley Road School | Day care of children | 06-09-2016 | 45 Ashley Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7LR | 01224 310 186 | Jan Watt | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013322768 | Great Western Out of School Club @ Kingswells | Day care of children | 03-06-2014 | Kingswells Community Centre | Kingswells Avenue | Kingswells | Aberdeen | AB15 8TG | Emma Mchardy | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000307 | Great Western Out of School Club @ Westhill | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2024 | Westhill academy | Hays Way | Westhill | AB32 6XZ | 07974923143 | Emma McHardy | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013321321 | Great Western Pre-School @ Broomhill | Day care of children | 29-05-2014 | 323 Broomhill Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7LR | 01224 319 530 | Sarah Rae | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013321312 | Great Western Pre-School @ Great Western Road | Day care of children | 29-05-2014 | 356-358 Great Western Road | Aberdeen | AB10 6LX | 01224 311 949 | Kristine Ross | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013321322 | Great Western Pre-School @ Kingswells | Day care of children | 29-05-2014 | Kingswells Village Centre | Kingswood Mews | Kingswells | Aberdeen | AB15 8TB | 01224 745 364 | Kelly Black | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013321323 | Great Western Pre-School @ Portlethen | Day care of children | 29-05-2014 | 7 Muirend Court | Portlethen | ABERDEEN | AB12 4UU | 01224 780 765 | Lindsay McLennan | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013321314 | Great Western Pre-School @ Portlethen 2 | Day care of children | 29-05-2014 | Muirend Road | Portlethen | ABERDEEN | AB12 4XP | 01224 780 999 | Louise Duggie | | SP2013012192 | Lorndale Aberdeen Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003019954 | Green Acres Nursery | Day care of children | 22-09-2003 | 41 Helensburgh Drive | Glasgow | G13 1RR | 01419 580 819 | Kathleen Greenhorn | | SP2003003879 | KLR Childcare Ltd trading as Greenacres Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2012309777 | Green Apple Nursery | Day care of children | 27-11-2012 | 18 Clydesdale Street | Hamilton | ML3 0DA | 01698 891 141 | Rachel Lynch | | SP2012011873 | Green Apple Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019375019 | Green Apple Nursery Carluke | Day Care of Children | 20-09-2019 | 2 Clyde Street | Carluke | ML8 5EF | 01555 704 021 | Lucy Beattie | | SP2012011873 | Green Apple Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016353083 | Green Apple Nursery Ltd | 17-05-2018 | 25 Broomknoll Street | Airdrie | ML6 6BN | 01236 808869 | Wilma McFarlane | | SP2012011873 | Green Apple Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2019378029 | Green Gardens Day Support Service | Support Service | 20-12-2019 | Kingsmeadows Road | Peebles | EH45 9EN | 01721 722 622 | Brian Fowler | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307320 | Green Pastures | Care homes for children and young people | 01-08-2012 | Green Pastures | Sandilands | Lanark | ML11 9TY | 01555 661 662 | Rhonagh Zawadzki | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016346063 | Green Tree Nursery | Day care of children | 29-06-2016 | Murray Road | Smithton | Inverness | IV2 7YU | 01463 791 177 | Teresa Collinson | | SP2016012685 | Green Tree Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007146990 | Green Trees Nursery | Day care of children | 25-06-2007 | c/o Dalmarnock Primary School | 111 Baltic Street | Glasgow | G40 3BA | 01415 540 578 | Nicola Shepka | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2008176321 | Green, Agnes | Childminding | 18-08-2008 | Dumfries | Agnes Green | | SP2008969872 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007948 | Green, Alison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Wick | Alison Green | | SP2003907739 | Alison Green | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009298 | Green, Christine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Eyemouth | Christine Green | | SP2003908060 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006120686 | Green, Marla | Childminding | 25-07-2006 | Kilmarnock | Marla Green | | SP2006959259 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009231838 | Green, Sarah | Childminding | 05-01-2010 | Dundee | Sarah Green | | SP2005945877 | Sarah Green | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379309 | Greenacres | Care Home Service | 03-03-2020 | West Pitcorthie | Anstruther | KY10 3LF | 01333 311 681 | Lauren Gourk | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015722 | Greenacres ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dales View Drive | Peterhead | AB42 2DP | 01779403688 | Lisa Summers | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019378127 | Greenan Manor Care Home | Care Home Service | 05-01-2021 | 2 Tiree Avenue | Ayr | KA7 4GH | 01292 502545 | David Howie | | SP2020013461 | Doonfoot Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012311015 | Greenbank Childminding Services | Childminding | 08-10-2012 | Edinburgh | Clare Rachel Palmer | | SP2012983958 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013360 | Greenbank Pre-school | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Greenbank Church | Braidburn Terrace | Edinburgh | EH10 6ES | 01314 478 068 | Kyra Okoth | | SP2003003135 | The Church Board Of Greenbank Church | Active | ||||
CS2003014431 | Greenbrae School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Greenbrae Nursery | Greenbrae School | Greenbrae Crescent, Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB23 8NJ | 01224 704 447 | Shona Du Plessis | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003010440 | Greencross | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 2 Tabernacle Street | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8JN | 01416 411 266 | Linda Robinson | | SP2003002348 | Thistle Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015643 | Greendykes Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 205 Craigmillar Castle Avenue | Edinburgh | EH16 4DZ | 0131 661 3109 | Jacqueline Cairnie | Jacqueline.Cairnie@ea.edin.sch.ik | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300709 | Greenfield Park Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 291 Myreside Street | Carntyne | Glasgow | G32 6BX | 01417 780 368 | Adelle Bryant | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003011738 | Greenfield, Barbara | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Castle Douglas | Barbara Greenfield | | SP2003905819 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015855 | Greengables Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8a Niddrie House Gardens | Edinburgh | EH16 4UF | 0131 669 9083 | Grant Campbell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015372 | Greengairs Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Greengairs Primary School | Greengairs Road | Greengairs | Airdrie | ML6 7TE | 01236 632 067 | Emma Dalziel | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2024000281 | Greenhill Outdoor Nursery | Day Care of Children | 31-07-2024 | Greenhill | Craigenhill Road | Kilncadzow | Carluke | ML8 4QT | 07368594062 | Gayle Forbes | | SP2023000384 | Greenhill Outdoor Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003010577 | Greenhills Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Broughton Road | Biggar | ML12 6HA | 01899 229 111 | Nicola Burrell | | SP2003002348 | Thistle Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006703 | Greenhills Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Vincents Primary School | 5 Crosshouse Road | Greenhills, East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9DG | 01355 241 511 | Dawn Robertson | | SP2003001525 | Greenhills Out Of School Care | Active | |||
CS2003015296 | Greenhills Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cedar Drive | Greenhills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9JD | 01355 241 646 | Elaine Johnstone | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016102 | Greenlaw Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Queens Row | Greenlaw | Duns | TD10 6XJ | 01361 810 756 | Rosemary Berrett | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016171 | Greenrigg Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Polkemmet Road | Greenrigg | Harthill | Shotts | ML7 5RF | 01501 751 334 | Paul Barrowman | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2003012019 | Greenside After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Abbeyhill Baptist Church | 22 Elgin Terrace | Edinburgh | EH7 5PB | 07973 230 911 | Karen Brownlee | | SP2003002920 | Tamsin Heath and Karen Brownlee a partnership | Active | ||||
CS2021000294 | Greenview | Care homes for children and young people | 12-10-2021 | Church Manor | Benslie | KILWINNING | KA13 7QY | 01414882870 | Derek Hannah | | SP2021000181 | Phoenix Abbey Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011285812 | Greenwood | Housing support service | 21-05-2012 | Greenwood | Woodlands Drive | Campbeltown | PA28 6JW | 01586 552 515 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300914 | Greenwood | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 21-05-2012 | Greenwood | Woodlands Drive | Campbeltown | PA28 6JW | 01586 552 515 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2005104577 | Greig, Marie | Childminding | 20-10-2005 | Peterhead | Marie Greig | | SP2005950548 | Marie Greig | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015491 | Gretna Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gretna Primary School | Victory Avenue | Gretna | DG16 5AG | 01461 339 105 | Kathryn Fraser | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2013318705 | Greycoat Lumleys Scotland | Childcare agencies | 14-11-2013 | 1 Hill Street | Edinburgh | EH2 3JP | 01315 565 139 | Lesley Jones | | SP2013012107 | Greycoat Placements Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018371797 | Greyfriars Care Centre | 08-05-2019 | 2 Hamilton Road | Glasgow | G32 9QD | 01417 783 132 | Alison Simpson | | SP2018013243 | Keane Premier Healthcare Glasgow Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003014526 | Greyhope School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Greyhope School and Community Hub | Tullos Circle | Aberdeen | AB11 8HD | 01224 764 764 | Ross Watson | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000449 | Greymate Care | Housing Support Service | 02-12-2024 | 335 Hilton Drive | Aberdeen | AB24 4PQ | 07404422667 | Chinelo Miriam Onochie | | SP2022000159 | Greymate Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000233 | Greymate Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 12-08-2022 | 335 Hilton Drive | Aberdeen | AB24 4PQ | 07404422667 | Chinelo Miriam Onochie | | SP2022000159 | Greymate Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009717 | Grianan Resource Centre | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Westview Terrace | Stornoway | HS1 2LD | 01851 822 755 | Muriel Macleod | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2013322640 | Griffin, Sarah | Childminding | 02-04-2014 | Alness | Sarah Griffin | | SP2013985552 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005105463 | Griffiths, Jane | Childminding | 25-01-2006 | Glasgow | Jane Griffiths | | SP2005951093 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010249585 | Grigor House | Support services - not care at home | 29-10-2010 | The Manor | Cawdor Road | Nairn | IV12 5ED | 01667 458 880 | Michelle Mackenzie | | SP2010010914 | Nevisbridge Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019378028 | Grove House | Care Home Service | 20-12-2019 | 5 Edenside Road | Kelso | TD5 7BS | 01573223181 | Billy Fowler | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||||
CS2005091548 | Grubb, Jo | Childminding | 16-08-2005 | Kirkcaldy | Jo Grubb | | SP2005944724 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007149837 | Grubb, Tony | Childminding | 12-10-2007 | Kirkcaldy | Tony Grubb | | SP2007964943 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017360728 | Gryffe Manor Nursery | 01-02-2018 | The Butts | Houston Road | Houston | Johnstone | PA6 7BA | 01505 613 134 | Victoria Garrett / Alison Thomson | | SP2017012994 | Gryffe Manor Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017360726 | Gryffe Manor Out of School Care | 01-02-2018 | The Carrick Centre | Main Street | Houston | Johnstone | PA6 7HD | 01505 613 134 | Carol Holmes | | SP2017012994 | Gryffe Manor Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2025000029 | GSR Care at Home and Support Services | Support Service | 28-01-2025 | 3 East North Street | Aberdeen | AB24 5HT | 01224 937793 | Gail Hay | | SP2017012944 | GSR Nursing Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000012 | GSR Care at Home and Support Services | Housing Support Service | 13-01-2025 | 292 Rosemount Place | Aberdeen | AB25 2YA | 01224 937793 | Gail Hay | | SP2017012944 | GSR Nursing Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017358079 | GSR Nursing Ltd | 10-09-2018 | 292 Rosemount Place | Aberdeen | AB25 2YA | 01224 937 793 | Gail Hay | | SP2017012944 | GSR Nursing Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2004079573 | Guardian Care Homes (UK) Ltd - Trafalgar Close | Housing support service | 16-09-2004 | Lennel House | Coldstream | TD12 4EX | 01890 882 812 | Cassandra Quashie | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Inactive | |||||
CS2004079576 | Guardian Care Homes (UK) Ltd - Trafalgar Close - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-09-2004 | Lennel House | Coldstream | TD12 4EX | 01890 882 812 | Cassandra Quashie | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Inactive | |||||
CS2020381007 | Guardian Live In Care | Support services - care at home | 19-03-2021 | HQ, Office 117 | 1-3 Howe Moss Drive, | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 0GL | 01224 636 333 | Lynne Watson | | SP2020013575 | Guardian Live In Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2012314204 | Guardianship Childminding | Childminding | 07-11-2014 | Tranent | Agnes Masters | | SP2012011994 | Agnes Masters | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338868 | Guide Communicator Service | 22-01-2016 | 1 Neasham Drive | Kirkintilloch | G66 3FA | 01417 776 111 | Christine Henson | | SP2004004448 | Deafblind Scotland | Active | ||||||
CS2003053997 | Guide Communicator Service | Housing support service | 24-09-2004 | 1 Neasham Drive | Kirkintilloch | G66 3FA | 0141 777 6111 | Christine Henson | | SP2004004448 | Deafblind Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2013319636 | Guild, Stephanie | Childminding | 16-10-2013 | Cowdenbeath | Stephanie Guild | | SP2013985204 | Stephanie Guild | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377284 | Guildtown Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 22-11-2019 | School Street | Guildtown | Perth | PH2 6BX | 01738 474 120 | Angela Thomson | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376660 | Guler, Jennifer | Child Minding | 23-09-2019 | Musselburgh | Jennifer Guler | | SP2019990717 | Jennifer Guler | Active | ||||||||
CS2018370882 | Gullane Community Children's Hub | Day Care of Children | 08-07-2019 | The Old Primary School | East Links Road | Gullane | EH31 2AF | 07787156651 | Judith Park | | SP2018013217 | Gullane Community Children's Hub a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2016348414 | Gullane Day Centre | Support services - without care at home | 05-12-2016 | Hamilton Road | Gullane | EH31 2HP | 01620 843 084 | Margaret Mack | | SP2016012747 | Gullane Day Centre a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003016984 | Gullane Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muirfield Terrace | Gullane | EH31 2HL | 01620 843 455 | Steven Wood | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000257 | Gusia's Tender Hearts Home Day Care | Childminding | 22-07-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023001436 | Agnieszka Price | Active | |||||||||
CS2006135714 | Guthrie House | Care homes for older people | 15-01-2007 | 12 Lasswade Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6RZ | 01316 720 040 | Shirley Ramsay | | SP2005007863 | Guthrie Court Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Healthcare Group | Active | |||||
CS2020381578 | Gwen's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 14-01-2021 | Greenock | Gwen Littlejohn | | SP2020991428 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000336 | GX Club Brightons | Day Care of Children | 27-08-2024 | Bailliefields Community Hub | Rough Haugh Farm, Sunnyside Road | Brightons | Falkirk | FK2 0RN | 07767110929 | Janet Bell | | SP2013012234 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017357197 | GX Club Carrongrove | 25-10-2017 | Unit 4 | Carrongrove Road | Falkirk | FK2 8NZ | 07767 110 929 | Janet Bell | | SP2013012234 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015337217 | GX Club Larbert Village | Day care of children | 18-08-2015 | Larbert Village Primary School | Main Street | Larbert | FK5 3AS | 07767 110 929 | Janet Bell | | SP2013012234 | Glenbervie Kindergarden Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003011885 | Gylemuir After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gylemuir Primary School | 10 Wester Broom Place | Edinburgh | EH12 7RT | 01313 348 700 | Fiona McKenzie | | SP2003002849 | Gylemuir Asc Committee | Active | ||||
CS2006134897 | Gylemuir Community Playgroup | Day care of children | 23-10-2006 | Gylemuir Community Centre | 10 Wester Broom Place | Edinburgh | EH12 7RT | 07704 140 071 | Emma Ovens | | SP2006008573 | Gylemuir Community Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003017029 | Gylemuir Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wester Broom Place | Edinburgh | EH12 7RT | 01313 347 138 | Aileen Smart | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2009237045 | H1 Healthcare | Nurse agencies | 15-03-2010 | H1 Healthcare Group Ltd | 16 McPhater Street | GLASGOW | G4 0HW | 0141 212 7900 | Elaine Abraham | | SP2004005646 | H1 Healthcare Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000353 | Haddington Adventurers | Day Care of Children | 12-09-2024 | Somnerfield Business Centre | Hospital Road | Haddington | EH41 3PA | 07508426304 | Jennifer O'Connor | | SP2023000301 | Thrive East Lothian CIC | Active | ||||
CS2015335179 | Haddington and District Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 03-08-2015 | Neilson Park Road | Haddington | EH41 3DT | 01620 825 149 | Caroline Scott | | SP2015012430 | Haddington and District Day Centre, a SCIO | Active | |||||
CS2017361356 | Haddington Care Home | 22-06-2018 | Mill Wynd | Haddington | EH41 4EU | 01620 674 880 | Leigh Young | | SP2017013005 | Haddington Care Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003015826 | Haddington Infant School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Haddington Joint Campus | Tynebank Road | Haddington | EH41 4DN | 01620 823 271 | Helen Gardyne | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2018371803 | Haddo Woodland Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 26-11-2019 | Ice House Wood | Methlick | Ellon | AB41 7EQ | 07747124539 | Denise Bowie | SP2018013244 | Haddo Woodland Kindergarten Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014803 | Haghill Park Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 415 Cumbernauld Road | Glasgow | G31 3LS | 01415 543 780 | Paula Grant | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015644 | Hailesland Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 23 Hailesland Place | Edinburgh | EH14 2SL | 01314 422 163 | Tracy Thomson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003046385 | Hainey, Catherine | Childminding | 03-06-2004 | Falkirk | Catherine Hainey | | SP2004935966 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306898 | Hair, Siobhan | Childminding | 11-04-2012 | Saltcoats | Siobhan Hair | | SP2012983333 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009236589 | Haken, Lara | Childminding | 08-03-2010 | Livingston | Lara Haken | | SP2009010742 | Lara Haken | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000199 | Halbeath Nursery | Day care of children | 13-08-2021 | Halbeath Nursery | Guttergates | Halbeath | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 8EB | 01383602161 | Julie Journeaux | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003015298 | Halfmerke Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Logie Park | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 4BU | 01355 243 156 | Jennifer Paterson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008609 | Halkirk Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Halkirk Primary School | Braal Terrace | Halkirk | KW12 6YN | 01847 831 881 | Christine Morrison | | SP2003001795 | Halkirk Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2008181343 | Hall, Angela | Childminding | 23-01-2009 | Larkhall | Angela Hall | angyhall@hotmail,co,uk | SP2008970836 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000439 | Hallhill Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 25-11-2024 | Hallhill Cottage | Howwood | PA9 1AB | 0141 889 0044 | Paula Molloy | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | |||||
CS2020379444 | Hallhouse Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 21 Main Street | Fenwick | Kilmarnock | KA3 6AH | 01560 600 200 | Carol Barr | | SP2020013479 | Hallhouse Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009198976 | Hally, Doreen | Childminding | 01-03-2011 | Carnoustie | Doreen Hally | | SP2009973841 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000003 | Hame Fae Hame | Day care of children | 07-01-2025 | Old School | New Road | Scalloway | Shetland | ZE1 0TN | 01595881146 | Eileen Mair | | SP2024000410 | Hame Fae Hame (Shetland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2011300711 | Hamewith Lodge | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 1 Marchburn Drive | Aberdeen | AB16 7NL | 01224 692 600 | Michelle Riddock | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015342626 | Hamill Homecare | 06-04-2016 | Glasgow Collective | 15 East Campbell Street | Glasgow | G1 5DT | 01412 212 826 | Louise Hamill | | SP2016012694 | Hamill Homecare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000030 | Hamill Homecare | Nurse agencies | 08-02-2023 | The Glasgow Collective | Studio 3 | 15 East Campbell Street | Glasgow | G1 5DT | 01412212826 | Louise Hamill | | SP2016012694 | Hamill Homecare Limited | Active | |||
CS2003007572 | Hamill, Carol Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Carol Ann Hamill | | SP2003904526 | Carol Ann Hamill Carol Ann Hamill | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006424 | Hamilton After School Project | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodside Primary School | Johnston Road | Hamilton | ML3 7JR | 07731 621 452 | Gillian Berry | | SP2003001462 | Hamilton After School Project | Active | ||||
CS2007161119 | Hamilton College After Care | Day care of children | 08-12-2008 | Hamilton College | Bothwell Road | Hamilton | ML3 0AY | 01698 282 700 | Vicky Harkness | | SP2003003585 | Christian Schools (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016196 | Hamilton College Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hamilton College | Bothwell Road | Hamilton | ML3 0AY | 01698 282 700 | Linda Tonner | | SP2003003585 | Christian Schools (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004073570 | Hamilton Home Care Service | Housing support service | 27-08-2004 | Social Work Resources | Brandon Gate | 1 Leechlee Road | Hamilton | ML3 0XB | 03031 231 008 | Sharron Mundy | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004073572 | Hamilton Home Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-08-2004 | Social Work Resources | Brandon Gate | 1 Leechlee Road | Hamilton | ML3 0XB | 03031 231 008 | Sharron Mundy | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2013320082 | Hamilton Park Avenue | Care homes for children and young people | 24-04-2014 | 18 Hamilton Park Avenue | Glasgow | G12 8DU | 01412 741 036 | denise dursun | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2006124158 | Hamilton School For The Deaf Nursery | Day care of children | 11-07-2006 | Anderson Street | Burnbank | Hamilton | ML3 0QL | 01698 823 377 | Lauren Brown | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004068399 | Hamilton Supported Living - Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-09-2004 | Flat 3 | 5 Raeburn Crescent | Hamilton | ML3 9QD | 01698 823 900 | Dawn Raja | | SP2004005810 | Lanarkshire Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004068390 | Hamilton Supported Living Service - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 03-09-2004 | Flat 3 | 5 Raeburn Crescent | Hamilton | ML3 9QD | 01698 823 900 | Heather Simpson | | SP2004005810 | Lanarkshire Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2003047729 | Hamilton Towers Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 22-09-2003 | Hamilton Towers | Floor 1, Office 2 | 54 Castle Street | Hamilton | ML3 6BU | 01698 459 337 | Kerry ross | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2005092226 | Hamilton, Susan | Childminding | 05-08-2005 | Dunfermline | Susan Hamilton | | SP2005946010 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014829 | Hamiltonhill Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 115 Ellesmere Street | Glasgow | G22 5QT | 01413 322 797 | Claire Grierson | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000205 | Hamlet Farm | Care homes for children and young people | 29-07-2022 | East of 12 Crossroads | The Den | Dalry | KA24 4JG | 07983346344 | Lori Burns | | SP2022000146 | Imagine Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003003592 | Hamlin, Gillian | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Gillian Hamlin | | SP2003901878 | Gillian Graham | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011422 | Hammell, June & Fred | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Larbert | June Hammell | | SP2003908208 | June & Fred Hammell June & Fred Hammell | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006003 | Hammerton, Audra | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Audra Hammerton | | SP2003903546 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009101 | Hamnavoe House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Coplands Road | Stromness | Orkney | KW16 3BW | 01856 850 311 | Marina Stanger | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2007167399 | Hampton, Hilary | Childminding | 16-04-2008 | Kingussie | Hilary Hampton | | SP2007967911 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018370746 | Hands-4-Care-Services | Support Service | 17-09-2019 | 117b Wilkie Drive | Holytown | Motherwell | ML1 4YU | 01215 164 569 | Jenet Bozho | | SP2018013211 | Karva Care Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018370926 | Hands-4-Care-Services | Housing Support Service | 17-09-2019 | 117b Wilkie Drive | Motherwell | ML1 4YU | 07963 516 914 | Jenet Bozho | | SP2018013211 | Karva Care Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014325619 | Hands-On Homecare Limited | Support services - care at home | 31-03-2015 | Office 1, 18 Crowhill Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 1QY | 07838137923 | Catherine Cairns | | SP2014985886 | Hands-On Homecare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006117062 | Handy Services | Support services - care at home | 09-05-2006 | Aldersyde | 9 Routine Row | Pittenweem | Anstruther | KY10 2LG | 01333 312 573 | Heather Muir | | SP2006008198 | Heather Muir and Anne Stewart a Partnership trading as Handy Services | Active | |||
CS2007156400 | Handy, Rachael | Childminding | 16-10-2007 | Kilcreggan | Rachael Handy | | SP2007965867 | Rachael Handy | Active | ||||||||
CS2016350286 | Hanna Grape Childminder | Childminding | 29-12-2016 | Westhill | Anna Yasinskaya | | SP2016988385 | Anna Yasinskaya | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000045 | Hannah Bananas Childminding Service | Child Minding | 16-02-2022 | South Queensferry | | SP2022000029 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2023000136 | Hannah Scott | Child Minding | 19-05-2023 | Musselburgh | | SP2023000090 | Hannah Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000438 | Hannah's Childminding | Childminding | 25-11-2024 | Perth | | SP2024000585 | Hannah Graham | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007964 | Hannant, Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Mary Hannant | | SP2003904729 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006495 | Hannaway, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elaine Hannaway | | SP2003903818 | Elaine Hannaway | Active | ||||||||
CS2010237392 | Hanover Care at Home Service - Morris Court Dalry | Support services - care at home | 16-03-2011 | Morris Court | James Street | Dalry | KA24 5FB | 01294 834 128 | Denise Barr | | SP2003001576 | Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006139633 | Hanover Care at Home Service - North Area | Support services - care at home | 06-06-2007 | Chandlers Rise | Elgin | IV30 4GF | 01343 614163 | Stephanie McNally | | SP2003001576 | Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013319417 | Hanover Care at Home Service - Scottish Borders | Support services - care at home | 27-03-2014 | Glenfield Court | Glenfield Road West | Galashiels | TD1 2UD | 01896 754 847 | Julie Herbert | | SP2003001576 | Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016352774 | Hanover Housing Support Service - Care (East) | 05-07-2017 | Woodburn Court | Woodburn Grove | Hamilton | ML3 6AN | 01315 570 598 | Gillian Wilson | | SP2003001576 | Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016352775 | Hanover Housing Support Service - Care (North) | 05-07-2017 | Chandlers Rise | Elgin | IV30 4GF | 01343 554 191 | Stephanie McNally | | SP2003001576 | Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2016352771 | Hanover Housing Support Service - Care (West) | 05-07-2017 | Walkinshaw Court | Walkinshaw Street | Johnstone | PA5 8AF | 01415 536 301 | Carol Ross | | SP2003001576 | Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014434 | Hanover Street School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hanover Street School | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HN | 01224 569 880 | Alan Markey | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2012309533 | Hansel Alliance at Red Rose House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 24-09-2012 | Red Rose House | Lockhart Campus | Boglemart Street | Stevenston | KA20 3JX | 01294 441280 | Tracey Semple | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | |||
CS2003001302 | Hansel Cabin Respite Service | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Hansel Village | Broad Meadows | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5PU | 01563 831 468 | Colin Kilbride | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | |||
CS2004073923 | Hansel Supported Living Services | Housing support service | 01-10-2004 | Broadmeadows | Kilmarnock Road | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5PU | 01563 830 340 | Janette Graham | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | |||
CS2007167812 | Hansel Supported Living Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-02-2012 | Broadmeadows | Kilmarnock Road | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5PU | 01563 830 340 | Janette Graham | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | ||||
CS2003005983 | Happitots Day Nursery - Baillieston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 145 Swinton Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 6DW | 01417 712 836 | Marie Mccormick | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003003685 | Happitots Day Nursery - Bishopbriggs | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 28 Colston Drive | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 2AZ | 01417 724 708 | Amy Boyd | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003004824 | Happitots Nursery - Glasgow Airport | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Building 52 | St. Andrews Crescent | Glasgow Airport | Paisley | PA3 2TQ | 01418 485 911 | Amanda Hunter | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||
CS2024000037 | Happy and Joyful Care | Child Minding | 02-02-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000328 | Namita Pathak | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000053 | Happy Angels Childminding | Child Minding | 14-02-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000937 | Valeriya Ichshenko | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342237 | Happy Bees | Childminding | 24-02-2016 | Westhill | Petya Findlay | | SP2015987514 | Petya Findlay | Active | ||||||||
CS2015342483 | Happy Bunnies | Childminding | 16-02-2016 | Dundee | Denise Lonie | SP2008972019 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003003829 | Happy Days | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 14-18 Ledgate | Eastside | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1PZ | 01417 765 009 | Lorna O'Kane | | SP2003000771 | Happy Days Nursery (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2010272885 | Happy Days | Childminding | 07-06-2011 | Airdrie | Caroline Walls | | SP2010979879 | Caroline Walls Trading as Happy Days Caroline Walls Trading as Happy Days | Active | ||||||||
CS2013320693 | Happy Days | Childminding | 25-02-2014 | Glasgow | Maryam Hizam | | SP2013985331 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007144334 | Happy Days - Bishopbriggs | Day care of children | 01-08-2007 | Bishopbriggs Leisuredrome | 147 Balmuildy Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 3HD | 01417 726 142 | Chantelle Laing | | SP2003000771 | Happy Days Nursery (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2010274508 | Happy Days - Dalkeith | Day care of children | 08-03-2011 | 127 High Street | Dalkeith | EH22 1BE | 01316 634 280 | Sarah Scott | | SP2010011218 | Genesis (J & T) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015334818 | Happy Days at Hardengreen | Day care of children | 12-08-2015 | Hardengreen House | Eskbank | Dalkeith | EH22 3LF | 01316 600 168 | Laura Waterston | | SP2010011218 | Genesis (J & T) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016351748 | Happy Days Childminding | 10-03-2017 | Walkerburn | Simone McLauchlan | | SP2010977042 | Simone McLauchlan | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366689 | Happy Days Childminding | 20-08-2018 | Inverness | Gillian Ross | | SP2018989884 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2018365763 | Happy Days Childminding | 23-07-2018 | Glasgow | Lisa Greenaway | | SP2018989800 | Lisa Greenaway | Active | |||||||||
CS2018371611 | Happy Days Childminding | 25-02-2019 | Jedburgh | Carol Griffiths | | SP2018013236 | Carol Griffiths and Karen Gillan a Partnership Carol Griffiths and Karen Gillan a Partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000280 | Happy Days Childminding | Child Minding | 31-07-2024 | Arbroath | | SP2024000441 | Hannah Gray | Active | |||||||||
CS2019372787 | Happy Days Childminding Service | 22-05-2019 | Dunfermline | Emma Whiteford | | SP2019990349 | Emma Whiteford | Active | |||||||||
CS2008170228 | Happy Days Nursery | Day care of children | 21-04-2008 | 2 Claverhouse Old Road | Dundee | DD4 9BY | 01382 500 873 | Paula Williamson | | SP2003000120 | Happy Days Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2008183585 | Happy Days Out of School Care | Day care of children | 30-09-2008 | Oxgang Primary School | Lammermoor Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 2AB | 01417 765 009 | Shannon Davidson | | SP2003000771 | Happy Days Nursery (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003020084 | Happy Days Too @ Busby | Day care of children | 13-05-2003 | 9 East Kilbride Road | Busby | Glasgow | G76 8JY | 01416 445 858 | Lorraine Jack | | SP2003000807 | CME Investments Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003019940 | Happy Days Too @ Southfield | Day care of children | 13-05-2003 | Southfield House | 423 Mearns Road | Mearnskirk | Glasgow | G77 5RY | 01416 399 191 | Janet Kirk Welsh | | SP2003000807 | CME Investments Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003013472 | Happy Faces Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 21-27 Calside Road | Dumfries | DG1 4HA | 01387 248 944 | Lesley Woodhouse | | SP2004006218 | Lesley Woodhouse and Jean Robison, a Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2014331111 | Happy Feet Kool Kidz Zone | Day care of children | 12-12-2014 | Upper Floor | 98a Union Street | Larkhall | ML9 1EF | 01698 883392 | Lynne McCluskie | | SP2014012358 | Happy Feet Kool Kidz Zone a Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2006117565 | Happy Feet Kool Kidz Zone Bothwell | Day care of children | 17-08-2006 | Parish Church Centre | Bothwell Parish Church | Main Street, Bothwell | Glasgow | G71 8EX | 01698 850 058 | Ruth Smith | | SP2006008226 | Bothwell Out of School Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2010273623 | Happy Feet Nursery and Out of School Club | Day care of children | 24-02-2011 | 47 - 49 Claude Street | Larkhall | ML9 2BU | 01698 313 111 | Amanda Moore | | SP2010011183 | Happy Feet OSC Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017361889 | Happy Feet Nursery and Out of School Club | 10-05-2018 | Rankin Gait Centre | Hamilton Street | Carluke | ML8 4AT | 01555 700 700 | Anne Craigens | | SP2010011183 | Happy Feet OSC Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013319671 | Happy Hands Childcare | Childminding | 23-12-2013 | Inverness | Pamela Bisset | | SP2013985211 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379395 | Happy Hippos Childminding | Child Minding | 20-07-2020 | Broxburn | Marscha Ross | | SP2020991153 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000710 | Happy Hours Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craigowl Primary School | 112 Laird Street | Dundee | DD3 9NY | 07526490655 | Sarah Smith | | SP2003000121 | Happy Hours Out Of School Club | Active | ||||
CS2022000390 | Happy House Childminding | Child Minding | 19-12-2022 | Alexandria | | SP2022000258 | Emma Murdoch | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000291 | Happy Kids Childcare | Child Minding | 04-09-2023 | Hamilton | | SP2023000182 | Teresa-Jayne Mckelvie | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011381 | Happy Kids Childminding | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bonnybridge | Elizabeth Irwin | | SP2003905682 | Elizabeth Irwin trading as Happy Kids Childminding Elizabeth Irwin trading as Happy Kids Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2016347362 | Happy Little People | Day care of children | 14-09-2016 | Westerton Primary School | Crarae Avenue | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1HY | 07858 200 174 | Kerri Anne MacPhie | | SP2016012725 | Happy Little People Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000233 | Happy Moon Childcare | Childminding | 03-08-2023 | Skelmorlie | | SP2023000152 | Kelly Tallett | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000195 | Happy Rainbow Childminding | Childminding | 13-06-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000049 | Julita Mosielska | Active | |||||||||
CS2019372597 | Happy Souls Childminding Service | 10-04-2019 | Glasgow | Louise Pickering | | SP2019990341 | Louise Pickering | Active | |||||||||
CS2013319814 | Happy Sunshine | Childminding | 28-02-2014 | Coatbridge | Monika Soczewko | | SP2013985236 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332593 | Happy Times Out of School Care Club | Day care of children | 08-04-2015 | Downfield Primary School | Haldane Crescent | Dundee | DD3 0JP | 07935 206 839 | Michelle Sheehan | | SP2014012379 | Happy Times Out of School Care Club Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2012310130 | Happy Tots Childminding | Childminding | 09-10-2012 | Airdrie | Sarah Simpson | | SP2012983816 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000043 | Happy Tots Childminding by Siobhan | Childminding | 05-02-2025 | Denny | | SP2024000685 | Siobhan Whitfield | Active | |||||||||
CS2020000032 | Happy Valley Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2003016127 | Happyhansel Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Happyhansel Primary School | Walls | Shetland | ZE2 9PG | 01595 807 450 | Elizabeth Garrick | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2016350474 | Happytots | 14-02-2017 | Stonehaven | Lynsey Wellburn | | SP2016988405 | Lynsey Wellburn | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2023000111 | Harbour Care Centre | Care Home Service | 18-04-2023 | 91c High Street | Dysart | KIRKCALDY | KY1 2UQ | 01592 650800 | Lauren Henderson | | SP2012011938 | Enhance Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014329901 | Harbour Care Home | Care homes for older people | 02-12-2014 | 91C High Street | Dysart | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2UQ | 01592 650 800 | Samantha Smith | | SP2012011938 | Enhance Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004077249 | Harbour Homes Scotland - Sheltered Housing Service | Housing support service | 20-08-2004 | 108 Constitution Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 6AZ | 0131 555 2184 | Maureen Combe | | SP2004005398 | Harbour Homes Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379548 | Harbour House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 17-11-2020 | 131 New Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6DH | 01313 742 070 | Gillian Helen Goodall | | SP2020013506 | Musselburgh Care Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009303 | Hardie, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Innerleithen | Elizabeth Hardie | | SP2003908065 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006139490 | Hardie, Lesley | Childminding | 29-01-2010 | Tranent | Lesley Hardie | | SP2006962423 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015299 | Hareleeshill Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Myrtle Lane | Larkhall | ML9 2RQ | 01698 883 155 | Kate Fisher | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010701 | Harestane Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-03-2002 | 122 Harestane Road | Dundee | DD3 0NY | 01382 833 123 | Margaret Brand | | SP2003000048 | Priority Care Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007165275 | Harkness, Lisette | Childminding | 28-08-2008 | Cumnock | Lisette Harkness | SP2003901873 | Lisette Harkness | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335451 | Harlawhill Day Care Centre | Support services - not care at home | 09-10-2015 | Co-op Buildings | East Loan | Prestonpans | EH32 9ED | 01875 814 989 | Fiona Mitchell | | SP2015012441 | Harlawhill Day Care Centre a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003044538 | Harlequin Kindergarten | Day care of children | 02-04-2004 | 6 Brunel Way | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0LD | 01355 227 711 | Yvonne Murray | | SP2003001388 | Harlequin Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016350572 | Harlequins | 30-01-2017 | Ellon | Kirsty Liddle | | SP2016988424 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003011066 | Harmeny School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2002 | Mansfield Road | Balerno | Edinburgh | EH14 7JY | 01314 493 938 | Gavin Calder | | SP2003002598 | Harmeny Education Trust Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010275035 | Harmony Care and Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-06-2014 | The Harmony Employment Agency | 199-201 Great Junction Street | Edinburgh | EH6 5LQ | 0131 225 8888 | Stan Brown | | SP2005007824 | The Harmony Employment Agency Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010270075 | Harmony Care and Support Service | Housing support service | 23-06-2014 | 199 -201 Great Junction Street | Edinburgh | Edinburgh | EH6 5LQ | 01312 258 8888 | Stan Brown | | SP2005007824 | The Harmony Employment Agency Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000285 | Harper House Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 21-09-2022 | 92 Canal Street | Saltcoats | KA21 5JB | 01294588761 | Rowanna Macdonald | | SP2003003595 | Phoenix House Trading as Phoenix Futures | Active | |||||
CS2003003653 | Harper, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elizabeth Harper | | SP2003901929 | Elizabeth Harper | Active | ||||||||
CS2008172635 | Harper, Nicola | Childminding | 03-12-2008 | Johnstone | Nicola Harper | | SP2008969206 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009708 | Harris House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Leverhulme Road | Tarbert | Isle of Harris | HS3 3DB | 01859 502 194 | Chrissie MacRae | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2003020346 | Harrison, Angela | Childminding | 26-08-2003 | Dunfermline | Angela Harrison | SP2003910733 | Angela Harrison | Active | |||||||||
CS2009232916 | Harrison, Michelle | Childminding | 20-12-2010 | Elgin | Michelle Harrison | | SP2009975622 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2009230031 | Harrison, Vicky | Childminding | 28-09-2009 | Falkirk | Vicky Harrison | | SP2009974763 | Vicky Harrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2003043246 | Harrold, Elliot | Childminding | 30-11-2003 | Musselburgh | Elliot Harrold | | SP2004920267 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001346 | Harry Heaney Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Carrick Road | Spittal | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4LJ | 01416341610 | Eileen Smyth | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2010271705 | Hart, Lisa Jane | Childminding | 27-01-2011 | Cowdenbeath | Lisa Jane Hart | | SP2010979513 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014323991 | Harvey, Helen | Childminding | 04-08-2014 | Dundee | Helen Harvey | | SP2014985704 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007123 | Hastie, Alexandra | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Alexandra Hastie | | SP2003904128 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355044 | Hastie, Fiona | Childminding | 12-05-2017 | Kirkcaldy | Fiona Hastie | | SP2017988906 | Fiona Hastie | Active | ||||||||
CS2010237524 | Hatcher, Nicola | Childminding | 25-03-2010 | Tillicoultry | Nicola Hatcher | SP2010977101 | Nicola Hatcher | Active | |||||||||
CS2016349817 | Hatton Lea Nursing Home | 12-10-2017 | 2 Reema Road | Bellshill | ML4 1RR | 01698 748 258 | June Sugden | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003002552 | Hatton Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Village Hall | Station Road | Hatton | Peterhead | AB42 0RX | 07470755454 | gemma Brown | | SP2003000428 | Hatton Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2023000010 | Haugh House | Care homes for older people | 17-01-2023 | 2 Haugh Street | Stockbridge | Edinburgh | EH4 1LT | 01313152238 | Kathleen Dickman | | SP2023000006 | Fairview Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000065 | Haugh of Urr Nursery | Day care of children | 11-03-2022 | Hardgate Primary School | Haugh of Urr | Castle Douglas | DG7 3LD | 01556660070 | Susan Bagnall | | SP2022000042 | Haugh of Urr Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2020378891 | Havencourt Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | Woodcot Gardens | Forest Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2ZH | 01569 767 877 | Kirsten Bell | | SP2020013463 | Havencourt Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010249229 | Hawes, Louise | Childminding | 08-03-2011 | Dumfries | Louise Hawes | | SP2010978085 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000100 | Hawkhill Forest Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 11-04-2023 | Craigmillar Castle Park | Hawkhill Woods | 2a Greendykes Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DP | 0131 200 2000 | Donna Begg | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2015342220 | Hawkhill House Nursing Home | 29-08-2016 | 234 North Deeside Road | Milltimber | AB13 0DQ | 01224 735 400 | Rae Paterson | | SP2015012608 | Caring Homes (TFP) Group Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003015176 | Hawthorn Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2f Bogwood Road | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5DQ | 01312 713 116 | Diane Brown | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001025 | Hawthorn House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 20 Ashfield Street | Glasgow | G22 5HP | 01412 764 045 | Andrew Renshaw | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001021 | Hawthorn House Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 20 Ashfield Street | Glasgow | G22 5HP | 01412 764 052 | Suzanne Kelly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013875 | Hay, Donna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Donna Hay | | SP2003907527 | Donna Hay | Active | ||||||||
CS2009232609 | Hay, Jennifer | Childminding | 04-05-2011 | Aberdeen | Jennifer Hay | | SP2009975529 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012361 | Hay, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | KIRKLISTON | Susan Hay | | SP2003906086 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007472 | Hay, Wilma | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcaldy | Wilma Hay | | SP2003904439 | Wilma Hay | Active | ||||||||
CS2017361012 | Haydale Nursing Home | 12-12-2017 | 17 Corbett Street | Tollcross | Glasgow | G32 8LF | 01417 788 678 | Richard Catahan | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010273747 | Hayfield Care at Home Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-11-2010 | 215 Fielden Street | Glasgow | G40 3TX | 01415 561 424 | Suzanne Finnigan | | SP2004006901 | Hayfield Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2010273746 | Hayfield Care at Home Services | Housing support service | 25-11-2010 | 215 Fielden Street | Glasgow | G40 3TX | 01415 561 424 | Annmarie Gibson | SP2004006901 | Hayfield Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003000848 | Hayfield Residential Services | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 250-268 Ballater Street | Glasgow | G5 0YT | 01414 290 335 | Annmarie Gibson | | SP2004006901 | Hayfield Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000849 | Hayfield Support Services with Deaf People | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 260 Moffat Street | Glasgow | G5 0ND | 01414 290 335 | Carol Cook | | SP2004006901 | Hayfield Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000128 | Hayley McCann | Child Minding | 26-05-2022 | Edinburgh | | SP2022000090 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015337421 | Hayley's Childminding | Childminding | 15-07-2015 | Forfar | Hayley Douglas | | SP2015986935 | Hayley Douglas | Active | ||||||||
CS2015341943 | Hayley's Childminding Service | Childminding | 27-01-2016 | Alloa | Hayley Bunyan | | SP2015987471 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001143 | Haylie House Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 97 Irvine Road | Largs | KA30 8EX | 01475 673 373 | Irene Smith | | SP2003000227 | Haylie House Trust Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017306 | Hayocks Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lumsden Place | Stevenston | KA20 4HG | 01294 465 283 | Penelope McCann | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002993 | Hayshead Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Abbey View Campus | Hayshead Road | Arbroath | DD11 5FE | 01241 433 798 | Emma Paterson | | SP2003000598 | Hayshead Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2022000037 | Hazel Rattray | Child Minding | 02-02-2022 | Inverness | | SP2022000023 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012312613 | Hazel's Childminding Services | Childminding | 25-04-2013 | Larbert | Hazel Donaldson | | SP2012984191 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375345 | Hazel's Childminding Services | Child Minding | 10-10-2019 | Livingston | Hazel Armour | | SP2019990564 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014616 | Hazeldene Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 9 Rosemount Avenue | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5TN | 01415 707 530 | Justin Hardie | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007153978 | Hazelwood School | Day care of children | 23-08-2007 | 50 Dumbreck Court | Glasgow | G41 5DQ | 01414 279 334 | Julie Steel | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003020276 | Hazlehead OOSC | Day care of children | 01-12-2003 | Hazlehead Primary School | Provost Graham Avenue | Aberdeen | AB15 8HB | 07525 855 538 | Alison Harris | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2022000051 | Hazlehead Park Outdoor Nursery | Day care of children | 25-02-2022 | The Grove | Hazlehead Park | Aberdeen | AB15 8QY | 01224 764511 | Karla Mennie | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014435 | Hazlehead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Provost Graham Avenue | Aberdeen | AB15 8HB | 01224 498 120 | Barbara Jones | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2018369911 | Head Medical - Theatres Division | 19-02-2019 | 2 Manor Place | Edinburgh | EH3 7DD | 01312405288 | Priscilla Scott | | SP2018013191 | Head Resourcing Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003015572 | Head of Muir Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Haypark Road | Denny | FK6 5JZ | 01324 503 170 | Liam McLaren | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2020380758 | Heads of Ayr Nursery | Day care of children | 02-02-2021 | Laigh Kyleston Farm | Dunure | Ayr | KA7 4LD | 01292 388456 | Kerri Miller | | SP2020013568 | Heads of Ayr Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007167787 | Headstart Nursery School at Leith | Day care of children | 29-02-2008 | 16 Queen Charlotte Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 6AT | 01315 550 700 | Catherine Malcolm | | SP2008009639 | Headstart Nursery Schools Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003019876 | Headstart Nursery, a partnership | Day care of children | 19-06-2003 | 10 Elliot Place, Suite 10 | Skypark 1 | Skypark | Glasgow | G3 8EP | 0141 248 5779 | Gillian Robertson | | SP2003003665 | Headstart Nursery, a partnership. | Active | |||
CS2022000349 | Health Caring Solutions | Support Service | 23-11-2022 | Regus | Unit 8, Fairways Business Park | Deer Park Avenue | Livingston | EH54 8GA | 07721931886 | Oluwadamilola Akinyemi | | SP2022000233 | Health Caring Solutions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004056307 | Health in Mind Trauma Services | Housing support service | 26-08-2004 | 40 Shandwick Place | Edinburgh | EH2 4RT | 01312 258 508 | Kerry Girdwood | | SP2004005543 | Health in Mind | Active | |||||
CS2021000122 | Healthnet Homecare | Nurse agencies | 28-06-2021 | Unit 1 | Orbit Business Park | Alfred Eley Close | SWADLINCOTE | DE11 0WU | 08000 833 060 | Karen MacRae | | SP2021000076 | HealthNet Homecare (UK) Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000317 | Healthrites Care Solutions | Support Service | 14-10-2022 | 13 Smithfield Road | Aberdeen | AB24 4NR | 01224 679364 | Chidinma Oriunuebho | | SP2022000211 | Healthrites Care Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006136758 | Healthy Steps Organic Nursery | Day care of children | 25-06-2008 | c/o The Church of the Good Shepherd | Hillington Road South | Hillington | Glasgow | G52 2AA | 01418 824 038 | Angela Kelly | | SP2006008611 | Healthy Steps | Active | |||
CS2021000141 | Heart Link Health Care Services | Support Service | 02-07-2021 | Unit 20 | Dunfermline Business Centre | Izzat Avenue | Dunfermline | KY11 3BZ | 0131 235 1035 | Nyaradzo Chengeta | | SP2021000084 | Heart Link Health Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000140 | Heart Link Health Care Services | Housing Support Service | 02-07-2021 | Unit 20 | Dunfermline Business Centre | Izatt Avenue | Dunfermline | KY11 3BZ | 0131 235 1035 | Nyaradzo Chengeta | | SP2021000084 | Heart Link Health Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2020379829 | Hearts at Home Social Care Limited | Support Service | 03-11-2020 | Unit 5 | Blair Court | 5 North Avenue, Clydebank Business Park | CLYDEBANK | G81 2LA | 0141 951 1186 | Myra Johnstone | | SP2020013515 | Hearts at Home Social Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2020379227 | Heath House | Care Home Service | 29-04-2020 | 295 Lanark Road | Auchenheath | Lanark | ML11 9UU | 01555 893 006 | Alan Little | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003006017 | Heathdene Nurseries Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 124 Carmunnock Road | Cathcart | Glasgow | G44 5UU | 01416 378 953 | Gemma McGuinness | | SP2003001313 | Heathdene Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379797 | Heather Boyd Childminding | Child Minding | 17-06-2020 | Glasgow | Heather Boyd | | SP2020991201 | Heather Boyd | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000022 | Heather Craig Childminding Service | Childminding | 21-01-2025 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000631 | Heather Craig | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2025000107 | Heather Mccoll childminding | Childminding | 05-03-2025 | Motherwell | | SP2024001008 | Heather Mccoll | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342602 | Heather Morrison Childminding | Childminding | 24-02-2016 | Kilmarnock | Heather Morrison | | SP2015987550 | Heather Morrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2016350328 | Heather's Bespoke Care | 16-01-2017 | 1 Laighstonehall Road | Hamilton | ML3 8PD | 07725 625 137 | Heather MacDonald | SP2016988389 | MacDonald, Heather | Active | |||||||
CS2012312096 | Heather's Childminding Services | Childminding | 21-03-2013 | STONEHAVEN | Heather Chapman | | SP2012984116 | Heather Chapman | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000302 | Heather's Home From Home Childminding | Child Minding | 12-09-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000192 | Heather Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338752 | Heather's Hungry Caterpillars Child Minding Service | Childminding | 26-08-2015 | Kilwinning | Heather Howe | | SP2011982302 | Heather Howe | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379129 | Heatherfield Nursing Home | Care Home Service | 30-07-2020 | 49 Bathgate Road | Armadale | EH48 2PD | 01501 733 066 | Hazel McFie | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000038 | Heathers childminding service | Childminding | 03-02-2022 | Inverurie | | SP2022000024 | Heather McKain | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010930 | Heathervale | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 40 Dumbryden Drive | Edinburgh | EH14 2QR | 01314 533 714 | James Gallagher | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015300 | Heathery Knowe Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Whitehills Terrace | Murray | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0NG | 01355 221 042 | Clare Sweeney | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2024000364 | Heathery Park Family Learning Centre | Day Care of Children | 20-09-2024 | 542 Main Street | Wishaw | ML2 7PL | 01698 274957 | Yvonne Graham | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000188 | Heatheryburn Schoolage Childcare | Day Care of Children | 21-06-2023 | Heatheryburn School | Howes Road | Aberdeen | AB16 7RW | 07557 191 759 | Mark Duguid | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014015 | Heathfield Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 21-08-2002 | Heathfield Road | Ayr | KA8 9DR | 01292 612 123 | Gaenor Hardy | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014490 | Heathfield Out of School Care | Day care of children | 25-09-2002 | Heathfield Primary School | Heathfield Rd | Ayr | KA8 9DR | 07752 262 449 | Sandie Jack | | SP2003003358 | Heathfield Out of School Care Committee | Active | ||||
CS2010237926 | Heathhall School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 23-08-2010 | Herries Avenue | Heathhall | Dumfries | DG1 3QZ | 01387 702 590 | Mary Caroline Townsend-Sawley | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004520 | Heathpark Private Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 37 Victoria Place | Airdrie | ML6 9BU | 01236 628 812 | Gillian Johnstone | | SP2003000930 | Heathpark Nursery Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2003014442 | Heathryburn Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Heathryburn School | Howes Road | Northfield | Aberdeen | AB16 7RW | 01224 788 180 | LOUISE PRESSLEY | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2016347940 | Heaven's Childminding Service | 23-08-2016 | Longniddry | Clair Bonnington | | SP2016988116 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2025000046 | Heavenly Home Care | Support Service | 06-02-2025 | Suite X | 159 Broad Street | Glasgow | G40 2QR | 07894345459 | Christine McLay | | SP2023001451 | Heavenly Home Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000045 | Heavenly Home Care | Housing Support Service | 06-02-2025 | Suite X | 159 Broad Street | Glasgow | G40 2QR | 07894345459 | Christine McLay | | SP2023001451 | Heavenly Home Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019374198 | Hebbron, Anita | Child Minding | 25-06-2019 | LOSSIEMOUTH | Anita Hebbron | | SP2019990476 | Anita Hebbron | Active | ||||||||
CS2009233376 | Hebrides Alpha Project | Housing support service | 14-09-2009 | 48b Upper Coll | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0LT | 01851 820 830 | Stephen MacDougall | | SP2009010618 | Hebrides Alpha Project | Active | |||||
CS2008189589 | Hebron House Nursing Home Ltd | Care homes for older people | 30-01-2009 | 27 Seabank Road | Nairn | IV12 4EU | 01667 452 459 | Audrey Kerr | | SP2008010148 | Hebron House Care Home | Active | |||||
CS2003015487 | Hecklegirth Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hecklegirth Primary School | Solway Street | Annan | DG12 6HY | 01461 202 629 | Chris Palmer | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2008173617 | Hector House (Glasgow) Ltd | Care homes for older people | 22-05-2008 | Hector House | 2 Hector Road | Glasgow | G41 3RL | 01416 325 767 | Angela Clark Todd | | SP2003000206 | Hector House (Glasgow) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003003572 | Hedgehogs Childminding | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Heather Hodge | | SP2003901861 | Hedgehogs Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2010273371 | Heggie, Cheryl | Childminding | 07-02-2011 | Inverness | Cheryl Heggie | | SP2010980006 | Cheryl Heggie | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2024000082 | Heidi's Childminding | Child Minding | 14-03-2024 | Appin | | SP2023000672 | Heidi Randle | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2012311718 | Helen Blair Childminding | Childminding | 09-01-2013 | Dumbarton | Helen Blair | | SP2012984061 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000036 | Helen Chambers Childminding | Child Minding | 02-02-2024 | Kilmarnock | | SP2023000331 | Helen Chambers | Active | |||||||||
CS2017360815 | Helen Collins Childminding Service | 04-01-2018 | Edinburgh | Helen Collins | | SP2013985301 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2022000054 | Helen Crawford Childminding | Child Minding | 28-02-2022 | THURSO | | SP2022000035 | Helen Crawford | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000182 | Helen Hazlett Child Minder | Childminding | 04-06-2024 | Arrochar | | SP2023001411 | Helen Hazlett | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348381 | Helen's Childminding Service | Childminding | 09-09-2016 | Wishaw | Helen Williams | | SP2016988187 | Helen Williams | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014887 | Helenslea Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 36 Methven Street | Glasgow | G31 4RB | 01415 510 504 | Julie McGowan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017214 | Helmsdale Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Helmsdale Primary School | Old Caithness Road | Helmsdale | KW8 6JW | 01431 821 244 | Shelly Taylor | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003053769 | HELP (Argyll & Bute) Ltd Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 16-12-2004 | 17/19 John Street | Dunoon | PA23 8BN | 01369 707 600 | Janet Mackellar | | SP2004938599 | HELP (Argyll & Bute) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011303927 | Helping Hands | Childminding | 15-08-2012 | Inverurie | Pauline Mark | | SP2011983051 | Pauline Mark | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000050 | Helping Hands Child Care | Child Minding | 10-02-2024 | Dumfries | | SP2023001408 | Robyn Ross | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316676 | Helping Hands Child Minding | Childminding | 15-07-2013 | DUMBARTON | Stacey Gallacher | | SP2013984786 | Stacey Gallacher | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317812 | Helping Hands Nursery | Day care of children | 01-11-2013 | Dundee and Angus College | Keptie Road | Arbroath | DD11 3EA | 01241432726 | Dorota Przeworowska | | SP2013012085 | Dundee and Angus College Board of Management | Active | ||||
CS2012307109 | Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid - Day Care of Children | Day care of children | 12-02-2013 | Glasgow | Alexandra McArdle | | SP2004006216 | Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307110 | Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 12-02-2013 | Glasgow | Rajni Singh Pandher | | SP2004006216 | Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004795 | Hemsi, Shaheen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Paisley | Shaheen Hemsi | | SP2003902739 | Shaheen Hemsi | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2020378971 | Henderson House | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 2 Links Road | Dalgety Bay | KY11 9GW | 01383 821 234 | Liam Duncan | | SP2020013474 | Henderson Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003005433 | Henderson, Alison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunblane | Alison Henderson | | SP2003903197 | Alison Henderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2009231084 | Henderson, Emma | Childminding | 02-09-2010 | Inverurie | Emma Henderson | | SP2009975071 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012393 | Henderson, Evelyn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Evelyn Henderson | SP2003906118 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2009234802 | Henderson, Jennifer | Childminding | 31-05-2010 | Edinburgh | Jennifer Henderson | SP2009976318 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003006683 | Henderson, June | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | June Henderson | | SP2003903939 | June Henderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2011298761 | Henderson, Kirsten | Childminding | 20-03-2012 | NORTH BERWICK | Kirsten Henderson | SP2011011627 | Kirsten Henderson | Active | |||||||||
CS2007144263 | Henderson, Lynn | Childminding | 01-06-2007 | Irvine | Lynn Henderson | | SP2007963834 | Lynn Henderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003037780 | Henderson, Shona | Childminding | 12-02-2004 | Edinburgh | Shona Henderson | | SP2003906098 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015336431 | Hendren, Jacqueline | Childminding | 19-05-2015 | Ayr | Jacqueline Hendren | SP2015986820 | Jacqueline Hendren | Active | |||||||||
CS2010251961 | Hendrie, Lindsay | Childminding | 15-02-2011 | Law village by Carluke | Lindsay Hendrie | | SP2010978583 | Lindsay Hendrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2010269493 | Henry, Kirsten | Childminding | 19-11-2010 | Edinburgh | Kirsten Henry | | SP2010978852 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003037897 | Hepburn Court, West Lodge | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | Blair Avenue | Glenrothes | KY7 4RT | 01592 562 600 | Kirsty Martin | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2017355764 | Here2Care | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-08-2017 | 46 Victoria Street | Kirkwall | KW15 1DN | 01856 872 438 | Gillian Skuse | | SP2017012871 | Age Scotland Orkney | Active | |||||
CS2017354215 | Here2Care | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-08-2017 | 46 Victoria Street | Kirkwall | KW15 1DN | 01856 872 438 | Gillian Skuse | SP2017012871 | Age Scotland Orkney | Active | ||||||
CS2016344010 | Here4you Childminding | Childminding | 17-02-2016 | Perth | Christine Scott | SP2016987689 | christine Dunn | Active | |||||||||
CS2014333349 | Heriot Country Kids | Day care of children | 25-08-2015 | Heriot Primary School | Heriot | EH38 5YE | 07519 864992 | MAELLE GUIZARD | | SP2014012395 | Heriot Country Kids a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003014758 | Heriot Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Heriot Primary School | Heriot Avenue | Foxbar | Paisley | PA2 0DS | 03003 000 158 | Hilary Paterson | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2022000018 | Hermitage House | Care Home Service | 18-01-2022 | Sinclair Street | Helensburgh | G84 8TU | 01436 429020 | Lynn Cumming | | SP2022000008 | Helensburgh Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017031 | Hermitage Park Primary School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hermitage Park | Edinburgh | EH6 8HD | 01315 542 952 | Gill McPherson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000310 | Heron Heights Childcare | Child Minding | 18-09-2023 | Alford | | SP2023000199 | Sharon Lilley | Active | |||||||||
CS2004058417 | Heron House Early Years Crookston | Day care of children | 21-05-2004 | 959 Crookston Road | Pollok | Glasgow | G53 7DT | 01418 105 777 | Danielle Bruce | | SP2004005678 | The Play House | Active | ||||
CS2003005383 | Heron House Early Years Killearn | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Beech Drive | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9SD | 01360 550 162 | Fiona James | | SP2003001120 | Heron House Killearn Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2019377810 | Hierarchy Support Services | Housing Support Service | 30-06-2020 | Hierarchy Business Solutions Ltd | Suite 17 | Fleming House, 5 Fleming Road, Kirkton Campus | Livingston | EH54 7BN | 01506238240 | Paula Jane Miller | | SP2019013409 | Hierarchy Business Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2020379827 | Hierarchy Support Services | Support Service | 30-06-2020 | Hierarchy Business Solutions Ltd | Suite 17 | Fleming House, 5 Fleming Road, Kirkton Campus | Livingston | EH54 7BN | 01506238240 | Paula Jane Miller | | SP2019013409 | Hierarchy Business Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2003016821 | High Blantyre Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Broompark Road | High Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9SH | 01698 827 670 | Kirsteen Helsby | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2016345582 | High Flyers | Day care of children | 16-06-2016 | Kirkhill Church Hall | Cairns Road | Cambuslang | G72 8PX | 07863093671 | Linzay McDougall | | SP2016012672 | High Flyers Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000154 | High Flyers @ the Church | Day Care of Children | 01-06-2023 | 7 Cairns Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8PX | 01416415151 | Isla Pinder | | SP2016012672 | High Flyers Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019376449 | High Flyers @ The Woods | Day Care of Children | 04-12-2019 | Cambuslang Parish Church | Cairns Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8PX | 07917872956 | Cheryl Lindsay | | SP2016012672 | High Flyers Childcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2018365856 | High Flyers Nursery | 20-09-2018 | 9 Hallside Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7XE | 01416 461 616 | Teresa Hurles | | SP2016012672 | High Flyers Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013319142 | High School of Dundee Nursery | Day care of children | 05-08-2014 | Mary Lily Walker Building | Mayfield Sports Centre | 193 Arbroath Road | Dundee | DD4 7HS | 01382 306 222 | Lisa Yule | | SP2013012123 | Corporation of the High School of Dundee | Active | |||
CS2003011087 | Highbank | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 9a Bonnyrigg Road | Eskbank | Dalkeith | EH22 3EY | 01312 705 640 | Katherine Malone | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017795 | Highbank Day Centre for Older People | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Cairngreen Unit | Midlothian Community Hospital | 70 Eskbank Road, Bonnyrigg | Dalkeith | EH22 3ND | 07557 490 311 | Aline Brown | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||
CS2016349804 | Highgate Care Home | 12-10-2017 | 610 Old Edinburgh Road | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 6HQ | 01698 818 005 | LAURA TURNBULL | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2025000032 | Highland and Islands Residential Recovery Centre | Care Home Service | 28-01-2025 | CrossReach | Highland and Islands Residential Recovery Centre | 69 Old Perth Road | Inverness | IV2 3JH | 01463 711335 | Valerie Bell | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2004082039 | Highland Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 18-05-2005 | Fostering and Adoption Service, Room 4 | Council Offices | Glenurquhart Road | Inverness | IV3 5NX | 01463 702 741 | Jacqueline Gilmour | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2020380728 | Highland Council Adult Placement Continuing Care | Adult placement services | 29-09-2020 | Room 4 | Council Offices | Glenqurquhart Road | Inverness | IV3 5NX | 01463 702 741 | Jacqueline Gilmour | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2004082042 | Highland Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 04-11-2005 | Room 4 | Council Offices | Glenurquhart Road | Inverness | IV3 5NX | 01463 702 741 | Jacqueline Gilmour | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2006133280 | Highland Council School Care Accommodation | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | The Elgin Residence | Dunvegan Road | Portree | IV51 9EE | 01478 612 320 | Mhairi Macdonald | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2018369773 | Highland Croft Home Care | 21-11-2018 | 196 Lednabirichen | Dornoch | IV25 3NE | 07771 591 391 | Eileen Mackay | | SP2018013187 | Highland Croft Homecare Service Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2018369777 | Highland Croft Home Care | 21-11-2018 | 196 Lednabirichen | Dornoch | IV25 3NE | 07771 591 391 | Eileen Mackay | | SP2018013187 | Highland Croft Homecare Service Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000023 | Highland Fling Nursery | Day Care of Children | 18-01-2024 | 11 Brighton Crescent East | Edinburgh | EH15 1LR | 0131 468 3456 | Joanne Shepherd | | SP2023000362 | Highland Fling Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000341 | Highland Fling Out of School Club | Day Care of Children | 03-09-2024 | 3 Old Church Lane | Edinburgh | EH15 3FX | 0131 468 3456 | Joanne Shepherd | | SP2023000362 | Highland Fling Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003054082 | Highland Home Carers | Housing support service | 26-08-2004 | Highland Home Carers Ltd | 1 Highlander Way | Inverness Retail & Business Park | Inverness | IV2 7GE | 01463 241 196 | Catriona Mary Simpson | | SP2004005429 | Highland Home Carers Limited | Active | |||
CS2017362258 | Highland Home Carers - Supported Living | 19-04-2018 | Highland Home Carers | 1 Highlander Way | Inverness Retail & Business Park | Inverness | IV2 7GE | +441463241196 | Anne Marie Currie | | SP2004005429 | Highland Home Carers Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017362257 | Highland Home Carers Ltd - Ross-shire | 19-04-2018 | Highland Home Carers Ltd | Suite 30 | Morrich House, Davidson Drive | Invergordon | IV18 0SA | 01349 853 588 | Lianne Henderson | | SP2004005429 | Highland Home Carers Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017362256 | Highland Home Carers Ltd - Ross-shire | 19-04-2018 | Highland Home Carers Ltd | Suite 30 | Morrich House, Davidson Drive | Invergordon | IV18 0SA | 01349 853 588 | Mary Alexandra "Sandra" Clark | | SP2004005429 | Highland Home Carers Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004077123 | Highland Home Carers Ltd Support Service - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-08-2004 | Highland Home Carers Ltd | 1 Highlander Way | Inverness Retail & Business Park | Inverness | IV2 7GE | 01463 241 196 | Catriona Mary Simpson | | SP2004005429 | Highland Home Carers Limited | Active | |||
CS2016347523 | Highland Services | 08-09-2016 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Sarah Sinclair | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||||
CS2016347522 | Highland Services | 08-09-2016 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Sarah Sinclair | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||||
CS2024000405 | HighlandHearts HomeCare | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-10-2024 | Unit 12 | The Wards | Elgin | IV30 6AA | 07456485864 | Felicia Habia | | SP2024000047 | HighlandHearts HomeCare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000406 | HighlandHearts Housing Support Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-10-2024 | Unit 12 | The Wards | Elgin | IV30 6AA | 07456485864 | FELICIA HABIA | | SP2024000047 | HighlandHearts HomeCare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012310008 | Highview | Care homes for children and young people | 18-09-2012 | Highview | Over Glaisnock | Cumnock | KA18 2SG | 01290 429 554 | Eileen Robson | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007142927 | Highview Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | Scorguie Avenue | Inverness | IV3 8SD | 01463 711 331 | Elsbeth Russell | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009309 | Highway Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Northburn Road | Eyemouth | TD14 5AU | 01890 751 768 | Cheryl Duggan | | SP2003002006 | The Highway Day Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003012166 | Hilditch, Gail | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Gail Hilditch | | SP2003905892 | Hilditch, Mrs Gail Hilditch, Mrs Gail | Active | ||||||||
CS2005113688 | Hill of Banchory School Nursery | Day care of children | 23-02-2006 | Hill of Banchory South | Banchory | AB31 5ZT | 01330 823 351 | Ingrid Akindileni | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015937 | Hill Of Beath Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Hill Of Beath | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8DP | 01383 602 414 | Maureen Lewis | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2018365844 | Hill of Fearn ELC | 15-08-2018 | Hill of Fearn Primary School | Rhynie Road | Fearn | Tain | IV20 1SU | 01862 832 257 | Nikki Campbell | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2004056248 | Hill, Carolynne | Childminding | 07-10-2004 | Glasgow | Carolynne Hill | | SP2004929393 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003039259 | Hillbank Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | North West Kilmarnock Area Centre | Western Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1NQ | 01563 521 064 | Lee Boyd | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006136194 | Hillcrest Futures - Dundee Learning Disability Services | Housing support service | 06-07-2007 | 1 Laing Place | Dundee | DD3 7BY | 01382 884 290 | Lynda Imrie | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006136196 | Hillcrest Futures - Dundee Learning Disability Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-07-2007 | 1 Laing Place | Dundee | DD3 7BY | 01382 884 290 | Lynda Imrie | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011281109 | Hillcrest Futures - North Grimsby/Dundee Outreach Service | Housing support service | 01-02-2011 | 2 North Grimsby | ARBROATH | DD11 1NU | 01241 873742 | Pauline McIntosh | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011281131 | Hillcrest Futures - North Grimsby/Dundee Outreach Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-02-2011 | 2 North Grimsby | Arbroath | DD11 1NU | 01241 873 742 | Pauline McIntosh | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008174170 | Hillcrest Futures - Perthshire Services | Housing support service | 11-09-2008 | 55 Huntingtower Road | Perth | PH12HL | 01764 656 167 | Darren Hunter | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008174179 | Hillcrest Futures - Perthshire Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2008 | 55 Huntingtower Road | Perth | PH12HL | 07815592036 | Darren Hunter | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004078939 | Hillcrest Futures - Tullideph, David Street, Martingale, Birkdale Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 14-12-2004 | 41F Tullideph Place | Dundee | DD2 2PR | 01382 660 049 | Jordan Wood | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061954 | Hillcrest Futures - Tullideph, David Street, Martingale, Birkdale services | Housing support service | 14-12-2004 | Flat 41 F Tullideph Place | Dundee | DD2 2PR | 01382 660 049 | Jordan Wood | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014332580 | Hillcrest Futures Angus - Doocot Park/Lousen Park/River Street/Riverview | Housing support service | 02-04-2015 | Hillcrest Housing Association Ltd | 1 North Grimsby | Arbroath | DD11 1NU | 07809 551 237 | Jacqueline Duncan | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014332586 | Hillcrest Futures Angus - Doocot Park/Lousen Park/River Street/Riverview | Support services - care at home | 02-04-2015 | 10 Doocot Park | Arbroath | DD11 2LN | 01382 224 734 | Jacqueline Duncan | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019376973 | Hillcrest Futures Angus Homecare | Housing Support Service | 14-02-2020 | Hillcrest | 1 North Grimsby | Arbroath | DD11 1NU | 01241 870 822 | Joan Ferguson | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019376974 | Hillcrest Futures Angus Homecare | Support Service | 14-02-2020 | Hillcrest | 1 North Grimsby | Arbroath | DD11 1NU | 01241 870 822 | Joan Ferguson | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061951 | Hillcrest Futures Dundee - Alexander Street, Lismore Terrace, Longfield Drive | Housing support service | 12-11-2004 | 8 Kidd Street | Dundee | DD1 2AN | 01382 224864 | Karen Brown | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004078934 | Hillcrest Futures Dundee - Alexander Street, Lismore Terrace, Longfield Drive | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-03-2005 | 8 Kidd Street | Dundee | DD1 2AN | 01382 224864 | Karen Brown | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019376977 | Hillcrest Futures Dundee Housing with Care Service | Support Service | 14-02-2020 | 1 Explorer Road | Dundee | DD2 1EG | 01382 564 700 | Helen Fletcher | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2019376976 | Hillcrest Futures Dundee Housing with Care Service | Housing Support Service | 14-02-2020 | 1 Exporer Road | Dundee | DD2 1EG | 01382 564 700 | Helen Fletcher | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2004061968 | Hillcrest Futures Edinburgh and Fife | Housing support service | 14-12-2004 | Hillcrest Futures Ltd. | 160 Dundee Street | EDINBURGH | EH11 1DQ | 07774245005 | Louise Doctor | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000379 | Hillcrest Futures Edinburgh and Fife | Support Service | 14-12-2022 | Hillcrest Futures Ltd. | 160 Dundee Street | EDINBURGH | EH11 1DQ | 07774245005 | Louise Doctor | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008175798 | Hillcrest Futures Edinburgh and Glasgow | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-06-2009 | Hillcrest Futures Ltd. | 160 Dundee Street | EDINBURGH | EH11 1DQ | 07918684384 | Susan Dunn | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008175800 | Hillcrest Futures Edinburgh and Glasgow | Housing support service | 09-06-2009 | Hillcrest Futures Ltd. | 160 Dundee Street | EDINBURGH | EH11 1DQ | 07918684384 | Susan Dunn | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008183587 | Hillcrest Futures, Dundee, Student Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 02-09-2008 | 7-11 Arbroath Road | Dundee | DD4 6EW | 01382 459 339 | Danny Kelly | | SP2003000083 | Hillcrest Futures Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004060991 | Hillcrest Homes Tenancy Support Service | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | 36 Glenmoy Terrace | Forfar | DD8 1NH | 01307477733 | Ian Stephen | | SP2004005964 | Hillcrest Homes (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011298905 | Hillcrest House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 26-09-2011 | Glebe Road | Nairn | IV12 4ED | 01667 453 345 | Arthur Brannagan | | SP2011011631 | Carers Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003001298 | Hillcrest Residential Unit | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 29 McConnell Square | Girvan | KA26 9HR | 01465 713 575 | Susan Smith | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016325 | Hillend Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Border Street | Greenock | PA15 2EF | 01475715710 | Sonia McKay | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000382 | Hillfoot Kids Club | Child Minding | 08-10-2024 | Bearsden | | SP2024000395 | Hope Rodger | Active | |||||||||
CS2003036269 | Hillfoot Nursery | Day care of children | 01-10-2003 | 40 Barhill Way | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 3EJ | 01419 420 383 | LYNSEY HOUSE | HILL.FOOT@HOTMAIL.CO.UK | SP2003003881 | Hillfoot Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006139710 | Hillhead Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 09-08-2007 | Newdyke Avenue | Hillhead | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 2DQ | 01419 552 316 | James Friel | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2006134922 | Hillhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 22-11-2006 | 2 Hillhouse Road | Hamilton | ML3 9TB | 01698 540 251 | Ian Currie | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016349503 | Hillside Primary School Nursery | 19-04-2017 | Hillside Primary School | Newlands Drive | Portlethen | Aberdeen | AB12 4LX | 01224 472 864 | Maryanne Middler | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003007038 | Hillside School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2002 | 3 Main Street | Aberdour | Burntisland | KY3 0RH | 01383 860 731 | Anne Harvey | | SP2003001612 | Hillside School (Aberdour) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000133 | Hillside Tots | Child Minding | 18-05-2023 | Lanark | | SP2023000088 | Katie Hobbs | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300713 | Hillside View Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 8 Nethercraigs Road | Paisley | PA2 8UE | 01418 848 555 | Laura Demster | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014888 | Hilltop Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kings Park Primary School | 44 Knightsbridge Drive | Glasgow | G44 4JS | 01416 491 786 | Patricia Mills | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015339 | Hilltop Primary School Nursery Class and Language and Communication Support Centre (LCSC) NC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Petersburn Road | Petersburn | Airdrie | ML6 8BH | 01236 632 240 | Katrina Donnelly | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015340055 | Hilltown Out of School Club | Day care of children | 22-01-2016 | Coldside Community Campus | 15 Alexander Street | Dundee | DD3 7DL | 07769 771 460 | Anne-Marie Mackin | | SP2015012557 | Hilltown Out of School Club a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2012308204 | Hilltree Court | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-01-2013 | Fenwick Road | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6AA | 01416 330 026 | Claire Winter | | SP2012011831 | YourLife Management Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012308205 | Hilltree Court | Housing support service | 25-01-2013 | Fenwick Road | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6AA | 01416 330 026 | Claire Winter | | SP2012011831 | YourLife Management Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017361014 | Hillview Care Home | 19-12-2017 | 36 Singer Road | Dalmuir | Clydebank | G81 4SB | 01419 413 456 | Kirsty Goldie | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2020000016 | Hillview Care Home | Care Home Service | 26-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000005 | Example Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000299 | Hillview Care Service | Support Service | 30-09-2022 | 108/9 Biggar Road | Edinburgh | EH10 7DU | 07548342811 | Millicah (Millie) Mahaso | | SP2021000045 | Hillview Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013318120 | Hillview Court | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 30-08-2013 | Whiteyetts | Sauchie | Alloa | FK10 3AQ | 01259 721 898 | Laura Davidson | | SP2013012090 | ARIA HEALTHCARE GROUP LTD | Active | ||||
CS2018372189 | Hillview Early Learning and Childcare Centre | 29-03-2019 | 100 Blackstoun Road | Ferguslie | Paisley | PA3 1EX | 01416 185 363 | Christine Hann | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000073 | Hillview Healthcare Limited | Nurse Agency | 26-05-2021 | 108. Biggar Road | Lothianburn | EDINBURGH | EH10 7DU | 07548342811 | Millicah Mahaso | | SP2021000045 | Hillview Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015590 | Hillview Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hillview Community Centre | 13 Cultenhove Place | St. Ninians | Stirling | FK7 9DU | 01786 446 283 | Linsey Allan | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2019377186 | Hillview Nursery | Day Care of Children | 25-10-2019 | Yarrow Terrace | Menizeshill | Dundee | DD2 4DW | 01382 436 565 | Carol Blair | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2005110697 | Hillview Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 06-11-2006 | Reid Square | Dundee | DD3 6RP | 01382 834 681 | Megan Milligan | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003017032 | Hillwood Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Ratho Station | Newbridge | EH28 8PT | 01313 331 210 | Carol Morwood | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2010249559 | Hilton Court Care Home | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 29-10-2010 | Hilton Road | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2DD | 01383 411 250 | Suzanne Pitt | | SP2010010911 | Hilton Rehabilitation Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017217 | Hilton Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hilton Primary School | Temple Crescent | Inverness | IV2 4TP | 01463 251 941 | Kathryn Reid | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000081 | Hilton Lodge | Care Home Service | 21-02-2025 | Gateside Road | Haddington | East Lothian | EH41 3SZ | 01314473988 | Maria Sands | | SP2023000256 | Hilton Lodge Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000106 | Hilton Lodge Care | Care Home Service | 01-04-2024 | Hilton Lodge | 60-62 Court Street | Haddington | EH41 3AF | 01620822291 | Vivien White | | SP2023000256 | Hilton Lodge Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004070605 | Hilton Nursing and Homecare Agency - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 14-09-2004 | 9 Hilton Court | Court Street | Haddington | EH41 3AF | 01620 826 300 | Caeris Gilliland | | SP2003002486 | Hilton Nursing and Homecare Agency Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017216 | Hilton of Cadboll Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hilton of Cadboll Primary | Hilton | Tain | IV20 1XE | 01862 832 272 | Blair Mackay | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2005113413 | Hind, Julie | Childminding | 02-06-2006 | Edinburgh | Julie Hind | | SP2005955263 | Julie Hind | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2003047092 | Hinshaw Street Residential Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 16-02-2004 | 30 Hinshaw Street | Glasgow | G20 7DW | 01412 763 978 | claire brown | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2008178213 | Hislop, Kirsty | Childminding | 02-02-2009 | Lossiemouth | Kirsty Hislop | | SP2008970191 | Kirsty Hislop | Active | ||||||||
CS2004073178 | Hjaltland Housing Association Ltd | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | 6 North Ness Business Park | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0LZ | 01595 694 986 | Ian Bray | | SP2004005431 | Hjaltland Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019374899 | HK-Care Consulting Limited | Support Service | 08-06-2020 | Wright Business Centre, Room 222 | 1 Lonmay Road | GLASGOW | G33 4EL | +44 7379663892 | Johanna McGhee | | SP2019013307 | HK-Care Consulting Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006136881 | Hoddam ARBD Service | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 24-05-2007 | Flat 2/1 | 47 Hoddam Avenue | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 0EY | 01416 348 506 | Lyndsey-Ann Naismith | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2003015489 | Hoddom Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hoddom Primary School | Langlands Road | Ecclefechan | DG11 3DS | 01576 300 613 | Moira Hoban | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2009235373 | Hodges, Valerie | Childminding | 10-03-2010 | Grantown-on-Spey | Valerie Hodges | | SP2009976519 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009311 | Hogg, Brenda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Hawick | Brenda Hogg | | SP2003908071 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335445 | Hogg, Sherrie | Childminding | 02-10-2015 | Edinburgh | Sherrie Hogg | | SP2015986705 | Sherrie Hogg | Active | ||||||||
CS2006115252 | Holden, Eileen | Childminding | 21-08-2006 | Stirling | Eileen Holden | EILEENHOLDEN@HOTMAIL.CO.UK | SP2006956188 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378513 | Holding Hands Childminding Service | Child Minding | 12-03-2020 | North Berwick | Joanne Rollo | | SP2019991014 | Joanne Rollo | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000121 | Holestane Cottages | Care homes for children and young people | 25-06-2021 | 1 Holestane Cottages | THORNHILL | DG3 5BD | 01450 390129 | Clare Jones - Smith | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019376835 | Holistic Care Scotland | Support Service | 23-04-2020 | 22 Twin Spires Business Park | Mugiemoss Road | Aberdeen | AB21 9BG | 01224 973 522 | kelly Baxter | | SP2019013359 | Holistic Care Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079138 | Holland Street Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 150 Holland Street | Glasgow | G2 4NG | 01413 329 956 | Robert Leitch | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015302 | Hollandbush Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Irvine Terrace | Hamilton | ML3 8BL | 01698 284 005 | Kirsty Esplin | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000366 | Hollie Wilkie Childminding | Childminding | 02-11-2023 | DUNDEE | | SP2023000240 | Hollie Wilkie | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000263 | Holly Carpenter Childminding | Childminding | 26-08-2022 | Dingwall | | SP2022000175 | Holly Carpenter | Active | |||||||||
CS2016347415 | Holly's Childminding | Childminding | 18-07-2016 | Banchory | Holly Smith | | SP2016988051 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380074 | Hollytree Childcare Ltd | Day care of children | 01-02-2021 | 2-4 Bay Willow Court | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7AD | 01416 420 094 | Elizabeth elms | | SP2020013527 | Hollytree Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017218 | Holm Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stratherrick Road | Inverness | IV2 4YL | 01463 232 697 | Ruth Mackay | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2017358590 | HolmCare | 06-06-2018 | Old Joiners Shop | Copshaw Place | Newcastleton | TD9 0RS | 01387 352211 | Heather Scott | | SP2017012950 | HolmCare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009193124 | Holmes, Louise | Childminding | 29-07-2009 | Glasgow | Louise Holmes | | SP2009972701 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010270153 | Holmesview | Care homes for older people | 10-01-2011 | 2 Holmes Road | Broxburn | EH52 5JZ | 01506 859 660 | Janice Dickson | | SP2003002451 | Randolph Hill Nursing Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003036709 | Holmston Out of Skool Club | Day care of children | 11-03-2005 | The Auld Kirk Hall | Blackfriars Walk | Ayr | KA7 1TT | Isabel Holland | holmstonoutofskoolclub@gmail | SP2004933094 | Holmston Out of Skool Club | Active | |||||
CS2025000057 | Holt Nursing | Nurse agencies | 07-02-2025 | 3rd Floor | 9 George Square | Glasgow | G2 1QQ | 07738014616 | Trevor Hubbard | | SP2023000602 | Holt Medical Recruitment Limited T/A Holt Nursing | Active | ||||
CS2003011945 | Holy Corner Community Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Christ Church Hall | 6/6a Morningside Road | Edinburgh | EH10 4DD | 07519 123 815 | Louise Gourmelen | SP2003002873 | Committee Of Holy Corner Community Playgroup | Active | |||||
CS2003011973 | Holy Cross Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Holy Cross Primary School | Craighall Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RE | 07828922289 | Lisa Tucker | | SP2003002888 | Holy Cross Out of School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003017033 | Holy Cross Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craighall Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RE | 01315 521 972 | Katy Westacott | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2007150333 | Holy Cross Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 15-08-2007 | Constarry Road | Croy | Glasgow | G65 9JG | 01236 632 124 | Marie Murphy | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015339369 | Holy Family Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 14-04-2016 | Holy Family RC Primary | Summerhill Terrace | Aberdeen | AB15 6HE | 01224 316 446 | Marion Given | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014689 | Holy Family Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Boghead Road | Kirkintillloch | Glasgow | G66 4AT | 01419 552 212 | Andrew Gallagher | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000227 | Holy Family Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 10-08-2022 | Linlithgow Road | Winchburgh | EH52 6FY | 01506 890208 | Colette Murray | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2017361904 | Holy Family Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 17-09-2019 | Hope Street | Mossend | Bellshill | ML4 1QA | 01698 522 746 | Angela Harley | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017362463 | Holy Rosary Care Home | 18-12-2018 | Holy Rosary Residence | 44 Union Street | Greenock | PA16 8DP | 01475 722 465 | Josephine Storey | | SP2017013024 | Little Sisters of the Poor Greenock a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2018363676 | Holy Rosary Residence Flats | 18-12-2018 | Holy Rosary Residence Flats | 44 Union Street | Greenock | PA16 8DP | 01475 722 465 | Josephine Storey | | SP2017013024 | Little Sisters of the Poor Greenock a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003015393 | Holytown Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Willow Grove | Holytown | Motherwell | ML1 4SB | 01698 522 740 | Laura Alcorn | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004081194 | Home Assessment Recovery Team | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-11-2004 | Council Buildings | 2 High Street | Perth | PH1 5PH | 01738 458 076 | Brian Kinnear | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000272 | Home Assessment Team (East Kilbride and Rutherglen) | Support Service | 02-09-2022 | South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Social Work Resources | 27 Main Street | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7EX | 0303 123 1008 | Katrina Thomson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2022000273 | Home Assessment Team (Hamilton and Clydesdale) | Support Service | 02-09-2022 | South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Social Work Resources | Brandongate | 1 Leechlee Road | Hamilton | ML3 0XB | 0303 123 1008 | Danielle Thomson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2018370470 | Home Care (Scotland) | 01-03-2019 | 5 Hill Street | Dingwall | IV15 9JP | 01349 863 302 | Cheryl Marshall | | SP2018013207 | Home Care (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2021000308 | Home Care (Scotland) Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-10-2021 | 5 Hill Street | DINGWALL | IV15 9JP | 01349863302 | Michelle Keir | | SP2018013207 | Home Care (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004085958 | Home Care Service - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 22-12-2004 | Home Care -Care at Home | Council Headquarters | High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BX | 01343 563 928 | Joan Hall | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2004082080 | Home Care Services - Mainstream Team | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-10-2004 | Kirkintilloch Health Care Centre | 10 Saramago Street | Kirkintilloch | G66 3BF | 01415 782 101 | Emma McColl | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004082079 | Home Care Services - Mainstream Team | Housing support service | 28-10-2004 | Kirkintilloch Health Care Centre | 10 Saramago Street | Kirkintilloch | G66 3BF | 01415 782 101 | Emma McColl | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000126 | Home Farm Care Home | Care Home Service | 29-06-2021 | Home Farm Road | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9LX | 01478 613232 | Suzanne Wilson | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2015335244 | Home from Home Childminding | Childminding | 05-06-2015 | Dunoon | Suzanne Donald | | SP2015012433 | Suzanne Donald & Linda Donald a partnership trading as Home from Home Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2017355608 | Home from Home Childminding Service | 18-08-2017 | Edinburgh | Georgina Grassick | | SP2017012910 | Georgina Grassick & Nicola Davis a partnership Georgina Grassick & Nicola Davis a partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000015 | Home from Home with Emma | Childminding | 19-01-2023 | Dumfries | | SP2023000011 | Emma Harkness | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332494 | Home Grown Early Learning and Childcare | Childminding | 19-02-2015 | Castle Douglas | Kaighley Anne Cruickshanks | | SP2014986439 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353816 | Home Help Me Care Ltd | 21-08-2017 | 24 Hillhouse Road | Edinburgh | EH4 2AG | 0131 285 8320 | Diane Francey | | SP2017012857 | Home Help Me Care Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000289 | Home Instead Aberdeenshire | Support Service | 02-08-2024 | 20 Rubieslaw Terrace | Aberdeen | AB10 1XE | 01224451007 | Sara Watson | | SP2023000358 | Aberdeen Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000306 | Home Instead Dundee & South Angus | Support services - care at home | 28-10-2021 | Office G | Market Mews | Market Street | Dundee | DD1 3LA | 01382722321 | Tracy Macnamara | | SP2021000189 | MIAY Limited T/A Home Instead Dundee & South Angus | Active | |||
CS2024000061 | Home Instead East Lothian and Midlothian | Support Service | 20-02-2024 | Suite 10 First Floor | Stuart House | Eskmills | Musselburgh | EH21 7PQ | 01312735252 | Helen Renshaw | | SP2023000349 | Lothian Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000071 | Home Instead Inverclyde and North Ayrshire | Support services - care at home | 19-03-2022 | Victoria House | 5 East Blackhall Street | Greenock | PA15 1HD | 01475603860 | Nicole McLean | | SP2022000048 | Ixion Consulting Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000226 | Home Instead North Lanarkshire & Glasgow East | Support Service | 27-07-2023 | The Muirfield Centre | 1a South Muirhead Road | Cumbernauld | GLASGOW | G67 1AX | 01236807800 | Megan Molloy | | SP2023000146 | Lanarkshire Homecare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2016350565 | Home Instead South Lanarkshire | 21-03-2017 | 7 St. Leonard Street | Lanark | ML11 7AB | 01555 666 474 | Lesley Hall | | SP2016012786 | ASAC Care Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2022000049 | Home Instead South Lanarkshire - Hamilton | Support Service | 23-02-2022 | Homestead | Willow House | Kestrel View, Strathclyde Business Park | Bellshill | ML4 3PB | 01698532002 | Lindsay Bryson | | SP2022000031 | Husabost Holding Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000053 | Home Instead West Dunbartonshire, Argyll & Bute and Arran | Support Service | 28-02-2022 | Suite 2, 3, 4 & 11 | Arcadia Business Centre | Miller Lane | Clydebank | G81 1UJ | 01389 313000 | Pauline Carroll | | SP2022000034 | Solripe Allstars Limited | Active | |||
CS2021000300 | Home Instead West Fife and Kinross | Support Service | 20-10-2021 | Suite 4 | Forth House | Burnside Business Court, North Road | Inverkeithing | KY11 1NZ | 01383 668866 | Dorothy Wade | | SP2021000184 | Welcome Home Senior Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2021000011 | Home Instead West Lothian | Support Service | 12-04-2021 | Unit 9 | Grampian Court | Beveridge Square | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 01506 346046 | Nadine Whitelaw | | SP2021000009 | Stevenson Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2012313695 | Home is Best Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-07-2013 | Oak 1 | Killearnmill | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9LQ | 01360 551 264 | Lyndsay Brown | | SP2012011981 | Home is Best Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013315489 | Home is Best Ltd | Housing support service | 10-07-2013 | Oak 1 | Killearnmill | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9LQ | 01360 551 264 | Lyndsay Brown | | SP2012011981 | Home is Best Ltd | Active | |||
CS2012310920 | Home Sweet Home Childcare | Childminding | 30-10-2012 | Dundee | Katrina Webster | | SP2012983935 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004071531 | Home-Start Stirling | Housing support service | 11-11-2004 | Kildean Business and Enterprise Hub | 146 Drip Road | Raploch | Stirling | FK8 1RW | 01786 498 466 | Ann Bradwell | | SP2004006589 | Home-Start Stirling | Active | |||
CS2019378054 | Homecare East | Support Service | 20-12-2019 | Homecare East | Lanark Lodge | Bridgend | Duns | TD11 3EX | 01896 662 701 | Carla Upton | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||
CS2018363199 | Homecare Scotland Care Services Ltd | 17-07-2018 | Headland House | 469 Union Street | Aberdeen | AB11 6BD | 01224 563 111 | Eileen Gail | | SP2018013045 | Homecare Scotland Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019378055 | Homecare South | Support Service | 20-12-2019 | Katherine Elliot Centre | Howdenbank | Hawick | TD9 7JT | 01896 662 701 | Tracy Murray | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2019378057 | Homecare West | Support Service | 20-12-2019 | Council Offices | Paton Street | Galashiels | TD1 3AS | 01896 662 701 | Kerry Lavin | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073503 | Homeless Hostels | Housing support service | 21-09-2004 | The Moray Council | Housing Needs Team | 12-14 Greyfriars Street | Elgin | IV30 1LF | 01343 563 388 | Brian Fraser | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2005097864 | Homelessness and Advice Service (Orkney) | Housing support service | 18-08-2005 | Council Offices | School Place | Kirkwall | KW15 1NY | 01856 873 535 | Frances Troup | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2018371532 | Homelife Ayr | Support Service | 14-06-2019 | 62 Viewfield Road | Ayr | KA8 8hh | 01292 618 444 | Linda Muir | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2018371527 | Homelife Ayr | Housing Support Service | 14-06-2019 | 62 Viewfield Road | AYR | KA8 8HH | 01292 618 444 | Linda Muir | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2004073429 | Homelife Girvan | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-08-2004 | 99 Dalrymple Street | Girvan | KA26 9BS | 01465 712 515 | Elaine Kiltie | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2004057657 | Homelife Girvan | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 99 Dalrymple Street | Girvan | KA26 9BS | 01465 712 515 | Elaine Kiltie | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2013317609 | Homelink Caithness | Housing support service | 20-01-2014 | Pulteney Centre | Huddart Street | Wick | KW1 5BA | 01955 608 530 | Heather Harper | | SP2003003632 | Pulteneytown People's Project | Active | ||||
CS2016345658 | Homestead Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-06-2016 | Aboyne | Susan Nicoll | | SP2016987848 | Susan Nicoll | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338049 | Honey Bunny Childcare | Childminding | 25-09-2015 | Kirknewton | Debbie-Ann Rutherford | | SP2015012506 | Honey Bunny Childcare Limited Honey Bunny Childcare Limited | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010119 | Honeypot Children's Nursery - Almondbank | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Unit 17, Lochty Industrial Estate | Almondbank | Perth | PH1 3NP | 01738 583 800 | Michelle Barton | | SP2003002169 | The Honeypot Children's Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010120 | Honeypot Children's Nursery - Luncarty | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Unit 6, Home Farm | Marshall Way | Luncarty | Perth | PH1 3UX | 01738 827 676 | Aimee Gruneberg | | SP2003002169 | The Honeypot Children's Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2006117933 | Honeywell Nursery Class | Day care of children | 18-08-2006 | 1 Honeywell Crescent | Chapelhall | Airdrie | ML6 8XW | 01236 632 140 | Anne Marie McClymont | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011289681 | Hoodles Childcare | Day care of children | 30-06-2011 | Academy Way | Colpy Industrial Estate | Oldmeldrum | Inverurie | AB51 0BZ | 01651 873 995 | Lucy Gordon | | SP2011011583 | Nursery Care (Grampian) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008178083 | Hop, Skip & Jump Nursery | Day care of children | 07-08-2008 | St. John's Hall | Russell Place | Forres | IV36 1BL | 01309 673 668 | Beth Campbell | | SP2008009842 | Beth Campbell | Active | ||||
CS2003015864 | Hope Cottage Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cowans Close | East Cross Causeway | Edinburgh | EH8 9HF | 01316 675 795 | Daniel Hoyle | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2005089002 | Hope Park House | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2003 | Balmoral Road | Rattray | Blairgowrie | PH10 7HU | 01250 872 349 | Pamela Wilkie | | SP2003002117 | Hope Park Trust | Active | ||||
CS2003009759 | Hope Park House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Balmoral Road | Rattray | Blairgowrie | PH10 7HU | 01250 872 349 | Pamela Wilkie | | SP2003002117 | Hope Park Trust | Active | ||||
CS2003017325 | Hope Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hope Primary School | St. Margaret's Hope | Orkney | KW17 2TN | 01856 831 217 | Catherine Mackenzie | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2009230325 | Hope, Julia | Childminding | 26-01-2010 | South Queensferry | Julia Hope | | SP2009974855 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000195 | Hopefield Castle Nursery | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2021 | The Nursery at Brixwold | Cockpen Road | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3HS | 01316295005 | Katie Lyall | | SP2015012549 | Newbyres Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000320 | Hopefield Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 20-10-2022 | Riddochhill Road | Blackburn | EH47 7HB | 01506 283780 | Kevin McCabe | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003054761 | Hopeman Avenue Service | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 06-05-2004 | 29 Hopeman Avenue | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 8SG | 01416 202 267 | Susanne Gadhia | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016019 | Hopeman Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Hopeman | Elgin | IV30 5TQ | 01343 830 281 | Eve Matthew | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2013318497 | Hopscotch Cottage Childminding | Childminding | 18-10-2013 | Livingston | Margaret Lesley Anderson | | SP2013985065 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005103021 | Horizon Support | Housing support service | 09-01-2006 | Flat 2 | 554 Wellesley Road | Swan View | Leven | KY8 3PE | 01592 714 633 | Joan Simkins | | SP2006008011 | Horizon Support | Active | |||
CS2014334337 | Horizons Residential Care - Braeside House | Care homes for children and young people | 27-03-2015 | 83 Sheephousehill | Fauldhouse | Bathgate | EH47 9EN | 01501 503 883 | Adam Hughes | | SP2013012111 | Horizons Residential Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015341181 | Horizons Residential Care - Glendale House | 21-06-2017 | 43/45 Powdermill Brae | Gorebridge | EH23 4HX | 01875 572 544 | Sharon Allison | | SP2013012111 | Horizons Residential Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2015341621 | Horizons Residential Care - Hillview House | Care homes for children and young people | 12-02-2016 | 28 Drumbrae South | Edinburgh | EH12 8SS | 01316 252 828 | Melissa Baxter | | SP2013012111 | Horizons Residential Care Limited | Inactive | |||||
CS2013318832 | Horizons Residential Care - Westhaven House | Care homes for children and young people | 11-10-2013 | 29 Downie Terrace | EDINBURGH | EH12 7AU | 01312378362 | Michelle Hunter | | SP2013012111 | Horizons Residential Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003055950 | Horizons Young People's Service | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | Horizons Project | 2/2 Easter Dalry Road | Edinburgh | EH11 2TS | 01312 012 941 | Sharon Hamilton | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2017361887 | Hosea, Darlene | 23-03-2018 | Ellon | Darlene Hosea | | SP2017989499 | Darlene Hosea | Active | |||||||||
CS2014323454 | Hospice at Home | Support services - care at home | 19-08-2014 | Strathcarron Hospice | Randolph Hill | Fankerton | Denny | FK6 5HJ | 01324826222 | Marjory Mackay | | SP2003002729 | Strathcarron Hospice a company limited by guarantee | Active | |||
CS2003013904 | Hossack, Gillian | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Invergordon | Gillian Hossack | | SP2003907554 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014010 | Hossack, Shona | Childminding | 04-02-2003 | South Queensferry | Shona Hossack | | SP2003908227 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006117941 | Houbani, Fatima | Childminding | 24-01-2007 | Aberdeen | Fatima Houbani | | SP2006958471 | Fatima Houbani | Active | ||||||||
CS2013319624 | Houghton, Carolyn | Childminding | 27-11-2013 | Aberdeen | Carolyn Houghton | | SP2013985201 | Carolyn Houghton | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009129 | Hourston, Edna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkwall | Edna Hourston | | SP2003905029 | Edna Hourston | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377144 | Housing First Consortium and Housing First Glasgow (Legacy Service) | Housing Support Service | 31-01-2020 | Turning Point Scotland | Ground Floor | Kintyre House, 209 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 1HU | 01414 180 764 | Jac McElhinney | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||
CS2022000001 | Housing First for Families | Housing Support Service | 05-01-2022 | 44-46 Bank Street | Irvine | KA12 0LP | 03451126600 | Clair Christie | | SP2022000001 | Irvine Housing Association | Active | |||||
CS2020379611 | Housing First Team | Housing Support Service | 09-11-2020 | The Forum | Callendar Business Park Callendar Road | Falkirk | FK1 1XR | 01259 272112 | Claire Hughes | | SP2020013510 | Transform Forth Valley | Active | ||||
CS2019376955 | Housing First West Dunbartonshire | Housing Support Service | 20-12-2019 | 16 Church Street (ground floor homeless team) | Dunbarton | G82 1QL | 07385 117 402 | Nicole Harley | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004079693 | Housing Management & Development | Housing support service | 15-11-2004 | Allan Water House | Kerse Road | Stirling | FK7 7SG | 01786 237 665 | Simon Bain | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003053164 | Housing Services | Housing support service | 22-09-2004 | Housing Options | 8 John Finnie Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1DD | 01563 554400 | Alison Kennedy | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003055547 | Housing Support | Housing support service | 13-10-2004 | North Ayrshire Council | Housing Services | Bridgegate House, Bridgegate | Irvine | KA12 8BD | 01294 317 370 | Elizabeth (Liz) Brown | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008169194 | Housing Support | Housing support service | 06-11-2008 | Aberdeenshire Council | Viewmount | Arduthie Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2DQ | 01467 533 093 | Kathryn Macdonald | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2020000022 | Housing Support 1 | Housing Support Service | 02-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2013314597 | Housing Support Dundee | Housing support service | 01-04-2014 | Balgowan Court | 11 Balgowan Drive | Dundee | DD3 0HZ | 01382 828 160 | John McLean | | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | ||||
CS2013321549 | Housing Support Outreach Service | Housing support service | 31-01-2014 | Woodhill House | Westburn Road | Aberdeen | AB16 5GB | 01467 538905 | Gail Predell | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017362260 | Housing Support service | 19-04-2018 | Highland Home Carers | 1 Highlander Way | Inverness Retail & Business Park | Inverness | IV2 7GE | 01463241196 | Anne Marie Currie | | SP2004005429 | Highland Home Carers Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020000003 | Housing support Service 1 | Housing Support Service | 21-10-2020 | Service Address street 1 | Service address line 2 | Service address line 3 | Service town | SV4 1WE | 01323123123 | Manager Forename Manager surname | | SP2020000003 | Housing support Org 1 | Active | |||
CS2004081799 | Housing Support Shetland | Housing support service | 11-01-2005 | Shetland Islands Council | Housing Service | Lerwick, 8 North Ness Business Park | Shetland | ZE1 0LZ | 01595 744 360 | George Martin | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2003014759 | Houston Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Houston Primary School | Houston Road | Houston | Johnstone | PA6 7EJ | 03003 000 159 | Jennifer Murray | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003010268 | Howard House Nursing & Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 13 Howard Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 2BP | 01563 532 499 | Susan Orr | | SP2003001705 | Gate Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011805 | Howden Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Howden St Andrew's Primary School | Kingsport Avenue | Howden East | Livingston | EH54 6BW | 01506 435 520 | Cheryl Hawthorne | SP2003002790 | Howden Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003017494 | Howden St. Andrews Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kingsport Avenue | Howden | Livingston | EH54 6BA | 01506 433 114 | Laura Caulfield | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003036299 | Howe, Jacquelyn | Childminding | 13-05-2003 | Bonnybridge | Jacquelyn Ferguson | | SP2004936731 | Jacquelyn Howe | Active | ||||||||
CS2007151829 | Howie, Lyn | Childminding | 21-12-2007 | Falkirk | Lyn Howie | | SP2007965181 | Lyn Howie | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000156 | HRM HOMECARE SERVICES - FALKIRK | Housing Support Service | 09-07-2021 | H R M Homecare Services Ltd | Ironworks Business Centre | Castlelaurie Industrial Estate | Falkirk | FK2 7XE | 01324 467889 | Charlene Smith | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000155 | HRM HOMECARE SERVICES - FALKIRK | Support Service | 09-07-2021 | H R M Homecare Services Ltd | Ironworks Business Centre | Castlelaurie Industrial Estate | Falkirk | FK2 7XE | 01324 467889 | Charlene Smith | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000150 | HRM HOMECARE SERVICES - NORTH LANARKSHIRE | Housing Support Service | 08-07-2021 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | 29-31 Blairtummock Place | Panorama Business Village | Glasgow | G33 4EN | 01236 429859 | Charlene Smith | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000151 | HRM HOMECARE SERVICES - NORTH LANARKSHIRE | Support Service | 08-07-2021 | H R M Homecare Services | 29-31 Blairtummock Place | Panorama Business Village | Glasgow | G33 4EN | 01236 429859 | Charlene Smith | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000153 | HRM HOMECARE SERVICES - RENFREWSHIRE | Housing Support Service | 09-07-2021 | H R M Homecare Services | 75 London Road | KILMARNOCK | KA3 7BP | 01563 570980 | SUZETTE LEWIS | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000154 | HRM HOMECARE SERVICES - RENFREWSHIRE | Support Service | 09-07-2021 | HRM Homecare Services | 75 London Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 7BP | 01563570980 | SUZETTE LEWIS | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009195295 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd - Central / West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-03-2010 | 75 London Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 7BP | 01563 570 980 | Suzette Lewis | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009195294 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd - Central / West | Housing support service | 15-03-2010 | 75 London Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 7BP | 01563 570 980 | Suzette Lewis | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009230635 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd - South West Branch (1) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-07-2010 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | 29-31 Blairtummock Place | Panorama Business Village | Glasgow | G33 4EN | 01236 429 859 | Suzette Lewis | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2009232697 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd - South West Branch (1) | Housing support service | 09-07-2010 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | 29-31 Blairtummock Place | Panorama Business Village | Glasgow | G33 4EN | 01236 429 859 | Suzette Lewis | | SP2004006645 | HRM Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011280841 | HSC Nursing Services | Nurse agencies | 21-09-2012 | 75 London Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 7BP | 01563 556 130 | Diane Theresa Tinline | | SP2010011254 | HSC Futures Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014786 | Hugh Smiley Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 159 George Street | Paisley | PA1 2UN | 01416 183 870 | Shirley Allan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2017359024 | Hughes, Elizabeth | 27-03-2018 | Dundee | Elizabeth Hughes | | SP2017989273 | Elizabeth Hughes | Active | |||||||||
CS2008169823 | Hulse, Hazel | Childminding | 30-07-2009 | Inverurie | Hazel Hulse | | SP2008968596 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016985 | Humbie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Humbie Primary School | Humbie | EH36 5PJ | 01875 833 247 | Sheona Skinner | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2015342612 | Hummingbird Out of School Care Limited | Day care of children | 18-02-2016 | 35 Moss St | Paisley | Renfrewshire | PA1 1DL | 07833 291 263 | Stephanie Beckett | | SP2015012547 | Hummingbird Out of School Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010122 | Humpty Dumpty Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scone Public Hall | 21 Queens Road | Scone | Perth | PH2 6QJ | 01738 553 089 | Alison Brown | | SP2003002170 | Humpty Dumpty Community Nursery | Active | |||
CS2018370027 | Hungry Little Caterpillars | 21-12-2018 | North Berwick | Donna Denton | | SP2018990157 | Donna Denton | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003914 | Hunter, Alison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Alison Hunter | | SP2003902113 | Alison Hunter | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003728 | Hunter, Anita | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Anita Hunter | | SP2003901982 | Anita Hunter | Active | ||||||||
CS2004083238 | Hunter, Audrey | Childminding | 18-04-2005 | Livingston | Audrey Hunter | | SP2004007027 | Audrey Hunter | Active | ||||||||
CS2007142710 | Hunter, J Kirsty | Childminding | 28-08-2007 | Longniddry | Kirsty Hunter | | SP2007963281 | Hunter, J Kirsty Hunter, J Kirsty | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011282 | Hunter, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Jacqueline Hunter | | SP2003905592 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005642 | Hunter, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Julie Hunter | | SP2003903370 | Julie Hunter | Active | ||||||||
CS2005093941 | Hunter, Karen | Childminding | 19-09-2005 | Kilbirnie | Karen Hunter | | SP2005946252 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012312404 | Hunter, Kerry | Childminding | 14-02-2013 | Glasgow | Kerry Hunter | | SP2012984159 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003596 | Hunter, Suzanne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cumnock | Suzanne Hunter | | SP2003901882 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006121927 | Hunterhill Care Home | Care homes for older people | 10-01-2008 | Blackford Road | Paisley | PA2 7EN | 03003 000 021 | Gerard Higgins | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003051275 | Hunters Crescent | Care homes for children and young people | 19-03-2004 | 29 Hunter's Crescent | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 3HY | 01355 270 839 | Tracey McMaster | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007144928 | Huntly Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 05-04-2007 | 20/22 Duke Street | Huntly | AB54 8DY | 01466 794 375 | Susan Clubb | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000163 | Hurlford & Crookedholm ELCS (SCIO) | Day Care of Children | 15-07-2021 | 51 Academy Street | Hurlford | KILMARNOCK | KA1 5BU | 07500796197 | Tina Thomson | | SP2021000098 | Hurlford & Crookedholm Early Learning & Childcare Services (SCIO) | Active | ||||
CS2003016953 | Hurlford Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Union Street | Hurlford | Kilmarnock | KA1 5BT | 01563 525 098 | Gillian Campbell | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012308458 | Hurst, Naomi | Childminding | 11-09-2012 | Aberdeen | Naomi Hurst | | SP2012983579 | Naomi Hurst | Active | ||||||||
CS2014331351 | Husher Bye Childminding | Childminding | 16-02-2015 | Glasgow | Heather Usher | | SP2014986338 | Heather Usher | Active | ||||||||
CS2018367836 | Hutchesons' After School Care | 10-09-2018 | 44 Kingarth Street | Glasgow | G42 7RN | 01414 334 481 | Jacqueline Thomson | | SP2017013040 | The Governor's of Hutchesons' Educational Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2017363014 | Hutchesons' Pre-School | 21-08-2018 | 44 Kingarth Street | Glasgow | G42 7RN | 01414 232 700 | Ashley Cornfoot | | SP2017013040 | The Governor's of Hutchesons' Educational Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2004083172 | Hutchinson, Adelene | Childminding | 22-12-2004 | Greenock | Adelene Hutchinson | | SP2004941426 | Adelene Hutchinson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003020341 | Hutchison, Wendy | Childminding | 28-08-2003 | Cupar | Wendy Hutchison | | SP2003910716 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013867 | Hutt, Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Mary Hutt | | SP2003907519 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008185283 | Hutton Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 19-01-2010 | 60 Greenock Road | Largs | KA30 8PD | 01475 673 184 | Katherine Bain | | SP2003000231 | Hutton Park Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009196320 | Hyde 'N' Seek | Day care of children | 12-03-2009 | Block D | Sholto Crescent | Innovation Park | Bellshill | ML4 3LX | 01698 845 786 | Clarissa Viscione | | SP2003003510 | Hyde 'N' Seek Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003015049 | Hyde 'n' Seek Nursery | Day care of children | 20-08-2002 | Hydepark Business Centre | 60 Mollinsburn Street | Springburn | Glasgow | G21 4SF | 01415 575 111 | Amanda Lawson | | SP2003003510 | Hyde 'N' Seek Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2004076067 | Hyde 'N' Seek Nursery - Bridgeton | Day care of children | 11-11-2004 | 10-18 Redan Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QA | 01415 549 956 | Mary Peat | | SP2003003510 | Hyde 'N' Seek Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2004061244 | Hyde 'N' Seek Nursery - Kinning Park Business Centre | Day care of children | 29-07-2004 | Kinning Park Business Centre | 544 Scotland Street West | Glasgow | G41 1BZ | 01414 296 238 | Donna Simpson | | SP2003003510 | Hyde 'N' Seek Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003019964 | Hyde 'N' Seek Nursery - Prospecthill Road | Day care of children | 13-08-2003 | 124 Prospecthill Road | Mount Florida | Glasgow | G42 9LH | 01416 326 682 | Jade Fullerton | | SP2003003510 | Hyde 'N' Seek Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2007147623 | Hyde 'n' Seek On The Green | Day care of children | 17-09-2007 | 80 Templeton Street | Glasgow Green | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 510 586 | Aoibheann Gallagher | | SP2003003510 | Hyde 'N' Seek Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003005764 | Hyndland After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 34 - 44 Fortrose Street | Partick | Glasgow | G11 5LP | 01413 399 526 | Arlene McKenzie | | SP2003001223 | Hyndland After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2010251782 | Hyndman, Marie | Childminding | 11-10-2010 | Invergordon | Marie Hyndman | | SP2010978557 | Marie Hyndman | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016022 | Hythehill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Margaret's Crescent | Lossiemouth | IV31 6RF | 01343 812 014 | Michelle Johnson | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000004 | I am Stephanie Sunshine | Child Minding | 10-01-2023 | East Linton | | SP2023000002 | Stephanie Foulds | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338907 | I C Care Ltd | 17-02-2016 | 144 Lunderston Drive | Pollok | Glasgow | G53 6BS | 07738 000 804 | Christine Johnston | | SP2015012532 | I C Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014795 | Ibrox Primary School - Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ibrox Primary School | 46 Hinshelwood Drive | Glasgow | G51 2XP | 01414 270 922 | Fiona Young | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376229 | ICARE 24 | Nurse Agency | 22-08-2019 | Unit D Ludgate Court | Water Street | Birmingham | B3 1EP | 08448 236 888 | Heather Martin | | SP2019013338 | ICARE 24 Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016350820 | ID Medical | Nurse agencies | 05-02-2018 | Unit 2 Mill Square | Featherstone Road | Wolverton Mill | Milton Keynes | MK12 5ZD | 01908 552 820 | Christiana Kolade | | SP2014012346 | ID Medical Group Limited | Active | |||
CS2013322920 | IKL Care | Support services - care at home | 30-06-2014 | 1-3 Coalgate | Alloa | FK10 1EH | 01259 404 027 | Alva Kim Matchett | | SP2013012227 | IKL Care a partnership | Active | |||||
CS2024000150 | IMC Locums Limited | Nurse agencies | 09-05-2024 | Unit 6 Hersham Farm Business Park | Hersham Farm Business Park | Longcross Road, Longcross | Chertsey | KT16 0DN | 02034732430 | Temilola Sanni | | SP2023000468 | IMC Locums Limited | Active | |||
CS2024000237 | Imperial Care HCS Ltd | Support Service | 08-07-2024 | Suite 19, Carron House | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1ER | 07508249281 | AMANDA KERR | | SP2023000585 | Imperial Care HCS Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008189789 | Imrie, Ruth | Childminding | 21-01-2009 | Edinburgh | Ruth Imrie | SP2008972288 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013319854 | In Safe Hands | Day care of children | 12-02-2014 | 6 Albert Road | Renfrew | PA4 8ET | 0141 886 3760 | Etta Anderson | | SP2013012146 | Insafe Hands Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012308662 | Ina's Childminding | Childminding | 28-09-2012 | Lochgelly | Ina Mathieson | | SP2012983616 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009233011 | Inch View | Care homes for older people | 24-02-2011 | 233 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5UD | 0131 658 5000 | Jackie Reid | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016088 | Inch View Primary School Nursery and Wrap Around Care Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenearn Community Campus | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0BE | 01738 472 450 | Julie Wilkie | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010211 | Inchinnan Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Old Greenock Road | Inchinnan | Renfrew | PA4 9PH | 01418 125 566 | Euan Grant | | SP2003002227 | LittleInch Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003004816 | Inchinnan Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inchinnan Primary School | Old Greenock Road | Inchinnan | Renfrew | PA4 9PH | 01418 126 540 | Lynne Burns | | SP2003001002 | Inchinnan Community Nursery Committee | Active | |||
CS2003043657 | Inchlair Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 02-04-2002 | Valeview | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 3BY | 01324 503 430 | Gillian Torrance | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2009216658 | Inchmarlo Continuing Care Retirement Community - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 09-03-2010 | Inchmarlo | Banchory | AB31 4AL | 01330 824 981 | Julie Mackenzie | | SP2003002326 | Skene Enterprises (Aberdeen) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009216653 | Inchmarlo Continuing Care Retirement Community - Nurse Agency | Nurse agencies | 09-03-2010 | Inchmarlo | Banchory | AB31 4AL | 01330 824 981 | Julie Mackenzie | | SP2003002326 | Skene Enterprises (Aberdeen) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061659 | Inchmarlo Continuing Care Retirement Community - Support Service | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Inchmarlo | Banchory | AB31 4AL | 01330 824 981 | Julie Mackenzie | | SP2003002326 | Skene Enterprises (Aberdeen) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003010394 | Inchmarlo House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Inchmarlo | Banchory | AB31 4AL | 01330 824 981 | Julie Mackenzie | | SP2003002326 | Skene Enterprises (Aberdeen) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016077 | Inchture Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Inchture | Perth | PH14 9RT | 01738 454 466 | Jo Bell | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2018366672 | Inchture Teddy Tots | 14-08-2018 | Perth | Nicola Hallyburton | | SP2018989883 | Nicola Hallyburton | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000351 | Inchture Wraparound Childcare | Day Care of Children | 25-10-2023 | Inchture Primary School | Inchture | Perth | PH14 9RN | 07763937645 | Laura Malloch | | SP2023000233 | Inchture Wraparound Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010248291 | INCLUDEM Intensive Support Services | Support services - care at home | 12-04-2011 | Unit 6000 | Academy Office Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 01414 270 523 | Tracey Stewart | | SP2004006905 | INCLUDEM | Active | |||
CS2004064935 | Inclusion Alliance | Support services - care at home | 24-03-2005 | Office C | 2 Quayside Mills | Quayside Street, Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 6EX | 01314 776 501 | Allan Tunnock | | SP2004006231 | Inclusion Alliance Limited | Active | |||
CS2004056091 | Inclusion Glasgow Supported Living 1 | Housing support service | 22-04-2005 | Clydeway House | 813 South Street | Glasgow | G14 0BX | 01419 504 910 | Jaqueline Reid | | SP2004005531 | Inclusion Glasgow | Active | ||||
CS2004070788 | Inclusion Glasgow Supported Living 1 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-04-2005 | Clydeway House | 813 South Street | Glasgow | G14 0BX | 0141 950 4910 | Jaqueline Reid | | SP2004005531 | Inclusion Glasgow | Active | ||||
CS2016349379 | Inclusive Support Service | 29-11-2017 | Aurora House | West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership | Queens Quay, Clydebank | Glasgow | G81 1BF | 01415 628 800 | Elizabeth Anne Ritchie | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020000006 | Incy Wincy Spider Childcare | Day Care of Children | 25-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000006 | Example Ltd | Inactive | |||
CS2025000041 | Independence from Drugs and Alcohol Scotland (IFDAS) - Rivergarden | Housing Support Service | 05-02-2025 | The Bothy Office | Auchincruive | Ayr | KA5 5AE | 01292 521164 | Jardine Simpson | | SP2024000471 | IFDAS | Active | ||||
CS2003053366 | Independent Living Support | Housing support service | 24-08-2004 | 8 George St Meuse | Dumfries | Dumfries | DG1 1HH | 01387 262 226 | Lesley-Ann McWilliam | | SP2004005375 | Independent Living Support | Active | ||||
CS2022000058 | India Dorsie Childminding | Child Minding | 01-03-2022 | ARBROATH | | SP2022000039 | India Dorsie | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000226 | Indigo @Toybox Nursery | Day care of children | 28-06-2024 | 17 Maxwell Drive | East Kilbride | G74 4HG | 01416346161 | Cheryl Duke | | SP2007009288 | The Indigo Childcare Group | Active | |||||
CS2007166498 | Indigo Childcare @ Castleton Primary School | Day care of children | 11-04-2008 | 70 Dougrie Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9NW | 01416 300 008 | Chanelle Chambers | | SP2007009288 | The Indigo Childcare Group | Active | ||||
CS2007159933 | Indigo Childcare@ St Bartholomew's Primary School | Day care of children | 29-04-2008 | St. Bartholomew's Primary School | 30 Castlemilk Drive | Glasgow | G45 9TR | 01416 346 161 | Stephanie Grant | | SP2007009288 | The Indigo Childcare Group | Active | ||||
CS2007165283 | Indigo Early Years Service @ 29 Dunagoil Road | Day care of children | 15-01-2008 | John Paul II Primary School | 29 Dunagoil Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9UR | 01416346161 | Ashley Turner | | SP2007009288 | The Indigo Childcare Group | Active | |||
CS2012310151 | Indiyouth | Day care of children | 15-07-2014 | 39 Ardencraig Road | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 0EQ | 01416 346 161 | Stephanie Grant | | SP2007009288 | The Indigo Childcare Group | Active | ||||
CS2015337699 | Ines Parker Childminding Service | Childminding | 27-07-2015 | Glasgow | Ines Parker | | SP2014985963 | Ines Parker | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012141 | Inglis, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Susan Inglis | | SP2003905867 | Inglis, Mrs Susan Inglis, Mrs Susan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003037990 | Ingram, Deborah | Childminding | 04-12-2003 | Westhill | Deborah Ingram | | SP2003909432 | Deborah Ingram | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001898 | Ingram, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Linda Ingram | | SP2003900520 | Linda Ingram | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000403 | Inifinite24 | Support Service | 29-11-2023 | 3/18 Polkemmet Business Centre | Dixon Terrace | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0LH | 07735829362 | Mavis Chipo Nyatsanza | | SP2023000406 | Infinite24 Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000083 | Inistrynich House | Care Home Service | 15-03-2024 | Innistrynich House | Cladich | Dalmally | PA33 1BQ | 07881858658 | Pauline Kuhl | | SP2013012183 | Reflexion Care Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010279555 | Initial Healthcare Ltd | Nurse agencies | 10-06-2011 | Flemington House | Flemington Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8YF | 01416 414 296 | Iain Kinnear | | SP2010011351 | Initial Healthcare Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2020379261 | Innerleithen Family Learning Centre | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | Innerleithen Drive | Coltness | Wishaw | ML2 8SA | 01698 522749 | Karen Gibb | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015828 | Innerwick Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirk Brae | Innerwick | Dunbar | EH42 1SD | 01368 840 227 | Joanne Legge | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004128 | Innes, Karen | Childminding | 30-12-2002 | Inverness | Karen Innes | | SP2003902274 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013882 | Innes, Laura | Childminding | 12-02-2003 | South Queensferry | Laura Innes | | SP2003907534 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003044270 | Innes, Lisa | Childminding | 08-01-2004 | Dundee | Lisa Innes | | SP2004935825 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310801 | Innis Mhor Care Home | Care homes for older people | 15-07-2013 | Craighill Terrace | Tain | IV19 1EU | 01862 731 180 | Kate Walker | | SP2012011901 | Parklands Highland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013316736 | Innocence Nursery | Day care of children | 07-01-2014 | Parklands Country Club | 196 Ayr Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6DT | 01416 397 111 | Saima Kiyani | | SP2013012054 | Innocence Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2015342519 | Insafe Hands (Newmains) | Day care of children | 10-08-2016 | Newmains Primary School | Lang Avenue | Renfrew | PA4 0DA | 01418 863 760 | Anne Park | | SP2013012146 | Insafe Hands Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015714 | Insch School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Alexander Street | Insch | AB52 6JH | 01464 635 110 | Leslie Buchanan | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2007144853 | Inshes Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 04-09-2007 | Inshes Road | Inverness | IV2 3RF | 01463 725 920 | Meg Snedden | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000326 | Inspire Bredero Drive | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 56 Bredero Drive | Banchory | AB31 5ZB | 01330 824 569 | Hazel Karpinski | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2010279592 | Inspire Community Living Project | Housing support service | 22-06-2011 | Inspire Ltd | Beach Boulevard | ABERDEEN | AB24 5HP | 01224 280005 | Kelly Nicol | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011286204 | Inspire Community Living Project | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-06-2011 | Inspire Ltd | Beach Boulevard | ABERDEEN | AB24 5HP | 01224 280005 | Kelly Nicol | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018366682 | Inspire Donald Dewar Court | 13-12-2018 | 30 Donald Dewar Court | Aberdeen | AB16 5JB | 01224 697 788 | Stephanie Low | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003000328 | Inspire- Eden Drive | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 12 Eden Drive | Peterhead | AB42 2AU | 01779 478 998 | Claire Coutts | | SP2003000031 | Inspire (Partnership Through Life) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000298 | Inspired breaks | Care Home Service | 08-09-2023 | Lower Flat | Dunollie | Windygates Road | Leven | KY8 4DP | 07711727385 | tina ramzi | | SP2023000189 | Inspired Breaks Ltd | Active | |||
CS2012309379 | Inspired Independent Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-10-2013 | Core Space | 58 Portland Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1JG | 07377965304 | David Bain | | SP2012011861 | West Park Supported Living LLP | Active | ||||
CS2017362476 | Integrity Social Care Solutions Housing Support with Care at Home | 20-06-2018 | Unit 20 Flexspace | 15 Pitreavie Court | Pitreavie Business Park, Queensferry Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8UU | 07519486345 | Kudzai Gapara | | SP2017013026 | Integrity Social Care Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017362487 | Integrity Social Care Solutions Housing Support with Care at Home | 25-06-2018 | Unit 20 Flexspace | 15 Pitreavie Court | Pitreavie Business Park, Queensferry Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8UU | 07880369489 | Kudzai Gapara | | SP2017013026 | Integrity Social Care Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004082220 | Intensive Fostering Services | Fostering services | 18-11-2005 | Kibble Community Services | 1 Station Road | Paisley | PA1 2SB | 01418 890 044 | John McHale | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2018365942 | Interact Medical Limited | 22-08-2018 | Metropolitan House - Building 900 | 321 Avebury Boulevard | Milton Keynes | MK9 2GA | 01908 357 900 | Kathryn Margaret Lewis | | SP2018013103 | Interact Medical Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004073427 | Intermediate Care Team, ICT East | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2004 | Kirkstyle Campus | Carron Avenue | Kilmarnock | KA1 5NF | 01563 554 401 | Audrey Stillie | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003052727 | Intermediate Care Team, ICT East | Housing support service | 30-07-2004 | East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership | The Johnnie Walker Bond | 15 Strand Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1HU | 01563 554 401 | Nicola Henshaw | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016174 | International School of Aberdeen Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pitfodels House | North Deeside Road | Cults | Aberdeen | AB15 9PN | 01224 730 300 | Morio Kajiwara | | SP2003003561 | The International School of Aberdeen Educational Trust Limited | Active | |||
CS2017357896 | International School of Aberdeen Out of School Club | Day care of children | 11-08-2017 | International School of Aberdeen | Pitfodels House | North Deeside Road, Cults | Aberdeen | AB15 9PN | 07526 167 048 | Emma Hardingham | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003015730 | Inverallochy School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverallochy School | School Street | Inverallochy | Fraserburgh | AB43 8XZ | 01346 582 217 | Trish Cowie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016164 | Inveralmond Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Willowbank | Ladywell | Livingston | EH54 6HN | 01506 280015 | Frances Stewart | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014646 | Inveraray Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inveraray Primary School | Inveraray | PA32 8YH | 01499 302 218 | Sandra Clarke | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015770 | Inverarity Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverarity Primary School | Inverarity | Forfar | DD8 2JN | 01307494259 | Cairistine Rajcoomar | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002504 | Inverbervie Pre-school Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Burgh Hall | Farquhar Street | Inverbervie | Montrose | DD10 0RD | 01561362039 | Moira Smith | | SP2003000384 | Inverbervie Pre-school Group | Active | |||
CS2003002871 | Inverbrothock Out Of School Care Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverbrothock Primary School | East Kirkton Road | Arbroath | DD11 4GR | 07908136252 | Diane Rennie | | SP2003000565 | Inverbrothock Out Of School Care Club | Active | ||||
CS2003002872 | Inverbrothock Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverbrothock Primary School | East Kirkton Road | Arbroath | DD11 4GR | 07947 241 514 | Jennifer Beattie | inverbrothock, | SP2003000566 | Inverbrothock Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003016855 | Inverbrothock Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverbrothock Primary School | East Kirkton Road | Arbroath | DD11 4GR | 01241 465 405 | Joy Christie | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000203 | Invercare Services - North Lanarkshire & Glasgow Branch | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-06-2024 | 1 Graham Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AB | 03302320223 | Deborah Queen | | SP2014012360 | Invercare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000189 | Invercare Services - North Lanarkshire & Glasgow Branch | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-06-2024 | 1 Graham Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AB | 03302320223 | Deborah Queen | | SP2014012360 | Invercare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000201 | Invercare Services - Renfrewshire Branch | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-06-2024 | 3 Mirren Court | Paisley | PA3 4EA | 03302320223 | Konor Douglas | | SP2014012360 | Invercare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000202 | Invercare Services - Renfrewshire Branch | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-06-2024 | 3 Mirren Court | Paisley | PA3 4EA | 03302320223 | Konor Douglas | | SP2014012360 | Invercare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014333299 | Invercare Services Ltd - Inverclyde Branch | Housing support service | 20-02-2015 | Inver House | 9 Ardgowan Square | Greenock | PA16 8ET | 03302320223 | Laura MacDonald | | SP2014012360 | Invercare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014331196 | Invercare Services Ltd - Inverclyde Branch | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-02-2015 | Inver House | 9 Ardgowan Square | Greenock | PA16 8ET | 03302320223 | Laura MacDonald | | SP2014012360 | Invercare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003053703 | Inverclyde Association for Mental Health Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 16-12-2004 | Lynedoch House | 4 Lynedoch Street | Greenock | PA15 4AA | 01475 729 196 | Karen Knox | | SP2003000217 | Inverclyde Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004078039 | Inverclyde Centre | Housing support service | 26-11-2004 | 98 Dalrymple Street | Greenock | PA15 1BZ | 01475 715 880 | Jacqueline Smith | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2005087048 | Inverclyde Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 12-12-2005 | Lomond View Academy | 13 Ingleston Street | Greenock, Inverclyde | Greenock | PA15 4UQ | 01475 715 020 | Grace Davidson | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||
CS2018371472 | Inverclyde Council Continuing Care Service | 18-12-2018 | Lomond View Academy | Ingelston Street | Greenock | PA15 4UQ | 01475 715365 | Grace Davidson | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2005087054 | Inverclyde Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 12-12-2005 | Lomond View Academy | Ingleston Street | Greenock | PA15 4UQ | 01475 715 367 | Grace Davidson | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001082 | Inverclyde Day Services | Support services - without care at home | 01-04-2002 | Hillend Centre | 2 East Crawford Street | Greenock | PA15 2BT | 01475 715 949 | Donna Barr | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2004078035 | Inverclyde Learning Disability Support & Care at Home Service | Housing support service | 26-11-2004 | Inverclyde Supported Living Team + Care at Home Service | c/o James Watt Court | 94 Holmscroft Street | Greenock | PA15 4DG | 07983980319 | Lorraine Harrison | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||
CS2004078036 | Inverclyde Learning Disability Support & Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-11-2004 | Inverclyde Supported Living Team + Care at Home Service | c/o James Watt Court | 94 Holmscroft Street | Greenock | PA15 4DG | 01475 728 648 | Angus Orr | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000170 | Inverclyde Transition Houses | Housing support service | 22-07-2021 | Lomond View Academy | Ingleston Street | Greenock | PA15 4UQ | 01475 715365 | James Hendry | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000343 | Inverclyde Women's Aid SCIO | Housing Support Service | 26-11-2021 | Greenock | Carrie Gallacher | | SP2021000217 | Inverclyde Women's Aid SCIO | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017219 | Invergarry Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Invergarry Primary School | Invergarry | PH35 4HG | 01809 501 317 | Malcolm McGregor | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2004063150 | Invergowrie Kids Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2004 | Invergowrie Primary School | 4 Errol Road | Invergowrie | Dundee | DD2 5AD | 01738 459 607 | Marta Jastrzab | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2003016063 | Invergowrie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 4 Errol Road | Invergowrie | Dundee | DD2 5AD | 01738 454 251 | Linda Rew | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013561 | Inverie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverie Primary School | Inverie | Knoydart | Mallaig | PH41 4PL | 01687 462 226 | Pamela Watt | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003016856 | Inverkeilor Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverkeilor Primary School | 22 Station Road | Inverkeilor | Arbroath | DD11 5RY | 01241 465 413 | Deborah Dallas | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2008168152 | Inverkeithing Out of School Club | Day care of children | 10-03-2008 | Inverkeithing Primary School | Hillend Road | Inverkeithing | KY11 1PL | 07515 189 431 | Sara Hoefling | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2007167488 | Inverkip Nursery Class | Day care of children | 10-04-2008 | Inverkip Primary School | Station Road | Inverkip | Greenock | PA16 0AY | 01475 715 745 | Una Nicolson | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||
CS2003017220 | Inverlochy Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inverlochy Primary Nursery School | Earl of Inverness Road | Fort William | PH33 6LS | 01397 701 287 | Tanya Ross | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2012308102 | Inverness Learning Disabilities | Housing support service | 30-03-2012 | Corbett Centre | Coronation Park | Inverness | IV3 8AD | 01463 729 282 | Gregor Robertson | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2012308103 | Inverness Learning Disabilities | Support services - care at home | 30-03-2012 | Corbett Centre | Coronation Park | Inverness | IV3 8AD | 01463 729 282 | Gregor Robertson | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2004077784 | Inverness Women's Aid (Housing Support) | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Inverness | Lisa Buchanan | | SP2004006840 | Inverness Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307238 | Invernevis House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Belford Road | Fort William | PH33 6ES | 01397 702 939 | Helen MacLean | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012307240 | Invernevis House (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Belford Road | Fort William | PH33 6ES | 01397 702 939 | Sharon MacAdam | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003000293 | Inverurie DAYS | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Inverurie Day Centre | Port Road | Inverurie | AB51 3SP | 01467 535111 | Aileen Jean Duffus | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002637 | Inverurie Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Uryside School | Peregrine Drive | INVERURIE | AB51 6AS | Rhona Grimbley | | SP2003000501 | Inverurie Out of School Club | Active | |||||
CS2003015906 | Inzievar Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Oakley | Dunfermline | KY12 9RJ | 01383 602 417 | Janine Pirouet | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2019375595 | ION Care and Support Services (Care at Home)(Lanarkshire) | Support Service | 31-10-2019 | Unit 6 | Heritage Way | Coatbridge | ML5 1QD | 01506 896 610 | Nicola Burns | | SP2016012737 | ION Care and Support Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019375988 | ION Care and Support Services (Housing Support) (Lanarkshire) | Housing Support Service | 31-10-2019 | Unit 6 | Heritage Way | Coatbridge | ML5 1QD | 01506 896 610 | Nicola Burns | | SP2016012737 | ION Care and Support Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016352276 | ION Care and Support Services Falkirk and West Lothian | 16-08-2017 | Axwel House | 2 Westerton Road | East Mains Industrial Estate | Broxburn | EH52 5AU | 01506 896 610 | Louise Ferguson | | SP2016012737 | ION Care and Support Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017362289 | ION Care and Support Services Falkirk and West Lothian | 12-03-2018 | Axwell House | 2 Westerton Road | East Mains Industrial Estate | Broxburn | EH52 5AU | 01506 896 610 | Louise Ferguson | | SP2016012737 | ION Care and Support Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016348510 | ION Enablement Centre | 30-09-2016 | Main Road | Maddiston | Falkirk | FK2 0LU | 01506 896 610 | Fiona Preston | | SP2016012737 | ION Care and Support Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010278760 | Iona Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 24-03-2011 | Iona Primary School | Isle of Iona | PA76 6SJ | 01681 700 348 | Stephen Glen-Lee | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2014331127 | Iona's Childminding | Childminding | 21-01-2015 | Dunfermline | Iona Welshman | | SP2014986320 | Iona Welshman | Active | ||||||||
CS2018368240 | IQVIA Integrated Engagement Services (IES) UK Limited | 09-05-2019 | The Alba Campus | Rosebank | Livingston | EH54 7EG | 01184 501 529 | Suzanne Davis | | SP2018013154 | IQVIA Integrated Engagement Services (IES) UK Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010271040 | Ireland, Alison | Childminding | 11-03-2011 | Inverness | Alison Ireland | | SP2010979282 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014324266 | Irene Brown - Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-06-2014 | Dunfermline | Irene Brown | | SP2014985744 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007157931 | Irvine, Alison | Childminding | 10-04-2008 | Hamilton | Alison Irvine | | SP2007966116 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014215 | Irving, Carroll | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Thornhill | Carroll Irving | | SP2003908662 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007166838 | Isaac, Scott & Sandra | Childminding | 05-02-2008 | Glasgow | Scott Isaac | | SP2007967825 | Sandra Isaac & Scott Isaac, a Partnership Sandra Isaac & Scott Isaac, a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002274 | Isaac, Shirley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Shirley Isaac | | SP2003900920 | Shirley Isaac | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015776 | Isla Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Isla Primary School | Peel Farm | Lintrathen | Kirriemuir | DD8 5JJ | 01575 526 046 | Simon McKell | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2010269904 | Isle View Care Home | Care homes for older people | 14-10-2010 | Aultbea | Achnasheen | IV22 2HU | 01445 731 500 | Lynn McDonald | | SP2010011038 | AKAM Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006128813 | Islesburgh Out of School Care Service | Day care of children | 08-09-2006 | Islesburgh Community Centre | King Harald Street | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0EQ | 01595 745 115 | Inga Irvine | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2005097984 | Isleshavn (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 19-08-2005 | Isleshavn Care Centre | Mid Yell | Shetland | ZE2 9BT | 01595 745 720 | Duncan Johnson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2005097987 | Isleshavn (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 19-08-2005 | Isleshavn Care Centre | Mid Yell | Shetland | ZE2 9BT | 01595 745 720 | Duncan Johnson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2017360080 | Isobel Fraser Home | 26-03-2018 | 4A Mayfield Road | Inverness | IV2 4AE | 01463 230 149 | Victoria Connolly | | SP2017012984 | Isobel Fraser Home | Active | ||||||
CS2011281988 | Isobel Mair Family Centre | Day care of children | 17-08-2011 | Crookfur Roundabout | 58 Stewarton Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6NP | 01415 707 615 | Sarah Clark | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2012307241 | Isobel Rhind Centre | Support services - care at home | 30-03-2012 | Tomich Road | Invergordon | IV18 0AX | 01349 854 154 | Andrea Stewart | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2023000201 | Ivy Cottage | Care Home Service | 30-06-2023 | 6 Laighdykes Road | Saltcoats | KA21 5TQ | 07368889544 | Elizabeth Speirs | | SP2023000127 | Our Promise Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000005 | Ivy In The Park | Day Care of Children | 11-01-2023 | 345 Carntyne Road | Carntyne | Glasgow | G32 6JP | 01412660428 | Gemma Kyle | | SP2020013601 | Dornal Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020381522 | Ivy Kindergarten | Day care of children | 29-01-2021 | 12 Dornal Avenue | Yoker | Glasgow | G13 2HQ | 01417 370 531 | Isla Kilcullen | | SP2020013601 | Dornal Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000206 | Ivy Kindergarten @ The Meadows | Day care of children | 19-06-2024 | 1 Wharton Square | Edinburgh | EH3 9FG | 01415543220 | Elizabeth Steenkamp | | SP2020013601 | Dornal Childcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003011596 | Ivybank House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Ivybank House | Main Street | Polmont | Falkirk | FK2 0PS | 01324 717707 | Julie Newman | | SP2003002297 | Ganarn Limited | Active | |||
CS2024000478 | J R Care Community Services | Support Service | 23-12-2024 | 17 Morris Road | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4ST | 07869336016 | Robert Krawczyk | | SP2023000281 | J R Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000475 | J R Care Community Services | Housing Support Service | 20-12-2024 | 17 Morris Road | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4ST | 07869336016 | Robert Krawczyk | | SP2023000281 | J R Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000329 | J-LOs EarlyYears | Day care of children | 28-10-2022 | 1 Buchan Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9WE | 01346511334 | Jennifer Taylor | | SP2022000219 | J-LOs Early Years LTD | Active | |||||
CS2008188409 | J. Puddleducks @ Victoria Street | Day care of children | 06-03-2009 | 162 Victoria Street | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 7DN | 01224 722 212 | Joanne Fowler | | SP2004006974 | J. Puddleducks Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012313113 | J.C. Michael Groups Ltd | Support services - care at home | 12-06-2014 | 31 Sandport Street | Edinburgh | EH6 6EP | 01315 549 771 | Carmen Black | | SP2012011970 | J.C. MICHAEL GROUPS LTD | Active | |||||
CS2019373337 | J.C. Michael Groups Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 14-05-2019 | 31 Sandport Street | Edinburgh | EH6 6EP | 01315 549 771 | Carmen Black | | SP2012011970 | J.C. MICHAEL GROUPS LTD | Active | |||||
CS2003006665 | Jack & Jill Pre 5 Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Hilary's Primary School | High Common Road, St Leonards | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 2AX | 01355 235 280 | Angie Wilson | | SP2003001520 | Jack & Jill Pre 5 Group | Active | |||
CS2019374766 | Jack & Jill's Elite Nursery Limited | Day Care of Children | 29-10-2019 | Eco Park | Carsview Road | Forfar | DD8 3BS | 01307 461002 | Hannah Opiola | | SP2019013301 | Jack & Jill's Elite Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017360138 | Jack and Jill Nursery School | 28-11-2017 | 22 Wardend Place | Elgin | IV30 6YP | 01343 552 005 | Kelly Woollett | | SP2003001914 | Torridon Education Group Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2014329132 | Jack's Juniors Childminding Service | Childminding | 04-11-2014 | Dundee | Angela Jack | | SP2014986175 | Angela Jack | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007310 | Jack, Evelyn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Evelyn Jack | | SP2003904295 | Evelyn Jack | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005513 | Jack, Rhona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Rhona Jack | | SP2003903271 | Rhona Jack | Active | ||||||||
CS2006116294 | Jack, Violet Linda | Childminding | 27-04-2006 | Bonnybridge | Violet Linda Jack | | SP2006956974 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367148 | Jackie Shepherd - Childminder | 28-08-2018 | Musselburgh | Jacqueline Shepherd | | SP2018989926 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2016345623 | Jackie's Childminding | Childminding | 18-05-2016 | Glasgow | Jacqueline McKillop | | SP2016987841 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000477 | Jackie's Childminding | Childminding | 23-12-2024 | Castle Douglas | | SP2024000709 | Jacqueline Madeley | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320003 | Jackie's Happy Tots | Childminding | 24-06-2014 | Hamilton | Jacqueline Welsh | | SP2013985254 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010237673 | Jackie's Juniors | Childminding | 08-11-2010 | Duns | Jackie Aitchison | | SP2010977152 | Jackie Aitchison trading as Jackie's Juniors Jackie Aitchison trading as Jackie's Juniors | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003399 | Jackson, Doreen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Doreen Jackson | | SP2003901723 | Doreen Jackson | Active | ||||||||
CS2010270452 | Jackson, Evelyn | Childminding | 28-10-2011 | Lochwinnoch | Evelyn Jackson | SP2010979116 | Evelyn Jackson | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000265 | Jackton ELC | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2023 | Jackton Primary School | Rochester Avenue | East Kilbride | G75 8WG | 01355 200138 | Nicola Wilson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017355732 | Jaclyn's Childminding | Childminding | 09-08-2017 | Stirling | Jaclyn Gray | | SP2017988969 | Jaclyn Gray | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000431 | Jacqueline McInally Childminding | Child Minding | 20-12-2023 | West Kilbride | | SP2023000336 | Jacqueline McInally | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000271 | Jacqueline Murray Childcare | Childminding | 02-09-2022 | Taynuilt | | SP2022000182 | Jacqueline Murray | Active | |||||||||
CS2013322297 | Jacqueline Wilson Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-04-2014 | Falkirk | Jacqueline Wilson | | SP2013985524 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335620 | Jacqui Kerr Child Minding | Childminding | 30-06-2015 | East Kilbride | Jacqueline Kerr | | SP2015986728 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018363373 | Jade McLean Childminding | 11-04-2018 | Glasgow | Jade McLean | SP2018989598 | jade mclean | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020381554 | Jade Milne Childminding | Child Minding | 08-02-2021 | Aberdeen | Jade Milne | SP2020991425 | Jade Milne | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379441 | Jade's Childminder Service | Childminding | 09-09-2020 | ALFORD | Jade Main | | SP2020991172 | Jade Main | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000250 | Jade's Childminding Service | Childminding | 17-08-2022 | Macduff | | SP2022000170 | Jade Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000066 | Jades Child Minding Services | Child Minding | 13-03-2023 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000051 | Jade Crombie | Active | |||||||||
CS2009235367 | JAI Child Care | Childminding | 15-07-2010 | North Berwick | Deborah Jayne Halbert | SP2009976515 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2021000198 | JAM Afterschool Care | Day Care of Children | 12-08-2021 | Easterhouse Baptist Church | 18 Westerhouse Road | GLASGOW | G34 9PD | 07862743542 | p& | SP2021000118 | Natalie Lang | Active | |||||
CS2003017035 | James Gillespie's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Whitehouse Loan | Edinburgh | EH9 1BD | 01314 471 014 | Ross Hutcheson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016961 | James Hamilton Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | William McIlvanney Campus | Sutherland Drive | New Farm Loch | Kilmarnock | KA3 7DF | 01563 558 508 | Julie Clelland | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004059313 | James Shields Project | Housing support service | 22-09-2004 | 31 Fairburn Street, | Tollcross | Glasgow | G32 7QA | 01414 292 663 | Eileen Winters | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2024000466 | Jamie's Bright Stars Childminding | Childminding | 18-12-2024 | Leven | | SP2024000654 | Jamie Hannan | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000312 | Jamie's Childminding Services | Childminding | 01-11-2021 | Aberdeen | | SP2021000192 | Jamie Craig | Active | |||||||||
CS2013321468 | Jamie-lee Paterson Childminder | Childminding | 10-03-2014 | South Queensferry | Jamie-lee Paterson | | SP2013985426 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004058780 | Jamieson, Donna | Childminding | 01-09-2004 | Kilbirnie | Donna Jamieson | | SP2004915454 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006115887 | Jamieson, Lorna | Childminding | 14-09-2006 | Greenock | Lorna Jamieson | | SP2006956713 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337550 | Jane Baker Childcare | Childminding | 14-07-2015 | Perth | Jane Baker | | SP2015986949 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017361344 | Jane Cairnie Childcare | 16-01-2018 | Stevenston | Jane Cairnie | | SP2017989454 | Jane Cairnie | Active | |||||||||
CS2018364518 | Jane Dinnen Little Stars Childminding | 07-08-2018 | Glasgow | Jane Dinnen | | SP2018989692 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013319855 | Jane Snowden Childminding Service | Childminding | 06-02-2014 | Glasgow | Jane Snowden | | SP2013985241 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000476 | Janet Brougham House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Banchory Road | Dundee | DD4 7BS | 01382 307 190 | Stacy McHugh | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2019373496 | Janet MacIver Childminding | 10-04-2019 | Isle of Lewis | Janet MacIver | | SP2019990403 | Janet MacIver | Active | |||||||||
CS2015336270 | Janet's Childminding | Childminding | 19-05-2015 | Livingston | Janet Butler | | SP2015986787 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351109 | Janet's Childminding Service | Childminding | 13-01-2017 | Fort William | Janet Melvin | SP2016988510 | Janet Melvin | Active | |||||||||
CS2011280935 | Janie's Childminding | Childminding | 15-07-2011 | Glasgow | Mary Jane Killen | | SP2011981459 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010251604 | Jansen, Carina | Childminding | 13-07-2010 | Livingston | Carina Jansen | | SP2010978529 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007162909 | Jardine, Jeanne | Childminding | 16-02-2009 | Aberlady | Jeanne Jardine | | SP2007967125 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012390 | Jarrett, Dorothy & Paul | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Dorothy Jarrett | | SP2003906115 | Jarrett, Dorothy & Paul Jarrett, Dorothy & Paul | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317592 | Jarvis Court Very Sheltered Housing | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-09-2013 | Christian Watt Drive | Fraserburgh | AB43 9TG | 01346 417 350 | Gillian McDonald | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2013317591 | Jarvis Court Very Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 13-09-2013 | Christian Watt Drive | Fraserburgh | AB43 9TG | 01346 417 350 | Gillian McDonald | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307628 | Jaszewski, Debbie | Childminding | 24-05-2012 | Girvan | Debbie Jaszewski | | SP2012983430 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010247469 | Jax Childminding Service | Childminding | 27-08-2010 | Livingston | Jacqueline Farmer | | SP2010977802 | Jacqueline Imrie trading as Jax Childminding Servi Jacqueline Imrie trading as Jax Childminding Servi | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000133 | Jax House Childminding | Childminding | 31-05-2022 | Peterculter | | SP2022000095 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008190761 | Jaybees (Childcare) Limited | Day care of children | 23-09-2010 | Blacklocks Vennel | Lochmaben | Lockerbie | DG11 1NP | 01387 810 303 | Jacqueline Bell | | SP2008010167 | Jaybees (Childcare) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016345169 | Jaynene Barnfather Childminding | Childminding | 17-06-2016 | Falkirk | Jaynene Barnfather | | SP2016987795 | Jaynene Barnfather | Active | ||||||||
CS2018371100 | JB Homecare and Staff Agency | 19-03-2019 | 115 Comiston Road | Edinburgh | EH10 6AQ | 01314 479 530 | Denise Williams | | SP2018013222 | JB Homecare and Staff Agency a partnership | Active | ||||||
CS2003000153 | JCS Wellbeing Hub | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Walton Community Care Centre | May Terrace | Giffnock | G46 6LD | 0141 620 1800 | Vicki McPhee | | SP2005007546 | Jewish Care Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003016298 | Jean Mackie Centre | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Kilmartin Way | Dunfermline | KY12 0BQ | 01383 602 357 | Mirela Stefanova | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2019374983 | Jedburgh Campus Nursery | Day Care of Children | 16-04-2020 | Jedburgh Campus | Priors Road | Jedburgh | TD8 6HH | 01835 863 273 | Susan Oliver | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2014323656 | Jedburgh Out of School Club | Day care of children | 25-03-2015 | Jedburgh Grammar Campus | Priors Road | Jedburgh | TD8 6HH | 07500 038 446 | To Be Confirmed | | SP2014012248 | Jedburgh Out of School Club a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2015341531 | Jedburgh Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-07-2016 | 1 Station Court | Duns | TD11 3GA | 01361 884 733 | Rachel Fourie | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||||
CS2016344494 | Jedburgh Services | 22-07-2016 | 1 Station Court | Duns | TD11 3GA | 01361 884 733 | Rachel Fourie | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||||||
CS2018371883 | Jeffries, Jill | 27-02-2019 | Edinburgh | Jill Jeffries | | SP2018990299 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000160 | Jemmas Child minding | Child Minding | 05-06-2023 | Coatbridge | SP2023000105 | Jemma Neil | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017354056 | Jen Thomson Childminder | Childminding | 01-06-2017 | Elgin | Jennifer Thomson | | SP2017988789 | Jennifer Thomson | Active | ||||||||
CS2016344103 | Jen's Childminding | Childminding | 26-04-2016 | Prestonpans | Jennifer Monaghan | | SP2016987693 | Jennifer Monaghan | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000370 | Jen's Childminding | Childminding | 05-11-2023 | Alford | | SP2023000244 | Jennifer Williamson | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000469 | Jen's Childminding Service | Childminding | 19-12-2024 | Kirkcaldy | | SP2024000742 | Jennifer Clark-Bradford | Active | |||||||||
CS2017360550 | Jen's Childminding Services | 01-03-2018 | Falkirk | Jennifer Singh | | SP2017989386 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015341055 | Jeni's Rainbow Cubs | Childminding | 25-02-2016 | Arbroath | Jennifer-Leigh Halliwell | | SP2015987352 | Jennifer-Leigh Halliwell | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008975 | Jenkins, Pat | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Fochabers | Pat Jenkins | | SP2003904904 | Pat Jenkins | Active | ||||||||
CS2015342183 | Jenna Lunam Childminding | Childminding | 16-02-2016 | Dunbar | Jenna Lunam | | SP2015987504 | Jenna McCawley | Active | ||||||||
CS2017355616 | Jenna's After School Care (Childminding) | Childminding | 03-07-2017 | Airdrie | Jenna Blades | | SP2017988960 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000462 | Jenna's Childminding Service | Childminding | 12-12-2024 | Stirling | | SP2024000592 | Jenna Henderson | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355601 | Jenni Clark Childminder | Childminding | 07-07-2017 | Edinburgh | Jennifer Clark | | SP2017988955 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016347884 | Jenni's Busy Bee Childminding | Childminding | 14-09-2016 | Bathgate | Jennifer Rafferty | | SP2016988113 | Jennifer Rafferty | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000120 | Jenni's Childminding | Child Minding | 16-05-2022 | Dalkeith | | SP2022000082 | Jennifer Fleming | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338475 | Jenni's Childminding Services | Childminding | 22-09-2015 | Bonnyrigg | Jennifer Gibson | | SP2015987061 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353514 | Jennie's Childminding | Childminding | 16-03-2017 | Glasgow | Jennie McGilly | | SP2017988731 | Jennie McGilly | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2015340039 | Jennifer Farquharson's Childminding | Childminding | 13-10-2015 | Dundee | Jennifer Farquharson | | SP2015987243 | Jennifer Farquharson | Active | ||||||||
CS2017353834 | Jennifer Kane - Childminding | Childminding | 24-05-2017 | Glasgow | Jennifer Kane | | SP2017988774 | Jennifer Kane | Active | ||||||||
CS2019373730 | Jennifer Robertson Childminding | 15-04-2019 | Newport on Tay | Jennifer Robertson | | SP2019990427 | Jennifer Robertson | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380480 | Jennifer's Explorers Childminding | Child Minding | 13-08-2020 | Carluke | Jennifer Allan | | SP2020991293 | Jennifer Allan | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000076 | Jennifers childminding service | Childminding | 30-05-2021 | Banchory | | SP2021000047 | Jennifer Morpeth | Active | |||||||||
CS2016350766 | Jenny's Childminding | Childminding | 10-11-2016 | West Kilbride | Jennifer McInroy | | SP2016988463 | Jennifer McInroy | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004793 | Jennyswell Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Jennyswell Road | Paisley | PA2 7BH | 01418 871 930 | Elaine Murray | | SP2003000993 | Roin Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003004912 | Jennyswell OSC - Lochfield | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochfield Primary School | Lochfield Road | Paisley | PA2 7RD | 01418 879 999 | Kelly Wilson | | SP2003000993 | Roin Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006127023 | Jennyswell OSC - Todholm | Day care of children | 08-02-2007 | Todholm Primary School | Lochfield Road | Paisley | PA2 7JE | 01418 871 930 | Kelly Wilson | | SP2003000993 | Roin Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012309536 | Jens Childcare | Childminding | 28-03-2013 | Ayr | Jennifer Ramsay | | SP2007965278 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009198981 | Jericho Benedictines Housing Support Unit (Bank Street) | Housing support service | 01-04-2009 | 5 - 7 Bank Street | Greenock | PA15 4PD | 01475 741 950 | Michael Trail | | SP2003000252 | The Jericho Benedictine Society | Active | |||||
CS2009216521 | Jericho Benedictines Housing Support Unit (Bank Street) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-04-2009 | 5 - 7 Bank Street | Greenock | PA15 4PA | 01475 741 950 | Michael Trail | | SP2003000252 | The Jericho Benedictine Society | Active | |||||
CS2004069920 | Jericho Society Dundee Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-07-2004 | Jericho House | 36 Artillery Lane | Dundee | DD1 1PE | 01382 223 627 | David McEnroy | SP2003000252 | The Jericho Benedictine Society | Active | |||||
CS2004069918 | Jericho Society Dundee Housing Support | Housing support service | 29-07-2004 | Jericho House | 36 Artillery Lane | Dundee | DD1 1PE | 01382 223 627 | Martin Connor | | SP2003000252 | The Jericho Benedictine Society | Active | ||||
CS2018369775 | Jesmond Care Home | 20-12-2018 | Jesmond Drive | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8UR | 01224 701 820 | Terri Young | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015786 | Jessie Porter Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 67 Harestane Road | Dundee | DD3 0LF | 01382 436 513 | Fiona Ferrier | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010937 | Jewel House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 15 Bingham Crescent | Edinburgh | EH15 3JZ | 01316 690 886 | Gwen Lawrence | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2008172841 | Jigsaw Childcare | Day care of children | 17-07-2008 | 40 Turnhouse Road | Edinburgh | EH12 8LX | 01313 395 557 | Hazel Fraser | | SP2008009684 | Jigsaw Childcare LLP | Active | |||||
CS2023000218 | Jigsaw Childcare (UK) Ltd | Day Care of Children | 18-07-2023 | 69-71 Goschen Place | Uphall | Broxburn | EH52 5JJ | 07341845029 | Laura Downie | | SP2023000141 | Jigsaw Childcare (UK) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015333 | Jigsaw Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Elmira Road | Muirhead | Glasgow | G69 9EJ | 01236 794 806 | Nicola Craig | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2009193074 | Jigsaw Nurseries | Day care of children | 03-03-2009 | 5 & 32 Main Street | Balerno | Edinburgh | EH14 7EQ | 01314 494 516 | Dawn Cheung | | SP2009010198 | Jigsaw Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016351062 | Jill Duncan Childminding | Childminding | 05-01-2017 | Aberdeen | Jill Duncan | | SP2016988500 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016346224 | Jill's Childminding | Childminding | 19-07-2016 | Banchory | Jill Lawrie | | SP2016987915 | Jill Lawrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2016349607 | Jilly's Playpen | Childminding | 07-11-2016 | Broxburn | Jillian Watson-Brown | | SP2016988318 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014889 | Jimmy Dunnachie F L C | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 75 Kyleakin Road | Arden | Glasgow | G46 8DQ | 01416 382 342 | Leanne King | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376139 | JKL Care Service Ltd | Support Service | 30-10-2019 | 1.1 Waverley House | Caird Park | Hamilton | ML3 0QA | 01698 478851 | Tracy Louise Robertson | | SP2019013336 | JKL Care Service Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000171 | JKL Care Service Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-05-2024 | 1.1 Waverly House | Caird Park | Hamilton | ML3 0QA | 01698 478851 | Tracy Louise Robertson | | SP2019013336 | JKL Care Service Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009196557 | JMT Fostering | Fostering services | 31-07-2009 | Unit 3a Alba Pavilions | Alba Business Centre | Livingston | EH54 7HG | 01506 407 340 | Donna Carvill | | SP2009010327 | JMT Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009233415 | JMT Young Adult Placement | Adult placement services | 23-02-2010 | Unit 3a Alba Pavilions | Alba Business Centre | Livingston | EH54 7HG | 01506 407 340 | Donna Carvill | | SP2009010327 | JMT Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016347912 | Jo's Gems | Childminding | 10-08-2016 | Fochabers | Jo-Anne Pike | | SP2016988115 | Jo-Anne Pike | Active | ||||||||
CS2012312085 | Jo-Jo's Juniors | Childminding | 06-05-2013 | Kilmarnock | Joanne Blair | | SP2012984112 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014330355 | Joan's Child Minding Service | Childminding | 22-12-2014 | Stirling | Cecilia Joan Henderson | | SP2014986257 | Henderson, Cecilia Joan Henderson, Cecilia Joan | Active | ||||||||
CS2012313299 | Joanna Barron Childminder | Childminding | 13-02-2013 | Glasgow | Joanna Barron | | SP2012984285 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019372472 | Joanna's Childminding Service | 28-05-2019 | Falkirk | Joanna Cunningham | | SP2019990336 | Joanna Cunningham | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000183 | Joanne Bauchop | Childminding | 05-06-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000493 | Joanne Bauchop | Active | |||||||||
CS2011280419 | Joanne Fowler Childminding | Childminding | 19-04-2011 | Leven | Joanne Fowler | | SP2011981245 | Joanne Fowler trading as Joanne Fowler Childmindin Joanne Fowler trading as Joanne Fowler Childmindin | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000385 | Joanne Hume Childminding Service | Childminding | 11-10-2024 | Penicuik | | SP2024000432 | Joanne Hume | Active | |||||||||
CS2006117127 | Joanne's Busy Bairnz | Childminding | 06-11-2007 | Falkirk | Joanne Connolly | | SP2006957678 | Joanne McNeill trading as Joanne's Busy Bairnz Joanne McNeill trading as Joanne's Busy Bairnz | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379322 | Joanne's Childminding | Child Minding | 27-07-2020 | Ellon | Joanne Gibbs | | SP2020991139 | Joanne Gibbs | Active | ||||||||
CS2018367445 | Joanne's Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-09-2018 | Penicuik | Joanne McCartney | | SP2018989951 | Joanne McCartney | Active | ||||||||
CS2003055606 | Joans Carers Ltd | Housing support service | 01-09-2004 | 25 West King Street | Helensburgh | G84 8UW | 01436 676 627 | Joan Graham | | SP2004005507 | Joans Carers Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004077225 | Joans Carers Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-09-2004 | 25 West King Street | Helensburgh | G84 8UW | 01436 676 627 | Joan Graham | | SP2004005507 | Joans Carers Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020381608 | Jodie's Childminding | Child Minding | 18-12-2020 | Aberdeen | Jodie Gauld | | SP2020991435 | Jodie Gauld | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000045 | Jodie's Childminding Service | Childminding | 26-02-2023 | Dumfries | | SP2023000036 | Jodie Broadfoot | Active | |||||||||
CS2008183649 | Joginder & Sukhminder Athwal | Childminding | 16-02-2009 | Dundee | Joginder Athwal | | SP2008971347 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000287 | Johanna's Childminding Group | Child Minding | 07-10-2021 | Aberdeen | | SP2021000180 | Johanna McMullen | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348676 | John Bellany Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 15-12-2016 | 34 The Promenade | Port Seton | Prestonpans | EH32 0DF | 01875 815 886 | Keith McCombs | | SP2016012755 | John Bellany Day Centre, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2014325608 | John Fergus Out of School Club | Day care of children | 21-08-2014 | John Fergus ASN School | Erskine Place | Glenrothes | KY7 4JB | 07515 289 971 | Isabel Mcmanus | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015955 | John Fergus School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Erskine Place | Glenrothes | KY7 4JB | 01592 583 489 | Pamela Kirkum | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2012313139 | John Gunn Childminding | Childminding | 20-05-2013 | Tain | John Gunn | | SP2003910016 | John Gunn | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014648 | John Logie Baird Primary Pre 5 | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | John Logie Baird Primary School | 1 Winston Road | Helensburgh | G84 9EP | 01436 674 001 | Carolyn Randall | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003000797 | John Street House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 38 John Street | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 2HE | 01417 777 708 | Stuart McGrath | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009504 | John, Anita | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Shetland | Anita John | | SP2003905069 | Anita John | Active | ||||||||
CS2019378293 | Johnston Nursery | Day care of children | 17-09-2020 | St Mary Street | Kirkcudbright | DG6 4EG | 07710 683 705 | Hollie Mitchell | SP2019013430 | Johnston Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2007167749 | Johnston, Catriona | Childminding | 07-10-2008 | Kirkcaldy | Catriona Johnson | | SP2007967975 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012308565 | Johnston, Christina | Childminding | 11-06-2012 | Kirkwall | Christina Johnston | | SP2012983599 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004299 | Johnston, Deborah | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Beith | Deborah Johnston | | SP2003902397 | Deborah Johnston | Active | ||||||||
CS2014326502 | Johnston, Louise | Childminding | 13-08-2014 | Elgin | Louise Johnston | | SP2014985986 | Louise Johnston | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015171 | Johnston, Sarah | Childminding | 26-03-2003 | Penicuik | Sarah Johnston | | SP2003909606 | Sarah Johnston | Active | ||||||||
CS2009193922 | Johnstone & Paisley Supported Living Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-07-2009 | 90 Burns Drive | Johnstone | PA5 0HB | 01505 325 422 | Margaret Louise Wiseman | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2009193470 | Johnstone & Paisley Supported Living Services | Housing support service | 01-07-2009 | 90 Burns Drive | Johnstone | PA5 0HB | 01505 325 422 | Margaret Louise Wiseman | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2003017648 | Johnstone Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 21 Walkinshaw Street | Johnstone | PA5 8AF | 01505 382 227 | Anna Hampson | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003004984 | Johnstone Out Of School Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Auchenlodment Primary School | Aspen Place | Johnstone | PA5 9QQ | 01505 327 812 | Ainsley Miller | | SP2003001051 | Johnstone Out Of School Service Committee | Active | ||||
CS2014323540 | Johnstone, Karen | Childminding | 05-08-2014 | Tranent | Karen Johnstone | | SP2014985646 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002807 | Joiner, Joyce | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Forfar | Joyce Joiner | | SP2003901291 | Joyce Joiner | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000016 | Jolly Jacks | Child Minding | 10-01-2024 | Cowdenbeath | | SP2023000292 | Lauren Finlay | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000342 | Jolly Jungle Childminding | Child Minding | 12-10-2023 | Musselburgh | | SP2023000224 | Sabena Al-Saadi | Active | |||||||||
CS2008192624 | Jordanhill Care Home | Care homes for older people | 27-03-2009 | 533 Anniesland Road | Jordanhill | Glasgow | G13 1TP | 01419 549 582 | Stacey Lochrie | | SP2005007828 | Foxcare Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003005763 | Jordanhill Out Of School Service Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Jordanhill Church | 28 Woodend Drive | Glasgow | G13 1QT | 07890 517 439 | Lynn Kennedy | | SP2003001222 | Jordanhill Out Of School Service Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000432 | Joseph's Coat Care Services | Support Service | 20-12-2023 | 53 Durar Drive | Edinburgh | EH4 7JQ | 07960600832 | Exodus Mudavanhu | | SP2023000463 | Joseph's Coat Care Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005112546 | Joss, Marion | Childminding | 30-03-2006 | Dundee | Marion Joss | | SP2005945601 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325410 | Joyce Mason Childminder | Childminding | 10-07-2014 | KILMARNOCK | Joyce Mason | | SP2014985854 | Joyce Mason | Active | ||||||||
CS2017358032 | Joyce Orr Childminding | 24-08-2017 | Falkirk | Joyce Orr | | SP2017989172 | Joyce Orr | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000099 | Joysay | Child Minding | 15-06-2021 | Edinburgh | | SP2021000062 | Joyce Amponsah | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2004073512 | JPM Community Care Services | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | Westfield | Dumfries Road | Lockerbie | DG11 2EF | 01576 205 641 | Lisa Armstrong | | SP2004005441 | JPM Community Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011286909 | JPM Community Care Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-05-2011 | Westfield | Dumfries Road | Lockerbie | DG11 2EF | 01576 205 641 | Lisa Armstrong | | SP2004005441 | JPM Community Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000371 | Jr ABC Childminding service | Childminding | 05-11-2023 | Kilmarnock | ruth ritson | | SP2023000245 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018368475 | Jude's Childminding Service | 09-01-2019 | Glenrothes | Judith Landels | SP2018990043 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2021000254 | Jude's Homecare Ltd (Support) | Housing Support Service | 13-09-2021 | Robertson House | Shore Street | Inverness | IV1 1NF | 01463896208 | Agnes Mackenzie - Fraser | | SP2017012967 | Jude's Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018367318 | Judes Homecare | 16-11-2018 | Robertson House | Shore Street | Inverness | IV1 1NF | 01463896208 | Agnes Mackenzie-Fraser | | SP2017012967 | Jude's Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009333 | Judith Lamb and Shelley Foster | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Galashiels | Shelley Foster | | SP2003908090 | Judith Lamb and Shelley Foster Judith Lamb and Shelley Foster | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000185 | Julie Docherty | Childminding | 14-07-2022 | Glasgow | | SP2022000132 | Julie Docherty | Active | |||||||||
CS2012312945 | Julie Dowds Childminding Service | Childminding | 31-05-2013 | Kilmarnock | Julie Dowds | | SP2012984234 | Julie Dowds | Active | ||||||||
CS2016348098 | Julie Findlay Childminding | Childminding | 24-10-2016 | Ardrossan | Julie Findlay | | SP2016988140 | Julie Findlay | Active | ||||||||
CS2013315697 | Julie Livingstone Childminding | Childminding | 07-06-2013 | Edinburgh | Julie Livingstone | | SP2013984624 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009230653 | Julie Minchin | Childminding | 20-01-2010 | Thurso | Julie Minchin | | SP2009974967 | Julie Minchin | Active | ||||||||
CS2015336487 | Julie Napier Childminding Services | Childminding | 24-08-2015 | Aberdeen | Julie Napier | | SP2015012470 | Julie Napier and Patricia Mulgrew a partnership Julie Napier and Patricia Mulgrew a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000275 | Julie Thomson | Child Minding | 24-08-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000173 | Julie Thomson | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000182 | Julie Watson | Child Minding | 14-06-2023 | Erskine | | SP2023000115 | Julie Watson | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379422 | Julie's Child Minding | Child Minding | 04-06-2020 | Lesmahagow | Julie Anne Wood | | SP2020991165 | Wood, Julie Anne Wood, Julie Anne | Active | ||||||||
CS2016351878 | Julie's Childcare | 14-02-2017 | Arisaig | Julie Macaskie | | SP2016988582 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2012307484 | Julie's Childcare Service | Childminding | 14-06-2012 | Inverness | Julie Keiller | | SP2012983403 | Julie Keiller | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000283 | Julie's Childminding | Childminding | 21-09-2022 | Falkirk | | SP2022000191 | Julie Bell | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307151 | Julie's Childminding Service | Childminding | 02-07-2012 | Maybole | Julie Hannah | | SP2012983371 | Julie Hannah | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000096 | Julie's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 14-04-2022 | Kilmarnock | | SP2022000065 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017358288 | Julienne Paterson Childminding | 19-10-2017 | Inverness | Julienne Paterson | | SP2017989195 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017357863 | Jumping Jacks Childminding Service | 18-10-2017 | Peterhead | Jackie Stephen | | SP2017989153 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020381912 | Jumping Jacks Childminding Service | Childminding | 02-03-2021 | Aberdeen | Fiona Young | | SP2020991471 | Fiona Young | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001071 | Junction 52 | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Penilee Community Centre | 10 Gleddoch Road | Penilee | Glasgow | G52 4BD | 01418 838 880 | Lynn Fitzsimmons | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2022000017 | Jungle House Childcare | Child Minding | 18-01-2022 | Dunfermline | | SP2022000007 | Lisa Walsh | Active | |||||||||
CS2010279717 | Junior World | Day care of children | 16-02-2011 | Millbank Annexe | Millbank Crescent | Nairn | IV12 4QB | 01667 455 696 | Jayne Macintosh | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | ||||
CS2021000148 | Juniour Jangira Childminding | Child Minding | 07-07-2021 | Inverurie | | SP2021000091 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2018367174 | Juniper Green Out of School Provision | 13-08-2018 | Juniper Green Primary School | 20 Baberton Mains Wynd | Edinburgh | EH14 3EE | 07557016325 | Emma Madden | | SP2010010995 | North Edinburgh Childcare Enterprise Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008172825 | Juniper Green Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 02-03-2009 | 20 Baberton Mains Wynd | Edinburgh | EH14 3EE | 01314 422 121 | Alexa Pope | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000379 | Juniva Homecare Services | Support Service | 11-11-2023 | Unit 3F. Building 1. Kirkton S. Road | Michaelson Square | Kirkton Campus | Livingston | EH54 7DP | 01506238300 | Judith Kutepa | | SP2023000461 | Juniva Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003002048 | Junor, Gillian Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Peterhead | Gillian Anne Junor | | SP2003900670 | Junor, Gillian Anne Junor, Gillian Anne | Active | ||||||||
CS2019376402 | Jurgenson, Sarah | Child Minding | 16-10-2019 | Broxburn | Sarah Jurgenson | | SP2019990684 | Sarah Jurgenson | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317483 | Just 4 Kidz | Day care of children | 03-09-2013 | 18 Mill Street | Alyth | Blairgowrie | PH11 8BJ | 07484618718 | Gemma Shand | | SP2004942312 | Tracey Robertson | Active | ||||
CS2021000010 | Just Be Kids Nursery | Day care of children | 09-04-2021 | 590 Nitshill Road | GLASGOW | G77 6XD | 01417329696 | Lorraine Kirkwood | | SP2021000008 | Petals & Bows Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000160 | Just Kiddin Daycare Ltd | Day Care of Children | 14-07-2021 | Sports Pavilion | Recreation Park | Park Lane | Oldmeldrum | AB51 0DH | 07586723892 | Angela Mackay | | SP2021000095 | Just Kiddin Daycare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018363557 | Justine's Childminding Services | 25-04-2018 | INVERNESS | Justine McNicol | | SP2018989602 | Justine McNicol | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000192 | JustNurses | Nurse agencies | 11-06-2024 | 110 Brooker Road | Waltham Abbey | EN9 1JH | 0330 999 0207 | Polly Adgey | | SP2023000368 | The Placement Group (Holdings) PLC trading as JustNurses | Active | |||||
CS2024000054 | JUTTA Community Care Limited | Support Service | 14-02-2024 | 34 Broomhouse Grove | Edinburgh | EH11 3TZ | 07470168302 | Abel Fararira | | SP2023000475 | JUTTA Community Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013322979 | K & A Childminding | Childminding | 01-05-2014 | Kilbirnie | Pamela Gorrie | | SP2013985585 | Pamela Gorrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338688 | K and K Childminding | Childminding | 08-10-2015 | Peterhead | Karen Hay and Kerri Milne | | SP2015012524 | Karen Hay & Kerri Milne, a Partnership Karen Hay & Kerri Milne, a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2015343850 | K's Kids | 22-02-2016 | MAUCHLINE | Kileen Gaunt | SP2015987672 | Kileen Gaunt | Active | ||||||||||
CS2011303463 | Kaimhill Out of School Club | Day care of children | 21-03-2012 | Kaimhill Primary School | Pitmedden Terrace | Aberdeen | AB10 7HR | 07525855363 | Caroline Forsyth | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003014437 | Kaimhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pitmedden Terrace | Aberdeen | AB10 7HR | 01224 498 150 | Susie Webster | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2005106915 | Kalisgarth and Very Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 30-03-2006 | Kalisgarth Care Centre | Pierowall | Westray | Orkney | KW17 2DG | 01856 871 134 | Karen Rendall | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2005106909 | Kalisgarth and Very Sheltered Housing Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-12-2006 | Kalisgarth Care Centre | Pierowall | Westray | Orkney | KW17 2DG | 01856 871 134 | Karen Rendall | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2007154807 | Kalisgarth Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 30-11-2007 | Kalisgarth Care Centre | Pierowall | Westray | Orkney | KW17 2DG | 01856 871 134 | Karen Rendall | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2023000074 | Kalli Spencer | Child Minding | 15-03-2023 | Forres | | SP2023000053 | Kalli Spencer | Active | |||||||||
CS2008186613 | Kane, Gail | Childminding | 26-10-2009 | Dundee | Gail Kane | SP2008971915 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008179456 | Kane, Gillian | Childminding | 17-10-2008 | Kilbirnie | Gillian Kane | | SP2008970474 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2013314650 | Kane, Hazel | Childminding | 05-08-2013 | Glasgow | Hazel Kane | | SP2013984441 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010250397 | Kanga Rhu Preschool | Day care of children | 26-11-2010 | Rhu and Shandon Community Centre | Hall Road | Rhu | Helensburgh | G848RR | Anne Louise King | | SP2010011032 | Anne Louise King | Active | ||||
CS2022000178 | Karemore @ Fintry Primary School | Day Care of Children | 06-07-2022 | Fintry Primary School | Culcreuch Avenue | Fintry | Glasgow | G63 0YB | 07887683534 | Kirsty Morison | | SP2003000747 | Karemore Limited | Active | |||
CS2005100164 | Karemore West End Out of School Club | Day care of children | 17-08-2005 | Hillhead Primary School | 100 Otago Street | Glasgow | G12 8NS | 07887 683 534 | Kirsty Morison | | SP2003000747 | Karemore Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017362504 | Karemore@St. Nicholas Primary School | 13-08-2018 | Duntocher Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4QL | 07776 518 65 | Kimberley Smith | | SP2003000747 | Karemore Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014331129 | Karen Cameron Childminding | Childminding | 08-12-2014 | Fortrose | Karen Cameron | | SP2014986321 | Karen Cameron | Active | ||||||||
CS2012313119 | Karen Coll Childminding | Childminding | 21-02-2013 | Edinburgh | Karen Coll | | SP2012984262 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000060 | Karen Fraser | Child Minding | 09-03-2023 | Isle of Mull | | SP2023000045 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013316219 | Karen Lauder (Childminding Services) | Childminding | 19-08-2013 | Bathgate | Karen Lauder | | SP2013984722 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376186 | Karen MacLennan Childminding | Child Minding | 23-10-2019 | Edinburgh | Karen MacLennan | | SP2019990661 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000164 | Karen McLennan Child Minding Services | Childminding | 16-07-2021 | Aberdeen | | SP2021000101 | Karen McLennan | Active | |||||||||
CS2005089045 | Karen McWilliams Childcare | Childminding | 10-10-2005 | Barrhead | Karen McWilliams | SP2005944351 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2018363150 | Karen Prudhoe Childminding Service | 18-09-2018 | Glasgow | Karen Prudhoe | | SP2018989588 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000117 | Karen Reed Childminding | Child Minding | 25-04-2023 | Elgin | | SP2023000077 | Karen Reed | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320688 | Karen Reid Childminding Services | Childminding | 11-12-2013 | Glasgow | Karen Reid | | SP2013985328 | Karen Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2012312638 | Karen Robertson Childminder | Childminding | 03-06-2013 | Larbert | Karen Robertson | | SP2012984194 | Karen Robertson | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000181 | Karen Ross | Child Minding | 12-07-2022 | Inverurie | | SP2022000129 | Karen Ross | Active | |||||||||
CS2018364827 | Karen Sclater - Childminder | 13-06-2018 | Orkney | Karen Sclater | | SP2018989714 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013319018 | Karen Smith Childminding Services | Childminding | 17-10-2013 | Cowdenbeath | Karen Smith | | SP2013985135 | Karen Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2018365770 | Karen Williamson | 10-07-2018 | INVERNESS | Karen Williamson | | SP2018989803 | Karen Williamson | Active | |||||||||
CS2017361995 | Karen Wilson's Childminding Service | 14-06-2018 | Dumbarton | Karen Wilson | | SP2017989507 | Karen Wilson | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342100 | Karen's Childminding Service | Childminding | 19-01-2016 | Glasgow | Karen Bilsland | | SP2015987490 | Karen Bilsland | Active | ||||||||
CS2013318324 | Karen's Little Angels | Childminding | 10-09-2013 | Glasgow | Karen Wynne | | SP2013985033 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016347505 | Karen's Stars | Childminding | 29-08-2016 | Glasgow | Karen Irvine | | SP2016988063 | Karen Irvine | Active | ||||||||
CS2020378707 | Karena's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 17-07-2020 | Alexandria | Karena Karena | | SP2020991048 | Karena Karena | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000250 | Karens Childminding Service | Child Minding | 09-08-2023 | Stirling | | SP2023000157 | Karen McKie | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000395 | Karly Brann | Child Minding | 22-11-2023 | Larbert | | SP2023000306 | Karly Brann | Active | |||||||||
CS2007161410 | Karma Healthcare | Nurse agencies | 05-02-2008 | 1 Moorfield Lane | Gourock | PA19 1LN | 01475 639 988 | Kalwinder Dhesi | | SP2007009334 | Karma Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007166441 | Karma Healthcare Ltd | Support services - care at home | 10-03-2008 | 1 Moorfield Lane | Gourock | PA19 1LN | 01475 639 988 | MARY CHISHOLM | | SP2007009334 | Karma Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011340 | Karwowski, Rosemary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Rosemary Karwowski | | SP2003905643 | Rosemary Karwowski | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000374 | Kate Ross Childminding | Childminding | 06-11-2023 | Newton Stewart | kate_mcin@hotmail.con | SP2023000247 | Kathryn Ross | Active | |||||||||
CS2014333792 | Kate's Childcare | Childminding | 14-04-2015 | Galashiels | Kate Crew | | SP2014986556 | Kate Crew | Active | ||||||||
CS2007162379 | Katey's Childminding Service | Childminding | 25-03-2008 | Ardrossan | Catherine Thomson | | SP2007967024 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012313189 | Kath's Childminding | Childminding | 27-11-2013 | Peterhead | Katharine O'Connor | | SP2012984270 | Katharine O'Connor | Active | ||||||||
CS2019378027 | Katharine Elliot Day Service (LD) | Support Service | 20-12-2019 | Howdenbank | Hawick | TD9 7JT | 01450 374 230 | Brian Fowler | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000295 | Kathleen Arnold Childminding | Child Minding | 05-09-2023 | Blairgowrie | | SP2023000186 | Kathleen Arnold | Active | |||||||||
CS2011285621 | Kathleen's Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-06-2011 | Blairgowrie | Kathleen Gowrie | | SP2011982139 | Kathleen Gowrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2016348065 | Kathleen's Childminding Services | Childminding | 31-08-2016 | Irvine | Kathleen Perratt | | SP2016988134 | Kathleen Perratt | Active | ||||||||
CS2014328495 | Kathryn's Child Care Services | Childminding | 17-10-2014 | Dunblane | Kathryn McHale | | SP2014986130 | Kathryn McHale | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000125 | Kathryn's Childminding | Childminding | 10-05-2023 | Ellon | | SP2023000083 | Kathryn Orr | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000253 | Kathryn's Kids Care | Child Minding | 13-09-2021 | LOCHGELLY | | SP2021000154 | Kathryn McNeill | Active | |||||||||
CS2014327957 | Katie Barclay Childminding | Childminding | 08-09-2014 | Edinburgh | Katie Barclay | | SP2014986071 | Katie Barclay | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000382 | Katie Jack Childminding | Childminding | 14-12-2022 | South Queensferry | | SP2022000255 | Katie Jack | Active | |||||||||
CS2015343576 | Katie's Childminding | 14-03-2016 | Ellon | Katie Fyfe | | SP2015987649 | Katie Fyfe | Active | |||||||||
CS2017361763 | Katie's Childminding - Ralston | 14-02-2018 | Paisley | Katherine Hall | | SP2017989491 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000353 | Katvic Healthcare | Support Service | 25-10-2023 | 5 Lady Glen Place | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6WJ | 01412864556 | MARY ADESAYO | | SP2023000234 | Katvic Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000354 | Katvic Healthcare | Housing Support Service | 25-10-2023 | 5 Lady Glen Place | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6WJ | 01412864556 | MARY ADESAYO | | SP2023000234 | Katvic Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000372 | Katy Swift Childminding | Child Minding | 26-09-2024 | Peebles | | SP2024000093 | Katy Swift | Active | |||||||||
CS2011281072 | Katy's Kids | Childminding | 04-08-2011 | Oban | Katy Pollock | | SP2011981518 | Katy Pollock trading as Katy's Kids Katy Pollock trading as Katy's Kids | Active | ||||||||
CS2012311325 | Katz Kids Childminding | Childminding | 07-06-2013 | Motherwell | Katrina Paterson | | SP2012984017 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004187 | Kavanagh, Rosemary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilwinning | Rosemary Kavanagh | | SP2003902308 | Rosemary Kavanagh | Active | ||||||||
CS2010249438 | Kay's Childminding | Childminding | 21-10-2010 | Grangemouth | Kay Connar | | SP2010978114 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008172284 | Kay, Linda | Childminding | 20-01-2009 | Bathgate | Linda Kay | | SP2008969143 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000144 | Kayleigh's Childminding | Child Minding | 23-05-2023 | Elgin | | SP2023000095 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2019375453 | Kayleigh's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 22-08-2019 | Elgin | Kayleigh McCartney | | SP2019990578 | Kayleigh McCartney | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317120 | Kazanowska, Ewa | Childminding | 01-10-2013 | EDINBURGH | Ewa Kazanowska | SP2013984858 | Ewa Kazanowska | Active | |||||||||
CS2013319859 | Keane Premier Support Services | Housing support service | 08-08-2014 | Keane Premier Group | 125 Cambuslang Road | Glasgow | G32 8NB | 0141 535 3196 | Sarah Marshall | | SP2013012187 | Keane Premier Support Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013319860 | Keane Premier Support Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-08-2014 | 125 Cambuslang Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G32 8NB | 01416 742 022 | Sarah Marshall | | SP2013012187 | Keane Premier Support Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000102 | Keane Premier Support Services North Lanarkshire | Housing Support Service | 29-03-2024 | The Muirfield Centre | 1a South Muirhead Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1AX | 01236 550002 | Nicola McCormick | | SP2013012187 | Keane Premier Support Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000103 | Keane Premier Support Services North Lanarkshire | Support Service | 29-03-2024 | The Muirfield Centre | 1a South Muirhead Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1AX | 01236 55002 | Nicola McCormick | | SP2013012187 | Keane Premier Support Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007142009 | Keilhill Children Services (Ltd) | Care homes for children and young people | 10-05-2007 | Keilhill Cottage | King Edward | Banff | AB45 3LT | 01261 821 487 | Sylvia Hall | | SP2007008813 | Keilhill Children Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014657 | Keills Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Keills Primary School | Port Askaig | Isle of Islay | PA46 7RF | 01496 840 657 | Andrew Welch |,uk | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2010254476 | Keir Hardie Memorial Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 13-08-2010 | Brannock Road | Newarthill | Motherwell | ML1 5DU | 01698 302 452 | Shirley Queen | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015341351 | Keir, Linda | Childminding | 18-11-2015 | Aberdeen | Linda Keir | | SP2015987386 | Linda Keir | Active | ||||||||
CS2018365033 | Keira Walker-Baird | Childminding | 06-08-2018 | Kilmarnock | Keira Walker-Baird | | SP2018989737 | Keira Walker-Baird | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017221 | Keiss Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Keiss Primary School | High Street | Keiss | Wick | KW1 4XB | 07555 127 821 | Sylvie Sinclair | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2007143604 | Keith Play Centre Nursery & Rising 3's Group | Day care of children | 17-08-2007 | Keith Sports and Community Centre | Banff Road | Keith | AB55 5GT | 01542 886 142 | Carlene Harding | | SP2007008878 | Keith Play Centre Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016014 | Keith Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Keith Primary School | School Road | Keith | AB55 5GS | 01542 882 802 | Natalie Munro | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008819 | Keith Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 26 Mid Street | Keith | AB55 5AH | 01542 885 105 | Tina Gordon | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016233 | Kelbourne Park School (Nursery) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 109 Hotspur Street | Glasgow | G20 8LH | 01419 461 405 | Andrea MacBeath | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2008184499 | Keli Tots | Childminding | 25-06-2010 | Forfar | Keli Pirie | | SP2008971545 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015710 | Kellands School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Upper Manse Road | Inverurie | AB51 3YH | 01467 536 820 | Kathryn Douglas | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2010274103 | Kelli Buglass | Childminding | 05-08-2011 | Edinburgh | Kelli Buglass | | SP2010980224 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317275 | Kellie Tots | Childminding | 04-09-2013 | Bathgate | Kellie Smith | | SP2013984883 | Kellie Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000172 | Kellie's little Wonders Childcare | Childminding | 29-05-2024 | Lochgelly | | SP2023001568 | Kellie Couser | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015490 | Kelloholm Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kelloholm Primary School | Hyslop Street | Kelloholm | Sanquhar | DG4 6QJ | 01659 672 28 | Samantha McRobb | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2020380584 | Kelly Callaghan - Bothwell Childminding | Childminding | 06-10-2020 | Glasgow | Kelly Callaghan | | SP2020991310 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016345849 | Kelly McColl Childminding | 23-08-2016 | Aberdeen | Kelly McColl | | SP2016987869 | Kelly McColl | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000124 | Kelly's Care | Childminding | 10-05-2023 | Inverness | | SP2023000082 | Kelly Collis | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367309 | Kelly's Cheeky Monkeys | 10-10-2018 | Falkirk | Kellyanne Freck | | SP2018989942 | Kellyanne Fyvie | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316720 | Kelly's Childcare | Childminding | 01-10-2013 | Stirling | Margaret Mackenzie | | SP2013984798 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016346508 | Kelly's Kidzcare | 15-06-2016 | Dumfries | Kelly Green | | SP2016987951 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000215 | Kelly's Playhouse Childminding | Child Minding | 14-07-2023 | Falkirk | | SP2023000138 | Kelly Cameron | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006413 | Kelly, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Hamilton | Ann Kelly | | SP2003903767 | Ann Kelly | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003704 | Kelly, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Ann Kelly | SP2003901963 | Kelly, Ann - Glasgow Kelly, Ann - Glasgow | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003484 | Kelly, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Elaine Kelly | | SP2003901786 | Elaine Kelly | Active | ||||||||
CS2011281607 | Kelly, Rose | Childminding | 24-06-2011 | Glasgow | Rose Kelly | | SP2011981693 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012251 | Kelly, Valerie & Edward | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Valerie Kelly | | SP2003905976 | Kelly, Mr&mrs Valerie And Edward Kelly, Mr&mrs Valerie And Edward | Active | ||||||||
CS2009236952 | Kelso, Sharon | Childminding | 28-11-2011 | Stevenston | Sharon Kelso | | SP2009976929 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004073195 | Keltic Care Limited | Housing support service | 04-10-2004 | 10 View Place | Inverness | IV2 4SA | 01463 232 222 | John McMillan | | SP2004005373 | Keltic Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004077170 | Keltic Care Limited Support Service - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-09-2004 | 10 View Place | Inverness | IV2 4SA | 01463 232 222 | John McMillan | SP2004005373 | Keltic Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003011726 | Kelton Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 15 Queen Street | CASTLE DOUGLAS | DG7 1HU | 01557504565 | Gillian Anderson | | SP2003002755 | Kelton Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003051990 | Kelty Out of School Club | Day care of children | 06-07-2004 | Kelty Community Centre | Main Street | Kelty | KY4 0AQ | 07850 950 498 | Calvyn Simpson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000030 | Kelvin | Housing Support Service | 28-01-2025 | 10 Rochdale Place | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1HZ | 0141 226 1610 | Alison Condron | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2023000219 | Kelvin Care | Support Service | 19-07-2023 | 60 Munro Place | GLASGOW | G13 2UW | 01419452117 | Debbie Duffy | | SP2023000142 | Kelvin Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000220 | Kelvin Care | Housing Support Service | 19-07-2023 | 60 Munro Place | Glasgow | G13 2UW | 01419452117 | Debbie Duffy | | SP2023000142 | Kelvin Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017127 | Kelvin Park Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 110 Otago Street | Glasgow | G12 8NS | 01413 397 513 | Kirstie KachKach | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000184 | Kelvindale After School Care | Day Care of Children | 03-08-2021 | Kelvindale Primary School | 11 Dorchester Place | GLASGOW | G12 0BP | 0141 266 0084 | Caroline Brannan | | SP2019013313 | Glasgow West End After School Care CIC | Active | ||||
CS2016352725 | Kelvinside Academy Green Forest Nursery | 04-10-2017 | Langbank Farmhouse | 1 Langbank Holdings Langbank Farm | Milngavie | GLASGOW | G62 6EL | 01419 562 300 | Caroline Robertson | | SP2016012830 | KAGFN Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015978 | Kelvinside Academy Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kelvinside Academy | 40 Chesterfield Avenue | Kelvinside | Glasgow | G12 0BL | 01413 573 376 | Tracy Nugent | | SP2008010145 | Kelvinside Academy War Memorial Trust | Active | |||
CS2025000017 | Kelvinside Manor | Care Home Service | 16-01-2025 | 200 Dorchester Avenue | Glasgow | G12 0BZ | 01463 795050 | Veronica Dormer | | SP2024000814 | Kelvinside Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000025 | Kelz Kidz | Childminding | 02-02-2023 | Haddington | | SP2023000019 | Kelly Miller | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002639 | Kemnay Breakfast and After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kemnay Primary School | Grove Road | Kemnay | Inverurie | AB51 5RA | 07810 085 663 | Julie Wilson | | SP2003000503 | Kemnay Breakfast and After School Club | Active | |||
CS2003016314 | Kemnay Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kemnay Primary School | Grove Road | Kemnay | Inverurie | AB51 5RA | 01467 536963 | Louise Azode | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001058 | Kempsthorn RCU | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 26 Kempsthorn Crescent | Pollok | Glasgow | G53 5ST | 01412 763 922 | Stephen Doyle | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000417 | Kendale Hall Care Home | Care Home Service | 13-12-2023 | Kendale Hall | 27 Keptie Road | Arbroath | DD11 3ED | 01241 876652 | CHERRY HUNTER | | SP2023000430 | Kendale Hall Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016454 | Kennoway Out of School Club | Day care of children | 18-04-2003 | Kennoway Primary and Community School | Langside Crescent | Kennoway | Leven | KY8 5LW | 07515 189 467 | Emma Balfour | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003015973 | Kennoway Primary & Community School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Langside Crescent | Kennoway | Leven | KY8 5LW | 01334 659 420 | Jillian Simpson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003012712 | Kent, Sheila | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Sheila Kent | | SP2003906431 | Kent, Mrs Sheila Kent, Mrs Sheila | Active | ||||||||
CS2006120788 | Kenylink Services Ltd | Support services - care at home | 13-11-2006 | Office 18 and 27 | Kirkcaldy Business Incubator Centre | Myregormie Place | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3NA | 01592 651 650 | Catherine Nyaguthuii Karumbi | | SP2006008396 | Kenylink Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2003014893 | Keppoch Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Keppoch Campus | 65 Stonyhurst Street | Possilpark | Glasgow | G22 5AX | 01413 367 750 | Kelly Mclaughlin | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2015334913 | Kerr Home Care | Support services - care at home | 03-09-2015 | Darluith Business Centre | Unit A Rm 1 | East Fulton, Darluith Road | Linwood | PA3 3TP | 01505 383 422 | Anne Kerr | | SP2015986657 | Anne Kerr trading as Kerr Home Care | Active | |||
CS2008173234 | Kerr, Annette & James | Childminding | 22-04-2009 | Paisley | Annette Kerr | | SP2008969314 | Annette and James Kerr, a partnership Annette and James Kerr, a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2006132722 | Kerr, Beth | Childminding | 31-10-2006 | Ayr | Beth Kerr | | SP2006960862 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005515 | Kerr, Moira | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Moira Kerr | | SP2003903273 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014328187 | Kerri's Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-11-2014 | Aberdeen | Kerri Morrison | | SP2014986105 | Kerri Morrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2015342181 | Kerry Childminding | Childminding | 02-02-2016 | Inverurie | Kerry Urquhart | SP2015987503 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000381 | Kerry Froud Childminding | Child Minding | 04-10-2024 | Isle of Tiree | | SP2024000505 | Kerry Froud | Active | |||||||||
CS2007142198 | Kerry Reid Childminder | Childminding | 11-06-2007 | Keith | Kerry Reid | | SP2007963112 | Kerry Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2015335078 | Kerry Watt - Childminder | Childminding | 18-03-2015 | Dunfermline | Kerry Watt | SP2015986674 | Kerry Watt | Active | |||||||||
CS2010247178 | Kerry's Childminding Service | Childminding | 13-09-2010 | Larbert | Kerry Martin | | SP2010977762 | Kerry Martin trading as Kerry's Childminding Servi Kerry Martin trading as Kerry's Childminding Servi | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000304 | Kerry's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 06-08-2024 | Campbeltown | SP2024000185 | Kerry Scally | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000236 | Kerry's Out of School Care | Childminding | 08-08-2023 | Alford | | SP2023000154 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003017095 | Kettle Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 Rumdewan | Kingskettle | Cupar | KY15 7QR | 01334 659 421 | Elizabeth Wilson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2005104355 | Kettles, Agnes | Childminding | 12-06-2006 | Dumfries | Agnes Kettles | | SP2005950447 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004079435 | Key - Ayrshire and South Lanarkshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | The Square | 70 Renton Street | Glasgow | G4 0HT | 01413 421 890 | Allison Wright | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073243 | Key - Ayrshire and South Lanarkshire | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | The Square | 70 Renton Street | Glasgow | G4 0HT | 01413 421 890 | Allison Wright | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073239 | Key - Dunbartonshire | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | The Square | 70 Renton Street | Glasgow | G4 0HT | 07788269288 | David Hughes | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079432 | Key - Dunbartonshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | The Square | 70 Renton Street | Glasgow | G4 0HT | 01413 421 848 | David Hughes | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079342 | Key - Highland (Caithness and Sutherland) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Unit 23 | Morrich House | 20 Davidson Drive | INVERGORDON | IV18 0SA | 07766 922259 | Debra Kerr-Tsotsi | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015337672 | Key - Highland (Easter Ross) | Support services - care at home | 28-07-2015 | Unit 23 | Morrich House Business Centre | 20 Davidson Drive | Invergordon | IV18 0SA | 07788269288 | Kylie King | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004079340 | Key - Highland (Lochaber, Inverness and Nairn) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Key | Unit 23, Morrich House | 20 Davidson Drive, Castle Avenue Industrial Estate | INVERGORDON | IV18 0SA | 07798571876 | Faye Thompson | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073245 | Key Community Supports - Clyde Coast | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | The Square | 70 Renton Street | Glasgow | G4 0HT | 01413 421 890 | Gillian Loudon | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079437 | Key Community Supports - Clyde Coast | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | The Square | 70 Renton Street | Glasgow | G4 0HT | 01413 421 890 | Gillian Loudon | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079348 | Key Community Supports - Dumfries & Galloway | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Ground Floor | 161 Brooms Road | Dumfries | DG1 2SH | 01387 247 466 | Richard Lewis | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073233 | Key Community Supports - Dumfries & Galloway | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Ground Floor | 161 Brooms Road | Dumfries | DG1 2SH | 01387 247466 | Richard Lewis | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079440 | Key Community Supports - Falkirk | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Falkirk Business Hub | 45 East Vicar Street | Falkirk | FK1 1LL | 01324 614 054 | Michael Lewis | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073249 | Key Community Supports - Falkirk | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Falkirk Business Hub | 45 East Vicar Street | Falkirk | FK1 1LL | 01324 619 519 | Michael Lewis | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073237 | Key Community Supports - Glasgow | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Glasgow | Robert Darroch | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325032 | Key Community Supports - Glasgow East | Support services - care at home | 14-05-2014 | 100 Kerr Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QP | 01415 506 500 | Gary Murphy | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079429 | Key Community Supports - Glasgow South | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Glasgow | Gail McKinnon | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2004079408 | Key Community Supports - Glasgow West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | 100 Kerr Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2QP | 01415 506 500 | Tommy Paterson | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073228 | Key Community Supports - Highland (DM) | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Unit 23 | Morrich House Business Centre | 20 Davidson Drive | INVERGORDON | IV18 0SA | 07798571876 | Faye Thompson | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073248 | Key Community Supports - North Lanarkshire | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Unit 7 | Coatbridge Business Centre | 204 Main Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3RB | 01236 441 918 | Patricia Connolly | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004079438 | Key Community Supports - North Lanarkshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-11-2004 | Unit 7 | Coatbridge Business Centre | 204 Main Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3RB | 01236 441 918 | Patricia Connolly | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007163993 | Key Community Supports - Stirling/Clackmannan | Housing support service | 07-08-2008 | Falkirk Business Hub | 45 Vicar Street | Falkirk | FK1 1LL | 01324 614 519 | Michael Lewis | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007163994 | Key Community Supports - Stirling/Clackmannan | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-08-2008 | Falkirk Business Hub | 45 Vicar Street | Falkirk | FK1 1LL | 01324 614 054 | Michael Lewis | | SP2003000173 | Key Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000394 | KG Childminding | Childminding | 20-12-2022 | Darvel | | SP2022000260 | Kirsty Gorrod | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000225 | Kibble Adoption | Adoption agencies | 27-06-2024 | Kibble Education & Care Centre | Goudie Street | Paisley | PA3 2LG | 01418890044 | Paula Harkins | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2022000009 | Kibble Campus - North | School Care Accommodation Service | 13-01-2022 | Kibble Education & Care Centre | Goudie Street | PAISLEY | PA3 2LG | 0141 889 0044 | Damien McGrogan | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2018370616 | Kibble Community Services | 03-04-2019 | Goudie Street | Paisley | PA3 2LG | 01418 890 044 | Anthony Birney | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||||
CS2003001291 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | School care accommodation | 01-04-2002 | Goudie Street | Paisley | PA3 2LG | 01418 890 044 | Damien McGrogan | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | |||||
CS2014324762 | Kibble Housing Support Services | Housing support service | 23-12-2014 | Kibble Community Services | 1 Station Road | Paisley | PA1 2SB | 01418 890 044 | David Fenlon | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2014324764 | Kibble Housing Support Services | Support Services - care at home | 23-12-2014 | Kibble Community Services | 1 Station Road | Paisley | PA1 2SB | 01418 890 044 | David Fenlon | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2022000010 | Kibble Intensive Services | School Care Accommodation Service | 13-01-2022 | Kibble Education & Care Centre | Goudie Street | PAISLEY | PA3 2LG | 0141 889 0044 | Gary Peebles | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2024000108 | Kibble Inverkip | Care Home Service | 03-04-2024 | Rostom House | Langhouse Road | Inverkip | PA16 0DE | 0141 889 0044 | Paula Molloy | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2021000361 | Kibble Levernbridge | Care homes for children and young people | 17-12-2021 | 81 Levern Bridge Road | GLASGOW | G53 7AB | 0141 889 0044 | Anthony Birney | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | |||||
CS2007144296 | Kibble Safe Centre | Secure accommodation service | 14-06-2007 | Goudie Street | Paisley | PA3 2LG | 01418 890 044 | Gary Peebles | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | |||||
CS2013317686 | Kibble's Adult Placement Services | Adult placement services | 11-10-2013 | Kibble Community Services | 1 Station Road | Paisley | PA1 2SB | 01418 890 044 | John McHale | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2014331359 | Kidd's Club | Childminding | 05-02-2015 | Aberdeen | Wendy Kidd | | SP2014986339 | Wendy Kidd | Active | ||||||||
CS2007166465 | Kidd, Fiona | Childminding | 30-04-2008 | Forres | Fiona Kidd | | SP2007967758 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351530 | Kiddi-Kiddz | 04-01-2017 | Glenrothes | Alison-Lee Martin | SP2016988552 | Alison-Lee Martin | Active | ||||||||||
CS2016352841 | Kiddie Care | 14-03-2017 | Thurso | Marina Bain | | SP2016988682 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012307464 | Kiddies Childminding Services | Childminding | 27-08-2012 | Tillicoultry | Gayle Richardson | | SP2012983401 | Gayle Richardson | Active | ||||||||
CS2009194045 | Kiddieshack Nursery | Day care of children | 27-03-2009 | 44 Young Street | Wishaw | ML2 8HJ | 01698 361 622 | Heather McCulloch | | SP2008009795 | Collin Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017360370 | Kiddiewinkles Childminding Service | 10-01-2018 | Kilmarnock | Lynn Rorison | | SP2017989374 | Lynn Rorison | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342931 | Kiddiewinks | 22-02-2016 | Dunfermline | Nicola Paterson | SP2015987588 | Nicola Paterson | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003002640 | Kiddiwinks Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kemnay Cricket Pavilion | Bogbeth Park | Bogbeth Road | KEMNAY | AB51 5RJ | 07925 959 474 | Jade Ritchie | | SP2003000504 | Kiddiwinks Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003000708 | Kiddycare Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 112 Cowgate | Dundee | DD1 2JU | 01382 225 357 | Helen Rae | | SP2003000119 | Jennifer Hyslop trading as Kiddycare Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2025000058 | Kiddycare Day Nursery (Dundee) | Day care of children | 10-02-2025 | 1A Thistle Street | 3 St. Fort Farm Cottages | Dundee | DD3 7RF | 01382225357 | Helen Rae | | SP2024000827 | Kiddycare Day Nursery(Dundee) | Active | ||||
CS2019377866 | Kidi's Childminding | Child Minding | 12-02-2020 | Lanark | Lidiane McDermott | | SP2019990925 | Lidiane McDermott | Active | ||||||||
CS2019378276 | Kidly Childminding | Child Minding | 10-02-2020 | Anstrther | Megan Murray | | SP2019990987 | Megan Murray | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2007152142 | Kidology | Day care of children | 11-01-2009 | Kidology Nursery | 8 Bank Street | Greenock | PA15 4PA | 01475 722 882 | Marion Smillie | | SP2007009094 | Anne Warnock trading as Kidology | Active | ||||
CS2015342699 | Kids Academy | Day care of children | 04-04-2016 | Ellon Academy | Kellie Pearl Way | Community Campus | Ellon | AB41 8LF | 01358 720 715 | Shona Taylor | | SP2015987565 | Grant, Shona | Active | |||
CS2024000247 | Kids Academy OOSC Auchterellon | Day Care of Children | 15-07-2024 | Auchterellon Primary School | Millwood Road | Ellon | AB41 9FA | 07880528816 | Shona Grant | | SP2015987565 | Grant, Shona | Active | ||||
CS2024000308 | Kids Academy OOSC Balmedie | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2024 | Balmedie Primary School | Forsyth Road | Balmedie | Aberdeen | AB23 8YW | 01358 281105 | Lydia Taylor | | SP2015987565 | Grant, Shona | Active | |||
CS2003010772 | Kids Ahoy Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 89-93 St. Michael Street | Dumfries | DG1 2PY | 01387 279 300 | Roxene Cottle | | SP2003002519 | Elizabeth Blount trading as Kids Ahoy Childcare Centre | Active | |||||
CS2011303926 | Kids Care | Childminding | 13-03-2012 | Stirling | Lesley Neilson | | SP2011983050 | Lesley Neilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2020000009 | Kids Club | Day Care of Children | 25-11-2020 | The Old Stables | Anytown | DD1 4NY | Keirra Roberts | SP2020000009 | Example Ltd | Active | |||||||
CS2013314811 | Kids Come First | Day care of children | 16-09-2014 | Benarty Community Centre | Flockhouse Avenue | Ballingry | Lochgelly | KY5 8JH | 01592377031 | Michelle MacGregor | SP2013012005 | Kids Come First a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2012308065 | Kids First Childcare | Childminding | 14-06-2012 | Kilmarnock | Christine McCallum | | SP2012983502 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000707 | Kids Fun House | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Francis RC Primary School | North East Campus | Lothian Crescent | Dundee | DD4 0SX | 07508 907 727 | Dani Smith | | SP2003000707 | Kids Fun House | Active | |||
CS2022000393 | Kids Fun House at Rowantree | Day care of children | 20-12-2022 | Rowantree Primary School | 1 Birks Terrace | Dundee | DD4 8EJ | 07508907727 | Daniella Smith | | SP2003000707 | Kids Fun House | Active | ||||
CS2011303409 | Kids Insight | Day care of children | 20-07-2012 | Ogston Hall | Balerno Parish Church | 4 Deanpark Brae | Balerno | EH14 7DZ | 07840 753 799 | Suzanne Erasmuson | | SP2011011716 | Kids Insight Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015337441 | Kids Insight (Currie) | Day care of children | 12-08-2015 | Currie Community Centre (Currie Youth Club) | 280 Lanark Road West | Currie | EH14 5RU | 01314 667 761 | Rachel Pfluger | | SP2011011716 | Kids Insight Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000047 | Kids Insight @ Currie Primary School | Day Care of Children | 07-02-2024 | Currie Primary School | 59 Curriehill Road | Currie | EH14 5PU | 07840753799 | Rachel Pfluger | | SP2011011716 | Kids Insight Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000035 | Kids Klub Childminding | Child Minding | 01-02-2024 | Alloa | | SP2023001417 | Dawn Hogarth | Active | |||||||||
CS2017359336 | Kids of the Future | 17-11-2017 | Forfar | Svetlana Mihnevica | | SP2017989296 | Svetlana Mihnevica | Active | |||||||||
CS2011285937 | Kidscene | Day care of children | 11-01-2012 | Royal Blind School - Canaan Campus | 43-45 Canaan Lane | Edinburgh | EH10 4SG | 01314 463 136 | Louise Graham | | SP2003002572 | Royal Blind Asylum and School Trading as Sight Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2018368265 | Kidsize Kingswells OOSC | 05-10-2018 | Learigg, Kingswood Avenue | Aberdeen | AB158SB | Jenna Millar | | SP2018013156 | Kidsize Club Ltd | Active | |||||||
CS2024000219 | Kidsize Kingswells Playgroup | Day care of children | 25-06-2024 | Learigg | Kingswells | Aberdeen | AB15 8SB | 07446854441 | Jenna Millar | | SP2018013156 | Kidsize Club Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010250712 | Kidstore Childcare Limited | Day care of children | 01-09-2010 | Burngreen | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 0HT | 01236 827 490 | Megan Smith | | SP2010010961 | Kidstore Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020379895 | Kidz in the Briggs Childminding | Child Minding | 23-06-2020 | Glasgow | Caroline Sbragia | | SP2020991212 | Caroline Sbragia | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000476 | Kidz Kabin Childminding | Childminding | 23-12-2024 | West Calder | | SP2024000605 | Amy Watt | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000240 | Kidz Out of School Care | Day Care of Children | 02-09-2021 | 23 Lindsaybeg Road | Chryston | GLASGOW | G69 9DR | 07588210366 | Nicole Crossley | | SP2021000144 | Kidz Out Of School Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000303 | Kidz Out of School Care 2 | Day Care of Children | 06-08-2024 | Glenmanor Primary School | Glenmanor Ave | Moodiesburn | Glasgow | G69 0JA | 07588210366 | Eva Carter | | SP2021000144 | Kidz Out Of School Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2008191481 | Kidz World Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 28-04-2010 | Medway House | Kelliebank | Alloa | FK10 1NU | 01259 212 444 | Nicola Wilson | | SP2008010174 | Kidz World Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011305228 | Kidz@ Karen's | Childminding | 11-04-2012 | Peebles | Karen Carruthers | | SP2011983144 | Karen Carruthers | Active | ||||||||
CS2005111253 | Kidzcare @ Grange Loan Nursery | Day care of children | 18-11-2005 | 133 Grange Loan | Edinburgh | EH9 2HB | 01316 684 099 | Ali Leslie | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015342878 | Kidzcare @ Portobello | 28-06-2016 | 2 Windsor Place | Edinburgh | EH15 2AA | 01316 695 040 | Amanda Johnston | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003042209 | Kidzcare at Bruntsfield | Day care of children | 08-09-2003 | Bruntsfield Primary School | Montpelier Park | Edinburgh | EH10 4NA | 07971145805 | Mary Lafferty | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004073381 | Kidzcare Ltd @ Fox Covert | Day care of children | 02-07-2004 | Fox Covert Primary School | Clerwood Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 8PG | 07917 014 281 | Victoria Rafferty | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006131135 | Kidzcare@Duddingston | Day care of children | 11-07-2006 | Duddingston Primary School | 70 Duddingston Road | Edinburgh | EH15 1SN | 07917575572 | Rebecca Clyne | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005111707 | Kidzcare@Norwood House | Day care of children | 18-11-2005 | Norwood House | 9 Kilgraston Road | Edinburgh | EH9 2DX | 01316 682 792 | Lisa Andrews | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006132518 | Kidzcare@Parsons Green | Day care of children | 30-11-2006 | Parsons Green Primary School | Meadowfield Drive | Edinburgh | EH8 7LU | 07824 327 533 | Magda Chojnacka | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010250136 | Kidzcare@St. Peter's Primary School | Day care of children | 18-08-2010 | St. Peter's School | 10 Falcon Road | Edinburgh | EH10 4AH | 07812991448 | Ana Maria Saraiva | | SP2003002918 | Kidzcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009194695 | KidZone Child Minding Service | Childminding | 02-07-2010 | Glasgow | Andrea Geddes | | SP2009973141 | Andrea Geddes trading as KidZone Child Minding Ser Andrea Geddes trading as KidZone Child Minding Ser | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003346 | Kidzone Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Redwell Primary School | Stirling Street | Alloa | FK10 2BS | 01259 452 116 | Julie McKenna | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011297952 | Kidzonecare | Childminding | 23-09-2011 | Helensburgh | Alison Kane | | SP2011982556 | Alison Kane trading as Kidzonecare Alison Kane trading as Kidzonecare | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000243 | Kidzworld Out of School Club Stirling | Day Care of Children | 11-07-2024 | Kidz World Out of School Club | Newpark Crescent | Stirling | FK7 0QA | 07808711605 | Alexis Aitken | | SP2008010174 | Kidz World Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003006466 | Kier, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Margaret Kier | | SP2003903797 | Margaret Kier | Active | ||||||||
CS2015337344 | Kilbarchan Community Nursery | 28-06-2016 | Meadside Avenue | Kilbarchan | Johnstone | PA10 2LA | 01505 704 839 | Victoria Orr | | SP2015012492 | Kilbarchan Community Nursery SCIO | Active | |||||
CS2003014735 | Kilbowie ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilbowie Primary School | West Thomson Street | Clydebank | G81 3EA | 01419 412 266 | Laura McCormick | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000106 | Kilbryde Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 16-06-2021 | 121 Netherton Road | East Kilbride | GLASGOW | G75 9DU | 01355 221060 | Yvonne Bell | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012308195 | Kilchattan Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 04-09-2012 | Kilchattan Primary School | Kilchattan | Isle of Colonsay | PA61 7YR | 01951 200 340 | Kim Bentley | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017222 | Kilchoan Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilchoan Primary School | Kilchoan | Acharacle | PH36 4LH | 01972 510 258 | Lyndsay Bradley | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017223 | Kilchuimen Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Fort Augustus | PH32 4DL | 01320 366 296 | Yvonne Walker | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014650 | Kilcreggan Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilcreggan Primary School | School Road | Kilcreggan | Helensburgh | G84 0HT | 01436 842 109 | Allison Smith | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003015350 | Kildrum Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clouden Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 2EW | 01236 632 104 | Ann Shirra | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000199 | Kilgraston Preschool | Day care of children | 17-06-2024 | Kilgraston School | Bridge Of Earn | Perth | PH2 9BQ | 01738812257 | Louise Cribbin | | SP2024000163 | Kilgraston School Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000338 | Killearn Kids Hub | Day Care of Children | 10-10-2023 | 31B Main Street | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9RJ | 07843011550 | Karon Battersby | | SP2023000220 | Killearn Kids Hub Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017464 | Killearn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crosshead Road | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9RN | 01360 550 430 | Pamela Craigie | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2010237843 | Killen, Frances | Childminding | 07-07-2010 | Glasgow | Frances Killen | | SP2010977223 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014693 | Killermont Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Aviemore Gardens | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 2BL | 0141 955 2265 | Frances McLauchlan | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003043686 | Killin Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Killin | FK21 8UW | 01567 820 889 | Peter Waugh | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2006137056 | Kilmacolm Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 10-01-2008 | Kilmacolm Primary School | Churchhill Road | Kilmacolm | PA13 4LH | 01475 715 812 | Simone McCredie | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2006125671 | Kilmaron Special School Nursery | Day care of children | 25-05-2006 | Kilmaron Special School | Balgarvie Road | Cupar | KY15 4PE | 01334 659 480 | Ruth Munro | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014652 | Kilmartin Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilmartin Primary School | Kilmartin | Lochgilphead | PA31 8QF | 01546 510 293 | Karen Lupton Garcia | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015811 | Kilmaurs Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | East Park Drive | Kilmaurs | Kilmarnock | KA3 2QS | 01563 538 674 | Jacqueline McClung | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014653 | Kilmodan Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilmodan Primary School | Glendaruel | Colintraive | Dunoon | PA22 3AE | 01369 820 280 | Jodie Blincow | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003016043 | Kilmory Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilmory Primary School | Kilmory | Isle of Arran | KA27 8PQ | 01770 870 262 | Allison Conner | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017224 | Kilmuir Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilmuir Primary School | Kilmuir | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9UB | 01470 552 271 | Chrisma MacFarlane | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003014654 | Kilninver Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilninver Primary School | Kilninver | Oban | PA34 4UT | 01852 316 236 | Sharon Burt | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016377 | Kilpatrick Early Years Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilpatrick School | Mountblow Road | Clydebank | G81 4SW | 01389 804 430 | Louise McMahon | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006117286 | Kilpatrick, Catherine | Childminding | 11-09-2006 | Bellshill | Catherine Kilpatrick | | SP2006957794 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004078134 | Kilsyth Children's Club | Day care of children | 15-04-2005 | Kilsyth Community Church | Low Craigends | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 0BH | 01236 825 353 | Ann Gallagher | | SP2004006849 | KCC Trading Limited | Active | |||
CS2003017225 | Kiltearn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Drummond Road | Evanton | Dingwall | IV16 9UT | 01349 830 568 | Marianne Gow | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000268 | Kim Barclay Childminding | Child Minding | 29-07-2024 | Fochabers | | SP2024000139 | Kimberley Barclay | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2021000131 | Kim Lamond Childminding Services | Child Minding | 29-06-2021 | ULLAPOOL | | SP2021000078 | Kim Lamond | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340102 | Kim's Childcare | Childminding | 16-11-2015 | Glasgow | Kimberley Hamilton | | SP2015987252 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317433 | Kim's Childminding | Childminding | 07-08-2013 | Prestwick | Kimberley Agnew | | SP2013984908 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000254 | Kim's Kids - Childminding Service | Childminding | 19-07-2024 | Broxburn | | SP2024000168 | Kim Reid | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342101 | Kimberley McLean Childminding Services | Childminding | 01-03-2016 | Aberdeen | Kimberley McLean | | SP2015987491 | Kimberley McLean | Active | ||||||||
CS2015334971 | Kimberly's Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-09-2015 | Campbeltown | Kimberly Bellamy | | SP2015986662 | Kimberly Bellamy | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000264 | Kincaid House | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Kincaid House | Oakfield Terrace | GREENOCK | PA15 2AH | 01475553920 | Anne Gardner | | SP2021000161 | Kincaid Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016142 | Kincaidston Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 25 Cranesbill Court | Kincaidston | Ayr | KA7 3YN | 01292 612 492 | Ian Sturgeon | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000380 | Kincairn Residential Childcare Ltd | Care Home Service | 13-11-2023 | Tarvit Cottage | Tarvit Home Farm | Pitscottie Road | Cupar | KY15 5ST | 07818505303 | Duane Cairns | | SP2023000422 | Kincairn Residential Childcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000102 | Kincairney House | Care Home Service | 16-06-2021 | Glover Street | 135 Glover Street | Perth | PH2 0JB | 0141 333 1495 | Beba Siranne Graham | | SP2021000064 | Perth Care Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000232 | KINCARE HEALTH SOLUTIONS | Housing Support Service | 31-08-2021 | Unit 1-3 | Castlebrae Business Centre | Peffer Place | Edinburgh | EH16 4BB | 07446342447 | JOYCE HILDA MUDZUNGUDZI | | SP2021000138 | Kincare Health Solutions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000233 | Kincare Health Solutions | Support Service | 01-09-2021 | 76B Craigour Drive | Edinburgh | EH17 7NT | 07446342447 | Joyce Hilda Mudzungudzi | | SP2021000138 | Kincare Health Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009760 | Kincarrathie House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Pitcullen Crescent | Perth | PH2 7HX | 01738 621 828 | Nicola MacCallum | | SP2003002118 | Kincarrathie Trust | Active | |||||
CS2023000278 | Kind(er) childminders | Child Minding | 25-08-2023 | Edinburgh | SP2023000175 | Emanuela Marotta | Active | ||||||||||
CS2019374867 | Kinder Croft CIC Outdoor Nursery | Day Care of Children | 08-07-2019 | Leckmelm Wood | Leckmelm | Ullapool | IV23 2RH | 07704663486 | Joni Mackay | | SP2019013305 | Kinder Croft CIC | Active | ||||
CS2022000223 | Kinder-Gardeners | Childminding | 08-08-2022 | Edinburgh | Nasim Azad | | SP2022000155 | Nasim Azad and Sehrish Azad, a partnership, trading as Kinder-Gardeners | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2012307942 | Kindergarten Huntly Ltd | Day care of children | 20-06-2012 | Unit 34 | Steven Road | Huntly | AB54 8SX | 01466 794 525 | Leah Wilson | & thekindergart | SP2012011817 | Kindergarten Huntly Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004059539 | Kinderhouse | Day care of children | 30-09-2004 | Huntingdon Avenue | Dumfries | DG1 1NQ | 01387 264 064 | Elizabeth Fairbairn West | | SP2004005821 | Kinderhouse Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003005524 | Kinderoo Childminding | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Allison Johnston | | SP2003903281 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016315 | Kinellar Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kinellar Primary School | Fintray Road | Kinellar | Aberdeen | AB21 0SS | 01224 472 887 | Sarah Menzies | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016351 | King's Oak Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | King's Oak Primary School | 35 East Crawford Street | Greenock | PA15 2DX | 01475 714 680 | Kirstin Glancy | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016399 | King's Park Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20 Croft Street | Dalkeith | EH22 3BA | 01312 714 610 | Laurinda Renton | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015894 | King's Road Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | King's Crescent | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2RS | 01383602419 | Lynn Colagiacomo | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003041503 | King, Lorraine | Childminding | 04-09-2003 | ARBROATH | Lorraine King | LOU192@HOTMAIL.CO.UK | SP2005943487 | Lorraine King | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017400 | Kingcase Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Nursery Avenue | Prestwick | KA9 2DG | 01292 473 451 | Ryan Delaney | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016351151 | Kingdom Care at Home - 1 | 31-03-2017 | James Bank Centre | James Street | Dunfermline | KY12 7QE | 01383 741 220 | Frances Howie | SP2016012806 | Kingdom Support and Care CIC | Active | ||||||
CS2016351148 | Kingdom Care at Home - 2 | 31-03-2017 | James Bank Centre | James Street | Dunfermline | KY12 7QE | 01383 741 220 | Shona Laird | SP2016012806 | Kingdom Support and Care CIC | Active | ||||||
CS2016351145 | Kingdom Care at Home Children and Young People - 1 | 31-03-2017 | Dunfermline | Heather Simpson | | SP2016012806 | Kingdom Support and Care CIC | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351149 | Kingdom Housing Support - 1 | 31-03-2017 | James Bank Centre | James Street | Dunfermline | KY12 7QE | 01383 741 220 | Heather Simpson | | SP2016012806 | Kingdom Support and Care CIC | Active | |||||
CS2016351147 | Kingdom Housing Support - 2 | 31-03-2017 | James Bank Centre | James Street | Dunfermline | KY12 7QE | 01383 741 220 | Shona Laird | | SP2016012806 | Kingdom Support and Care CIC | Active | |||||
CS2016351141 | Kingdom Housing Support - James Bank | 31-03-2017 | James Bank Centre | James Street | Dunfermline | KY12 7QE | 01383 741 220 | Shona Laird | | SP2016012806 | Kingdom Support and Care CIC | Active | |||||
CS2003013319 | Kingfisher Club - Kestrel House | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Linlithgow Primary School | Preston Road | Linlithgow | EH49 6HB | 07760768565 | Amy Ewing | | SP2003003097 | Kingfisher Club | Active | ||||
CS2004058449 | Kingfisher Club - Woodpecker House | Day care of children | 07-11-2002 | Chalmers Hall | Main Street | Linlithgow Bridge | Linlithgow | EH49 7PR | 07760768565 | Arlene Stevenson | | SP2003003097 | Kingfisher Club | Active | |||
CS2003015935 | Kinghorn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Baliol Street | Kinghorn | Burntisland | KY3 9UD | 01592 583 429 | Scott Wilson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017096 | Kinglassie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Kinglassie | Lochgelly | KY5 0YE | 01592 583 430 | Tamsin Frost | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2020380193 | Kings Heritage Childminding Service | Childminding | 05-10-2020 | Glasgow | Kadiatu Busari | | SP2020991252 | Kadiatu Busari | Active | ||||||||
CS2019373856 | Kingsacre Care Home | Care Home Service | 05-07-2019 | Cochno Road | Hardgate | Clydebank | G81 6RW | 01414 735 500 | Maxine Kinnoch | | SP2019013287 | Care Concern Group - Kingsacre | Active | ||||
CS2003015550 | Kingsfield Children's Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 532 King Street | Aberdeen | AB24 5SS | 01224 069549 | Claire Will | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014455 | Kingsford School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kingsford School | Kingsford Road | Aberdeen | AB16 6PQ | 01224 693 554 | Amanda Murray | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016097 | Kingsland Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Neidpath Road | Peebles | EH45 8NN | 01721 720 025 | Tracey Strathearn | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000349 | Kingsley Care Home | Care Home Service | 03-12-2021 | 196 Hawkhead Road | Paisley | PA2 7BS | 0141 428 5888 | James Harper Reid | | SP2021000220 | Amicura Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003009329 | Kingsmeadows Nursery (Peebles) Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cavalry Park | Peebles | EH45 9BU | 01721 720 175 | Rebecca Graham | | SP2003002009 | Kingsmeadows Nursery (Peebles) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019378593 | Kingsmills Care Home | Care Home Service | 20-04-2020 | 10 Kingsmills Park | Inverness | IV2 3RE | 01463 240 555 | Elizabeth MacRae | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003042196 | Kingspark After School Care | Day care of children | 17-09-2003 | Kingspark Primary School | 44 Kingsbridge Drive | Kingspark | Glasgow | G44 4JS | 07875 691 427 | Lauren Connelly | | SP2004006934 | Kingspark After School Care | Active | |||
CS2014328470 | KingsWellies Nursery | Day care of children | 10-04-2015 | Plot 8 | Prime Four Business Park | Kingswells | Aberdeen | AB15 8PU | 01224 741 175 | Laura Barry | | SP2014012334 | KingsWellies Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003014438 | Kingswells Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kingswells Avenue | Kingswells | Aberdeen | AB15 8TG | 01224 740 262 | Dionne Cran | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000018 | Kingussie Childcare | Childminding | 23-01-2023 | Kingussie | | SP2023000013 | Jane Ali | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017227 | Kingussie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ruthven Road | Kingussie | PH21 1EN | 01540 661 354 | Isabel Forrest | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000356 | Kinloch Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Kinloch Street | Carnoustie | DD7 7EN | 01241 465 140 | Gillian Duncan | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000364 | Kinloch Day Care Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Kinloch Care Centre | Kinloch Street | Carnoustie | DD7 7EN | 01241 465 140 | Gillian Duncan | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016081 | Kinloch Rannoch Primary Nursery - Perth | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kinloch Rannoch Primary School | Pitlochry | PH16 5PL | 01887 822 466 | Jacqui Sinclair | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2019372995 | Kinlochbervie Nursery | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2020 | Manse Road | Kinlochbervie | Lairg | IV27 4RG | 01971 521 767 | Aileen MacDonald | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017228 | Kinlochewe Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kinlochewe Primary School | Kinlochewe | Achnasheen | IV22 2PA | 01445 760 260 | Thomas O'Halloran | thomas.o' | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003017229 | Kinlochleven Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kinlochleven Primary School | Riverside Road | Kinlochleven | PH50 4QH | 01855 832 040 | Clare Harley | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016379 | Kinloss Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kinloss Primary School | Burghead Road | Kinloss | Forres | IV36 3SX | 01309 690 376 | Beverley Ashworth | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2021000270 | Kinmylies Lodge | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Kinmylies Lodge Nursing Home | 1 Kinmylies Way | INVERNESS | IV3 8TP | 01463718544 | Bruce Mason | | SP2021000167 | Kinmylies Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010278931 | Kinmylies Out of School Club | Day care of children | 17-02-2011 | Caretakers House | Kinmylies Primary School | Assynt Way | Inverness | IV3 8PB | 07747 847 645 | Cora Stewart | | SP2010011111 | CALA Out of School Care | Active | |||
CS2003017230 | Kinmylies Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kinmylies Primary School | Assynt Road | Inverness | IV3 8PB | 01463 239 720 | Faye Lingard | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300741 | Kinnaird Manor Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Brown Street | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4QF | 01324 613 131 | Donna Stewart | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013319352 | Kinnaird Tots | Childminding | 13-11-2013 | Larbert | Dawn Averley | | SP2013985179 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007156528 | Kinnaird Waters Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 20-08-2007 | McIntyre Avenue | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 4TQ | 01324 503 377 | Gillian Laird | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003043646 | Kinneil Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dean Road | Bo'ness | EH51 0DJ | 01506 778 362 | Marianne Brown | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2012309487 | Kinning Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 12-02-2013 | 30-34 Mair Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G51 1HA | 01414 276 510 | Robert Taylor | | SP2012011864 | Kinning Park Care Home (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003009737 | Kinnoull Day Opportunities | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Gleneagles Road | Perth | PH2 0AW | 01738 472 340 | Celina Bell | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2006137898 | Kinnoull Kids Club | Day care of children | 20-11-2006 | Kinnoull Primary School | Dundee Road | Perth | PH2 7EY | 07786 306 990 | Kassi Craig | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010128 | Kinross After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kinross Primary School | Station Road | Kinross | KY13 8TG | 07453 065 143 | Joanne Masson | | SP2003002176 | Kinross After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003017904 | Kinross Centre | Support services - not care at home | 28-12-2005 | 64 High Street | Kinross | KY13 8AJ | 01577 863 869 | Agnes Cook | | SP2003003971 | Kinross Centre | Active | |||||
CS2003017334 | Kinross Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Kinross | KY13 8TG | 01577 867 272 | Pauline Smith | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2006126249 | Kintore Playgroup | Day care of children | 21-08-2006 | Kintore Primary School | Castle Walk | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0RU | 01467 539 979 | Carolyn Cartney | | SP2003000510 | Kintore Playgroup an Association | Active | |||
CS2003016316 | Kintore School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kintore School | Castle Walk | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0RU | 01467 539 975 | Donna Sim | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000081 | Kintyre Care Centre | Care Home Service | 20-03-2023 | Shore Street | Campbeltown | PA28 6BS | 01586 553615 | Jennifer McKellar | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003008482 | Kintyre House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Saltburn | Invergordon | IV18 0JX | 01349 853 248 | Amanda Boden | | SP2003001705 | Gate Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004078862 | Kippen Care Services | Support services - care at home | 01-06-2005 | Tayview Industrial Estate | Friarton Road | Perth | PH2 8DG | 01738 310 585 | Nicqui Watson | | SP2003002495 | Kippen House Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005113920 | Kippen House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 16-08-2006 | Muckhart Road | Dunning | Perth | PH2 0RA | 01764 684 571 | Lynn Lean | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003005372 | Kippen Playgroup and Toddlers | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Village Hall | Fore Road | Kippen | Stirling | FK8 3DT | 07883914499 | Anna Foran | | SP2003001113 | Kippen Playgroup & Toddlers Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2020379078 | Kippsbyre Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 02-10-2020 | Kippsbyre Cottage | Glenmavis | AIRDRIE | ML6 0PJ | 01132 653 340 | Lorraine Ness | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003007302 | Kirby, Gail | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Gail Kirby | SP2003904288 | Gail Kirby | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000137 | Kirk Lane Nursing Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2021 | 8 Kirk Mews | Livingston Village | Livingston | West Lothian | EH54 7FR | 01506539651 | Matthew McCanny | | SP2003002451 | Randolph Hill Nursing Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011289456 | Kirk O'Shotts Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 19-09-2011 | School Road | Salsburgh | Shotts | ML7 4NS | 01698274910 | Marnie Hamilton | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009914 | Kirk, Jacqueline & John | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Auchterarder | Jacqueline Kirk | | SP2003905321 | Kirk Jaqueline | Active | ||||||||
CS2014329189 | Kirk, Tracey | Childminding | 08-09-2014 | Glasgow | Tracey Kirk | | SP2014986182 | Tracey Kirk | Active | ||||||||
CS2007142945 | Kirkburn Court Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | Academy Place | Peterhead | AB42 1JQ | 01779 471 144 | David Garland | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000236 | Kirkcaldy North Out of School Club | Day care of children | 13-08-2022 | North Primary School | Nile Street | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5AY | 07515289728 | Emma Rowe | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015927 | Kirkcaldy North Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Nile Street | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5AY | 01592 583 431 | Emma Clunie | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015882 | Kirkcaldy West Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Milton Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1TL | 01592 583 432 | Elizabeth Thomson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011773 | Kirkcolm Under 5's | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcolm Primary School | Main Street | Kirkcolm | Stranraer | DG9 0NS | 01776 853 232 | Heather Dorans | | SP2003002769 | Kirkcolm Under 5's | Active | |||
CS2003010867 | Kirkconnel ARC | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Kirkconnel | Sanquhar | DG4 6NE | 01659 672 97 | Daryll Moore | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015492 | Kirkcowan Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcowan Primary School | Wellhouse Road | Kirkcowan | Newton Stewart | DG8 0HP | 01671 830 234 | Alexandra Duff | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2003015476 | Kirkcudbright Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcudbright Primary School | Kirkcudbright | DG6 4JT | 01557 332 610 | Hazel Hughes | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000323 | Kirkhaven Support Services | Support Service | 14-08-2024 | 16 Bogside Street | GLASGOW | G403LG | 01415504889 | Amanda Rae | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2024000314 | Kirkhaven Support Services | Housing Support Service | 12-08-2024 | 16 Bogside Street | Glasgow | G40 3LG | 01415504889 | Amanda Rae | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003017495 | Kirkhill Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rashierigg Road | Broxburn | EH52 6AW | 01506 853 118 | Kirsty McLaren | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001788 | Kirkhill Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkhill Primary School | Cairngorm Gardens | Kincorth | Aberdeen | AB12 5BS | 07917 233 671 | Elaine Fenwick | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003017231 | Kirkhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Mary's Road | Kirkhill | Inverness | IV5 7NX | 01463 831 543 | Georgina Dunbar | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014439 | Kirkhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cairngorm Gardens | Kincorth | Aberdeen | AB12 5BS | 01224 874 439 | Isla Duncan | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003962 | Kirkhillgait Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 82 - 84 Broom Road East | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5SR | 01416 398 000 | Linda Paterson | | SP2003000804 | Linda Paterson trading as Kirkhillgait Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2016348295 | Kirkhope Nursery | Day care of children | 12-08-2016 | Woodend Road | Ettrickbridge | Selkirk | TD7 5JJ | 01750 522 31 | Tracy Foy | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000259 | Kirkintilloch Nursery | Day Care of Children | 13-08-2023 | Kirkintilloch Nursery | 5 Hillhead Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 2HA | 07972180262 | Joanne Middleton | | SP2023000163 | Kirkintilloch Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2021000074 | Kirklandneuk Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 27-05-2021 | 36 Ness Road | Renfrew | PA4 9DE | 0300 300 0300 | Nicola Anderson | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003006383 | Kirklandpark After School Care Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirklandpark Primary School | Kirklandpark Avenue | Strathaven | ML10 6DY | 07752 873 861 | Lisa Crawford | | SP2003001452 | Kirklandpark After School Care Service | Active | ||||
CS2003015303 | Kirklandpark Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirklandpark Avenue | Strathaven | ML10 6DY | 01357 520 177 | Dawn Laing | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000774 | Kirklea | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 3 Dundonald Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 1EQ | 01563 539 010 | Roberta Campbell | | SP2003000147 | Parkcare Homes No.2 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000307 | Kirkliston Orchard After School Club | Day care of children | 29-10-2021 | Kirkliston Community Centre | 18 Queensferry Road | KIRKLISTON | EH29 9AQ | 01313334621 | Claire Millar | | SP2003002986 | The Orchard Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006138039 | Kirkliston Orchard Nursery | Day care of children | 04-06-2007 | 116 Main Street | Edinburgh | EH29 9AD | Claire Millar | | SP2003002986 | The Orchard Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003017037 | Kirkliston Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkliston Primary Early Learning and Childcare | 3 Kirklands Park Street | Edinburgh | EH29 9EY | 0131 3332 336 | Lucy Henderson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2013319440 | Kirkmichael Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 23-07-2014 | Kirkmichael Primary School | Woodside Avenue | Kirkmichael | Maybole | KA19 7PP | 01655 885 806 | Andrew Hislop | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016074 | Kirkmichael Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkmichael | Blairgowrie | PH10 7NX | 01250 871 929 | Craig Loudon | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017496 | Kirknewton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 21 Station Road | Kirknewton | EH27 8BJ | 01506 284 201 | Kirsten Patience | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2016349819 | Kirknowe Nursing Home | 27-10-2017 | 240 Stewarton Street | Wishaw | ML2 8AL | 01698 360 557 | MARTIN CREANEY | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2011285553 | Kirkpatrick, Lynne | Childminding | 20-10-2011 | Glasgow | Lynne Kirkpatrick | | SP2011982117 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016812 | Kirkshaws Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Old Monkland Road | Coatbridge | ML5 5EJ | 01236 632 054 | Megan McCrossan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016352954 | Kirkshaws Tiny Tots Playgroup | 13-07-2017 | 25 Haddington Way | Kirkshaws | Coatbridge | ML5 5BF | 01236 426 200 | Jillian Arbuckle | | SP2016012840 | Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre an unincorporated association | Active | |||||
CS2020379024 | Kirkstyle Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 22-10-2020 | Eastfield Road | Carluke | ML8 4NZ | 01555 772856 | Sylvia Ross | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2017358765 | Kirktonholme @ Airdrie Childcare | 25-10-2017 | 2 Grahamshill Road | Airdrie | ML6 7EN | 01236 769 063 | Erin O'Neill | | SP2017012952 | Little Kellycare Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2011286071 | Kirktonholme @ Canniesburn | Day care of children | 02-06-2011 | Canniesburn Lodge | 10 Switchback Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1QN | 01419 429 221 | Megan Green | | SP2011982135 | Charlotte and Edward Kelly , a partnership | Active | |||
CS2009193675 | Kirktonholme @ Coatbridge | Day care of children | 13-05-2009 | 2 Gartliston Road | Coatbridge | ML5 2FG | 01236 433 917 | Robyn Colquhoun | | SP2003001303 | Kelly Care Limited trading as Kirktonholme Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003006729 | Kirktonholme @ East Kilbride | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 401 Kirktonholme Road | Westmains | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1RS | 01355 222 000 | Sharon Meldrum | | SP2003001303 | Kelly Care Limited trading as Kirktonholme Nursery | Active | |||
CS2004071105 | Kirktonholme @ Newton Mearns | Day care of children | 30-08-2004 | Pollok Castle Estate | 60A Stewarton Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6NP | 01416 395 292 | Dione Kilcoyne | | SP2003001303 | Kelly Care Limited trading as Kirktonholme Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003006004 | Kirktonholme @ Shettleston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 129 Wellshot Road | Shettleston | Glasgow | G32 7BJ | 01417 789 813 | Emma McLounnan | | SP2003001303 | Kelly Care Limited trading as Kirktonholme Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003016375 | Kirktonholme @ Tollcross | Day care of children | 24-02-2003 | 94 Drumover Drive | Tollcross | Glasgow | G31 5RP | 01415 566 218 | Charmange Rodgers | | SP2003001303 | Kelly Care Limited trading as Kirktonholme Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003016287 | Kirktonholme @ Wishaw | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wishaw General Hospital | Glasgow Road | Wishaw | ML2 0DP | 01698 366 917 | Aimee Doyle | | SP2003001303 | Kelly Care Limited trading as Kirktonholme Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2017354542 | Kirktonholme Childcare | Day care of children | 12-04-2017 | 15 Linthouse Drive | Govan | Glasgow | G51 4RZ | 01414 453 341 | Carly Donaldson | | SP2017012876 | Kirktonholme Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000166 | Kirktonholme Childcare | Day care of children | 24-06-2022 | 65 Randolph Street | Broomhill | Glasgow | G11 7JJ | 0141 260 6870 | Chloe Bree | | SP2003001303 | Kelly Care Limited trading as Kirktonholme Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003046871 | Kirktonholme Kidz Club | Day care of children | 26-02-2004 | Kirktoholme Primary School | Dornoch Place, West Mains | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1DJ | 01687 470 373 | Fiona Robertson | | SP2004005086 | Kirktonholme Kidz Club Limited | Active | |||
CS2003015304 | Kirktonholme Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dornoch Place | West Mains | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1DJ | 01355 222 050 | Linda Wright | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003014655 | Kirn Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirn Primary School | Clyde Street | Kirn | PA23 8EH | 01369 702 509 | Verity Lundy | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000407 | Kirriemuir Day Care | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Glebe House | 30 Glebe Court | Kirriemuir | DD8 4DP | 01575 574 057 | Laura Hannah Scott | | SP2003000063 | Kirriemuir Day Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005110480 | Kirriemuir Nursery | Day care of children | 07-07-2006 | Hairmyres Hospital | Eaglesham Road | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8RG | 01355 235 947 | Heather Telfer | | SP2004006334 | Kirriemuir Nursery School Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000127 | Kirsten's Childminding | Childminding | 25-05-2022 | Cumnock | | SP2022000089 | Kirsten Harkness | Active | |||||||||
CS2016352371 | Kirsten's Kiddie Care | 28-04-2017 | Lochgelly | Kirsten Monaghan | SP2016988629 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2023000078 | Kirstie Rogan Childminding | Child Minding | 17-03-2023 | Forres | | SP2023000057 | Kirstie Rogan | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2019375267 | Kirsty Penny Happy Days Childminding | Child Minding | 16-07-2019 | Kilmarnock | Kirsty Penny | | SP2019990556 | Kirsty Penny | Active | ||||||||
CS2017360050 | Kirsty Stewart's Childminding Service | 23-10-2017 | Dundee | Kirsty Stewart | | SP2017989345 | Krsty Stewart | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013430 | Kirsty Szczotka | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Kirsty Anderson | | SP2003906954 | Kirsty Szczotka | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000470 | Kirsty's Childmindees | Childminding | 20-12-2024 | Ellon | | SP2023000815 | Kirsty Webster | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000173 | Kirsty's Childminding | Childminding | 30-05-2024 | Inverurie | | SP2024000147 | Kirsty Walterson | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000006 | Kirsty's Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-01-2025 | Coatbridge | | SP2024000791 | Kirsty McArthur | Active | |||||||||
CS2012311560 | Kirsty's Childminding Services | Childminding | 07-01-2013 | Aberdeen | Kirsty Birnie | | SP2012984048 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000403 | Kirsty's Finding Friends Childminding | Child Minding | 24-10-2024 | Denny | | SP2024000517 | Kirsty McArthur | Active | |||||||||
CS2016344533 | Kirsty's House | Childminding | 12-07-2016 | Bishopton | Kirsteen Wilkinson | | SP2016987740 | Kirsteen Wilkinson | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000368 | Kirstys kids childminding | Child Minding | 21-12-2021 | IRVINE | | SP2021000235 | Kirsty Davidson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003019714 | Kitson, Joanne | Childminding | 05-08-2003 | Kinross | Joanne Kitson | | SP2003909246 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014440 | Kittybrewster School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kittybrewster School | Great Northern Road | Aberdeen | AB24 3QG | 01224 484 451 | Jennifer Kirk | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2014333589 | KLAS Care | Day care of children | 20-03-2015 | East Fulton Primary School | Gilmartin Road | Linwood | Paisley | PA3 3SG | 07506 978 685 | Lesley Compston | | SP2014012399 | KLAS Care C.I.C. | Active | |||
CS2016350002 | KLAS Care C.I.C | 21-09-2016 | St. Anthony's Primary School | Hallhill Road | Johnstone | PA5 0SD | 07564 821 416 | Lesley Compston | | SP2014012399 | KLAS Care C.I.C. | Active | |||||
CS2024000292 | KM Childminding | Child Minding | 02-08-2024 | Ayr | SP2023001446 | Kerry Mclatchie | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003016168 | Knightsridge Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cameron Way | Knightsridge | Livingston | EH54 8HE | 01506 444 970 | Joanne Kerr | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2010251988 | Knightswood Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 28-10-2010 | St. Ninians Primary School | 2150 Great Western Road | Glasgow | G13 2AB | 01419 540 127 | Elizabeth Rowan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2006132080 | Knightswood Hall of Residence | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Knightswood Secondary School | 60 Knightswood Road | Glasgow | G13 2XD | 01413 392 335 | Lesley Granger | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008921 | Knockando Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Knockando Primary School | Knockando | Aberlour | AB38 7RY | 01340 810 257 | Lorna Millsopp | | SP2003001927 | Knockando Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003017232 | Knockbreck Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Knockbreck Primary School | Knockbreck | Hallin | Isle of Skye | IV55 8GP | 01470 592 258 | Roisin Cameron | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | |||
CS2003017371 | Knowepark Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Curror Street | Selkirk | TD7 4HF | 01750 235 39 | Darryl Wilson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010295 | Knowesouth Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Knowesouth | Jedburgh | TD8 6ST | 01835 863 161 | Robin Laing | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003012470 | Knowles, Janet Moyes | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Broxburn | Janet Moyes Knowles | | SP2003906194 | Knowles, Mrs Janet Moyes Knowles, Mrs Janet Moyes | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000385 | Knox Early Learning and Childcare EL&CC | Day care of children | 15-12-2022 | Knox Academy | Pencaitland Road | Haddington | EH41 4DT | 07864948806 | Karen McKnight | tots& | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002810 | Knox, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Carnoustie | Elizabeth Knox | | SP2003901294 | Elizabeth Knox | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009331 | Knox, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Innerleithen | Julie M Knox | | SP2003908088 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012602 | Kohler, Pauline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Pauline Kohler | | SP2003906324 | Kohler, Mrs Pauline Kohler, Mrs Pauline | Active | ||||||||
CS2003036940 | Kool Kidz (Hillington) | Day care of children | 03-03-2003 | c/o Hillington Primary School | 227 Hartlaw Crescent | Hillington | Glasgow | G52 2JL | 07821 126 717 | Anna Isolani Zanobini | | SP2003001411 | Sandwood After School Care Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2003006270 | Kool Kidz (Sandwood) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sandwood Primary School | 120 Sandwood Road | Hillington | Glasgow | G52 2QY | 07821 126 717 | Sara Patton | | SP2003001411 | Sandwood After School Care Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2005111290 | Kool Kidz (Scotland) Ltd | Day care of children | 16-06-2006 | 34 Winchester Avenue | Denny | FK6 6QE | 01324 825 159 | Chyrsten Downie | | SP2006008430 | Kool Kidz (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019373967 | KR Childcare | Child Minding | 18-07-2019 | Irvine | Ayla McCartney | | SP2019990445 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000146 | Krish Childminding | Child Minding | 06-07-2021 | FALKIRK | | SP2021000089 | Preetam Haval | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355023 | KRU KLUB | 28-09-2017 | East Craigs Primary School | 79 Craigmount Brae | Edinburgh | EH12 8XF | 07496 688 327 | susan usher | | SP2010979304 | Suzanne Laing | Active | |||||
CS2003007711 | Kulezic, Diane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Diane Kulezic | | SP2003904640 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000360 | Kumalo Bears Childminding | Childminding | 31-10-2023 | Kilmacolm | | SP2023000237 | Jacqueline McLean | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013621 | Kyle (English) Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kyle Primary School | School Road | Kyle | IV40 8LG | 01599 534 194 | Jennifer Skene-MacLean | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300847 | Kyle Court Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 23 Lochore Avenue | Paisley | PA3 4BY | 01418 491 889 | Annemarie Speirs | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010272231 | Kyle Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 14-04-2011 | Ceric Building | St. John's Campus | Whitletts Road | Ayr | KA8 0SB | 01292 612 098 | Julie Stewart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Inactive | |||
CS2003008504 | Kyleakin Connections | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Old School | Kyleakin | Isle of Skye | IV41 8PH | 01599 534 752 | Barbara Charlene MacLeod | | SP2003001716 | Kyleakin Connections Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017234 | Kyleakin Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kyleakin Primary School | Achmore Road | Kyleakin | Isle of Skye | IV41 8PH | 01599 534 150 | Jennifer Skene-MacLean | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003001106 | Kylemore | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 13 Kylemore Terrace | Greenock | PA16 0RY | 01475 715 789 | Christopher Guy | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2007144696 | Kyllimoons Care Home | Care homes for children and young people | 03-09-2007 | Howgate Road | Roberton | Biggar | ML12 6RS | 01899 850 608 | Helen Kelly | | SP2007008923 | Partners In Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005113626 | Kym's Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-01-2007 | Dunfermline | Kym Dent | | SP2005955341 | Kym Dent | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325439 | Kym's Little Rascals Child Minding Service | Childminding | 09-06-2014 | Aberdeen | Kym Grant | | SP2014985862 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000265 | Kynnaird House Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Kynnaird House Care Home | Commerce Street | FRASERBURGH | AB43 9LP | 01346 519942 | Roselle Alberto | | SP2021000162 | Kynnaird Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000322 | Kyree's Honey Bees | Child Minding | 13-08-2024 | Larkhall | | SP2024000179 | Kyree Rodger | Active | |||||||||
CS2018372094 | L & S Childminding | 12-04-2019 | GLASGOW | Lynsey Black | | SP2018013253 | L & S Childminding a partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2008180509 | L'Arche Edinburgh | Housing support service | 12-09-2008 | 57 Queen Charlotte St | Edinburgh | EH6 7EY | 01315 533 478 | Fozia Latif | | SP2003002642 | L'Arche | Active | |||||
CS2008180615 | L'Arche Edinburgh | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-09-2008 | 57 Queen Charlotte St | Edinburgh | EH6 7EY | 01315 533 478 | Fozia Latif | | SP2003002642 | L'Arche | Active | |||||
CS2003008513 | L'Arche Highland | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 13 Drummond Crescent | Inverness | IV2 4QR | 01463 239 615 | Holly Hiles | | SP2003002642 | L'Arche | Active | |||||
CS2010274868 | L'Arche Highland | Housing support service | 24-11-2011 | 13 Drummond Crescent | Inverness | IV2 4QR | 01463 239 615 | Lorraine Mackenzie | | SP2003002642 | L'Arche | Active | |||||
CS2011301685 | L'Arche Highland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-11-2011 | 13 Drummond Crescent | Inverness | IV2 4QR | 01463 239 615 | Lorraine Mackenzie | | SP2003002642 | L'Arche | Active | |||||
CS2006114929 | Laburnum Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 02-05-2006 | Laburnum Road | Viewpark | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 5DG | 01698 522 725 | Claire Kilfedder | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015567 | Ladeside Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carronvale Road | Larbert | FK5 3LH | 01324 503 460 | Kathleen Hamill | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016254 | Lady Alice Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Lady Alice Primary & Nursery Class | Gateside Avenue | Greenock | PA16 9EJ | 01475 715 743 | Gail Connick | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2018367382 | Lady Cathcart Nursery | 09-08-2018 | School Lane | Buckie | AB56 1AZ | 01542836013 | Victoria Walker | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003016801 | Ladybank Out of School Club | Day care of children | 20-02-2003 | 47 Church Street | Ladybank | KY15 7LE | 07515189459 | Kirsten Lycett | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017097 | Ladybank Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 47 Church Street | Ladybank | Cupar | KY15 7LE | 01334 659 424 | Lesley O'Brien | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000247 | Ladybird Explorers | Child Minding | 16-08-2022 | Bathgate | | SP2022000168 | Emma Robertson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017098 | Ladybird Family Nurture Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stuart Road | Glenrothes | KY7 4HT | 01592 583 477 | Wendy Anthony | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002877 | Ladybird Playgroup - Arbroath | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brunton Block | Arbroath Academy | Glenisla Drive | Arbroath | DD11 5JD | 01241 871 335 | Allison Richardson | | SP2003000571 | Ladybird Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2019374152 | Ladybirds Childminding | Child Minding | 28-06-2019 | Kinross | Laura Brown | | SP2019990469 | Laura Brown | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016858 | Ladyloan Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ladyloan Primary School | Millgate Loan | Arbroath | DD11 1LX | 01241 465 416 | Lucy Whiting | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000187 | Ladyton Early Education & Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 05-08-2021 | Ladyton Early Education & Childcare Centre | Ladyton Shopping Centre | ALEXANDRIA | G83 9DZ | 01389 720095 | Clare Levens | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006833 | Ladywalk House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 5 Ladywalk | Anstruther | KY10 3EX | 01334 659 335 | Evelyn Ireland | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017681 | Ladywalk House | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Ladywalk | Anstruther | KY10 3EX | 01334 659 335 | Gillian Simson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003042522 | Ladywell Nursery School - Livingston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Willowbank | Ladywell | Livingston | EH54 6HW | 01506 280012 | Gillian Olford | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004056439 | Lafferty, Carol | Childminding | 16-08-2004 | Kilwinning | Carol Lafferty | | SP2004938844 | Carol Lafferty | Active | ||||||||
CS2008168766 | Lafferty, Susan | Childminding | 28-04-2008 | Motherwell | Susan Lafferty | | SP2008968238 | Susan Lafferty | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007531 | Laing, Doreen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcaldy | Doreen Laing | SP2003904490 | Doreen Laing | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016954 | Lainshaw Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilwinning Road | Stewarton | Kilmarnock | KA3 3DL | 01560 483 653 | Jason Johnstone | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007156565 | Lainshaw Lions | Day care of children | 22-11-2007 | The Centre | 7 Standalane | Stewarton | Kilmarnock | KA3 5BG | 07891 865 521 | Margaret Campbell | | SP2007009193 | Lainshaw Lions | Active | |||
CS2021000024 | Lairdsland Early Years Centre | Day Care of Children | 22-04-2021 | Lairdsland Early Years Centre | Southbank Road | Kirkintilloch | East Dunbartonshire | G66 1NH | 01419552310 | Elizabeth Bradford | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003017235 | Lairg Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lairg Primary School | Main Street | Lairg | IV27 4DD | 01549 402 345 | Lesley Morrison | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2006138864 | Lairhillock School Nursery | Day care of children | 12-04-2007 | Lairhillock | Netherley | Stonehaven | AB39 3QS | 01569 690 485 | Jill Onemli | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015338774 | Lamb, Angela | Childminding | 29-09-2015 | Aberdeen | Angela Lamb | | SP2015987102 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007506 | Lambert, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Elaine Lambert | | SP2003904472 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014898 | Lamlash Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 67 Skerryvore Road | Cranhill | Glasgow | G33 3LB | 01417 743 541 | Kimberley Johnstone | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2007157267 | Lamlash Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 06-06-2008 | Arran High School | Lamlash | Isle of Arran | KA27 8NG | 01770 600 527 | Susan Foster | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003040714 | Lammermuir House | Care homes for older people | 17-07-2003 | East Links Road | Dunbar | EH42 1LT | 01625417800 | Wojciech Adam Kosciolek | | SP2007009155 | Tamaris Healthcare (England) Limited, a member of the Four Seasons Health Care Group | Active | |||||
CS2019378047 | Lanark Lodge Day Centre | Support Service | 23-12-2019 | Bridge End | Duns | TD11 3EX | 01361 882 540 | Julie Anderson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015306 | Lanark Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ryber Avenue | Lanark | ML11 7HQ | 01555 662 806 | Farah Crook | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001400 | Lanark Project | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 31 Mousebank Road | Lanark | ML11 7PE | 01555 666 003 | Amy Wiggins | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||||
CS2004068423 | Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health Individual Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-09-2004 | Airdrie Locality Building | 92 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AW | 07973 751 419 | Dawn Raja | | SP2004005810 | Lanarkshire Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004068417 | Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health Individual Support Service | Housing support service | 03-09-2004 | Airdrie Locality Building | 92 Hallcraig Street | Airdrie | ML6 6AW | 01236 765 445 | Dawn Raja | | SP2004005810 | Lanarkshire Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2011286847 | Lanarkshire Care Partners | Housing support service | 18-07-2011 | Enterprise House | Drumpellier Business Park | Glasgow Road | Coatbridge | ML5 1EL | 01236 437 745 | Sarah Sweden | | SP2011011563 | Lanarkshire Care Partners | Active | |||
CS2012309358 | Lanarkshire Care Partners | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-02-2013 | Enterprise House | Drumpellier Business Park | Glasgow Road | Coatbridge | ML5 1EL | 01236 437 745 | Sarah Sweden | | SP2011011563 | Lanarkshire Care Partners | Active | |||
CS2024000089 | Lanarkshire Childcare Services | Day Care of Children | 18-03-2024 | Hagen Drive | Carfin | Motherwell | ML15RZ | 07902509643 | Chelsea Corcoran-Dougan | | SP2024000102 | Jacqueline Collins | Active | ||||
CS2003015475 | Lanarkshire Houses | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 11-07-2003 | 7 Windmill Gardens | Carluke | ML8 4EZ | 01555 666599 | Lesley Kelly | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004061892 | Lanarkshire Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 05-07-2004 | Baltic Chambers | Suite 429 - 432 | 50 Wellington Street | Glasgow | G2 6HJ | 01412292580 | Karen Rodger | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2012309940 | Lancefield Care Home | Care homes for older people | 29-11-2012 | Rankine Street | Johnstone | PA5 8BG | 01505337577 | Julie Andrew | | SP2012011875 | Lancefield Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010274569 | Lane, Gillian | Childminding | 22-02-2011 | South Queensferry | Gillian Lane | | SP2010980374 | Gillian Lane | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011653 | Lane, Lois | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Canonbie | Lois Lane | | SP2003905768 | Lois Lane | Active | ||||||||
CS2008178718 | Lang, Gillian | Childminding | 08-09-2009 | Airdrie | Gillian Lang | | SP2008970293 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015979 | LANGA Street Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 83 Langa Street | Glasgow | G20 0SG | 01419 463 721 | Elizabeth Peat | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015493 | Langholm Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Langholm Primary School | Thomas Telford Road | Langholm | DG13 0BL | 01387 380 900 | Donna Nicol | gw08officelangholmp@ea.dumgal.sch.ukk | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011688 | Langholm Playcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Community Centre | Charles Street Old | Langholm | DG13 0AA | 01387 380 775 | Morag Johnstone | | SP2003002743 | Langholm Playcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015766 | Langlands Pre-School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Langlands Primary School | Glamis Road | Forfar | DD8 1JY | 01307 494 262 | Jayne McLean | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001369 | Langlea Avenue | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 37 Langlea Avenue | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8AN | 01416 349 038 | William Kenneth Hunter | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016099 | Langlee Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Langlee Primary School | Langlee Drive | Galashiels | TD1 2EB | 01896 664 174 | Jennifer Grant | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015563 | Langlees Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | David's Loan | Bainsford | Falkirk | FK2 7RG | 01324 508 673 | Nicola Miles | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016814 | Langloan Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bank Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1EG | 01236632092 | Alison Rooney | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000235 | Langstane Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 01-09-2021 | Langstane Housing Association Ltd | 680 King Street | ABERDEEN | AB24 1SL | 01224423000 | Helen Gordon | | SP2021000140 | Langstane Housing Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015416 | Langtoon Kids Club | Day care of children | 09-01-2003 | Auchterarder Community School | New School Lane | Auchterarder | PH3 1BL | 01738 472 350 | Kassi Craig | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015566 | Larbert Village Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Larbert | FK5 3AS | 01324 503 420 | Amanda Gillespie | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003007458 | Largo Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Montrave Hall | Leven Road | Lundin Links | Leven | KY8 6AJ | 07917 743 564 | Veronica MacLeod | | SP2003001651 | Largo Playgroup Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2003017312 | Largs Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Largs Early Years Centre | Largs School Campus | Alexander Avenue | Largs | KA30 9DR | 01475 687 687 | Alicia Train | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001062 | Larkfield Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 1A Larkfield Gate | Glasgow | G42 7BT | 0141-276-3930 | Linda Gold | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2011280569 | Larkfield Early Learning Centre | Day care of children | 25-03-2011 | Stafford Road | Greenock | PA16 0TE | 01475 715759 | Patricia Wyllie | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379124 | Larkfield View Care Centre | Care Home Service | 24-06-2020 | 207 Burns Road | Greenock | PA16 0PR | 01475 637 100 | Elizabeth B MacLennan | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015307 | Larkhall Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 90 Muir Street | Larkhall | ML9 2BZ | 01698 886 560 | Sean-Paul Cayrne | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2008178422 | Larman, Fiona | Childminding | 07-07-2009 | Glasgow | Fiona Larman | | SP2008970238 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013328 | LASC Childcare Services (Community Nursery) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Loanhead Centre | George Avenue | Loanhead | EH20 9LA | 01314 480 103 | Natalie McKinnon | | SP2003003106 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016346030 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd (Bilston) | Day care of children | 19-08-2016 | Bilston Primary School | Park Avenue | Bilston | Roslin | EH25 9SD | 01312027640 | Caitlin Bates | | SP2003003106 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007153928 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd (Ramsay) | Day care of children | 25-02-2008 | 34/36 Edgefield Road | Loanhead | EH20 9DT | 01314 481840 | Emma Manders | | SP2003003106 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013322032 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd (Rosewell) | Day care of children | 18-02-2014 | Rosewell Pavillion | Rosewell Park | Rosewell | EH24 9DN | 01314482505 | Lisa Martin | | SP2003003106 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003013329 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd (Roslin) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pentland View Place | Roslin | EH25 9ND | 01314 482 988 | Vicky Lynch | | SP2003003106 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015341776 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd (The Link) | 03-05-2016 | The Link | 5 Mayburn Walk | Loanhead | EH20 9HG | 01314 480 103 | Debbie Noble | | SP2003003106 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003006193 | LASCCA | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Langside Primary School | 233 Tantallon Road | Glasgow | G41 3JW | 01416 361 297 | Sheena McGinnis | | SP2003001379 | Langside After School Care Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2006117191 | Lasswade High School Childcare Service (Nursery) | Day care of children | 06-04-2007 | Lasswade High School Centre | 11 Eskdale Drive | Lasswade | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2LA | 01312 714 540 | Carolynne Mitchell | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||
CS2003014879 | Lasswade Out of School Care | Day care of children | 20-08-2002 | Lasswade Primary School | 7a Pendreich Drive | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2DU | 0131 663 7181 | Claire Walker | | SP2003002903 | Bonnyrigg Community Childcare Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2003016400 | Lasswade School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 7A Pendreich Drive | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2DU | 13127 146 15 | Yvonne Gemmell | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016177 | Lathallan Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lathallan School | Brotherton Castle | Johnshaven | Montrose | DD10 0HN | 01561 362 245 | Claire Barry | | SP2003003564 | Lathallan Schools Limited | Active | |||
CS2006114349 | Lathallan School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Brotherton Castle | Johnshaven | Montrose | DD10 0HN | 01561 362 220 | Richard Toley | | SP2003003564 | Lathallan Schools Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016351893 | Lauder Lodge | 08-12-2017 | 2 Wakefield Avenue | Edinburgh | EH7 6TL | 01313 571 760 | Anees Riaz | | SP2016012818 | Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2014332386 | Lauder Out of School Club | Day care of children | 24-08-2015 | Lauder Primary School | Allanbank Gardens | Lauder | TD2 6AD | 01578 722 066 | Sharon Russel | | SP2014012375 | Lauder Out of School Club, a SCIO | Active | ||||
CS2003017372 | Lauder Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lauder Primary School | Allanbank Gardens | Lauder | TD2 6AB | 01578 722 346 | Louisa Scully | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000186 | Laura Henderson | Child Minding | 04-08-2021 | Annan | | SP2021000113 | Laura Henderson | Active | |||||||||
CS2007145468 | Laura Macdonald | Childminding | 14-11-2007 | DUNDEE | Laura Macdonald | SP2007964365 | Laura Macdonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000094 | Laura Macfadyen | Childminding | 11-06-2021 | Oban | | SP2021000058 | Laura Macfadyen | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000015 | Laura Marie Sinclair | Child Minding | 10-01-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000532 | Laura Sinclair | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000228 | Laura Rance Childminding | Childminding | 01-08-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000148 | Laura Rance | Active | |||||||||
CS2010272925 | Laura Stevenson | Childminding | 10-03-2011 | Livingston | Laura Stevenson | | SP2010979886 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379944 | Laura Third Childminding | Child Minding | 13-08-2020 | Perth | Laura Third | | SP2020991223 | Laura Third | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000304 | Laura Waddell Childminding | Child Minding | 13-09-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000194 | Laura Waddell | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332474 | Laura's Child Minding Service | Childminding | 06-01-2015 | Arbroath | Laura Butler | | SP2014986433 | Laura Butler | Active | ||||||||
CS2017353786 | Laura's Childcare Service | Childminding | 25-04-2017 | Largs | Laura Tait | SP2017988764 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2015339562 | Laura's Childminding | Childminding | 02-09-2015 | Newton Stewart | Laura Cannon | SP2015987199 | Laura Cannon | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000295 | Laura's Childminding | Child Minding | 05-08-2024 | Stirling | | SP2024000142 | Laura Black | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351118 | Laura's Childminding Services | 12-12-2016 | Prestonpans | Laura Borthwick | | SP2016988512 | Laura Borthwick | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000251 | Laura's Childminding Services | Child Minding | 10-09-2021 | FOCHABERS | | SP2021000152 | Laura McHardy | Active | |||||||||
CS2016350749 | Laura's House Childminding | 07-02-2017 | West Calder | Laura Gowans | | SP2008968256 | Laura Gowans | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008494 | Laurandy Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Unit 33 | Wick Industrial Estate | Wick | KW1 4QS | 01955 606 567 | Tracy Mackay | | SP2003001715 | The Laurandy Centre | Active | ||||
CS2020378651 | Laurels Lodge Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | Station Road | Woodside | Aberdeen | AB24 2UL | 01224 492 323 | Sheila Gesma | | SP2020013449 | Laurels Care Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017357414 | Lauren Bremner's Childminding | 04-10-2017 | Livingstone | Lauren Bremner | | SP2017989400 | Lauren Bremner | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000357 | Lauren Latham Childminding | Child Minding | 17-09-2024 | Lossiemouth | | SP2024000438 | Lauren Latham | Active | |||||||||
CS2019373969 | Lauren McCombe Childminding | Child Minding | 19-06-2019 | Broxburn | Lauren McCombe | | SP2019990447 | Lauren McCombe | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380076 | Lauren Pierce's Childminding | Childminding | 31-08-2020 | Cowdenbeath | Lauren Pierce | | SP2020991237 | Lauren Pierce | Active | ||||||||
CS2021382957 | Lauren Waters Childcare | Childminding | 10-03-2021 | Galashiels | Lauren Waters | | SP2021991542 | Lauren Waters | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000365 | Lauren's Childminding Service | Childminding | 01-11-2023 | Falkirk | | SP2023000239 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000048 | Lauren's Little Learners | Child Minding | 08-02-2024 | Arbroath | | SP2023000490 | Lauren Kemp | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016317 | Laurencekirk Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Laurencekirk Primary | Frain Drive | Laurencekirk | AB30 1EG | 01224 664 400 | Lauren Allan | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002506 | Laurencekirk Out Of School Club (loosc) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 148 High Street | Laurencekirk | AB30 1BL | 07902 381 368 | Joshua Gray | | SP2003000386 | Laurencekirk Out Of School Club (loosc) | Active | |||||
CS2019374507 | Laurie's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 02-07-2019 | Aberdeen | Laurie Leslie | | SP2013985136 | Laurie Leslie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015494 | Laurieknowe Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Laurieknowe Primary School | Laurieknowe | Dumfries | DG2 7AJ | 01387 252 604 | Kerri Williams | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2006125288 | Laurieston Day Nursery | Day care of children | 20-10-2006 | 310 Cumberland Street | Glasgow | G5 0SS | 01414 292 480 | Margaret Harper Abdullah | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017070 | Laurieston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Laurieston | Falkirk | FK2 9JA | 01324 508 623 | Beverley Keith | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000236 | Lauriestone Childminding Services | Child Minding | 08-07-2024 | Coatbridge | | SP2024000058 | Emma Hughes | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000103 | Lauriston Castle Forest Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 12-04-2023 | 2a Cramond Road South | Edinburgh | EH4 6AD | 0131 200 2000 | Louise Caldwell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2008191893 | Lauriston Nursery | Day care of children | 06-02-2009 | Lauriston Nursery Ltd | 165 Robertson Road | Dunfermline | KY12 0BL | 01383 741 900 | Lindsay Syme | | SP2008010180 | Lauriston Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016348625 | Lauriston Nursery @ Kinross | Day care of children | 03-08-2016 | Lathro | Kinross | KY13 8SY | 01577 383 838 | Kimberley Ajayi-Bembe | | SP2008010180 | Lauriston Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008189775 | Law Out of School Club | Day care of children | 23-12-2008 | Law Primary School | Haddington Road | North Berwick | EH39 4QZ | 01620 893 775 | Nicola Campbell | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | ||||
CS2003016988 | Law Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Law Primary School | Haddington Road | North Berwick | EH39 4QZ | Ronnie Taylor | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015309 | Law Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Law Primary School | Lawhill Road | Law | Carluke | ML8 5HA | 01698 350 816 | Gordon Beck | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003012275 | Law, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Margaret Law | | SP2003906000 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007161439 | Lawfield Primary School | Day care of children | 26-03-2008 | 26 Lawfield Road | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5BB | 01312 714 620 | Valerie Henry | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2005107496 | Lawhead Out of School Club | Day care of children | 24-02-2006 | Lawhead Primary School | Strathkinnes Low Road | St. Andrews | KY16 9NG | 07515 189460 | Amanda Scott | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015925 | Lawhead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lawhead School Wynd | St. Andrews | KY16 9NG | 01334 659 426 | Donna Bain | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300883 | Lawrie, Fiona | Childminding | 09-02-2012 | Edinburgh | Fiona Lawrie | | SP2011982835 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009230642 | Lawrie, Lyndsay | Childminding | 07-12-2009 | Ayr | Lyndsay Lawrie | | SP2009974964 | Lyndsay Lawrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2018367437 | Lawrie, Nicola | 10-10-2018 | Aberdeen | Nicola Lawrie | | SP2018989948 | Nicola Lawrie | Active | |||||||||
CS2008178529 | Lawson, Lynne | Childminding | 11-05-2009 | Falkirk | Lynne Lawson | | SP2008970262 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017307 | Lawthorn Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochlibo Road | Lawthorn | Irvine | KA11 2AY | 01294 224 548 | Sandie Grossart | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014327801 | LBA After School & Breakfast Club - Craigmount | Day care of children | 02-09-2014 | Craigs Bank Parish Church | Craigs Bank | Edinburgh | EH12 8HD | 01313 391 490 | Tracy McKenzie | | SP2014012323 | Leaps and Bounds Activities (LBA) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017361659 | LCC Day Support Service | 13-12-2018 | Lorne Campbell Court | Millknowe Road | Campbeltown | PA28 6SZ | 01546 605 517 | Aileen MacAulay | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000041 | Leanne Kelly Childminder | Childminding | 09-02-2022 | Troon | | SP2022000027 | Leanne Kelly | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341790 | Leanne Kohler Childminding | Childminding | 13-01-2016 | Bathgate | Leanne Kohler | | SP2015987461 | Leanne Kohler | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000155 | Leanne McCaffery | Child Minding | 01-06-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000103 | Leanne McCaffery | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340112 | Leanne's Childminding | Childminding | 17-11-2015 | Cupar | Leanne Derrick | | SP2015987256 | Leanne Derrick | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000105 | Leannes Childminding | Child Minding | 13-04-2023 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000072 | Leanne Spencer | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000072 | Leaps & Bounce Childminding | Childminding | 17-02-2025 | Glasgow | | SP2024000781 | Aimee-Louise McCrorie | Active | |||||||||
CS2005111736 | Leaps & Bounds Day Care Nursery | Day care of children | 27-10-2006 | 56a Drum Brae North | Edinburgh | EH4 8AZ | 01313 391 490 | Jacqueline Glasgow | | SP2005007922 | Leaps and Bounds Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014327800 | Leaps and Bounds Activities (LBA) Limited - Clermiston | Day care of children | 15-12-2014 | Munro Centre | 6 Parkgrove Street | Edinburgh | EH4 7NS | 01313 391 490 | Jennifer Loughton | | SP2014012323 | Leaps and Bounds Activities (LBA) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015334559 | Leaps and Bounds Day Care Kirkliston | Day care of children | 03-06-2015 | 15a Main Street | Kirkliston | EH29 9AE | 0131 333 2679 | Devon Dewar | | SP2005007922 | Leaps and Bounds Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003053457 | Leaps and Bounds Nursery | Day care of children | 10-06-2004 | 23 Clarence Street | Paisley | PA1 1PX | 01418 879 955 | Pauline Ronay | | SP2004936578 | Leaps & Bounds (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000282 | Learn and Grow Childcare | Day Care of Children | 01-08-2024 | 2 Clement Park Place | Dundee | DD2 3JN | 07932602150 | Laura Mooney | | SP2024000023 | Learn + Grow Childcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000061 | Learn N' Play Childminding | Childminding | 04-03-2022 | ALFORD | | SP2022000041 | Lucie Walton | Active | |||||||||
CS2016346425 | Learning Disabilities Service - Supported Living Network | 24-01-2017 | St Colm's Building | Pickaquoy Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1RP | 01856 871 431 | Inga Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2016346428 | Learning Disabilities Service - Supported Living Network | 24-01-2017 | St. Colm's Building | Pickaquoy Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1RP | 01856 871 431 | Inga Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2007142994 | Learning Disability Independence Team - Adult Placement Service | Adult placement services | 27-12-2007 | Livingston Social Work Centre | Arrochar House | Almondvale Boulevard | Livingston | EH54 6QJ | 01506 282 221 | gillian johnston | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2003036407 | Lecropt Ltd | Day care of children | 04-08-2003 | The Old Schoolhouse | Henderson Street | Bridge of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4NB | 01786 834 596 | Victoria Allan | | SP2004004615 | Lecropt Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003000882 | Ledmore Supported Accommodation Project | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 5 Ledmore Drive | Glasgow | G15 7DW | 01419442777 | Mary Faulds | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2014330657 | Lee's Childminding | Childminding | 02-12-2014 | Glasgow | Lee Connolly | | SP2014986285 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000395 | Lee's Childminding | Childminding | 17-10-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000243 | Lee Dianne Cartwright | Active | |||||||||
CS2005089416 | Lee, Caroline | Childminding | 01-08-2006 | Ayr | Caroline Lee | | SP2005945469 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013741 | Lee, Laura | Childminding | 09-05-2002 | Larkhall | Laura Lee | | SP2003907319 | Laura Lee | Active | ||||||||
CS2019376661 | Lee-Anne's Childminding Services | Child Minding | 18-09-2019 | Edinburgh | Lee-Anne Telfer | | SP2019990718 | Lee-Anne Telfer | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009921 | Leel, Mae | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Mae Leel | | SP2003905328 | Mae Leel | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014114 | Lees, Maureen | Childminding | 07-05-2002 | Dunfermline | Maureen Lees | SP2003908531 | Maureen Lees | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000237 | Leggart Terrace Service | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 49-51 Leggart Terrace | Aberdeen | AB12 5UA | 01224 896 747 | Louis Van Aswegen | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012308850 | Leigh's House Childminding | Childminding | 24-09-2012 | Kincardine | Leigh Williams | | SP2012983642 | Leigh Williams | Active | ||||||||
CS2013316954 | Leigh-Anne Webster Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-07-2013 | Glasgow | Leigh-Anne Webster | | SP2013984843 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004078080 | Leith Academy Community Nursery | Day care of children | 31-03-2005 | Leith Academy | 20 Academy Park | Edinburgh | EH6 8JQ | 01315 540 606 | Laura West | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015838 | Leith Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Andrews Place | Edinburgh | EH6 7EG | 01315 544 844 | Fiona Craig | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013388 | Leith St Andrew`s Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Leith St Andrew`s Church | 410 Easter Road | Edinburgh | EH6 8HT | 07578 772 771 | Louise Kelly | | SP2003003156 | Committee Of Leith St Andrews Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003015839 | Leith Walk Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brunswick Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5NG | 01315 563 873 | Gemma-Rose Lansdown | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2017362201 | Lemon Tree Nursery | 20-11-2017 | 146 Castle Street | Forfar | DD8 3HX | 01307 462 890 | Victoria Catherine Lemon | | SP2017013019 | Lemon Tree Nursery Forfar Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003000189 | Len Ironside Centre | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Len Ironside Building | Mastrick Drive | Aberdeen | AB16 6UE | 01224 812 900 | Freda Smith | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014979 | Leng Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 59 Kirk Road | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8JB | 01334 659 359 | Ann Bell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003043939 | Lennel House | Care homes for older people | 07-11-2003 | Lennel Road | Coldstream | TD12 4EX | 01890 882 812 | Cassie Quashie | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014726 | Lennox ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lennox Drive | Faifley | Clydebank | G81 5JY | 01389 878 273 | Tori Barnes | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2016346338 | Lennox ELCC Bonhill | Day care of children | 17-08-2016 | Redburn | Bonhill | Alexandria | G83 9BP | 01389 773 735 | Michelle Lang | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004334 | Lennox, Mary Teresa | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Saltcoats | Mary Teresa Lennox | | SP2003902425 | Mary Teresa Lennox Mary Teresa Lennox | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014697 | Lennoxtown Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lennoxtown Primary School | School Lane | Lennoxtown | Glasgow | G66 7LX | 01419 552 267 | Jennifer Murphy | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2016348897 | Lenzie Meadow Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 16-08-2016 | Myrtle Avenue | Lenzie | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 4HW | 01419 552 299 | Rona Wallace | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2012311554 | Leona Dean Childminder | Childminding | 11-02-2013 | Inverness | Leona Dean | | SP2012984044 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380745 | Leonard Cheshire City Park | Support Service | 25-11-2020 | 4 Wardieburn Street East | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 01315 52 0182 | Daniel Hoban | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2020379018 | Leonard Cheshire City Park | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-11-2020 | 4 Wardieburn Street East | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 01315 515 088 | Daniel Hoban | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2004076464 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Aberdeen | Housing support service | 19-07-2004 | 84 School Drive | Aberdeen | AB24 1TA | 01224 488 326 | Kelly Mellis | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2004076465 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Aberdeen | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-07-2004 | 84 School Drive | Aberdeen | AB24 1TA | 01224 488 326 | Kelly Mellis | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003015503 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Alemoor Crescent | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 17 Alemoor Crescent | Edinburgh | EH7 6UJ | 01315 542 220 | Daniel Hoban | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003010993 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Argyle Street | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 7-9 Argyle Street | Edinburgh | EH6 4SZ | 01315 553 800 | Lyndsey Elvin | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003010994 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Bath Street | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 25 Bath Street | Edinburgh | EH15 1HB | 01316 690 094 | Daniel Hoban | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003010996 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Blackadder | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 1-7 Blackadder Place | Boswall Parkway | Edinburgh | EH5 2BF | 01315 512 751 | Aleksandra Rozanska | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2008172874 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Jewel Park - Supported Living | Housing support service | 21-10-2008 | 62 Bingham Drive | Edinburgh | EH15 3BF | 01316 693 085 | mary Mullany | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2006140515 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Jewel Park - Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-11-2008 | 62 Bingham Drive | Edinburgh | EH15 3BF | 01316 693 085 | Mary Mullany | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003010990 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Letham Court - Respite | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 2 Letham Court | Livingston | EH54 5AY | 01506 881 164 | Kris Kane | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003010989 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Newhaven Road | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 161-163 Newhaven Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4QA | 0131 555 9370 | Aleksandra Rozanska | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003010997 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Pinewood | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 3 St Andrews Way | Deans | Livingston | EH54 8DJ | 01506 413 974 | Kris Kane | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2004075567 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - South West Scotland - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 19-07-2004 | 4 Atkinson Road | Dumfries | DG2 7DH | 01387 261690 | Anita Hannah | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2004075568 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - South West Scotland - Housing Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-07-2004 | Leonard Cheshire | Hestan House | Crichton Business Park | Dumfries | DG1 4TA | 01387 261690 | Anita Hannah | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||
CS2008190885 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Stenhouse - Supported Living | Housing support service | 08-02-2010 | 73 Stenhouse Place West | Edinburgh | EH11 3LB | 01314 431 839 | Danielle Taylor | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2009235307 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Stenhouse - Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-02-2010 | 73 Stenhouse Place West | Edinburgh | EH11 3LB | 01314 431 839 | Danielle Taylor | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2006118872 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Trafalgar Lane - Supported Living | Housing support service | 03-04-2006 | 7/9 Argyle Street | EDINBURGH | EH6 4SZ | 01315545694 | Lyndsey Elvin | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2006118871 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Trafalgar Lane - Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-04-2006 | 28/14 Trafalgar Lane | Edinburgh | EH6 4DJ | 01315 545 694 | Lyndsey Elvin | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003010995 | Leonard Cheshire Disability - Wardieburn Street | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | Wardieburn Unit | 4 Wardieburn Street East | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 01315 515 088 | Nicola Mullen | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2006138579 | Leonard Cheshire Dysart Support Service | Support services - care at home | 17-11-2006 | Glamis House | Blair Avenue | GLENROTHES | KY7 4RT | 07557682357 | Gillian Sharp | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2020380744 | Leonard Cheshire Fulwood | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-11-2020 | 22-24 Fulwood Avenue | Glasgow | G13 4AB | 01419 599 170 | Deborah Reid | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2020379017 | Leonard Cheshire Fulwood | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-11-2020 | 22-24 Fulwood Avenue | Glasgow | G13 4AB | 01419 599 170 | Deborah Reid | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||||
CS2003006817 | Leonard Cheshire GLAD Support Service | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Glamis House | Blair Avenue | Glenrothes | KY7 4RT | 01592 773 697 | Gillian Sharp | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2004076458 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) - Edinburgh and Fife Support at Home | Housing support service | 19-07-2004 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Wardieburn Office | 4 Wardieburn Street | EDINBURGH | EH5 1DQ | 07976187048 | Anne Allison | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||
CS2004076460 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) - Edinburgh and Fife Support at Home - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-07-2004 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Wardieburn Office | 4 Wardieburn Street | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 07976187048 | Anne Allison | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | |||
CS2004076466 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) - Glamis House | Housing support service | 19-07-2004 | Blair Avenue | Pitteuchar | Glenrothes | KY7 4RT | 01592 773784 | Jennifer Thomson | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2004076468 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) - Glamis House - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-07-2004 | Blair Avenue | Pitteuchar | Glenrothes | KY7 4RT | 01592 773 784 | Jennifer Thomson | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2004075577 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) - Glasgow | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-07-2004 | Cheshire Homes | 4 Wardieburn Street East | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 01414 295 644 | emma mckeeman | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2004075575 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) - Glasgow | Housing support service | 19-07-2004 | Cheshire Homes | 4 Wardieburn Street East | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 07591382576 | emma mckeeman | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2011301087 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) - South Lanarkshire | Housing support service | 02-04-2013 | Cheshire Homes | 4 Wardieburn Street East | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 01313469040 | Deborah Reid | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2012310172 | Leonard Cheshire Services (Scotland) South Lanarkshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-04-2013 | Cheshire Homes | 4 Wardieburn Street East | Edinburgh | EH5 1DQ | 01414 295 644 | Deborah Reid | | SP2003001547 | Leonard Cheshire Disability | Active | ||||
CS2024000138 | Lerue Housing Support Services | Housing Support Service | 25-04-2024 | 39a Westdale Drive | Moodiesburn | Glasgow | G69 0NP | 01236364197 | Linda Mabhena | | SP2024000216 | Lerue Healthcare limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000139 | Lerue Support Services | Support Service | 25-04-2024 | 39a Westdale Drive | Moodiesburn | Glasgow | G69 0NP | 01236364197 | Linda Mabhena | | SP2024000216 | Lerue Healthcare limited | Active | ||||
CS2003009584 | Lerwick Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Old Infant School | King Harald Street | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0EQ | 01595745398 | Simonne Keenan | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2006118322 | Les Enfants Nursery | Day care of children | 02-08-2006 | 4 Woodside Village | Woodside of Culloden | Inverness | IV2 5FT | 01463 795 797 | Kirsty Fraser Finlayson | | SP2006008117 | Les Enfants Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008191381 | Les Enfants Nursery (Inshes) | Day care of children | 11-05-2009 | Unit 8 | Inshes Retail & Leisure Park | Sir Walter Scott Drive | Inverness | IV2 3TN | 01463 714 666 | Claire MacGillivray | | SP2006008117 | Les Enfants Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018371938 | Les Petits Explorateurs | 25-04-2019 | Kilmarnock | Laurence Ung | | SP2018990303 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2011299934 | Lesley Child Minding Service | Childminding | 03-07-2012 | Glasgow | Lesley Morris | | SP2011982763 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014328344 | Lesley Hutcheson - Childminder | Childminding | 14-01-2015 | Glasgow | Lesley Hutcheson | | SP2014986116 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367228 | Lesley Hynds Childminding | 12-09-2018 | Lanark | Lesley Hynds | | SP2018989933 | Lesley Hynds | Active | |||||||||
CS2011303574 | Lesley Malone Childminding Service | Childminding | 27-02-2012 | Bathgate | Lesley May Malone | | SP2011983019 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018369812 | Lesley Wallace Childminding | 07-11-2018 | Dunfermline | Lesley Wallace | | SP2018990137 | Lesley Wallace | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325758 | Lesley's Childminding | Childminding | 07-07-2014 | Edinburgh | Lesley-Anne McLagan | | SP2014985909 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015953 | Leslie Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Leslie Primary School | 31 Rothes Park | Leslie | Glenrothes | KY6 3LL | 01592 583 433 | Michelle McLean | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2025000014 | Leslie's Childminding Service | Childminding | 14-01-2025 | Musselburgh | | SP2024000619 | Leslie Holt | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000059 | Leslie's Leaping Learners | Childminding | 10-02-2025 | Glasgow | | SP2023000960 | Jane Leslie | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001349 | Lesmahagow Neighbourhood Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 19 Glebe Gardens | Lesmahagow | Lanark | ML11 0EE | 01555 895 643 | Lorraine MacLean | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000023 | Letham Mains Out of School Club | Day Care of Children | 22-04-2021 | Hays Walk | Haddington | HADDINGTON | EH41 3FH | 01620 826454 | Christine Hosie | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | ||||
CS2020379122 | Letham Mains Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 11-03-2021 | Letham Mains Primary School | Hays Walk | Haddington | EH41 3FH | 01620 826 454 | Bruce Murray | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002878 | Letham Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Letham Primary School | 3 Braehead Road | Letham | Forfar | DD8 2PG | 01307 818 202 | Valerie Ogilvie | | SP2003000572 | Letham Out Of School Club | Active | |||
CS2011303093 | Letham Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | 205/207 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4NN | 01315 550 780 | Mirelle Fyvie | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017497 | Letham Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Letham Primary School | 3 Braehead Road | Letham | Forfar | DD8 2PG | 01307 494 270 | Karen Frain | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2003046710 | Letham Primary School Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Struan Road | Perth | PH1 2NL | 01738 477 550 | Marie Russell | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003044560 | Letham Primary School Nursery - Livingston | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Letham Primary School | Forth Drive | Livingston | EH54 5LZ | 01506 432 012 | Angela Downie | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2007142948 | Lethen Park Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | Berrymuir Road | Portlethen | Aberdeen | AB12 4UF | 01224 782 666 | Annette Brown | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016347941 | Letson-Maclean, Vanessa Claire | Childminding | 23-09-2016 | Fochabers | Vanessa Letson-Maclean | | SP2016988117 | Vanessa Letson Maclean | Active | ||||||||
CS2019372791 | Lettershaws Farm Cottage | 13-03-2019 | Leadhills Road | Abington | Biggar | ML12 6TA | 07930621196 | rachel Gray | | SP2016012716 | BDT CARE SOLUTIONS LTD | Active | |||||
CS2003041988 | Leuchars Out of School Club | Day care of children | 12-02-2004 | Leuchars Primary School | Pitlethie Road | Leuchars | St. Andrews | KY16 0EZ | 07515 189 462 | Amanda Scott | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003015920 | Leuchars Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pitlethie Road | Leuchars | St. Andrews | KY16 0EZ | 01334 659 428 | Gemma Friel | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2011305849 | Leuchie at Home | Support services - not care at home | 20-04-2012 | Leuchie House | North Berwick | EH39 5NT | 01620 892 864 | Emma Jenson | | SP2011011585 | Leuchie | Active | |||||
CS2011289688 | Leuchie House | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 15-07-2011 | Leuchie House | North Berwick | EH39 5NT | 01620 892 864 | Emma Jenson | | SP2011011585 | Leuchie | Active | |||||
CS2021000273 | Leven Beach Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Leven Beach Nursing Home | Promenade | LEVEN | KY8 4HY | 01333 425662 | Karen Radford | | SP2021000170 | Levenbeach Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018365067 | Levenvale Primary Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2019 | Argyll Street | Levenvale | Alexandria | G83 0QN | 01389 773 747 | Sharon Ann Storrie | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009709 | Leverburgh Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Ferry Road | Leverburgh | Isle of Harris | HS5 3UA | 01859 520 296 | Isabel Campbell | | SP2003002102 | Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004085771 | Lewis and Harris - Community Living Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 21-12-2004 | Ardseileach | Macdonald Road | Stornoway | HS1 2YT | 01851 822 752 | Emma Macleod | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2004085744 | Lewis and Harris - Community Living Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 11-01-2005 | Ardseileach Centre | MacDonald Road | Stornoway | HS1 2YT | 01851 822 769 | Emma Macleod | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2014331581 | Lewis Street | Housing support service | 28-11-2014 | Flat 1 | 6 Lewis Street | Stornoway | Isle of Lewis | HS1 2JF | 01851 706 888 | Malcolm Calum MacKay | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2004085047 | Leys Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 09-02-2005 | Leys Park Road | Dunfermline | KY12 0AB | 01383 723 790 | Michelle Smith | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020378930 | Leys View Childcare | Childminding | 21-05-2020 | Inverness | Elisabeth and James Slaven | | SP2020013467 | Elisabeth Slaven & James Slaven, a Partnership Elisabeth Slaven & James Slaven, a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016376 | Lhanbryde Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Garmouth Road | Lhanbryde | Elgin | IV30 8PD | 01343 843 778 | Joy Smith | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000021 | Lia-Marie's childminding service | Childminding | 21-01-2025 | Dunoon | | SP2024000470 | Lia-Marie Pearman-Whyte | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338161 | Libby Cross Childminding Service | Childminding | 25-09-2015 | Glasgow | Elizabeth Cross | | SP2015987032 | Elizabeth Cross | Active | ||||||||
CS2004082678 | Libby's Childcare | Childminding | 31-12-2004 | Motherwell | Elizabeth Watson | | SP2004935109 | Elizabeth Watson | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307642 | Libby's Childminding | Childminding | 17-10-2012 | Mauchline | Elizabeth MacMillan | | SP2012983434 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011880 | Liberton After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Liberton Primary School | 229 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5UD | 07939 602 880 | Valerie Agnew | | SP2003002846 | Liberton After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2022000396 | Liberton Brae | Care homes for older people | 21-12-2022 | Liberton Brae Care Home | 81 Liberton Brae | Edinburgh | EH16 6LE | 02088649566 | CLAIRE ALEXANDER | | SP2021000220 | Amicura Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017038 | Liberton Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. John Vianney RC Primary School | 16 Glenvarloch Crescent | Edinburgh | EH16 6AP | Paul Ewing | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003054358 | Liberton Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Liberton Primary School | 229 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5UD | 01316 642 337 | Paul Ewing | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003050734 | Libertus Services | Support services - not care at home | 28-07-2004 | 20 Gracemount Drive | Liberton | Edinburgh | EH16 6RN | 01316 647 424 | Andrew Farr | | SP2004005241 | Libertus Services | Active | ||||
CS2012314003 | Liberty Kids | Day care of children | 11-04-2013 | Southlands | 32 Reidhaven Street | Elgin | IV30 1QH | 01343 731 010 | Samantha Buchanan | | SP2012011992 | Liberty Child Care Holdings Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020379379 | Lica Homecare Ltd | Support Service | 22-03-2021 | 99 High Street | Lanark | ML11 7LN | 01555668359 | Alyson Robertson | | SP2020013495 | Lica Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000068 | Lica Homecare Ltd | Housing Support Service | 12-02-2025 | 99 High Street | Lanark | ML11 7LN | 01555 668359 | Alyson Robertson | | SP2020013495 | Lica Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003012382 | Liesnham, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Susan Liesnham | | SP2003906107 | Liesnham, Ms Susan Liesnham, Ms Susan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003050698 | LifeCare - Cheyne Street Club | Support services - care at home | 23-03-2004 | Stockbridge House | 2 Cheyne Street | Edinburgh | EH4 1JB | 01313 400 946 | Margaret Stewart | | SP2003002785 | Lifecare (Edinburgh) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006117301 | Lifecare - Cottage Companion Club | Support services - care at home | 12-12-2005 | 53 Milton Road East | Edinburgh | EH15 2NL | 01316 574 101 | Margaret Stewart | | SP2003002785 | Lifecare (Edinburgh) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006118880 | Lifecare Outreach Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 31-03-2006 | 2 Cheyne Street | Edinburgh | EH4 1JB | 01313 430 944 | Margaret Stewart | | SP2003002785 | Lifecare (Edinburgh) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003001364 | Lifestyle Lanark, Harry Smith Complex | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Yvetot Avenue | Lanark | ML11 7BN | 01555 664 419 | Lorraine MacLean | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003009100 | Lifestyles Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Pickaquoy Centre | Muddisdale Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1LR | 01856 886 394 | Ross Groundwater | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2009235245 | Lifeways Community Care (Inverness) Limited | Housing support service | 05-01-2010 | Suite 2A 1 Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 719 818 | Carolyn Dickie | | SP2004006707 | Lifeways Community Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009235248 | Lifeways Community Care (Inverness) Limited | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-01-2010 | Suite 2A 1 Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 719 818 | Carolyn Dickie | | SP2004006707 | Lifeways Community Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079683 | Lifeways Community Care Limited (Avon) | Housing support service | 09-11-2004 | Templeton Business Centre | 62 Templeton Street | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01413 201 904 | Keith Anderson | | SP2004006707 | Lifeways Community Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004074063 | Lifeways Community Care Limited (Avon) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-11-2004 | Templeton Business Centre | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01413 201 903 | Keith Anderson | | SP2004006707 | Lifeways Community Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016861 | Liff Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Liff Primary School | Liff | Dundee | DD2 5NJ | 01382 768 109 | Katherine Milne | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000057 | Lightburn Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 18-05-2021 | Mill Road | Cambuslang | G72 7QN | 0141 641 3506 | Donna Brown | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2014333890 | Lilias MacDonald Childminding Service | Childminding | 07-04-2015 | Aberdeen | Lilias MacDonald | | SP2014986570 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000424 | Lilies Care | Support Service | 14-12-2023 | Unit A1 Whitecrook Business Centre, | 78 Whitecrook street | 78 Whitecrook street | Glasgow | G81 1QF | 07824707085 | Gertrude Munyambonera | | SP2023000472 | Lilies Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003017373 | Lilliesleaf Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lilliesleaf | Melrose | TD6 9HX | 01835 870 251 | Robbie Devlin | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010431 | Lillyburn | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Birdston Road | Milton of Campsie | Glasgow | G66 8BY | 01417 763 366 | Angela McGurk | | SP2003002346 | Pacific Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000036 | Lilybank Private Nursery | Day care of children | 01-02-2022 | Lilybank Nursery | 7a Lilybank Street | HAMILTON | ML3 6NN | 01698 428699 | Melanie Irvine | | SP2022000022 | Lilybank Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003000365 | Lilybank Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath Road | Forfar | DD8 2JJ | 01307 492 233 | Douglas Fairweather | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014830 | Lime Tree Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 50 Friarton Road | Glasgow | G43 2PP | 01416 331 920 | Ann Langridge | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011082 | Limecroft | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Templar Rise | Dedridge West | Livingston | EH54 6PJ | 01506 460 171 | Alice Ferguson | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004064095 | Limekilns Out of School Club | Day care of children | 20-09-2004 | Limekilns Primary School | Dunfermline Road | Limekilns | Dunfermline | KY11 3JS | 07515 189 463 | Sara Hoefling | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003015895 | Limekilns Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8 Dunfermline Road | Limekilns | Dunfermline | KY11 3JS | 01383 602 420 | Amanda Sloper | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000098 | Limetree Nursery and After School Club Ltd | Day care of children | 03-03-2025 | Dalneigh Primary School | St Ninian's Drive | Inverness | IV3 5AU | 01463 832674 | Nicola Richards | | SP2024000793 | Limetree Nursery and After School Club Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012306180 | LiN Group | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-08-2012 | 83 Colinton Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH13 9DL | 01315108710 | Valerie Darroch | | SP2012011773 | Redcroft Care Homes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012309381 | LiN Group | Housing support service | 13-08-2012 | 83 Colinton Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH13 9DL. | 0131 510 8710 | Valerie Darroch | | SP2012011773 | Redcroft Care Homes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003013475 | Lincluden After School Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | North West Resource Centre | College Drive | Lincluden | Dumfries | DG2 0BX | 01387 259 626 | Kathleen Procter | | SP2003002520 | Lincluden After School Group | Active | |||
CS2003015495 | Lincluden Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lincluden Primary School | Lincluden | Dumfries | DG2 0PU | 01387 273 010 | Kirstie Bell | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2015338837 | Linda Kelman - Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-11-2015 | Stonehaven | Linda Kelman | | SP2015987119 | Linda Kelman | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000266 | Linda Leitch | Child Minding | 16-08-2023 | Carluke | | SP2023000169 | Linda Leitch | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381245 | Linda Nisbet Childminding | Childminding | 03-11-2020 | Kilmarnock | Linda Nisbet | | SP2020991375 | Linda Nisbet | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2014327376 | Linda Shirreffs Childminding | Childminding | 10-09-2014 | Aberdeen | Linda Shirreffs | | SP2014986037 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003019838 | Linda's Day Care | Childminding | 11-08-2003 | Glasgow | Linda Hooper | | SP2003910350 | Linda Hooper trading as Linda's Day Care Linda Hooper trading as Linda's Day Care | Active | ||||||||
CS2017353223 | Lindsay House | 23-04-2018 | 64 Cedar Avenue | Lumphinnans | KY4 9FE | 01592 583 581 | Lynn Kyle | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||||
CS2015336570 | Lindsay's Childminding | Childminding | 17-06-2015 | Fortrose | Lindsay Urquhart | | SP2015986834 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2015342124 | Lindsay's Childminding Service | Childminding | 07-04-2016 | Campbeltown | Lindsay Croft | | SP2015987495 | Lindsay Ronald | Active | ||||||||
CS2017355790 | Lindsay, June | Childminding | 21-07-2017 | Glasgow | June Lindsay | | SP2017988976 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006129827 | Lindsay, Shannon | Childminding | 19-10-2006 | Edinburgh | Shannon Lindsay | | SP2006960350 | Shannon Lindsay | Active | ||||||||
CS2003050656 | Lindsayfield Lodge | Care homes for older people | 03-03-2004 | Rosaburn Avenue | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9DE | 01355 598 350 | Carolyn Young | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000128 | Lindsey's Childminding | Childminding | 15-05-2023 | Falkirk | | SP2023000086 | Lindsey Marszol | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000025 | Lindyloo Childcare | Childminding | 21-01-2022 | Strathaven | SP2022000013 | Lindsay Savege | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003008981 | Lineham, Tracey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Lossiemouth | Tracey Lineham | | SP2003904910 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004072082 | Linfield, Carol | Childminding | 11-03-2005 | Campbeltown | Carol Linfield | | SP2004928958 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000206 | Linkfield Residential Ltd | Care Home Service | 17-08-2021 | 19 Linkfield Road | MUSSELBURGH | EH21 7LQ | 01316655566 | Sumy Ajith | | SP2021000122 | Linkfield Residential Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009229781 | Links Nursery | Day care of children | 10-07-2009 | 8 Balcarres Road | Musselburgh | EH21 7SD | 01316 650 008 | Carol Smith | SP2007009491 | Links Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2007167228 | Links Nursery Balmedie | Day care of children | 10-07-2009 | Unit 4 | Birch Way | Balmedie | Aberdeen | AB23 8SJ | 01358 743 094 | Laura Laird | | SP2007009491 | Links Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008183932 | Links View | Care homes for older people | 18-09-2008 | Cromwell Road | Burntisland | KY3 9EH | 01592 873 736 | Barbara Slater | | SP2007009107 | Fairfield Care Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018364010 | Linktown Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 02-04-2019 | 26a Balfour Street | KIRKCALDY | KY2 5HB | 07432 116 512 | KERRY LESLIE | | SP2018013062 | Linktown Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020379781 | Linkwood Nursery | Day care of children | 16-03-2021 | Linkwood Primary School | Thistle Drive | Elgin | IV30 8AS | 01343 543 451 | Elaine Gordon | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2016346520 | Linlithgow and District Community Day Care Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 13-12-2016 | Linlithgow Partnership Centre | High Street | Linlithgow | EH49 7EZ | 01506 847 496 | Karen Wright | | SP2016012702 | Linlithgow and District Community Day Care Centre a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Association | Active | ||||
CS2004059491 | Linlithgow Bridge Nursery Class | Day care of children | 24-11-2004 | Linlithgow Bridge Primary School | East Mill Road | Linlithgow | EH49 7PB | 01506 671 428 | Susan Webster | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300743 | Linlithgow Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 45 St Ninian's Road | Colthill | Linlithgow | EH49 7BW | 01506 842 482 | Gemma Munro | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017498 | Linlithgow Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Preston Road | Linlithgow | EH49 6HB | 01506 845 346 | Laura Baillie | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000163 | Linn Moor Residential School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2002 | Linn Moor Residential School | Peterculter | AB14 0PJ | 01224 732 246 | Scott Rodger | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2003013776 | Linnburn Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 30 High Street | Rothes | Aberlour | AB38 7AY | 01340 831 794 | Tina Gordon | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000079 | Linnette's Childminding service | Child Minding | 17-03-2023 | New Cumnock | | SP2023000058 | Linnette Park | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014737 | Linnvale ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Livingstone Street | Clydebank | G81 2RL | 01419 529 311 | Lindsay Thomas | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2014330391 | Linsey Lapinskie Childminding | Childminding | 15-12-2014 | Dalkeith | Linsey Lapinskie | | SP2014986260 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000420 | Linsey Matthews Childminding Service | Childminding | 05-11-2024 | Dunfermline | | SP2024000409 | Linsey Matthews | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000328 | Linsey Paul | Child Minding | 27-10-2022 | Inverness | | SP2022000218 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2014330945 | Linsey Philliban Childminding Services | Childminding | 31-10-2014 | Larbert | Linsey Philliban | | SP2014012356 | Linsey Philliban Childminding Services a Partnersh Linsey Philliban Childminding Services a Partnersh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003053857 | Linstone Housing Association Ltd Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 01-10-2004 | 17 Bridge Street | Linwood | Paisley | PA3 3DB | 01505 382 383 | Jan Brennan | | SP2004005411 | Linstone Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003014903 | Linthaugh Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 533 Crookston Road | Glasgow | G53 7TX | 01418 827 105 | Yvonne Crookshank | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003004944 | Linwood Community Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodlands Primary School | Abernethy Drive | Linwood | Paisley | PA3 3EX | 01505 382 626 | Julie Hughes | | SP2003001053 | The Committee of Linwood Community Care | Active | |||
CS2017358435 | Linzi's Childminding | 05-09-2017 | DUNFERMLINE | Lindsay Robertson | | SP2017989203 | Lindsay Robertson | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366838 | Linzi's Little Learners | 26-09-2018 | Glasgow | Linzi McDonald | | SP2018989898 | Linzi McDonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2019374058 | Lipsty | Child Minding | 24-07-2019 | Denny | Kirsty Morrison | | SP2019990461 | Kirsty Morrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2015341780 | Lisa Anderson Childminding | Childminding | 31-12-2015 | Inverurie | Lisa Anderson | | SP2015987458 | Lisa Anderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2012306817 | Lisa Burne Childminding | Childminding | 27-08-2012 | Lauder | Lisa Burne | | SP2012983321 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000200 | Lisa Coli Childminding | Child Minding | 30-06-2023 | Strathpeffer | | SP2023000126 | Lisa Coli | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000314 | Lisa Curran | Childminding | 01-11-2021 | GLASGOW | | SP2021000194 | Lisa Curran | Active | |||||||||
CS2016346932 | Lisa Goldie Childminding | Childminding | 26-07-2016 | Airdrie | Lisa Goldie | | SP2016987988 | Lisa Goldie | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307051 | Lisa Kirk Childminding | Childminding | 14-06-2012 | Inverkeithing | Lisa Kirk | | SP2012983357 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000048 | Lisa Marie Childminding | Child Minding | 22-02-2022 | EDINBURGH | | SP2022000030 | Lisa Fleming | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340692 | Lisa Marshall's Childminding | Childminding | 02-12-2015 | KINROSS | Lisa Marshall | | SP2015987313 | Lisa Lightfoot | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000175 | Lisa Payne Childminding | Child Minding | 01-07-2022 | Perth | | SP2022000125 | Lisa Payne | Active | |||||||||
CS2019373008 | Lisa Pinder Childminding | Child Minding | 17-04-2020 | EDINBURGH | Lisa Pinder | | SP2019990981 | Lisa Pinder | Active | ||||||||
CS2019374997 | Lisa Rice Childminder | Child Minding | 08-07-2019 | Penicuik | Lisa Rice | | SP2019990539 | Lisa Rice | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000075 | Lisa Sneddon Childminding | Childminding | 28-05-2021 | DUMFRIES | SP2021000046 | Lisa Sneddon | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2018366132 | Lisa's ChildcAyr | 06-09-2018 | Ayr | Lisa-Marie Durkin | | SP2018989837 | Lisa-Marie Durkin | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000331 | Lisa's Childminding | Child Minding | 31-10-2022 | Alloa | | SP2022000221 | Lisa Birrell | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000009 | Lisa's Childminding | Child Minding | 08-01-2024 | Airdrie | | SP2023000325 | Lisa Macpherson | Active | |||||||||
CS2012312620 | Lisa's Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-04-2013 | Glasgow | Lisa Norman | | SP2012984192 | Lisa Norman | Active | ||||||||
CS2013316432 | Lisa's Childminding Service | Childminding | 24-10-2013 | Dalgety Bay | Lisa Smith | | SP2013984755 | Lisa Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2012310035 | Lisa's Little Rascals! | Childminding | 31-10-2012 | Dundee | Lisa Gibson | | SP2012983806 | Lisa Gibson | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377377 | Lisa's Little Stars Childminding | Childminding | 02-12-2019 | Eyemouth | Lisa White | | SP2019990838 | Lisa White | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010719 | Lisden | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 63 Brechin Road | Kirriemuir | DD8 4DE | 01575 574 499 | Agnes Oliphant | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011070 | Lismore House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 3 James Street | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3JG | 01501 734 830 | Alexanderina Craig | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||
CS2003014656 | Lismore Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lismore Primary School | Lismore | Oban | PA34 5UG | 01631 760 258 | Deborah Harris | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2014333033 | Little Acorns | Childminding | 11-02-2015 | Kirkcaldy | Pauline MacDonald | | SP2014986491 | Pauline MacDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2017360377 | Little Acorns Childcare | 15-01-2018 | West Linton | Fiona Drummond | | SP2017989375 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000091 | Little Acorns Childcare | Day Care of Children | 04-04-2023 | East Craigs Church Centre | Bughtlin Market | East Criags | Edinburgh | EH12 8XP | 07784974297 | | SP2023000066 | Julie-Ann Kazakov | Active | ||||
CS2003001643 | Little Acorns Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Royal Cornhill Hospital | Cornhill Road | Aberdeen | AB25 2ZT | 01224 557 457 | Ann Robertson | | SP2003000363 | NHS Grampian | Active | ||||
CS2022000321 | Little Acorns Pre-school Learning Centre | Day Care of Children | 24-10-2022 | 4-8 Herries Court | Heathhall | Dumfries | DG1 3TL | 01387 261162 | Brodi little | | SP2022000213 | Ruby Murphy | Active | ||||
CS2015336582 | Little Angels | Childminding | 28-05-2015 | Cumnock | Rhona Dunnachie | SP2015986837 | Rhona Dunnachie | Active | |||||||||
CS2008183194 | Little Angels Childcare Johnstone | Childminding | 01-10-2009 | Johnstone | Tracey Whyte - Bulloch | | SP2008971218 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005088505 | Little Angels Nursery - Dingwall | Day care of children | 18-04-2007 | Halliday House | Druimchat View | Dingwall Business Park | Dingwall | IV15 9XL | 01349 863 332 | Lianne Anderson | | SP2005007301 | Lianne Anderson trading as Little Angels Nursery | Active | |||
CS2004079610 | Little Beanies | Childminding | 02-02-2005 | Melrose | Claire Bain | | SP2004935339 | Claire Bain Trading As Little Beanies Claire Bain Trading As Little Beanies | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000056 | Little Bear Childcare | Child Minding | 14-02-2024 | Livingston | | SP2023000304 | Kerry McKay | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332818 | Little Beehive Nursery | Day care of children | 21-07-2015 | 70 Main Street | Strathkinness | KY16 9SA | 01334 208 166 | Faye Almond | | SP2014012386 | Little Beehive Nursery (St Andrews) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007163705 | Little Beehive Nursery (Angus) Limited | Day care of children | 05-12-2007 | 1 Museum Street | Montrose | DD10 8HE | 01674 671 717 | Sarah Foreman | | SP2007009381 | Little Beehive Nursery (Angus) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006974 | Little Beehive Nursery (Cupar) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tannage Close | 56a Crossgate | Cupar | KY15 5HS | 01334 656 656 | Tamaryn McDonald | | SP2003001598 | Jennifer Martin | Active | ||||
CS2020379304 | Little Beehive Nursery (Kirkcaldy) Limited | Day care of children | 04-09-2020 | 12 Sang Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1EZ | 01592 328 050 | Amanda Carlin | | SP2010011033 | Little Beehive Nursery (Kirkcaldy) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005102635 | Little Beehive Nursery (Newport-on-Tay) Limited | Day care of children | 25-11-2005 | 30 Tay Street | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8AL | 01382 541 154 | Terri Lusty | | SP2010011278 | Little Beehive Nursery (Newport-on-Tay) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2025000099 | Little Bees | Childminding | 03-03-2025 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000204 | Billie-Jo Bell | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000294 | Little Bees Childminding Services | Child Minding | 05-09-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000185 | Valentina Pesiri | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367465 | Little Bleathers | 21-11-2018 | Renfrew | Heather Alexander | | SP2018989955 | Heather Alexander | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000055 | Little Buddies Childcare | Child Minding | 14-02-2024 | Kilmarnock | Sharon brown | | SP2023000533 | Little Buddies Childcare a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2010279011 | Little Buds | Childminding | 04-04-2011 | Kinross | Erin Reilly | | SP2010980860 | Erin Reilly trading as Little Buds Erin Reilly trading as Little Buds | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000093 | Little Bugs | Day Care of Children | 11-04-2022 | Lower Parkhead | Hopetoun Estate | SOUTH QUEENSFERRY | EH30 9SL | 01383279380 | Kirsten Paterson | | SP2021000052 | Little Bugs Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000088 | Little Bugs at Fordell Firs | Day Care of Children | 08-06-2021 | The Scottish Council | The Scout Association | Fordell Firs, Hillend | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 7HQ | 07989802366 | Rosslyn Mullin | | SP2021000052 | Little Bugs Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000130 | Little Bugs Childminding | Child Minding | 15-05-2023 | Broxburn | | SP2023000087 | Charlaine Walker | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2023000192 | Little Bugs Nursery | Day Care of Children | 23-06-2023 | Strathlynn | West Road | Muir of Ord | IV6 7QW | 07843560023 | Rebecca McKenzie | | SP2018013224 | Little Bugs Childcare a partnership | Active | ||||
CS2020382195 | Little Bunnies Childcare | Childminding | 24-02-2021 | Kelso | Rachel Black | | SP2020991518 | Rachel Black | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000215 | Little Bunny Childminding | Childminding | 24-06-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2024000141 | Shwe Htet | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337632 | Little Button Mushroom Childminding | Childminding | 04-08-2015 | Hamilton | Kathryn Stewart | | SP2015986965 | Kathryn Stewart | Active | ||||||||
CS2016346549 | Little Buttons | 28-06-2016 | Perth | Chantal Walker | | SP2016987957 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2018371609 | Little Cherubs Childminding | 21-02-2019 | Kirriemuir | Katherine Semple | | SP2018990276 | Katherine Brown | Active | |||||||||
CS2019377804 | Little Chickens Childminding | Child Minding | 28-01-2020 | Stirling | Dawn Warttig | | SP2019990916 | Dawn Warttig | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000249 | Little Chicks Childminding | Child Minding | 10-09-2021 | Banchory | | SP2021000151 | Louise Scotland | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000127 | Little Chicks Childminding | Child Minding | 17-04-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000607 | Samantha Shields | Active | |||||||||
CS2013319076 | Little Citizen | Childminding | 03-02-2014 | Dundee | Shauna Ballantine | | SP2013985142 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358558 | Little Clouds Nursery | 23-10-2017 | Nigg Kirk Road | Altens | Aberdeen | AB12 3DF | 01224 899 965 | Samantha Gall | | SP2017012948 | Iona Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019372994 | Little Cubs Childminding | Child Minding | 16-03-2020 | Kirkcaldy | Claire Beveridge | SP2019990980 | Claire Beveridge | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317942 | Little Daisies | Day care of children | 17-12-2013 | Calder House | 8 South Caldeen Road | Coatbridge | ML5 4EG | 01236 432 339 | Samantha Feeney | | SP2013012089 | Little Daisies (Coatbridge) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000027 | Little Dino's childminding service | Childminding | 23-04-2021 | Grantown-on-Spey | | SP2021000018 | Sergio Pita | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000367 | little dinosaurs childminding ltd | Childminding | 05-12-2022 | Elgin | | SP2022000247 | Sadie Malpass | Active | |||||||||
CS2011299582 | Little Dreams Nursery | Day care of children | 16-02-2012 | 42-44 Bon Accord Street | Aberdeen | AB11 6EL | 01224 576 130 | Nicola Park | | SP2011011656 | LD Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019374197 | Little Drummers Childminding Service | Child Minding | 17-06-2019 | Peterhead | Yvonne Simpson | | SP2018989899 | Yvonne Simpson | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000446 | Little Ducklings | Childminding | 02-12-2024 | Helensburgh | | SP2024000593 | Leanne Meskell | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000110 | Little Ducklings Childminding Service | Child Minding | 04-05-2022 | Motherwell | | SP2022000075 | Lisa Russell | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379004 | Little Explorers Childminding Services | Child Minding | 27-03-2020 | Livingston | Katalin Csenki | | SP2020991090 | Katalin Csenki | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000026 | Little Farm Childminding | Child Minding | 19-01-2024 | Castle Douglas | | SP2023000267 | Simone Mcdonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2014327968 | Little Farmer Childcare | Day care of children | 19-09-2014 | Easter Kellie Farm | Arncroach | Anstruther | KY10 2RF | 01333 720 311 | Jane Parsons | | SP2014986075 | Jane Parsons | Active | ||||
CS2005099039 | Little Flowers Nursery | Day care of children | 27-10-2005 | 46 Glebe Street | Renfrew | PA4 8UA | 01418 866 123 | Catriona Johnston | | SP2005007505 | Little Flowers LTD | Active | |||||
CS2011280406 | Little Flyers @ Broxburn | Day care of children | 24-03-2011 | 88 West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LQ | 01506 854 066 | Tonilee Cunnea | | SP2010011353 | We Care for Children Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011280315 | Little Flyers @ Ingliston | Day care of children | 24-03-2011 | 4a Ingliston Road | Newbridge | EH28 8AU | 01313 353 679 | Kelly Barrie | | SP2010011353 | We Care for Children Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018367691 | Little Flyers @ Livingston | 08-11-2018 | 1 Cedric Rise | Livingston | EH54 6JR | 01506 432 578 | Alannah Hudson | | SP2016012693 | We Care for Children Edinburgh Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2010279584 | Little Flyers @ Ratho | Day care of children | 24-03-2011 | 1 School Wynd | Ratho | Newbridge | EH28 8TT | 07763 029 897 | Megan Reid | | SP2010011353 | We Care for Children Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015337313 | Little Flyers @ West Calder | Day care of children | 23-09-2015 | 5 Glebe Road | West Calder | EH55 8DF | 01506 873 731 | Darian Sayle | | SP2010011353 | We Care for Children Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014326470 | Little Flyers After School Club @ Kirkliston | Day care of children | 11-08-2014 | Kirkliston Leisure Centre | Kirklands Park Street | Kirkliston | EH29 9EY | 07749 234 098 | Sayle Darian | | SP2010011353 | We Care for Children Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014326471 | Little Flyers After School Club @ Winchburgh | Day care of children | 11-08-2014 | Craigton Place | Winchburgh | Broxburn | EH52 6RW | 01506 854 066 | Megan Reid | | SP2010011353 | We Care for Children Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016345448 | Little Gems | Childminding | 23-05-2016 | Dumfries | Gemma Findlay | | SP2016987820 | Gemma Goldie | Active | ||||||||
CS2016352155 | Little Gems | 15-02-2017 | Inverness | Debbie Watson | | SP2016988609 | Debbie Watson | Active | |||||||||
CS2011285908 | Little Gigglers Childcare | Childminding | 08-11-2011 | Kilmarnock | Sharon McRoberts | | SP2011982205 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341714 | Little Giggles Childminding | 16-12-2015 | Bathgate | Carol Lawton | | SP2015987448 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008188154 | Little Giraffes Childcare | Childminding | 17-02-2010 | Dunfermline | Gillian Brand | | SP2008972119 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010114 | Little Glen | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gleneagles Hotel | Auchterarder | PH3 1NF | 01764 694 337 | Isabella Bachelor | | SP2003002165 | Gleneagles Hotel - Little Glen | Active | |||||
CS2021000310 | Little Grasshoppers | Childminding | 01-11-2021 | Aberdeen | | SP2021000190 | Leanna Whitley | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000120 | Little Guest's | Child Minding | 27-04-2023 | Falkirk | | SP2023000079 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013319560 | Little Hands | Childminding | 25-11-2014 | Perth | Pamela Keracher | | SP2013985197 | Pamela Keracher | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000008 | Little Hands Nursery (Condorrat) Limited | Day care of children | 09-01-2025 | Jadini | Kirk Place | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4EE | 01236610225 | Lorna McKeown | | SP2024000481 | Little Hands Nursery (Condorrat) Limited | Active | |||
CS2009234491 | Little Haven Childminding | Childminding | 20-07-2010 | Glasgow | Simona Furnish | | SP2009976211 | Simona Furnish T/A Little Haven Childminding Simona Furnish T/A Little Haven Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2005088311 | Little Hawthorn Loanhead | Day care of children | 28-09-2005 | 16 Hawthorn Gardens | Loanhead | EH20 9EG | 01314 403 057 | Nadine Wright | | SP2005007217 | Natalie Hollerin | Active | |||||
CS2016347096 | Little Hilltop Childcare | Childminding | 15-08-2016 | Kilmarnock | Rachel Lennox | | SP2016988004 | Rachel Lennox | Active | ||||||||
CS2016347225 | Little Jewels Childminding Service | 27-06-2016 | Dunfermline | Julia McKelvie | | SP2016988017 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012307487 | Little Lambs Childminding | Childminding | 17-08-2012 | Aberdeen | Mary Cowie | | SP2012983404 | Mary Cowie | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000094 | Little Lambs Childminding | Childminding | 27-02-2025 | Isle of Islay | | SP2024000835 | Julia Ferguson | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320695 | Little Leaf Childminding | Childminding | 04-04-2014 | Larbert | Lorraine Scharer | | SP2013985332 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380454 | Little Leapers Nursery School | Day care of children | 26-10-2020 | Little Leapers Nursery School | Ladyloan | ARBROATH | DD11 1QA | 01241 878054 | Nicola Schafer | | SP2020013552 | Little Leapers Nursery School Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010273088 | Little Learners | Day care of children | 01-12-2010 | 29 Abercorn Street | Paisley | PA3 4AL | 01418 491 658 | Jennifer Whyte | | SP2010011260 | RAM 211 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012306096 | Little Learners Nursery | Day care of children | 14-05-2012 | 98 Lasswade Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6SU | 01316 643 434 | Stacey Eardley | | SP2012011763 | Little Learners Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003008658 | Little Learners Nursery & Day Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tulloch Place | Inverlochy | Fort William | PH33 6JD | 01397 701 040 | Mairi Page | | SP2003001835 | Nevis Bank Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005090461 | Little Me | Day care of children | 19-11-2007 | 7 Aray Street | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 0PG | 01419 453 000 | Megan Sutherland | SP2005007348 | Little Me Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000060 | Little Me Nursery Temple | Day Care of Children | 20-02-2024 | 6 Spencer Street | Glasgow | G13 1DZ | 01414340501 | Carly Jamieson | | SP2005007348 | Little Me Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000284 | Little Minds Childminding | Child Minding | 29-08-2023 | Musselburgh | | SP2023000177 | Audrey Faber | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309625 | Little Miss Moffat's | Childminding | 30-08-2012 | Carluke | Amy Shaw | | SP2012983746 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000104 | Little Miss Sunshine Childminding | Childminding | 04-03-2025 | Glasgow | | SP2024000643 | Nicola Mcdonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316420 | Little Mix Childminding | Childminding | 01-08-2013 | Falkirk | Sarah MacDonald | | SP2013984753 | Sarah MacDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2005101786 | Little Monkeys @ Craiglockhart | Day care of children | 15-07-2005 | 1 Craiglockhart Terrace | Edinburgh | EH14 1AJ | 01314 438 701 | Kirsten Smith | | SP2003002999 | Little Monkeys Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019374504 | Little Monkeys Childminding | Child Minding | 16-07-2019 | Elgin | Heather Grant | | SP2019990500 | Heather Grant | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307903 | Little Monkeys Cramond House | Day care of children | 18-05-2012 | Cramond House | 2 Kirk Cramond | Edinburgh | EH4 6HZ | 01313 363 089 | Ruth Ferguson | | SP2003002999 | Little Monkeys Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003012109 | Little Monkeys Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 28 Kilmaurs Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5DP | 01316675544 | Gillian Scollon | | SP2003002999 | Little Monkeys Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000389 | Little Munchkins | Childminding | 14-10-2024 | Inverness | | SP2024000523 | Morven Mcharg | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000068 | Little Nest Childminding | Child Minding | 28-02-2024 | Wallyford | | SP2023000547 | Claire Forshaw | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376366 | Little Newts Childminding | Child Minding | 26-09-2019 | Newtyle | Sheena Garden | | SP2019990678 | Sheena Garden | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000188 | Little Oak Childminding | Childminding | 07-06-2024 | Banchory | | SP2024000132 | Kirsty Fraser | Active | |||||||||
CS2019372866 | Little Paddock Childminding | 30-04-2019 | Johnstone | Alexandrea & Volker Steinemann | | SP2019013263 | Alexandrea Steinemann and Volker Steinemann tradin Alexandrea Steinemann and Volker Steinemann tradin | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380809 | Little Panda's Nursery | Day care of children | 22-10-2020 | 53 Kilpatrick Drive | Erskine | PA8 7AF | 01418 124 002 | Jennifer McNaughton | | SP2020013569 | Kilpatrick Leisure Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000199 | Little Pandas | Child Minding | 30-06-2023 | Irvine | | SP2023000125 | Erin Semple | Active | |||||||||
CS2013319740 | Little Parrots Childminding | Childminding | 27-01-2014 | Wishaw | Donna McAlpine | | SP2013012141 | Little Parrots Childminding, a partnership Little Parrots Childminding, a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2017355007 | Little Pearls | Childminding | 29-06-2017 | Isle of Islay | Joanne Beckett | | SP2017988892 | Joanne Beckett | Active | ||||||||
CS2019375478 | Little Penguins Childminding Service | Childminding | 02-09-2019 | Livingston | Kayla Mackay | | SP2019990584 | Kayla MacKay | Active | ||||||||
CS2019374888 | Little People Childminding | Child Minding | 28-06-2019 | Motherwell | Sandra Boyle | | SP2019990527 | Sandra Boyle | Active | ||||||||
CS2011285473 | Little People Nursery | Day care of children | 14-07-2011 | Little People Nursery | Unit 1 | 42 Baird Avenue, Dryburgh Industrial Estate | Dundee | DD2 3TN | 01382 811 838 | Leigh Kinnie | | SP2011011511 | Camphill Grove Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003006585 | Little People Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 29c High Street | Lanark | ML11 7LU | 01555 665 946 | Claire Ashe | | SP2003001504 | Gillian McFadyen trading as Little People Nursery School | Active | |||||
CS2016347503 | Little Petals | Childminding | 17-08-2016 | AIRDRIE | Morag Spiers | SP2016988062 | morag Spiers | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006434 | Little Pets Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wardlawhill Parish Church | Hamilton Road | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3DQ | 07481569651 | Elizabeth (known as Kelly) McCulloch | | SP2003001470 | Little Pets Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2010279617 | Little Rabbit | Childminding | 08-02-2012 | Renfrew | Malgorzata Kowalik | | SP2010981039 | Malgorzata Kowalik trading as Little Rabbit Malgorzata Kowalik trading as Little Rabbit | Active | ||||||||
CS2016345892 | Little Raes of Sunshine | Childminding | 15-07-2016 | Carnoustie | Clare Rae | | SP2016987875 | clare rae | Active | ||||||||
CS2017354848 | Little Rainbows Childminding | 23-01-2018 | EDINBURGH | Marion Inglis | | SP2017988877 | Marion Inglis | Active | |||||||||
CS2016350644 | Little Rascals Childminding | Childminding | 16-11-2016 | Glasgow | Uma Ghosh | | SP2016988445 | Uma Ghosh | Active | ||||||||
CS2014324823 | Little Rascals Childminding | Childminding | 04-07-2014 | Musselburgh | Clare Burton | | SP2014985792 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000262 | Little Rays of Sunshine Childminding | Child Minding | 15-08-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000166 | Elaine Curran | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365632 | Little Rockets | 26-11-2018 | Perth | Natalie Anderson | | SP2018989795 | Natalie Anderson | Active | |||||||||
CS2019373135 | Little Rookies Daycare | Day Care of Children | 26-09-2019 | Freuchie Cricket Club | Muir Road | Freuchie | Cupar | KY15 7HW | 07393 779 688 | Caroline Coll | | SP2019013269 | Little Rookies Limited | Active | |||
CS2009230370 | Little Scallywags Nursery | Day care of children | 24-09-2009 | 22 Galvelmore Street | Crieff | PH7 4BY | 01764 656 274 | Gema-Gayle Ferguson | | SP2009010497 | Little Scallywags Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003041099 | Little Scholars (Nursery) Limited | Day care of children | 20-08-2003 | Scholars Gate | Whitehills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9DN | 01355 900 119 | Ann Marie Kennedy | | SP2004937433 | Little Scholars (Nursery) Limited | Active | |||
CS2007157846 | Little Scholars Day Nursery | Day care of children | 22-08-2007 | Lawers Drive | Panmurefield Village | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3TZ | 01382 477 555 | Michelle Mill | | SP2010011203 | Sword (Nursery) Limited | Active | |||
CS2007142526 | Little Smarties Childcare Services (Shirley Brogan) | Childminding | 18-09-2007 | Dunfermline | Shirley Brogan | | SP2007963212 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337659 | Little Smurfs Childminding Services | Childminding | 20-08-2015 | Inverness | Justyna Jankowska | SP2015986973 | Justyna Jankowska | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379291 | Little Sparkles | Child Minding | 04-08-2020 | Elgin | Dawn Thirkell | | SP2020991133 | Dawn Thirkell | Active | ||||||||
CS2006136896 | Little Sprouts Childcare | Childminding | 16-01-2007 | Duns | Carrianne Ferguson | | SP2006961832 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019377651 | Little Staggies ELC | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | 10 Fodderty Way | Dingwall | IV15 9XB | 01349 865 783 | Stacey Stewart | | SP2019013402 | Little Staggies ELC Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019373808 | Little Stars | Child Minding | 31-07-2019 | Glasgow | Asia Ali | | SP2019990431 | Asia Ali | Active | ||||||||
CS2019374869 | Little Stars | Child Minding | 31-05-2019 | Glasgow | Ehalm Bohsef | | SP2019990523 | Ehalm Bohsef | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000238 | Little Stars | Childminding | 14-08-2022 | Elgin | | SP2022000162 | Diane McKenzie | Active | |||||||||
CS2011299472 | Little Stars Alloa | Day care of children | 06-12-2011 | The Pleasures | Alloa West | Alloa | FK10 1TD | 01259 720 142 | Jenna Hunter | | SP2011011652 | Little Stars (Stirling) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019377738 | Little Stars Childcare | Child Minding | 20-01-2020 | Bishopbriggs | Jacqueline McKinney | | SP2019990901 | Jacqueline McKinney | Active | ||||||||
CS2012310745 | Little Stars Childminding | Childminding | 09-10-2012 | Greenock | Susan Jane Loossens | | SP2012983905 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016345333 | Little Stars Childminding | 13-06-2016 | Stirling | Tracey Walton | SP2016987813 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2018363148 | Little Stars Childminding | 13-04-2018 | Boness | Fiona Brown | | SP2018989587 | Fiona Brown | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000116 | Little Stars Childminding by Kellie | Child Minding | 11-05-2022 | LIVINGSTON | | SP2022000079 | Kellie Broadley | Active | |||||||||
CS2011299469 | Little Stars Falkirk | Day care of children | 02-12-2011 | Falkirk Stadium | 2 Stadium Way | Falkirk | FK2 9EE | 01324 636 377 | Louise Hislop | | SP2011011652 | Little Stars (Stirling) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011299452 | Little Stars Glasgow | Day care of children | 06-12-2011 | Melisa House | 3 Brand Place | Govan | Glasgow | G51 1DR | 01414 270 020 | Laura Clarke | | SP2011011652 | Little Stars (Stirling) Limited | Active | |||
CS2013319493 | Little Stars Hillington | Day care of children | 27-09-2013 | 70 Kelvin Avenue | Hillington Park | Glasgow | G52 4LY | 01415 704 080 | Angela Fitzpatrick | | SP2011011652 | Little Stars (Stirling) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011299473 | Little Stars Nursery | Day care of children | 06-12-2011 | Little Stars Nursery | Kildean Business and Enterprise Hub | Drip Road | Stirling | FK9 4UA | Maureen Scott | | SP2011011652 | Little Stars (Stirling) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009233142 | Little Steps Childcare | Day care of children | 01-09-2009 | Garrybank | Bankfoot | Perth | PH1 4DX | 01738 788 188 | Emma Bell | | SP2009975690 | Claire Bell trading as Little Steps Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2017362815 | Little Steps Childminding | 15-03-2018 | Glasgow | Shamsa Ahmad | | SP2017989571 | Shamsa Ahmad | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381926 | Little Sunflowers | Childminding | 12-03-2021 | Ayr | Donna O'Neill | | SP2020991475 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000252 | Little Sunshine Childminding | Child Minding | 18-07-2024 | Thornhill | | SP2024000146 | Samantha McGenily | Active | |||||||||
CS2020000008 | Little Tots | Child Minding | 25-11-2020 | Anytown | | SP2020000008 | Janette Munro | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367002 | Little Treasures | 31-07-2018 | Fochabers | Amanda Robson | | SP2018989911 | Amanda Robson | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000063 | Little Treasures | Child Minding | 10-03-2023 | Isle of Lewis | | SP2023000048 | Liza MacSween | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000109 | Little Treasures Childminding Service | Child Minding | 03-05-2022 | Lochgelly | | SP2022000074 | Lisa-Marie Belton | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306921 | Little Treasures Day Care | Childminding | 22-06-2012 | Lochgilphead | Pamela Bell | | SP2012983338 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000268 | Little Trees | Day Care of Children | 18-08-2023 | Campus 3, Balgownie Science And Technology Park | Balgownie Drive | Bridge Of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8GW | 07427587324 | Gemma Henderson | | SP2023000170 | Little Trees Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018366564 | Little Wings Childminding | 31-07-2018 | Falkirk | Kirsty Sharpe | | SP2018989872 | Kirsty Sharpe | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000332 | Little Wonderland Nursery Ltd | Day Care of Children | 19-08-2024 | Ground Floor Suite Lochar House | Dumfries | DG1 3NU | 07702046940 | Stacey Sneddon | | SP2023000343 | Little Wonderland Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020379396 | Little Wonders | Child Minding | 27-04-2020 | Glasgow | Joanne Mulligan | | SP2020991154 | Joanne Mulligan | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000099 | Little Wonders | Child Minding | 27-03-2024 | Castle Douglas | | SP2023001471 | Eryn Wallace-Hamilton | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000368 | Little Wonders Childminding Service | Childminding | 02-11-2023 | Hawick | | SP2023000242 | Rhianna Halfpenny | Active | |||||||||
CS2014333281 | Little Wonders Nursery | Day care of children | 12-08-2015 | 311 Calder Street | Govanhill | Glasgow | G42 7NQ | 01412 582 957 | Anisah Mazhar | | SP2014012391 | Little Wonders Nursery Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000294 | Little Wren's Montessori | Child Minding | 03-08-2024 | Dumfries | | SP2024000335 | Bonnie Cowperthwaite | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015815 | Littlemill Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Littlemill | Rankinston | Ayr | KA6 7HJ | 01292 590 221 | Heather Sabatini | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000431 | Littlestars Childminding Service | Childminding | 20-11-2024 | Carluke | | SP2024000346 | Pamela Laing | Active | |||||||||
CS2015343133 | Littletoots Childminding | Childminding | 15-03-2016 | Dundee | Ashley Donaldson | SP2015987601 | Ashley Donaldson | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338801 | Litwinienko, Dagmara | Childminding | 30-12-2015 | Livingston | Dagmara Litwinienko | | SP2015987110 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000211 | Live In Care Services (24 hour care at home) | Support Service | 21-06-2024 | 169 Hillrise Road | Romford | RM5 3BW | 02034170090 | Heather Machingauta | | SP2023000319 | Safehands Live In Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017361552 | Living Ambitions - Aberdeen Community Services | 16-05-2018 | Regent House | 36 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5BE | 01224 548 244 | Tate Murray | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017361455 | Living Ambitions - Aberdeen Community Services | 16-05-2018 | Regent House | 36 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5BE | 01224 548 244 | Tate Murray | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019373654 | Living Ambitions Edinburgh and the Lothians | Support Service | 04-09-2019 | Suite 65 Bonnington Bond | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 01315 161 826 | Chris Fitzsimmons | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019377103 | Living Ambitions Edinburgh and the Lothians | Housing Support Service | 04-09-2019 | Suite 65 Bonington Road | 2 Anderson Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5NP | 01315 161 826 | Chris Fitzsimmons | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004068034 | Living Ambitions Limited - Aberdeen Services | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | 36 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5BE | 01224 548 240 | Nicola Cassie | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004076380 | Living Ambitions Limited - Aberdeen Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | Regent House | 36 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5BE | 01224 548 240 | Nicola Cassie | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008186247 | Living Ambitions Limited - South Lanarkshire and West of Scotland | Housing support service | 04-02-2009 | Templeton Business Centre | Block 1, Unit B3 | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 563 294 | Michelle Conway | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008186248 | Living Ambitions Limited - South Lanarkshire and West of Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-02-2009 | Templeton Business Centre | Block 1, Unit B3 | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 563 294 | Michelle Conway | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000158 | Living Ambitions Limited Edinburgh (Bonnington) | Housing Support Service | 02-06-2023 | Heron Court | West Bowling Green Street | Edinburgh | EH6 5PE | 0131 5556568 | Johnathon Hughes | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000157 | Living Ambitions Limited Edinburgh (Bonnington) | Support Service | 02-06-2023 | Heron Court | West Bowling Green Street | Edinburgh | EH6 5PE | 0131 5556568 | Johnathon Hughes | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000237 | Living Ambitions Limited Glasgow (Clyde) | Housing Support Service | 08-08-2023 | Lifeways | Block 1 Unit B3 | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 320 1901 | Susan Docherty | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000239 | Living Ambitions Limited Glasgow (Clyde) | Support Service | 08-08-2023 | Lifeways | Block 1 Unit B3 | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | GLASGOW | G40 1DA | 0141 320 1901 | Susan Docherty | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000245 | Living Ambitions Limited West Scotland (Forth) | Housing Support Service | 09-08-2023 | Lifeways | Block 1 Unit B3 | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 320 1901 | Heather McMurray | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000246 | Living Ambitions Limited West Scotland (Forth) | Support Service | 09-08-2023 | Lifeways | Block 1 Unit B3 | Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 0141 320 1901 | Heather McMurray | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073769 | Living Ambitions Limited, Glasgow North and West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | Templeton Business Centre | Block 1, Unit B3 | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 563 294 | Jennifer Damer | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073768 | Living Ambitions Limited, Glasgow North and West | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | Templeton Business Centre | Block 1, Unit B3 | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 563 294 | Jennifer Damer | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073766 | Living Ambitions Limited, Glasgow South and East 3 | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | Templeton Business Centre | Block 1, Unit B3 | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 563 294 | Thomas Carlin | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073767 | Living Ambitions Limited, Glasgow South and East 3 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | Templeton Business Centre | Block 1, Unit B3 | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 563 294 | Thomas Carlin | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2019378594 | Livingston Care Home | Care Home Service | 22-05-2020 | Bankton Gardens | Livingston | EH54 9DZ | 01506 434 003 | Mandy Kelly | | SP2019013440 | Livingston Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003011193 | Livingston Home Reach | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 48 Muirfield Way | Deans | Livingston | EH54 8EN | 01506 461669 | Daniel Haddow | Daniel@Homereach.Scot | SP2003002641 | Livingston Home Reach Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004061193 | Livingston Village Out of School Club | Day care of children | 12-08-2004 | Livingston Village Primary School | Kirkton North | Livingston Village | Livingston | EH54 7EQ | 01506417343 | Nicola Jane Thom | | SP2010010809 | Livingston Village Out of School Club | Active | |||
CS2004058342 | Livingston Village Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Livingston Village Primary School | Kirkton North Road | Livingston | EH54 7EQ | 01506 429 620 | Nicola Hamilton | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2014326061 | Livingston, Catherine | Childminding | 11-03-2015 | Kilwinning | Catherine Livingston | | SP2014985946 | Catherine Livingston | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002304 | Livingston, Lynne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ellon | Lynne Livingston | SP2003900959 | Lynne Livingston | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006792 | Livingston, Yvonne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Yvonne Livingston | | SP2003904011 | Yvonne Livingston | Active | ||||||||
CS2009234540 | Livingstone, Claire | Childminding | 22-03-2010 | GLASGOW | Claire Livingstone | SP2009976230 | Claire Livingstone | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000332 | Liz Creelie Childminding | Child Minding | 05-10-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000215 | Elizabeth Creelie | Active | |||||||||
CS2004081011 | Liz's Lambs Childcare | Childminding | 07-03-2005 | Dundee | Elizabeth Duncan | | SP2004934486 | Elizabeth Duncan | Active | ||||||||
CS2010271358 | Lizdean Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 04-02-2011 | 46 Portland Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 2DL | 01563 525 208 | Fiona Lewis | | SP2010011088 | Blair and Fiona McKellar, a partnership | Active | |||||
CS2004078327 | Lizzie Bizzie's Childminding | Childminding | 22-12-2004 | Melrose | Elizabeth Taylor | | SP2004934105 | Elizabeth Taylor | Active | ||||||||
CS2012312932 | Lizzie's Childminding Service | Childminding | 15-04-2013 | Dumfries | Elizabeth Margaret Ritchie | | SP2012984228 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015339912 | Lizzie's Day Care | Childminding | 02-11-2015 | Newbridge | Elizabeth Steele | | SP2015987236 | Elizabeth Steele | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380085 | LK Childminding Services | Child Minding | 29-07-2020 | Blairgowrie | Linsey Knox | | SP2020991239 | Linsey Knox | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000009 | LLM Homecare Solutions | Support services - care at home | 16-01-2023 | 3 Redheugh Rigg | Edinburgh Gyleview | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 07871161946 | Linda Kanjewe | | SP2023000005 | LLM Homecare Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009235447 | Lloyds Clinical | Nurse agencies | 19-01-2010 | Lloyds Pharmacy Clinical Homecare | Scimitar Park | Roydon Road | Harlow | CM19 5GU | 03452636123 | Kellyanne Flanagan | | SP2009010581 | Lloyds Pharmacy Clinical Homecare | Active | |||
CS2021000026 | Loanhead primary school and early childhood centre | Day care of children | 23-04-2021 | Loanhead Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 3AU | 01563 522938 | Kirsty Doncaster | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2007157174 | Loanhead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 21-02-2008 | 34 Edgefield Road | Loanhead | EH20 9DY | 01312 714 625 | Rebecca Annand | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2017356376 | Local Lanarkshire Care | 18-09-2017 | 5 Saline Street | Airdrie | ML6 9BE | 01236 808 888 | Catherine McCabe | | SP2017012922 | Local Lanarkshire Care Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2017356375 | Local Lanarkshire Care | 18-09-2017 | 5 Saline Street | Airdrie | ML6 9BE | 01236 808 888 | Catherine McCabe | | SP2017012922 | Local Lanarkshire Care Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2012310845 | Loch Arthur Community | Housing support service | 01-10-2012 | Beeswing | Dumfries | DG2 8JQ | 01387 259 669 | Elizabeth Kelting | | SP2012011904 | Loch Arthur Camphill Community Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012310846 | Loch Arthur Community | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-10-2012 | Beeswing | Dumfries | DG2 8JQ | 01387 259 669 | Elizabeth Kelting | | SP2012011904 | Loch Arthur Camphill Community Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003008830 | Loch Park Adventure Centre, Living Ambitions Limited | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Lochpark | Botriphnie | Keith | AB55 5JX | 01542 810 334 | James Baird | | SP2003000276 | Living Ambitions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015310 | Loch Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochaber Drive | Springhall | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 5HX | 01416 347 217 | Dawn Simpson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000229 | Lochaber Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home | 02-08-2023 | Lochaber Health Centre, | FORT WILLIAM | PH33 7AQ | 01397709826 | Sarah Traynor | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2007164158 | Lochaber Women's Aid | Housing support service | 31-10-2008 | Fort William | Lorraine Revitt | | SP2004006841 | Lochaber Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2014331455 | Lochaline Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 21-10-2015 | Lochaline Primary School | Lochaline | Morvern | Oban | PA80 5XT | 01967 421 765 | Andrew Kent | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2024000105 | Lochan Cottage Sustain Plus | Support Service | 01-04-2024 | Aberlour Sycamore Highland | Lochan Cottage | Lochyside | Fort William | PH33 7NX | 01397 313120 | Rhonda Wilson | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||
CS2003015496 | Locharbriggs Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Locharbriggs Primary School | Locharbriggs | Dumfries | DG1 1UW | 01387 710 241 | Trudy Craig | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017236 | Lochardil Early Learning and Childcare Setting | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochardil Primary School | Lochardil Road | Inverness | IV2 4LB | 01463 230 250 | Audrey Kellacher | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307242 | Lochbroom House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Ladysmith Street | Ullapool | IV26 2UZ | 01854 612 705 | Caroline Devine | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012307244 | Lochbroom House (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Ladysmith Street | Ullapool | IV26 2UW | 01854 612 705 | Caroline Devine | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2019376845 | Lochcarron Nursery | Day Care of Children | 23-08-2019 | Lochcarron Primary School | Lochcarron | STRATHCARRON | IV54 8YS | 01520 722 993 | Alison MacLennan | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2007142858 | Lochduhar | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | 1 Blackley Park Road | Off Hardthorn Road | Dumfries | DG2 9JW | 01387 256 524 | Gillian Ward | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000376 | Lochend | Care Home Service | 26-09-2024 | 17 Lochend Crescent | Bearsden | G61 1EA | 0141 378 8767 | Diane Cafferky | | SP2022000146 | Imagine Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016347444 | Lochend Neighbourhood Centre | 23-02-2017 | Marionville Court | 1 Lochend Road South | Edinburgh | EH7 6BP | 01316 520 938 | Leanne McNeill | | SP2016012728 | Lochend Neighbourhood Centre a Company Limited by Guarantee | Active | |||||
CS2021000046 | Lochfield Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 06-05-2021 | 165 Lochfield Road | Paisley | PA2 7GJ | 0300 300 0300 | Julie MacDonald | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2006115391 | Lochgelly Out of School Club | Day care of children | 20-02-2006 | Lochgelly High School | Station Road | Lochgelly | KY5 8LZ | 07515 189 466 | Calvyn Simpson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015945 | Lochgelly South Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | High Street | Lochgelly | KY5 9LW | 01592 583 444 | Lorraine Taylor | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015946 | Lochgelly West Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Lochgelly | KY5 9NS | 01592 583 445 | Gordon Anderson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2008168365 | Lochgilphead After School Club | Day care of children | 24-01-2008 | Lochgilphead Community Centre | Manse Brae | Lochgilphead | PA31 8QX | 07529248171 | Sarah Nicolson | | SP2008009535 | Fyne Families | Active | ||||
CS2007163757 | Lochgilphead Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 19-12-2007 | Lochgilphead Joint Campus | Kilmory | Lochgilphead | PA31 8AA | 01546 602 747 | Cathleen MacDonald | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2008182043 | Lochgoilhead Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 15-06-2009 | Lochgoilhead Primary School | Hall Road | Lochgoilhead | Cairndow | PA24 8AQ | 01301 703 338 | Louise Blair | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2023000277 | Lochinver Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 25-08-2023 | Lochinver Primary School | Lochinver | IV27 4LR | 01571 844235 | William Stephen | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000366 | Lochlands Adult Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 2 Cairnie Road | Arbroath | DD11 3DY | 01241 465305 | Doug Fairweather | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2005098333 | Lochleven Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-05-2006 | Panmuirfield | Dundee | DD5 3UP | 01382 775 831 | Scott Bland | SP2003002348 | Thistle Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003015497 | Lochmaben Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochmaben Primary School | Annandale Crescent | Lochmaben | Lockerbie | DG11 1NR | 01387 810 208 | Sarah-Jane Pringle | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2004080537 | Lochnell Pre Five Nursery Unit | Day care of children | 14-10-2004 | Lochnell Primary School | Benderloch | Oban | PA37 1QS | 01631 720 300 | Donald Feist | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015731 | Lochpots School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochpots School | Robertson Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9BF | 01346 415 825 | Emma Sim | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015618 | Lochside | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Lochgilphead Resource Centre | McEwan Road | Lochgilphead | PA31 8SY | 01546 603 744 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2017359706 | Lochside Manor | 15-02-2018 | 609 Coatbridge Road | Bargeddie | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 7PH | 01417 710 515 | Kirsty Gibson | | SP2012011938 | Enhance Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003002881 | Lochside Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Community Lounge | Lochside Primary School | Glenesk Avenue | Montrose | DD10 9AN | 07885 857 507 | Zoe Letham | | SP2003000575 | Committee of Lochside Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003016862 | Lochside Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochside Primary School | Glenesk Avenue | Montrose | DD10 9AN | 01674 907 513 | Lynette Mimiec | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014904 | Lochview Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 145 Lochend Road | Easterhouse | Glasgow | G34 0EP | 01417 731 842 | Elaine Kerr | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2007151098 | Lochview Nursery | Day care of children | 28-12-2007 | 1 Johnston Road | Gartcosh | Glasgow | G69 8AZ | 01236 874 081 | Kimberly Brady | | SP2007009067 | Lochview Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003014760 | Lochwinnoch Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochwinnoch Primary School | Calder Street | Lochwinnoch | PA12 4DG | 03003 000 169 | Mhairi Peden | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015499 | Lockerbie Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lockerbie Primary School | Glasgow Road | Lockerbie | DG11 2AT | 01576 205 180 | Michelle Hamer | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000358 | Logan Cottages | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | James Chalmers Road | Arbroath | DD11 3LR | 07917534646 | Kate McInearney | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016955 | Logan Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Logangate Terrace | Logan | Cumnock | KA18 3HD | 01290 421 916 | Sarah Robson | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009927 | Logan, Laura | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kinross | Laura Logan | | SP2003905334 | Logan Laura | Active | ||||||||
CS2016345128 | Logans Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 17-08-2016 | Logans Primary School | Logans Road | Motherwell | ML1 3PH | 01698 274 972 | Irene Cummings | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012306870 | Logi Bears Childcare | Childminding | 02-07-2012 | Ardrossan | Fiona Johnston | | SP2012983331 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341397 | Logie Bears | Childminding | 02-12-2015 | Aboyne | Eileen Castleton | SP2015987394 | Eileen Castleton | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367251 | Logie, Leasa | 13-09-2018 | Glasgow | Leasa Logie | | SP2018989936 | Leasa Logie | Active | |||||||||
CS2008183112 | Logie, Lorraine | Childminding | 18-02-2009 | Glasgow | Lorraine Logie | | SP2008971189 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380438 | Logierait Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 14-08-2020 | Ballinluig | Pitlochry | PH9 0LG | 01796 474 646 | Dawn Hunter | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014441 | Loirston School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Loirston School | Loirston Avenue | Cove Bay | Aberdeen | AB12 3HE | 01224 897 686 | Rebecca Watt | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2025000039 | Lois Smith Childminder | Childminding | 04-02-2025 | Shetland | | SP2024000620 | Lois Smith | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315725 | Lollipops Tots | Childminding | 11-06-2013 | Stirling | Laura Brown | | SP2013984632 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338025 | Lolo's Rascals | Childminding | 06-11-2015 | Aberdeen | Leona Cushnie | | SP2015987010 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300748 | Lomond Court Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Woodside Way | Glenrothes | KY7 5RW | 01592 754 489 | Laura Robertson | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006115794 | Lomond School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Burnbrae House | 58 Campbell Street | Helensburgh | G84 9NL | 01436 672 476 | Lesley Serpell | | SP2006008097 | Lomond School Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016882 | Lomond School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 10 Stafford Street | Helensburgh | G84 9JX | 01436 672 476 | Ailsa Lawn | | SP2006008097 | Lomond School Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000108 | Lomond View Care Home | Care Home Service | 17-04-2023 | Lomond View Care Home | Falkland | Cupar | KY15 7AR | 01337 857 521 | Samantha Thompson | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010247525 | Lomondside Services | Housing support service | 21-09-2010 | 12 Alexander Street | Alexandria | G83 0PG | 01389 758 394 | Sarah-Louise McQuilter | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011303445 | Longcroft | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 09-12-2011 | 237 Glasgow Road | Longcroft | Bonnybridge | FK4 1QY | 01324 849 732 | Tracey Monaghan | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2003017337 | Longforgan Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Longforgan Primary School | 66 Main Street | Longforgan | Dundee | DD2 5EU | 01738 459 640 | Lauren Budd | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2019377187 | Longhaugh Nursery | Day Care of Children | 25-10-2019 | Longhaugh Road | Longhaugh | Dundee | DD4 9RB | 01382 434 982 | Lesley Butler | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2009233779 | Longniddry Out of School Club | Day care of children | 02-10-2009 | Longniddry Primary School | Kitchener Crescent | Longniddry | Prestonpans | EH32 0LR | 01875 853 161 | Montse Molloy | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | |||
CS2003013363 | Longniddry Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Longniddry Church | Elcho Road | Longniddry | Prestonpans | EH32 0LB | 07391889736 | Sharon Tipton | | SP2003003137 | Longniddry Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003016986 | Longniddry Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kitchener Crescent | Longniddry | Prestonpans | EH32 0LR | 01875 853 161 | Sheona Skinner | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016149 | Longridge Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Longridge | Bathgate | EH47 8AG | 01501 770 208 | Theresa McLaren | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015450 | Longside Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Longside Primary School | 22 Inn Brae | Longside | Peterhead | AB42 4TP | 01779 403 700 | David Taylor-Clarke | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2006114799 | Longstaff, Elizabeth | Childminding | 09-05-2006 | Greenock | Elizabeth Longstaff | | SP2006955912 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007166462 | Longstaff, Linda | Childminding | 02-07-2008 | Duns | Linda Longstaff | | SP2003908005 | Linda Longstaff | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017042 | Longstone Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Redhall Grove | Edinburgh | EH14 2DU | 01314 434 743 | Angela Pearston | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000130 | Looby Lou's Childminding Premnay | Child Minding | 19-04-2024 | Insch | | SP2023001455 | Lorna Gray | Active | |||||||||
CS2017359964 | Looby Lou's Childminding Service | Childminding | 04-12-2017 | Dunfermline | Louisa Campbell | | SP2017989340 | Louisa Campbell | Active | ||||||||
CS2010270405 | Look Who's Learning Ltd | Day care of children | 08-02-2010 | 119 Carmunnock Road | Cathcart | Glasgow | G44 5UW | 07930 024821 | Lindsay Dougall | | SP2003001324 | Look Who's Learning Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018366504 | Loopy Lou's Childminding Service | 20-08-2018 | Brechin | Louise Bruce | | SP2018989864 | Louise Bruce | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351575 | Loreburn Housing Associations Young People's Service | 21-03-2018 | 2 Hope Place | Dumfries | DG2 9AE | 01387 321 213 | Jadie Wedge | SP2003002565 | Loreburn Housing Association Limited | Active | |||||||
CS2019373560 | Loretto Pre School | Day Care of Children | 29-08-2019 | Loretto Junior School | North Esk Lodge | North High Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6JA | 01316 534 570 | Elaine Burgess | | SP2005007905 | Loretto School | Active | |||
CS2003015819 | Loretto RC Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20 Newbigging | Musselburgh | EH21 7AH | 01316 652 572 | Lorna McCallum | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2005111167 | Loretto School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | 1-7 Linkfield Road | Musselburgh | EH21 7RE | 01316 534 441 | Graham Hawley | | SP2005007905 | Loretto School | Active | |||||
CS2016344363 | Lori Brannan Welsh - Childminding Services | Childminding | 07-04-2016 | Dundee | Lori Brannan | | SP2016987719 | Lori Welsh | Active | ||||||||
CS2011299821 | Lorimer House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 28-10-2011 | 491 Lanark Road | Juniper Green | Edinburgh | EH14 5DQ | 01314 422 123 | Zenab Banjo | | SP2011011665 | Lorimer House Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003002817 | Lorimer, Moira | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Moira Lorimer | | SP2003901301 | Moira Lorimer | Active | ||||||||
CS2013316571 | Lorna Jamieson and Safia McNicoll | Childminding | 12-12-2014 | Glasgow | Lorna Jamieson |; | SP2013012049 | Lorna Jamieson and Safia McNicoll a Partnership Lorna Jamieson and Safia McNicoll a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2018365832 | Lorna McAusland Childminding | 13-07-2018 | Gourock | Lorna McAusland | | SP2018989813 | Lorna McAusland | Active | |||||||||
CS2017357929 | Lorna McGowan Little Stars Childcare | 08-09-2017 | Glasgow | Lorna McGowan | | SP2017989163 | Lorna McGowan | Active | |||||||||
CS2007142746 | Lorna Smith | Childminding | 11-04-2007 | Livingston | Lorna Smith | | SP2007963296 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017043 | Lorne Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 7 Lorne Street | Edinburgh | EH6 8QS | 01315 542 308 | Kathryn Wright | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000465 | Lorne Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4HY | 01631 562 725 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2011301463 | Lornebank Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | 3 Lorne Street | Hamilton | ML3 9AB | 01698 539 440 | Babu Prameshkumarsing Sujeewon | | SP2011011699 | Hudson (Lorne) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012307146 | Lorraine Boag Childminding & After School Care | Childminding | 08-08-2012 | Hamilton | Lorraine Boag | | SP2012983369 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380287 | Lorraine Drew Childminding | Child Minding | 25-08-2020 | Perth | Lorraine Drew | | SP2020991265 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000092 | Lorraine's childminding | Child Minding | 20-03-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000321 | Lorraine Muldoon | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004409 | Lorraine's Leopard Cubs | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Motherwell | Lorraine McGuigan | | SP2003902478 | Lorraine McGuigan | Active | ||||||||
CS2009234704 | Lorraine's Little Stars Childminding | Childminding | 21-05-2010 | Alexandria | Lorraine Duncan | | SP2009976293 | Lorraine Duncan | Active | ||||||||
CS2007156209 | Lothian Autistic Society Edinburgh Daycare | Day care of children | 02-07-2007 | 39 Baileyfield Road | Portobello | Edinburgh | EH15 1NA | 01316 613 834 | Amanda Sinclair | | SP2003002777 | Lothian Autistic Society | Active | ||||
CS2003011786 | Lothian Autistic Society in West Lothian | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Connolly School Campus | Hopefield Road | Blackburn | Bathgate | EH47 7HZ | 01316 613 834 | Amanda Sinclair | | SP2003002777 | Lothian Autistic Society | Active | |||
CS2017353607 | Lothian Autistic Society Support Services Trading As Branch Out Together | 18-08-2017 | 39 Baileyfield Road | Portobello | Edinburgh | EH15 1NA | 01316 613 834 | Amanda Sinclair | | SP2003002777 | Lothian Autistic Society | Active | |||||
CS2017359948 | Lothian Childcare Solutions Ltd | 16-01-2018 | 2 Atholl View | Prestonpans | EH32 9FL | 07761 039 789 | Pamela Cormack | | SP2017012980 | Lothian Childcare Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003011076 | Lothian Villa | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 40 Ravensheugh Road | Musselburgh | EH21 7QB | 01316 536 909 | Jennifer Fraser | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003053476 | Lothlorien Community | Housing support service | 12-08-2004 | Corsock | Castle Douglas | DG7 3DR | 01644440602 | Lucy Morgan | | SP2003002562 | Rokpa Trust | Active | |||||
CS2021000257 | Lou's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 16-09-2021 | GRETNA | | SP2021000156 | Louise Jack | Active | |||||||||
CS2015339547 | Lou's Little Stars | Childminding | 17-08-2015 | West Linton | Louise MacGregor | | SP2015987197 | Louise MacGregor | Active | ||||||||
CS2013315392 | Louby Lou's Childminding | Childminding | 12-08-2013 | Motherwell | Louise Deane | | SP2013984565 | Louise Deane | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012671 | Loudon, Jennifer | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Jennifer Loudon | | SP2003906393 | Loudon, Ms Jennifer Loudon, Ms Jennifer | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017308 | Loudoun-Montgomery Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ayr Road | Irvine | KA12 8DF | 01294 279 031 | Paul Bleakley | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000298 | Louisa Gaines | Childminding | 30-09-2022 | Elgin | | SP2022000201 | Louisa Gaines | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000143 | Louisa's Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-06-2022 | Keith | | SP2022000102 | Louisa Morrison | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325720 | Louise Bennion Childminding | Childminding | 08-09-2014 | Glasgow | Margaret Louise Bennion | | SP2014985906 | Bennion, Margaret Louise Bennion, Margaret Louise | Active | ||||||||
CS2005091890 | Louise Cosgrove | Childminding | 01-07-2005 | Tranent | Louise Cosgrove | SP2005945986 | Louise Cosgrove | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000287 | Louise Macgregor Childminding Services | Childminding | 22-09-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000193 | Louise Macgregor | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375450 | Louise Ogilvie Childcare | Child Minding | 29-07-2019 | Falkirk | Louise Ogilvie | | SP2019990576 | Louise Ogilvie | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000051 | Louise Russells Childminding Service | Child Minding | 01-03-2023 | Campbeltown | | SP2023000039 | Louise Russell | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000181 | Louise Slattery Childminding | Childminding | 03-06-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000211 | Louise Slattery | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000283 | Louise Wright Childminding | Child Minding | 01-08-2024 | Stirling | | SP2024000302 | Louise Wright | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000316 | Louise's Buzzing Bees Childminding Service | Child Minding | 12-08-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000044 | Louise Zanieri | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317267 | Louise's Childcare | Childminding | 05-12-2013 | Galashiels | Louise Dalgleish | | SP2013984882 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000012 | Louise's Childminding | Child Minding | 08-01-2024 | Bellshill | | SP2023000263 | Louise Skinner | Active | |||||||||
CS2018368232 | Louise's Childminding Service | 09-11-2018 | Musselburgh | Louise Smith | | SP2018990022 | Louise Smith | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000140 | Louise's childminding service | Child Minding | 25-04-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000492 | Louise Evans | Active | |||||||||
CS2006129884 | Louisebrae | Care homes for older people | 01-08-2007 | Tulloch Hill | Perth | PH1 2PN | 01738 623 208 | Kathleen Beattie | | SP2003002327 | Mead Medical Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018370860 | Love @ Care-Lanarkshire | Support Service | 07-06-2019 | 1st Floor | Rosehall Road | Belgrave Court | Bellshill | ML43NR | 01355 721317 | Ashleigh Bruce | | SP2018013216 | Love @ Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000197 | Love Childrens Support - Glasgow | Support services - care at home | 25-07-2022 | Love Group | Craighall Business Park | 6 Eagle Street | Glasgow | G4 9XA | 01355629609 | Arlene Erskine | | SP2018013216 | Love @ Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000037 | Love Housing Support - Fife | Housing Support Service | 03-05-2021 | Ground Floor, Unit 1 | Aquaris Court | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2YB | 01313374202 | Susan Green | | SP2018013216 | Love @ Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000038 | Love Housing Support - Lanarkshire | Housing Support Service | 03-05-2021 | Love@care Ltd | Rosehill Road | Bellshill | ML43NR | 01355721317 | Ashleigh Bruce | | SP2018013216 | Love @ Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000079 | Love&Care Childminding | Child Minding | 11-03-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000660 | Shannon Hirst | Active | |||||||||
CS2017359014 | Love, Sharon | 03-10-2017 | Dunfermline | Sharon Love | | SP2017989270 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2021000039 | Love@Care - Fife | Support Service | 03-05-2021 | Ground Floor, Unit 3 | Aquarius Court | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2YB | 01313374202 | Susan Green | | SP2018013216 | Love @ Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017360066 | Low Port Out of School Club SCIO | 19-02-2018 | Low Port Primary School | Blackness Road | Linlithgow | EH49 7HZ | 01506 670 789 | Emma Donaldson | | SP2017012982 | Low Port Out of School Club a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2012307580 | Low Town Childminding | Childminding | 08-10-2012 | Stirling | Lynne McCulloch | | SP2012983423 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013322705 | Lower Johnshill | Care homes for older people | 28-04-2014 | New Trows Road | Lesmahagow | Lanark | ML11 0JS | 01555 890 993 | Emma Davies | | SP2008010194 | MHA Auchlochan | Active | ||||
CS2019373025 | LS Childcare | Child Minding | 28-04-2020 | Carluke | Lynn Smith | | SP2019990984 | Lynn Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2017356171 | LTS Social Care Services | 03-07-2018 | 30 Ashley Terrace | Edinburgh | EH11 1RE | 01316 292 920 | Pamela Chancy | | SP2017012920 | Lothian Trading Services Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2017360261 | LTS Social Care Services | 03-07-2018 | 30 Ashley Terrace | Edinburgh | EH11 1RE | 0131 313 2003 | Pamela Chancy | | SP2017012920 | Lothian Trading Services Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000467 | Lu Lu Lemons Childminding | Childminding | 18-12-2024 | Biggar | | SP2024000684 | Lucy Shannon | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376603 | LuBella Childminding | Child Minding | 03-04-2020 | Ellon | Cristiane Stewart | | SP2019990705 | Cristiane Stewart | Active | ||||||||
CS2018371617 | Lucky Bunnies Childminding | 13-03-2019 | Glasgow | Lucky Kirk | | SP2018990278 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2009234667 | Lucky Little Stars | Day care of children | 22-07-2010 | 13 Gavins Road | Hardgate | Clydebank | G81 6AA | 01389 800 180 | Michelle Brown | | SP2009010669 | Lucky Little Stars Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016344076 | Lucy Dorn Childminding | Childminding | 17-03-2016 | Glasgow | Lucy Dorn | | SP2016987692 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000169 | Lucy's Childminding | Childminding | 24-05-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000527 | Lucy Milne | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011441 | Ludgate House Resource Centre | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Mar Place | Alloa | FK10 2AD | 01259 226833 | Pauline Speirs | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2008182029 | Luing Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 16-02-2010 | Luing Primary School | Isle of Luing | Oban | PA34 4TY | 01852 314 245 | Judith Frost | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2009229916 | Lullaby Childminding | Childminding | 08-09-2009 | Gullane | Jess Beck | | SP2009974733 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316199 | Lullaby Lane | Day care of children | 10-10-2013 | 31a North View | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1NY | 01419 315 126 | Lauren Black | | SP2013012038 | Tigerscot, a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2017356156 | Lullaby Lane Milngavie | 28-09-2017 | Bearsden and Milngavie Sports Club | Auchenhowie Road | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 6EJ | 01419 315 126 | Donna Adams | | SP2017012918 | Lullaby Lane Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000375 | Lullaby Lane Nurseries at Golf It | Day care of children | 08-11-2023 | Golf It! | 1240 Cumbernauld Road | Glasgow | G33 1AH | 0141 931 5126 | Christopher Keane | | SP2017012918 | Lullaby Lane Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015938 | Lumphinnans Primary & Community School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Lumphinnans | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9HG | 01383 602 421 | Ailsa Swankie | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002308 | Lumsden, Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Insch | Mary Lumsden | | SP2003900963 | Mary Lumsden | Active | ||||||||
CS2009235122 | Lumsden, Sherry J | Childminding | 14-03-2011 | Edinburgh | Sherry J Lumsden | | SP2009976429 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300751 | Lunan Court | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Albert Street | Arbroath | DD11 1RA | 01241 430 041 | Honor Campbell | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003010343 | Lunardi Court | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 39 Robertson Road | Cupar | KY15 5YR | 01625417800 | Mike Shea | | SP2007009145 | Four Seasons Homes No4 limited, a member of the Four Seasons Health Care Group | Active | |||||
CS2005105131 | Luncarty Nursery Class and Wrap Around Care | Day care of children | 22-12-2005 | Luncarty Primary School | Marshall | Perth | PH1 3EX | 01738 474 185 | Emma Bendoris | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017285 | Lundavra Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lundavra Road | Fort William | PH33 6JR | 01397 702 059 | Paul MacLean | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015976 | Lundin Mill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pitcruvie Park | Lundin Links | Leven | KY8 6HY | 01333 659 437 | Janet Barker | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2008184975 | Lunnasting Nursery | Day care of children | 23-12-2008 | Lunnasting Primary School | Vidlin | Shetland | ZE2 9QB | 01595 745 690 | Laura Tulloch | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000096 | Luz Childminder | Childminding | 28-02-2025 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000278 | Mariluz Cuesta Bracho | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001912 | Lyall, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Montrose | Elaine Lyall | | SP2003900534 | Elaine Lyall | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017239 | Lybster Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lybster Primary School | Main Street | Lybster | KW3 6BJ | 01593 721 224 | Denise Walsh | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000168 | Lydia Taylor | Childminding | 24-05-2024 | Banchory | | SP2024000293 | Lydia Taylor | Active | |||||||||
CS2004073594 | Lydiafield Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-08-2004 | Standalane | Annan | DG12 5JR | 01461 203 261 | Jean Lind | | SP2003002327 | Mead Medical Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014332748 | Lyle Court | Support services - care at home | 27-04-2015 | 25 Barnton Grove | Edinburgh | EH4 6EZ | 01313 391 520 | Anne McCarry | | SP2012011831 | YourLife Management Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014332747 | Lyle Court | Housing support service | 27-04-2015 | 25 Barnton Grove | Edinburgh | EH4 6EZ | 01313 391 520 | Katrina Valentine Taylor | | SP2012011831 | YourLife Management Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015898 | Lynburn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Nith Street | Dunfermline | KY11 4LU | 01383 602 422 | Louise McIlhatton | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2007154463 | Lynch, Mhairi | Childminding | 05-08-2008 | Falkirk | Mhairi Lynch | | SP2007965539 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010279615 | Lynda's Childcare | Childminding | 21-07-2011 | Johnstone | Lynda McLeod | | SP2010981038 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366160 | Lyndean Childminding | 07-08-2018 | Bo'ness | Elizabeth Purdie | | SP2018989843 | Elizabeth Purdie | Active | |||||||||
CS2018363426 | Lyndsay Hemsley Childcare | 10-05-2018 | Edinburgh | Lyndsay Hemsley | | SP2018989600 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000211 | Lyndsay Loy Childminding | Child Minding | 07-07-2023 | Kilmarnock | | SP2023000135 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020381962 | Lyndsey's Childminding | Child Minding | 14-01-2021 | Glasgow | Lyndsey Haigh | | SP2020991482 | Lyndsey Haigh | Active | ||||||||
CS2010237217 | Lyndsey's Little People | Childminding | 24-06-2010 | Cowdenbeath | Lyndsay Wood | | SP2010976994 | Lyndsey Wood | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000451 | Lyndseyscottstreasuretots | Childminding | 06-12-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2024000583 | Lyndsey Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2004084232 | Lynedoch Care Ltd - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 19-04-2005 | 22 Morningside Drive | Edinburgh | EH10 5LY | 01314 479 129 | Sara Adam | | SP2004007053 | Lynedoch Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003001094 | Lynedoch House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Inverclyde Association For Mental Health | 4 Lynedoch Street | Greenock | PA15 4AA | 01475 729 196 | Karen Knox | | SP2003000217 | Inverclyde Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2017356220 | Lynemore | 17-09-2018 | Seafield Avenue | Grantown on Spey | PH26 3JQ | 01542 836 000 | Claire Smith | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2017355009 | Lynn Davidson Childminder | Childminding | 08-08-2017 | Aberdeen | Lynn Davidson | | SP2017988894 | Lynn Davidson | Active | ||||||||
CS2014323963 | Lynn McDougall Childminding | Childminding | 12-08-2014 | Edinburgh | Lynn McDougall | | SP2014985701 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317836 | Lynn's Childminding | Childminding | 25-07-2013 | Port Glasgow | Lynn Harrison | | SP2013984976 | Lynn Harrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000339 | Lynne Johnston | Childminding | 04-11-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000223 | Lynne Johnston | Active | |||||||||
CS2012312942 | Lynne Lindsay Childminding | Childminding | 14-03-2013 | Burntisland | Lynne Lindsay | | SP2012984233 | Lynne Lindsay | Active | ||||||||
CS2015343305 | Lynne Marshall Childminding | 01-03-2016 | Kinross | Lynne Marshall | | SP2015987622 | Lynne Marshall | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000421 | Lynne McGoldrick childminding | Childminding | 06-11-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000469 | Lynne McGoldrick | Active | |||||||||
CS2006118163 | Lynne Stewart and Lynsey Martin | Childminding | 03-01-2007 | Kilmarnock | Lynne Stewart | | SP2010981079 | Lynne Stewart Lynne Stewart | Active | ||||||||
CS2019376453 | Lynne's Childminding | Child Minding | 07-10-2019 | Livingston | Lynne Syme | | SP2019990689 | Lynne Syme | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000360 | Lynne's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 17-09-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000584 | Lynne Aitken | Active | |||||||||
CS2012308528 | Lynnette Graham Childminding Services | Childminding | 11-09-2012 | Glasgow | Lynnette Graham | | SP2012983594 | Lynnette Graham | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017604 | Lynnside Day Centre | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Social Work | Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4JA | 01631 572 950 | Marie Hendrie | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2015339594 | Lynsay Mercer Childminding | Childminding | 28-08-2015 | Bo'ness | Lynsay Mercer | | SP2015987205 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378433 | Lynsay's Childminding | Child Minding | 25-02-2020 | Glenrothes | Lynsay Watson | SP2019990999 | Lynsay Watson | Active | |||||||||
CS2011280635 | Lynsey Brogan's Childminding | Childminding | 13-10-2011 | Clydebank | Lynsey Brogan | | SP2007964316 | Lynsey Brogan trading as Lynsey Brogan's Childmind Lynsey Brogan trading as Lynsey Brogan's Childmind | Active | ||||||||
CS2012312717 | Lynsey's Childminding | Childminding | 12-06-2013 | Blairgowrie | Lynsey Gowrie | | SP2012984205 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017359355 | Lynsey's Childminding Services | Childminding | 05-02-2018 | Dundee | Lynsey Thomas | | SP2017989297 | Lynsey Thomas | Active | ||||||||
CS2015343798 | Lynton Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 24-03-2016 | Prestonkirk House | 60A High Street | East Linton | EH40 3BX | 01620 861 807 | Doreen Logan | | SP2015012639 | Lynton Day Centre, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003014906 | Lyoncross Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 55 Lyoncross Road | Pollok | Glasgow | G53 5UR | 01418 822 172 | Siobhan McMahon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073421 | Lyssenmore | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-09-2004 | 25 Manse Street | Saltcoats | KA21 5AA | 01294 604 635 | Kathryn Isobel MacKay | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2004079297 | Lyssenmore | Housing support service | 22-09-2004 | 25 Manse Street | Saltcoats | KA21 5AA | 01294 604 635 | Kathryn Isobel MacKay | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2024000394 | M Recruitment Limited | Nurse agencies | 16-10-2024 | Regus | The Broadgate Tower | 20 Primrose Street | London | EC2A 2EW | 07565488168 | Beverley Pegg | | SP2023000261 | M Recruitment Limited | Active | |||
CS2020380002 | M-VERTH LIMITED | Support services - care at home | 09-10-2020 | Mirren Court Three | 123 Renfrew Road | Paisley | PA3 4EA | 01418 160 870 | Margret Mwawa | | SP2020013525 | M-Verth Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010248620 | M.A.M. Child Minding Service | Childminding | 09-08-2010 | Alloa | Murdina Baillie | | SP2007963181 | Murdina Baillie trading as M.A.M. Child Minding Se Murdina Baillie trading as M.A.M. Child Minding Se | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000210 | Maa's Minding | Child Minding | 07-07-2023 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000134 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003010819 | Maben House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Gilmourbanks | Parkfoot | Lochmaben | Lockerbie | DG11 1RW | 01387 811 995 | Grace Little | | SP2003002532 | Gilmourbanks Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008192417 | Macadam, Pauline | Childminding | 22-12-2009 | Dundee | Pauline Macadam | | SP2008972600 | Pauline Macadam | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015169 | MacAlpine, Kirsty | Childminding | 28-01-2003 | Falkirk | Kirsty MacAlpine | SP2003909601 | Kirsty MacAlpine | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008245 | MacColl, Shelley Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ballachulish | Shelley Anne MacColl | | SP2003907895 | MacColl, Shelley Anne MacColl, Shelley Anne | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017240 | Macdiarmid Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Macdiarmid Primary School | Carbost | Skeabost Bridge | Portree | IV51 9PD | 01470 532 229 | Roisin Cameron | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003014504 | MacDonald, Anne | Childminding | 18-09-2002 | Dundee | Anne MacDonald | | SP2003909043 | Anne MacDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2009233770 | MacDonald, Emma | Childminding | 24-02-2010 | Inverness | Emma MacDonald | | SP2009975913 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009931 | Macdonald, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Crieff | Linda Macdonald | | SP2003905338 | Macdonald Linda | Active | ||||||||
CS2005113912 | MacDonald, Lisa | Childminding | 12-07-2006 | Livingston | Lisa MacDonald | | SP2005955476 | Lisa MacDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013818 | MacDonald, Marie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Muir of Ord | Marie MacDonald | | SP2003907409 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008173180 | MacDonald, Sharon | Childminding | 08-09-2008 | Falkirk | Sharon MacDonald | | SP2008969301 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008169747 | MacDougall, Margaret | Childminding | 07-05-2008 | Taynuilt | Margaret MacDougall | | SP2008968563 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016319 | Macduff School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Macduff Primary School | Berrymuir Road | Macduff | AB44 1PT | 01261 455 765 | Denise Gordon | gwen.sutherlan | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2010273675 | MacFarlane, Angela | Childminding | 08-04-2011 | Inverness | Angela MacFarlane | | SP2010980115 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007980 | MacGillivray, Kathleen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Fort William | Kathleen MacGillivray | | SP2003907758 | Kathleen MacGillivray | Active | ||||||||
CS2009229614 | MacGregor, Gail | Childminding | 20-07-2009 | Edinburgh | Gail MacGregor | | SP2009974667 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018363252 | MacGregor, Renee | 24-04-2018 | Stonehaven | Renee MacGregor | | SP2018989594 | Renee MacGregor | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003702 | MacGregor, Rosemary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Rosemary MacGregor | | SP2003901961 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003046526 | Machanhill Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 02-09-2003 | c/o Machanhill Primary School | Machanhill | Larkhall | ML9 2HG | 01698 882 101 | Kirsty Boyle | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006137040 | Machrie Nursery School | Day care of children | 08-02-2007 | 30 Castlemilk Drive | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9TR | 01416 312 255 | Angela Hodos | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004650 | MacIntyre, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Margaret MacIntyre | | SP2003902628 | Margaret MacIntyre | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005215 | Mack, Janice | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ayr | Janice Mack | | SP2003903031 | Janice Mack | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004911 | MacKay, Aileen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Erskine | Aileen MacKay | SP2003902811 | Aileen Mackay | Active | |||||||||
CS2008184537 | MacKay, Debbie | Childminding | 03-07-2009 | Lairg | Debbie Lockhart | | SP2008971554 | Debbie MacKay | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007616 | MacKay, Gillian | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Gillian MacKay | | SP2003904567 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014966 | MacKay, Maureen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Maureen MacKay | | SP2003909278 | Maureen MacKay | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307245 | MacKenzie Day Centre | Support services - care at home | 30-03-2012 | 23a Culduthel Road | Inverness | IV2 4AN | 01463 231 488 | Jackie Hodges | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2008176646 | MacKenzie, Audrey | Childminding | 21-09-2009 | Alness | Audrey MacKenzie | | SP2008969925 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008171349 | Mackenzie, Joy | Childminding | 11-07-2008 | Dunfermline | Joy Mackenzie | | SP2008969007 | Joy Mackenzie | Active | ||||||||
CS2006123545 | MacKenzie, Karen | Childminding | 08-01-2007 | Inverness | Karen MacKenzie | | SP2006959884 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003036979 | MacKenzie, Kerry-Ann | Childminding | 12-06-2003 | Kilmarnock | Kerry-Ann MacKenzie | | SP2004935223 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008182240 | Mackie, Aileen | Childminding | 19-06-2009 | Macduff | Aileen Mackie | MACKIE253@BTINTERNET.COM | SP2008971004 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008306 | Mackie, Alison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alness | Alison Mackie | | SP2003907930 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009229321 | MacKie, Wendy | Childminding | 19-01-2010 | Glasgow | Wendy MacKie | | SP2009974577 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000501 | Mackinnon Centre | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 491 Brook Street | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 2DZ | 01382 431 970 | Julie McFawns | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004072267 | Mackinnon, Audrey | Childminding | 16-02-2005 | Thurso | Audrey Mackinnon | | SP2004931738 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008279 | MacKinnon, Christina | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Fort William | Christina MacKinnon | | SP2003904780 | Christina MacKinnon | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307246 | Mackintosh Centre (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Annie's Brae | Mallaig | PH41 4RN | 01687 460 160 | Hannah Hardy | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012307247 | Mackintosh Centre (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Annie's Brae | Mallaig | PH41 4RG | 01687 460 160 | Helen Maclean | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Inactive | |||||
CS2024000340 | MacLaren Healthcare Ltd | Nurse Agency | 03-09-2024 | 32 Margaretvale Drive | Larkhall | ML9 1QH | 01698662538 | Stephanie MacLaren | | SP2023000260 | MacLaren Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000004 | MacLaren Homecare | Support Service | 08-01-2025 | 32 Margaretvale Drive | Larkhall | ML9 1QH | 01698708774 | Stephanie MacLaren | | SP2024000416 | MacLaren Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000005 | MacLaren Homecare Ltd | Housing Support Service | 08-01-2025 | 32 Margaretvale Drive | Larkhall | ML9 1QH | 01698708774 | Stephanie MacLaren | | SP2024000416 | MacLaren Homecare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003004031 | MacLean, Myra Helen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Myra MacLean | | SP2003902206 | Myra MacLean | Active | ||||||||
CS2004068656 | MacLean, Pamela | Childminding | 22-11-2004 | Bathgate | Pamela MacLean | | SP2004918243 | Pamela MacLean | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307153 | MacLeod, Ashleigh | Childminding | 26-06-2012 | Glasgow | Ashleigh MacLeod | SP2012983373 | Ashleigh MacLeod | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015823 | Macmerry Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Road | Macmerry | Tranent | EH33 1QA | 01875 610 234 | Mhairi Stratton | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2007150263 | Macmillan, Alice | Childminding | 01-10-2007 | Isle of Lewis | Alice Macmillan | | SP2007964998 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013968 | MacMillan, Liz | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Fort William | Liz MacMillan | SP2003907620 | Liz MacMillan | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300447 | MacPherson, Arlene | Childminding | 05-03-2012 | Edinburgh | Arlene MacPherson | | SP2011982793 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004755 | MacPherson, Evelyn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Evelyn MacPherson | | SP2003902709 | Evelyn Macpherson | Active | ||||||||
CS2010251990 | MacPherson, Pamela | Childminding | 17-11-2010 | Glasgow | Pamela MacPherson | | SP2010978595 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007156558 | Macpherson, Susan | Childminding | 15-11-2007 | Dingwall | Susan Macpherson | | SP2007965901 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010270210 | MACS - Scotstoun | Day care of children | 01-03-2011 | Scotstoun Primary School | 21 Duncan Avenue | Scotstoun | Glasgow | G14 9HB | 07725249466 | Loren Taylor | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2003019869 | MACS Busby | Day care of children | 06-06-2003 | Busby Primary School | Church Road | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 8EB | 07856924951 | Michelle McPherson | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2016351077 | MACS Carlibar | 09-02-2017 | Carlibar Primary School | Carlibar Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1BD | 07802728563 | Leigh Kilpatrick | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003003963 | MACS Carolside | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carolside Primary School | Ashfield Road | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7TX | 07725249465 | Mark Cuthill | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000230 | MACS Cross Arthurlie | Day care of children | 12-08-2022 | Cross Arthurlie Primary School | 7 Fern Drive | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1JF | 0141 887 0002 | Louise McArthur | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2003003843 | MACS Eastwood | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crookfur Primary School | Capelrig Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6LF | 07712395035 | Judith Mitchell | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2023000307 | MACS Hillview | Day Care of Children | 15-09-2023 | Hillview Primary School | Springhill Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 2SE | 01418870002 | Carly Martin | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2003004034 | MACS Kirkhill | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkhill Primary School | Kirkhill Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5RJ | 07525071450 | Sharon McKeown | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2019375011 | MACS Maidenhill | Day Care of Children | 13-08-2019 | Maidenhill Primary School | 2 Maidenhill Grove | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5GW | 07725249459 | Susan Barrett | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2004085918 | MACS Mearns | Day care of children | 04-02-2005 | Mearns Primary School | Hunter Drive | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6DP | 07742401740 | Stephen Currie | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2003004037 | MACS Neilston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Neilston Primary | 43 High Street | Neilston | Glasgow | G78 3HJ | 07525071454 | Diane Hayes | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2003003979 | MACS St Cadoc's | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Cadoc's Primary School | Crookfur Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6TT | 07860865418 | Elizabeth McClymont | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004060111 | MACS St Joseph's | Day care of children | 30-01-2006 | St. Joseph's Primary School | Oliphant Crescent | Busby | Glasgow | G76 8PT | 07725 249 460 | Yvonne Shields | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000220 | MACS ST Paul's & Whiteinch | Day Care of Children | 04-08-2022 | St. Pauls Primary School | Primrose Street | Glasgow | G14 0TF | 0141 887 0002 | Loren Taylor | | SP2003000772 | Mearns After School Care Service Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000144 | Maddy's Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-06-2022 | Keith | | SP2022000103 | Madelaine Wilson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004064 | Madeira Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 14 Newark Street | Greenock | PA16 7UH | 01475 722 892 | Nicola Jane Orr | | SP2003000822 | Anna Harley | Active | |||||
CS2023000334 | Madele Childminding | Child Minding | 06-10-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000217 | Akouwa Amewonouvon | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320535 | MADETOCARE Ltd | Housing support service | 29-12-2014 | 33 The Murrays | Edinburgh | EH17 8UD | 07845 026 850 | Rose Margaret McKendry | | SP2013012069 | Madetocare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013320537 | MADETOCARE Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-12-2014 | 33 The Murrays | Edinburgh | EH17 8UD | 07845 026 850 | Rose Margaret McKendry | | SP2013012069 | Madetocare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014618 | Madras Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Madras Family Centre | 43 High Street Neilston | East Renfrewshire | G78 3HJ | 0141 570 7480 | Gerard Curley | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015342720 | Magdalen House | 11-09-2017 | 41 Roseangle | Dundee | DD1 4LZ | 01382 200 890 | Wendy Mulholland | | SP2015012621 | Priority Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2015342897 | Magdalen House | 11-09-2017 | 41 Roseangle | Dundee | DD1 4LZ | 01382 200 890 | Veronica Gibson | | SP2015012621 | Priority Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2013322822 | Magdalena Lapinska Childminding | Childminding | 04-06-2014 | Glasgow | Magdalena Lapinska | | SP2013985570 | Magdalena Lapinska | Active | ||||||||
CS2014328823 | Maggie's Childminding at Old Mill Farm | Childminding | 21-10-2014 | Auchterarder | Margaret Gallacher | | SP2014986151 | Margaret Gallacher | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000352 | Magic Moments Childminding Partnership | Child Minding | 12-09-2024 | West Kilbride | Sharon Miller | | SP2023001496 | Magic Moments Childminding Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2010249187 | Magill, Lorraine | Childminding | 01-07-2011 | Ellon | Lorraine Magill | | SP2010978072 | Lorraine Magill | Active | ||||||||
CS2018366692 | Mags' Childminding Services | 29-08-2018 | Peterculter | Margaret Grant | | SP2018989885 | Margaret Grant | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007677 | Maguire, Jean | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Jean Maguire | | SP2003904611 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008183423 | Maheen, Aisha | Childminding | 23-03-2009 | Edinburgh | Aisha Riaz Maheen | SP2008971283 | Maheen, Aisha Riaz Maheen, Aisha Riaz | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008134 | Mahon, Georgina | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Georgina Mahon | | SP2003907838 | Georgina Mahon | Active | ||||||||
CS2015335436 | Mahri Howie Childminding | Childminding | 08-01-2016 | Glenrothes | Mahri Howie | | SP2015986703 | Mahri Howie | Active | ||||||||
CS2019374509 | Maidenhill Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 13-08-2019 | Maidenhill Primary School | 2 Maidenhill Grove | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5GW | 01415 773 288 | Alasdair McDonald | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016139 | Maidens Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 35A Shanter Road | Maidens | Girvan | KA26 9NL | 01655 885 806 | Leeanne Campbell | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003044054 | Maidstone, No 3 Promenade | Care homes for children and young people | 08-11-2004 | No 3 Promenade | Leven | KY8 4HZ | 01333 439 728 | Jenni Cabel | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2016349373 | Main House | 10-11-2017 | 21 Edinburgh Road | Bathgate | EH48 1EX | 01506 652 312 | Shula Graham | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2009230682 | Main Street Residential Children's House | Care homes for children and young people | 09-10-2009 | 93 Main Street | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 2RT | 01236 856 288 | sheila jack | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001065 | Main Street Residential Children's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 231 Main Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 1QH | 01412 763 928 | yvonne douglas | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2009231081 | Main, Victoria | Childminding | 18-12-2009 | Aberdeen | Victoria Main | | SP2009975069 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000319 | Mains House | Care Home Service | 29-09-2023 | Main's House | Main Street | NEWTONMORE | PH20 1DF | 01540 673888 | Shirley Christie | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2021000015 | Mainstay | Care Home Service | 14-04-2021 | Mainstay | Culbokie | DINGWALL | IV7 8JU | 07919410302 | Katrina Bucknall | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003046922 | Mair, Carol | Childminding | 16-09-2004 | Edinburgh | Carol Mair | CAROLMAIR_@HOTMAIL.CO.UK | SP2003011086 | Carol Mair | Active | ||||||||
CS2014328423 | Mairi's Childminding Service | Childminding | 01-10-2014 | Alloa | Mairi Chamberlain | | SP2014986118 | Mairi Chamberlain | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000409 | Mairi's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 06-12-2023 | Stevenston | | SP2023000310 | Mairi Barr | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015778 | Maisondieu Townhead Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Maisondieu Primary School | St. Andrew Street | Brechin | DD9 6JJ | 01356 627 444 | Ruthanna Chalmers | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003144 | Maitland, Maureen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Oban | Maureen Maitland | | SP2003901516 | Maureen Maitland | Active | ||||||||
CS2019376962 | MAKI Pups | Day Care of Children | 07-05-2020 | Kilmory Walled Garden | Kilmory Castle | Kilmory Industrial Estate | Lochgilphead | PA31 8RR | 07920 083 857 | Erin Claire Kennedy | | SP2019013368 | Argyll and the Isles Coast & Countryside Trust a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2022000388 | Making Memories Childcare Ltd (Out Of School Care) | Day care of children | 18-12-2022 | Bridge Building | Amochrie Road | Paisley | PA2 0LB | 07881127870 | Caitlin Leslie | | SP2022000256 | Making Memories Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019374237 | Malby, Gemma | Child Minding | 04-07-2019 | Peebles | Gemma Malby | | SP2019990480 | Gemma Malby | Active | ||||||||
CS2013314857 | Malcolm, Beth | Childminding | 30-05-2013 | Saltcoats | Beth Malcolm | | SP2013984468 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013564 | Mallaig Nursery/Sgoil Araich Mhalaig | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mallaig Primary School | Mallaig | PH41 4QX | 01687 462 420 | Pamela Watt | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2005097498 | Mallaig Road | Support services - not care at home | 05-09-2005 | 102 Mallaig Road | Drumoyne | Glasgow | G51 4PE | 01412 763 935 | Ann Graham | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2010272131 | Malone, Jennifer | Childminding | 23-06-2011 | Dundee | Jennifer Malone | | SP2010979634 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000613 | Malone, Linsey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Linsey Malone | SP2003900136 | Lindsey Malone | Active | |||||||||
CS2005088027 | Malory Day Nursery | Day care of children | 23-06-2005 | 20 Shakespeare Street | Dumfries | DG1 2JE | 01387 269 943 | Shirley Goudie | | SP2003003191 | Malory Nurseries | Active | |||||
CS2003013479 | Malory House Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20 Catherine Street | Dumfries | DG1 1JF | 01387 269 839 | Megan Brown | | SP2003003191 | Malory Nurseries | Active | |||||
CS2023000341 | Mama Mia's Childcare | Child Minding | 11-10-2023 | Dunfermline | | SP2023000223 | Kirsty Okoko | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2024000072 | Mama Murphy's | Child Minding | 04-03-2024 | Airdrie | | SP2023000274 | Sharon Murphy | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000242 | Managed Alcohol Programme Glasgow | Housing Support Service | 03-09-2021 | 17 Carmyle Avenue | GLASGOW | G32 8HL | 0141 778 8129 | Peter Mclachlan | | SP2003000169 | Simon Community Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2018369069 | Manda Tots Childcare | 17-10-2018 | Glasgow | Amanda-Jane Noble | | SP2018990076 | Amanda-Jane Noble | Active | |||||||||
CS2006118288 | Mands, Gail | Childminding | 23-11-2006 | Elgin | Gail Mands | | SP2006958829 | GAIL MANDS | Active | ||||||||
CS2018369466 | Mandy Cupples Childminding | 03-01-2019 | Bonnybridge | Mandy Cupples | | SP2018990101 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013316717 | Mandy Lamont's Childminding | Childminding | 28-06-2013 | Leven | Mandy Lamont | | SP2013984797 | Mandy Lamont | Active | ||||||||
CS2012311005 | Mandy's Childminding | Childminding | 12-10-2012 | Biggar | Amanda Jane Carruthers | | SP2012983954 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000296 | Mandy's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 05-08-2024 | Larbert | | SP2024000104 | Mandy Kennedy | Active | |||||||||
CS2007155228 | Mann, Alena | Childminding | 28-09-2007 | Inverness | Alena Mann | | SP2007965658 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007154930 | Mann, Claire | Childminding | 31-10-2007 | Stonehaven | Claire Mann | | SP2007965603 | Claire Mann | Active | ||||||||
CS2010273802 | Mann, Jennifer | Childminding | 21-07-2011 | Carnoustie | Jennifer Mann | | SP2010980148 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002956 | Mann, Valerie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath | Valerie Mann | | SP2003901402 | Valerie Mann | Active | ||||||||
CS2015342405 | Mannering Avenue | 12-05-2016 | 34-38 Mannering Avenue | Lochside | Dumfries | DG2 0NG | 01387 720 876 | Ingrid Nelson | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007163735 | Manning, Lynn | Childminding | 09-06-2008 | Inverness | Lynn Manning | | SP2007967266 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000147 | Mano Childminding Service | Childminding | 09-06-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000106 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2016349056 | Manor Grange Care Home | 12-10-2016 | 31 Pinkhill | Edinburgh | EH12 7FB | 01313 346 462 | Gordon Philp | | SP2016012760 | Manor Grange Care Home LLP | Active | ||||||
CS2003004600 | Manor Park Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 46 Lefroy Street | Blairhill | Coatbridge | ML5 1NB | 01236 602 929 | Colette Campbell | | SP2003000955 | J Martine Watt and Jim Watt, a Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2024000085 | Manor Park School Age Childcare | Day Care of Children | 15-03-2024 | Manor Park Primary School | Danestone Circle | Aberdeen | AB16 7YB | 07557 191 759 | Kayleigh Smith | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014454 | Manor Park School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Manor Park School | Danestone Circle | Aberdeen | AB16 7YB | 01224 696 952 | Gillian Graham | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2005111162 | Manson, Lorna | Childminding | 02-05-2006 | Grangemouth | Lorna Manson | | SP2005953791 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367220 | Maple Ridge Care Home | 14-01-2019 | 71-73 Leachkin Road | Inverness | IV3 8NN | 01463 243 222 | Esther Harding | | SP2018013131 | Maple Ridge Care Home Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2024000147 | Marcee Currie | Childminding | 06-05-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023001526 | Marcee Currie | Active | |||||||||
CS2007167560 | Marchburn Children's Home | Care homes for children and young people | 04-04-2008 | 8 Marchburn Road | Aberdeen | AB16 7NN | 01224 699 656 | Maxine McGlinchey | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2013318121 | Marchglen Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 30-08-2013 | 2 Gannel Hill View | Fishcross | Alloa | FK10 3GN | 01259 750 703 | Tracy Currie | | SP2013012090 | ARIA HEALTHCARE GROUP LTD | Active | ||||
CS2018369999 | Marchmont | Care Home Service | 22-07-2019 | 24 Bennochy Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5QY | 01592 260 465 | Wilma Mackay | | SP2017012993 | Marchmont Residential Homes a partnership | Active | |||||
CS2007163997 | Marchmont Care Home Limited | Care homes for older people | 21-12-2007 | 1 Alderwood Road | Port Glasgow | PA14 5LE | 01475 745 491 | Jan McPhee | | SP2007009399 | Marchmont Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000227 | Marcus House | Care Home Service | 01-07-2024 | 1883 Hope Avenue | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3SX | 01505613836 | Wilma McDonald | | SP2023001435 | MARCUS HOUSE LIMITED | Active | |||||
CS2003015104 | Mardani, Anna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kelty | Anna Mardani | | SP2003909468 | Anna Mardani | Active | ||||||||
CS2015334890 | Margaret and Ronnie Campbell Childminding Service | Childminding | 21-09-2015 | Glasgow | Margaret Campbell | SP2015986655 | Margaret Campbell and Ronald Campbell a Partnershi Margaret Campbell and Ronald Campbell a Partnershi | Active | |||||||||
CS2012313209 | Margaret Fox Childminding Services | Childminding | 23-04-2013 | Glasgow | Margaret Fox | | SP2012984274 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348464 | Margaret Watson Childminding | Childminding | 22-09-2016 | Penicuik | Margaret Watson | SP2016988200 | Margaret Watson | Active | |||||||||
CS2004075694 | Margarot Forrest Care Management | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-11-2004 | Federation House | 222 Queensferry Road | Edinburgh | EH4 2BN | 01313 324 914 | Simon Forrest | | SP2005007612 | Margarot Forrest Care Management Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014324233 | Margret Elvin Childminding | Childminding | 13-06-2014 | Edinburgh | Margret Elvin | | SP2014985737 | Margret Elvin | Active | ||||||||
CS2014323793 | Maria Campbell Child Care | Childminding | 04-06-2014 | South Queensferry | Maria Campbell | | SP2010979417 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012308501 | Maria's Childminding | Childminding | 10-09-2012 | Aberdeen | Maria Cifuentes | | SP2012983591 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365657 | Maria's Childminding Service | 05-06-2018 | Perth | Maria Hughes | | SP2018989798 | Maria Hughes | Active | |||||||||
CS2006136953 | Marian House | Care homes for older people | 19-01-2007 | 7 Oswald Road | The Grange | Edinburgh | EH9 2HE | 01316 684 743 | Asa Kitching | | SP2003002464 | Viewpoint HA | Active | ||||
CS2012313528 | Marianne Jeffrey | Childminding | 02-04-2013 | Motherwell | Marianne Jeffrey | | SP2012984307 | Marianne Jeffrey | Active | ||||||||
CS2017356122 | Marianne Kilpatrick Childminding | Childminding | 15-06-2017 | Glasgow | Marianne Kilpatrick | | SP2017989010 | Marianne Kilpatrick | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325753 | Marianne Sloan Childminding Service | Childminding | 10-06-2014 | Stewarton | Marianne Sloan | | SP2014985908 | Marianne Sloan | Active | ||||||||
CS2016345887 | Marie Curie Care at Home Scotland North West | 20-01-2017 | Marie Curie Hospice | 133 Balornock Road | GLASGOW | G21 3US | 07851385107 | Irene Johnstone | | SP2011011527 | Marie Curie | Active | |||||
CS2005109316 | Marie Curie Care at Home Scotland South and East | Support services - care at home | 04-04-2006 | Marie Curie Hospice -Edinburgh | 45 Frogston Road West | EDINBURGH | EH10 7DR | 0131 470 2201 | Eileen McGinley | | SP2003002375 | Marie Curie | Active | ||||
CS2016345891 | Marie Curie Nurse Agency Scotland North & West | 20-01-2017 | 133 Balornock Road | Springburn | Glasgow | G21 3US | 07851385107 | Irene Johnstone | | SP2011011527 | Marie Curie | Active | |||||
CS2005089852 | Marie Curie Nurse Agency Scotland South and East | Nurse agencies | 10-11-2005 | Marie Curie Hospice -Edinburgh | 45 Frogston Road West | EDINBURGH | EH10 7DR | 01314702201 | charlotte Lindley | | SP2003002375 | Marie Curie | Active | ||||
CS2019372680 | Marie's Childminding | Child Minding | 23-07-2019 | GLASGOW | Marie Fay | | SP2019990342 | Marie Heron | Active | ||||||||
CS2016347531 | Marie's Childminding Service | Childminding | 27-10-2016 | Alford | Marie Banks | | SP2010981027 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000360 | Marie's childminding service | Childminding | 01-12-2022 | Laurencekirk | | SP2022000242 | Marie Gibson | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000244 | Mariella's Minders | Child Minding | 12-07-2024 | Haddington | | SP2024000170 | Shannon Pont | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337575 | Marina View Nursery | Day care of children | 28-07-2016 | 131 Templehill | Troon | KA10 6BQ | 01292 317 031 | Heather McMaster | | SP2015012495 | Marina View Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004076209 | Mariner Home Care | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | 101c Alexandra Parade | Dunoon | PA23 8AH | 01369 707 574 | Duncan MacFadyen | | SP2004005995 | Mariner Support Associates Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004061507 | Mariner Home Care | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | 101c Alexandra Parade | Dunoon | PA23 8AH | 01369 707 574 | Duncan MacFadyen | | SP2004005995 | Mariner Support Associates Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007145240 | Marionville Court | Care homes for older people | 17-08-2007 | 3 Lochend Road South | Edinburgh | EH7 6BB | 01316 528 160 | Donna Robertson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003007296 | Markinch After School Club (MASK) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Town Hall | Betson Street | Markinch | Glenrothes | KY7 6AA | 07817030334 | Yvonne Ramsay | | SP2003001641 | Markinch After School Kids Club (MASK) | Active | |||
CS2003015962 | Markinch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Betson Street | Markinch | Glenrothes | KY7 6AA | 01592 583 446 | Katherine Easson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2010251163 | Marr, James | Childminding | 15-09-2010 | Dundee | James Marr | | SP2010978455 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003037244 | Marr, Kelly-Ann | Childminding | 22-07-2003 | Dundee | Kelly-Ann Marr | | SP2005948797 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002826 | Marr, Lynda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath | Lynda Marr | | SP2003901310 | Lynda Marr | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000331 | Marress House Early Years Centre | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2024 | Marress House | Friars Croft | IRVINE | KA11 8EE | 07712288893 | Deborah Gott | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003034565 | Marshall, Beverly | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Beverly Marshall | | SP2003908839 | Beverley Marshall | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005164 | Marshall, Senga | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ayr | Senga Marshall | | SP2003902992 | Senga Marshall | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005454 | Martin, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Fiona Martin | SP2003903214 | Fiona Martin | Active | |||||||||
CS2008183777 | Martin, Miranda Sophie | Childminding | 03-03-2009 | Glasgow | Miranda Martin | | SP2008971377 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013322022 | Martine's Childminding | Childminding | 03-02-2014 | Tayport | Martine Keith | | SP2013985490 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355008 | Mary Jane's Childcare | Childminding | 25-05-2017 | Dundee | Mary Jane McIntosh | | SP2017988893 | McIntosh, Mary Jane McIntosh, Mary Jane | Active | ||||||||
CS2012312402 | Mary Morrison's Childminding | Childminding | 27-11-2012 | Lanark | Mary Morrison | | SP2012984158 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000296 | Maryam Ahmadisalman Childminding | Child Minding | 06-09-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000187 | Maryam Ahmadisalman | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017242 | Marybank Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Marybank Primary School | Ord Road | Marybank | Muir of Ord | IV6 7UN | 01997 433 320 | Heather Rosie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2020378893 | Maryfield West Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 31 Queens Road | Aberdeen | AB15 4ZN | 01224 312 255 | Diana Toneva | | SP2020013464 | Maryfield West Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003005915 | Maryhill Mobile Creche | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 35 Avenuepark Street | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 8TS | 01419 451 888 | Caroline Thomson | | SP2003001275 | Maryhill Mobile Children's Services | Active | ||||
CS2003014908 | Maryhill Park Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 81 Kilmun Street | Glasgow | G20 0EL | 01419 467 752 | Morag McKenzie | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2018363483 | Maryville Sheltered Housing Complex | 18-12-2018 | 14 Cumnock Road | Robroyston | Glasgow | G33 1QT | 01415 585 114 | Mary Esther Brennan | | SP2017013025 | Little Sisters of the Poor Glasgow a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2013320265 | Masinga, Mercy | Childminding | 10-12-2013 | Edinburgh | Mercy Masinga | | SP2013985284 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005109784 | Maslen, Kirsty | Childminding | 17-03-2006 | Glasgow | Kirsty Maslen | | SP2005953052 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007158597 | Mason, Georgina | Childminding | 03-12-2008 | Kilmarnock | Georgina Mason | | SP2007966250 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002321 | Masson, Janette | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ellon | Janette Masson | | SP2003900978 | Janette Masson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003039849 | Masson, Lorna | Childminding | 02-12-2003 | Cumnock | Lorna Masson | | SP2004937276 | Lorna Masson | Active | ||||||||
CS2011301746 | Masterson, Lesley | Childminding | 16-01-2012 | Dundee | Lesley Masterson | SP2011982928 | Lesley Masterson | Active | |||||||||
CS2006139630 | Masterton Out of School Club | Day care of children | 21-05-2007 | Masterton Primary School | Aberdour Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8HY | 07860 957 888 | Fiona Erskine | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2004079502 | Mather, Ann | Childminding | 24-02-2005 | Grangemouth | Ann Mather | | SP2004919207 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006834 | Matthew Fyfe Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Broomhead Drive | Dunfermline | KY12 9AQ | 01383 602 333 | Elinor Campbell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015764 | Mattocks Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mattocks Primary School | 13 School Road | Wellbank | Dundee | DD5 3PL | 01382 768 112 | Greg Robertson | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2003016956 | Mauchline Primary School Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mauchline Primary School | The Loan | Mauchline | KA5 6AN | 01290 550 306 | Robyn Davidson | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004882 | Maule, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Paisley | Susan Maule | | SP2003902788 | Susan Maule | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009016 | Maureen & Michael McCrossan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Forres | Maureen McCrossan | | SP2003904945 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016006 | Mauricewood Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 11 Muirhead Place | Penicuik | EH26 0LE | 01312 714 630 | Jennifer Mouat | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300752 | Mavisbank | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Lennox Crescent | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 1XF | 01417 726 162 | CATHERINE CAIRNS | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000874 | Mavisbank Gardens | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 77 Mavisbank Gardens | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G51 1HF | 01414 275 308 | Donna Carbury | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2003003736 | Maxholme Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brookwood Villa | 166 Drymen Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 3RJ | 07593 553 635 | Rowan O'Donnell | | SP2003000748 | Maxholme Pre-school Playgroup Committee | Active | |||
CS2003054045 | Maxie Richards Foundation | Housing support service | 11-11-2004 | Kings Court | Smiddy Brae | Kames | Tighnabruaich | PA21 2BH | 01700 811 137 | Patrick White | | SP2004005428 | Maxie Richards Foundation | Active | |||
CS2007143331 | MaxPlay2 | Day care of children | 06-02-2008 | North West Resource Centre | College Road | Lincluden | Dumfries | DG2 0BX | 01387 279 637 | Lana Wilson | | SP2003003193 | Maxwelltown Playcare | Active | |||
CS2003007232 | Maxwell, Janice | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cupar | Janice Maxwell | | SP2003904222 | Janice Maxwell | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317276 | Maxwell, Kirsteen | Childminding | 26-08-2013 | Glasgow | Kirsteen Maxwell | | SP2013984884 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007156214 | Maxwell, May | Childminding | 25-02-2009 | Denny | May Martin | | SP2007965841 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004849 | Maxwellton Park Nursery & OSC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Primary School | Newton Street | Paisley | PA1 2RL | 01418 899 528 | Elizabeth Williams | | SP2003001012 | Maxwellton Park Nursery & OSC | Active | ||||
CS2003015311 | Maxwellton Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Calderwood Road | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 3DP | 01355 222 521 | Elaine Cook | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013482 | Maxwelltown Playcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochside Road | Dumfries | DG2 0NF | 01387 720 595 | Lana Wilson | | SP2003003193 | Maxwelltown Playcare | Active | |||||
CS2025000028 | Maybury Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 24-01-2025 | 13 Turnhouse Road | Edinburgh | EH12 0AX | 07596 045326 | Susan Imrie | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2017355462 | Mayday Healthcare Limited | 29-05-2018 | Harmsworth House | 15 Bouverie Street | LONDON | EC4Y 8DP | 08703 430 043 | Lauren Thomas | | SP2017012906 | Mayday Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003013420 | Mayfield Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | TU Hut | Mayfield Primary School | Stone Avenue, Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5PB | 01316 606 644 | Nicola Glodek | | SP2003003175 | Midlothian Sure Start | Active | |||
CS2005094660 | Mayfield Lodge | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 05-08-2005 | 6 Mayfield Road | Inverness | IV2 4AE | 01463 240 496 | June Macdonald | | SP2005007415 | Crownmont Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003017293 | Mayfield Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stone Avenue | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5PB | 01312 714 720 | Lindsey Walker | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2011305948 | Mayfield Out of School Care | Day care of children | 30-03-2012 | Mayfield Primary School | Kennilworth Drive | Saltcoats | KA21 6LH | 07766 133 816 | Margaret Cairns | | SP2011011758 | Mayfield Out of School Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016037 | Mayfield Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mayfield Primary School | Kenilworth Drive | Saltcoats | KA21 6HS | 01294 465 576 | David Faulds | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017361714 | Mayfield/Lawfield/Tynewater ASC | 13-03-2019 | c/o St. Lukes Primary School | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5PB | 01316 541 226 | Caroline Lillie | | SP2017013012 | Mayfield/Lawfield/Tynewater ASC | Active | |||||
CS2018370719 | Mayfield/Lawfield/Tynewater ASC @ Tynewater | 13-03-2019 | Tynewater Primary School | 32 Crichton Road | Pathhead | EH37 5RA | 07366036321 | Caroline lillie | | SP2017013012 | Mayfield/Lawfield/Tynewater ASC | Active | |||||
CS2010247396 | Mays Childminding Service | Childminding | 09-08-2010 | Falkirk | Mary Rookes | | SP2010977773 | Mary Rookes tading as Mays Childminding Service Mary Rookes tading as Mays Childminding Service | Active | ||||||||
CS2017361099 | Maz's Childcare | 29-03-2018 | Dundee | Marion Robertson | | SP2017989437 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000235 | MBANDS | Nurse Agency | 05-07-2024 | 30 Grosvenor Road | London | N3 1EX | 01708871247 | Eunice Osaigbovo | | SP2023000348 | MBANDS Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007161938 | Mbarki, Anouar | Childminding | 08-05-2008 | Aberdeen | Anouar Mbarki | | SP2007966944 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000232 | MC's Childcare | Childminding | 02-08-2023 | Helensburgh | | SP2023000151 | Michelle Cahill | Active | |||||||||
CS2010249620 | McAndrew, Lynn | Childminding | 21-12-2011 | Glasgow | Lynn McAndrew | | SP2010978175 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315395 | McAnenay, Margaret | Childminding | 12-08-2013 | Glasgow | Margaret McAnenay | | SP2013984566 | Margaret McAnenay | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012432 | McArdle, Wilma | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | West Calder | Wilma McArdle | | SP2003906157 | Mcardle, Mrs Wilma Mcardle, Mrs Wilma | Active | ||||||||
CS2003039370 | McArthur, Carol | Childminding | 02-02-2004 | Dalkeith | Carol McArthur | | SP2004937456 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011397 | McArthur, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Denny | Julie McArthur | | SP2003905697 | Julie McArthur | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015660 | McArthur, Lorna | Childminding | 18-12-2002 | Stornoway | Lorna McArthur | | SP2003910152 | Lorna McArthur | Active | ||||||||
CS2016344624 | McAulay, Amanda | Childminding | 26-04-2016 | Kilmarnock | Amanda McAulay | | SP2011982535 | Amanda McAulay | Active | ||||||||
CS2006137075 | McAusland, Jane | Childminding | 18-07-2007 | Cumnock | Jane McAusland | SP2006961875 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2010238558 | McBride, Louise | Childminding | 08-09-2010 | Glasgow | Louise McBride | | SP2007963080 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376713 | McBrien, Kate | Child Minding | 09-12-2019 | Ellon | Kate McBrien | | SP2019990731 | Kate McBrien | Active | ||||||||
CS2018366569 | McCabe, Deana | 22-08-2018 | Aberdeen | Deana McCabe | | SP2018989874 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2010238756 | McCabe, Lorraine | Childminding | 24-06-2011 | DUNDEE | Lorraine McCabe | | SP2010977538 | Lorraine McCabe | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009943 | McCall, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Jacqueline McCall | | SP2003905350 | Jacqueline McCall | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307715 | McCallum, Julie | Childminding | 16-07-2012 | Glasgow | Julie McCallum | | SP2012983441 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315838 | McCallum, Karen | Childminding | 14-08-2013 | Bathgate | Karen McCallum | | SP2013984661 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015155 | McCann, Joyce | Childminding | 30-10-2002 | Glasgow | Joyce McCann | | SP2003909573 | Joyce McCann | Active | ||||||||
CS2006138239 | McCardle, Margaret | Childminding | 17-04-2007 | Shotts | Margaret McCardle | | SP2006962092 | Margaret McCardle | Active | ||||||||
CS2009232610 | McCluskey, Pauline | Childminding | 01-02-2010 | Airdrie | Pauline McCluskey | | SP2009975530 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2005097783 | McColl, Julie | Childminding | 25-10-2005 | Glasgow | Julie McColl | | SP2005947517 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004063780 | McColm, Catherine | Childminding | 13-10-2004 | Dalkeith | Catherine McColm | SP2005955509 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008180144 | McConnell, Angela | Childminding | 11-05-2009 | Greenock | Angela Gillan | | SP2008970629 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006128385 | McConnell, Nicola | Childminding | 05-10-2006 | Wishaw | Nicola McConnell | | SP2006959374 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353595 | McCormack, Catherine | Childminding | 19-04-2017 | Irvine | Catherine McCormack | | SP2006960531 | Catherine McCormack | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004743 | McCormick, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Fiona McCormick | | SP2003902699 | Fiona McCormack | Active | ||||||||
CS2003036230 | McCoustra, Marion | Childminding | 22-10-2003 | Thurso | Marion McCoustra | | SP2003910621 | Marion McCoustra | Active | ||||||||
CS2005091464 | McCrae, Sheona | Childminding | 06-10-2005 | Greenock | Sheona McCrae | SHEONASCHILDCARE@HOTMAIL.CO.OK | SP2005945967 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006118246 | McCready Family Centre | Day care of children | 26-06-2006 | 2 Water Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1SQ | 01415 707 550 | Donna Jeffries | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006114387 | McCrum, Clayr | Childminding | 02-08-2006 | Glasgow | Clayr McCrum | | SP2006955663 | Clayr McCrum | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014313 | McCue, Karen | Childminding | 21-01-2003 | Glasgow | Karen McCue | | SP2003908759 | Karen McCue | Active | ||||||||
CS2009230596 | McCurdy, Helen | Childminding | 05-11-2009 | Dalkeith | Helen McCurdy | | SP2009974948 | Helen McCurdy | Active | ||||||||
CS2005088980 | McDill, Ann | Childminding | 22-04-2005 | Maybole | Ann McDill | | SP2005945232 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325100 | McDonald Childminding | Childminding | 05-08-2014 | Penicuik | Claire McDonald | | SP2014985826 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003020148 | McDonald, Jacqueline | Childminding | 16-12-2003 | Aberdeen | Jacqueline McDonald | | SP2003907207 | Jacqueline McDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2010279846 | McDonald, Joanne | Childminding | 07-06-2012 | Glasgow | Joanne McDonald | SP2010981095 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003001914 | McDonald, Lorraine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Lorraine McDonald | | SP2003900536 | Lorraine McDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012855 | McDonald, Sheena | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Sheena McDonald | SP2003906574 | Mcdonald, Mrs Sheena Mcdonald, Mrs Sheena | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006032 | McEneny, Laura | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Laura McEneny | SP2003903558 | Laura McEneny | Active | |||||||||
CS2006134493 | McEwan, Fiona | Childminding | 20-12-2006 | Haddington | Fiona McEwan | | SP2006961297 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005087363 | McEwan, Valerie | Childminding | 02-08-2005 | Bridge of Weir | Valerie McEwan | | SP2005943746 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005099085 | McFarlane Trust Limited | Housing support service | 13-06-2005 | Unit 902 Mile End Mill | Abbey Mill Business Centre | 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley (Renfrewshire) | PA1 1JS | 01416206470 | Lesley Watt | | SP2003000259 | McFarlane Trust Limited | Active | |||
CS2005099092 | McFarlane Trust Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-06-2005 | Suite 2 | 2 Hillview Drive | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7JD | 01416 206 470 | Lesley Watt | | SP2003000259 | McFarlane Trust Limited | Active | |||
CS2003014626 | McFarlane, Louise | Childminding | 13-12-2002 | Arbroath | Louise McFarlane | | SP2003909167 | Louise McFarlane | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002842 | McFarlane, Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath | Mary McFarlane | | SP2003901316 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004072708 | McFaulds, Lorraine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lorraine McFaulds | | SP2004931951 | Lorraine McFaulds | Active | ||||||||
CS2006138653 | McGarrity, Karen | Childminding | 25-06-2008 | Glasgow | Karen McGarrity | | SP2006962211 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007159124 | McGeachie, Tracey | Childminding | 29-01-2008 | Wishaw | Tracey McGeachie | | SP2007966346 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006129619 | McGeachy, Lesley | Childminding | 11-01-2007 | Beith | Lesley McGeachy | | SP2006960316 | Lesley McGeachy | Active | ||||||||
CS2007155313 | McGee, Sandra | Childminding | 07-01-2008 | Edinburgh | Sandra McGee | SP2007965682 | The Committee of Holy Cross out of School Club The Committee of Holy Cross out of School Club | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009952 | Mcgill, Denise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Denise Mcgill | | SP2003905359 | Denise Mcgill | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005079 | McGill, Janet | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Prestwick | Janet McGill | | SP2003902923 | Janet McGill | Active | ||||||||
CS2003045185 | McGilligan, Lorraine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lorraine McGilligan | | SP2004937803 | Lorraine McGilligan | Active | ||||||||
CS2007150152 | McGinlay, Jane | Childminding | 25-07-2007 | Dundee | Jane McGinlay | | SP2007964991 | Jane McGinlay | Active | ||||||||
CS2004063494 | McGinn, Lisa | Childminding | 20-12-2005 | Cumnock | Lisa McGinn | | SP2004919229 | Lisa McGinn | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006744 | McGlinchey, Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Anne McGlinchey | | SP2003903981 | Anne Mcglinchey | Active | ||||||||
CS2009194271 | McGoff, Sharleen | Childminding | 25-08-2009 | Falkirk | Sharleen McGoff | | SP2009973024 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358773 | McGonagall House | 06-03-2018 | 79-85 Rosebank Street | Dundee | DD3 6PG | 01382 221 090 | Pauline Longmuir | | SP2017012954 | Rosebank (Dundee) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003005326 | McGovern, Patricia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Patricia McGovern | | SP2003903130 | Patricia McGovern | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010789 | McGregor, Beatrice | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumfries | Beatrice McGregor | | SP2003905520 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006503 | McGregor, Wilma | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Wilma McGregor | | SP2003903824 | Wilma Mcgregor | Active | ||||||||
CS2009193914 | McGugan, Carol Ann | Childminding | 04-09-2009 | Bathgate | Carol Ann McGugan | | SP2009972903 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003053302 | McGuire, Elaine | Childminding | 03-08-2004 | Glasgow | Elaine McGuire | | SP2004936570 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004076303 | McGuire, Gillian | Childminding | 12-01-2005 | Glasgow | Gillian McGuire | | SP2004933899 | Gillian McGuire | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006122 | McGuire, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lynn McGuire | | SP2003903603 | Lynn McGuire | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007504 | McHale, Carolyne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Carolyne McHale | | SP2003904470 | Carolyne McHale | Active | ||||||||
CS2009194765 | Mcilwraith, Nicola | Childminding | 27-08-2009 | Kilmarnock | Nicola Mcilwraith | | SP2009973170 | Nicola Mcilwraith | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2003004484 | McInally, Pauline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Wishaw | Pauline McInally | | SP2003902530 | Pauline McInally | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377711 | McIndoe, Geraldine | Child Minding | 21-04-2020 | Kilmarnock | Geraldine McIndoe | | SP2019990894 | Geraldine Mcindoe | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002843 | McIntosh, Carol | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Forfar | Carol McIntosh | | SP2003901317 | Carol Mcintosh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000603 | McIntosh, Heather | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Heather McIntosh | | SP2003900126 | Heather McIntosh | Active | ||||||||
CS2008170715 | McIntosh, Susan | Childminding | 14-07-2008 | GLASGOW | Susan McIntosh | | SP2008968883 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003043516 | McIntosh, Tracey | Childminding | 03-03-2004 | Edinburgh | Tracey Mcintosh | | SP2004937660 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007158067 | McIntyre, Amanda | Childminding | 12-11-2007 | Cupar | Amanda McIntyre | | SP2003904118 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009206072 | McIntyre, Fiona | Childminding | 22-12-2009 | Balerno | Fiona McIntyre | | SP2009973873 | Fiona McCandlish | Active | ||||||||
CS2005112388 | McIntyre, Shonna | Childminding | 20-10-2006 | Glasgow | Shonna McIntyre | | SP2005954785 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341161 | McIntyre, Tracey | Childminding | 25-11-2015 | Kilmarnock | Tracey McIntyre | | SP2015987367 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004058837 | McKay, Gillian | Childminding | 16-02-2005 | Newport-on-Tay | Gillian McKay | | SP2004915510 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011285547 | McKellar, Tanya | Childminding | 04-10-2011 | Glasgow | Tanya McKellar | | SP2011982112 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013167 | McKenna, Melanie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bonnyrigg | Melanie McKenna | | SP2003906886 | Melanie McKenna | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003934 | McKenzie, Adrienne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Adrienne McKenzie | | SP2003902130 | Adrienne Mckenzie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005570 | McKenzie, Angelique | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumbarton | Angelique McKenzie | | SP2003903320 | Angelique Mckenzie | Active | ||||||||
CS2009234018 | McKenzie, Carey | Childminding | 03-10-2011 | Glasgow | Carey McKenzie | | SP2009976026 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013321011 | McKenzie, Joanne | Childminding | 13-01-2014 | Arbroath | Joanne McKenzie | | SP2013985370 | Joanne Mckenzie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001924 | McKenzie, Leigh | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Leigh McKenzie | | SP2003900546 | Leigh McKenzie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002336 | McKenzie, Linda Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverurie | Linda Anne McKenzie | | SP2003900997 | McKenzie, Linda Anne McKenzie, Linda Anne | Active | ||||||||
CS2003020326 | McKenzie, Margaret | Childminding | 27-10-2003 | Glasgow | Margaret McKenzie | | SP2003909491 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000605 | McKenzie, Rhona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Rhona McKenzie | SP2003900128 | Rhona Mckenzie | Active | |||||||||
CS2011281649 | McKeown, Gillian | Childminding | 30-06-2011 | Dunfermline | Gillian McKeown | | SP2011981710 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011287936 | McKeown, Sarah | Childminding | 10-10-2011 | Campbeltown | Sarah McKeown | | SP2011982434 | Sarah McKeown | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001336 | McKillop Gardens | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Parkhall Street | The Village | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 4JT | 01355 598 320 | Valerie Miller | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003012394 | McKinlay, Maureen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Maureen McKinlay | | SP2003906119 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004424 | McKinley, Lorraine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Motherwell | Lorraine McKinley | | SP2003902488 | Lorraine Mckinley | Active | ||||||||
CS2012308680 | McKinsley, Christine | Childminding | 30-10-2012 | Alloa | Christine McKinsley | | SP2012983622 | Christine McKinsley | Active | ||||||||
CS2010274933 | McKirday Childminding | Childminding | 04-02-2011 | Arbroath | Kirsty McBay | | SP2010980484 | Kirsty McBay | Active | ||||||||
CS2009196732 | McLachlan, Donna | Childminding | 17-07-2009 | Glasgow | Donna McNulty | | SP2009973798 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003634 | McLauchlan, Nannette | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Nannette McLauchlan | | SP2003901917 | Nanette Mclauchlan | Active | ||||||||
CS2007149615 | McLauchlan, Tracy | Childminding | 07-09-2007 | Westhill | Tracy McLauchlan | TRACYMCLAUCHLAN@GOOGLEMAIL.COM | SP2007964913 | Tracy Macdonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2003047629 | McLaughlin, Jacqueline | Childminding | 17-12-2003 | Coatbridge | Jacqueline McLaughlin | | SP2005953051 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006140004 | McLay, Bernadette | Childminding | 15-06-2007 | Paisley | Bernadette McLay | | SP2006962562 | Bernadette McLay | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011514 | McLay, Diane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Diane McLay | | SP2003905729 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015904 | McLean Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Baldridgeburn | Dunfermline | KY12 9EE | 01383 602 423 | Gillian Souter | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2008170304 | McLean, Christine | Childminding | 12-08-2008 | Glasgow | Christine McLean | | SP2005952016 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010248113 | McLean, Jean | Childminding | 17-02-2012 | Glasgow | Jean McLean | | SP2010977882 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320846 | McLeod, Mary | Childminding | 09-04-2014 | Glenrothes | Mary McLeod | | SP2013985355 | Mary McLeod | Active | ||||||||
CS2008177137 | McLevy, Angela | Childminding | 03-02-2009 | Glasgow | Angela McLevy | | SP2008969996 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005110221 | McMahon, Louise | Childminding | 21-03-2006 | Edinburgh | Louise McMahon | | SP2005953274 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004859 | McMaster, Angela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Johnstone | Angela McMaster | | SP2003902778 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003041540 | McMillan, Brenda | Childminding | 04-07-2003 | Glasgow | Brenda McMillan | SP2004920262 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2014330222 | McMillan, Gail | Childminding | 15-12-2014 | Tranent | Gail McMillan | | SP2014986245 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355160 | McMillan, Jane | Childminding | 18-07-2017 | Alloa | Jane McMillan | | SP2017988915 | Jane McMillan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004949 | McMillan, Nasrene & Malcolm | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Johnstone | Nasrene McMillan | SP2003902834 | Nasrene & Malcolm Mcmillan Nasrene & Malcolm Mcmillan | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366431 | McMillan, Veronica | 29-08-2018 | Glasgow | Veronica McMillan | | SP2018989858 | Veronica McMillan | Active | |||||||||
CS2006118969 | McMinn, Mairi | Childminding | 11-09-2006 | Carluke | Mairi McMinn | | SP2006959115 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005091201 | McMullan, Amanda | Childminding | 08-08-2005 | Fraserburgh | Amanda McMullan | | SP2005944693 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006118856 | McMurchie, Arlene | Childminding | 04-09-2006 | Denny | Arlene McMurchie | | SP2006959085 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009198786 | McNee, Susan | Childminding | 03-07-2009 | Glasgow | Susan McNee | | SP2009973806 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013321195 | McNeil, Leeann | Childminding | 30-01-2014 | Beith | Leeann McNeil | | SP2013985394 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003042384 | McNeillie, Michelle | Childminding | 23-04-2003 | Lochwinnoch | Michelle McNeillie | | SP2004920266 | Michelle McNeillie | Active | ||||||||
CS2005093818 | McNicol, Diane | Childminding | 29-07-2005 | Glasgow | Diane McNicol | | SP2005944619 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004451 | McNulty, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Motherwell | Elizabeth McNulty | SP2003902505 | Elizabeth Mcnulty | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004088 | McPaul, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Greenock | Lynn McPaul | | SP2003902241 | Lynn McPaul | Active | ||||||||
CS2005088923 | McPhee, Joyce | Childminding | 27-06-2005 | Bathgate | Joyce McPhee | SP2005944328 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003011247 | McPherson, Alison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Grangemouth | Alison McPherson | | SP2003905557 | Alison McPherson | Active | ||||||||
CS2009233516 | McPhillips, Esther | Childminding | 11-05-2010 | Livingston | Esther McPhillips | | SP2009975840 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003019597 | McQueen, Sandra | Childminding | 14-08-2003 | Edinburgh | Sandra McQueen | | SP2003907510 | Sandra McQueen | Active | ||||||||
CS2011281379 | McRae, Linda | Childminding | 18-08-2011 | Aberdeenshire | Linda McRae | | SP2011981614 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353774 | McRitchie, Diane | Childminding | 24-04-2017 | Beauly | Diane McRitchie | SP2017988762 | Diane McRitchie | Active | |||||||||
CS2003020332 | McRitchie, Karen | Childminding | 21-05-2003 | Forres | Karen McRitchie | | SP2003907437 | Karen MacDonald | Active | ||||||||
CS2013321311 | McSence Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home | 24-06-2014 | McSence Business Park | 32 Sycamore Road | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5TA | 01314 541 500 | Kymm Drummond | | SP2013012191 | McSence Communication Ltd a company limited by guarantee | Active | |||
CS2014327084 | McSheffrey, Ruth | Childminding | 08-12-2014 | Elgin | Ruth McSheffrey | | SP2014986020 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004071565 | McVeigh, Tracy Anne | Childminding | 04-10-2004 | Glasgow | Tracy Anne McVeigh | | SP2004919198 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013319123 | McWilliam, Deborah | Childminding | 04-04-2014 | Aberdeen | Deborah McWilliam | | SP2013985151 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379253 | Meadow Minis Childminding | Child Minding | 18-06-2020 | Irvine | Melanie Irvine | | SP2020991127 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018371804 | Meadowburn Care Home | Care Home Service | 22-10-2019 | 188 Leithland Road | Glasgow | G53 5AQ | 01414 837 012 | Anne Gallanagh | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2018371805 | Meadowburn Day Care Centre | Support Service | 15-11-2019 | 188 Leithland Road | Pollock | Glasgow | G53 5AQ | 01414 837 014 | Magdelaine Downes | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014704 | Meadowburn Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Meadowburn Primary School | Lendale Lane | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 3LL | 01419 552 294 | Jennifer Campbell | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003014705 | Meadowburn Gaelic Medium Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Meadowburn Primary School | Lendale Lane | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 3LL | 01419 552 293 | Jennifer Campbell | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2011303089 | Meadowlark | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | Mannachie Road | Forres | IV36 2JT | 01309 676 307 | Liza-Marie MacRae | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018371940 | Meadows Nursery | 03-05-2019 | 5 Millerfield Place | Edinburgh | EH9 1LW | 0131 667 5316 | Maria del Pilar Vadillo Varo | | SP2018013249 | Rainbow Steps Nursery Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003003018 | Meadows Under Fives Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Campbeltown Nursery Centre | Ralston Road | Campbeltown | PA28 6LE | 01586 551 201 | Caroline Deans | | SP2003000609 | Meadows Under Fives | Active | ||||
CS2020378905 | Meadowvale Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-08-2020 | 1 Bridgend Court | Bathgate | EH48 2BF | 01506 635 373 | Ashley Wedlock | | SP2020013466 | Meadowvale Care (Bathgate) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000311 | Meadowview Respite | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Meadowview | Willowbank | Glendaveny | Peterhead | AB42 3DY | 01779 477 192 | Steven Mitchell | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2015340329 | Mearns House | Care homes for older people | 09-06-2016 | 1 Aldton Court | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5UU | 01414 657 850 | Kirsty Craig | | SP2015012561 | Mearns Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017009 | Mearns Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hunter Drive | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6DP | 01415 707 220 | Sharon Hunter | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019373134 | Mearns View | 16-05-2019 | Quarriers Glasgow Regional Office | Springburn | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01416 391 141 | Angela Denny | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2019375895 | Mearns View | 16-05-2019 | Quarriers Glasgow Regional Office | Springburn | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01419 541 010 | Angela Denny | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2023000127 | Mearns View Care Home | Care homes for older people | 12-05-2023 | Mearnsview Care Home | 416 Mearns Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 5RY | 01628662888 | Terry Blackwood | | SP2023000085 | NM Care LLP | Active | |||
CS2020380530 | Mears Supported Living - Aberdeenshire | Housing Support Service | 21-09-2020 | Mears Care | 20 Shore Street | Macduff | AB44 1UB | 01261 830 120 | Sara Wilkinson | SP2020013554 | Mears Supported Living Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020380529 | Mears Supported Living - Aberdeenshire | Support Service | 21-09-2020 | Mears Care | 20 Shore Street | Macduff | AB44 1UB | 01261 830 120 | Sara Wilkinson | | SP2020013554 | Mears Supported Living Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020380524 | Mears Supported Living - Central | Housing Support Service | 21-09-2020 | Dumyat Technology Centre | Alva Industrial Estate | Alva | FK12 5DW | 07590225526 | Carole Gillies | | SP2020013554 | Mears Supported Living Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020380523 | Mears Supported Living - Central | Support Service | 21-09-2020 | Dumyat Technology Centre | Alva Industrial Estate | Alva | FK12 5DW | 01259 768 600 | Carole Gillies | | SP2020013554 | Mears Supported Living Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020380494 | Mears Supported Living - North Lanarkshire | Support Service | 21-09-2020 | Mears Supported Living Limited | Unit 2 Wishaw Business Centre | 14 King Street | Wishaw | ML2 8BS | 01259 667 860 | Anne-marie Kelly | | SP2020013554 | Mears Supported Living Limited | Active | |||
CS2020380495 | Mears Supported Living - North Lanarkshire | Housing Support Service | 21-09-2020 | Unit 2 | Wishaw Business Centre | 14 King Street | WISHAW | ML2 8BS | 01698 486 664 | Anne-marie Kelly | | SP2020013554 | Mears Supported Living Limited | Active | |||
CS2015341577 | Medacs Healthcare | 23-11-2017 | Fourth Floor | 135 Buchanan Street | Glasgow | G1 2JA | 01412 255 451 | Carol Shepherd | | SP2015012593 | Medacs Healthcare plc | Active | |||||
CS2023000221 | Medd Care Services Ltd | Support Service | 19-07-2023 | Suite 21 | 70 West Regent Street | Glasgow | G2 2QZ | 07548008148 | Maria Sirri | | SP2023000144 | Medd Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016352942 | MedGen Ltd - Temporary Nursing Recruitment | 01-06-2017 | 1 St Colme Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6AA | 03331 211 000 | Aurelia Chirosca | | SP2016012839 | MedGen Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000073 | MedicsPro Ltd | Nurse Agency | 04-03-2024 | Urban Recruitment Group | 111-115 North Street | Romford | RM1 1ES | 02085056600 | Bibi Bilqees Mauthoor | | SP2023000403 | MedicsPro Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000399 | Medicure Professionals Ltd | Nurse agencies | 17-10-2024 | Lower Ground Floor | 4 Tabernacle Street | London | EC2A 4LU | 0203 475 4858 | Stephen Goss | | SP2023000414 | Medicure Professionals Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018368659 | Medilink Consulting Ltd | 11-02-2019 | City Gate House | 246-250 Romford Road | Stratford | London | E7 9HZ | 02085 558 567 | Marivic Naperi | | SP2018013162 | Medilink Consulting Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000090 | Mediteam Scotland Nursing Agency | Nurse Agency | 19-03-2024 | 5 South Charlotte Street | Edinburgh | EH2 4AN | 01908597984 | Jenny Cook | | SP2023000373 | MediTeam Recruitment Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018369474 | Medline Recruitment Ltd | 07-03-2019 | 11 Weaver Terrace | Aberdeen | AB24 4SD | 020 4532 4111 | Vasanth Chakilam | | SP2018013182 | Medline Recruitment Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2020379557 | Medlocums | Nurse agencies | 14-10-2020 | 9 New Street | London | EC2M 4TP | 02039 954 406 | Langlihle Dube | | SP2020013507 | Medlocums Recruitment Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000346 | Medway Care Services | Support Service | 06-09-2024 | 1 St Colme Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6AA | 01315169779 | Gracious Muzambi | | SP2015012521 | Medway Care Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015338581 | Medway Nurse Agency | Nurse agencies | 30-12-2016 | 1 St. Colme Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6AA | 01315169779 | Gracious Muzambi | | SP2015012521 | Medway Care Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000345 | Medway Support Services | Housing Support Service | 06-09-2024 | 1 St Colme Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6AA | 01315169779 | Gracious Muzambi | | SP2015012521 | Medway Care Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006114253 | Meechan, Catherine | Childminding | 24-05-2007 | Airdrie | Catherine Meechan | | SP2006955613 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007153798 | Meechan, Tracey | Childminding | 24-10-2008 | Livingston | Tracey Meecha_n | | SP2007965434 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007352 | Meekison, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cupar | Elizabeth Meekison | | SP2003904334 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000116 | Megan Urquhart Childminding | Child Minding | 09-04-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2024000137 | Megan Urquhart | Active | |||||||||
CS2017362274 | Megan's Childminding | 10-05-2018 | Glenrothes | Megan Easton | | SP2017989524 | Megan Easton | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000361 | Megan's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 17-09-2024 | Isle of Arran | | SP2024000499 | Megan Ingham | Active | |||||||||
CS2003041947 | Meigle Country House | Care homes for older people | 22-09-2003 | Dundee Road | Meigle | Blairgowrie | PH12 8SE | 01828 640 859 | Nicola Chandler | | SP2003000048 | Priority Care Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007144536 | Meikle, Cheryl | Childminding | 13-08-2007 | Falkirk | Cheryl Meikle | | SP2007963929 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004077753 | Meiklehill | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-09-2004 | East Dunbartonshire Council HQ | Southbank Marina | 12 Strathkelvin Place | Kirkintilloch | G66 1TJ | 01415 780 274 | Stuart McGrath | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004058395 | Meiklehill | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | East Dunbartonshire Council HQ | Southbank Marina | 12 Strathkelvin Place | Kirkintilloch | G66 1TJ | 01415 780 274 | Stuart McGrath | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003007190 | Meiklejohn, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Karen Meiklejohn | | SP2003904195 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015707 | Meiklemill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Meiklemill School Nursery | Provost Davidson Drive | Ellon | AB41 9BQ | 01358 281 100 | Dawn Hendry | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011298710 | Meiklewood Nursery & Out of School Care | Day care of children | 29-09-2011 | Unit 1 | 41-43 Meiklewood Road | Drumoyne | Glasgow | G51 4GB | 01418 833 750 | Laura Macdonald | | SP2003000911 | Amcol Scotland Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013321457 | Mel's Childminding Service | Childminding | 10-06-2014 | Glasgow | Melanie McGown | | SP2013985424 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000237 | Melanie Campbell | Childminding | 14-08-2022 | Bathgate | | SP2022000161 | Melanie Campbell | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367978 | Melanie McBride Childminding | 21-08-2018 | Kilmarnock | Melanie McBride | | SP2018990001 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000078 | Melbrid Care | Support Service | 11-03-2024 | c/o The Vision Plan Studio 22 | Rogart Street Campus | 4 Rogart Street | Glasgow | G40 2AA | 07824446402 | Bright Tafirenyika | | SP2023000439 | Melbrid Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003002654 | Meldrum After School Klub (mask) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Meldrum Primary School | Meadowbank | Oldmeldrum | Inverurie | AB51 0BF | 01651871100 | Lauren Kennedy | | SP2003000516 | Meldrum After School Klub (mask) | Active | |||
CS2003001334 | Meldrum Gardens | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 4 Walnut Grove | Greenhills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9EZ | 01355 574 580 | Susanne Mason | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001342 | Meldrum House | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 2 Walnut Grove | Greenhills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9EZ | 01355 574 590 | Linda McCallion | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016322 | Meldrum School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Meldrum School | Meadowbank | Oldmeldrum | Inverurie | AB51 0BF | 01651 267 455 | Nicola Park | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2025000040 | Meloosha Home Care East Lothian | Support Service | 04-02-2025 | 4 Redheughs Rigg | Westpoint | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 07464683507 | Oluremi Eladiya | | SP2024000283 | Treasured Home Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000109 | Meloosha Homecare Falkirk | Support Service | 05-03-2025 | 3 Redheughs Rigg | South Gyle | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 07340770235 | Stefan James Ford | | SP2024000361 | Compassionate Hearts Homecare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000119 | Meloosha Homecare Livingston | Support Service | 14-05-2022 | Karen Anne Jamieson Ltd | Unit 1 | Ochil House, Beveridge Square | Livingston | EH54 6QF | 01506379634 | Karen Jamieson | | SP2022000081 | Karen Anne Jamieson LTD | Active | |||
CS2003017374 | Melrose Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Melrose Primary School | Huntly Road | Melrose | TD6 9SB | 01896 822 103 | Charlotte G Innes | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2012307250 | Melvich Community Care Unit (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Sinclair Court | Port Skerra | Melvich | Thurso | KW14 7YL | Gemma MacKenzie | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2012307251 | Melvich Community Care Unit (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Thurso | Rachel Ware | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2003017244 | Melvich Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Melvich Primary School | Melvich | Thurso | KW14 7YL | 01641 531 200 | Jane Mackintosh | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2011281654 | Melville Street Nursery | Day care of children | 27-07-2011 | 57 Melville Street | Edinburgh | EH3 7HL | 0131 226 6184 | Aaron Duncan-Rusk | | SP2003002857 | Early Days Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015587 | Menstrie ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Elmbank | Menstrie | FK11 7AP | 01259 452304 | Lorna Willows | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011556 | Menstrie House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Main Street West | Menstrie | FK11 7BT | 01259 762 482 | Caroline Bridgeman | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000365 | MENT CARE SERVICES LIMITED | Support Service | 23-09-2024 | 8 Craggan Place | KIRKCALDY | KY2 6FW | 07838858407 | TESSY OBASUYI | | SP2023001567 | MENT CARE SERVICES LIMITED | Active | |||||
CS2004077267 | Mental Health Community Support Service @ Annsbrae House | Housing support service | 09-09-2004 | 1 Annsbrae House | Knab Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0BP | 01595 744 345 | Muriel Forbes | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2004077271 | Mental Health Community Support Service @ Annsbrae House | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-09-2004 | 1 Annsbrae House | Knab Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0BP | 01595 744 345 | Muriel Forbes | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2007160425 | Menzies, Mhairi | Childminding | 20-05-2008 | Denny | Mhairi Menzies | | SP2007966633 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000477 | Menzieshill House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 201 Earn Crescent | Dundee | DD2 4GD | 01382 432 955 | Charlene Batchelor | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016942 | Menzieshill Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 160 Earn Crescent | Menzieshill | Dundee | DD2 4EE | 01382 435 956 | Carol Blair | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000719 | Menzieshill Out of School Care Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tayview Primary School | 180 Dickson Avenue | Dundee | DD2 4EH | 01382 432 972 | Karen Reilly | | SP2003000129 | Menzieshill out of school care club | Active | ||||
CS2005101538 | Merchiston Castle School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | 294 Colinton Road | Colinton | Edinburgh | EH13 0PU | 01313 122 200 | Jonathan Anderson | | SP2006008428 | Merchiston Castle School Board of Governors | Active | ||||
CS2011300753 | Merino Court Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 134 Drumfrochar Road | Greenock | PA15 4JG | 01475 731 122 | Morag Hynes | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006139654 | Merkinch Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 08-02-2007 | Merkinch Primary School | Carse Road | Inverness | IV3 8QB | 01463 221382 | Louise James | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010137 | Merry Go Round Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Institute | Aytoun Hall | High Street | Auchterarder | PH3 1QD | 07952 267 537 | Shona Stewart | | SP2003002184 | The Parent Committee of Merry Go Round Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2015342895 | Merrylee Out of School Club | Day care of children | 23-12-2015 | 50 Friarton Road | Merrylee | Glasgow | G43 2PP | 07974 384 766 | Melissa Wardrop | | SP2003001343 | Sweeney, Monica | Active | ||||
CS2021000289 | Merse House | Care Home Service | 08-10-2021 | Merse House | Merse Avenue | KIRKCUDBRIGHT | DG6 4RN | 01557 332250 | Isobel Little | | SP2006008483 | Park Homes (UK) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004071680 | Meskini, Karima | Childminding | 22-09-2004 | Aberdeen | Karima Meskini | | SP2003908365 | Karima Meskini | Active | ||||||||
CS2010270260 | Mess, Shirley | Childminding | 06-10-2011 | Irvine | Shirley Mess | | SP2010979057 | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000067 | Messy Mitts Childminding Service | Child Minding | 24-05-2021 | AUCHTERARDER | | SP2021000041 | Katie Wilson | Active | |||||||||
CS2019373484 | Messy Monkeys | Child Minding | 20-02-2020 | Isle of Lewis | Rhona Mowat | | SP2016988319 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2016344971 | Messy Nessie Child Care | Childminding | 04-05-2016 | Inverness | Claire Byard | | SP2016987773 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006837 | Methilhaven Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Methilhaven Care Home | Methilhaven Care Village | Kirkland Parade | Methil | KY8 3DL | 01592 583326 | Lynsey Fraser | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2023000173 | Methilhaven Nursery | Day Care of Children | 09-06-2023 | Kirkland Parade | Methil | KY8 3DL | 01334 659486 | Jillian McIntosh | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2013322737 | Methilhill Nature Nursery | Day care of children | 15-08-2014 | 130 Sea Road | Methilhill | Leven | KY8 2GW | 01592 719 422 | Victoria Kidd | | SP2013012220 | Methilhill Community Children's Initiative a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2017358507 | Methlick Nursery | 21-08-2017 | Methlick School | Methlick | Ellon | AB41 7DS | 01651 267 410 | Michelle Kennedy | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000129 | Methven House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 15-05-2023 | 14 Bennochy Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1YQ | 01708 251 227 | Craig Alerdrice | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015336905 | Methven Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 07-08-2015 | Main Street | Methven | PH1 3PX | 01738 477 687 | Stephanie Kellie | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000026 | Mex Care Limited t/a Clarity Home Care Aberdeen | Housing Support Service | 23-01-2025 | 1 Berry Street | Office 008 | Aberdeen | AB25 1HF | 01224 679246 | Esther Gbabo-Angus | | SP2024000241 | Mex Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000027 | Mex Care Limited t/a Clarity Homecare Aberdeen | Support Service | 23-01-2025 | 1 Berry Street | Aberdeen | AB25 1HF | 01224 679246 | Esther Gbabo-Angus | | SP2024000241 | Mex Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011298535 | Mhairi Graham's Child Minding | Childminding | 17-10-2011 | Balerno | Mhairi Graham | | SP2011982576 | Mhairi Graham | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000013 | Mhairi's Fun Squad | Child Minding | 08-01-2024 | Larbert | | SP2023000253 | Mhairi Lutton | Active | |||||||||
CS2014330871 | Mhairi's House | Childminding | 09-04-2015 | Ballindalloch | Mhairi Wiseman | mhairiwiseman8@gmail,com | SP2014986296 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000314 | Michele Smales | Child Minding | 22-09-2023 | Lasswade | | SP2023000203 | Michele Smales | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351822 | Michelle Glover's Childminding Services | 16-02-2017 | Glasgow | Michelle Glover | | SP2016988580 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2013316492 | Michelle Hay's Childminding | Childminding | 10-09-2013 | Glasgow | Michelle Hay | | SP2013984770 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340128 | Michelle Henry - Childminder | Childminding | 31-12-2015 | Glasgow | Michelle Henry | | SP2015987262 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017361125 | Michelle Lindsay's Childminding Service | 04-01-2018 | Bathgate | Michelle Lindsay | | SP2017989440 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015340546 | Michelle McCrossan | Childminding | 14-04-2016 | Paisley | Michelle McCrossan | | SP2015987296 | Miichelle McCrossan | Active | ||||||||
CS2016345179 | Michelle Prior Childminding | Childminding | 14-07-2016 | Dundee | Michelle Prior | | SP2016987799 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015339458 | Michelle Reilly Childminding Services | Childminding | 08-03-2016 | Aberdeen | Michelle Reilly | | SP2015987192 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018363838 | Michelle's Childminding | 05-06-2018 | Oban | Michelle McEwan | | SP2018989630 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020382197 | Michelle's Childminding Service | Childminding | 15-02-2021 | Perth | Michelle Jamieson | | SP2020991519 | Michelle Jamieson | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000347 | Michelle's Little Blossoms | Child Minding | 18-10-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000229 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000206 | Michelle's Little Explorers | Child Minding | 05-07-2023 | Kirkcaldy | | SP2023000131 | Michelle Goodsir | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000250 | Michelle's Little Monkeys! | Child Minding | 16-07-2024 | Dunbar | | SP2024000228 | Michelle Higginbottom | Active | |||||||||
CS2006138890 | Michie, Tracy | Childminding | 14-02-2007 | Clydebank | Tracy Michie | | SP2006962276 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013322299 | Micky's Childminding | Childminding | 06-10-2014 | Annan | Michaela Morrison | | SP2013985525 | Michaela Morrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2004079967 | Mid - Argyll, Kintyre, Islay and Jura Home Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-04-2005 | Health & Social Care Partnership - Kintyre Adult Care | Campbeltown Hospital | Ralston Road | Campbeltown | PA28 6LE | 01546 605 500 | Aileen Macaulay | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2004079966 | Mid - Argyll, Kintyre, Islay and Jura Home Care Service | Housing support service | 11-04-2005 | Health & Social Care Partnership - Kintyre Adult Care | Campbeltown Hospital | Ralston Road | Campbeltown | PA28 6LE | 01546 605 500 | Aileen Macaulay | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2007143645 | Mid Annandale Playcare | Day care of children | 04-12-2007 | Harcourt Place | Lockerbie | DG11 2AH | 01576 204 707 | Shona Harkness | | SP2003002738 | Mid Annandale Playcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016162 | Mid Calder Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mid Calder | Livingston | EH53 0RR | 01506 882 092 | Robbie Taylor | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2009195007 | Mid Gavin Nursery | Day care of children | 13-03-2009 | Mid Gavin Lodge | Beith Road | Howwood | Johnstone | PA9 1DL | 01505 843 953 | Gillian Bannon | | SP2009010310 | Mid Gavin Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003016117 | Mid Yell Junior High Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mid Yell Junior High School | Mid Yell | Shetland | ZE2 9BN | 01595 745 050 | Mark Lawson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017920 | Mid-Lin Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 59 Pitkerro Drive | Dundee | DD4 8AT | 01382 506 451 | Adrianne Cooper | | SP2003003986 | Mid-Lin Day Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016345191 | Middlefield Community Project | Day care of children | 12-07-2016 | Middlefield Community Project | Manor Avenue | Aberdeen | AB16 7UR | 01224 697 000 | Marie Macdonald | | SP2016012667 | Middlefield Community Project, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2022000044 | Middleton Hall | Care Home Service | 14-02-2022 | Hermitage House | 68 Middleton Ave | Uphall | Edinburgh | EH52 5DQ | 01506 550280 | Ann Frances Simpson | | SP2022000028 | Bekka Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003014443 | Middleton Park School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Middleton Park Nursery / Primary School | Jesmond Drive | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8UR | 01224 820 873 | Kerri Diack | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2004062598 | Midlothian Council - Domiciliary Care - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 07-09-2004 | 35-37 High Street | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2DA | 01312 715688 | pamela woods | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2004083727 | Midlothian Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 17-11-2005 | 7 Eskdaill Court | Dalkeith | EH22 1AG | 01312 713 413 | Sarah Leighton | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377544 | Midlothian Council Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 25-11-2019 | Family Placement Team | 7 Eskdaill Court | Dalkeith | EH22 1AG | 01312 705 678 | Sarah Leighton | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004083731 | Midlothian Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 17-11-2005 | Family Placement Team | 7 Eskdaill Court | Dalkeith | EH22 1AG | 0131 2713789 | Sarah Leighton | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2007167601 | Midlothian Housing Support & Care at Home | Housing support service | 07-01-2008 | 1-12 Teviot Court | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Midlothian Office | PENICUIK | EH26 8BB | 01968 679236 | Phil Bartlett | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000035 | Midlothian Housing Support & Care at Home | Support Service | 29-04-2021 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | Midlothian Office | 1 - 12, Teviot Court | Penicuik | EH26 8BB | 01968 679236 | Phil Bartlett | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2020380724 | Midlothian Park Cottage | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-02-2021 | 48 Main Street | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4LS | 01316 542 688 | Cheryl Jarron | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2020380437 | Midlothian Park Cottage | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-02-2021 | Park Cottage | 48 Main Street | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4LS | 01316 542 688 | Cheryl Jarron | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2003011085 | Midlothian Residential Service for Young People | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 23 Ladybrae | Gorebridge | EH23 4HT | 01312 705 760 | Caroline Guiney | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2013317547 | Midlothian Temporary Accommodation and Tenancy Support Service | Housing support service | 31-07-2013 | 29 St Andrews Street | Dalkeith | EH22 1AR | 07586590002 | Joanna Willis | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2016349501 | Midmill School Nursery | 19-12-2016 | Carnie Road | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0QH | 01467 536887 | Dawn Hendry | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000224 | Midstocket Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 26-06-2024 | Fountainhall Church At The Stocket | Harcourt Road | Aberdeen | AB15 5NZ | 07588525897 | Raquel Ribeiro Halm | | SP2024000126 | Midstocket Out Of School Club Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003001734 | Midstocket Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Room M6 | Rosemount Learning Centre | Belgrave Terrace | Aberdeen | AB25 2NS | 07860 251 423 | Deborah Strachan | | SP2003000315 | Midstocket Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2020379340 | Migu | Childminding | 22-10-2020 | Denny | Miroslava Stefanikova | | SP2020991144 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009235154 | Milan Day Care Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 17-01-2012 | 411 Gilmerton Road | EDINBURGH | EH17 7JJ | 0131 475 2307 | Sophia Latif | | SP2009010691 | Milan Senior Welfare Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003014445 | Mile End Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mile End Primary School | Midstocket Road | Aberdeen | AB15 5LT | 01224 636 457 | Amy Pickavance | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001789 | Mile End Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mile End Community Centre | Midstocket Road | Aberdeen | AB15 5LQ | 07825353112 | Dorothy Burnett | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379545 | Miles for Smiles Childminding | Child Minding | 19-06-2020 | Greenock | Elaine White | | SP2020991180 | Elaine White | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380806 | Milestones and Memories Childcare | Childminding | 23-09-2020 | GLASGOW | Seana Garty | | SP2020991336 | Seana Garty | Active | ||||||||
CS2018368753 | Milestones Childminding | 22-10-2018 | Edinburgh | Amanda Adrian | | SP2018990059 | Amanda Adrian | Active | |||||||||
CS2018368570 | Milford House Care Home | 20-12-2018 | 58 Duddingston Road | Edinburgh | EH15 1SG | 01316 698 551 | Kelly Skellett | | SP2018013161 | Renaissance Care (No 5) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2022000020 | Mill Court | Housing Support Service | 19-01-2022 | Flat 1 | Mill Court | Bridge Street | LOCKERBIE | DG11 2HE | 07708 471 849 | Debbie Houston | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000021 | Mill Court | Support Service | 19-01-2022 | Flat 1 | Mill Court | Bridge Street | LOCKERBIE | DG11 2HE | 07708 471 849 | Debbie Houston | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | |||
CS2006137686 | Mill O'Forest School Nursery | Day care of children | 30-11-2006 | Woodview Place | Stonehaven | AB39 2TD | 01569 763 561 | Jackie Leith | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2014325456 | Mill of Mains Out of School Care Club | Day care of children | 07-04-2015 | Mill of Mains Primary School | Barns of Claverhouse Road | Dundee | DD4 9RD | +447513132217 | Colleen Gall | | SP2014012292 | Mill of Mains Out of School Care Club a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003015804 | Mill Of Mains Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Barns Of Claverhouse Road | Dundee | DD4 9RD | 01382 438 568 | Ashley Matheson | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011069 | Mill Road | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 51 Mill Road | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3QL | 01501 733 673 | Alexanderina Craig | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||
CS2003003528 | Millar, Caroline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Caroline Millar | | SP2003901818 | Caroline Millar | Active | ||||||||
CS2005106695 | Millar, Christan | Childminding | 12-06-2006 | Motherwell | Christan Millar | | SP2005951690 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015159 | Millar, Dawn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Dawn Millar | | SP2003909576 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008983 | Millar, Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Lossiemouth | Mary Millar | | SP2003904912 | Mary Millar | Active | ||||||||
CS2009233155 | Millbank | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 18-06-2010 | 68 Mill Street | Alloa | FK10 1DY | 01259 211 234 | Roslyn Stirling & James Corroon | | SP2009010612 | Careview Homes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016380 | Millbank Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | McWilliam Crescent | Buckie | AB56 1LU | 01542 839 830 | Hazel Mathieson | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013572 | Millbank Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Millbank Primary School | Millbank Crescent | Nairn | IV12 4QB | 01667 452 240 | Louise Kinnear | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2007158178 | Millbrae Care Home | Care homes for older people | 27-03-2008 | Woodside Street | Coatbridge | ML5 5NJ | 01236 429 534 | Alouise Clarkson | | SP2007009228 | Woodside Carehomes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020379023 | Millburn Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 17-11-2020 | Newton Brae | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7UW | 0141 641 7099 | Gemma Mitchell | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012311539 | Millburn Homes | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 20-12-2013 | Millburn Homes | 3 - 9 Glencairn Gardens | Halfway, Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7QE | 01416 410 407 | Martin Hunter | | SP2003000147 | Parkcare Homes No.2 Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003005448 | Millen, Ailie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Ailie Millen | | SP2003903208 | Ailie Millen | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017246 | Miller Academy Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Miller Academy | Princes Street | Thurso | KW14 7DH | 01847 892 815 | Vicki Ross | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009973 | Miller, Eileen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Auchterarder | Eileen Miller | | SP2003905380 | Miller Eileen | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014343 | Miller, Katharine | Childminding | 17-04-2002 | Biggar | Katharine Miller | | SP2003908810 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013428 | Miller, Lynne Elspeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | West Calder | Lynne Miller | SP2003906952 | Miller, Lynne Elspeth Miller, Lynne Elspeth | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000050 | Millfield House | Care Home Service | 01-03-2023 | Millfield Gardens | Canongate | JEDBURGH | TD8 6ER | 01835862688 | Ellen Spence | | SP2023000006 | Fairview Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009233253 | Millholm | School care accommodation | 17-02-2010 | Millholm | Sevenacres | Kilwinning | KA13 7RG | 01294 551 564 | Dylan Strathearn | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011303937 | MillKay Kids | Childminding | 18-07-2012 | Livingston | Kirsty Sharma | | SP2011983055 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378612 | Millport Care at Home Service | Support Service | 30-06-2020 | 19 George Street | Millport | Isle of Cumbrae | KA28 0BQ | 01475 530 006 | Lisa Lynn | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019378610 | Millport Care Centre | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | 19 George Street | Millport | Isle of Cumbrae | KA28 0BQ | 01475 530 006 | Lisa Lynn | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019378611 | Millport Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 30-06-2020 | 19 George Street | Millport | Isle of Cumbrae | KA28 0BQ | 01475 530 006 | Lisa Lynn | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005112473 | Milltimber Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-03-2006 | Milltimber School | Agricola Street | Milltimber | Aberdeen | AB13 0BF | 07525 855 348 | Scott Ryan | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003001688 | Milltimber Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Milltimber Community Association Hall | The Meadows | Milltimber | Aberdeen | AB13 0JT | 01224 732 203 | Julie McWilliam | | SP2003000298 | Milltimber Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003014446 | Milltimber School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Milltimber School | Agricola Street | Milltimber | Aberdeen | AB13 0JH | Lynsey Cradock | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2017361015 | Millview Care Home | 06-12-2017 | 120 Carlibar Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1BD | 01418 812 040 | Nicola Watt | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000496 | Millview Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 3 Kings Cross Road | DUNDEE | DD2 3PT | 01382 432 680 | Jackie Dowall | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2014334121 | Milly Molly Mandy's Childminding Service | Childminding | 13-04-2015 | Denny | Mandy Quigley | | SP2014986587 | Mandy Quigley | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010139 | Milnathort Kids Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Milnathort Primary School | Bridgefauld Road | Milnathort | Kinross | KY13 9XP | 01577 867 257 | Emma Kirk | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2003017338 | Milnathort Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Milnathort Primary School | Bridgefauld Road | Milnathort | Kinross | KY13 9XP | 01577 867 260 | Shelley Hutchison | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2015340285 | Milncroft Road RCU | Care homes for children and young people | 23-11-2015 | 54 Milncroft Road | Ruchazie | Glasgow | G33 3RS | 01412 763 955 | Joe McBride | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016023 | Milne's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | High Street | Fochabers | IV32 7EP | 01343 821 746 | Joy Smith | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2014324257 | Milne, Denise | Childminding | 15-07-2014 | Westhill | Denise Milne | | SP2014985743 | Denise Milne | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007837 | Milne, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Grantown-on-Spey | Fiona Milne | | SP2003907674 | Fiona Milne | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001534 | Milne, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Lynn Milne | | SP2003900289 | Lynn Milne | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015136 | Milne, Shaunagh | Childminding | 23-12-2002 | ARBROATH | Shaunagh Milne | | SP2003909516 | Shaunagh Milne | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000250 | Milngavie After School Care | Day Care of Children | 10-09-2021 | Milngavie Primary School | 2-4 Hillhead Street | Milngavie | GLASGOW | G62 8AG | 0141 266 0016 | Max Adair | | SP2019013313 | Glasgow West End After School Care CIC | Active | |||
CS2016344721 | Milngavie Childminding Service | 03-05-2016 | Glasgow | Clare Forbes | | SP2016987756 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003014706 | Milngavie Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hillhead Street | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 8AG | 01419 552 251 | Garry Graham | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017356770 | Milngavie Manor | 06-12-2017 | Craigton Road | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 7JG | 0141 471 1180 | Elaine Alexander | | SP2017012930 | Hamberley Properties FV (Milngavie ) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014833 | Milton Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 200 Liddesdale Road | Glasgow | G22 7QR | 01417 726 319 | Shona Young | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2011297021 | Milton of Leys Primary School Childcare Service | Day care of children | 10-08-2011 | Milton Of Leys Primary School & Early Years Centre | Leys Square | Inverness | IV2 6HF | Roisin Newell | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017247 | Milton Primary and Early Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mercat Centre | Milton Primary School | Munro Crescent, Milton | Invergordon | IV18 0PX | 01862 842 537 | Gemma Dunnett | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003008889 | Miltonduff Pre-school Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Miltonduff Hall | Miltonduff | Elgin | IV30 8TY | 07738 159 805 | Julie Goodfellow | | SP2003001904 | Miltonduff Pre-school Group | Active | ||||
CS2006117311 | Miltongrange Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 21-04-2006 | 22 Hozier Street | Carluke | ML8 5DW | 01555 751 500 | Alice Karran | | SP2006008208 | Popular Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000005 | Mini Macs Nursery | Care Home Service | 02-04-2021 | Macbi | Community Hub | Newlands Road, Mintlaw | PETERHEAD | AB42 5GP | 01771 624593 | Ashton McCouaig | | SP2021000003 | Mintlaw and Central Buchan Initiative a Company Limited by Guarantee | Active | |||
CS2025000108 | Mini Minders Childminding | Childminding | 05-03-2025 | Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh | | SP2024000768 | Fatiha Chebah | Active | |||||||||
CS2017360818 | Mini Monkeys | 06-04-2018 | Brunel Road | West Gourdie Industrial Estate | Dundee | DD2 4TG | 01382 624 312 | Nicola Forbes | | SP2017989412 | Tanya Sneddon | Active | |||||
CS2015338622 | Mini Monsters Childcare | Childminding | 14-08-2015 | Inverurie | Helen Simpson | SP2015987077 | Helen Simpson | Active | |||||||||
CS2011287100 | Minnigaff Community Nursery | Day care of children | 12-07-2011 | Minnigaff Primary School | McGregor Drive | Minnigaff | Newton Stewart | DG8 6PE | 01671 401 667 | Sharon Drysdale | | SP2011011566 | Minnigaff Community Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003016326 | Mintlaw Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mintlaw Primary School | Longside Road | Mintlaw | Peterhead | AB42 5EJ | 01771 623 549 | Rose MacPhail | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2020378672 | Miriam Sutter Childminding | Child Minding | 26-03-2020 | Helensburgh | Miriam Sutter | | SP2003910095 | Miriam Sutter | Active | ||||||||
CS2008176980 | Mirza, Rifat | Childminding | 06-02-2009 | Galashiels | Rifat Mirza | | SP2008969967 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366117 | Miss Caroline's Childminding | 20-08-2018 | Montrose | Caroline Tucker | | SP2018989834 | Caroline Tucker | Active | |||||||||
CS2018370578 | Miss Elizabeth Kibble House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2019 | 32 Love Street | Paisley | PA3 2DY | 01418 890 044 | David Fenlon | | SP2004007042 | Kibble Education and Care Centre | Active | |||||
CS2014329123 | Mitchell, Eleanor | Childminding | 18-12-2014 | GLASGOW | Eleanor Mitchell | | SP2014986173 | Eleanor Mitchell | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014115 | Mitchell, Marion | Childminding | 08-05-2002 | Burntisland | Marion Mitchell | | SP2003908534 | Marion Mitchell | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000910 | Mitre House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 15/21 Househillmuir Crescent | Pollok | Glasgow | G53 6HW | 01418 810 221 | Cherlyn Fraser | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2021000166 | MM Care | Nurse agencies | 20-07-2021 | Mitchell and Murdoch Care Ltd | 31 Hawkhill | Dundee | DD1 5DH | 01738505970 | Marion Davis | | SP2021000074 | Mitchell & Murdoch Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000095 | MM Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 22-03-2024 | Mitchell and Murdoch Care Ltd | 31 Hawkhill | Dundee | DD1 5DH | 01738505970 | Marion Davis | | SP2021000074 | Mitchell & Murdoch Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000118 | MM Support | Support Service | 24-06-2021 | Mitchell and Murdoch Care LTD | 31 Hawkhill | Dundee | DD1 5DH | 01738505970 | Marion Davis | | SP2021000074 | Mitchell & Murdoch Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2025000073 | MM Support Dundee and Angus | Housing Support Service | 18-02-2025 | 31 Hawkhill | Dundee | DD1 5DH | 01382214551 | Marion Davis | | SP2021000074 | Mitchell & Murdoch Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000076 | MM Support Aberdeen City and Shire | Housing Support Service | 18-02-2025 | Office 22, Easy Hub | Royfold House | Hill of Rubislaw | Aberdeen | AB15 6GZ | 01224600265 | Marion Davis | | SP2021000074 | Mitchell & Murdoch Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000075 | MM Support Aberdeen City and Shire | Support Service | 18-02-2025 | Office 22, Easy Hub | Royfold House | Hill of Rubislaw | Aberdeen | AB15 6GZ | 01224600265 | Milan Scroggie | | SP2021000074 | Mitchell & Murdoch Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000074 | MM Support Dundee and Angus | Support Service | 18-02-2025 | 31 Hawkhill | Dundee | DD1 5DH | 01382 214551 | Marion Davis | | SP2021000074 | Mitchell & Murdoch Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003004558 | Mobile Play in Action | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | One Wellwynd | 35 Wellwynd | Airdrie | ML6 0BN | 01236 767 767 | Evelyn Smith | | SP2003000945 | Mobile Play In Action | Active | ||||
CS2006119252 | Mochridhe Homecare & Housing Support | Support services - care at home | 21-09-2006 | Unit 1, Suite 1-4 | 100 Brand Street | Glasgow | G51 1DG | 0141 427 6067 | Arlene McHugh | arlene@jonfleminggroup. | SP2006008297 | Mochridhe Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006118959 | Mochridhe Homecare & Housing Support | Housing support service | 21-09-2006 | Unit 1, Suite 1-4 | 100 Brand Street | Glasgow | G51 1DG | 0141 427 6067 | Arlene McHugh | arlene@jonfleminggroup. | SP2006008297 | Mochridhe Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008177122 | Moffat Early Years Campus | Day care of children | 22-08-2008 | 30 Wauchope Terrace | Edinburgh | EH16 4NU | 01316 611 401 | Margaret Haddow | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015531 | Moffat Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moffat Academy | Jeff Brown Drive | Moffat | DG10 9QF | 01683 222 000 | Alison Ryder | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010762 | Moffat, Joyce | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumfriesshire | Joyce Moffat | | SP2003905502 | Joyce Moffat | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014834 | Molendinar Family L C | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 84 Craighead Avenue | Blackhill | Glasgow | G33 1LH | 01417 707 692 | Sharon McLarnon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004068183 | Mollon, Carol | Childminding | 15-12-2005 | Leven | Carol Mollon | | SP2004929817 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000356 | Molly's Playground - Childminding service | Childminding | 29-11-2022 | Dalbeattie | | SP2022000238 | Debra Davidson | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000419 | Mollys Childminding | Childminding | 05-11-2024 | Leven | | SP2024000597 | Molly Lafferty | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379573 | Momac Childminding | Child Minding | 26-05-2020 | Pitlochry | Morag MacFarlane | | SP2020991184 | Morag MacFarlane | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005021 | Momags Kids Club at Arkleston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Arkleston Primary School | Cockels Loan | Renfrew | PA4 0EL | 07527 169 555 | Suzanne Alexander | | SP2004006546 | Momags Kids Club Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004069808 | Momags Kids Club at Kirklandneuk | Day care of children | 15-12-2004 | Kirklandneuk Primary | Ard Road | Renfrew | PA4 9DA | 07975 565 040 | Andrea McCullough | | SP2004006546 | Momags Kids Club Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017356137 | Mommie Day Care | 29-08-2017 | Greenock | Diane Campbell | | SP2017989011 | Diane Campbell | Active | |||||||||
CS2014326901 | Mommy Childminder | Childminding | 21-08-2014 | South Queensferry | Erin Forsythe | | SP2014986007 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007144280 | Monaghan, Dawn | Childminding | 24-12-2007 | Stevenston | Dawn Monaghan | DAWNMON3577@AOL.COM | SP2007963837 | Dawn McCreadie | Active | ||||||||
CS2011281431 | Monaghan, Julie | Childminding | 18-05-2011 | Renfrew | Julie Monaghan | | SP2011981633 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016083 | Moncreiffe Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gleneagles Road | Perth | PH2 0AW | 01738 472 333 | Nicola Murray | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011730 | Moniaive Playcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Playgroup Building | Chapel Street | Moniaive | Thornhill | DG3 4EJ | 01848 200 153 | Fiona McMillan | | SP2003002759 | Moniaive Playcare, an Association | Active | |||
CS2023000038 | Monica Morris Childminding | Childminding | 16-02-2023 | Kirkcaldy | | SP2023000029 | Monica Morris | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000333 | Monica's Home from Home | Child Minding | 19-08-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000722 | Monica McMullan | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002882 | Monifieth Out Of School Care Club (Grange) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grange Primary School | Grange Road | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4LU | 01382 533 996 | Edward Merchant | | SP2003000576 | Monifieth Out of School Care Club | Active | |||
CS2003002920 | Monifieth Out Of School Care Club (Seaview) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Seaview Primary School | Victoria Street | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4HL | 01382 530 497 | Edward Merchant | | SP2003000576 | Monifieth Out of School Care Club | Active | |||
CS2003016863 | Monikie Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Monikie Primary School | Craigton Road | Monikie | Dundee | DD5 3QN | 01382 768 115 | Kellie Smith | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2013315963 | Monique's Childminding Service | Childminding | 18-06-2013 | Kilmarnock | Monique Sloan | | SP2013984686 | Monique Sloan | Active | ||||||||
CS2010272058 | Monkbarns | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | 14 Monkbarns Drive | Arbroath | DD11 2DS | 01738254254 | Rachel Molyneaux | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014323565 | Monkey Puzzle Glasgow | Day care of children | 29-08-2014 | 192 McNeil Street | Glasgow | G5 0NZ | 0141 429 1114 | Leeanne MacAree | | SP2014012246 | Choice Start Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006137803 | Monklands Women's Aid | Housing support service | 18-08-2008 | Airdrie | Sharon Aitchison | | SP2005007960 | Monklands Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2003043779 | Monkton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Monkton | Prestwick | KA9 2RH | 01292 473 456 | Karen Miller | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016327 | Monquhitter School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Monquhitter School | Thornhill Road | Cuminestown | Turriff | AB53 5WH | 01888 530 840 | Kirsty Wilson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2014334478 | Montana Home Care | Housing support service | 18-08-2015 | 88 Grahams Road | Falkirk | FK2 7DL | 07557868861 | Diane Gallagher | | SP2004006691 | Montana Home Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004079062 | Montana Home Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 27-10-2004 | 88 Grahams Road, Falkirk | Falkirk | FK2 7DL | 01324878572 | Diane Gallagher | | SP2004006691 | Montana Home Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015342700 | Monteith Personal Care Management Ltd | Support services - care at home | 11-07-2016 | Unit 4 | Castlebrae Business Centre | Peffer Place | Edinburgh | EH16 4BB | 01316 610 001 | Cindy O'Neill | | SP2015012619 | Monteith Personal Care Management Limited | Active | |||
CS2011300110 | Montessori at Home | Childminding | 16-02-2012 | Galashiels | Leisa McIver | | SP2011982769 | Leisa McIver trading as Montessori at Home Leisa McIver trading as Montessori at Home | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379842 | Montessori House | Child Minding | 04-08-2020 | Edinburgh | Sylwia Borowiak | | SP2020991207 | Sylwia Borowiak | Active | ||||||||
CS2008184266 | Montfield Support Services | Care homes for older people | 12-08-2010 | Burgh Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0LA | 01595 745 252 | Joanne Pearson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000330 | Montgomerie Park Primary Early Years Class | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2024 | Turnpike Way | Irvine | KA11 2FD | 01294 324067 | Fiona Smyth | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004084228 | Montgomery Place | Care homes for children and young people | 31-03-2005 | 4 Montgomery Place | Kilmarnock | KA3 1JB | 01563 543 926 | Heather Wright | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004074563 | Montgomery, Ann | Childminding | 27-09-2005 | Kilwinning | Ann Montgomery | | SP2004933036 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006115462 | Montrose Care Home | Care homes for older people | 04-03-2007 | Heriot Avenue | Foxbar | Paisley | PA2 0DN | 03003 000 212 | Gerard Higgins | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2006118237 | Montrose Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 06-03-2007 | Heriot Avenue | Foxbar | Paisley | PA2 0DN | 03003 000 212 | Gerard Higgins | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001167 | Montrose House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Glencloy Road | Brodick | Isle of Arran | KA27 8HF | 01770 302 131 | Jacqueline Elliott | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002658 | Monymusk Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Jubilee Hall | Monymusk | Inverurie | AB51 7HJ | 07709 799 159 | Kay Conway | | SP2003000520 | Monymusk Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2005090858 | Mooney, Kelly Ann | Childminding | 20-01-2006 | Motherwell | Kelly Ann Mooney | | SP2005944655 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009150 | Mooney, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkwall | Susan Mooney | | SP2003905050 | Susan Mooney | Active | ||||||||
CS2019376610 | Moore House - Culbrae | Care Home Service | 21-10-2019 | Culbrae | Butterstone House | Butterstone | Dunkeld | PH8 0HJ | 01506 652 312 | Adam Moffat | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | |||
CS2014330265 | Moore, Jacqueline | Childminding | 09-10-2014 | Drybridge, Buckie | Jacqueline Moore | | SP2014986251 | Jacqueline Moore | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013896 | Moore, Theresa | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Halkirk | Theresa Moore | | SP2003907548 | Theresa Moore | Active | ||||||||
CS2004069363 | Moorfoot Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moorfoot Drive | Gourock | PA19 1ES | 01475715701 | Elyse Buchanan | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2007157170 | Moorfoot Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 22-10-2007 | 41 Borthwick Castle Road | North Middleton | Gorebridge | EH23 4QS | 01312 714 640 | Clare McCallum | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014789 | Moorpark Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moorpark Early Learning and Childcare Centre | 22 Porterfield Road | Renfrew | PA4 8HJ | Pauline Thomson | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2021382527 | Moorpark Place | Care Home Service | 05-03-2021 | Manager's Office | School Road | Kilbirnie | KA25 7LN | 01505 682 600 | Margaret Ann Robinson | | SP2021013627 | Active Adult Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017309 | Moorpark Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moorpark Primary & EYC | School Road | Kilbirnie | KA25 7BW | 01505685386 | Rachael Carlisle | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010220 | Morar Lodge Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 54-58 Glasgow Street | Helensburgh | G84 9NS | 01436 678 009 | Julie Leitch | | SP2003002232 | Morar Lodge Nursing Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004082047 | Moray Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 02-12-2005 | The Moray Council | Rose Cottage | PO Box 67 | Elgin | IV30 9BX | 01343 563 568 | Carl Campbell | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2020379353 | Moray Continuing Care Services | Adult Placement Service | 02-07-2020 | Rose Cottage | PO Box 67 | Elgin | IV30 9BX | 01343 563 579 | Carl Campbell | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2004082074 | Moray Fostering Service | Fostering services | 02-12-2005 | The Moray Council | Rose Cottage | PO Box 67 | Elgin | IV30 9BX | 01343 563 552 | Carl Campbell | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2014329674 | Moray Housing Support Services | Housing support service | 20-03-2015 | 29-31 High Street | Elgin | IV30 1EE | 01343 550 985 | Shirley Sutherland | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2003013777 | Moray Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Maisondieu Road | Elgin | IV30 1RX | 01343 551 339 | Rebecca Sharp | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||||
CS2004073009 | Moray Services (Care at Home) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-09-2004 | Cornerstone | 7 Commerce Street | Elgin | IV30 1BS | 01343 559 337 | Kayleigh Grant | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2004073008 | Moray Services (Housing Support) | Housing support service | 08-10-2004 | Cornerstone | 7 Commerce Street | Elgin | IV30 1BS | 01343 559 337 | Kayleigh Grant | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2014329678 | Moray Support Services (Care at Home) | Support services - care at home | 20-03-2015 | 29-31 High Street | Elgin | IV30 1EE | 01343 550 985 | Shirley Sutherland | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | |||||
CS2017362614 | Moray Supported Living | 29-06-2018 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Lynne Ingram | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||||
CS2017362975 | Moray Supported Living | 29-06-2018 | Beach Boulevard | Aberdeen | AB24 5HP | 0141 419 9401 | Lynne Ingram | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||||
CS2006139238 | Moray Supported Lodgings Project | Adult placement services | 14-09-2007 | The Moray Council | Room 213 | High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BX | 01343 563 568 | Carl Campbell | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2003055066 | Moray Women's Aid | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | Elgin | Elle Johnston | | SP2004005483 | Moray Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017375 | Morebattle Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Morebattle | Kelso | TD5 8QG | 01573 440 547 | Jamie Wilson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010920 | Moredun House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 15 Moredun Park Court | Edinburgh | EH17 7EY | 01316 645 297 | Dougie Kerr | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2016346500 | Morgan Moir Childminding Service | 28-06-2016 | Aberdeen | Morgan Moir | | SP2016987950 | Morgan Moir | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000139 | Morgan's Childminding | Child Minding | 19-05-2023 | Irvine | | SP2023000092 | Morgan Johnston | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010916 | Morlich House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 11 Church Hill | Edinburgh | EH10 4BG | 01314 473 239 | Glen Andrew Brady | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2006133086 | Morningside Care Home | Care homes for older people | 04-07-2007 | 41 School Road | Morningside | Newmains | Wishaw | ML2 9QW | 01698 389 310 | Christina Simmons | | SP2010010997 | Morningside Carehomes (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2010274726 | Morningside Children's Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 29-10-2010 | 1a Nile Grove | Edinburgh | EH10 4RE | 01316 292 770 | Lea Dryburgh | | SP2010011231 | Morningside Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017354782 | Morningside Manor Care Home | 27-11-2017 | 41A Balcarres Street | Edinburgh | EH10 5JG | 01312 856 353 | Ewa Mohammad | | SP2017012884 | Morningside Manor Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2013315507 | Morris, Cheryl | Childminding | 09-05-2013 | Kilmarnock | Cheryl Morris | | SP2013984592 | Cheryl Morris | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012637 | Morris, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Linlithgow | Linda McDuff Morris | | SP2003906359 | Linda Morris | Active | ||||||||
CS2010250504 | Morris, Nancy | Childminding | 20-09-2010 | Edinburgh | Nancy Morris | | SP2010978339 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016199 | Morrison's Academy Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ferntower Road | Crieff | PH7 3AN | 01764 657 198 | Mona Morrow | | SP2003003588 | Morrison's Academy | Active | |||||
CS2005107658 | Morrison, C. Lesley | Childminding | 20-02-2006 | Helensburgh | C. Lesley Morrison | | SP2005952114 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009980 | Morrison, Denise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Blairgowrie | Denise Morrison | | SP2003905387 | Denise Morrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2011281920 | Morrison, Lisa | Childminding | 07-07-2011 | Glasgow | Lisa Morrison | | SP2011981830 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004646 | Morrison, Lorraine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lorraine Morrison | | SP2003902624 | Lorraine Morrison | Active | ||||||||
CS2008168543 | Morrison, Lorraine | Childminding | 05-08-2009 | Stirling | Lorraine Morrison | | SP2008968180 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006139892 | Morrison, Sandra | Childminding | 22-07-2009 | Edinburgh | Sandra Morrison | | SP2006962529 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004076984 | Morrison, Sarah Jane | Childminding | 03-03-2005 | Glasgow | Sarah Jane Morrison | | SP2004934245 | Morrison, Sarah Jane Morrison, Sarah Jane | Active | ||||||||
CS2008171456 | Morrison, Tracy | Childminding | 09-03-2009 | Cumnock | Tracy Morrison | | SP2008969037 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016012 | Mortlach Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | York Street | Dufftown | Keith | AB55 4AU | 01340 820 268 | Michele Fraser | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077716 | Morton, Suzanne | Childminding | 11-08-2005 | Cupar | Suzanne Morton | | SP2004934704 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000398 | Mosanny Home Care Limited T/A SureCare Ayrshire | Support Service | 17-10-2024 | Suite 3.15, 3rd Floor, | Ingram Enterprise Centre, | 30 John Finnie Street, | Kilmarnock | KA1 1DD | 01563621014 | Aniefiok Okpala | | SP2023001429 | Mosanny Home Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2024000397 | Mosanny Home Care Limited T/A SureCare Ayrshire | Housing Support Service | 17-10-2024 | Suite 3.15, 3rd Floor | Ingram Enterprise Centre | 30 John Finnie Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1DD | 01563621014 | Aniefiok Okpala | | SP2023001429 | Mosanny Home Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2011300755 | Moss Park Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | St.Johns Road | Caol | Fort William | PH33 7PR | 01397 700 815 | Eileen Kerr | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006119273 | Mossbank Wraparound Care | Day care of children | 07-09-2006 | Mossbank Primary School | Mossbank | Shetland | ZE2 9RB | 01595 807 280 | Jennifer Christie | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014336 | Mossblown Care Club | Day care of children | 15-08-2002 | Annbank Primary School | 41 Annbank Road | Mossblown | Ayr | KA6 5DZ | 01292 612 140 | Jackie Stewart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015394 | Mossend Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Calder Road | Mossend | Bellshill | ML4 2RH | 01698 274 905 | Tracey McCulloch | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003039637 | Mossneuk Out of School Service | Day care of children | 18-08-2003 | Mossneuk Parish Church | Eden Drive, Mossneuk | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8XX | 07957 987 272 | Ellen Gruner | | SP2004006922 | Mossneuk Out of School Service | Active | |||
CS2003015314 | Mossneuk Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mossneuk Drive | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8XQ | 01355239777 | Julie McGowan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001061 | Mosspark Drive | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 996 Mosspark Drive | Glasgow | G52 3BT | Alan Gray | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003055107 | Mosspark Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 10-05-2006 | Mosspark Primary School | 20 Mosspark Square | Glasgow | G52 1LZ | 01418 922 018 | Catriona McBride | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2016347635 | Mosstodloch Early Learning & Childcare | Day care of children | 09-08-2016 | Mosstodloch Primary School | Garmouth Road | Mosstodloch | Fochabers | IV32 7JB | 01343 821 188 | Jessica Myers | | SP2003001940 | Garmouth & Kingston Pre-school Group | Active | |||
CS2011281824 | Mossvale Care Home | Care homes for older people | 08-11-2013 | 151 Mossvale Road | Glasgow | G33 5PT | 01417 747 731 | Rachel Ainsworth | | SP2011981788 | Mossvale Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004064405 | Mossvale Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mossvale Primary School | 3/5 Gockston Road | Paisley | PA3 2QB | 03003 001 449 | Jane Houston | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014330580 | Mossview @ The Opera | Care homes for older people | 27-04-2015 | 49 Francis Street | Lochgelly | KY5 9NN | 01592 780 235 | Suzann Culley | | SP2014012349 | Care Concern Fife Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012312934 | Mosswood Care Home | Care homes for older people | 03-02-2014 | 1 Moss Road | Linwood | Paisley | PA3 3FA | 01505 335 042 | Pauleen Stevenson | | SP2003002346 | Pacific Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000253 | Mother and Child House Outreach Service - Falkirk | Support Service | 19-07-2024 | 15 Windsor Drive | Falkirk | FK1 5QN | 01786 450335 | Karen Campbell | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2024000290 | Mother and Child Recovery House - Falkirk | Care Home Service | 02-08-2024 | 15 Windsor Drive | Falkirk | FK1 5QN | 01786 450335 | Karen Campbell | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2022000363 | Mother and Child Recovery House - Tayside | Care Home Service | 01-12-2022 | Hillcrest Housing | 5 Cowan Place | Dundee | DD4 6QL | 01786 450335 | Natalie Douglas | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | ||||
CS2003002923 | Mothergoose Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Room 3 | Forfar Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Taylor Street | Forfar | DD8 3LB | 01307494796 | Lorna Black | | SP2003000579 | Mothergoose Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2008169806 | Motherwell and District Womens Aid | Housing support service | 31-03-2008 | Motherwell | Jemma Jones | | SP2004006114 | Motherwell and District Womans Aid, Incorporated Association | Active | ||||||||
CS2004071347 | Motherwell Home Support Service | Housing support service | 30-07-2004 | Dalziel Building | 4th Floor | 7 Scott Street | Motherwell | ML1 1PN | 01698 332 100 | Pauline Lennon | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004071342 | Motherwell Home Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2004 | Dalziel Building | 4th Floor | 7 Scott Street | Motherwell | ML1 1PN | 01698 332 149 | Anita Docherty | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2009236869 | Motherwell Integrated Day Services | Support services - not care at home | 22-09-2010 | 23 Draffen Court | Motherwell | ML1 1LS | 01698 274 620 | Nicola Toy | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2007158157 | Motherwell Locality Support Service (Disability) | Support services - not care at home | 26-09-2007 | 23 Draffen Court | Motherwell | ML1 1LS | 01698 274 470 | Louise Barclay | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000143 | Moto Childminding | Childminding | 02-07-2021 | GLASGOW | | SP2021000087 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003015313 | Mount Cameron Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blacklaw Drive | St. Leonards | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 2EX | 01355 232 062 | Claire Noble | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003050864 | Mount Esk Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-09-2003 | Mount Esk Nursery | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2LS | 01316 601 749 | Melissa Stewart | | SP2003003175 | Midlothian Sure Start | Active | |||||
CS2003015999 | Mount Esk Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dalhousie Gardens | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2LS | 01312 714 725 | Claire Fergusson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014806 | Mount Florida Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1127 Cathcart Road | Mount Florida | Glasgow | G42 9HF | 01416 324 455 | Carol Neil | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003040823 | Mount Florida Out of School Project | Day care of children | 16-04-2004 | Mount Florida Primary School | 1127 Cathcart Road | Mount Florida | Glasgow | G42 9HF | 07933 368 647 | Nicola Lang | | SP2004006925 | Mount Florida Out of School Project | Active | |||
CS2022000091 | Mount Pleasant | Care Home Service | 02-04-2022 | 31 - 33 West Kilbride Road | DALRY | KA24 5HH | 0129483 3072 | Hazel Glen | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003013517 | Mount Pleasant Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mount Pleasant Primary School | Castletown Road | Thurso | KW14 8HL | 01847 893 419 | Suzanne Urquhart | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2018371181 | Mountainhall Day Care | 16-04-2019 | Mountainhall Treatment Centre | Bankend Road | Dumfries | DG1 4AP | 01387 241 686 | Tamara McCallie | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015968 | Mountfleurie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Christie Avenue | Leven | KY8 4AZ | 01334 659 429 | Laura Burel | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003006690 | Mounties Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mount Cameron Primary School | Blacklaw Drive, St Leonards | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 2EX | 01355 249 636 | Clare Quinn | | SP2003001523 | Mounties Community Nursery | Active | |||
CS2011301110 | Mourning, Yvonne | Childminding | 20-02-2012 | Larkhall | Yvonne Mourning | | SP2011982866 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337885 | Moving On Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-01-2016 | Ross Court | Titchfield Street | Galston | KA4 8DF | 01563 829 069 | Ann Marie Fraser | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015337887 | Moving On Service | 25-01-2016 | Ross Court | Titchfield Street | Galston | KA4 8DF | 01563 829 069 | Ann Marie Fraser | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010414 | Mowat Court Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Kirkton Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2PB | 01569 763 340 | Susan Ashton | | SP2003002341 | Care UK Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005105767 | Moyes, Christina | Childminding | 04-05-2006 | Airdrie | Christina Moyes | | SP2005951330 | Christina Moyes | Active | ||||||||
CS2010272061 | Moyness Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | 76 Grove Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1JP | 01382 480 899 | Lisa Thomson | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011300773 | Mrs Angela D Watson | Childminding | 12-01-2012 | Glasgow | Angela Watson | | SP2011982823 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367275 | Mrs Differ's Daycare | 03-10-2018 | Bridge of Allan | Joyce Baxter-Differ | | SP2018013132 | M. Joyce Baxter-Differ & Rosie Glynn a Partnership M. Joyce Baxter-Differ & Rosie Glynn a Partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2016347647 | Mrs Dolina Rae | Childminding | 24-10-2016 | Mauchline | Dolina Rae | | SP2016988084 | Dolina Rae | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000289 | Mrs Robertson's Childminding Service | Childminding | 23-09-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000194 | Lynn Robertson | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332674 | Mrs Scott's Childminding | Childminding | 12-03-2015 | Aberdeen | Lisa-Jane Scott | | SP2014986465 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000263 | Ms Rachel's Childcare | Childminding | 24-07-2024 | Glenrothes | | SP2024000294 | Rachel McGregor | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017249 | Muck Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muck Primary School | Port Mor | Isle of Muck | PH41 2RP | 01687 462 367 | Kieran MacInnes | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2016349631 | Mucky Boots | 18-05-2017 | Maryculter Scout Hut or Maryculter Woods | Kirkton of Maryculter | Maryculter | AB12 5GZ | 07939 547 016 | Claire Hudson-Livingstone | | SP2016012768 | Mucky Boots Education a Company limited by guarantee | Active | |||||
CS2021000175 | Muddy Boots Childminding | Child Minding | 30-07-2021 | MONTROSE | | SP2021000104 | Karen Price | Active | |||||||||
CS2012311158 | Muddy Puddle Child Minding Services | Childminding | 23-10-2012 | Motherwell | Fiona Smith | | SP2012983992 | Fiona Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2019373970 | Muddy Puddles Childminding | 23-05-2019 | Perth | Amy Duncombe | | SP2019990448 | Amy Duncombe | Active | |||||||||
CS2016349833 | Mugdock House Care Home | 12-10-2017 | Stockiemuir Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 3SF | 01419 316 860 | Lorraine Murray | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010278780 | Muir of Ord Pre-School Centre | Day care of children | 18-02-2011 | Muir of Ord Pavilion | Muir of Ord | IV6 7SX | 07872 536 995 | Laura Bonner | | SP2010011106 | CALA Direct Management Services | Active | |||||
CS2004082187 | Muir, Heather | Childminding | 15-11-2005 | Glasgow | Heather Muir | | SP2004935106 | Heather Muir | Active | ||||||||
CS2011301756 | Muir, Zena | Childminding | 30-08-2012 | Edinburgh | Zena Muir | | SP2011982931 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003015316 | Muiredge Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Watson Street | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 7JL | 01698 813 852 | Lisa Lee | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008176136 | Muirfield Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2008 | Hall Crescent | Gullane | EH31 2HA | 01620 842 116 | Esther Bathgate | | SP2003002451 | Randolph Hill Nursing Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004072158 | Muirfield Out of School Club | Day care of children | 10-08-2005 | Muirfield Primary School | Mastrick Drive | Aberdeen | AB16 6UE | 07758 835 488 | Caroline Forsyth | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2016348917 | Muirfield Outreach | Support services - care at home | 06-12-2016 | Muirfield Place Project | 61-62 Muirfield Place | Kilwinning | KA13 6NZ | 01294 557 164 | Emma Citti | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2003002924 | Muirfield Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muirfield Primary School | School Road | Hospitalfields | Arbroath | DD11 2LU | 07903169759 | Heather Stone | | SP2003000580 | Muirfield Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003016864 | Muirfield Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muirfield Primary School | School Road | Arbroath | DD11 2LU | 01241 465 422 | Sally McLean | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014447 | Muirfield School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mastrick Drive | Aberdeen | AB16 6UE | 01224 694 958 | Lir Kennelly | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2007160941 | Muirhead Care Club | Day care of children | 09-01-2008 | Struthers Primary School | 15 Staffin Road | Troon | KA10 7JB | 07970 871 749 | Jackie Stewart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017401 | Muirhead Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muirhead Primary School | Buchan Road | Troon | KA10 7BT | 01292 690 033 | Lynsey Livingstone | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2005090584 | Muirhead Road | Support services - not care at home | 14-09-2005 | 97 Muirhead Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 7HP | 01417 811 172 | John Wright | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003629 | Muirhead, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elaine Muirhead | | SP2003901912 | Elaine Muirhead | Active | ||||||||
CS2008191746 | Muirhead, Lorna | Childminding | 31-03-2010 | Bathgate | Lorna Muirhead | SP2008972525 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003015397 | Muirhouse Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 66 Barons Road | Motherwell | ML1 2NB | 01698 274 995 | Katie Jamieson | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016957 | Muirkirk Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muirkirk Primary School and Early Childhood Centre | Burns Avenue | Muirkirk | Cumnock | KA18 3RH | 01290 661 350 | Anne McLean | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003055985 | Muirpark Lothians Care and Support Service | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 26 Muirpark Drive | Tranent | EH33 2PE | 0131 201 2947 | Sharon Hamilton | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003055987 | Muirpark Lothians Care and Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-08-2004 | 26 Muirpark Drive | Tranent | EH33 2PE | 01312 012 947 | Sharon Hamilton | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003011068 | Muirs Court | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 10 Muir's Court | Uphall | Broxburn | EH52 5JQ | 01506 856 090 | Alexanderina Craig | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||
CS2021000323 | Muirshiel Resource Centre | Support Service | 09-11-2021 | Block 8 | Industrial Estate | Muirshiel Road | Port Glasgow | PA14 5XS | 01475745115 | Norman (Norrie) McAnally | | SP2021000203 | Muirshiel Resource Centre | Active | |||
CS2003010140 | Muirton Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gowans Terrace | Perth | PH1 5AX | 01738 625 933 | Lorna Garry | | SP2003002186 | Muirton Community Nursery Training and Childcare Project | Active | |||||
CS2011301145 | Muirton House | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Essendy Road | Blairgowrie | PH10 6QU | 01250 872 113 | Alexandra Millar | | SP2011011695 | Larchwood Care Homes (North) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014017 | Muirtown After School Klub | Day care of children | 10-09-2002 | Muirtown Primary School | King Bride Road | Inverness | IV3 8LU | 07986 488 831 | Kerry Shand | | SP2003003254 | Muirtown After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003017250 | Muirtown Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | King Brude Road | Inverness | IV3 8LU | 01463 239 537 | Janice Macrae | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003039173 | Mulberry Bush Montessori | Day care of children | 10-08-2004 | 20 Teviot Street | Yorkhill | Glasgow | G3 8PQ | 01413 376 543 | Vicki Inglis | | SP2003001127 | Mulberry Bush Montessori Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013315796 | Mulberry Bush Montessori | Day care of children | 29-04-2014 | 12 Balfron Road | Killearn | Glasgow | G63 9NJ | 01360 550 916 | Shona Watters | | SP2013012023 | Mairi Clark and Patrick Clark a Partnership trading as Mulberry Bush Montessori | Active | ||||
CS2003003250 | Mulberry Bush Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Park Lodge House | 17 Charlotte Street | Helensburgh | G84 7EY | 01436 679 822 | Victoria Ross | | SP2003000674 | Claire Murdoch | Active | ||||
CS2023000148 | Mulberry House | Care Home Service | 26-05-2023 | 4 Mulberry Crescent | Chapelhall | Airdrie | ML6 8GJ | 07547104737 | Jinny Brockie | | SP2018013216 | Love @ Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008168688 | Mulberry Kindergarten | Day care of children | 28-07-2008 | 7/8 Fitzroy Place | Glasgow | G3 7RH | 01412 219 323 | Lauren Maguire | | SP2003001249 | MULBERRY KINDERGARTEN | Active | |||||
CS2007156816 | Mulbuie Nursery | Day care of children | 13-09-2007 | Mulbuie Primary School | Mulbuie | Muir of Ord | IV6 7RB | 01349 861 289 | Antony McCallum-McKay | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2006115133 | Mulhearn, Lisa | Childminding | 28-09-2006 | Glasgow | Lisa Mulhearn | | SP2006956108 | Lisa Mulhearn | Active | ||||||||
CS2016351685 | Mulhern, Louise | 22-03-2017 | Glasgow | Louise Mulhern | | SP2016988567 | Louise Mulhern | Active | |||||||||
CS2004079386 | Mull & Iona, Coll & Tiree and Colonsay Home Care Service/Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-11-2004 | Health & Social Care Partnership - Oban, Lorn & Isles Adult Social Work | 15 Bowman Court | Craignure, Isle of Mull | Argyll and Bute | PA65 6BH | 01546 605 500 | Aileen Macaulay | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2004079385 | Mull & Iona, Coll & Tiree and Colonsay Home Care Service/Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 23-11-2004 | Care at Home Services Social Work Office | Mull and Iona Hospital | Craignure, Isle of Mull | Argyll and Bute | PA65 6BG | 01546 605 517 | Aileen MacAulay | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003008485 | Mull Hall (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Barbaraville | Invergordon | IV18 0ND | 01862 842 308 | Lorna McDonald | | SP2003001708 | Mull Hall Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014331787 | Mullen, Anne | Childminding | 09-02-2015 | Shotts | Anne Mullen | | SP2014986372 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006140079 | Mullen, Elizabeth | Childminding | 06-07-2007 | Alexandria | Elizabeth Mullen | | SP2006962588 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006115476 | Mullen, Joan | Childminding | 15-01-2007 | Glasgow | Joan Mullen | SP2006956346 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2018365474 | Mummy Bears Childcare | 16-07-2018 | Livingston | Megan Anderson | | SP2018989778 | Megan Anderson | Active | |||||||||
CS2010237774 | Mummy Day Care Childminding Service | Childminding | 25-06-2010 | Dundee | Denise Gardner | | SP2010977193 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017357814 | Munasinghe, Punma | 11-12-2017 | Edinburgh | Punma Munasinghe | | SP2017989142 | Punma Munasinghe | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000291 | Munches Park House | Care Home Service | 08-10-2021 | Barrhill Road | DALBEATTIE | DG5 4JB | 01556 613260 | Danielle Burgess | | SP2006008483 | Park Homes (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014323942 | Munlochy Pre-School Centre | Day care of children | 31-10-2014 | Village Hall | Millbank Road | Munlochy | IV8 8NL | 07979920559 | Kelly Miller | | SP2010011106 | CALA Direct Management Services | Active | ||||
CS2010272598 | Munro House Nursery and Kindergarten | Day care of children | 09-03-2011 | Munro House | Unit 42 - 46 Munro Business Centre | Munro Place, Anniesland | Glasgow | G13 2UW | 01419 598 85 | Melanie Jane Mackin | | SP2010011143 | Mackin Childcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2003014001 | Munro, Allison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Wick | Alison Munro | | SP2003907655 | Allison Munro | Active | ||||||||
CS2007160248 | Munro, Helen | Childminding | 26-03-2008 | Glasgow | Helen Munro | | SP2007966607 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007163959 | Munro, Jannette | Childminding | 15-07-2008 | Alexandria | Jannette Munro | | SP2007967307 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001936 | Munro, Morag | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Morag Munro | SP2003900558 | Morag Munro | Active | |||||||||
CS2009229656 | Munro, Nicola | Childminding | 06-04-2010 | Nethybridge | Nicola Munro | | SP2009974680 | Nicola Gordon | Active | ||||||||
CS2011285643 | Munro, Sarah | Childminding | 06-06-2011 | Shetland | Sarah Munro | | SP2003907344 | Sarah Munro | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011752 | Murdoch, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stranraer | Karen Murdoch | | SP2003905832 | Karen Murdoch | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2005113437 | Murdoch, Lynne | Childminding | 11-04-2006 | Thornhill | Lynne Murdoch | | SP2005955275 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008179522 | Murdoch, Tracy | Childminding | 14-05-2009 | Prestwick | Tracy Murdoch | | SP2008970491 | Tracy Murdoch | Active | ||||||||
CS2021382526 | Murdostoun Neurological Care Centre | Care Home Service | 05-03-2021 | Bonkle | Newmains | Wishaw | ML2 9BY | 01698 384 055 | Michael Sneddon | | SP2021013626 | Active Neuro Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011298062 | Murphie, Amy | Childminding | 22-11-2011 | Grantown-on-Spey | Amy Murphie | | SP2011982564 | Amy Murphie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005410 | Murphy, Gaile | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Gaile Murphy | | SP2003903181 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005093537 | Murphy, Lesley | Childminding | 12-09-2005 | Larkhall | Lesley Murphy | | SP2005946125 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014356 | Murphy, Lesley | Childminding | 31-10-2002 | Dundee | Lesley Murphy | | SP2003908825 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011318 | Murphy, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bo'ness | Lynn Murphy | | SP2003905623 | Lynn Murphy | Active | ||||||||
CS2005087116 | Murphy, Margaret | Childminding | 08-02-2006 | Glasgow | Margaret Murphy | SP2004941082 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003003562 | Murphy, Shona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cumnock | Shona Murphy | | SP2003901851 | Shona Murphy | Active | ||||||||
CS2018367397 | Murray House | 20-12-2018 | Angraflat Road | Kelso | TD5 7NS | 01573 224 886 | Angela Airlie | | SP2003001975 | Queens House (Kelso) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2004082373 | Murray House Outreach | Housing support service | 13-12-2004 | Murray House | 62 High Street | Invergordon | IV18 0DH | 07598 579778 | Lesley Collins | | SP2003003760 | Change Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2003015318 | Murray Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Napier Hill | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0JP | 01355 222 566 | Irene Tremble | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003020143 | Murray, Aileen | Childminding | 07-05-2003 | Glasgow | Aileen Murray | | SP2003909882 | Aileen Murray | Active | ||||||||
CS2006137551 | Murray, Denise | Childminding | 16-02-2007 | Largs | Denise Murray | | SP2006961991 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006264 | Murray, Diane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Diane Murray | | SP2003903680 | Diane Murray | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015435 | Murray, Emma | Childminding | 30-01-2003 | Gullane | Emma Murray | | SP2003909858 | Emma Murray | Active | ||||||||
CS2008189103 | Murray, Frances | Childminding | 15-09-2009 | Glasgow | Frances Murray | | SP2008972227 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007156065 | Murray, Hazel | Childminding | 19-12-2007 | Dalkeith | Hazel Murray | | SP2007965806 | Hazel Cowan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008083 | Murray, Joan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kyle | Joan Murray | | SP2003904748 | Joan Murray | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003932 | Murray, Lynne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lynne Murray | YARRUM-S@BTINTERNET.COM | SP2003902129 | Lynne Murray | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015870 | Murrayburn Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sighthill Loan | Edinburgh | EH11 4NP | 01314 535 754 | Charlotte Chiswick | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300758 | Murrayfield House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 66 Murrayfield Avenue | Edinburgh | EH12 6AY | 01313 134 455 | Fiona Truesdale | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016147 | Murrayfield Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Catherine Terrace | Blackburn | Bathgate | EH47 7DX | 01506 653 400 | Kevin McCabe | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2018365368 | Murrayside | 31-10-2018 | 34 South Beechwood | Edinburgh | EH12 5YS | 01315 168 548 | Suzanne Welsh | | SP2016012818 | Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2009231465 | Murraythwaite | Care homes for children and young people | 23-11-2009 | Murraythwaite Mains | Dalton | Lockerbie | DG11 1AU | 01387 325 024 | Jo-Anna McCulloch | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015762 | Murroes Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Murroes Primary School | By Duntrune | Dundee | DD4 0PL | 01382 768 118 | Amanda McKenzie | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017339 | Murthly Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Murthly Primary School | Murthly | Perth | PH1 4HB | 01738 454 263 | Sarah Clarkson | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015680 | Musselburgh Area Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Fisherrow Hub | Fisherrow Community Centre | South Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6AT | 01316 658 739 | Colin Jeffrey | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2008177160 | Musselburgh Private Nursery | Day care of children | 24-06-2008 | 17-21 Bridge Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6AA | 01316 532 714 | Lindsay Wright | | SP2008009813 | Musselburgh Private Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020381758 | Musselburgh Private Nursery Stoneybank Terrace | Day care of children | 25-02-2021 | 11-19 Stoneybank Terrace | Musselburgh | EH21 6LY | 01316 531613 | Nicola Sallie | | SP2008009813 | Musselburgh Private Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004079141 | Musselburgh Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 65 Millhill | Musselburgh | EH21 7RL | 01316 656 208 | Clare Bald | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006121422 | Mustoo, Lynne | Childminding | 13-10-2006 | West Kilbride | Lynne Mustoo | | SP2006959342 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366333 | Muthill Kiddy Club | 08-08-2018 | Muthill Parish Chuch | Station Road | Muthill | Crieff | PH5 2AR | 07999 598 663 | Jennifer McRae | | SP2018013116 | Muthill Kiddy Club a Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2003051777 | My Care Grampian | Housing support service | 06-09-2004 | 2 Golden Square | Aberdeen | AB10 1RD | 01224 636 333 | June McKenzie | | SP2004004310 | My Care (Grampian) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004072161 | My Care Grampian | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-09-2004 | 2 Golden Square | Aberdeen | AB10 1RD | 01224 636 333 | June McKenzie | | SP2004004310 | My Care (Grampian) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000288 | My Care My Support | Support Service | 31-08-2023 | 45b West Bowling Green Street | Edinburgh | EH6 5NX | 07712336813 | | SP2019013279 | Recruit the Best Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2004061873 | My Care Tayside | Housing support service | 22-09-2004 | 21b City Quay | Dundee | DD1 3JA | 01382 202 003 | Jane Swan | | SP2004005884 | My Care (Tayside) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004076249 | My Care Tayside | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-09-2004 | 21b City Quay | Dundee | DD1 3JA | 01382 202 003 | Jane Swan | | SP2004005884 | My Care (Tayside) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016347323 | My Homecare (Dundee) Ltd | 14-10-2016 | Castlecroft Business Centre | Tom Johnston Road | Dundee | DD4 8XD | 01382 698 989 | Caroline Dunn | | SP2016012723 | My Homecare (Dundee) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018366734 | My Homecare Edinburgh | 21-11-2018 | 4 | Shore Place | Edinburgh | EH6 6SW | 01315 531 302 | Ifeoma Sussan Ezenwobodo | | SP2018013121 | M & G Healthcare Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000036 | My Homecare Edinburgh | Housing Support Service | 30-04-2021 | 4 | SHORE PLACE | Edinburgh | EH6 6SW | 0131 553 1302 | Ifeoma Ezenwobodo | | SP2018013121 | M & G Healthcare Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000190 | My Homecare Glasgow | Support services - care at home | 20-07-2022 | My Homecare Glasgow | 117 Brook Street | Suite 3-13 & 3-2 Brook Street Business Hub | Glasgow | G40 3AP | 0141 286 2397 | Susan Marshall | | SP2022000135 | Precious Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2019374380 | My Life (Edinburgh & Lothians) | Support services - care at home | 02-09-2019 | Lower ground floor | 15 Alva Street | Edinburgh | EH2 4PH | 01316 034 449 | Gail Lyall | | SP2019013299 | CSN Care Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015341955 | My Little Butterflies | 08-02-2016 | Inverness | Kim Haywood | SP2015987473 | Kim Haywood | Active | ||||||||||
CS2006136828 | My Little Fishes Nursery | Day care of children | 02-05-2008 | Drumchapel St Andrew's Church | 153 Garscadden Road | Old Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 6UQ | 01419 447 721 | Michelle Bonner | | SP2006008614 | My Little Fishes Nursery Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000177 | My Ohana IKEA Edinburgh | Day Care of Children | 12-06-2023 | Ikea | Costkea Way | Loanhead | EH20 9BY | 020 36450000 | Rebecca Rigby | | SP2023000041 | Tinies U.K. Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000055 | My Ohana IKEA Glasgow | Day Care of Children | 06-03-2023 | IKEA | 99 Kings Inch Drive | Glasgow | G51 4FB | 020 3645 0000 | Dione Moran | | SP2023000041 | Tinies U.K. Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000142 | My Ohana Scottish Parliament Creche | Day Care of Children | 22-05-2023 | The Scottish Parliament | Edinburgh | EH99 1SP | 02073840322 | Kirstie Frater | | SP2023000041 | Tinies U.K. Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017357823 | My Second Home | 31-10-2017 | 50 Tweedsmuir Road | Cardonald | Glasgow | G52 2RX | 01418 820 286 | Dior McArdle | SP2017012942 | My Second Home Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2024000375 | Mya's Childminding | Child Minding | 26-09-2024 | Stirling | | SP2024000574 | Mya Meiklejohn | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003610 | Myatt, Marion | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Marion Myatt | | SP2003901893 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018370177 | Mylocum Ltd | 29-03-2019 | Neptune House | 8-11 Clements Court | Clements Lane | Ilford | IG1 2QZ | 02085 184 336 | Jude Madu | | SP2018013198 | Mylocum Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015557 | Myot View Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow Road | Denny | FK6 5DW | 01324 504 270 | Claire Connelly | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2015337309 | Myriam Abedi Childminding Service | Childminding | 30-10-2015 | Glasgow | Myriam Abedi | | SP2015986927 | Myriam Abedi | Active | ||||||||
CS2018370028 | Nacor Healthcare | Housing Support Service | 28-06-2019 | 350 Main Street | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4EG | 07984 827 790 | Alma Ngairo | | SP2018013194 | Nacor Healthcare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018370502 | Nacor Healthcare Services Ltd | Support Service | 28-06-2019 | 45 Vicar Street, Suite 2/4 | Falkirk Business Hub | Falkirk | FK1 1LL | 01324229137 | Alma Ngairo | SP2018013194 | Nacor Healthcare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000106 | Nadia Healthcare Services | Support Service | 27-04-2022 | Nadia Healthcare Services | Falkirk Business Hub | 45 Vicar Street | FALKIRK | FK1 2QE | 07496457238 | Diana Damba | | SP2022000072 | Nadia Healthcare Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2010278876 | Nadia's Childminding | Childminding | 05-09-2011 | CUPAR | Nadia Elliott | | SP2010980809 | Nadia Elliott | Active | ||||||||
CS2008168307 | Nagle, Hazel | Childminding | 18-04-2008 | Bathgate | Hazel Nagle | | SP2008968104 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010278781 | Nairn Gaelic Playgroup | Day care of children | 18-02-2011 | Community Centre | King Street | Nairn | IV12 4BQ | 07766 396 605 | Cora Stewart | | SP2010011106 | CALA Direct Management Services | Active | ||||
CS2019376804 | Nakita Malliaros Childminding | Childminding | 02-03-2020 | Bonnyrigg | Nakita Malliaros | | SP2019990749 | Nakita Malliaros | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000239 | Nancy's Childminding | Child Minding | 09-07-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000095 | Nancy Garcia Ruiz | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000285 | Nanny Mack childminding | Child Minding | 30-08-2023 | St. Andrews | | SP2023000178 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000076 | Nanny Naj's Nook | Child Minding | 08-03-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2023001412 | Najia Chohan | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381198 | Nanny Nicola Registered Childminder | Child Minding | 08-01-2021 | Hamilton | Nicola Gibb | | SP2020991371 | Nicola Gibb | Active | ||||||||
CS2015336311 | Nansen Highland Care at Home Services | Support services - care at home | 06-07-2015 | Redcastle Station | Muir of Ord | IV6 7RX | 01463 871 255 | Ulrike Cornil | | SP2003001725 | Nansen Highland | Active | |||||
CS2011299270 | Nansen Highland Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 01-05-2012 | Redcastle Station | Tore | Muir of Ord | IV6 7RX | 01463 871 255 | Ulrike Cornil | | SP2003001725 | Nansen Highland | Active | ||||
CS2025000011 | Naomi's Childminding Service | Childminding | 10-01-2025 | Motherwell | | SP2024000462 | Naomi Dobbin | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353222 | Napier House | 18-09-2017 | 300 Napier Road | Glenrothes | KY6 1BF | 01592 583 140 | Ann Bell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003017677 | Napier House Day Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Napier House | 300 Napier Road | Glenrothes | Fife | KY6 1BF | 01592 583 140 | Janice Martin | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2006141046 | NAS SW Scotland Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-02-2007 | The Stables Administration & Resource Centre | The National Autistic Society | Sorn Road, Catrine | Mauchline | KA5 6NA | 01290 553 420 | Roslind Ramsay | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | |||
CS2006134931 | NAS SW Scotland Supported Living | Housing support service | 22-02-2007 | The Stables Administration & Resource Centre | The National Autistic Society | Sorn Road, Catrine | Mauchline | KA5 6NA | 01290 553 420 | Craig Girvan | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | |||
CS2013316222 | Nassiri Childminding | Childminding | 22-04-2014 | Edinburgh | Imane Nassiri | | SP2013984723 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2024000370 | Natalia's Wonders | Child Minding | 24-09-2024 | South Queensferry | | SP2024000460 | Natalia Wójcik | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332644 | Natalie's Childcare | Childminding | 17-02-2015 | Kelso | Natalie Dickson | | SP2014986460 | Natalie Dickson | Active | ||||||||
CS2013321653 | Natalie's Childminding | Childminding | 09-05-2014 | Aberdeen | Natalie Ross | | SP2013985444 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356703 | Natalie's Childminding Service | 18-08-2017 | Banchory | Natalie Reid | | SP2017989072 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2019376659 | Natalie's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 17-10-2019 | Linthithgow | Natalie McKillop | | SP2019990716 | Natalie McKillop | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000145 | Natalie's Clubhouse | Child Minding | 24-05-2023 | ABERDEEN | | SP2023000096 | Natalie Gordon | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000170 | Natasha Leggatt | Child Minding | 08-06-2023 | Dundee | | SP2023000111 | Natasha Leggatt | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379040 | Natasha's Cheeky Monkeys | Child Minding | 16-06-2020 | Grangemouth | Natasha White | | SP2020991094 | Natasha White | Active | ||||||||
CS2017355925 | Natasha's Childcare | Childminding | 16-06-2017 | Livingston | Natasha Chan | | SP2017988991 | Natasha Chan | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2005098696 | National Fostering Agency (Scotland) Limited | Fostering services | 20-02-2006 | 1st Floor | East Gateway | Beancross Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8WH | 01324 468 055 | Claire Devine | | SP2005007502 | The National Fostering Agency (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2018363688 | National Fostering Agency Scotland | 16-07-2018 | 1st Floor | East Gateway | Beancross Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8WH | 01324 468 055 | Claire Devine | | SP2005007502 | The National Fostering Agency (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018368786 | National Locums Nursing Agency Scotland | 09-04-2019 | 64a Cumbernauld Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6RE | 01908 776 477 | Simon Hill | | SP2018013168 | National Locums Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2023000212 | Nature2nurture Childminding | Child Minding | 08-07-2023 | Prestonpans | Emma Murphy | | SP2023000136 | David Murphy and Emma Murphy, a partnership, trading as Nature2nurture Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2008184573 | Naylor, Sonia | Childminding | 15-09-2009 | Edinburgh | Sonia Naylor | | SP2008971560 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317817 | Nazareth House | Care homes for older people | 15-10-2013 | 1647 Paisley Road West | Glasgow | G52 3QT | 01418 918 882 | Donna Conlon | SP2013012086 | Nazareth Care Charitable Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2013317815 | Nazareth House | Care homes for older people | 20-01-2014 | 13 Hillhead | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2JF | 01316 637 191 | Bianca Courtney | | SP2013012086 | Nazareth Care Charitable Trust | Active | |||||
CS2025000083 | Nazia Majeed | Childminding | 24-02-2025 | Glasgow | | SP2024000749 | Nazia Majeed | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366837 | NC Healthcare Ltd | 22-03-2019 | 6th Floor | 321 Averbury Boulevard | Milton Keynes | MK9 2FZ | 01908299180 | Mohammed Noman Shaikh | | SP2018013125 | NC Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017356650 | NE Home Care Service Leith | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | 101 Niddrie Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DS | 0131 529 7101 | Joanna Blaszk | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2017356640 | NE Home Care Service Leith | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | 101 Niddrie Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DS | 0131 529 7101 | Joanna Blaszk | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2017356639 | NE Hub - Re-ablement Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | East Neighbourhood Office | 101 Niddrie Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DS | 0131 529 3270 | Linda Fridge | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2017356649 | NE Hub - Re-ablement Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | East Neighbourhood Office | 101 Niddrie Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DS | 0131 529 3270 | Linda Fridge | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003053949 | Neighbourhood Networks | Housing support service | 26-11-2004 | Neighbourhood Networks | 25 Dava Street | GLASGOW | G51 2JA | 01414 401 005 | Adrian McKill | | SP2004005422 | Neighbourhood Networks | Active | ||||
CS2003001937 | Neil, Lyn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Laurencekirk | Lyn Neil | | SP2003900559 | Lyn Neil | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003464 | Neilson, Arlene | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Arlene Neilson | | SP2003901769 | Arlene Neilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012864 | Nelson, Catherine & David | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Catherine Nelson | | SP2003906583 | Nelson, Mrs Catherine And Mr David Nelson, Mrs Catherine And Mr David | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000241 | Ness Castle Nursery | Day Care of Children | 15-08-2022 | Ness Castle Primary School | Brodie Road | INVERNESS | IV2 6FW | Craig Connon | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||||
CS2006137518 | Ness Out of School Care Service | Day care of children | 05-12-2006 | Dunrossness Primary School | Dunrossness | Shetland | ZE2 9JG | 01595 745 440 | Mairi Jamieson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002367 | Ness, Allison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ellon | Allison Ness | SP2003901044 | Allison Ness | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000252 | Nether Currie Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 19-08-2022 | 57 Thomson Crescent | Currie | EH14 5JS | 0131 449 3140 | Ben Horsburgh | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2010237321 | Nether Johnstone House | Care homes for children and young people | 18-10-2010 | Barochan Road | Johnstone | PA5 8YP | 01505 322 984 | Elaine Hamilton | | SP2010977037 | Julia Stewart Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016958 | Nether Robertland Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cairnduff Place | Stewarton | Kilmarnock | KA3 5QF | 01560 484 934 | Leanne Strathearn | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015320 | Netherburn Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Netherburn Primary School | Overton Road | Netherburn | Larkhall | ML9 3BT | 01698 882 484 | Rachel Baxter | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003008822 | Netherha' House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Netherha' Road | Buckpool | Buckie | AB56 1EP | 01542 831 055 | Emily Johnston | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015831 | Netherlee Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Netherlee Primary School | Clarkston Road | Glasgow | G44 3SF | 01415 707 260 | Yvonne Donaldson | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379357 | Netherlethame | Care homes for children and young people | 04-12-2020 | Nether Lethame House | Strathaven | ML10 6RW | 01357 523 878 | Elaine McWannell | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006141331 | Nethermains Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 20-08-2007 | Bulloch Crescent | Denny | FK6 5AR | 01324 508 830 | Grace Law | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014090 | Netherthird Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 31-07-2002 | Craigens Road | Cumnock | KA18 3AN | 01290 425 946 | Jemma Donnelly | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2007164226 | Netherton | School care accommodation | 13-01-2009 | Netherton | Ochiltree | Cumnock | KA18 2PU | 01290 702 880 | Stacey Galloway | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006138057 | Netherton Childrens Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 19-10-2007 | 16 Blaeloch Drive | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9QR | 01412 760 840 | Patricia Pia | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010587 | Netherton Court Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 7-11 Netherton Road | Wishaw | ML2 0BP | 01698 373 344 | Hester Saarberg | | SP2003002348 | Thistle Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020379259 | Netherton Family Learning Centre | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | Carbarns | Netherton | Wishaw | ML2 0FQ | 01698522747 | Angie Ross | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000344 | Netherton Farm | Care Home Service | 28-11-2021 | Netherton Farm | Blackford | AUCHTERARDER | PH4 1QU | 0141 4046765 | Ashley McKinlay | | SP2018013227 | Greenleaf House Co Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003012096 | Networking Key Services Limited (NKS) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Darroch Annexe | 7 Gillespie Street | Edinburgh | EH3 9NH | 01312 211 915 | Rukhsana Hussain | | SP2003002988 | Networking Key Services Limiuted | Active | ||||
CS2024000278 | Nevis Care at Home | Support Service | 31-07-2024 | Office No. 1 | Bishopbriggs Media Centre | 18 Crowhill Road | Bishopbriggs | G64 1QY | 07447441456 | Mitchell Hill | | SP2023000382 | Nevis Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003016960 | New Cumnock Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Afton Bridgend | New Cumnock | Cumnock | KA18 4AX | 01290 338 593 | Maria Clarke-McKay | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015737 | New Deer School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New Deer School | New Deer | Turriff | AB53 6TB | 01771 644 265 | Emma Littlejohn | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011006 | New Directions Community Support Services | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | 10 Main Street | Livingston Village | Livingston | EH54 7AF | 01506 464 446 | Carolyn Craig | | SP2003002582 | New Directions West Lothian | Active | ||||
CS2017362905 | New Directions West Lothian - Housing Support | 02-05-2018 | Bloom House | 10 Main Street | Livingston Village | Livingston | EH54 7AF | 01506 464 446 | Carolyn Craig | | SP2003002582 | New Directions West Lothian | Active | ||||
CS2003016381 | New Elgin Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bezack Street | New Elgin | Elgin | IV30 6DP | 01343 559 551 | Rachel Main | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016328 | New Machar School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New Machar School | 7 School Road | Newmachar | Aberdeen | AB21 0WB | 01651 267 420 | Lesley Daniel | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015374 | New Monkland Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Raebog Road | Glenmavis | Airdrie | ML6 0NW | 01236 794 883 | Mary Reid | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016844 | New Pitsligo & St. John's School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Street | New Pitsligo | Fraserburgh | AB43 6NE | 01771 676 612 | Kirsty Wilson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014576 | New Rannoch | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Shuna Court | North Muirton | Perth | PH1 3DN | 01738 474 566 | Shona Thompson | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001386 | New Ridgepark | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Ridgepark House | Scottish Autism | Mousebank Road | Lanark | ML11 7RA | 08453 009 275 | Ailie Paton | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2004073185 | New Start Highland | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | 9 Carsegate Road North | Inverness | IV3 8EX | 01463 715 615 | Mairi Macaulay | | SP2004006664 | New Start Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003015400 | New Stevenston Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Coronation Road East | New Stevenston | Motherwell | ML1 4HX | 01698 352 530 | Alan Creighton | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011477 | New Struan School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2002 | 15-17 | Claremont | Alloa | FK10 2DF | 01259 222 000 | Edward McInally | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | ||||
CS2014326119 | Newark Care Home | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2014 | Southfield Avenue | Port Glasgow | PA14 6PS | 01475 705 800 | Sharon Kelly | | SP2014012299 | SCCL Operations Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008171662 | Newark Nursery | Day care of children | 13-08-2008 | Newark Primary School | Bridgend Avenue | Port Glasgow | PA14 5SU | 01475 715 602 | Hazel Mitchell | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2018370293 | Newbattle Community Nursery a SCIO | Day care of children | 01-07-2019 | 67 Gardiner Place | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4RT | 07491 651 105 | Michelle McNae | | SP2018013203 | Newbattle Community Nursery a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2023000107 | Newbattle Forest Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 14-04-2023 | Newbattle Abbey College | Newbattle Road | Dalkeith | EH22 3LL | 01312002000 | Donna Begg | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2008175553 | Newberry Rooney | Support services - not care at home | 24-06-2008 | 100 Newpark Street | Hamilton | ML3 0BN | 01698 423 508 | Annmarie Malloy | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015704 | Newburgh Mathers School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newburgh Mathers School Nursery | School Road | Newburgh | Ellon | AB41 6BT | 01358 281 120 | Emma Gardner | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003002659 | Newburgh Preschool | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 63a Main Street | Newburgh | Ellon | AB41 6BL | 01358789461 | Wendy Walker | | SP2003000521 | Newburgh Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003015907 | Newburgh Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cupar Road | Newburgh | Cupar | KY14 6HA | 01334 659 431 | Susan Ewing | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2007167115 | Newbyres Village | Care homes for older people | 29-05-2008 | 20 Gore Avenue | Gorebridge | EH23 4TZ | 01312 705 656 | Ann Morrison | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2017361016 | Newcarron Court Nursing Home | 06-12-2017 | Ronades Road | Newcarron Village | Falkirk | FK2 7TB | 01324 610 334 | Helen Stoddart | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003007209 | Newcastle Early Learning Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newcastle Primary School | Muirfield Drive | Newcastle | Glenrothes | KY6 2PX | 07368 296 890 | Hayley Kelly | | SP2003001632 | Newcastle Early Learning Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003017376 | Newcastleton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Montagu Street | Newcastleton | Hawick | TD9 0QZ | 01387 375 240 | Andrew Jones | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015862 | Newcraighall Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Whitehill Street | Newcraighall | Musselburgh | EH21 8QZ | 01316 693 598 | Jan Paterson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2006130511 | Newcraigielea | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 03-01-2007 | Seafield Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0WZ | 01595 744 463 | Robert Simpson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2006130515 | Newcraigielea | Support services - not care at home | 03-01-2007 | Seafield Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0WZ | 01595 744 463 | Robert Simpson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2015336258 | Newcroft Childcare | Childminding | 29-05-2015 | Keith | Lynne Cameron | | SP2015986782 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365850 | Newcross Healthcare Scotland | 03-01-2019 | Newcross Healthcare Solutions Ltd | Suites 5 and 6, 1st Floor Building | 2 Waverley House | Hamilton | ML3 0QA | 03300540503 | Samantha Beckers | | SP2005007230 | Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020380764 | Newcross Healthcare Scotland Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 18-03-2021 | Newcross Healthcare Solutions | Suites 5 and 6 1st Floor | 2 Waverley House | Hamilton | ML3 0QA | 03300545593 | Kathleen Tevlin-Smy | | SP2005007230 | Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2003015323 | Newfield Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muirhead | Stonehouse | Larkhall | ML9 3HG | 01698 792 084 | Laura Horn | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000372 | Newhaven House | Care homes for children and young people | 09-12-2022 | 29a Downie Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 7AU | 01312595112 | Lian Mitchell | | SP2013012111 | Horizons Residential Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016073 | Newhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blairgowrie Community Campus | Hamish Henderson Place | Blairgowrie | PH10 6UZ | 01250 871 941 | Elizabeth Douglas | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000773 | Newhouse | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 57-59 Galston Road | Hurlford | Kilmarnock | KA1 5JB | 01563 540 621 | Fiona McAtee | | SP2003000147 | Parkcare Homes No.2 Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015532 | Newington Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newington Primary School | Hospital Road | Annan | DG12 6LA | 01461 625 022 | Susan Gallagher | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2012311050 | Newington Nursery | Day care of children | 04-03-2013 | Mayfield Salisbury Church | 18 West Mayfield | Edinburgh | EH9 1TQ | 07847504002 | Sarah Thomson | | SP2012011914 | Newington Nursery a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. | Active | ||||
CS2017359103 | Newlands Care Angus | 31-05-2018 | NEWLANDS CARE ANGUS LTD | 61 Marketgate | ARBROATH | DD11 1AT | 01241 433700 | Ewelina Masiak | | SP2017012936 | Newlands Care Angus Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003009381 | Newlands Kids | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newlands Centre | Romanno Bridge | West Linton | EH46 7BZ | 01968 458 222 | Kerry Janek | | SP2003002018 | Newlands & Kirkurd Playgroup Committee | Active | ||||
CS2013314910 | Newlands Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 05-08-2013 | Thistle Street | Dunfermline | KY12 0JA | 01383 724 496 | Nichola Henn | | SP2013012007 | Newlands Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003001063 | Newlands Road RCU | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 100 Newlands Road | Glasgow | G43 2JR | 01412 768 471 | WENDY CAIRNEY | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002660 | Newmachar After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newmachar Primary School | 7 School Road | Newmachar | Aberdeen | AB21 0WB | 07900 680 123 | Susan Brown | | SP2003000522 | Newmachar After School Club | Active | |||
CS2003015398 | Newmains Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2 Stewart Crescent | Newmains | WISHAW | ML2 9DH | 01698 274 979 | Susan Fraser | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376003 | Newmill Nursery and Little Stars | Day Care of Children | 28-08-2019 | Newmill Village Hall | Middle Brae | Newmill | Keith | AB55 6US | 01542 888 329 | Nicole Hendry | | SP2019990643 | Pauline Hendry | Active | |||
CS2016348008 | Newmilns Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 22-08-2016 | Newmilns Primary School | Gilfoot | Newmilns | KA16 9LP | 01560 320 915 | Jillian McCracken | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015877 | Newport Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cupar Road | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8JT | 01334 659 432 | Louise Donaldson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000311 | Newport-On-Tay After School Club | Day Care of Children | 08-08-2024 | Blyth Hall | Blyth Street | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8DB | 07768554828 | | SP2023001547 | Sophie Hamill | Active | |||||
CS2012311598 | Newton Dee Camphill Community Ltd | Housing support service | 01-10-2012 | The Office | Newton Dee Village | Bieldside | Aberdeen | AB15 9DX | 01224 868 701 | Ulrike Mall | | SP2012011934 | Newton Dee Camphill Community Ltd | Active | |||
CS2012311604 | Newton Dee Camphill Community Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-10-2012 | The Office | Newton Dee Village | Bieldside | Aberdeen | AB15 9DX | 01224 868 701 | Ulrike Mall | | SP2012011934 | Newton Dee Camphill Community Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003017402 | Newton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 175A Russell Drive | Ayr | KA8 8JL | 01292 612 714 | Fiona McAvoy | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2018366862 | Newton Farm After School Club | 18-10-2018 | Newton Farm Primary School | Harvester Avenue | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 6PZ | 01414 743 323 | Hayley McEwan | | SP2018013126 | Honey Bee Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017357496 | Newton Farm Primary School Nursery | 15-08-2017 | Harvester Avenue | Newton | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 6AA | 07795 454 209 | Catherine Meechan and Adele McIntyre | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2018372062 | Newton House | 20-05-2019 | 1 North Greenlaw Way | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6GZ | 01416 165 060 | Lara Masucci | | SP2018013251 | Hamberley Care 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017258 | Newton Park Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newton Park Primary School | Seaforth Avenue | Wick | KW1 5ND | 01955 609 702 | Laura Harper | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015574 | Newton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newton Crescent | Dunblane | FK15 0DZ | 01786 237 920 | Linda Kane | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010870 | Newton Stewart Activity & Resource Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | King Street | Newton Stewart | DG8 6DQ | 01671 403 483 | Clare Stroyan | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||||
CS2012310959 | Newtongrange After School Club | Day care of children | 04-02-2013 | c/o Newtongrange Primary School | Sixth Street | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4LB | 01315 619 330 | Emma Manders | | SP2012011908 | Newtongrange Afterschool clubscio | Active | |||
CS2003016403 | Newtongrange Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sixth Street | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4LB | 01312 714 645 | Laura Cameron | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002512 | Newtonhill Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bettridge Centre | Coastal Park | Newtonhill | Stonehaven | AB39 3UL | 01569 731 320 | Heather Edmond | | SP2003000392 | Newtonhill Out of School Club | Active | |||
CS2003016331 | Newtonhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newtonhill Primary School | St. Michael's Road | Newtonhill | Stonehaven | AB39 3XW | 01569 730 597 | Jane Wallis | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003017251 | Newtonmore Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newtonmore Primary School | Main Street | Newtonmore | PH20 1DN | 01540 673 252 | May Beaton | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017377 | Newtown Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sprouston Road | Newtown St. Boswells | Melrose | TD6 0QP | 01835 822 263 | Kevin Wilson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016865 | Newtyle Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dundee Road | Newtyle | Blairgowrie | PH12 8UF | 01575 526 049 | Paul Kinney | p, | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000390 | Next Step Nursing Ltd | Nurse Agency | 17-11-2023 | Regus Edinburgh Princess Street, | 83 Princes Street | Edinburgh | EH2 2ER | 02039076789 | Praveen Mahalingappa | | SP2023000419 | Next Step Nursing Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003055937 | NHS Forth Valley Community Residential Resources | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Alanmor Annex | 2 Sunnyside Rd | Camelon | FK1 4BG | 01324 637 642 | Helen MacDonald | | SP2003002712 | Forth Valley NHS Board | Active | ||||
CS2021000078 | NHS Forth Valley Community Residential Resources | Support Service | 01-06-2021 | 2b Sunnyside Road | Camelon | FALKIRK | FK1 4BG | 01324639936 | Helen Macdonald | | SP2003002712 | Forth Valley NHS Board | Active | ||||
CS2018369771 | Nicky's Childminding Service | 01-11-2018 | Dunfermline | Nicola Belgrove | | SP2018990133 | Nicola Belgrove | Active | |||||||||
CS2003037536 | Nicol, Jacqueline | Childminding | 27-07-2004 | Edinburgh | Jacqueline Nicol | | SP2004936915 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012920 | Nicol, Yvonne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Yvonne Nicol | | SP2003906639 | Yvonne Nicol | Active | ||||||||
CS2018366885 | Nicola Blair Childminding | 26-09-2018 | Edinburgh | Nicola Blair | | SP2018989907 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2019376517 | Nicola Chalmers Childminding Service | Childminding | 18-10-2019 | Troon | Nicola Chalmers | | SP2019990696 | Nicola Chalmers | Active | ||||||||
CS2018363257 | Nicola June Childminding | 07-03-2018 | Dunfermline | Nicola Hunter | | SP2018989595 | Nicola Hunter | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000020 | Nicola Kerr Childminding Services | Childminding | 20-01-2025 | Dunoon | | SP2024000651 | Nicola Kerr | Active | |||||||||
CS2016351697 | Nicola Logue Childminding | Childminding | 22-12-2016 | Kilmarnock | Nicola Logue | SP2016988570 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012308855 | Nicola MacIntyre Childminding Service | Childminding | 12-10-2012 | Glasgow | Nicola MacIntyre | | SP2012983647 | Nicola MacIntyre | Active | ||||||||
CS2015343370 | Nicola MacLean Childminding | Childminding | 24-03-2016 | Elgin | Nicola MacLean | | SP2015987630 | Nicola MacLean | Active | ||||||||
CS2013315118 | Nicola's Childminding | Childminding | 03-03-2014 | Bathgate | Nicola Naismith | | SP2013984520 | Nicola Naismith | Active | ||||||||
CS2014334359 | Nicola's Childminding | Childminding | 14-04-2015 | Inverurie | Nicola Welsh | | SP2014986611 | Nicola Welsh | Active | ||||||||
CS2018364362 | Nicola's Childminding | 26-07-2018 | Girvan | Nicola McCutcheon | | SP2018989670 | Nicola McCutcheon | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000333 | Nicola's Childminding | Child Minding | 05-10-2023 | Gorebridge | | SP2023000216 | Nicola Jack | Active | |||||||||
CS2018367409 | nicola's childminding service | 09-10-2018 | Irvine | Nicola Johnston | | SP2018989947 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020381045 | Nicola's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 06-01-2021 | Ayr | Nicola McPike | | SP2020991359 | Nicola McPike | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000348 | Nicole Crawford Childminding Service | Childminding | 21-11-2022 | Elgin | | SP2022000232 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2022000007 | Nicole Garden's Childminding Services | Child Minding | 13-01-2022 | Aberdeen | | SP2022000003 | Nicole Garden | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356121 | Nicole Main Childminding | Childminding | 12-07-2017 | Aberdeen | Nicole Main | | SP2017989009 | Nicole SUTHERLAND | Active | ||||||||
CS2019376028 | Nicoll, Yvonne | Child Minding | 14-11-2019 | Falkirk | Yvonne Nicoll | | SP2019990648 | Yvonne Nicoll | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000340 | Niema Faisal | Child Minding | 11-10-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000222 | Niema Awadelkarim | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000033 | Nightingale Home Care | Support Service | 31-01-2022 | Unit 6 Granary Square | Granary Business Park | Falkirk | FK2 7XJ | 01324 357961 | Deborah Jackson | | SP2022000019 | Nightingale Home Care (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018363947 | Nightingale Home Care | 08-02-2019 | 50 Market Street | BRECHIN | DD9 6BB | 07908815248 | Urszula Borzym | | SP2017989446 | Sally-Ann Garden trading as Nightingale Home Care | Active | ||||||
CS2022000290 | Nightingale Home Support | Support Service | 26-09-2022 | Unit 6 | Horizon Scotland Enterprise Park | Forres, Moray | IV36 2AB | 07842244411 | Dominique Goeken | | SP2022000195 | Nightingale Home Support Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003010219 | Nightingale House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 5 Mansion House Road | Paisley | PA1 3RG | 01418895338 | Arlene Fox | | SP2003002231 | Sterling Care Homes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014330014 | Nightingales Home Help Services Ltd | Support services - care at home | 15-01-2015 | 24 Horsemarket | Kelso | TD5 7HD | 01573 226 868 | Laura Thomas | | SP2014012347 | Nightingales Home Help Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003005811 | Nightingales Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20 Sandyford Street | Yorkhill | Glasgow | G3 8QJ | 01413 376 133 | Victoria Mitchell | | SP2003001234 | Nightingales Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000377 | Nikki Harness Childminding | Child Minding | 10-11-2023 | Lossiemouth | | SP2023000451 | Nicola Harness | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335154 | Nikki's Childminding | Childminding | 07-08-2015 | Kirkliston | Nicola Scott | | SP2015986680 | Nicola Scott | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000039 | Nikki's Childminding Service | Childminding | 16-02-2023 | Ellon | | SP2023000030 | Nikki Clark | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348063 | Nikki's Childminding Services | Childminding | 31-08-2016 | Irvine | Nichola Todman | | SP2016988133 | Nichola Todman | Active | ||||||||
CS2018367880 | Nikola Wood Childminding | 20-09-2018 | Jedburgh | Nikola Wood | | SP2018989995 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2006115942 | Nimmo, Louise | Childminding | 14-08-2006 | Alloa | Louise Nimmo | | SP2006956757 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020000020 | Nina Bartysk Childminding | Child Minding | 26-11-2020 | Anytown | | SP2020000018 | Nina Bartysk | Active | |||||||||
CS2011299926 | Nina Real's Childminding Service | Childminding | 29-11-2011 | Greenock | Nina Real | | SP2011982760 | Nina Real | Active | ||||||||
CS2011298883 | Ninewells Nursery | Day care of children | 20-03-2013 | 71-72 Simpson Court | Dundee | DD2 1UT | 01382 646 700 | Leanne Payne | | SP2011011630 | Wonderyears Nursery Dundee Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018367692 | Nino's After School Care | 07-09-2018 | Glasgow | Deborah Lawrence | | SP2017013011 | Nino's After School Care Ltd | Active | |||||||||
CS2015336081 | Nipperbout Event Childcare | Day care of children | 10-06-2015 | Singleborough | Janthea Brigden | / | SP2015012456 | Nipperbout Limited | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012042 | Nippers Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Verdun Villa | 18-19 Main Street | Dalmeny | South Queensferry | EH30 9TU | 01313 191 778 | Ashleigh Fleming | | SP2003002939 | Nippers Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2015336916 | Nippers Nursery @ Kirkliston | Day care of children | 05-08-2015 | 52b Main Street | The Glebe | Kirkliston | EH29 9AS | 01313 333 348 | Frankie McAllister | | SP2003002939 | Nippers Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014913 | Nithsdale Road Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 264 Nithsdale Road | Glasgow | G41 5LB | 01414 271 896 | Annemarie Miller | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003008987 | Niven, Lorna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Lossiemouth | Lorna Niven | | SP2003904916 | Lorna Niven | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007347 | Nixon, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcaldy | Elaine Nixon | | SP2003904329 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000021 | NM Childminding | Child Minding | 15-01-2024 | Milltimber | | SP2023000275 | Nazia Masood | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000339 | No 1 Healthcare Ltd | Nurse agencies | 25-11-2021 | First Floor, Unit 30 | Fort Kinnaird Retail Park | Fleming House | Edinburgh | EH15 3RD | 03333 440645 | Chand Kaur | | SP2021000214 | No 1 Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004073475 | No 76 | Care homes for children and young people | 09-08-2004 | 76 Hendry Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5DD | 01592 206 586 | Lynne Douglas | | SP2004006683 | Starley Hall School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018368936 | No.24 Childcare Service | 17-01-2019 | Auchterarder | Ruth Bruce | | SP2018990069 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2021000252 | Noah's Ark Childminding Services | Childminding | 12-09-2021 | Livingston | | SP2021000153 | Kerry-Anne Brand | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000183 | Noah's Ark Children's Nursery | Day Care of Children | 15-06-2023 | 121 Auchterderran Road | Lochgelly | KY5 9DH | 01592 781234 | Karen Robertson | | SP2023000116 | SADCO Nursery Group Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003008947 | Noah's Ark Day Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Balnageith Road | Forres | IV36 2SX | 01309 672 296 | Emma McCartney | | SP2003001946 | Noah's Ark Day Care | Active | |||||
CS2010254754 | Noah's Ark Nursery | Day care of children | 15-09-2010 | Johnstone Street | Bellshill | ML4 1DE | 01698 740 722 | Nicola Lees | | SP2010011016 | Living Waters Church | Active | |||||
CS2003009386 | Noble, Joyce | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Biggar | Joyce Noble | | SP2003908129 | Joyce Noble | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015533 | Noblehill Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Noblehill Primary School | 233 Annan Road | Dumfries | DG1 3HB | 01387 252 167 | Catherine Schlag | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000140 | Nona Days Childminding | Childminding | 06-06-2022 | Denny | | SP2022000099 | Leonna Green | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2005097993 | Nordalea (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 17-08-2005 | Nordalea Care Centre | Baltasound | Unst | Shetland | ZE2 9DX | 01595745720 | Duncan Johnson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2005097994 | Nordalea (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 22-08-2005 | Nordalea | Baltasound | Unst | Shetland | ZE2 9DX | 01595 745 870 | Duncan Johnson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2006122650 | Norrie, Alison | Childminding | 26-02-2008 | Dundee | Alison Norrie | | SP2006959486 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001064 | Norse Road | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 122 Norse Road | Glasgow | G14 9EH | 01412 763 926 | Fraser Barr | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2004072966 | North Aberdeenshire Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-10-2004 | Buchan House | St Peter Street | Peterhead | AB42 1QF | 01467 536 409 | Linda Wood | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015338261 | North Argyll House | Care homes for older people | 18-07-2016 | Bealach-an-Righ | Dunollie Road | Oban | PA34 5TG | 01631 562 168 | Moira Macphee | | SP2015012517 | North Argyll Eventide Home Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004080741 | North Ayrshire Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 25-07-2005 | 3rd Floor West Wing | Bridgegate House | Irvine | KA12 8BD | 01294 310 300 | Mary Gardiner Henderson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004085341 | North Ayrshire Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 25-07-2005 | 3rd Floor West Wing | Bridgegate House | Irvine | KA12 8BD | 01294 310 300 | Mary Gardiner Henderson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008192582 | North Ayrshire Council - Irvine, Garnock Valley and Community Alarm | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-09-2009 | Social Services | 5th Floor East | Cunninghame House | Irvine | KA12 8EE | 01294 317700 | Louise Davidson | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008192553 | North Ayrshire Council - Irvine, Garnock Valley and Community Alarm | Housing support service | 16-09-2009 | Social Services | 2nd Floor West | Bridgegate House | Irvine | KA12 8BD | 01294 310 222 | Louise Davidson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008192560 | North Ayrshire Council - Three Towns, North Coast and Arran | Housing support service | 14-09-2009 | Social Services | 2nd Floor West | Bridgegate House | Irvine | KA12 8BD | 01294 310 222 | Lorraine Dyet | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008192988 | North Ayrshire Council - Three Towns, North Coast and Arran | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-09-2009 | Social Services | 5th Floor East | Cunninghame House | Irvine | KA12 8EE | 01294 310 222 | Lorraine Dyet | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003055552 | North Ayrshire Council Short Stay Hostel | Housing support service | 13-10-2004 | 87 Princes Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8DQ | 07918338461 | Liz Brown | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004073030 | North Ayrshire Services | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Landek House | 44-46 Bank Street | Irvine | KA12 0LP | 01294 311 723 | Caroline MacDonald | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2004073031 | North Ayrshire Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-09-2004 | Landek House | 44-46 Bank Street | Irvine | KA12 0LP | 01294 311 723 | Caroline MacDonald | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | ||||
CS2004073924 | North Ayrshire Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 01-10-2004 | APL Centre | Stevenston Industrial Estate | Stevenston | KA20 3LR | 01536 831443 | Jamie Doolan | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | ||||
CS2004073925 | North Ayrshire Supported Living Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-10-2004 | APL Centre | Stevenston Industrial Estate | Stevenston | KA20 3LR | 01294 608 540 | Jamie Doolan | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | |||||
CS2010252668 | North Ayrshire Women's Aid | Housing support service | 15-07-2010 | Saltcoats | Mary Beglan | | SP2010010989 | North Ayrshire Women's Aid an incorporated association | Active | ||||||||
CS2014330984 | North Berwick Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2015 | St Regulus | 6 St Andrew Street | North Berwick | EH39 4NU | 01620 890 906 | Lesley Innes | | SP2014012357 | North Berwick Day Care Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003006008 | North East Circle St Francis OSC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Francis of Assisi Primary School | Crown Street | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 7XB | 07931 130 473 | Shirley Ann Barker | | SP2007009007 | Shirley Ann Barker | Active | |||
CS2007160495 | North East Circle, Caledonia Primary OSC | Day care of children | 12-02-2008 | Caledonia Primary School | Calderwood Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 7DJ | 01417 718 214 | Linda Kelly | | SP2007009007 | Shirley Ann Barker | Active | |||
CS2007147635 | North East Circle, Garrowhill OSC | Day care of children | 24-08-2007 | c/o Garrowhill Primary School | 25 Bakewell Road | Glasgow | G69 6RN | 07432 370 964 | Jillian Barker | SP2007009007 | Shirley Ann Barker | Active | |||||
CS2007147646 | North East Circle, St. Bridgets OSC | Day care of children | 26-07-2007 | St. Bridget's Primary School | Camp Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 6DF | 07931 130 473 | Michelle McDowall | SP2007009007 | Shirley Ann Barker | Active | ||||
CS2006115474 | North East Community Care Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-02-2006 | Units 4 & 5 | Turriff Business Centre | Markethill Road | Turriff | AB53 4AG | 01888 567646 | Carol Fulton | | SP2006008067 | North East Community Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2005113415 | North East Community Care Ltd | Housing support service | 24-02-2006 | Units 4 & 5 | Turriff Business Centre | Markethill Road | Turriff | AB53 4AG | 01888 567646 | Carol Fulton | | SP2006008067 | North East Community Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004069911 | North East Home Care Service East | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | East Neighbourhood Office | 101 Niddrie Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DS | 0131 529 7101 | Susan Paterson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069907 | North East Home Care Service East | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | East Neighbourhood Office | 101 Niddrie Mains Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4DS | 0131 529 7101 | Susan Paterson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013314 | North Edinburgh Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 18b Ferry Road Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4BL | 01313 328 001 | Roxanne Riley | | SP2003003092 | North Edinburgh Childcare | Active | |||||
CS2004075519 | North Edinburgh Dementia Care | Support services - not care at home | 31-03-2005 | Seagrove Centre | 13 Fleming Place | Edinburgh | EH7 6GY | 01315 537 147 | Susan Cull | | SP2003003769 | North Edinburgh Dementia Care | Active | ||||
CS2005097981 | North Haven (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 23-08-2005 | North Haven Care Centre | Brae | Shetland | ZE2 9TY | 01595 743 850 | Christopher Giblin | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2005097982 | North Haven (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 23-08-2005 | North Haven Care Centre | Brae | Shetland | ZE2 9TY | 01595 743 856 | Emma Spence | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009765 | North Inch House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 99 Hay Street | Perth | PH1 5HS | 01738 632 233 | Holly Downs | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014332153 | North Kessock Childminding | Childminding | 20-02-2015 | INVERNESS | Anna Jack | | SP2014986399 | Anna Jack | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013595 | North Kessock Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | North Kessock Primary School | Ferry Brae | North Kessock | Inverness | IV1 3WX | 01463 731 667 | Miriam MacKay | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2010278932 | North Kessock Out of School Club | Day care of children | 17-02-2011 | North Kessock Primary School | Ferry Brae | North Kessock | Inverness | IV1 3WX | 07765 255 945 | Alison Morrison Smith | | SP2010011111 | CALA Out of School Care | Active | |||
CS2004082193 | North Lanarkshire Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 20-12-2005 | The Carers Centre | 7 Mitchell Street | Airdrie | ML6 0EB | 08000 731 566 | Sheena Campbell | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019376187 | North Lanarkshire Council - Continuing Foster Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 01-10-2019 | The Carers Centre | 7 Mitchell Street | Airdrie | ML6 0EB | 01236 856 320 | Sheena Campbell | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004082173 | North Lanarkshire Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 20-12-2005 | The Carers Centre | 7 Mitchell Street | Airdrie | ML6 0EB | 08000 731 566 | Sheena Campbell | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019374902 | North Lanarkshire Council - Supported Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 01-10-2019 | The Children's Carers Centre | 7 Mitchell Street | Airdrie | ML6 0EB | 01236 856 320 | Sheena Campbell | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006137695 | North Lanarkshire Intensive Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 16-11-2006 | 198 Bellshill Road | Motherwell | ML1 3SG | 01698 260 793 | George Provan | | SP2003000169 | Simon Community Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2012312768 | North Lanarkshire Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-04-2013 | Unit 71 - 73 | Fountain Business Centre | 19 Eliss Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3AA | 01236 426 807 | Nicky Watson | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||
CS2013316200 | North Lanarkshire Support Service | Housing support service | 11-04-2013 | Unit 71 - 73 | Fountain Business Centre | Ellis Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3AA | 01236 426 807 | Nicky Watson | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004057655 | North Lanarkshire Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 26-08-2004 | Units 5 - 7 | Chryston Valley Business Centre | Cloverhill Place, Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 01417 795 040 | Debbie Martin | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004073431 | North Lanarkshire Supported Living Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-08-2004 | Units 5 - 7 | Chryston Valley Business Centre | Cloverhill Place, Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DQ | 01417 795 040 | Debbie Martin | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004062576 | North Lanarkshire Women's Aid | Housing support service | 01-10-2004 | Glasgow | Sandra Paton | | SP2004006118 | North Lanarkshire Women's Aid Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2010248328 | North Lanarkshire Youth Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 28-04-2010 | Health & Wellness Hub | 58-60 Albert Street | MOTHERWELL | ML1 1PR | 01698 262443 | Linda McCann | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2023000256 | North Lodge | Care Home Service | 11-08-2023 | North Lodge | Adamton Estate | Monkton | KA9 2SQ | 01292678052 | Richard Hughes | | SP2016012791 | Spark of Genius Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000137 | North Merchiston | Care Home Service | 19-05-2023 | 34 Watson Crescent | Edinburgh | EH11 1HF | 01313 479 100 | Kristeen Quigley | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2014332691 | North Queensferry Out of School Club | Day care of children | 19-12-2014 | North Queensferry Primary School | The Brae | North Queensferry | Inverkeithing | KY11 1JH | 07912 775 702 | Marta Zukowska | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017103 | North Queensferry Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Brae | North Queensferry | Inverkeithing | KY11 1JH | 01383 602 425 | Leone Gordon Waugh | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016393 | North Walls Community School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | North Walls Community School | Lyness | Stromness | KW16 3NX | 01856 791 246 | Andrew Trafford | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000042 | North West - HSCP - Community Support Service | Support Service | 11-02-2022 | Centre For Sensory Impairment | 17 Gullane Street | Glasgow | G11 6AH | 01412765288 | Angela Jack | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2018365296 | North West Community Campus Nursery | 17-08-2018 | Alloway Road | Dumfries | DG2 9DF | 01387 245101 | Carol Maxwell | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||||
CS2004069216 | North West Home Care Service Cluster 1 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | North Edinburgh Neighbourhood Office | 8 West Pilton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 4DP | 01315 295 400 | Robert Boswell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069214 | North West Home Care Service Cluster 1 | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | North Edinburgh Neighbourhood Office | 8 West Pilton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 4DP | 01315 295 400 | Robert Boswell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2009232639 | North West Home Care Service Cluster 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-01-2010 | North Edinburgh Neighbourhood Office | 8 West Pilton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 4DP | 01312 002 375 | Gordon Alexander | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2009216955 | North West Home Care Service Cluster 2 | Housing support service | 07-01-2010 | North Edinburgh Neighbourhood Office | 8 West Pilton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 4DP | 01315 295 400 | Gordon Alexander | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2012306146 | North West Hub Re-Ablement Service | Housing support service | 07-11-2012 | North Edinburgh Neighbourhood Office | 8 West Pilton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 4DP | 01315 295 400 | Megan Dudgeon | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2012306148 | North West Hub Re-Ablement Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-11-2012 | North Edinburgh Neighbourhood Office | 8 West Pilton Gardens | Edinburgh | EH4 4DP | 01315 295 400 | Megan Dudgeon | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000224 | Northcare Residences | Care Home Service | 25-07-2023 | 20 Lower Bridge Street | Stirling | FK8 1AA | 01416484111 | Robert Swann | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000402 | Northcare Residences - Glasgow | Care Home Service | 23-10-2024 | 1 Drumby Court | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7AR | 01414040348 | Jordan Simpson | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019372682 | Northcare Suites | Care Home Service | 04-09-2019 | 100 Telford Road | Edinburgh | EH4 2NF | 01313 702 159 | Debbie Crawford | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2010251941 | Northcote Lodge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 28-06-2010 | 191 Craigton Road | Aberdeen | AB15 7UB | 01224 326 630 | Diane Livingston | | SP2010010986 | Northcote Lodge Trust | Active | |||||
CS2003006835 | Northeden House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 57 Eden Park | Cupar | KY15 4HT | 01334 659 321 | Karen Taylor | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2009195687 | Northern Lights | Care homes for children and young people | 18-02-2011 | Neath Birches | Scaniport | Inverness | IV2 6DL | 01463 751 206 | Lorna Macdonald | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003010923 | Northfield House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 34 Northfield Drive | Edinburgh | EH8 7RP | 01316 613 076 | Julie Wright | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000170 | Northfield Lodge | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Provost Fraser Drive | Northfield | Aberdeen | AB16 7JY | 01224 680 606 | Scott McLeod | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | ||||
CS2003013403 | Northfield/WillowbraePlaygroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Northfield & Willowbrae Community Centre | 10 Northfield Road | Edinburgh | EH8 7PP | 01316 615 723 | Danielle Young | | SP2003003168 | Northfield/Willowbrae Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2023000032 | Northgate House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2023 | Northgate Quadrant | GLASGOW | G21 3RB | 01415583222 | Laura Hamilton | | SP2023000024 | Lanam Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2010249523 | Northlands Care Home | Care homes for older people | 14-06-2010 | Woodlands Road | Rosemount | Blairgowrie | PH10 6LD | 01250 876790 | Shirley Law | | SP2010010907 | Woodroyd Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015773 | Northmuir Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Northmuir Primary School | 91 Roods | Kirriemuir | DD8 4HA | 01575 526 052 | Elizabeth Langlands | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000436 | Northwood House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 114 Sinclair Street | Helensburgh | G84 9QF | 01436 676 300 | Annette Gillies | | SP2003000159 | Third Life Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017361017 | Norwood Care Home | 12-12-2017 | 39 Victoria Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1NQ | 01418 808 669 | Sue Mackle | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003013514 | Noss Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Noss Primary School | Ackergill Street | Wick | KW1 4DT | 01955 609 990 | Fraser Thomson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2015337282 | Notre Dame Kids Club | Day care of children | 12-08-2015 | Notre Dame Primary School | 30 Havelock Street | Glasgow | G11 5JE | 01413 399 526 | Lauren Davidson | | SP2003001223 | Hyndland After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2021000056 | Notre Dame Primary After School Club | Day Care of Children | 17-05-2021 | 4 Victoria Circus | GLASGOW | G12 9LD | 07464 841482 | Angela Iheagwaram | | SP2021000035 | Notre Dame Primary After School Club | Active | |||||
CS2006117507 | Notwen House | Care homes for older people | 23-10-2006 | Kirkpatrick Fleming | Lockerbie | DG11 3AU | 01461 800 311 | Julie Morley | | SP2006008223 | Gatherum, James | Active | |||||
CS2023000305 | Nourish and Grow Childminding | Child Minding | 14-09-2023 | Ellon | | SP2023000195 | Jennifer Miller | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014914 | Novar Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 5 Lauderdale Gardens | Glasgow | G12 9UA | 01413 392 938 | Karen Elizabeth McBride | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000115 | Novelty Care UK Ltd | Support Service | 24-06-2021 | 33 Ashley Terrace | Edinburgh | EH11 1RE | 0131 663 0090 | Louis Okoro | | SP2021000072 | Novelty Care UK Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008191383 | NPHomecare | Housing support service | 21-04-2009 | Glenwood Business Park | 25 Glenwood Place | Glasgow | G45 9UH | 01414 164 050 | Kirsty Anderson | | SP2008010173 | NPHomecare LLP | Active | ||||
CS2008191388 | NPHomecare | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 21-04-2009 | Glenwood Business Park | 25 Glenwood Place | Glasgow | G45 9UH | 01414 164 050 | Kirsty Anderson | | SP2008010173 | NPHomecare LLP | Active | ||||
CS2016349107 | Nuffield Health Creche - Edinburgh | 21-03-2017 | Fountain Park | 65 - 95 Dundee Street | Fountainbridge | Edinburgh | EH11 1AL | 01312 218 000 | Louie Milliken | | SP2006008078 | Nuffield Health | Active | ||||
CS2016349066 | Nuffield Health Creche - Glasgow West End | 21-03-2017 | Summit Centre | 11 Minerva Way | Finnieston | Glasgow | G3 8AU | 01412 226 700 | Chloe Jebb | | SP2006008078 | Nuffield Health | Active | ||||
CS2016349106 | Nuffield Health Creche - Milngavie | 21-03-2017 | Strathblane Road | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 8HJ | 0141 955 2400 | Hannah Khan | | SP2006008078 | Nuffield Health | Active | |||||
CS2024000460 | Number 9 Childminding | Childminding | 12-12-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000677 | Stephanie Campbell | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000384 | Nurse Call | Nurse Agency | 14-11-2023 | 3 Pilmuir Holding | Pilmuir Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6PS | 0141 639 1802 | Victoria Harris | | SP2023000454 | Nurse Call Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000378 | Nurse Call | Support Service | 10-11-2023 | 3 Pilmuir Holding | Pilmuir Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6PS | 0141 639 1802 | Victoria Harris | | SP2023000454 | Nurse Call Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003045422 | Nursery Court Day Service | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Nursery Court | Girvan | KA26 9EW | 01465 714 017 | Michelle Parkin | michelle.parkin | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000720 | Nursery Rhymes | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 333 Brook Street | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 2DS | 01382 738 400 | Amy Archibald | | SP2003000130 | Nursery Rhymes | Active | ||||
CS2003003266 | Nursery Rhymes Childcare Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2 Reay Avenue | Cardross | Dumbarton | G82 5NT | 01389 849 227 | Amy Butler | | SP2003000678 | Nursery Rhymes Private Daycare Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2010274766 | Nursery Times | Day care of children | 08-03-2011 | The Lodge House | 22 Neilston Road | Paisley | PA2 6LN | 01418 489 292 | Jennifer Clark | | SP2010011218 | Genesis (J & T) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006131637 | Nursery Times At The Park | Day care of children | 27-12-2006 | West Stand | New Douglas Park | Cadzow Avenue | Hamilton | ML3 0FT | 01698 200 888 | Valerie Lennon | | SP2006008494 | Nursery Times At The Park Limited | Active | |||
CS2009198925 | Nursery Times by The River | Day care of children | 21-04-2010 | Clydebank Pavilion | Cable Depo Road | Clydebank | G81 1UF | 01419 522 484 | Karen Neill | | SP2009010605 | Nursery Times by the River Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000022 | Nursing 24/7 Ltd | Nurse Agency | 19-01-2022 | Suite 3 | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 07964182898 | Moreen Chikoti | | SP2022000010 | Nursing 24/7 Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000222 | Nursing 24/7 Ltd | Support Service | 26-06-2024 | Suite 3 | Academy House | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 07964182898 | Moreen Chikoti | | SP2022000010 | Nursing 24/7 LTD | Active | |||
CS2025000015 | Nursing Agency | Nurse agencies | 15-01-2025 | Sopers House | Sopers Road | Potters Bar | EN6 4RY | 07792449518 | Brian Nyandoro | | SP2023001501 | Resilience Personnel Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020380197 | Nurture One Ltd | School care accommodation | 28-10-2020 | Wyndales Farm | Symington | Biggar | ML12 6HX | 07939 628 829 | Heather Quinn | | SP2020013539 | Nurture One Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000418 | Nurtured at Home | Child Minding | 04-11-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000149 | Louise O'Donnell-Weh | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000135 | Nurtured by nature | Child Minding | 24-04-2024 | Musselburgh | | SP2023000656 | Kamila Markowska | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000334 | Nurtured by Nature Childminding | Child Minding | 20-08-2024 | Glasgow | Lisa Loughran | | SP2023000123 | Nurtured by Nature Kindergarten Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000461 | Nurtured in Nature | Childminding | 12-12-2024 | Forres | | SP2024000689 | Bethea Robertson | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000142 | Nutricia Ltd trading as Nutricia Homeward | Nurse agencies | 08-06-2022 | Newmarket Avenue | White Horse Business Park | Trowbridge | BA14 0XQ | 01225751098 | Susan Brampton-Mortley | | SP2022000101 | Nutricia Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000396 | Nutrix Medical | Nurse agencies | 17-10-2024 | Floor 18 | 20 Primrose Street | London | EC2A 2EW | 0345 260 6280 | Andreia Parente | | SP2023000344 | Nutrix Personnel Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003055752 | Nutt, Belinda | Childminding | 19-05-2003 | Kilmarnock | Belinda Nutt | | SP2004938795 | Belinda Nutt | Active | ||||||||
CS2004059542 | Nzelwa, Angela | Childminding | 08-12-2003 | Glasgow | Angela Nzelwa | | SP2004916112 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014333893 | O'Brien, Barbara | Childminding | 31-03-2015 | Keith | Barbara O'Brien | | SP2014986571 | Barbara O'Brien | Active | ||||||||
CS2008192446 | O'Brien, Karen | Childminding | 22-12-2009 | Edinburgh | Karen O'Brien | | SP2008972602 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010274574 | O'Donnell, Teresa | Childminding | 13-07-2011 | Greenock | Teresa O'Donnell | | SP2009973245 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007154462 | O'Hagan, Caroline | Childminding | 18-03-2008 | Port Glasgow | Caroline O'Hagan | | SP2007965538 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006117047 | O'Hara, Rhona | Childminding | 07-09-2006 | Greenock | Rhona O'Hara | | SP2005952224 | Rhona O'Hara Rhona O'Hara | Active | ||||||||
CS2013320162 | O'Neill's Childcare Services | Childminding | 03-01-2014 | Motherwell | Patricia O'Neill | | SP2013985274 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009991 | O'Neill, Christine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Crieff | Christine O'Neill | | SP2003905397 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003648 | O'Neill, Isabel | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | GLASGOW | Isabel O'Neill | | SP2003901924 | Isabel O'Neill | Active | ||||||||
CS2003050959 | O'Neill, Jennifer | Childminding | 03-03-2004 | Paisley | Jennifer O'Neill | | SP2004936242 | Jennifer O'Neill | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2024000063 | O'Paul Healthcare Services | Support Service | 21-02-2024 | 76 Limebank Park | East Calder | Livingston | EH53 0QU | 07826700588 | Lisa Boyd | | SP2023000440 | O'Paul Healthcare Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003006819 | Oak House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Fife Council | Rimbleton House | 4-5 Rimbleton Park | Glenrothes | KY6 2BZ | 07562 902812 | Iain Aitken | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2020000005 | Oak Tree Care Home | Care Home Service | 25-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000005 | Example Ltd | Inactive | |||
CS2025000047 | Oakbank Care Home | Care Home Service | 06-02-2025 | Countess Gardens | Crieff | PH7 3DP | 07354902670 | Margaret-Ann Gavin | | SP2024000611 | Priory CC80 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003051103 | Oakbank Kids Club | Day care of children | 29-10-2003 | Oakbank Primary School | Viewlands Road West | Perth | PH1 1NA | 01738 477 576 | Emma Kirk | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017340 | Oakbank Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Viewlands Road West | Perth | PH1 1NA | 01738 477 577 | Paula Morrison | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010470 | Oakbridge Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 2032 Great Western Road | Knightswood | Glasgow | G13 2HA | 01419 501 793 | Frances Burns | | SP2003002479 | Oakbridge Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379069 | Oakburn Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 15-03-2021 | North Campbell Drive | Milngavie | G62 7AA | 0141 955 2210 | Margaret Harris | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2008192077 | Oakburn Park Day Care Service | Support services - not care at home | 22-07-2009 | 51 Ferguson Avenue | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 7TF | 0141 956 4415 | Donna McCallum | | SP2004005874 | Bield Housing & Care | Active | ||||
CS2021000261 | Oakeshott House | Care Home Service | 21-09-2021 | Glaive Avenue | Stirling | FK7 7XE | 01413331495 | Sharon McKinven | | SP2021000158 | Stirling Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008172531 | Oakfield Day Service | Support Services - not care at home | 13-05-2008 | 11 Oakfield Street | Kelty | KY4 0BX | 01383 832 892 | Christine Thomas | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004056189 | Oakland Centre | Support services - care at home | 03-03-2005 | Morven Terrace | Dundee | DD2 2JU | 01382 435 900 | Lynn Thain | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2007153489 | Oaklands School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 22-08-2007 | Oaklands School | 750 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH4 4PQ | 01313 158 100 | Rebecca Vaughan | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2015338072 | Oakley Out of School Club | Day care of children | 14-08-2015 | Oakley Campus | Station Road | Oakley | Dunfermline | KY12 9RJ | 07943 753 351 | Julie Clarke | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003000933 | Oakley Terrace Scheme | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 10 Oakley Terrace | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 2HX | 07736 924041 | Annie O'Rourke Kearney | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004073210 | Oakridge Support Service Ltd | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | 5 Diriebught Road | Inverness | IV2 3QW | 01463 713 840 | Leighann Chisholm | | SP2004005330 | Oakridge Support Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014530 | Oakview Manor Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 41/43 Newark Drive | Pollokshields | Glasgow | G41 4QA | 01414 238 525 | Caroline Lees | | SP2003002359 | Oakminster Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015338771 | Oakwell Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 18-12-2015 | 5 Pardovan Holdings | Linlithgow | EH49 6QZ | 01506 847 988 | Eilidh Scott | | SP2015012526 | Oakwell Childrens Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003008453 | Oakwood | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Dochcarty Brae | Dochcarty Road | Dingwall | IV15 9UG | 01349 862 567 | Ellen Wright | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2020000038 | Oakwood Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2020000037 | Oakwood Support Service | Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2017361753 | Oban Community Carers Ltd | 18-05-2018 | Glenshellach House | 7E Glengallan Road | Oban | PA34 4HG | 01631 358 906 | Josephine Tidser | | SP2017013013 | Oban Community Carers Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003003167 | Oban's 1st Steps Day Nursery Ltd. | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 61 Croft Road | Oban | PA34 5JL | 01631 567 491 | Paul Wilson | | SP2003000659 | Oban's 1st Steps Day Nursery Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2003017253 | Obsdale Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Obsdale Primary School | Obsdale Park | Alness | IV17 0TP | 01349 882 860 | Olivia Mackinnon | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000082 | Ocean View Banff Ltd | Care Home Service | 03-06-2021 | 12 Provost Gordon Terrace | BANFF | AB45 1FA | 01261815434 | Brenda Deacon | | SP2021000051 | Ocean View Banff Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007142952 | Ochil Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | 2 Ettrick Drive | Perth | PH1 1SB | 01738 441 100 | Elizabeth Stewart | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000445 | Ochil Care Ltd | Support Service | 29-11-2024 | The Old Brewery Building | 20 East Vennel, Room 3 - 6 | Alloa | FK10 1ED | 07810620706 | Bibiana Kang'ethe | | SP2023000357 | Ochil Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003009785 | Ochil Tower School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2002 | 140 High Street | Auchterarder | PH3 1AD | 01764 662 416 | Andrew McInnes | | SP2003002133 | Ochil Tower School | Active | |||||
CS2007166507 | Ochiltree Childminding | Childminding | 24-06-2008 | Airdrie | Pauline Walsh | | SP2007967768 | Pauline Walsh trading as Ochiltree Childminding Pauline Walsh trading as Ochiltree Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006186 | Odeneal, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elaine Odeneal | SP2003903635 | Elaine Odeneal | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378596 | Off Grid After School | Day Care of Children | 12-06-2020 | Aidan's Brae Woods | Aidan's Brae | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7EP | 07769 229 503 | Sharon Welsh | | SP2019013441 | Off Grid After School Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000031 | Oganan Bhaile a' Ghobhainn | Day Care of Children | 27-01-2022 | 60 Vicarfield Street | Glasgow | G51 2DJ | 07485610787 | Alasdair Cameron | | SP2022000018 | Oganan Bhaile a' Ghobhainn Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013315937 | Oganan Dhun Eideann | Day care of children | 13-08-2013 | Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pairce | 139B Bonnington Road | Edinburgh | EH6 5NQ | 07985 326 110 | Rachel MacGillivray | | SP2013012029 | Oganan Dhun Eideann Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015343134 | Oganan Ghlaschu | Day care of children | 05-05-2016 | Glendale Primary School | 120 McCulloch Street | Pollokshields | Glasgow | G41 1NX | 07939 160 067 | Aidan Spiers | | SP2015012625 | Oganan Ghlaschu Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018367649 | Oganan Ghlaschu | 09-08-2018 | Bun-sgoil Ghà idhlig Bhaile a' Ghobhainn | 3 Burndyke Court | Glasgow | G51 2BG | 07484 785 527 | Alasdair Cameron | | SP2015012625 | Oganan Ghlaschu Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004076808 | Ogg, Sadie | Childminding | 11-01-2005 | Keith | Sadie Ogg | | SP2004934174 | Sadie Ogg | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002797 | Ogg, Shirley | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | FORFAR | Shirley Ogg | | SP2003901281 | Shirley Ogg | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000629 | Ogilvie, Margo | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Margo Ogilvie | | SP2003900151 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000425 | Okola Care Ltd | Support Service | 15-12-2023 | 21 Broughton Road | Biggar | ML12 6AN | 07704985481 | Irene Beatrice Padfield-Room | | SP2023000456 | Okola Care Ltd | Inactive | |||||
CS2003006054 | OLA Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | OLA Primary School | 80 Friarton Road | Glasgow | G43 2PR | 07506 679 350 | Nicola Carnochan | | SP2003001332 | OLA Out Of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2006137521 | Old Doune Road Nursery Limited | Day care of children | 08-11-2006 | 4A Old Doune Road | Dunblane | FK15 9AG | 01786 822854 | Jill McGurk | | SP2006008633 | Old Doune Road Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009232535 | Old Mill | School care accommodation | 05-12-2010 | Branshogle | Balfron | Glasgow | G63 0LQ | 01360 449 009 | Karen McNeil | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Inactive | ||||
CS2003015364 | Old Monkland Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sharp Avenue | Kirkwood | Coatbridge | ML5 5TJ | 01236 632 062 | Lynn McFadden | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003002662 | Old Rayne Preschool | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Lawrence Hall | Old Rayne | Insch | AB52 6RY | 07470 094 250 | Sophie Startin | | SP2003000524 | Old Rayne Preschool | Active | ||||
CS2014332720 | Old School House | 14-08-2017 | Old School House | Anderson Drive | Killen | Avoch | IV9 8RQ | 01381 620 165 | Katrina Bucknall | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2009231888 | Old Station Nursery | Day care of children | 13-04-2011 | Melrose Station | Palma Place | Melrose | TD6 9PR | 01896 823 892 | Zoe Speirs | | SP2009010548 | Zara Hedley trading as Old Station Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003012236 | Old, Senga | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Linlithgow | Senga Russell Old | | SP2003905961 | Old, Mrs Senga Old, Mrs Senga | Active | ||||||||
CS2012308618 | Oldale-Farquhar, Gladys | Childminding | 28-08-2012 | Aberdeen | Gladys Oldale-Farquhar | | SP2012983610 | Gladys Oldale-Farquhar | Active | ||||||||
CS2011298590 | Oldmachar Out of School Clubs Ltd | Day care of children | 03-10-2011 | Forehill Primary School | Jesmond Drive | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8UR | 07734 947 633 | Brenda Small | | SP2011011615 | Oldmachar Out of School Clubs Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003015818 | Olivebank Children and Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 104 Market Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6QA | 01316 652 780 | Lee Campbell | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000031 | Olympia House | Care homes for older people | 08-02-2023 | Kerr Drive | GLASGOW | G40 2QS | 01415500072 | Jacqueline McKay | | SP2023000023 | Lanam HC Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000130 | Oncall Care Service | Support Service | 29-06-2021 | Oncall Care Service Ltd | 121 Moffat Street | Glasgow | G5 0ND | 0141 4063322 | Nisha Soman | | SP2014012403 | Oncall Care Service Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014333795 | Oncall Care Service Ltd | Nurse agencies | 07-08-2015 | Oncall Care Service Ltd | 121 Moffat Street | Glasgow | G5 0ND | 01413 841 372 | Nisha Soman | | SP2014012403 | Oncall Care Service Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000193 | One Call 24 | Nurse Agency | 28-06-2023 | Regus | Westpoint | 4 Redheughs Rigg | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 03333221122 | Caroline Simpson | | SP2023000120 | One Call 24 Limited | Active | |||
CS2004073332 | One to One Care Limited | Support services - care at home | 28-09-2004 | Newton of Thorneybank | Rothienorman | Inverurie | AB51 8XU | 07789 728 437 | Eric Durward | | SP2004006668 | One to One Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018371243 | OneCloud Healthcare | 08-04-2019 | Maryhill Burgh Hall | 10-24 Gairbaird Avenue | Office F7 | Glasgow | G20 8YE | 01414 337 351 | Parmdeep Macha | | SP2018013225 | D & G Macha Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018371239 | OneCloud Healthcare | 08-04-2019 | Maryhill Burgh Hall | 10-24 Gairbaird Avenue | Office F7 | Glasgow | G20 8YE | 01414 337 351 | Parmdeep Macha | | SP2018013225 | D & G Macha Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018371574 | OneCloud Healthcare | 08-04-2019 | Maryhill Burgh Hall | 10-24 Gairbaird Avenue | Office F7 | Glasgow | G20 8YE | 01414337351 | Parmdeep Macha | | SP2018013225 | D & G Macha Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014835 | Onslow Drive Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 Onslow Drive | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 2LX | 01415 543 061 | Tracey Ann Ballantyne | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014089 | Onthank Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 05-07-2002 | Meiklewood Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 2ES | 01563 534 660 | Fiona Kellet | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019378189 | Oor Bonnie Bairns | Child Minding | 04-12-2019 | Bellshill | Fiona Bradshaw | | SP2019990970 | Fiona Bradshaw | Active | ||||||||
CS2018367709 | Oot N Aboot Childminding | 07-09-2018 | Burntisland | Lisa MacColl | | SP2018989975 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008179364 | Open Door Scotland | Housing support service | 10-02-2012 | Almondbank Centre | Sheil Walk | Livingston | EH54 5EH | 01506442334 | Avril Mooney | | SP2008009881 | Open Door Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2021000064 | Options Fife Housing Support with Care at Home | Housing support service | 21-05-2021 | 106-110 Wilmington Drive | GLENROTHES | KY7 6UU | 01592 744195 | Karen Fotheringham | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2021000063 | Options Fife Housing Support with Care at Home | Support Service | 21-05-2021 | 106-110 Wilmington Drive | GLENROTHES | KY7 6UU | 01592 744195 | Karen Fotheringham | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2021000065 | Options Fife McNally House (Residential) | Care homes for children and young people | 21-05-2021 | 75 Wilmington Drive | GLENROTHES | KY7 6UU | 01592 323519 | Rachel Watters | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2024000363 | Oran Care Services | Housing Support Service | 20-09-2024 | Suite 4 | Mitchelson Drive | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3NB | 01334 652987 | Shelley Halley | | SP2011011724 | Oran Home Care Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2011303568 | Oran Home Care | Support services - care at home | 28-08-2012 | Unit 4 | Flex Space | Mitchelston Drive, Mitchelston Industrial Estate | KIRKCALDY | KY1 3NB | 01334 652 987 | Shelley Halley | | SP2011011724 | Oran Home Care Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2021000258 | Oran Private Homecare Midlothian | Support Service | 20-09-2021 | Suite 4 | Mitchelson Drive | Kirkcaldy | Fife | KY1 3NB | 01592 806190 | Shelley Halley | | SP2011011724 | Oran Home Care Ltd. | Inactive | |||
CS2009230869 | Orchar Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2009 | 31-39 Beach Crescent | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 2BG | 01382 774 174 | Roxana Popescu | | SP2009010513 | Orchar Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017355980 | Orchard Brae Holiday Club | Day care of children | 29-06-2017 | Orchard Brae School | Howes Road | Aberdeen | AB16 7RW | 01224 788950 | Tracey Milne | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011298689 | Orchard Brae Nursery | Day care of children | 22-11-2011 | Orchard Brae School | Howes Road | Aberdeen | AB16 7RW | 01224 788 950 | Kerry Howitt | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000065 | Orchard Brae School Age Childcare | Day Care of Children | 22-02-2024 | Orchard Brae School | Howes Road | Aberdeen | AB16 7RW | 07557 191 759 | Louise Blakeman | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011300783 | Orchard Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Lychgate Road | Tullibody | Alloa | FK10 2RQ | 01259 720 550 | Susan Gibson | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000245 | Orchard Cottage Care Ltd | Care Home Service | 07-09-2021 | 8 Ploughlands | Byepass Road | Dundonald | KILMARNOCK | KA2 9BL | 01563 502402 | Jane Melley | | SP2021000148 | Orchard Cottage Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015337472 | Orchard Grove Day Care | 30-11-2015 | 19 Prospecthill Circus | North Toryglen | Glasgow | G42 0LA | 01412 763 986 | Mohammad Iqbal Anwar | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2014333831 | Orchard Grove House | Care homes for older people | 22-10-2015 | 19 Prospecthill Circus | Glasgow | G42 0LB | 01412 763 980 | Dean Sockalingum | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2015336919 | Orchard Grove Kindergarten | Day care of children | 05-02-2016 | 179 Prospecthill Circus | Toryglen | Glasgow | G42 0LA | 01416 132 769 | Sandra Markey | | SP2014012359 | Orchard Grove Kindergarten | Active | ||||
CS2005107800 | Orchard Grove Nursery | Day care of children | 09-02-2006 | 12 Orchard Street | Paisley | PA1 1UZ | 01418 892 407 | Kelly Walne | | SP2005007817 | Orchard Grove Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014327399 | Orchard Park Children's Nursery Newton Mearns | Day care of children | 13-10-2014 | 59 Barrhead Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6BB | 01416 392 575 | Cheryl Duke | | SP2014012318 | Antonine Estates Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007142910 | Orchard Park Nursery | Day care of children | 25-05-2007 | 1a Crosslees Drive | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 7DY | 01416 203 280 | Samantha Kerr | | SP2007008847 | Orchard Park Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015406 | Orchard Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castlehill Road | Wishaw | ML2 0LS | 01698 274 984 | Helen MacKenzie | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003007042 | Orchardhead House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Ferrytoll Road | Rosyth | KY11 2XE | 01383 420 111 | Sally Eady | | SP2003001614 | Karen Reid trading as Orchardhead House | Active | |||||
CS2016347408 | Ord, Julie | Childminding | 05-09-2016 | Aberdeen | Julie Ord | | SP2016347408 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003041621 | Ordiquhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 17-11-2003 | Ordiquhill Primary School | Cornhill | Banff | AB45 2EX | 01466 405 905 | Mary Turner | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2005102335 | Orems Care Service | Support services - care at home | 18-09-2006 | 6th Floor | Gordon Chambers | 90 Mitchell Street | Glasgow | G1 3NQ | 01360 622 349 | Aubrey McNeill | | SP2004005509 | Orems Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008192071 | Orems Care Service Housing Support | Housing support service | 27-11-2009 | 6th Floor | Gordon Chambers | 90 Mitchell Street | Glasgow | G1 3NQ | 01360 622 349 | Aubrey McNeill | | SP2004005509 | Orems Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2010275416 | Orion Care (Edinburgh) Ltd | Support services - care at home | 15-03-2011 | 3-5 Learmonth Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 1DG | 0131 510 1117 | Caroline Cairns | | SP2010011266 | Orion Care (Edinburgh) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004082081 | Orkney Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 21-12-2005 | School Place | Kirkwall | KW15 1NY | 01856 873 535 | Kim McPherson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2020380698 | Orkney Adult Placement Service | Adult placement services | 10-09-2020 | Council Offices | School Place | Kirkwall | KW15 1NY | 01856 873 535 | Kim McPherson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2004082094 | Orkney Fostering Service | Fostering services | 21-12-2005 | School Place | Kirkwall | KW15 1NY | 01856 873 535 | Kim McPherson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2012312295 | Orkney Housing Support | Housing support service | 01-02-2013 | 7 - 13 Laing Street | Kirkwall | KW15 1NW | 01856 877 969 | Fozia Latif | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2010237161 | Orkney Responder Service | Support services - care at home | 21-05-2010 | 12 Lambaness | Papdale East | Kirkwall | KW15 1XQ | 01856 873 535 | Erin Johnston | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2012313606 | Orkney Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-02-2013 | c/o Scottish Autism | Hilton House | Alloa Business Park, The Whins | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01259 720 051 | Vicky McMillan | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2011299090 | Orkney Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-01-2012 | Enable Scotland | Unit 3 Kiln Corner | Kirkwall | KW15 1HS | 01856 870 080 | Hannah Penman | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2011299399 | Orkney Supported Living | Housing support service | 20-01-2012 | Enable Scotland | Unit 3 Kiln Corner | Kirkwall | KW15 1HS | 01856 870 080 | Hannah Penman | | SP2003002584 | Enable Scotland (Leading the Way) | Active | ||||
CS2024000007 | Ormiston Adventurers | Day Care of Children | 07-01-2024 | Ormiston Community Hall | George Street | Ormiston | Tranent | EH35 5JB | 07508426304 | to be confirmed | | SP2023000301 | Thrive East Lothian CIC | Inactive | |||
CS2024000179 | Ormiston Explorers | Day care of children | 31-05-2024 | Ormiston Community Hall | George Street | Ormiston | Tranent | EH35 5JB | 07508426304 | | SP2023000301 | Thrive East Lothian CIC | Inactive | ||||
CS2003015824 | Ormiston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Meadowbank | Ormiston | Tranent | EH35 5LQ | 01875 610 382 | Sarah Morgan | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2015339226 | Ormonde Childcare | Childminding | 25-08-2015 | Avoch | Helen Goodall | | SP2015987170 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016062 | Orphir Community School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Orphir Primary School | Orphir | Orkney | KW17 2RB | 01856 811 265 | Grant Thomson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2006121706 | Orr, Philippa | Childminding | 07-02-2007 | Castle Douglas | Philippa Orr | | SP2006959364 | Philippa Orr | Active | ||||||||
CS2012310780 | Orykes Global Childminding Service | Childminding | 28-11-2012 | Aberdeen | Dayibara Orike | | SP2012983911 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015621 | Osborne, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Helensburgh | Fiona Osborne | | SP2003910072 | Fiona Osborne | Active | ||||||||
CS2014324190 | Oscare | Day care of children | 01-08-2014 | Scout Association | 21 Aidans Brae | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7EP | Deborah Collins | | SP2014985732 | Alexandra Aitken trading as Oscare | Active | ||||
CS2014324390 | OSCARS | Day care of children | 16-07-2014 | Heriot Primary School | Heriot Avenue | Paisley | PA2 0DS | 07989 236 148 | Angela Bradley | | SP2014012266 | Angela Bradley trading as OSCARS | Active | ||||
CS2021000177 | Oscars @ St. Peter's | Day Care of Children | 30-07-2021 | Braehead Road | Glenburn | Paisley | PA2 8DZ | 07989236148 | | SP2014012266 | Angela Bradley | Active | |||||
CS2003004582 | Oscars Playscheme | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pilgrim Community Church | 1 Victoria Place | Airdrie | ML6 9BY | 07881991299 | Lisa Thomson | | SP2003000953 | Oscars Playscheme | Active | ||||
CS2015337334 | Ostlers House | Care homes for older people | 16-11-2015 | 9 Wellington Crescent | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6GH | 01592 583 442 | Daniel Hinojosa | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011570 | Oswald Avenue Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 46 Oswald Avenue | Grangemouth | FK3 9AX | 01324504316 | hazel brooks | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2015335909 | Oswald Street | Care homes for children and young people | 30-10-2015 | 102 Oswald Street | Falkirk | FK1 1QL | 01324 875 398 | Claire Potter | | SP2009010432 | FTS Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018371833 | Our House (A Home for Young People) | 18-03-2019 | The Coppers | Priory Road | Gauldry | Newport on Tay | DD6 8RT | 01382 330 949 | Ryan Fyfe | | SP2018013245 | Our House (A Home for Young People) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015389 | Our Lady & St Francis Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newarthill Road | Carfin | Motherwell | ML1 5AL | 01698 274 947 | Claire Semple | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015371 | Our Lady & St Joseph's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 5 South Medrox Street | Glenboig | Coatbridge | ML5 2RU | 01236 632 130 | Ellen Turnbull | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011289436 | Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 05-10-2011 | Milton Street | Motherwell | ML1 1DL | 01698 274 935 | Graeme Young | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377098 | Our Lady of Loretto Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 18-08-2020 | Castle Square | Clydebank | Glasgow | G81 4HN | 0141 533 3032 | Michelle Diamond | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014869 | Our Lady of Lourdes Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 150 Berryknowes Road | Glasgow | G52 2DE | 01418 822 305 | Catherine Capanni | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015325 | Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Carnegie Hill | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0AG | 01355 221 983 | Eileen Brady | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008173283 | Our Lady of Peace Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 20-08-2008 | Our Lady of Peace Primary School | Erskinefauld Road | Linwood | PA3 3PR | 03003 000 173 | Lesley Anne Dick | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003055123 | Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 22-08-2005 | Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School | 50 Tarfside Gardens | Glasgow | G52 3AA | 01418 832 010 | Sharon McMillan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016150 | Our Lady's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Our Lady's Primary School | 79 Main Street | Stoneyburn | Bathgate | EH47 8BY | 01501 762 265 | Stacey Anne Preston | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Inactive | |||
CS2003017341 | Our Lady's RC Primary Nursery - Perth | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Our Lady's Primary School | Garth Avenue | Perth | PH1 2LG | 01738 477 570 | Lynne Mendes | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2016348383 | Our Zone Quality Childcare | 16-01-2017 | c/o Coatbridge Community Centre | 9 Old Monkland Road | Coatbridge | ML5 5EA | 01236 707 319 | Katherine Syme | | SP2016012745 | Our Zone Quality Childcare a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2019375696 | Out n About Childminding Service | Child Minding | 15-07-2019 | East Linton | Diane Karpacz | | SP2019990609 | Diane Karpacz | Active | ||||||||
CS2017361751 | Outdoor Nursery Edinburgh (ONE) | 19-12-2018 | 50 Howden Hall Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6PJ | 01316 204 380 | Pamela Giles | | SP2014012311 | Outdoor Nursery Edinburgh Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2013322778 | Outreach Respite, Eilean Siar | Support services - not care at home | 19-05-2015 | 30 Bayhead Street | Stornoway | HS1 2DU | 01851 705 080 | Margaret Ann. Macleod | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||||
CS2019376146 | Over The Wall | Support Service | 05-07-2019 | c/o Strathallan School | Forgandenny | Perth | PH2 9EG | 02392 477 110 | Sally McCluskie | | SP2007009518 | Over the Wall | Active | ||||
CS2006132870 | Overdon Care Home | Care homes for older people | 19-10-2006 | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0YP | 01467 632 267 | Grace Calder | | SP2003002310 | Cubanhall Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000109 | Overlee Family Centre | Day care of children | 22-06-2021 | Overlee Park | Moray Drive | Clarkston | GLASGOW | G76 8NL | 0141 570 7740 | Anne Marie Castro | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003044050 | Overmills | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Westwood Avenue | Ayr | KA8 0QZ | 01292 610 225 | Linda Conway | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2010275546 | Overnight Home Care Service | Support services - care at home | 14-02-2011 | South East Locality Office | 40 Captains Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 01315 538 350 | Lorraine Ross | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008465 | Oversteps (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Earls Cross Road | Dornoch | IV25 3PJ | 01862 810 393 | Jeniffer Macdonald | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2005097968 | Overtonlea (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 25-08-2005 | Overtonlea Care Centre | Levenwick | Shetland | ZE2 9HX | 01595 745 032 | Amanda Malcolmson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2005097971 | Overtonlea (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 25-08-2005 | Overtonlea Care Centre | Levenwick | Shetland | ZE2 9HX | 01595 745 032 | Amanda Malcolmson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2007156235 | Owler, Susan | Childminding | 03-06-2008 | Dundee | Susan Owler | | SP2007965848 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011878 | Oxgangs After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Oxgangs Primary School | 60 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH13 9DS | 07932 774 297 | Landess Robertson | | SP2003002844 | Oxgangs After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2005088517 | Oxgangs Care | Support services - care at home | 01-02-2006 | 6-12 Firrhill Neuk | Edinburgh | EH13 9FF | 01314 453 332 | Elaine Black | | SP2003003130 | Oxgangs Care | Active | |||||
CS2003017046 | Oxgangs Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 60 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH13 9DS | 01314 413 649 | Zara Stevenson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001077 | Oxton House Residential Home For Older People | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 14 - 18 Marywood Square | Strathbungo | Glasgow | G41 2BJ | 01414 230 285 | Carole Cannell | | SP2003000209 | Oxton House Residential Home for Older People | Active | ||||
CS2022000373 | P4C Healthcare Ltd | Support services - care at home | 09-12-2022 | 34 South Gyle Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB | 01312352591 | Agnes Herriot | | SP2022000250 | P4C Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000374 | P4C Healthcare Ltd | Housing support service | 09-12-2022 | 34 South Gyle Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB | 01312352591 | Agnes Herriot | | SP2022000250 | P4C Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000440 | P4F Homecare Champions Ltd | Housing Support Service | 26-11-2024 | Scottish Gas | 1 Waterfront Avenue | Edinburgh | EH5 1SG | +44 7960 030941 | Helene Rodger | | SP2023000330 | P4F Homecare Champions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000441 | P4F Homecare Champions Ltd | Support Service | 26-11-2024 | Scottish Gas | 1 Waterfront Avenue | Edinburgh | EH5 1SG | +44 7960 030941 | Helene Rodger | | SP2023000330 | P4F Homecare Champions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015336390 | Paddingtons Nursery | Day care of children | 01-07-2015 | 4 Kings Place | Perth | PH2 8AA | 01738 444 686 | Lisa Garry | | SP2015012465 | Paddingtons Nursery LLP | Active | |||||
CS2010271408 | Pairman, Mandy | Childminding | 23-03-2011 | Helensburgh | Mandy Pairman | | SP2010979406 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014791 | Paisley Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 Stow Street | Paisley | PA1 2JJ | 01416 183 464 | Laura Hughes | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004079114 | Paisley Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Bruce Court | 43/45 Dundonald Road | Paisley | PA3 4NB | 01418 401 411 | Lindsay Muir | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000357 | PAK Health Care Solutions | Support services - care at home | 30-11-2022 | Falkirk Business Hub | 45 Vicar Street | Falkirk | FK1 1LL | 07988252796 | Patricia Pedyo | | SP2022000239 | PAK Health Care Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013320863 | Pam Reeves Childminding Service | Childminding | 14-02-2014 | Oban | Pamela Reeves | | SP2013985359 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310208 | Pam's Young-Stars | Childminding | 21-12-2012 | Forfar | Pamela Young | | SP2012983831 | Pamela Young | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000025 | Pamela Boyd Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-01-2025 | Stonehaven | | SP2024000815 | Pamela Boyd | Active | |||||||||
CS2014333336 | Pamela Cox Childminder | Childminding | 11-02-2015 | Glasgow | Pamela Cox | | SP2014986520 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000034 | Pamela Noble Childminding | Childminding | 31-01-2025 | Alexandria | | SP2023000707 | Pamela Noble | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316446 | Pamela's Childminding | Childminding | 15-07-2013 | Stirling | Pamela Anne Dow | | SP2013984761 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342127 | Pamela's Penguins Childminding Service | Childminding | 21-01-2016 | Glasgow | Pamela Blair | | SP2015987496 | Pamela Blair | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000161 | Pammy Poppins' Playhouse | Child Minding | 20-06-2022 | Greenock | | SP2022000116 | Pamela McCarn | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002980 | Panmure Pre School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Panmure Pre-School | Carnoustie Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Pitskelly Road | Carnoustie | DD7 7BF | 01241467402 | Jennifer Whyte | | SP2003000586 | Panmure Pre School | Active | |||
CS2004060211 | Papa Westray School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Papa Westray Primary School | Papa Westray | Orkney | KW17 2BU | 01857 644 226 | Timothy Ross | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2005112366 | Papdale Halls of Residence | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Papdale Halls of Residence | Kirkwall Grammar School | Kirkwall | KW15 1QN | 01856 876 060 | Debbra Sclater | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016046 | Papdale Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Papdale Primary School | Willow Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1PJ | 01856 886651 | Karen Petrie | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2014329191 | Papillon Nursery @ Bellshill | Day care of children | 24-03-2015 | Hamilton House | Phoenix Crescent | Strathclyde Business Park | Bellshill | ML4 3NJ | 01698 840840 | Nicola Doherty | | SP2006008312 | Papillon Private Nursery Ltd | Active | |||
CS2005103645 | Paradykes Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 22-11-2005 | Paradykes Primary School | Mayburn Avenue | Loanhead | EH20 9HB | 01312 714 653 | Meghan Knox | | SP2003003175 | Midlothian Sure Start | Active | ||||
CS2003016404 | Paradykes Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Paradykes Primary School & Family Learning Centre | Mayburn Avenue | Loanhead | EH20 9HB | 0131 271 4650 | Helen Reed | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004076314 | Paramount Care | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | Suite 4 | Westhill Shopping Centre | Westhill | AB32 6RL | 01224 279 400 | Brenda Bothwell | | SP2004006423 | Paramount Care (Aberdeen) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005088970 | Paramount Care | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | Suite 4 | Westhill Shopping Centre | Westhill | AB32 6RL | 01224 279 400 | Brenda Bothwell | | SP2004006423 | Paramount Care (Aberdeen) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006135041 | Paris, Pamela Ann | Childminding | 10-08-2007 | Glasgow | Pamela Ann Paris | | SP2006961429 | Pamela Paris | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015600 | Park Drive Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Park Drive | Bannockburn | Stirling | FK7 0EH | 01786 816 766 | Thomas Joyce | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017254 | Park Early Learning and Childcare Suite | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Invergordon Academy | Academy Road | INVERGORDON | IV18 0LD | Jillian Quigley | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003043738 | Park ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scott Crescent | Alloa | FK10 1BD | 01259 452226 | Alexis Atkinson | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019378613 | Park Lodge Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | Kirkton of Skene | Westhill | AB32 6XT | 01224 746 655 | Carole Laing | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015535 | Park Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Park Primary School | Ashwood Drive | Stranraer | DG9 7NW | 01776 704 032 | Diane Lowe | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2013315648 | Park Primary Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 10-09-2013 | Park Primary School | Kerrara Terrace | Oban | PA34 5AU | 01631 563 941 | Shirley Stuart | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015893 | Park Road Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Park Road | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2NH | 01383 602 426 | Erika Anderson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2012308059 | Park, Ilene | Childminding | 11-09-2012 | Cowdenbeath | Ilene Park | | SP2012983497 | Ilene Park | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006687 | Park, Irene | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Irene Park | | SP2003903943 | Irene Park | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009740 | Parkdale | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | New School Lane | High Street | Auchterarder | PH3 1QN | 01764 661 366 | Lynsay Lwanyaga | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016170 | Parkhead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Harburn Road | West Calder | EH55 8AH | 01506 871 404 | Louise Delargy | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003048025 | Parkhill Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Salmon Inn Road | Polmont | Falkirk | FK2 0XF | 01324 506 782 | Leigh McMillan | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2005091582 | Parkholme | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 16-05-2005 | 19 St Margaret's Crescent | Lossiemouth | IV31 6RF | 01343 814 581 | Ashley Aitken | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||||
CS2014333774 | Parkhouse Manor Care Home | Care homes for older people | 11-06-2015 | 557 Parkhouse Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1TE | 01418 817 823 | Heather Campbell-Hanratty | | SP2014012402 | Laurem Care Group Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003013765 | Parklands (Care Home) - Buckie | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | High Street | Buckie | AB56 4AD | 01542 836 000 | Denise Risk | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000267 | Parklands Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Parklands Care Home | 60 Alloa Park Drive | ALLOA | FK10 1QY | 01259720172 | Diane Stone | | SP2021000164 | Parklands Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003011035 | Parkside Court | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 1/2 Parkside Court | Dalkeith | EH22 3BF | 01316 542 257 | Claire MacDonald | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2013319182 | Parksprings Care Home | Care homes for older people | 30-01-2014 | Frood Street | Bellshill Road | Motherwell | ML1 3TA | 01698 622 200 | Michelle Carrigan | | SP2013012124 | MMCG (CCH) (3) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017356871 | Parkview Nursery | 21-05-2018 | 161 Cumbernauld Road | Muirhead | Glasgow | G69 9AF | 01414 714 447 | Lorraine Riley | | SP2007009067 | Lochview Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018369993 | Parkview Nursery School | 28-02-2019 | 15a Dudhope Terrace | Dundee | DD3 6HH | 01382 200 665 | Cheryl Stewart | | SP2018013193 | Parkview Nursery School Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003012581 | Parris, Louise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Tranent | Louise Parris | | SP2003906303 | Louise Parris | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017047 | Parsons Green | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Parsons Green Primary School | Meadowfield Drive | Edinburgh | EH8 7LU | 01316 522 159 | Susan Cochrane | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069750 | Partners for Inclusion | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-11-2004 | West Kirk | 84a Portland Street | Kilmarnock | KA3 1AA | 01563 825 555 | Michele Munro | | SP2004004872 | Partners for Inclusion | Active | ||||
CS2004069745 | Partners for Inclusion | Housing support service | 11-11-2004 | West Kirk | 84a Portland Street | Kilmarnock | KA3 1AA | 01563 825 555 | Michele Munro | | SP2004004872 | Partners for Inclusion | Active | ||||
CS2021000054 | Partners that Care | Support Service | 17-05-2021 | 10 Broomhill Way | Greenock | PA15 4HE | 01475780006 | Audrey McLean | | SP2021000033 | Partners that Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000055 | Partners that Care | Housing Support Service | 17-05-2021 | 10 Broomhill Way | Greenock | PA15 4HE | 01475 780 006 | Audrey McLean | | SP2021000033 | Partners that Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005105943 | Pass, Mairi | Childminding | 25-02-2006 | Alva | Mairi Pass | | SP2005951430 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003084 | Patchwork 2-5 Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Edward Street Community Centre | Edward Street | Dunoon | PA23 7PH | 01369 707 997 | Paula Cooney | | SP2003000635 | Patchwork 2-5 Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2005107093 | Paterson, Anne | Childminding | 07-04-2006 | Grangemouth | Anne Paterson | | SP2005951844 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010273458 | Paterson, Hazel | Childminding | 28-10-2011 | Glasgow | Hazel Paterson | | SP2010980029 | Hazel Paterson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012958 | Paterson, Jane Louise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Musselburgh | Jane Louise Paterson | SP2003906677 | Paterson, Jane Louise Paterson, Jane Louise | Active | |||||||||
CS2005096905 | Paterson, Kerry | Childminding | 07-10-2005 | Dunfermline | Kerry Paterson | | SP2005947191 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010272833 | Paterson, Lesley | Childminding | 25-11-2010 | Larbert | Lesley Paterson | SP2010979855 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2004063097 | Pathhead Out of School Club | Day care of children | 30-06-2004 | Pathhead School | Cairns Street West | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2JA | Emma Rowe | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015883 | Pathhead Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pathhead Primary School | Cairns Street West | Kirkcaldy | KY1 2JA | 01592 583 450 | Caroline Melvin | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016362 | Pathways | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Quigley House | Craigshill Road East | Craigshill | Livingston | EH54 5DT | 01506 283 030 | Lorraine Bolton | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2003015816 | Patna Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Whitehill Avenue | Patna | Ayr | KA6 7LY | 01292 531 271 | Claire McPhail | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017359962 | Paton, Angela | 14-03-2018 | Alexandria | Angela Paton | | SP2017989339 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2014323981 | Patricia Donnachie - Childminding | Childminding | 09-12-2014 | Shotts | Patricia Donnachie | | SP2014985703 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009230337 | Patrick, Claire | Childminding | 26-01-2011 | Kilmarnock | Claire Patrick | | SP2009974859 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005098418 | Patrick, Tania | Childminding | 13-09-2005 | Inverness | Tania Patrick | | SP2005947773 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005099015 | Patterson, Alison | Childminding | 07-10-2005 | Wishaw | Alison Patterson | | SP2005948017 | Alison Patterson | Active | ||||||||
CS2018363162 | Paty's Childminding | 26-04-2018 | livingston | Patricia Aguiar | | SP2018989589 | Patricia Aguiar | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000093 | Paula Glass Childminding | Child Minding | 21-03-2024 | Canonbie | | SP2023000603 | Paula Glass | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000297 | Paula's Childminding Services | Child Minding | 28-09-2022 | Kirkwall | | SP2022000200 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000414 | Paula's Perfect Childminding | Child Minding | 11-12-2023 | Airdrie | | SP2023000324 | Paula McGarry | Active | |||||||||
CS2011301470 | Paulin, Nicola | Childminding | 20-02-2012 | Peebles | Nicola Paulin | | SP2011982892 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338062 | Pauline Bree Childminding | Childminding | 26-11-2015 | Glasgow | Pauline Bree | | SP2015987019 | Pauline Bree | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000297 | Pauline Brogan Childminding | Child Minding | 18-10-2021 | BLAIRGOWRIE | | SP2021000182 | Pauline Brogan | Active | |||||||||
CS2016347174 | Pauline's Childcare Services | Childminding | 12-08-2016 | Bathgate | Pauline Singleton | | SP2016988014 | Pauline Singleton | Active | ||||||||
CS2014333124 | Pauline's Childminding | Childminding | 10-02-2015 | Edinburgh | Pauline Barrowman | | SP2014986501 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018372256 | Pauline's Childminding Services | 27-03-2019 | Glasgow | Pauline Pignatelli | SP2018990324 | Pauline Pignatelli | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003015967 | Paxton Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Selkirk Street | Methil | Leven | KY8 3LX | 01333 426 513 | Jillian McIntosh | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009269 | Paxton, Paula | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kelso | Paula Paxton | | SP2003908041 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003038766 | PEACE Annanhill | Day care of children | 08-12-2003 | Grange Community Wing | Grange Campus | Beech Avenue | Kilmarnock | KA1 2EW | 01563 541870 | Daina Wallace | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | |||
CS2014327560 | PEACE Childcare Mobile Creche | Day care of children | 12-11-2014 | Belford Mill | 16 Brewery Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 3HZ | 01563 549 804 | Elizabeth Louise Mooney | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2003003488 | PEACE Dunlop Schools Out | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Village Hall | 48 Main Street | Dunlop | Kilmarnock | KA3 4AG | 01563 549 804 | Amanda Galt | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | |||
CS2003015154 | PEACE Gargieston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Gargieston Primary School | Dundonald Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 1UG | 01563 534 058 | Annette McAulay | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2003020281 | PEACE Loanhead | Day care of children | 14-10-2002 | Loanhead Primary School | Loanhead Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 3AU | 01563 522452 | Julie McDonald | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2019373677 | Peace of Mind Childminding | Child Minding | 31-05-2019 | Inverurie | Susan Guthrie | | SP2019990424 | Susan Guthrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015048 | PEACE Onthank | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Annex Onthank Primary School | Meiklewood Road | Onthank | Kilmarnock | KA3 2ES | 01563 571 709 | Lynn Miller | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | |||
CS2003044921 | PEACE Sitter Service | Childcare agencies | 16-01-2004 | PEACE Childcare | Belford Mill | 16 Brewery Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 3HZ | 01563 549 804 | Elizabeth Louise Mooney | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | |||
CS2008169069 | PEACE St. Andrews | Day care of children | 06-05-2008 | St. Joseph's Campus | Grassyards Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 7SL | 01563 542 752 | Caryn Chau | | SP2003000712 | PEACE Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2003012556 | Peace, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Margaret Peace | | SP2003906278 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007152242 | Peace, Rebecca | Childminding | 16-08-2011 | Orkney | Rebecca Peace | SP2007965248 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008171446 | Peacehaven | Care homes for older people | 20-05-2008 | 25 Links Road | Lundin Links | Leven | KY8 6AT | 01333 320 227 | Kerry Ann Day | | SP2004004957 | Rosturk House Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010659 | Peacock Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Garden Place | Eliburn | Livingston | EH54 6RA | 01506 417 464 | Shona Gracie | SP2003002457 | Peacock Medicare Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2022000163 | Peaky Minders Ltd | Support Service | 20-06-2022 | 29 Kaimhill Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7JJ | 01224 479172 | Sheila Forbes | | SP2022000118 | Peaky Minders Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000319 | Peapods | Childminding | 03-11-2021 | PERTH | | SP2021000199 | Shellen McGrath | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2006118860 | Pear Tree Nurseries Ltd | Day care of children | 09-01-2007 | 32 Meadowpark | Haddington | EH41 4DS | 01620 823 585 | Colette Walker | | SP2006008293 | Pear Tree Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019378595 | Pear Tree Nursery Church Street | Day Care of Children | 23-03-2020 | 19 Church Street | Haddington | EH41 3EX | 01620 822299 | Gillian Harvey | | SP2006008293 | Pear Tree Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018363682 | Pear Tree Nursery West Road | 12-07-2018 | 1 West Road | Haddington | EH41 3RD | 01620 671 550 | Heather Reid | | SP2006008293 | Pear Tree Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003007658 | Pearson, Valerie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverkeithing | Valerie Pearson | | SP2003904600 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010271379 | Peebles Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 09-09-2010 | Tweed Green | Peebles | EH45 8AR | 01721 728 180 | Dawn Barrett | | SP2005007720 | Mansfield Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018370991 | Peek a Boo | 11-02-2019 | Glasgow | Shehla Gul | | SP2018990231 | Shehla Gul | Active | |||||||||
CS2009233012 | Peek-a-Boo Nursery Kirkcaldy | Day care of children | 08-10-2009 | 1 King Street | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5JR | 01592 642 300 | Tracey Scott | | SP2005007650 | Lynne Kivistik Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013315194 | Peek-a-Boo Nursery Leven | Day care of children | 07-06-2013 | Alex Whyte Building | Aithernie Road | Leven | KY8 4BX | 01333 429 565 | Fiona Bristol | | SP2005007650 | Lynne Kivistik Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005102339 | Peek-a-Boo Nursery Markinch | Day care of children | 05-12-2005 | The Old Clinic | Betson Street | Markinch | Glenrothes | KY7 6AA | 01592 760 400 | Louise Baillie | | SP2005007650 | Lynne Kivistik Limited | Active | |||
CS2009231194 | Peelers After School and Holiday Club Limited | Day care of children | 30-08-2010 | Eliburn Community Centre | Garden Place | Eliburn | Livingston | EH54 6RA | 01506 415 492 | Paula Knox | | SP2009010522 | Peelers After School and Holiday Club Limited | Active | |||
CS2019374246 | Peerie Foxes Ltd | Day Care of Children | 09-07-2019 | The Salvation Army Mission Hall | 45 North Road | Lerwick | SHETLAND | ZE1 0NT | Caroline Henderson | | SP2019013296 | Peerie Foxes Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000069 | Pegasus Healthcare Solutions Limited | Nurse Agency | 17-03-2022 | Second Floor | 53 Bothwell Street | Glasgow | G2 6TS | 0141 280 8188 | Ruth Shinwell | | SP2022000046 | Pegasus Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015342406 | Pencaitland After School Club | Day care of children | 07-03-2016 | Pencaitland After School Club | Pencaitland Primary School | The Glebe | Pencaitland | EH34 5EZ | 01875 341 466 | Christine Hosie | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | |||
CS2003016989 | Pencaitland Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Glebe | Pencaitland | Tranent | EH34 5EZ | 01875 340 260 | Deborah Crossan | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013336 | Penicuik Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cuickenburn Old Nursery School | 60 Queensway | Penicuik | EH26 0HE | 01968 679 215 | Gemma Laidlaw | | SP2003003175 | Midlothian Sure Start | Active | ||||
CS2003014918 | Penilee Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 23 Inkerman Road | Penilee | Glasgow | G52 2RW | 01418 827 605 | Amanda Fox | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2015341812 | Pennicott, Michelle | Childminding | 16-02-2016 | Falkirk | Michelle Pennicott | SP2015987465 | Michelle Pennicott | Active | |||||||||
CS2009228555 | Pennie, Kirsten | Childminding | 09-12-2009 | Edinburgh | Kirsten Pennie | | SP2009974378 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015536 | Penninghame Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Penninghame Primary School | Auchendoon Road | Newton Stewart | DG8 6HD | 01671 402 386 | Adele McMillan | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016032 | Pennyburn Primary School Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sundrum Place | Pennyburn | Kilwinning | KA13 6SE | 01294 552807 | Paula Dickson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003049671 | Pennycook, Paula | Childminding | 14-04-2004 | Livingston | Paula Pennycook | | SP2004937455 | Paula Pennycook | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017255 | Pennyland Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Trostan Road | Thurso | KW14 7NY | 01847 892 661 | Laura Murray | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000087 | Pennytree Childminding | Child Minding | 30-03-2023 | Kirkcaldy | | SP2023000063 | Aida Morrice | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000321 | Pennywell Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 13-08-2024 | 12B MacMillan Square | Edinburgh | EH4 4AB | 0131 529 5669 | Victoria Shiels | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010775 | Penpont, Keir and Tynron Pre-School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Penpont Primary School | School Lane | Penpont | Thornhill | DG3 4BH | 01848 330 591 | Fern Clements | | SP2003002522 | Penpont, Keir and Tynron Pre-School | Active | |||
CS2005089823 | Penpraze, Rachael | Childminding | 06-07-2005 | South Queensferry | Rachael Leah Penpraze | | SP2005944288 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007156054 | Pentland Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 20-08-2007 | Pentland Primary School | Oxgangs Green | Edinburgh | EH13 9JF | 01314 451 510 | Jennifer Cairns | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2007142977 | Pentland View - Highland | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | Scrabster Road | Thurso | KW14 7UQ | 01847 896 920 | Megyn Todd | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2025000036 | Penuel Care Services Ltd | Support Service | 31-01-2025 | 15 Beecraigs Way | Plains | Airdrie | ML6 7GD | 07594 870685 | Lena Mekwi | | SP2024000220 | Penuel Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2025000035 | Penuel Care Services Ltd | Housing Support Service | 31-01-2025 | 15 Beecraigs Way | Plains | Airdrie | ML6 7GD | 07594 870685 | Lena Mekwi | | SP2024000220 | Penuel Care Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010271273 | Penumbra - Angus Nova Project | Support services - not care at home | 12-10-2010 | First Floor | 115 High Street | Arbroath | DD11 1DP | 01241 873 900 | Ashleigh McLeod | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2004057242 | Penumbra - Borders Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 05-07-2004 | Penumbra | Unit C | Melrose Station, Palma Place | MELROSE | TD6 9PR | 01896 822404 | Carol Dallas | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2013319187 | Penumbra - Central Aberdeen Supported Living Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-08-2013 | 2b Papermill Gardens | Aberdeen | AB24 2PW | 01224 481 001 | Dawn Rezin | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2013320276 | Penumbra - Central Aberdeen Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 19-09-2013 | 2b Papermill Gardens | Aberdeen | AB24 2PW | 01224 481 001 | Dawn Rezin | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2004061905 | Penumbra - Edinburgh Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 05-07-2004 | 3rd Floor, Suite 4,Orchard Brae House | 30 Queensferry Road | Edinburgh | EH4 2HS | 0131 221 9607 | Colin Beveridge | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2006129979 | Penumbra - Glasgow ARBD Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 17-11-2006 | 50 Wellington Street | Suite 429-432 | Baltic Chambers | Glasgow | G2 6HJ | 01413 368 012 | Carole Kedley | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2006129980 | Penumbra - Glasgow ARBD Supported Living Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-11-2006 | Suite 429-432 | Baltic Chambers | Glasgow | G2 6HJ | 01413 368 012 | Carole Kedley | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2017362592 | Penumbra - Lanarkshire Supported Living Service - Care at Home | 03-04-2018 | 50 Wellington Street | Suite 429-432 | Baltic Chambers | Glasgow | G2 6HJ | 07717301627 | Karen Rodger | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2004061899 | Penumbra - Supported Living Service (Forth Valley) | Housing support service | 05-07-2004 | Room 3, Second Floor | Ironworks Business Centre | Castle Laurie, Bankside | Falkirk | FK2 7XE | 01324 473 007 | Pauline Simpson | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2004057234 | Penumbra - West Fife Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 05-07-2004 | 89 New Row | Dunfermline | KY12 7DZ | 01383 728 467 | Sharon Little | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2004061897 | Penumbra - Western Isles Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 05-07-2004 | 23 Bayhead | Stornoway | HS1 2DU | 01851 706 360 | Elaine Morrison | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2010271644 | Penumbra 365 | Support services - not care at home | 31-08-2010 | 20 Back Wynd | Aberdeen | AB10 1JP | 01224 074 550 | Ini Esu | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2014329158 | Penumbra Aberdeen Mental Health Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-09-2014 | Penumbra, The Mackenzie Building, 168 Skene Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1PE | 01224 642854 | Rachel Canavan | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2014329157 | Penumbra Aberdeen Mental Health Service | Housing support service | 01-09-2014 | The Mackenzie Building | 168 Skene Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1PE | 01224 640 351 | Rachel Canavan | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2007164367 | Penumbra Dundee Nova Service | Support services - not care at home | 03-01-2008 | Penumbra | 9 Tay Square | Dundee | DD1 1PB | 01382 223 487 | Callum Troup | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2012307983 | Penumbra Edinburgh - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 28-05-2012 | 5 Leamington Terrace | Edinburgh | EH10 4JW | 01312290560 | Deborah Mclachlan | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||||
CS2014330278 | Penumbra Forth Valley Support Service | Support services - care at home | 23-12-2014 | Room 3, Second Floor | Ironworks Business Centre | Castle Laurie, Bankside | Falkirk | FK2 7XE | 01324 473 007 | Pauline Simpson | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2007156110 | Penumbra Glasgow City Supported Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-10-2007 | 50 Wellington Street | Suite 429-432 | Baltic Chambers | Glasgow | G2 6HJ | 01412 218 301 | Karen Rodger | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2007156109 | Penumbra Glasgow City Supported Living | Housing support service | 16-10-2007 | 50 Wellington Street | Suite 429-432 | Baltic Chambers | Glasgow | G2 6HJ | 01412 218 301 | Karen Rodger | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2014326306 | Penumbra Milestone | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 15-07-2014 | Milestone House | 113 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH14 1EB | 01314 415 778 | Kyle Cuthbert | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2006130024 | Penumbra Supported Accommodation (ARBD) Care Home | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 17-11-2006 | 184 Bardowie Street | Possil | Glasgow | G22 5AA | 01413 368 012 | Carole Kedley | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2024000097 | Penumbra, Intensive Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 26-03-2024 | Penumbra | The MacKenzie Building | 168 Skene Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1PE | 01224642854 | Lesley Sheridan | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||
CS2004060201 | Percival, Donna | Childminding | 06-09-2004 | Greenock | Donna Percival | | SP2004916704 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009194350 | Perrie, Lorna & Allan | Childminding | 16-12-2009 | Strathaven | Lorna Perrie | | SP2009973047 | Perrie, Lorna & Allan Perrie, Lorna & Allan | Active | ||||||||
CS2011303083 | Persley Castle | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | Mugiemoss Road | Woodside | Aberdeen | AB21 9XU | 01224 685 800 | Rachael Hope | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004076543 | Perth & Kinross and Forth Valley | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-12-2004 | Community Integrated Care | Unit 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 0141 419 9401 | Clare McMurchie | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2004083188 | Perth & Kinross and Forth Valley | Housing support service | 01-12-2004 | Community Integrated Care | Unit 2000 Academy Park | Gower Street | Glasgow | G51 1PR | 0141 419 9401 | Clare McMurchie | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | |||
CS2005089320 | Perth & Kinross Carers Centre's Day Clubs | Support services - not care at home | 07-03-2006 | Lewis Place | North Muirton | Perth | PH1 3BD | 01738 567 076 | Margaret Campbell | | SP2005007238 | Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Service | Active | ||||
CS2004080884 | Perth & Kinross Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 14-10-2005 | Almondbank House | Lewis Place | Perth | PH1 3BD | 01738 472 260 | Dawn Millar | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2004081195 | Perth & Kinross Council - Adults with Learning Disabilities | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-11-2004 | 41d St Catherines Road | Perth | PH1 5SJ | 01738 477 637 | Shona Thompson | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||||
CS2004074774 | Perth & Kinross Council - Adults with Learning Disabilities | Housing support service | 16-11-2004 | 41d St Catherines Road | Perth | PH1 5SJ | 01738 477 637 | Shona Thompson | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2004083801 | Perth & Kinross Council - Fostering Services | Fostering services | 14-10-2005 | Almondbank House | Lewis Place | Perth | PH1 3BD | 01738 472 260 | Dawn Millar | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2004080325 | Perth & Kinross Council - Homeless Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 22-11-2004 | Pullar House | 35 Kinnoull Street | Perth | PH1 5GD | 01738 474 556 | Andrea McCallum | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2004074757 | Perth & Kinross Council - Older People's Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Pullar House | 35 Kinnoull Street | Perth | PH1 5GD | 01738 474 600 | Andrea McCallum | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2004074771 | Perth & Kinross Council - Young People's Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 05-11-2004 | Wellbank House | 41 Dundee Road | Perth | PH2 7AQ | 01738 459 792 | Lyndsay Richmond | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2019374248 | Perth Autism Support | Day Care of Children | 05-07-2019 | 14 New Row | Perth | PH1 5QA | Ellie Donnan-Thompson | | SP2019013297 | Perth Autism Support a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||
CS2008174073 | Perth Homecare Services | Support services - care at home | 10-07-2009 | 63 South Street | Perth | PH28PD | 01738 622 753 | Fiona McNab | | SP2008009725 | Perth Homecare Services Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019377521 | Perthshire Floating Housing Support | Housing Support Service | 21-02-2020 | 472 Ballater Street | Gorbals | Glasgow | G5 0QW | 07572138150 | Tracy Orr | | SP2003000169 | Simon Community Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2011280681 | Perthshire Women's Aid - Housing Support. | Housing support service | 05-09-2011 | Perth | Danielle Coll | | SP2011011404 | Perthshire Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001732 | Peterculter Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Peterculter Village Hall | North Deeside Road | Peterculter | AB14 0UD | 01224 733 289 | Amanda Morrison | | SP2003000313 | Peterculter Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003015719 | Peterhead Central School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Peter Street | Peterhead | AB42 1QD | 01779403650 | Beverley Noble | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379517 | Petersburn Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 23-11-2020 | Petersburn Road | Airdrie | ML6 8RG | 01236 632220 | Helen Jenkins | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2010237454 | Petrie, Pamela | Childminding | 12-08-2010 | Aberdeen | Pamela Petrie | | SP2010977067 | Pamela Petrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012341 | Pettigrew, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Margaret Pettigrew | SP2003906066 | Pettigrew, Mrs Margaret Pettigrew, Mrs Margaret | Active | |||||||||
CS2007149839 | PH Childcare | Childminding | 27-09-2007 | Perth | Paula Henderson | | SP2007964944 | Paula Henderson | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000057 | Pharmaxo Pharmacy Services Ltd | Nurse Agency | 01-03-2022 | 1 Corsham Science Park | Park Lane | Corsham | SN13 9FU | 01225 302188 | Susan Jones | | SP2022000038 | Pharmaxo Pharmacy Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003012691 | Phelan, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Ann Phelan | SP2003906410 | Phelan, Mrs Ann Phelan, Mrs Ann | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001225 | Phew | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Phew (Scotland) 49 Hope Street | MOTHERWELL | ML1 1BS | 01698 404 051 | Helen Anderson | | SP2003000240 | Phew (Scotland ) | Active | |||||
CS2019374868 | Philip, Sorcha | Child Minding | 25-07-2019 | Edinburgh | Sorcha Philip | | SP2019990522 | Sorcha Philip | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017378 | Philiphaugh Community School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2 Linglie Road | Selkirk | TD7 5LT | 01750 217 74 | Rebecca Mackenzie | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2005089318 | Phillips, Francene | Childminding | 29-07-2005 | Cumnock | Francene Phillips | | SP2004936436 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008186935 | Philp, Theresa | Childminding | 03-03-2009 | Linlithgow | Theresa Philp | | SP2008971974 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017600 | Phoenix | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Townhead | Rothesay | Isle of Bute | PA20 9JH | 01700 504 402 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016224 | Phoenix Futures Care Home | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 01-04-2002 | Munro Court | 15 Castlebank Villas | Glasgow | G13 2XA | 01413 320 121 | David Brockett | | SP2003003595 | Phoenix House Trading as Phoenix Futures | Active | ||||
CS2025000087 | Phoenix Futures Dayhab Service | Support Service | 25-02-2025 | 14 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 6BB | 07704 019622 | charlene Gilmour | | SP2003003595 | Phoenix House Trading as Phoenix Futures | Active | |||||
CS2004080624 | Phoenix Futures Glasgow Resettlement Service | Housing support service | 10-01-2005 | 98 Hamiltonhill Road | Possilpark | Glasgow | G22 5RU | 01413 364 272 | David Brockett | | SP2003003595 | Phoenix House Trading as Phoenix Futures | Active | ||||
CS2022000284 | Phoenix Futures National Specialist Family Service, Harper House | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 21-09-2022 | 92 Canal Street | Saltcoats | KA21 5JB | 01294588761 | Donatella Olisterno | | SP2003003595 | Phoenix House Trading as Phoenix Futures | Active | |||||
CS2025000069 | Phoenix Futures Recovery Housing Service | Housing Support Service | 12-02-2025 | 14 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 6BB | 07704 019622 | charlene Gilmour | | SP2003003595 | Phoenix House Trading as Phoenix Futures | Active | |||||
CS2004080813 | Physical Disabilities Community Opportunities Team | Support services - not care at home | 13-04-2005 | County Buildings | Market Street | Forfar | DD8 3WR | Douglas Fairweather | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2019375882 | Piccolo Nursery | Day Care of Children | 22-08-2019 | 57 Blair Road | Coatbridge | ML5 1NG | 01236 422 800 | Nicola Doherty | | SP2019013330 | Beau Childcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018367583 | Pied Piper Nursery | 28-09-2018 | 25 Hector Road | Shawlands | Glasgow | G41 3RJ | 01416 492 715 | Natalie Newlands | | SP2017012925 | Mini Rainbows (Murrayfield) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014919 | Pikeman Nursery School and Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 21 Archerhill Road | Glasgow | G13 3NJ | 01419 542 971 | Louise Mungall | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016024 | Pilmuir Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pilmuir Road | Forres | IV36 1HD | 01309 672 416 | Beverley Ashworth | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2013321548 | Pilrig Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 11-08-2014 | 102 Pilrig Street | Edinburgh | EH6 5AY | 01316 292 500 | Denise Lawrence | | SP2004006222 | Pilrig Children's Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014324191 | Pin-Point Health & Social Care | Support services - care at home | 12-06-2015 | Torriden House | 73-75 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5AR | 01224 392212 | Nicola Clayton | | SP2014012262 | Nova Payroll Management Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019373834 | Pin-Point Health & Socialcare | Nurse Agency | 09-07-2019 | Torridon House | 73-75 Regent Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5AR | 01224 285 860 | Nicola Leslie | | SP2014012262 | Nova Payroll Management Services Ltd | Inactive | ||||
CS2020000033 | Pine Tree Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2012314461 | Pine Trees Nursery | Day care of children | 29-03-2013 | 1 Ayr Road | Prestwick | KA9 1SX | 01292 475 372 | Diane McCarrell | | SP2012011999 | Pine Trees Child Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005112999 | Pine Villa Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 27-02-2006 | 4 Hawthorn Gardens | Loanhead | EH20 9EE | 0131 341 4100 | Margaret Russell | | SP2005007720 | Mansfield Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017357998 | Pink and Blue SQ | 17-08-2017 | South Queensferry | Elaine Wallace | | SP2017989167 | Elaine Wallace | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310736 | Pinkerton Child Care | Childminding | 04-10-2012 | Dunbar | Alison Richardson | | SP2012011898 | Alison and Antony Richardson a partnership Alison and Antony Richardson a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000362 | Pinkie St Peter's Out of School Club | Day Care of Children | 19-09-2024 | Pinkie St. Peter's Out of School Club | Pinkie St Peter's Primary School | 44 Pinkie Road | Musselburgh | EH21 7HA | 07759300667 | Kirsty Clark | | SP2024000340 | Pinkie St Peter's Out of School Club | Active | |||
CS2003015820 | Pinkie St. Peter's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pinkie St Peters Primary School | 44 Pinkie Road | Musselburgh | EH21 7HA | 01316 652 024 | Colette Bonnar | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000091 | Pinnacle care plus Ltd | Support Service | 26-02-2025 | Regus | 2 Parklands Way | Holytown | Motherwell | ML1 4WR | 07864714066 | Sipiwe Katsuwa | | SP2023000753 | PINNACLE CARE PLUS LTD | Active | |||
CS2003011827 | Pinocchio Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newbattle Road | Eskbank | Dalkeith | EH22 3AU | 01316 540 070 | Sarah Mundey | | SP2003002984 | Pinocchio's Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003046419 | Pinocchio's @ Heriot Watt | Day care of children | 10-11-2003 | Heriot Watt University | Riccarton Campus | Edinburgh | EH14 4AS | 01314 515 236 | Gemma Gulland | | SP2003002984 | Pinocchio's Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003012090 | Pinocchio's Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 14 School Green | Lasswade | EH18 1NB | 01316 542 914 | Katrina Weir | | SP2003002984 | Pinocchio's Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008174605 | Pinocchio's Children's Nursery - Gilmerton | Day care of children | 22-08-2008 | 6 Ferniehill Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7AB | 01316 643 276 | Kerryanne Tumulka | | SP2003002984 | Pinocchio's Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005087930 | Pinocchio's Nursery - Penicuik | Day care of children | 20-04-2005 | Eastfield Drive | Penicuik | EH26 8BA | 01968 679 007 | Miranda Slaven | | SP2003002984 | Pinocchio's Children's Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012308306 | PiPsqueaks | Childminding | 28-05-2013 | Tranent | Phillipa Headley | | SP2012983549 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000139 | Pirie's Play House Childminding | Childminding | 02-06-2022 | Arbroath | | SP2022000098 | Sarah Hamil | Active | |||||||||
CS2003048347 | Pirniehall and St David's Out of School Provision | Day care of children | 09-04-2004 | Pirniehall Primary School | West Pilton Crescent | Edinburgh | EH4 4EP | 01313 154 420 | Elizabeth Hargreaves | | SP2003003092 | North Edinburgh Childcare | Active | ||||
CS2003015848 | Pirniehall Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Pilton Crescent | Edinburgh | EH4 4HP | 01313 325 256 | Natalie Tracey | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2009236248 | Pirnmill Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 30-03-2010 | Pirnmill Primary School | Pirnmill | Brodick | Isle of Arran | KA27 8HP | 01770 850 226 | Quinton Black | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Inactive | |||
CS2019378614 | Pitcairn Lodge Nursing Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | Kirkston of Skene | Westhill | AB32 6XT | 01224 742 888 | Ruth Witkowski | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006969 | Pitcorthie Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | John Marshall Community Centre | Pitcorthie Drive | Pitcorthie | Dunfermline | KY11 8AB | 01383 602 382 | June Lindsay | | SP2003001593 | Pitcorthie Playgroup Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2004067243 | Pitcoudie Out of School Club | Day care of children | 22-11-2004 | 18 Iona Park | Glenrothes | KY7 6NU | 07515 189 474 | Cathy Hammond | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017105 | Pitcoudie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20 Iona Park | Glenrothes | KY7 6NU | 01592 583 451 | Tracy Malcolm | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015724 | Pitfour School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newlands Road | Mintlaw | Peterhead | AB42 5GP | 01771 676 615 | Patricia Davies | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2018365131 | Pitillock Farmhouse | 10-10-2018 | Pitillock Farm | Freuchie | Cupar | KY15 7JQ | 01337 858 896 | Sheila Crawley | | SP2003002628 | Moore House School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011301452 | Pitkerro Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | 146 Pitkerro Road | Dundee | DD4 8ER | 01382 214 520 | Lynsey Robbie | | SP2011011698 | Pitkerro Opco Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003010322 | Pitlair House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Bow Of Fife | Cupar | KY15 5RF | 01337 831 159 | Karen Hartley | | SP2003002300 | Pitlair Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016080 | Pitlochry High | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | East Moulin Road | Pitlochry | PH16 5ET | 01796 474 666 | Elaine Liney | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000286 | Pitmedden Out of School Club | Day Care of Children | 02-08-2024 | Pitmedden Primary School | Oldmeldrum Road | Pitmedden | Ellon | AB41 7NY | 07519102502 | Natasha Greenaway | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003015706 | Pitmedden School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pitmedden School | Pitmedden | Ellon | AB41 7NY | 01651 842 374 | Claire Rennie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000387 | Pitreavie Castle Care Home | Care Home Service | 14-10-2024 | Castle Drive | Dunfermline | KY11 8FX | 014-1333-1495 | Neil Bruce | | SP2024000152 | Dunfermline Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2022000177 | Pitreavie Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 05-07-2022 | 5 Pitreavie Court | Pitreavie Business Park | Dunfermline | KY11 8UU | 01383 622345 | Jemma Grigor | | SP2022000127 | PKN 1990 Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014326450 | Pitreavie Out of School Club | Day care of children | 26-06-2014 | Pitreavie Primary School | Pitcorthie Drive | Dunfermline | KY11 8AB | 07525 618 204 | Martin Tyrrell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006977 | Pitreavie Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Bungalow | Pitreavie Playing Fields | Queensferry Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8PP | 01383 622 107 | Fiona Barcroft | | SP2003001601 | Pitreavie Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003017106 | Pitreavie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pitcorthie Drive | Dunfermline | KY11 8AB | 01383 602 428 | Clare Napier | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015902 | Pittencrieff Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dewar Street | Dunfermline | KY12 8AB | 01383 602 429 | Shelley Hutchison | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2004062064 | Pittendreich Care Home | Care homes for older people | 24-06-2004 | Pittendreich House | Melville Dykes | Lasswade | EH18 1AH | 01316 604 073 | Nicole Pollard | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015889 | Pittenweem Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | James Street | Pittenweem | Anstruther | KY10 2QN | 01334 659 435 | Nicola Wallace | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015957 | Pitteuchar East Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glamis Avenue | Glenrothes | KY7 4NU | 01592 583 386 | Emily Tall | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2014328773 | Pitteuchar Out of School Club | Day care of children | 21-08-2014 | Pitteuchar East Primary School | Glamis Avenue | Glenrothes | KY7 4NU | 07850 950 501 | Carol Fowler | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003042397 | Pitteuchar West Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Inveraray Avenue | Glenrothes | KY7 4QL | 01592 583 453 | Julie Anderson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000056 | Pixies Quality Childcare Ltd | Day care of children | 07-02-2025 | 31b Milton Bridge | Penicuik | EH26 0RD | 07545332405 | Yvonne Watt | | SP2024000262 | Pixies Quality Childcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018370993 | Plan B Healthcare | 28-01-2019 | Harmsworth House | 15 Bouverie Street | LONDON | EC4Y 8DP | 08455 333 999 | Martin Clifford | | SP2018013219 | Plan B Healthcare PLC | Active | |||||
CS2003005458 | Plank, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunblane | Ann Plank | | SP2003903218 | Ann Plank | Active | ||||||||
CS2009229250 | Play 4 All | Day care of children | 24-06-2009 | Craigmarloch School | New Port Glasgow Community Campus | Kilmacolm Road | Port Glasgow | PA14 6PP | 01475 715 718 | Lucy Liengie | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||
CS2014324607 | Play Alloa Children's Play Service | Day care of children | 19-01-2015 | 19 Broad Street | Alloa | FK10 1AN | 01259 721 511 | Maria Malcolm | | SP2014012270 | Play Alloa | Active | |||||
CS2024000008 | Play Away ELC Ltd | Day Care of Children | 08-01-2024 | Play Away ELC | 10 Duke Wynd | Glasgow | G4 0WX | 07984937172 | Angela O'Donnell | | SP2023000353 | Play Away ELC Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010239065 | Play Away Nursery | Day care of children | 05-08-2010 | Workspace Unit 7 | Wellpark Enterprise Centre | 120 Sydney Street | Glasgow | G31 1JF | 01414 068 400 | Angela Dickov | | SP2010977656 | Angela Dickov | Active | |||
CS2024000175 | Play Days at Nicoles | Childminding | 30-05-2024 | Peterhead | | SP2024000305 | Nicole Bean | Active | |||||||||
CS2017354146 | Play Learn Grow Childminding Service | Childminding | 18-04-2017 | Aberdeen | Jacqueline Oldman | | SP2017988800 | Jacqueline Oldman | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000029 | Play, Learn, Grow Childminding | Childminding | 24-01-2024 | Lairg | | SP2023000303 | Tamsin Livesey | Active | |||||||||
CS2003039460 | Playbarn | Day care of children | 19-05-2003 | 46 Saltoun Place | Fraserburgh | AB43 9RY | 01346 519 439 | Julie Anne Wiseman | | SP2004004812 | Playbarn Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014325334 | Playbarn Too | Day care of children | 14-08-2014 | Stevenson Education Centre | Victoria Street | Fraserburgh | AB43 9PJ | 01346 512 590 | Julie Anne Wiseman | | SP2004004812 | Playbarn Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003006742 | Playcare Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Murray Primary School | Napier Hill | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0JP | 07900 221 729 | Christine Thompson | | SP2003001536 | Parents Action Group (Playcare Out of School Care) | Active | |||
CS2024000151 | Playden Nursery | Day care of children | 09-05-2024 | 40 Barrock Street | Thurso | KW14 7DG | 01847896430 | Hannah Gray | | SP2024000911 | Playden Nursery SCIO | Active | |||||
CS2008170184 | Playmates Playgroup | Day care of children | 19-02-2008 | Loanhead/St. Margaret's RC School | 34-36 Edgefield Road | Loanhead | EH20 9DY | 01314 481 840 | Ingrid Jones | | SP2005007629 | Jennifer Allan and Ingrid Jones a Partnership | Active | ||||
CS2012310951 | Playspaces | Day care of children | 16-05-2013 | 22 Market Street | Brechin | DD9 6BB | 01356 624 072 | Morag Cobb | | SP2012983943 | Margaret Mitchell | Active | |||||
CS2024000409 | Playspaces Montrose Limited | Day Care of Children | 29-10-2024 | 59 John Street | Montrose | DD10 8LZ | 07904151987 | Claire Scott | | SP2024000837 | Playspaces Montrose Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014325881 | Playtime Early Years (an SCIO) | Day care of children | 30-06-2014 | 22 Smith Street | DALRY | KA24 5BZ | 07881 883544 | Sarah Leckie | | SP2014012300 | Playtime Early Years, an SCIO | Active | |||||
CS2003055527 | Pleasance Older People's Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 03-08-2004 | 7 West Adam Street | Edinburgh | EH8 9SX | 01312 012 945 | Sharon Melrose | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2024000022 | Pleasantfield Cottage | Care Home Service | 16-01-2024 | Pleasantfield Cottage | Ayr | KA6 6BU | 07939936255 | Shona Kay | | SP2022000146 | Imagine Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012308319 | Plenshin Court | Care homes for children and young people | 21-03-2013 | 33 - 35 Plenshin Court | Glasgow | G53 6QW | 01412 876 225 | Andrew McAleese | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2016347454 | Pleyfauld House Very Sheltered Housing | 16-02-2017 | Bainzie Road | Inverurie | AB51 4WZ | 01467 623 372 | Lynda Watt | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2016347446 | Pleyfauld House Very Sheltered Housing | 16-02-2017 | Bainzie Road | Inverurie | AB51 4WZ | 01467 623 372 | Lynda Watt | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2004072981 | Plockton Primary School Nursery - GM | Day care of children | 15-02-2005 | Plockton Primary School | Plockton | IV52 8TW | 01599 544 346 | Melanie Sinclair | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011052 | Plover Brae | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 33 Plover Brae | Livingston | EH54 6UF | 01506 417 751 | Philip Bartlett | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000075 | Plum Tree Care Ltd | Support Service | 15-03-2023 | Suite 22 | Ground Floor | Saltire House Pentland Park | Glenrothes | KY6 2AL | 0333 335 5958 | Pamhidzai Kujeke | | SP2023000054 | Plum Tree Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003035186 | PLUS | Support services - care at home | 20-06-2003 | Broadleys Road | Springkerse Industrial Estate | Stirling | FK7 7SS | 01786 450 086 | Karen Moffat | | SP2003003326 | PLUS (Forth Valley) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016344702 | Plus Homecare Ltd | Support services - care at home | 04-07-2016 | 4 Parklands Road | Netherlee | Glasgow | G44 3RA | 01412 485 000 | Sharon Barton | | SP2016012657 | Plus Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2025000080 | PMAK CARE | Support Service | 20-02-2025 | Room B | Limetree house | North Castle Street | Alloa | FK10 1EX | 07827017228 | | SP2023001494 | Prisca Makusha | Active | ||||
CS2003017499 | Polbeth Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Polbeth Nursery | Polbeth Road | West Calder | EH55 8SR | 01506 280170 | Helen Pritchard | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2017360068 | Polkemmet Daycare Limited | 16-04-2018 | Lairds Lodge | Polkemmet Country Park | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0AD | 01501 228 490 | Anne McNamee | | SP2017012983 | Polkemmet Daycare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017500 | Polkemmet Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Avenue | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0BX | 01501 740 319 | Linda Baxter | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2018371501 | Pollbreac | 07-02-2019 | North Kessock | Inverness | IV1 3XQ | 01463 731 117 | Lynsey Naylor | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2007148376 | Pollock, Elaine | Childminding | 11-02-2008 | Hamilton | Elaine Pollock | | SP2007964766 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003913 | Pollock, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elaine Pollock | | SP2003902112 | Elaine Pollock | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338251 | Pollok Afterschool Care Service | Day care of children | 01-12-2015 | St Convals Chapel Hall | 21 Hapland Road | Glasgow | G53 5NT | 07469 929 327 | Marilyn Dixon | | SP2015012515 | Pollok Afterschool Care Service (P.A.C.S) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017143 | Pollok Childrens Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8 Netherplace Crescent | Pollok | Glasgow | G53 5AA | 01418 827 773 | Helen Wylie | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006198 | Pollokshaws After School Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pollokshaws Parish Church | 233 Shawbridge Street | Glasgow | G43 1QN | 01416 495 548 | Robert McKinnon | | SP2003001383 | Pollokshaws After School Care | Active | ||||
CS2003014808 | Pollokshields Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 9 - 11 Melville Street | Glasgow | G41 2JJ | 01414 237 330 | Karen McLean | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2016351472 | Polton Green Nursery | 15-03-2017 | Polton Green Nursery | Eskdale Drive | Bonnyrigg | EH19 2JT | 07704 917 103 | Donna Simpson | | SP2003002903 | Bonnyrigg Community Childcare Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003017256 | Poolewe Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Poolewe Primary School | Poolewe | Achnasheen | IV22 2LA | 01445 781 340 | Louise Taylor | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2024000144 | Popin Afterschool Den | Day care of children | 02-05-2024 | Our Lady Of The Rosary School | Tarfside Gardens | Glasgow | G52 3AA | 07878549274 | Deborah smith | | SP2023001521 | Pop-In Afterschool Den | Active | ||||
CS2006134446 | Poppies Pre-School Ltd | Day care of children | 11-01-2007 | The Old Surgery | Blackiemuir Avenue | Laurencekirk | AB30 1DX | 01561 376 274 | Sharon Imray | | SP2006008567 | Poppies Pre-School Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003006016 | Poppins Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scout Hall | 172 Queens Drive | Queens Park | Glasgow | G42 8QZ | 01414 241 333 | Jennifer Stewart | | SP2003001312 | Jennifer Stewart trading as Poppins Kindergarten | Active | |||
CS2012306829 | Popplewell, Emma | Childminding | 14-05-2012 | Isle of Arran | Emma Popplewell | | SP2012983326 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2014332528 | Poppy Homecare | Support services - care at home | 24-03-2015 | 2 Springwells Park | Blindwells | Prestonpans | EH32 9GX | 07865462635 | Euan MacKenzie | | SP2014012378 | Poppy Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014332525 | Poppy Homecare | Housing support service | 24-03-2015 | 2 Springwells Park | Prestonpans | Blindwells | EH32 9GX | 07865462635 | Euan MacKenzie | | SP2014012378 | Poppy Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019374891 | Popsy's Childminding | Child Minding | 18-09-2019 | Irvine | Margaret Mack-Turk | | SP2019990528 | Margaret Mack-Turk | Active | ||||||||
CS2005104983 | Port Charlotte Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 17-03-2006 | Port Charlotte Primary School | Port Charlotte | Isle of Islay | PA48 7TW | 01496 850 327 | Maggie Maclellan | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014658 | Port Ellen Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Port Ellen Primary School | Lennox Street | Port Ellen | Isle of Islay | PA42 7BW | 01496 302 141 | Maureen Macdonald | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003015708 | Port Elphinstone School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Port Elphinstone School | School Road | Port Elphinstone | Inverurie | AB51 3XJ | 01467 536 860 | Paula Cameron | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015717 | Port Erroll School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Braehead Drive | Cruden Bay | Peterhead | AB42 0NP | 01779 403 690 | Sarah Duthie | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015679 | Port Seton Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | South Seton Park | Port Seton | Prestonpans | EH32 0BQ | 01875 818 175 | Colin Jeffrey | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011781 | Port William Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Port William Primary School | Port William | Newton Stewart | DG8 9JX | 07776 093 555 | Laura Shell | | SP2003002775 | Port William Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2007152564 | Porter, Linda | Childminding | 22-10-2007 | Elgin | Linda Porter | | SP2004917072 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008173889 | Porter-Smith, Rebecca | Childminding | 23-06-2008 | HELENSBURGH | Rebecca Porter-Smith | | SP2008969448 | Rebecca Porter-Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008932 | Portessie Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Portessie Primary School | School Road | Portessie | Buckie | AB56 1TN | 01542 834 091 | Fay Sutherland | | SP2003001935 | Portessie Playgroup an Association | Active | |||
CS2003016017 | Portgordon Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Richmond Terrace | Portgordon | Buckie | AB56 5RA | 01542 831 198 | Victoria Walker | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008954 | Portknockie Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Portknockie Primary School | King Edward Terrace | Portknockie | Buckie | AB56 4NX | 01542 841 825 | Ashleigh Cuthbert | | SP2003001949 | Portknockie Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003016332 | Portlethen Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Portlethen Primary School | Cookston Road | Portlethen | Aberdeen | AB12 4PT | 01224 472 845 | Kirsty Clarke | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003013207 | Portobello Toddlers Hut Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 28 Beach Lane | Edinburgh | EH15 1HU | 01316 696 849 | Catherine Abbot | | SP2003003024 | Portobello Toddlers Hut Playgroup | Active | |||||
CS2006136422 | Portree (Gaelic) Nursery | Day care of children | 08-01-2007 | Bun Sgoil Ghaidhlig Phort Righ | Struan Road | Portree | IV51 9EG | 01478 614770 | Flora Guidi | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2019378120 | Portree Nursery | Day Care of Children | 20-12-2019 | Portree Primary School | Blaven Road | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9PH | 01478 612 127 | Maria Kean | | SP2003001848 | Portree Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003008673 | Portree Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Camanachd Square | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9BW | 01478 612 127 | Maria Kean | | SP2003001848 | Portree Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016333 | Portsoy School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Portsoy School | Chapel Street | Portsoy | Banff | AB45 2RB | 01261 842 238 | Lorraine Faid | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2024000433 | Positive Outcomes | Day care of children | 21-11-2024 | Mid Calder Institute and Community Centre | 15 Market Street | Mid Calder | Livingston | EH53 0AL | 07736036653 | Susan Grieve | | SP2024000398 | Positive Outcomes LP | Active | |||
CS2024000031 | Positive Paths Children and Young People's Service | Support Service | 26-01-2024 | Unit 3 | 16 Timber Bush | Edinburgh | EH6 6QH | 07903962511 | AUDREI SLAVEN | | SP2013012039 | Supporting Positive Paths CIC | Active | ||||
CS2004069206 | Positive Steps | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | 3 Aldermoor Avenue | Edinburgh | EH13 9HT | 01314 419 966 | Leyla Said | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307585 | Positive Steps | Support services - care at home | 14-08-2012 | 3 Aldermoor Avenue | Edinburgh | EH13 9HT | 01314 419 966 | Leyla Said | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2004066917 | Positive Steps (East) | Housing support service | 19-11-2004 | Upper East Wing | Swan House | 2 Expolorer Road | Dundee | DD2 1DX | 01382 561 822 | Michelle Ritchie | | SP2004005448 | The Positive Steps Partnership | Active | |||
CS2004069056 | Potential Living | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | John Thomson House | Glencairn Street | Motherwell | ML1 1TT | 01698 244 344 | Ian Quigley | | SP2003000239 | Potential Living | Active | ||||
CS2004069062 | Potential Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | John Thomson House | Glencairn Street | Motherwell | ML1 1TT | 01698 244 344 | Ian Quigley | i.quigley@potential living .org | SP2003000239 | Potential Living | Active | ||||
CS2003012697 | Potter, Angeline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Angeline Potter | | SP2003906416 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020379028 | Potter, Lorna | Childminding | 29-09-2020 | Helensburgh | Lorna Potter | | SP2020991093 | LORNA POTTER | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008874 | Potter, Nan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Elgin | Nan Potter | | SP2003904873 | Nan Potter | Active | ||||||||
CS2017353823 | Potters Health Care | Support services - care at home | 08-08-2017 | Suite 8b, Epoch House | Falkirk Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8WW | 01324 337 167 | Nyasha Mangaba | | SP2017012858 | Potters Health Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000416 | Potters Independent Living | Support services - care at home | 12-12-2023 | 10 Lang Stracht | Alford | AB33 8FW | 01975561419 | Nyashadzashe Benjamin Chirambasukwa | | SP2023000448 | Potters Independent Living Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008170067 | Potts, Charlene | Childminding | 11-04-2008 | Kilwinning | Charlene Potts | | SP2008968669 | Charlene Potts | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000406 | Poynder Apartments | Support Service | 04-12-2023 | Managers Office | Poynder Apartments | Poynder Gardens | Kelso | TD5 7FN | 03000200217 | Agnes Bell | | SP2003001963 | Eildon Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000407 | Poynder Apartments | Housing Support Service | 05-12-2023 | Managers Office | Poynder Apartments | Poynder Gardens | Kelso | TD5 7FN | 03000200217 | Agnes Bell | | SP2003001963 | Eildon Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003036105 | PPP Childcare Service | Day care of children | 11-11-2003 | Pulteney Centre | Huddart Street | Wick | KW1 5BA | 01955 608 530 | Lynn Bain | | SP2003003632 | Pulteneytown People's Project | Active | ||||
CS2008170336 | Praesmohr | Care homes for older people | 18-02-2009 | Birse | Tarland | Aboyne | AB34 5FP | 01339 886 032 | Lynn Vincent | | SP2008009625 | Patrick Kinsley & Amanda Kinsley Trading as Praesmohr House (A Partnership) | Active | ||||
CS2008173654 | Pratt, Kelly-Marie | Childminding | 12-05-2009 | Edinburgh | Kelly-Marie Pratt | | SP2008969397 | Kelly-Marie Pratt | Active | ||||||||
CS2018372371 | Precious Moments Childminding Service | 30-04-2019 | CRIEFF | Louise Pettigrew | | SP2018990329 | Louise Pettigrew | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340271 | Precious Peeps Childminding | Childminding | 14-10-2015 | Dunfermline | Sandra Fairley | | SP2015987272 | Sandra Fairley | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2008173018 | Premier Healthcare | Support services - care at home | 03-07-2008 | 102a West Princes Street | Helensburgh | G84 8XD | 01436 674 477 | Jenna MacLeod | | SP2008009687 | Dorothy MacLeod trading as Premier Healthcare | Active | |||||
CS2021000363 | Premo Group | Housing Support Service | 17-12-2021 | Unit 14, John Player Building | Stirling Enterprise Park | Stirling | FK7 7RP | 01786 463682 | Morgen Tivatyi | | SP2021000231 | Premo Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000364 | Premo Group | Support Service | 17-12-2021 | Unit 14, John Player Building | Stirling Enterprise Park | Stirling | FK7 7RP | 01786 463682 | Morgen Tivatyi | | SP2021000231 | Premo Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014332769 | Preschool Academy | Day care of children | 27-03-2015 | 3 School Street | Coatbridge | ML5 4DQ | 01236 897 760 | Hailey Harty | | SP2015012437 | Preschool Academy (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000068 | Prestige Nursing and Care - Angus | Support Service | 13-03-2023 | Springfield Medical Centre | 30 Ponderlaw Street | Arbroath | DD11 1ES | 01241 467326 | Magz Cruz | | SP2003002515 | Prestige Nursing (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017355087 | Prestige Nursing and Care - Dundee | 06-11-2018 | Unit 4 | Prospect 3 | Gemini Crescent, Dundee Technology Park | Dundee | DD2 1SW | 01382 561 842 | Ashley Coventry | | SP2003002515 | Prestige Nursing (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004084731 | Prestige Nursing and Care - East Fife | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-02-2005 | Unit 22 First Floor Offices | Thomson House | Harbour View | Methil | KY8 3RW | 01592 800539 | Tammy Anderson | | SP2003002515 | Prestige Nursing (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2023000067 | Prestige Nursing and Care - Edinburgh | Support Service | 13-03-2023 | Rolland House | Unit 10, Newbridge Industrial Estate | Clifton Hall Road | Newbridge | EH28 8PJ | 01313 335111 | Jaclyn Anderson | | SP2003002515 | Prestige Nursing (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||
CS2023000069 | Prestige Nursing and Care - Kirkcaldy | Support Service | 13-03-2023 | 5 South Fergus Place | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1YA | 01592 550244 | Lisa Traill | | SP2003002515 | Prestige Nursing (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000123 | Prestine Care Support | Support Service | 15-04-2024 | Unit 8, West Calder Business Centre | 6 Dickson Stree | West Calder | EH55 8DZ | 07855302374 | Constance Arumemi-Johnson | | SP2022000036 | Prestine Healthcare Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000125 | Prestine Care Support | Housing Support Service | 16-04-2024 | Unit 8, West Calder Business Centre | 6 Dickson Street | West Calder | EH55 8DZ | 07855302374 | Constance Arumemi-Johnson | | SP2022000036 | Prestine Healthcare Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000055 | Prestine Healthcare Group Ltd | Nurse Agency | 01-03-2022 | West Calder Business Centre | Unit 6 | Dickson Street, | West Calder | EH55 8DZ | 07939252478 | Moses Johnson | | SP2022000036 | Prestine Healthcare Group Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000300 | Presto Nursing | Nurse Agency | 11-09-2023 | 4 Redheughs Rigg Westpoint, | South Gyle | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 02081751111 | Praveen Mahalingappa | | SP2023000191 | Presto Nursing Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000072 | Preston Care Home | Care Home Service | 14-03-2023 | Alburne Park | Glenrothes | KY7 5RB | 01592 612 418 | Tracy Sayle | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016990 | Preston Tower Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Loan | Prestonpans | EH32 9NX | 01875 810 028 | Tim Wallace | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017048 | Prestonfield Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Peffermill Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5LJ | 01316 671 336 | Jenny Hennessy | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2014325092 | Prestonpans Kids Clubs | Day care of children | 21-07-2014 | Prestonpans Infant School | West Loan | Prestonpans | EH32 9NX | 07399 613 108 | Carole Galloway | | SP2014012284 | Prestonpans Kids Clubs | Active | ||||
CS2003005125 | Prestwick After School Care Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Prestwick Community Centre | Caerlaverock Road | Prestwick | KA9 2LD | 07394 099 826 | Jane Leah Wright | | SP2003001100 | Prestwick After School Care Service | Active | ||||
CS2003017398 | Prestwick North Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sherwood Road | Prestwick | KA9 1EY | 01292 473 452 | Nicola Johnson | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003043514 | Prestwick Private Kindergarten | Day care of children | 25-02-2003 | Wellington House | Monkton Road | Prestwick | KA9 2PB | 01292 477222 | Cara Louli | | SP2003003371 | White Feather Company Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2014325911 | Pride & Joy Nursery Limited | Day care of children | 10-10-2014 | 14 Moraine Drive | Glasgow | G15 6HB | 0141 944 7359 | Gemma Mundt | | SP2014012303 | Pride & Joy Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010273674 | Pride N Joy (Peterhead) Limited | Day care of children | 23-09-2011 | 1 Wilson Street | Peterhead | AB42 1UD | 01779 481 652 | Jacqueline Stephen | | SP2003000419 | Pride N Joy (Peterhead) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006120711 | Primary Playcare - OLM | Day care of children | 17-08-2006 | C/o OLM Primary School | Woodfarm Road | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 7HD | 01416 440 111 | Jacqueline Mulraney | | SP2004004956 | Primary Playcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2004083798 | Primary Playcare - Orchardhill | Day care of children | 24-01-2005 | Orchardhill Parish Church | 12 Church Road | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 6JR | 01416 440 111 | Claire Lavelle | | SP2004004956 | Primary Playcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2004083828 | Primary Playcare - Woodfarm | Day care of children | 21-04-2005 | c/o Woodfarm Pavilion | Berryhill Drive | Giffnock | Glasgow | G46 7AS | 01416 440 111 | Jacqueline Mulraney | | SP2004004956 | Primary Playcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2004082587 | Primecare Health Ltd | Support services - care at home | 11-07-2005 | 11 Castle Road | Winchburgh | BROXBURN | EH52 6RQ | 01313 391 468 | Sarah O'Neil | | SP2004007050 | Primecare Health Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000097 | Primecare Health Ltd - Autism Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 14-06-2021 | 11 Castle Road | Winchburgh | BROXBURN | EH52 6RQ | 01313391468 | Carlynn Baillie | | SP2004007050 | Primecare Health Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019374851 | Primecare Health Ltd - Autism Service | Housing Support Service | 01-04-2020 | 11 Castle Road | Winchburgh | BROXBURN | EH52 6RQ | 01313 391 468 | Carlynn Baillie | | SP2004007050 | Primecare Health Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020381379 | Primrose Children's Garden | Child Minding | 08-03-2021 | Aberdeen | Ursula Mathers | | SP2020991403 | Ursula Mathers | Active | ||||||||
CS2017359813 | Primrose City Nursery | 17-01-2018 | G7 Suite | 368 Alexandra Parade | Glasgow | G31 3AU | 01415 543 220 | Rebecca Loughridge | | SP2017012978 | Alexandra Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016350745 | Primrose Day Centre | 31-03-2017 | Ormiston Community Centre | George Street | Ormiston | Tranent | EH35 5JB | 01875 614 265 | Laurna Newlands | | SP2016012793 | Primrose Day Centre Ormiston a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2011305851 | Primrose Day Nursery | Day care of children | 13-09-2012 | 10-24 Gairbraid Avenue | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 8YE | 01419 466 966 | Brooke McGinlay | | SP2011011756 | Maryhill Childcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018367589 | Priority Families Service | Support services - not care at home | 03-12-2018 | Business Hub 2 | Lower Ground Floor North | Marischal College, Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1AB | 01224 219 447 | Nicki Martin | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||
CS2003016098 | Priorsford Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Marmion Road | Peebles | EH45 9BE | 01721 721 236 | Susan Woodyer | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2011281083 | Priory Supported Living in Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-03-2011 | Millburn | 3 Glencairn Gardens | Halfway, Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7QE | 01416 410 407 | Kathleen Hamilton | | SP2011011425 | Craegmoor Supporting You Limited | Active | |||
CS2011281086 | Priory Supported Living in Scotland | Housing support service | 02-03-2011 | Millburn | 3 Glencairn Gardens | Halfway, Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7QE | 01416 410 407 | Kathleen Hamilton | | SP2011011425 | Craegmoor Supporting You Limited | Active | |||
CS2015343195 | Pro Care | 10-05-2016 | 24 Brisbane road | Largs | KA30 8AU | 01475 568 638 | Janine Gillies | | SP2015012626 | Pro Care Ayrshire Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2015336898 | Professional Carers | Support services - care at home | 28-07-2015 | Professional Carers | Unit 3B | 55 The Loan | South Queensferry | EH30 9SD | 0131 319 1968 | Sebastian Zuchlke | | SP2015012481 | Professional Carers (Wirral) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015343033 | Protect24 Ltd | Nurse agencies | 19-08-2016 | 222 Lanark Road West | Currie | EH14 5NW | 07598846814 | Alice Nyadundu | | SP2015012624 | Protect24 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015338983 | Proven Childcare | Childminding | 07-09-2015 | Edinburgh | Angela McKellican | SP2015987138 | Angela McKellican | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376957 | Pryor, Jane | Child Minding | 25-10-2019 | Ellon | Jane Pryor | SP2019990774 | Jane Pryor | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376257 | Przedszkole - Polska Szkola im sw Stanislawa Kostki w Aberdeen | Day Care of Children | 18-05-2020 | Albyn School Ltd | 17-23 Queens Road | ABERDEEN | AB15 4PB | Patrycja Iwaszkiewicz | | SP2019013340 | Polska Szkola im sw Stanislawa Kostki w Aberdeen | Active | |||||
CS2003005371 | Psychology Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | University of Stirling | Bridge of Allan | Stirling | FK9 4LA | 01786 466836 | Danielle Ramsay | | SP2003001112 | Psychology Kindergarten | Active | ||||
CS2023000260 | Puddle Ducks Childminding | Child Minding | 14-08-2023 | Brechin | | SP2023000164 | Emma Birks | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000007 | Puddle Jumpers | Childminding | 08-01-2025 | Dunfermline | | SP2024000698 | Deborah Mitchell | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000070 | Puddle Lane | Day care of children | 25-05-2021 | Puddle Lane Early Learning & Childcare Centre | Edison Street | Hillington Park | Glasgow | G52 4JW | 0141 891 4411 | Jacqueline Blair | | SP2021000100 | Kibbleworks | Active | |||
CS2024000246 | Puddleduck Nursery | Day Care of Children | 15-07-2024 | Kirkfield | Dunkeld | PH8 0AE | 01350 727117 | | SP2024000110 | Jill Rogers | Active | ||||||
CS2017354017 | Puddleduck Private Nursery | 05-10-2017 | 18 Cathedral Square | Glasgow | G4 0XA | 01415 527 569 | Kathleen Berry | | SP2017012863 | Puddleduck Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2010237911 | Puddleducks Childminding | Childminding | 03-06-2010 | CASTLE DOUGLAS | Angela Glover | | SP2010977254 | Angela Glover | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000100 | Puddleducks Outdoor Nursery | Day Care of Children | 27-03-2024 | B A Barn | Dunecht | Westhill | AB32 7DA | 01467464406 | Gary Fagan | | SP2004006974 | J. Puddleducks Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019374372 | Puddles & Bubbles Childminding Service | Child Minding | 18-06-2019 | Perth | Emma Anderson Le Beau | | SP2019990489 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007166372 | Puffin Care Services: Crookston Castle Primary | Day care of children | 06-03-2009 | Crookston Castle Campus | Glenside Avenue | Glasgow | G53 5SD | 07795896478 | Mandy Wright | | SP2004006034 | Puffin Care Services | Active | ||||
CS2023000359 | Pulse Nursing | Nurse agencies | 31-10-2023 | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 0131 229 9988 | Jacob Aspinall | | SP2023000236 | Pulse Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000383 | Pulse Nursing at Home Scotland | Support Service | 14-11-2023 | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 0131 229 9988 | Phillippa Dougherty | | SP2023000236 | Pulse Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012307252 | Pulteney House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Pulteney House | North Murchison Street | Wick | KW1 5HL | 01955 602 844 | Elizabeth Sinclair | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2003016161 | Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Drumshoreland Road | Pumpherston | Livingston | EH53 0LF | 01506 280997 | Kiera Finlayson | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003034591 | Pupil's Out Of School Care Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Largs School Campus | Alexander Avenue | Largs | KA30 9EU | 01475 673 505 | Gillian McEleny | SP2003003407 | Pupils Out of School Care | Active | |||||
CS2012311066 | Purdie, Angela | Childminding | 20-11-2012 | Livingston | Angela Purdie | | SP2012983973 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000346 | Pure Healthcare Group Ltd | Nurse Agency | 17-10-2023 | Pure Offices | 1 Ainslie Road, | Hillington | Glasgow | G52 4RU | 01312028787 | Alison Ewing | | SP2023000228 | Pure Healthcare Group Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000122 | Purple Nest Homecare | Support Service | 15-04-2024 | The Galleries | 151 Broad Street | Glasgow | G40 2QR | 01415519500 | Aleksandra Cielesz | | SP2023000288 | Kinward Group Ltd T/A Purple Nest Homecare | Active | ||||
CS2016349495 | Purple Social Care - Care at Home | 13-12-2016 | 1ST FLOOR EAST | 9A | SOUTH GYLE CRESCENT | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB | 01315 554 986 | Gamuchirai Muchenje | | SP2016012767 | Purple Social Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016349494 | Purple Social Care - Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-12-2016 | 1ST FLOOR EAST | 9A | SOUTH GYLE CRESCENT | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB | 01315 554 986 | Gamuchirai Muchenje | | SP2016012767 | Purple Social Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003013823 | Purves, Anna | Childminding | 27-03-2003 | Dunbar | Anna Purves | | SP2003907413 | Anna Purves | Active | ||||||||
CS2015340796 | Q-Connects | Support services - care at home | 04-07-2016 | 42 Chalmers Road | Ayr | KA7 2JQ | 01292 288 141 | Gary Taylor | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2008170044 | QC Wellbeing Housing First for Young People | Housing support service | 01-04-2008 | 840 Garscube Road | Glasgow | G20 7ET | 01419 453 871 | Sharon Freeman | | SP2004005471 | Queens Cross Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017362643 | Quality Care (SC) Limited | 22-05-2018 | Unit 8 | New Broompark Business Park | Edinburgh | EH5 1RS | 01315 522 271 | Mercy Masiye | | SP2017013030 | Quality Care (SC) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017362646 | Quality Care (SC) Ltd - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 30-04-2018 | Unit 8 | New Broompark Business Park | Edinburgh | EH5 1RS | 01315 522 271 | Mercy Masiye | | SP2017013030 | Quality Care (SC) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018367887 | Quality Care Scotland Limited | 29-10-2018 | 29 Nethercliffe Avenue | Netherlee | Glasgow | G44 3UH | 07493 304 526 | Nina D'Ambrosio | | SP2018013146 | Quality Care Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004074187 | Quarriers Village Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Quarriers | Inverclyde Regional Office | Quarrier's Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3sx | 01505616128 | lorna gordon | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2008178392 | Quarriers East Ayrshire Supported Living Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-06-2008 | 37 Titchfield Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1QW | 01563 532 930 | Amanda Finnigan | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2008176525 | Quarriers East Ayrshire Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 25-06-2008 | 37 Titchfield Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1QW | 01563 532 930 | Christine Brawley | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2003014363 | Quarriers Family Resource Centre | Day care of children | 27-06-2002 | 26 Avondale Street | Ruchazie | Glasgow | G33 3QS | 01417 748 202 | Fareeha Hussain | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2013318679 | Quarriers Family Support Service | Support services - care at home | 23-01-2014 | Grierson House | The Crichton | Bankend Road | Dumfries | DG1 4ZE | 01387 249 888 | Andrew McCandlish | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2003001114 | Quarriers Finnart Street | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 156 Finnart Street | Greenock | PA16 8HY | 01475 727 889 | Elizabeth Redpath | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2004085352 | Quarriers Fostering Service | Fostering services | 09-12-2005 | Quarriers Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3SX | 01419541010 | Rachel Sawyer | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2007142998 | Quarriers Shared Lives Family Placement Service | Adult placement services | 20-06-2006 | Quarriers Glasgow Regional Office | 252 Keppochhill Road | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01419 541 010 | Rachel Sawyer | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2004059316 | Quarriers South Ayrshire Youth Support Service | Housing support service | 22-09-2004 | 42 Chalmers Road | Ayr | KA7 2JQ | 01292 288 141 | Gary Taylor | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2004073425 | Quarriers Village supported living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-10-2004 | Quarriers Inverclyde Regional Office | Quarriers Village | Quarrier's Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3sx | 01505 616128 | lorna gordon | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2024000272 | Quarriers Village Supported Living Service Phase 2 | Support Service | 30-07-2024 | Quarriers | Head Office | Administration Department, Quarrier's Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3SX | 01505616128 | Sandra Simpson | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2024000273 | Quarriers Village Supported Living Service Phase 2 | Housing Support Service | 30-07-2024 | Quarriers | Head Office | Administration Department, Quarrier's Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3SX | 01505616128 | Sandra Simpson | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004059350 | Quarriers Youth Housing Support | Housing support service | 13-12-2004 | 252 Keppochhill Road | Glasgow | G21 1HG | 01419 447 869 | Angela Campbell | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2021000044 | Quarry Ridge child minding | Child Minding | 05-05-2021 | INVERKEITHING | | SP2021000025 | Michelle George | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003042570 | Quarry View Nursery | Day care of children | 17-07-2003 | 9 Lothian Crescent | Whitfield | Dundee | DD4 0SQ | 01382 438 646 | Lesley Butler | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2020381834 | Quarrybrae Gardens | Care homes for children and young people | 04-03-2021 | 31 Quarrybrae Gardens | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 6JQ | 01698522567 | Barry McLauchlan | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000202 | Quarrybrae Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 03-07-2023 | 61 Crail Street | Glasgow | G31 5AL | 0141 554 1781 | Sara Adam | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014450 | Quarryhill School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Quarryhill School Nursery | Birkhill Parade | Aberdeen | AB16 5QT | 01224 692 390 | Sharon Mellin | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016823 | Quarter Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Limekilnburn Road | Quarter | Hamilton | ML3 7XA | 01698 423 345 | Sharon Bokas | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2016349826 | Quayside | 16-11-2017 | 250 Halley Street | Yoker | Glasgow | G13 4DT | 01419 514 283 | Shaun Docherty | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006125355 | Queen Victoria School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Perth Road | Dunblane | FK15 0JY | 01786 822 288 | Donald Shaw | | SP2006008383 | Queen Victoria School | Active | |||||
CS2018364865 | Queen's Cross Nursery Limited | 09-07-2018 | Queen's Cross Church | Albyn Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1YN | 07857511436 | Michelle Stephen | | SP2018013077 | Queen's Cross Nursery Limited a private company limited by guarantee | Active | |||||
CS2003010907 | Queens Bay Lodge | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 49 Milton Road East | Edinburgh | EH15 2NN | 01316 692 828 | Maria Santane-Toth | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2019378615 | Queens Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | 34 Ardayre Road | Prestwick | KA9 1QL | 01292 470 501 | E-Louise Williams | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011305089 | Queens Cross Wellbeing for Good Mental Health Service | Housing support service | 27-06-2012 | 45 Firhill Road | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 7BE | 01415 897 360 | June Burns | | SP2004005471 | Queens Cross Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016352494 | Queens Cross Wellbeing for Good Mental Health Service | 10-05-2017 | 45 Firhill Road | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 7BE | 01415 897 360 | June Burns | | SP2004005471 | Queens Cross Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003009188 | Queens House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Angraflat Road | Kelso | TD5 7NS | 01573 224 886 | Angela Airlie | | SP2003001975 | Queens House (Kelso) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018369186 | Queens Manor Care Home | 28-01-2019 | 565 Queensferry Road | Edinburgh | EH4 8DU | 01313 399 653 | Margaret-Ann Davidson | | SP2018013174 | Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2020380482 | Queens Quay House | Care Home Service | 14-12-2020 | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 01389 603 850 | Peter McColl | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000051 | Queens View Harbour Care Home | Care Home Service | 06-02-2025 | 72 Templehill | Troon | KA10 6BE | 01292 435971 | Lynne Conway | | SP2024000518 | Priory CC134 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008185641 | Queensberry Care Home | Care homes for older people | 24-04-2009 | Lauries Wynd | Sanquhar | DG4 6DR | 01659 582 34 | Caroline Duncun | | SP2008010067 | Harveys Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003043908 | Queensferry Churches Care in the Community | Support services - care at home | 01-08-2003 | The Haven | 25b Burgess Road | South Queensferry | EH30 9JA | 01313 315 570 | Elizabeth McIntosh and Gillian Smith | | SP2003003302 | Queensferry Churches Care in the Community | Active | ||||
CS2023000101 | Queensferry Forest Kindergarten | Day Care of Children | 12-04-2023 | The Vat Run | Hopetoun Road | South Queensferry | EH30 9SQ | 01312002000 | Louise Caldwell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015843 | Queensferry Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burgess Road | South Queensferry | EH30 9NX | 01313313594 | Karen MacGregor | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000271 | QueensWellies Nursery | Day Care of Children | 24-08-2023 | Gatehouse Lodge West | Queens Road | Aberdeen | AB156YX | 07595447596 | marcia love | | SP2014012334 | KingsWellies Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018368028 | R & B's Senior Care Solutions Limited | 27-02-2019 | 39 The Waggonway | Tranent | EH33 2QY | 07885 658 821 | Motayo Badamas | | SP2018013148 | R & B's Senior Care Solutions Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2024000011 | R&H Grant Care Limited trading as Kaleidoscope Care | Care Home Service | 08-01-2024 | Bonnington Mains House | Wilkieston | Kirknewton | EH27 8BB | 07946736381 | Jessica Davidson | | SP2023000378 | R&H Grant Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017259 | Raasay Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Raasay Primary School | Isle of Raasay | IV40 8PB | 01478 660 219 | Wilma Duncan | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2018369965 | Rabaeijs, Rosanna | 22-02-2019 | Edinburgh | Rosanna Rabaeijs | | SP2018990151 | Rosanna Rabaeijs | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000014 | Rachael Goodwin | Child Minding | 19-01-2023 | Johnstone | | SP2023000010 | Rachael Goodwin | Active | |||||||||
CS2017361363 | Rachel Flockhart Childminding | 21-03-2018 | Dumfries | Rachel Flockhart | | SP2017989462 | Rachel Flockhart | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000077 | Rachel Rollo Childminder | Child Minding | 17-03-2023 | Elgin | | SP2023000056 | Rachel Rollo | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378227 | Rachel's Childcare | Child Minding | 17-02-2020 | Glenrothes | Rachel Allan | | SP2018989647 | Rachel Allan | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2022000077 | Rachel's Childminding | Child Minding | 23-03-2022 | Peebles | | SP2022000052 | Rachel MacDonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000174 | Rachel's Childminding | Childminding | 30-05-2024 | Ellon | | SP2024000175 | Rachel Douglas | Active | |||||||||
CS2018364374 | Rachel's little rainbows childminding | 28-06-2018 | Livingston | Rachel Sargent | SP2018989678 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2024000240 | Rachels Childminding | Child Minding | 09-07-2024 | Newton Stewart | | SP2024000159 | Rachel McKie | Active | |||||||||
CS2007161053 | Radigan, Gillian | Childminding | 14-09-2009 | Motherwell | Gillian Radigan | | SP2007966748 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003037022 | Radnor Park Out of School Care | Day care of children | 13-02-2004 | Radnor Park Parish Church | Spencer Street | Clydebank | G81 3AS | 01419 410 219 | Tracy Pauley | | SP2004006908 | Radnor Park Out of School Care | Active | ||||
CS2025000010 | Rae House Residential Service | Care Home Service | 10-01-2025 | Rae House | Muir Of Fowlis | Alford | AB33 8NU | 07736460689 | Linda Craighton | | SP2003003595 | Phoenix House Trading as Phoenix Futures | Active | ||||
CS2020378980 | Rae of Sunshine Childminding | Child Minding | 08-04-2020 | Shotts | Lynsey Rae | | SP2020991085 | Lynsey Rae | Active | ||||||||
CS2003043118 | Rae, Andrea | Childminding | 22-03-2004 | Stirling | Andrea Rae | | SP2004935753 | Andrea Rae | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003787 | Rae, Barbara | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Barbara Rae | | SP2003902024 | Barbara Rae | Active | ||||||||
CS2010275666 | Rae, Marie | Childminding | 03-06-2011 | Montrose | Marie Drummond | | SP2010980707 | Marie Rae | Active | ||||||||
CS2003051186 | RAF Lossiemouth Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 12-01-2004 | Muirton Road | Lossiemouth | IV31 6TU | 01343 810 888 | Debra Parker-Banfield | | SP2004005268 | D.M.P.B. Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009235291 | Rafferty, Melanie | Childminding | 21-03-2013 | Dollar | Melanie Rafferty | | SP2009976492 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020380046 | Rafiq, Tasnim | Child Minding | 14-07-2020 | Edinburgh | Tasnim Rafiq | | SP2020991234 | Tasnim Rafiq | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017260 | Raigmore Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Raigmore Primary | King Duncan's Road | Inverness | IV2 3UG | 01463 234 971 | Amanda Graham | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2012309484 | Railway Cottage Nursery | Day care of children | 11-09-2013 | 17 Carlibar Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1AA | 01412 587 869 | Lorna Gordon | | SP2012011918 | Glens Management Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008186514 | Rainbow Bright Childcare | Day care of children | 18-03-2009 | 99 Camperdown Road | Dundee | DD3 8RF | 01382 826 743 | Jordan Preston | | SP2008010087 | Rainbow Bright Child Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013316694 | Rainbow Britez Childminding | Childminding | 20-09-2013 | Strathaven | Sharon Harding | | SP2013984788 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013831 | Rainbow Castle Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moray Leisure Centre | Borough Briggs Road | Elgin | IV30 1AP | 01343 357 370 | Rachel Adam | | SP2003001909 | Moray Leisure Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003004229 | Rainbow Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 19 Howgate | Kilwinning | KA13 6EN | 01294 557 651 | Debbie White | | SP2003000885 | Rainbow Cottage Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003008948 | Rainbow Childcare and Education Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Little Crook | Forres | IV36 1LN | 01309 672 111 | Denise Gibbon | | SP2003001947 | Rainbow Childcare and Education Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017354937 | Rainbow Corner Childcare | Childminding | 13-06-2017 | Lanark | Gaynor Graham | | SP2010978499 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005112621 | Rainbow Days | Day care of children | 31-03-2006 | 33 West Church Street | Buckie | AB56 1BP | 01542836229 | Joanne Wood | | SP2005007941 | Rainbow Days | Active | |||||
CS2012308315 | Rainbow Dreams Day Nursery | Day care of children | 28-11-2012 | 266 Saracen Street | Possilpark | Glasgow | G22 5LF | 01413 376 160 | Samina Majid Ibrahim | | SP2012011836 | Rainbow Dreams Day Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016250 | Rainbow Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Oronsay Avenue | Port Glasgow | PA14 6DY | 01475 715724 | Carolyn Murphy | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001015 | Rainbow Friendship Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 556 Boydstone Road | Carnwadric | Glasgow | G46 8HP | 01416 388 979 | Ann Walsh | | SP2003000201 | Rainbow Care Centre | Active | ||||
CS2003012128 | Rainbow Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 72 Gilmore Place | Edinburgh | EH3 9NX | 01312 281 668 | Rachel Carlyle | | SP2003003015 | Rainbow Kindergarten | Active | |||||
CS2003043185 | Rainbow Nursery - Bathgate | Day care of children | 20-08-2003 | 16 Gideon Street | Bathgate | EH48 4HD | 01506 633 348 | Susan Johnston | | SP2003011498 | Rainbow Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2003004867 | Rainbow Nursery - Paisley | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fullerton Street | Paisley | PA3 2NN | 01418 404 080 | Alan Cunningham | | SP2003001011 | Childcare First Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003007454 | Rainbow Nursery And After School Club, Glenrothes | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pentland Park | Saltire Centre | Glenrothes | KY6 2AL | 01592 630 126 | Nicola Webster | | SP2005007625 | Rainbow Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015241 | Rainbow Nursery Dalgety Bay | Day care of children | 30-04-2002 | 14 Moss Way | Hillend Industrial Estate | Hillend | Dunfermline | KY11 9JS | 01383 821 970 | Elizabeth Coventry | | SP2005007625 | Rainbow Nursery Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003007455 | Rainbow Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathkiness High Road | Fife Park | St. Andrews | KY16 9UE | 01334 470 642 | Rachel Firby | | SP2005007625 | Rainbow Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018363851 | Rainbow Services Central | 11-07-2018 | Grangemouth Enterprise Centre | Falkirk Road | Grangemouth | Falkirk | FK3 8XS | 01324 611 811 | Yvonne Reid | | SP2010010813 | Rainbow Services (UK) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018364007 | Rainbow Services Central | 11-07-2018 | Grangemouth Enterprise Centre | Falkirk Road | Grangemouth | Falkirk | FK3 8XS | 01324 611 811 | Yvonne Reid | | SP2010010813 | Rainbow Services (UK) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000116 | Rainbow West Lothian | Housing Support Service | 25-04-2023 | The Deer Park | Deer Park Avenue | Livingston | EH54 8AD | 01506243917 | Stephanie Crolla | | SP2010010813 | Rainbow Services (UK) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000115 | Rainbow West Lothian | Support Service | 25-04-2023 | The Deer Park | Deer Park Avenue | Livingston | EH54 8AD | 01506243917 | Stephanie Crolla | | SP2010010813 | Rainbow Services (UK) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009216755 | Rainforest Nursery | Day care of children | 07-10-2009 | 517 Windmillhill Street | Motherwell | ML1 2UD | 01698 262 594 | Gurvinder Kalsi | | SP2009010375 | Rainforest Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000433 | Rainny Daycare | Child Minding | 21-12-2023 | Kilmarnock | | SP2023000335 | Nicole Fitzsimons | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000333 | Raising Little Ones | Day care of children | 19-11-2021 | 124c Raeburn Place | Edinburgh | EH4 1HG | 07716563800 | | SP2021000211 | Rebecca Lawrie | Active | ||||||
CS2014334458 | Raith Manor | Care homes for older people | 23-07-2015 | 1 Sunny Braes Court | Ferrard Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5ES | 01595 642 008 | Emma Bonellie | | SP2010010867 | ABBOTSFORD CARE LTD | Active | ||||
CS2003004863 | Ralston After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ralston Primary School | School Road | Ralston | Paisley | PA1 3AT | 0141 5884273 | Grace Berry | | SP2003001020 | Ralston After School Care Committee | Active | |||
CS2003017653 | Ralston Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 6a Allanton Avenue | Ralston | Paisley | PA1 3BL | 01416 183 511 | Helen McGowan | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014762 | Ralston Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ralston Primary School | School Road | Paisley | PA1 3AT | 03003 000 175 | Jillian McGowan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003003996 | Ralston, Catriona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Catriona Ralston | | SP2003902174 | Catriona Ralston | Active | ||||||||
CS2004077401 | RAMH | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 28-08-2004 | 41 Blackstoun Road | Paisley | PA3 1LU | 01418 478 900 | Jacqueline (Jackie) Clark | | SP2003000250 | RAMH | Active | |||||
CS2003051815 | RAMH | Housing support service | 01-10-2004 | 41 Blackstoun Road | Paisley | PA3 1LU | 01418 478 900 | Jacqueline (Jackie) Clark | | SP2003000250 | RAMH | Active | |||||
CS2013318502 | Ranaich House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 03-09-2013 | Leewood Road | Dunblane | FK15 0DR | 01786 823 694 | Jorden Gallagher | | SP2011011694 | Cygnet (OE) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009229588 | Randall, Lisa | Childminding | 15-07-2010 | Edinburgh | Lisa Randall | | SP2009010469 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011601 | Randolph Hill Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Perth Road | Dunblane | FK15 0BS | 01786 825 362 | Pauline Wilson | | SP2003002451 | Randolph Hill Nursing Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000241 | Randstad Care | Nurse agencies | 02-09-2021 | Randstad | 101 George Street | EDINBURGH | EH2 3ES | 0131 240 0887 | Steve Aimson | | SP2021000145 | Randstad Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014326139 | Ranfurly Care Home | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2014 | 69 Quarrelton Road | Johnstone | PA5 8NH | 01505 328 811 | Corinne Reid | | SP2014012299 | SCCL Operations Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004074444 | Rankin, Andrea | Childminding | 23-12-2004 | Largs | Andrea Rankin | | SP2004931416 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007149390 | Rankin, Nicola | Childminding | 17-09-2007 | Airdrie | Nicola Rankin | | SP2007964883 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017978 | Rankin, Stephanie | Childminding | 20-01-2003 | Dunfermline | Stephanie Rankin | | SP2003910713 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004772 | Rankin, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | GLASGOW | Susan Rankin | | SP2003902720 | Susan Rankin | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011492 | Rannoch Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tinto Drive | Grangemouth | FK3 0DZ | 01324 508700 | Gemma Paterson | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2015334976 | Rannoch Lodge Care Home | 30-09-2016 | Rannoch Drive | Condorrat | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4ES | 01236 729 273 | Frances Gallogley | | SP2015012426 | Greene Care Homes Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015615 | Raploch Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Raploch Community Campus | Drip Road | Stirling | FK8 1SD | 01786 272 337 | Leanne Finch | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015053 | Rascals After School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Nether Robertland Primary School | Pokelly Place | Stewarton | Kilmarnock | KA3 5PF | Abby Wood | | SP2003003414 | Rascals After School | Active | ||||
CS2003006615 | Rascals Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Balmoral Court | West End | Carnwath | Lanark | ML11 8RX | 01555 841 481 | Sharon Linton | | SP2003001511 | Elaine Bose | Active | |||
CS2005105053 | Rashielee Care Home | Care homes for older people | 06-12-2005 | Rashielee Avenue | Erskine | PA8 6HA | 01418 121 119 | Kirsty Cartin | | SP2003002227 | LittleInch Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005088657 | Rashielee Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 31-03-2005 | Rashielee Avenue | Erskine | PA8 6HA | 01418 121 119 | Kirsty Cartin | | SP2003002227 | LittleInch Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012306566 | Rathey, Fiona | Childminding | 03-07-2012 | Glasgow | Fiona Rathey | | SP2012983283 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017049 | Ratho Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 School Wynd | Ratho | Edinburgh | EH28 8TT | 0131 333 1293 | Peter Gibb | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017342 | Rattray Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rattray Primary School | High Street | Rattray | Blairgowrie | PH10 7DG | 01250 871 980 | Joanna Robertson | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2010237575 | Rattray, Mary | Childminding | 13-10-2010 | Glasgow | SP2010977111 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2008168844 | Ravenswood Housing Support | Housing support service | 13-03-2008 | 28 Woodstock Avenue | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3BB | 01417 753 428 | Francis Doherty | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2003010591 | Rawyards House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Motherwell Street | Airdrie | ML6 7HP | 01236 761 611 | Fiona Cannon | | SP2003002430 | RH Independent Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003009400 | Rayner, Pamela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | HAWICK | Pamela Rayner | SP2003908136 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2004061386 | RCA Trust Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 12-11-2004 | 8 Incle Street | Paisley | PA1 1HP | 01418 870 880 | Andrew Todd | | SP2004005989 | RCA Trust | Active | |||||
CS2016344006 | Reach4Reality | Support services - care at home | 24-06-2016 | 42 Seafield Road | INVERNESS | IV1 1SG | 07796 905 339 | Sylvia Longbottom | | SP2016012647 | Reach4Reality, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2004080095 | Real Care Agency | Housing support service | 30-11-2004 | Jacobean House | Suite 20-22 | 1A Glebe Street, The Village | East Kilbride | G74 4LY | 01355 590 033 | Tony Gill | | SP2004005813 | Real Care Agency Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004069240 | Real Care Agency | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-10-2004 | Jacobean House | Suite 20-22 | 1A Glebe Street, The Village | East Kilbride | G74 4LY | 01355 590 033 | Anthony Gill | | SP2004005813 | Real Care Agency Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004078505 | Real Life Options - Glasgow Balmore Service | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | 2nd Floor | Academy House | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 01417 783 949 | Eleanor Darkin | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2004078507 | Real Life Options - Glasgow Balmore Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-09-2004 | 2nd Floor | Academy House | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 01417 783 949 | Eleanor Darkin | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2006121218 | Real Life Options - West Fife Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 06-06-2006 | 35 EAST PORT | DUNFERMLINE | KY12 7LG | John Ratcliffe | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015342021 | Real Life Options Angus Outreach | 04-05-2016 | First Floor, Angus Carers Centre | 8 Grant Road | Arbroath | DD11 1JN | 07788385116 | Elizabeth Myles | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2015342019 | Real Life Options Angus Outreach | 04-05-2016 | First Floor, Angus Carers Centre | 8 Grant Road | Arbroath | DD11 1JN | 07788385116 | Elizabeth Myles | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2015342061 | Real Life Options Bathgate Gideon Street | 05-09-2017 | 8-10 Gideon Street | Bathgate | EH48 4HD | 01506 651 125 | Fay Rodger | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015342064 | Real Life Options Bathgate Gideon Street | 05-09-2017 | 8-10 Gideon Street | Bathgate | EH48 4HD | 01506 651 125 | Fay Rodger | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2004073161 | Real Life Options Dunfermline Services | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | 35 EAST PORT | DUNFERMLINE | KY12 7LG | 01383 723304 | Claire Learmonth | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2004073166 | Real Life Options Dunfermline Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-09-2004 | 35 East Port | Dunfermline | KY12 7LG | 01383 723304 | Claire Learmonth | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2004071266 | Real Life Options East Dunbartonshire Service | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | Academy House | 2nd Floor | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 01417 783 949 | Isobel Aiton | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2004071270 | Real Life Options East Dunbartonshire Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-09-2004 | Academy House | 2nd Floor | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 01417 783 949 | Isobel Aiton | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2015342048 | Real Life Options Elgin | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-03-2016 | The Annex | 30 East High Street | Bishopmill | Elgin | IV30 4EJ | 01343 555 116 | Fiona Lawless | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2015342049 | Real Life Options Elgin | 30-03-2016 | The Annex | 30 East High Street | Bishopmill | Elgin | IV30 4EJ | 01343 555 116 | Fiona Lawless | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2017359686 | Real Life Options Falkirk Outreach | 14-12-2017 | Montana Home Care Ltd | 88 Grahams Road | Falkirk | FK2 7DL | 01324 614 066 | Tracey Monaghan | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2017359601 | Real Life Options Falkirk Outreach | 14-12-2017 | Montana Home Care Ltd | 88 Grahams Road | Falkirk | FK2 7DL | 07590878849 | Tracey Monaghan | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2006140639 | Real Life Options Fraserburgh | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 29-01-2007 | 5e Ark Court | Henderson Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9SY | 01346 510 173 | Debbie O'Neill | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2006140637 | Real Life Options Fraserburgh | Housing support service | 29-01-2007 | 5e Ark Court | Henderson Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9SY | 01346 510 173 | Debbie O'Neill | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2015342111 | Real Life Options Glasgow - Glenwood Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-04-2016 | 2nd Floor | Academy House | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 0141 7783949 | Andrew Montgomery | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2015342112 | Real Life Options Glasgow - Glenwood Service | 27-04-2016 | 2nd Floor | Academy House | 1346 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 9AT | 01417 783 949 | Andrew Montgomery | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2015342110 | Real Life Options Glenrothes Services | 27-04-2016 | Unit 14 | G3 Business Park | Newark Road North, Eastfield Industrial Estate | Glenrothes | KY7 4AJ | 01592 809 415 | Kawe Enoka | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2015342109 | Real Life Options Glenrothes Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-04-2016 | Unit 14 | G3 Business Park | Newark Road North, Eastfield Industrial Estate | Glenrothes | KY7 4AJ | 01592 809 415 | Kawe Enoka | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2015335724 | Real Life Options Hawick | 02-03-2016 | 16 Drumlanrig Square | Hawick | TD9 0AS | 01450 373306 | Lynn Jack | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015335704 | Real Life Options Hawick | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-03-2016 | 16 Drumlanrig Square | Hawick | TD9 0AS | 01450 373306 | Lynn Jack | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2015342041 | Real Life Options Inverurie | 02-03-2016 | Real Life Options Inverurie | 67 Market Place | Inverurie | AB51 3PY | 01467 628871 | Darren Moore | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2015342035 | Real Life Options Inverurie | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-03-2016 | Real Life Options Inverurie | 67 Market Place | Inverurie | AB51 3PY | 01467 628 871 | Darren Moore | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2004073152 | Real Life Options Lilywynd | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | 21 Lilywynd | Forfar | DD8 2XE | 01307 463 493 | Ben Gray | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2004073155 | Real Life Options Lilywynd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-09-2004 | 21 Lilywynd | Forfar | DD8 2XE | 01307 463 493 | Ben Gray | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2015335725 | Real Life Options Longstone | 11-02-2016 | 5 Longstone Grove | Edinburgh | EH14 2BT | 01314 438 790 | Clare Wallace | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015335708 | Real Life Options Longstone | 11-02-2016 | 5 Longstone Grove | Edinburgh | EH14 2BT | 01314 438 790 | Clare Wallace | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015342053 | Real Life Options Macduff | 11-04-2016 | 26 Shore Street | Macduff | AB44 1TX | 01261 831 459 | Forbes Sutherland | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015342050 | Real Life Options Macduff | 11-04-2016 | 26 Shore Street | Macduff | AB44 1TX | 01261 831 459 | forbes sutherland | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015342107 | Real Life Options North East Fife Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-04-2016 | Beechwood House | Stratheden | Cupar | KY15 5RS | 01334 657 969 | Kawe Enoka | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||
CS2015342108 | Real Life Options North East Fife Services | 27-04-2016 | Beechwood House | Stratheden | Cupar | KY15 5RS | 01334 657 969 | Kawe Enoka | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2015342027 | Real Life Options Portlethen | 30-03-2016 | 15A Bracken Road | Portlethen | AB12 4TA | 01224 783 775 | Michelle Nicholson | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | ||||||
CS2015342024 | Real Life Options Portlethen | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-03-2016 | 15A Bracken Road | Portlethen | AB12 4TA | 01224 783 775 | Michelle Nicholson | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||||
CS2012311708 | Real Life Options West Lothian Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-08-2014 | Waverley Industrial Units | Waverley Street | Unit 14, Bathgate | West Lothian | EH48 4HY | 01506 635 973 | Faith Rodger | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2012311702 | Real Life Options West Lothian Housing Support | Housing support service | 05-08-2014 | Waverley Industrial Units | Waverley Street | Unit 14, Bathgate | West Lothian | EH48 4HY | 01506 635 973 | Faith Rodger | | SP2003001558 | Real Life Options | Active | |||
CS2022000229 | Reay ELC | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2022 | Reay Primary School | Reay | Thurso | KW14 7RE | 01847811550 | Donna Sinclair | | SP2010011106 | CALA Direct Management Services | Active | ||||
CS2023000391 | Rebecca Emslie Childminding | Child Minding | 17-11-2023 | Inverurie | | SP2023000347 | Rebecca Emslie | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000111 | Rebecca Irvine Childminding | Child Minding | 04-04-2024 | Innerleithen | | SP2023001509 | Rebecca Irvine | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366828 | Rebecca Taylor Childminding | 01-08-2018 | Edinburgh | Rebecca Taylor | | SP2018989892 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015340682 | Rebecca's Childminding | Childminding | 19-10-2015 | Newton Stewart | Rebecca Gilmour | | SP2015987312 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019373546 | Recruit the Best Ltd | Nurse Agency | 11-07-2019 | 45B West Bowling Green Street | Edinburgh | EH6 5NX | 01315 526 499 | Evelyn Ilochi | | SP2019013279 | Recruit the Best Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000365 | Recruitment Connexions Limited | Nurse agencies | 02-12-2022 | Suite 1.07 | Stadium House | Alderstone Road | LIVINGSTON | EH54 7DN | +44 131 581 5454 | Hazel Bhebhe-Mkandla | | SP2022000245 | Active | ||||
CS2022000068 | Recruitta | Nurse Agency | 16-03-2022 | 294 Duke Street | GLASGOW | G31 1RZ | 01413709038 | Stephanie Jade Stevens | | SP2022000045 | Recruitta Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000017 | Red Group Personnel Ltd | Nurse Agency | 12-01-2024 | Harmsworth House | 15 Bouverie Street | London | EC4Y 8DP | 08448 404040 | Ben Brown | | SP2023000441 | Red Group Personnel Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006131515 | Red Squirrel Nursery | Day care of children | 11-05-2007 | West Green Park | Liff | Dundee | DD2 5NF | 01382 585 378 | Carole Japp | | SP2006008490 | The Red Squirrel Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003008527 | Redcastle Station | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Redcastle Station | Muir of Ord | IV6 7RX | 01463 871 255 | Dieter Devriendt | | SP2003001725 | Nansen Highland | Active | |||||
CS2008183684 | Redcroft Care Services | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 30-03-2009 | 267 Redford road | Edinburgh | EH13 9NQ | 01315 108 710 | Richard Hamilton | | SP2008009890 | Rajen & Joanne Mawjee, (A Partnership) | Active | |||||
CS2003010273 | Redford Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 6 Dunure Road | Ayr | KA7 4HR | 01292 442 983 | Sandra Denham | | SP2003002268 | Redford Nursing Home | Active | |||||
CS2005108365 | Redford, Carolanne | Childminding | 12-07-2006 | Bellshill | Carolanne Redford | | SP2005952472 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310939 | Redford, Joanne | Childminding | 09-10-2012 | Troon | Joanne Redford | | SP2012983938 | Joanne Redford | Active | ||||||||
CS2011300850 | Redmill Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Lady Court | East Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0PN | 01501 745 777 | JOANNE CUNNINGHAM | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000392 | Redspot Care | Nurse agencies | 15-10-2024 | Redspot Care Ltd | 65 Chadwell Heath Lane | Romford | RM6 4NP | 020 8510 1600 | Miriam Kureya | | SP2023000555 | Redspot Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000442 | Redspot Care | Support Service | 26-11-2024 | Unit 67 | Kelvin Road North | Cumbernauld | G67 2BD | 0141 611 2888 | Evans Kureya | | SP2023000555 | Redspot Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015583 | Redwell ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Redwell Primary School | Stirling Road | Alloa | FK10 2BS | 01259 724 066 | Julie McKenna | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2016350479 | Redwood Childcare | 30-01-2017 | The Strand | 2 Redwood Court | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 5PF | 01355 574 944 | Kirsty Kane | | SP2010011203 | Sword (Nursery) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000423 | Redwood House | Care Home Service | 13-12-2023 | 53 Seafield Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 3AL | 01382 480173 | Victoria Scott | | SP2023000432 | Redwood House (Broughty Ferry) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2021000266 | Redwoods Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | Redwood Nursing Home | Old Walled Garden | Teaninich | ALNESS | IV17 0XB | 01349884216 | Daniela Suciu | | SP2021000163 | Redwoods Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2003020180 | Reid, Caroline | Childminding | 14-07-2003 | Glasgow | Caroline Reid | | SP2003900031 | Caroline Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2014331472 | Reid, Christine | Childminding | 23-12-2014 | Kilmarnock | Christine Reid | | SP2014986348 | Christine Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2003020237 | Reid, Karen | Childminding | 20-02-2003 | Aberdeen | Karen Reid | | SP2003907211 | Karen Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2010269833 | Reid, Laura Jayne | Childminding | 14-09-2010 | Ardrossan | Laura Jayne Reid | | SP2010978930 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011302 | Reid, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Lynn Reid | | SP2003905611 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002902 | Reid, Margaret | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Forfar | Margaret Reid | | SP2003901358 | Margaret Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2006134480 | Reid, Morven | Childminding | 19-02-2007 | Inverness | Morven Reid | | SP2006961293 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004060288 | Reid, Nicola | Childminding | 19-07-2005 | Forfar | Nicola Reid | | SP2004916754 | Nicola Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2009234447 | Reid, Sara | Childminding | 26-05-2010 | Inverurie | Sara Reid | | SP2009976192 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012738 | Reid, Senga & Richard | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Penicuik | Senga Reid | | SP2003906457 | Senga and Richard Reid | Active | ||||||||
CS2005088764 | Reilly, Vicki | Childminding | 22-06-2006 | Aberdeen | Vicki Reilly | | SP2005944298 | Vicki Reilly | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000217 | Reliant Solutions Ltd | Support Service | 17-07-2023 | Flat 3 | 2 Fisher Place | Edinburgh | EH17 8UY | 07542197696 | cledwyn musipa | | SP2023000140 | Reliant Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000079 | Renaissance@Malin Court | Care Home Service | 01-06-2021 | Malin Court | Maidens | GIRVAN | KA26 9PB | 01655331457 | Louise Dunlop | | SP2021000048 | Renaissance Care (No 9) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003009091 | Rendall Road | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Rendall Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1ZS | 01856 873 135 | Fiona Stout | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2008168580 | Renèe's Childcare | Childminding | 01-05-2009 | Newport-on-Tay | Renee Hepburn | SP2008009547 | Renèe Hepburn trading as Renèe's Childcare Renèe Hepburn trading as Renèe's Childcare | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2009217106 | Renfrew Care Home | Care homes for older people | 07-07-2009 | 70-72 Cockles Loan | Renfrew | PA4 0PF | 03003 000 213 | Patricia Wetherall | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2009217107 | Renfrew Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 07-07-2009 | 70-72 Cockles Loan | Renfrew | PA4 0PF | 03003 000 213 | Patricia Wetherall | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2006141381 | Renfrew Project | Housing support service | 30-05-2007 | 5 Victoria Drive East | Renfrew | PA4 8EZ | 01418 863 049 | Jane Gordon | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014924 | Renfrew Street Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 256 Renfrew Street | Glasgow | G3 6TT | 01413 323 236 | Audrey McKinnon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2004077586 | Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire Mental Health, Learning Disability and/ or Physical Disability Service | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | 1 Sandyford Road | Paisley | PA3 4HP | 01418 402 299 | Lorraine King | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004077563 | Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire Mental Health, Learning Disability and/ or Physical Disability Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-08-2004 | 1 Sandyford Road | Paisley | PA3 4HP | 01418 402 299 | Lorraine King | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004076545 | Renfrewshire Carers Centre Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 31-01-2005 | Unit 33 Level 1 | Abbey Mill Business Centre | St James Clark Building | Paisley | PA1 1TJ | 0141 483 5430 | Lorna Brodie | | SP2004006777 | Renfrewshire Carers Centre | Active | |||
CS2004085691 | Renfrewshire Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 07-12-2005 | Renfrewshire Council | Renfrewshire House | Cotton Street | Paisley | PA1 1BU | 03003001199 | Fiona Duncan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004085694 | Renfrewshire Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 07-12-2005 | Renfrewshire Council | Renfrewshire House | Cotton Street | Paisley | PA1 1BU | 0300 300 1199 | Fiona Duncan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004074318 | Renfrewshire Council Home Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 10-11-2004 | Mile End Centre | 30 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1SA | 03003 000 215 | Lynn Kilicaslan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004080299 | Renfrewshire Council Home Care Service | Housing support service | 10-11-2004 | Mile End Centre | 30 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1SA | 03003 000 215 | Lynn Kilicaslan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004074313 | Renfrewshire Council Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 10-11-2004 | Gallowhill Court | Montgomery Road | Paisley | PA3 4NJ | 01414871932 | Elaine Sales | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004074315 | Renfrewshire Council Sheltered Housing Service | Housing support service | 10-11-2004 | Ground Floor Office | Gallowhill Court | Montgomery Road | Paisley | PA3 4NJ | 01414871933 | Lynn McNee | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005101044 | Renfrewshire Council Through Care Team | Housing support service | 13-07-2005 | 10 St. James Street | Paisley | PA3 2HT | 01414873010 | Wendy Carnochan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2018365819 | Renfrewshire Housing and Support Service | 14-11-2018 | Turning Point Scotland | 209 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 1HJ | 01418 402 299 | Laura Stewart | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2015340528 | Renfrewshire Outreach Service | 14-03-2016 | Action for Children | Loomwalk | Kilbarchan | Johnstone | PA10 2JP | 01505 706 987 | Hai-Yam Shek | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2017357045 | Renfrewshire PlayScheme | Day care of children | 17-07-2017 | Riverbrae School | 2 Middleton Road | Linwood | Paisley | PA3 3DP | 03003001372 | Katrina Little | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004073418 | Renfrewshire Supported Living Initiative | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-10-2004 | Studio 3016 | Abbey Mill Business Centre | 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418 896 937 | Amanda Crawford | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2004070419 | Renfrewshire Supported Living Initiative | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Studio 3016 | Abbey Mill Business Centre | 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418 896 937 | Amanda Crawford | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2022000023 | Renfrewshire Women's Aid SCIO | Housing Support Service | 20-01-2022 | Paisley | Marianne Osborne | | SP2022000011 | Renfrewshire Women's Aid SCIO | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000024 | Renfrewshire Women's Aid SCIO | Day Care of Children | 20-01-2022 | Paisley | Angela Ellingham | | SP2022000011 | Renfrewshire Women's Aid SCIO | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2006132567 | Rennie, Gail | Childminding | 16-04-2007 | Kirkcaldy | Gail Kennedy | | SP2006961473 | Gail Kennedy trading as Gail Rennie Gail Kennedy trading as Gail Rennie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014745 | Renton Primary School &ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Renton | Dumbarton | G82 4NA | 01389 777028 | Lynne Dempster | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015537 | Rephad Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rephad Primary School | Cairnport Road | Stranraer | DG9 8BQ | 01776 704 195 | Ann Gibson | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014470 | Residential Support Services - 2 Gilbert Road | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 2 Gilbert Road | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9AJ | 01224 716 869 | Helen McKenzie | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2007143273 | Resolis Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 09-01-2008 | Resolis Primary School | Resolis | Balblair | Dingwall | IV7 8LT | 01381 622 600 | Rachel Hutcheson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2025000092 | Respite and Care Solutions | Support Service | 26-02-2025 | 59 Colquhoun Street | Stirling | FK7 7PF | 01786445126 | Funmilola Nnamdi | | SP2023000523 | Respite and Care Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018369785 | Respite Fife Care and Support | 13-03-2019 | 34 Hazel Avenue | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5EB | 01592 269 399 | Heather Cleave | | SP2003001548 | Respite Fife | Active | ||||||
CS2003001081 | Respite Unit | Short breaks and respite services | 01-04-2002 | Hillend Centre | 2 East Crawford Street | Greenock | PA15 2BT | 01475 715 949 | Lucille Cochrane | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000164 | Response Healthcare Solutions LTD | Nurse Agency | 06-06-2023 | Office 2.6 | 1 Barrack Street | Hamilton | ML3 0DG | 07588444915 | MAZHER KHAN | | SP2023000107 | Response Healthcare Solutions LTD | Active | ||||
CS2003017379 | Reston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Reston Primary School | Reston | Eyemouth | TD14 5LD | 01890 761 205 | Jill Horsburgh | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000276 | Revival Care Solutions Ltd | Housing Support Service | 31-07-2024 | 50 Cleuch Place | Falkirk | FK2 0HF | 07460856287 | Margaret Mukundwa | | SP2023001513 | Revival Care Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000277 | Revival Care Solutions Ltd | Support Service | 31-07-2024 | 50 Cleuch Place | Falkirk | FK2 0HF | 07460856287 | Margaret Mukundwa | | SP2023001513 | Revival Care Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003011400 | Reynolds, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Denny | Lynn Reynolds | | SP2003905700 | Lynn Reynolds | Active | ||||||||
CS2011303503 | Reynolds, Nikki | Childminding | 04-04-2012 | Edinburgh | Nikki Reynolds | | SP2011983010 | Nikki Reynolds | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000204 | Rhea Louise Childminding | Childminding | 28-07-2022 | Gorebridge | | SP2022000145 | Rhea Ramage | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008753 | Rhind, Carol | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Carol Rhind | | SP2003904833 | Carol Rhind | Active | ||||||||
CS2012308811 | Rhona Child Minding Services | Childminding | 13-08-2012 | Larbert | Rhona McKinlay | | SP2012983635 | Rhona McKinlay | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000299 | Rhona's Breakfast And Supper Club | Child Minding | 10-09-2023 | Banchory | | SP2023000190 | Rhona Irvine | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014659 | Rhunahaorine Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rhunahaorine Primary School | Tayinloan | Tarbert | PA29 6XG | 01583 441 269 | Kirsten Johnston | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2016350382 | Rhymes Nursery - Irvine | 27-02-2017 | 11 - 12 Towerlands Cottages | Bourtreehill South | Irvine | KA11 1PZ | 01294 701243 | Caroline Findlay | | SP2008970156 | Ronald Jarvie | Active | |||||
CS2003015739 | Rhynie School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Essie Road | Rhynie | Huntly | AB54 4GF | 01464 861257 | Lucy Taylor | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000243 | Rianna's Childminding | Child Minding | 07-09-2021 | KINROSS | | SP2021000146 | Rianna McGinley | Active | |||||||||
CS2016345786 | Ribeiro Halm, Raquel | Childminding | 31-08-2016 | Aberdeen | Raquel Ribeiro Halm | | SP2016987861 | Raquel Ribeiro Halm | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015806 | Riccarton Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Campbell Place | Kilmarnock | KA1 4DY | 01563 535 633 | Gillian Johnston | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004086171 | Richard Stewart Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 21-01-2005 | Chapelside Community Centre | Waddell Street | Airdrie | ML6 6JU | 01236 638 866 | Adele Hamilton | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003043433 | Richardson, Linda | Childminding | 09-01-2004 | Glasgow | Linda Richardson | | SP2004935766 | Richardson Linda | Active | ||||||||
CS2005089603 | Richardson, Susan | Childminding | 15-02-2006 | Darvel | Susan Richardson | SP2005945586 | Inactive | ||||||||||
CS2015343348 | Richmond House, Crieff | Care homes for older people | 01-07-2016 | Richmond House | Drummond Terrace | Crieff | PH7 4AF | 01764 653 934 | Stacy Rodger | | SP2015012632 | Richmond House, Crieff, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003002400 | Richmond, Beatrice | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverurie | Beatrice Richmond | | SP2003901088 | Beatrice Richmond | Active | ||||||||
CS2017356237 | Ricki's Childminding | Childminding | 11-07-2017 | Darvel | Ricki McCloy | | SP2017989030 | Ricki McCloy | Active | ||||||||
CS2011298440 | Riddell, Lynsey | Childminding | 07-12-2011 | Dunfermline | Lynsey Riddell | | SP2011982572 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015337316 | Riddrie House | Care homes for older people | 26-08-2015 | 77 Riddrie Knowes | Riddrie | Glasgow | G33 2QF | 01417 700 770 | Moira Henderson | | SP2008009728 | Partnerships in Care Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003000999 | Riddrie Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 1 Riddrievale Court | Riddrie | Glasgow | G33 2RN | 01412 762 100 | Janice Colquhoun | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2006137042 | Riddrievale Service | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 28-02-2007 | 2 Riddrievale Court | Glasgow | G33 2RN | 01417 702 320 | James O'Neil | James.O' | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||||
CS2023000434 | Right at Home Dundee, Angus and North-Fife | Support Service | 21-12-2023 | Units 6 and 7 | Castlecroft Business Centre | Tom Johnston Road | Dundee | DD4 8XD | 07868650214 | Anja Spittal | | SP2023000372 | Roundstone Quality Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000178 | Right Choice Medicare Limited | Nurse Agency | 12-06-2023 | 6 Caberfeidh | Fassifern Road | Fort William | PH33 6BE | 07443 083213 | SINIMOL PHILIP | | SP2023000113 | Right Choice Medicare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011286772 | Right There East | Housing support service | 11-10-2011 | 1 West Pilton View | Edinburgh | EH4 4DZ | 01314 558 568 | Jim Cantley | | SP2011011560 | Right There | Active | |||||
CS2017360721 | Right There Highland Reach Out | 15-03-2018 | 75 Old Perth Road | Raigmore | Inverness | IV2 3JH | 01463218808 | Alison Milson | | SP2011011560 | Right There | Active | |||||
CS2013318346 | Right There Orkney Young Persons' Accommodation Service | Housing support service | 31-07-2013 | Glaitness Farmhouse | Glaitness Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1TN | 01856 879 958 | Ann Clark | | SP2011011560 | Right There | Active | ||||
CS2011286888 | Right There Pathways | Housing support service | 11-10-2011 | Room 6 | Brandon House | 23-25 Brandon Street | Hamilton | ML3 6DA | 01415651520 | Tom Morrison | | SP2011011560 | Right There | Active | |||
CS2011286770 | Right There West | Housing support service | 11-10-2011 | 95 Panmure Street | Glasgow | G20 7SJ | 01419 452 526 | Tom Morrison | | SP2011011560 | Right There | Active | |||||
CS2018366390 | Right There Your Home Service | 24-09-2018 | 73 Boswall Parkway | Edinburgh | EH5 2PW | 01316 039 815 | Sandra Porteous | | SP2011011560 | Right There | Active | ||||||
CS2013315097 | Rigifa Home Care Service | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2013 | Tayview Industrial Estate | Friarton Road | Perth | PH2 8DG | 01738 310 585 | Nicqui Watson | | SP2013012012 | Rigifa Home Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015326 | Rigside & Rural Communities Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Muirfoot Road | Rigside | Lanark | ML11 9LY | 01555 880 689 | Susan Dobbin | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008185355 | Riley, Elinor | Childminding | 12-01-2009 | Hamilton | Elinor Riley | | SP2008971710 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015950 | Rimbleton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bilsland Road | Rimbleton | Glenrothes | KY6 2DZ | 01592 583 454 | Andrea Gordon | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004286 | Rintoul, Debra Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | West Kilbride | Debra Ann Rintoul | | SP2003902386 | Debra Ann Rintoul Debra Ann Rintoul | Active | ||||||||
CS2010272215 | Rise and Shine | Childminding | 18-11-2010 | Glasgow | Clare Miller | | SP2010011134 | Clare Miller and Patricia Miller a partnership Clare Miller and Patricia Miller a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2006118795 | Rise and Shine (Dundee International Women's Centre) | Day care of children | 13-04-2007 | Dundee | Nausheen Karim | | SP2006008289 | Dundee International Women's Centre | Active | ||||||||
CS2004077600 | Rising Towers Daycare | Childminding | 15-11-2005 | Perth | Dawn Houston | | SP2004934643 | Dawn Houston | Active | ||||||||
CS2005110858 | Ritchie, Linda | Childminding | 27-10-2006 | Carluke | Linda Ritchie | | SP2005953591 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004028 | Ritchie, Lorna | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Lorna Ritchie | | SP2003902203 | Lorna Ritchie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002403 | Ritchie, Moira | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverurie | Moira Ritchie | | SP2003901091 | Moira Ritchie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003045442 | Ritchie, Ruth | Childminding | 21-08-2003 | South Queensferry | Ruth Ritchie | | SP2003910549 | Ruth Ritchie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003048750 | Ritchie, Tracey | Childminding | 26-04-2005 | Grangemouth | Tracey Ritchie | | SP2004938149 | Tracey Ritchie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003208 | Ritter-Trille, Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Helensburgh | Mary Ritter-Trille | | SP2003901562 | Mary Ritter-trille | Active | ||||||||
CS2011280672 | Rivendale Nursery | Day care of children | 15-04-2011 | Houston Road | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3PX | 01505 610 611 | Megan MacNab | | SP2008009795 | Collin Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003001119 | Rivendell | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 33 Peace Avenue | Quarriers Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3SX | 01505610597 | Jacqualine Davidson | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2007159904 | Rivendell Care Service | Care homes for older people | 05-12-2007 | Rivendell House | Oak Road, Rivendell | Birnam | Dunkeld | PH8 0BL | 01350 727 512 | Gina Tait | | SP2007009286 | Rivendell Care Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2007159146 | River Clyde Homes Sheltered Housing Service | Housing support service | 20-11-2007 | Clyde View | 22 Pottery Street | Greenock | PA15 2UZ | 08000 132 196 | Siobhan Mahon | | SP2007009253 | River Clyde Homes | Active | ||||
CS2017362136 | River View Cottage | 30-03-2018 | Greenock Road | Bishopton | PA7 5PE | 01505 864500 | Robert Clark | | SP2017013018 | GSC Through-Care | Active | ||||||
CS2006134046 | Riverbank Centre & Streets Ahead | Support services - not care at home | 17-07-2007 | Forthview | Stirling | FK8 1TZ | 01786 237 960 | pamela carruthers | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005179 | Riverbank Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2 Citadel Place | Ayr | KA7 1JN | 01292 268 014 | Linda Gordon | | SP2003001094 | Brian Armour & Sandra Armour, a Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003015369 | Riverbank Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Paddock Street | Coatbridge | ML5 4PG | 01236794894 | Helen Paterson | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014423 | Riverbank School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Riverbank Primary School | Dill Road | ABERDEEN | AB24 2XL | 01224 483 217 | Susan Ironside | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014788 | Riverbrae Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2 Middleton Road | Linwood | PA3 3DP | 03003 001 372 | Jennifer Gray | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000227 | Riverside Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-08-2023 | Riverside Home | 5 Riverside Terrace | Aberdeen | AB10 7JD | 01241211707 | Michael Culley | | SP2023000147 | Renaissance Care (No 4) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016346945 | Riverside Childcare | Day care of children | 03-10-2016 | Block 4 Units 1 & 2 Kirkintilloch Industrial Estate | Milton Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1SY | 01417 777 773 | Lynne Mackenzie | | SP2016012729 | Riverside Childcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011305706 | Riverside Cottage Nursery | Day care of children | 13-11-2013 | Riverside Cottage | 9 Riverside Lea | Blackburn | Bathgate | EH47 7EL | 01506 650 583 | Sarah Jane Brown | | SP2011011751 | David Addison | Active | |||
CS2003010302 | Riverside Healthcare Centre | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Bridge Street | Selkirk | TD7 5BU | 01750 722 701 | Tracy Bell | | SP2003002289 | Riverside Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005093148 | Riverside House | School care accommodation | 23-12-2005 | 1 Bridgend | Newmilns | KA16 9BU | 01560 323 436 | Angela Lennie | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014333834 | Riverside House | 19-05-2017 | 220 Springfield Road | Glasgow | G40 3HU | 01412 766 700 | Evelyn Downie | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003010537 | Riverside House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 2 Bridge Street | Wick | KW1 4NH | 01955 602 314 | Donna Grant | | SP2003002402 | R.F. More Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003051360 | Riverside Kids Club | Day care of children | 17-02-2004 | Riverside Primary School | Argyll Road | Perth | PH13BB | 01738 472350 | Marta Jastrzab | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2015339716 | Riverside Out of School Care | Day care of children | 13-08-2015 | Riverside Primary School | 18 Forrest Road | Stirling | FK8 1UJ | 01786 449 198 | Heather Young | | SP2015012550 | Riverside Out of School Care a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003016071 | Riverside Primary School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Riverside Primary School | Argyll Road | Perth | PH1 3BB | 01738 474450 | Annabelle Burns | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015610 | Riverside Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 16 Forrest Road | Stirling | FK8 1UJ | 01786 237933 | Michelle MacPhee | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000940 | Riverside Project | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 892 Govan Road | Govan | Glasgow | G51 3AF | 01414 402 633 | Stephen Campbell | | SP2003000185 | Talbot Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2018367029 | Riverside Rascals | 18-01-2019 | Oban Road | Lochgilphead | PA31 8NG | 01546 606 249 | Emma Penman and Rebecca Ramsay | | SP2018013127 | Emma Penman & Rebecca Ramsay a partnership t/a Riverside Rascals | Active | ||||||
CS2011300759 | Riverside View | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 60 Clovis Duveau Drive | Dundee | DD2 5JB | 01382 561 667 | Amy Claffey- Barnes | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003001118 | Riverview | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 43 Peace Avenue | Quarriers Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3SX | 01505 616 001 | Deborah Murray | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2011280846 | Rix, Kelly | Childminding | 19-04-2011 | Bishopton | Kelly Rix | | SP2011981416 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014331307 | RLDS Community Networks Service | Support services - care at home | 27-04-2015 | Spinners Gate Resource Centre | 15 Maxwellton Road | Paisley | PA1 2RH | 01416 185 555 | Jane Morrison | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2013315019 | RLDS GATEWAY Intensive Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 26-02-2014 | Spinners Gate | 15/17 Maxwellton Road | Paisley | PA1 2RH | 01416 185 555 | Jane Morrison | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2018372380 | RMR Recruitment Limited | 04-04-2019 | Jubilee House | 3 The Drive | Brentwood | CM13 3FR | 01277 285 888 | Barbra Mudzengere | | SP2018013256 | RMR Recruitment Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018370684 | RMR Specialist Care | Support Service | 12-08-2019 | 7 Walker Street | Edinburgh | EH3 7JY | 01312 269 670 | Derek Cree | | SP2011011668 | Robinson Recruitment Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018370683 | RMR Specialist Care | Housing Support Service | 12-08-2019 | 7 Walker Street | Edinburgh | EH3 7JY | 01312 269 670 | Derek Cree | | SP2011011668 | Robinson Recruitment Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003012422 | Robb, Jane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | West Calder | Jane Robb | | SP2003906147 | Robb, Mrs Jane Robb, Mrs Jane | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009020 | Robb, Sharon | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Forres | Sharon Robb | | SP2003904949 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015340843 | Robert Allan House | 11-01-2016 | Lister House | 203-207 Lochleven Road | Lochore | Lochgelly | KY5 8HU | 01592 862 167 | Mark Morley-Noble | | SP2003002722 | Avondale Care (Scotland) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003009769 | Robert Douglas Memorial Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 51 Abbey Road | Scone | Perth | PH2 6LL | 01738 551 184 | Julie Wyllie | | SP2003002124 | Robert Douglas Memorial Home | Active | ||||
CS2003016086 | Robert Douglas Memorial Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Robert Douglas Memorial Primary School | Spoutswell Road | Scone | Perth | PH2 6RS | 01738 454 455 | Victoria Sichi | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2009216635 | Robert Gordon's College After School Club | Day care of children | 06-01-2011 | Robert Gordon's College | Schoolhill | Aberdeen | AB10 1FE | 01224646346 | Paul Keane | | SP2003003559 | Robert Gordon's College | Active | ||||
CS2003016172 | Robert Gordon's College Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Robert Gordon College | Schoolhill | Aberdeen | AB10 1FE | 01224 646 758 | Jane Tulloch | | SP2003003559 | Robert Gordon's College | Active | ||||
CS2003016830 | Robert Owen Memorial Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Smyllum Road | Lanark | ML11 7BZ | 01555 662 486 | Paula Ross | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015327 | Robert Smillie Memorial Primary Nursery Class and Skylark Early Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glen Avenue | Larkhall | ML9 1JN | 01698 882 636 | Roland Peck | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2009193465 | Roberts Care & Training Ltd | Housing support service | 22-06-2009 | 5 King Street | Paisley | PA1 2PP | 01418 485 993 | Amanda Wright | | SP2009010207 | Roberts Care & Training Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009193466 | Roberts Care & Training Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-06-2009 | 5 King Street | Paisley | PA1 2PP | 01418 485 993 | Amanda Wright | SP2009010207 | Roberts Care & Training Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003005869 | Roberts, Christina | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Christina Roberts | | SP2003903482 | Christina Roberts | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002913 | Robertson, Catriona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Carnoustie | Catriona Robertson | | SP2003901369 | Catriona Robertson | Active | ||||||||
CS2005102401 | Robertson, Donna | Childminding | 27-01-2006 | Grangemouth | Donna Robertson | | SP2005949390 | Donna Robertson | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338836 | Robertson, Heather | Childminding | 19-10-2015 | Westhill | Heather Robertson | | SP2015987118 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011280799 | Robertson, Lorna | Childminding | 30-06-2011 | Kirkwall | Lorna Robertson | | SP2011981390 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358833 | Robertson, Lynn | 27-04-2018 | Westhill | Lynn Robertson | | SP2017989253 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003002916 | Robertson, Marion | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Marion Robertson | | SP2003901372 | Marion Robertson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012647 | Robertson, Una | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Una Robertson | | SP2003906369 | Robertson, Mrs Una Robertson, Mrs Una | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013146 | Robertson, Valerie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Valerie Robertson | | SP2003906865 | Robertson, Ms Valerie Robertson, Ms Valerie | Active | ||||||||
CS2008168672 | Robertson-Smith, Kirsty | Childminding | 30-06-2010 | Glasgow | Kirsty Robertson-Smith | | SP2008968204 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000193 | Robin Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 13-06-2024 | 6 Diddup Drive | Stevenston | KA20 4AF | 07368889544 | Louise Kent | | SP2023000127 | Our Promise Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011297221 | Robin's Professional Childminding Service | Childminding | 30-12-2011 | STIRLING | Robin Clark | | SP2011982523 | Robin Clark | Active | ||||||||
CS2011281661 | Robinson Medical Recruitment and Associated Company Robinson Recruitment Solutions | Nurse agencies | 30-08-2011 | 7 Walker Street | Edinburgh | EH3 7JY | 01312 269 670 | Derek Cree | | SP2011011668 | Robinson Recruitment Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009234838 | Robinson, Susan | Childminding | 20-08-2010 | Glasgow | Susan Robinson | | SP2009976338 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016352161 | Robson, Nicole | 04-04-2017 | Glasgow | Nicole Robson | | SP2016988611 | Nicole Robson | Active | |||||||||
CS2018364721 | Robyn's Nest Childminding | 22-05-2018 | Dundee | Robyn Gaughan | | SP2018989708 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2020379432 | Robyne's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 31-07-2020 | Glasgow | Robyne McLaughlin | | SP2020991169 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003050327 | Rochsolloch Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 15-10-2003 | Bellsdyke Road | Cairnhill | Airdrie | ML6 9DU | 01236 794 880 | Mark Wilson | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014944 | Rockfield Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gadburn School | 70 Rockfield Road | Glasgow | G21 3DZ | 01415 581 754 | Elaine Madden | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2007157135 | Rockfield Primary Pre Five Unit. | Day care of children | 07-01-2008 | Oban Primary Campus | Lower Soroba | Oban | PA34 4SB | 01631 568 091 | Caroline Fothergill | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2008184593 | Rocking Horse Nursery | Day care of children | 30-01-2009 | 60A Duddingston Road | Edinburgh | EH15 1SG | 01316 690 819 | Gillian Somerville | | SP2006008715 | Greenan, Lisa | Active | |||||
CS2023000361 | Rocking Horse Nursery SCIO | Day care of children | 31-10-2023 | 49 College Bounds | Aberdeen | AB24 3DY | 01224 273 400 | Sarah Walker | | SP2023000238 | Rocking Horse Nursery SCIO | Active | |||||
CS2022000107 | Rockmount Nursery | Day Care of Children | 28-04-2022 | Downhill Park | 46 Havelock Street | GLASGOW | G11 5JE | 01413576699 | Laura Neill | | SP2022000073 | Karbal Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015336619 | Rockova, Alena | Childminding | 02-09-2015 | Linlithgow | Alena Rockova | | SP2015986843 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004071141 | Rodger, Lynne | Childminding | 30-11-2004 | Falkirk | Lynne Rodger | | SP2004931179 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008174294 | Rodgers, Wendy | Childminding | 04-09-2008 | Edinburgh | Wendy Rodgers | raynhamdar@Google | SP2008969503 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006121096 | Rogan, Joanna | Childminding | 21-12-2006 | Forres | Joanna Rogan | | SP2006959907 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016436 | Rogart Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rogart Primary School | Rogart | IV28 3XF | 01408 641 335 | Darra Wood | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003050368 | Rogers, Heather | Childminding | 30-06-2004 | Edinburgh | Heather Rogers | | SP2004938269 | Heather Rogers | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010769 | Rogerson, Grace | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumfries | Grace Rogerson | | SP2003905509 | Grace Rogerson | Active | ||||||||
CS2015343224 | Roisin Kibble Childminding | 01-03-2016 | Edinburgh | Roisin Kibble | | SP2015987612 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2008173332 | Roles, Gayle | Childminding | 21-08-2008 | Airdrie | Gayle Roles | | SP2008969339 | Gayle Roles | Active | ||||||||
CS2010279305 | Rollo, Lorraine | Childminding | 13-09-2011 | Edinburgh | Lorraine Rollo | | SP2010980944 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002988 | Rompers Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 7 Traill Drive | East Links | Montrose | DD10 8SW | 01674 672 294 | Pam Guthrie | | SP2003000593 | Rompers Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2014325168 | Rona Mackay Childminding | Childminding | 11-08-2014 | Glasgow | Rona Mackay | | SP2014985835 | Rona Mackay | Active | ||||||||
CS2004077684 | Ronald, Karen | Childminding | 04-05-2005 | Beith | Karen Ronald | | SP2004934542 | Karen Ronald | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379019 | Rooftop ELC | Day Care of Children | 01-02-2021 | Rooftop Early Learning & Childcare | 39 The Olympia | Town Centre, East Kilbride | GLASGOW | G74 1PG | 01355 222 066 | Angela Roxburgh | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2021000209 | Rookies After School Care | Day Care of Children | 18-08-2021 | Home Church Scotland | Lammermoor Road | Kirkintilloch | GLASGOW | G66 2AB | 01414040057 | Jodie Gray | | SP2021000124 | Rookie Rockstars | Active | |||
CS2022000292 | Room to Grow | Child Minding | 27-09-2022 | Mauchline | | SP2022000197 | Jamie Allen | Active | |||||||||
CS2019377542 | Room4U Continuing Care Service | Adult Placement Service | 18-12-2019 | 69-72 St Johns Road | Edinburgh | EH12 8AT | 01313 373 295 | Carolyn Thomson | | SP2003002647 | Dean and Cauvin Young People's Trust | Active | |||||
CS2016347836 | ROOM4U Teenage Fostering Service | 09-02-2017 | 68-72 St. John's Road | Edinburgh | EH12 8AT | 01313 373 295 | Carolyn Thomson | | SP2003002647 | Dean and Cauvin Young People's Trust | Active | ||||||
CS2003020378 | Rooney, Allison & David | Childminding | 24-07-2003 | Bathgate | Allison Rooney | SP2003908699 | Rooney, Allison & David Rooney, Allison & David | Active | |||||||||
CS2006115094 | Rosaburn House | Care homes for older people | 06-04-2006 | Rosaburn Avenue | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9DE | 01355 598 390 | Amanda Wallace | | SP2003002314 | Northcare (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017359446 | Rose Loughran Childminder | 26-10-2017 | Stevenston | Rose Loughran | | SP2017989300 | Rose Loughran | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315972 | Roseangle House | Day care of children | 09-06-2014 | 27 Roseangle | Dundee | DD1 4LS | 01382 205570 | Patricia Small | | SP2013012033 | Roseangle House Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000757 | Rosebank Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 91a London Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 7BT | 01563 554 646 | Sheila Monk | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017261 | Rosebank School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rosebank Primary School | Nairn | IV12 4RJ | 01667 454 090 | Lisa Campbell | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2007166276 | Rosebery Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 09-07-2008 | Polbeth Hardwood Church | Chapelton Drive | Polbeth | West Calder | EH55 8SQ | 01506 870 651 | Anne Marson | | SP2007009459 | Rosebery Centre | Active | |||
CS2003011913 | Rosebery Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rosebery Hall | High Street | South Queensferry | EH30 9LL | 07895 558 853 | Aileen Malaczynska | | SP2003002855 | Rosebery Playgroup Parents Committee | Active | ||||
CS2023000261 | Rosebuds Childminding | Child Minding | 14-08-2023 | Lanark | | SP2023000165 | Kayleigh Smith | Active | |||||||||
CS2012314104 | Rosebuds Daycare | Day care of children | 07-05-2013 | Hilton Coylumbridge Hotel | Aviemore | PH22 1QN | 01479 813 086 | Michaela McGarvey | | SP2012984390 | None None | Active | |||||
CS2024000156 | Rosebuds Daycare (Inverness / Nairn) | Day care of children | 14-05-2024 | The Old School | Petty East | Gollanfield | Inverness | IV2 7QP | 07818492470 | Michaela McGarvey | | SP2012984390 | Michaela McGarvey | Active | |||
CS2003017050 | Roseburn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Roseburn Primary School | 64 Roseburn Street | Edinburgh | EH12 5PL | 01313 376 096 | Natalie Borrowman | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013883 | Rosecroft Childminding | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Muir of Ord | Gwenda North | | SP2003907536 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005089642 | Rosehall Manor | Care homes for older people | 01-07-2005 | 310 Station Road | Shotts | ML7 4AQ | 01501 820 080 | Nicola Thomson | | SP2003000159 | Third Life Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015728 | Rosehearty School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rosehearty School | Pitsligo Street | Rosehearty | Fraserburgh | AB43 7JL | 01346 571 230 | Leah Friesen | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016683 | Rosehill Adult Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2003 | Forties Road | Montrose | DD10 9ET | 01674 907634 | Douglas Fairweather | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000050 | Roselea Court Care Home | Care Home Service | 06-02-2025 | Randolph Road | Stirling | FK8 2AP | 01786 644000 | Helen Kinnaird | | SP2023000396 | Priory CC131 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000026 | Roselea House | Care Home Service | 06-02-2023 | 175 Stenhouse Street | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9DX | 01383 514 744 | Ruth Goodman | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013320596 | Rosemary Robertson & Kirsty Robertson Childminding | Childminding | 10-02-2014 | Motherwell | Rosemary Robertson | | SP2013012164 | Rosemary Robertson & Kirsty Robertson a partnershi Rosemary Robertson & Kirsty Robertson a partnershi | Active | ||||||||
CS2014333210 | Rosemeadow Childcare | Childminding | 28-01-2015 | Irvine | Ashley Beattie | SP2014986509 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003005909 | Rosemount Lifelong Learning | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Former Roystonhill Recreational Centre (Blue Roof) | 15 Forrestfield Street | Royston | Glasgow | G21 2HG | 01415 523 090 | Lorna Carlyle | | SP2003001270 | Rosemount Lifelong Learning | Active | |||
CS2006138924 | Rosemount Little Rascals Limited | Day care of children | 23-05-2007 | 12 Rosemount Road | Arbroath | DD11 2AU | 01241 876 777 | Lorna Marsden | | SP2007009109 | Rosemount Little Rascals Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009229900 | Rosemount Nursery School Ltd | Day care of children | 19-06-2009 | 55 High Street | Kinross | KY13 8AA | 01577 864 408 | Louise Smart | | SP2009010480 | Rosemount Nursery School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015756 | Rosemount Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rosemount Primary School | Hospital Road | Hillside | Montrose | DD10 9JH | 01674 907 521 | Georgina Mallie | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2007166021 | Rosepark Care Home | Care homes for older people | 15-02-2008 | 261 New Edinburgh Road | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 6LL | 01698 816 161 | Sarah Gray | | SP2007009451 | Renaissance Care (No 8) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017360575 | Rosetta Early Learners | Day care of children | 05-11-2018 | Rosetta Road | Peebles | EH45 8HQ | 01721 588 087 | Tina MacLinton | | SP2017012990 | Rosetta Playgroup a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003017297 | Rosewell Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 85 Carnethie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AN | 01312 714 655 | Shona Richardson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2008177272 | Rosie's Blossoms | Childminding | 08-01-2010 | Kirkliston | Rosemary Summers | | SP2008970029 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001130 | Roslin House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Roslyn House | Saltcoats Road | Stevenston | KA20 3JW | 01294 441273 | Andrew Ramsay | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2003016406 | Roslin Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8 Pentland View Place | Roslin | EH25 9ND | 01312 714 660 | Gillon Rand | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2019375368 | Rosneath Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 25-08-2020 | Rosneath Primary School | Clachan Road | Rosneath | Helensburgh | G84 0RJ | 01436 831 354 | Adele Flynn | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2005103347 | Ross Court | Care homes for older people | 19-01-2006 | Titchfield Street | Galston | KA4 8DF | 01563 820 371 | Antonio Cocozza | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000137 | Ross Lawhead Childminding | Child Minding | 25-04-2024 | Perth | | SP2023000496 | Ross Lawhead | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013816 | Ross, Amanda | Childminding | 07-10-2002 | Lossiemouth | Amanda Ross | | SP2003907399 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005096391 | Ross, Julie | Childminding | 15-08-2005 | Edinburgh | Julie Ross | SP2005947048 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2009193483 | Ross, Kirsty | Childminding | 08-10-2009 | Glasgow | Kirsty Ross | | SP2009972789 | Kirsty Ross | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012773 | Ross, Lisa | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Lisa Ross | | SP2003906492 | Stewart, Ms Lisa Stewart, Ms Lisa | Active | ||||||||
CS2003046316 | Ross, Louise | Childminding | 19-10-2004 | Edinburgh | Louise Ross | | SP2003014261 | Ross, Louise Marion Ross, Louise Marion | Active | ||||||||
CS2007143069 | Ross, Pamela | Childminding | 09-05-2007 | Inverness | Pamela Ross | | SP2004917277 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004069721 | Ross, Pauline | Childminding | 20-10-2004 | Kilmarnock | Pauline Ross | | SP2004929629 | Pauline Ross | Active | ||||||||
CS2007144981 | Ross, Tracey | Childminding | 13-08-2007 | Larbert | Tracey Ross | | SP2007964147 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004077809 | Ross-shire Women's Aid | Housing support service | 18-10-2004 | Dingwall | Claire Marcello | | SP2004006082 | Ross-shire Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014925 | Rosshall Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 35 Cronberry Quadrant | Glasgow | G52 3NU | 01418 823 605 | Natasha MacArthur | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300765 | Rosshead Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-04-2012 | Rosshead House | Heather Avenue | Alexandria | G83 0TJ | 01389 752 572 | Saima Nawaz | | SP2010010988 | Rosshead Housing | Active | ||||
CS2021000083 | Rossie Residential Care Service | Care Home Service | 03-06-2021 | Rossie Young Peoples Trust | Montrose | DD10 9TW | 01674 820 204 | Kevin Northcott | | SP2003000292 | Rossie Young People's Trust | Active | |||||
CS2003001447 | Rossie Secure Accommodation Services | Secure accommodation service | 01-04-2002 | Rossie Young People's Trust | Montrose | DD10 9TW | 01674 820 204 | Kevin Northcott | | SP2003000292 | Rossie Young People's Trust | Active | |||||
CS2007166360 | Rossie Youth Accommodation Services | School care accommodation | 08-05-2009 | Rossie Young Peoples Trust | By Farnell | Montrose | DD10 9TW | 01674 820 204 | Kevin Northcott | | SP2003000292 | Rossie Young People's Trust | Active | ||||
CS2003001375 | Rosslyn Avenue | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Rosslyn Children's Unit | 17-19 Rosslyn Avenue | East Mains | Glasgow | G74 4BP | 01355 228 624 | Brian Sweeney | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003050781 | Rosslyn Out of School Club | Day care of children | 11-02-2004 | Windmill Community Campus | Windmill Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3AL | 07515 189 477 | Isabel Mcmanus | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2006125816 | Rosslyn Special School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcaldy | Jacquelyn Urquhart | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||||||
CS2003042852 | Rosturk House | Care homes for older people | 07-10-2004 | Carslogie Road | Cupar | KY15 4HY | 01334 659 820 | Lynsey Lumsden | | SP2004004957 | Rosturk House Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004073759 | Rotary Residential and Care Centres | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-08-2004 | Forrest House | 311 Albert Drive | Glasgow | G41 5RP | 01414 230 395 | Charlene MacPhee | | SP2003000179 | Rotary Residential And Care Centres | Active | ||||
CS2003053962 | Rotary Residential and Care Centres | Housing support service | 05-08-2004 | Forrest House | 311 Albert Drive | Glasgow | G41 5RP | 01414 230 395 | Charlene MacPhee | | SP2003000179 | Rotary Residential And Care Centres | Active | ||||
CS2003016010 | Rothes Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Green Street | Rothes | Aberlour | AB38 7BD | 01340 831 675 | Carol Newlands | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2007157142 | Rothesay Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 29-08-2007 | Rothesay Campus | High Street | Rothesay | Isle of Bute | PA20 9JH | 01700 503 227 | Elize Milani | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2003008923 | Rothiemay Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rothiemay Primary School | Rothiemay | Huntly | AB54 7LT | 01466 711 032 | Mary Bartholomew | | SP2003001929 | Rothiemay & District Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2006130105 | Rothienorman School Nursery | Day care of children | 18-08-2006 | Station Road | Rothienorman | Inverurie | AB51 8YE | 01651 821 247 | Karen Louw | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016060 | Rousay Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rousay Primary School Nursery | Rousay | Orkney | KW17 2PR | 01856 821 226 | Angela Ferguson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2008169473 | Rowallan | Care homes for children and young people | 30-07-2008 | Lanark | Ann Gibbons | | SP2007009337 | A Wilderness Way Limited | Active | ||||||||
CS2007163585 | Rowan Alba Ltd - Thorntree Street | Housing support service | 09-10-2007 | 19 Thorntree Street | Edinburgh | EH6 8PU | 01315 555 240 | Ann Logan | | SP2007009376 | Rowan Alba Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007163407 | Rowan Alba Ltd - Thorntree Street - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-10-2007 | 19 Thorntree Street | Edinburgh | EH6 8PU | 01315 555 240 | Ann Logan | SP2007009376 | Rowan Alba Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2022000117 | Rowan House | Care Home Service | 12-05-2022 | 10 James Chalmers Road | Kirkton Industrial Estate | Arbroath | DD11 3LR | 07747 249210 | Laura Munro | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2006128638 | Rowan Tree Nursery | Day care of children | 16-01-2007 | 6 Muirhead Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 7EY | 01415 733 733 | Catherine Devine | | SP2003003510 | Hyde 'N' Seek Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2024000367 | Rowanberry Kindergarten | Child Minding | 23-09-2024 | Edinburgh | Synnove Frankel | | SP2024000478 | Rowanberry Kindergarten Ltd | Active | ||||||||
CS2014329990 | Rowanlea Services | Housing support service | 02-12-2014 | Linn Moor Campus | Peterculter | AB14 0PJ | 01224 732 246 | Scott Rodger | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2014329991 | Rowanlea Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-12-2014 | Linn Moor Campus | Peterculter | AB14 0PJ | 01224 732 246 | Scott Rodger | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2013315018 | Rowantree House | Care homes for children and young people | 23-10-2013 | Rowantree House | 19 Winfield Close | Balivanich | Isle of Benbecula | HS7 5LQ | 01870 604 880 | Jack Libby | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2003015800 | Rowantree Primary School Early Years Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Birks Terrace | Dundee | DD4 8EJ | 01382 307 877 | Tina Ross | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014926 | Rowena Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20 Knightscliffe Avenue | Knightswood | Glasgow | G13 2TE | 01419 599 056 | Gillian Pollock-Ogden | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003007412 | Roxburgh, Gayle | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Gayle Roxburgh | | SP2003904391 | Gayle Roxburgh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007332 | Roy, Caroline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Caroline Roy | | SP2003904314 | Caroline Roy | Active | ||||||||
CS2016344402 | Royal Blind Allermuir | 04-08-2016 | 142 Glenallan Drive | Edinburgh | EH16 5RE | 0131 672 3242 | Leila Williamson | | SP2003002572 | Royal Blind Asylum and School Trading as Sight Scotland | Active | ||||||
CS2003017051 | Royal Mile Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 86 Canongate | Edinburgh | EH8 8BZ | 01315 563 347 | Lisa Black | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017343 | Royal School Of Dunkeld Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Royal School of Dunkeld Primary School | Dunkeld | PH8 0AB | 01738 454 470 | Nicola Williams | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2016345165 | Royston Court | 14-02-2017 | 7 Royston Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH5 1LE | 01315 522 505 | Karen Wright | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003014927 | Royston Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 Royston Road | Glasgow | G21 2NF | 01415 521 045 | Donna Maria McFadden | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000394 | Roz's home from home childminding | Child Minding | 22-11-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000297 | Roshni Main | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332384 | Rubislaw Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 22-04-2015 | Rubislaw Park Road | Aberdeen | AB15 8DA | 01224 810 030 | Gayle Duthie | | SP2014012374 | Rubislaw Care LLP | Active | |||||
CS2009196606 | Ruchill Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 28-04-2009 | 61 Smeaton Street | Ruchill | Glasgow | G20 9JS | 01419 451 886 | Susan Jane Donaldson | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2012308062 | Rugrats Private Day Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 24-08-2012 | 50 Haddington Crescent | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD4 0NA | 01382 502 223 | Caitlyn Brown | | SP2012011824 | Rugrats Private Day Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015985 | Rum Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Rum Primary School | Isle Of Rum | PH43 4RR | 01687 462 034 | Andrew McCallum | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001545 | Rundell, Jayne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Jayne Rundell | | SP2003900300 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012311308 | Rural Rascals Out of School Care | Day care of children | 13-11-2012 | Dunecht Primary School | Dunecht | Westhill | AB32 7BA | 01330 860 243 | Danielle Moellendorf | | SP2012011928 | Rural Rascals | Active | ||||
CS2010273727 | Rushforth, Leanne | Childminding | 24-03-2011 | Stirling | Leanne Rushforth | | SP2010980133 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006131900 | Russell, Julie | Childminding | 07-11-2006 | Glasgow | Julie Russell | | SP2006960692 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007206 | Russell, Pauline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cupar | Pauline Russell | | SP2003904205 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014331993 | Ruth's Childminding | Childminding | 19-12-2014 | Montrose | Ruth Paterson | | SP2014986392 | Ruth Paterson | Active | ||||||||
CS2004073577 | Rutherglen Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-08-2004 | South Lanarkshire Council | 26 Main Street | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7EX | 03031 231 008 | Andrew Crookston | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004073574 | Rutherglen Care at Home Service | Housing support service | 27-08-2004 | Social Work Resources | Rutherglen/Cambuslang Local Office | Floor 2, Cambuslang Gate, 26 Main Street | Cambuslang | G72 7EX | 03031 231 008 | Andrew Crookston | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2017361020 | Rutherglen Care Home | 19-12-2017 | 10 Rodger Drive | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3QZ | 01416 478 899 | Ian Ballantyne | | SP2017013002 | Advinia Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004071231 | Rutherglen Community Carers | Support services - care at home | 02-12-2004 | 4 Wallace Street | Bankhead | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 2SA | 01416 132 003 | Michelle Woods | | SP2004005814 | Rutherglen Community Carers | Active | |||
CS2003000164 | Ruthrieston House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 199 Broomhill Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7LN | 01224 358 585 | Karren Cryle | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2024000145 | RVH Support Services Ltd | Support Service | 03-05-2024 | Clovenstone Croft | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0YS | 07455700907 | Rachel Van Huuksloot | | SP2023000446 | RVH Support Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000327 | Ryan Meadows Care Home | Care Home Service | 27-10-2022 | 149 Glasgow Road | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 4PA | 01355 279789 | Wendy Hamilton | | SP2008010039 | Keane Premier Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015338083 | Ryan, Colleen | Childminding | 13-11-2015 | Fort William | Colleen Ryan | | SP2015987023 | Colleen Ryan | Active | ||||||||
CS2018368679 | S & A Homes Housing Support Services | 21-03-2019 | The Office | Hampton Court | Agnew Crescent | Stranraer | DG9 7JY | 01776 700 377 | Colin Lawrie | | SP2018013163 | S & A Housing Support Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019374645 | S Herries Childcare | Child Minding | 02-08-2019 | Newton Stewart | Shona Herries | | SP2019990502 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015338694 | S.I.L.C. Support Service (Skye & Lochalsh) | Support services - care at home | 07-08-2015 | Flat 4 Oronsay Court | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9TL | 01478 611 895 | Bryan Powell | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2017356523 | S.I.L.C. Support Service (Skye & Lochalsh) | 18-01-2018 | Flat 4 Oronsay Court | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9TL | 01478 611 895 | Bryan Powell | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2017359081 | Sacha's Childminding Service | 27-11-2017 | Peterhead | Sacha Higgins | | SP2017989183 | Sacha Higgins | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016818 | Sacred Heart and Orbiston Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Liberty Road | Orbiston | Bellshill | ML4 2EU | 01698 274 903 | Karen Somerville | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016407 | Sacred Heart Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crockett Gardens | Penicuik | EH26 9BB | 01312 714 665 | Siobhra Cran | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015564 | Sacred Heart R C Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bowhouse Road | Grangemouth | FK3 0EU | 01324 508 730 | Laura Wilson | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2011288126 | Sacro - Moray Supported Accommodation Service | Housing support service | 11-05-2011 | Guildry House | Hall Place | Elgin | IV30 1JP | 01343 559 737 | Kathleen Donaldson | | SP2003002608 | Sacro | Active | ||||
CS2005087474 | Sacro National Intensive Support Package | Offender accommodation (with premises for service users) | 02-09-2005 | G10 | Fesival Business Centre | 150 Brand Street | Glasgow | G51 1DH | 0141 248 1763 | Sarah Newman | | SP2003002608 | Sacro | Active | |||
CS2010237222 | Sadler, Zoe | Childminding | 29-09-2010 | Ellon | Zoe Sadler | | SP2010976998 | Zoe Sadler | Active | ||||||||
CS2008178822 | Safe 'n' Sound Childminding Service | Childminding | 25-02-2009 | Falkirk | Nicola Gibson | | SP2008970320 | Nicola Gibson | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000251 | Safe at Home Care & Support Ltd | Support Service | 17-07-2024 | 9 Earls Court | Roseland Hall | Earlsgate Park | Grangemouth | FK3 8ZE | 07577705101 | Laura Gunn | | SP2023000510 | Safe at Home Care & Support Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013317079 | Safe Hands Childminding | Childminding | 11-09-2013 | Ayr | Carron Thorburn | | SP2013984855 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341676 | Safe Hands Childminding | Childminding | 21-03-2016 | Glasgow | Devlin Merchant | | SP2015987439 | Devlin Merchant | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000059 | Safe Hands Childminding Services | Child Minding | 19-02-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000350 | Yousra Ahmed | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000327 | Safe Hands Social Centre Ltd | Support Services - not care at home | 02-10-2023 | UNIT 2 | 35 Colquhoun Street | Stirling | FK7 7WU | 07707290962 | Lady Viscountess Sylvia Wisna-Collins | | SP2023000210 | Safe Hands Social Centre Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379896 | Safe Hands Support Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-11-2020 | Office 4 Imex Business Centre | Broadleys Business Park | Stirling | FK7 7WU | 07835 463 675 | Lady Viscountess Sylvia Wisna-Collins | | SP2020013517 | Safe Hands Support Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379966 | Safe Hands Support Scotland | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-11-2020 | Office 4 Imex Business Centre | Broadleys Business Park | Stirling | FK7 7WU | 07707290962 | Lady Viscountess Sylvia Wisna-Collins | | SP2020013517 | Safe Hands Support Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017356187 | Saheliya Play and Learn Centre | 16-10-2017 | St. Rollox House | 130 Springburn Road | Glasgow | G21 1YL | 01414659479 | Megan Woods | | SP2003002845 | Saheliya | Active | |||||
CS2024000258 | Saining Care Limited | Support Service | 23-07-2024 | 83 Princes Street | Edinburgh | EH2 2ER | 07367684311 | Kirsty Carbury | | SP2023000844 | Saining Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000447 | Saining Care Limited | Housing Support Service | 02-12-2024 | 83 Princes Street | Edinburgh | EH2 2ER | 07918986253 | Kirsty Carbury | | SP2023000844 | Saining Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010254300 | Saint Bartholomew's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 11-08-2010 | Saint Bartholomew Primary School | Deveron Street | Townhead | Coatbridge | ML5 2JB | 01236 794 820 | Deidre Bolland | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004084564 | Saint Paul's Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 14-10-2005 | Saint Paul's Primary School | Backmuir Road | Whitehill | Hamilton | ML3 0PX | 01698 284 777 | Carol McAuley | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008183609 | Salama, Wafaa | Childminding | 20-01-2009 | Edinburgh | Wafaa Salama | | SP2008971332 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003014660 | Salen Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Salen Primary School | Salen | Aros | Isle of Mull | PA72 6JG | 01680 300 348 | Mairi MacLean | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2015338074 | Saline Out of School Club | Day care of children | 14-08-2015 | Saline Primary School | Oakley Road | Saline | Dunfermline | KY12 9TG | 07540 742 731 | Julie Clarke | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003017107 | Saline Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Oakley Road | Saline | Dunfermline | KY12 9TG | 01383 602 430 | Alexis Perkins | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2019378038 | Saltgreens Care Home | Care Home Service | 20-12-2019 | Chapel Street | Eyemouth | TD14 5HF | 01890 751 440 | Donna Dodds | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016991 | Saltoun Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | East Saltoun | Pencaitland | Tranent | EH34 5DY | 01875 340 318 | Sheona Skinner | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2012311558 | Sam's Childminding Services | Childminding | 28-01-2013 | Aberdeen | Samantha Birnie | SP2012984047 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2016346920 | Sam's Childminding Services | 10-10-2016 | Helensburgh | Samara Marshall | | SP2016987984 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2012308451 | Samantha Jones Childminding | Childminding | 04-10-2012 | Perth | Samantha Jones | | SP2012983576 | Samantha Jones | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000088 | Samantha's Childminding Service | Childminding | 25-02-2025 | Turriff | | SP2024000436 | Samantha Gordon | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353716 | Samantha's House | Childminding | 11-04-2017 | Livingston | Samantha Ramsay | | SP2017988758 | Samantha Ramsay | Active | ||||||||
CS2004081888 | SAMH - Edinburgh Support Service | Housing support service | 23-11-2004 | 18/7 Baltic Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 7BP | 01315 537 782 | Wendy Kelly | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004081927 | SAMH - Falkirk Support Service and Stirling Outreach | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | North Lanarkshire Support Services | Airdrie Business Centre | Suite 10 | Airdrie | ML6 6GX | 01236439418 | Alison McClymont | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2004081925 | SAMH - Falkirk Support Service and Stirling Outreach | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | North Lanarkshire Support Services | Airdrie Business Centre | Suite 10 | Airdrie | ML6 6GX | 01324638525 | Alison McClymont | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2003011543 | SAMH - Mayfield | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 33 Glasgow Road | Denny | FK6 5DW | 01324 826 584 | Anne Marie McLean | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2004081944 | SAMH - Moray - Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | 35/37 North College Street | Elgin | IV30 1ET | 01343 542 781 | Tracy Grant | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2004081943 | SAMH - Moray - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | 35/37 North College Street | Elgin | IV30 1ET | 01343 542 781 | Tracy Grant | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2003011549 | SAMH - Whins Of Milton | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 159 Glasgow Road | Whins of Milton | Stirling | FK7 0LH | 01786 817 835 | Robert Graham Ferrie | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004081890 | SAMH Edinburgh Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-11-2004 | 18-7 Baltic Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 7BP | 07543302223 | Wendy Kelly | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2018369613 | SAMH North Lanarkshire Support Service | 06-12-2018 | Airdrie Business Centre | Suite 10 | 1 Chapel Lane | Airdrie | ML6 6GX | 01236 439 418 | Angela Connor | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2018369945 | SAMH North Lanarkshire Support Service | 06-12-2018 | Airdrie Business Centre | Suite 10 | 1 Chapel Lane | Airdrie | ML6 6GX | 01236 439 418 | Angela Connor | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2017355173 | SAMH WayForward Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-06-2017 | 1/2 | 11 Orkney Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 2BZ | 0141 445 2319 | Christina Archibald | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2017354468 | SAMH WayForward Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-06-2017 | 1/2 | 11 Orkney Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 2BZ | 0141 445 2319 | Susan Lang | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2024000444 | Sammi's Childminding Service | Childminding | 28-11-2024 | Stirling | | SP2024000479 | Samantha Hobkirk | Active | |||||||||
CS2008185722 | Samuels, Mary-Anne | Childminding | 17-09-2009 | Glasgow | Mary Anne Samuels | | SP2008971775 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014928 | Sandaig Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Usmore Place | Barlanark | Glasgow | G33 4TE | 01417 711 898 | Marie Ann McAllister | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016053 | Sanday Community School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sanday Community School | Sanday | Orkney | KW17 2AY | 01857 600 228 | Kirsten Muir | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014661 | Sandbank Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sandbank Primary School | Sandbank | High Road | Dunoon | PA23 8PW | 01369 706 350 | Norman MacDonald | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2008181367 | Sanderson's Wynd Primary School (Nursery Class and Wraparound) | Day care of children | 28-08-2008 | Sanderson's Wynd | Tranent | EH33 1DA | 01875 610 275 | Lynsey Blair | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015727 | Sandhaven School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | High Street | Sandhaven | Fraserburgh | AB43 7EQ | 01346 518 202 | Kim Purcell | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015540 | Sandhead Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sandhead Primary School | Sandhead | Stranraer | DG9 9JD | 01776 830 256 | Sharon Muir | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2014327244 | Sandi's Little Mon-stars | Childminding | 20-10-2014 | Carluke | Sandra Barr | | SP2014986031 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300877 | Sandra Isles Childminding Service | Childminding | 21-12-2011 | Falkirk | Sandra Isles | | SP2011982833 | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381041 | Sandra Kerr Childminding Service | Childminding | 17-11-2020 | Glasgow | Sandra Kerr | | SP2020991357 | Sandra Kerr | Active | ||||||||
CS2016344898 | Sandra Miller Childminding | 31-05-2016 | Irvine | Alexandria Miller | SP2016987769 | Alexandria Miller | Active | ||||||||||
CS2018364367 | Sandra's Childcare Service | 21-06-2018 | Inverness | Sandra Custerson | | SP2018989673 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003007333 | Sands, Gaynor | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Gaynor Sands | | SP2003904315 | Gaynor Sands | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016122 | Sandwick Junior High School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sandwick Junior High School | Sandwick | Shetland | ZE2 9HH | 01595 745 320 | Mairi Jamieson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2008176426 | Sandy Pryde Childminding Service | Childminding | 11-11-2008 | Livingston | Sandra Pryde | | SP2008969891 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014841 | Sandy Road Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 557 - 561 Dumbarton Road | Glasgow | G11 6HE | 01413 341 581 | Lynda Hartness | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014840 | Sandyford Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Patricks Primary School | 10 Perth Street | Glasgow | G3 8UQ | 01412 215 502 | Joanne Brown | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2010239077 | Sangster, Beverley | Childminding | 12-07-2010 | Aberdeen | Beverley Sangster | | SP2010977662 | Beverley Sangster | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003803 | Sangster, Gillian | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Gillian Sangster | | SP2003902038 | Gillian Sangster | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015541 | Sanquhar Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sanquhar Primary School | Lovedale | Sanquhar | DG4 6BD | 01659 502 75 | Ashley Daly | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2006129151 | Santana, Karen and Francisco | Childminding | 06-12-2006 | Dunoon | Karen Santana | | SP2006960258 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000243 | Saoghal Beag Sgoil Àraich Uibhist a' Tuath | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2022 | Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath | Bayhead | Isle of North Uist | HS6 5DX | 01870604883 | Alina MacAskill Simpson | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2012309751 | Sara's Childminding | Childminding | 01-08-2012 | Inverurie | Sara Campbell | | SP2012983764 | Sara Campbell | Active | ||||||||
CS2008192265 | Sarah Cook's Child Minding Service | Childminding | 03-09-2009 | Turriff | Sarah Cook | | SP2008972577 | Sarah Cook | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000297 | Sarah Crichton Childminding Services | Child Minding | 05-08-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2024000261 | Sarah Crichton | Active | |||||||||
CS2019376742 | Sarah Hall Childminding | Child Minding | 04-12-2019 | Dalkeith | Sarah Hall | | SP2019990737 | Sarah Hall | Active | ||||||||
CS2015340125 | Sarah Helen Fleming Childcare | Childminding | 01-12-2015 | Lochgelly | Sarah Helen Fleming | | SP2015987261 | Fleming, Sarah Helen Fleming, Sarah Helen | Active | ||||||||
CS2011297307 | Sarah Mair's Childcare | Childminding | 08-09-2011 | Glasgow | Sarah Mair | | SP2011982531 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315952 | Sarah Nixon Childminding Service | Childminding | 15-07-2013 | Perth | Sarah Nixon | | SP2013984680 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375579 | Sarah Stoddart Childminding | Child Minding | 10-07-2019 | Kirkcaldy | Sarah Stoddart | | SP2019990598 | Sarah Stoddart | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000043 | Sarah Wallace Childminding | Child Minding | 05-05-2021 | KIRKLISTON | | SP2021000024 | Sarah Wallace | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378532 | Sarah West Childminding | Child Minding | 26-03-2020 | Rothienorman | Sarah West | | SP2019991023 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335540 | Sarah's Childminding | Childminding | 12-06-2015 | Saltcoats | Sarah McGookin | | SP2015986719 | Sarah McGookin | Active | ||||||||
CS2012308311 | Sarah's Childminding | Childminding | 16-07-2012 | Langholm | Sarah Phillips | | SP2012983552 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000170 | Sarah's Childminding | Childminding | 25-05-2024 | Newport-on-Tay | | SP2024000096 | Sarah Schofield | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341492 | Sarah's Childminding Service | Childminding | 01-03-2016 | Westhill | Sarah Colville | | SP2015987402 | Sarah Colville | Active | ||||||||
CS2016350790 | Sarah's Childminding Service | 20-01-2017 | Alford | Sarah Rumbles | SP2016988466 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2018371054 | Sarah's Childminding Service | 28-02-2019 | Glasgow | Sarah Rice | | SP2018990238 | Sarah Rice | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348302 | Sarah's Childminding Services | Childminding | 16-11-2016 | Cumnock | Sarah Stobbs | | SP2016988168 | Sarah Stobbs | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2022000200 | Sarah's Childminding Services | Child Minding | 27-07-2022 | East Calder | SP2022000142 | Sarah McKeown | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015339022 | Sarah's Daycare | Childminding | 06-10-2015 | Dundee | Sarah Duthie | | SP2015987144 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378098 | Sarah's Sunflowers Childminding Service | Child Minding | 28-01-2020 | Kirkcaldy | Sarah Waters | | SP2019990961 | Sarah Waters | Active | ||||||||
CS2018369070 | Sarita's Childminding Services | 22-11-2018 | Edinburgh | Sarita Ghotikar | | SP2018990077 | Sarita Ghotikar | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015581 | Sauchie ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | By Holton Cottages | Sauchie | Alloa | FK10 3NQ | 01259 452 111 | Yvonne Lindsay | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004079137 | Sauchiehall Street Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 339 Sauchiehall Street | Glasgow | G2 3HW | 01413320245 | Sam Dolan | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004062368 | SAY Women Housing Support Unit | Housing support service | 06-10-2004 | 3rd Floor | 30 Bell Street | Glasgow | G1 1LG | 01415 525 803 | Pam Hunter | | SP2004006088 | Say Women | Active | ||||
CS2003017388 | Scalloway Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scalloway Primary School | New Road | Scalloway | Shetland | ZE1 0TN | 01595 743 777 | Morag Fox | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2003000280 | Scalloway Park Children's Home | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Scalloway Park | Fraserburgh | AB43 9FB | 01346 417437 | Nicola Buchan | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2012311140 | Scallywags Childminding Service | Childminding | 22-11-2012 | Coatbridge | Tracy Lyon | | SP2012983986 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006141199 | Scallywags Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 19-04-2007 | Taymouth Terrace | Carnoustie | DD7 7JW | 01241 856 777 | Gillian McFadyen | | SP2005944388 | Mitchell, Jacquie | Active | |||||
CS2015342097 | Scallywags Children's Nursery Loanhead | Day care of children | 06-05-2016 | 10 Academy Lane | Loanhead | EH20 9RP | 01314 402 004 | Nicola Gibb | | SP2015012604 | Scallywags Children's Nursery Loanhead Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010279713 | Scallywags Daycare | Day care of children | 04-05-2011 | St Peter In Chains RC Church | 1 South Crescent Road | Adrossan | KA22 8DU | 07584 316 951 | Lisa Kennedy | | SP2010011356 | Scallywags Daycare - Ardrossan | Active | ||||
CS2019378195 | Scallywags Nursery | Day Care of Children | 21-07-2020 | Nursery Building | Crossroads Primary | Dunnet | Thurso | KW14 8XP | 01847 851 629 | Lynne Swanson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2013315234 | Scamps Out of School Clubs Ltd | Day care of children | 18-06-2013 | Beechgrove Scout Hut | Oakhill Crescent Lane | Kings Gate | Aberdeen | AB15 5HY | 07792 768 202 | Ruth Gauld | | SP2013012015 | Scamps Out of School Clubs Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003014930 | Scaraway Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 41 Shapinsay Street | Glasgow | G22 7JW | 01417 721 604 | Gail Kelly | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2013315496 | Scarlett's Childminding | Childminding | 31-10-2013 | Motherwell | Scarlett-Nicole Campbell | | SP2013984588 | Scarlett-Nicole Campbell | Active | ||||||||
CS2007142237 | Schiavone, Linda | Childminding | 12-09-2007 | Cowdenbeath | Linda Schiavone | | SP2007963121 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000196 | Scholars Medicare Limited | Support Service | 13-06-2024 | 6/2 Crewe Road Gardens | Edinburgh | EH5 2NH | 0131 4672802 | Margreat Chiriseri | | SP2023000364 | Scholars Medicare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013322263 | School's Out - Mount Vernon | Day care of children | 31-03-2014 | Kenmuir Church Hall | 2405 London Road | Mount Vernon | Glasgow | G32 8XU | 01417 788 556 | Ann Tierney | | SP2013985519 | Ann Tierney | Active | |||
CS2014331383 | School's Out - St Anne's | Day care of children | 13-07-2015 | St. Annes Primary School | Park Drive | ERSKINE | PA8 7AE | 07876701467 | Scott Paterson | | SP2014012362 | School's Out Centres Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000046 | School's out Clovenfords | Day Care of Children | 28-02-2023 | Clovenfords Primary School | Clovenfords | Galashiels | TD1 3LQ | 07575857585 | Clare Swann | | SP2014012332 | Perceptive Action C.I.C. | Active | ||||
CS2024000091 | School's Out Club | Child Minding | 20-03-2024 | Tain | | SP2023001493 | Darren Nimmons | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000284 | School's Out Melrose | Day Care of Children | 01-08-2024 | 4 Huntly Avenue | Melrose Primary School Annexe | Melrose | TD6 9SD | 07575857585 | PAULINE DALTON | | SP2014012332 | Perceptive Action C.I.C. | Active | ||||
CS2014328238 | School's Out Peebles | Day care of children | 15-04-2015 | Peebles Community Centre | Walkershaugh | Peebles | EH45 8AU | 07575 857 585 | Clare Swann | | SP2014012332 | Perceptive Action C.I.C. | Active | ||||
CS2021000033 | School's Out Penicuik | Day Care of Children | 28-04-2021 | Penicuik North Kirk | 95 John Street | PENICUIK | EH26 8AG | ELAINE LIVINGSTONE | SP2014012332 | Perceptive Action C.I.C. | Active | ||||||
CS2003039584 | Schools Out in Troon | Day care of children | 20-01-2003 | Scout Hall | 30 St. Meddans Street | Troon | KA10 6JX | 07745 121 206 | Michelle Sutherland | | SP2004006909 | Schools Out in Troon | Active | ||||
CS2003003160 | Schools Out Oban | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Johns Cathedral Hall | George Street | Oban | PA34 5NY | 01631 570 355 | Gillian Farmer | | SP2003000657 | Schools Out Oban Committee | Active | ||||
CS2017357528 | Schools Out! Westhill | 25-08-2017 | Westhill Old School House | Westhill Road | Westhill | AB32 6FT | 07732 108 824 | Holly Porter | | SP2017012937 | Schools Out! Club (Westhill) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003003906 | Schools' Out! | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Netherlee Scout Hall | Ormonde Drive | Glasgow | G44 3RD | 07940417762 | Natalie Scanlan | | SP2003000797 | Schools' Out! | Active | ||||
CS2019373209 | Sciennes After School Care Scheme SCIO | Day Care of Children | 26-11-2019 | Sciennes Primary School | 10 Sciennes Road | Edinburgh | EH9 1LG | 01316 624 810 | Sonia Anderson | | SP2019013270 | Sciennes After School Care Scheme a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2004072127 | Sciensus Pharma Services Limited | Nurse agencies | 13-07-2006 | Unit k | Block 3 | Dundyvan Enterprise Park | Coatbridge | ML5 4AQ | 01236 433 039 | Ursula Corbett | | SP2004006616 | Sciensus Pharma Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2003003330 | Scobie, Christine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alloa | Christine Scobie | | SP2003901674 | Scobie Christine | Active | ||||||||
CS2003038929 | Scone Kids Club | Day care of children | 24-09-2003 | RDM Primary School | Spoutswell Road | Scone | Perth | PH2 6RS | 01738 459 698 | Marta Jastrzab | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2003002579 | Scoobys After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | GP Room and Gym Hall | Banff Primary School | Academy Drive | Banff | AB45 1BL | 07938 855 918 | Sarah Dakkak | | SP2003000453 | Banff Out of School Hours Services, an Association | Active | |||
CS2013318122 | Scoonie House | Care homes for older people | 30-08-2013 | Windygates Road | Leven | KY8 4DP | 01333 426 735 | Melanie MacDonald | | SP2013012090 | ARIA HEALTHCARE GROUP LTD | Active | |||||
CS2003017263 | Scoraig Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scoraig Primary School | Dundonnell | Garve | IV23 2RE | 01854 633 386 | Tavs Laurie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2015343413 | ScotForce Healthcare | 31-05-2016 | Inveralmond Business Centre | 6 Auld Bond Road | Perth | PH1 3FX | 01738 248 300 | David Henderson | | SP2015012634 | ScotForce Recruitment Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020378783 | Scotia Care | Support Service | 27-04-2020 | Springfield Medical Centre | 30 Ponderlaw Street | Arbroath | DD11 1ES | 01241 878 887 | Donna McFarlane | | SP2020013457 | Scotia Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020381302 | Scotia Homecare Solutions Limited | Support Service | 09-02-2021 | SCOTIA HOMECARE SOLUTIONS LIMITED | The E Centre | Cooperage Way | ALLOA | FK10 3LP | 01259272011 | Elizabeth McKenzie | | SP2020013589 | Scotia Homecare Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2011303130 | ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited | Housing support service | 17-02-2014 | Wright Business Centre | 1 Lonmay Road | Glasgow | G33 4EL | 0330 056 8877 | Ann Rushforth | | SP2011011689 | ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011303124 | ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited | Support services - care at home | 17-02-2014 | Wright Business Centre | 1 Lonmay Road | Glasgow | G33 4EL | 0330 056 8877 | Ann Rushforth | | SP2011011689 | ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011300901 | ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited | Nurse agencies | 05-03-2014 | Wright Business Centre | 1 Lonmay Road | Glasgow | G33 4EL | 03300568877 | Ann Rushforth | | SP2011011689 | ScotNursing & Medical Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019376865 | Scots Corner Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 31-01-2020 | Scots Corner Community Centre | Blackhall Terrace | Penicuik | EH26 0EW | 01312 714 740 | Stacey Burns-Clark | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014451 | Scotstown School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scotstown School | Scotstown Road | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8HH | 01224 703 331 | Kim Winchester | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003006806 | Scott, Linsay | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Linsay Scott | | SP2003904024 | Linsay Scott | Active | ||||||||
CS2008181031 | Scott, Mary | Childminding | 17-10-2008 | Wishaw | Mary Scott | | SP2008970778 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009230006 | Scott, Michelle | Childminding | 05-07-2010 | Campbeltown | Michelle Glen | | SP2009974756 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008254 | Scott, Michelle | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Michelle Scott | | SP2003907902 | Michelle Scott | Active | ||||||||
CS2004081907 | Scottish Adoption - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 31-12-2005 | 161 Constitution Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 7AD | 01315 535 060 | Sue Brunton | | SP2004007006 | Scottish Adoption | Active | ||||
CS2005086628 | Scottish Adoption - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 31-12-2005 | Scottish Adoption and Fostering | 111 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH14 1ED | 01315 535 060 | Sue Brunton | | SP2004007006 | Scottish Adoption | Active | ||||
CS2003011567 | Scottish Autism - Central Area Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Hilton House | Alloa Business Park | Whins Road | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01259 728 339 | Kirsty Jones | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2004073451 | Scottish Autism - Central Outreach Team | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-08-2004 | Central Scotland Area Services | Hilton House | Alloa Business Park, Whins Road | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01259 720 044 | Lesley Sands | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2004058226 | Scottish Autism - Central Outreach Team | Housing support service | 19-08-2004 | Central Scotland Area Services | Hilton House | Alloa Business Park, Whins Road | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01259 728 339 | Lesley Sands | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2003015114 | Scottish Autism - South West Area Services - Staikhill | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 8 Staikhill | Lanark | ML11 7PW | 01259 720 044 | Ailie Paton | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2004058239 | Scottish Autism - South West Scotland Services | Housing support service | 22-07-2004 | The Lodge House | New Ridgepark | Mousebank Road | Lanark | ML11 7RA | 08453 009 276 | Gillian Smith | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2015339267 | Scottish Autism - South West Scotland Services | Support services - care at home | 26-08-2015 | The Lodge House | New Ridgepark | Mousebank Road | Lanark | ML11 7RA | 08453 009 276 | Gillian Smith | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2004073445 | Scottish Autism - West of Scotland Outreach | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-07-2004 | Suite 3 Abercromby Business Centre | 279 Abercromby Street | Glasgow | G40 2DD | 08453 009 277 | Kara Morrison | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | ||||
CS2004058171 | Scottish Autism - West of Scotland Outreach | Housing support service | 22-07-2004 | 31 Ardencraig Place | Castlemilk | G45 9US | 0845 300 9277 | Kerry Ross | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2024000471 | Scottish Autism Central Fife Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 20-12-2024 | Scottish Autism | Pitreavie Drive | Pitreavie Business Park | Dunfermline | KY11 8US | 0845 300 9273 | Vanda Paton | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2024000472 | Scottish Autism Central Fife Support Service | Support Service | 20-12-2024 | Scottish Autism | Pitreavie Drive | Pitreavie Business Park | Dunfermline | KY11 8US | 0845 300 9273 | Vanda Paton | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2004073440 | Scottish Autism Lothian Outreach Team (care at home) | Support services - care at home | 29-07-2004 | Units 23 and 25 | Space | Harewood Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4NL | 08453 009 274 | John-Henry Bruce | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2012308579 | Scottish Autism Lothian Outreach Team (housing support) | Housing support service | 20-04-2012 | Units 23 & 25 | Space | Harewood Road | Edinburgh | EH16 4NL | 08453 009 274 | Claire MacDonald | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2017357047 | Scottish Autism Perth Housing Support & Outreach Service | 15-08-2017 | 45 North Lindsay Street | Enterprise House | Dundee | DD1 1PW | 01382 226 769 | Andrew Rafferty | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2017357366 | Scottish Autism Perth Outreach Service with Care at Home | 15-08-2017 | 45 North Lindsay Street | Enterprise House | Dundee | DD1 1PW | 01382 226 769 | Andrew Rafferty | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2017353473 | Scottish Autism Tayside Housing Support & Outreach Service | 15-08-2017 | Ground Floor | 45 North Lindsay Street | Dundee | DD1 1PW | 01382 226769 | Gillian Mitchell | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2008189149 | Scottish Autism Tayside Support Service | Support services - care at home | 21-11-2008 | Ground Floor | 45 North Lindsay Street | Dundee | DD1 1PW | 01382 226769 | Gillian Mitchell | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | ||||
CS2003011551 | Scottish Autism, Central Scotland Area Services - Supported Accommodation | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Hilton House | Alloa Business Park | Whins Road | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01259 728 341 | Declan Brandriff | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||
CS2004084006 | Scottish Borders Council - Homelessness Services | Housing support service | 01-09-2004 | Galashiels Area Office | Paton Street | Galashiels | TD1 3AS | 01896 661 385 | Kirsty White | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2004083741 | Scottish Borders Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 22-11-2005 | Family Placement Team | Integrated Children's Services | Scottish Borders Council, Paton Street | Galashiels | TD1 3AS | 01896 662 799 | Sharon Johnston | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||
CS2018368271 | Scottish Borders Council Continuing Care Service | 12-11-2018 | Council Offices | Paton Street | Galashiels | TD1 3AS | 01896 662 799 | Sharon Johnston | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2004083890 | Scottish Borders Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 22-11-2005 | Family Placement Team | Integrated Children's Services | Scottish Borders Council, Paton Street | Galashiels | TD1 3AS | 01896 662 799 | Sharon Johnston | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||
CS2007155863 | Scottish Nursing Guild | Nurse agencies | 02-07-2007 | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 0131 229 9988 | Mairi Carling | | SP2007009176 | Independant Clinical Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007155874 | Scottish Nursing Guild - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 02-07-2007 | 160 Dundee Street | Edinburgh | EH11 1DQ | 0131 229 9988 | Mairi Cameron Carling | | SP2007009176 | Independant Clinical Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013320732 | Scottish Veterans Residences - Bellrock | Housing support service | 08-09-2014 | 2 Bellrock Close | Glasgow | G33 3HU | 01417 662 580 | Kenneth Nisbet | | SP2004005816 | Scottish Veterans Residences | Active | |||||
CS2007162438 | Scottish Veterans Residences - Rosendael | Housing support service | 01-10-2008 | Rosendael | 3 Victoria Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1BE | 01382 477 078 | Graeme Watson | | SP2004005816 | Scottish Veterans Residences | Active | |||
CS2004059557 | Scottish Veterans Residences - Whitefoord House | Housing support service | 27-09-2004 | 53 Canongate | Edinburgh | EH8 8BS | 01315 566 827 | Kirsty Smeaton - Brown | | SP2004005816 | Scottish Veterans Residences | Active | |||||
CS2010278862 | Scoular, Sharon | Childminding | 16-06-2011 | Motherwell | Sharon Scoular | | SP2010980806 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358001 | Scourie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 11-08-2017 | Scourie Primary School | Scouriemore | Scourie | Lairg | IV27 4TG | 01971 502 282 | Aileen MacDonald | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2003002670 | Scout Hall Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scout Hut | Old Skene Road | Westhill | AB32 6RL | 01224 742 455 | Holly Boardman | | SP2003000531 | Scout Hall Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2019373618 | SCRT Paisley | 27-05-2019 | Unit 2012, Mile End Building | Abbeymill Business Centre | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418894666 | Stephanie Wright | | SP2018013043 | SCRT Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019373617 | SCRT Paisley | 27-05-2019 | Unit 2012 | Mile End Building | Abbeymill Business Centre | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418894666 | Stephanie Wright | | SP2018013043 | SCRT Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019373616 | SCRT Stirling | 22-05-2019 | Suite 2b Hillside House | Laurelhill Business Park | Stirling | FK7 9JQ | 01786 451 500 | Patrick Dolan | | SP2018013043 | SCRT Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019373615 | SCRT Stirling | 22-05-2019 | Suite 2B, Hillside House | Laurelhill Business Park | Polmaise Road | Stirling | FK7 9JQ | 01786 451 500 | Patrick Dolan | | SP2018013043 | SCRT Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004072575 | Scruffs Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-05-2005 | Castle Douglas | Michelle Tranmore | | SP2004005211 | Michelle Tranmore | Active | ||||||||
CS2009234649 | Scruffs Registered Childcare | Day care of children | 30-07-2010 | 2 station yard | Castle douglas | Oakwell.industrial estaye | DG7 1LA | 01556 502 205 | Michelle Tranmore | | SP2010011119 | Scruffs Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017356710 | SE Home Care Service Cluster 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | South East Locality Office | 40 Captains Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 01315 296 744 | Pauline Wilson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2017356652 | SE Home Care Service Cluster 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | South East Locality Office | 40 Captains Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 0131 529 5028 | Pauline Wilson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000249 | Seabank House | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 57 Dee Street | Aberdeen | AB11 6EE | 01224 592 800 | Eddie McKenzie | | SP2003000020 | Seabank House Committee | Active | |||||
CS2003016018 | Seafield Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Deanshaugh Terrace | Bishopmill | Elgin | IV30 4ES | 01343 551 914 | Rachel Main | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016146 | Seafield Primary School Nursery (Bathgate) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cousland Terrace | Seafield | Bathgate | EH47 7BL | 01506 652916 | Lynne Egan | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2012307253 | Seaforth House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Main Street | Golspie | KW10 6RH | 01408 633 730 | Catherine Mitchell | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012307254 | Seaforth House (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Main Street | Golspie | KW10 6RH | 01408 633 730 | Catherine Mitchell | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003010541 | Seaforth House Ltd (Care Home) | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Seaforth House | Urray | Maryburgh | Dingwall | IV7 8ED | 01349 866 147 | Susan Davison | | SP2003002406 | Seaforth House Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003012099 | Seahorse Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Edinburgh Road | Cockenzie | Prestonpans | EH32 0JA | 01875 819 997 | Suzanne Mitchell | | SP2003003012 | Fiona Schulte & Margaret Johnston | Active | ||||
CS2016352925 | Seamab | 08-01-2018 | Lendrick Muir | Rumbling Bridge | Kinross | KY13 0QA | 01577 842 224 | Robbie Henderson | | SP2003002135 | Seamab | Active | |||||
CS2023000161 | Seamab Threemiletown | Care Home Service | 05-06-2023 | Threemiletown Farmhouse | Linlithgow | EH49 6NF | 01577 840307 | Lynette Connelly | | SP2003002135 | Seamab | Active | |||||
CS2017356930 | Search Medical Health and Social Care | 20-11-2017 | Search Consultancy Ltd | 5/1 Atrium Court | 50 Waterloo Street | GLASGOW | G2 6HQ | 01412 727 782 | NICHOLA DOCHERTY | | SP2010010808 | Search Consultancy Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004056386 | SeAscape | Housing support service | 23-09-2004 | South Ayrshire Escape from Homelessness Ltd | Unit 1A, Mosshill Industrial Estate | Ayr | KA6 6BE | 01292 285 424 | Donna Noy | | SP2005007564 | South Ayrshire Escape from Homelessness Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003009282 | Seashells Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Community Centre | Albert Road | Eyemouth | TD14 5DE | 01890 752 082 | Elizabeth Allan | | SP2003002000 | Seashells Day Care Nursery Committee | Active | ||||
CS2017360594 | Seasoned Hands Care | 14-06-2018 | 78 WALTER SCOTT AVENUE | EDINBURGH | EDINBURGH | EH16 5RL | 01316 777 411 | Osariemen Osaretin Ehis | | SP2016012686 | Graceguard Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000362 | Seaton Grove | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Seaton Road | Arbroath | DD11 5DT | 01241 464 660 | Sharon Obrzud | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014452 | Seaton School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Seaton Primary School | Seaton Place East | Seaton | Aberdeen | AB24 1XE | 01224 277 920 | Leanne Duncan | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003010929 | Seaview | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 29 Bingham Avenue | EDINBURGH | EH15 3HZ | 01316 697 490 | Karen Japp | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2007142989 | Seaview House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | Broadhaven Road | Wick | KW1 4RF | 01955 605 005 | Gayle Magennis | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016866 | Seaview Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Victoria Street | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4HL | 01382 768 124 | Clare Angus | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2007159136 | Second Chance Project | Support services - not care at home | 28-03-2008 | Carlton Building | 3rd Floor | 63 Carlton Place | Glasgow | G5 9TW | 01413 367 272 | William Purcell | | SP2007009252 | Second Chance Project Scotland | Active | |||
CS2013318304 | Second Home Childminding | Childminding | 04-10-2013 | Saltcoats | Ashleigh Gray | | SP2013985027 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2006132413 | Seery, Marie Louise | Childminding | 12-09-2006 | Coatbridge | Marie Louise Seery | | SP2005951347 | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000101 | Selah Home care | Housing Support Service | 03-03-2025 | 11 Telford Grove | Edinburgh | EH4 2UL | 07876034569 | Helen Omotowa | | SP2024000783 | Selah Business Venture Limited | Active | |||||
CS2025000102 | Selah Home Care | Support Service | 03-03-2025 | 11 Telford Grove | Edinburgh | EH4 2UL | 07876034569 | Helen Omotowa | | SP2024000783 | Selah Business Venture Limited | Active | |||||
CS2023000355 | Selkirk OOSC | Day Care of Children | 26-10-2023 | Knowepark School | Curror Street | Selkirk | TD7 4HF | 07976866074 | Darryl Wilson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2005106202 | Semple, Allison | Childminding | 19-01-2006 | Glasgow | Allison Semple | | SP2005951488 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309550 | Senga's Little Stars | Childminding | 13-11-2012 | Kirkcaldy | Senga Barrie | | SP2012983742 | Senga Barrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377709 | Senior Carers Ltd | Nurse Agency | 19-05-2020 | Unit 2 | 122 Giles Street | Edinburgh | EH6 6BZ | 01313 704 704 | Donoven Matambo | | SP2019013351 | Senior Carers Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2005101796 | Sense Scotland Dundee Respite | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 26-01-2006 | 5 Fleuchar Street | Dundee | DD2 2LQ | 01382 642 082 | Lynette Keith | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2013316026 | Sense Scotland Highland and Lochaber Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-09-2013 | An Drochaid | Claggan Road | Fort William | PH33 6PH | 01397 705 921 | Fiona Johnston | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2013315347 | Sense Scotland Highland and Lochaber Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 13-09-2013 | An Drochaid | Claggan Road | Fort William | PH33 6PH | 01397 705 921 | Fiona Johnston | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004077393 | Sense Scotland Supported Living Glasgow 1 & Surrounding Area | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-12-2004 | 43 Middlesex Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 01418 833 275 | Susan Farquhar | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004061986 | Sense Scotland Supported Living Glasgow 1 & Surrounding Area | Housing support service | 16-12-2004 | 43 Middlesex Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 01418 833 275 | Susan Farquhar | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2017354591 | Sense Scotland Supported Living Lanarkshire 2 & surrounding area | 29-08-2017 | Touchbase Lanarkshire | 4 Leys Park | Burnbank | Hamilton | ML3 9EQ | 01698 422 280 | Dawn Dickson | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2017354593 | Sense Scotland Supported Living Lanarkshire 2 & surrounding area | 29-08-2017 | Touchbase Lanarkshire | 4 Leys Park | Burnbank | Hamilton | ML3 9EQ | 01698 422 280 | Dawn Dickson | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2022000013 | Sense Scotland Supported Living West Dunbartonshire and Surrounding Areas | Support Service | 17-01-2022 | Unit 7-8 | Erskine House | 1 North Avenue, Clydebank Business Park | Clydebank | G81 2DR | 0141 941 1041 | Shirley McGill | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2022000012 | Sense Scotland Supported Living West Dunbartonshire and Surrounding Areas | Housing Support Service | 17-01-2022 | Unit 7-8 | Erskine House | 1 North Avenue, Clydebank Business Park | Clydebank | G81 2DR | 0141 941 1041 | Shirley McGill | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004061996 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Aberdeenshire & Surrounding Area | Housing support service | 07-09-2004 | Sense Scotland | Ellon Business Centre | Broomiesburn Road | Ellon | AB41 9RD | 01358 268 993 | Wendy Moyr | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004077397 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Aberdeenshire & Surrounding Area | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | Sense Scotland | Ellon Business Centre | Broomiesburn Road | Ellon | AB41 9RD | 01358 268 993 | Rebekha Gray | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2016347985 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Ayrshire & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | TouchBase Ayrshire | 41 Princes Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8DE | 01294 605 617 | Sarah Julyan | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2016347984 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Ayrshire & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | TouchBase Ayrshire | 41 Princes Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8DE | 01294 605 617 | Sarah Julyan | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2016348011 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Dundee 1 & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | Sangobeg | 4 Francis Street | Dundee | DD3 8HH | 01382 645 047 | Linda Hynd | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2016348012 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Dundee 1 & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | Sangobeg | 4 Francis Street | Dundee | DD3 8HH | 01382 645 047 | Linda Hynd | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004077391 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Dundee 2 & Surrounding Areas | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 15-12-2004 | Sangobeg House | 4 Francis Street | Dundee | DD3 8HH | 01382 455 340 | Nicola Murdoch | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004061990 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Dundee 2 & Surrounding Areas | Housing support service | 15-12-2004 | Sangobeg House | 4 Francis Street | Dundee | DD3 8HH | 01382 455 340 | Nicola Murdoch | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2016348005 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Dundee 3 & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | Sangobeg | 4 Francis Street | Dundee | DD3 8HH | 01382 206 124 | Frank O'Donnell | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2016348001 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Dundee 3 & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | Sangobeg | 4 Francis Street | Dundee | DD3 8HH | 01382883520 | Kirsty Reekie | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004077395 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Fife & Surrounding Areas | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-12-2004 | Office 7 | Castleblair Business Centre | Fullerton Road, Queensway Industrial Estate | Glenrothes | KY7 5QR | 01592 752 005 | Birrell Pitcaithly l | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004061991 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Fife & Surrounding Areas | Housing support service | 16-12-2004 | Touchbase Fife | Wilson Avenue | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5EF | 01592 752 005 | David Thomson | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2016347993 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Glasgow 2 & Surrounding Area | 19-10-2016 | TouchBase | 43 Middlesex Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 01414 332 916 | Morag Maclean | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2016347991 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Glasgow 2 & Surrounding Area | 19-10-2016 | TouchBase | 43 Middlesex Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 01414 332 916 | Morag Maclean | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004061989 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Lanarkshire West Lothian and Surrounding Areas | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | Fountain Business Centre | Office 54 | Ellis Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3AA | 01236 424 014 | Elizabeth Mallon | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004077398 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Lanarkshire West Lothian and Surrounding Areas | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | Fountain Business Centre | Office 54 | Ellis Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3AA | 01236 424 014 | Elizabeth Mallon | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2016348056 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Perth & Kinross & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | Unit 1 | Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450 495 | Rachel Fleming | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2016348058 | Sense Scotland Supported Living: Perth & Kinross & Surrounding Area | 24-10-2016 | Unit 1 | Algo Business Centre | Glenearn Road | Perth | PH2 0NJ | 01738 450 495 | Fiona McDonald | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003010847 | Senwick House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Borgue | Kirkcudbright | DG6 4TP | 01557 870 236 | Tanya Austin-Baird | | SP2003002545 | Geraldine Austin | Active | |||||
CS2023000184 | Seona Scott Childminding | Child Minding | 15-06-2023 | Beauly | | SP2023000117 | Seona Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005654 | Seton House Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 3 Seton Terrace | Dennistoun | Glasgow | G31 2HU | 01415 501 587 | Stacey Peart | | SP2003001173 | Ms Christina Ritchie | Active | ||||
CS2009229359 | Seudan Beaga Limited | Day care of children | 02-10-2009 | 23 Garry Street | Cathcart | Glasgow | G44 4AZ | 01416 333 403 | Christine Deeb | | SP2009010460 | Seudan Beaga Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003005350 | Sewell, Christine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Christine Sewell | CHRISTINESEWELL28@HOTMAIL.COM | SP2003903154 | Christine Sewell | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001953 | Seymour, Sally | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Banchory | Sally Seymour | | SP2003900575 | Sally Seymour | Active | ||||||||
CS2011280740 | Sgoil Araich an Iochdair | Day care of children | 31-01-2011 | Iochdair School | Bualadubh | Isle of South Uist | HS8 5RQ | 01870 604 894 | Joan MacDonald | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2007143004 | Sgoil Araich an Oib | Day care of children | 27-03-2007 | Leverhulme Memorial School | Leverburgh | Isle of Harris | HS5 3TT | 01859 502 980 | Donna MacLean | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2006124480 | Sgoil Araich an Rubha | Day care of children | 22-08-2006 | Sgoil an Rubha | Bayble | Point | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0EX | 01851 870 641 | Nadine Murray | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2012306628 | Sgoil Araich an Tairbeart | Day care of children | 20-08-2012 | Sir Edward Scott School | West Tarbert | Isle of Harris | HS3 3BG | 01859 502 900 | Andrew Murray | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2008182518 | Sgoil Araich an Taobh Siar | Day care of children | 25-08-2008 | Sgoil an Taobh Siar | Barvas | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0QN | 01851 701 602 | Alison Macleod | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2008184824 | Sgoil Araich Bhaile a Mhanaich | Day care of children | 21-10-2008 | Sgoil Bhaile a Mhanaich | Balivanich | Isle of Benbecula | HS7 5LS | 01870 604 886 | Chrissie Ford | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2011303368 | Sgoil Araich Bhreascleit | Day care of children | 28-11-2011 | Breasclete Community Centre | Breasclete | Isle of Lewis | HS2 9EF | 01851 621 745 | Seonaid Gunn | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2009231670 | Sgoil Araich Dhalabroig | Day care of children | 05-10-2009 | Sgoil Dhalabroig | Daliburgh | Isle of South Uist | HS8 5SS | 01870 604 889 | Sarah Jane MacSween | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2003013559 | Sgoil Araich Ghaidhlig Loch Abar | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bun-Sgoil Ghaidhlig Loch Abar | Ardgour Road | Caol | Fort William | PH33 7JE | 01397 709 720 | Marissa Melville | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2011303370 | Sgoil Araich Lacasdail | Day care of children | 06-12-2011 | Laxdale Primary School | Newmarket | Stornoway | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0DY | 01851 702 171 | Gillian MacAulay | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2011299638 | Sgoil Araich Lionail | Day care of children | 25-10-2011 | Lionel School | Ness | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0XB | 01851 810 208 | Morag Maclean | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2007164002 | Sgoil Araich Loch a Tuath | Day care of children | 19-11-2007 | Sgoil a Bhac | Back | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0LB | 01851 820 230 | Kirsteen Maclean | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2005113754 | Sgoil Araich nan Loch | Day care of children | 10-01-2006 | Sgoil nan Loch | Leurbost | Lochs | Isle of Lewis | HS2 9PE | 01851 705 187 | Bethany Clement | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2011303369 | Sgoil Araich Shiaboist | Day care of children | 28-11-2011 | Sgoil Shiaboist | Shawbost | Isle of Lewis | HS2 9BD | 01851 710 212 | Shona Gunn | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2005113838 | Sgoil Araich Thunga | Day care of children | 10-01-2006 | Tong | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0HJ | 01851 822 873 | Carol Ann Maclean | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2009236748 | Sgoil Araich Uig | Day care of children | 19-01-2010 | Uig School | Timsgarry | Uig | Isle of Lewis | HS2 9HX | 01851 822 872 | Ann Marie Beaton | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2022000046 | Sgoil-araich Ghlinn Urchadain/ Glenurquhart Primary Gaelic Nursery | Day Care of Children | 17-02-2022 | St. Drostans | Drumnadrochit | Inverness | IV63 6UT | 01456450458 | Kerrie Laird | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000120 | Sgoil-Ã raich Inbhir Pheofharain | Day Care of Children | 12-04-2024 | Day Care of Children Service (Gaelic Medium) | Tulloch Street | Dingwall | IV15 9QN | 01349886602 | Sara MacAskill | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015810 | Sgoil-araich na Coille Nuaidh | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | William McIlvanney Campus | Sutherland Drive | Kilmarnock | KA3 7DF | 01563 558 505 | Lynsey Abercrombie | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003046874 | Sgoil-araich Taobh na Pairce | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | 139B Bonnington Road | Edinburgh | EH6 5NG | 01315 535 856 | Laura Stewart | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000065 | SGR Childminding Service | Child Minding | 13-03-2023 | Moodiesburn | SP2023000050 | Stacey Griffin-Ross | Active | ||||||||||
CS2016347259 | Shaena Gudmundsson Childminding | Childminding | 28-09-2016 | Kinross | Shaena Gudmundsson | | SP2016988024 | Shaena Gudmundsson | Active | ||||||||
CS2016349275 | Shakti Children's Service | 01-03-2017 | Norton Park | 57 Albion Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5QY | 01314 752 399 | Girjamba Polubothu | | SP2004006510 | Shakti Women's Aid | Active | |||||
CS2004068972 | Shakti Women's Aid - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 09-08-2004 | Edinburgh | Girjamba Polubothu | | SP2004006510 | Shakti Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325153 | Shalom Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 27-10-2014 | 163 Main Street | Dreghorn | Irvine | KA11 4AF | 01294 214 623 | Kym Jones | | SP2014012286 | Z A Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011301119 | Shand, Gillian Helen | Childminding | 07-12-2011 | Glenrothes | Gillian Helen Shand | | SP2011982867 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003037892 | Shand, Nicola | Childminding | 14-11-2003 | Ellon | Nicola Shand | | SP2004936961 | Nicola Shand | Active | ||||||||
CS2006131615 | Shanks, Susan | Childminding | 19-02-2007 | Livingston | Susan Shanks | | SP2006960632 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018364179 | Shannon Morgan's Childminding | 01-05-2018 | CUMNOCK | Shannon Morgan | | SP2018989663 | Shannon McDonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356620 | Shannon Wood's Childminding | 19-09-2017 | Newton Stewart | Shannon Wood | | SP2017989062 | shannon Taylor | Active | |||||||||
CS2014331756 | Shannon's Child Minding | Childminding | 11-02-2015 | Cowdenbeath | Shannon Adsley | | SP2014986368 | Shannon Adsley | Active | ||||||||
CS2017360449 | Shannon's Childminding | 04-01-2018 | Inverurie | Shannon Dewars | | SP2017989377 | Shannon Dewars | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006754 | Shannon, Margaret Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Margaret Ann Shannon | | SP2003903986 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005292 | Shapcott, Ishbel | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alloa | Ishbel Shapcott | | SP2003903096 | Ishbel Shapcott | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000079 | Shaping Futures Childminding | Childminding | 20-02-2025 | Greenock | | SP2024000797 | Emma McDiarmid | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016056 | Shapinsay Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Shapinsay Primary School | Balfour | Orkney | KW17 2DY | 01856 711 218 | Emma Clements | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003053748 | Share Scotland - Edinburgh | Housing support service | 06-07-2004 | 14b Niddrie Farm Grove | Edinburgh | EH16 4DX | 0131 661 7983 | Kenneth Stein | | SP2003002639 | Share Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003053750 | Share Scotland - Edinburgh - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-07-2004 | Castlebrae Business Centre | Unit 32 | Peffer Place | Edinburgh | EH16 4BB | 01316 619 435 | Kenneth Stein | | SP2003002639 | Share Scotland | Active | |||
CS2003053749 | Share Scotland - Glasgow | Housing support service | 06-07-2004 | 6b Moorpark Court | 33 Dava Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 2JA | 01414 458 992 | Sarah McGhee | | SP2003002639 | Share Scotland | Active | |||
CS2003053756 | Share Scotland - Glasgow | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-07-2004 | 6b Moorpark Court | 33 Dava Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 2JA | 01414 458 992 | Sarah McGhee | | SP2003002639 | Share Scotland | Active | |||
CS2007143007 | Shared Lives | Adult placement services | 30-01-2008 | 22 Dalrymple Street | Stranraer | DG9 7ER | 01776 707 212 | Sharon Douglas | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007155094 | Shared Lives & Short Breaks Service | Adult placement services | 15-01-2008 | Landek House | Suite 4 East Wing | 44-46 Bank Street | Irvine | KA12 0LP | 01294 311 723 | Marissa Speed | marissa.speed@cornerstone.orguk | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2007149597 | Shared Lives (Midlothian) | Adult placement services | 14-12-2007 | Fairfield House | 8 Lothian Road | Dalkeith | EH22 3AA | 01312 703 706 | Gary Copland | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2006140153 | Shared Lives East Lothian | Adult placement services | 15-02-2008 | Adult Community Resources | Randall House, Macmerry Business Park | Macmerry | Tranent | EH33 1RW | 01620 827 827 | Colin Jeffrey | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2006139459 | Shared Lives Fife | Adult placement services | 01-04-2006 | Social Work Office | 4th Floor | Rothesay House, Rothesay Place | Glenrothes | KY7 5PQ | 08451 555 555 | Fiona Ross | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2010271882 | Shared Lives Moray | Adult placement services | 18-01-2011 | Moray Council HQ Annexe | 2-10 High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BY | 01343 563 450 | Diane McLeary | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2007149265 | Sharkey, Elaine | Childminding | 10-09-2008 | Lanark | Elaine Sharkey | | SP2007964868 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000204 | Sharlene Kinghorn | Childminding | 18-06-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000031 | Sharlene Kinghorn | Active | |||||||||
CS2014326605 | Sharon Carpenter Childminder | Childminding | 02-10-2014 | Crieff | Sharon Carpenter | | SP2014985992 | Sharon Carpenter | Active | ||||||||
CS2019373107 | Sharon McLauchlan Childminding | 15-05-2019 | Bathgate | Sharon McLauchlan | | SP2019990376 | Sharon McLauchlan | Active | |||||||||
CS2014324830 | Sharon Oswald Out of School Care | Childminding | 02-10-2014 | Glasgow | Sharon Oswald | | SP2014985794 | Sharon Oswald | Active | ||||||||
CS2013314938 | Sharon's Childminding | Childminding | 19-04-2013 | Dundee | Sharon McCourt | | SP2013984478 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000070 | Sharon's Tiny Tots Childminding | Child Minding | 14-03-2023 | Johnstone | | SP2023000052 | Sharon Wallace | Active | |||||||||
CS2010271941 | Sharp, Karen | Childminding | 28-03-2011 | Thurso | Karen Sharp | | SP2010979584 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004068801 | Sharp, Lynsey | Childminding | 15-11-2004 | Glasgow | Lynsey Sharp | | SP2004930167 | Lynsey Sharp | Active | ||||||||
CS2006139027 | Sharp, Simone | Childminding | 03-04-2007 | Kilmarnock | Simone Sharp | | SP2006962318 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014325447 | Sharron's Childminding | Childminding | 26-06-2014 | Dunfermline | Sharron McAllister | | SP2014985865 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014333440 | Shaw Community Living - Edinburgh | Housing support service | 02-12-2014 | Shaw Healthcare Office | 320 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7PR | 01316 647 719 | Faye Mentiplay | | SP2011011681 | Shaw Community Living (DCA) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016352072 | Shaw Community Living - Edinburgh | 02-05-2017 | Shaw Healthcare Office | 320 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7PR | 01316 647 719 | Faye Mentiplay | | SP2011011681 | Shaw Community Living (DCA) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016220 | Shaw Mhor | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Early Years Centre | 61 Nether Auldhouse Road | Glasgow | G43 2XG | 01416 370 314 | Marion Mackenzie | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2005095498 | Shaw, Emma | Childminding | 01-09-2005 | Inverness | Emma Shaw | | SP2005946777 | Emma Shaw | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380458 | Shaw, Tracey | Child Minding | 21-12-2020 | Annan | Tracey Shaw | | SP2020991291 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001301 | Shawburn | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 18 Monkton Road | Prestwick | KA9 1AR | 01292 678 486 | Lynda Murphy | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | |||||
CS2003015410 | Shawhead Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Berwick Place | Shawhead | Coatbridge | ML5 4NQ | 01236 632 076 | Clare Hay | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379265 | Shawhead Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | Shawhead Primary School | 30 Neidpath Avenue | Shawhead | Coatbridge | ML5 4NG | 01236 794 838 | Jennifer Rhodes | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003006208 | Shawlands OS Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Shawlands Primary School | 1284 Pollokshaws Road | Shawlands | Glasgow | G41 3QP | 01416 322 444 | Karen Stanway | | SP2003001387 | Shawlands OS Care Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2003006058 | Shearer, Doreen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Doreen Shearer | | SP2003903566 | Doreen Shearer | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004133 | Shearer, Helen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Gourock | Helen Shearer | | SP2003902279 | Helen Shearer | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004357 | Shearer, Lynn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Beith | Lynn Shearer | | SP2003902441 | Lynn Shearer | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325777 | Sheena Dunbar Childminding Service | Childminding | 19-02-2015 | Glasgow | Sheena Dunbar | | SP2014985915 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011297290 | Sheephouse Nursery | Day care of children | 14-02-2012 | 2-6 Sheephousehill | Fauldhouse | EH47 9DY | 01501 770 235 | Angela Savage | | SP2011011602 | Sheephouse Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020380636 | Shele's Kiddie Krew | Childminding | 26-10-2020 | Bo'ness | Michele Sheppard | | SP2020991317 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000461 | Shellach View | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Lower Soroba Road | Oban | PA34 4SB | 01631 563 806 | Fiona Lowrey | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000365 | Shelley Coleman Childminder | Child Minding | 20-12-2021 | Saltcoats | SP2021000233 | Shelley Coleman | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015340109 | Shelley Tait - Childminder | Childminding | 21-09-2015 | Edinburgh | Shelley Tait | SP2015987255 | Shelley Tait | Active | |||||||||
CS2005113600 | Sheltered Housing - Clydesdale | Housing support service | 27-01-2006 | South Lanarkshire Council | Housing and Technical Resources | Lanark Housing Office, South Vennel | Lanark | ML11 7JT | 01555 673 535 | Pamela McKay | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004066424 | Sheltered Housing - East Kilbride | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | South Lanarkshire Council | Housing and Technical Resources | East Kilbride Housing Office, Council Offices, Civic Centre, Andrew Street | East Kilbride | G74 1AB | 07551835975 | Susan McColl | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2005113629 | Sheltered Housing - Hamilton/Larkhall/Blantyre | Housing support service | 08-02-2006 | Hamilton Housing Office | Brandon Gate | 1 Leechlee Road | Hamilton | ML3 0XB | 01698 452 726 | Mandy Robertson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004077253 | Sheltered Housing - Orkney | Housing support service | 03-12-2004 | Council Offices | School Place | Kirkwall | KW15 1NY | 01856 873 535 | Frances Troup | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2005113586 | Sheltered Housing - Rutherglen/Cambuslang | Housing support service | 27-01-2006 | Cambuslang Gate | 2nd Floor, 27 Main Street | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7EX | 01415 842 849 | Sharon Kaczan | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004073502 | Sheltered Housing Service, Elgin | Housing support service | 06-08-2004 | 12-14 Greyfriars Street | Elgin | IV30 1LF | 03001 234 566 | Brian Fraser | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2005086948 | Sheltered Housing Services | Housing support service | 22-02-2005 | Jubilee Grove | Glenrothes | KY6 1HW | 07985761113 | Christine Westwater | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2018365232 | Sheltered Housing Support Service | 26-09-2018 | Peffermill Industrial Estate | 42 King's Haugh | Edinburgh | EH16 5UY | 01315 296 847 | Nicky Scally | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2009232347 | Sheltered Housing Warden Service | Housing support service | 13-01-2010 | East Renfrewshire Council, Housing Service | 211 Main Street | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1SY | 01415 778 362 | Christopher Taylor | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001398 | Sheriff Park Service | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 9 Sheriff Park Avenue | Mount Pleasant | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 2QH | 01415 798 042 | Sheridan Sandilands | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2003003947 | Sherman, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Linda Sherman | | SP2003902141 | Linda Sherman | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007260 | Sherriff, Carolyn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Newport-on-Tay | Carolyn Sherriff | | SP2003904250 | Carolyn Sherriff | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000176 | Sherry Babies Childminding | Childminding | 30-05-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000108 | Emma Sherry | Active | |||||||||
CS2004059644 | Shetland Care Attendant Scheme | Support services - care at home | 03-06-2005 | Market House, | 14 Market Street | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0JP | 01595 743 932 | Karen Fraser | | SP2005007524 | Shetland Care Attendant Scheme | Active | |||
CS2004083758 | Shetland Islands Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 19-12-2005 | Children's Services | Hayfield House | Hayfield Lane | Lerwick | ZE1 0QD | 01595 744 400 | Elaine Guest | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2004083756 | Shetland Islands Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 19-12-2005 | Children's Services | Hayfield House | Hayfield Lane, Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0QD | 01595 744 000 | Elaine Guest | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2022000359 | Shetland Shared Lives operated by Shetland Community Connections | Adult placement services | 30-11-2022 | Market House | 14 Market Street | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0JP | 07585152408 | Jane Haswell | | SP2022000241 | Shetland Community Connections SCIO | Active | |||
CS2016347076 | Shetland Women's Aid | 31-03-2017 | Lerwick | Laura Stronach | | SP2016012714 | Shetland Women's Aid, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||||||
CS2004079121 | Shettleston Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 829 Shettleston Road | Glasgow | G32 7NR | 01417 641 943 | Levis Omelasz | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015542 | Sheuchan Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sheuchan Primary School | Leswalt High Road | Stranraer | DG9 0AL | 01776 706 977 | Claire Douglas | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017264 | Shieldaig Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Shieldaig Primary School | Shieldaig | STRATHCARRON | IV54 8XN | 01520 755 269 | Thomas O'Halloran | thomas.o' | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015568 | Shieldhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Shieldhill | Falkirk | FK1 2HA | 01324 508 540 | Belinda Tomasik | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003019680 | Shiell, Wendy | Childminding | 15-07-2003 | Selkirk | Wendy Shiell | | SP2004926643 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009216504 | Shiels, Laura | Childminding | 29-01-2010 | Prestonpans | Laura Shiels | | SP2009974010 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014327636 | Shirley's Little Angels | Childminding | 16-09-2014 | Anstruther | Shirley Nuttall | | SP2014986050 | Shirley Nuttall | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016041 | Shiskine Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Shiskine Primary School | Shiskine | Isle of Arran | KA27 8EP | 01770 860 207 | Allison Conner | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379168 | Shona Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 04-09-2020 | Shona Care Ltd | Suite 9 | Westbourne business Centre, Kelburn Street, Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1LR | 07724 309 452 | Valenta Tavengwa | | SP2020013481 | SHONA CARE LTD | Active | |||
CS2020381249 | Shona Sinclair Childminding | Childminding | 12-11-2020 | Kinross | Shona Sinclair | | SP2020991379 | Shona Sinclair | Active | ||||||||
CS2016348235 | Shona Wilson Childminding | Childminding | 04-08-2016 | Largs | Shona Wilson | | SP2016988160 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375911 | Shonagh Pringle Childminding Services | Child Minding | 21-10-2019 | Isle of Arran | Shonagh Pringle | | SP2019990631 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2018363836 | Shonila's Childminding Services | 05-09-2018 | LIVINGSTON | Shonila Sarwar | | SP2016988666 | Shonila Sarwar | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341063 | Shooting Stars Childminding | Childminding | 16-11-2015 | Cumbernauld | Sandra Arbuckle | | SP2015987354 | Sandra Arbuckle | Active | ||||||||
CS2009234964 | Shore, Jane | Childminding | 19-07-2010 | Glasgow | Jane Shore | | SP2009976375 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009602 | Short Breaks for Children | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 15 Burgh Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0LA | 01595745245 | Kelly Tait | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016760 | Short Breaks for Children (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2003 | 15 Burgh Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0LA | 01595745245 | Kelly Tait | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2004060192 | Short Breaks, 32/34 Pickaquoy Loan | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | St. Colm's Complex | Pickaquoy Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1RP | 01856 871 431 | Inga Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2017360281 | Short Term Assessment and Reablement Team | 01-11-2017 | Community Resources | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Sandwick Road, Stornoway | Isle of Lewis | HS1 2BW | 01851 822 711 | Elaine McFarlane | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2018370161 | Short Term Assessment and Reablement Team (START) | 26-02-2019 | Room 105 | The Moray Council | Council Office, High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BX | 01343 563 300 | Joan Hall | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2018368190 | Short Term Assessment and Review Team (START) | 21-02-2019 | Town House | 2 Wemyssfield | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1XW | 03451 555 555 | Rosemary Grubb | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014092 | Shortlees Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 08-07-2002 | Blacksyke Avenue | Shortlees | Kilmarnock | KA1 4SR | 01563 533 678 | Gwendolyn Connelly | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004066822 | Shortroods O.S.C | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mossvale Primary School | Gockston Road | PAISLEY | PA3 2QB | Caroline Young | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015399 | Shotts Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Shottskirk Road | Shotts | ML7 4ER | 01501 826 713 | Isabel Mackay | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015455 | Sighthill Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-10-2002 | 12 Calder Gardens | Edinburgh | EH11 4JD | 01314 422 018 | Melissa O'Neill but know as McClean | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014932 | Sighthill Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 Fountainwell Gardens | Glasgow | G21 1AB | 01415 570 903 | Fiona Crawley | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015869 | Sighthill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Calder Park | Edinburgh | EH11 4NF | 01314 532 464 | Clare Langley | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2005101174 | Sikeside & Carnbroe Out of School Club | Day care of children | 18-08-2005 | 1 Paddock Street | Riverbank Community Hub | Coatbridge | ML5 4PG | 07835064593 | Karen Cullen | | SP2005007450 | Cardowan and Stepps Out of School Club | Active | ||||
CS2021000197 | Silver Birch Outdoor Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-08-2021 | Silver Birch Outdoor Nursery | George Street | Hunters Quay | DUNOON | PA23 8JU | 01369 708926 | Julie McPhee | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2013318490 | Silverburn Care Home | Care homes for older people | 14-02-2014 | 3 Netherplace Road | Glasgow | G53 5AG | 01418 823 323 | jennifer kimmins | | SP2013012095 | Silverburn Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014877 | Silverdale Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 41 Williamson Street | Glasgow | G31 4LA | 01415 501 964 | Margaret Anne MacKinnon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2010273726 | Sim, Amanda | Childminding | 05-12-2011 | Grantown-on-Spey | Amanda Sim | SP2010980132 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017361094 | Sim, Samantha | 01-02-2018 | Elgin | Samantha Sim | | SP2017989436 | Samantha Sim | Active | |||||||||
CS2004083556 | Sime, Laura | Childminding | 03-07-2006 | Falkirk | Laura Sime | LAURA@PROCOMM.ORG.UK | SP2004941638 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000253 | Simeon Care for the Elderly Limited | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Simeon House | Cairnlee Road | Bieldside | Aberdeen | AB15 9BN | 01224 862 415 | christopher hatton | | SP2003000022 | Simeon Care For The Elderly Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003011424 | Simms, Theresa & Nigel | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Theresa Simms | | SP2003905722 | Simms, Theresa & Nigel Simms, Theresa & Nigel | Active | ||||||||
CS2017354669 | Simone's Childminding | Childminding | 05-05-2017 | Edinburgh | Simone Brown | SP2017988859 | Simone Brown | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320803 | Simons, Paula | Childminding | 11-12-2013 | Irvine | Paula Simons | | SP2013985348 | Paula Simons | Active | ||||||||
CS2010271594 | Simply Play @ East Calder | Day care of children | 26-01-2011 | 133 Main Street | East Calder | Livingston | EH53 0JA | 01506 880 473 | shirley Thomson | | SP2010010947 | Simply Play | Active | ||||
CS2010271587 | Simply Play @ Murieston | Day care of children | 15-02-2011 | Murieston Village Hall | Murieston West Road | Murieston | Livingston | EH54 9AS | 01506 856 444 | Margaret Green | margaret@simply | SP2010010947 | Simply Play | Active | |||
CS2013318464 | Simply Play @ Wester Inch | Day care of children | 16-12-2013 | Simpson Primary School, Community Wing | Leyland Road | Wester Inch | Bathgate | EH48 2SG | 07713 488 039 | Suzanne Murray | | SP2010010947 | Simply Play | Active | |||
CS2003013753 | Simpson Playhouse | Day care of children | 18-09-2002 | 18 Cameron Street | Stonehaven | AB39 2HS | 01569 766 655 | Joanne Lee | | SP2003000399 | Simpson's Playhouse | Active | |||||
CS2007155334 | Simpson Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 15-08-2007 | Simpson Primary School | Leyland Road | Wester Inch Village | Bathgate | EH48 2SG | 01506 656 371 | Andrew Brown | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2011301053 | Simpson, Laura | Childminding | 31-07-2012 | Forfar | Laura Simpson | | SP2011982859 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003053231 | Simpson, Philomena | Childminding | 16-08-2004 | Airdrie | Philomena Simpson | | SP2004938552 | Philomena Simpson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002938 | Simpson, Sandra | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Forfar | Sandra Simpson | SP2003901384 | Sandra Simpson | Active | |||||||||
CS2006116995 | Sims, Elizabeth | Childminding | 17-01-2007 | Broxburn | Elizabeth Sims | | SP2006957547 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003044380 | Sinclair Integrated Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 11-08-2003 | Coathill Hospital Site | Hospital Street | Coatbridge | ML5 4DN | 01236 707 155 | Maria Pickering | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008175050 | Sinclair Nursery | Day care of children | 29-08-2008 | 6 Sinclair Drive | Battlefield | Glasgow | G42 9QE | 01416 361 212 | Victoria McPhail | | SP2008009750 | Sinclair Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015337849 | Sinclair, Davina | Childminding | 10-09-2015 | Glasgow | Davina Sinclair | SP2015986986 | Davina Sinclair | Active | |||||||||
CS2006118113 | Sinclair, Dawn | Childminding | 05-09-2006 | MONTROSE | Dawn Sinclair | DAWNSINCLAIR18@YAHOO.CO.UK | SP2006958670 | dawn sinclair | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015206 | Sinclairtown Out of School Club | Day care of children | 15-04-2002 | Sinclairtown Primary School | Roomlin Gardens | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3BJ | 07515 189 479 | Emma Rowe | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2012307444 | Singh, Laura | Childminding | 11-05-2012 | Linlithgow | Laura Singh | | SP2012983394 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000143 | Sir Alexander Fleming Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 23-05-2023 | 16 Woodstock Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 2BX | 01563 529549 | Maureen Millar | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2012308689 | Sir James McKay House | Care homes for older people | 30-11-2012 | 18 Ravelston Park | Edinburgh | EH4 3DX | 01313 152 841 | Gillian Isabel Hunter | | SP2012011848 | Scottish Masonic Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003034669 | Sir John Mann Integrated Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 4 Farmgate Square | Bellshill | ML4 2AE | 01698 403 640 | Wilma McCann | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004080457 | Sitters | Childcare agencies | 19-05-2005 | 288 House | 1 Aston Way | Poole | BH12 4FE | 01202 711 432 | Steven Foot | | SP2003003857 | 288 Group Ltd T/A Sitters | Active | ||||
CS2003020144 | Sives, Jane | Childminding | 06-08-2003 | Leven | Jane Sives | | SP2003910594 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000330 | SJ Childminding | Childminding | 28-10-2022 | Aberlour | | SP2022000220 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003016126 | Skeld Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Skeld Primary School | Skeld | Shetland | ZE2 9NL | 01595 807 480 | Stephen Renwick | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003017310 | Skelmorlie Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Innes Park Road | Skelmorlie | PA17 5BA | 01475 520 997 | Lynne Cathcart | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014349 | Skelton, Katrina | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Hawick | Katrina Skelton | | SP2003908817 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013749 | Skene Square OOSC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Skene Square Primary School | 61 Skene Square | Aberdeen | AB25 2UN | 07525854587 | Scott Ryan | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003014453 | Skene Square Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 61 Skene Square | Aberdeen | AB25 2UN | 01224 630 493 | Vivienne Innes | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003007355 | Skene, Amanda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Amanda Skene | | SP2003904337 | Amanda Skene | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016116 | Skerries School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Skerries School | Out Skerries | Shetland | ZE2 9AR | 01595 744 093 | Samantha Flaws | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2005086503 | Skilling, Kelly | Childminding | 19-04-2005 | Maybole | Kelly Skilling | | SP2005943443 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003045594 | Skinner, Ann | Childminding | 22-09-2003 | Penicuik | Ann Skinner | | SP2004937459 | Ann Skinner | Active | ||||||||
CS2008169179 | Skinnergate Resettlement Unit | Housing support service | 19-03-2008 | Skinnergate House | 16 Skinnergate | Perth | PH1 5JH | 01738 624 360 | Laura-Jane Thomson | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | ||||
CS2003013971 | Skool Is Out @ Barclay Viewforth | Day care of children | 31-10-2002 | 1 Wrights Houses | Edinburgh | EH10 4HR | 01316 597 771 | Morna Longmuir | | SP2003003248 | Skool Is Out Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018366282 | Skool Is Out @ Bruntsfield Centre | 19-12-2018 | Bruntsfield Centre | 70 Leamington Terrace | Edinburgh | EH10 4JU | 01316 597 771 | Gary Coleman | | SP2003003248 | Skool Is Out Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019373807 | Skoolz Out Child Care Ltd | Day Care of Children | 15-10-2019 | 12 Nithsdale Crescent | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4DG | 07855 089 294 | Teresa Mcinally | | SP2019013285 | Skoolz Out Child Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000361 | Skoolz Out Hillington | Day care of children | 01-12-2022 | Hillington Primary School | 227 Hartlaw Crescent | Glasgow | G52 2JL | 07456919643 | SUZANNE MCCAFFREY | | SP2021000127 | Skoolz Out Mosspark Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000215 | Skoolz Out Mosspark Ltd | Day Care of Children | 24-08-2021 | Mosspark Primary School | 20 Mosspark Square | Glasgow | G52 1LZ | 07462203033 | Christine Gray | | SP2021000127 | Skoolz Out Mosspark Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000067 | Skoolz Out Penilee | Day Care of Children | 22-02-2024 | St. Georges Primary School | 101 Muirdykes Road | Glasgow | G52 2QJ | 07456919643 | Isobel Crossan | | SP2021000127 | Skoolz Out Mosspark Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004084906 | Skye Respite Service | Care homes for children and young people | 01-12-2005 | The Elgin Residence | Dunvegan Road | Portree | IV51 9EE | 01478 612 320 | Rachel Beaton | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015577 | Slamannan Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bank Street | Slamannan | Falkirk | FK1 3EZ | 01324 851 239 | Lorna Hart | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2011303868 | Slater, Susan | Childminding | 07-03-2012 | BURNTISLAND | Susan Slater | | SP2011983043 | Susan Slater | Active | ||||||||
CS2017360278 | Sleepy Heads Childminding | 04-01-2018 | Innerleithen | Keri O'Neill | | SP2017989366 | Keri O'Neill | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002100 | Slessor, Jane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Fraserburgh | Jane Slessor | | SP2003900722 | Jane Slessor | Active | ||||||||
CS2010237821 | Sloan, Laura | Childminding | 14-04-2010 | Kilmarnock | Laura Sloan | | SP2010977220 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310417 | Small Feet | Childminding | 24-05-2013 | Dundee | Anna Maria Goszczynska | SMALLFEETCHILDMINDER@GMAIL.COM | SP2012983870 | Anna Maria Goszczynska trading as Small Feet Anna Maria Goszczynska trading as Small Feet | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014664 | Small Isles Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Small Isles Primary School | Craighouse | Isle of Jura | PA60 7XG | 01496 820 244 | Andrew Welch | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2008168113 | Small, Claire | Childminding | 09-07-2008 | Saltcoats | Claire Small | | SP2008968043 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005098725 | Small, Clare | Childminding | 05-10-2005 | Edinburgh | Clare Small | | SP2005007504 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007149402 | Small, Hayley | Childminding | 18-12-2007 | Edinburgh | Hayley Small | | SP2007964886 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005093427 | Small, Susan | Childminding | 12-12-2005 | Stonehaven | Susan Small | | SP2004938253 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003043419 | Smallworld Children's Nursery and Daycare | Day care of children | 13-04-2004 | 15 Bank Street | Brechin | DD9 6AU | 01356 623 362 | Alana Johnstone | | SP2004935764 | Aden Projects Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009232250 | Smallworld Out of School Care Club | Day care of children | 05-01-2010 | 15 Bank Street | Brechin | DD9 6AU | 01356 623362 | Alana Johnstone | | SP2004935764 | Aden Projects Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016345753 | Smart Cookies After School Club Broughton | Day care of children | 11-10-2016 | Broughton St. Mary's Parish Church | 12 Bellevue Crescent | Edinburgh | EH3 6NE | 01314 764 735 | Marina Titorenko | | SP2015012531 | Smart Cookies Kids Activity Clubs Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013320616 | Smart Cookies Nursery | Day care of children | 08-10-2013 | Back Wynd | Falkland | Fife | KY15 7BX | 01337 857 766 | Irene Tudor | | SP2013012165 | Smart Cookies Childcare, Irene Tudor and Ross Tudor a partnership | Active | ||||
CS2015337601 | Smart Kids | Childminding | 14-10-2015 | Kirkcaldy | Jane Smart | | SP2015986956 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358840 | Smart Kids Academy | 31-10-2017 | Glasgow | Audrey Timoney | | SP2017012957 | Audrey Timoney & Martin Timoney a partnership t/a Audrey Timoney & Martin Timoney a partnership t/a | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000275 | Smart Kids Out of School Care Ltd | Day Care of Children | 30-07-2024 | Plains & St. David's Primary School | 1 Annieshill View | Plains | Airdrie | ML6 7NY | 01236632142 | Anna McDonald | | SP2023000643 | Smart Kids Out of School Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2016350526 | Smart, Angela | Childminding | 03-11-2016 | Aberdeen | Angela Smart | | SP2016988419 | Angela Smart | Active | ||||||||
CS2009229899 | Smart, Margaret | Childminding | 25-06-2010 | Montrose | Margaret Smart | | SP2003901386 | Margaret Smart | Active | ||||||||
CS2005090445 | Smiddybrae House | Care homes for older people | 04-11-2005 | Vetquoy Road | Dounby | Orkney | KW17 2HH | 01856 771 100 | Kirstie Moar | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011838 | Smilechildcare - Pre-School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 17 Calder Grove | Edinburgh | EH11 4LZ | 01314 767 800 | Donna Rodger | | SP2003002814 | Smilechildcare | Active | |||||
CS2010280009 | Smilechildcare Out of Schools Service | Day care of children | 12-08-2011 | Edinburgh | Gillian Carson | | SP2003002814 | Smilechildcare | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007250 | Smiles, Debbie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cupar | Debbie Smiles | STEVE.SMILES@BTINTERNET.COM | SP2003904240 | Debbie Smiles | Active | ||||||||
CS2006136702 | Smiley Faces | Childminding | 26-11-2007 | Glasgow | Jane Horne | | SP2006961779 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000398 | Smiley Stars Nursery - Crosshill | Day care of children | 22-12-2022 | 148 Albert Road | Glasgow | G42 8UF | 01414234723 | Nicole Moran | | SP2022000263 | Crosshill Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2010249059 | Smiley Stars Nursery - Ibrox | Day care of children | 06-08-2010 | 38 Ibrox Terrace | Ibrox | Glasgow | G51 2TB | 0141 427 0122 | Carrie Mann | | SP2010010892 | Nerlana Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018363139 | Smiley Stars Nursery - Mansewood | Day care of children | 01-06-2018 | 15 Hillside Road | Manswood | Glasgow | G43 1DB | 0141 649 6335 | Lindsay Nolan | | SP2010010892 | Nerlana Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016348634 | Smiley Stars Nursery - Pollokshaws | Day care of children | 29-09-2016 | 15 Bengal Street | Glasgow | G43 1NL | 01416 360 000 | Emma Lowe | | SP2016012754 | Marfern Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003049034 | Smillie, Fiona | Childminding | 16-12-2003 | Dunfermline | Fiona Smillie | | SP2004936059 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004457 | Smith, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Wishaw | Ann Smith | | SP2003902508 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003004652 | Smith, Catherine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Catherine Smith | | SP2003902630 | Catherine Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2015334962 | Smith, Deborah | Childminding | 04-06-2015 | Glasgow | Deborah Smith | | SP2015986660 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009229267 | Smith, Elaine | Childminding | 07-09-2009 | North Berwick | Elaine Smith | | SP2009974557 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008169115 | Smith, Emma | Childminding | 18-06-2008 | Dundee | Emma Smith | | SP2008968347 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003569 | Smith, Fiona | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Fiona Smith | | SP2003901858 | Fiona Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2008170948 | Smith, Fiona | Childminding | 13-10-2008 | Falkirk | Fiona Smith | | SP2008968931 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009549 | Smith, Hazel | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Shetland | Hazel Smith | | SP2003905114 | Hazel Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005352 | Smith, Helen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunblane | Helen Smith | SP2003903156 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2006139549 | Smith, Helen | Childminding | 12-02-2007 | Johnstone | Helen Smith | | SP2006962436 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004059946 | Smith, Jacqueline | Childminding | 19-07-2004 | Peterculter | Jacqueline Smith | | SP2004916463 | Jacqueline Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2011281408 | Smith, Kym | Childminding | 19-07-2011 | Lanark | Kym Smith | | SP2011981624 | Kym Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2004075243 | Smith, Laura | Childminding | 19-08-2005 | Fortrose | Laura Smith | | SP2004933389 | Laura Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2012309435 | Smith, Lesley | Childminding | 11-09-2012 | Stirling | Lesley Smith | | SP2012983722 | Lesley Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004107 | Smith, Lesley Jane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Port Glasgow | Jane Smith | | SP2003902258 | Lesley Jane Smith Lesley Jane Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007525 | Smith, Maureen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkcaldy | Maureen Smith | | SP2003904484 | Maureen Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007292 | Smith, Michelle | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Michelle Smith | | SP2003904280 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011299333 | Smith, Natalie | Childminding | 23-02-2012 | Glasgow | Natalie Smith | | SP2011982696 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003038619 | Smith, Nichola | Childminding | 24-09-2003 | Falkirk | Nichola Smith | | SP2004937077 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006122748 | Smith, Sharon | Childminding | 27-11-2006 | Saltcoats | Sharon Smith | SP2006959499 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003014040 | Smith, Shona | Childminding | 06-02-2003 | Falkirk | Shona Smith | | SP2003908292 | Shona McGill | Active | ||||||||
CS2017362285 | Smith, Shona | 26-02-2018 | Aberdeen | Shona Smith | | SP2017989527 | Shona Smith | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002104 | Smith, Wilma | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Banff | Wilma Smith | | SP2003900726 | Wilma Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2003017266 | Smithton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Smithton Primary School | Smithton | Inverness | IV2 7PD | 01463 791 606 | Steven MacIver | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2018366660 | Smurfs | 26-09-2018 | Kirkcaldy | Aleksandra Janda | | SP2018989880 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017361349 | Snails and Tales | 20-03-2018 | Johnstone | Morag Jackson | | SP2017989456 | Morag Jackson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006717 | Snap | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blacklaw Primary School | Glen Arroch | St Leonards | East Kilbride | G74 2BP | 01355 236 317 | Sheila Halford | | SP2003001528 | Special Needs Adventure Playground (SNAP) | Active | |||
CS2018367282 | SNAP Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 04-03-2019 | Drummond School | Drummond Road | Inverness | IV2 4NZ | 01463 233 006 | Jennifer Campbell | | SP2003001864 | SNAP Special Needs Action Project | Active | ||||
CS2004079105 | Sneddon, Linda | Childminding | 31-01-2005 | Motherwell | Linda Sneddon | | SP2004935188 | Linda Sneddon | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004841 | Snodgrass, Barbara | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Johnstone | Barbara Snodgrass | | SP2003902768 | Barbara Snodgrass | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004694 | Snowdrop Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Snowdrop Nursery | Pentland Road | Chryston | Glasgow | G69 9DL | 01417 799 605 | Ailsa Zoe McClenaghan | | SP2003000987 | Frances Fagan | Active | |||
CS2017358806 | Snowdrops Childminding | 13-09-2017 | Perth | Hazel Clark | | SP2017989249 | Hazel Clark | Active | |||||||||
CS2018366285 | Social Bite Village | 13-06-2018 | West Shore Road | Granton | Edinburgh | EH5 1QD | 01316000084 | Andy Murdoch | | SP2017012893 | Cyrenians a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2010273044 | Social Care Alba Ltd | Housing support service | 13-04-2011 | 26 George Square | Edinburgh | EH8 9LD | 0131 285 1606 | Stephen Wilson | | SP2010011170 | Social Care Alba Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2010273045 | Social Care Alba Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-04-2011 | 26 George Square | Edinburgh | EH8 9LD | 08450 945 279 | Stephen Wilson | | SP2010011170 | Social Care Alba Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014324599 | SocialBall Kids | Day care of children | 02-02-2015 | Hermitage Park School | Hermitage Park | Edinburgh | EH6 8HD | 01315 640 264 | Katherine Stone | | SP2014012269 | Social Ball Kids Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003009722 | Solas Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Taigh Shìphoirt | Sinclair Avenue | Stornoway | HS1 2AP | 01851 702123 | Catriona MacRitchie | | SP2003002734 | Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia | Active | ||||
CS2013319109 | Solovska Service | Childminding | 28-01-2014 | Edinburgh | Iryna Solovska | | SP2013985148 | Iryna Solovska | Active | ||||||||
CS2003005837 | Somerset Nursery - Clairmont | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 4a Clairmont Gardens | Glasgow | G3 7LW | 01413 530 001 | Natalie Wilson | | SP2003001248 | Somerset Nursery Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003034629 | Somerset Nursery - Fitzroy | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 Fitzroy Place | Glasgow | G3 7RH | 01412 043 399 | Siobhan Lynch | | SP2003001248 | Somerset Nursery Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004079115 | Somerset Place | Housing support service | 17-09-2004 | 2 Somerset Place | Charing Cross | Glasgow | G3 7JT | 01413 312 630 | Stephen Dennison | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004079565 | Sonia Moyles | Childminding | 01-06-2005 | Dunfermline | Sonia Moyles | | SP2004939468 | Sonia Moyles | Active | ||||||||
CS2018366695 | Sonia's Mile-End Childminding Services | 22-08-2018 | Aberdeen | Sonia Woodward-Nutt | | SP2018989886 | Sonia Woodward-Nutt | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000371 | Sonya's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 24-09-2024 | Ayr | | SP2023000691 | Sonya Hunter | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000267 | Sophie Costello Childminding | Child Minding | 29-07-2024 | Dunfermline | | SP2024000282 | Sophie Costello | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000404 | Sophie Scott | Child Minding | 30-11-2023 | Aberdeen | | SP2023000337 | Sophie Scott | Active | |||||||||
CS2018369687 | Soroba House | 28-11-2018 | Soroba House | Main Street | Blairingone | Dollar | FK14 7NU | 01412 127 585 | Nicola Simpson | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003003138 | Soroba Young Family Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8a Scalpay Terrace | Soroba | Oban | PA34 4YH | 01631 565 263 | Claire Maitland | | SP2003000652 | Soroba Young Family Group Committee | Active | ||||
CS2018370854 | SOS Medical | 24-01-2019 | SOS Medical | Milton House | 240a Broadway | Bexleyheath | DA6 8AS | 03333 399 390 | Ankit Goyal | | SP2018013215 | SOS Medical Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003054387 | Sound Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sound Primary School | Upper Sound | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0LY | 01595 744 982 | Jennifer Williamson | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2004068454 | Source Housing Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 03-09-2004 | Unit 4 | Rankin Gait Shopping Centre | Carluke | ML8 4AT | 01555 777 222 | Joanne Binnie | | SP2004005810 | Lanarkshire Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2004068451 | Source Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 03-09-2004 | LAMH | 17-19 Cadzow Street | Hamilton | ML3 6EE | 01698709260 | Joanne Binnie | | SP2004005810 | Lanarkshire Association For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2003012854 | Soutar, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Livingston | Karen Soutar | | SP2003906573 | Soutar, Mrs Karen Soutar, Mrs Karen | Active | ||||||||
CS2004059670 | South Ayrshire Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 16-12-2004 | 2a Westwood Avenue | AYR | KA8 0QR | 01292 612 047 | Shona McTaggart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2006133677 | South Ayrshire Care at Home | Housing support service | 28-08-2006 | CAH Office Overmills | 2a Westwood Ave, Ayr | AYR | KA8 0QR | 01292 612 047 | Shona McTaggart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004082964 | South Ayrshire Council Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 21-07-2005 | Whitletts Area Centre | 181 Whitletts Road | Ayr | KA8 0JQ | 01292 267 675 | Elaine Mullin | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004082967 | South Ayrshire Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 21-07-2005 | Whitletts Area Centre | 181 Whitletts Road | Ayr | KA8 0JQ | 01292 267 675 | Ashley Judge | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000224 | South Ayrshire Integrated Reablement Service | Support services - care at home | 26-08-2021 | 10 Wellington Sq | Ayr | KA7 1EN | 01292 294314 | Hazel Kelly | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004065985 | South Ayrshire Sessional Childcare Service | Day care of children | 09-07-2004 | South Ayrshire Council | County Buildings | Wellington Square | Ayr | KA7 1DR | 01292 612 029 | Jackie Stewart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004059675 | South Ayrshire Sheltered Housing Wardens | Housing support service | 21-01-2005 | Riverside House | 21 River Terrace | Ayr | KA8 0AU | 01292 613 087 | Joanne Baxter | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008177955 | South Ayrshire Women's Aid | Housing support service | 19-11-2009 | Ayr | Shirley Middleditch | SP2004006770 | South Ayrshire Women's Aid an incorporated association | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001139 | South Beach House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 7 South Crescent Road | Ardrossan | KA22 8DU | 01294 468 234 | Tracey MacIntosh | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003000869 | South Carntyne Project | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 351 - 359 Inverleith Street | Carntyne | Glasgow | G32 6EG | 01417 780 898 | Fiona Semple | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | ||||
CS2003000291 | South Day Services | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Forest View Centre | Woodview Place | STONEHAVEN | AB39 2TD | 01467 538 187 | David Cameron | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069224 | South East Home Care Service Southern | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | South East Locality Office | 40 Captain's Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 01315 295 151 | Brian Motion | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069223 | South East Home Care Service Southern | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | South East Locality Office | 40 Captain's Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 01315 295 151 | Brian Motion | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2009231045 | South East Hub Services | Housing support service | 02-10-2009 | South East Locality | South Neighbourhood Office | 40 Captains Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 01314 695 128 | Lisa Forbes | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2006114792 | South East Hub Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 21-08-2006 | South East Locality | South Neighbourhood Office | 40 Captains Road | Edinburgh | EH17 8QF | 01312 002 000 | Lisa Forbes | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2004076521 | South Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Hub | Housing support service | 17-09-2004 | 63 Carlton Place | Gorbals | Glasgow | G5 9TW | 01414 235 872 | Shiona Garment | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2007142954 | South Grange Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-01-2007 | South Grange | Grange Road | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4HT | 01382 535 111 | Catherine Lappin | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004085569 | South Lanarkshire Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 31-10-2005 | Family Connections | 1st Floor, Civic Centre | Andrew Street, East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1AB | 01355 806 969 | Amy McKellar | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004085566 | South Lanarkshire Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 31-10-2005 | Social Work Resources | 1st Floor, Civic Centre | Andrew Street, East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1AB | 01355 806 969 | Amy McKellar | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004066411 | South Lanarkshire Council Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | South Lanarkshire Council | Council Headquarters | Almada Street | HAMILTON | ML3 0AA | 07384536008 | Lorna Mair | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003017673 | South Lanarkshire Lifestyles - Fairhill | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 62 - 88 Neilsland Road | Fairhill | Hamilton | ML3 8HJ | 01698 456 350 | Catherine Pearse | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001368 | South Lanarkshire Lifestyles - Stonehouse | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 2 Udstonmill Road | Stonehouse | Larkhall | ML9 3JL | 01698 794 386 | Catherine Pearse | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001366 | South Lanarkshire Lifestyles East Kilbride | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 1 Liddell Grove | Murray | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9AD | 01355 237 951 | Linda McCallion | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001367 | South Lanarkshire Lifestyles Eastfield | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Glenside Drive | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3LW | 01416429550 | Eileen Smyth | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003041861 | South Lanarkshire Short Break Service | Short breaks and respite services | 10-07-2003 | 117 Auchinraith Road | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0XX | 01698 714 930 | Samantha Taylor | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003001315 | South Lodge | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 29 Racecourse Road | Ayr | KA7 2TF | 01292 268 289 | Isobel Penman | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2021000117 | South Lodge | Care Home Service | 24-06-2021 | South Lodge | Walkerton Drive | Leslie | Glenrothes | KY6 3BT | 07747785266 | Andrew Finlay | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003017267 | South Lodge Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | South Lodge Primary School | Castle Road | Invergordon | IV18 0LW | 01349 852 521 | David Hayes-MacLeod | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015332 | South Park Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Netherton Road | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9DU | 01355 224 748 | Kirsty McNeil | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015947 | South Parks Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 63 Napier Road | Glenrothes | KY6 1DS | 01592 583 456 | Natalie Falconer | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2004076276 | South Peak | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 08-10-2004 | Guithas Cottage | Glen Croe | Arrochar | Alexandria | G83 7AS | 07748 408 673 | Fiona Paterson | | SP2006008221 | South Peak | Active | |||
CS2004069903 | South West Home Care Service Canal | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | Westerhailes Healthy Living Centre | 30 Harvesters Way | Edinburgh | EH14 3JF | 01314 539 498 | Leigh Gordon | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069904 | South West Home Care Service Canal | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre | 30 Harvesters Way | Edinburgh | EH14 3JF | 01314 539 498 | Leigh Gordon | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069236 | South West Home Care Service Pentlands | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre | 30 Harvester Way | Edinburgh | EH14 3JF | 01314 539 473 | Doreen Kelly | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069231 | South West Home Care Service Pentlands | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre | 30 Harvester Way | Edinburgh | EH14 3JF | 01314 539 479 | Doreen Kelly | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000364 | South William Street Supported Accommodation | Support services - care at home | 01-11-2023 | 43 South William Street | Perth | PH2 8NA | 07738292863 | Kevin MacQueen | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2023000363 | South William Street Supported Accommodation | Housing support service | 01-11-2023 | 43 South William Street | Perth | PH2 8NA | 07834618366 | Vicki Macdonald | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2022000032 | South, HSCP Community Support Service | Support Service | 28-01-2022 | City Of Glasgow Council | Social Work Department | 10 Ardencraig Place | Glasgow | G45 9US | 01412768282 | Sinead Mallon | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2004081234 | Southcraig Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 38 Belmont Avenue | Ayr | KA7 2ND | 01292 612 146 | Jane Gordon | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016347286 | Southdale Nursery | Day care of children | 22-08-2016 | Southdale Way | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3PR | 01506 284 300 | Vicky Fish | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015754 | Southesk ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Southesk Primary School | Hill Place | Montrose | DD10 8BP | 01674 907535 | Elaine Thornton | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003055991 | Southfields | Care homes for children and young people | 10-05-2004 | Southfield House Care Services Ltd | Slamannan | Falkirk | FK1 3BB | 01324 851 336 | Gary Ford | | SP2003003257 | Swanton Care and Community (Southfield House Care Services) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003011119 | Southhouse Close Support Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 13 Southhouse Grove | Edinburgh | EH17 8EH | 01316 641 355 | Alex Murray | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015775 | Southmuir Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Prosen Road | Kirriemuir | DD8 5AT | 01575 526 013 | Jane Esson | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000154 | Southpark Care Home | Care Home Service | 13-05-2024 | 35 Duddingston Park South | Edinburgh | EH15 3NZ | 01563 542 839 | Kirstie Mcintyre | | SP2023000307 | Southpark Retirement Homes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018365626 | Southside and Central Out of School Hours - SCOOSH | 21-12-2018 | Nelson Hall | 5 Spittalfield Crescent | Edinburgh | EH8 9QZ | 01316 680 918 | James Graham | | SP2018013094 | Southside and Central Out of School Hours a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003010544 | Southside Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 40 Southside Road | Inverness | IV2 4XA | 01463 226 227 | Ann-Marie Henderson | | SP2003002407 | Southside Nursing Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007154351 | Southside Daycare | Day care of children | 12-10-2007 | Block 3 | Unit 15 | Museum Business Park, 140 Woodhead Road | Glasgow | G53 7NN | 01418 814 888 | Caroline Anderson | | SP2007009130 | Pollok Enterprise Trust | Active | |||
CS2003000905 | Southside Dementia Services | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 57 McNeil Street | Gorbals | Glasgow | G5 0QF | 0141 420 6712 | Denise Daisley | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2010270387 | Southside Older People's Services | Care homes for older people | 08-10-2010 | Bankhall Court | 17 Bankhall Street | Glasgow | G42 8JS | 01414 240 801 | Kristine Douglas | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2003010439 | Southview | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 34 Howieshill Avenue | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8PL | 01416 410 999 | Alberto Costa | | SP2003002348 | Thistle Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005088459 | Southwood Out of School Club | Day care of children | 19-08-2005 | Southwood Primary School | Marchmont Crescent | Glenrothes | KY6 1JU | 07515 189 485 | Catherine Hammond | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015948 | Southwood Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Marchmont Crescent | Glenrothes | KY6 1JU | 01592 583 457 | Marie Mitchell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2020381366 | SP Social Care Limited | Support Service | 05-03-2021 | Govanhill Workspace | 69 Dixon Road | Crosshill | Glasgow | G42 8AT | 01414 221 313 | Brenda Johnston | | SP2020013592 | SP Social Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2014325238 | Space Place Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 05-01-2015 | St. Ninian's Park Place | Prestwick | KA9 1SP | 01292 473 468 | Caroline Fyfe | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2016350723 | Spark of Genius Brandy Burn Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 29-12-2016 | Brandy Burn Cottage | Glenpatrick Road | Elderslie | Johnstone | PA5 9UL | 01505 323 581 | Gordon Vallely | | SP2016012791 | Spark of Genius Limited | Active | |||
CS2017354835 | Spark of Genius Easter Hayston House | 17-10-2017 | Easter Hayston House | Campsie Road | Kirkintilloch | G66 1RN | 01417 763 426 | Nicola Scally | | SP2016012791 | Spark of Genius Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017355339 | Spark of Genius Oaklea | 30-01-2018 | Oaklea | East Mains | Ormiston | EH35 5NG | 01875 612 820 | Lisa Hannah | | SP2016012791 | Spark of Genius Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016352795 | Spark of Genius The Shian | 21-04-2017 | Kepculloch Road | Balfron | G63 0QS | 01360 440 046 | Shamlee Deol | | SP2016012791 | Spark of Genius Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2016349363 | Spark of Genius West Cottage | 24-10-2016 | Houston Road | Bishopton | PA7 5NY | 01415 872 710 | Leanne Blackie | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2015342800 | Spark of Genius Woodside | Care homes for children and young people | 26-01-2016 | Woodside Farm | Dalrymple Road | Coylton | Ayr | KA6 6HQ | 01292 570 427 | Scott Harrison | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003006763 | Spark, June | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | June Spark | | SP2003903988 | June Spark | Active | ||||||||
CS2005098017 | Sparklers Private Nursery | Day care of children | 06-09-2005 | The Rectory | Annan Road | Gretna | DG16 5DH | 01461 338 600 | Julie Mackillop | | SP2004005096 | Sparklers Private Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007144673 | Sparklers Private Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 04-06-2007 | 18 Greencroft Wynd | Annan | DG12 6BG | 01461 206 060 | Mhairi Macgregor | | SP2004005096 | Sparklers Private Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003004972 | Sparks, Ros | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bridge of Weir | Ros Sparks | | SP2003902856 | Ros Sparks | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014778 | Spateston Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 65 Hallhill Road | Johnstone | PA5 0SA | 01416 183 213 | Judith Thomas | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016419 | Spean Bridge Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Spean Bridge Primary School | Spean Bridge | PH34 4EU | 01397 712 914 | Malcolm Mcgregor | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2014328590 | Special Stars Homecare Limited | Support services - care at home | 18-03-2015 | 1 MacGregor Place | Kinnaird Village | Larbert | Falkirk | FK2 8RJ | 07766 815 078 | Susan McCabe | | SP2014012337 | Special Stars Homecare Limited | Active | |||
CS2015338252 | Specialist Resource Solutions Ltd | Support services - care at home | 17-07-2015 | Union Point | Blaikies Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5PW | 01224 467 897 | Marcus Nisbet | SP2015012508 | Specialist Resource Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015338085 | Specialist Resource Solutions Ltd | Housing support service | 17-07-2015 | Union Point | Blaikies Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5PW | 01224 467 897 | Marcus Nisbet | | SP2015012508 | Specialist Resource Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003005436 | Spence, Janet | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunblane | Janet Spence | SP2003903200 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003008823 | Speyside (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 11 Conval Drive | Aberlour | AB38 9QE | 01340 871 640 | Louise Gillies | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008178971 | Spicer, Jackie | Childminding | 09-06-2009 | Invergordon | Jackie Spicer | | SP2008970351 | Jackie Spicer | Active | ||||||||
CS2014326143 | Spiers Care Home | Care homes for older people | 08-09-2014 | 6 Janesfield Place | Beith | KA15 2BS | 01505 503 324 | Amanda Rankin | | SP2014012299 | SCCL Operations Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005092129 | Spinal Homecare Services | Support services - care at home | 22-03-2006 | 157 Stricklandgate | Kendal | LA9 4RF | 01539 730 777 | Andrew Swanson | | SP2005007368 | Spinal Homecare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015860 | Spinney Lane Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 13a The Spinney | Edinburgh | EH17 7LD | 01316 649 102 | Alet Bouwer | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016824 | Spittal Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lochlea Road | Spittal | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4QJ | 0141 634 5861 | Stephen Miller | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2017354862 | Spotlight Support | Support services - care at home | 02-08-2017 | Spotlight Support CIC | 1d Slateford Gait | Edinburgh | EH11 1GT | 07584 035 089 | Emma Finch | | SP2017012888 | Spotlight Support C.I.C | Active | ||||
CS2007162838 | Spring Gardens | Care homes for older people | 30-10-2007 | 67 The Promenade | Joppa | Edinburgh | EH15 2EA | 01314 681 630 | Shirley Gauld | | SP2003002437 | Abercorn Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016350947 | Spring Kinloss | Day care of children | 05-12-2016 | Burghead Road | Kinloss | Forres | IV36 3SX | 01309 690 817 | Penny Wilkinson | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2010279822 | Spring Oscars @ Blackhall | Day care of children | 13-05-2011 | Blackhall Primary School | 83 Craigcrook Road | Edinburgh | EH4 3PH | 07971 095326 | Nicole Gracey | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010279824 | Spring Oscars @ Buckstone | Day care of children | 13-05-2011 | St.Fillans Church | Buckstone Drive | Edinburgh | EH10 6PD | 07971 094317 | Gail McKenzie | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000008 | Spring OSCARS @ Canaan Lane | Day Care of Children | 16-01-2023 | Canaan Lane Primary School | 35 Canaan Lane | Edinburgh | EH10 4SG | 07977677302 | Iain Campbell | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014323766 | Spring Oscars @ Carrick Knowe | Day care of children | 03-02-2014 | Carrick Knowe Primary School | Lampacre Road | Edinburgh | EH12 7HU | 07971095334 | Caitlin-Ann Finlayson | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017354572 | Spring Oscars @ Corstorphine | Day care of children | 03-07-2017 | Corstorphine Community Church | 7 Glebe Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 7SQ | 07971095102 | Laura Adie | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016346891 | Spring Oscars @ Cramond | Day care of children | 15-08-2016 | Cramond Primary School | 4 Cramond Crescent | Edinburgh | EH4 6PG | 07971095330 | Rebecca Thompson | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2008170524 | Spring Oscars @ Haddington | Day care of children | 14-08-2008 | Haddington Joint Campus | Tynebank Road | Haddington | EH41 4DN | 07971 095 331 | Ciara Herkes | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007159335 | Spring Oscars @ Pentland | Day care of children | 20-08-2007 | Pentland Primary School | Oxgangs Green | Edinburgh | EH13 9JE | 07971095274 | Graham Anderson | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000134 | Spring OSCARS @ South Morningside | Day Care of Children | 18-05-2023 | South Morningside Primary School | 116 Comiston Road | Edinburgh | EH10 5QN | 07974124202 | Naomi Jack | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010279825 | Spring Oscars @ St.John's | Day care of children | 13-05-2011 | St.John's RC Primary School | 18 Duddingston Road | Edinburgh | EH15 1NF | 07971 095179 | Kirsty Maclennan | | SP2007009266 | Out of School Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007142131 | Springboig Care Home | Care homes for older people | 30-08-2007 | 150 Larchgrove Road | Springboig | Glasgow | G32 0AD | 01417 660 005 | Adele Macgillivray | | SP2007008815 | Care Homes (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011300760 | Springfield Bank Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 36/38 Cockpen Crescent | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3PN | 01316 605 060 | Rhiannon Steele | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013317845 | Springfield House | Care homes for children and young people | 30-10-2013 | Ladeddie Farmhouse | Drumcarrow | Cupar | KY15 5TY | 01334 840 890 | Alistair Mcallister | | SP2003003432 | Applied Care & Development Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016348124 | Springfield Out of School Care Club (SCIO) | 23-12-2016 | 141 Springfield Road | Linlithgow | EH49 7SN | 07788 943 687 | Helen Anderson | managers | SP2016012739 | Springfield Out of School Care Club (SCIO) | Active | ||||||
CS2003015917 | Springfield Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Springfield | Cupar | KY15 5RZ | 01334 659 438 | Louise Rennie | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2016352761 | Springhill Care Home | 05-07-2017 | 80 Portland Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 2BS | 01563 573 356 | Michelle Hutchison | | SP2016012834 | Clyde Care Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003010857 | Springholm Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Springholm Memorial Hall | Victoria Street | Castle Douglas | DG7 3LP | 01556 690 565 | Rosemary Jackson | | SP2003002554 | Springholm Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2020379026 | Springlaw Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 22-03-2021 | Cruachan Road | Rutherglen | G73 5HW | 0141 561 7015 | Gail Murray | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016027 | Springside Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Springside | Irvine | KA11 3AZ | 01294 211 651 | Gordon Wilson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2018372196 | Springvale Care Home | 29-03-2019 | 9 Main Street | Lennoxtown | Glasgow | G66 7HA | 01360 312 765 | Victor Dewson | | SP2018013254 | Springvale Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003044484 | Springvale Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sannox Drive | Saltcoats | KA21 6BN | 01294 607 025 | Paulene Martin | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017380 | Sprouston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sprouston | Kelso | TD5 8HP | 01573 224 873 | Catriona Finn | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2003055110 | Spynie - (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 05-04-2004 | Duffas Road | ELGIN | IV30 5JG | 01343 552 255 | Margaret Scott | | SP2004005486 | Intobeige Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003012005 | Squids After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | South Queensferry Community Huts | South Queensferry Primary School | Burgess Road | South Queensferry | EH30 9JA | 07595625957 | Debbie Sanderson | | SP2003002907 | Committee of Squids After School Club | Active | |||
CS2005107545 | Sreenan, Deanna | Childminding | 26-01-2006 | Inverness | Deanna Sreenan | SP2005952065 | Deanna Sreenan | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000349 | SRS Care Solutions (Central) Ltd | Support Service | 11-09-2024 | HAFC | 1st Floor Suites North Stand | Cadzow Avenue | Hamilton | ML3 0FT | 07984523427 | Jill Summers | | SP2024000279 | SRS Care Solutions (Central) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000348 | SRS Care Solutions (Scotland) Ltd | Support Service | 11-09-2024 | Annfield Business Centre | Teviot Crescent | Hawick | TD9 9RE | 01896808088 | Diane Hardie | | SP2024000276 | SRS Care Solutions (Scotland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000124 | SRS Partnership LTD | Nurse Agency | 19-05-2022 | Pentagon Centre | 38 Washington Street | Glasgow | G3 8AZ | 01412121111 | Catherine Brannan | | SP2022000086 | SRS Partnership Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013322089 | SSCN Healthcare | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-04-2014 | Murrayburgh House | 17 Costorphine Road | Edinburgh | EH12 6DD | 01316 294 567 | Olaitan Emili-Bob | | SP2013012211 | Support and Social Care Network Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013322125 | SSCN Healthcare | Housing support service | 23-04-2014 | Murrayburgh House | 17 Costorphine Road | Edinburgh | EH12 6DD | 01316 294 567 | Olaitan Emili-Bob | | SP2013012211 | Support and Social Care Network Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019377707 | SSP Care and Support Services | Housing Support Service | 28-02-2020 | Office 9 | Killdean Business Park and Enterpribe Hub | 146 Drip Road | Stirling | FK8 1RW | 01786 236 411 | Priscilla Maramba | SP2017012991 | SSP Recruitment Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2019377708 | SSP Care and Support Services | Support Service | 28-02-2020 | Office 9 | Kildean Business and Enterprise Hub | 146 Drip Road | Stirling | FK8 1RW | 01786 236 411 | Pricilla Maramba | SP2017012991 | SSP Recruitment Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010248661 | St Aidan's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 06-05-2010 | Coltness Road | Wishaw | ML2 7EY | 01698 522 702 | Sandra McLean | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004063136 | St Andrews House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 07-04-2004 | 1 James Foulis Court | St. Andrews | KY16 8SY | 01334 479 593 | Suzanne Izatt | | SP2004006167 | Central Scotland Healthcare (St Andrews) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014763 | St Anne's Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Anne's Primary School | Park Drive | Park Mains | Erskine | PA8 7AE | 03003000157 | Claire Mackenzie | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2023000397 | St Boswells Childcare | Day Care of Children | 23-11-2023 | St. Boswells Primary School | Greenside Park | St. Boswells | Melrose | TD6 0AH | 07940552933 | Sarah Horsburgh | | SP2023000394 | St Boswells Childcare CIC | Active | |||
CS2003009705 | St Brendan's (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | St. Brendan's Home | Castlebay | Isle of Barra | HS9 5XE | 01871 817 217 | Mairi Campbell | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2003014764 | St Catherine's Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Catherine's Primary School | Brabloch Crescent | Paisley | PA3 4RG | 01418 876 085 | Marie Mclaughlin | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014765 | St Charles' Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Charles' Primary School | Rowan Street | Paisley | PA2 6RU | 03003 000 181 | Grace Hannigan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000157 | St Columba's Hospice Care - Care at Home | Support Service | 17-06-2022 | 15 Boswall Road | Edinburgh | EH5 3RW | 01315511381 | Dorothy Partington | | SP2022000112 | St Columba's Hospice Care | Active | |||||
CS2003014802 | St Constantine's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Drumoyne Road | Govan | Glasgow | G51 4AX | 01414 456 875 | Janice Tracy | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2006120174 | St Francis Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 30-08-2006 | 430 Old Rutherglen Road | Glasgow | G5 0PA | 01414 293 687 | Joanne Claire Martin | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014777 | St John Bosco Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St John Bosco Primary School | Barrhill Road | Erskine | PA8 6BX | 03003 001 447 | Lynsey Gardyne | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014328192 | St John Ogilvie Early Years Class | Day care of children | 25-08-2014 | 13 Towerlands Farm Road | Irvine | KA11 1PZ | 01294 218 805 | Pauline McCulloch | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307358 | St John Paul II Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 02-11-2012 | 1 Laburnum Road | Viewpark | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 5DG | 01698 522 723 | Kristopher Thomas | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2016345134 | St John The Baptist Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 09-08-2016 | 90 North British Road | Uddingston | G71 7AG | 01698 813 540 | Catherine Currie | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000309 | St John's Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2024 | St. John's Primary School | Commercial Road | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 1AJ | 0141 570 7360 | Jillian Grosart | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003006998 | St John's Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Johns Primary School | Heath Road | Rosyth | Dunfermline | KY11 2BT | 07515 189 481 | Sara Hoefling | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2015335979 | St Joseph's Services - Circle of Best Practice 1 - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2015 | Sycamore House | 72 Carnethie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AW | 01314 407 200 | Mary McKechnie | | SP2015012454 | St Joseph's Services, a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2015335975 | St Joseph's Services - Circle of Best Practice 1 - Housing Support | Housing support service | 01-04-2015 | St Joseph's Services | Sycamore House | 72 Carnethie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AW | 01314 407 200 | Mary Mckechnie | | SP2015012454 | St Joseph's Services, a company limited by guarantee | Active | |||
CS2015335972 | St Joseph's Services - Circle of Best Practice 2 - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2015 | Sycamore House | 72 Carnethie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AW | 01314 407 200 | Carol Liddle | SP2015012454 | St Joseph's Services, a company limited by guarantee | Active | |||||
CS2015335960 | St Joseph's Services - Circle of Best Practice 2 - Housing Support | Housing support service | 01-04-2015 | Sycamore House | 72 Carnethie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AW | 01314 407 200 | Carol Liddle | | SP2015012454 | St Joseph's Services, a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2015335985 | St Joseph's Services - Circle of Best Practice 3 - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2015 | Sycamore House | 72 Carnethie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AW | 01314 407 200 | John Francis Griffin | | SP2015012454 | St Joseph's Services, a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2015335980 | St Joseph's Services - Circle of Best Practice 3 - Housing Support | Housing support service | 01-04-2015 | Sycamore House | 72 Carnethie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AW | 01314 407 200 | Marie Peacock | | SP2015012454 | St Joseph's Services, a company limited by guarantee | Active | ||||
CS2006118000 | St Leonards | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | South Street | St. Andrews | KY16 9QJ | 01334 472126 | Simon Brian | | SP2006008241 | St. Leonards | Active | |||||
CS2004076695 | St Leonards Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Leonards Primary School | St. Leonards Street | Dunfermline | KY11 3AL | 01383 602 434 | Kirsty Muir | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014775 | St Margaret's Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Margaret's Primary School | Quarrelton Road | Johnstone | PA5 8RX | 03003 000 185 | Gillian Miller | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000259 | St Mark's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 24-08-2022 | St. Marks Primary School | Sherry Drive | Hamilton | ML3 8XF | 01698 283727 | Colette Watson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003013338 | St Mary's After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Mary`s Primary School | 63 East London Street | Edinburgh | EH7 4BW | 07858332256 | Karen Taylor | | SP2003003115 | The Management Committee of St. Mary's ASC | Active | ||||
CS2003014768 | St Mary's Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Mary's Primary School | Maxwellton Road | Paisley | PA1 2RJ | 01418 893 960 | Laura Bradley | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000014 | St Mary's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 13-04-2021 | St. Marys RC Primary School | Whitburn Road | BATHGATE | EH48 2RD | 01506652511 | Fiona McKerral | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2010249579 | St Modans Care Home | Care homes for older people | 29-10-2010 | 2 Christian Watt Drive | Fraserburgh | AB43 9TG | 01346 511597 | Julie-Ann Thomson | | SP2010011228 | St. Modans Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000268 | St Olafs Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | St. Olaf Care Home | Redheugh | Cawdor Road | NAIRN | IV12 5EF | 01667454544 | Kathryn Allan | | SP2021000165 | St Olaf Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2009229740 | St Patrick's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-08-2009 | St.Patrick's Primary School | Station Road | Shotts | ML7 4BJ | 01501 821 859 | Josephine Steel | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014769 | St Peter's Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Peter's Primary School | Braehead Road | Paisley | PA2 8DZ | 03003 000 188 | Sharon Mazzoni | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000112 | St Peters | Housing Support Service | 20-04-2023 | Flat 1/2 | 37a Dowanhill Street | Partick | Glasgow | G11 5RN | 0141 530 1149 | Vickie Fyfe | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2023000119 | St Peters | Support Service | 26-04-2023 | Flat 1/2 | 37a Dowanhill Street | Partick | Glasgow | G11 5RN | 07596316260 | Vickie Fyfe | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||
CS2010251669 | St Serfs | Care homes for older people | 19-05-2010 | Kinbrae Park Gardens | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8HD | 01382 542 276 | Pamela McCombie | | SP2010010981 | St Serfs Care Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015971 | St. Agatha's R C Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Windygates Road | Leven | KY8 5BL | 01334 659 439 | Paula Hutchison | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016188 | St. Aloysius College (RC) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Aloysius College Campus | 45 Hill Street | Glasgow | G3 6RJ | 01413 319 262 | Claire Martin | | SP2003003574 | St. Aloysius College (RC) | Active | ||||
CS2004083538 | St. Aloysius Out of School Care | Day care of children | 18-04-2005 | St. Aloysius College Campus | 45 Hill Street | Glasgow | G3 6RJ | 0141 332 3190 | Shaune Brady | | SP2003003574 | St. Aloysius College (RC) | Active | ||||
CS2006131208 | St. Andrew's Care Home | Care homes for older people | 12-01-2007 | Stirches | Hawick | TD9 7NS | 01450 372 360 | Lynn Megahy | | SP2006008483 | Park Homes (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004080788 | St. Andrew's Children's Society Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 22-11-2005 | 7 John's Place | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 7EL | 01314 543 370 | Stephen Small | | SP2003003803 | St. Andrew's Children's Society | Active | ||||
CS2004080812 | St. Andrew's Children's Society Fostering Service | Fostering services | 22-11-2005 | 7 John's Place | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 7EL | 01314 543 370 | Stephen J Small | | SP2003003803 | St. Andrew's Children's Society | Active | ||||
CS2003015812 | St. Andrew's Early Childhood Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Grassyards Road | New Farm Loch | Kilmarnock | KA3 7SL | 01563 549 549 | Elizabeth Hastings | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003020175 | St. Andrew's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 11-08-2004 | St. Andrew's Primary School Nursery Class | Eastfield Road | Carrickstone, Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 0EB | 01236 632 111 | Marie Claire Fiddler | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015733 | St. Andrew's Primary School Fraserburgh | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 113 Charlotte Street | Fraserburgh | AB43 9LS | 01346 415 845 | Gillian Sinclair | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015345 | St. Andrew's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Laggan Road | Burnfoot | Airdrie | ML6 0LL | 01236 632 070 | Jennifer Flanagan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011304959 | St. Andrew's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 30-01-2012 | Hawley Road | Falkirk | FK1 1SH | 01324 508 650 | David Short | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016004 | St. Andrew's RC Primary Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Andrew's RC Primary | Gowkshill | Gorebridge | EH23 4DA | 01312 714 670 | Joanne Hunter | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016334 | St. Andrew's School Nursery Inverurie | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Andrew's Gardens | Inverurie | AB51 3XT | 01467 621 215 | Gina Drummond | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015921 | St. Andrews Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kilrymont Road | St. Andrews | KY16 8DF | 01334 659 485 | Nicola Clelland | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2009195524 | St. Andrews Nursery Class | Day care of children | 02-09-2009 | St. Andrew's Primary School | Craigs Road | Dumfries | DG1 4EX | 01387 273 001 | Jackie Robson | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016061 | St. Andrews Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Andrews Primary | Toab | Orkney | KW17 2QU | 01856 861 256 | Lisa Rutherford | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015793 | St. Andrews Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 St. Leonard Place | Dundee | DD3 9HD | 01382 307 830 | David Bald | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014811 | St. Angelas Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Angela's Primary | 227 Glen Moriston Road | Darnley | Glasgow | G53 7HT | 01416 389 646 | Aiden Kerlin | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2003011184 | St. Anne's Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Windsor Gardens | Musselburgh | EH21 7LP | 01316 655 591 | Isobel Stewart | | SP2003002635 | Sisters Of Charity Of St Paul The Apostle | Active | |||||
CS2003040979 | St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 24-03-2006 | South Street | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3EU | 01501 733183 | Johanne Gardner | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015337 | St. Athanasius Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Athanasius Primary | John Street | Carluke | ML8 4DD | 01555 771 418 | Brenda O'Hara | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015268 | St. Aubins | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 87 South Anderson Drive | Aberdeen | AB10 7PN | 01224 358 551 | Gail Smith | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2020379264 | St. Augustine's Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | Henderson Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1BL | 01236 632 090 | Caroline Docherty | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2012306828 | St. Bernadette's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 22-08-2012 | Edward Avenue | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 4JW | 01324 503 400 | Marianne Savage | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2018363580 | St. Boswells Nursery | 17-08-2018 | St. Boswells Primary School | Greenside Park | St. Boswells | Melrose | TD6 0AH | 01835 823 252 | Caroline Hardie | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2009229585 | St. Brendans Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-08-2009 | 45 Barons Road | Muirhouse | Motherwell | ML1 2NB | 01698 274 914 | Maura Oates | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015342 | St. Bride's Primary Nursery Class (Bothwell) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ailsa Road | Bothwell | Glasgow | G71 8LP | 01698 853 709 | Fiona Cleland | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015340 | St. Bride's Primary Nursery Class (Cambuslang) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Johnson Drive | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8JR | 01416 413 344 | Louise Torrance | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015939 | St. Bride's R C Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Barclay Street | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9LD | 01383 602 431 | Jo-Anne Angel | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2007149305 | St. Brides Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 26-08-2008 | Onich | Fort William | PH33 6SA | 01855 821 280 | Mary Evans | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016040 | St. Bridget's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St Bridgets Primary School | Hagthorn Avenue | Kilbirnie | KA25 6EJ | 01505 683 293 | Dennis Hopkins | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014935 | St. Bridgets Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Bridgets Primary School | Camp Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 6DF | 01417 711 294 | Susan Allan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2019375091 | St. Cadoc's Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 15-08-2019 | St. Cadoc's Primary School | Crookfur Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6TT | 01415 707 340 | Maria McBride | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2024000141 | St. Catherine's Care Home | Care homes for older people | 29-04-2024 | 68 Bannatyne Street | Lanark | ML11 7JS | 01555 661671 | June Froom (previously Bordon) | | SP2023000488 | The Daughters of Charity of St Vincent De Paul CIO | Active | |||||
CS2003015858 | St. Catherine's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gracemount Drive | Edinburgh | EH16 6RN | 01316 644 257 | Paul Hunter | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2019376654 | St. Charles After School Care Service | Day Care of Children | 10-12-2019 | 13 Kelvinside Gardens | Glasgow | G20 6BG | 01419 461 391 | Janice Reilly | | SP2003001275 | Maryhill Mobile Children's Services | Active | |||||
CS2003014936 | St. Clares Day Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 22 Drumlanrig Avenue | Glasgow | G34 0JD | 01417 713 512 | Theresa Graham | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013602 | St. Clement's Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Clements School | Dingwall | Dingwall | IV15 9JZ | 01349 863 284 | Colin Masterson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2011303629 | St. Columba's Care Home | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | 1 Logie Street | Dundee | DD2 2QF | 01382 668 854 | Mary Rose Saligumba | | SP2003000048 | Priority Care Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015024 | St. Columba's Playgroup (Annan) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Columba's Church Hall | Scotts Street | Annan | DG12 6JG | 01461 204 097 | Susan Maxwell | | SP2003003408 | St. Columba's Playgroup (Annan) | Active | ||||
CS2003016154 | St. Columba's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Columba's RC Primary School | Philip Avenue | Boghall | Bathgate | EH48 1NQ | 01506 653 822 | Luisa Daye | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2003013558 | St. Columba's RC Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Columba's RC Primary School | Glenkingie Street | Caol | Fort William | PH33 7DP | 01397 703 377 | Colette Maclean | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | |||
CS2003016197 | St. Columba's School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Knockbuckle Road | Kilmacolm | PA13 4EQ | 01505 872 768 | Emma Jane Corbett | | SP2003003586 | St. Columba's School Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000124 | St. Columbkille's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 28-06-2021 | Clincarthill Road | Rutherglen | G73 2LG | 0141 647 5932 | Andrew Gray | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2010279312 | St. Crispin's Out of School Care Association | Day care of children | 15-06-2011 | 1 Burdiehouse Crescent | St Crispins School | EDINBURGH | EH17 8EZ | Elodie Noyes | | SP2010011338 | St. Crispin's Out of School Care Association Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019378452 | St. Cuthbert's Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 22-12-2020 | 9 Hutchison Crossway | Edinburgh | EH14 1RP | 01314 432 621 | Pat Brack | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015344 | St. Cuthbert's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Greenfield Road | Burnbank | Hamilton | ML3 0NN | 01698 282 175 | Chris Wedlock | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015753 | St. Cyrus School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Cyrus School | Beach Road | St Cyrus | Montrose | DD10 0BJ | 01674 850 215 | Julie Cheyne | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2015343823 | St. David's Bradbury Day Centre | 08-08-2016 | 57 St David's | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4LF | 01316 638 195 | Karen Murdoch | | SP2015012555 | St. David's Bradbury Centre | Active | |||||
CS2003015377 | St. David's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 1 Annieshill View | Plains | Airdrie | ML6 7NY | 01236 632142 | Mary Jo Livingstone | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015846 | St. David's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Pilton Crescent | Edinburgh | EH4 4HP | 01313 323 500 | Angela Burgess | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2019373805 | St. David's Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 12-02-2020 | Kippielaw | Lauder Road | Dalkeith | EH22 2PU | 01312 714 675 | Rachael Gilmore | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016296 | St. David's Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 6 Albany Park | St. Andrews | KY16 8BP | 01334 659 360 | Mary Webley | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2005105557 | St. Davids Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2006 | 40 Glamis Road | Forfar | DD8 1DG | 01307 464 284 | Wendy Cameron | | SP2005951138 | Mr Ivan Cornford & Mrs Lisa Cornford | Active | |||||
CS2003001735 | St. Devenicks Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Devenicks Church Hall | Baillieswells Road | Bieldside | Aberdeen | AB15 9AP | 07875575863 | Nichola Watson | | SP2003000316 | St. Devenicks Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2005105100 | St. Dominic's Nursery Class and Wrap Around Care | Day care of children | 22-12-2005 | St. Dominics RC Primary School | Broich Road | Crieff | PH7 3SB | 01764 657 800 | Elizabeth Hunter | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015348 | St. Dominic's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Petersburn Road | Airdrie | ML6 8DX | 01236 794 818 | Jane Sweeney | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015351 | St. Edward's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | South Biggar Road | Airdrie | ML6 9LZ | 01236 794 830 | Siobhan Egan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015347 | St. Elizabeth's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | William Drive | Hamilton | ML3 7RQ | 01698 285 080 | Christine MacPhee | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014742 | St. Eunan's ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gilmour Street | Clydebank | G81 2BW | 01415 703 377 | Catherine Browne | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016383 | St. Fergus School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Fergus School | School Road | St. Fergus | Peterhead | AB42 3HD | 01779 403 705 | Susan Cantlay | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008177532 | St. Fillan's Out of School Care | Day care of children | 25-06-2008 | St. Fillan's Primary School | 20 Crompton Avenue | Cathcart | Glasgow | G44 5AF | 01415 718 225 | Daynor Muldoon | | SP2003001343 | Sweeney, Monica | Active | |||
CS2003014937 | St. Fillans Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Fillans Primary | 20 Crompton Avenue | Cathcart | Glasgow | G44 5AF | 01416 378 750 | Brian Bourke | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2016347297 | St. Francis Care Home | 31-07-2018 | 54 Merryland Street | Govan | Glasgow | G51 2QE | 01414 451 118 | Lisette Prele | | SP2016012721 | St. Francis Care Home | Active | |||||
CS2003015427 | St. Francis Xavier RC Primary School, Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 19-02-2003 | St.Francis Xavier RC Primary School | Merchiston Avenue | Falkirk | FK2 7JS | 01324 508 570 | Mark Murray | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2018363842 | St. Francis' Nursery Class | 20-12-2018 | East Barmoss Avenue | Port Glasgow | PA14 6HX | 01475 715 725 | Lindsay Kelly | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||||
CS2005113748 | St. Gabriel's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 27-04-2006 | South Grange Avenue | Prestonpans | EH32 9LH | 01875 811 062 | Alexander Buchanan | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016180 | St. George's School for Girls | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Garscube Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 6BG | 01313 118 000 | Carol Chandler-Thompson | | SP2003003567 | St. George's, Edinburgh | Active | |||||
CS2006136083 | St. George's, Edinburgh | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Houldsworth House | Garscube Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 6BG | 01313 118 015 | Carol Chandler-Thompson | | SP2003003567 | St. George's, Edinburgh | Active | ||||
CS2003015387 | St. Gerard's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kelvin Road | Bellshill | ML4 1LN | 01698 274 916 | Ian Conaghan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016021 | St. Gerardine Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Gerardine's Road | Lossiemouth | IV31 6JX | 01343 812 631 | Michelle Johnson | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015414 | St. Helen's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lomond Drive | Condorrat | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4JL | 01236 632068 | Elizabeth Kelly | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003004765 | St. Helen's Primary Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lomond Drive | Condorrat | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4JJ | 01236 632 068 | Lisa Kilmurray | | SP2003000988 | St. Helen's Out Of School Care | Active | |||
CS2003015349 | St. Hilary's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | High Common Road | St. Leonard's | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 2AX | 01355 232 066 | Pamela Bradley | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2007144814 | St. Ignatius Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 17-08-2007 | Loch Park | Wishaw | ML2 7AB | 01698 522 736 | Anne Marie Pearson | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019374865 | St. James Out of School Care | Day Care of Children | 16-08-2019 | St James Primary School | 10 Brown Street | Renfrew | PA4 8HL | 01418 863 760 | Anne Park | | SP2013012146 | Insafe Hands Childcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017054 | St. John Vianney Primary | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 16 Glenvarloch Crescent | Edinburgh | EH16 6AP | Christopher Kelly | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003016072 | St. John's Academy Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | North Inch Community Campus | Gowans Terrace | Perth | PH1 5BF | 01738 454 300 | Marie-Claire Futamata | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003038890 | St. John's Kids Club | Day care of children | 01-08-2003 | St. John's Academy | North Inch Campus | Gowans Terrace | Perth | PH1 5BF | 01738 454 291 | Marta Jastrzab | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2015336313 | St. John's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 12-01-2016 | St. John's Primary School | Mary Street | Port Glasgow | PA14 5AL | 01475 715 728 | Martin Craig | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2003044468 | St. John's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Morrison Avenue | Stevenston | KA20 4HH | 01294 464 557 | Karen McAllister | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017055 | St. John's R.C. Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. John's R.C. Primary School | 10 Duddingston Road | Edinburgh | EH15 1NF | 01316 691 363 | Jacqueline Kelly | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2009195955 | St. Johns | Care homes for older people | 27-04-2009 | 11 High Cross Avenue | Melrose | TD6 9SQ | 01896 478700 | Jenny Hunter | | SP2005007720 | Mansfield Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017362468 | St. Joseph's | 18-12-2018 | 14 Cumnock Road | Robroyston | Glasgow | G33 1QT | 01415 585 114 | Mary Esther Brennan | | SP2017013025 | Little Sisters of the Poor Glasgow a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003016145 | St. Joseph's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 65 Gateside Road | Whitburn | East Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0NJ | 01501 740 452 | Frances Burns | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2018363843 | St. Joseph's Nursery Class | 20-12-2018 | Wren Road | Greenock | PA16 7NH | 01475 715 719 | Alan Graham | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||||
CS2014332887 | St. Joseph's Out of School Club | Day care of children | 05-03-2015 | St Joseph's RC Primary School | 5 Queens Road | Aberdeen | AB15 4YL | 07525854639 | Caroline Forsyth | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2013315653 | St. Joseph's Primary Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 10-09-2013 | St. Joseph's Primary School | Old Luss Road | Helensburgh | G84 7LR | 01436 671 748 | Pauline Walsh | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015352 | St. Joseph's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Park Lane | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 9AS | 01698 825 121 | Catherine Ann Forbes | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014943 | St. Joseph's R.C. Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 15-01-2003 | 39 Saughton Road | Edinburgh | EH11 3RQ | 01314 434 591 | Mhairi Brannan | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017270 | St. Joseph's RC Primary Nursery and After School Care Club - Inverness | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Joseph's RC Primary School | King Street | Inverness | IV3 5DG | 01463 231 837 | Angela Selkirk | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003043648 | St. Joseph's RC Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Josephs RC Primary School | Broomhill Road | Bonnybridge | FK4 2AN | 01324 503 150 | Matthew Coulter | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014468 | St. Joseph's RC School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 5 Queens Road | Aberdeen | AB15 4YL | 01224 322 730 | Orla Fowler | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002584 | St. Kanes Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New Deer | Emma Ritchie | | SP2003000458 | St. Kane's Early Learning Childcare Centre | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015355 | St. Kenneth's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Mains Road | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1PU | 01355 224 741 | Dave Adams | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015944 | St. Kenneth's R C Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hill Road | Ballingry | Lochgelly | KY5 8NQ | 01592 583 458 | Kirsty McLean | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2007164574 | St. Kevin's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 07-01-2008 | Langmuir Road | Bargeddie | Glasgow | G69 7RS | 01236 632146 | Michelle Toolan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015357 | St. Leonard's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brancumhall | Calderwood | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 3YA | 01355 224 800 | Lorraine Mullen | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003055956 | St. Leonard's Supported Living Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-08-2004 | 16 Terrars Croft | St. Leonard's | Edinburgh | EH8 9RE | 01312 012 943 | Sharon Melrose | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003055954 | St. Leonard's Supported Living Service | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 16 Terrars Croft | St. Leonard's | Edinburgh | EH8 9RE | 01312 012 943 | Sharon Melrose | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003017056 | St. Leonards Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 6 West Adam Street | Edinburgh | EH8 9SY | 01316 674 674 | Sharon McGhee | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2011299261 | St. Lucy's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 03-11-2011 | St.Lucy's Primary School | Oak Road, Abronhill | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 3LQ | 12367 948 52 | Elaine Johnston | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016031 | St. Luke's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pennyburn Road | Kilwinning | KA13 6LF | 01294 552 131 | Fiona McGowne | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003046719 | St. Madoes Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sidlaw Terrace | St. Madoes | Perth | PH2 7NH | 01738 459 500 | Joanne Philp | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003020076 | St. Margaret of Scotland PS Nursery Class | Day care of children | 11-08-2004 | Broomlands Road | South Carbrain | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 2PT | 01236 632 102 | Marie Love | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2016346127 | St. Margaret's Care Home | 21-03-2018 | 4 East Suffolk Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5PJ | 01316 629 157 | Kathryn Martin | | SP2018013102 | Whitefield Nursing Home Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2005087039 | St. Margaret's Children and Family Care Society | Fostering services | 15-11-2004 | 26 Newton Place | Glasgow | G3 7PY | 01413 328 371 | Jacqueline Sheeran | | SP2004006765 | St. Margaret's Children and Family Care Society | Active | |||||
CS2004075377 | St. Margaret's Children and Family Care Society | Adoption agencies | 15-11-2004 | 26 Newton Place | Glasgow | G3 7PY | 0141 332 8371 | Jacqueline Sheeran | | SP2004006765 | St. Margaret's Children and Family Care Society | Active | |||||
CS2003015896 | St. Margaret's R C Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodmill Road | Dunfermline | KY11 4BB | 01383 602 435 | Catherine Mullen | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015755 | St. Margaret's RC Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blackfriars Street | Montrose | DD10 8LL | 01674 907 527 | Rachel Mccullough/Smith | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2018364842 | St. Margaret's RC Primary School Nursery | 17-08-2018 | St. Margaret's RC Primary School | Livingstone Place | Galashiels | TD1 1DQ | +441896752096 | Nicola McLeod | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2014329734 | St. Margaret's School for Girls After School Care | Day care of children | 08-06-2015 | 17 Albyn Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1RU | 01224 584 466 | Anna Tomlinson | | SP2003003560 | St. Margaret's School for Girls (Incorporated) | Active | |||||
CS2003015041 | St. Margarets Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | St. Margarets Crescent | Polmont | Falkirk | FK2 0UP | 01324 716 149 | Elspeth McPheat | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2011298606 | St. Margarets Nursery & Preschool | Day care of children | 21-12-2011 | 10 Craigmillar Park | Edinburgh | EH16 5NE | 01316 670 778 | Danielle Robertson | | SP2011011617 | St Margarets Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000369 | St. Margarets Nursery & Preschool at Craiglockhart Avenue | Day Care of Children | 24-09-2024 | 38 Craiglockhart Avenue | Edinburgh | EH14 1LT | 0131 667 0778 | Ciara Neville | | SP2011011617 | Active | ||||||
CS2003015873 | St. Mark's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 177 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH13 9ED | Stacey Preston | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003015360 | St. Mark's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirkriggs Avenue | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 4LY | 01416 344 238 | Elaine O'Donnell | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003044470 | St. Mark's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clark Drive | Irvine | KA12 0NS | 01294 271 167 | Gemma Strain | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016992 | St. Martin's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | High Street | Tranent | EH33 1HJ | 01875 610 211 | Lauren Davies | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379312 | St. Mary's Care Home | Care homes for older people | 06-11-2020 | 39 Panmure Street | Monifeith | Dundee | DD5 4EG | 01382 533 376 | Melanie Burns | | SP2020013489 | Dunkeld Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003014743 | St. Mary's ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Chapel Road | Duntocher | Clydebank | G81 6DL | 01389 873 923 | Marie Guthrie | marie.guthrie@wes | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015594 | St. Mary's Episcopal Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Smithy Loan | Dunblane | FK15 0HQ | 01786 822 740 | Siobhan Hewitt | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2011299188 | St. Mary's Kenmure | Secure accommodation service | 24-01-2012 | St. Mary's Road | Bishopbriggs | Glasgow | G64 2EH | 01415 861 200 | Chris Millar | | SP2011011646 | St. Marys Kenmure | Active | ||||
CS2005110876 | St. Mary's Music School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Coates Hall | 25 Grosvenor Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 5EL | 01315 387 766 | Jane Mears | | SP2005007894 | St. Mary's Music School Trust Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003003638 | St. Mary's Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Church Halls | Cowgate | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1JT | 01417 751 166 | Elaine Connor | | SP2003000732 | St. Mary's Church Kirk Session | Active | |||
CS2003015392 | St. Mary's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Liddel Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1JB | 01236 794 828 | Paula Brazill | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2005110882 | St. Mary's Prep School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | St. Mary's School | Abbey Park | Melrose | TD6 9LN | 01896 822 517 | William J. Harvey | | SP2003003590 | St. Mary's School, Melrose | Active | ||||
CS2003015361 | St. Mary's Primary Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Skye Walk | Lanark | ML11 7NT | 01555 678 013 | Donna Allen | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017321 | St. Mary's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Chapel Street | Cleland | Motherwell | ML1 5QX | 01698 274 955 | Francis McIntyre | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017355236 | St. Mary's Primary Nursery Class | 13-04-2018 | Bank Street | Alexandria | G83 0UJ | 01389 773 740 | Amanda Shiels | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003016000 | St. Mary's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Mary's Primary School | Rosewell Road | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3HL | 01312 714 690 | Elizabeth Laird | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016805 | St. Mary's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wallace Street | Whifflet | Coatbridge | ML5 4DA | 01236 632 077 | Karen McLelland | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004059833 | St. Mary's Primary School Nursery Class (Haddington) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Haddington Joint Campus | Tynebank Road | Haddington | EH41 4DN | 01620 825 695 | Claire Graham | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003045925 | St. Mary's RC (Leith) Primary School | Day care of children | 26-08-2003 | 30 Links Gardens | Edinburgh | EH6 7JG | 01315 547 291 | Angela Burnett | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015784 | St. Mary's RC Primary Sch Nursery - Dundee | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Mary's Lane | Lochee | Dundee | DD2 3AQ | 01382 436 707 | Alison Curran | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015576 | St. Mary's RC Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gauze Road | Bo'ness | EH51 9QB | 01506 778 380 | Stephen McPeake | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016201 | St. Mary's School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stable Block | St Mary's School | Abbey Park | Melrose | TD6 9LN | 01896 822 517 | William J. Harvey | | SP2003003590 | St. Mary's School, Melrose | Active | |||
CS2003016456 | St. Michael's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Burnbrae Avenue | Moodiesburn | Glasgow | G69 0ER | 01236 794 822 | Karen Greechan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006127 | St. Mirins Out of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Mirins Primary School | 260 Carmunnock Road | Glasgow | G44 5AP | 07564 063 562 | Margaret McLelland | | SP2003001358 | St. Mirins OSC | Active | ||||
CS2003017111 | St. Monans Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hope Place | St Monans | Anstruther | KY10 2DH | 01333 459 441 | Ashley McBain | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014812 | St. Mungo's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Mungo's Primary School | 45 Parson Street | Glasgow | G4 0PX | 01415 522 484 | Patricia McNulty | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016158 | St. Nicholas Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 189b West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LH | 01506 853509 | Siobhan Kellock | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016165 | St. Ninian's Primary School Nursery - Livingston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Douglas Rise | Dedridge | Livingston | EH54 6JR | 01506 414 612 | Lisamaria Purdie | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015942 | St. Ninian's R C Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 76-78 Derran Drive | Cardenden | Lochgelly | KY5 0JJ | 01592 583 460 | Shona Gorman | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003042587 | St. Ninian's R C Primary School Nursery. | Day care of children | 17-07-2003 | Dochart Terrace | Dundee | DD2 4HB | 01382 435 904 | Lisa Anne MacPhail | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003045927 | St. Ninian's RC Primary School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 150 Restalrig Road South | Edinburgh | EH7 6JA | 01316 613 431 | Angie Brack | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2014333391 | St. Ninians Care Home | Care homes for older people | 03-03-2015 | 126 Perth Road | Blairgowrie | PH10 6EQ | 01250 872 443 | Barbara Masterson | | SP2014012396 | BDM Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019378388 | St. Ninians Episcopal Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 14-08-2020 | 1-5 Dunkeld Road | Perth | PH1 5RW | 01738 477 587 | Sarah Cowmeadow | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2013321735 | St. Ninians Home Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 23-04-2014 | 126 Perth Road | Blairgowrie | PH10 6EQ | 01250 871 136 | Angela Christie | | SP2013012201 | St Ninians Home Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003011862 | St. Ninians Kids Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Ninian's Primary School | 150 Restalrig Road South | Edinburgh | EH7 6JA | 07800 827 612 | Georgina Duncan | | SP2003002831 | St. Ninians Kids Club Committee | Active | ||||
CS2016350114 | St. Ninians Out of School Care | 08-03-2017 | St. Ninians Primary School | Torbrex Road | Stirling | FK7 9HN | 07913 219 039 | Kirsten Thow | | SP2017012897 | St. Ninians Out of School Care, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2003015611 | St. Ninians Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Torbrex Road | St. Ninians | Stirling | FK7 9HN | 01786 237 975 | Janine Rushton | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2007144810 | St. Patrick's Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 17-08-2007 | Backbrae Street | Kilsyth | Glasgow | G65 0NA | 01236 632 126 | Sara Jane Armitage | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2008177288 | St. Patrick's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 29-08-2008 | Carronbank Crescent | Denny | FK6 6DW | 01324 508 840 | Karen Downie | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015366 | St. Patrick's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kildonan Street | Coatbridge | ML5 3LG | 01236 794 862 | Jacqueline Hagerty | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015365 | St. Patrick's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Patrick's Nursery | Overton Road | Strathaven | ML10 6JW | 01357 521 317 | Pamela Bradley | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014938 | St. Paul's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Paul's Primary School | 85 Anwoth Street | Glasgow | G32 7RR | 01417 786 227 | Lynsey McLeod | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016160 | St. Paul's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 32 Templar Road | East Calder | EH53 0FU | Judith McEwan | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003049470 | St. Peter's Primary School Nursery - Galashiels | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Parsonage Road | Galashiels | TD1 3DS | 01896 753 185 | Pauline Copeland | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016039 | St. Peter's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | South Isle Road | Ardrossan | KA22 7PX | 01294 462 554 | Susanne Dunne | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003017381 | St. Peter's R.C. Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 10 Falcon Road | Edinburgh | EH10 4AH | 01314 475 742 | Fiona Hunter | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016015 | St. Peter's RC Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 37 St. Peter's Terrace | Buckie | AB56 1QN | 01542 831 339 | Hazel Mathieson | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2011305070 | St. Philip's School, Plains | School care accommodation | 01-02-2013 | Main Street | Plains | Airdrie | ML6 7SF | 01236 765 407 | Francis Scott | | SP2011011744 | St Philip's School, Plains | Active | ||||
CS2015337964 | St. Pius Nursery | Day care of children | 09-10-2015 | Banchory Road | Dundee | DD4 7TQ | 01382 438 528 | Ciara Smith | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010670 | St. Raphael's Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 6 South Oswald Road | Edinburgh | EH9 2HG | 01316 673 601 | Jeannie Garing | | SP2003002464 | Viewpoint HA | Active | |||||
CS2007166791 | St. Roch's Childcare (Charles Street) | Day care of children | 29-12-2008 | Rosemount Workspace Development | Unit W14 | 141 Charles Street | Glasgow | G21 2QA | 01415 643 020 | Samantha Evritt | | SP2003001291 | St. Roch's Childcare Service | Active | |||
CS2003005958 | St. Roch's Childcare (Royston Primary) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Royston Primary School | 102 Royston Road | Royston | Glasgow | G21 2NU | 01415 643 020 | Matthew Alexander McKenzie | | SP2003001291 | St. Roch's Childcare Service | Active | |||
CS2003009102 | St. Rognvalds House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | off Old Scapa Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1BB | 01856 872 106 | Inga Wilson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2019378041 | St. Ronan's Care Home | Care Home Service | 20-12-2019 | Maxwell Street | Innerleithen | EH44 6HS | 01896 830 625 | Lesley Simpson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377099 | St. Ronan's Primary School and ELCC | Day Care of Children | 19-12-2019 | Ladyton | Bonhill | Alexandria | G83 9DZ | 01389 773 742 | Clare Levens | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016096 | St. Ronan's Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Ronans Road | Innerleithen | EH44 6PB | 01896 830 349 | Lesley Miglis | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015593 | St. Serf's ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Serfs Road | Tullibody | Alloa | FK10 2RD | 01259 722 950 | Nicola Ferguson | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015353 | St. Serf's Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Thrashbush Road | Thrashbush | Airdrie | ML6 6QU | 01236 632082 | Martha McGuigan | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017112 | St. Serf's R C Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Preston Street | High Valleyfield | Dunfermline | KY12 8SE | 01383 602 436 | Donna Mulholland | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008890 | St. Sylvester's Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Abbey Street | Elgin | IV30 1DA | 01343 569 228 | Emma Powditch | | SP2003001905 | St. Sylvester's Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2010254083 | St. Teresa's Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 13-08-2010 | 85a Loanhead Road | Newarthill | Motherwell | ML1 5AY | 01698 274 912 | Nicola Wood | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015539 | St. Teresas Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Teresa's Primary School | Lochside Road | Dumfries | DG2 0DY | 01387 255 732 | Janet Harper | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016013 | St. Thomas R.C.Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Chapel Street | Keith | AB55 5AL | 01542 882 256 | Natalie Munro | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307359 | St. Thomas' Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 17-08-2012 | Caledonian Road | Wishaw | ML2 0HY | 01698 274 960 | Michelle Cullen | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005693 | St. Thomas's Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Thomas' Primary School | 8 Smithycroft Road | Riddrie | Glasgow | G33 2QJ | 07934 352 074 | Frances Doran | | SP2003001196 | St. Thomas's Playgroup Committee | Active | |||
CS2003015368 | St. Timothy's Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Timothy's Primary School | Old Monkland Road | Coatbridge | ML5 5EA | 01236 632 134 | Colin Forbes | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014813 | St. Timothys Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Timothy's Primary School | 41 Inveresk Street | Greenfield | Glasgow | G32 6SL | 01417 747 821 | Louise Mackie | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2003000388 | St. Vigeans | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Millgate Loan | Arbroath | DD11 1QG | 01241 873 335 | Linda Cuthill | | SP2003000048 | Priority Care Group Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000181 | Stableroom Playgroup (SCIO) | Day Care of Children | 02-08-2021 | Colinton Parish Church | Dell Road | EDINBURGH | EH13 0JR | 07812039906 | Marie James | | SP2021000109 | Stableroom Playgroup (SCIO) | Active | ||||
CS2022000353 | Stacey Paterson Childminding | Childminding | 28-11-2022 | Stirling | | SP2022000235 | Stacey Paterson | Active | |||||||||
CS2017358828 | Stacey's Childminding | 08-12-2017 | Kinross | Stacey MacDonald | | SP2017989252 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000241 | Stacey's Childminding | Child Minding | 11-07-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2024000348 | Stacey Milne | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309574 | Stacey's little rascals | Childminding | 24-10-2012 | Kilmarnock | Stacey Clarke | | SP2012983744 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013630 | Staffin Nursery - GM | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Staffin Primary School | Staffin | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9JS | 01470 562 273 | Chrisma MacFarlane | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2019378026 | Staffscanner | Nurse Agency | 17-12-2019 | Kirkstane House | 139 St Vincent Street | Glasgow | G2 5JF | 0330 094 5922 | Siobhan Wilson | | SP2019013420 | Staffscanner Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003008882 | Stalker, Dawn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Elgin | Dawn Stalker | | SP2003904881 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009230024 | Stane Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-08-2009 | Stane Primary School | Torbothie Road | Shotts | ML7 5JJ | 01501 826 705 | Laura Elizabeth Simpson | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017354357 | Stanek, Adriana | Childminding | 07-06-2017 | Bathgate | Adrians Stanek | SP2017988830 | Adriana Stanek | Active | |||||||||
CS2008184016 | Stanely Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 06-05-2009 | 35a Stanely Road | Paisley | PA2 6HJ | 01418 847 617 | Nicola Dow | | SP2009010206 | Stanely Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017344 | Stanley Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stanley Primary School | The Square | Stanley | Perth | PH1 4LU | 01738 474 100 | Elspeth Higgins | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2003016038 | Stanley Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stanley Road | Ardrossan | KA22 7DH | 01294 462 531 | Stephanie Incoronato | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377305 | Stanmore Care Home Service | Care Home Service | 13-07-2020 | Stanmore House School | Stanmore Road | Lanark | ML11 7RR | 01555 665 041 | John Docherty | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2019377387 | Stanmore Lifeskills | Support services - not care at home | 17-09-2020 | Stanmore House School | Stanmore Road | Lanark | ML11 7RR | 01555 665041 | John Docherty | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003015837 | Stanwell Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Junction Place | Edinburgh | EH6 5JA | 01315 541 309 | Laura West | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2019375138 | Star Academy Scotland Ltd | Day care of children | 19-03-2021 | 121st Glasgow (Clarkston) Scout Hall | Aidens Brae | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7EP | Gabrielle Coffrey-Craig | | SP2019013314 | Star Academy Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018365286 | Star Kids Out of School Care Ltd | 29-06-2018 | St. Anthony's Primary School | Lochaber Drive | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 5HX | 07791 608 966 | Joanne Sheils | | SP2018013088 | Star Kids Out of School Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008173937 | Star Kidz Childminding | Childminding | 16-09-2008 | Glasgow | Pauline Green | | SP2008969456 | Pauline Green | Active | ||||||||
CS2003007103 | Starley Hall School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2002 | Aberdour Road | Burntisland | KY3 0AG | 01383 860 314 | Sarah Butters | | SP2004006683 | Starley Hall School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012313063 | Start Bright Nursery | Day care of children | 06-09-2013 | 449 Gilmerton Road | Edinburgh | EH17 7JG | 01316 294 948 | Courtneyleigh Fuss | | SP2012011966 | Start Bright Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016348363 | Start Bright Nursery Bonnyrigg | Day care of children | 24-10-2016 | 1B Cockpen Road | Bonnyrigg | Bonnyrigg | EH19 3HS | 01316 291 060 | Lori Clark | | SP2016012743 | Start Bright Nursery Bonnyrigg Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003051301 | Station Road | Care homes for children and young people | 16-08-2004 | 39 Station Road | Carluke | ML8 5AD | 01555 771 996 | Jane Darroch | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2010272600 | Steedman, Angela | Childminding | 07-03-2012 | Edinburgh | Angela Steedman | | SP2010979769 | Angela Steedman | Active | ||||||||
CS2005108893 | Steel Rings Centre | Day care of children | 01-06-2006 | Paisley | Petra Nichols | | SP2004937244 | Petra Nichols | Active | ||||||||
CS2005099401 | Steele, Clare | Childminding | 17-11-2005 | Castle Douglas | Clare Steele | | SP2005948189 | Clare Steele | Active | ||||||||
CS2007143083 | Steele, Susan | Childminding | 16-08-2007 | Erskine | Susan Steele | | SP2007963436 | Susan Steele | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015646 | Stenhouse Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 43 Fords Road | Edinburgh | EH11 3HS | 01314 431 207 | Melissa O'Neill but know as McClean | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015868 | Stenhouse Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 4 Saughton Mains Street | Edinburgh | EH11 3HH | 01314 431 255 | Marie Renwick | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2010238823 | Stenhousemuir Nursery Class | Day care of children | 16-08-2010 | Stenhousemuir Primary School | Rae Street | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 4QP | 01324 503 440 | Dawn Stansfield | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2003016049 | Stenness Community School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stenness | Stromness | KW16 3LB | 01856 850 212 | Grant Thomson | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000464 | Step By Step Out of School Care (Baird Memorial) | Day care of children | 12-12-2024 | Baird Memorial Primary School | 6 Avonhead Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4RA | 07429 686394 | Claire Irvine | | SP2003001250 | Step By Step Private Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003003690 | Step By Step Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Killermont Church Halls | Rannoch Drive | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 2LD | 01419 427 201 | Sarah-Jayne Barnes | | SP2003001250 | Step By Step Private Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003001764 | Step By Step Pre-school Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Fairview Street | Danestone | Bridge of Don | Aberdeen | AB22 8ZP | 01224 707 677 | Janet Massie | | SP2003000339 | Aberdeen Step By Step Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003044454 | Step by Step Private Nursery | Day care of children | 28-03-2003 | 5 Gailes Road | Carrickstone | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 0JJ | 01236 732 023 | Claire Irvine | | SP2003001250 | Step By Step Private Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2004073543 | Step by Step Private Nursery (Maryhill) | Day care of children | 31-01-2005 | 25 Sandfield Street | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 9TL | 01419 452 030 | Amanda McDade | | SP2003001250 | Step By Step Private Nursery Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013319314 | Step Up (Housing, Employability & Community Support Services) | Housing support service | 23-09-2013 | Lock 9 Cottage | The Maltings | Falkirk | FK1 5BW | 01324 465 000 | Pamela Vass | | SP2013012130 | Step Up (Housing, Employability & Community Support Services) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013320396 | Step Up (Housing, Employability & Community Support Services) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-09-2013 | Lock 9 Cottage | The Maltings | Falkirk | FK1 5BW | 01324 465 000 | Pamela Vass | | SP2013012130 | Step Up (Housing, Employability & Community Support Services) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011280879 | Stepdown - Castlemilk and South | Care homes for children and young people | 14-04-2011 | 18 Wiltonburn road | Nitshill | Glasgow | G537JF | 01418804798 | Charlene Donaldson | | SP2008009794 | Stepdown | Active | ||||
CS2022000102 | Stepdown Bishopbriggs and East | Care Home Service | 20-04-2022 | Respite Care Home | 55 St. Marys Road | Bishopbriggs | GLASGOW | G64 2EH | 01417624523 | Tracey Wilson | | SP2008009794 | Stepdown | Active | |||
CS2022000101 | Stepdown Cambuslang and Carntyne | Care Home Service | 20-04-2022 | 1 Branchock Avenue | Cambuslang | GLASGOW | G72 8UQ | 07801341041 | Elaine Kerr | | SP2008009794 | Stepdown | Active | ||||
CS2010279413 | Stepdown Fostering Service | Fostering services | 10-03-2011 | 52 St. Andrews Drive | Glasgow | G41 5HF | 01417 624 523 | Margaret McGregor | | SP2008009794 | Stepdown | Active | |||||
CS2017353586 | Stepdown Hurlford | 13-02-2017 | 53a Galston Road | Hurlford | KA1 5HT | 01417 624 523 | Lynsey MacDonald | | SP2008009794 | Stepdown | Active | ||||||
CS2016344064 | Stepdown North | 08-03-2017 | 493 Bilsland Drive | Ruchill | Glasgow | G20 9JN | 01417 624 523 | Sean Clark | | SP2008009794 | Stepdown | Active | |||||
CS2010279414 | Stepdown Supported Carers Service | Adult placement services | 01-04-2011 | 52 St. Andrews Drive | Glasgow | G41 5HF | 01417 624 523 | Margaret McGregor | | SP2008009794 | Stepdown | Active | |||||
CS2016353162 | Steph's Childminding Service | 23-05-2017 | Aberdeen | Stephanie Pirie | SP2016988707 | Active | |||||||||||
CS2022000267 | Steph's House | Childminding | 30-08-2022 | Montrose | | SP2022000179 | Stephanie Strachan | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000041 | Stephanie Crawford Childminding | Child Minding | 06-02-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000787 | Stephanie Crawford | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003002107 | Stephen, Brenda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Fraserburgh | Brenda Stephen | | SP2003900729 | Brenda Stephen | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000080 | Stephs Super Stars | Child Minding | 17-03-2023 | Stranraer | | SP2023000059 | Stephanie Dunlop | Active | |||||||||
CS2003034567 | Stepping Stones | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Unit 5 | Baillie Building | Thorn Brae | Johnstone | PA5 8HE | 01505 325 226 | Lorna Bradley | | SP2003003346 | Lorna Bradley and Michael Brown, a partnership trading as "Stepping Stones" | Active | |||
CS2016353166 | Stepping Stones | Support Services - not care at home | 27-10-2017 | 63 Kilbowie Road | Social Economy Centre | Clydebank | G81 1BL | 01419 412 929 | John White | | SP2016012847 | Stepping Stones Organisation (Mental Health) | Active | ||||
CS2003015424 | Stepping Stones Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 66 Cumbernauld Road | Stepps | Glasgow | G33 6EW | 01417 793 942 | Nicole McGillivray | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003005914 | Stepping Stones For Families (Possilpark Family Centre) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Keppoch Campus | Possilpark Family Centre | 65 Stonyhurst Street, Possilpark | Glasgow | G22 5AX | 0141 336 2129 | Amanda Mulholland | | SP2003001274 | Stepping Stones For Families | Active | |||
CS2003017974 | Stepping Stones for Families: Glasgow Creche | Day care of children | 17-04-2003 | Townhead Village Hall | 60 St Mungo Avenue | Townhead | Glasgow | G4 0PL | 01413362129 | Amanda Mulholland | | SP2003001274 | Stepping Stones For Families | Active | |||
CS2004056929 | Stepping Stones Nurseries (Peterhead) Ltd | Day care of children | 22-03-2004 | 65 King Street | Peterhead | AB42 1QJ | 01779 481 344 | Carol-Anne Duncan | | SP2004939139 | Stepping Stones Nurseries (Peterhead) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009232698 | Stepping Stones Nursery | Day care of children | 21-05-2010 | Carnegie Lodge Hotel | 6 Viewfield road | Tain | IV19 1NR | Shelley King | | SP2009010748 | Stepping Stones Nursery (Tain) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019374674 | Stepping Stones Nursery | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | 110 West King Street | Helensburgh | G84 8DQ | 01436 670 751 | Jodie Brown | | SP2019990505 | Karen MacDonald | Active | |||||
CS2019373340 | Stepping Stones Nursery | Day Care of Children | 28-11-2019 | 56 Warrender Crescent | Dunbar | EH42 1LU | 01368 865 444 | Stacey Oliver | | SP2019013274 | Stepping Stones Nursery Dunbar Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009195509 | Stepping Stones Nursery Ellon | Day care of children | 27-11-2009 | Castle Park Industrial Estate | Ellon | AB41 9RG | 01358 724 343 | Isla Strachan | | SP2004939139 | Stepping Stones Nurseries (Peterhead) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009195510 | Stepping Stones Nursery Inverurie | Day care of children | 27-11-2009 | Unit 11 | Blackhall Industrial Estate | Inverurie | AB51 4FS | 01467 625 295 | Kayleigh Robertson | | SP2004939139 | Stepping Stones Nurseries (Peterhead) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010238277 | Stepping Stones Nursery School | Day care of children | 09-08-2010 | 7 Saline Street | Airdrie | ML6 9BE | 01236 779 292 | Jordan Palmer | | SP2010010818 | Stepping Stones Nursery School (Airdrie) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003002989 | Stepping Stones Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Forfar | Nicola Ross | | SP2003000594 | Stepping Stones Playgroup | Active | ||||||||
CS2007142613 | Stepps Childcare | Childminding | 28-08-2007 | Glasgow | Cheryl Dickens | | SP2007963249 | Cheryl and Robert Dickens | Active | ||||||||
CS2007163476 | Stepps Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-08-2008 | 10 Blenheim Avenue | Stepps | Glasgow | G33 6FH | 01236 632 148 | Jennifer Gardiner | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003034611 | Stevenson Day Care and Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Lade Lane | Largs | KA30 8FB | 01475 670 041 | Louise Andrews | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2017358025 | Stevenson, Bobbielee | 16-10-2017 | Bathgate | Bobbielee Stevenson | | SP2017989171 | Bobbielee Stevenson | Active | |||||||||
CS2006117053 | Stevenson, Pauline | Childminding | 11-08-2006 | Bathgate | Pauline Stevenson | | SP2006957597 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001628 | Stewart, Aileen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Aileen Stewart | | SP2003900383 | Aileen Stewart | Active | ||||||||
CS2004075341 | Stewart, Andrea | Childminding | 30-03-2005 | Glasgow | Andrea Stewart | | SP2004929964 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004059176 | Stewart, Andrea | Childminding | 01-12-2004 | Aberdeen | Andrea Stewart | | SP2004915815 | Andrea Stewart | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013702 | Stewart, Angela | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Blairgowrie | Angela Stewart | | SP2003905440 | Stewart Angela | Active | ||||||||
CS2007156302 | Stewart, Caroline | Childminding | 23-10-2007 | Airdrie | Caroline Stewart | | SP2007965858 | Caroline Stewart | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012396 | Stewart, Christine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Christine Stewart | | SP2003906121 | Christine Stewart | Active | ||||||||
CS2013318321 | Stewart, Claire | Childminding | 10-09-2013 | Glasgow | Claire Stewart | | SP2013985030 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013193 | Stewart, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Elizabeth Stewart | | SP2003906912 | Hood, Ms Elizabeth Hood, Ms Elizabeth | Active | ||||||||
CS2004060796 | Stewart, Geraldine | Childminding | 07-09-2004 | Glasgow | Geraldine Stewart | | SP2004917065 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006116571 | Stewart, Gillian | Childminding | 04-07-2006 | Turriff | Gillian Stewart | SP2006957190 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003055409 | Stewart, Gillian | Childminding | 21-09-2004 | Dundee | Gillian Stewart | | SP2004938777 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007154805 | Stewart, Linda | Childminding | 16-10-2007 | Prestonpans | Linda Stewart | | SP2005952567 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006136834 | Stewart, Marina | Childminding | 16-05-2008 | Irvine | Marina Stewart | | SP2006961811 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007144664 | Stewart, Norah | Childminding | 30-11-2007 | Glasgow | Norah Stewart | | SP2007963991 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007162841 | Stewart, Sally | Childminding | 14-05-2008 | Glasgow | Sally Stewart | | SP2007967115 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004081599 | Stewart, Shona C | Childminding | 08-12-2004 | Auchterarder | Shona C Stewart | | SP2004937382 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006116421 | Stewart, Yvonne | Childminding | 01-09-2006 | Tranent | Yvonne Stewart | | SP2006957065 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000756 | Stewarton Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Townhouse | 8 -12 Avenue Square | Stewarton | Kilmarnock | KA3 5AB | 01563 554 646 | Sheila Monk | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004071623 | Stewartry Care | Support services - care at home | 23-09-2004 | Unit C Millisle | Craignair Street | Dalbeattie | DG5 4AX | 01556 504 699 | Carine Louise McWilliam | | SP2003002552 | Stewartry Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009233363 | Stibbs, Lynne | Childminding | 19-11-2009 | Glasgow | Lynne Stibbs | | SP2009975776 | Lynne Stibbs | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002438 | Stickle, Patricia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Ellon | Patricia Stickle | | SP2003901133 | Patricia Stickle | Active | ||||||||
CS2003037681 | Stillie, Carmen | Childminding | 08-09-2003 | Buckie | Carmen Stillie | | SP2004936938 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016112 | Stirches Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stirches Primary School | Roxburgh Drive | Hawick | TD9 7QP | 01450 374 389 | Emma Armstrong | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2011306073 | Stirling and District Women's Aid | Housing support service | 18-12-2012 | Stirling | Lisa McGloin | | SP2011011761 | Stirling Women's Aid | Active | ||||||||
CS2005089712 | Stirling Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 11-11-2005 | Children's Services - Social Work | Raploch Community Campus | Drip Road | Stirling | FK8 1RD | 01786 471 177 | Wendy McKitterick | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2005089728 | Stirling Council - Fostering Service | Fostering services | 11-11-2005 | Children's Services - Social Work | Raploch Community Campus | Drip Road | Stirling | FK8 1RD | 01786 471 177 | Wendy McKitterick | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2004079692 | Stirling Council Reablement and Tec Services | Support services - care at home | 15-11-2004 | The Cottage | 18 Forrest Road | Riverbank | Stirling | FK8 1UH | 01786233732 | Agnieszka Marek | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2004079690 | Stirling Council Reablement and Tec Services | Housing support service | 18-11-2004 | The Cottage | 18 Forrest Road | Stirling | FK8 1UH | 01786233732 | Agnieszka Marek | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2003035021 | Stirling, Katrina | Childminding | 11-02-2004 | Carrbridge | Katrina Stirling | | SP2003908422 | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000211 | Stobhill Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-08-2022 | 70 Stobhill Road | Glasgow | G21 3TX | 01414137050 | Annette Gillan | | SP2016012834 | Clyde Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007157161 | Stobhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 20-03-2008 | 1 Bonnybank Road | Gorebridge | EH23 4DT | 01312 714 700 | Chris Wilson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003004714 | Stobo, Isabel | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Isabel Stobo | | SP2003902675 | Isabel Stobo | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000349 | Stockbridge Childminding | Child Minding | 20-10-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000231 | Svenja White | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017060 | Stockbridge Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 17 Hamilton Place | Stockbridge | Edinburgh | EH3 5BA | 01313 326 109 | Katharine Mackintosh(Clutterbuck) | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2006123416 | Stomaigh Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-11-2006 | Carinish | Isle of North Uist | HS6 5HL | 01876 580 202 | Kathryn Martin | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||||
CS2006123407 | Stomaigh Support Service | Housing support service | 13-11-2006 | Carinish | Isle of North Uist | HS6 5HL | 01876 580 202 | Christina Macdonald | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2003006381 | Stonefield Nursery & Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Congregational Church | Craig Street | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0NH | 07886 914 934 | Caroline Boles | | SP2003001450 | Caroline Boles | Active | |||
CS2006123466 | Stonehaven After School Club | Day care of children | 31-05-2006 | Stonehaven Community Education Centre | Bath Street | Stonehaven | AB39 2DH | 07710 515 640 | Fiona Macdonald | | SP2006008357 | Stonehaven After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003016825 | Stonehouse Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Townhead Street | Stonehouse | Larkhall | ML9 3EL | 01698 792 377 | Nicola Thomas | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2014325167 | Stonelaw Preschool Group | Day care of children | 14-08-2014 | Stonelaw Church of Scotland | 2 Dryburgh Avenue | Rutherglen | Glasgow | G73 3EG | 01416 473 777 | Cheryl Nicol | | SP2014012287 | Stonelaw Preschool Group | Active | |||
CS2012307351 | Stoneside Flat | Care homes for children and young people | 21-09-2012 | 18 Stoneside Drive | East wood | Glasgow | G43 1JF | 01416 324 052 | Caroll-Anne Duffin | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||
CS2019374996 | Stoney's Kids | Day Care of Children | 01-08-2019 | 9 Union Street | LARKHALL | ML9 1DX | 07400633316 | Nicola Thomas | | SP2019990538 | Nicola Thomas | Active | |||||
CS2021000172 | Stoneyburn Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 26-07-2021 | Stoneyburn Primary School | 2 Main Street | Stoneyburn | BATHGATE | EH47 8BA | 01501762253 | Eileen Brown | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2006117110 | Stoneyhill After School Club | Day care of children | 24-02-2006 | Stoneyhill Primary School | Clayknowes Way | Musselburgh | EH21 6UL | 01316 530 820 | Daisy Elder | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | ||||
CS2003016993 | Stoneyhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Clayknowes Way | Stoneyhill | Musselburgh | EH21 6UL | 01316 653 119 | Carol Colville | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2008185591 | Stoneywood House & Villa | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 27-08-2010 | 40 Glasgow Road | Denny | FK6 5DJ | 01324 824 015 | Jennifer Beirne | | SP2008010065 | Stoneywood Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012310573 | Stoneywood Out of School Club | Day care of children | 25-10-2012 | Stoneywood School | Greenburn Road | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9EL | 07525 854 716 | Margaret-Ann Goffin | | SP2003003228 | CLICC Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2003014520 | Stoneywood School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stoneywood School | Greenburn Road | Bucksburn | Aberdeen | AB21 9EL | 01224 712 720 | Claire Rasmusson | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2004059312 | Stopover Project | Housing support service | 22-09-2004 | 200 Pollokshaws Road | Glasgow | G41 1QB | 01414 203 121 | Joanna McPherson | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2019375880 | Stormont Cottage | Care Home Service | 16-01-2020 | Castleton | Auchterarder | Perth | PH3 1JR | 07825 338 581 | Demi Hood | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2010272077 | Stormont Lodge | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | Kirk Wynd | Blairgowrie | PH10 6HN | 01250 872 853 | Sharon Dodds | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012309153 | Stornoway Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 07-01-2013 | Jamieson Drive | Stornoway | HS1 2LE | 01851 822 887 | Fiona Macleod | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2003009697 | Stornoway Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Scout Hall | Keith Street | Stornoway | HS1 2JG | 01851 701 107 | Greta Macaskill | | SP2003002096 | Stornoway Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003017064 | Stornoway Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stornoway Primary School | Jamieson Drive | Stornoway | Isle of Lewis | HS1 2LF | 01851 822878 | Tanneke Mitchell | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||
CS2003012722 | Storrie, Aileen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Aileen Storrie | | SP2003906441 | Aileen Storrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000419 | Storyville House | Care Home Service | 13-12-2023 | Storyville House Residential Home | Beechwood Place | Kirriemuir | DD8 5DZ | 01575 574667 | Wendy Shearer | | SP2023000427 | Storyville House Limited | Active | ||||
CS2014325397 | Stott, Michelle | Childminding | 29-07-2014 | Inverurie | Michelle Stott | | SP2014985850 | Michelle Stott | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2016344719 | Stow Kids Club | Day care of children | 20-12-2016 | Stow Primary School | Station Road | Stow | Galashiels | TD1 2SQ | 07709234413 | Andrea Carlino | | SP2016012658 | Stow Kids Club a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2003017382 | Stow Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Stow | Galashiels | TD1 2SQ | 01578 730 218 | Magda Robertson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015780 | Stracathro Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stracathro | Brechin | DD9 7QE | 01356 237146 | Sheena Farquhar | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2016347970 | Strachan Care Services | 29-06-2017 | 6A Barry Road | Carnoustie | DD7 7QL | 01241 553 998 | Karen Robertson | | SP2016988121 | Karen Robertson | Active | ||||||
CS2007143314 | Strachan House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 05-02-2007 | 93 Craigcrook Road | Edinburgh | EH4 3PE | 01313 363 166 | Frances Fisher | | SP2003002454 | Barchester Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003003916 | Strachan, Gillian | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Gillian Strachan | | SP2003902115 | Gillian Strachan | Active | ||||||||
CS2012309752 | Strachan, Gillian | Childminding | 19-10-2012 | Dundee | Gillian Strachan | | SP2012983765 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012309962 | Strachur Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 27-08-2012 | Strachur Primary School | Strachur | Cairndow | PA27 8DH | 01369 860 293 | Lorraine Fisher | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016133 | Straiton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Newton Stewart Road | Straiton | Maybole | KA19 7NH | 01655 885 808 | Andrew Hislop | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2011301594 | Stramash Outdoor Nursery | Day care of children | 14-08-2012 | Hilltops | Ganavan Road | Oban | PA34 5TU | 01631 566 080 | Adam Gilmovitch | | SP2011011702 | Stramash Social Enterprise | Active | ||||
CS2018367082 | Stramash Outdoor Nursery Tornagrain | 22-08-2018 | 1 Mid Coul Court | Tornagrain | Inverness | IV2 8BD | 01361 466 080 | Hamish Orr | | SP2011011702 | Stramash Social Enterprise | Active | |||||
CS2014334483 | Stramash Outdoor Nursery, Elgin | Day care of children | 13-07-2015 | Spynie Village Hall | Spynie | Elgin | IV30 8XJ | 01631 566 080 | Stephen Rae | | SP2011011702 | Stramash Social Enterprise | Active | ||||
CS2014323840 | Stramash Outdoor Nursery, Fort William | Day care of children | 16-07-2014 | Inverlochy Mains | North Road | Old Inverlochy Castle | Fort William | PH33 6TQ | 01631 566 080 | Lyndsay Boyd | | SP2011011702 | Stramash Social Enterprise | Active | |||
CS2006114783 | Strang, Karen | Childminding | 11-01-2007 | Ardrossan | Karen Strang | | SP2006955900 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009233378 | Strange, Laura | Childminding | 14-09-2010 | Elgin | Laura Strange | | SP2009975784 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010871 | Stranraer Activity & Resource Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Activity & Resource Centre | Social Services Department | Sun Street | Stranraer | DG9 7JJ | 01776 704 525 | Gail Laverty | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2021000278 | Stranraer Skills Station Ltd | Support services - not care at home | 29-09-2021 | 30 Harbour Street | Stranraer | DG9 7RD | 01776704556 | Annie Gibson | | SP2021000173 | Stranraer Skills Station Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000277 | Stranraer Skills Station Ltd | Housing Support Service | 29-09-2021 | 30 Harbour Street | Stranraer | DG9 7RD | 01776704556 | Annie Gibson | | SP2021000173 | Stranraer Skills Station Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000276 | Stranraer Skills Station Ltd | Support Service | 29-09-2021 | 30 Harbour Street | Stranraer | DG9 7RD | 01776 704556 | Annie Gibson | | SP2021000173 | Stranraer Skills Station Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014666 | Strath of Appin Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strath of Appin Primary School | Strath of Appin | Appin | PA38 4BG | 01631 730 345 | Natalie White | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008490 | Strathallan House (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Golf Course Road | Strathpeffer | IV14 9AT | 01997 421 670 | Chloe MacLeod | | SP2003001712 | Mistral Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017722 | Strathallan House (Support Service) | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2002 | Golf Course Road | Strathpeffer | IV14 9AT | 01997 421 670 | Christopher Allan | | SP2003001712 | Mistral Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006140833 | Strathallan Out of School Club | Day care of children | 27-04-2007 | Strathallan Primary School | Strathallan Drive | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5YP | 07515 189 480 | Carol Fowler | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2006140978 | Strathallan Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 08-01-2007 | Strathallan Primary School | Strathallan Drive | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5YP | 01592 583 434 | Derek Cobb | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2006114915 | Strathallan School | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | Forgandenny | Perth | PH2 9EG | 01738 815 000 | David Lauder | | SP2006008030 | Strathallan School | Active | |||||
CS2003006387 | Strathaven After School Club Ltd. | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wester Overton Primary School | Ashkirk Road | Strathaven | ML10 6JT | 07813 469 481 | Colin Smith | | SP2003001453 | Strathaven After School Club Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003006378 | Strathaven Community Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Wester Overton Primary School | Ashkirk Road | Strathaven | ML10 6JT | 01357523853 | Hazel Devlin | | SP2003001449 | Strathaven Community Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2009194517 | Strathblane Out of School Care Ltd | Day care of children | 18-06-2009 | Scout Hall | Dumbrock Road | Strathblane | Glasgow | G63 9EF | 07766 337 537 | Gillian Waugh | | SP2009010250 | Strathblane Out of School Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003015612 | Strathblane Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Southview Road | Blanefield | Glasgow | G63 9JQ | 01360 770 608 | Gael Robertson | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | ||||
CS2012307262 | Strathburn (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Strathburn House | Strath | Gairloch | IV21 2BZ | 01445 712 493 | Deborah Young | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Inactive | ||||
CS2012307265 | Strathburn (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Strathburn House | Strath | Gairloch | IV21 2BZ | 01445 712 493 | Deborah Young | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Inactive | ||||
CS2003002673 | Strathburn Park Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Garioch Sports Centre | Burghmuir Drive | Inverurie | AB51 4GY | 07761 771 774 | Brenda Milne | | SP2003000534 | Strathburn Park Preschool | Active | ||||
CS2003015711 | Strathburn School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathburn Primary School Nursery | Strathburn Primary School | Strathburn Gardens | Inverurie | AB51 4RY | 01467 621 143 | Mandy Sinclair | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2019373515 | Strathclyde University Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-09-2019 | Level 1 Forbes Hall | 76 Rottenrow East | Glasgow | G4 0NG | 01415 484 125 | Kelly Ann Harkins | | SP2019013266 | Childcare Scotland Properties Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017272 | Strathconon Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathconon Primary School | Strathconon | Muir of Ord | IV6 7QQ | 01997 477 257 | Heather Rosie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003015982 | Strathdearn Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathdearn Primary School | Tomatin | Inverness | IV13 7YN | 01463 226 197 | Emma Patience | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015586 | Strathdevon ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathdevon Primary School | Park Place | Dollar | FK14 7AA | 01259 742 435 | Emma Tomlinson | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015335722 | Stratherick Childminding Service | Childminding | 27-05-2015 | Stirling | Heather McHardy | SP2015986737 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017355277 | Stratherrick Nursery | Day care of children | 26-06-2017 | Stratherrick Primary School | Gorthleck | Inverness | IV2 6UJ | 01456 486 630 | Alan Graham | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2007157181 | Strathesk Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 09-04-2008 | 4 Eastfield Farm Road | Penicuik | EH26 8EZ | 01312 714 705 | Pauline Marr | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013604 | Strathgarve Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathgarve Primary School | Garve | IV23 2PR | 01997 414 286 | Heather Rosie | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2003001442 | Strathleven Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 30 Strathleven Place | Dumbarton | G82 1BA | 01389 742 286 | Ainsley Clark | | SP2003000288 | Pelan Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003037770 | Strathmartine Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-10-2003 | Strathmartine Primary School | Kirkton of Strathmartine | Dundee | DD3 0PH | 01382 536 645 | Sandra Hood | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015911 | Strathmiglo Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 111 High Street | Strathmiglo | Cupar | KY14 7PT | 01334 659 443 | Claire Allan | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000360 | Strathmore Centre | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 57 Strathmore Avenue | Forfar | DD8 1ND | 01307 492423 | Katie Miller | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2006125593 | Strathmore Day Opportunities for Older People | Support Services - not care at home | 15-09-2009 | Blairgowrie ARC | Jessie Street | Blairgowrie | PH10 6BT | 01250 871 919 | Mark Stratton | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2007158902 | Strathmore Lodge | Housing support service | 10-12-2007 | 31 Ward Road | Dundee | DD1 1NG | 01382 225 448 | Morag McGrattan | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2024000366 | Strathmore Outreach Service | Support Service | 23-09-2024 | Angus Council | Children With Disabilities | 57 Strathmore Avenue | Forfar | DD8 1ND | 01307 461767 | Katie Miller | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||
CS2003015767 | Strathmore Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. James Road | Forfar | DD8 1LE | 01307 494 276 | Jennifer Garnes | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017274 | Strathpeffer Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Strathpeffer Primary School | Strathpeffer | IV14 9AG | 01997 421 824 | Sarah Wojtunik | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2011300762 | Strathtay House | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Harley Place | Perth | PH1 5DP | 01738 632 343 | Regeorgina Laqueo | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013318123 | Strathview Care Home | Care homes for older people | 30-08-2013 | Carswell Wynd | Auchtermuchty | Cupar | KY14 7FG | 01337 827 480 | Abigail Rose-Armstrong | | SP2013012090 | ARIA HEALTHCARE GROUP LTD | Active | ||||
CS2022000377 | Strathy House | Care homes for children and young people | 13-12-2022 | 20 Farm Street | Motherwell | ML1 3JR | 01698230803 | kayleigh Connor | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014326512 | Stravaig Project | Housing support service | 17-07-2014 | 73 Dumbarton Road | Glasgow | G11 6PW | 01413 3394990 | Sinead Stewart | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||||
CS2014328208 | Stravaig Project | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-07-2014 | 73 Dumbarton Road | Glasgow | G11 6PW | 01413394990 | Sinead Stewart | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||||
CS2019378255 | Strawberry Field Childminding | Child Minding | 11-02-2020 | Perth | Nicola Coulter | | SP2019990976 | Nicola Coulter | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004890 | Strawberry Field Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Back O' Hill Farm | Whirlie Road | Houston | Johnstone | PA6 7BY | 01505 615 315 | Hamish Cook / Wendy Blair | | SP2003001022 | Strawberry Field Nursery | Active | |||
CS2021000022 | Strawberry Patch Childminding | Child Minding | 21-04-2021 | MUSSELBURGH | | SP2021000016 | Katharine Bleakley | Active | |||||||||
CS2004076952 | Streets Ahead (East) - Care at Home/Housing Support | Housing support service | 23-08-2004 | Room 4 | A Heart for Duns, Volunteer Hall | Langtongate | Duns | TD11 3AF | 01450377924 | Jayne Emmerson | | SP2003001977 | Streets Ahead (Borders) | Active | |||
CS2004076953 | Streets Ahead (East) - Care at Home/Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-08-2004 | Room 4 | A Heart for Duns, Volunteer Hall | Langtongate | Duns | TD11 3AF | 01450 377924 | Jayne Emmerson | | SP2003001977 | Streets Ahead (Borders) | Active | |||
CS2004056959 | Streets Ahead (West) - Care at Home/Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-08-2004 | Unit 2, Annfield Mills | 1 Teviot Crescent | Hawick | TD9 9RE | 01450 377 924 | Gavin Boyle | | SP2003001977 | Streets Ahead (Borders) | Active | ||||
CS2004056958 | Streets Ahead (West) - Care at Home/Housing Support | Housing support service | 23-08-2004 | Unit 2 Annfield Mills | 1 Teviot Crescent | Hawick | TD9 9RE | 01450 377 924 | Gavin Boyle | | SP2003001977 | Streets Ahead (Borders) | Active | ||||
CS2003002588 | Strichen Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Episcopal Church Hall | 60 North Street | Strichen | Fraserburgh | AB43 6SX | 01771 637 783 | Caroline Laythorpe | | SP2003000462 | Strichen Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003015726 | Strichen School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | North Street | Strichen | Fraserburgh | AB43 6SX | 01771 676 640 | Sunita Joshi | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2025000024 | Stride Healthcare and Recruitment Limited | Housing Support Service | 21-01-2025 | 2/1 | 131 Royston Road | Glasgow | G21 2QN | 07931248969 | Morgan Osagie Cole Iguodala | | SP2023000748 | Stride Healthcare And Recruitment Limited | Active | ||||
CS2025000023 | Stride Healthcare and Recruitment Limited | Support Service | 21-01-2025 | 2/1 | 131 Royston Road | Glasgow | G21 2QN | 07594382652 | Morgan Osagie Cole Iguodala | | SP2023000748 | Stride Healthcare And Recruitment Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003016048 | Stromness Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stromness Primary School | Cairston Road | Stromness | KW16 3JS | 01856 850 544 | Caroline Easton | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003034609 | Stronach Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Montrose House | Glencloy Road | Brodick | Isle of Arran | KA27 8HF | 01770 303 952 | Morven Ross-Bain | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016052 | Stronsay Junior High Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stronsay Junior High School | Stronsay | Orkney | KW17 2AE | 01857 616 246 | Petra McLay | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015984 | Strontian Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ardnamurchan High School | Strontian | Acharacle | PH36 4JA | 01967 402 363 | Laura Hannah | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017601 | Struan Daycare | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Bencorrum Brae | Dunoon | PA23 8HU | 01369 705 759 | Ann Kennedy | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000452 | Struan Lodge | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 2 Ben-Corrum Brae | Dunoon | PA23 8HU | 01369 703 936 | Caroline Rae | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003010671 | Struan Lodge Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 54 Balgreen Avenue | Edinburgh | EH12 5SU | 0131 337 7477 | Kieran Burt | | SP2003002474 | Struan Lodge Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014325237 | Struthers Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 22-08-2014 | Castle Stuart Walk | Troon | KA10 7LH | Laura Clark | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2014328800 | Stuart Wright Care Ltd | Support services - care at home | 25-11-2014 | 52 Dunkeld Street | Aberfeldy | PH15 2AF | 01887 829 791 | Susan Wright | | SP2014012339 | Stuart Wright Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007165182 | Stuart, Caroline | Childminding | 08-02-2008 | Stirling | Caroline Stuart | | SP2007967547 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006222 | Stuart, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jacqueline Stuart | | SP2003903655 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003008052 | Stuart, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dingwall | Jacqueline Stuart | | SP2003907792 | Jacqueline Stuart | Active | ||||||||
CS2003003471 | Stuart, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Susan Stuart | | SP2003901776 | Susan Stuart | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002589 | Stuartfield Preschool Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Stuartfield Village Hall | Burnett Street | Stuartfield | Peterhead | AB42 5DN | 07484528009 | Karen Sayers | | SP2003000463 | Stuartfield Preschool Group | Active | |||
CS2015339084 | Studio 2 School's Out Club | Day care of children | 30-09-2015 | 9 Eastfield Place | Dumbarton | G82 1AB | 07889 085 433 | Laura Henderson | | SP2013984937 | Jan Archer | Active | |||||
CS2009235277 | Sturgeon, Denise | Childminding | 13-05-2011 | West Calder | Denise Sturgeon | | SP2009976484 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317615 | Sturrock, Emma | Childminding | 28-03-2014 | Glasgow | Emma Sturrock | | SP2013984943 | Emma Sturrock | Active | ||||||||
CS2012308593 | Su Kirbitson Childminding Services | Childminding | 16-07-2012 | Edinburgh | Susan Kirbitson | | SP2012983606 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000468 | Success Point Associate Ltd | Nurse agencies | 19-12-2024 | 29 Cecil Avenue | Bradford | BD7 3BW | 02039893000 | Adekunle Oresotu | | SP2023001489 | Success Point Associate Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012307671 | Sue Ryder Care & Support Service - Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-06-2012 | Caiesdykes Road | Kincorth | Aberdeen | AB12 5JY | 07972 732 467 | Morag White | | SP2007967940 | Sue Ryder | Active | ||||
CS2012307685 | Sue Ryder Care & Support Service - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 01-06-2012 | Sue Ryder Care | Dee View Court | Caiesdykes Road | Aberdeen | AB12 5JY | 01224 245920 | Morag White | | SP2007967940 | Sue Ryder | Active | |||
CS2016346702 | Sue's Childminding | Childminding | 29-07-2016 | Livingston | Susan Gallagher | | SP2016987967 | Susan Gallagher | Active | ||||||||
CS2014332481 | Suky's Childminding Service | Childminding | 04-05-2015 | Edinburgh | Sukhwant Singh | | SP2014986437 | Sukhwant Singh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011547 | Summerdale | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Victoria Place | Brightons | Falkirk | FK2 0TZ | 01324 711 924 | Carol Williamson | | SP2003002708 | Summerdale | Active | ||||
CS2003011511 | Summerford House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Summerford Road | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 5BT | 01324 501 840 | Carolanne Campbell | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000259 | Summerhill Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Summerhill Road | Aberdeen | AB15 6HU | 01224 319 531 | Caroline Jarret | | SP2003000025 | The Trustees Of Summerhill Home | Active | |||||
CS2019373512 | Summerlea House Nursery | Day Care of Children | 12-09-2019 | 9 Union Street | Largs | KA30 8DG | 01475 672 011 | Lauren Weir | | SP2019013266 | Childcare Scotland Properties Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008172820 | Summerlee House Ltd. | Care homes for older people | 06-05-2008 | 1 Canal Court | West Canal Street | Coatbridge | ML5 1PE | 01236 433 466 | Emma Duffy | | SP2008009682 | Summerlee House Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003051100 | Summers Nursery @ Burghmuir Drive | Day care of children | 22-12-2003 | 2 Burghmuir Drive | Inverurie | AB51 4GY | 01467 628 862 | Suzanne Stephen | | SP2003003231 | Summers Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010248224 | Summers Nursery @ St Swithin Street | Day care of children | 19-07-2010 | 50 St Swithin Street | Aberdeen | AB10 6XJ | 01224 209 966 | Erin Horne | | SP2003003231 | Summers Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006117995 | Summers Nursery @ Victoria Street | Day care of children | 05-01-2007 | 44 Victoria Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1XA | 01224 628 862 | AMBER DAVIDSON | | SP2003003231 | Summers Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014325935 | Summerside Kindergarten Limited | Day care of children | 10-11-2014 | 1 Summerside Street | Edinburgh | EH6 4NT | 01315 546 560 | Michelle Inch McLeod | | SP2014012304 | Summerside Kindergarten Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003005922 | Summerston After School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Blanes Primary School | 23 Arrochar Drive | Glasgow | G23 5QB | Brian Wilson | | SP2004005191 | Summerston Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003050017 | Summerston Childcare Limited | Day care of children | 29-11-2004 | Bellcraig Community Education Centre | 10 Gorstan Street | Summerston | Glasgow | G23 5QA | 01415 791 045 | Jennifer Hall | | SP2004005191 | Summerston Childcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2015342398 | Sunbeams Nursery | Day care of children | 15-04-2016 | c/o Innellan Primary School | Wyndham Road | Innellan | Dunoon | PA23 7SJ | 07769 174 343 | Anne Braham | | SP2015012612 | Innellan and Toward Family Centre a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2003010279 | Suncourt Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 19 Crosbie Road | Troon | KA10 6HE | 01292 317 666 | Carly Buckley | | SP2003002273 | Suncourt Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008178883 | Sunderland House | School care accommodation | 20-08-2008 | 75 Argyll Road | Dunoon | PA23 8EE | 01369 703 601 | Tracy Gordon | | SP2006008009 | Spark of Genius (Training) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003045401 | Sundrum View | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 8 Woodhead Road | Coylton | Ayr | KA6 6HT | 01292 570 486 | John Scott | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000222 | Sunflower Cottage | Care Home Service | 20-07-2023 | 5 Raith Grove | Kirkcaldy | KY2 5NQ | 07511293437 | Kirsty Scott-Dodd | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017099 | Sunflower Family Nurture Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Melgund Place | Lochgelly | KY5 9QY | 01592 583 533 | Erin Aitchison | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2019374389 | Sunflower Home Care | Housing Support Service | 17-07-2019 | Ness House | 1 Bishops Road | Inverness | IV3 5SB | 01463 243 132 | Vicky Kilgour | | SP2003002400 | Highland Hospice | Active | ||||
CS2019374387 | Sunflower Home Care | Support Service | 17-07-2019 | Ness House | 1 Bishops Road | Inverness | IV3 5SB | 01463 243 132 | Vicky Kilgour | | SP2003002400 | Highland Hospice | Active | ||||
CS2003000133 | Sunflower Nursery 2 | Day care of children | 21-08-2002 | Block 10, Units 1-2 | 24-26 Beardmore Way | Clydebank Industrial Estate | Clydebank | G81 4HT | 01419524415 | Susannah Turnbull | | SP2003001159 | Sunflower Private Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2020000010 | Sunny Sky Nursery | Day Care of Children | 25-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000010 | Example Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003014521 | Sunnybank School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Sunnybank School | Sunnybank Road | Aberdeen | AB24 3NJ | 01224 261 700 | Donna Kidd | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2013320598 | Sunnybrae Centre | Housing support service | 02-07-2014 | 1 Euson Kloss | Kirkwall | KW15 1BF | 01856 875 736 | Layla Sinclair | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2013320613 | Sunnybrae Centre | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-07-2014 | 1 Euson Kloss | Kirkwall | KW15 1BF | 01856 875 736 | Layla Sinclair | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2019376850 | Sunnyside Childminding Service | Child Minding | 20-11-2019 | Inverurie | Gemma Parker | | SP2019990754 | Gemma Parker | Active | ||||||||
CS2003043743 | Sunnyside ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Erskine Street | Alloa | FK10 2AT | 01259 452319 | Lynne Goodwin | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2007167896 | Sunnyside House | Care homes for children and young people | 29-07-2008 | Sunnyside Childrens Unit | 1 Hillside Crescent | Auchinleck | Cumnock | KA18 2HU | 01290 422 580 | Alana Priestley | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | |||
CS2025000061 | Sunshine Childcare | Childminding | 11-02-2025 | Glasgow | | SP2024000586 | Candice Phinn | Active | |||||||||
CS2025000060 | Sunshine Childcare | Childminding | 11-02-2025 | Inverness | | SP2024000729 | Sonya Cooper | Active | |||||||||
CS2020000015 | Sunshine Nursery | Day Care of Children | 26-11-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2024000070 | Sunshine Nursery | Day Care of Children | 29-02-2024 | Newark Road South | Glenrothes | KY7 4NS | 01592 630485 | Denise Rankin | | SP2023000323 | Sadco Nursery Group (Glenrothes) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020000021 | Sunshine Nursery Migration+Prop | Support Service | 02-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2016353028 | Sunshine Nursery Torphins Limited | 26-06-2017 | 4 Beltie Road | Torphins | Banchory | AB31 4JT | 01339 882 929 | Emma Jane Morrice | | SP2016012841 | Sunshine Nursery Torphins Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003002990 | Sunshine Play School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Northmuir Hall | Shielhill Road | Kirriemuir | DD8 4PN | 01575 575 969 | Shona Short | | SP2003000595 | Sunshine Play School | Active | ||||
CS2003052870 | Super Mums Ltd | Childcare agencies | 11-03-2004 | 22a Great King Street | Edinburgh | EH3 6QH | 01312 251 744 | Sally Howieson | | SP2004005339 | Super Mums Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000198 | SuperTroop | Support Service | 29-06-2023 | Dalmeny House | Fettes College | 2 Carrington Road | EDINBURGH | EH4 1QX | 07593 305783 | Sally Bell | | SP2017013015 | SuperTroop Scotland (SCIO) | Active | |||
CS2004077278 | Support @ Home (Shetland) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-09-2004 | Community Health and Social Care | Upper Floor Montfield | Burgh Road, Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0LA | 01595 744 308 | Muriel Forbes | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2004069152 | Support for Ordinary Living | Support services - care at home | 07-09-2004 | 96 Kirk Road | Wishaw | ML2 7BL | 01698 276 206 | Ashleigh Barbour-Niven | | SP2004005745 | Support For Ordinary Living | Active | |||||
CS2004069150 | Support for Ordinary Living | Housing support service | 07-09-2004 | 96 Kirk Road | Wishaw | ML2 7BL | 01698 276 206 | Ashleigh Barbour-Niven | | SP2004005745 | Support For Ordinary Living | Active | |||||
CS2004069196 | Support Works: Group One | Housing support service | 02-09-2004 | Craighall Centre | 210 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RB | 01314 696 222 | Linda Dodgson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2004069197 | Support Works: Group One | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-09-2004 | Craighall Centre | 210 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RB | 01315 512 194 | Linda Dodgson | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000213 | Support Works: Group Three | Support Service | 23-08-2021 | Craighall Centre | 210 Ferry Road | 257 Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RB | 0131 5512194 | Angie Millar | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||
CS2021000212 | Support Works: Group Three | Housing Support Service | 23-08-2021 | Craighall Centre | 210 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RB | 0131 5512194 | Angie Millar | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2017359646 | Support Works: Group Two | 14-05-2018 | Craighall Centre | 210 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RB | 0131 5512194 | Mostafa Hifnawy | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2017360345 | Support Works: Group Two | 14-05-2018 | Craighall Centre | 210 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RB | 0131 5512194 | Mostafa Hifnawy | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2018371860 | Support, Help and Integration in Perthshire | 13-05-2019 | Fairview School | Oakbank Crescent | Perth | PH1 1DF | 07713 565 120 | Nicola Schelbert | | SP2018013246 | Support Help and Integration in Perthshire a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2024000285 | SupportCare24 | Support Service | 02-08-2024 | 3/1 Kensington House | 227 Sauchiehall Street | Glasgow | G2 3EX | 01412660382 | Yewande Omoyeni | | SP2022000113 | C & S Recruitment Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003054357 | Supported Accommodation Services | Housing support service | 12-10-2004 | Pavillion 6a | Moorpark Court | 35 Dava Street, Govan | Glasgow | G51 2BQ | 01414 401 309 | Marion McKnight | | SP2003000175 | Mainstay Trust Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2004077237 | Supported Accommodation Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-09-2004 | Pavillion 6a | Moorpark Court | 35 Dava Street, Govan | Glasgow | G51 2BQ | 01414 401 309 | Marion McKnight | | SP2003000175 | Mainstay Trust Ltd. | Active | |||
CS2007149662 | Supported and Continuing Care Service | Adult placement services | 23-04-2008 | 181 Whitletts Road | Ayr | KA8 0JQ | 01292 612 092 | Ashley Judge | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2008168320 | Supported Carers Scheme | Adult placement services | 06-06-2008 | North Ayrshire Council | Cunninghame House | Irvine | KA12 8EE | 01294 310300 | Joanne Wilson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007155432 | Supported Carers Scheme | Adult placement services | 19-06-2008 | Renfrewshire Council | Social Work Services | Cotton St | PAISLEY | PA1 1AN | 03003000300 | Fiona Duncan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2007154895 | Supported Carers Service | Adult placement services | 21-03-2008 | East Kilbride Local Office | 1st Floor, Civic Centre | Andrew Street, East Kilbride | Glasgow | G74 1AB | 01355 806 969 | Amy McKellar | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2007149624 | Supported Carers Service | Adult placement services | 29-05-2008 | Continuing Care and After Care Services | Ladywell Business Centre | 94 Duke Street | Glasgow | G4 0LW | 0141 302 2800 | Linda Haggerty | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||
CS2018363978 | Supported Living and Outreach | 12-07-2018 | Community Health and Social Care Offices | Grantfield | Lerwick | ZE1 0LA | 01595 744 306 | Diane Colvin | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2018363977 | Supported Living and Outreach | 12-07-2018 | Community Health and Social Care Offices | Grantfield | Lerwick | ZE1 0LA | 01595 744 306 | Diane Colvin | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000937 | Supported Living Services Glasgow South | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Flat 0/1 | 171 Butterbiggins Road | Govanhill | Glasgow | G42 7AS | 01414 239 545 | George Locke | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2020380027 | Supported Lodgings | Adult Placement Service | 22-12-2020 | Youth Services (@ Scott Street) | 68-86 Scott Street | Perth | PH2 8JW | 01738 474 580 | Lyndsay Richmond | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2007160675 | Supported Lodgings Scheme | Adult placement services | 14-03-2008 | Family Placement Team | 122-124 Irish Street | Dumfries | DG1 2PB | 01387 262 612 | Leanne Young | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2006139295 | Supported Lodgings Scheme | Adult placement services | 17-04-2008 | Fife House | North Street | Glenrothes | KY7 5LT | 03451 555 555 | Euan Kelso | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2013315948 | Supported Lodgings Scheme | Adult placement services | 20-05-2013 | 28a Millgate Loan | Arbroath | DD11 1PQ | 01241 464 646 | Elizabeth Ross | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2013316223 | Supporting Positive Paths C.I.C. | Support services - care at home | 13-01-2014 | 11 Timber Bush | Edinburgh | EH6 6QR | 07903 962 450 | Lisa Hunter | | SP2013012039 | Supporting Positive Paths CIC | Active | |||||
CS2020380483 | Supporting Positive Paths C.I.C. | Housing Support Service | 13-01-2021 | 16/2 Timber Bush | Edinburgh | EH6 6QH | 07903 962 450 | LISA HUNTER | | SP2013012039 | Supporting Positive Paths CIC | Active | |||||
CS2007164045 | Supportive Carers Scheme | Adult placement services | 16-06-2008 | Camelon Social Work Office | 108B Glasgow Road | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4HS | 01324 506 070 | Alma Cope | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2024000328 | SureCare Glasgow | Support Service | 15-08-2024 | 1st Floor | 4 Somerset Place | Glasgow | G3 7JT | 01414590578 | Anne Marie Gill | | SP2023001442 | SC Healthcare Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2017357131 | Susan's Childminding | Childminding | 02-10-2017 | Carrbridge | Susan Barnes | | SP2017989113 | Susan Barnes | Active | ||||||||
CS2019376777 | Susy's Childminding Service | Child Minding | 18-09-2019 | Bathgate | Susana Ventura de Sousa | | SP2019990746 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000133 | Sutherland Care at Home Service | Support Service | 22-04-2024 | Lawson Memorial Hospital | 5 Ben Bhraggie Terrace | Golspie | KW10 6SU | 01408 664062 | Jennifer Peasley | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2010278954 | Sutherland Stepping Stones Childrens Centre | Day care of children | 21-03-2011 | Education Department | Brora Youth Access | Education Buildings, Johnstone Place | Brora | KW9 6PJ | 07791 156 725 | Annemarie Heneghan | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | |||
CS2003017564 | Sutherland, Kim | Childminding | 21-03-2003 | Leven | Kim Sutherland | | SP2003910693 | Kim Sutherland | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013895 | Sutherland, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Halkirk | Linda Sutherland | | SP2003907547 | Linda Sutherland | Active | ||||||||
CS2007152843 | Sutherland, Lorraine | Childminding | 10-10-2007 | Thurso | Lorraine Sutherland | | SP2004939488 | Active | |||||||||
CS2009231082 | Sutherland, Nicky | Childminding | 12-11-2010 | Orkney | Nicky Sutherland | | SP2009975070 | Nicky Sutherland | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325830 | Sutton Care Solutions Limited | Support services - care at home | 08-09-2014 | 170 Lanark Road West | Currie | Edinburgh | EH14 5NY | 01314 499 422 | Karen Walker | | SP2014012298 | Sutton Care Solutions Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015341349 | Suzanne's Childminding Services | Childminding | 17-02-2016 | Denny | Suzanne Cameron | SP2015987385 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017356641 | SW Hub - Re-ablement Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre | 30 Harvesters Way | Edinburgh | EH14 3JF | 01314 539 488 | Roslyn Scott | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2017356651 | SW Hub - Re-ablement Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-10-2017 | Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre | 30 Harvesters Way | Edinburgh | EH14 3JF | 01314 539 488 | Roslyn Scott | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2016347300 | Swansacre Playgroup | Day care of children | 09-08-2016 | 21-23 Swansacre | Kinross | KY13 8TE | 01577 862 071 | Natalie Loughney | | SP2016012722 | Swansacre Playgroup, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2022000156 | Swanton Care and Community, Supported Living Service - Scotland | Housing Support Service | 15-06-2022 | Strathallan | Slamannan | Falkirk | FK1 3BB | 01324 851336 | Paul Tansey | | SP2003003257 | Swanton Care and Community (Southfield House Care Services) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2022000164 | Swanton Care and Community, Supported Living Service - Scotland | Support Service | 21-06-2022 | Strathallan | Slamannan | Falkirk | FK1 3BB | 01324 851336 | Paul Tansey | | SP2003003257 | Swanton Care and Community (Southfield House Care Services) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007154244 | Sweeney, Caroline | Childminding | 16-08-2007 | Alexandria | Caroline Sweeney | | SP2007965508 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2007145049 | Sweeney, Lesley | Childminding | 02-08-2007 | Glasgow | Lesley Sweeney | | SP2007964173 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005507 | Sweeney, Sheila | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunblane | Sheila Sweeney | | SP2003903265 | Sheila Sweeney | Active | ||||||||
CS2015341625 | Sweet Home | Childminding | 10-02-2016 | Friockheim | Rita Bizna | SP2015987427 | Rita Bizna | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006388 | Sweetie Brae Private Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 101 Glasgow Road | Strathaven | ML10 6NF | 01357 529 200 | Sarah Louise Russell | | SP2003001454 | Sweetie Brae Private Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004080882 | SWIIS Foster Care - Scotland | Fostering services | 28-06-2005 | Glenelvan House | Carnegie Campus South | Enterprise Way | Dunfermline | KY11 8PY | 01383 842 284 | Samantha Arnott | | SP2004007005 | SWIIS Foster Care Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2020380342 | SWIIS Foster Care Scotland - Continuing Care | Adult Placement Service | 18-08-2020 | Glenelvan House | Carnegie Campus South | Enterprise Way | Dunfermline | KY11 8PY | 01383 842 284 | Samantha Arnott | | SP2004007005 | SWIIS Foster Care Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2019377660 | Swinton Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 06-08-2020 | Swinton Primary School | Swinton | Duns | TD11 3JE | 01890 860 237 | Rosemary Berrett | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001079 | Swintonhill Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 150 Swinton Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 6DW | 01417 711 368 | Carolyn Henderson | | SP2003000211 | McDonald's Residential Care Homes Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000004 | Sycamore Services Tayside - Auchterhouse | Care Home Service | 01-04-2021 | Yowtrummle | Auchterhouse | DD3 0QN | 07854 958096 | Caitlyn Ross | | SP2010011118 | Aberlour Child Care Trust | Active | |||||
CS2018368953 | Sylvia Nash Childcare | 06-11-2018 | EDINBURGH | Sylvia Nash | | SP2018990070 | Sylvia Nash | Active | |||||||||
CS2005097776 | Symington After School Club | Day care of children | 08-08-2005 | Symington Primary School | 17 Brewlands Road | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5QZ | Jackie Stewart | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016130 | Symington Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brewlands Road | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5QZ | 01292 690 074 | Maria Galt | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000372 | Synergy Home Care | Support Service | 06-11-2023 | 63e Spruce Avenue | Johnstone | PA5 9RF | 07508003117 | RUTH MURNEY | | SP2023000246 | Synergy Staffing Solutions Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016351092 | T & T Healthcare Solutions | 23-05-2017 | Bathgate Business Centre | 6 Whitburn Road | Bathgate | EH48 1HH | 03337 720 416 | Romana Chiremba | | SP2016012805 | Easter Inch Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017354556 | T and I Professional Services | 23-08-2017 | 92D High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BJ | 07863 000 228 | Kemi Arojojoye | | SP2014012373 | T & I Professional Services Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2014332372 | T and I Professional Services Limited | Nurse agencies | 24-03-2015 | 92D High Street | Elgin | IV30 1BJ | 07863 000 228 | Oluwakemi Arojojoye | | SP2014012373 | T & I Professional Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2025000002 | T-bot Care Dynamics | Support Service | 07-01-2025 | Block 2.20 | 1 Macdowall Street | Paisley | PA3 2NB | 01375841821 | Aderoju Balogun | | SP2023000405 | T-bot Care Dynamics Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000312 | T-bot Care Dynamics | Housing Support Service | 08-08-2024 | Block 2.20 | 1 Macdowall Street | Paisley | PA3 2NB | 01375841821 | ADEROJU BALOGUN | | SP2023000405 | T-bot Care Dynamics Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000427 | Tabby's Tots Childminding | Childminding | 13-11-2024 | Dunfermline | Emmatabb27@gmail.con | SP2024000541 | Emma Tabb | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000162 | Tace Healthcare | Support Service | 05-06-2023 | Office 52 | John Smith Business Park | 1 Begg Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6HD | 07954420268 | EVELYN PFUPAJENA | | SP2023000106 | Tace Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018364189 | TACT Scotland Adult Placement Service | 22-08-2018 | T A C T Scotland | PO Box 30031 | GLASGOW | G67 9GJ | 0141 2120330 | Natasha Cartwright | | SP2007009362 | The Adolescent And Children's Trust | Active | |||||
CS2018365766 | Taggerty, Sarah | 07-08-2018 | Glenrothes | Sarah Taggerty | | SP2018989801 | Sarah Taggerty | Active | |||||||||
CS2004081290 | Tagsa Uibhist Home Support | Support services - care at home | 08-12-2004 | East Camp | Balivanich | Isle of Benbecula | HS7 5LA | 07495980577 | Sarah MacLachlan | | SP2004007022 | Tagsa Uibhist | Active | ||||
CS2003009712 | Taigh a Chridhe Uile Naomh | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Daliburgh | Isle of South Uist | HS8 5SS | 01878 700 970 | Marion Henderson | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2019377336 | Taigh Araich | Care Home Service | 21-01-2020 | 20 Braehead | Dalry | KA24 5EY | 01294 695 272 | Allana MacLennan | | SP2019013387 | Compass Child and Family Services a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2023000174 | Taigh Shiphoirt | Care Home Service | 09-06-2023 | Sinclair Avenue | Stornoway | Isle of Lewis | HS1 2AP | 01851 600501 | Ishbel MacDonald | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | ||||
CS2010249513 | Tailor Maid Homecare | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 04-10-2010 | Unit 1, Spiersbridge Way | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 8NG | 01416 386 622 | Shirley Dickson | | SP2010010906 | Tailor Maid Homecare Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2010273048 | Tailor Maid Homecare | Housing support service | 04-10-2010 | Unit 1, Spiersbridge Way | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 8NG | 01416 386 622 | Shirley Dickson | | SP2010010906 | Tailor Maid Homecare Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2003013581 | Tain Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craighill Primary School | Craighill Terrace | Tain | IV19 1EU | 01862 892 663 | Eileen Henderson | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017740 | Taing House (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Seafield Road | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0WZ | 01595 745 540 | Anne-Marie Smith | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2009231860 | Tait, April | Childminding | 28-04-2011 | Burntisland | April Tait | | SP2009975296 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006135093 | Tait, Carolanne | Childminding | 31-01-2007 | Ardrossan | Carolanne Tait | | SP2006961436 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008168963 | Tait, Hazel | Childminding | 29-05-2008 | Glasgow | Hazel Tait | | SP2008968298 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005089444 | Tait, Sharon | Childminding | 12-05-2005 | Denny | Sharon Tait | | SP2005944423 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341550 | Taizali | 15-02-2016 | Taizali | 15 Robertson Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9BF | 01346 517 257 | Patricia Jamieson | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000044 | Tala House | Childminding | 05-02-2025 | Dumfries | | SP2024000681 | Lyndsey Luxton | Active | |||||||||
CS2003053964 | Talbot Association Housing Support Branch | Housing support service | 31-03-2005 | Kingston Halls | 344 Paisley Road | Glasgow | G5 8RE | 01414 294 541 | Paul McGee | | SP2003000185 | Talbot Association Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007145372 | Tall Trees | Care homes for children and young people | 19-06-2007 | 1 Old Linburn Road | Dunfermline | KY11 4UP | 01383 622 438 | Wendy Barlow | | SP2004006683 | Starley Hall School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006126263 | Tallis and Leigh-Anne Tallis, Angela | Childminding | 23-11-2006 | Hamilton | Angela Tallis | | SP2006959869 | Angela Tallis and Leigh-Anne Tallis a Partnership Angela Tallis and Leigh-Anne Tallis a Partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000201 | Tammi's Childminding | Child Minding | 27-07-2022 | Falkirk | | SP2022000143 | Tammy MacDonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2014326980 | Tammy Francis Childminding | Childminding | 19-08-2014 | Paisley | Tammy Francis | SP2014986013 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2017358603 | Tammy Knox Childcare | 26-09-2017 | Orkney | Tammy Knox | | SP2017989223 | Tammy Knox | Active | |||||||||
CS2007144754 | Tanglewood | Care homes for children and young people | 28-08-2007 | Carlisle Road | Abington | Biggar | ML12 6SD | 01864 502 007 | Jane Kerr | | SP2007008923 | Partners In Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2025000019 | Tania Craigie Childminding | Childminding | 17-01-2025 | Dundee | | SP2024000169 | Tania Craigie | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365772 | Tania Gordon Registered Childminder | 22-06-2018 | Aberdeen | Tania Gordon | | SP2018989804 | Tania Gordon | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016867 | Tannadice Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | South Esk Road | Tannadice | Forfar | DD8 3SH | 01307 494 284 | Lynn Shellard | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2015341533 | Tannoch Tots Nursery | 19-04-2016 | 1b Forrest Gate | Tannochside Business Park | Uddingston | G71 5PG | 01698 810 198 | Leanne Vermout | | SP2015012589 | C & H Childcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015402 | Tannochside Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Douglas Street | Tannochside | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 5RJ | 01698 522 726 | Clare Ferrie | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2019377412 | Tanshe Care Services | Housing Support Service | 03-09-2019 | Ground Floor | 1 Wester Shawfair | Shawfair Park | Edinburgh | EH22 1FD | 07492 426 224 | Sheltah Bahat | | SP2015012564 | Tanshe Limited | Active | |||
CS2019375360 | Tanshe Care Services | Support Service | 03-09-2019 | Ground Floor | 1 Wester Shawfair | Edinburgh | EH22 1FD | 07492 426 224 | Sheltah Bahat | | SP2015012564 | Tanshe Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000064 | Tanshe Nurse Agency | Nurse Agency | 21-02-2024 | Ground Floor | 1 Wester Shawfair | Shawfair Park | Edinburgh | EH22 1FD | 0131 3889111 | Gladys Kuminyanga Somanje | | SP2015012564 | Tanshe Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000277 | Tantallon House | Care homes for older people | 12-09-2022 | 7 Tantallon Road | North Berwick | EH39 5NF | 0141 333 1495 | Crystal Soriano | | SP2022000185 | Morar North Berwick Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000347 | Tanya Dewar Childminder | Child Minding | 10-09-2024 | Tillicoultry | | SP2024000528 | Tanya Dewar | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335733 | Tanya Frater Childminding | Childminding | 04-08-2015 | Falkirk | Tanya Frater | | SP2015986739 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003017276 | Tarbat Old Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tarbat Old Primary School | Tarbartness Road | Portmahomack | Tain | IV20 1YA | 01862 871 536 | Nikki Campbell | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||
CS2011305196 | Tarbert After School Care | Day care of children | 21-05-2012 | Tarbert Village Hall | Campbeltown Road | Tarbert | PA29 6SX | 01880 820 359 | Mhairi MacDougall | | SP2011011746 | Tarbert After School Care Committee, an Association | Active | ||||
CS2003016887 | Tarbert Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tarbert Academy | School Road | Tarbert | PA29 6TE | 01880 820 269 | Neil McKnight | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016140 | Tarbolton Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Montgomerie Street | Tarbolton | Mauchline | KA5 5PY | 01292 612 152 | Helen Ross | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016335 | Tarland School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tarland School | School Road | Tarland | Aboyne | AB34 4UU | 01339 267 720 | Fiona Morrison | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2017353540 | Tarra | Care homes for children and young people | 31-03-2017 | Drunzie | Glenfarg | Perth | PH2 9PE | 01738 700 164 | Claire Kelly | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017277 | Tarradale Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tarradale Primary School | Black Isle Road | Muir of Ord | IV6 7RR | 01463 870 484 | Tracy Sinclair | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000401 | Tarriebank House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Marywell | Arbroath | DD11 5RH | 01241 874 458 | Donna Cuthill | | SP2003000058 | Tarriebank Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015705 | Tarves School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tarves School | Duthie Road | Tarves | Ellon | AB41 7JX | 01651 267445 | Michelle Kennedy | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2007151853 | TASC - Antonine | Day care of children | 17-08-2007 | 4 Abbotshall Avenue | Drumchapel | Glasgow | G15 8PR | 01419 446 868 | Kerrianne MacPhie | | SP2007008818 | Temple / St Ninians After School care | Active | ||||
CS2003005874 | TASC - Knightswood OSC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Knightswood Primary School | 36 Knightscliffe Avenue | Glasgow | G13 2TE | 01419 502 779 | Christina Gray | | SP2007008818 | Temple / St Ninians After School care | Active | ||||
CS2007142162 | TASC - St Clare's | Day care of children | 16-05-2007 | St. Clare's Primary Shool | 15 Kilcloy Avenue | Glasgow | G15 8RP | 01419 441 758 | Kerry Allan | | SP2007008818 | Temple / St Ninians After School care | Active | ||||
CS2003005809 | TASC - St Ninian's Primary | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Ninians Primary School | 2150 Great Western Road | Glasgow | G13 2AB | 01419 502 497 | Christina Gray | | SP2007008818 | Temple / St Ninians After School care | Active | ||||
CS2007147569 | TASK Childcare Services Ltd. | Day care of children | 10-12-2007 | 347 Caledonia Road | Gorbals | Glasgow | G5 0JY | 01414 291 140 | Angie Bannerman | | SP2007009004 | T.A.S.K. Childcare Service | Active | ||||
CS2020380694 | TAVE Beulah | Support services - care at home | 19-03-2021 | 21 Young Street | Edinburgh | EH2 4HU | 07511428620 | Oghenekevwe Eferakorho | | SP2020013565 | T.A.V.E. Beulah Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2012314220 | TayCare at Home | Support services - care at home | 18-11-2013 | 310 Broughty Ferry Road | Dundee | DD4 7NJ | 01382 456 709 | Caroline Muir | | SP2012011996 | TayCare at Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000408 | Tayem Care Services | Support Service | 29-10-2024 | 143 High Street | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1LR | 07710473625 | Ahlam Qaraqish | | SP2023000525 | Tayem Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003036218 | Taylor, Brenda | Childminding | 16-09-2003 | Alford | Brenda Taylor | | SP2003910608 | Brenda Taylor | Active | ||||||||
CS2008182814 | Taylor, Claire | Childminding | 09-04-2009 | Ardrossan | Claire Taylor | SP2008971141 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003014996 | Taylor, Elizabeth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Elizabeth Taylor | | SP2003909353 | Elizabeth Taylor | Active | ||||||||
CS2009230576 | Taylor, Fiona | Childminding | 26-03-2010 | Glenrothes | Fiona Taylor | | SP2009974940 | Fiona Taylor | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001528 | Taylor, Freida | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Freida Taylor | | SP2003900283 | Freida Taylor | Active | ||||||||
CS2003010047 | Taylor, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Auchterarder | Karen Taylor | | SP2003905452 | Taylor Karen | Active | ||||||||
CS2014329015 | Taylor, Marion | Childminding | 08-09-2014 | Greenock | Marion Taylor | SP2014986163 | Marion Taylor | Active | |||||||||
CS2003019847 | Taylor, Morag | Childminding | 07-10-2003 | Glasgow | Morag Taylor | | SP2003910403 | Morag Taylor | Active | ||||||||
CS2006118479 | Taylor, Yvonne | Childminding | 17-08-2006 | Banff | Yvonne Taylor | | SP2006959000 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014228 | Taylor, Yvonne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stranraer | Yvonne Taylor | | SP2003908678 | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2003014670 | Taynuilt Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Taynuilt Primary School | Taynuilt | PA35 1JE | 01866 822 343 | Bernadette McMillan | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2003039572 | Tayport Out of School Club | Day care of children | 18-11-2004 | Tayport Primary School | Queen Street | Tayport | DD6 9NS | 07515 189486 | Amanda Scott | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003006950 | Tayport Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Gregory Hall | Queen Street | Tayport | DD6 9NR | 07300586926 | Denise Cameron | | SP2003001578 | Little Lighthouse Nursery Tayport | Active | ||||
CS2019377980 | Tayside Home Care | Support Service | 06-04-2020 | 68 Monteath Street | Crieff | PH7 3BL | 07707 443 524 | Mary Ann McDougall | | SP2019013418 | Tayside Home Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014671 | Tayvallich Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tayvallich | Lochgilphead | PA31 8PW | 01546 870 341 | Lena Carter | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2024000117 | TDM Consulting | Housing Support Service | 10-04-2024 | Spaces | 1 West Regent Street | Glasgow | G2 1RW | 03335775530 | Annet Tumwesigye | | SP2023000400 | TDM CONSULTING LTD | Active | ||||
CS2024000115 | TDM Consulting | Support Service | 09-04-2024 | Spaces | 1 West Regent St | Glasgow | G2 1RW | 03335775530 | Annet Tumwesigye | | SP2023000400 | TDM CONSULTING LTD | Active | ||||
CS2003015763 | Tealing Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Tealing | Dundee | DD4 0SZ | 01382 768 133 | Sandra Hood | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017278 | Teanassie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Teanassie Primary School | Kilmorack | Beauly | IV4 7AE | 01463 782 581 | Shonagh McBean | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2004064717 | Technotots Childcare Ltd. | Day care of children | 09-07-2004 | Scottish Enterprise Technology Park | Transfer House, Rankine Avenue | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0QF | 01355232190 | Jayne Goddard | | SP2004006221 | Technotots Childcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2023000313 | Teddy Bear Childcare Ltd | Day Care of Children | 20-09-2023 | David Lloyd Leisure | Ethiebeaton Park | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4HB | 07557985558 | Donna Smith | | SP2023000202 | Teddy Bear Childcare Ltd | Active | |||
CS2024000033 | Teddy Tots | Childminding | 26-01-2024 | Carluke | | SP2023000287 | Karen Nicol | Active | |||||||||
CS2004062668 | Teen Challenge UK - North East Scotland | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Sunnybrae | Woodhead | Fyvie | Turriff | AB53 8LS | 01651 891 627 | Paul Beaton | | SP2003003478 | Teen Challenge UK | Active | |||
CS2004062669 | Teen Challenge UK - Whitchester House | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Whitchester House | Duns | TD11 3SF | 01361 890 271 | John McMahon | | SP2003003478 | Teen Challenge UK | Active | |||||
CS2018365776 | Teenie Tots Childminding | 15-08-2018 | Kirriemuir | Christine Brown | | SP2018989806 | Christine Brown | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2007142637 | Teens + | Support services - not care at home | 02-09-2009 | 60 Ravenscroft Street | Gilmerton | Edinburgh | EH17 8QW | 01316 722 555 | Simon Pearce-Madge | | SP2003003799 | Capella - Charity | Active | ||||
CS2003006705 | Telfer, Frances | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Frances Telfer | | SP2003903957 | Frances Telfer | Active | ||||||||
CS2012307272 | Telford Centre (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Abertarff Place | Fort Augustus | PH32 4DR | 01320 366 511 | Karen MacCallum | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012307273 | Telford Centre (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Telford Centre | Abertarff Place | Fort Augustus | PH32 4DR | 01320 366 511 | Kerry Watson | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2003010280 | Temple House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Temple House | 107 Mauchline Road | Mossblown | Ayr | KA6 5AR | 01292 521 350 | Jean Collins | | SP2005007568 | Temple House Care Home Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003013370 | Temple Nursery & Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Traddoch Hall | Temple Village | Gorebridge | EH23 4SQ | 01875 830 560 | Kirstie Halliday | | SP2003003142 | Temple Nursery & Playgroup, an association | Active | ||||
CS2009194255 | Temple, Michelle | Childminding | 30-07-2009 | Westhill | Michelle Temple | | SP2009973013 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013320489 | Templeton House | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 24-03-2015 | Racecourse Road | Ayr | KA7 2UY | 01292 291 232 | Hazel Heathcote | | SP2013012160 | Windyhall Care Home LLP | Active | |||||
CS2019375535 | Temporary Staffing Agency TSA Limited | Nurse Agency | 20-11-2019 | Kingswood | Bassetsbury Lane | High Wycombe | HP11 1QX | 02033 704 032 | Gemma Tunnell | | SP2019013325 | Temporary Staffing Agency TSA Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020380225 | Tenacity Home Care | Support Service | 19-10-2020 | Federation House | 222 Queensferry road | Edinburgh | EH4 2BN | 07783742850 | Janet Barrie | | SP2020013542 | Tenacity Homecare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2004069010 | Tenancy Support Service Airdrie | Housing support service | 06-10-2004 | Area Housing Office | Coats House | 40 Gartlea Road | Airdrie | ML6 6AG | 01236 758 035 | Ann Pickering | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004069020 | Tenancy Support Service Motherwell | Housing support service | 06-10-2004 | Dalziel Building | 7 Scott Street | Motherwell | ML1 1SX | 01698 274 135 | Monica Lynn | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000187 | Tender Care and Services Limited | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-06-2024 | Suite 2-15/16 Park Lane House | 47 Broad Street | Glasgow | G40 2QW | 07400936042 | Oredola Tope-agboola | | SP2023000355 | Tendercare and Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2020381058 | Tender Loving Childcare Centre Ltd | Day Care of Children | 21-01-2021 | Kilsyth Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1RP | Laura Morgan | | SP2020013577 | Tender Loving Childcare Centre Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000186 | Tendercare and Services Limited | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-06-2024 | Suite 2-15/16 Park Lane House | 47 Broad Street | Glasgow | G40 2QW | 07400936042 | Oredola Tope-Agboola | | SP2023000355 | Tendercare and Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003012799 | Tennent, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Penicuik | Julie Tennent | | SP2003906518 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000112 | Teviot & Liddesdale Day Service | Support Services - not care at home | 09-04-2024 | Westport | Hawick Community Hospital | Victoria Road | Hawick | TD9 7AH | 07887516232 | Brian Fowler | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||
CS2022000215 | Teviot Court | Support Service | 02-08-2022 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | Midlothian Office | 1 - 12, Teviot Court | Penicuik | EH26 8BB | 01968 679236 | Morgan Ormsby | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000214 | Teviot Court | Housing Support Service | 02-08-2022 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | Midlothian Office | 1 - 12, Teviot Court | Penicuik | EH26 8BB | 01968 679236 | Morgan Ormsby | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2017361755 | Tezlom | 05-06-2018 | Airdrie Business Centre | 1 Chapel Lane | Airdrie | ML6 6GX | 01236 439 466 | Carol Fitzpatrick | | SP2017013014 | KCMSD Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019373256 | TFY Care Edinburgh | Support Service | 12-07-2019 | Canal Court | 40 Craiglockhart Avenue | EDINBURGH | EH14 1LT | 01313782600 | Sharon Laird | | SP2019013272 | Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003050947 | Thank Evans Childcare Agency Limited | Childcare agencies | 02-07-2004 | Rubislaw Den House | 23 Rubislaw Den North | Aberdeen | AB15 4AL | 01224 329 120 | Susan Evans | | SP2004005258 | Thank Evans Childcare Agency Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003008703 | The 3 O'Clock Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Portakabin | Dingwall Primary School | Tulloch Castle Drive | Dingwall | IV15 9ND | 01349 867 709 | Sally Chadwick | | SP2003001872 | The 3 O'Clock Club | Active | |||
CS2004061233 | The Abbeyfield (Monifieth) Society Limited | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Tullis House | 6-8 Maule Street | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4JN | 01382 535 298 | Grant Ross | | SP2004005848 | Abbeyfield (Monifieth) Society Limited | Active | |||
CS2006128408 | The Action Group East, Mid Lothian and Portobello - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-09-2006 | The Action Group | The Prentice Centre | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 01312855207 | Kyle McKenzie | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||
CS2019375990 | The Action Group (West Lothian Holiday Group) | Day Care of Children | 09-10-2019 | Croft Head Community Farm | Crofthead Centre | Templar Rise | LIVINGSTON | EH54 6DG | 0131 285 5207 | Paisley Deighton | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||
CS2006128363 | The Action Group - East, Mid Lothian and Portobello | Housing support service | 25-09-2006 | The Action Group | The Prentice Centre | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 01314 752 315 | Kyle McKenzie | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||
CS2004076446 | The Action Group - Group and Granton Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-07-2004 | 1 Granton Mains Ave | Edinburgh | EH44GA | 01312858207 | Paisley Deighton | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||||
CS2004061828 | The Action Group - Groups and Granton | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | The Action Group | The Prentice Centre | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 01314 752 315 | Paisley Deighton | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||
CS2004081067 | The Action Group - Leith | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | The Action Group | The Prentice Centre | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 01312855207 | Lorna Patton | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||
CS2004076432 | The Action Group - Leith - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-07-2004 | The Action Group | The Prentice Centre | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 01314 752 315 | Lorna Patton | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||
CS2018367075 | The Action Group - Seafield and Edinburgh South | 04-04-2019 | The Action Group | The Prentice Centre | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 01312855207 | Leigh Baird | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | ||||
CS2004076436 | The Action Group - West Lothian, Falkirk and Edinburgh West - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 12-07-2004 | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 0131 285 5207 | Linda Matthew | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||||
CS2004061823 | The Action Group - West Lothian, Falkirk and West Edinburgh | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 0131 2855207 | Linda Matthew | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | |||||
CS2018367137 | The Action Group Care at Home Seafield and Edinburgh South | 04-04-2019 | The Action Group | The Prentice Centre | 1 Granton Mains Avenue | Edinburgh | EH4 4GA | 01312855207 | Leigh Baird | | SP2003002593 | The Action Group | Active | ||||
CS2003000408 | The Adam Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Warrack Terrace | Montrose | DD10 8RX | 01674 672 062 | Irene Mitchell | | SP2003000064 | The Adam Centre | Active | |||||
CS2025000078 | The Adam Centre Homecare Service | Support Service | 20-02-2025 | Warrack Terrace | Montrose | DD10 8RX | 01674672062 | Ashley McIntosh | | SP2003000064 | The Adam Centre | Active | |||||
CS2007162713 | The Adolescent & Children's Trust | Fostering services | 24-07-2008 | T A C T Scotland | PO Box 30031 | GLASGOW | G67 9GJ | 0141 2120330 | Natasha Cartwright | | SP2007009362 | The Adolescent And Children's Trust | Active | ||||
CS2005112118 | The Anderson High School Halls of Residence | School care accommodation | 01-04-2005 | The Anderson High School Halls of Residence | North Loch Drive | Lerwick | Shetland | ZE1 0GR | 01595 745 920 | Nicholas McCaffrey | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2004074984 | The Arch Resettlement Centre | Housing support service | 01-09-2004 | The Arch | 36 Muslin Street | Glasgow | G40 4AP | 01415542497 | Brian Reid | | SP2004006749 | Life Housing Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2005111774 | The Argyle Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 24-01-2006 | 21 West Argyle Street | Helensburgh | G84 8XP | 01436 672 511 | Clare Selbie | | SP2005007952 | Clearvue Investments Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003003480 | The Avenue Childcare Services - Daycare of Children | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 8 & 10 Tourhill Road | Onthank | Kilmarnock | KA3 2BZ | 01563 572 828 | Mhairi Scott | | SP2003000713 | The Avenue Childcare Services Board of Directors | Active | ||||
CS2022000173 | The Ayrshire Hospice Respite and Response | Support Service | 29-06-2022 | Lochranza Building | Ailsa Hospital Campus | Dalmellington Road | Ayr | KA6 6AB | 01292 269200 | Wendy Short | | SP2022000123 | The Ayrshire Hospice | Active | |||
CS2007144936 | The Barnehage Nursery & Out of School Care | Day care of children | 30-12-2008 | 1 Technology Avenue | International Parade | Hamilton International Park, Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0HT | 01698 710 941 | Selina Lynn | | SP2007008941 | House4kids Limited | Active | |||
CS2013315020 | The Barrhead Project | Housing support service | 19-05-2014 | Unit 6/7 | Westbourne Business Centre | Kelburn Street | Barrhead | G78 1LR | 01418 816 650 | Sharlene Breen | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||
CS2013319872 | The Barrhead Project | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-05-2014 | Unit 6/7 | Westbourne Business Centre | Kelburn Street | Barrhead | G78 1LR | 01418 816 650 | Sharlene Breen | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||
CS2003003800 | The Bearsden Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 50a Drymen Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 2RH | 01419 429 499 | Kerry Friel | | SP2003000764 | Selbrink Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004070909 | The Beeches | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 15-06-2005 | 14 Paddock View | Thorntoun Estate | Crosshouse | Kilmarnock | KA2 0BH | 01563 572 626 | Christopher Mooney | | SP2003002275 | Thorntoun Limited | Active | |||
CS2004084363 | The Beeches Home Care Agency Ltd | Support services - care at home | 18-01-2005 | Midholm | 2 Hillview Drive | Clarkston | Glasgow | G76 7JD | 01416 389 216 | Karen Reid | | SP2004006441 | The Beeches Home Care Agency Limited | Active | |||
CS2011300764 | The Beeches Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Ladysmill Court | Off Limekilns Road | Dunfermline | KY12 7YD | 01383 737 377 | Angela Parnell | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015336137 | The Bees Knees Nursery | Day care of children | 12-08-2015 | 280 Lanark Road West | Currie | EH14 5RU | 07770 060 373 | Lucille Erskine | | SP2015012460 | The Bees Knees Playgroup Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2011300781 | The Birches | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Comrie Road | Crieff | PH7 4BJ | 01764 653 297 | Ma Theresa vasquez | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015338990 | The Broomhill Nursery (Aberdeen) Limited @ Cults | Day care of children | 29-04-2016 | 397 North Deeside Road | Aberdeen | AB15 9SX | 01224 868 606 | Lisa Ewan | | SP2015012525 | The Broomhill Nursery (Aberdeen) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015338992 | The Broomhill Nursery (Aberdeen) Limited @ Fonthill | Day care of children | 29-04-2016 | 36 Fonthill Road | Aberdeen | AB11 6UJ | 01224 588 898 | Sarah Wood | | SP2015012525 | The Broomhill Nursery (Aberdeen) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012311723 | The Bughties | Care homes for older people | 03-06-2014 | 76 Camphill Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 2LX | 01382 737 856 | Gillian McKendrick | SP2012011938 | Enhance Healthcare Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003004388 | The Bumble Bee Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St. Andrews Church | Neilson Hall | Main Street | Bellshill | ML4 3DU | 01698 749 230 | Adele Langford | | SP2003000898 | Adele Langford trading as The Bumble Bee Nursery | Active | |||
CS2003000264 | The Bungalow | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Arduthie Street | Stonehaven | AB39 2EY | 01569 762 213 | Doreen Hall | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2012310747 | The Bungalow | Care homes for children and young people | 18-01-2013 | 72 Turnberry Drive | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6HU | 01592 262 902 | Lynda Randall | | SP2004006683 | Starley Hall School Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019372781 | The Butterfly Rooms | Day Care of Children | 20-06-2019 | Cauldeen Primary School | Mackay Road | Inverness | IV2 4HZ | 01463 235 905 | Mhairi Cameron | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008918 | The Cabin | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Cabin | York Street | Dufftown | Keith | AB55 4AU | +441340821111 | Donna Durno | | SP2003001925 | The Cabin | Active | |||
CS2014327090 | The Campus Project | Housing support service | 24-09-2014 | 127 Auchentoshan Terrace | Springburn | Glasgow | G21 4UT | 01415 571 485 | Lana Herkes | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2004079904 | The Castings Hostel | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | 14 Castings Avenue | Falkirk | FK2 7BJ | 01324 501 905 | Lesley forbes | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000030 | The Christian Community Action Support Team known as CCAST Highland | Housing Support Service | 24-01-2024 | 1 St. Duthus House | St. Duthus Street | Tain | IV19 1AL | 01862328006 | Amanda Nutt | | SP2023000453 | Christian Community Action Support Team Highland | Active | ||||
CS2009229782 | The City Nursery | Day care of children | 10-07-2009 | 47 Greenbank Drive | Edinburgh | EH10 5SA | 01314 460 088 | Cara Ross | | SP2007009491 | Links Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019376400 | The Club Out of School Care & Community Hub | Day Care of Children | 29-11-2019 | Unit 4 | Barras House | 6 Manse Road | Whitburn | EH47 0QA | 01501 228 220 | Lisa Scott | | SP2017012925 | Mini Rainbows (Murrayfield) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018365433 | The Club@Kinellar | 21-08-2018 | Kinellar Primary School | Fintray Road | Blackburn | Aberdeen | AB21 0SR | 07740 547 020 | Hannah Cruickshank | | SP2016988527 | Emily Gibson | Active | ||||
CS2024000180 | The Club@Kintore | Day care of children | 03-06-2024 | Kintore School | Castle Walk | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0RU | 07955203843 | Hannah Cruickshank | | SP2016988527 | Emily Gibson | Active | |||
CS2016351259 | The Club@Midmill | Day care of children | 22-12-2016 | Midmill Primary School | Carnie Road | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0QH | 07740547020 | Rebecca McDonald | | SP2016988527 | Emily Gibson | Active | |||
CS2003008892 | The College Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Moray College | Moray Street | Elgin | IV30 1JJ | 01343 576 283 | Patricia Eddie | | SP2003001907 | The College Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003016091 | The Community School of Auchterarder | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | New School Lane | Auchterarder | PH3 1BL | 01764 662 182 | David Lambert | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016994 | The Compass School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Road | Haddington | EH41 3RD | 01620 822 642 | Mark Becher | | SP2003003572 | The Compass School Board of Governors | Active | |||||
CS2013321649 | The Corstorphine Nursery | Day care of children | 10-10-2014 | 24 Featherhall Avenue | Edinburgh | EH12 7UN | 01313 348 787 | Kelly Burns | | SP2013012199 | The Corstorphine Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015343491 | The Cottage | 05-08-2016 | 1 Cobblehaugh Farm | Lanark | ML11 8SG | 01555 663 532 | Lorna Higgins | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2020379307 | The Cottage | Care Home Service | 03-03-2020 | 162 Station Road | Thornton | Kirkcaldy | KY1 4DP | 01592 775 774 | Jim Fortune | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005105027 | The Cottage Family Centre Creche | Day care of children | 21-10-2005 | The Cottage Family Centre | 29 - 31 Cawdor Crescent | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6LH | 01592 269 489 | Lesley Patrick | | SP2005950808 | The Cottage Family Centre | Active | ||||
CS2003001304 | The Courtyard | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Hansel Alliance, Hansel Village | Broad Meadows | Symington | Kilmarnock | KA1 5PU | 01563 830 465 | Helen McCreath | | SP2003000261 | Hansel Alliance | Active | |||
CS2003013248 | The Crescent Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | St.Johns and Kings Park Church | Eskbank Road | Dalkeith | EH22 1HJ | 07852 775 861 | Ruth Callan | | SP2003003056 | The Crescent Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2008173537 | The Croft Nurseries Ltd | Day care of children | 01-05-2008 | 56 and 21 Arduthie Road | Stonehaven | AB39 2EJ | 01569 765 122 | Nicola Symon | | SP2008009707 | The Croft Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2014333151 | The Croft Nurseries Ltd - Chapelton | Day care of children | 06-11-2015 | 30 Bunting Place | Chapelton | Stonehaven | AB39 8AN | 01569731991 | Fraser Sangster | | SP2008009707 | The Croft Nurseries Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003000405 | The Dalhousie Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Brechin Day Care Ltd | 102 High Street | Brechin | DD9 6HE | 01356 625 501 | Zoe Buchanan | | SP2003000061 | Brechin Day Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010275127 | The Dash Club | Day care of children | 01-12-2011 | Ashton Secondary School | 100 Avenue End Road | Glasgow | G33 3SW | 0141 204 1009 | Mary Cuttle | | SP2010011248 | The Dash Club, an Incorporated Association | Active | ||||
CS2003000406 | The Deirdre Knight Centre | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Lour Road | Forfar | DD8 2BB | 01307 468 314 | kathleen Blythe | | SP2003000062 | Forfar Daycare Centre | Active | |||||
CS2017357906 | The Disabilities Trust Community Services (Scotland) | 21-03-2018 | Glasgow | Marie McConway | | SP2009010322 | The Disabilities Trust | Active | |||||||||
CS2017354216 | The Disabilities Trust Community Services (Scotland) | 21-03-2018 | Glasgow | Lesley Orr | | SP2009010322 | The Disabilities Trust | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015842 | The Edinburgh Academy Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Edinburgh Academy Junior School | 10 Arboretum Road | Edinburgh | EH3 5PL | 01315523690 | Lorna Htet-Khin | | SP2005007897 | The Court of Directors of The Edinburgh Academy, an unincorporated association | Active | ||||
CS2007167839 | The Edinburgh Crisis Centre | Support services - not care at home | 02-02-2009 | 4 Smiths Place | Edinburgh | EH6 8NT | 01315 610 086 | Barrie Hunter | | SP2003002595 | Penumbra | Active | |||||
CS2003010915 | The Elms | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 148 Whitehouse Loan | Edinburgh | EH9 2EZ | 01314 474 924 | Agnieszka Chojnacka | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003000767 | The Elms - Crosshouse | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 7 Paddock View | Thorntoun Estate | Crosshouse | Kilmarnock | KA2 0BH | 01563 550 074 | Christopher Mooney | | SP2003002275 | Thorntoun Limited | Active | |||
CS2016347230 | The Enchanted Tree Nursery | Day care of children | 22-08-2016 | Broomhouse Community Hall | 2 Baillieston Road | Glasgow | G71 7SB | 01417 814 545 | Rachael Houston | | SP2016012719 | LSL Daycare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2006139974 | The Eric Liddell Community Day Care Services | Support services - not care at home | 10-10-2007 | Eric Liddell Centre Ltd | Florence Mackenzie Day Care Unit - F1 | 15 Morningside Road | Edinburgh | EH10 4DP | 0131 4474520 | Caroline Heenan | | SP2006008724 | The Eric Liddell Community Limited | Active | |||
CS2020380536 | The Family Tree Childminding | Child Minding | 28-08-2020 | Thornhill | Samantha Austin | | SP2020991303 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016347124 | The Farmhouse | Care homes for children and young people | 23-05-2016 | Backside Farm | Arnprior | Stirling | FK8 3EX | 01360 850 710 | Danielle Gallagher McKee | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013315033 | The Firs Care Home | Care homes for older people | 20-09-2013 | 12 Lowndes Street | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 2QX | 01412 375 253 | David Spence | | SP2003002230 | LANAM HEALTHCARE THE FIRS LTD | Active | ||||
CS2008169091 | The Flying Start Nursery | Day care of children | 16-04-2008 | The Manse | Main Street | Sauchie | Alloa | FK10 3JX | 01259 217 601 | Jodie McCutcheon | | SP2007009247 | Dunham Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||
CS2014326339 | The Flying Start Nursery | Day care of children | 24-04-2015 | 99 Rockfield Road | Glasgow | G21 3DY | 01415 573 747 | Gillian Andrews | | SP2014012307 | Carbon Property Solutions Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018370174 | The Flying Start Nursery | Day Care of Children | 27-08-2020 | 120 Glen Moriston Road | Darnley | Glasgow | G53 7HT | 01416 383 444 | Marianne Brolly | | SP2014012307 | Carbon Property Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000337 | The Forest Nursery at Merchiston | Day Care of Children | 29-08-2024 | Merchiston Castle School | 294 Colinton Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0PU | 01313122200 | Davina Bowers | | SP2006008428 | Merchiston Castle School Board of Governors | Active | ||||
CS2011298806 | The Foundry | Support services - not care at home | 12-03-2012 | 21 Broadcroft | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1HP | 01415 303 576 | Suzanne Lavery | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | ||||
CS2003000357 | The Gables | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Beech Hill House | Lour Road | Forfar | DD8 2BA | Irene Dunleavy | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2016352117 | The Gang Hut Childminding | 01-03-2017 | Montrose | Deborah Ingram | | SP2016988604 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2006134182 | The Geilston Hall After School Club | Day care of children | 22-09-2006 | Geilston Hall | Main Road | Cardross | Dumbarton | G82 5PA | 01389 849 227 | Amy Butler | | SP2003000678 | Nursery Rhymes Private Daycare Nursery | Active | |||
CS2021000129 | The General Anderson Trust | Care Home Service | 29-06-2021 | Anderson's Care Home | Institution Road | ELGIN | IV30 1RP | 01343 542281 | Joanne Douglass | | SP2020013581 | The General Anderson Trust | Active | ||||
CS2007142122 | The Glade | Care homes for older people | 23-03-2007 | 22 North Latch Road | Brechin | DD9 6LE | 01356 623 166 | Karen Bramall | | SP2007963082 | Christopher Curnin | Active | |||||
CS2004077312 | The Glasgow Academy - Kelvinbridge After School Care | Day care of children | 25-08-2004 | 25 Colebrooke Street | Glasgow | G12 8HE | 01413 425 487 | Colette Brembridge | | SP2003003598 | Glasgow Academicals War Memorial Trust | Active | |||||
CS2004077305 | The Glasgow Academy - Milngavie After School Care | Day care of children | 02-09-2004 | Mugdock Road | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 8NP | 01419 563 758 | Jean McMorran | | SP2003003598 | Glasgow Academicals War Memorial Trust | Active | ||||
CS2003016232 | The Glasgow Academy - Milngavie Nursery and Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mugdock Road | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 8NP | 01419 563 758 | Annette Osterberg | | SP2003003598 | Glasgow Academicals War Memorial Trust | Active | ||||
CS2005101325 | The Glasgow Academy - Newlands Nursery | Day care of children | 26-08-2005 | 31 Langside Drive | Glasgow | G43 2QQ | 01416 321 569 | Arlene McCracken | | SP2003003598 | Glasgow Academicals War Memorial Trust | Active | |||||
CS2008187699 | The Glasgow Academy Nursery and Kindergarten, Kelvinbridge | Day care of children | 19-02-2009 | Colebrook Street | Glasgow | G12 8HE | 01413 348 558 | Rhona Black | | SP2003003598 | Glasgow Academicals War Memorial Trust | Active | |||||
CS2020379240 | The Glen Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 06-10-2020 | The Glen Cottage | Glen Road | Dullatur | GLASGOW | G68 0AT | 01236 737 529 | Alisha Walsh | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018364008 | The Good Care Group Scotland Limited | 31-07-2018 | 10f Cliftonhall Industrial Estate | Newbridge Industrial Estate | Newbridge | EH28 8PJ | 01316039710 | Nyree Doyle | | SP2011011730 | The Good Care Group Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013321127 | The Good Shepherd Close Support | School care accommodation | 01-04-2014 | The Good Shepherd Centre - Close Support | Greenock Road | Bishopton | PA7 5PW | 01505864500 | Robert Clark | | SP2013012182 | The Good Shepherd Close Support | Active | ||||
CS2023000191 | The Good Shepherd Home Care Limited | Support Service | 22-06-2023 | 1/2 | 67 Thornwood Drive | Glasgow | G11 7UF | 07815493302 | Wendy Ejihkeme | | SP2023000119 | The Good Shepherd Home Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010251592 | The Grove | Care homes for older people | 23-07-2010 | Pluscarden Road | Elgin | IV30 8TE | 01343 548 790 | Alison Jane Robertson | | SP2003002308 | Abbeyside Nursing Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000274 | The Grove Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-09-2021 | The Grove Care Home | Grove Road | Kemnay | INVERURIE | AB51 5RA | 01467642235 | Moira Taylor | | SP2021000171 | Grove Care Home Limited | Active | |||
CS2016348045 | The Haining Nursing Home | 30-09-2016 | Vellore Road | Maddiston | Falkirk | FK2 0BN | 01506 896610 | Charlotte Campbell | | SP2016012737 | ION Care and Support Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004079128 | The Hamilton Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 23-25 Clydesdale Street | Hamilton | ML3 0DD | 01698 283 651 | Ed Morrison | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2006118189 | The Haven Kilmacolm | Housing support service | 27-03-2006 | Horsecraigs | Kilmacolm | PA13 4TH | 01505 872 099 | Gary Lister | | SP2004005220 | The Haven Kilmacolm | Active | |||||
CS2003017154 | The High School of Glasgow Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Junior School | 27 Ledcameroch Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4AE | 01419 420 158 | Julie MacLaren | | SP2003003573 | The High School of Glasgow | Active | |||
CS2010270678 | The High School of Glasgow Out-of-School Care Club | Day care of children | 15-07-2010 | 27 Ledcameroch Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4AE | 0141 942 0158 | Sally Simpson | | SP2003003573 | The High School of Glasgow | Active | ||||
CS2024000178 | The High Street Nursery - Lauder | Day care of children | 31-05-2024 | 7 Market Place | Lauder | TD2 6SR | 07770573110 | Kelly Eckley | | SP2023000491 | The High Street Nursery - Lauder Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2004073783 | The Hollies | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 07-01-2005 | 4 Woodhall Road | Colinton | Edinburgh | EH13 0DX | 01314 666 976 | Ioannis Cholevas | | SP2003002619 | Tiphereth Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000230 | The Hub @ Blue Triangle | Housing Support Service | 02-07-2024 | Flat 1 | 82-87 Garry Place | Grangemouth | FK3 0HX | 0141 221 8365 | Stacey Pollard | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003002508 | The Hut - Lumphanan Preschool | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Lumphanan Recreation Park | School Road | Lumphanan | Banchory | AB31 4SU | 01339883349 | Catriona Yates | | SP2003000388 | Lumphanan Preschool Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003016778 | The Inclusion Group | Support services - care at home | 01-04-2003 | 11 Albert Square | Dundee | DD1 1DD | 01382 322 677 | Kara Ward | | SP2003003810 | The Inclusion Group (Dundee) | Active | |||||
CS2018370887 | The Inclusion Group | Housing Support Service | 18-09-2019 | 11 Albert Square | Dundee | DD1 1DJ | 01382 322 677 | Kara Ward | | SP2003003810 | The Inclusion Group (Dundee) | Active | |||||
CS2015337951 | The Indigo Childcare Group at Garrowhill Early Learning Centre | Day care of children | 15-09-2015 | 25 Bakewell Road | Glasgow | G69 6RN | 01416 346 161 | Deborah Larkin | | SP2007009288 | The Indigo Childcare Group | Active | |||||
CS2003006112 | The Jeely Early Years Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castlemilk Community Centre | 121 Castlemilk Drive | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9UG | 0141 634 7305 | Sharon Rae | | SP2003001350 | The Jeely Piece Club | Active | |||
CS2019377072 | The Joy of Kids | Child Minding | 20-12-2019 | IRVINE | Joy Thackeray | | SP2019990796 | Joy Thackeray | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000481 | The Junction | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 296b Strathmore Avenue | DUNDEE | DD3 6SH | 01382 432 838 | Leisa McQuade | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000279 | The Kids Club | Child Minding | 27-08-2023 | Alford | | SP2023000176 | Rejane Gomes | Active | |||||||||
CS2011304206 | The Kidz Stop - Linlithgow | Day care of children | 06-01-2012 | 17 Main Street | Linlithgow | EH49 7PW | 01506 239 295 | Michelle Stevens | | SP2004004701 | The Kidz Stop Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003037432 | The Kidz Stop Ltd | Day care of children | 01-07-2003 | 151 Dean Road | Bo'ness | EH51 0HE | 01506 828 007 | Erin Kyle | | SP2004004701 | The Kidz Stop Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004079117 | The Kilmarnock Project and Outreach Flats | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 28 Bank Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1HA | 01563 520 144 | Allan Fraser | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000180 | The Kincarrathie Trust Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 07-07-2022 | Caretakers House | 10 Gannochy Avenue | Perth | PH2 7JR | 01738 639359 | Nicola MacCallum | | SP2003002118 | Kincarrathie Trust | Active | ||||
CS2014324019 | The Kindergarten Nursery Limited | Day care of children | 03-04-2014 | 196 Westburn Road | Aberdeen | AB25 2LT | 01224 633 803 | Stephanie Drew | | SP2014012256 | The Kindergarten Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015343704 | The Ladybird Development Group | 19-05-2016 | St. Gerardine's School | St. Gerardine's Road | Lossiemouth | IV31 6JX | 01343 814 618 | Claire Brenton | | SP2015012638 | The Ladybird Development Group a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||
CS2004079130 | The Lanark Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | Greenside House | 11 Wide Close | Lanark | ML11 7LX | 01555 666 886 | Frances Reilly | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012306848 | The Learning Zone | Day care of children | 08-10-2012 | 1211 Dumbarton Road | Whiteinch | Glasgow | G14 9UP | 01419 598 088 | Kathleen Drury | | SP2012983330 | Drury, Kathleen | Active | ||||
CS2021000196 | The Links Nursery and Hub | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2021 | The Links Nursery and Hub | Regent Walk | Aberdeen | Aberdeen | AB24 1SX | 01224 764654 | Lara MacRae | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | |||
CS2003000246 | The Linksfield Residential Service | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 165 Linksfield Road | Aberdeen | AB24 5RE | 01224 637 075 | Rebecca Christie | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2024000216 | The Little Chickens | Childminding | 25-06-2024 | Dundee | | SP2023000537 | Gail Mason | Active | |||||||||
CS2016346922 | The Little Cottage Childminding Service | Childminding | 26-08-2016 | Turriff | Laura Acklaw | | SP2016987985 | Laura Acklaw | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000182 | The Little Gemms Childminding Service | Child Minding | 03-08-2021 | GLASGOW | | SP2021000110 | Gemma Connolly | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000096 | The Little Heroes | Child Minding | 22-03-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000458 | Hassina Djabali | Active | |||||||||
CS2009228261 | The Little Howff | Childminding | 29-09-2009 | Alloa | Michelle Whyte | | SP2009974275 | Michelle Whyte trading as The Little Howff Michelle Whyte trading as The Little Howff | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000320 | The Little Meadows Childcare | Child Minding | 13-08-2024 | Stirling | | SP2023001549 | Laura McElrath | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355033 | The Little Things Childcare | Childminding | 26-06-2017 | Perth | Nicola Edmondson | SP2017988899 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000258 | The Lossie 2-3 Group | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2023 | The Warehouse Theatre | Pitgaveny Quay | Lossiemouth | IV31 6TW | 07495610947 | Louise McBride | | SP2023000162 | The Lossie 2-3 Group | Active | ||||
CS2020379193 | The Magic Roundabout Childcare Centre Ltd | Day Care of Children | 04-08-2020 | Thornhill Road | Elgin | IV30 6DY | 07584 375 894 | Jemma Whyte | | SP2020013485 | The Magic Roundabout Childcare Centre Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020379203 | The Magic Roundabout Childcare Centre Ltd - Southfield | Day Care of Children | 04-08-2020 | 1 Thornhill Drive | Elgin | IV30 6GQ | 07584 375 84 | Helen Marr | | SP2020013485 | The Magic Roundabout Childcare Centre Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000924 | The Mallard | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 100/102 Morrin Street | Springburn | Glasgow | G21 1AW | 0141 5584203 | Ainsley Carmichael | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2021000091 | The Manor | Care Home Service | 10-06-2021 | 11 Meggetgate | Edinburgh | EH14 1GZ | 0131 603 6499 | Akbar Mir | | SP2021000056 | Caring Homes (Edinburgh) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010249582 | The Manor Care Centre | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 29-10-2010 | Cawdor Road | Nairn | IV12 5ED | 01667 458880 | Michelle Mackenzie | | SP2010010914 | Nevisbridge Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017362452 | The Manse 38 Alloa Road | 30-07-2018 | 38 Alloa Road | Carron | Falkirk | FK2 8EP | 01324 430 210 | Anne Beattie | | SP2009010432 | FTS Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007142325 | The Meadows | Care homes for children and young people | 07-07-2008 | The Meadows Children's House | James Crescent | IRVINE | KA12 0UL | 01294 276 994 | Paul Murray | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003048911 | The Meadows (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-02-2004 | Meadow Road | Dornoch | IV25 3SF | 01862 811 133 | Jacqueline Macrae | | SP2004005108 | Dornoch Medical Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003005389 | The Meadows Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Torwood Road | West Plean | Stirling | FK7 8AS | 01786 815 554 | Janice Roy | | SP2003001124 | The Meadows Nursery School | Active | ||||
CS2016350287 | The Meadows Private Day Nursery Ltd | 23-02-2017 | 74 Mauchline Road | Mossblown | Ayr | KA6 5DL | 01292 521 182 | Kirsty Semple | | SP2016012781 | The Meadows Private Day Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016351506 | The Michael Tracey Project | 15-05-2017 | 1061-1063 Tollcross Road | GLASGOW | G32 8UQ | 01414 835 969 | Cara O'Donnell | | SP2016012811 | The Michael Tracey Project, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||
CS2003001260 | The Mirin | Support Services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Renfrewshire Learning Disabilities Service Day Opportunities (East) | The Lagoon Centre | 11 Christie Street | Paisley | PA1 1NB | 0141 487 1023 | John Sheridan | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2011298611 | The Montessori Children's House, St. Andrews Limited | Day care of children | 13-10-2011 | 44 South Street | Lang Rigg | St. Andrews | KY16 9JT | 07791 567 242 | Natalia Ventsel | | SP2011011618 | The Montessori Children's House, St Andrews Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017358695 | The Montessori Nursery School | 22-12-2017 | Montessori Nursery School, Church of the Good Shepherd | 13a Murrayfield Avenue | Murrayfield, Edinburgh | EH12 6AU | 01313 468 921 | Anna Assimaki | | SP2017989234 | Patricia Thornton | Active | |||||
CS2012307284 | The Montrose Centre | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Montrose Avenue | Inverlochy | Fort William | PH33 6LX | 01397 708 451 | Shona Macdonald | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||
CS2004073501 | The Moray Council Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 23-08-2004 | Moray Council | HQ Annexe | High Street | Elgin | IV30 9BX | 03001 234 566 | Karen Adams | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | |||
CS2004076529 | The Mungo Foundation Arden Branch | Housing support service | 17-09-2004 | Flat 1/2 | 17 Kilmuir Road | Arden | Glasgow | G46 8BG | 01416 210 236 | Sue-Ellen Miles | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||
CS2004076532 | The Mungo Foundation Arden Branch | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-09-2004 | Flat 1/2 | 17 Kilmuir Road | Arden | Glasgow | G46 8BG | 01416 210 236 | Sue-Ellen Miles | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||
CS2017356426 | The Murrayfield Nursery | 29-09-2017 | 52 Saughton Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 5SP | 0131 346 4459 | Jennifer Alcock | | SP2017012925 | Mini Rainbows (Murrayfield) Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2008168914 | The National Autistic Society - Central Scotland Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-06-2008 | 109 Hope Street | Glasgow | G2 6LL | 01412 218 090 | Lillian McCabe | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | |||||
CS2007162782 | The National Autistic Society - Central Scotland Services | Housing support service | 18-06-2008 | Clockwise Offices | Savoy Tower | 77 Renfrew Street | Glasgow | G2 3BZ | 01412857116 | Ewan Rae | | SP2004006215 | The National Autistic Society | Active | |||
CS2020379890 | The Nature Nursery Montessori Ltd | Day Care of Children | 20-07-2020 | Killbank Farm | Kirkfieldbank | Lanark | ML11 9UJ | 07727 838 355 | Emma Halley | | SP2020013516 | The Nature Nursery Montessori Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000265 | The Nest Childminding by Sophie | Child Minding | 25-07-2024 | Aberdeen | | SP2024000313 | Sophie Bilsland | Active | |||||||||
CS2003001207 | The New Harry Walker Integrated Day Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 24 Meadowside Gardens | Airdrie | ML6 7BG | 01236 856 051 | Sandra Downie | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000208 | The Newman Holiday Trust | Support Service | 06-07-2023 | Skrines House | Glenalmond College | Glenalmond | Perth | PH1 3RY | 07769825223 | Katherine Martin | | SP2008010154 | The Newman Holiday Trust | Active | |||
CS2017358049 | The No1 Care Agency | 07-06-2018 | 8th Floor West 51 Cadogan Street | Cadogan Square | Glasgow | G2 7HF | 0141 266 0001 | Audrey Mutongi | | SP2017012943 | Care No1 Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016173 | The Nursery at St Margaret's | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 17 Albyn Place | Aberdeen | AB10 1RU | 01224 584 466 | Anna Tomlinson | | SP2003003560 | St. Margaret's School for Girls (Incorporated) | Active | |||||
CS2022000026 | The Nursing & Healthcare Alliance | Nurse agencies | 24-01-2022 | Blue Square Business Centre | 272 Bath Street | Glasgow | G2 4JR | 07970278842 | Caroline Brawley | | SP2022000014 | The Nursing and Healthcare Alliance Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000205 | The Nurture Neuk | Child Minding | 04-07-2023 | Bonnyrigg | | SP2023000130 | Kimberley Turner | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355212 | The Nurture Nursery | 10-08-2018 | 94 Mid Street | Bathgate | EH48 1QF | 07421 732 552 | Katie Robertson | | SP2017012896 | Rioch and Robertson Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2014323954 | The Oaks | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-10-2014 | 129 Glasgow Road | Baillieston | Glasgow | G69 6EY | 01417 736 511 | Julie Stevenson | | SP2014012255 | Rhindsdale House Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007150612 | The Oasis | Support services - not care at home | 18-09-2007 | Garelochhead Medical & Resource Centre | McAulay Place | Garelochhead | Helensburgh | G84 0SL | 01436 811 068 | Mary Neal | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2007152190 | The Old Lodge | Care homes for children and young people | 19-05-2008 | The Old Lodge | Boquhan Estate | Kippen | Stirling | FK8 3HY | 01786 870486 | Lynsay Munro | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2022000188 | The Old School House Family First Nurseries Limited | Day care of children | 18-07-2022 | 1 Old School House | Kirknewton | Edinburgh | EH27 8EB | 07471196829 | Hannah Rutherford | | SP2022000087 | Family First Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010250216 | The Open Door Edinburgh | Support services - not care at home | 19-10-2011 | 420 Morningside Road | Edinburgh | EH10 5HY | 01314 479 757 | Simon Warr | | SP2010010945 | The Open Door Edinburgh | Active | |||||
CS2003008455 | The Orchard (Care Home) | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 47 Broom Drive | Inverness | IV2 4EQ | 01463 644 420 | Shirley Jack | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2017358940 | The Orchard Nature Nursery Limited | Day care of children | 05-02-2018 | Eskdale House | The Crichton | Bankend Road | Dumfries | DG1 4ZZ | 01387 253 003 | Kim Bannister | | SP2017012960 | The Orchard Nature Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003012093 | The Orchard Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 29 Inverleith Row | Edinburgh | EH3 5QH | 01315 525 000 | Melanie Aspin | | SP2003002986 | The Orchard Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2009234991 | The Owl & Pussycat Nursery | Day care of children | 07-05-2010 | 1 Montgomery Lane | Harbourside | Irvine | KA12 8PS | 01294 270 700 | Karen Thomson | | SP2009010683 | Anshafa Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015335573 | The Paddock | Care homes for children and young people | 17-07-2015 | The Paddock | Bardarrock | Ochiltree | Cumnock | KA18 2RR | 01290 700 027 | Margaret Jones | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003044027 | The Park Nursery and Kindergarten | Day care of children | 19-04-2004 | 7 Woodside Crescent | Charing Cross | Glasgow | G3 7UL | 01413 320 366 | Amanda Dale | | SP2003001259 | J R Kinder Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2017357364 | The Playbarn | 23-08-2017 | Skibo Castle | Clashmore | Dornoch | IV25 3RQ | 01862 894 560 | Carole Maclennan | | SP2017989378 | Skibo Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015338770 | The Playbarn Carluke | Day care of children | 12-08-2015 | Braidwood Hall | 51 Braidwood Road | Braidwood | Carluke | ML8 5NY | 07812 757 988 | Michelle Logan | | SP2012011774 | The Playbarn Ltd | Active | |||
CS2012306190 | The Playbarn Ltd | Day care of children | 02-08-2012 | Lodge Maudslie Club | 36 Strawfrank Road | Carstairs Junction | Lanark | ML11 8RD | 01555 870 525 | Holly Cowan | | SP2012011774 | The Playbarn Ltd | Active | |||
CS2008175732 | The Pleasance/East Adam Street | Housing support service | 04-06-2008 | 1 The Pleasance | Edinburgh | EH8 9UE | 0131 556 9674 | Iain Wilson | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2003055311 | The Poppy Club | Day care of children | 28-06-2004 | The Clachan | Balfron | Glasgow | G63 0NY | 01360 440 454 | Christine Davie | | SP2004938256 | The Poppy Club Limited | Active | ||||
CS2012309667 | The Pumpkin Patch Nursery (Scotland) Ltd | Day care of children | 19-12-2012 | 28 St Andrew Street | North Berwick | EH39 4NX | 01620 248 187 | Susan Cleghorn | | SP2010011333 | The Pumpkin Patch Nursery (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007149014 | The Red House | Care homes for children and young people | 11-06-2008 | 29 Auchengreoch Avenue | Johnstone | PA5 0RJ | 01505 704 205 | Joseph Holmes | | SP2007009027 | Young Foundations Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015340963 | The Red Squirrel Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 21-12-2015 | The Old School House | Glencarse | Glendoick | Perth | PH2 7NR | 01738 861 141 | Lydia McKenzie | | SP2015012574 | Red Squirrel Montessorie Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2010275140 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-04-2011 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation | Kirk Farm House | 6 Lasswade Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6RZ | 0131 672 2999 | Dorota Swales | | SP2003002648 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation | Active | |||
CS2003011206 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation - Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Unit 6E | West Telferton Road | Edinburgh | EH7 6UL | 0131 669 4817 | Lucy Haddow | | SP2003002648 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2004078284 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation | Kirk Farm House | 6 Lasswade Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6RZ | 0131 672 2999 | Dorota Swales | | SP2003002648 | The Redwoods Caring Foundation | Active | |||
CS2006115563 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Aberdeenshire | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-01-2006 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | 64 Main Street | Alford | AB33 8AA | 07385 380 726 | Louis Van Aswegen | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004077056 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Aberdeenshire | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | 64 Main Street | Alford | AB33 8AA | 07464632628 | Louis Van Aswegen | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004062784 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Angus Services | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | Suite 4, Kirkton Enterprise Centre | Kirkton Industrial Estate | Sir William Smith Road | Arbroath | DD11 3RD | 07753720190 | Dee McMillan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004062785 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Angus Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | Suite 4, Kirkton Enterprise Centre | Kirkton Industrial Estate | Sir William Smith Road | Arbroath | DD11 3RD | 07753720190 | Dee McMillan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2012314111 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Borders Intensive Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-09-2013 | 40 Lintburn Street | Galashiels | TD1 1HR | 01896 754 990 | Peter MacDonald | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2012314110 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Borders Intensive Support Service | Housing support service | 06-09-2013 | 40 Lintburn Street | Galashiels | TD1 1HR | 01896 754 990 | Peter MacDonald | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061415 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Central Fife | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | 1 Begg Road | John Smith Business Park | Kirkcaldy | KY6 2HD | 01592 774967 | Arlane Davidson | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061416 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Central Fife - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | 1 Begg Road | John Smith Business Park | Kirkcaldy | KY6 2HD | 01592 774967 | Arlane Davidson | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061383 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Dumfries | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | High Lodge | Craigs Road | Dumfries | DG1 4EX | 01387 242 700 | Sharon Douglas | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061384 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Dumfries | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | High Lodge | Craigs Road | Dumfries | DG1 4EX | 01387 242 700 | Sharon Douglas | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2017354900 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Dundee Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-08-2017 | 2 Pitairlie Road | Dundee | DD4 8DB | 01382 507091 | Rachel Scrimgeour | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017354899 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Dundee Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-08-2017 | 2 Pitairlie Road | Dundee | DD4 8DB | 01382 507091 | Rachel Scrimgeour | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061347 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - East & West Dunbartonshire Supported Living Services | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | Unit A Campsie Softnet Centre | Enterprise House | Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1XQ | 01416119499 | Karyn McCabe | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061354 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - East & West Dunbartonshire Supported Living Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | Unit A Campsie Softnet Centre | Enterprise House | Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 1XQ | 01416119499 | Karyn McCabe | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061337 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - East Renfrewshire & South Lanarkshire 2 | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | Unit 15 | Jacobean House, 1 Glebe Street, East Kilbride | GLASGOW | G74 4LY | 01416 436 513 | Louise Fee | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061338 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - East Renfrewshire & South Lanarkshire 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | Unit 15 | Jacobean House, 1 Glebe Street, East Kilbride | GLASGOW | G32 8NB | 01416 436 513 | Louise Fee | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004077051 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Edinburgh | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | 46/2 Duff Street | Edinburgh | EH11 2HR | 01313 131 894 | Andrew Duffy | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004077052 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Edinburgh - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | 46/2 Duff Street | Edinburgh | EH11 2HR | 01313 131 894 | Andrew Duffy | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061368 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Glasgow South Central Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | Unit 4 | Seaward Place | Centurion Business Park | Glasgow | G41 1HH | 01414 292 141 | Dale Houston | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061369 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Glasgow South Central Housing Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | Unit 4 | Seaward Place | Centurion Business Park | Glasgow | G41 1HH | 01414 292 141 | Dale Houston | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061357 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Glasgow South West & East Housing Support | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | Unit 4 | Seaward Place | Centurion Business Park | Glasgow | G41 1HH | 01413 534 050 | Dale Houston | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061358 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Glasgow South West & East Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | Unit 4 | Seaward Place | Centurion Business, Park | Glasgow | G41 1HH | 01413 534 050 | Dale Houston | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061417 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Glenrothes & North East Fife | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | Unit S1 | The Granary | Coal Road | Cupar | KY15 5YQ | 01592 774 967 | William Wood | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061418 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Glenrothes & North East Fife - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | Unit S1 | The Granary | Coal Road | Cupar | KY15 5YQ | 01413 534 050 | William Wood | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061429 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland A | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | North Regional Office | Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 239 933 | Kerry Vigurs | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061430 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland A Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | North Regional Office | Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 239 933 | Kerry Vigurs | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2016348346 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland Service B | 20-01-2017 | Third Floor | Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 239 933 | Cindy Drew | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016348343 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland Service B | 20-01-2017 | Third Floor | Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 239 933 | Cindy Drew | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016348348 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland Service C | 20-01-2017 | First Floor | Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 239 933 | Mark Parkin | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016348349 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland Service C | 20-01-2017 | First Floor | Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 239 933 | Mark Parkin | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2016348351 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland Service D | 20-01-2017 | Inverness | Deborah McLeman | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348355 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Highland Service D | 20-01-2017 | Third Floor | Metropolitan House | 31-33 High Street | Inverness | IV1 1HT | 01463 239 933 | Deborah McLeman | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004077044 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Housing Support Glasgow North and West | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | 6 Seaward Place | Centurion Business Park | Glasgow | G41 1HH | 01413 534 050 | Dale Houston | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004077045 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Housing Support Glasgow North and West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | 6 Seaward Place | Centurion Business Park | Glasgow | G41 1HH | 01413 534 070 | Dale Houston | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061329 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - North Ayrshire - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | The Villa | Todhill Farm | STEVENSTON | KA20 3DB | 07736924054 | Raymond Brennan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061326 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - North Ayrshire Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | The Villa | Todhill Farm | STEVENSTON | KA20 3DB | 07736924054 | Raymond Brennan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061321 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - North Lanarkshire | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | Unit 3 | Pickering House | Netherton Road | Wishaw | ML2 0EQ | 07776700844 | William Brown | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061322 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - North Lanarkshire - Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 25-08-2004 | Unit 2 | Pickering House | Netherton Road | Wishaw | ML2 0EQ | 01698 375 800 | William Brown | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061307 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Perth & Kinross | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | 72b Perth Road | Scone | Perth | PH2 6JL | 01738 553175 | Rebecca McCann | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061308 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Perth & Kinross - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | 72b Perth Road | Scone | Perth | PH2 6JL | 01738 553175 | Rebecca McCann | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061379 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Renfrewshire and Inverclyde | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | Suite 3001 | Mile End Mill | Abbeymill Business Centre, 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418 401 020 | Tom McGhie | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061378 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Renfrewshire and Inverclyde | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | Suite 3001 | Mile End Mill | Abbeymill Business Centre, 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418 401 020 | Tom McGhie | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2006124804 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Scottish Borders | Housing support service | 08-12-2006 | Unit 20 | Tweed Horizons | Newtown St. Boswells | Melrose | TD6 0SG | 01835 824 704 | Sheena Bell | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2006139990 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Scottish Borders - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-12-2006 | Unit 20 | Tweed Horizons | Newtown St. Boswells | Melrose | TD6 0SG | 01835 824 704 | Sheena Bell | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2009234408 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Shared Lives Service | Adult placement services | 04-10-2010 | Unit 3 | Pickering House | Netherton Road, Netherton | Wishaw | ML2 0EQ | 07776700844 | William Brown | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061334 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - South & East Ayrshire Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | 187a Glaisnock Street | Cumnock | KA18 1JX | 01290 426 899 | Raymond Brennan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061333 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - South & East Ayrshire Housing Support | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | 187a Glaisnock Street | Cumnock | KA18 1JX | 01290 426 899 | Raymond Brennan | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061323 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - South Lanarkshire 1 | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | 15 Jacobean House | Glebe street | East Kilbride | G74 1LY | 01355 570048 | William Brown | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061324 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - South Lanarkshire 1 - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | 15 Jacobean House | Glebe street | East Kilbride | G74 1LY | 01355 570048 | William Brown | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2004061318 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Stirling, Clackmannanshire and Falkirk | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | 6 Craighall Court | Craighall Street | Stirling | FK8 1TS | 01786 464 566 | Paul Hepburn | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061317 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Stirling, Clackmannanshire and Falkirk | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | 6 Craighall Court | Craighall Street | Stirling | FK8 1TS | 01786 464566 | Paul Hepburn | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004061411 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - West Fife | Housing support service | 25-08-2004 | 19 Bleachfield Court | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 4EX | 01383 731594 | Paul Hepburn | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004061412 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - West Fife | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2004 | 19 Bleachfield Court | DUNFERMLINE | KY11 4EX | 01383 731594 | Paul Hepburn | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004056512 | The Rock Trust - Bedrock and Housing First for Youth | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | 55 Albany St | Edinburgh | EH1 3QY | 01315 574 059 | Gary Neil | | SP2003002606 | The Rock Trust | Active | |||||
CS2003017061 | The Royal High Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Northfield Broadway | Edinburgh | EH8 7RX | 01316 693 200 | Louise Cook | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2007152469 | The Salvation Army - Greenock Floating Support Service | Housing support service | 22-02-2008 | 57 Regent Street | Greenock | PA15 4NP | 01475 721748 | Lesley McLeister | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2018370029 | The Salvation Army Outreach Support Service Aberdeenshire | 19-03-2019 | The Salvation Army | 24 Deer Road | Aberdeen | AB24 2BL | 01224 496 015 | Andrea Stewart | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2004074994 | The Salvation Army Re-settlement Project | Housing support service | 30-09-2004 | 31-33 Wells Street | Inverness | IV3 5JT | 01463 234 123 | Tracie Fraser | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2017362953 | The Saturday Cafe Clubs | 02-03-2018 | Cathcart Old Parish Church | Community Halls | 119 Carmunnock Road | Glasgow | G44 5UW | 07817 627 595 | Caroline Paterson | | SP2017013038 | The Saturday Cafe Clubs a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003016558 | The Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Craighalbert Centre | 1 Craighalbert Way | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 0LS | 01236 456 100 | Robert Fraser | | SP2003003702 | The Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments | Active | |||
CS2008176034 | The Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery | Day care of children | 03-09-2008 | Letham Village Hall | Letham | Cupar | KY15 7RS | 07732048289 | Duncan Barrable | | SP2006008688 | The Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2013317719 | The Social Care Community Partnership (Nursing) | Nurse agencies | 05-06-2014 | 9 Straiton Business Park | Straiton View | Loanhead | EH20 9QZ | 01312 029 933 | Maureen O'Neill | | SP2011011718 | The Social Care Community Partnership Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003012001 | The Squirrel Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Balgreen Primary School | Balgreen Road | Edinburgh | EH11 3AT | 07415 739 261 | Sarah Stickland | | SP2003002904 | Balgreen playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2020379308 | The Stables | Care Home Service | 03-03-2020 | Crail | Anstruther | KY10 3XG | 01333 450911 | Nicola Robb | | SP2012011803 | Inspire Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006117344 | The Station House Nursery | Day care of children | 15-09-2008 | 53 Greenlees Road | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 8DZ | 01416 419 977 | Lynne Thomas | | SP2006008210 | The Station House Nursery LLP | Active | ||||
CS2017357169 | The Story Book Childminder | 21-08-2017 | Clackmannan | Diane McAllister | | SP2017989116 | Diane McAllister | Active | |||||||||
CS2016352895 | The Strynd Nursery | 08-03-2017 | The Strynd | Kirkwall | KW15 1HG | 01856 876096 | Fiona Greaves | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||||
CS2019372594 | The Sunrise After School Club | 22-05-2019 | Coylton Primary School | 4a Main Road | Coylton | Ayr | KA6 6JP | 01292 612 491 | Katy Hastings | | SP2003903060 | Rachel Wilson | Active | ||||
CS2003008955 | The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The Teddy Bear Group | Marchmont Business Park | Marchmont Crescent | Buckie | AB56 4BX | 07563247127 | Gillian Stevenson | | SP2003001950 | The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2017358008 | The Teeny Wee Holiday Club | 15-09-2017 | Strathpeffer | Morven MacDonald | | SP2017989169 | Morven MacDonald | Active | |||||||||
CS2012308197 | The Tower Nursery | Day care of children | 19-03-2015 | The Tower, 1 Garngaber Avenue | Lenzie, Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 4LJ | Kathleen McGuckin | | SP2015012450 | Tower House Nursery Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000166 | The Treehouse | Child Minding | 06-06-2023 | Cowdenbeath | | SP2023000109 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003001105 | The View | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Cardross Crescent | Greenock | PA15 3HT | 01475 715 809 | Gillian Roxburgh | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2004079123 | The View Park Project | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 596-606 Old Edinburgh Road | Viewpark | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 6HJ | 01698 816 801 | Anne Rodwell | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018367812 | The Village Childcare | 14-11-2018 | Aberdeen | Joanne Youngson & Linda Carroll | | SP2018013142 | Linda Carroll & Joanne Youngson a Partnership Linda Carroll & Joanne Youngson a Partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2010272367 | The Village Nursery and Out of School Care | Day care of children | 16-12-2010 | Deanfoot Road | West Linton | EH46 7EX | 01968 661 015 | Pauline McFarlane | | SP2010011137 | The New Village Nursery (West Linton) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011300789 | The Village Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 1a The Auld Road | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 2RF | 01236 458 587 | RHONA HERON | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000345 | The Wee Adventurers | Child Minding | 13-10-2023 | Thurso | | SP2023000227 | Samantha McMillan | Active | |||||||||
CS2020378745 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd - Abbey View OOSC | Day Care of Children | 03-07-2020 | Abbey View Campus | Community Wing | Hayshead Road | Arbroath | DD11 5FE | 07803322490 | Claire Grant | | SP2016012692 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000203 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd - Borrowfield OOSC | Day care of children | 27-07-2022 | Borrowfield Primary School | Newhame Road | Montrose | DD10 9EZ | 07709248629 | Janice Pache | | SP2016012692 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000402 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd - Carnoustie OOSC | Day care of children | 23-12-2022 | Burnside Primary School | Thomas Street | Carnoustie | DD7 7JZ | 07709210488 | Kelsea Milton | | SP2016012692 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2016346233 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd: Northmuir OOSC | Day care of children | 22-06-2016 | Community Room | Northmuir Primary School | 91 Roods, Northmuir | Kirriemuir | DD8 4HA | 07565 936 232 | Kelsea Milton | | SP2016012692 | The Wee Childcare Company Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017358453 | The Wee Weans Cottage | 19-10-2017 | Alloa | Lynda Shields | | SP2017989206 | Lynda Shields | Active | |||||||||
CS2008179387 | The Wendy House | Day care of children | 23-07-2008 | The Wendy House Private Nursery | 51 Muirend Road | Burghmuir | Perth | PH1 1JD | 01738 632 885 | Catriona Davie | | SP2008009883 | Catriona Davie trading as The Wendy House | Active | |||
CS2007162014 | The Wendyhouse Children's Nursery | Day care of children | 27-09-2007 | Angle Road | Kirriemuir | DD8 4PL | 01575 572 244 | Jay Glassey | | SP2007009333 | Jill Culross trading as the Wendyhouse | Active | |||||
CS2007161398 | The Wendyhouse Children's Nursery (Forfar) | Day care of children | 27-09-2007 | Forfar | Johanna Borzasi | | SP2007009333 | Jill Culross trading as the Wendyhouse | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2007162018 | The Wendyhouse OOSC | Day care of children | 27-09-2007 | Forfar | Michelle Stewart | | SP2007009333 | Jill Culross trading as the Wendyhouse | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000262 | The Wind in the Willows Childcare | Childminding | 24-07-2024 | Buckhaven | | SP2024000440 | Rhonda Lavery Welsh | Active | |||||||||
CS2016346318 | The Wise Young Owls Childminding | Childminding | 01-08-2016 | Motherwell | Samantha Dubber | SP2016987927 | Samantha Dubber | Active | |||||||||
CS2013317150 | The Women's Centre Creche | Day care of children | 13-11-2013 | 17 - 33 Shawpark Street | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 9DA | 01415 761 400 | Louise Elizabeth Moffitt | | SP2011011510 | North West Women's Centre | Active | ||||
CS2006134725 | The Wright Childcare | Childminding | 23-04-2007 | Denny | Mhairi Wright | | SP2006961336 | Mhairi Wright trading as The Wright Childcare Mhairi Wright trading as The Wright Childcare | Active | ||||||||
CS2003011809 | The Yard | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 22 Eyre Place Lane | Canonmills | Edinburgh | EH3 5EH | 01314 764 506 | Aneta Opolska | | SP2003002793 | Scotland Yard Adventure Centre | Active | ||||
CS2024000077 | The Yard Holiday Support - Edinburgh | Day Care of Children | 11-03-2024 | Oaklands School | 750 Ferry Road | Edinburgh | EH4 4PQ | 07808527341 | Nicola Crombie-Dawson | | SP2003002793 | Scotland Yard Adventure Centre | Active | ||||
CS2017356319 | The Yellow Brick Road Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 10-07-2017 | St. Columba Church Hall | 13 Glasgow Street | Kilbirnie | KA25 7AP | 01505 227 120 | Lyn Houston | | SP2017012921 | The Yellow Brick Road Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2009193383 | Thera (Scotland) | Housing support service | 09-12-2009 | Melrose House | 69A George Street | Edinburgh | EH2 2JG | 07718961927 | Diane Carson | | SP2007008824 | Thera (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2007164348 | Thera (Scotland) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-12-2009 | Melrose House | 69A George Street | Edinburgh | EH2 2JG | 03003 031 286 | Diane Carson | | SP2007008824 | Thera (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2016346839 | Thera (Scotland) - (Inverness and the Highlands) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-07-2016 | Melrose House | 69A George Street | Edinburgh | EH2 2JG | 03003 031 286 | Scott Harkness | | SP2007008824 | Thera (Scotland) | Active | ||||
CS2016346842 | Thera (Scotland) - (Inverness and the Highlands) | 25-07-2016 | Melrose House | 69A George Street | Edinburgh | EH2 2JG | 03003 031 286 | Scott Harkness | | SP2007008824 | Thera (Scotland) | Active | |||||
CS2016351808 | Theresa's Childminding Service | 06-04-2017 | Huntly | Theresa Lynda Robertson | | SP2016988577 | Theresa Robertson | Active | |||||||||
CS2016348010 | Thistle | 20-01-2017 | 14 Fairfield Road | Broughty Ferry | DUNDEE | DD5 1PL | 01382 213 840 | Sarah Jane Patterson | | SP2011011694 | Cygnet (OE) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2020380086 | Thistle Care Solutions | Support Service | 23-12-2020 | Thistle Care Solutions Suite 4A | Stewart House | Stewart Road | Falkirk | FK2 7AS | 01592377445 | Alexandria Corkill | | SP2020013528 | Thistle Care Solutions Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000018 | Thistle Day Opportunities | Support Service | 20-04-2021 | 21 Springbank Street | GLASGOW | G20 7EF | 01259 720044 | Kerry Ross | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2003045869 | Thistle Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 20 Moorpark Road West | Stevenston | KA20 3HN | 01294 607 036 | Louise Andrews | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004080908 | Thistle Foundation | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-02-2004 | Thistle Centre of Wellbeing | 13 Queens Walk | Edinburgh | EH16 4EA | 01316 613 366 | Andrew Smith | | SP2004005062 | Thistle Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2004080907 | Thistle Foundation | Housing support service | 06-07-2004 | Thistle Centre of Wellbeing | 13 Queens Walk | Edinburgh | EH16 4EA | 01316 613 366 | Andrew Smith | | SP2004005062 | Thistle Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2007158445 | Thistle Grove Nursery Class | Day care of children | 14-07-2009 | Collin Primary School | Collin | Dumfries | DG1 4JE | 01387 750 227 | Caroline Lindsay | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2020380341 | Thistle Nursing Services Agency | Nurse Agency | 23-12-2020 | Citibase | Gyleview House | 3 Redheughs Rigg | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 07780 692 839 | Romana Munyavi | | SP2020013545 | Thistle Nursing Services Ltd | Inactive | |||
CS2015335183 | Thistlebank | Care homes for children and young people | 05-05-2015 | Benston Road | Cumnock | KA18 2SG | 01290 336 063 | Eileen Robson | | SP2003002568 | Radical Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2007152799 | Thistleknowe Care Home | Care homes for older people | 19-11-2007 | 55 Head Street | Beith | KA15 2EU | 01505 502 515 | Ann Cassidy | | SP2008009523 | Scotcare LLP | Active | |||||
CS2010250713 | Thom, Sarah | Childminding | 06-07-2010 | Inverness | Sarah Thom | | SP2010978388 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000628 | Thomas, Tracey | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Tracey Thomas | | SP2003900150 | Tracey Thomas | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014997 | Thompson, Julie | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Julie Thompson | | SP2003909359 | Julie Thompson | Active | ||||||||
CS2007145435 | Thompson, Michelle | Childminding | 10-04-2008 | Bathgate | Michelle Thompson | | SP2007964350 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000453 | Thomson Court | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Townhead | Rothesay | Isle of Bute | PA20 9JH | 01700 503 166 | Helen Rodgers | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000458 | Thomson Court Day Care | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Townhead | Rothesay | Isle of Bute | PA20 9JH | 01700 504 770 | Helen Rodgers | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2003007526 | Thomson, Adelaide | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Adelaide Thomson | SP2003904485 | Adelaide Thomson | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012765 | Thomson, Anne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Anne Thomson | | SP2003906484 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007147871 | Thomson, Catherine | Childminding | 12-09-2007 | Mauchline | Catherine Thomson | CATHYTHOMSON2@AOL.COM | SP2007964715 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003020451 | Thomson, Dana | Childminding | 08-04-2005 | Inverurie | Dana Thomson | | SP2003907082 | Dana Thomson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000668 | Thomson, Irena | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Irena Thomson | | SP2003900189 | Irena Thomson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003002116 | Thomson, Jennifer | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Macduff | Jennifer Thomson | | SP2003900738 | Jennifer Thomson | Active | ||||||||
CS2009235445 | Thomson, Judy | Childminding | 22-03-2010 | Glasgow | Judy Thomson | | SP2009976548 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007160479 | Thomson, Lynnette | Childminding | 27-11-2007 | Bonnybridge | Lynnette Thomson | | SP2007966640 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005105313 | Thomson, Melanie | Childminding | 02-03-2006 | Loanhead | Melanie Thomson | | SP2005950921 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007146696 | Thomson, Pamela | Childminding | 15-08-2007 | Irvine | Pamela Thomson | | SP2007964585 | Pamela Thomson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006363 | Thomson, Sandra | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Sandra Thomson | | SP2003903739 | Sandra Thomson | Active | ||||||||
CS2012310353 | Thomson, Shirley | Childminding | 08-05-2013 | INVERURIE | Shirley Thomson | | SP2012983857 | Shirley Thomson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008449 | Thor House (Care Home) | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Provost Cormack Drive | Thurso | KW14 7EJ | 01847 896 448 | Alison Mackay | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307286 | Thor House (Support Service) | Support services - care at home | 30-03-2012 | Provost Cormack Drive | Thurso | KW14 7EJ | 01847 896 489 | Gail Clark | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012311063 | Thorburn Manor Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 11-03-2013 | 2a Thorburn Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0BQ | 01314 416 984 | Lisa Fallon | | SP2012011915 | Thorburn Manor Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000293 | Thorney Croft | Care Home Service | 08-10-2021 | 12 Sycamore Way | STRANRAER | DG9 7BY | 01776 888660 | Lisa Higgins | | SP2006008483 | Park Homes (UK) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005104373 | Thornfield House | Care homes for older people | 21-11-2005 | 9/10 Thornfield Avenue | Selkirk | TD7 4DT | 01750 722 808 | Jane Armstrong | | SP2005950458 | Mr Jim and Mrs Vivien Armstrong a Partnership | Active | |||||
CS2003014941 | Thornlaw Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 Crebar Street | Glasgow | G46 8EQ | 01416 383 176 | Claire Morrison | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016225 | Thornliebank Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Thornliebank Primary School | Main Street | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 7RW | 01415 707 440 | Jenni Miller | | SP2003003372 | East Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003011540 | Thornton Gardens | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 1-11 Thornton Gardens | Bonnybridge | Falkirk | FK4 1AW | 01324810161 | Sharon Brownlee | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017113 | Thornton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Station Road | Thornton | Kirkcaldy | KY1 4AY | 01592 583 465 | David Green | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000768 | Thorntoun Estate Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Irvine Road | Crosshouse | Kilmarnock | KA2 0BH | 01563 572 626 | Stacey Millar | | SP2003002275 | Thorntoun Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004059478 | Thorntoun Supported Living Services | Housing support service | 21-07-2004 | Thomson Court | 18-38 Witch Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1JG | 01563 529 555 | Patricia Doogan | | SP2003002275 | Thorntoun Limited | Active | ||||
CS2005094726 | Thorntoun Supported Living Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-12-2005 | Thomson Court | 18-38 Witch Road | Kilmarnock | KA3 1JG | 01563 529 555 | Patricia Doogan | | SP2003002275 | Thorntoun Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013319184 | Thorntree Mews | Care homes for older people | 30-01-2014 | 17 Arnothill Mews | Falkirk | FK1 5RZ | 01324 626 090 | Merissa Meason | | SP2013012124 | MMCG (CCH) (3) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015335610 | Thornwood After School Club | Day care of children | 31-08-2015 | Thornwood Primary School | 11 Thornwood Avenue | Glasgow | G11 7QZ | 01413 341 797 | Arlene McKenzie | | SP2003001223 | Hyndland After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2003017156 | Thornwood Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o Thornwood Primary School | 11 Thornwood Terrace | Glasgow | G11 7QZ | 01413 397 445 | Caroline Dunleavy | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2004071935 | Threads | Housing support service | 13-12-2004 | 4 Lochfield Road | Paisley | PA2 7RG | 01418 846 696 | Ellen Lorimer | | SP2003003405 | Barnardo's known as Barnardo's Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2020379127 | Three Towns Care Home | Care Home Service | 06-08-2020 | 20 Afton Road | Stevenson | KA20 3HA | 01294 469 711 | Alison Price | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008187003 | Threshold Edinburgh | Housing support service | 05-01-2009 | 20 Westfield Avenue | Unit 3 (2nd Floor) | Edinburgh | EH11 2TT | 01314 436 844 | Graham Stewart | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2008187007 | Threshold Edinburgh | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 05-01-2009 | 20 Westfield Avenue | Unit 3 (2nd Floor) | Edinburgh | EH11 1TT | 01314 432 225 | Graham Stewart | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2008182310 | Threshold Glasgow | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-03-2009 | Unit 5 | Building 5 - The Doge's | Templeton Business Centre, Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 519 204 | Christina McIver | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2008182309 | Threshold Glasgow | Housing support service | 11-03-2009 | Unit 5 | Building 5 - The Doge's | Templeton Business Centre, Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 519 204 | Christina McIver | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2003000150 | Threshold Glasgow Day Opportunities | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Templeton Business Centre | Building 5, Unit 5 | The Doges | Glasgow | G40 1DA | 01415 519 204 | John Duncanson | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2008192338 | Threshold Support Services - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 02-07-2009 | Newcross Centre | Lamb Street | Hamilton | ML3 6AH | 01698 423 335 | Fiona Walker | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2014326869 | Threshold Support Services - Community and Short Breaks | Support services - care at home | 25-11-2014 | Dalziel St. Andrew's Parish Church | 43-47 Merry Street | MOTHERWELL | ML1 1JJ | 01698 267883 | Kathleen Cairns | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2008191123 | Threshold Support Services - Housing Support | Housing support service | 02-07-2009 | 7 Glenview | LARKHALL | ML9 1DA | 07341498723 | Fiona Walker | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003001401 | Threshold Support Services - Residential | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 15 Mill Road | Hamilton | ML3 8AA | Sandra Rorrison | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||||
CS2015336532 | Thrive Childcare and Education Corner House Nurseries Gillsland | Day care of children | 29-05-2015 | 2 South Gillsland Road | Merchiston | Edinburgh | EH10 5DE | 01314 474 050 | Stephanie Craig | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003046009 | Thrive Childcare and Education Corner House Nursery Falkirk | Day care of children | 14-10-2003 | 21 St Crispins Place | Falkirk | FK1 1QF | 01324 633 327 | Mhairi West | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003045968 | Thrive Childcare and Education Corner House Nursery Stirling | Day care of children | 14-10-2003 | 2 Polmaise Road | Batterflats Gardens | Stirling | FK7 9JJ | 01786 462 233 | Caitlin Smith | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003010149 | Thrive Childcare and Education Corner House Perth | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 7 Strathview Terrace | Perth | PH2 7HY | 01738 500145 | Siobhan Shepherd | | SP2003002195 | Paint Pots Nursery (Scotland) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007167757 | Thrive Childcare and Education Dunblane Nature Kindergarten | Day care of children | 02-04-2008 | Ramoyle | Dunblane | FK15 0BD | 01786 821 950 | Linda Boon | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014324854 | Thrive Childcare and Education Dundee Nature Kindergarten | Day care of children | 28-04-2014 | Explorer Road | Technology Park | Dundee | DD2 1EG | 01382 561 477 | Nicola King | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2015341689 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots Boddam | Day care of children | 11-04-2016 | Buchan Braes | Station Road | Boddam | Peterhead | AB42 3AR | 01779 476 888 | Linda Adamson | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||
CS2008180905 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots Cove Bay | Day care of children | 31-07-2008 | Cove Road | Cove Bay | Aberdeen | AB12 3NX | 01224 249 234 | Hana Dalgarno | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003055749 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots Cumbernauld | Day care of children | 25-02-2004 | 9/11 Allander Walk | Town Centre | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1DW | 01236 736 821 | Kathryn Brodie | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||
CS2005107944 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots Erskine | Day care of children | 20-06-2006 | Erskine | Bishopton | PA7 5PU | 0141 812 2333 | Ashleigh Logan | | SP2005007827 | Enchanted Forest Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003005988 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots Garrowhill | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 61 Maxwell Drive | Garrowhill | Glasgow | G69 6RP | 01417 734 153 | Kayleigh Harkins | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011305898 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots Inverkip | Day care of children | 03-04-2012 | 4 Kip Park | Main Street | Inverkip | Greenock | PA16 0FZ | 01475 529 900 | Cara Cunningham | | SP2012011768 | Enchanted Forest Nursery (Inverkip) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2015334602 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots Robroyston | Day care of children | 22-05-2015 | Orion House | 7 Robroyston Oval | Nova Business Park | Glasgow | G33 1AP | 01413 753 210 | Janice Johnstone | | SP2015012422 | Enchanted Forest Nursery (Bishopbriggs) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2009193677 | Thrive Childcare and Education Happitots South Lanarkshire College | Day care of children | 04-02-2009 | College Way | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0NE | 01355 807 312 | Tracy Shields | | SP2009010216 | Bertram Nursery Group Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007150348 | Thrive Childcare and Education Kirkintilloch Nature Kindergarten | Day care of children | 14-06-2007 | Units 12-15 Whitegates | Lenzie Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3BQ | 01417 763 003 | Charmaine Ness | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||
CS2015338420 | Thrive Childcare and Education Musselburgh Nature Kindergarten | Day care of children | 28-08-2015 | 1 New Street | Musselburgh | EH21 6HY | 01312 851 602 | Louise Smith | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004078050 | Thrive Childcare and Education, Corner House Nursery Banchory | Day care of children | 29-10-2004 | 56 Station Road | Banchory | AB31 5YJ | 01330 824 744 | Lynsey Wellburn | | SP2003000377 | Celtic Cross Nursery School Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015684 | Thrive Childcare and Education. Corner House - The Grange | Day care of children | 20-12-2002 | 13 Minto Street | Edinburgh | EH9 1RG | 01316 683 300 | Clair Beaton | | SP2003003548 | Strawberry Hill Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015336531 | Thrive Teviot House Nursery | Day care of children | 29-05-2015 | 2 Spylaw Road | Edinburgh | EH10 5BH | 01312 291 500 | EvaRae Zealey | | SP2003002955 | Bertram Nurseries Limited | Active | |||||
CS2007151921 | Throughcare & Aftercare Supported Lodgings Scheme | Adult placement services | 13-06-2008 | Room 56 | Raploch Community Campus | Drip Road | Stirling | FK8 1RD | 01786 471 177 | Angela Beaton | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||
CS2003017279 | Thrumster Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Thrumster Primary School | Thrumster | Wick | KW1 5TR | 01955 651 244 | Linsey Mackay | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2015339592 | Thwaites, Zoe-Elizabeth | Childminding | 27-11-2015 | AVOCH | Zoe-Elizabeth Thwaites | | SP2015987204 | Zoe-Elizabeth Thwaites | Active | ||||||||
CS2008174923 | Tibbetts, Gillian | Childminding | 09-03-2011 | Broxburn | Gillian Tibbetts | | SP2008969621 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007149094 | Tictacs Two After School Service | Day care of children | 27-11-2007 | c/o Wellshot Primary School | 285 Wellshot Road | Shettleston | Glasgow | G32 7QD | 01417 632 227 | Audrey Ashford | | SP2003001208 | T.I.C.T.A.C.S After School Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2020382212 | Tiddlypeeps Before & After School Care | Child Minding | 04-02-2021 | Inverurie | Angie Bell | | SP2020991524 | Angie Bell | Active | ||||||||
CS2012306143 | Tiddlywinks Nursery School | Day care of children | 24-09-2013 | Liff Road | Muirhead | Dundee | DD2 5QF | 01382 581 581 | Stephanie Macaskill | | SP2012011769 | Moorhead Nursery Ltd trading as Tiddlywinks Nursery School | Active | ||||
CS2018369859 | Tierney, Michelle | 21-12-2018 | Alloa | Michelle Tierney | | SP2018990141 | Michelle Tierney | Active | |||||||||
CS2012307287 | Tigh na Drochaid | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Bridge Road | Portree | IV51 9ER | 01478 613 113 | Neil Ingall | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2003000261 | Tigh-A'Chomainn | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 4 Craigton Crescent | Peterculter | AB14 0SB | 01224 732 656 | Margaret Swerling | | SP2003000027 | Tigh-a'Chomainn Camphill ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003000462 | Tigh-a-Rudha Residential Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Scarinish | Isle of Tiree | PA77 6UH | 01879 220 407 | Claire MacInnes | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2008187641 | Tigh-na-Cloich | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 05-01-2009 | Ord Road | Muir of Ord | IV6 7XL | 01463 872 832 | Vicky Millar | | SP2003001725 | Nansen Highland | Active | |||||
CS2013317806 | Tigh-Na-Muirn Limited | Care homes for older people | 24-02-2014 | 4 Victoria Street | Monifieth | Dundee | DD5 4HL | 01382 532 357 | Rachel Scott | | SP2013012083 | Tigh-Na-Muirn Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014673 | Tighnabruaich Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tighnabruaich Primary | Tighnabruaich | PA21 2BE | 01700 811 413 | Megan Stirling | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2025000077 | Tillicoultry After School Club (TASC) | Day care of children | 19-02-2025 | Centenary Hall | Hamilton Street | Tillicoultry | FK13 6EL | 07903009962 | Claire Russell | | SP2003000682 | Alva Play Pals Out Of School Care Management Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003015589 | Tillicoultry ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Firpark | Tillicoultry | FK13 6PL | 01259 750 228 | Louise Thomas | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2012307932 | Time 2 Help Ltd | Support services - care at home | 16-07-2012 | Blueton Stables | Braco | Dunblane | FK15 0NA | 07527 980 231 | Mouyra Rae | | SP2012011815 | Time 2 Help Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003003807 | Time Out Club, Castlehill | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Castlehill Primary School | Rosslyn Road | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 4DL | 01415 637 775 | Celeste Gilbey | | SP2003000769 | Time-Out Club | Active | |||
CS2008192641 | Time Out Club, Clober | Day care of children | 12-08-2009 | Clober Primary School | Kirk Street | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 7PN | 07900 313 207 | Celeste Gilbey | | SP2003000769 | Time-Out Club | Active | |||
CS2003003822 | Time Out Club, Craigdhu | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Craigdhu Primary School | Prestonfield | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 7PZ | 07976 378 262 | Moira Dickson | | SP2003000769 | Time-Out Club | Active | |||
CS2003003784 | Time Out Club, Milngavie | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Community Education Centre | Allander Road | Milngavie | Glasgow | G62 8PN | 01415 639 573 | Moira Dickson | | SP2003000769 | Time-Out Club | Active | |||
CS2003015757 | Timmergreens Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Emislaw Drive | Arbroath | DD11 2HJ | 01241 465 434 | Jacqui Smith | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2023000274 | Tina's Tots Childminding | Child Minding | 24-08-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000172 | Catriona Mackellar | Active | |||||||||
CS2003002963 | Tindal, Sheila | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Carnoustie | Sheila Tindal | | SP2003901409 | Sheila Tindal | Active | ||||||||
CS2020381186 | Tingwall Nursery | Day care of children | 08-10-2020 | Tingwall Primary School | Gott | Shetland | ZE2 9SE | 01595 807 224 | Stephen Renwick | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2010280167 | Tinies Glasgow | Childcare agencies | 06-06-2011 | 4 Spiersbridge Way | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 8NG | 01414 652 650 | Martine Nadler | | SP2010011377 | Tinies Glasgow Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013314998 | Tinies Glasgow - Mobile Creche | Day care of children | 20-09-2013 | 4 Spiersbridge Way | Thornliebank | Glasgow | G46 8NG | 01414 652 650 | Jacques Nadler | | SP2010011377 | Tinies Glasgow Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003008362 | Tintin's Early Learning & Childcare | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Christina Strain | | SP2003904792 | Christina Strain | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006194 | Tinto After School Care (Glasgow) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tinto Primary School | 61 Nether Auldhouse Road | Glasgow | G43 2XG | 07903 060 656 | Joseph Cawley | | SP2003001380 | Tinto After School Care (Glasgow) | Active | ||||
CS2003015373 | Tinto Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | School Road | Biggar | ML12 6LT | 01899 308 279 | Alex Stark | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2013321279 | Tiny Steps Childminding | Childminding | 23-12-2014 | Alford | Baiba Gricmane | | SP2013985401 | Baiba Gricmane | Active | ||||||||
CS2010250170 | Tiny Tots Academy Ltd | Day care of children | 13-05-2011 | 94 South Biggar Road | Airdrie | ML6 9PS | 01236 762 648 | Kimberley Boyce | | SP2010010942 | Tiny Tots Academy Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013320113 | Tiny Tots Childminders | Childminding | 10-03-2014 | Glasgow | Claire McFarlane | | SP2013012153 | Claire McFarlane Christine Storrie and Joanne Stor Claire McFarlane Christine Storrie and Joanne Stor | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004785 | Tiny Tots Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kenilworth Court | North Carbrain | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 1BP | 01236 454 100 | Bernadette McLean | | SP2003000992 | Tiny Tots Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2003008707 | Tiny Tots Nursery (Inverness) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gowanbrae | 45 Culloden Road | Balloch | Inverness | IV2 7HQ | 01463 791313 | Jennifer Hann | | SP2006008736 | Hann, Carole | Active | |||
CS2019372504 | Tiny Town | Childminding | 01-04-2019 | Motherwell | Danielle Campbell | | SP2019990338 | Danielle Campbell | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000415 | Tiny Tribe Childminding | Childminding | 12-12-2023 | Glasgow | | SP2023000333 | Shirley Smith | Inactive | |||||||||
CS2024000261 | Tiny Turtles | Childminding | 24-07-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000017 | Lorraine Rhodes | Active | |||||||||
CS2015342160 | Tinytots Childminding | Childminding | 04-03-2016 | Airdrie | Louise Rodgers | | SP2015987500 | Louise Rodgers | Active | ||||||||
CS2015338877 | Tip Toes Children's Nursery Ltd | Day care of children | 10-12-2015 | Valeview | Stenhousemuir | Larbert | FK5 3BY | 01324 551 444 | Megan Farrell | | SP2015012530 | Tiptoes Nursery Winchburgh Limited | Active | ||||
CS2004073162 | Tiphereth Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 08-07-2004 | Torphin Holding | The May | 55 Torphin Road, Colinton | Edinburgh | EH13 0PQ | 01314 412 055 | Ioannis Cholevas | | SP2003002619 | Tiphereth Limited | Active | |||
CS2018363472 | Tiphereth Supported Living | 10-09-2018 | 55 Torphin Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0PG | 01314 412 055 | Richard Costigan | | SP2003002619 | Tiphereth Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2018363679 | Tiphereth Supported Living | 10-09-2018 | 55 Torphin Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0PG | 0131 4412055 | Mihaly Bela Bistey | | SP2003002619 | Tiphereth Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2021000327 | Tiptoes Nursery Winchburgh | Day care of children | 12-11-2021 | 25 Millcraig Mews | Winchburgh | EH52 6WG | 01506 891395 | Sarah-Louise Getty | | SP2015012530 | Tiptoes Nursery Winchburgh Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014675 | Tiree Primary Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tiree High School | Isle of Tiree | PA77 6XA | 01879 220 383 | Lorna MacRae | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2017355768 | TLA Neighbourhood Services | 06-09-2017 | TLA Neighbourhood Services Ltd OFFICE | 2 Jack Martin Way | Claverhouse East Industrial Estate | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 520 233 | Phillip Richardson-Adebowale | SP2017012911 | TLA Neighbourhood Service Limited | Active | |||||
CS2017355770 | TLA Neighbourhood Services | 06-09-2017 | TLA Neighbourhood services LTD OFFICE | 2 Jack Martin Way | Claverhouse East Industrial Estate | Dundee | DD4 9FF | 01382 520 233 | Phillip Richardson-Adebowale | SP2017012911 | TLA Neighbourhood Service Limited | Active | |||||
CS2019378106 | TLC Ayrshire | Housing support service | 02-12-2019 | 172A Main Street | Prestwick | KA9 1PG | 01292 434 444 | Joanne Brown | | SP2019013389 | TLC (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019377421 | TLC Ayrshire | Support services - care at home | 02-12-2019 | 172A Main Street | Prestwick | KA9 1PG | 01292 434 444 | Joanne Brown | | SP2019013389 | TLC (Scotland) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2017359464 | TLC Childminding | 29-11-2017 | Glasgow | Lesley-Anne McColl | | SP2017989306 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2023000293 | TLC Support Services | Support Service | 05-09-2023 | Citibase | Gyleview House | 3 Redheughs Rigg | Edinburgh | EH12 9DQ | 01506 238 680 | Michael Muguwe | | SP2023000184 | TLC Healthcare & Support Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2009233100 | Tobermory Pre Five Unit | Day care of children | 06-08-2010 | Tobermory High School | Erray Road | Tobermory | Isle of Mull | PA75 6PB | 01688 302 062 | Shelley Carmichael | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||
CS2021000216 | Todays Tomorrow Ltd - River Cottage | Care Home Service | 24-08-2021 | River Cottage | 32 Faith Avenue | Quarriers Village | Bridge of Weir | PA11 3TF | 07889216341 | Karen Leckie | | SP2021000128 | Todays Tomorrow Ltd | Active | |||
CS2010238261 | Todd, Kylie | Childminding | 29-12-2010 | Bonnyrigg | Kylie Todd | | SP2010977387 | Kylie Todd | Active | ||||||||
CS2020379769 | Toddler Town | Child Minding | 08-07-2020 | Glasgow | Elaine McDade | | SP2020991197 | Elaine McDade | Active | ||||||||
CS2022000216 | Todhill Complex Needs Service - Care at Home Service | Support Service | 02-08-2022 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | Todhill Farm | Dubbs Road | Stevenston | KA20 3DB | 01294552386 | Lynsey Scott | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000217 | Todhill Complex Needs Service - Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 02-08-2022 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | Todhill Farm | Dubbs Road | Stevenston | KA20 3DB | 01294552386 | Lynsey Scott | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2015338262 | Todhill Country Centre Day Services | Support services - not care at home | 30-06-2015 | Dubbs Road | Stevenston | KA20 3DB | 01294 552 386 | Lynsey Scott | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014770 | Todholm Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Todholm Primary School | Lochfield Road | Paisley | PA2 7JE | 01418 896 949 | Aileen Cochrane | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2007147824 | Todlaw - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-09-2007 | 1 Station Court | Station Road | Duns | TD11 3GA | 01361 884 733 | Rachel Fourie | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||
CS2007147839 | Todlaw - Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 19-09-2007 | 1 Station Court | Station Road | Duns | TD11 3GA | 01361 884 733 | Rachel Fourie | | SP2003002599 | Community Integrated Care | Active | ||||
CS2017353831 | Together in Lanarkshire | Support Services - not care at home | 11-05-2018 | Unit A2 Silverton South | Block 7 | South Avenue, Blantyre Industrial Estate, Blantyre | GLASGOW | G720XB | 01698 424 102 | Lynsey McGeever | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | |||
CS2016344788 | Tojo and Toots Childminding Service | Childminding | 12-04-2016 | Dunfermline | Trudi Lamond | | SP2016987760 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003046992 | Tollbrae Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 11-08-2004 | Tollbrae Primary School | South Biggar Road | Airdrie | ML6 9LZ | 01236 794 886 | Clare Welsh | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017041 | Tollcross Early Years Campus | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tollcross Primary School | 117 Fountainbridge | Edinburgh | EH3 9QG | 01312 297 743 | Kelly Walsh | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003055549 | Tollcross Housing Association | Housing support service | 14-10-2004 | Tollcross Housing Association Ltd | 868 Tollcross Road | Glasgow | G32 8PF | 01416 417 162 | Wilma Innes | | SP2004005505 | Tollcross Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2008181429 | Tom Thumb Playgroup Ltd | Day care of children | 18-12-2008 | The Vennel Hall | Smiths Land | South Queensferry | EH30 9HU | 01313 314 273 | kirsty Stenhouse | | SP2008009944 | Tom Thumb Nursery and Playgroup Ltd | Inactive | ||||
CS2012308053 | Tom's Croft | Care homes for children and young people | 02-10-2012 | Bunachton | Inverness | IV2 6AL | 01808 521 707 | Andrew Naylor | | SP2005007437 | Common Thread Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003016382 | Tomintoul Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cults Drive | Tomintoul | Ballindalloch | AB37 9HA | 01807 580 483 | Michele Fraser | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000389 | Tommy's Den | Child Minding | 17-11-2023 | Livingston | | SP2023000311 | Karren Allan | Active | |||||||||
CS2003017280 | Tomnacross Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tomnacross Primary School | Kiltarlity | Beauly | IV4 7HW | 01463 741 497 | Shonagh McBean | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377765 | Tongue Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 27-08-2020 | Tongue Primary School | Lairg | IV27 4XL | 01847 611 208 | Veronica Nicol | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2022000293 | Top-Care Inverness LTD | Support Service | 28-09-2022 | Unit 8 | Black Isle Business Centre | 85 High Street | Fortrose | IV10 8TX | 07483881981 | Maxine Worsfold | | SP2022000198 | Top-Care Inverness Ltd | Active | |||
CS2011300793 | Tor - Na - Dee Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | North Deeside Road | Milltimber | Aberdeen | AB13 0HR | 01224 863 736 | Susan Ashton | | SP2003002341 | Care UK Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003015934 | Torbain Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Blairmore Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6NP | 01592 583 466 | Louise Yuile | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2007150524 | Torcroft | Care homes for children and young people | 14-12-2007 | Raeburn Crescent | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 8HQ | 01501 678 040 | Albert Goodluck | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017501 | Toronto Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Howden East | Livingston | EH54 6BN | 01506 431 461 | Fiona Linfoot | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2017361882 | Torphichen Nursery Class | 08-06-2018 | The Loan | Torpichen | Bathgate | EH48 4NF | 01506 284 751 | Marnie Ferguson | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011130 | Torphin House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 49 Torphin Road | Colinton | Edinburgh | EH13 0PQ | 01312 411 880 | Michael Bela Bistey | | SP2003002619 | Tiphereth Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003002532 | Torphins Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ha-Berry | St. Marnan Road | Torphins | Banchory | AB31 4JQ | 01339 882 978 | Kay Sims | | SP2003000409 | Torphins Playgroup | Active | |||
CS2003015746 | Torphins School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Beltie Road | Torphins | Banchory | AB31 4JT | 01339 267 730 | Julie Henry | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2021000202 | Torran Lee Childminding | Child Minding | 15-08-2021 | Innerleithen | | SP2021000121 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003014707 | Torrance Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Road | Torrance | Glasgow | G64 4DE | 01419 552 229 | Laura Law | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2017356925 | Torrance Lodge | 25-10-2017 | Riccarton Road | Hurlford | Kilmarnock | KA1 5LQ | 01563 525 158 | Eileen Boland | | SP2017012932 | Thorntoun (Ayrshire) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014124 | Torrie, Elza | Childminding | 01-06-2002 | Cupar | Elza Torrie | | SP2003908550 | Elza Torrie | Active | ||||||||
CS2018369768 | Torry Care Home | 20-12-2018 | 36 Balnagask Road | Torry | Aberdeen | AB11 8HR | 01224 890 600 | Nadine Garcia | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015903 | Torryburn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Newmills | Dunfermline | KY12 8SU | 01383 602 437 | Claire Wyatt | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000167 | Tory's Tots Childcare | Child Minding | 27-06-2022 | Johnstone | | SP2022000119 | Victoria Stevenson | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000169 | Tots & Teens @ Musselburgh Grammar School | Day Care of Children | 21-07-2021 | 86 Inveresk Road | Musselburgh | East Lothian | EH21 7BA | 07801891237 | Rebecca Strachan | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2013316887 | Tots & Toys Childminding | Childminding | 29-07-2013 | Glasgow | Sahira Aslam | SP2013984824 | Sahira Aslam | Active | |||||||||
CS2014323200 | Tots 2 Teens (T2T) | Childminding | 08-05-2014 | Glasgow | Catherine Smyth | | SP2014985605 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356401 | Tots Academy | 29-01-2018 | 137 Strathern Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1BR | 01382 293 462 | Antonia Gillan | | SP2017012923 | Antonia & Baktosch Gillan a partnership t/a Tot's Academy | Active | |||||
CS2003006473 | Tots At Home | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Geraldine Walker | | SP2003903801 | Geraldine Walker | Active | ||||||||
CS2019377884 | Tots R Us Nursery Clydebank | Day care of children | 16-12-2020 | Unit 15, Simpson Court | 11. South Ave | Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire | Glasgow | G81 2NR | 01415 620 056 | Isabel Burns | | SP2019013415 | Neumann Engineering Ltd | Active | |||
CS2017360990 | Tots R Us Nursery Ltd | 26-01-2018 | 2 Second Avenue | Highmains | Dumbarton | G82 2PZ | 01389 734 465 | Isabel Burns | TOTSRUSNURSERY@GMAIL.COM | SP2017989424 | Isabel Burns | Active | |||||
CS2017354567 | Tots to Teens | Childminding | 29-05-2017 | Elgin | Margaret Howie | | SP2003904860 | Margaret Howie | Active | ||||||||
CS2014334003 | Tots Toilichte | Childminding | 13-04-2015 | Glasgow | Lisa Ralston | | SP2014986578 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353949 | Tots@Home | 24-08-2017 | Ayr | Amanda Anderson | | SP2017988782 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003015897 | Touch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Garvock Bank | Dunfermline | KY11 4JZ | 01383 602 438 | Katrina Miller | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2024000386 | Touch Trust | Day care of children | 11-10-2024 | St. Margarets Parish Church | Abel Place | Dunfermline | KY11 4JJ | 07961828007 | Michelle Macgregor | | SP2024000565 | Touch Trust (Dunfermline) | Active | ||||
CS2018369565 | TouchBase 2 Glasgow | 12-12-2018 | 43 Middlesex Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 03003 309 292 | Emma McAulay | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003000894 | Touchbase Adult Support Services | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 43 Middlesex Street | Kinning Park | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 01414 290 294 | Rita Gallagher | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2014328312 | Touchbase Ayrshire | Support services - care at home | 22-10-2014 | Princes Street | Ardrossan | KA22 8BT | 01294 605 617 | Hazel Gallagher | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2022000015 | TouchBase Dunbartonshire | Support Services - not care at home | 17-01-2022 | 59 Springfield Road | Bishopbriggs | GLASGOW | G64 1PN | 0141 772 5588 | Angela Doherty | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2022000014 | TouchBase Fife | Support Services - not care at home | 17-01-2022 | Sense Scotland Day Assessment and Outreach Service | Fife Sensory Impairment Centre | Wilson Avenue | KIRKCALDY | KY2 5EF | 01592 646015 | Diane Fair | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2023000280 | TouchBase Glasgow Learning Hub Support Service | Support Services - not care at home | 29-08-2023 | 43 Middlesex Street | Glasgow | G41 1EE | 0300 330 9292 | Rita Gallagher | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2007143644 | Touchbase Lanarkshire | Support service - care at home and not care at home | 15-10-2007 | 4 Leys Park | Burnbank | Hamilton | Glasgow | ML3 9EQ | 01698 422 280 | Gillian McGrory | | SP2003000181 | Sense Scotland | Active | |||
CS2006133698 | Tower View Nursery | Day care of children | 30-04-2007 | 300 Mossvale Road | Cranhill | Glasgow | G33 5QS | 01417 744 555 | Julie Hadley | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011280480 | Towerbank After School Club | Day care of children | 25-03-2011 | Towerbank Primary School | Figgate Bank | Portobello | Edinburgh | EH15 1HX | 07796 597 976 | Rebecca Jane Wills | SP2011011392 | Towerbank After School Club Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003017062 | Towerbank Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Figgate Bank | Edinburgh | EH15 1HX | 01316 691 551 | Alasdair Friend | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016337 | Towie School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Towie Primary School | Glenkindie | Alford | AB33 8RN | 01975 520 415 | Louisa Ross | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010283 | Townend Nursing Home | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Townend House | Townend | Symington | KA1 5QL | 01563 830 616 | Rory Wood | | SP2003002277 | Townend Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2020379268 | Townhead Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | Townhead Primary School | Dochart Drive | Townhead | Coatbridge | ML5 2PG | 01236 794 872 | Fiona Ferguson | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2012310949 | Townhill Out of School Club | Day care of children | 07-03-2013 | Townhill Primary School | Chisholm Street | Dunfermline | KY12 0EX | 78417 630 76 | Calvyn Simpson | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015900 | Townhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Townhill Primary School | Chisholm Street | Townhill | Dunfermline | KY12 0EX | 01383 602 439 | Janine Pirouet | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003008711 | Toybox Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gairloch Primary School | Gairloch | IV21 2BP | Louise Gibson | | SP2003001879 | Toybox Childrens Centre | Active | ||||||
CS2003000551 | Tracey Dewar | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Tracey Dewar | | SP2003900077 | Tracey Dewar | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000027 | Tracey MacLeod Childminding | Childminding | 22-01-2024 | Thurso | | SP2023000252 | Tracey Macleod | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000448 | Tracey Moffat | Childminding | 02-12-2024 | Falkirk | | SP2024000556 | Tracey Moffat | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000376 | Tracey's Little Treasures | Childminding | 13-12-2022 | Coatbridge | | SP2022000253 | Tracey Ballantyne | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000437 | Traci's Childminding Service | Childminding | 25-11-2024 | Edinburgh | | SP2024000459 | Tracey McCormick | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000020 | Tracy Booth | Childminding | 24-01-2023 | Airdrie | | SP2023000014 | Tracy Booth | Active | |||||||||
CS2009232630 | Tracy Botha | Childminding | 24-01-2012 | EDINBURGH | Tracy Botha | SP2009975538 | Tracy Botha | Active | |||||||||
CS2010271923 | Tracy Ormiston's Childminding Service | Childminding | 05-01-2011 | Dunfermline, Fife | Tracy Ormiston | | SP2010979577 | Tracy Ormiston | Active | ||||||||
CS2014327672 | Tracy Robertson Childminder | Childminding | 19-08-2014 | Glenrothes | Tracy Robertson | | SP2014986054 | Tracy Robertson | Active | ||||||||
CS2005092500 | Tracy Russell | Childminding | 13-09-2005 | Kirkwall | Tracy Russell | | SP2005946021 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011280483 | Tracy's Childminding | Childminding | 22-07-2011 | Falkirk | Tracy McCluskey | | SP2011981273 | Tracy McCluskey trading as Tracy's Childminding Tracy McCluskey trading as Tracy's Childminding | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000057 | Tracy's OOSC Ltd | Day Care of Children | 08-03-2023 | Gowanbank Primary School | 1 Craigbank Drive | Glasgow | G53 6RA | 07715804204 | Laura Feeney | | SP2023000043 | Tracy's OOSC Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000356 | Tracy's Oosc Ltd (St Bernard's) | Day Care of Children | 17-09-2024 | St. Bernards Primary School | 14-16 Dove Street | Glasgow | G53 7BP | 07715804204 | Tracy Scullion | | SP2023000043 | Tracy's OOSC Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2011300790 | Tranent Care Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | 1 Coal Neuk Court | Tranent | EH33 1DR | 01875 616 560 | Jessica Milburn | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2016350732 | Tranent Day Care Centre | 08-03-2017 | Sandersons Wynd | Tranent | EH33 1DA | 01875612130 | Diane Radin | | SP2016012792 | Tranent Day Care Association a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||
CS2008177566 | Tranent Out of School Club | Day care of children | 20-10-2008 | Sandersons Wynd Primary School | Sandersons Wynd | Tranent | EH33 1DA | 07765 940 299 | Shirley Lamb | | SP2003003178 | Tranent Out of School Club, an Association | Active | ||||
CS2007156996 | Tranent Out of School Club (Windygoul) | Day care of children | 17-08-2007 | Windygoul School | Brotherstone's Way South | Tranent | EH33 2QF | 07943 513 672 | Michelle Walkingshaw | | SP2003003178 | Tranent Out of School Club, an Association | Active | ||||
CS2004078915 | Transform Community Development | Housing support service | 28-10-2004 | Transform Community Development | Alasdair Macqueen | 95-99 Douglas Street | Dundee | DD1 5AZ | 01382 224966 | Catherine McLaren | | SP2003000085 | Transform Community Development | Active | |||
CS2013314962 | Transform Community Development | Support services - care at home | 22-07-2013 | 2 Sugarhouse Wynd | Dundee | DD1 2SH | 01382 223 201 | Catherine McLaren | | SP2003000085 | Transform Community Development | Active | |||||
CS2004072963 | Transitions Care Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 18-11-2004 | Unit 18 | Netherton Business Centre | Kemnay | Inverurie | AB51 5LX | 01467 643 896 | Hannah Norrie | | SP2004006422 | Transitions Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2007145497 | Transitions Care Ltd | Housing support service | 22-03-2007 | Unit 18 | Netherton Business Centre | Kemnay | Inverurie | AB51 5LX | 01467 643 896 | Hannah Norrie | SP2004006422 | Transitions Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003013987 | Traynor, Catherine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Catherine Traynor | | SP2003907636 | Catherine Traynor | Active | ||||||||
CS2015339239 | Treasure Tots Nursery | Day care of children | 25-07-2016 | 49 Wellhouse Crescent | Easterhouse | Glasgow | G33 4LA | 01417 812 131 | Samanatha Clarke | | SP2015012541 | Treasure Tots Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2013318912 | Treasure Trove Nursery | Day care of children | 08-04-2014 | 19 Hatfield Drive | Anniesland | Glasgow | G12 0YE | 01413 576 040 | Isabel Paton | | SP2003001394 | Glasgow Clyde College | Active | ||||
CS2003011572 | Treddinoch | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 33 Slamannan Road | Falkirk | FK1 5NF | 01324 638068 | Dyanne Henderson | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018368634 | Treddinoch | 16-04-2019 | 33 Slamannan Road | Falkirk | FK1 5NF | 01324 670 232 | Dyanne Henderson | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2018368633 | Treddinoch | 16-04-2019 | 33 Slamannan Road | Falkirk | FK1 5NF | 01324 670 232 | Dyanne Henderson | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2004057803 | Tree House Early Care and Education Centre | Day care of children | 11-03-2004 | Bright Horizons at Robert Gordon's University | Garthdee Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7AQ | 01224 973284 | Fiona McQueen | | SP2003000319 | Bright Horizons Family Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2012306308 | Tree Tots | Childminding | 27-06-2012 | GLASGOW | Tracey Tree | | SP2012983245 | Tracey Tree | Inactive | ||||||||
CS2003006327 | Treehouse Nursery - Uddingston | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 65 Old Mill Road | Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 7PF | 01698 323 200 | Teresa Young | | SP2003001433 | Firm of Treehouse Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2004074404 | Treetop Family Nurture Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hillend Road | Inverkeithing | KY11 1PL | 01383 602 376 | Rachel Marshall | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000211 | Treetop Outdoor Nursery | Day Care of Children | 19-08-2021 | Cadder Primary School | 60 Herma Street | GLASGOW | G23 5AR | 01419451888 | Sharon Peebles | | SP2003001275 | Maryhill Mobile Children's Services | Active | ||||
CS2012306655 | Treetops Nursery | Day care of children | 18-05-2012 | 83 Anderson Drive | Irvine | KA12 9HY | 01294 312 600 | Rebecca Bools | | SP2008009795 | Collin Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008176771 | Treetops Too | Day care of children | 24-07-2008 | Ailsa Road | Saltcoats | KA21 6LR | 01294 607 270 | Jenna Park/Lianne Borthwick | | SP2008009795 | Collin Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2006129883 | Tremanna | Care homes for children and young people | 07-11-2006 | 26-32 The Rumlie | Slamannan | Falkirk | FK1 3HJ | 01324 851 146 | Alastair Reid | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003009711 | Trianaid (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Carinish | Isle of North Uist | HS6 5EJ | 01876 580 202 | Marion Henderson | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2003006944 | Triangle Under 5s Group | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cupar YMCA/YWCA | Marathon House | Bonnygate | Cupar | KY15 4LG | 07704 378 143 | Jacqueline Black | | SP2003001574 | Triangle Under 5s Group Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2020380933 | Tricia Brownlee Childminding | Childminding | 19-10-2020 | Dunblane | Patricia Brownlee | | SP2020991345 | Patricia Brownlee | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380722 | Tricia's Childminding | Childminding | 15-12-2020 | Livingston | Patricia Aitken | | SP2020991328 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375329 | Trindlemoss Day Opportunities | Support Service | 17-12-2019 | Trindlemoss Day Opportunities | 46 Tarryholme Drive | Irvine | KA12 0DR | 01294 616 600 | Linda McClymont | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019375323 | Trindlemoss House | Care Home Service | 14-02-2020 | 15-20 Trindlemoss Court | 47 Tarryholme Drive | Irvine | KA12 0EZ | 01294 316 630 | Linda McClymont | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2010237775 | Trinity After School Club | Day care of children | 31-08-2010 | Trinity Primary School | 181 Newhaven Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4QA | 01315 555 640 | Moira MacDonald | | SP2010010787 | Trinity After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2013318503 | Trinity House | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 03-09-2013 | Trinity Lodge | Townhead Street | Lockerbie | DG11 2AG | Lorraine Platt | | SP2011011694 | Cygnet (OE) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018368961 | Trinity House Care Home | 12-02-2019 | 80 Craighall Road | Edinburgh | EH6 4RE | 01313 413 444 | Ann Lyell | | SP2018013171 | Trinity Craighall LLP | Active | ||||||
CS2003017383 | Trinity Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Trinity Street | Hawick | TD9 9NR | 01450 373 434 | Lynn Hodgins | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003012047 | Trinity Tots Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 9 Granton Road | Edinburgh | EH5 3QJ | 01315 513 020 | Natalie Kane | | SP2003002944 | Linda Kane | Active | |||||
CS2016349139 | TrioCare | 16-03-2017 | 1 Waterfront Avenue | Edinburgh | EH5 1SG | 07487257604 | Sarah Warburton | | SP2016988267 | Sarah Warburton trading as TrioCare | Active | ||||||
CS2016348069 | Trish Atkinson Childminding | Childminding | 12-08-2016 | Aboyne | Patricia Atkinson | | SP2016988135 | Patricia Atkinson | Active | ||||||||
CS2017360490 | Trisha's Childminding | Childminding | 06-11-2017 | Gordon | Patricia Barker | | SP2017989379 | Patricia Barker | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016131 | Troon Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 37 Barassie Street | Troon | KA10 6LX | 01292 690 069 | Aileen Roan | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015543 | Troqueer Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Troqueer Primary School | Hill Avenue | Troqueer | Dumfries | DG2 7LR | 01387 273 020 | Elisabeth Irving | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2003019918 | Troup, Donna | Childminding | 27-06-2003 | Aberdeen | Donna Troup | | SP2003907264 | Donna Troup | Active | ||||||||
CS2007161191 | Trueman, Wendy | Childminding | 01-04-2008 | Thurso | Wendy Trueman | | SP2008969636 | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353427 | Trust Care Staff & Training Ltd | Nurse agencies | 06-06-2017 | Trust Care Staff & Training Ltd | 99 Giles Street | EDINBURGH | EH6 6BZ | 01315 399 339 | Stewart Davis | | SP2017012851 | Trust Care Staff & Training Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000222 | Trust Care Staff and Training | Support services - care at home | 08-08-2022 | 99 Giles Street | EDINBURGH | EH6 6BZ | 0131 539 9339 | Stewart Davis | | SP2017012851 | Trust Care Staff & Training Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2022000052 | Trust Community Care Limited | Support Service | 28-02-2022 | International House, 3B1 | Stanley Boulevard | Blantyre | Lanarkshire | G72 0BN | 01698682129 | Linah Mutandagayi | | SP2022000033 | Trust Community Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2004056339 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 1 | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | 12 New Mart Road | Edinburgh | EH14 1RL | 01314 441 200 | Carolyn Fisher | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2013314733 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 1 | Support services - care at home | 12-08-2013 | 12 New Mart Road | Edinburgh | EH14 1RL | 01314 441 200 | Elspeth Ward | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004056395 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 2 | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | First Floor | Pavilion 5 | Watermark Business Park, 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01412 271 994 | Alan Peat | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007164421 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 2 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-12-2008 | First Floor | Pavilion 5 | Watermark Business Park, 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01412 271 994 | Sheila Hook | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2016353106 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 3 Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-05-2017 | Pavilion 5 | Watermark Business Park | 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01314 401 200 | Gerry Brennan | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2016353103 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 3 Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-05-2017 | Pavilion 5 | Watermark Business Park | 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01412 278 531 | Margaret McLaughlin | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004062641 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 4 | Housing support service | 12-07-2004 | Pavilion 5 | Watermark Business Park | 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01412 271 994 | Elspeth Ward | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2006135147 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 4 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-10-2006 | Pavilion 5 | Watermark Business Park | 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01412 271 994 | Jackie McLean | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000082 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 5 | Housing Support Service | 29-03-2022 | First Floor Pavillion 5 | Watermark Business Park | 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01314441200 | Marion MacAskill | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2022000081 | Trust Housing Association Ltd - Branch 5 | Support Service | 29-03-2022 | First Floor Pavillion 5 | Watermark Business Park | 345 Govan Road | Glasgow | G51 2SE | 01314441200 | Marion MacAskill | | SP2003000174 | Trust Housing Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004071760 | Trust In Fife | Housing support service | 01-09-2004 | Craig House | Ellon Road | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6FB | 01592 646 677 | Keith Westie | SP2004006597 | Trust In Fife | Active | |||||
CS2019376956 | Trusted Travel Buddies | Support Service | 11-12-2019 | 67A Castle Street | Inverness | IV2 3DU | 07402 889 200 | Anna MacLeod | | SP2019013367 | Trusted Travel Buddies Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000021 | TTA Out of School Care Ltd | Day care of children | 24-01-2023 | Gartlea Community Centre | Hillfoot Road | AIRDRIE | ML6 9PL | 01236762648 | Marissa Wightman | | SP2023000015 | TTA Out of School Care Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015591 | Tulach ELC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tullibody South Campus | The Orchard | Tullibody | Alloa | FK10 2SD | 01259 452 221 | Hazel Blackwood | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015881 | Tulliallan Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kirk Street | Kincardine | Alloa | FK10 4PT | 01383 602 440 | Nicola Bow | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016067 | Tulloch Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Gillespie Place | Perth | PH1 2QX | 01738 472 323 | Lynsey Simpson | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014523 | Tullos School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tullos Primary School | Girdleness Road | Aberdeen | AB11 8FJ | 01224 876 621 | Ashley Verling | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003019765 | Tully, Lesley | Childminding | 17-07-2003 | Glasgow | Lesley Tully | | SP2003909627 | Lesley Tully | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016339 | Tullynessle School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tullynessle School | Tullynessle | Alford | AB33 8QN | 01975 520385 | Melanie Hillerby | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2009193289 | Turnaround Residential | Offender accommodation (with premises for service users) | 01-07-2009 | 219 Glennifer Road | Paisley | PA2 8UL | 01505 810 800 | Alison MacDonald | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2018368062 | Turnaround Throughcare | 05-04-2019 | 219 Gleniffer Road | Paisley | PA2 8UL | 01505 810 800 | Stephen Harkins | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||||
CS2003005393 | Turnbull, Kim | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stirling | Kim Turnbull | | SP2003903173 | Kim Turnbull | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012787 | Turnbull, Mrs Alison and Mr Kenneth | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Broxburn | Alison Turnbull | SP2003906506 | Turnbulll, Mrs Alison And Mr Kenneth Turnbulll, Mrs Alison And Mr Kenneth | Active | |||||||||
CS2004077577 | Turning Point - Inverclyde | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-08-2004 | 12A Clarance Street | Greenock | PA15 1LR | 01475 729 124 | Aldo Marrone | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004077576 | Turning Point - Inverclyde | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | 12A Clarance Street | Greenock | PA15 1LR | 01475 729 124 | Aldo Marrone | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004077530 | Turning Point Scotland - Dumfries North and East | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | Newall House | 22 Newall Terrace | Dumfries | DG1 1LW | 01387 247 123 | Pamela Purdie | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004077529 | Turning Point Scotland - Dumfries North and East | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-08-2004 | Newall House | 22 Newall Terrace | Dumfries | DG1 1LW | 01387 247 123 | Pamela Purdie | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004077534 | Turning Point Scotland - Dundee | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | Dudhope Castle | Barrack Street | Dundee | DD3 6HF | 01382 818 094 | Shona Johnstone | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2013314746 | Turning Point Scotland - Dundee - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-02-2013 | Dudhope Castle | Barrack street | Dundee | DD3 6HF | 01382 818 094 | Shona Johnstone | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2024000153 | Turning Point Scotland - Edinburgh Visiting Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 13-05-2024 | 6 Dock Place | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 6LU | 01312097700 | Jake Cowpland | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004077543 | Turning Point Scotland - Glasgow Alcohol & Drug Crisis Service | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | Turning Point Scotland | Glasgow Alcohol & Drug Crisis Service | 80 Tradeston Street | GLASGOW | G5 8BG | 01414206969 | Jennifer Lang | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||
CS2007153416 | Turning Point Scotland - Moving On | Housing support service | 22-10-2007 | 1 Shawpark | Flat 0/4 | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 9AG | 01419 465 870 | KerryAnn Colquhoun | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||
CS2004079024 | Turning Point Scotland - North East Edinburgh Recovery Service | Support services - not care at home | 08-05-2007 | 5 Links Place | Edinburgh | EH6 7EZ | 01315 547 516 | Carmen McShane | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2007145999 | Turning Point Scotland - Perth & Kinross | Housing support service | 19-10-2007 | 2 Grosvenor House | Shore Road | Perth | PH2 8BD | 01738 639 950 | David Bairstow | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2008179005 | Turning Point Scotland - Perth & Kinross | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-06-2008 | 2 Grosvenor House | Shore Road | Perth | PH2 8BD | 01738 639 950 | David Bairstow | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004076848 | Turning Point Scotland - South Ayrshire Independent Living | Housing support service | 14-12-2004 | 2 West Sanquhar Road | Ayr | KA8 9PH | 01292 886 589 | Julie Anne McGhee | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004085595 | Turning Point Scotland - South Ayrshire Independent Living | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 14-12-2004 | 2 West Sanquhar Road | Ayr | KA8 9PH | 01292 886 589 | Julie Ann McGhee | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||||
CS2004077540 | Turning Point Scotland - Wigtownshire & Stewartry West | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-08-2004 | Newall House | 22 Newall Terrace | Dumfries | DG1 1LW | 01387 247 123 | Lorna Adams | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004077539 | Turning Point Scotland - Wigtownshire & Stewartry West | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | Newall House | 22 Newall Terrace | Dumfries | DG1 1LW | 01671 401 215 | Lorna Adams | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2004061449 | Turning Point Scotland Elgin | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 31-08-2004 | Greyfriars Close | Elgin | IV30 1ER | 01343 556 466 | Scott Meredith | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2004061448 | Turning Point Scotland Elgin | Housing support service | 31-08-2004 | Greyfriars Close | Elgin | IV30 1ER | 01343 556 466 | Sarah Omand | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2019377038 | Turning Point Scotland Perth & Kinross Housing and Support Service | Housing Support Service | 25-11-2019 | Office 14 Arran House | Arran Road | Perth | PH1 3DZ | 01738 637 268 | Jodie Gordon | | SP2003002813 | Turning Point Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003000479 | Turriff House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 4 Rannoch Road | Dundee | DD3 8RB | 01382 436 420 | Sarah Clark | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002591 | Turriff Playgroup Ltd | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Turriff Primary School | Meadowbank Road | TURRIFF | AB53 4WB | 07561 627774 | Rae Farquhar | | SP2005007273 | Turriff Playgroup Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003016320 | Turriff Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Turriff Primary School | Meadowbank Road | Turriff | AB53 4WB | 01888 530 855 | Andrea Raynsford | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2013316013 | Tus Nua Care Services Ltd | Housing support service | 08-04-2014 | Unit 25, Prospect Business Centre | Dundee Technology Park | Gemini Crescent | Dundee | DD2 1TY | 07548993051 | Lorraine Dodds | | SP2006958403 | Tus Nua Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2013316012 | Tus Nua Care Services Ltd | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-04-2014 | Unit 25, Prospect Business Centre | Dundee Technology Park | Gemini Crescent | Dundee | DD2 1TY | 01382 561 028 | Lorraine Dodds | | SP2006958403 | Tus Nua Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003042557 | Twaddle, May | Childminding | 28-04-2004 | Larkhall | May Twaddle | | SP2004937576 | May Twaddle | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014708 | Twechar Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Twechar | Glasgow | G65 9TA | 01419 552 331 | Marie Louise Brogan | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006115401 | Twechar Residential Respite Service | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 06-04-2006 | 36 Davidson Crescent | Twechar | Glasgow | G65 9SR | 01236 827 556 | Katherine Gray | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2017359304 | Tweed Lodge | 05-12-2017 | 24 South Gyle Road | Edinburgh | EH12 7RN | 01313 344 036 | Norma Muir | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2021000086 | Tweed Lodge | Housing Support Service | 07-06-2021 | 24 South Gyle Road | EDINBURGH | EH12 7RN | 0131 3344036 | Norma Muir | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000087 | Tweed Lodge | Support Service | 07-06-2021 | 24 South Gyle Road | EDINBURGH | EH12 7RN | 0131 3344036 | Norma Muir | | SP2004005660 | Voyage 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2018363805 | Tweedbank Early Learners SCIO | 22-08-2018 | Tweedbank Community Centre | Essenside Drive | Tweedbank | Galashiels | TD1 3RT | 01896 756 167 | Annmarie Robertson | | SP2018013056 | Tweedbank Early Learners (SCIO) | Active | ||||
CS2003017384 | Tweedbank Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Cotgreen Road | Tweedbank | Galashiels | TD1 3RR | 01896 754 807 | Lynne Aitchison | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2007158101 | Tweedvale Tots | Childminding | 15-04-2008 | Innerleithen | Linda McCafferty | SP2007966146 | Linda McCafferty | Active | |||||||||
CS2010273488 | Twinkle Stars Childcare | Childminding | 15-11-2011 | Dunfermline | Julie Wasiak | | SP2010980040 | Julie Wasiak | Active | ||||||||
CS2009230076 | Twinkles | Childminding | 06-09-2010 | Glasgow | Elzbieta McHendry | | SP2009974777 | Elzbieta McHendry | Active | ||||||||
CS2014333637 | Twinkling Stars Child Care | Childminding | 06-02-2015 | Perth & Kinross | Emma Perrin | SP2014986546 | Emma Perrin | Active | |||||||||
CS2008187993 | Twoshoes | Childminding | 03-02-2011 | Musselburgh | Nicola Kieran-Smith | | SP2008972095 | Nicola Kieran-Smith | Active | ||||||||
CS2018370507 | TXM Healthcare | 07-02-2019 | Walnut House | Blackhill Drive | Wolverton Mill | Milton Keynes | MK12 5TS | 01908 326 400 | Ciaran Maynes | | SP2018013208 | TXM Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003015678 | Tynebank Resource Centre | Support Services - Care at Home | 01-04-2002 | 16 Kirk View | Haddington | EH41 4AP | 01620 824 415 | Catriona Houston | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015866 | Tynecastle Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Tynecastle Stadium | McLeod Street | Edinburgh | EH11 2NL | 01313 375 461 | Sharon Mitchell | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2019378616 | Tyneholm Stables Care Home | Care Home Service | 30-06-2020 | Tyneholm Estate | Pencaitland | Tranent | EH34 5DJ | 01875 340 823 | Sarah Coupland | | SP2019013443 | Sanctuary Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007157184 | Tynewater Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 22-10-2007 | 32 Crichton Road | Pathhead | EH37 5RA | 01312 714 710 | Louise Ferguson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002679 | Udny Station Pre-School Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Udny Station Community Hall | Udny Station | Ellon | AB41 6QJ | 07884 033 316 | Jacqueline Wemyss | | SP2003000539 | Udny Station Preschool and Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003012506 | Ulke, Karen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Karen Ulke | SP2003906230 | Karen Ulke | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013610 | Ullapool Nursery - GM | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ullapool Primary School | Quay Street | Ullapool | IV26 2UE | 01854 612535 | Ashley Bartlett | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017284 | Ullapool Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Quay Street | Ullapool | IV26 2UE | 01854 612 535 | Ashley Bartlett | | SP2003001693 | Highland Council | Active | |||||
CS2019377311 | Under One Ruth Childminding Service | Child Minding | 24-12-2019 | Gullane | Ruth Clark | | SP2019990831 | Ruth Clark | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000020 | Unfading Care Ltd | Housing Support Service | 20-04-2021 | Edinburgh Palette | 151 London Road | Unfading Care Ltd - Office 6.01 | Edinburgh | EH7 6AE | 01312352698 | Jose Mendes | | SP2021000014 | Unfading Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2021000021 | Unfading Care Ltd | Support Service | 20-04-2021 | Edinburgh Palette | 151 London Road | Unfading Care Ltd - Office 6.01 | Edinburgh | EH7 6AE | 07856463314 | Jose Mendes | | SP2021000014 | Unfading Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2014324034 | Unicare - homecare Ltd | Support services - care at home | 25-08-2014 | The Bungalow | Suttieside Road | Forfar | DD8 3FX | +447856079253 | Tracy Mason | | SP2013012063 | Unicare-Homecare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2024000342 | Unique Childminding | Child Minding | 04-09-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2024000080 | Shazia Khan | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000131 | Unique Services (aka ARASCO Care) | Support Service | 19-04-2024 | 30 Castle Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6DQ | 074594250515 | Reginald Oko-Flex Inya | | SP2023000425 | Unique Services Portfolio Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003000697 | University of Dundee Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | DUSA Building | University of Dundee | Balfour Street | Dundee | DD1 4HN | 01382 345 188 | Jacqueline Jones | | SP2003000108 | University of Dundee Nursery | Active | |||
CS2019374119 | University of St. Andrews Nursery | Day Care of Children | 31-05-2019 | 4 Collins House | East Sands | St. Andrews | KY16 8TU | 01334 460 606 | Anja Copland | | SP2019013293 | University of St Andrews Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2009232348 | Up-2-Us Care | Care homes for children and young people | 15-02-2010 | 8 Shield's Holdings | Brideswell Road | Lochwinnoch | PA12 4HL | 01505 844 950 | Scott Sinclair | | SP2009010574 | Up-2-Us | Active | ||||
CS2010275360 | Up2Us Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-12-2010 | East Kilbride Business Centre | E K Business Centre | 14 Stroud Road, East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0YA | 07538145662 | Joanne Kelly | | SP2009010574 | Up-2-Us | Active | |||
CS2010275380 | Up2Us Support Service | Housing support service | 22-12-2010 | East Kilbride Business Centre | E K Business Centre | 14 Stroud Road, East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 0YA | 07538145662 | Joanne Kelly | | SP2009010574 | Up-2-Us | Active | |||
CS2003016159 | Uphall Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crossgreen Drive | Uphall | Broxburn | EH52 6DS | 01506 852 516 | Julie Bruce | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000142 | Upmo Breaks | Support services - not care at home | 30-04-2024 | Links House | 15 Links Place | Edinburgh | EH6 7EZ | 01316614411 | Claire Farquhar | | SP2008009555 | Upward Mobility Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017755 | Upper Springland | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Isla Road | Perth | PH2 7HQ | 01738 632 995 | Christine Thomas | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003009777 | Upper Springland Annaty | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | Isla Road | Perth | PH2 7HQ | 01738 632 995 | Lynne Murphy | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2018365981 | Upper Springland Rosiebank Tummel | 12-03-2019 | Isla Road | Perth | PH2 7HQ | 01738 632 995 | Susan Gilruth | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||||
CS2018366497 | Upper Springland Tayview | 12-03-2019 | Isla Road | Perth | PH2 7HQ | 01738 632 995 | Shannon Robertson | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||||
CS2006140770 | Upstairs Kids Klub | Day care of children | 08-06-2007 | 1-21 Main Street | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7EX | 01416 460 069 | Kimberly McLaughlin | | SP2003001486 | Committee of Upstairs Kids Klub | Active | ||||
CS2008168785 | Upward Mobility | Support Services - not care at home | 23-03-2009 | Suite 1-5 (4th Floor) | Links House | 15 Links Place | Edinburgh | EH6 7EZ | 01316 614 411 | Claire Farquhar | | SP2008009555 | Upward Mobility Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003016129 | Urafirth Early Years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Urafirth Primary School Nursery Class | Urafirth Primary School | Heylor, Urafirth | Shetland | ZE2 9RH | 01595 807 460 | Wendy Fraser | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2003002120 | Urquhart, Evelyn | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Peterhead | Evelyn Urquhart | | SP2003900742 | Evelyn Urquhart | Active | ||||||||
CS2006140634 | Urquhart, Leanne | Childminding | 07-06-2007 | Forfar | Leanne Urquhart | | SP2005944384 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012310891 | Urray House | Care homes for older people | 15-07-2013 | Tarradale Gardens | Muir of Ord | IV6 7SJ | 01463 870 516 | Deborah Young | | SP2012011901 | Parklands Highland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003015709 | Uryside School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Uryside School | Peregrine Drive | Inverurie | AB51 3XN | 01467 536 800 | Cheryl Pow | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000356 | UVIP Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 28-10-2023 | 30 Burnside Road | Dyce | Aberdeen | AB21 7HA | 01224824101 | Rabbi marreh-Obaretin | | SP2019013378 | FEHM Logistics Limited t/a UVIP Recruitment | Active | ||||
CS2019377191 | UVIP Recruitment | Nurse Agency | 13-03-2020 | 30 Burnside Road | Dyce | ABERDEEN | AB21 7HA | 01224 824 101 | Rabbi Marreh-Obaretin | | SP2019013378 | FEHM Logistics Limited t/a UVIP Recruitment | Active | ||||
CS2024000032 | V Healthcare | Support Service | 26-01-2024 | 22 Hillend Road | Winchburgh | Broxburn | EH52 6WD | 03333391065 | Vongai Mukaro | | SP2023000375 | Victorious17 Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2007156495 | V.I.P. Childcare - Moray | Day care of children | 19-11-2007 | Elgin Community Centre | Trinity Road | Elgin | IV30 1UE | 01343 551 627 | Zoe Williamson | | SP2007009191 | V.I.P. Childcare - Moray | Active | ||||
CS2016350143 | Vahri's Childcare | Childminding | 22-11-2016 | Livingston | Vahri O'Brien | | SP2016988374 | Vahri O'Brien | Active | ||||||||
CS2018363749 | Valerie Gourlay and Amie Togher | 10-05-2018 | Perth | Amie Togher and Valerie Gourlay | | SP2018013051 | Valerie Gourlay and Amie Togher a Partnership Valerie Gourlay and Amie Togher a Partnership | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015929 | Valley Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Valley Gardens | Kirkcaldy | KY2 6BL | 01592 583 467 | Heidi Reid | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2014328790 | Vanessa Cairns Childminding Service | Childminding | 03-11-2014 | Kirkliston | Vanessa Cairns | | SP2014986140 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007167219 | Vaughan, Erin | Childminding | 26-08-2008 | Dunfermline | Erin Vaughan | | SP2007967873 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007456 | Vaughan, Helen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Cupar | Helen Vaughan | | SP2003904430 | Helen Vaughan | Active | ||||||||
CS2003013332 | Venchie Children And Young People's Project | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Niddrie Adventure Playground | 61 Niddrie Mains Terrace | Edinburgh | EH16 4NX | 01316 299 546 | Susan Heron | | SP2003003109 | Venchie Children and Young People's Project | Active | ||||
CS2009195698 | Venture Support and Care | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 26-05-2009 | Lyons Den | 28 Low Street | Banff | AB45 1AS | 07580055686 | Beverley Mackie | | SP2009010286 | Venture Support & Care Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2009195697 | Venture Support and Care | Housing support service | 26-05-2009 | Lyons Den | 28 Low Street | Banff | AB45 1AS | 07580055686 | Beverley Mackie | | SP2009010286 | Venture Support & Care Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2018368664 | Vibrant Communities Housing Support Service | 10-12-2018 | East Ayrshire Council | Opera House | 8 John Finnie Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 1DD | 07974690489 | Patricia Harkness | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000034 | Vicky Walton | Childminding | 10-02-2023 | Ullapool | | SP2023000026 | Victoria Walton | Active | |||||||||
CS2017356119 | Vicky's Buzy Bairnz | Childminding | 14-07-2017 | Falkirk | Victoria Williams | | SP2017989007 | Victoria Williams | Active | ||||||||
CS2017358433 | Vicky's Childminding Service | 18-10-2017 | Tranent | Victoria Robertson | | SP2008968112 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2010238362 | Victoria After School Club | Day care of children | 31-08-2010 | Victoria Primary School | 2 Windrush Drive | Edinburgh | EH6 4TN | Moira Jane MacDonald | | SP2003013659 | Victoria After School Club | Active | |||||
CS2018371437 | Victoria Gardens Care Home | Care Home Service | 09-09-2019 | 1 Blawarthill Place | Knightswood | Glasgow | G13 3BE | 01414 837 010 | Ruth Davie | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2013320586 | Victoria House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 21-03-2014 | 16 Victoria Street | Blantyre | Glasgow | G72 0AS | 01698 338 855 | Natalie McCafferty | | SP2013012163 | RAM 217 Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010270860 | Victoria Lodge | Care homes for older people | 14-01-2011 | 71 High Street | Coldstream | TD12 4AH | 01890 882 112 | YVONNE DUNN | | SP2010011073 | Berwick Care Homes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2016349832 | Victoria Manor Nursing Home | 17-10-2017 | 63 Albert Street | Edinburgh | EH7 5LW | 01315 536 868 | Julie McNaughton | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2013316501 | Victoria Park Kindergarten | Day care of children | 08-07-2013 | 1228 Dumbarton Road | Whiteinch | Glasgow | G14 9QB | 01419 596 642 | Annie Campbell | | SP2013012046 | Victoria Park Kindergarten Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000047 | Victoria Primary Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 18-02-2022 | 1 Windrush Drive | Edinburgh | EH6 4TN | 0131 4767306 | Rhian Chapman | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015359 | Victoria Primary Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 79 Aitchison Street | Airdrie | ML6 0DB | 01236 632 066 | Audrey Houston | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003043649 | Victoria Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Middlefield Road | Falkirk | FK2 9HF | 01324 508 600 | Karin Stuart | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||||
CS2003000898 | Victoria Project | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 74 Batson Street | Govanhill | Glasgow | G42 7HG | 0141 423 0755 | Donna McConnachie | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | ||||
CS2010253738 | Victoria Quay Nursery | Day care of children | 05-01-2011 | The Scottish Government | Victoria Quay | Edinburgh | EH6 6QQ | 01312 440 782 | Frances Giulianotti | | SP2010010995 | North Edinburgh Childcare Enterprise Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003014883 | Victoria Road Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 40 Coplaw Street, | Govanhill | Glasgow | G42 7JE | 0141 424 1063 | Nicola George | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2014334045 | Victoria Watson Childminding | Childminding | 25-02-2015 | Dunfermline | Victoria Watson | | SP2014986582 | Victoria Watson | Active | ||||||||
CS2016345970 | Victoria's Little Gems | Childminding | 17-05-2016 | Dalry | Victoria McCallum | SP2016987885 | Victoria McCallum | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000430 | Victorias childminding | Child Minding | 20-12-2023 | Kilwinning | | SP2023000254 | Victoria Jardine | Active | |||||||||
CS2009196413 | Viewbank Childminding Service | Childminding | 16-07-2009 | Avoch | Nicole Gocher | | SP2009973689 | Active | |||||||||
CS2004059671 | Viewfield Gate | Housing support service | 16-12-2004 | 80 Viewfield Road | Ayr | KA8 8HH | 01292 288 333 | Brenda Skilling | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015641 | Viewforth Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 18 Viewforth Terrace | Edinburgh | EH10 4LH | 01312 296 667 | Fiona Allen | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015969 | Viewforth Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Mitchell Street | Leven | KY8 4HJ | 01334 659 358 | Jill McEwan | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003009778 | Viewlands House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 25 Viewlands Road | Perth | PH1 1BL | 01738 639 841 | Kathleen Douglas | | SP2003002129 | Abbeyfield Perth Society Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2004073627 | Viewlands Kids Club | Day care of children | 02-09-2004 | Viewlands Primary School | Oakbank Crescent | Perth | PH1 1BN | 79615 550 41 | Kassi Craig | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016094 | Viewlands Primary Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Oakbank Crescent | Perth | PH1 1BU | 01738 473 080 | Barry Donald-Hewitt | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||||
CS2007162742 | Viewpark | Care homes for older people | 30-10-2007 | 15 Abercorn Terrace | Edinburgh | EH15 2DE | 01314 681 631 | Elizabeth Blair | | SP2003002437 | Abercorn Care Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003014231 | Viewpark Childcare Services | Day care of children | 14-08-2002 | Viewpark Community Centre | Old Edinburgh Road | Viewpark, Uddingston | Glasgow | G71 6PG | 01698 801 774 | Louise Redford | | SP2003003296 | Viewpark Family Centre Association Ltd | Active | |||
CS2005103051 | Viewpark Montessori Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-11-2005 | The Apple Centre | 10 Earn Avenue | Bellshill | ML4 3LW | 01698 840 222 | Sarah Moss | | SP2005007688 | Alphabet Village Limited | Active | ||||
CS2013315298 | Vikk's Little Chicks Childminding | Childminding | 03-02-2014 | Fort William | Victoria Anne Stitt | | SP2012983979 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003006871 | Villa Atina | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 Ross Place | Kinghorn | Burntisland | KY3 9SQ | 01592 890 403 | Kay Farquhar | | SP2003001551 | Villa Atina Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003005552 | Villa Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Erskine Villa | Dumbarton Road | Duntocher | Clydebank | G81 6DS | 01389 876 262 | Jennifer Connolly | | SP2003001148 | James Wright | Active | |||
CS2003036861 | Village Kids Club | Day care of children | 21-08-2003 | Dunbarney Primary School | Bridge of Earn | Perth | PH2 9DY | 01738 472 350 | Kassi Craig | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | ||||
CS2013319266 | Violet's Childminding | Childminding | 20-12-2013 | Edinburgh | Violet Rennie | | SP2013985172 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000231 | Visiting Angels - Stirlingshire | Support Service | 03-07-2024 | Unit 33 | Mulraney Springkerse Business Centre | 3 Whitehouse Road | Stirling | FK7 7SP | 07545810123 | Clare Tait | | SP2023001505 | KDM Care Limited | Active | |||
CS2022000123 | Visiting Angels Renfrewshire and Inverclyde | Support services - care at home | 17-05-2022 | Mosshall Home Care Ltd | Unit 4 Lomond House | 4 South Street, Inchinnan | Renfrew | PA4 9RJ | 07867252550 | Kirstie Stewart | | SP2022000085 | Mosshall Home Care Ltd | Active | |||
CS2010270240 | Visiting Angelz | Housing support service | 23-08-2012 | Suite 1008 | Mile End Mill | 12 Seedhill road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 0141 8125232 | Angela Magee | | SP2009974065 | Angela Magee trading as Visiting Angelz | Active | |||
CS2009216693 | Visiting Angelz | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 23-08-2012 | Studio 1008 | Mile End Mill | 12 Seedhill Road | Paisley | PA1 1JS | 01418125232 | Angela Magee | SP2009974065 | Angela Magee trading as Visiting Angelz | Active | ||||
CS2008176875 | Visualise Housing Support and Care at Home | Support services - care at home | 22-09-2008 | Norton Park | 57 Albion Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5QY | 01314 752 337 | Claire Johnston | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2007151815 | Visualise Housing Support and Care at Home | Housing support service | 22-09-2008 | Norton Park | 57 Albion Road | Edinburgh | EH7 5QY | 01314 752 337 | Claire Johnston | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2003011027 | Visualise Scotland - Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 8b Newhailes Business Park | Newhailes Road | Musselburgh | EH21 6RH | 01316 659 552 | Claire Johnston | | SP2003002589 | Visualise Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2022000050 | Vital Sparks Nursery | Day care of children | 24-02-2022 | Upperton Industrial Estate | Peterhead | AB42 3GL | 01779 482330 | Kerryann McKechnie | | SP2022000032 | JK Childcare Management Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019374676 | Vogrie Outdoor Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 17-10-2019 | Vogrie Country Park | Gardener's Cottage, Vogrie Country Park | Gorebridge | EH23 4NU | 01875 821 986 | Lesley Robertson | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2023000411 | VPJ Healthcare Services - Domiciliary Care | Support Service | 07-12-2023 | 23 Rubislaw Den North | Aberdeen | AB15 4AL | 0333 339 9129 | Emmanuel Yaw Preko Owusu | | SP2023000415 | VPJ Healthcare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2021000167 | VSA @ Home | Housing Support Service | 20-07-2021 | Voluntary Services | 38 Castle Street | ABERDEEN | AB11 5YU | 01224 358144 | Kelly Pickavance | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | ||||
CS2021000168 | VSA @ Home | Support Service | 20-07-2021 | Voluntary Services | 38 Castle Street | ABERDEEN | AB11 5YU | 01224 358144 | Kelly Pickavance | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | ||||
CS2014333086 | VSA Outreach Service | Housing support service | 19-01-2015 | 18 Richmondhill Place | Aberdeen | AB15 5EP | 01224 358 551 | Gail Smith | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Inactive | |||||
CS2019377383 | VSA Outreach Service | Support Service | 15-05-2020 | 18 Richmondhill Place | Aberdeen | AB15 5EP | 01224 458 637 | Gail Smith | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | ||||||
CS2003000172 | VSA,450 Holburn Street | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | Queen Mother House | 18 Claremont Place | ABERDEEN | AB10 6RH | Gail Smith | | SP2003000011 | Aberdeen Association of Social Service, a company limited by guarantee, trading as VSA | Active | |||||
CS2024000107 | Vulcan Healthcare Ltd | Nurse Agency | 03-04-2024 | Vulcan Healthcare Recruitment | 35 New Broad Street | London | EC2M 1NH | 020 8176 8668 | Adebiyi Adefioye | | SP2023000412 | Vulcan Healthcare Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000048 | W.I.L.D. Forest School OSC | Day care of children | 10-05-2021 | Linn Park (Varying sites within Linn Park) | Linn Park | GLASGOW | G44 5TA | 07495734274 | Gillian Sisson | | SP2021000028 | Woodland Inspired Learning and Development (W.I.L.D) CIC | Active | ||||
CS2012307290 | Wade Centre (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 30-03-2012 | Spey Street | Kingussie | PH21 1HN | 01540 661 863 | Catherine Gillies | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||||
CS2012307291 | Wade Centre (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 30-03-2012 | Kingussie | Catherine Gillies | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000282 | Wakefield House Care Home | Care Home Service | 29-08-2023 | Wakefield Nursing Home | 13 Seafield Place | Cullen | Buckie | AB56 4TE | 01542 841 326 | Morna McKay | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | |||
CS2017357827 | Waldron, Betsy | 19-09-2017 | Kilbirnie | Betsy Waldron | | SP2017989148 | Betsy Waldron | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000090 | Walfinch Edinburgh South | Support Service | 10-06-2021 | 83 Princess Street | EDINBURGH | EH2 2ER | 01313747474 | Adijat Ganiyu | | SP2021000055 | Bumsy Healthcare Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2018365079 | Walker Childminding | 19-07-2018 | Ellon | Scott Walker | | SP2018989743 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2007156780 | Walker Street Nursery | Day care of children | 15-01-2008 | Walker Street Nursery | 17 Walker Street | EDINBURGH | EH3 7NE | 0131 226 6184 | Georgia Matthews | | SP2003002857 | Early Days Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003009820 | Walker, Laura | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Laura Walker | | SP2003905227 | Laura Walker | Active | ||||||||
CS2003006715 | Walker, Louise | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Louise Walker | louisaywalker@gmail. | SP2003903963 | Louise Walker | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001642 | Walker, Marion | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Marion Walker | | SP2003900396 | Marion Walker | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012666 | Walker, Patricia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Patricia Walker | | SP2003906388 | Walker, Mrs Patricia Walker, Mrs Patricia | Active | ||||||||
CS2003012633 | Walker, Rae | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Rae Walker | SP2003906355 | Walker, Mrs Rae Walker, Mrs Rae | Active | |||||||||
CS2019375401 | Walker, Samantha | Child Minding | 02-10-2019 | Aberdeen | Samantha Walker | | SP2019990572 | Samantha Walker | Active | ||||||||
CS2004079458 | Walker, Vhairi | Childminding | 15-03-2006 | Leven | Vhairi Walker | | SP2004939381 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013318398 | Walker-Hill, Alison | Childminding | 30-10-2013 | Glasgow | Alison Walker-Hill | | SP2013985049 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003016095 | Walkerburn Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Caberston Road | Walkerburn | EH43 6AU | 01896 870 235 | Lesley Miglis | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003019715 | Walkinshaw, Margaret | Childminding | 10-11-2003 | Dundee | Margaret Walkinshaw | | SP2003909247 | Margaret Walkinshaw | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001270 | Wallace Court | Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment | 01-04-2002 | 191-193 Main Road | Elderslie | Johnstone | PA5 9ES | 01505 331 804 | Kirsty O'Neil | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | ||||
CS2007159211 | Wallace Crescent Children's Home | Care homes for children and young people | 08-06-2010 | 42A Wallace Crescent | Brightons | Falkirk | FK2 0HN | 01324 716 868 | Lauren Doherty | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003014773 | Wallace Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wallace Primary School | Greenhill Crescent | Elderslie | Johnstone | PA5 9AW | 03003 000 194 | David Rigmand | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||
CS2020382163 | Wallace Hall | Care homes for children and young people | 18-03-2021 | Wallacehall | Auldgirth | Dumfries | DG2 0TG | 01387 760 260 | Afton Haddow | | SP2003003432 | Applied Care & Development Limited | Active | ||||
CS2009234218 | Wallace Hall Nursery | Day care of children | 23-08-2010 | Wallace Hall Primary School | Station Road | Thornhill | DG3 5DS | 01848 332 120 | Judith Park | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2007152495 | Wallace of Campsie House | Housing support service | 10-12-2007 | 30 East Campbell Street | Glasgow | G1 5DT | 0141 552 4301 | Gerard Young | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2013319185 | Wallace View | Care homes for older people | 30-01-2014 | 77 Westhaugh Road | Stirling | FK9 5GF | 01786 241 339 | Maria Garai | | SP2013012124 | MMCG (CCH) (3) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003004252 | Wallace, Jan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilwinning | Jan Wallace | | SP2003902360 | Jan Wallace | Active | ||||||||
CS2010253216 | Wallace, Mary | Childminding | 11-07-2011 | Glasgow | Mary Wallace | | SP2010978684 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003011718 | Wallace, Michelle | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Newton Stewart | Michelle Wallace | | SP2003905817 | Michelle Wallace | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015569 | Wallacestone Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Braemar Gardens | Brightons | Falkirk | FK2 0JB | 01324 506 760 | Jonathan Crawford | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011430 | Wallacestone Whizz Kids | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Reddingmuirhead Community Hall | Shieldhill Road | Reddingmuirhead | Falkirk | FK2 0DT | 07563105704 | Teresa Baird | | SP2003002657 | Grange After School Project | Active | |||
CS2003016143 | Wallacetown Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Queen Street | Ayr | KA8 0DW | 01292 612 164 | Diane Hodge | | SP2003003269 | South Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000311 | Wallacetown Gardens | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-11-2021 | Wallacetown Gardens Care Centre | 20 Forbes Drive | Heathfield Industrial Estate | AYR | KA8 9FG | 01292439111 | Martin Ure | | SP2021000191 | Wallacetown Gardens Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003015798 | Wallacetown Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Crescent Street | Dundee | DD4 6DR | 01382 438 868 | Caroline Fenwick | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2015343820 | Wallacewell Day Care | 06-01-2017 | 273 Wallacewell Road | Glasgow | G21 3RP | 01412 872 000 | Denise Bones | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003001054 | Wallacewell Residential Children's Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 70 Wallacewell Quadrant | Balornock | Glasgow | G21 3PX | 01412 761 898 | Scott Telfer | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2008183595 | Walls, Linda | Childminding | 22-01-2009 | Glasgow | Linda Walls | | SP2008971330 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018371342 | Wallside Grange Care Home | Care Home Service | 12-07-2019 | Lime Road | Tamfourhill | Falkirk | FK1 4RS | 01324 611 790 | Melanie Bundy | | SP2018013228 | Wallside (Falkirk) Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006117126 | Wallyford After School Club | Day care of children | 24-02-2006 | Wallyford Primary School | Futures Way | Wallyford | Musselburgh | EH21 8FF | 01316 652 865 | Cerys Hardie | | SP2004006939 | Edinburgh and Lothians Out of School Care Network | Active | |||
CS2003011971 | Wallyford Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wallyford Playgroup | Wallyford Learning Campus | Masons way | Wallyford Musselburgh | EH21 8BF | Bianca Noel-Barham | | SP2003002887 | Committee Of Wallyford Playgroup | Active | ||||
CS2003016996 | Wallyford Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Futures Way | Wallyford | Musselburgh | EH21 8FF | 01316 652 865 | Zena Diggle | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011647 | Walpole, Penelope | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumfries | Penelope Walpole | | SP2003905762 | Penelope Walpole | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004771 | Walsh, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Linda Walsh | | SP2003902719 | Linda Walsh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004706 | Walsh, Patricia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Patricia Walsh | | SP2003902672 | Patricia Walsh | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009601 | Walter & Joan Gray (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Scalloway | Shetland | ZE1 0XJ | 01595 880 691 | Susan Anderson | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2003054175 | Walter & Joan Gray (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Main Street | Scalloway | Shetland | ZE1 0XJ | 01595 880 691 | Susan Anderson | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2023000132 | Walton House Care Home | Care Home Service | 17-05-2023 | Victoria Road | Leven | KY8 4NR | 01333 695 696 | Angela Heyes | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005097582 | Ward, Julie | Childminding | 02-12-2005 | Penicuik | Julie Ward | | SP2005947474 | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306662 | Ward, Lisa | Childminding | 02-05-2012 | Kirkcaldy | Lisa Ward | SP2011981808 | Lisa Ward | Active | |||||||||
CS2006133740 | Ward, Naomi | Childminding | 15-01-2007 | Fochabers | Naomi Ward | | SP2006961115 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005097113 | Ward, Sharon | Childminding | 14-02-2006 | Bo'ness | Sharon Ward | | SP2004940547 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007475 | Ward, Wendy | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Wendy Ward | | SP2003904442 | Wendy Ward | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015759 | Warddykes Pre School Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Brechin Road | Arbroath | DD11 4AN | 01241 465 440 | Alison Galloway | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003012007 | Wardie After School Club | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wardie Primary School | Granton Road | Edinburgh | EH5 3NJ | 01315 525 538 | Claudia Walters | | SP2003002909 | Wardie After School Club | Active | ||||
CS2014334469 | Wardie Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 13-08-2015 | Wardie Primary School | Granton Road | Edinburgh | EH5 3NJ | 01315 523 896 | Claire Bond | | SP2003002576 | City of Edinburgh Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004959 | Wardrop, Helen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Renfrew | Helen Wardrop | | SP2003902844 | Helen Wardrop | Active | ||||||||
CS2003051499 | Wardrop, Rebecca | Childminding | 28-04-2004 | Livingston | Rebecca Wardrop | | SP2004936714 | Rebecca Wardrop | Active | ||||||||
CS2003009779 | Wardside House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Wardside | Muthill | Crieff | PH5 2AS | 01764 681 275 | Cara Allan | | SP2003002130 | Wardside House | Active | ||||
CS2003050597 | Wark, Donna | Childminding | 11-06-2004 | Larkhall | Donna Wark | | SP2004938295 | Donna Wark | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001973 | Warrender, Sandra | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Stonehaven | Sandra Warrender | | SP2003900595 | Sandra Warrender | Active | ||||||||
CS2007150725 | Warwick, Ruth | Childminding | 06-08-2007 | Irvine | Ruth Warwick | | SP2007965048 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005097989 | Wastview (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 19-08-2005 | Wastview Care Centre | Walls | Shetland | ZE2 9PF | 01595 745 239 | Elaine Hodge | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2005097991 | Wastview (Support Service) | Support services - not care at home | 19-08-2005 | Wastview Care Centre | Walls | Shetland | ZE2 9PF | 01595 745 239 | Elaine Hodge | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000415 | Waterloo Care Home | Care Home Service | 01-11-2024 | 2-4 Waterloo Close | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 2HL | 07712001195 | Susan Dickson | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007144078 | Watret, Shona | Childminding | 16-01-2008 | Annan | Shona Watret | | SP2007963784 | Shona Watret | Active | ||||||||
CS2010274078 | Watson, Ann | Childminding | 20-09-2011 | Edinburgh | Ann Watson | | SP2010980213 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003473 | Watson, Celia | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kilmarnock | Celia Watson | SP2003901778 | Celia Watson | Active | |||||||||
CS2008180999 | Watson, Elizabeth | Childminding | 20-05-2009 | Kilmarnock | Elizabeth Watson | | SP2008970771 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007158416 | Watson, Isabel | Childminding | 16-11-2007 | Bathgate | Isabel Watson | | SP2007966206 | Active | |||||||||
CS2010248262 | Watson, Joanne | Childminding | 01-06-2012 | West Calder | Joanne Watson | | SP2010977911 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012397 | Watson, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Edinburgh | Linda Watson | | SP2003906122 | Watson, Mrs Linda Watson, Mrs Linda | Active | ||||||||
CS2005087136 | Watson, Sonia | Childminding | 04-05-2005 | Penicuik | Sonia Watson | | SP2005943119 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005086569 | Watt, Angela | Childminding | 22-08-2005 | Wick | Angela Watt | | SP2005943371 | Angela Watt | Active | ||||||||
CS2004058774 | Watt, Moira | Childminding | 01-10-2004 | Elgin | Moira Watt | | SP2003908276 | Moira Watt | Active | ||||||||
CS2010278794 | Watten Early Learning Centre | Day care of children | 18-02-2011 | Parish Hall | Main Street | Watten | Wick | KW1 5XX | 07785 946 709 | Donna Sinclair | | SP2010011106 | CALA Direct Management Services | Active | |||
CS2008178393 | Waugh, Maureen | Childminding | 06-01-2009 | Maybole | Maureen Waugh | | SP2008970233 | Active | |||||||||
CS2019378046 | Waverley Care Home | Care Home Service | 23-12-2019 | Waverley Residential Home | Elm Row | GALASHIELS | TD1 3JG | 01896 752 659 | Marnie Pender | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2011280502 | Waverley Care Milestone | Short breaks and respite services | 28-11-2011 | 113 Oxgangs Road North | Edinburgh | EH14 1EB | 01314 416 989 | Elizabeth Marr | | SP2010011113 | Waverley Care | Active | |||||
CS2024000148 | Waverley Carers | Support Service | 07-05-2024 | Helensburgh Library | 59 West King Street | Helensburgh | G84 8EB | 07969-367622 | Carolyn Blackshaw | | SP2023000295 | WaverleyCarers Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2018369479 | We Are With You Argyll & Bute | 14-03-2019 | Ballochyle House | Kirk Street | Dunoon | PA23 7DP | 08002 061 460 | Yvonne McLeod | | SP2004004093 | We Are With You | Active | |||||
CS2018369480 | We Are With You Borders | 25-03-2019 | 125 High Street | Galashiels | TD1 1RZ | 01896 757 843 | Anthea Young | | SP2004004093 | We Are With You | Active | ||||||
CS2018369481 | We Are With You Dumfries & Galloway | 14-03-2019 | 79 Buccleuch Street | Dumfries | DG1 2AB | 01387 263 208 | Christopher Walker | | SP2004004093 | We Are With You | Active | ||||||
CS2018369483 | We Are With You East Ayrshire | 14-03-2019 | The Underpass | Kilmarnock Railway Station | Hill Street | Kilmarnock | KA1 2AF | 01563 558 777 | Christine Bermingham | | SP2004004093 | We Are With You | Active | ||||
CS2009233808 | We Are With You Glasgow Recovery Hubs | Housing support service | 25-08-2010 | 24-28 Broad Street | Glasgow | G40 2QL | 01412 213 382 | Tracy Morrice | | SP2004004093 | We Are With You | Active | |||||
CS2018369484 | We Are With You South Ayrshire | 14-03-2019 | 1st Floor | 3 Killoch Place | Ayr | KA7 2EA | 01292 430 529 | Roberta McClung | | SP2004004093 | We Are With You | Active | |||||
CS2022000395 | We Care (Highland) Ltd | Support services - care at home | 21-12-2022 | First Floor Offices | 3 Young Street | Inverness | IV3 5BL | 01463 563063 | Kari Ann Maclean | | SP2022000261 | We Care (Highland) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2019375912 | We Care Childcare | Child Minding | 22-10-2019 | Tranent | Cara Capaldi | | SP2019990632 | Cara Capaldi | Active | ||||||||
CS2010249674 | Weans World | Childminding | 01-04-2011 | Coatbridge | Geraldine Duffy | | SP2010978192 | Geraldine Duffy | Active | ||||||||
CS2014324110 | Weavers Burn | Housing support service | 19-05-2014 | 315 South Road | Dundee | DD2 2RT | 01382 436 720 | Laura Cameron | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2014324107 | Weavers Burn | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 19-05-2014 | 315 South Road | Dundee | DD2 2RT | 01382 436 720 | Laura Cameron | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2005111724 | Weavers Linn Respite Unit | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 23-02-2007 | 65 Glenburn Road | Paisley | PA2 8TA | 01416 184 725 | Lorraine McLatchie | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2009193198 | Webb, Kim | Childminding | 14-08-2009 | Laurencekirk | Kim Webb | | SP2009972716 | Kim Webb | Active | ||||||||
CS2016344230 | Webster, Dawn | Childminding | 31-03-2016 | Aberdeen | Dawn Webster | | SP2016987712 | Dawn Webster | Active | ||||||||
CS2014325501 | Wee Bairns Childminding | Childminding | 16-02-2015 | Alloa | Deborah Foley | | SP2014985872 | Deborah Foley | Active | ||||||||
CS2019374312 | Wee Bairns Childminding | Child Minding | 26-06-2019 | Dumfries | Nikki Hatfield | | SP2019990484 | Nikki Hatfield | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000259 | Wee Bees | Childminding | 23-07-2024 | Penicuik | | SP2023001418 | Fabio Nattero | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000305 | Wee Country Respite Care LTD | Support Service | 06-08-2024 | Grange Community Education Centre | Redding Road | Brightons | Falkirk | FK2 0AA | 07825911825 | nicola cochrane | | SP2023000709 | Wee Country Respite Care LTD | Active | |||
CS2017362111 | Wee Deer Childminding | 29-03-2018 | Dalkeith | Lois Turner | | SP2017989513 | Lois Turner | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000020 | Wee Gems Armadale | Day Care of Children | 13-01-2024 | Wee Gems Nursery | 2 Southdale Avenue | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 3AA | 01501747130 | Alison Frampton | | SP2023000471 | Wee Gems Armadale Ltd | Active | |||
CS2014327562 | Wee Gems Corstorphine Ltd | Day care of children | 22-12-2014 | 6A Featherhall Avenue | Edinburgh | EH12 7TQ | 01313 342 960 | Lauren Callachan | | SP2014012321 | Wee Gems Corstorphine Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2010271420 | Wee Gems Livingston Ltd | Day care of children | 02-12-2010 | 2 Carmondean Centre Road South | Livingston | EH54 8PT | 01506 437 437 | Ashley Butler | | SP2010011286 | Wee Gems Livingston Limited | Active | |||||
CS2005089340 | Wee Gems Ltd | Day care of children | 01-07-2005 | 6 Dunnet Way | East Mains Industrial Estate | Broxburn | EH52 5NN | 01506 857 325 | Jolene Blair | | SP2005007239 | Wee Gems Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000059 | Wee Helens Childcare | Child Minding | 09-03-2023 | Isle of Mull | | SP2023000044 | Helen MacInnes | Active | |||||||||
CS2017353710 | Wee Larches Childcare Provision | Childminding | 20-04-2017 | Glasgow | Euan Sutherland | SP2017988755 | Euan Sutherland | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000229 | Wee Mack's | Day care of children | 27-08-2021 | 71 | Constitution Street | EDINBURGH | EH6 7AF | 01313786650 | Patricia Spiers | | SP2021000135 | Wee Mack's Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2024000452 | Wee Munchkins CIC | Day care of children | 09-12-2024 | Unit 2 | 4 Hay Avenue | Edinburgh | EH16 4AQ | 07845054239 | Jackie Watson | | SP2024000526 | Wee Munchkins CIC | Active | ||||
CS2011301709 | Wee Ones | Childminding | 21-11-2011 | Hamilton | Catherine McLachlan | | SP2011982921 | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000146 | Wee Ones | Childminding | 06-05-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000718 | Rameen Sohail | Active | |||||||||
CS2018369813 | Wee Pals Childminding | 13-05-2019 | Dunfermline | Sharon Crawford | | SP2018990138 | Sharon Crawford | Active | |||||||||
CS2009231982 | Wee Rascals - A Summers Nursery | Day care of children | 30-10-2009 | Morrison Way | Craigearn Business Park | Kintore | Inverurie | AB51 0TH | 01467 633 270 | Jade Webster | | SP2003003231 | Summers Nursery Limited | Active | |||
CS2019376231 | Wee Stars Childminding Services | Child Minding | 30-07-2019 | Kirkcaldy | Linda Smart | | SP2019990665 | Linda Smart | Active | ||||||||
CS2025000070 | Wee Tots Childminder | Childminding | 12-02-2025 | Glasgow | | SP2024000881 | Samantha Courtney | Active | |||||||||
CS2024000343 | Wee Wonders Childcare | Child Minding | 05-09-2024 | Wick | | SP2024000390 | Kimberly Stewart | Active | |||||||||
CS2003040630 | Weir, Anne | Childminding | 04-02-2004 | Glasgow | Anne Weir | | SP2004920258 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003040222 | Wellgate Day Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 16-12-2003 | Ladywell Avenue | Dundee | DD1 2LA | 01382 435 338 | Pamela Brown | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003043688 | Wellgreen Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wellgreen Place | Stirling | FK8 2DY | 01786 447 217 | Linsey Allan | | SP2003002689 | Stirling Council | Active | |||||
CS2015336142 | Wellhouse RCU | Care homes for children and young people | 29-07-2015 | 46b Wellhouse Crescent | Glasgow | G33 4JZ | 01412 767 181 | denise dursun | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2011305296 | Wellie Boots | Childminding | 04-02-2013 | Huntly | Sharon Stoneman | | SP2011983150 | Sharon and Peter Stoneman a partnership Sharon and Peter Stoneman a partnership | Active | ||||||||
CS2013317434 | Wellington Children's Centre | Day care of children | 15-08-2013 | 19/21 Lynedoch Street | Greenock | PA15 4AB | 07852 772 887 | Elizabeth Jack | | SP2013012072 | Wellington Children's Centre | Active | |||||
CS2013317435 | Wellington Children's Centre - Gourock | Day care of children | 15-08-2013 | Gourock Youth Athletic Club | George Road | Gourock | PA19 1YZ | 07398 768 840 | Natalie Jack | | SP2013012072 | Wellington Children's Centre | Active | ||||
CS2003014016 | Wellington School (Ayr) Ltd | Day care of children | 26-08-2002 | Drumley House | 1 Westfield Road | Ayr | KA7 2XN | 01292 269 321 | J Cox | | SP2003003252 | Wellington School (Ayr) Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2023000121 | Wellness Social Care Services Limited | Housing Support Service | 28-04-2023 | Flexispace | Office number 21 | Queensferry Road | Dunfermline | KY11 8UU | 013833341295 | MARGARET Mukundwa | | SP2023000080 | Wellness Social Care Services Limited | Active | |||
CS2023000122 | Wellness Social Care Services Limited | Support Service | 28-04-2023 | 3 Pit Lane | Woodlea Park | Dunfermline | KY12 9FJ | 013833341295 | MARGARET Mukundwa | | SP2023000080 | Wellness Social Care Services Limited | Active | ||||
CS2003034643 | Wellpark Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Mearns Street | Greenock | PA15 4BN | 01475 715 730 | Ann Marie Cunningham | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011505 | Wellside Kindergarten | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 12 Wellside Place | Falkirk | FK1 5RL | 01324 626 668 | Susan Hill | | SP2003002693 | Wellside Kindergarten Limited | Active | |||||
CS2014328789 | Welly Walkers Childminding Family | Childminding | 13-10-2014 | Banff | Christine Mathieson | | SP2014986139 | Christine mathieson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016349 | Wemyss Bay Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Wemyss Bay Primary School and Nursery Class | Ardgowan Road | Wemyss Bay | PA18 6AT | 01475 715 976 | Emma Morris | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2003055049 | Wemyss House | Housing support service | 05-10-2004 | 28 Links Road | Port Seton | Prestonpans | EH32 0DU | 01875 815 035 | Lewis Keddie | | SP2003000162 | Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2015340821 | Wendy House Childcare | Childminding | 09-12-2015 | Dundee | Wendy Gallacher | | SP2015987321 | Wendy Gallacher | Active | ||||||||
CS2024000003 | Wendy House Childminding | Child Minding | 05-01-2024 | Glasgow | | SP2023000332 | Wendy Crisp | Active | |||||||||
CS2016349178 | Wendy's Childcare | Childminding | 08-11-2016 | Lochgilphead | Wendy Thompson | | SP2016988273 | Wendy Thompson | Active | ||||||||
CS2016346412 | Wendy's Childminding | Childminding | 16-06-2016 | Kinross | Wendy MacDonald | | SP2016987937 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000309 | Wendy's Childminding | Child Minding | 18-09-2023 | Lossiemouth | | SP2023000198 | Wendy Brehmer | Active | |||||||||
CS2011299329 | Wendy's House | Childminding | 27-03-2012 | Falkirk | Wendy Smith | | SP2011982694 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003000231 | Wernham House | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 01-04-2002 | 7 Virginia Street | Aberdeen | AB11 5AZ | 03003 030 903 | Nicole Wallace | | SP2003000015 | Aberdeen Cyrenians Ltd. | Active | |||||
CS2003016997 | West Barns Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Forth View | West Barns | Dunbar | EH42 1TZ | 01368 863 209 | Christine Rednall | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2007145935 | West Dunbartonshire CHCP, Throughcare/Aftercare Team | Adult placement services | 20-06-2006 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Health and Social Care Partnership | Aurora House, Clyde Waterfront | Clydebank | G81 1BF | 01389 776 301 | Allan J White | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2022000371 | West Dunbartonshire Continuing Care Service | Adult placement services | 08-12-2022 | Council Offices | 16 Church Street | Dumbarton | G82 1QL | 01389 772166 | Claire Strain-McCafferty | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004085890 | West Dunbartonshire Council Community Alarm Service | Housing support service | 04-02-2005 | Clydebank Health & Care Centre | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 01412322317 | Jacqueline carson | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004085886 | West Dunbartonshire Council Fostering Service | Fostering services | 07-11-2005 | Council Offices | 16 Church Street | Dumbarton | G82 1QL | 01389 776421 | Claire Strain-McCafferty | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077076 | West Dunbartonshire Council Home Care Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-11-2004 | Clydebank Health & Care Centre | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 01412322317 | Jane Gray | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077075 | West Dunbartonshire Council Home Care Service | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | Clydebank Health & Care Centre | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 01412322317 | Jacqueline carson | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077078 | West Dunbartonshire Council Learning Disability Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-11-2004 | Clydebank Health & Care Centre | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 0141 232 2190 | Kim Urquhart | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077077 | West Dunbartonshire Council Learning Disability Service | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | Clydebank Health & Care Centre | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 0141 232 2190 | Kim Urquhart | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077074 | West Dunbartonshire Council Sheltered Housing | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 17-11-2004 | Clydebank Health & Care Centre | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 01412322320 | Anne Marie Lennox | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077072 | West Dunbartonshire Council Sheltered Housing | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | Clydebank Health & Care Centre | Queens Quay Main Avenue | Clydebank | G81 1BS | 01419 516 188 | Jacqueline carson | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004077080 | West Dunbartonshire Council Supported Housing Service | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | 16 Church Street | Dumbarton | G82 1QL | 01389 738 514 | Nicole Harley | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2015341708 | West Dunbartonshire HSCP Learning Disability Service - Community Connections | 05-01-2016 | 3 Bruce Street | Dumbarton | G82 1HY | 01389 608 345 | Lynn O'Donnell | lynn.o' | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2015337832 | West Dunbartonshire HSCP Learning Disability Service - Community Connections | 05-01-2016 | 3 Bruce Street | Dumbarton | G82 1HY | 01389 608 345 | Lynn O'Donnell | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2023000437 | West Dunbartonshire HSCP Re-ablement Service | Support Service | 27-12-2023 | Vale Centre for Health and Care | Alexandria | G83 0UE | 01389828366 | Christen MacKinnon | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004063275 | West Dunbartonshire HSCP, Throughcare/Aftercare Team | Housing support service | 17-11-2004 | West Dunbartonshire Council | 16 Church Street | DUMBARTON | g82 1QL | 01415 628 800 | Allan J White | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073012 | West Dunbartonshire Services 1 | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-09-2004 | Carman Centre | 175 Main Street | Renton | Dumbarton | G82 4PF | 01389 750 403 | Fay Buchan | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2004073011 | West Dunbartonshire Services 1 | Housing support service | 08-09-2004 | Carman Centre | 175 Main Street | Renton | Dumbarton | G82 4PF | 01389 750 403 | Fay Buchan | | SP2003000013 | Cornerstone Community Care | Active | |||
CS2003014771 | West Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Primary School | Newton Street | Paisley | PA1 2RL | 01418 895 350 | Lynne McGinn | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2013318588 | West End Nursery | Day care of children | 28-11-2013 | 10 Malloch Street | Glasgow | G20 8TP | 01419 455 179 | Amanda Tough | | SP2013012103 | L & D Nurseries Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2015336359 | West End Out of School Club - Blackness | Day care of children | 19-08-2015 | St. Peters Free Church | 4 St. Peter Street | Dundee | DD1 4JJ | 07920297524 | Christine Anderson | | SP2015012464 | West End Out of School Club a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2015336361 | West End Out of School Club - Glenagnes | Day care of children | 19-08-2015 | St. Joseph's RC & Victoria Park Primary Schools | 1 Glenagnes Road | Dundee | DD2 2AB | 01382 435 313 | Christine Anderson | | SP2015012464 | West End Out of School Club a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||
CS2003001418 | West End Project - Dumbarton | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Units 10 & 11 | Leven Valley Enterprise Centre | Castlehill | Dumbarton | G82 5BN | 01389 730 466 | Donna McManus | | SP2003000182 | The Mungo Foundation | Active | |||
CS2024000344 | West End Wellies | Day Care of Children | 06-09-2024 | 27 Morningside Lane | Aberdeen | AB10 7NB | 01224741175 | Caroline Reid | | SP2014012334 | KingsWellies Nursery Limited | Active | |||||
CS2010274026 | West Fife Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 22-06-2011 | Fife Council | Brunton House | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9QU | 03451 555 555 | Scott Cruickshank | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2006127444 | West Fife Community Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 29-08-2006 | 179 Stenhouse Street | Cowdenbeath | KY4 9DH | 01383 602 356 | Anna Capon | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2014325747 | West Highland Care at Home Service | Support services - care at home | 13-05-2014 | Social Work Services | Old Corry Industrial Esate | Broadford | Isle of Skye | IV49 9AB | 01471 820 507 | JACQUELINE MacLeay | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||
CS2024000081 | West Highland Housing Support Service | Housing Support Service | 14-03-2024 | Social Work Services | Old Corry Industrial Estate | Broadford | Isle of Skye | IV49 9AB | 01471 820 507 | Jacqueline Macleay | | SP2012011802 | NHS Highland | Active | |||
CS2003014792 | West Johnstone Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Johnstone Shared Campus | Beith Road | Johnstone | PA5 0BB | 01416 183 881 | Elaine Stevenson | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004175 | West Kilbride Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | West Kilbride Community Centre | Corse Street | West Kilbride | KA23 9AX | 01294 829 217 | Angela Pisani | | SP2003000848 | The Committee of West Kilbride Village Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2003004264 | West Kilbride Out of School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o West Kilbride Primary School | 1 Portencross Road | West Kilbride | KA23 9ES | 01294 829 320 | Lindsey Finnigan | | SP2003000869 | West Kilbride Out of School Care Committee | Active | ||||
CS2003017314 | West Kilbride Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | c/o West Kilbride Primary School | Hunterston Road | West Kilbride | KA23 9EX | 01294 822 353 | Gemma Carson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2015340628 | West Linton Early Learners and Westies | 14-11-2016 | St. Andrew's New Church Hall | West Linton | EH46 7ED | 07713430703 | Carrie-Ann Neil | | SP2015012567 | West Linton Early Learners a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||
CS2003017385 | West Linton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Deanfoot Road | West Linton | EH46 7EX | 01721 726 300 | Jennifer Curson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2004083333 | West Lothian Council - Adoption Service | Adoption agencies | 17-11-2005 | Family Placement Team | Strathbrock Partnership Centre | 189a West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LH | 01506 284 296 | Claire Quinn | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2004083345 | West Lothian Council - Family Based Care Service - Fostering | Fostering services | 17-11-2005 | Family Based Care Service | Strathbrock Partnership Centre | 189a West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LH | 01506 284440 | Angela Ferguson | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2004073877 | West Lothian Council - Housing, Customer & Building Services | Housing support service | 01-08-2004 | West Lothian Council | West Lothian Civic Centre | Howden South Road | Livingston | EH54 6FF | 01506 775 000 | Dawn Crow | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2004073875 | West Lothian Council - Support at Home Services - Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-08-2004 | Strathbrock Partnership Centre | 189a West Main Street | Broxburn | EH52 5LH | 01506 284 200 | Aileen Maguire | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000337 | West Lothian Council Housing with Care (Dickson Court & Almondvale Gardens)) | Support Service | 01-11-2022 | Bield Housing Association | Dickson Court | 9 Dickson Street | West Calder | EH55 8DY | 01506 870760 | Angela McNee | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2004073870 | West Lothian Council Housing with Care - (Holmes Gardens and Cunnigar House) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 01-08-2004 | Holmes Gardens Housing with Care | Holmes Road | BROXBURN | EH52 5JD | 01506280000 | Anne Woods | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000334 | West Lothian Council Housing with Care- (Brucefield House & Norvell Lodge) | Support Service | 01-11-2022 | Brucefield House | McMartin Court | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0HZ | 01501 744907 | Yvonne McGivern | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2022000333 | West Lothian Council Housing with Care- (Brucefield House & Norvell Lodge) | Housing Support Service | 01-11-2022 | Brucefield House | McMartin Court | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0HZ | 01506 280000 | Yvonne McGivern | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2022000335 | West Lothian Council Housing with Care- (Dickson Court & Almondvale Gardens) | Housing Support Service | 01-11-2022 | Bield Housing Association | Dickson Court | 9 Dickson Street | West Calder | EH55 8DY | 01506 633117 | Angela McNee | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2004073869 | West Lothian Council Housing with Care- (Holmes Gardens & Cunnigar House) | Housing support service | 01-08-2004 | Holmes Gardens Housing with Care | Holmes Road | Broxburn | EH52 5JD | 01506859955 | Anne Woods | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2007163765 | West Lothian Housing Support & Care at Home | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-01-2008 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland (West Lothian Services) | 1-12 Teviot Court | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Midlothian Office | PENICUIK | EH26 8BB | 07767703438 | Phil Bartlett | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2021000034 | West Lothian Housing Support & Care at Home | Housing Support Service | 29-04-2021 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland | 1-12 Teviot Court | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland - Midlothian Office | PENICUIK | EH26 8BB | 07767 703 438 | Phil Bartlett | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||
CS2010272010 | West Lothian Housing Support Services | Housing support service | 11-01-2012 | Almond House | 12 Quarrywood Court | Livingston | EH54 6AX | 01506 431 695 | John Ferguson | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | ||||
CS2019375611 | West Lothian Housing Support Services | Support Service | 11-05-2020 | Almond House | 12 Quarrywood Court | Livingston | EH54 6AX | 01506 431 695 | David Edgar | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | ||||
CS2022000332 | West Lothian Housing with Care- (Colinshiel Court and Rosemount Gardens) | Housing Support Service | 01-11-2022 | Colinshiel Court | McNeil Crescent | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 2NB | 01501 734046 | Lynne McDougall | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2022000336 | West Lothian Housing with Care- Colinshiel Court and Rosemount Gardens | Support Service | 01-11-2022 | Colinshiel Court | McNeil Crescent | Armadale | Bathgate | EH48 2NB | 01506280000 | Lynne McDougall | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||
CS2003055982 | West Lothian Mental Health Service | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 72 Sutherland Way | Livingston | EH54 8HU | 01312 012 957 | Scott Ferguson | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2005108247 | West Lothian Mental Health Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 27-10-2005 | 72 Sutherland Way | Livingston | EH54 8HU | 01312 012 957 | Scott Ferguson | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2010272011 | West Lothian Occupational Services | Support services - care at home | 11-01-2012 | Almond House | 12 Quarrywood Court | Livingston | EH54 6AX | 01506 431 695 | John Ferguson | | SP2004006462 | Autism Initiatives (UK) | Active | ||||
CS2013317898 | West Lothian Support Services | Housing support service | 13-03-2014 | 13b Marmion Road | BATHGATE | EH48 4JB | 01506 636234 | Louise Finch | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2013320664 | West Lothian Support Services | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 13-03-2014 | 31b Marmion Road | Bathgate | EH48 4JB | 01506 635 581 | Lynda Anne Mitchell | | SP2003000180 | Scottish Action For Mental Health | Active | |||||
CS2019378298 | West Lothian Supported Living and Outreach Support Service | Support Service | 31-03-2020 | 1 Tartan House | Jarvey Street | Bathgate | EH48 4AD | 07760594688 | Adrienne Nicol | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2019378297 | West Lothian Supported Living and Outreach Support Service | Housing Support Service | 31-03-2020 | 1 Tartan House | Jarvey Street | Bathgate | EH48 4AD | 07760594688 | Adrienne Nicol | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2017361414 | West Lothian Women's Aid | 26-07-2018 | Livingston | Ilena Brown | | SP2017013008 | West Lothian Women's Aid a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009106 | West Mainland Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Smiddybrae House | Vetquay Road | Dounby | Orkney | KW17 2HH | 01856 851 435 | Kirstie Moar | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2016349858 | West NAH Professionals LLP | 02-08-2017 | Storage Vault - Office 2.10 - West NAH Professionals LLP | 1 Macdowall Street | Paisley | PA3 2NB | 01418460418 | Agnes Mari | | SP2016012773 | West NAH Professionals LLP | Active | |||||
CS2013322018 | West of Scotland Housing Support | Housing support service | 06-02-2015 | 31 Ardencraig Place | Castlemilk | Glasgow | G45 9US | 01415 503 549 | Kerry Ross | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | ||||
CS2014333865 | West of Scotland Housing Support | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 06-02-2015 | Scottish Autism | 31 Ardencraig Place | Glasgow | G45 9US | 0141 550 3549 | Suzanne Stewart | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | ||||
CS2016348139 | West Park Care Home | 09-12-2016 | Glasgow Road | Galston | KA4 8PB | 01563 820 426 | Bethann Neil | | SP2016012740 | West Park Care Home Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2004071160 | West Park Care Home | Care homes for older people | 10-09-2004 | Walkerton Drive | Leslie | Glenrothes | KY6 3BT | 01592 741 849 | Irene Bright | | SP2004006583 | West Park House Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003010849 | West View (Monreith) Ltd | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | St.Medan's New Road | Monreith | Newton Stewart | DG8 9LJ | 01988 700 577 | Stanley Hughes | SP2003002547 | West View (Monreith) Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2005093018 | West, Beryl | Childminding | 16-06-2005 | Macduff | Beryl West | | SP2005944850 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003003668 | West, Jane | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glasgow | Jane West | | SP2003901937 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003010478 | Westacres | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 3 Westacres Road | Newton Mearns | Glasgow | G77 6WW | 01416 165 102 | Stuart McKAY | | SP2003002370 | Newark Care | Active | ||||
CS2013314644 | Westbank Care Home | Care homes for older people | 20-08-2013 | 28 Titchfield Road | Troon | KA10 6AN | 01292 311 246 | Katherine Patrick | | SP2013012002 | Westbank Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003005750 | Westbourne Gardens Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | All Saints Church Hall | 10 Woodend Drive | Jordanhill | Glasgow | G13 1QS | 01419 595 565 | Karen Clark | | SP2003001216 | The Committee Westbourne Gardens Nursery | Active | |||
CS2009195263 | Westburn Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 26-05-2009 | Caledonian Centre | Birch Drive | Cambuslang | Glasgow | G72 7LY | 01416 417 182 | Andrea McClure | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2007142207 | Westby, Carol | Childminding | 22-05-2007 | Stranraer | Carol Westby | | SP2007963114 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003013255 | Wester Coates Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 13 Wester Coates Terrace | Edinburgh | EH12 5LR | 01313 467 398 | Alison Hawkins | | SP2003003063 | Wester Coates Nursery School | Active | |||||
CS2003015378 | Wester Overton Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Ashkirk Road | Strathaven | ML10 6JT | 01357 521 870 | June Moir | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2007154794 | Westercraigs Nursery School | Day care of children | 30-10-2007 | c/o Whitehill Secondary School | 280 Onslow Drive | Glasgow | G31 2QF | 01415 562 413 | Nadeen Stewart | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2011303060 | Westerfields Care Home | Care homes for older people | 14-11-2011 | 30 High Calside | Paisley | PA2 6BE | 01418 401 110 | Sharon Michie | | SP2010010960 | H & H Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014948 | Westerhouse Nursery School and Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 62 Lochend Road | Easterhouse | Glasgow | G34 0LT | 01417 730 055 | Kathleen Wilson | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011534 | Westerlands | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Clifford Road | Stirling | FK8 2AQ | 01786 473 848 | Monika Przybek | | SP2003002704 | Westerlands Association | Active | |||||
CS2016349167 | Western Isles Housing Support | 27-09-2017 | 76 Keith Street | Stornoway | Stornoway | HS1 2JH | 07785292514 | Jack Libby | | SP2003002104 | Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | Active | |||||
CS2023000037 | Western Isles Wedding & Event Kids Zone. | Day Care of Children | 15-02-2023 | 4 Graham Park | South Dell | Isle of Lewis | HS2 0ST | 07377 455694 | | SP2019990419 | Victoria MacInnes | Active | |||||
CS2019378053 | Western Isles Women's Aid | Housing Support Service | 14-04-2020 | Isle of Lewis | Mary Kettings | | SP2019013421 | Western Isles Women's Aid a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | ||||||||
CS2011303316 | Westerton Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-02-2012 | 116 Maxwell Avenue | Westerton | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1HU | 01419 425 834 | Heather Lundie | | SP2011011715 | Westerton Care LLP | Active | |||
CS2024000049 | Westerton Nursery | Day Care of Children | 09-02-2024 | Westerton Nursery | 82 Maxwell Avenue | Bearsden | Glasgow | G61 1NZ | 07779005107 | Catherine McGarry | | SP2023000351 | Westerton Nursery Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004066879 | Westfield | Care homes for older people | 31-08-2004 | Dumfries Road | Lockerbie | DG11 2EF | 01576 202 128 | Rebbecca Saunders | | SP2003002327 | Mead Medical Services Limited | Active | |||||
CS2013317793 | Westfield Community Resource Hub | Day care of children | 03-09-2013 | Aberdeenshire Education Department | Westfield Community Resource Hub | Westfield School, Argyll Road | Fraserburgh | AB43 9BL | 01346 415 855 | Kerri Dalton | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003046119 | Westfield Family Nurture Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Westfield Road | Cupar | KY15 5AR | 01334 659 484 | Nicola Clelland | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015422 | Westfield Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Westfield Drive | Westfield | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G68 9HJ | 01236 794 812 | Lee Martin | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2008180354 | Westfield Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 05-09-2008 | Lomond View | Westfield | Bathgate | EH48 3DE | 01506 634 019 | Marnie Ferguson | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Inactive | ||||
CS2003016342 | Westhill Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Westhill Primary School | Westhill Drive | Westhill | AB32 6FY | 01224 472 900 | Fiona Borthwick | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2009194882 | Westlands | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 09-02-2009 | 44 Strathearn Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1PN | 01382 525 148 | Rhys Kerr | | SP2008009991 | Balfield Properties T/A Westlands | Active | ||||
CS2008182915 | Westlands | Housing support service | 09-02-2009 | 44 Strathern Road | Broughty Ferry | Dundee | DD5 1PN | 01382 520 369 | Rhys Kerr | | SP2008009991 | Balfield Properties T/A Westlands | Active | ||||
CS2003000820 | Westlea Care Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Donnies Brae | Barrhead | Glasgow | G78 3PT | 01418 804 545 | Joanne Ward | | SP2003000159 | Third Life Care Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000281 | Weston View | Care Home Service | 29-08-2023 | 1 Sellar Crescent | Keith | AB55 5JS | 01542 887791 | Shona Conlin | | SP2003001893 | Parklands Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003006350 | Westpark Nursery School and Out of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 30 Burnbank Road | Hamilton | ML3 9AA | 01698 424 321 | Elizabeth Morris | | SP2003001439 | A & B Education Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008180462 | Westpark School Nursery | Day care of children | 19-08-2008 | Cruden Crescent | Northfield | Aberdeen | AB16 7JD | 01224 692 323 | Olivia Airey | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015570 | Westquarter Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Westquarter Avenue | Westquarter | Falkirk | FK2 9RN | 01324 503 950 | Elaine Ramsay | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2003016055 | Westray Junior High School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Pierowall | Westray | Orkney | KW17 2DH | 01857 677 353 | Julie Muir | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003017386 | Westruther Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Westruther | Gordon | TD3 6NE | 01578 740 271 | Charlotte Shortel | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Inactive | |||||
CS2003001112 | Westview | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | 42 Octavia Terrace | Greenock | PA16 7SR | 01475 783 388 | Karen Pryde | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||||
CS2003010597 | Westwood House Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 1 East Milton Grove | Westwood | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 8SN | 01355 267 446 | Catherine Dodds | | SP2003001705 | Gate Healthcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2003012609 | Westwood, Susan | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Susan Westwood | | SP2003906331 | Susan Westwood | Active | ||||||||
CS2003051773 | Whalsay School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Whalsay School | Symbister | Whalsay | Shetland | ZE2 9AQ | 01595 743 800 | Lynsey Irvine | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | |||
CS2006120311 | What If (Female) Project | Housing support service | 09-05-2006 | Quarriers Barlanark Office | The Calvay Centre | 16 Calvay Road, Barlanark | Glasgow | G33 4RE | 01419 461 116 | Mags McCallion | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | |||
CS2006116360 | WHAT IF (Male) | Housing support service | 15-11-2006 | Quarriers What If Male | 200 Pollokshaws Road | Glasgow | G41 1QB | 01416 385 175 | Lynn Duffy | | SP2003000264 | Quarriers | Active | ||||
CS2017356235 | Whatriggs Early Childhood Centre | 05-09-2017 | Whatriggs Road | Kilmarnock | KA1 3SZ | 01563 551 587 | Elaine Kirk | | SP2003000142 | East Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||||
CS2010272088 | Wheatlands | Care homes for older people | 01-10-2010 | Larbert Road | Bonnybridge | FK4 1ED | 01324 814 561 | Andrea Lewis | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2008175229 | Wheatlands | Care homes for children and young people | 15-01-2009 | Wheatlands House | Lee Brae | Galashiels | TD1 1QR | 01896 750 207 | Andrew Parker | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2012312157 | Wheatley Care - Fullarton Service | Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems | 20-11-2013 | 1196 Tollcross Road | Glasgow | G32 8HQ | 0141 274 7229 | Ailsa Docherty | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2019373029 | Wheatley Care Edinburgh East Support Service | Housing Support Service | 31-03-2020 | Flat 5 | 5 Bolton Place | Edinburgh | EH16 4XP | 07876107374 | Caroline Raftis | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2019378329 | Wheatley Care Edinburgh East Support Service | Support Service | 31-03-2020 | Flat 5 | 5 Bolton Place | Edinburgh | EH16 4XP | 07876107374 | Caroline Raftis | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2015337495 | Wheatley Care Falkirk and Grangemouth Flexible Housing Support Service | Housing support service | 15-10-2015 | 1 Kingseat Avenue | Grangemouth | FK3 0AA | 01412 748 057 | Sheena McHugh | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2017358630 | Wheatley Care Falkirk and Grangemouth Flexible Housing Support Service | 29-11-2017 | 1 Inchyra Place | Grangemouth | FK3 9EQ | 0141 274 8071 | Ramsay Hunter | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||||
CS2019378277 | Wheatley Care Falkirk Supported Living Service | Housing Support Service | 31-03-2020 | 69 Burnside Terrace | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4EF | 07584798952 | Mary Anne Proctor | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2019378285 | Wheatley Care Falkirk Supported Living Service | Support Service | 31-03-2020 | 69 Burnside Terrace | Camelon | Falkirk | FK1 4EF | 07760593993 | Mary Anne Proctor | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2019378290 | Wheatley Care Fife Supported Living Service | Housing Support Service | 31-03-2020 | 24 Carlyle Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1DB | 07968422152 | Katrina Hunter | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2019378292 | Wheatley Care Fife Supported Living Service | Support Service | 31-03-2020 | 24 Carlyle Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 1DB | 07968422152 | Katrina Hunter | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2004063158 | Wheatley Care Flexible Homelessness Outreach Support Service | Housing support service | 22-11-2004 | 186 Moffat Street | Gorbals | Glasgow | G5 0NQ | 0141 292 6490 | Meghan Patrick | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2007142559 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support - Mental Health | Housing support service | 24-07-2007 | 3 Quarrywood Avenue | Barmulloch | Glasgow | G21 3BA | 01412747689 | Michelle Donnelly | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2007145656 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support - Mental Health | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 24-07-2007 | 3 Quarrywood Avenue | Barmulloch | Glasgow | G21 3BA | 01412 747 689 | Michelle Donnelly | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2008175173 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support Services (Falkirk and Grangemouth) | Housing support service | 25-08-2008 | 1 Inchyra Place | Grangemouth | FK3 9EQ | 01412 745 934 | Elizabeth O'Connor | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2008175188 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support Services (Falkirk and Grangemouth) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 25-08-2008 | 1 Inchyra Place | Grangemouth | FK3 9EQ | 01412 748 072 | Elizabeth O'Connor | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2014333902 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support Services (North Lanarkshire) | Housing support service | 23-04-2015 | 14 McGregor Street | Craigneuk | Wishaw | ML2 7SE | 01698507241 | Pauline Thomson | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2014333899 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support Services (North Lanarkshire) | Support services - care at home | 23-04-2015 | 14 McGregor Street | Craigneuk | Wishaw | ML2 7SE | 01698507241 | Pauline Thomson | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2006140598 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support Services (Renfrewshire) | Housing support service | 07-04-2008 | 22 Ryewraes Road | Linwood | PA3 3BF | 0141 305 8242 | Gail Stevenson | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2006140600 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self Directed Support Services (Renfrewshire) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 07-04-2008 | 22 Ryewraes Road | Linwood | PA3 3BF | 0141 305 8242 | Gail Stevenson | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2008173362 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self-Directed Support Services (Glasgow) | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 20-05-2008 | Wheatley Care | 2045-2047 Maryhill Road | Glasgow | G20 0AA | 07584798952 | Tracey Martin | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2008173361 | Wheatley Care Personalised and Self-Directed Support Services (Glasgow) | Housing support service | 20-05-2008 | Wheatley Care | 2045-2047 Maryhill Road | Glasgow | G20 0AA | 07584798952 | Tracey Martin | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2007142366 | Wheatley Care South Lanarkshire Personalised Support Services | Housing support service | 11-04-2007 | 90 Carlisle Road | Hamilton | ML3 7TX | 07584798792 | Gina Weir | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2019378407 | Wheatley Care South Lanarkshire Self Directed Support Service | Support Service | 28-02-2020 | 49a Poplar Place | Blantyre | G72 9QB | 07342088312 | Dickson Jacobs | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2019377460 | Wheatley Care South Lanarkshire Self Directed Support Service | Housing Support Service | 28-02-2020 | 49a Poplar Place | Blantyre | G72 9QB | 07342088312 | Dickson Jacobs | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | |||||
CS2007162762 | Wheatley Care The Fordneuk Accommodation and Support Service | Housing support service | 08-04-2008 | 256 Broad Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 2TR | 0141 274 7038 | Nina Erskine | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2007162764 | Wheatley Care The Fordneuk Accommodation and Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 08-04-2008 | 256 Broad Street | Bridgeton | Glasgow | G40 3AH | 0141 274 7038 | Nina Erskine | | SP2006008236 | Wheatley Care | Active | ||||
CS2003051725 | Wheatley Homes South Limited | Housing support service | 10-09-2004 | 18 Lewars Avenue | DUMFRIES | DG2 0LS | 08000113447 | Anne Davies | | SP2004005312 | Wheatley Homes South Limited | Active | |||||
CS2004083864 | Whim Hall Care Home | Care homes for older people | 20-04-2005 | Whim Nursing Home | WEST LINTON | EH46 7BD | 01968 678 434 | Lorna Gordon | | SP2003003516 | St Philips Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003016346 | Whinhill Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2003 | Whinhill Primary School | Drumfrochar Road | Greenock | PA15 4EQ | 01475 715 749 | Elizabeth Ruddy | | SP2003000212 | Inverclyde Council | Active | ||||
CS2003008464 | Whinnieknowe (Care Home) | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Mill Road | Nairn | IV12 5EN | 01667 452 387 | Lee Maclean | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||||
CS2003011573 | Whins/Centre Space | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Whins Road | Alloa | FK10 3SA | 01259 226 800 | Gaynor Knox | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003016152 | Whitdale Early Years Centre (Nursery) | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 55b Whitedalehead Road | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 8JU | 01501 749 975 | Sharon Wallace | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011084 | Whitdale House | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 110 East Main Street | Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0RH | 01501 744 445 | Elaine Anderson | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000512 | White Top Centre | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Westfield Avenue | Dundee | DD1 4JT | 01382 435 198 | Jackie Lawson | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017607 | White Top Centre - Support Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Westfield Avenue | Dundee | DD1 4JT | 01382 435 203 | Jackie Lawson | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003013091 | White, Linda Mary | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Kirkliston | Linda Mary White | | SP2003906810 | White, Linda Mary White, Linda Mary | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015821 | Whitecraig Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 44a Whitecraig Crescent | Whitecraig | Musselburgh | EH21 8NG | 01316 653 278 | Vivian Short | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2016346354 | Whitecraigs Care Home | 15-08-2016 | 24 Stewarton Road | Glasgow | G46 7UZ | 01416 210 811 | Ann Marie Porter | | SP2011011731 | Renaissance Care (No1) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2003014746 | Whitecrook ELCC | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Braes Avenue | Whitecrook | Clydebank | G81 1QR | 01419 529 201 | Michelle Mulgrew | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377061 | Whitecrook Primary School ELCC | Day Care of Children | 15-01-2020 | Cochno Street | Whitecrook | Clydebank | Glasgow | G82 1RQ | 01415 333 038 | Joanne Paton | | SP2003003383 | West Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015571 | Whitecross Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Avontoun Crescent | Whitecross | Linlithgow | EH49 6JN | 01506 778 400 | Donna Kilpatrick | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000160 | Whitefield Lodge | Care Home Service | 17-05-2024 | 25 Service Street | Lennoxtown | Glasgow | G66 7JW | 01360310014 | Nikanor Viktor | | SP2024000172 | Glengall Care Group Whitefield Limited | Active | ||||
CS2023000312 | Whiteford House | Care Home Service | 20-09-2023 | Forbes Drive | Ayr | KA8 9FG | 01292 430204 | Megan Borthwick | | SP2023000201 | Whiteford House Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000368 | Whiteford Wanderers | Child Minding | 23-09-2024 | Inverurie | | SP2024000508 | Lucy Wallace | Active | |||||||||
CS2017355821 | Whitehill Neighbourhood Nursery | Day care of children | 24-07-2017 | Whitehill Neighbourhood Centre | 9 Hunter Road | Whitehill | Hamilton | ML3 0LH | 01698 476 586 | Linda Colquhoun | | SP2017012912 | Childcare in the Community a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2017355825 | Whitehill Out of School Care | Day care of children | 21-07-2017 | Whitehill Neighbourhood Centre | 9 Hunter Road | Whitehill | Hamilton | ML3 0LH | 01698 477 498 | Lynn McGuiness | | SP2017012912 | Childcare in the Community a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Active | |||
CS2003046475 | Whitehills Care Home | Care homes for older people | 16-09-2003 | Scholar's Gate | Whitehills | East Kilbride | Glasgow | G75 9JL | 01355 579 758 | Michelle Hampson | | SP2003002348 | Thistle Healthcare Limited | Active | |||
CS2007151113 | Whitehills Pre School Class | Day care of children | 31-07-2007 | Fyfe Street | Forfar | DD8 3EQ | 01307 494 287 | Claire McDiarmid | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015736 | Whitehills School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Forbes Road | Whitehills | Banff | AB45 2LX | 01261 455 795 | Lorraine Faid | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2010269867 | Whitehirst Park Private Nursery | Day care of children | 03-12-2010 | West Doura Mains | Whitehirst Park | Kilwinning | KA13 6NQ | 01294 551 171 | Alison Carr | | SP2010978947 | James Carr | Active | ||||
CS2010238556 | Whiteinch Move-On Service | Housing support service | 17-08-2010 | Flat 0/5 | 13 Victoria Park South | Whiteinch | Glasgow | G14 9RN | 01419 595 069 | Catriona McCabe | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | |||
CS2003017158 | Whiteinch Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glendore Street | Whiteinch | Glasgow | G14 9RU | 01419 593 823 | Geraldine Dolan | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2020379270 | Whitelees Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 11-08-2020 | Whitelees Road | Abronhill | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 3NJ | 01236 794 814 | Laura Murdoch | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003016121 | Whiteness Early Years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Whiteness Primary School | Whiteness | Shetland | ZE2 9LJ | 01595 745 380 | Rachel Colclough | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||
CS2003015545 | Whithorn Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Whithorn Primary School | Whithorn | Newton Stewart | DG8 8PN | 01988 500 291 | Kay Galloway | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | ||||
CS2003011110 | Whitrigg House | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | Redmill | East Whitburn | Bathgate | EH47 0JR | 01501 744 183 | Albert Goodluck | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2006122543 | Whitton, Lorraine | Childminding | 15-09-2006 | Dundee | Lorraine Whitton | SP2006959469 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2015337559 | Wholesome Children | Childminding | 13-11-2015 | Musselburgh | Monika Mackenzie | | SP2015986951 | Monika Mackenzie | Active | ||||||||
CS2003001976 | Whyte, Alison | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Aberdeen | Alison Whyte | | SP2003900598 | Alison Whyte | Active | ||||||||
CS2009193073 | Whyte, Catherine | Childminding | 22-05-2009 | Erskine | Catherine Whyte | | SP2009972690 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015341711 | Whyte, Jenny | Childminding | 03-12-2015 | Perth | Jenny Whyte | | SP2015987447 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018371604 | Wierzbicka-Dygas, Renata | 06-03-2019 | Aberdeen | Renata Wierzbicka-Dygas | | SP2018990275 | Renata Wierzbicka-Dygas | Active | |||||||||
CS2016350944 | Wiggly Worms Children's Day Nursery | 03-04-2017 | Mansfield Road | Hawick | TD9 8AB | 01450 373 969 | Wendy Scott | | SP2016012797 | Wiggly Worms Children's Day Nursery Ltd | Active | ||||||
CS2003015546 | Wigtown Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wigtown Primary School | New Road | Wigtown | Newton Stewart | DG8 9JE | 01988 402 300 | Alison Adams | | SP2003003501 | Dumfries & Galloway Council | Active | |||
CS2014333198 | Wigtownshire Women's Aid | Housing support service | 01-10-2015 | Stranraer | Fiona Gaffney | | SP2014012390 | Wigtownshire Women's Aid, a Company Limited by Guarantee | Active | ||||||||
CS2018369997 | Wilby House | Care Home Service | 22-07-2019 | 111 Loughborough Road | Kirkcaldy | KY1 3DD | 01592 652 172 | Sandra Hackathorn | | SP2017012993 | Marchmont Residential Homes a partnership | Active | |||||
CS2007143659 | Wild Child Childminding with Jacqueline | Childminding | 04-06-2007 | Denny | Jacqueline McGurk | | SP2007963664 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016344996 | Wild Sparks Outdoor Nursery | Day care of children | 10-01-2017 | Blackhaugh Farmhouse | Spittalfield | Perth | PH1 4JZ | 07943440267 | Alice Warren | ALICEABIGAILWARREN@GMAIL.COM | SP2016012664 | Wild Sparks Outdoor Play CIC | Active | ||||
CS2024000318 | Wild Wellies Kindergarten Ltd | Day Care of Children | 12-08-2024 | 2 Manor Farm Cottages | Manor Loan | Blairlogie | Stirling | FK9 5QA | 07803592712 | Alison Banks | | SP2023000511 | Wild Wellies Kindergarten Ltd | Active | |||
CS2018371358 | Wild Willows | Day Care of Children | 18-06-2019 | Kincraig Church Hall | The Brae | Kincraig | PH21 1QD | 07530 208 895 | Lucy Barron | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | ||||
CS2024000423 | Wildflowers Childminding Service | Childminding | 08-11-2024 | Crieff | | SP2024000587 | Lianne Schemper | Active | |||||||||
CS2022000318 | Wildones | Child Minding | 17-10-2022 | Fort William | | SP2022000212 | Lisa Headley | Active | |||||||||
CS2021000348 | Wilkerr Care Services Ltd | Support Service | 02-12-2021 | Dinardo & Partners | Mirren Court One | 119 Renfrew Road | PAISLEY | PA3 4EA | 0141 737 7750 | Helen Frame | | SP2021000219 | WilKerr Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2025000097 | Wilkerr Care Services Ltd | Housing Support Service | 03-03-2025 | Dinardo and Partners | Mirren Court One | 119 Renfrew Road | Paisley | PA3 4AE | 01417377750 | Helen Frame | | SP2021000219 | WilKerr Care Services Ltd | Active | |||
CS2004085770 | Wilkie, Caroline | Childminding | 05-05-2006 | Airdrie | Caroline Wilkie | | SP2004942879 | Caroline Wilkie | Active | ||||||||
CS2007152507 | William Hunter House | Housing support service | 10-12-2007 | 70 Oxford Street | Glasgow | G5 9EP | 01414 295 201 | David Finnigan | | SP2004005634 | Salvation Army | Active | |||||
CS2010279960 | William Simpsons | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-05-2012 | Main Street | Old Plean | Stirling | FK7 8BQ | 01786 812 421 | Catherine Jones | | SP2010011371 | William Simpson's | Active | ||||
CS2003020147 | Williams, Gina | Childminding | 03-06-2003 | Forres | Gina Williams | | SP2003907445 | Gina Williams | Active | ||||||||
CS2010273419 | Williams, Jan | Childminding | 22-02-2012 | Aberdeen | Jan Williams | | SP2009973215 | Active | |||||||||
CS2007149729 | Williams, Roseann | Childminding | 12-12-2007 | Glasgow | Roseann Williams | | SP2007964935 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014774 | Williamsburgh Early Learning and Childcare Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Williamsburgh Primary School | East Lane | Paisley | PA1 1QF | 03003 000 151 | Vhairi Cochrane | | SP2003003388 | Renfrewshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004877 | Williamsburgh Out Of School Care | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Williamsburgh Primary School | Lacy Street | Paisley | PA1 1QF | 07835 468 819 | Petra Nichols | | SP2004937244 | Petra Nichols | Active | ||||
CS2003010071 | Williamson, Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Perth | Ann Williamson | | SP2003905476 | Williamson Ann | Active | ||||||||
CS2003015442 | Williamson, Diane | Childminding | 14-05-2002 | Livingston | Diane Williamson | | SP2003909873 | Diane Williamson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003008157 | Williamson, Lesley Ann | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Thurso | Lesley Anne Williaon | | SP2003904758 | Williamson, Lesley Ann Williamson, Lesley Ann | Active | ||||||||
CS2009228244 | Williamson, Louise | Childminding | 03-08-2010 | Edinburgh | Louise Williamson | | SP2009974267 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014393 | Williamson, Rosalyn | Childminding | 15-08-2002 | Irvine | Rosalyn Williamson | | SP2003908900 | Rosalyn Williamson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003016169 | Williamston Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bankton Lane | Murieston | Livingston | EH54 9DQ | 01506 415 311 | Jane Livingston | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000821 | Williamwood | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Strathay Avenue | Netherlee | Glasgow | G44 3YA | 01416 371 168 | Donna Shields | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2021000369 | Willow Den at Spartans | Day Care of Children | 22-12-2021 | Ainslie Park Stadium | 94 Pilton Drive | Edinburgh | EH5 2HF | 07983526953 | Sandra-Marie Ferry Martin | | SP2021000236 | Willow Den Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000231 | Willow Den at The Falkirk Wheel | Day care of children | 12-08-2022 | Falkirk Wheel British Waterways | Lime Road | Falkirk | FK1 4RS | 07940146078 | Karen Dickson | | SP2021000236 | Willow Den Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003008907 | Willow Den Childcare | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Dyke Village Hall | Dyke | Forres | IV36 2TF | 01309641285 | Patricia Goodall | | SP2003001918 | Dyke Pre-school Centre | Active | ||||
CS2023000230 | Willow House | Care homes for children and young people | 02-08-2023 | 2 Dundonald Place | KILMARNOCK | KA1 1UR | 01563 521954 | Robert McGowan | | SP2023000149 | The Community Connections Education & Wellbeing Group Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000114 | Willow House Care Home | Care Home Service | 24-04-2023 | 77 Toll Road | Cellardyke | Anstruther | KY10 3HZ | 01333 314 300 | Dale Ballantyne | | SP2020013480 | Holmes Care Group Scotland Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2021000147 | Willow Lodge | Care Home Service | 07-07-2021 | Windsor Road | Falkirk | FK1 5EW | 01324357770 | Thomas McNamara | | SP2021000090 | The Willows (Falkirk) Limited | Active | |||||
CS2021000173 | Willow Tree Nursery | Day Care of Children | 27-07-2021 | Berstane Road | Kirkwall | KW15 1NA | 01856873535 | Shaun Tulloch | | SP2003001951 | Orkney Islands Council | Active | |||||
CS2018369680 | Willow Wood Childminding | 24-01-2019 | Peterculter | Kelly White | | SP2018990122 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003000403 | Willowbank | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | 56 Maule Street | Carnoustie | DD7 6AB | 01241 852 160 | Janet Robertson | | SP2010011109 | Balhousie Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003015265 | Willowbank Bungalows 1,2&3 | Care homes for people with learning disabilities | 01-04-2002 | Willowbank | Glendaveny | Peterhead | AB42 3DY | 01779 838 588 | Steven Mitchell | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2012313293 | Willows Childminding | Childminding | 02-04-2013 | Alexandria | Monica Kennedy | | SP2012984281 | Monica Kennedy | Active | ||||||||
CS2021000207 | Willowview Early Learning and Childcare | Day Care of Children | 17-08-2021 | 1 Soroba Road | Soroba | Oban | PA34 4SB | 01631 709888 | Gillian McDougall | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000359 | Willstac Home Care Services | Housing Support Service | 17-09-2024 | 107 Irish Street, Dumfries, | Dumfries | DG1 2NP | 01387 387322 | STACEY OBIEGBU | | SP2023000597 | Willstac Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2024000358 | Willstac Home Care Services | Support Service | 17-09-2024 | 107 Irish Street | Dumfries | DG1 2NP | 01387 387322 | STACEY OBIEGBU | | SP2023000597 | Willstac Healthcare Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009234441 | Wilson, Alice | Childminding | 12-04-2010 | Ballachulish | Alice Wilson | | SP2009976189 | Alice Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2011285462 | Wilson, Anne Marie | Childminding | 04-11-2011 | Linlithgow | Anne Marie Wilson | | SP2011982086 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003045295 | Wilson, Elaine | Childminding | 20-05-2004 | Kilmarnock | Elaine Wilson | | SP2004935881 | Elaine Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003004197 | Wilson, Jacqueline | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | West Kilbride | Jacqueline Wilson | | SP2003902318 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006115030 | Wilson, Joan | Childminding | 30-05-2006 | Glasgow | Joan Wilson | | SP2006956026 | Joan Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2004066103 | Wilson, Kathleen | Childminding | 24-02-2006 | Irvine | Kathleen Wilson | | SP2004920318 | Kathleen Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2003000674 | Wilson, Kay | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dundee | Kay Wilson | | SP2003900195 | Kay Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2004078706 | Wilson, Lynn | Childminding | 07-01-2005 | Glasgow | Lynn Wilson | | SP2004934293 | Active | |||||||||
CS2008168792 | Wilson, Marion | Childminding | 28-07-2008 | Irvine | Marion Wilson | WWW.MARION5457106399@AOL.COM | SP2008968250 | Marion Wilson | Active | ||||||||
CS2010279951 | Wilson, Morelle | Childminding | 06-06-2011 | Westhill | Morelle Wilson | | SP2010981118 | Active | |||||||||
CS2006131308 | Wilson, Pamela | Childminding | 15-03-2007 | Longniddry | Pamela Wilson | | SP2006960581 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003012975 | Wilson, Rosina & James | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Bathgate | Rosina Wilson | | SP2003906694 | Wilson, Mrs Rosina & Mr James John Wilson, Mrs Rosina & Mr James John | Active | ||||||||
CS2005100040 | Wilson, Tracy | Childminding | 09-03-2006 | Airdrie | Tracy Wilson | | SP2005948364 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018371778 | Wilta Health Solutions Ltd | Support Services - care at home | 04-06-2020 | 2 Cushat Gardens | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5RQ | 08002922975 | Wilson Tarirai Muvuti | | SP2018013241 | Wilta Health Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000255 | Wilta Health Solutions Ltd | Housing Support Service | 19-08-2022 | 2 Cushat Gardens | Mayfield | Dalkeith | EH22 5RQ | 08002922975 | Wilson Muvuti | | SP2018013241 | Wilta Health Solutions Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2003017387 | Wilton Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Wellfield Road | Hawick | TD9 7EN | 01450 372 075 | Claire Turnbull | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | |||||
CS2003007972 | Wiltshire, Alyson | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Inverness | Alyson Wiltshire | | SP2003904730 | Alyson Wiltshire | Active | ||||||||
CS2010278956 | Wimberley Estate Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 19-01-2011 | Somme Crescent | Inverness | IV2 3YB | 01463 222 115 | Natasha Wood | | SP2010011308 | CALA Integrated Services | Active | |||||
CS2018367639 | Wimborne Nurse Agency Ltd t/a WNA Healthcare | 04-09-2018 | 15 Newfields Business Park | 2 Stinsford Road | Poole | BH17 0NF | 01202 665 550 | Maria Alibhai | | SP2018013137 | Wimborne Nursing Agency Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017502 | Winchburgh Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glendevon Park | Winchburgh | Broxburn | EH52 6UE | 01506 890 202 | Ian Harvey | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2008183036 | Windmill Nursery | Day care of children | 24-09-2008 | 43/47 Windmillhill Street | Motherwell | ML1 1RT | 01698 254 177 | Kirsty Clark | | SP2008009997 | Windmill Nursery | Active | |||||
CS2017356647 | Windybrae | 12-12-2017 | Windybrae | Dunrossness | ZE2 9JD | 01595 744 260 | Jackie Irvine | | SP2003002063 | Shetland Islands Council | Active | ||||||
CS2023000422 | Windyedge Care Home | Care Home Service | 13-12-2023 | Windyedge Cottage Residential Home | 55a Strathmore Avenue | Forfar | DD8 1ND | 01307 468425 | JUNE McCARROLL | | SP2023000426 | Windyedge Cottage Limited | Active | ||||
CS2007151532 | Windygoul Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 25-06-2007 | Windygoul Primary School | Brotherstones Way South | Tranent | EH33 2QF | 01875 619 739 | Dianne Mackenzie | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2006135370 | Windyhall Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 22-01-2007 | 3 Southpark Road | Ayr | KA7 2TL | 01292 261 441 | Wendy Whiteford | | SP2006008582 | Windyhall Care Home Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003017503 | Windyknowe Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Windyknowe Crescent | Bathgate | EH48 2BT | 01506 652 083 | John Cloherty | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003005605 | Winslow, Elaine | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dumbarton | Elaine Winslow | | SP2003903342 | Elaine Winslow | Active | ||||||||
CS2003014916 | Winter Gardens Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 595 Tollcross Road | Glasgow | Glasgow | G32 8TF | 0141 554 1460 | Nicola Black | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2014329538 | Winton Primary School Early Years Class | Day care of children | 26-08-2014 | Winton Primary School | Anderson Terrace | Ardrossan | KA22 8JP | 01294 464 443 | Anne Anderson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2005111516 | Winton, Lisa | Childminding | 18-08-2006 | Turriff | Lisa Winton | | SP2004918548 | Active | |||||||||
CS2018365487 | Wise Owls Nursery and Out of School Club | 01-02-2019 | Ivy House | 65 - 67 High Street | Moffat | DG10 9HG | 07943 187 791 | Catherine Jackson | | SP2018013092 | Wise Owls Nursery Moffat Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2008168735 | Wiseman, Denise | Childminding | 30-09-2008 | Dundee | Denise Wiseman | SP2008968228 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003001202 | Wishaw & Shotts Integrated Day Service | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 101-105 Stewarton Street | Wishaw | ML2 8AG | 01698 274 300 | Linda Haverstock | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004071348 | Wishaw and Shotts Home Support Service | Housing support service | 30-07-2004 | 101-105 Stewarton Street | Wishaw | ML2 8AG | 03005550408 | Joan Clelland | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2004071303 | Wishaw and Shotts Home Support Service | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 30-07-2004 | 4th Floor | Dalziel Building | 7 Scott House | Motherwell | ML1 1PN | 03005550408 | Isabell Cosgrove | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015411 | Wishaw Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Greenside Road | Greenhead | Wishaw | ML2 8DF | 01698 522 708 | Claire McCormack | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003001204 | Wishaw Locality | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 101- 105 Stewarton Street | Wishaw | ML2 8AG | 01698 274 330 | Jenny Flowerdew | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2019376552 | Wishing Tree Childminding | Child Minding | 05-09-2019 | BONNYRIGG | Jillian Murray | | SP2019990700 | Jillian Murray | Active | ||||||||
CS2003055952 | withYOU East Craigs Learning Disabilities Service | Housing support service | 30-08-2004 | 51 Craigmount Brae | Edinburgh | EH12 8XD | 07741647699 | Antonia Myles | | SP2004005200 | Care Support Scotland | Active | |||||
CS2003012100 | Wizkidz Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 20-24 Station Road | Newtongrange | Dalkeith | EH22 4NB | 01316 600 077 | Laura-Anne McInally | | SP2003002991 | Wizkidz Nursery | Active | ||||
CS2024000019 | WNCH | Support Service | 12-01-2024 | 1 MacDowell Street | Paisley | PA3 2NB | 01418460418 | Janet Sebolatan Komolafe | | SP2016012773 | West NAH Professionals LLP | Inactive | |||||
CS2024000018 | WNHSS | Housing Support Service | 12-01-2024 | 1 MacDowell Street | Paisley | PA3 2NB | 0141 846 0418 | Janet Sebolatan Komolafe | | SP2016012773 | West NAH Professionals LLP | Inactive | |||||
CS2003006667 | Wombles Pre-5 Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Hunter Primary School | Crawford Drive | Calderwood | Glasgow | G74 3YB | 01355 242 323 | Jennifer O'Brien | | SP2003001522 | Wombles Pre-5 Centre | Active | |||
CS2009228463 | Women's Aid East and Midlothian | Housing support service | 01-09-2010 | Dalkeith | Julie Watson | | SP2009010407 | Women's Aid East and Midlothian Limited | Active | ||||||||
CS2004077272 | Women's Aid Orkney | Housing support service | 03-09-2004 | Kirkwall | Michelle Ward | | SP2004006828 | Women's Aid Orkney | Active | ||||||||
CS2011289574 | Women's Aid South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire | Housing support service | 19-01-2012 | East Kilbride | Heather Russell | | SP2011011578 | Women's Aid South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire | Active | ||||||||
CS2008186455 | Wonder Weans Playcare | Day care of children | 15-05-2009 | 57 Bonaly Road | Edinburgh | EH13 0FJ | 01314 417 211 | Shelley Robertson | | SP2008010085 | Wonder Weans Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2019378222 | Wonder Woods Woodland Nursery | Day Care of Children | 04-08-2020 | Tor Whitie | Harburn | West Calder | EH55 8RF | 07753 471 951 | Stacey Murney | | SP2010010947 | Simply Play | Active | ||||
CS2003007696 | Wood, Johanne | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Dunfermline | Johanne Wood | | SP2003904628 | Johanne Wood | Active | ||||||||
CS2007145745 | Wood, Pauline | Childminding | 28-04-2010 | Aberdeen | Pauline Wood | | SP2007964459 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003014951 | Woodacre Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 14 - 16 Dove Street | Glasgow | G53 7BP | 01418 813 068 | Katie Gillies | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003011542 | Woodburn Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 2 Montgomery Street | Falkirk | FK2 9BL | 01324 508610 | Lauren Davie | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | ||||||
CS2003013421 | Woodburn Family Learning Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodburn Primary School | 5 Cousland Road | Dalkeith | EH22 2PS | 01316 541 565 | Emma Ferguson | | SP2003003175 | Midlothian Sure Start | Active | ||||
CS2017361165 | Woodburn House | 21-12-2017 | 9 Woodburn Terrace | Dalkeith | EH22 2HU | 01316 604 656 | Chris Bell | | SP2003002604 | Action for Children | Active | ||||||
CS2003016002 | Woodburn Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 5 Cousland Road | Dalkeith | EH22 2PS | 01312 714 715 | Joanna Findlay | | SP2003002602 | Midlothian Council | Active | |||||
CS2003002978 | Woodcock, Janet | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Arbroath | Janet Woodcock | SP2003901424 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000291 | Wooddean ELC | Day Care of Children | 02-08-2024 | Wooddean Early Learning Centre | 20a Clyde Terrace | Bothwell | Glasgow | G71 8DX | 01698532570 | Tammy Henderson | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003001768 | Woodend Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Glenburn Wing Cottages | Woodend Hospital | Eday Road | Aberdeen | AB15 6XS | 01224 556 008 | Emma Gordon | | SP2003000363 | NHS Grampian | Active | |||
CS2004058802 | Woodend Resource Base | Support services - not care at home | 03-02-2004 | Woodend Business Centre | Cowdenbeath | KY4 8FB | 01383 511 821 | Tracy Christie | | SP2003000275 | Scottish Autism | Active | |||||
CS2019374274 | Woodhead Primary School Nursery Class | Day Care of Children | 07-08-2019 | Woodhead Crescent | Hamilton | ML3 8TB | 01698 457 669 | Claire Fox | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2020379021 | Woodhill Early Learning and Childcare | Day care of children | 10-09-2020 | Thornton Road | Kirkmuirhill | ML11 9QE | 01555 894026 | Claire Reilly | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2006131737 | Woodhurst Care Centre | Care homes for older people | 07-12-2006 | Old Bridgend | Carluke | ML8 4HN | 01555 772 164 | Lisa Thomson | | SP2005007835 | Canterbury Care Homes Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009228879 | Woodland Outdoor Kindergartens - Southside | Day care of children | 01-10-2009 | Glasgow Clyde College | 50 Prospecthill Road | Glasgow | G42 9LB | Rose O'Connor | | SP2009010399 | Debison Albie Limited | Active | |||||
CS2015336710 | Woodland Outdoor Kindergartens - West End | Day care of children | 26-08-2015 | 137 Crow Road | Glasgow | G11 7SJ | 08447 365 865 | Bronwyn O'Neill | | SP2009010399 | Debison Albie Limited | Active | |||||
CS2022000314 | Woodland Play Ltd | Day Care of Children | 10-10-2022 | Greenbank Woodland Play Nursery | Greenbank Gardens | High Flenders Road, Clarkston | GLASGOW | G76 8RB | 07913272717 | Jade Hendry | | SP2022000208 | Woodland Play Ltd | Active | |||
CS2003014680 | Woodland View Early Years | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodland View Early Years | Bankhead Road | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3LJ | 0141 955 2293 | Kay Hunter | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | |||
CS2004063759 | Woodland View Playscheme | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Bankhead Road | Kirkintilloch | Kirkintilloch | Glasgow | G66 3JY | Kay Hunter | | SP2003003380 | East Dunbartonshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2022000280 | Woodlands Care Home | Care Home Service | 16-09-2022 | Hazledene Road | Aberdeen | AB15 8FY | 01224 059777 | Lesley Stewart | | SP2022000188 | Priory CC3 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000450 | Woodlands Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | Woodlands Drive | Campbeltown | PA28 6JW | 01586 551 164 | Heather Gillies | | SP2003003373 | Argyll and Bute Council | Active | |||||
CS2021000330 | Woodlands Early Learning and Childcare Centre | Day Care of Children | 16-11-2021 | Woodlands E L C Centre | Callendar Boulevard | Callendar Business Park, Callendar Road | FALKIRK | FK1 1XT | 01324 501310 | Donna Green | | SP2004006884 | Falkirk Council | Active | |||
CS2003015966 | Woodlands Family Nurture Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Methilhaven Road | Methil | Leven | KY8 3LE | 01334 659 483 | Jillian McIntosh | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2024000457 | Woodlands House | Care homes for children and young people | 11-12-2024 | Heather Avenue | Alexandria | G83 0TJ | 07709511331 | Pauline Goodall | | SP2023001532 | Benesse Care Limited | Active | |||||
CS2009228582 | Woodlands Nursery | Day care of children | 05-08-2011 | Woodlands Nursery | Burn O'Bennie Road | Banchory | Aberdeenshire | AB31 5NN | 01330 823 432 | Anna Adam | | SP2009010427 | Woodlands Nursery (Banchory) Ltd | Active | |||
CS2007159536 | Woodlands Nursery Centre | Day care of children | 15-08-2007 | Highstonehall Road | Hamilton | ML3 8LU | 01698 420 421 | Paul Cairns | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003017504 | Woodlands Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Harburn Avenue | Deans | Livingston | EH54 8NQ | 01506 412 560 | Joanne McKissack | | SP2003002601 | West Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2003010679 | Woodlands Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Quentin Rise | Dedridge | Livingston | EH54 6QR | 01506 462 545 | Catherine Paterson | | SP2003002457 | Peacock Medicare Ltd. | Active | ||||
CS2007157109 | Woodlands Pre-School Class | Day care of children | 16-10-2007 | Queen Street | Carnoustie | DD7 7SU | 01241 465 446 | Suzanne Smith | | SP2003000043 | Angus Council | Active | |||||
CS2003044481 | Woodlands Primary School Early Years Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodlands Avenue | Irvine | KA12 0PU | 01294 279 532 | Gordon Wilson | | SP2003003327 | North Ayrshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2003015419 | Woodlands Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Melrose Road | Greenfaulds | Cumbernauld | Glasgow | G67 4BA | 01236 632 074 | Nicola Ferguson | | SP2003000237 | North Lanarkshire Council | Active | |||
CS2003015785 | Woodlea Children's Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 45 Harefield Road | Dundee | DD2 3JY | 01382 436 710 | Laura Jane Fraser | | SP2003004034 | Dundee City Council | Active | |||||
CS2009236865 | Woodlea Cottage | Care homes for children and young people | 02-07-2010 | Woodlea Cottage | Muirend Road | Burghmuir | Perth | PH1 1JU | 01738 474 700 | Kathryn Bethway | | SP2003003370 | Perth & Kinross Council | Active | |||
CS2003015385 | Woodpark Primary School Nursery Class | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Priory Road | Lesmahagow | Lanark | ML11 0AA | 01555 892 251 | Debbie McKenna | | SP2003003481 | South Lanarkshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2006117513 | Woods, Liza | Childminding | 01-06-2006 | Dumfries | Liza Woods | | SP2006958018 | Liza Woods | Active | ||||||||
CS2007143254 | Woodside Care Home | Care homes for older people | 05-09-2007 | Woodside Street | Coatbridge | ML5 5NJ | 01236442000 | Carol Nesbit | | SP2007009228 | Woodside Carehomes Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2003011578 | Woodside Childrens Unit | Care homes for children and young people | 01-04-2002 | 18-20 Woodside Terrace | Clackmannan | Alloa | FK10 4HU | 01259 213 401 | Colin Burns | | SP2003002713 | Clackmannanshire Council | Active | ||||
CS2003000936 | Woodside Community Mental Health Project | Care homes for people with mental health problems | 01-04-2002 | 35 Cromwell Street | Glasgow | G20 6UN | 01413 530 065 | Gwen Russell | | SP2004006282 | The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Limited | Active | |||||
CS2011300791 | Woodside Court Nursing Home | Care homes for older people | 31-10-2011 | Woodside Way | Glenrothes | KY7 5RW | 01592 754 497 | Lucinda Kirk | | SP2011011682 | HC-One Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003000989 | Woodside Day Centre | Support services - not care at home | 01-04-2002 | 20 Hinshaw Street | Glasgow | G20 7DW | 01414 837 015 | Elaine Campbell | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003014952 | Woodside Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 445 St George's Road | Glasgow | G3 6JX | 01412 874 551 | Alison Forbes | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2003001800 | Woodside Partnership Out Of School Care Service | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Kittybrewster Primary School | Great Northern Road | Aberdeen | AB24 3QG | 01224 524 926 | Kit Trail | | SP2003000359 | Printfield Community Project | Active | ||||
CS2003014527 | Woodside School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Woodside Primary School | Clifton Road | Aberdeen | AB24 4EA | 01224 484 778 | Heather Cowieson | | SP2003000349 | Aberdeen City Council | Active | ||||
CS2017355870 | Woodview | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-08-2017 | 3 Urquhart Place | Lhanbryde | Elgin | IV30 8HQ | 01343 842 390 | Emma Topping | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2017355871 | Woodview | Support services - care at home and housing support service combined | 11-08-2017 | 3 Urquhart Place | Lhanbryde | Elgin | IV30 8HQ | 01343 842 390 | Emma Topping | | SP2003001892 | The Moray Council | Active | ||||
CS2007162813 | Woodward, Karen | Childminding | 26-01-2010 | Livingston | Karen Woodward | SP2007967107 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2010249395 | Workman, Ann | Childminding | 08-09-2010 | Glasgow | Ann Workman | | SP2010978106 | Active | |||||||||
CS2015335207 | Workmates | Support services - not care at home | 21-05-2015 | 1092 Maryhill Road | Glasgow | G20 9TD | +441419462050 | Fiona Bain | | SP2003002355 | East Park School | Active | |||||
CS2006137193 | Wormit Out Of School Club | Day care of children | 30-03-2007 | Wormit Primary School | Flass Road | Wormit | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8LJ | 07515 189 492 | Amanda Scott | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | |||
CS2003006936 | Wormit Playgroup | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | The West Hall | Bay Road | Wormit | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8LU | 07980 039 621 | Kimberly Williamson | | SP2003001567 | Wormit Playgroup Management Committee | Active | |||
CS2003015878 | Wormit Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Flass Road | Wormit | Newport-on-Tay | DD6 8NL | 01334 659 445 | Katie Mitchell | | SP2004005267 | Fife Council | Active | ||||
CS2003019801 | Wright, Audrey | Childminding | 30-06-2003 | Livingston | Audrey Wright | | SP2003909890 | Audrey Wright | Active | ||||||||
CS2005087444 | Wright, Katherine | Childminding | 11-07-2005 | Lossiemouth | Katherine Wright | | SP2005943795 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003015219 | Wright, Linda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alexandria | Linda Wright | | SP2003909686 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011300606 | Wright, Margaret-Ann | Childminding | 27-02-2012 | Blairgowrie | Margaret-Ann Wright | | SP2011982806 | Active | |||||||||
CS2016349825 | Wyndford Locks Nursing Home | 10-11-2017 | 1 Currie Street | Maryhill | Glasgow | G20 9EW | 01419 451 523 | Danielle Cunningham | | SP2016012770 | HC-One No. 1 Limited | Active | |||||
CS2003014953 | Wyndford Nursery School | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 33 Latherton Drive | Glasgow | G20 8JR | 01419 451 366 | Fiona Murdoch | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | |||||
CS2015338664 | Wyndwell Care Home | 22-12-2015 | 9 Harbour Street | Peterhead | AB42 1DJ | 01779 471 522 | Lynne Ann Anderson | | SP2013012032 | Renaissance Care (No 2) Limited | Active | ||||||
CS2008188661 | Wyvis House Care Home | Care homes for older people | 23-03-2009 | Station Road | Dingwall | IV15 9FF | 01349 866 464 | Carmencita Delos Trinos | | SP2005007319 | Wyvis House Care Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2024000380 | Xpress Health | Nurse Agency | 02-10-2024 | 54 Cook Street | Glasgow | G5 8JQ | 0141 737 8877 | Derek Brown | | SP2023000309 | Ametrine Care Services Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2020000028 | XYZ Support Service | Support Service | 09-12-2020 | Scottish Commission For The Regulation Of Care | Compass House | 11 Riverside Drive | DUNDEE | DD1 4NY | 0345 600 9527 | Keirra Roberts | | SP2020000015 | Example Ltd Migration+Prop | Active | |||
CS2010269849 | Yellop, Jordanna | Childminding | 31-12-2010 | Biggar | Jordanna Yellop | | SP2010978937 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000040 | Yellow Giraffe Childminding | Childminding | 17-02-2023 | Biggar | | SP2023000031 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2024000006 | Yester Adventurers | Day Care of Children | 07-01-2024 | Yester Primary School | Walden Terrace | Gifford | Haddington | EH41 4QP | 07508426304 | Jennifer O'connor | | SP2023000301 | Thrive East Lothian CIC | Inactive | |||
CS2003016998 | Yester Primary School Nursery | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | Walden Terrace | Gifford | Haddington | EH41 4QP | 01620 810 435 | Stewart Brown | | SP2003002600 | East Lothian Council | Active | ||||
CS2018372008 | Yetholm Primary School Nursery | Day Care of Children | 19-08-2019 | Yetholm School Nursery | Yetholm | Kelso | TD5 8RD | 01573 420 363 | Jamie Wilson | | SP2003001976 | Scottish Borders Council | Active | ||||
CS2003004453 | YMCA Bellshill & Mossend | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | YMCA | 294 Main Street | BELLSHILL | ML4 1AB | 01698747483 | Richard Armstrong | | SP2003000910 | Bellshill & Mossend YMCA | Active | ||||
CS2004072001 | YMCA Glenrothes | Housing support service | 01-09-2004 | 116 - 138 Alexander Road | Glenrothes | KY7 4JD | 01592 612666 | Gareth Allenby | | SP2003003539 | YMCA Glenrothes | Active | |||||
CS2021000029 | Yoker Out of School Service | Day care of children | 23-04-2021 | Clyde Campus Primary School | 170 - 200 Hawick Street | GLASGOW | G13 4HG | Sharlene Davis | SP2003001241 | The Committee Blairdardie Out of School Service | Active | ||||||
CS2003017155 | Yokerburn Early Years Centre | Day care of children | 01-04-2002 | 200 Hawick Street | Yoker | Glasgow | G13 4HG | 01419 529 962 | Mary Gallacher | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2019377251 | You Are My Sunshine Childcare | Child Minding | 13-01-2020 | Glenrothes | Kara Penman | | SP2019990820 | Kara Penman | Active | ||||||||
CS2020380385 | Young Adult Services (YAS) | Support services - not care at home | 16-02-2021 | The Steading | Carneithie Street | Rosewell | EH24 9AA | 01314482505 | Shelley Martin | | SP2003003106 | LASC Childcare Services Ltd | Active | ||||
CS2022000084 | Young Adults Day Opportunities Service | Support Service | 29-03-2022 | Threshold Edinburgh, Young Adults Day Opportunities | 5-8 Gorgie Park Close | Edinburgh | EH14 1NQ | 0131 443 2225 | Graham Stewart | | SP2004005785 | Church of Scotland Trading as Crossreach | Active | ||||
CS2009228533 | Young Parents' Support Base Nursery | Day care of children | 12-02-2010 | Smithycroft Secondary School | 282 Smithycroft Road | Glasgow | G33 2QU | 01417 708 452 | Dave Smeaton | | SP2003003390 | Glasgow City Council | Active | ||||
CS2017358979 | Young Stars Childcare | 11-01-2018 | Falkirk | Nicola Purdie | | SP2017989267 | Nicola Purdie | Active | |||||||||
CS2003007625 | Young, Amanda | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Glenrothes | Amanda Young | | SP2003904575 | Amanda Young | Active | ||||||||
CS2016344535 | Young, Catherine | 20-06-2016 | Renfrew | Catherine Young | | SP2016987741 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2003011341 | Young, Cathleen | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Falkirk | Cathleen Young | | SP2003905644 | Cathleen Young | Active | ||||||||
CS2010274193 | Young, Debra | Childminding | 21-04-2011 | Edinburgh | Debra Young | | SP2010980253 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003009480 | Young, Gaynor | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Hawick | Gaynor Young | | SP2003908201 | Active | |||||||||
CS2003005646 | Young, Kate | Childminding | 01-04-2002 | Alexandria | Kate Young | | SP2003903374 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005101639 | Young, Margaret | Childminding | 18-01-2006 | Glasgow | Margaret Young | | SP2005949077 | Active | |||||||||
CS2005090014 | Young, Susan | Childminding | 07-10-2005 | Airdrie | Susan Young | | SP2005944528 | Young Susan | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000401 | Your Care at Home | Housing Support Service | 29-11-2023 | Rankine Street | Johnstone | Paisley | PA5 8BG | 07903323529 | Mary McInnes | | SP2011011582 | Your Care at Home Limited | Active | ||||
CS2011289578 | Your Care at Home Ltd | Support services - care at home | 21-12-2011 | Rankine Street | Johnstone | PA5 8BG | 07903 323 529 | Mary McInnes | | SP2011011582 | Your Care at Home Ltd | Active | |||||
CS2023000195 | Your Home to Our Home | Child Minding | 29-06-2023 | Hamilton | | SP2023000122 | Active | ||||||||||
CS2011303006 | Your Little Stars Childcare | Childminding | 02-02-2012 | Carnoustie | Kim Brymer | | SP2011982947 | Kim Brymer | Active | ||||||||
CS2018366542 | Your World Nursing Limited | 18-03-2019 | Level 5 | The Broadgate Tower | 20 Primrose Street | London | EC2A 2EW | 02072 200 825 | Iulian Giura | | SP2018013118 | Your World Nursing Limited | Active | ||||
CS2010239197 | Youthzone | Day care of children | 01-02-2011 | Mercury House | Research Avenue North | Heriot Watt Research Park | Edinburgh | EH14 4AP | 01313 471 027 | Lauren Stewart | | SP2003000203 | Capability Scotland | Active | |||
CS2003000286 | Ythanvale Home | Care homes for older people | 01-04-2002 | Park Road | Ellon | AB41 9AB | 01358 281 130 | Dana MacDonald | | SP2003000029 | Aberdeenshire Council | Active | |||||
CS2010237110 | Yuill, Susan | Childminding | 06-05-2010 | Glasgow | Susan Yuill | | SP2010976953 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013316698 | Yvane Smith - Childminding | Childminding | 11-07-2013 | Burntisland | Yvane Smith | | SP2013984790 | Active | |||||||||
CS2011301010 | Yvonne Hay Childminding | Childminding | 21-02-2012 | Glasgow | Yvonne Hay | | SP2011982856 | Active | |||||||||
CS2014332368 | Yvonne Watt Childminding | Childminding | 08-12-2014 | Penicuik | Yvonne Watt | | SP2014986418 | Yvonne Watt | Active | ||||||||
CS2007162652 | Yvonne Wright Childminding | Childminding | 27-05-2008 | Glenrothes | Yvonne Wright | | SP2007967070 | Active | |||||||||
CS2013315400 | Yvonne's Childminding Services | Childminding | 17-06-2013 | Ayr | Yvonne McTaggart | | SP2013984568 | Yvonne McTaggart | Active | ||||||||
CS2023000194 | Yvonnes childminding | Child Minding | 29-06-2023 | Aberlour | | SP2023000121 | Yvonne Jackson | Active | |||||||||
CS2020381226 | Zalex Healthcare Solutions | Nurse agencies | 12-03-2021 | Zalex Healthcare Solutions Suite 210E | The Pentagon Centre | 36-38 Washington Street | Glasgow | G3 8AZ | 01779 829 100 | Bianca Musamadya | | SP2020013555 | Zalex Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2025000084 | Zalex Healthcare Solutions Limited | Support Service | 24-02-2025 | Suite 210E | The Pentagon Centre | 36-38 Washington Street | Glasgow | G3 8AZ | 01779829100 | Sindisa Nyathi | | SP2020013555 | Zalex Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2025000085 | Zalex Healthcare Solutions Limited | Housing Support Service | 24-02-2025 | Suite 210E | The Pentagon Centre | 36-38 Washington Street | Glasgow | G3 8AZ | 01779829100 | Sindisa Nyathi | | SP2020013555 | Zalex Healthcare Solutions Limited | Active | |||
CS2016345464 | Zara's Childminding | Childminding | 04-07-2016 | Falkirk | Zara Ward | SP2016987821 | Zara Ward | Active | |||||||||
CS2012306846 | Zetland Nursery (Day Care of Children) | Day care of children | 13-06-2012 | 50'a Bo'ness Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8AF | 01324 486 031 | Heather Currie | | SP2012983328 | Sadia Ahmed | Active | |||||
CS2025000018 | Zichuks Healthcare Limited | Support Service | 17-01-2025 | Provender House | 37 Waterloo Quay | Aberdeen | AB11 5BS | 01224970509 | Stephen Udum | | SP2023001561 | Zichuks Healthcare Limited | Active | ||||
CS2006115359 | Zielinski, Katherine & Roland | Childminding | 04-05-2006 | Dunoon | Katherine Zielinski | | SP2005945521 | Active | |||||||||
CS2023000234 | Zoe Cann Childminding | Childminding | 07-08-2023 | Edinburgh | | SP2023000153 | Zoe Cann | Active | |||||||||
CS2015343421 | Zoe Dunsmore | Childminding | 11-04-2016 | Largs | Zoe Dunsmore | | SP2015987637 | Zoe Dunsmore | Active |